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I'll Be Home for Christmas (If Only in My Dreams)
A Christmas gift for @cassidylynnj <3
Being shut away in a safehouse wasn't exactly how you wanted to spend this Christmas, but somehow Steve and Bucky manage to bring some festive cheer to you.
pairing: Steve Rogers x reader x Bucky Barnes word count: 5520 words warnings/tags: starts out a little sad, flirty Bucky, ever so slight suggestive language, brief mentions of passed loved ones/grief, lots and lots of festive fluff tbh authors note: Happy belated Christmas! I wrote this as a fic exchange with my wonderful friend @cassidylynnj. A lot of this was completely new to me, including writing Steve, but I loved creating it! I hope y'all have had a lovely, restful season and I wish you all the absolute best for 2025!
Christmas divider by @saradika-graphics
Endless white nothing.
It’s been 3 weeks since that day, when Bucky showed up at your work with a packed bag and a deep line between his brows, ushering you out and promising to explain when you got there. Where there is, you’re still not sure. James drove for hours, and once it got dark, it was difficult to decipher any road signs. He dodged every question, though you spotted that wince he couldn’t hide every time you asked how long you were going to be gone. Your heart sank a little, your Christmas shopping list still lying discarded on the kitchen island now.
The two of you drove deep into the woods, the headlights the only things leading the way around winding paths and douglas firs. Steve was already waiting for you at the cabin, so secluded you’re sure somebody threw a dart at a map to decide where to build the thing. Bucky always was harder to read, but the second you saw Steve’s face, you knew something was horribly wrong. The tension in his jaw, the way neither of them could properly look you in the eye in case they saw just how sad you were and caved. They told you everything, taking it in turns to divulge all the terrible, awful details, but you could hardly concentrate over the ringing in your ears. The short of it was this: Avenger’s loved ones were being targeted and people were getting hurt. Laura Barton had been attacked on her own farm, and somebody had shown up at Morgan’s school. The others were taking precautions and Steve and Bucky weren’t planning on being exceptions. You’d stay here, in hiding, while other family members of Avengers were scattered around the globe until they neutralised the threat. This little cabin in the woods was to be your home… for as long as it took.
The first week was almost peaceful. Steve and Bucky came and went between watch shifts and meetings, and even though you had to ditch your phone on the way here, it kind of felt like a detox. None of the noise of daily life, a forceful break from social media, not even the mad Christmas rush at work. The log cabin was small, but cozy. Draughty, but the boys made sure the fireplace was always stoked. Completely isolated, but a little bubble that Steve and Bucky visited to cuddle and eat with you and every so often stay over. Sometimes, it’d just be one, but occasionally you’d be lucky enough to get squished up between the two of them while they showed you just how grateful they were that you were safe. There was even a stunning view, picturesque trees dusted with snow, tiny flakes falling from the sky.
But as bubbles often do, it burst. One week turned to two which turned to three, the possibility of going home for Christmas becoming bleaker. Your boys got busier with the mission, the visits got fewer and farther between, and suddenly you found the days dragging, the worry getting so much more intense and harder to ignore. The snow fell heavier, until the vivid green leaves were swallowed up and the ground was so thick with it you could no longer see the deer tracks.
Which brings you here. With your forehead pressed against the window, your breath fogging up the cold glass. It’s all you can see. Endless white nothing. Your mind is churning, as it often does by this window. Worrying about damn near everything, missing your family, wondering just how long they can keep you cooped up in here. No, that isn’t fair. You’re here for your own safety, you know that. Steve and Bucky are doing everything they can to keep you alive, as are the rest of the team. You’re so grateful, of course you are, but it’s not all that easy. The lonely days can drag, the whistling wind sometimes the only reprieve from an unforgiving silence. At first, you tried to write, reframing this whole ordeal as some sort of retreat, but your muse quickly depleted around the same time your festive spirit and optimism did, making it oh so difficult to tell the difference between the empty page in front of you and the snowstorm outside.
Thoughts drift to home as you pull your knees up to your chest, hugging them in tightly. Wondering if your loved ones have finished their Christmas shopping, if your cousin has matched her ribbons to her wrapping paper again or if your nephew has gone to meet Santa yet. Thinking about the cookies you were so looking forward to making everyone, the new cutters you bought probably collecting dust in the drawer right now.
You’re debating if your neighbour has opened the packages you ordered when the wind breaks through the doorway, almost killing the quickly dwindling fire as Steve and Bucky both bundle inside. Though they bring a chill in with them, the warmth you feel at the sight of them seems to thaw a little of that wretched numbness growing in you. A small smile tugs at the corners of your lips as you stand to greet them, feeling the blood rush back into your toes now that you’re not scrunched in on yourself.
“Missed you, sweetheart,” Bucky mumbles first over the thick collar of his coat, “You doin’ alright?” He sets the logs he’s carrying down by the fireplace, coming back to wrap his arms around you and place a kiss on your forehead. You nod, though Bucky doesn’t look convinced as his eyes scan over your features.
Steve discards his portion of firewood in the same pile as Bucky’s, your body instinctively turning to his when he comes for his kiss. He blows into his hands for a moment, breath warming his palms just enough to take the edge off when he cups your cheeks to raise your face up to his. Your lips meet in a tender kiss, while Bucky’s hands fall to your hips. Somehow, even though they’re fresh from a snowstorm, they’re two pillars of warmth. Some of the heaviness clinging to you dissipates instantly.
“You’re freezing, angel,” Steve almost scolds, glancing over to the fireplace. “You been sitting here all morning?”
When he lets go of your cheeks to go and fix the fire, you nod again, needing to clear your stuck throat before you can speak actual words for the first time since they were last here. “There’s not much else to do,” You explain simply, trying not to sound so ungrateful for your safety. “I missed you both, though.”
“We missed you so much, doll,” Bucky whispers into your ear, his breath tickling the shell as he pulls you into him from behind. “You’ve gotta keep that fire going, though, baby. This storm ain’t a joke.”
You hold back a scoff. As if you didn’t know, as if that storm isn’t the only thing keeping you company lately. A shrug of your shoulders as you tilt your head to the side to let Bucky pepper kisses on your neck. Steve takes no time at all to revive the fire, expert hands working to warm the room back up.
Soon, the three of you are bundled on the sofa, blanket draped over all six legs and thirty toes. Bucky has his warmer arm around you, while Steve draws gentle circles and swirls in the thighs you’ve draped over his. Right now, you’re right where you belong, sandwiched between your boys. It’s enough to drive away all those lonely thoughts. Enough to be completely content for now.
You’re trying so hard not to think about the fact that, even though they’ve just got here, they’ll eventually have to leave again. So lost in trying to enjoy the here and now that you completely miss the worried glances Steve and Bucky are sending over your head, debating who’s going to be the one to ask without having to say a single word. A language built upon nearly a century of connection you often feel honoured to exist in the middle of.
The circles on your leg still, which pulls your attention to Steve. He shifts in his seat. Clears his throat.
“So how are you, sweetheart? Really, I mean… I know it’s not easy, but-”
“I’m fine. Really, I’m fine,” you answer too soon, suddenly not able to look either of them in the eye. You don’t want to complain, don’t want to be any more of a bother than you already feel when all of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes are working to protect you while you rattle around in here.
“Talk to us, doll…” Bucky implores, pulling you closer into him, “We’re worried about you. Can’t help if you shut us out”
“Don’t be,” you plead, finally dragging your eyes up to meet his, hating the concern you see written on both their faces, “I’m okay. I just…” feel lonely while you’re out risking your lives to protect me, miss the christmas tree while my life is in danger? Your throat tightens. “Nothing. I’m fine.”
“It’s okay if you’re not,” Steve says softly, his palm now splayed across your thigh and squeezing gently, “You don’t have to carry this on your own.”
“That’s what we’re here for,” Bucky adds, pressing a kiss atop your head. His too kind words make you flinch away.
“You’re doing enough for me. For all of us. You don’t need to be worrying about me missing a stupid Christmas tree on top of all that.” You’re embarrassed that you’ve even said it aloud, even though you know the issue runs much deeper than that. Bucky and Steve’s eyes both flicker between you and each other, while you wish the ground would just swallow you up whole in punishment for your outburst.
“Sorry. I’m sorry. It’s just… not so easy, being alone like this all the time. I miss everyone, miss my friends, my family… my little flat with the Christmas lights I put up and that tree we decorated together… I know I must sound insane, thinking about all this trivial, meaningless stuff while people are in so much danger. I just can’t help it when I’m up here all on my own.”
You watch Steve deflate in real time, his shoulders sinking as he processes your words. He pulls his hand out from under the blanket, grabbing yours to bring it to his lips. The kiss is tender and warming on your skin and it makes your chest ache. Even amongst all this, they always find kindness.
“You’re not insane, baby. Not even close,” Bucky whispers into your hair, “and we’re so sorry you have to go through this.”
Tears well in your eyes at his apology. “No, no, please don’t apologise. I know you’re doing everything you can and I’m so so grateful and-”
“Hey, hey… it’s alright,” Steve soothes, his voice steady. “We know how grateful you are. But we’re also sorry. What you’re going through right now is tough, sweetheart, and it breaks my heart every time we have to leave. Trust me when I tell you we’re going as fast as we can so me and Buck can get you back home. With us. Where you belong.”
The picture forms so clearly in your mind. In your own bed, squished between two heated bodies, hard muscles and soft skin and long nights and slow kisses and all the time in the world. No stolen moments between missions, checking the clock and watching on alert every time a deer stalked past. You’d like that. Very much so.
“She’s right though, Steve,” Bucky starts, fingers absentmindedly running through a little section of hair fallen free from your ponytail, “it is depressing as shit in here. I’ve seen barracks more festive than this.”
Steve’s frown forms at Bucky’s choice of language, but it settles into the lines in his forehead as he looks around the palace you’ve tried so hard to call home these last weeks. It’s pretty bare, with each piece of furniture a different soulless shade of grey. A far cry from the festive sanctuary you’d left behind.
Fingers still entwined in yours, Steve straightens his spine and leans forward in his seat.
He pulls a genuine laugh from you for the first time in days when he says, “It is depressing as shit.”
They stayed for as long as they possibly could, talking through everything with you until that heaviness on your chest was replaced with a quiet hope. You kissed them both and saw them out, waving them off until they were tiny dots in the snow. Missing the plans that formed on their cold walk back to base.
You feel refreshed after talking so openly with Steve and Bucky, determined to approach the rest of your time here with optimism and kindness to yourself. Keep the fire stoked, get dressed every day, keep your daily gratitudes. Make the best of what you have, especially when your boys are here. Stay strong. If not for yourself, then to make this all worth it.
You’re folding paper you’d found in a cupboard into a makeshift journal when you first hear muffled voices. It startles you, expecting neither Steve nor Buck to be back with you so soon and deducing the origin must be something violent. You stand, survival instinct making you wield a nearby pen as some sort of magic wand as your defense from the intruder. As the voices get louder, panic sets in and numbs your tongue. The door swings open, revealing the very tip of a… tree?
“I really don’t think this is gonna go through the doorway, Buck.”
“It’ll fit. We’ll make it fit.”
“I’ve heard that before.” “Yeah, and haven’t I always made it fit?”
You can feel the glare Steve is throwing Bucky through the wall of the cabin, no x-ray vision required. You lower the pen to your side as your curiosity takes over, walking you to the doorway. Sure enough, your boys are back, standing on either end of a huge douglas fir, snow still clinging to its leaves that shake off onto the porch.
“Hey, doll.” Bucky stands up front, gripping the top of the tree with his vibranium hand while waving with the other. He grins like a kid at… well, Christmas. “Couldn’t stay away from ya’. Figured we’d bring you a little something to cheer you up.”
“A little something? That thing is huge.” You retort, the smile on your face betraying the accusation in your voice.
“Bigger’s better.” Bucky smirks, raising and lowering his eyebrows suggestively. You’re giggling, so hard you almost miss Steve grumble from the back end of the tree.
“Yeah, yeah, Buck, your dick is huge. We know. Can we get this thing inside before we let all the cold in?”
Somehow, in Bucky’s infinite wisdom, they do make it fit, and are pulling the very base of the tree through the doorway when you can finally get your hands on them. The cold clinging to both of them bites at your skin but you don’t care as you drag them both closer to you.
“I didn’t think I’d see either of you again today… Especially not with a big ass Christmas tree. What’s going on?”
“Couldn’t stand to see you so sad, sweetheart. There’s not much we can do about being stuck here, but you said you missed Christmas so we figured we’d bring a little Christmas to you.” Steve presses a kiss to the top of your head as you snuggle into them, only now noticing the backpacks they’re both carrying too.
“There’s not much to work with out here, so we had to go old school,” Bucky explains, pulling away from the hug briefly to shrug his bag off his shoulder and drop it next to the tree.
“It’s traditional,” Steve counters, almost scolding in his tone. “Christmas like when me and Buck were kids.”
“Same thing.” Bucky shrugs, while your gaze falls to the tree taking up nearly half the space of your cabin.
“Did… did you cut this down just now?”
“Ain’t no tree store in the middle of nowhere, doll.”
You roll your eyes at Bucky’s smart mouth, playfully pinching his bicep before breaking away from them to get a better look at the tree. It really is ridiculously large and you’re 90% sure it won’t even stand without bending at the ceiling, but your heart still aches at the thought of what Bucky and Steve have done for you. The thought of them bickering out there in the snow, wanting to find you the very best one to put a smile back on your face has your cheeks straining.
“And… What's in the bags? If I even dare ask.” The grin is unstoppable now as you watch Steve and Buck take off their coats and shake the snow from themselves..
“Supplies, of course.” Buck teases, kissing your cheek on his way to the kitchen, “200, right?”
“200,” Steve confirms to Bucky, picking up both bags before you get the chance of a sneak peek. “Patience, baby.” He winks, playful, boyish grin lighting his face up.
“200 what?” You follow them both into the kitchen, finding Bucky fiddling with the oven while Steve unpacks both bags out onto the island. So far, you can spot some twine, matches, and a tinfoil parcel that you think might be popcorn.
“Degrees,” Bucky says, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “You didn’t eat all those oranges, did you?”
He looks relieved when you slowly shake your head no, your mind whirring to catch up with your surroundings. Popcorn, oranges… old school, Bucky had said.
“We’re making Christmas decorations?” You guess, hope and excitement blending into a smile that makes it all worth it for Steve and Buck.
“Clever girl.” Bucky praises, as Steve starts pulling an assortment of candles and tealights from the second bag. There’s a whole pile of stuff now: pomegranates, candy canes, newspapers, even-
“Is that an iPod Nano??” The astonishment in your voice is clear as you pick the little purple device up, the screen lighting up in your palm. An old school Christmas, indeed.
Steve looks a strange mixture of proud and somewhat confused when he pulls out a portable speaker and adds, ”Bruce set it up for us. Says it’s completely untraceable, but he put all the Christmas songs on there. Every single one.”
He’s not wrong. You spin your thumb around the pressure pad, watching Earth’s entire festive discography flash before your eyes. Everyone from Mariah Carey to Nat King Cole. Emotion wells in your chest, forms tears that sit on your waterline. This is too much. Everything they’re already doing for you, and now this? Working so hard to keep you happy.
“You really didn’t have to go to all this trouble, you know you’re doing enough…” You mumble, watching both frowns develop simultaneously. Gods, you don’t want to sound so ungrateful again, but it’s hard sometimes not to feel like such a burden when two supersoldiers wait on you hand and foot.
“And miss Christmas with our favourite girl? I don’t think so.” Bucky weaves around the island to find his way to you and Steve. You feel the cold pinch of vibranium on flesh as he takes your hand to bring it up to his lips. He lowers his voice, “you know we’d go to the ends of the Earth for you, doll. Pulling down a tree or two is nothing.”
And you know he means it. They both do. They’d tear the multiverse apart for you, spend their Christmas swapping watch duties to keep you safe, even find you a freaking iPod Nano in the grand old age of 2024. You look between them, finding such honesty and love in their eyes your heart hurts.
That smile starts to warm you from the inside out again as you clutch the Nano tight to your chest. It might actually be your favourite Christmas present ever.
“You ready to bring a little Christmas cheer to this place, angel?” Steve asks, hand cupping the back of your head. You nod, unable to actually stop smiling now they’ve convinced you that you’re worth all this and more.
“So ready.” You dock the iPod, while Steve and Bucky both gently caress your back through your cable jumper. The moment is so tender and perfect and-
“YOU’RE HERE, WHERE YOU SHOULD BE-” Kelly Clarkson screeches, making all three of you jump an inch. Now shaking fingers quickly manage to shut the song off, leaving you with the residue of Bucky’s laughter ringing in the air. You can’t help but giggle too, watching two of the world’s bravest heroes startled by an American Idol.
“Sorry, sorry. Modern Christmas music is not the vibe, noted.” You hold your hands up in a mock surrender before turning back to the speaker dock. “Wait, hang on, I think it’s sorted by year…” you think aloud, scrolling all the way back to the top. To the likes of Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra and Ella Fitzgerald.
Dulcet tones fill the space between your bodies when you press play, classic strings melting into the honeyed, mellow voice of Bing Crosby telling the three of you to have yourselves a merry little Christmas. The room feels warmer already, absolutely nothing to do with the roaring fire and everything to do with the love woven into this gesture the boys have done for you. You feel so seen, so known, so unbelievably loved it almost hurts.
“Thank you so much for this. Both of you.”
“Don’t thank us yet, doll. Not before we’ve actually managed to get that tree up and standing,” Bucky jokes, eyes now flickering between the fir and the space it should be filling.
First things first, though, the oranges.
“You’ve gotta have them in at the lowest heat for about 2 hours,” Steve explains, slicing the fruit on a board while you lay the pieces on a baking tray. You’ve never done anything like this, most of your ornaments back home hand-me-downs from family or bought at Bryant Park. There’s something really special about it, though, being taught how by men who lived in a world before tacky glittery Christmas abominations took over the world.
“And they have to be the same thickness, or else they’ll dry unevenly,” Steve adds. You look to Bucky just in time to catch his playful eye roll.
“Sir, yes, sir,” Bucky taunts, saluting the Captain (of orange slices) with a stupidly serious expression on his face. You hold your giggle best you can, batting Buck lightly on his metal arm.
“Hey! Leave him alone,” you scold, lacking any sort of conviction when you let him pull your back up against his chest.
As Steve finishes up slicing the last orange, you start to lay the slices on the tray. They both watch you fondly, Steve thinking aloud, “I used to do this with my Ma before the war. She taught me all the tricks.”
You can just see it now: a little Steve meticulously watching to make sure each piece of the garland was sliced evenly.
“We did it too,” Bucky adds, “but me and Becks just fought over who got to eat the leftover slices.”
There’s a moment where each heart in the room aches for those who aren’t, who can’t be. You wish you could have met their families, Steve’s mother, Bucky’s little sister, and thanked them for making your boys just the way they are. Steve and Bucky long for the same, think about how much they’d all truly love you. The moment passes slowly, softly, fondly. Sealed with a kiss Bucky presses to your temple from behind and one from Steve on your knuckle.
The smell of citrus still hangs in the air by the time Steve and Bucky are bickering over the tree, orange slices now drying out in the oven. You’ve been set on paper chain duty, watching them both from the couch as you cut bits of paper up into neat strips. It’s pretty much your own personal sitcom, Steve currently the only one holding the tree while Bucky looks on.
“Yeah, no. A little more to the left, actually. No, the other left. My left,” he sneers, earning a huff from Steve. He lifts the thing with ease, but by the eighth adjustment you’re not sure how long before the thing might be thrown across the room.
“I think it’s perfect right there,” you quickly add, your eyes following the branches upwards to see the tip of the tree bend at a right angle across the ceiling. “...Absolutely perfect.”
You mean it, too. It’s way too big for this room, shedding pine needles all over the place and has a definite tilt to its posture, but you’ve never seen a more beautiful tree in all your life… You just hope it stays upright till New Year.
Steve takes full credit for the tree, ‘since I did all the heavy lifting’, while Bucky tries to claim the title of project manager. One look at you, wrapped in masses of colourful, masterful paper chains, and they both know who’s really the boss here. Which is why they both follow your carefully thought out delegations in the kitchen.
“Why does Steve get the fun job?” Bucky whines, frowning at the pomegranate you’ve handed him as if it has personally offended him.
“Because I don’t trust you with the popcorn,” you answer, narrowing your eyes. “Or an open flame,” Steve adds, earning a swat from Bucky.
“It’s a precise science,” Steve explains to you, as if he’s creating a new supersoldier serum in a lab rather than cooking popcorn. One hand holds the handle of the pot, the other keeps the lid closed as he slowly shakes the kernels around the flame.
You don’t need to be looking at Bucky to know he just rolled his eyes. You’ve seen him throw a bag into the microwave and forget about it on more than one occasion, leaving your apartment to smell like burn for days to come. Really, you didn’t mind. Every time you came home, it made you think of him.
“Sure it is, Captain Kernel.” Buck mumbles, hitting the back of the pomegranate so hard he dents the rind and sends seeds shooting across the room. You pull one from your hair as you turn to him, soft laugh ringing through the room.
“I thought I was Captain Oranges? You can’t keep reusing the same jokes, pretty boy.”
“Sure I can. It’s Christmas,” Bucky argues with a ridiculous pout, reaching to pull another seed from your hair and popping it in his mouth before pulling you closer, a sticky mess of pomegranate juice waiting for you when you get there.
“Bucky!” You shriek, squirming in his arms as he laughs, utterly unrepentant.
“You all good over there, baby? Need me to stage a rescue?” Steve hasn’t stopped shaking the pan, never disrupting the rhythm, though he has leaned in closer to listen out for any pops over the squealing.
“Oh, she’s fine,” Bucky answers before you can, still pressing sticky, pomegranate kisses to whatever skin he can reach. “Just a little sticky.”
“You’re lucky you’re cute, Barnes,” you grumble, wiping some of the juice from your cheek with the back of your hand.
“You’re damn right I’m lucky,” he quips, with a cocky grin, loosening his grip just enough to let you squirm free, though not before stealing one last kiss.
When the corn is popped and the seeds are neatly in a bowl (your own doing), it’s time for the thread. This step does little more to capture Bucky’s attention than the fruit bashing did. He quickly gets distracted with trying to eat as much as he can and inappropriately touching you and Steve, both of which he manages quite a lot of. It’s a delicate task that takes enough time to bring the iPod through to the 50s and into the songs the boys aren’t so familiar with. Still classics, like Eartha Kitt and Chuck Berry, but past Steve and Bucky’s time. Vintage to you, but a strange shard of the unknown future they missed to them.
This decade of music brings a little more energy into the cabin, and by this time, the entire place smells like sweet citrus and pine. A truly festive attack on the senses. The orange slices have dried enough to thread, which you and Steve team up to tackle while Bucky lights the candles. Apparently, Steve would prefer Bucky be in charge of open flames rather than sharp needles. You’re so content in this bubble, so lost in each activity that you’ve hardly noticed the sun setting outside. The candlelight feels intimate and cozy as the three of you finally decorate the place. Hanging paper chains from the walls, wrapping your freshly made garlands around the tree.
“Aren’t they so perfectly seeded?” Bucky teases as he lifts you up onto his shoulders, allowing you to reach the tallest part of the tree to hang some of the oranges up there.
“Masterfully done, darling,” you respond, tongue pressed between your teeth as you reach for the farthest branch you can, “don’t think we could do Christmas without you.”
Steve helps you down, your frame landing right up against his as his hands fall to your hips. You feel every hard muscle against your supple body, every ridge and mound and-
“Are those candy canes in your pocket, Captain Rogers, or are you just happy to see me?”
“Both. Can’t it be both?” He teases, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.
“I’d honestly be kind of disappointed if it wasn’t.”
Bucky joins you at your back. “Alright, lovebirds. Break it up. I was told I had to behave at least until we finished the tree, Rodgers. No cheating.”
You’re reluctantly separated to focus on hanging candy canes by a suddenly all too dedicated to the cause Sargeant, giggling and teasing as he slips several into his own pocket for later.
The very last ornament fits right in the middle of the tree, which Steve lifts you a couple of inches off the ground to reach. The three of you stand back, admiring your handiwork. Leaning to one side, too big for the room. It’s messy and uneven and may fall down at any moment, but you don’t think you’ve ever seen anything so beautiful in your entire life.
“You think we did good, doll?” Bucky asks, the soft candlelight glowing against his skin.
“I think we did perfect.”
And the moment is just that: perfect. Peaceful and cozy and wonderful… until Elton John starts shouting about Christmas. It’s so jarring you snort, heading over to the speaker before you have to attempt to explain the concept of Elton John to men born in the 1910s. “Sorry, on it.”
You scroll back through the ages, eyes scanning over each song title until you stop near the top.
I’ll Be Home For Christmas - Bing Crosby.
A smile twitches onto your lips, heat blooming from your chest. That was what started this whole thing, wanting to go home for Christmas. Yet now, looking at your boys in front of the tree they cut down with their own two hands, the one you decorated together as a family, you realise you’ve never felt so at home in your life.
The mood instantly fixes itself as the song plays. You stand thoughtful for a moment, before you feel that familiar warmth at your back. Steve.
“Dance with me?” He whispers, fingers already running around your waist to spin you into him. He holds you in the traditional position, left hand holding yours, right on your waist as you both sway to the melody. Your eyes meet in a tender moment that feels like it lasts a lifetime, but Bing is only singing his second verse when you hear:
“Can I cut in?” Bucky’s voice interrupts, playful and hopeful and happy after watching you and Steve.
Somehow, you fit perfectly between them as the three of you dance together. It feels like a moment you could bottle in a snowglobe: the music, the warmth, the candlelight. A Christmas unlike any other, with more heart and love than you’ve ever known, not a single bit of glitter in sight.
Eventually, the song fades into another, leaving you all standing in this tangled embrace. In front of your perfect, messy tree.
“Merry Christmas, doll,” Bucky whispers, pressing a kiss on your cheek.
“Merry Christmas, sweetheart,” Steve echoes, his head resting atop yours thanks to the considerable height difference.
“Merry Christmas, boys,” you whisper back, eyes glistening as you unravel just enough to look up at them. “I love you both so very much.”
And it doesn’t matter where you are geographically on the 25th of December. It never did. You were always going to be home for Christmas, as long as Steve and Bucky were by your side.
#stucky x reader#poly!stucky x reader#steve x reader x bucky#bucky barnes x reader#stucky fluff#bucky x reader x steve#steve rogers x reader#margowritesthings#stucky fanfic#stucky x you#steve rogers#Bucky Barnes
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arthur morgan
masterlist • 08/17/24
˚‧⁺ ・ ˖ · ୨ৎ recs

𑣲 the forbidden fruit I @messrmoonyy
arthur “steals” dutch’s girl and shows a real man’s loving
𑣲 high vs low honor hc I @/messrmoonyy
𑣲 what’s mine is mine I @margowritesthings
𑣲 shooting your shot I @sapphic-pikachu
Arthur makes good on his promise to teach you how to shoot. You struggle with this time alone with him due to your seemingly unrequited feelings for him.
𑣲 fakin’ it I @hihomeghere
After a botched robbery, Arthur and you take refuge in a hotel, hiding from the O'Driscolls outside your door. When they do decide to search for you two, how will you throw them off your track?
𑣲 dreams I @/hihomeghere
Arthur starts having dreams of starting a family with you
𑣲 fishing in the dark I @/hihomeghere
You and Arthur have a private evening away from camp on the Dakota River.
𑣲 friends with benefits I @anna-proxx
you and arthur are occasional lovers with no strings attached, except you caught feelings.
𑣲 touch starved I @immajustvibehere
Arthur wonders why you, the most touchy person who doesn't mind hugging and being close to everyone in the gang, avoids him. Then you catch him alone one night and he finds solace in your closeness
𑣲 snakebite I @thatwriterchick222
you get bitten by a snake and arthur has to suck the venom out... what could go wrong?
𑣲 embers I @javier-pena
You're engaged to be married to a man you've never met. Arthur Morgan is supposed to escort you across the country to meet him. You should keep your distance, but the dangers of the road bring you closer and closer together with each passing mile.
𑣲 room for three I @morning-star-joy
When Joel and Arthur get caught in a storm and need a place to stay, they weren't expecting to find you—a temptress who offers them shelter in your cabin, and wants nothing more than for the two rugged cowboys to keep you warm.

#arthur morgan#arthur morgan x reader#red dead redepmtion 2#rdr2#rdr2 x reader#arthur x reader#red dead#arthur morgan x you#arthur morgan fic recs#arthur morgan imagine#arthur morgan fluff#arthur morgan angst#arthur morgan smut
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Anthony Bridgerton
Forbidden Desires (smut) by @d-targaryenshoe
Cinderella Story 2 3 by @ladysharmaa
There's Still Time by @thegettingbyp2
Intentions by @thegettingbyp2
Caught by @thegettingbyp2
A Helping Hand by @thegettingbyp2
Scratch my Head, Please by @thegettingbyp2
Not so Bad by @thegettingbyp2
Someone Who Wasn't a Maid 2 by @thegettingbyp2
Yes, my lord? by @kylopen
Kinktober: Public Sex by @fayes-fics
Melt Away by @healmydesires
Take Your Hatred Out On Me (smut) by @leviathanspain
You Made Me by @margowritesthings
A Beneficial Arrangement by @fayes-fics
Smut-tember: Spanking by @fandom-puff
Awakening by @fayes-fics
Colin Bridgerton
A Moment Away by @pandorasfavorite
No Ring? No Problem by @agxxb
The Courting Season by @shy-taylorsversion
Secluded (smut) by @torturedbridgertonsdept
Enjoyment (smut) by @d4yl1ghts
Relentless (smut) by @torturedbridgertonsdept
Colin Bridgerton x reader smut by @natti-ice
Innocence (smut) by @mothdruid
Benedict Bridgerton
Simon Basset
Infatuation by @targaryenluvs
New Desires by @d4yl1ghts
Simon x reader smut by @fandom-puff
Smut-tember: Thigh Riding by @fandom-puff
Anthony Bridgerton x reader x Kate Sharma
Routine by @thebadgerclan
What You Do to Me by @thebadgerclan
Pall Mall by @thebadgerclan
Doubt by @thebadgerclan
Anthony Bridgerton x Daughter!reader by @alyswritings
Kate Sharma x Stepdaughter!reader by @alyswritings
Anthony Bridgerton x daughter!reader + Kate Sharma x stepdaughter!reader by @alyswritings
Anthony Bridgerton x daughter!reader by @alyswritings
Babies and Feminism by @alyswritings
Adult Drink by @alyswritings
Two Is Better Than One by @weirdmorefics
Papa's Girl by @weirdmorefics
Tag Your It (Eloise Twin!reader) by @weirdmorefics
This Could Work by @weirdmorefics
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Just Like You
pairing: SImon "Ghost" Riley x single mom reader word count: 1.6k summary: Ghost can't get used to the fact that he's your son's favorite person in the world, but damn- he's trying. ("You- You're me for Halloween??") a/n: this fic references the comics, so for those who didn't know: Joseph was Simon's nephew. Super angsty and fluffy. Simon bonding with your kid. beta read by @margowritesthings

Leo loves Halloween. It’s your son’s favorite time of year. The five year old boy, with your help, worked incredibly hard on his costume, and he’s sure it's going to be the best costume on the block. You may be a little biased, but really, it’s very good. Leo has put extra effort into perfecting every detail of his costume, because this year is special.
It’s the first year that Simon will be accompanying Leo with trick or treat. Leo loves Simon to pieces– but Simon can’t figure out why. The soldier elicits fear from nearly everyone that he encounters, his mask makes children scream and run in the other direction. Hell, his mask makes adults piss themselves in the field. Many enemy soldiers have surrendered at the sight of Ghost running towards them. So Simon can’t wrap his head around the fact that his girlfriend’s little boy looks up at him like he’s the greatest person in the world.
Simon is less than stellar with children. He tries, but he’s not entirely sure how to talk to them. He’s always a little awkward, generally avoiding children when he can, but this one seeks him out. Simon loves you more than anything, and he wants to form a relationship with Leo, he’s just not exactly sure how. He’s trying, for you and the boy. Leo’s biological dad is a piece of shit, which Simon has lived through, and he tries to shield the poor kid from that pain as much as possible. Maybe it’s because Leo reminds him so much of Tommy and Joseph, but your kid is special.
“You ready, bud?” You ask, pulling a hoodie over your frame. It’s Simon’s and it’s oversized, stopping just above your knees. But it's comfortable, and late-October in Manchester is not. Immediately, you find yourself encompassed in its warmth and the smell of Simon’s cologne.
“Almost, mummy!” Leo yells from the bathroom. “Simon is gonna love this!”
You chuckle, “I know he will, baby.” You grab the fresh mug of tea from your nightstand and head down the carpeted stairs. Simon was to be here an hour before trick or treat. You check your watch. 18:00. As if on cue, the doorbell rings, sounding out loudly through your little home. Always punctual. Leo squeals out of excitement at the sound.
“Coming!” You holler, padding across the chilly living room towards the door. You jog lightly, causing a few drops of tea to spill over from the lip of your mug, dripping down to the floor and splashing against the hardwood floor. Ignoring the little mess, you pull the frosted glass door open. Simon is wearing his less civilian mask with the hard plastic skull face. You’d specifically requested that he wear it, though he wasn’t sure why.
“You can just come in, you know. You don’t have to ring the doorbell.” You chuckle, nodding for him to come in. He steps inside the door, hands softly gripping onto your waist as he kicks the door shut.
“I told you to keep your door locked.” Simon raises an eyebrow, squeezing your waist.
“Oh, right…” You hum, squinting your eyes as you recall that conversation, “I forgot.”
“Course you did, love.” Simon smirks, “Happy Halloween.” he says, and you chuckle, gripping his skull mask by the teeth and pushing it up over his face. His scarred lips are sporting a smile, and you kiss it away. It’s over all too quick as he pulls away, nodding towards the cup of tea in your hand.
“The kettle’s still on, yeah?” He asks, pulling the mask back down over his face.
“Yes, I’ll get you a cuppa.” You roll your eyes playfully. He’s cutting your kisses short for tea, something he’ll make up for later, you’re sure. Simon glances around the living room, noting the few abandoned truck toys that lie around the living room.
“Where’s Leo?” Simon asks, looking around the living room as you walk towards the kitchen.
“He’s just finishing getting ready upstairs. Why don’t you go up? I'll bring your tea up.” You hum, grabbing a tea bag and Simon’s favorite mug. You hear heavy footsteps going up the stairs, and take that as his response.
You shake your head, amused as you slowly pour the steaming water over the tea bag, watching it turn a rich brown. Once it’s properly mashed, you add his preferred amount of milk and sugar, and then carefully start up the stairs. Your footsteps are naturally much quieter than Simon’s, and with the added fact that you’re trying not to spill his tea, he doesn’t hear you coming up the steps. You reach the top, and stop dead in your tracks at the sight around the corner. Simon is walking towards Leo’s bedroom, but from the angle you’re at, you can see Leo hiding around the corner as if he's about to scare Simon. Leo is fully dressed in his Halloween costume, a little replica of the exact outfit Simon is currently wearing, skull mask and all.
“Boo!” Leo screams, rounding the corner that Simon was just about to go around.
Simon clutches his chest, jumping back a comical amount. Simon literally screams, attempting to sound terrified. Obviously Simon isn’t scared in the least, but Leo doesn’t know that. Simon lets the boy proudly think that his costume is scary enough to frighten the unshakeable. Leo’s smile is as bright as ever under his mask, and you grip the cup of tea a little tighter as a smile pulls at your own lips. Simon’s eyes are comically wide as he fakes terror for the young boy. Entirely satisfied with Simon’s reaction, Leo pulls his mask off, giggling madly.
“It’s okay, Simon! It’s just me, don't be scared!” Leo giggles, jogging up towards Simon who is bent over at the waist, pretending to gasp for breath and holding his chest.
“Bloody hell, mate. You nearly gave me a heart attack!” Simon chuckles, scooping Leo up into his arms. Once settled on Simon’s hip, Leo holds the plastic mask up to Simon’s face. It’s an exact replica of the mask he’s currently wearing, just much smaller.
“Look! I'm just like you for Halloween!” Leo smiles, showing Simon all the little details that he’d put into perfecting his mask.
“You–” Simon’s brow furrows, “You’re me for Halloween?” He asks, piecing it all together. Leo holds the mask out to Simon, who takes it and looks over the smaller version of Ghost’s infamous skull mask.
“Yep! Do you like it…?” Leo asks, sounding a bit worried. His little eyebrows pull together, and Simon is quick to reassure him.
“I love it, mate. It’s perfect, looks just like mine.” Simon whispers. There is emotion in his voice, unusual for him, you note. Tears prick your eyes as Leo puts the mask back on, looking up at Simon.
“I wanna be like you when I grow up.” Leo says, wrapping his little arms around Simon’s neck.
“You’re gonna be better than me, Leo. Much better, yeah?” Simon whispers, looking the boy in the eyes. Leo nods, curling up against Simon’s chest. He rubs his hand up and down Leo’s back, comforting him.
“You know, Leo, you remind me of a boy I used to know.” Simon mumbles in a rare show of emotional vulnerability, his eyes glazed over as he pats the boy’s back.
“Who?” Leo asks, propping his chin on Simon’s chest to look up at him better.
“Uh–” Simon hesitates. “His name was Joseph… He was my nephew.” Simon whispers, and your heart wrenches in your chest.
“Maybe I could meet him someday and we could play.” Leo whispers, hopefully looking up.
“Yeah. Maybe someday.” Is all Simon says, nodding lightly as old, ugly memories pull at his brain, ones he’d shoved out and burned long ago.
“I love you, Simon.” Leo whispers, hugging his little arms as tightly around the man as he can manage. He pulls Simon out of every dark thought he was having, those three little words pulling at his heart strings. Simon hesitates, voice stuttering for a moment.
“Yeah– I love you too, little mate.” Simon whispers, voice heavy with emotion.
“This is gonna be so much fun– Mummy even helped me with my costume!” Leo adds, unintentionally changing the subject. He creates a perfect time for you to announce your presence.
You hastily wipe your eyes and walk up the last step, rounding the corner you were just hiding behind. You catch Simon off guard, and he turns to you, slowly placing the young boy back on the ground.
“I didn’t hear you come up.” Simon whispers, taking the mug from your outstretched hands. He’s far away, lost in thought. Leo runs down the hall to grab his treat bag as Simon wraps his arm around your waist.
“Didn’t want to spill your cuppa.” You explain, resting your head on his chest for a moment. Leo comes back around the corner with his bag, excitedly waiting for trick or treat to begin.
You smile up at Simon, noticing a few little tear tracks running down through his eye black.

ghost taglist: @moths569
#simon ghost riley x you#simon ghost riley x female reader#simon riley x reader#simon ghost riley x reader#simon ghost riley#ghost simon riley#ghost cod#call of duty mw2#cod mw2#call of duty modern warfare 2
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𝑎𝑟𝑡ℎ𝑢𝑟 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑔𝑎𝑛 𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑠 𝑖𝑖.

princess by @anyas-stuff
what's mine is mine by @margowritesthings
the rescue
just' a little longer
by @immajustvibehere
a warm place for numb fingers by @reaveries
save yourself by @outlaw-apologist
fairest of them all by @azures-bazar
a real bed by @starlight-starwrites
shooting your shot by @sapphic-pikachu
save a horse, ride a cowboy by @borzoia
a fine night for debauchery by @wizard-on-whales
some sweet ending by @morning-star-joy
fakin' it by @hihomeghere
the fawn by @johnpriceslamb

#arthur morgan#arthur morgan x reader#arthur morgan fic recs#red dead redemption 2#red dead redemption 2 x reader#red dead redemption 2 fic recs#red dead redemption#red dead redemption x reader#red dead redemption fic recs#x reader#fic recs#ruerecs
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Moments: Like Father, Like Son
Moments Masterpost
Pairing: Benedict Bridgeton x fem!reader
Summary: One-shot set in the Moments universe. Thomas inherits a rather embarrassing trait from his father...
Artwork credit: @margowritesthings
Warnings: none... this is pure fluff and humour.
Word Count: 1.8k
Author's Note: It's been AGES since I did anything in the Moments verse. This idea has been kicking around in my drafts for six months, maybe more. Thanks to @chaoticcalzoneranchsports, who came up with this idea with me all that time ago. This is very silly, light-hearted family nonsense. Enjoy! <3
“What the…?” Benedict’s voice fades out, standing by the window.
“What is it, my love?” you ask mildly, taking a bite of toast as you read the newspaper.
“Thomas… he is running full pelt down the lawn… absolutely nude,” he answers, perplexed, “.... and there goes Abigail…” he adds, referring to your nanny, “she can barely keep up, poor thing.”
Wiping the toast crumbs from your fingers onto a serviette, you get up, walk over to join your husband at the window, and have to stifle your giggle behind the back of your hand as you observe the tableau before you.
Out in the early morning sun is your youngest child, now four, running circles around his nanny, giggling loudly. As naked as the day he was born.
“You know you could go help her. Round up your son?” you twist your mouth into a bemused pout and look up at him, bumping him gently with your shoulder.
“She seems to have it in hand,” he responds as you both watch her change direction and fool Thomas, catching him and picking him up to bring him back indoors. “I do hope this doesn't become a habit,” Benedict comments airily as you retake your seats at the breakfast table.
“What makes you think it would?” you frown.
“No reason…” he responds, a little too hasty.
Something in his tone makes you think there may be more to that story.
“Mummy, Thomas has taken all his clothes off again.”
“Amelia, what are you talking about? And what do you mean by ‘again’?” you question your daughter as she throws herself into the chair next to yours on the terrace outside your home.
“He is always doing it, Mummy. Last week he lost a game of tag and took off his clothes in protest. Nanny Abigail had to give him bonbons to put them on again before you and Daddy got back from your walk,” she breezes, pushing a strand of hair from her face.
“Hmm, I never heard about that.”
“Well, now he’s done it again,” Amelia rolls her eyes.
“Where is he?” you ask.
“He's down by the fish pond. He's upset about something,” she shrugs.
“And his answer was to take his clothes off?” you check.
“Apparently,” she says dryly, with an almost world-weary expression of someone who has seen such a thing far too many times.
“Let's go find out what is going on, shall we?” you offer your hand to your daughter and round the garden to the pond where sure enough, your son is naked—and looks absolutely furious.
“Thomas,” you call gently, “what on earth is the matter, my love? And why are you without your clothes?”
“Frogs.” He opines—as if that one word explains everything.
“Explain to me, please, and put your clothes back on.”
“Do not want to,” he pouts.
“That was not a suggestion, Thomas,” you warn firmly and raise an eyebrow. All your children know better than to argue when you use that tone.
Thomas stomps back to the pile of clothes and starts to redress with tantrum-like dramatic flair, and again, you have to stifle your giggles about his antics behind your hand.
“Now come here, my love,” you kneel now he is back in his shirt and trousers, holding your hands out wide for a hug, “and tell me what the problem is.”
“The tadpoles are not frogs yet, and Daddy said they would be soon. I want to see frogs Mummy,” he huffs into your shoulder as he accepts your embrace.
“Of course, Thomas. As soon as they are frogs, Daddy will show you. But why did you take off your clothes?”
He just shrugs as if even he doesn’t know why.
“Next time, rather than take off your clothes, please find me or Daddy, and we can talk about whatever is upsetting you,” you soothe.
“Alright,” he grumbles mutely.
Later that night, as you lie in bed, you raise it with your husband.
“Thomas took off his clothes again,” you comment casually.
“Why?” Benedict puts down his book and frowns deeply as if he appears very troubled by the idea.
“He was upset about the tadpoles not being frogs,” you sigh, nonplussed.
“And his answer was to remove his clothes?”
“What did you tell him?”
“To come and speak to you or me before taking off his clothes next time.”
“Let's hope that works,” Benedict hums thoughtfully. Again you get the sneaking suspicion there is something he is not telling you.
You are hosting a party the following week with all the Bridgerton clan visiting your cottage when it happens again. The dinner table chat is lively and convivial as dessert is served. Suddenly the door swings open, and in runs your youngest son.
“Mummy, where is MooMoo?” Thomas calls loudly, asking about his favourite cow toy.
Everyone stops talking, their attention drawn to your child, completely unphased by his audience as he stands there. Once again, completely naked.
Hyacinth snorts so loudly that apple juice shoots out of her nose just as Benedict slumps his head into his hands, mortified. As you go to stand and move him, Abigail bursts through the doorway, out of breath.
“My sincerest apologies, my lady,” she puffs, “he managed to unlock the nursery door somehow,” she adds very contritely, curtseying and picking Thomas up, bundling him out of the room before you can reply.
“Apologies for the interruption, everyone,” you call a vaguely embarrassed smile painted on your face as you gesture for them to continue talking as they were before.
Conversation restarts, but as you take your seat at the far end from Benedict, you notice that Violet sitting next to you is trying valiantly but failing to control a bout of silent giggles. When she sees you looking at her, she attempts to school her expression and calm herself to speak.
“Oh my. I was wondering if this would ever come to haunt my darling son,” she stutters between laughs.
“What do you mean?” You ask, genuinely baffled.
She clutches her sides and dabs her eye. “Your husband was quite the nudist himself as a child,” she says drolly. “He would embarrass Edmund and me by bursting into soirées completely without his clothes. And he was so fast no one could ever catch him, the little scamp.”
Your eyes drift to Benedict at the head of the table, who looks deep in conversation with his eldest brothers, almost like he knows what his mother is saying and wants to look very much otherwise occupied to avoid the topic.
“I KNEW IT!” you exclaim quietly. “He keeps saying things like ‘Oh, I hope this doesn’t become a habit’... I just knew there was something he was not telling me,” you shake your head as Violet continues giggling in sympathy. “How on earth did you get him to stop?!” You quiz with a touch of desperation.
“He grew out of it,” she shrugs, reaching over to pat your hand, “I'm certain Thomas will too.”
“And in the meantime, I just need to accept this will happen?!” you decry.
“Or a stronger lock on the nursery door,” Violet suggests, giggling louder.
Just then, Benedict glances down the length of the table to you; you shoot him a look of daggers that makes his brow knit in confusion.
“What was that look for?” Benedict asks as you guide your guests into the parlour after dinner.
“Thomas. It's all your fault, this nudity thing,” you scowl.
He has the decency to look contrite. “Mother said something?” he guesses, looking sheepish, folding his lips under his teeth and averting his eyes.
“Yes, she did,” you volley, “why did you not inform me?”
“I did not think such things would be inherited!” he argues defensively.
“Well, I need you to think back. What would have stopped you from doing this when you were a child? Your mother seems to be under the impression nothing can be done. That we should merely wait for him to grow out of such behaviour….”
“I… was three… I honestly cannot recall,” he confesses.
You sigh. “Fine, but next time this happens? It is all upon you, husband.” You raise an eyebrow indicating the finality of your opinion on this topic.
“Understood.” he nods, chastened.
The following day you are all gathered around the lake, having a relaxed afternoon watching the children all playing together spiritedly - Simon and Daphne’s, Kate and Anthony's, as well as your own.
Isobel and Amelia tag out of the games and come to sit with you under a parasol with Violet.
“Hello, darlings,” you kiss them both on the head as they snuggle against you, panting a little from their gameplaying, reaching gratefully for the glasses of water laid out for them on the little table behind.
“Mummy,” Amelia begins, “why did Daddy just give Thomas bonbons and tell him he can have more if he keeps his clothes on?”
Out of the corner of your eye, you can already see Violet shaking with laughter behind the back of her hand.
“He did what?!” you cannot prevent your outburst.
“It is bribery, Amelia,” Isobel pipes up, ever your family’s straight-talking lawyer.
“If I take off my clothes, do I get more bonbons, Mummy?” she asks, twisting to look up at you with fluttering eyelids.
“Most certainly not!” you scoff. “Girls, please remain with your grandmother here,” you add, brushing your dress and going to stand up.
“BENEDICT BRIDGERTON!!!” you yell sternly, striding purposefully towards him, your irritation barely contained.
As you walk through the assembled family, they all move aside, smirking, already knowing what is about to happen. If there is one thing the Brigerton men are known for, it's their spirited wives.
“Now, ladies,” Violet leans in to whisper with her granddaughters, “pay great heed to your mother. If there is one thing that a man must know, it's when he has done something unacceptable to his wife.”
“Daddy said he likes it when Mummy tells him off,” Amelia answers, between gulps of water, watching you remonstrate with Benedict as he looks suitably chastised.
“When did he say that?” Violet inquiries intrigued.
“I heard him say it once when they were in bed and wrestling noisily,” Amelia sighs, matter-of-fact.
Violet turns bright red and almost chokes on her tea.
“I had left the nursery to ask for biscuits when Nanny Abigail was sleeping, but they didn't hear me, so I just went and got some from the kitchen myself,” Amelia continues, finishing her story with a shrug.
“The lock on the nursery is broken, by the way, grandmama,” Isobel adds, as if sensing this is the right time to announce such a thing.
Just then, Thomas wanders over, fully clothed for once. “Grandmama, more bonbons, please?” he grins toothily, nodding to the glass jar next to her, his eyes so hopeful.
Some family moments are very entertaining indeed.
Benedict taglist: @makaylan @foreverlonginguniverse @iboopedyournose @colettebronte @aintnuthinbutahounddog @severewobblerlightdragon @margofiore @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @nikaprincessofkattegat @baebee35 @crowleysqueenofhell @bridgertontess @fiction-is-life @lilacbeesworld @angels17324 @broooookiecrisp @queen-of-the-misfit-toys @eleanor-bradstreet @divaanya @musicismyoxygen84 @benedictspaintbrush @miindfucked @sorryallonsy @lilithseve @cayt0123 @hottytoddyhistory @truly-dionysus @fictionalmenloversblog @zinzysstuff @malpalgalz @panhoeofmanyfandoms @kinokomoonshine @causeimissu @delehosies @Mlovesbridgerton @m-rae23 @last-sheep @kmc1989 @desert-fern @starkeylover@corpseoftrees-queen @jeanfreau @magical-spit
#benedict bridgerton fanfiction#benedict bridgerton fluff#benedict bridgerton x reader#benedict bridgerton x female reader#benedict bridgerton x you#benedict bridgerton x y/n#benedict bridgerton imagine#benedict bridgerton#bridgerton fanfiction#bridgerton fluff#bridgerton imagine#bridgerton x reader#bridgerton x female reader#bridgerton#moments universe
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Week 1 Reblog Masterlist 2025
Welcome to Week 1, 2025, or Week 261. As always, the fics will be listed in the order I read them.
I hope you enjoy it!
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♥ You can check my reading guidelines here.
♥ You can check my masterlist here.
♥ You can check my main reblog masterlist 2025 here.
♥ You can check my January reblog masterlist 2025 here.
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𝙺𝚎𝚢𝚜: 💛 ᵒʳᶤᵍᶤᶰᵃˡ ˢᵗᵒʳʸ
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This is the list of the fics I read and recommend in Week 1 2025:
I’ll Be Home for Christmas (If Only in My Dreams) (Steve Rogers X Reader X Bucky Barnes) by @margowritesthings 💚
Champagne Problems (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @anika-ann 💚
Day 19: Fondue (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @gremlin-girly💚
Only You (Steve Rogers X Mutant!Reader) by @waywardxrhea 💚❤️
Three soldiers (40’s!Steve Rogers X Reader X 40’s Bucky Barnes X Origins!Logan Howlett) by @chrisisvbun💚❤️
A Christmas party (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @auroracalisto 💚
Warm Snow (John Snow X Reader) by @caplanbuckybarnes 💚
Volatile part 3 (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @stellar-solar-flare 💚❤️
Nightmare (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @innorogers 💚💙❤️
Mission Control 20 (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @darkficsyouneveraskedfor ❤️🖤
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hi there, i absolutely adoreeeee your writing so much!! i wanted to ask you if you can recommend us other blogs that also write about arthur because i just cannot get enoughhhh,
thank you and much love <333
Ahh thank you! 🤗 and reference other authors, there are a plethora of amazing ones and these are just a few ~
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A Merry Christmas from Across the Universes
Andrew Garfield's Spiderman x Reader
Hey y'all! This was a Christmas gift for a dear friend and fellow writer @margowritesthings , so please enjoy! I'm feeling a little rusty but excited to write more. I'm finishing another Christmas fic for another friend, and I'll post that when I'm finished too :)
Faeries. In your world, they belonged in books and tales. They were cunning, deceptive, and always powerful. That was true of the ones you had met, but they were also the most caring, kind, and loyal. Rhysand and his brothers, Feyre and her sisters, and everyone in between had shown you friendship in this strange realm. It made things easier, but you missed your home and loved ones. You missed the humanness of it all. Most of all you missed-
“Margo, get back!” Rhys’ shout pulled you from your thoughts. He appeared in front of you in a blink, holding an arm out to protect you from harm.
Your gaze fell on the orange-yellow circle of magic that appeared in the air. It gave off a faint hum as the symbols around its border glowed. It was the same kind of portal you had seen Doctor Strange conjure a thousand times.
“He found me,” you got out. You stepped forward, mind spinning. Was this real? Could you finally go home?
“Wait, we don’t know if it’s a trap,” Rhys said, grabbing your upper arm to stop you.
“Let go. I’m going home, Rhysand. It could close any second!” you yanked your arm away.
“I’ve never seen this form of magic before,” he argued but respected your wishes to be let go of. You loved that about him. The time you spent here had shown you that he was a kind man who could be trusted, but you had a home and a boyfriend waiting for you on the other side.
“But I have. I don’t have time to thank you for all you and your family have done for me, but I’ll treasure my time here. It’s time for me to leave,” you answered firmly, catching a glimpse of red and blue behind the veil of the portal.
“Goodbye then, Margo. Be safe,” he said, taking Feyre’s hand as she entered the room. A brief view of her face explained that she understood the situation immediately.
“Goodbye,” you called, before turning and jumping through the portal.
Warmth shrouded you for a moment as you passed through the magical gate, but then a shock of cold followed shortly after. It felt like jumping into a pool of water after being in a jacuzzi.
“Peter!” you cried and flung your arms around him. Tears cascaded down your face as you hugged your boyfriend. He wore his Spiderman suit but had removed the mask, exposing his wonderful face.
“Thanks, Stephen,” muttered the sorcerer behind you somewhere as he shut the portal. You would thank him in kind later, but for now, you just wanted to cling to Peter and have a good cry. You had spent such a long time stuck in that alternative universe and while it hadn’t been torture and pain, you had missed your world gravely.
“Are you alright? Are you hurt?” Peter asked, running a hand over your hair before pulling back to look at you. Tears of his own covered his face.
“I’m okay, are you?”
“I’m okay, too.” he grinned and pressed his forehead to yours.
After a few moments, you turned and hugged the grumpy sorcerer who stood awkwardly beside you two. He made a sound of surprise but didn’t shove you away. Stephen would never admit to liking physical affection, but you knew it was true.
“Thank you, Doctor Strange. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you,” you told him as you let go.
“It’s alright. It’s my job to uphold the timelines. Stick to your universe now, got it?” he replied sternly, but you knew he was glad to see you safe.
“Yes, sir,” you laughed. He said goodbye to you both and then conjured another portal to take him home.
It was then that you took in where you were. You found yourself atop a skyscraper at night with the glow of city lights shining brightly into the sky. The cold breeze bit your skin in your thin clothing and you shivered. The smell of the city was unpleasant after being in such a wild place, but you welcomed it wholeheartedly.
“I can’t believe you’re back. I didn’t stop looking for a way to find you, not once,” Peter said, pulling you back against him. He wrapped his arms snuggly around your waist and let out a sigh of relief.
You stayed there for a while, drinking in each other’s touch until you started to lose feeling in your nose and your toes. It had been much warmer in Velaris so you were dressed in very light clothing with only slippers on your feet.
“Let’s go home. I’m freezing to death out here,”
Peter nodded and pulled on his mask. Then, he stepped onto the ledge and offered a hand to you. You took it and he wrapped his arm firmly around your waist. He asked, “Ready?”
Peter tipped you both over the edge and you began to freefall towards those city lights you loved so much. The drop in your stomach, the icy wind, and the feeling of exhilaration never changed no matter how many times you did this with him. It was absolutely terrifying but amazing nonetheless.
He slung out a web to slow your descent and soon you were swinging through the streets you had missed. A short while later, Peter had brought you safely to the fire escape of his apartment. You had never been so glad to see a slightly rusty set of metal stairs.
“I’ll never get used to that. I-,” you began, but something caught your eye. Your gaze snagged on a Christmas tree decorated in a square a few blocks away. Twinkling lights adorned the roofs of smaller buildings around you and you tuned into a Christmas song you couldn’t name playing behind one of the walls of the apartment.
Peter, sensing your distress before you could even speak, asked, “What? What’s wrong?” He put his hands on your shoulders to steady you.
“What day is it?” you got out, fighting to stay on your feet.
“It’s Christmas Eve,” he answered, confused.
“I was gone for 12 days,”
“What? You were gone for seven months,”
“Oh, god,”
You could see the gears spinning behind his eyes, ready to launch into an explanation of physics and planetary speeds, so you appreciated when he said in terms you could understand, “Time must have been different wherever you were.”
“But that’s so long!” You gasped, “What about-”
“Doob has been staying with me for the last few months. Your landlord gave up your apartment once the NYPD declared you missing. I tried to tell them that you weren’t missing but just lost but they didn’t want to hear it. But don’t worry, your stuff is safe at Aunt May’s place. She’ll be glad to see you,” Peter launched into a nervous ramble about the series of events that had unfolded in your absence.
“This is crazy,” was all you managed before sliding open Peter’s window and heading into the warmth. You wanted to think about all of this but with blood in your limbs and your dog in your lap. And maybe a hot chocolate from your loving boyfriend.
“Doob!” you cried and flung yourself to the ground to pet your beloved dog. He was practically vibrating from the force of his tail wagging. You curled him to your chest and smothered him in kisses. His eyes glittered in the twinkly lights that Peter had decorated his bedroom with. You were fairly certain they were yours from your Christmas decorations, but you weren’t complaining.
Peter shut the window behind him after following you inside and peeled off his mask. He then quickly changed into sweats and a t-shirt before producing sweats, a sweater, and fluffy socks for you.
“Get changed into these. I’ll go make something warm for us to drink, okay?” he gave you an affectionate rub on the head before leaving the room.
You did as he asked and immediately felt better. Not only were you a thousand times warmer, but the clothes smelled like Peter. They smelled like the detergent Aunt May always bought, but they smelled mostly of him. It had been getting harder to remember while you were away and forgotten how pleasant it was.
Suddenly, you found yourself wet with tears and then Doob’s tongue shortly after. The reality of what had happened caught up with you. You fell through a crack in the universe and had been missing for months as far as Peter and your world were concerned. You had missed his birthday. Hell, you missed your birthday.
“Hey, it’s alright,” Peter soothed, entering with two mugs of hot chocolate. He set them on the dresser before scooping you from the floor. He set you gently on the bed and placed Doob back on the ground.
“I missed so much,” you cried.
“It’s okay! Look, I took pictures for you while you were gone. Do you want to look through them?” he snagged his camera from the nightstand and waited for your answer.
You nodded, trying to dry your face with your sleeve but failing miserably. Fresh tears ran quickly at the thought of Peter being so convinced that he would retrieve you, that he documented the events in your shared life for you to view when you got back.
Peter showed you some pictures of him and your dog from a few less-than-safe heights, your family celebrating your birthday, Aunt May and Doob celebrating his birthday, a confusing photo of Peter next to two others wearing Spiderman suits, and finally, a few he had snagged of Doctor Strange and the magical building he worked from.
“You didn’t miss much, I promise,” he said, setting the camera down before cupping your face in his hands. His skin was warm and his touch kind.
“I wish I could have taken photos of where I was. It was like a place from a fantasy novel, I swear. They had powers, too. There weren’t really any buildings you could swing from though,” you told him, cracking a small smile.
He pulled away to grab your drinks, “Oh yeah? Did I see a man with wings with you?”
“You saw him? That was Rhysand. He’s one of the rulers of the land,”
Peter handed you a mug, “Do they all have wings?”
“No, not all of them,” you began, taking a sip of the hot chocolate. You rearranged yourself so that you sat against the wall side of the bed.
“Tell me all about it, and then we’ll head to Aunt May’s in the morning for Christmas brunch. She’ll be so happy you’re back,” he smiled fondly at you, reaching forward to move a lock of hair out of your face.
“God, I missed the food. All of theirs was so fancy all the time. It was like having a dinner for a king at every meal. Sometimes I just wanted a grilled cheese, y’know?” you laughed.
“A man with wings who feasts like a king, huh?” he teased lightly.
You nestled against your boyfriend and began to tell him the tale of your journey. You were finally home safe and it was that relief that gave you the strength to admire the fun parts of your adventure.
#acotar#rhysand#feyre archeron#marvel#marvel cinematic universe#andrew garfield#spiderman#mcu#doctor strange#stephen strange#christmas
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— tag game; which character are you quiz

i was tagged by the lovely @annasinterests to do this quiz and not gonna lie i was apprehensive bc i thought i wouldn’t know any of the characters, but i actually do!! i’ve only seen the first season of lost so idk if claire turns out to be a complete freak but i loved her in that season and i do see the similarities between us 😭
having luna lovegood and hilda spellman in the top 15 is so funny fr bc the entire time i watched caos i was like yeah i’n extremely hilda and luna’s just a vibe, we’re both haunted and reserved and possibly insane ☺️ sadly i recognize barely a handful of the top 100 characters that’s so tragic 😭 but i hope anyone who sees this and wants to do it enjoys the quiz!!
i don’t have many mutuals on this blog unfortunately bc i’ve barely posted any original content 😭 so i apologize in advance if i tag you in this and you’re like who the hell is this why is she writing so much 🧍🏽♀️i’ll just tag friends and ppl whose blogs i really like :’)
@t-lostinworlds @queer-sadie-adler @yeehawpurgatory @flugames @hollandweather @userholland @immajustvibehere @outlaw-apologist @kieropal @dmumt @92506 @criedforlove @abunnycotton @brccoli @aurora-basin @photo1030 @covvpoke @margowritesthings @12timetraveler
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@rookthorne highly HIGHLY recommend Margo's works!!!! She does an amazing job at writing our cowboy husband 👀🫣


➵ Romeo and Juliet smut, 18+, you're an O'Driscoll, who has captured the attention of one Arthur Morgan
➵The Meaning of the Scar crossover, the tales that take place after Arthur Morgan's death, when he becomes an undead Hand of God, hunting down the supernatural
➵ The Greatest Gift fluff, smut, some parts 18+, you give Arthur the greatest gift he could receive: his daughter
➵ Mob AU smut, 18+, Alternate Universe, Arthur Morgan runs a club in the city of Saint Denis, you're the wife he is absolutely devoted to
➵ Good Girl - part 1 | part 2 smut, 18+, you're riding with Arthur when you realise you really like it when he does a particular thing...
➵ Fate: A Word Meaning Destiny angst, fluff, smut, 18+, you're a ranch hand, whose home is under attack from bandits. a mysterious stranger saves your life
➵ What's Mine Is Mine suggestive smuttiness, someone is hitting on you at the bar and Arthur must make sure everyone knows you're his
➵ Ghosts and Smoke angst, following your journey to say a final goodbye to Arthur
➵ ...For They Shall Obtain Mercy angst, collab with @cowboydisaster, after your death, Arthur is diagnosed with tuberculosis. he can't wait to see you again.
➵ The Way I See You smut, fluff, 18+, Arthur helps you get past your insecurities
➵ Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? fluff, you and Arthur decide to be honest about your secret relationship
➵ A Bit of a Mess fluff, slight angst, you and Arthur bake cookies
➵ The Long Night fluff, modern AU, when your dog is taken to the vets, Arthur is right by your side
➵ Some Company smut, 18+, a few weeks after you join the gang, you share a sleepless night with the enforcer who saved you

➵ Mr and Mrs Macintosh fluff, you and your new husband check into the saloon for your wedding night
➵ Blood On His Hands smut, 18+, it's your time of the month, but Dutch has some insights from a Mr. Evelyn Miller to share with you
➵ Vedova Nera smut, 18+, you're a hired assassin, and eliminating Dutch van der Linde is your next assignment
#HOW DID I NOT FUCKING SEE THIS SICK MATSERY OF ART????#STOP THIS LOOKS AMAZING YOU DID SUCH A GOOD JOB#sorry for the caps i get excited when i see pretty masterlists#not my masterlist#margowritesthings#arthur morgan#arthur morgan x reader#arthur morgan x you#arthur morgan x y/n#rdr2
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So, was hoping to get Corrupted Hearts out this weekend but father has a last minute operation on Sunday, so that's my priority with helping him out recovery for a few days and I've got an assignment due Monday (thank God work is quiet) as well so few delays there. Classic Ao3 writers update 👌.
BUUUUT I am working on something for when Part I of Blemish Silk is finished, a little project 😏 and a celebration inspired by @margowritesthings for my soon to be 100 followers!
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Not sure how you'd feel about a period sex scene for Mr van der Linde, but I think if you wrote that it would literally do me in
Reader goes over there during the week break from the pill, and when Dutch tries to initiate sexy time, reader refuses and he's kinda offended. So reader is reluctant to explain but at the end of the day Dutch is a grown man and reader is a grown woman. Dutch thinks it's actually kinda hot and goes a little "worshippy" over reader's body :}
That's such a hot idea, but my requests are closed unfortunately! However, there is an absolutely delicious fic by @margowritesthings that may be just what you're looking for -
Can confirm I've read it many times. Many. Times.
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Dark Red

pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x fem!reader word count: 5.6k summary: The Task Force 141 goes out drinking, and you wind up on your stomach in Ghost's bed. If you knew it would only take a few rounds of drinks, you would have gotten drunk with him earlier. (eventual smut, lots of family 141 interactions beforehand) a/n: This is my first COD fic and also the first thing I've written since May, so go easy on me if it's ooc pls xx. If you like this fic please give a follow or a reblog, I'm fixing up my blog and I'll be writing a lot more Simon. beta read by @margowritesthings warnings: nsfw, 18+, minors dni (smut, fingering, size difference, doggy)

Your dress is wrapped tightly around your frame, held up by tiny golden chains that drape over your shoulders. It's dark green, and just barely covers your ass. It's definitely not the tactical gear that you’re used to wearing. You swallow thickly, pulling it down over your thighs as much as possible as you glance over yourself in the mirror. You barely recognize the reflection in front of you. No eye black, no tac-vest or combat boots. Tonight you’re not a soldier, you’re a civilian.
Price had arranged a night out to celebrate the 141’s latest win. He invited the Task Force alongside some allies for drinks at a club of all places, figuring everyone deserved to unwind. You were hesitant at first, but the boys all reassured you it would be just a few drinks.
Once all the little details of your outfit are in place, you give yourself a onceover before pushing open Price’s bathroom door. Ghost, Soap, Gaz, and Price are all leaning over the kitchen counter, speaking quietly about the mission. They smile, oblivious to you as you exit the bathroom, feeling a bit self conscious about the dress Kate insisted you wear. That is until Ghost catches a glimpse of you out of the corner of his eye and quietens. He turns, and you watch his back straighten, hands in the pockets of his jeans as his eyes slowly run up and down your body. Something about that stare… you wonder if Ghost would ever see you the way you see him. It's been years now of you pining after him. You could never tell him. He’s your lieutenant, and besides, you’ve heard what happens to the recruits who make a move on Ghost. Every single one of them was harshly rejected and dropped from the program. You can't compromise your job, especially not for someone who doesn’t want you back.
Ghost stares, and the other three men turn to you in sync. A fierce blush blooms across your face as four pairs of eyes land on you. Ghost is wearing that familiar balaclava, the one he wears out in public or around the base. It hides everything but his eyes, and you stare into their swirling depths for a moment before the eye contact becomes too much. You clear your throat, glancing down over your dress.
“Too much…?” You whisper, questioning your choice of fashion and makeup.
“No…Not too mu–” Ghost is cut off as Soap lunges forward with a smile bigger than Texas and slaps you on the arm.
“Lookin’ good, bonnie lass!” Soap laughs. He looks nice himself. You’ve only seen him in sweats around the base, but tonight all four of your teammates are dressed to the nines.
“Not so bad yourself, Johnny.” You smile, clutching a small purse to your hip.
“We ready then, Cap?” Gaz asks, glancing up from his phone for a moment, “Laswell just got there, said she brought König.”
“Yes.” Price smiles at you, checking his watch, “I've ordered two Ubers. Should both be here.”
You follow them outside, smiling and nodding to Ghost as he holds the door open for you. The Captain and Gaz take the first car while you file into the second with Ghost and Soap. Soap sits in the front, leaving you in the back with Ghost. Your lieutenant is quiet most of the ride over, letting Johnny fill the silence, which he does. But it's hard to focus on Soap talking. You’re hyper aware of the eyes on you and how exposed you are. Your breasts are practically pushed up into your face, and the dress suddenly feels all too tight. You’re used to fighting, not celebrating, not partying. You take a few deep breaths, knowing that once you get a few drinks in your system you’ll feel better.
“You alright?”
Your eyes flick up. It’s Ghost, just barely over a whisper. His eyes are fixated on something out of the window, but he still must have noticed your anxiety. You nod.
“Just nervous.” You admit, “I’m not used to all this.” You whisper, gesturing down to your dress and matching strappy heels, then to the car that is driving you through the nightlife. Ghost smirks under his mask.
“Me neither. Bourbon helps.” He says.
“You drink bourbon?” You ask, glancing over. Soap hasn’t noticed your little conversation and continues to chat up the driver. You hadn’t taken Ghost as a bourbon man, he’s piqued your curiosity.
“I fancy Kentucky.” He remarks. You chuckle.
“Don’t let him know that.” You nod your head in Soap’s direction.
“Never.” Ghost smirks, adjusting the cuffs of his sleeves. Your eyes fixate on the tattoos lining his left arm, just briefly exposed. You force your eyes away, knowing if you stare too long you’ll get caught up in the intricate pattern. The thought of running your fingers over those tattoos lingers in your head, soothing you enough to make the ride.
The club is nice. Colored lights stream from the ceiling, a steady thrum of music vibrates lowly through the walls. You take in your surroundings, watching people drink, and dance with one another. It's a bit dark, hard to make out faces. You take note of all the exits while following behind Gaz and Price, both leading you all towards a closed off section of the club. Laswell is already there waiting along with her wife and König. The man must have already had a few drinks because he’s more relaxed than you've ever seen him. König’s eyes immediately land on you, and flutter down to the short cut off of your dress. You gasp as a burly figure pushes past you, separating you from König’s eyes. Ghost. He stands between the two of you and starts unclipping the velvet rope that separates you from the VIP section, much to the bouncer’s frustration. You blush, looking back to König whose eyes are sheepishly staring at the floor. Ghost must have pulled out his famous deadly glare. Your cheeks burn red.
“There you are!” Laswell exclaims, motioning for the bouncer to lift the velvet rope that secures her area. No one seems to have noticed the little interaction between Ghost and König, thankfully.
“VIP?” You chuckle. “Was that some CIA shit?” You ask, passing into the nicer, more secluded area of the club. A couch wraps around the corner wall, a table sitting in front of it.
“Afraid not.” She smiles, wrapping an arm around her wife’s shoulders. You take a seat on the couch, watching as Ghost motions for Price to follow him towards the bar.
“We’ll be back.” He mumbles. Price pats Ghost on the shoulder as you watch them leave.
“So, König?” Soap asks as he sits down, nodding towards the masked man. You take note that a beanie rests atop his head in place of his usual tac helmet.
“Hmm?” König asks, suddenly alert. His eyes dart until they land on Soap.
“How many drinks is it gonna take for you to shed the mask?” The scot asks. König grows quiet, tightly gripping his beer bottle by the neck.
“Nein, I do not–” König begins before Soap jumps up, fist down on the table.
“Nine?!” Soap laughs, “Keep em comin’, Ghost!” Soap hollers towards the bar. König shakes his head profusely.
“No, that is not what I meant.” König tries to clear the situation up, but is drowned out by noise as Gaz and Soap laugh together. Laswell shoots you a knowing glance. You feel for her, being the only woman to watch these children.
“You went with the dress I suggested.” Laswell notes, a proud smile gracing her lips.
“I did.” You remark, blushing, “It's a bit tighter than what I’m used to.” You admit, sitting up straighter as a few from the table look back to you.
“That's the point.” Laswell laughs, shooting you a quick wink.
Before you can ask what she means by that, Ghost and Price return with two trays of shots. Half the shots are a golden, bronze color and the others are crystal clear. You raise an eyebrow as Ghost sits down beside you.
“Get your bourbon?” You ask.
“Had three down at the bar. You’ve got some catching up to do, yeah?”
As everyone plucks shots from the trays, Ghost slides three in front of you with his knuckles. Two bourbons and one of the clear liquor.
“What's this?” You ask, picking up the shot and holding it under your nose. It burns your nostrils, stealing the air from your lungs and replacing it with a sharp sting.
“Patrón.” Ghost replies with a smirk. Your eyes follow as he grabs a clear shot from the tray with one hand, and pulls his mask up over his lips with the other. You’ve never seen his lips before. He brings the small glass to his lips, and you try to memorize the shape of his them, the jut of his jaw. It's gone in a flash as he downs the shot like it’s water before pulling his balaclava down over his chin.
“Your turn.” He smirks, giant hand pushing the shot glass towards you.
You follow suit, throwing your head back and letting the alcohol slide down your throat. You grimace at its strength, making a sour face.
“Fuckin hell.” You cough.
“You’ve got a bit of catching up to do.” Laswell points out, nodding down the table. You notice as Gaz takes the last shot from the first tray and your eyes boggle.
An hour later
Steady music thumps through the building. It feels slow, sensual. Maybe it’s because you’re wasted, but your confidence is through the roof as you make your way across the dance floor. Your eyes are locked onto your group, specifically searching for Ghost. The more alcohol that enters your system, the more you find yourself staring at him, noticing his every movement, every breath. You’d never allow yourself these thoughts while sober– the thought of wanting your Lieutenant is out of the question when your mind is clear, but right now it’s not. Your eyes search for him as you make your way back to the VIP section.
“Lt?” You ask, sliding back onto the velvet sofa.
“Went for a piss.” Soap exclaims.
“Why don’t you go meet him in the bathroom, maybe he could finally bend ya ov–” Johnny starts.
“Soap!” Price cuts him off harshly. Soap only laughs, looking down the table to Gaz and the Captain. You look between the two of them, absolutely oblivious to the jokes that have been passed around the table all night.
“Oh, come on, Captain! He wants her and everyone knows it. We all see that shriveled up, cold, dead heart meltin’ at the sight of this bonnie.” Soap points to you.
“Bloody hell, we bet on it!” Gaz chuckles, adjusting his cap.
“I must admit, I do see it.” König adds in. You squint down the table at him, and he immediately looks away. Price looks down at the boys like he’s schooling children. Your mouth falls open, taking in all the new information.
“Remember that's your lieutenant you’re talking about. Leave his private life alone. You know how Simon is.” Price interjects, stopping the conversation before it gets out of hand. You blush fiercely, taken aback by their words. You don’t even think about what they’ve said, you can’t. Price looks to you apologetically.
“What?” You ask, looking between them. “Ghost?” You double check, making sure that your hearing hasn’t totally left you.
“He’s gone on you, mate.” Gaz adds, tone more serious than you would have expected.
“Christ, just pass me another drink.” You say, extending your hand out as König slides a shot down the table.
Thirty minutes later
You can feel his eyes on you. They’re burning through the thin fabric of your dress, where your breasts rest perfectly inside the silk, where the curve of your ass swells just above the hem of the dress. Your cheeks blush, whether from his eyes or the alcohol you’re not sure. Ghost doesn’t even try to hide his gaze, openly staring at you across the floor. His bourbon is held tightly in his hand as he watches you twirl on the dance floor between Soap and König. The lights aren't nearly as bright as your smile, and the night isn’t nearly as dark as the glint in your eyes.
Ghost had watched men approach you on several occasions, and each time Soap shoved them away from you. You hadn’t given any of them the time of day. But Ghost? You’re taunting him, testing his self control to the point that he’s about to break. Every swing of your hips accompanies a purposeful glint in your eyes, a subtle bite of your lip. You’re teasing him, and he can’t take it.
He deserves it. This is payback. He’s been apparently wanting you for months, and everyone in the damn Task Force knew about it but you. You’ve had enough of it. You extend your drink out for Soap to hold, accidentally bumping it against his chest and spilling a bit down his shirt. He takes the glass with furrowed eyebrows, looking down at your tipsy frame.
“Where ya headin’ to?” He yells over the music.
“Have to use the bathroom. I’ll be right back, j-just watch my drink.” You stumble over your words, eyes never leaving Ghost’s. Soap nods, taking your cocktail and continuing his conversation with König.
Ghost inhales deeply from across the room, eyes fixated on the taunting little “come hither” motion of your finger. You turn away from him, making your way towards the VIP bathrooms. You walk slow enough that he can follow after you, not that you’re even capable of walking too fast, lest you lose your balance and fall over. You push past a few other people, your heart beating quickly as you go. The music is loud and the lights are low, which you’re grateful for. Hopefully no one notices Ghost trailing behind you. A warm buzz radiates in your chest, pulsing down your bones as the liquor you’ve been downing boosts your confidence and slows your movements.
You push the door open, stepping into the dimly lit bathroom. It’s clean and orderly, perks of the VIP section. Immediately, you walk in front of the oval mirror, checking over your outfit and fixing your hair. You reapply a quick layer of red lipstick, tucking it back into your purse just as you hear the lock click.
Before you can turn around, a solid warmth presses against your back. Ghost. The sink digs into your hip bones as he sandwiches you in, one hand pushing your hair over your shoulder. His skin on yours is more intoxicating than any drinks you've had tonight. He's never touched you, not like this. You giggle, tipsy as ever as he rolls his balaclava over his nose.
"Ghost–" You whine, fingers clenching around the sink as he gently nips at the skin of your neck. He inhales your perfume, exhaling in a deep growl that rumbles through you.
"Simon." He corrects, hands wrapping around your hips. For just a moment, you sober up. He wants you to use his real name?
Your coherent thoughts fall away as he turns you around, hands nearly bruising your waist. He kisses you. It's sloppy and drunk, but it's everything. All the months of wondering, and hoping– he's kissing you. If you'd known it would only take a few rounds of drinks for the courage, you would have gotten drunk with him earlier. Painted fingernails dig into his shoulders as you lean up for more. His tongue delves into your mouth, and you whine. He tastes like his favorite bourbon, smells like expensive cologne– his signature scent that you could recognize anywhere. Eventually, you pull away for the oxygen that he's so easily stolen from you.
"Everyone said…" You take a deep breath, glassy eyes flicking from his scarred lips and chin up to his eyes. He waits for a response, but sees hesitation.
"Hmmm, what did they say, love?"
"They said you wanted me."
"How couldn't I?" Ghost growls.
You yelp as he grabs underneath your thighs and lifts you up onto the sink. His hands are massive, maneuvering you as if he was trained to do so. Your legs wrap around his waist, grinding against the pressure in his jeans.
"Fuckin hell, I've wanted you since you first joined the Task Force." Ghost growls in between kisses and bites to your pulsepoint.
You think back to all that time ago. It seems like ages since you met the cool headed, brooding, terrifying Simon "Ghost" Riley. You remember thinking how easily he could break you. Now?– Oh, how you want him to.
Hearing him say it out loud sends a wave of need straight to your core. Your hands shoot for his black leather belt, but he shakes his head, stopping you before you can unclasp it.
"Not here, love." He shakes his head, gripping your chin to press one slow, sweet kiss to your plump lips. Your eyes slip shut, and you pout as he pulls away from you and slides his balaclava back down over his chin. Disappointment pools over you as you search for an explanation.
"Flat's not far." Is all he says before he grabs your wrist and pulls you off the sink. He unlocks the bathroom door and begins pulling you back towards the crowd. "Here. Order us an Uber, yeah?" Simon asks you, slipping his phone into your free hand.
It's too much for your drunken mind to take in as he leads you through the crowd of people. Colored lights strobe, making it hard for you to make out faces, but eventually you spot your group across the club. Soap is still holding your drink, but now he's looking around. Price and Laswell are with him, eyebrows drawn together in worry.
Remembering your task, you look down to Ghost’s phone. It's already opened up to the app, but messages are coming in and you can't swipe them away quick enough. The light bothers your eyes, and you attempt to read the messages as they flutter across the blurry screen.
Cpt. Price:
-Is y/n with you at the table? We seem to have lost her. Very worried.
You swipe the message away, and quickly order an Uber to Ghost’s saved home address. It's difficult, and you have to squint to make out all the swirling numbers and bright lights. But eventually, even in your state, you manage to get a confirmation code and receipt. An unsaved number pops up, more than one notification at a time lighting up the screen:
-LT, where'd you end up?
-Y/n asked me to hold her drink, disappeared on me.
-HAHA! Getting a pump, eh, LT? No worries, lad. I'll tell the Cap what's going on.
Several erotic emojis pop up on the screen and you blush fiercely. Then you giggle. Soap, of course. You shake your head to rid yourself of the idea. The last thing you want is for Soap to blab about this.
Simon pulls you through the exit and into the cold night. The breeze causes a shiver to run up your spine, and your dress helps none. As he leads you towards the road, you check the address once more and slip Simon’s phone back into his blazer pocket.
"I d-didn't know you lived in Manchester." You whisper as he leads you out into the cold night.
"Manny, born and raised.” You can hear Ghost huff through his mask, as if something humors him, “But no one knows where I live." He mutters, leading you down towards the busy street.
No one except for you.
Cars pass by, and scantily clad men and women rush down the sidewalks searching for the same pleasure that you’re seeking. You bite your lip, feeling a bit nervous now that this is actually happening. Simon squeezes your hand.
A steady trickle of rain begins to sprinkle down from the dark night sky, and goosebumps trail down your bare arms and legs. As soon as you tense, Simon is pulling his blazer off.
“Simon, that's not necessary, really–” You begin to protest, but he is already wrapping the expensive jacket around your shoulders.
“Hush.” He warns, and you obey. It's instinct. He’s your lieutenant after all.
You can see the tug of a smirk under his mask, blonde eyelashes fluttering as his brown orbs flick down over your body. You frown lightly, feeling bad that he’s given up his jacket for your sake.
“Don’t worry, love. I'll be taking it all off soon, yeah?”
The alcohol buzzing through your system, making everything fuzzy, only intensifies the burning desire in between your legs. You don’t know how much longer you can wait. If you had it your way, he would have already taken you, bent you over the sink and had his way. The thought alone causes butterflies to fall in your stomach. Cold fingers wrap around Simon’s phone, still resting in the coat you’re now wearing. His recent notifications are all from Soap, and you scroll through them until a new one pops up on the screen.
“Car’s here.” You whisper, half lidded eyes searching until you find the sleek, black Volvo as it pulls against the curb. He takes your hand again, pulling you towards the car.
“Simon, how long is this ride gonna be? I don’t know how much longer I can take this.” You admit, wanting nothing more than to tear your damn dress to shreds and throw yourself at the man beside you. He only huffs, showing a self restraint that you could only dream of.
“Patience.” Is all he says as he opens the car door for you. You step inside the nice car, scooting towards the other side to make room for Simon to sit in the back with you. You see the momentary panic in the driver’s eyes as a 6’4 masked man climbs into his backseat, but Simon only places his hand on your thigh and politely confirms the details with the man.
Simon grips your thigh, the large pads of his fingers leaving imprints on your soft flesh. You shake your ankle, distracting yourself from the desire growing in your abdomen.
“Drive fast, yeah?” Simon mumbles, sliding twenty quid to the driver.
The door lock clicks. Simon checks it twice.
His hands are on you in an instant, picking you up by your thighs and pushing you up against the wall. He didn’t turn the lights on, and your eyes struggle to adjust to the dark as Simon’s lips run over your jaw in sloppy kisses. You moan, hands wrapping around his neck and resting on the back of his balaclava.
“Simon, please–” You whine, throwing your head back as he nips your earlobe.
“Just a second, darling.” Ghost growls, holding you against him. He carries you through the dark flat, maneuvering drunkenly down an even darker hall. He approaches a door, and kicks it open like a human battering ram. You’re slowing him down, your lips pressing against him everywhere that they can reach, leaving love bites that he’ll still have in the morning. You kick your heels off before he even sets you down, your hands tearing off the blazer from your limbs. It hits the ground, Simon’s phone buzzing silently in the pocket. He’ll find several missed calls from the boys in the morning. You don’t even want to think about the notifications your phone is receiving. Luckily, you dropped your purse as soon as you entered the front door, so it can be a problem for tomorrow.
Simon gently tosses you down on his king sized bed, and you fall onto the plush black blankets. They’re warm and soft and they smell like him. It’s all too intoxicating. You lean forward and unclasp Simon’s belt buckle as quickly as your intoxicated hands can manage as he pulls his shirt over his head, not bothering to unbutton it. You’re taken aback as you notice a sizable scar on his ribs. It's a messy, deep, pink scar that indents into his otherwise pale skin. Your eyebrows wrinkle, fingertips brushing near the flesh before he snatches your hand away, squeezing it too tight to the point that it hurts.
“Don’t.” Is all he says. It’s a warning, and you blush a deep crimson out of embarrassment.
“Sorry.” You mutter, quietly. Simon brings your hand up to his lips, pressing a slow kiss to your knuckles.
Ghost leans forward, hand gripping the side of your neck as he kisses you again. His balaclava tickles your nose as you deepen the kiss, leaning more into him. Any embarrassment or awkwardness from your last interaction falls away as he pushes his jeans down over his legs, lips still interlocked with yours. Simon steps out of his jeans and boxers, and your jaw falls slack.
“Simon–” You stutter, eyes fixated on the length between his legs. Your eyes flick back up to his face, seeing the proud smirk he wears, even through the mask.. He simply won’t fit. It’s just not possible– He’s too big.
“I can’t-” You shake your head.
“I’ll be gentle, love.” He reassures, climbing overtop of you on the bed. Nervously, you nod. You trust him. Big hands grab you by the waist and flip you onto your stomach. You whine, clutching the sheets below you. He shushes you, and you gasp as golden beads and zipper teeth fly across the room, bouncing off of the floor and the glass window overlooking the city. A loud tear rings out as Ghost shreds your dress from the seams.
“Fuck, Simon! That was expensive!” You yelp as he pulls the ruined fabric from your body, discarding it on the floor. Laswell’s gonna kill you.
“I’ll buy you a new one.” He growls, warm hand running down your bare back. His finger loops under the black lace thong you’re wearing. Simon smirks, “All for me?” He asks, releasing the lace so it smacks back down onto your skin.
“Yes– all for you, only you, Simon.” You mumble, pushing your ass back up in hopes that he’ll touch you.
“That’s my girl.”
You moan at his words, hands moving to your hips to shove the lace down off your legs, but he brushes your hands away, stopping you.
“Leave it on.” Simon rumbles at your back. You nod your head against the pillow, bringing your hands to rest under your head. Ghost pulls your thong string to the side, letting it rest just out of the way.
“Fuckin ‘ell, love.” Simon takes a breath, trying to keep the control that you’re so close to snapping as his fingers trail over your dripping folds.
“Fuck, Simon. Stop teasing.” You beg, hips pushing back against his hand. He chuckles, dipping two fingers into your throbbing cunt.
“O-Oh!” You whine, gripping the sheets as he hooks his thick fingers, hitting every sweet spot inside of you. Simon kisses your back, nudging your legs with his less busy hand so that they’re folded under your stomach and spread apart. He positions you low enough that your stomach touches the bed. He curls his fingers, scissoring them occasionally as you throb and whine for him. He groans at the noises you make, working you open until you’re ready.
“Perfect.” He grumbles, sliding his fingers out of you. You whine in confusion until you feel the tip of his length teasing at your entrance.
“Ready, love?” Ghost asks. You moan, biting your lip and nodding your head.
“I need to hear you say it.”
“Yes. Im ready, just– please Simon, fuck!” You stutter.
Simon slowly pushes in, and you gasp for air as he parts you like the fucking red sea. It hurts a little, and your nose wrinkles as you exhale. Simon notices the hitch in your breath, carefully examining your reaction to make sure you’re comfortable. It only takes a few moments for you to acclimate, and then he feels incredible. His size stretches you, reaching depths you didn't think possible. He hits every sweet spot as he spears into you.
Simon’s chest presses against your back as he pushes into you. His scarred lips lock onto your neck, biting you as he fucks you from behind. He grips the headboard to steady himself, nearly leaving indents in the wood as he thrusts.
It's rough, drunk and sloppy as he drills into you. He starts out at a slow and steady pace, grinding into you rhythmically so as to not hurt you. Your exhales become sharp huffs, swirling together with the puffs of air he exhales next to your ear. If only you could turn around and kiss him again. You crave his lips against yours, satisfying the craving you’ve been ignoring for so long. But you know Simon might not be ready for that level of intimacy yet. You’ve heard stories, connected the dots.
All too soon, you find yourself teetering on the edge from his movements. You gasp and moan under him, whimpering out his name so loudly that you’re sure the entire building can hear. The headboard rocks against the wall with every thrust, loudly slamming and leaving dents in the drywall. Neither of you care, too wrapped up in each other to even realize.
Your neck is bruised from Simon’s lips, adding to the pleasure that’s pushing you over the edge. You fight it, but lose as pulsing heat tears through your core. Stars explode in your vision, eyes shut tight enough that they wrinkle.
“F-uck, Simon!” You scream, nails digging into the sheets as your whole body trembles with the weight of your orgasm. Your walls squeeze Simon’s length in time with his thrusts, turning him into a groaning mess.
“Bloody fuckin ‘ell." Simon groans, accent thicker than usual. His warm breath tickles your ear, and you gasp as he bottoms out, hitting your cervix.
“You- You on the pill?” Simon manages to stutter out between deep grunts. He can’t risk pregnancy, can’t be a father. But you feel so fucking good and he can’t bring himself to unbury himself from your perfect, dripping cunt.
“Got the patch– you’re good. Just fucking fill me up, please.” You beg, rocking your hips against him. He nearly curses at your words. You have a foul mouth in bed, something he wouldn’t have guessed. You whimper his name, and that’s all it takes.
Simon grunts deep and guttural, and with one an iron grip on your hips, he fills you up with his spend. You moan, taking it all until you can’t, and it comes dripping out around him before he’s even finished.
“That’s it, fffuck– y/n.” He grunts as the last of his seed spills out.
You press your forehead against the sheets, wincing as he pulls out of you and collapses beside you on the bed. A sheen of sweat lines both your bodies, but as much as you’d like a shower, you’re exhausted. A digital clock rests on the table beside Simon’s bed, and you sit up, squinting to look at it. 0300. Damn.
You look back towards Simon. He’s half sitting up against the headboard, half laying down. You notice the thousand yard stare that he’s putting off, and you gently cup his chin, pulling his gaze towards you.
“You okay?” You ask, rolling up his balaclava with your dainty fingers. You uncover the subtle smile on his lips. You smile in retur, half lidded eyes focusing on the shape of his lips. Your thumb traces over them gently.
“Better now.” He whispers. You press a kiss to his lips, slow and sweet before pulling away.
“Get some sleep, love.” He says, softer than you’ve ever heard his voice. Much to his surprise, you tuck yourself into the crook of his side, wrapping your arms around his torso. Sleep overcomes you almost immediately. He’s too warm, too perfect. It’d be impossible for you to stay awake next to the comforting, human heater that he is.
Simon hesitates. It’s been a long time since anyone has been this close to him. The bourbon gave him confidence enough to bring you home, but this is a very new territory, and not even the alcohol can guide him through this one. Sex is one thing, but intimacy? Emotional vulnerability? Simon burned those handbooks long ago.
“Love?” He asks, awkwardly looking to see if you’re awake. You don’t respond, asleep he confirms. Simon’s not sure what to do. He doesn’t want to move you. Are you comfortable? Is he too close? Too warm?
He sighs, looking down at your arms tightly wound around him. No one’s shown him this type of affection, not ever. He’s not sure how to reciprocate it, but he wants to. One day at a time. Simon pulls the blanket up over your waist, checking twice to make sure that it's covering you. Carefully, he places a hand over your back, feeling your soft skin against his.
He doesn’t sleep at all, opting to stay awake and watch the small rise and fall of your back on his lap. He doesn’t deserve you, he's sure. But you’re here, and that’s something.
#simon ghost riley x you#simon ghost riley#simon ghost riley x reader#call of duty fanfic#call of duty modern warfare 2#call of duty mw2#simon ghost riley x female reader#simon riley x reader#ghost call of duty#ghost mw2#ghost cod#call of duty#cod mw2
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Clara!!!!!! congrats angel on 1.5k!!! so well deserved🥹🥹
sending in a 🍍+ i am white and it’s not an ethnicity but i am also a redhead (pls use margowritesthings and not this aesthetic-less trash blog hehehe thank you <3)
I've seen you once before I think, in a tumblr live, but I decided to disregard that and create your simself the way I envisioned you before 💕
#— celebration; 1.5k!#— ask.#˚₊·͟͟͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞͞͞➳❥ margo#the headband is a staple - it might be bc of the daphne icon but i think youd rock it regardless<3
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✏ 20 Questions For Fic Writers
Thank you for the tag @word-wytch! 🥰 Since I don't post on AO3 currently, I'm gonna sorta tweak this to what I have posted here on tumblr.
1) How many works do you have on AO3? - 4
2) What’s your total AO3 word count? - about 196k I cannot write short things. 😅
3) What fandoms do you write for? - everything I currently have posted is from my time in the Rami Malek fandom, so I've written for the Night at the Museum fandom, the Mr. Robot fandom, and The Pacific fandom. Now I find myself writing in the Stranger Things fandom, more specifically the Eddie Munson fandom, and soon I'll also be writing for the Red Dead Redemption 2 fandom. I just haven’t posted anything yet.
4) What are your top five fics by kudos? - well since I only have 4 posted...Left to Ruin has the most like as a whole.
5) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? - I absolutely do. Or try my hardest to reply to them all. My writing thrives on validation, so I always want to thank those kind enough to take the time to feed that part of me. 😅
6) What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? - Definitely Left to Ruin. But everyone should've known that was gonna have a rough ending from the start considering the narrative.
7) What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? - Well, considering my Beautiful Stranger series in an indefinite hiatus, and Left to Ruin was real fucking sad, I guess Black Friday had the happiest ending?
8) Do you get hate on fics? - I haven't yet. And I hope I don't. Not sure my anxiety could take that.
9) Do you write smut? If so, what kinds? - Oooh yes. 😏😏😏 And it depends on my mood and the mood of the chapter/part I'm writing. Also the characters play a part in the kind of smut I'm writing.
10) Do you write crossovers? I did a long time ago. I think it's still on FF.net. lol
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen? - Uh, not that I know of.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated? - Nope
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before? - Yes, it's on my master list.
14) What’s your all time favorite ship? - Uhhhh whoever I'm hyper fixated on with an OC my brain thinks up.
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? - Probably my Beautiful Stranger series. I have so much outlined but my brain is not focused enough to go back to that right now. 🤷🏻♀️
16) What are your writing strengths? - ummm. I work really hard on characterization and dialogue. Backstories too.
17) What are your writing weaknesses? - definitely spelling. 😅
18) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? - Like using Google Translate?? 🤔
19) First fandom you wrote for? - Twilight...i was a freshman in high school. 😅
20) Favorite fic you’ve written? - Definitely Left to Ruin.
Tagging @twola, @margowritesthings and anyone else who'd like to do this...I don't have a whole lot of writer friends on here. 🥲
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