#sorry for the caps i get excited when i see pretty masterlists
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jen-with-a-pen · 2 years ago
@rookthorne highly HIGHLY recommend Margo's works!!!! She does an amazing job at writing our cowboy husband 👀🫣
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➵ Romeo and Juliet smut, 18+, you're an O'Driscoll, who has captured the attention of one Arthur Morgan
➵The Meaning of the Scar crossover, the tales that take place after Arthur Morgan's death, when he becomes an undead Hand of God, hunting down the supernatural
➵ The Greatest Gift fluff, smut, some parts 18+, you give Arthur the greatest gift he could receive: his daughter
➵ Mob AU smut, 18+, Alternate Universe, Arthur Morgan runs a club in the city of Saint Denis, you're the wife he is absolutely devoted to
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➵ Good Girl - part 1 | part 2 smut, 18+, you're riding with Arthur when you realise you really like it when he does a particular thing...
➵ Fate: A Word Meaning Destiny angst, fluff, smut, 18+, you're a ranch hand, whose home is under attack from bandits. a mysterious stranger saves your life
➵ What's Mine Is Mine suggestive smuttiness, someone is hitting on you at the bar and Arthur must make sure everyone knows you're his
➵ Ghosts and Smoke angst, following your journey to say a final goodbye to Arthur
➵ ...For They Shall Obtain Mercy angst, collab with @cowboydisaster, after your death, Arthur is diagnosed with tuberculosis. he can't wait to see you again.
➵ The Way I See You smut, fluff, 18+, Arthur helps you get past your insecurities
➵ Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? fluff, you and Arthur decide to be honest about your secret relationship
➵ A Bit of a Mess fluff, slight angst, you and Arthur bake cookies
➵ The Long Night fluff, modern AU, when your dog is taken to the vets, Arthur is right by your side
➵ Some Company smut, 18+, a few weeks after you join the gang, you share a sleepless night with the enforcer who saved you
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➵ Mr and Mrs Macintosh fluff, you and your new husband check into the saloon for your wedding night
➵ Blood On His Hands smut, 18+, it's your time of the month, but Dutch has some insights from a Mr. Evelyn Miller to share with you
➵ Vedova Nera smut, 18+, you're a hired assassin, and eliminating Dutch van der Linde is your next assignment
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waitimcomingtoo · 11 months ago
Smell Ya Later
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Synopsis: you get a new body cream that allegedly attracts spiders, and someone else
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Whenever you needed a some space from your everyday routines, you packed up your stuff and spent the weekend in your room at the Stark Tower. You had spent the day shopping and picked up a few self care items, including a new body cream you had seen online. Once night had fallen and you felt you had shopped enough, you retreated back to your room and sat at your desk to look at the things you had bought.
“Let’s see how you smell.” You said as you twisted the cap off the body cream. You had barely raised the jar to your nose when Peter appeared the doorway of your room.
“Hey.” He greeted.
“Jeez. You scared me. I didn’t know you were here tonight.” You laughed and put your hand over your pounding heart.
“Yeah, I’m spending the weekend here to give my aunt some time with her boyfriend. But, sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I was walking by and wanted to come say hi.” He laughed shyly.
“Oh. Well, hi.” You smiled and gave him a little wave.
“Mm. Something smells really good in here.” Peter sniffed the air as he walked into your room. You were pretty sure this was the first tike Peter was actually in your room and that made you gulp.
“Really? I don’t smell anything.”
“Maybe it’s just the air. Girls rooms always smell good.” He shrugged.
“Are you in a lot of girls rooms?” You asked teasingly but were dying to know the answer.
“No.” He chuckled. “But I remember from going over to girls houses for group projects and stuff in middle school. Plus, Natasha’s and Wanda’s room always smells good when I walk by. Not that I go around sniffing everyone’s rooms.”
“I’m starting to think you might.” You mumbled out of the corner of your mouth.
“I don’t, I swear. Did you just go shopping?” He laughed and leaned against your desk. You sucked in a sharp breath over the close proximity and nodded your head.
“I did. But I didn’t get anything exciting.”
“What do you mean? This looks very exciting. What is this?” Peter asked as he held up a fluffy headband with a large bow at the front.
“A headband to keep my hair out of my face when I wash it.”
“Oh. I thought it was a giant scrunchie. Or a really small tube top.” Peter pursed his lips as he turned the headband over in his hands to try and understand it.
“No. Neither.” You laughed shyly as you watched him touch your things.
“What’s this thing?” He asked and held up your heartless curls rod.
“It’s for heartless curls.” You replied, making Peter look at you in confusion.
“You know. Curling your hair. With no heat.”
“This tiny pool noodle curls your hair?” Peter asked in disbelief and held up the limp rod.
“Yes. You wrap it around this and sleep in it. Then you wake up with curly hair.” You explained and wrapped a strand of your hair around it to demonstrate.
“Okay. I’m getting closer to understanding. What role does this thing play in all of that that?” Peter asked as he picked up a claw clip from your desk and opened it a few times.
“You use this to clip the rod onto your head while you wrap your hair.” You informed him.
“Wow. Sometimes I feel like girls live in an entirely different secret world than boys. Like, I just put water in my hair and say I’m ready. But you guys have all these fun fancy contraptions.” He smiled as he played with a scrunchie on your desk.
“Yeah. I guess it is kinda fun.” You shrugged as you looked at all the silly contraptions laid out in your desk.
“Woah. What’s this thing?” Peter gasped and picked up your jade roller that was still in the package.
“It’s called a jade roller.”
“You’re gonna have to explain.” He said and looked to you for help.
“I haven’t tried it yet but basically you put it in the refrigerator and then roll it on your face to decrease puffiness in the morning.” You explained as you took it out of the box.
“And it works?”
“I don’t know. But it feels good.” You shrugged and rolled it up and down your cheek.
“I can’t imagine that medieval looking thing feeling good.” Peter mumbled.
“It does. Come here.” You beckoned him with your finger and he leaned down closer to your face. You smiled timidly at him as you rolled it up and down his face.
“See? It feels nice, right?” You asked in a soft voice.
“I’ve never experienced this feeling before.” Peter said and closed his eyes peacefully.
“You should get one.” You chuckled and rolled it on his forehead.
“I don’t know. Mr. Stark already made fun of me for my Lana Del Ray poster. If he sees this in my room he might think I’m a little weirdo.”
“Who cares what he thinks? He has a “nail girl” for his weekly manicures and pedicures. And I think it’s attractive when a guy cares about his hygiene. Which says a lot about my standards now that I say that out loud.” You realized and thought about that for a minute.
“Maybe I will get one then. Because I care about my hygiene. A lot. More than the other guys you know, I bet.” Peter bragged, making you laugh.
“I would not have a hard time believing that.” You answered honestly.
“Why do you need all this stuff anyway? You’re so pretty.” Peter asked as he gestured to all the things on your desk. Guy cracked a smile at his casual compliment but didn’t make a big deal out of it.
“It guess it’s like you said. It’s fun. I like using these things when I’m having quiet time by myself.”
“I like that. That’s something new I just learned about you. I also didn’t know your last name until right now.” Peter tapped a school paper on your desk that said your full name. You laughed as he stood up and headed towards your door. The moment was ending but it was the first time you really talked to Peter one on one in that way so you still took it as a win.
“Seriously. Something smells really good in here.” He said from your doorway.
“I think I smell it too now. Maybe somethings in the air.” You smiled shyly.
“Must be.” He smirked. “Goodnight, L/n.”
“Goodnight, Parker.” You called after him. Once he was gone, you stayed looking at the doorway with a starstruck smile on your face. You didn’t know what prompted Peter to talk to you all of the sudden but you were thankful to whatever it was.
The next day, you went downstairs for breakfast and found Natasha and Wanda in the kitchen. You stopped to talk to them for a minute as you finished rubbing your body cream onto your elbows.
“Ooo. You smell good. What is that?” Natasha asked you.
“It’s a body cream from that brand Sol De Janeiro. I’ve never used it before but it had good reviews.” You told her as you smelled your wrist to catch the scent again.
“Wow. It’s really nice.” She sniffed you again. “You smell like how Moana feels to watch.”
“Thank you.” You smiled. “But when did you watch Moana?”
“I was thinking more along the lines of luxury sunblock or every flower scented candle at Yankee Candle at once.” Wanda added.
“That description also works, thank you.” You nodded in agreement.
“That reminds me.” Natasha began. “I need to get a new perfume. I’ve become totally nose blind to mine and I can never tell-“
“Hey guys. Mmm. Something smells good. What is that?” Peter burst into the room suddenly full of energy while loudly sniffing the air. You smiled and waved at him and he immediately went over to you.
“It’s this one.” Wanda said and pointed to you. Peter put his hand on your back and stepped closer to you to taken whiff.
“Oh, yeah. It is you. You smell amazing.” He told you.
“Oh, thank you.” You laughed shyly. “It’s just my body cream.”
“God damn. It smells so good.” Peter gushed. “I’ve never smelled anything like that. What’s it called?”
“Um, I’m not sure. I could find out and tell you, though.” You offered.
“Yeah, sure. I probably wouldn’t use it because it smells like a woman angel that turned into a vanilla bean but I wouldn’t keep a jar around just to sniff. It smells amazing.” He insisted and moved close to you to inhale again.
“So you’ve said.” Natasha snorted and gave you a look. You gave her a confused look as Peter put his hands on your hips and nose right on your shoulder to smell you.
“Sorry. I just really love that scent. It makes me feel like that scene in Ratatouille.” Peter said.
“What scene?” You looked over your shoulder to ask him and tried not to scream over how he was holding you.
“When that guy eats the ratatouille.” He said simply. “Holy shit, L/n. You smell like a flower that was dipped in crystallized sugar and then rolled in fairy dust. I could smell you all day.”
Just then, Tony walked by and saw how close Peter was to you. He frowned when he heard Peter sniffing loudly and rolled up the magazine in his hand.
“Down boy. Bad. Off of her.” Tony said as he smacked Peter with the magazine.
“But she smells so good.” Peter whined.
“No. Bad. Bad boy.” Tony shook his head and continued hitting Peter with the magazine.
“Fine.” Peter grumbled. “Bye.”
“Bye.” You waved to him as he left the room. Once you were alone with the girls again, they looked at you with raised eyebrows.
“What?” You wondered.
“How long has that been going on?” Wanda asked you.
“How long has what been going on?”
“You and Peter.” Natasha replied.
“What? There’s nothing going on between me and Peter.” You forced a laugh and looked to the side.
“Well he clearly wants there to be something. I have not seen a boy that down bad since high school. Wait, how old are you guys again? 14?” Wanda asked.
“22.” You corrected. “And Peter is not down bad for me. I’m pretty sure he likes this girl from his school.”
“What’s her name?” Natasha asked.
“Liz.” You answered immediately. “I mean, I don’t know. Who cares?”
“Oh, so the crush is mutual?” Wanda nodded in understating.
“No. Nothing is mutual.” You scoffed. “This isn’t liberty.”
“Oh, you have it so bad.” Natasha laughed at how flustered you were getting.
“Nuh uh. Maybe you like Peter and you’re trying to deflect. Ever think about that?” You asked her.
“Right. I like a middle schooler who cries to Lana Del Ray on weeknights.” She answered sarcastically.
“She has very moving music.” You defended him.
“I think it’s cute that you guys like each other.” Wanda said. “And it makes total sense for you to be together. You’re the same age and have a similar lifestyle. Why not tell him how you feel?”
“Because I don’t like him.” You insisted. “And he doesn’t like me.”
“If he doesn’t like you then why was he just using you like a scratch and sniff?” Natasha raised an eyebrow.
“Maybe he just likes to sniff things.” You shrugged. “Maybe that’s his thing.”
“Or maybe you’re his thing.” Natasha replied.
“Do you really think he likes me?” You asked them hopefully.
“I always kinda thought he did.” Wanda admitted. “And After that disturbing encounter, there’s no doubt in my mind. He’s definitely into you.”
“Hm.” You hummed and thought about it. You’d always had a secret crush on him and he had no idea so maybe it was possible that he felt the same way about you without you ever realizing.
You spent the day thinking about what the girls had said. Your thinking was interrupted when Peter returned to your room that night and took a whiff of the air.
“Mm. Smells good in here.” He noted.
“I have a candle on. I mean, lit.” You corrected yourself and pointed to your candle.
“Don’t knock it over and burn your room down. That happened to Brittany Spears, you know.”
“Oh, I know.” You insisted. “I watch all the videos of her spinning in her living room.”
“Same.” He laughed. “What are you doing right now?”
“Nothing. Why?”
“I was gonna go grab food. Would you want to-“
“Yes.” You said immediately. You felt embarrassed for answering so fast but Peter didn’t seem to mind.
“Cool. Let’s go.” He said and nodded towards the door.
Thirty minutes later, you were sitting on a bench outside of Delmar’s with sandwiches and bottles of ice tea. Peter picked the place and you followed his lead when ordering because he seemed like a regular.
“And why is it flat?” You asked him as he held up his squished sandwich.
“Because it tastes better the flatter it is, duh. Try it.” He insisted and gestured to your squished sandwich. You gave him a skeptical look before giving it a bite.
“Okay. You might be on to something.” You admitted once you had swallowed.
“Thank you. Every few years my brain lets me have one good idea.” Peter said as he happily chewed his sandwich.
“What was the good idea before this one?”
“Chips in my sandwich.”
“I see. And are these ideas always sandwich related?” You chuckled.
“Wait.” He gasped. “Yeah. They are.”
“Maybe it’s a sign. Maybe you’re a natural born sandwich maker.” You shrugged.
“Maybe I’m Jersey Mike.” He gasped even louder, making you laugh. People were looking but you were too excited to be there with him to care.
“I was gonna say you’re Jared from Subway but I think he’s a pedophile or something.” You told him.
“What? No way.” Peter scoffed and pulled out his phone to google it.
“Oh damn. You’re right.” He realized. “Wow. Even Jared from Subway is a bad guy? Is no one safe?”.
“I mean, you could really say any male celebrities name and there’s like a 50% chance he has charges against him.” You shrugged.
“That’s so true. My record is clean, by the way.” Peter told you. “Until my identity gets revealed. Then I’m looking at a lifetime of property damages and breaking and entering charges.”
“Oh, for me too. I have trespassed more times than I’ve actually been invited somewhere.” You answered. Peter laughed and then looked at you fondly for a minute. You grew self conscious under his gaze and nervously cleared your throat.
“I’m sorry. I keep getting distracted by your perfume.” He admitted. “I can’t get over how good it smells. You smell like the freaking sugarplum fairy.”
“Thank you. You smell good too.” You complicated and nudged him a little.
“That’s because I stole some of Mr. Starks super expensive cologne before we left. He called me to his room once just to show me the price tag on it. I thought it was his social security number at first. And the bottle is so small. I thought it was stupid to spend so much on such a tiny bottle but now that I’m wearing it I feel like I really want to fire someone.”
“I can’t say I’ve ever felt that feeling.”
“Me either. Until today. I smell like a whole different tax bracket right now and I don’t know if I can go back to my Axe Dark Temptation spray. I don’t want to smell like the bourgeois anymore.”
“Thats so funny.” You chuckled. “Do you always take his cologne?”
“Never. Just for today because I knew I was gonna ask you to hang out.” He said before taking a bite. You paused and sat with the implication that he did something just to impress you.
“I’m flattered to know you stole for me.” You said with a coy smile.
“Well you always smell amazing so I didn’t want you to think you were hanging out with some stinky rat.” Peter explained.
“I would never say that about you. I must say, you’re the best smelling rat I’ve been around.”
“Since we live in New York, I’m taking that as a compliment and letting it inflate my ego.” Peter warned you.
“Your ego must be pretty big already though, right? If I was a guy your age who looked like you did and could do the things you can do, I’d be super annoying about it. Like, raise my hand in class using two fingers and ask a question that’s just a roundabout way to show off how intelligent I am kind of annoying.”
“Looks like me? Can you elaborate on that, please, miss?” He asked with a cheeky smile.
“You know.” You rolled your eyes playfully. “Giant muscles. Giant brown eyes. I don’t know much about spiders but giant something else, I’m guessing. That spider bite served you well.”
“Stop. I’m shy.” Peter laughed and covered his face with his hands
“Come on.” You groaned. “You have to know you’re cute.”
“My aunt says I’m a handsome little lad.” He said and batted his eyelashes to make you laugh.
“She’s right.” You laughed. “But seriously. If my arms looked like that I’d only wear tight white shirts and ridiculously skinny jeans. And obviously slick my hair back like a Greaser. A full Soda Pop Curtis, if you will.”
“Oh, so you’re an Outsiders fan? This is me trying to maintain a regular conversation while hoping my heart rate returns to normal after being bombarded with compliments, by the way.” Peter said with a rosy blush on his face.
“I love The Outsiders. I’m still chasing the high I felt when my teacher played the movie for us in 5th grade and Soda Pop came out of the shower in the beginning. I think all the girls in that room remember that moment. I haven’t felt that way since.”
“Really? Never?”
“Maybe once or twice.” You smiled fondly at him.
“Well, to answer your question, I am actually a total loser at school and have an ego the size of a walnut. No one knows I can do the things I can do so I’m just another goofy goober on campus.”
“How can you saw you’re a goober when you’ve probably saved the life of every person in your school? More than once I might add.”
“Because I didn’t do that stuff. Spiderman did.” He explained. “When I’m on campus, I’m just me. It’s the only way to protect my identity. I have to let all the credit go to someone else.”
“Okay, I get not taking credit to remain humble and anonymous and what not, but what about all the other cool stuff you can do? I’ve seen you move a refrigerator with ease and casually run a mile without breaking a sweat. How do you resist the urge to show off all the time?”
“Because I wasn’t some sports star before I was bitten so it would be highly suspicious if I showed up one day and started dunking on everyone and breaking their ankles and third sports term. I only want to use my abilities to help people. Not to get popular.” He shrugged. As he spoke, you felt your crush on him turned into full blown infactuation. You’d always liked him from afar but now that you were getting to know him, he was even better than you thought.
“You’re better than me. I’d be doing backflips down the hallway and climbing on the walls. And if I got in trouble, I’d just be like “remember when New York wasn’t taken over by aliens? You’re welcome, bitch.” And then I’d swing away and probably kiss a cheerleader. Maybe even two.” You told him.
“Uh uh. My powers have definitely not gotten me any kisses from cheerleaders.” He laughed and shook his head.
“So you don’t have a girlfriend or anything?” You asked and couldn’t help but smile.
“No. My roster is empty. And I wish I could blame that on the Spiderman stuff but I can’t. I’ve never been lucky in that department.”
“I don’t understand that. You’re so…” You trailed off when you realized you were about to say too much. Peter looked at you with a coy smile and raised his eyebrows.
“So?” He asked.
“So annoying.” You insisted. “And ugly, actually.”
Luckily, he understood that you were saying the opposite of what you meant and smiled in appreciation.
“What about you? You must have a boyfriend and 10 guys lined up ready to take his place the second he falters, right?”
“11 guys.” You corrected.
“Damn. I’m sorry. I should’ve known.” He said and held up his hands in defense.
“It’s okay. How could you have known? But, um, no. No boyfriend.” You told him and watched carefully for a reaction.
“So you don’t like anyone at your school?”
“Not at school, no.”
“Oh. So there is someone.” He smirked.
“There may or may not be a boy. But he likes someone else so it doesn’t even matter.” You waved your hand in dismissal.
“Does he know you like him?” Peter asked. Your knees and elbows were touching as you sat together on that bench. You couldn’t help but notice he had gotten closer and closer as you talked.
“No.” You replied as you stared into Peter’s eyes.
“That’s obviously why he likes someone else.” Peter insisted. “I guarantee that if he knew he had a chance with you, he’d forget all about that other girl.”
“I don’t know. Do you really think that?” You asked skeptically.
“Definitely. He’d be crazy not to go for someone so…” He trailed off to give you a taste of your own medicine.
“So?” You shook his arm to urge him to continue.
“Ugly.” He replied. “Really, really ugly. Not pretty at all. Definitely not funny or charming. And a stinky rat. And ugly, if I didn’t mention that before. Ghoul like, even.”
“Thank you.” You smiled warmly, knowing he meant the opposite of what he was saying.
“You’re very welcome.” He smiled back. “So when are we doing this again?”
You did it again the next night, this time at a food truck you liked, and then a few days after that. That’s when Peter started giving you his weekends. You started hanging out more and more and grew to be close friends in just a short time. You lived at home during the week and could look forward to Peter’s almost nightly visits while he was on parol just to sit in your window and talk to you. He was so so consistent that you started leaving your bedroom door open just for him.
“I’m here. Don’t be naked.” Peter said as he climbed through your window one evening.
“I just got out of the shower. What if I was naked? Then what?” You asked as you rubbed your body cream into your skin.
“Then we’d have a funny story to tell at parties.” He said as he pulled his mask off. You couldn’t help but smile at the way his messy curls stood up on his head.
“Oh yeah? And what’s so funny about me being naked?” You teased him as you squeezed the excess water out of your hair with a towel.
“That’s not the funny part. The funny part would have been when my eyes sprang out from my head on slinkies and made an audible “boing-oing-oing” sound. Right before my head exploded and left a smoking stump on my neck.” Peter told you, making you playfully roll your eyes.
“Oh wow. Very Tom and Jerry of you.” You chuckled.
“A full Tom and Jerry. The only thing missing would be the little blue birds and or angles flying around my head but I didn’t say that one because it’s typically reserved for traumatic head injuries.”
“You’re stupid.” You laughed and shook your head endearingly at him. Peter smiled back at you
“You’re stupid.” He chuckled. “You smell good.”
You really liked being friends with Peter. The more time you spent with Peter, the more you found you could talk to him about anything. He seemed so interested in every little thing you said. You worried your crush suddenly taking an extreme interest in you might be too good to be true, so you were determined to enjoy it while it lasted. And do far, it had lasted two months.
“Hey you two. Are you gonna be hungry…” Tony trailed off when he assessed the situation in front of him. You and Peter turned your heads when you heard Peter’s bedroom door open, giving Tony a full view of the green face masks you had covering your faces. You were sitting on Peter’s bed and applying masks to each others faces so your hands were full of the green goop as well. Tony looked back and forth between the two of you for a minute but eyes kept returning to the giant pink bow headband Peter had on to hold his hair back.
“Oh.” Tony nodded. “Hm. Okay.”
“Hi Mr. Stark.” Peter waved.
“I was gonna ask if you guys were hungry. But now I don’t know how to feel.” Tony said with a blank expression.
“We’re okay. We door dashed some food. Thank you, though.” You replied.
“No problem. Try not to have too much fun, ladies.” Tony snickered and closed the door.
“He doesn’t get us.” Peter rolled his eyes and smeared some of the face mask across your forehead. You smiled at the mention of “us” and stared into his eyes.
“He wishes he was gonna have clarified skin and minimized pores in 45 minutes.” You agreed.
“45 minutes? Oh shit. We should’ve brought snacks.”
“I can go grab some. I need to pee anyway.” You told him and hoped off his bed. You hit up the kitchen after the bathroom and raised the refrigerator for some snacks. When you shut the refrigerator door, Natasha was standing there watching you.
“So. Having another stay at home date with Peter?” She asked and pointed to your face mask.
“It’s not a date.” You rolled your eyes. “We’re just two friends hanging out.”
“Right. And do you share clothes with all of your friends or just the ones you don’t have feelings for?” She asked sarcastically.
“He wasn’t wearing my pants that day, okay?” You sighed. “He just asked me to embroider little molecules into his jeans and then wanted me to sign my name. Which is very normal for two friends to do.”
“So that’s not his sweatshirt you have on now?” Natasha asked and pointed to the Museum of Natural History hoodie you had on.
“It is. But-“
“But. Mm hm, yeah?” She cut you off with sarcastic interest in her voice.
“Yes, but.” You stated. “It’s too small on him now that the bite made him all big and muscly. But his uncle bought it for him and it was too sentimental to throw away so he let me have it.”
“Oh. So he gave you an article of clothing that his dead uncle gave to him? That’s very platonic of him.” Natasha said before cracking a smile.
“I don’t know what you’re implying.” You played dumb.
“I’m implying that you two are dating but pretending you’re not.”
“What?” You forced a laugh. “We are not dating.”
“Yeah, yeah. You’re not fooling anyone with that. Why don’t you just call a spade a spade and make out already?”
“Because it’s not a spade. Your mom’s a spade. We’re just friends.” You insisted and felt glad your face mask was covering up your embarrassed blush.
You went back to Peter’s room with the snacks and pushed Natasha’s comments from your mind. Peter could tell that something was bothering but he didn’t push it.
You spent the next few nights at home but headed back to the tower to spend the weekend. You knew Peter would be arriving later that night so you got ready in your room while you waited. You scrolled on your phone while you did your makeup and came across an article on the body cream you’d been wearing lately. You started to read it but got distracted by the sound of people in the downstairs. You left your room and took the elevator down to see if it was Peter, but found Wanda and Natasha instead.
“Oh, hey. I was just telling Nat I got that cream you told us about. It just smelled so good on you.” Wanda told you.
“Did you? Tell me what you think of it. It works really well but I think I have to stop wearing it. I was just reading online that apparently it attracts….” You trailed off and pulled out your phone to show Wanda the article. You got distracted by a text from Peter telling you that he had arrived. You furrowed your eyebrows and stared at the text as things started to make sense in your head.
“Attracts what?” Wanda asked you. You looked up to answer her but got distracted by Peter walking in.
“Spiders.” You told her as you stared at Peter.
“Hey, Y/n.” Peter greeted with a smile. “Come with me up to the roof. I have something to show you.”
Peter took your hand and started pulling you towards the elevators. You were still lost in thought but regained composure enough to look at the girls while you were being pulled away.
When you got to the roof, the sun was just beginning to sink into the city skyline, making for a peaceful atmosphere. There were some snacks set out and a sheet you recognized from Peter’s room.
“What’s this?” You turned to him to ask. He was already staring at you and watching carefully for a reaction.
“You said you’d been so busy with homework lately that you don’t even realize when it becomes night so I thought we could take a mental break together and watch the sunset.” Peter explained with a sheepish smile. You lit up when you heard his plan and forgot all about the article.
“You planned this for me?”
“I didn’t want you to work yourself to death. You’re gonna do fine on your finals. You’re the smartest person I know. Other than, like, the two super genius’s I know. But you’re definitely up there.” He assured you. You broke into a smile and threw your arms around him to thank him. He stumbled back a little a before wrapping his arms around you and hugging you back.
“Thanks, Peter. This is really sweet.” You said and pulled away just enough to look at him. You stayed with your arms wrapped around each other as the sun began to set around you.
“You’re very welcome.” He said with a fond smile. You stared into his eyes and felt his magnetic force pulling you towards him. Peter’s eyes dropped down to your lips before a rosy blush covered his face. You couldn’t believe what was about to happen was actually happening. He started to lean in and cracked a smile just before your lips could touch.
“God, you smell amazing.” He whispered to you. You snapped out of your trance and took a step back from him.
“Oh my God.” You gasped. “I knew it.”
“Wait, what? Knew what?” Peter forced a laugh and tried not to look as disappointed as he felt that the moment had ended.
“You don’t even like me. You’re just attracted to my delicious smelling body cream!” You shouted and pointed an accusatory finger at him.
“Woah, what? I have been accused of so many things but that is truly a first.” Peter said and held up his hands in defense.
“I bet this whole thing was a set up just so that you could sniff me!” You gasped and pointed his picnic.
“What are you even talking about?” He matched your tone and pulled his hair in exasperation. You put your hand over your heart to catch your breath as you looked between him and his setup. Everything made sense now. Peter started talking to you the moment you opened up that jar of body cream. He only wanted to hang out with you once you started wearing it. And as you stood there on the roof with him and realized it never had anything to do with you, you felt gutted.
“I thought…I thought you liked me.” You said in a quiet voice as your face sank with disappointment. Peter turned red all the way to his ears and laughed in embarrassment.
“I do like you.” He said quietly.
“But not for me.” You shook your head. “For the way I smell.”
“What? That’s crazy?” He laughed is dismissal. You rolled up your sleeves and walked back over to him to hold your arm under his nose.
“You like this.” You told him.
“Damn, that smells good.” Peter whispered as he took in your scent.
“See? It’s my body cream. It attracts spider. Whatever is lingering in your DNA from the bite makes you attracted to this specific scent.” You grumbled as you pushed your sleeves back down.
“Huh. That explains why I got a boner in Sephora the other day.” He realized.
“Why were you in Sephora?”
“I was getting us more face masks. I even used your email so you could get the points.”
“You did?” You asked and cracked a smile. Peter looked at you sympathetically and took a step towards you.
“I had a whole night planned for us. I was gonna bring you up here to watch the sunset. And I brought snacks you like. Even disgusting Salt and Vinegar chips.”
“I love those.”
“I know you do, for some odd reason. And once the sun had set, I was gonna go downstairs with you to do the face makes. I got you a panda because you like them and mine looks like Hello Kitty, see?” Peter said and he pulled the masks out of his bag.
“Very impressive selection.”
“I know. Once we had them on, I was gonna tell you that you’re the only person I don’t feel like I need to wear a mask with. Or you’re the only person who makes me feel the way I do when I’m wearing my mask. In parenthesis, my Spiderman mask. Which implies you make me feel invincible. I don’t know. It was gonan be some mask related metaphor that I was hoping would come to me in the moment.”
“Why did you need a mask related metaphor?”
“So I could ease the tension and segway into telling you that I like you.” He admitted with a timid smile.
“You do?” You asked skeptically. Peter nodded his head and put his hands on your shoulders.
“I wouldn’t do all this for you just because I liked the way you smell. And believe me, I love the way you smell. If I could shrink you down using the Honey I Shrunk the Kids machine and shove you up my nose, I would. But I like a million other things about you too that don’t involve the olfactory bulb.”
“Then how come we only started hanging out once I started using the body cream?”
“Okay, I’ll admit, I got a whiff of the body cream and basically floating in the air down the hallway into your room like a cartoon pig being lead to a pie.” Peter prefaced. “But that was just the first time you wore it. It gave me the confidence to ask you to hang out which is something I’d been wanting to do since we met. And once we started hanging out and I learned all these new things about you, I liked you even more. Which I didn’t know was possible because I was already listening to Lana Del Ray and pretending you wrote the songs about me. When you started smelling divine, that was just the icing on an already big cake. I’m talking Cake Boss level size cake that’s mostly made of Rice Krispies and plastic tubes.”
“So now I’m divine? I thought I was ugly and not funny or charming at all.” You teased him as you stepped even closer.
“You’re right. I still find you very unattractive and don’t want to be your boyfriend and l definitely don’t want to kiss you-“
You cut him off by pulling him by the shirt into a kiss. He stopped talking immediately to kiss you back, putting his hands on your face to pull you closer.
“You smell so fucking good.” He growled and pulling you closer by the waist. You giggled against his lips as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
You and Peter eventually retired to the sheet to watch the rest of the sun set. You laid on his chest and listened to his heart beating while the scent of his cologne filled your nose. You went back downstairs hand in hand once the sky was dark and passed by Wanda in the living room.
“Goodnight, Wanda.” You smiled at her as you and Peter walked by.
“Goodnight.” She replied and waved her fingers. Peter stopped suddenly in his tracks and looked at Wanda.
“Woah.” He smiled. “You smell really good, Wanda. What do you have-“
“Oh, no you don’t.” You cut him off and pulled him by the back of his shirt away from her.
“It’s the cream.” Peter said in defeat. “I’m defenseless to the cream.”
Tag List 🏷️
@thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling
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purplecoffee13 · 8 months ago
A Bit Jealous*
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Summary: “Harry is a frat boy and a douchebag who pushes your every last button, but you hate that he’s talking to another girl.”
Wc: 1.8k
Tropes: fratboy!harry
Warnings: SMUT, praise kink, jealousy and a bit of possessiveness
A/N: hey guys! Sorry for being so MIA the past weeks, I really couldn’t get myself to write for some reason. I still have some difficulty with it, but I did cook this little blurb up for y’all. Hope you like it! All the love xxx
General Masterlist
Blurb Masterlist
"You're just full of surprises, aren't you?"
You groan in frustration at Harry's words, pushing him onto his bed before straddling him. "Shut up."
Harry doesn't protest as you occupy his mouth with yours, tongues dancing around each other with a passion that makes it seem like it's the first time. It's not; you've been hooking up for the past three months.
You hated Harry— you still do. You didn't like him and his frat bros walking around campus like they owned the damn place. But after a bad break-up and one too many tequila shots, you ended up in Harry Styles' bed anyway.
You could've shot yourself for your own stupidity, but you didn't. Sleeping with Harry became a habit instead. A past time, you told yourself, to hold you over until someone new came along. But three months have gone by, and there has yet to be someone new.
Harry had wanted you from the first time he saw you. If not for your killer looks and pretty smile, then for your hatred towards him. He'd always liked girls with a temper, and whenever he'd see you around, a part of him would hope that you'd re-direct your hatred and just give him a chance. Just to sleep with, of course. He didn't want a relationship.
"Thought you said Saturday was the 'last time'." Harry taunts you with your own empty promises in between kisses. It's true, you did say that last weekend. Harry has been a bad habit that you need to quit, but any time you try your willpower just isn't strong enough.
"I changed my mind." You respond, putting his cap on your head and taking his shirt off. Harry smirks at the sight of you. He always thinks you look quite cute in anything that belongs to him.
"Of course you did." He flips you over. You let out a yelp as you are being turned onto your back. Harry leans back and pushes your skirt up, leaving you in nothing but your skimpy panties that reveal your excitement by the apparent wet patch on them. "Let me catch up then, yeah?"
"Yes— oh my... fuck!" The air is knocked out of your chest as Harry dives his face right into your pussy. Your hands fly to his hair for some kind of control and your legs close up with each lick that makes you shudder. When your back arches in response to his assault on your clit, Harry takes his focus off of you for a second.
"Stay still," He growls, pushing your thighs away. "and spread your fucking legs."
It is hard to follow his orders perfectly, mainly because of the drinks you have had, but you stay relatively still as Harry continues to eat you out. You have to refrain your eyes from rolling to the back of your skull at the way he sucks your clit. His hands stay on your thighs, massaging them as he works you towards the prospect of a climax. The rumbling of the house party going on downstairs puts a thought inside your head.
"Did you lock your door?" You ask breathily, waiting on a verbal answer. You look over at Harry, but he doesn't pause. Instead, his face stays buried inside you as he shakes his head, and you let out a whimper that is too desperate for someone who claimed last week was the last time you ever wanted to sleep with this guy.
It seems to motivate Harry, as he only speeds his movements. Your breathing starts to get more erratic, and you are once again squirming for an escape. It is like your body knows this orgasm is going to be very intense.
And your body was right. You come hard, explosively even, falling apart under him with a cry of his name. Ever the gentleman, he helps you ride out your high before he finally comes up for air.
"Shit..." you pant, watching Harry move until he's laying next to you. You turn your head to him, unable to keep yourself from smiling at the stupid grin on his face. He is always so proud about making you come.
"You were jealous." He says, and your joy falters at his words.
"What are you talking about?" You scoff, frowning at his words. You roll your eyes for extra measure, but it doesn't seem to convince him.
"That's why you pulled me upstairs, didn't you?" He asks again, and when you sigh, the grin on his face only spreads wider.
"Admit it! You were jealous I was talking to Gigi."
"Maybe I was." You shrug.
"Don't deny it, you— wait what?"
You reach for his pants unzipping them as you sit more upright. Harry follows your movements, staring at you wide-eyed as he observes you.
"Maybe I was a bit jealous. Maybe I don't really like the idea of you fucking someone else." You tell him, a sultry voice coating your words as you take his cock out of his pants. You push him further against the bed, positioning him so he is now sitting against the headboard.
"Maybe..." you trail off, letting his tip trace over your entrance. Harry gasps in anticipation, thoughts too blurred and too curious to see what you're going to say and do. "I don't like the prospect of sharing you. Of not having you fuck me raw anymore."
With that said, you sink yourself down on Harry's cock, hands resting on his shoulders for steadiness. He grumbles out a few profanities, his head shooting back and eyes shut tightly
"Wouldn't you hate that? It feels too good like this, doesn't it?" You rasp in his ear, slowly beginning to bounce up and down his cock. Harry lets out a moan—something he doesn't do often—grabbing onto your hips as he watches his cock disappear in you repeatedly. His eyes trail up to your concentrated face; jaw slack and small 'uh's leaving your plump lips.
Your tits bounce slightly, still restrained by one of those corset tops you often wear when going out. It drives him crazy, those tops. The way your breasts spill out of them a little bit, but enough to leave the rest to the imagination. And God does he imagine things when you wear those types of tops...
He peels his eyes open, takes in the sight of you, and lifts his hands from your waist to undo your top. He easily pulls down the zipper in the back, and before you know it, your bare chest is being massaged by Harry's hand. He bites his lip as he plays with your nipples, reveling in the way you whimper at the sensitive touch.
Your hips move rhythmically, driving Harry's cock in and out of you at a pace that is making the both of you dizzy.
"Fuck, I didn't know jealousy could look so pretty." Harry rasps, his eyes locking with yours. The corner of his mouth tugs up at your inability to handle that compliment. You've never really known what to say when he's being nice to you for a change, and the asshole likes to fluster you. It's why he even compliments you in the first place, you are certain of it. "But here you are... riding yourself on my cock because you hate to see me talking to another girl."
"Shut up." You frown, closing your eyes at the increasing bubble in your stomach that you feel is about to explode sooner rather than later. You change the angle in which you move your hips a little bit, allowing Harry's cock to hit a particularly sweet spot.
"So possessive..." He challenges you some more, and you put your hand over his mouth as a response.
All of a sudden, you are being flipped onto your back, Harry now hovering above you. You whine at the change of position, not yet having been done with that one certain angle yet. Like he can read your mind, Harry assures you,
"I'll get deep in there, baby, don't worry."
The words and the caring tone in which they are spoken causes for a fire to erupt in your tummy. Doe-eyed, you stare at Harry, silently complying as he throws your legs over his shoulders. When he thrusts his hips forward and drives deep, way deeper into you, a small scream leaves you before you can stop yourself.
Harry is quick to place his hand across your mouth as he begins fucks you with slow, deep thrusts. Tears stream down the side of your face as Harry hits your spot over and over again, each time feeling more euphoric than the last, and each one brining you closer to an orgasm.
With the way you grip his hand tighter with every passing second, Harry knows that you are very close.
"Are you close, baby? Gonna come again?" He asks, a wave of satisfaction filling his veins when you nod frantically, all sorts of noises leaving the mouth muffled by his big hand. Your eyes roll into the back of your head when Harry starts slowly circling your clit, the pleasure becoming too much to handle.
"C'mon baby, you can come again for me. Just for me." He says softly, leaning in closer so there is nothing to do but get lost in his pretty eyes. "You're mine to fuck, and I'm yours, hmm? Does that sound good to you?"
A muffled 'yes' is the only comprehensible word that leaves your mouth as you finally explode. Head tilted backwards, you let your orgasm wash over you like a tidal wave that is so strong that the only option is to let it consume you, and just go with it. The traces of Harry's fingers on your skin elongate the ecstatic feeling in your body, and even as your body moves along with the aftershocks of your orgasm, you fear you have never felt so high before.
Your climax triggers Harry's. The way you are pulsing around him proves too much and it shows in the erratic thrusts and unstable breathing pattern that manifest in desperate pants. You try to fixate your eyes on the way he crumbles above you, the knowledge that his sperm is coating your walls filling you with a moronic amount of pride.
Slowly, Harry stills inside of you. You're still a bit in awe of that element he seemed to be in just now. It looked so fucking sexy and the image of it seems to be burned into your brain forever now. Harry lifts his head, the signature arrogant smirk back on face, a quiet laugh sounding from the back of his throat.
"You should get jealous more often."
You hit him in the head with the pillow next to you.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 2 years ago
are you accepting requests?
if so could you please write me one where reader is a journalist on the grid and basically everybody is flirting with her yk tryna bed her but shes only gonna let one of them do it
and shes like pretty assertive and dom, making the boys beg her to fuck them
you could pick who she fucks from lando, carlos or charles
sorry if this is too much i couldnt help it <33
Not really but I’m trying to do some while I finish the series I have on the go so I guess kind of??? My inbox is a gamble at the moment hahaha 💕
Say Please || LN4
Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, sub!lando, dom!reader, edging, overstim. WC: 1.6k
F1 Masterlist
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Miami was really bringing the heat and every rising degree was only intensified by the black asphalt beneath your heels. You were in desperate need of shade as you wandered the pit lane to observe some of the teams but that would have to wait. There were people to interview and notes to write so you could have your editorial piece ready by the end of the weekend. 
“Oh, there she is!” 
Lando’s voice carried on the warm breeze and you tipped your head to the sound before turning in his direction. The driver was nearly tripping over himself and Carlos to reach you first, Charles following behind with an amused smile.
“Hi Lan,” you greeted the winner of the impromptu race as he skidded to a halt in front of you. ���I didn’t see you when I made the rounds in McLaren.”
His smile turned to a disappointed frown at the news and he groaned. “Ah man, I missed you.”
“You haven’t come by Ferrari yet, have you?” Carlos asked, hope filling his face as he waited for your answer.
“Not yet.” His hand closed to a fist and he punched the air making you laugh. “I haven’t taken a break yet and I’m dying of thirst.”
Lando held up one finger to wait as he ran back to his garage and returned with a bottle of chilled water. “I can get you something else if you want…whatever you want.”
Carlos suddenly rushed off and came back with a plate of club sandwiches and, not to be outdone, Charles retrieved an umbrella to shield you from the sun. 
“My heroes,” you praised, giving them each a kiss on the cheek and enjoying the way their skin turned a rosy shade of pink.
Lando was the one who gave a giddy giggle and cupped his face as the blush spread down his neck. “You can have my driver's room if you want to get out of the sun. You’re so hot. I mean, you must be hot.” 
“Mine’s bigger,” Carlos said as he stood a little straighter and leaned his elbow on Lando’s shoulder. “Because size obviously matters.”
“Not to me,” you smirked. They three men watched as your fingers wrapped around the bottle, twisting the cap off before sealing your lips around the tip. The cool water was just what you needed to battle the heat and you moaned with satisfaction after swallowing it down. “Mmm, that’s better.”
“So, uh, what, um, what does matter to you?” Lando asked with a sheepish look on his face. 
You stepped towards the three of them and curled a finger until you were all huddled close in a tight circle. “You want to know what makes me hotter than this place?”
A round of eager nods bobbed around you and they leaned on even closer so you could feel their breaths on your face. 
Pushing your sunglasses up your head, you looked each of them in the eyes and smirked and one by one they broke away first and looked down. When their heads were almost bowed to you, you finally answered them. “Nothing gets me wet like seeing my little pet submitting to me, down on his knees, willing to do everything to please me, begging for my attention.”
Lando’s legs looked ready to collapse beneath him and you knew from the moment you met that he had such potential. He wanted to please, he wanted to serve and was always the first to race to be at your side like an excitable puppy. 
“Just one?” Carlos asked after a sharp intake of air refilled his frozen lungs. At your nod he peered at his friends with an edge that promised a strong competition. Charles narrowed his eyes in return, promising it wouldn’t be an easy competition, but Lando just looked down in defeat.
“What’s wrong?” you asked as you curled your finger beneath his chin to see his sad eyes. 
Those pretty blue eyes flicked to the Ferrari drivers before returning to his feet. “They have more experience than me. I don’t have a chance.” You started to retreat with a sigh, feeling bad for putting such pressure on the man, but he caught your hand. “Please,” he begged, “just give me a chance, please?”
The warmth that radiated your body had nothing to do with Miami and everything to do with the needy desperation in Lando’s voice. It sent your heart racing and smiled sweetly as you cupped his face and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead. “Good boy,” you praised. “All you had to do was say please.”
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Lando’s eyes were screwed shut but it did nothing to stop the tears from leaking out as he bit his lip to hold back the whimper. 
“Good pet, just a little longer,” you soothed as you wiped away the salty streaks down his cheeks. “You’re doing so well.”
His dark lashes fluttered before they opened to show you a glimpse of the ocean, the waves shimmering in his tears. “Please, I can’t…I’m gonna cum…”
“Hold it,” you ordered as your hands returned to his weeping cock, the head red and swollen from edging him for so long. The vibrating ring was tight around his thick base and the veins that ran along his shaft grew bolder with each passing second. “You have such a pretty cock, my pet.”
His hands twisted against the restraints tied to the headboard, his wrists just as red as his face as he forced himself to refrain from spilling his seed over his lap. The taut skin over his balls pulled even tighter as you licked the delicate seam between them and you heard him moan as you felt his cock twitch in your hand. The sight of him laid out before you was incredibly beautiful but the whimper that fell from his lips was the pinnacle of perfection and for that you just had to reward him. 
“Go on, bub, you’ve been so good for me, you can come.” 
His entire body shuddered with the permission you gave him and his back arched off the bed as he erupted. There was no other way to describe his release as his cock pulsed and thick ropes of cum spattered across his stomach that rose and fell with quick pants. 
“Holy shit,” Lando moaned as he tried to regain his breath but you weren’t finished with him yet. Your thumbs milked every drop out of him, massaging him using his own cum to glide smoothly over his silken skin until he whimpered from the overstimulation. 
“I knew you would be the one,” you praised as you reached up to pull the slip knot on the ropes, releasing his arms that fell slack across the pillows. “You are the perfect little pet for me.”
You kissed his forehead before peppering them down his cheeks and finally reaching his lips that parted for you with a heady mewl. Combing your fingers through his damp curls, you pulled away and fluffed up his pillows to make him comfortable while he came down from the high he had endured. “I’ll be back in a moment.”
Lando nodded weakly, expended of all his energy, and you went to the bathroom to run a washcloth under the warm water. His deep hum of appreciation warmed your chest as you cleaned the mess from his hard abs before drying him off and dragging the blankets up the bed. 
“Roll over, sweetie,” you coaxed him softly until he turned on his side and you climbed into the bed behind him. His head nestled onto one arm as your other draped over waist and you held him tight until the soft tremors of his strained muscles began to ease. “How was that for you?”
Lando’s small giggle made you smile and you kissed the beauty spot on his shoulder blade while you waited for an answer. When a few seconds passed and he hadn’t spoken you shifted closer so you could see his dopey smile. 
“I need an answer, Lan,” you gently reminded him, “out loud.”
“It was…” he shook his head trying to clear the haze that clouded his thoughts so he could think of the word he was searching for. “Mind blowing. Overwhelming. Amazing.” He started to fall quiet and you watched as more feeling flitted across his face. “A little scary to start.”
You hid the frown that wanted to pinch your brow and kept the soft smile on your lips, not wanting to miss the opportunity to keep him open with his thoughts. “What can I do to make it better?”
“N-nothing,” he stammered. “I just didn’t know what to expect. It was one thing to talk about it but I guess I just…experiencing it was more. I liked it. I really liked it.”
“So you would do it again?” You didn’t even get all the words out before he was nodding eagerly and you chuckled as you pulled him tighter into your embrace, tutting when his hand started to run up your leg. “Get some rest first, bub. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.”
“But I want to make you feel good too.”
“You did,” you murmured as you nuzzled the back of his neck until you saw the goosebumps spread across his skin. “I enjoyed everything we did, and I will enjoy more of you later when you have rested.”
“Do you promise?”
You chuckled at the needy tone and drew small circles with your fingertips around his navel. “You’ll soon learn, my little pet, all you have to do is say please.”
Tagging: @moonvr @copper-boom @yunnie-f1 @ophcelia @lightsoutletsgo @alwaysclassyeagle @neiich @omgsuperstarg @starwarssavy23 @fdl305 @faeb1tch42069 @sweetestrose569 @pleasantducktimetravel @zendayabelova @dr3lover @writerscurse @christianpulisic10 @alexisquinnlee-bc @purplephantomwolf @belennasif @ryiamarie @mickslover @tyna-19 @destourtereaux @sunf1ower16 @octaviareina @laneyspaulding19 @booknerd2004-blog @mimimarvelingmarvel @chonkybonky @jpg3 @bangtanxberm @ohthemisssery
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keelt9 · 29 days ago
Chapter 3
A/N: Schedule back to normal 😉
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Learning through small notes.
We heard that if you write things in small notes it helps you to remember and it could be a helpful tactic of studying, that’s exactly the way they learn about each other.
“Are you smiling?” Joe blinks, raising his head clearing his throat.
The beginning of the OTAS is a couple of days ahead, still he's been immersed in all the things he can, talking and training with his teammates, letting them know he's ready to go. Also taking his free time with family and friends before being completely absorbed.
“No…I mean, yes, I'm pretty excited, that's all.” Joe tries to cover the small blue note but Ja’Marr nods while sitting in front of him.
In a blink of an eye he takes the small note from his hands and sees it. He chuckles, glancing at the red face of his friend in front of him. “A cube of ice?” 
Joe takes it back, unable to stop a smirk, seeing the cute draw of an ice cube shivering that has an onomatopoeia with the expression of <Brrr.>
“That girl huh?” Chase knows about the notes, they talk to each other through them and the fact any of them has plans to meet each other in person, soon.
“I told her one of the nicknames.” Joe found the note and the least thing he expected was the small drawing on it.
“Right.” He sat with his arms over the table. “You don't even think it's time to meet her? Like face to face.” 
Of course Joe is thinking about that but he quits at the next second, he believes this comfort and joy could be lost the second she sees him.
He found a friend that, even though she doesn't know who actually is, takes her time to write every morning to remind him to take care of himself.
Joe clicks his tongue folding the note before ordering their dinner. “She's great, that's all it matters to me.”
And it is, the way she expresses writing or drawing he just feels it, and come one, having a dog with such a cheerful mood and health it’s only more things in her favor.
“Right?” Joe asked as he threw the black frisbee.
Monet is growing chippier and happy, the puppy he met you can always find him in those black eyes but now in a bigger body and strong body. 
Monet grabs it in the air, landing with elegance on the floor running back to Joe; he pats his head after he leaves the frisbee in his hands.
“Good job.” Joe sits on the bench. “What do you think? Is it right to meet her? You know, find your owner.” 
If Joe had his eyes on him, Joe could have noticed Monet's head went straight when he mentioned her, by the time he mentioned find, Monet takes his cap running with it.
Joe believes he's just playing around until Monet keeps running far and far away.
“Ok, ok, I got it, it's a no.” Joe says when Monet stops next to a tree still a little bit far away from his hand. “Come on boy, give me that.”
Monet runs back when Joe approaches him, every time.
The gasps with the sound of paws against the rocks makes Y/N turn around, finding Monet with a black cap on his snout.
She turns around leaving the notebook on the bench, with just a few lines of the trees and the small leaves growing up in a beautiful green.
“Oh no.” Monet puts the cap next to her before taking a few sips of water from the small bowl next to her. 
Y/N grabs the cap and shakes her head. “Who?” 
Monet has this way of asking things if you’re distracted, taking something you're using before running and leaving it next to the things he wants.
“Monet!” A male voice draws her attention. “Come on buddy! I get it!”
Y/N looks at Monet who barely moves, just puts his eyes on her moving his tail. 
“Mon…” A blonde guy appears in the path wearing a pink hoodie and black pants. 
Y/N stands grabbing the hat, not before giving Monet quash eyes, he couldn't care less.
“This is yours?” Y/N extends the cap as they approach each other.
His eyes call for his attention, he has clear blue eyes.
“Yeah, thanks I'm sorry, we were playing and well…” The man takes it. “Thanks.”
She pressed her lips together. “I'm sorry Monet from time to time is a little bit naughty, just like when he was a baby.”
Joe nods, taking his cap, making his brain catch the last word. “Wait, baby?” Y/N nods. “Are you his owner?”
The fact he blinks multiple times after the second nod makes her smirk.
“I'm JB.” He's her note pawl.
She knew a long time ago, he's not a kid or a teenager, which she never expected… is a man, like the one she had in front of her eyes. 
“Oh.” Y/N shutter before speaking, moving her head one side to the other, confused and perplexed. “Am, I'm Y/N, Monet’s owner.”
The blue eyes hide when he smiles; she could swear she already has seen that tone of blue. Maybe in one of her works, or the sky but no, they’re similar but not the same.
Her phone ringing set the time to go, time to work. She turns it down, seeing Monet starts to look out for his leash. 
“Sorry, mmm, I have work to do and…” Turns around packing her things. “But it's been a pleasure, really.”
Y/N puts the blue leash on Monet collar, by the time her eyes land his wrist she remembers he mentioned he's been through a bad injury.
So, she started to search for something in her bag. “Here.” 
A warm hot pad, she didn't realise when or why she bought it, but by the moment she arrives home with a couple of hot pads knows who it will belong to.
Joe looks utterly surprised for the way he carefully grabs it and smirks. “Put in the microwave and just relax your wrist over it and that's all.”
Y/N smiles. “Muscles relax.”
“Sounds easy.” Joe giggles.
“And it is really helpful.” Y/N closes her bag ready to go. “And before I forget, Monet won't come for a week.”
He raises his eyes right to hers. “He has an appointment with his vet, am, he will be neutered, prevent before regret.” 
Monet barks, making her giggle. “I know, you're already cursing me for that.” 
“Is he going to be ok?” Joe asked with concerned eyes.
“Yeah, don't worry, it's a simple process, by the end of the next week, he will be back.” Y/N pats his head.
“Can I help you with something?” The word of Ja’Marr about sounds expensive starts to hit him one more time.
Y/N shakes her head. “Just be here to keep playing with my dog.”
“Count with that.” Y/N chuckles before finally leaving.
“Bye JB.” Joe waves his hands before rubbing Monet's head.
“See you soon buddy.” The reaction of Money for licking his hand softly as the fact he didn't wipe was enough to move something in her heart.
That night, laying in her bed with Monet beds at her side breathing in peacefully, that memory brings a soft smile on her face before sleep.
“Rewind, one thing at the time.” Savannah said for Y/N repeated the details about how JB looks, typing in her phone.
She tells her everything she could remember trying to not miss any detail; the physical thing Savannah got it, still the fact she describes his laugh with a soft smile on her face, that makes her suspect. 
After she ends, Savannah raises her phone fearing her answer. “Is he?” 
“Yeah!” She walks with her until the door of her house. “You're good.”
Y/N sees the quivering in her nod making her narrow her eyes, there is something else.
“You already know him.” Savannah sometimes hates how easily Y/N reads her.
“Well, a lot of people know him.” Savannah takes her scarf hanging in it next to the door. “Nora, I'm here!”
Nora goes down running to the kitchen without expecting there will be already eyes on her arrival.
“You're kidding!”
Nora gulps when she sees Y/N turning around looking at her with a puzzled face. 
Joe was simply speechless when he saw her, just a second peer at her, combined with the word baby, and the fact she has a bandanna over her head, avoiding her hair falling over her face.
He ran out of words.
It was until she mentioned the vet thing that Chase words back hunting him and his lack of help.  Still she only asks that keep playing with her dog. 
By the time she gets lost among the trees he smirks seeing the hot pad in his hands. A warm touch.
Just like she said Monet didn't come for a week, but the next morning after his week off Monet goes a little bit slower than usual but happy and healthier.
“Hey!” Joe pats his head but Monet carefully takes things slowly. “Easy boy, easy, you just get through an important process.”
Monet laid down slowly, but clearly disturbed for the cone around his neck. “Let me see what you bring.”
Nothing around his collar, searching inside of his cone it’s kind of silly still he did it and he found nothing.
“Did it fall?” Monet gasps but he just laid down observing the blue sky.
No, it definitely doesn't.
It's been two weeks since any notes came along with Monet, Joe tried to go where Y/N is but every time he changes his mind at the last minute walking back to the bench where Monet refuses to walk away.
It seems for him it's also a bad idea.
“Joe! Easy man, it's training.” Yoshi claims after Joe throws a dime with more strength than usual making him almost lose his breath.
“Sorry, sorry.” Yoshi observes Joe one more time. It's weird he lost his focus in the middle of the practice. But, today, it's the third time since OTAS begins that Joe leaves breathless to more than one guy.
Yoshi like the others let it pass, probably fully focused on and thrilled for the season begins.
By the time the day ends Joe found Ja'Marr in the locker room, he isn't practicing but takes his time to be around the guys.
“Yoshi told me you left him breathless.” Chase couldn't avoid giggling when he told him in detail the dime rich to his stomach.
Joe scoffs but barely smiles. “I got distracted.”
“Spotted girl problems?” Joe bluffs, closing his locker giving him no answer. “Take it easy Joe. After all, you said you care about the dog.”
“I thought she could be a good friend, that's all.” Chase recognizes that, shoulders down, biting lip and fist tight.
Joe has created a soft spot for her, however it could be a one sided feeling.
“Anyway see you later buddy, I need a break.” They tingle their pink fingers before leaving.
Destiny has its particular ways of showing a path, it could be an object, a cloud, a soft breeze, a dog or whatever that crosses in front of you, you just have to pay attention to the details…
Or the street.
Joe was about to pass the library when he recognised the girl coming out, Nora; immersed in her phone, headphones and barely paying attention to her surroundings just when she's about to cross the street.
One block for her destiny a fancy car gets in her way. 
Just about to curse while she's taking her headphones, she realizes who's in the driver seat.
“Joe! Hi!” Joe couldn't help, he needs to now.
“Going somewhere?” Nora shakes her head. 
“Bus stop, I'm going home.” Joe fakes think like in his mind a thousand of answers are already formulated.
“I can give you a ride, it's ok.” Nora moves her head side to side, quivering.
Her sister was pretty clear even in between lines, she hasn't anything against Joe, just he's a person who lives in a totally different world and she must be cautious.
“Hmm…” Savannah mentions she knew it. “Getting me close is enough, thank you.”
The way she grips her bag is a sign that she’s holding back for not talking, one question and the words will flow like a river in a storm.
Joe noticed when they stopped in a red light. “I saw Mone, he’s pretty well after his neuter.” 
Nora nods. “Yeah, Y/N is meticulous with him, he never escapes from her eyes.”
“I can imagine, it’s been a while since I didn’t hear about her, she has a lot of work?” Nora bites her lip trying to distract in her phone. 
“No.” But she’s curious and a little bit chatty so she breaks after seeing the text of Y/N on her screen.
 >What do you want for dessert?
She’s coming for dinner with hers.
“Ok, I give up.” Nora closes her eyes praying for don’t get scolded… too soon. “Listen Joe, I know about the notes, and for sure I mustn't get involved but you’re a nice guy so…”
Joe giggles. “It’s ok, I’m pretty sure she’s shy and I don’t want to make her uncomfortable. I just wonder how she is.”
Nora scoffs. “Believe me Joe, Y/N is far away from being shy. She's mistrustful as hell plus she feels weird around people she doesn’t know.” 
Nora remembers the talk she heard between Savannah and Y/N. 
“She feels kind of awkward knowing you like your privacy and she invades with the notes, so she chose to keep at the out of, just letting Monte back like always.” Joe sees the path the GPS marks after Nora types her address.
“How do you know that?” He smiles, turning to the left where the residential zone is.
Nora scratches her head. “Oh, I… I was eavesdropping.” Joe laughs. “I didn’t mean it! Y/N came for her birthday two days ago and she and my sister were talking as they served the coffee and I wanted more water, so I accidently heard it.”
“It was her birthday?!” Joe is overreacting; he knows that but can’t help it.
Nora hits her forehead, she definitely speaks too much, seeing the familiar houses is her cue to go. “Here, you can leave me here.” 
The GPS indicates two more blocks. “Believe me Joe, if my sister sees this car and asks, she definitely knows I said more than I should.” 
Joe parks at his left, observing Nora open the door. “Hey, any advice?”
Nora can feel it, but that same feeling tends to go wrong. “Be you.” Nora sees the car of Y/N going straight forward, and she arrives. “Damn it! I have to go Joe, thank you!”
The spring is definitely here, you can see the big and green leaves in the trees and the fact Y/N brings a new canva with her, a new season.
“Ok, remember, we are only here for a short time, I have work to do.” Y/N said, taking the leash of Monet leaving it on the bench where she sits.
But Monet walks around sniffing until he finds the place where the sweet scene came; Y/N approaches seeing a small white box with a pink note on the top of it.
“You found it!” The voice of the Officer Lynch makes Y/N jump. “I've been keeping an eye before going home.”
“This is for me?” Y/N lifts the box. 
Officer Lynch grabs his bag next to the ree. “It’s for Monet’s friend.” Y/N tilt her head. “Have a good day Y/N, see you tomorrow.”
Y/N waves her hand before taking the note with a curious dog sitting in front of her. “What?” Monet barks at her. “Agh! Come on Monet!” But the dogs are similar to their owners.
Monet is so stubborn, he stands pushing the box. “You’re so wayward, know that.”
Y/N opens the box first, brownies, making her smirks. Then the small pink note.
 >I heard it was your birthday, happy birthday! 
  P.D You can share it with your friends, too much sugar.
The chocolate topic, she writes she loves and he remembers it.
“Is she even the one who brings Monet?” Joe bites his nails. “You definitely should think of that in the first place, Joe.”
Joe acts by instinct he knows that; just pass late night by his favorite bakery shop bought them, write the note early and the morning and procure leave it before Y/N arrives where she used to sit, with the need help of Officer Lynch.
What he didn't even think about was the small chance like she always tends to do when she had a lot of work, someone else takes Monte to the park.
The loud sniffing of Monet brings him back to the earth, Monet laid his head on Joe’s lap and Joe noticed he didn't bring the frisbee. 
“Hey buddy, where is the frisbee?” Joe kissed the top of his head. 
“I thought you don’t mind a little change of plans.” Joe hears his neck crack from turning around so quickly. Y/N is standing behind with two cups and the white box he left. 
Casually sits next to him. “I’m sorry for acting awkward it’s… Probably you want your privacy and I get involved with the notes, I don’t have any intention to make you feel uncomfortable.”
Nora has a good memory and ear. 
“But this definitely lets me know you’re not, right?” Y/N lifts the note, making Joe smirks
“We can say that.” Y/N nods, extending her hand. 
“Friends?” Monet is sitting observing the scene, especially the little bag his owner has in her bag. 
Joe smiles, seeing her hand with a couple of paper cuts, taking it and shaking it. “Friends.”
Y/N smiles. “Well, now share this with me, otherwise I have a chocolate coma.” Joe points to Monet. “Oh, I have his snack in my bag, don’t worry.”
Joe takes the cups and the box so she can take the snacks and give it one. “Oh, this is mine.” She takes the right cup. “That is a weird protein milkshake. I bought it from Mrs. Howk, tell me you tend to bring your cups.”
That’s why Monet hasn’t come, she’s buying drinks. 
“Am I that weird?” Y/N said, taking a sip of her coffee.
“NO! Why did you say that?” Joe giggles while taking a sip too, yes, just the one he orders. 
Monet laid in front of them letting the soft breeze and the sound of birds help him to rest, for today, any game is required. 
“You look at me with those eyes.” Joe shakes his head seeing to the blue sky he didn't notice but Y/N smiles at him softly tilting her head. 
He has pretty clear blue sky eyes, similar to the ocean.
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certainlynotasimp · 2 years ago
I had a thought seeing as how whipped Miguel is for sunny what if sunny has Miguel get them like a puppy or kitten because I know he would eventually cave in
To Love and Hold.
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((Miguel O’ Hara X Female! Reader))
A/N: This man is whipped more than cream😭😭. Thank you for the request and I’m sorry if it sounds muddled because I literally fell asleep writing it and I just finished it this morning.
A/N: If you guys wanna read more about Sunny and Miggy then come on to the Masterlist! And if you wanna be added to the taglist, then please leave a comment here>><<. And thank you all for reading💕✨
Warnings: Grumpy x Sunshine, Barely any use of (Y/N) ((Sunny is their nickname, not there name)), Female Pronouns, Fluff, Comparing Babies to Pets ((please do not have a baby if you want a pet lol)), Baby talk, breeding kink? (This isn’t a smut, but I love giving Miggy ideas), slight nudity, and Google Translated Spanish (It was 3am by the time I wrote this and I felt bad for messaging people to double check this so please forgive any mistakes and correct me the in comments.)😭
There are some things that always remain the same for every dimension. No matter how small or advanced that dimension may be, there were three things that Miguel can think of that always remains the same.
There’s always a Spiderman or Spiderwoman.
New York is still a cesspool for crime
“Miggy, come look at the kitties!” an excited shrill breaks the man out of his thoughts. He scowls at the unwanted attention around him as he readjusts the baseball hat on his dark locks. Not having his spider suit engaged was an odd feeling, especially since they were in an unknown dimension looking for an anomaly that not even Lyla can find.
“Come on, Guapito!” She urges as Miguel glares at her for yelling out in a public place. He tugs at the collar of his crew neck as he saunters over to the bouncing woman. Her pink sundress makes her standout like a sore thumb as she gawks at the group of kittens in the window.
There were three orange tabbies exploring their surroundings and tussling amongst their glass prison. He can agree that all of them looked adorable, but seeing as he was never an animal person, he doesn’t understand the cooing his companion does towards the cats.
“We can’t keep wasting time window shopping, mi amor.” He quietly scolds her as he gently leads her away from the pet shop and starts walking her down the sidewalk. His eyes burned as he looked at the pavement beside him until he felt a small tug to his shirt.
Already running though all the things that might come out of her pretty glossed mouth, Miguel sighs and looks at her. “What is it, shortie?” He tries to tease, hoping she would get annoyed enough to just give him the silent treatment.
“Miggy,” She sings sweetly, already the itching feeling started in Miguel’s brain.
‘What does she want?’
“I was thinking…” Her voice hesitated as he feels her arm slither it’s way around his waist. The hand on the small of her back tenses up as her touch ignited tingles down his back. “Since I’m the only person who lives at the Lobby and I can’t live with you…
Here it comes,
“Can I have a cat?” She flutters her eyelashes up at him as she presses herself into his side. Miguel tugs down his baseball cap as he rolls his eyes.
“No.” He answers sternly as he tries to avoid eye contact by looking around them. Miguel is as stubborn as a mule. If he decided on something, then there’s barely enough room for anyone to even breathe a different way about it.
He admits that when it comes to his little spider, he lets some things slide that he knew he shouldn’t have, but normally her requests were doable. Not this one.
“But, Miggy, why not?” She whines as she glares up at him.
“Can we talk about this later, Cariño?” He growls as he notices the atmosphere around them changing. Before she could protest anymore, her Spidey senses hit her like a shotgun.
“Watch out!” She warns as a cat gets throw over a row of buildings, heading right towards them. Miguel grabs her waist and leaps on top the nearest building as the car takes out the sidewalk.
Both put a pin in their conversation as they suit up and go detain the anomaly villain.
Another sticky note falls onto the floor beside his feet as Peter looks up to his colleague, amused by the antics he’s enduring.
For the past week, Sunny hasn’t let go of the idea of having a cat. Miguel tried envading her pleas at first, trying to distract her with other topics and missions to worry about. When she caught onto that, she confronted him about it. Much to his misery, he had to be brutally honest with her about why she can’t just bring a cat to come live with her in The Lobby.
“Taking something from another dimension is already risky enough, but to take a living animal could cause serious anomalies that will cause a crash.” He tried to explain with a stern stare as his love looks at him.
“Do you know for certain that it will happen?” She quips with her head tilting slightly. Miguel raises an eyebrow before replying, “I mean, considering if we are just talking about a normal cat, then no I’m not certain, but…”
“So let’s try it!” “Oh santa madre de Cristo... Mi amor, por favor sé razonable…”
Now her tactic has been subliminally suggesting him with hidden messages. He wasn’t surprise when Peter picked up the sticky note and sees a little doodle of a cat playing with a ball of yarn.
“Aww that’s cute.” Peter admires as he examines the note. “I can’t wait for Mayday to get old enough so she can draw me little doodles like this.”
Miguel snatches the sticky not from him and throws it on the small pile he’s accumulated. This might be Mr. kitty 11 or 12 that his Sunny has hidden in his suit today.
“(Y/N) has been hiding them on me hoping I would get her a cat.” He admits as he slumps into his office chair. Normally, he would act like it wasn’t bothering if it was anyone else making a stupid request. But it wasn’t just anyone. It was his beloved. His beloved who was so tired of spending nights here alone that she desperately wanted a companion.
“Why can’t you get her one?” Peter nonchalantly says as he leans against the monitor’s desk. “There’s plenty of strays around my apartment that she can have a full range to pick out of.”
Miguel scowls at Peter’s ignorance as leans back in his chair. “Any small change to a dimension can cause it to implode on itself. I’m not risking an entire universe just for one cat.”
Miguel digs his finger into his eyes as he groans in frustration. He hated making her upset, but she should understand just as well as he does what the possible consequences they would face if he did go pick up a random cat.
Peter watches at him in amusement before commenting. “Why not go get one from one of those dying universes? Certainly it wouldn’t cause too much damage if it’s already going to shit there.”
Miguel rolls his eyes as he looks at Peter in annoyance. “There’s still risk of-“
Peter claps his hands as an idea sparks in his mind. “Oh, I know, you two can have a baby!”
Miguel freezes in place as a look of pure horror goes over his face. His skin turned pale at the thought about having a child.
“Can’t risk the universe being brought to the end if you make a baby. Besides it would help her deal with her loneliness by constantly having someone to take care of and it would be a more fun to-“ Peter’s reasoning gets interrupted by the sound of Miguel opening a portal and jumping through as Peter smirks victoriously.
“Worked like a charm.” He chuckles as he knows he just made his friend one happy lady.
“Cariño?” A soft knock interrupts the deep slumber of the curled up spider as she stirs awake. She yawns as she looks over towards the clock and realizes it was the equivalent of 3am in Miguel’s home world.
Another knock draws her attention back to the visitor as she slips out of bed. Her body shivers as she exposed to the cold air of the room. The old college shirt only stopping at mid thighs as she shuffled to the door.
���Miggy?” She calls through the door.
“Déjame entrar, mi amor. Tengo un regalo para ti.” He pleas lovingly at her which causes her lips to curl into a soft smile as she realizes what he must have.
Opening the door, she gasps at the sight before her. In his spider suit, Miguel had several scratch marks along his face along with pieces of rubble in his dark locks. His dark eyes shined in exhaustion as the furious little ball of fur battled to be free from his hold.
Her concern briefly switches to awe as she sees a small, filthy kitten hissing and wiggling in Miguel’s large hands. Its long fur stuck out in clumps due to the debris covering it as its black and white fur looked gray. Its yellow eyes glares up at Miguel as it cries for its mother.
With a wide grin, the woman takes the small kitten from Miguel and holds it to her chest. The kitten stopped it’s hissing for a moment as it push itself off of her chest to look at her. A curious tilt of its head along with a soft hello causes a tear to roll down her cheek. The bundle of fur relaxes into her chest with soft purs emitting from its fragile body.
“Mi amor…” She whispers as she looks up at him, “Thank you so much…can I really keep it?”
“He doesn’t really have any other option. His world was dying due to some invasion caused by the Talokians and since the universe was crashing away, I figured it wouldn’t hurt to let you have the only survivor.” Miguel says nonchalantly as the conversation with Peter plays in his head again.
The idea of his little sunshine bare foot with swollen ankles as she roams around the Lobby and his apartment certainly was a conflicted vision. His clothing being the only thing that would fit over her body as she created their child in her body. Their child. Their family.
His thoughts get interrupted by the feeling of small hands dusting off debris off his shoulders. His eyes meet hers as he realizes that he’s been silent for a while. The kitten was now curled up on a soft looking blanket on the floor while his little spider tried to clean him up a little. Her soft lips connect several times to his jawline causing him to chuckle.
“You’re welcome, Cariño.” He mutters before leaning down and meeting her excited lips with his own. She giggles when he wraps his arms around her waist and picks her up as he closes the door behind him.
“Now then.” Miguel muses as his mouth curls into a warm grin while walking them to the bed. “You can show your gratitude by…” He pauses as his lips brush against hers again before a surprise squeal erupts from his love as she was tossed on the bed.
“Acostado ahí…” He mutters as he removes his gizmo, causing his suit to disintegrate, leaving him in only a tight pair of boxers. A blush forms on her cheek as she admires his muscular physique, despite the nasty bruises that mare his tanned skin. He smirks when he sees the effect hr has on her before crawling onto the bed. Her breath shudders as his broad shoulders slither up between her legs as his hips cause her legs to part.
Before she could react, Miguel lays his full body weight down on her as his head rests on her chest. His arms wrap around her waist as he buries his nose into her shirt as he yawns. His exhausted red eyes look up at her warm ones as he mutters against her clothed breast, “Y déjame dormir escuchando mi lindo corazoncito…¿Sería eso aceptable para ti, mi amor?”
Smiling softly down at him, his love’s arms wrap around his shoulders as a hand finds itself tangled in his thick locks of hair. “Of course, my love. It’s yours to listen to forever.”
With a soft kiss to his crown, the couple falls asleep in each other’s arms as their new kitten climbs up and curls up on Miguel’s back.
ah maldita sea... mi vida, por favor se razonable…-ah fucking hell... my life, please be reasonable…
Déjame entrar, mi amor. Tengo un regalo para ti. -Let me in, mi amor. I have a gift for you.
Acostado ahí…-Laying there…
Y déjame dormir escuchando mi lindo corazoncito. - And let me sleep listening to my pretty little heart.
¿Sería eso aceptable para ti, mi amor? -would that be acceptable to you, my love?
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i9messi · 2 years ago
Maybe where yn wins paddock tickets and falls a love with a certain driver Max verstappen and couple months later they go on a romantic holiday or date
Love at first sight — Max Verstappen
Word count — 1k
max's masterlist
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Max likes to think it was love at first sight. After the race, he saw you standing in the paddock with your eyes on him. One look was enough for him to be curious about who you were, he needed to know your name and talk to you face to face. The first thing he did was ask the staff about you.
"Who is she?"
Staff members didn’t know you, you didn’t have any press credentials, so he thought that maybe you were a fan. Max came up to you, while you stared at him.
You had to pinch your skin to remember that all that was happening at the time, that it was real. Max Verstappen was saying hello to you.
"Wow, I didn’t know that besides winning tickets for the paddock I could also talk with the great Max Verstappen."
There was something special about the way that Max’s heart reacted to the tone of your voice and you, it was as if two souls who knew each other were meeting again after a long time apart. He was sure he didn’t know you, a pretty face like yours was impossible not to remember. Your voice was warm, your presence was warm.
"Did you win the tickets?"
"Oh yes, I was lucky." You looked at him with a smile, enduring your nervousness and excitement.
You weren’t used to talk with a Formula 1 driver. You were a normal person, you lived a normal life and enjoyed watching the races. When you entered the contest to get tickets, you never thought you could actually win. The paddock was the most privileged area that fans could enter, you had access to different experiences that could somehow approach the drivers and you. There were only a limited number of tickets and they cost a lot more than you could afford. You were living the best dream.
There you were, looking at Max Verstappen, not knowing that the driver was thinking about what he could tell you. For Max you were even more beautiful up close, your eyes captivated him and your smile made him want to smile. He wanted to know everything about you, your name, where you were from, who your favorite pilot was and if he would ever see you again.
"What’s your name?"
You presented yourself and he thought that your name was beautiful indeed. Everything about you was beautiful.
"Have you ever been here?"
"Watching a race or in the paddock? It’s my first time in both. It’s good to know my favorite driver has won."
So Max paid attention to your cap, you were wearing a Red Bull’s. He got a little proud, realizing that perhaps you were there to support him.
"Am I your favourite driver?" It was like Max could only work with questions. Instead, you were so fascinated by the idea of having a conversation with him, you didn’t notice his choice of words.
"Yes, you’re my favourite driver. Congratulations on today, Max."
Max smiled and just then, more people started calling him. There were several press people and important people who wanted his attention. You were more than happy that among all the people there, your favorite pilot would have given you five minutes of his time.
"Do you want to hang out later? Sorry if it sounds weird, I just— I think you're so beautiful and I would love to see you again."
Max’s question came out of his mouth involuntarily, his accent making his words sound more truthful. You were surprised by what he said. He was flirting with you.
"Oh, of course. I'd love to spend time with you."
Four months later, and every time someone asked Max how his relationship started, he said it was love at first sight. There was no other way to express it, because from the first second he saw you, you captivated him. That same day you had kissed for the first time and the taste of your lips had left him in love. The rest of the things happened with the same attunement, with a kind of magic that was overwhelming and charming at the same time.
What started with a conversation after the race, ended with a nice four-month relationship. Max loved you and you loved him with the same intensity, you had been there to accompany him in each of his races and every moment he needed your support. He had done the same with you, paying attention to everything you did, every project and your hobbies. He was a lovely boyfriend, like someone out of a movie.
Both had had a few days off and since you were already in the city where the Grand Prix was going to be held, you decided to make a getaway to spend time alone. The sun was shining in front of your face as you lay down on the yacht. You watched your boyfriend get on the yacht, the water ran through his skin and gave you an image that you wanted to record forever in your brain.
"See anything you like?" Max joked.
"Yes, you."
Max wiped himself with the towel and stood beside you, embracing you with his cold arms. You complained, not admitting it didn’t really bother you at all. His hugs were the best you could ask for, they made you feel at home. His arms tightened even more to you, as if he never wanted to let you go.
"You’re cold, love."
"And you’re hot, let me hug you to warm me up."
His arms went down to your waist, where he put his hands and drew you even closer to him. You looked at Max with love and patience, passing your gaze through every detail you liked about him. His eyes, his nose, his lips. His smile.
"I love your smile."
Max kept smiling, "You’re the reason I know how to smile."
Max Verstappen knew exactly how to make you fall in love more every day, with every word he said, it was as if he put a grain of sand to show you how much you loved that man. You left a kiss on his mouth and his lips welcomed you, still wet from the ocean water.
"I love you, Max."
"And I love you, lieverd."
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sagesolsticewrites · 11 months ago
Backwards Hat
a/n: so! I wrote this for funsies like a month ago when Anto posted that pic of him and Raff and Barry and given that we won’t be getting any new Anto content (as far as shows, etc.) until next Wednesday when Shardlake drops (SOOOOO excited!!!), I figured we could use something to tide us over until then 😊 Happy Friday, stay strong Anto girlies (gn)!
Warnings: none! Pure fluff
Word count: 442 (short n sweet <3)
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“Good job, my love!” You shout from the sidelines, biting back a smile as Barry and Raff begin their incessant teasing when Anthony meets your eyes with a bright grin.
You had tagged along to one of your boyfriend’s informal football games— organized as a way for him to get to see some of his former costars after Masters had wrapped— and you were having the time of your life watching him run around like a kid with his friends.
A brief time-out is called, and he jogs over to you.
“Hi there,” he grins, pretty brown eyes shaded from the bright spring sun by his beloved 100th Bomb Group hat.
You grin right back up at him, “Hi. Having fun?”
“Absolutely,” he laughs, his eyes flicking over to where Raff and Barry are shoving each other on the field like teenagers, “It’s really good to see these guys again.”
“It’s good that you guys stay in touch,” you smile, reaching up to flick the brim of his hat playfully.
“Hey,” he laughs, adjusting it back so it sits properly on his head again, “What was that for?”
“Well you’ve been standing here for at least thirty seconds, and I still haven’t gotten a kiss yet,” you pout.
He looks positively scandalized at the thought.
“I’m so sorry darling,” he says softly, though there’s a playful sparkle in his eyes, “Let me fix that.”
You rise up onto your tiptoes to meet him halfway as he leans in…
And jolts back as the cap protecting his fair Irish skin bounces off your forehead.
You laugh through your wince, rubbing the spot where it hit you.
“Or not, I guess.”
He frowns slightly, though the concern on his face eases as you assure him that you’re fine. You can see the gears turning in his brain as his friends call him back over.
“Honey, just go,” you wave him off with a smile, “I’m alright, I promise.”
“No, I’m not leaving until I’ve given my girl a proper kiss,” he retorts gently.
In one smooth motion, he flips the hat backwards and swoops in to plant his lips on yours.
You giggle into the kiss, squeezing him tight before releasing him as he steps away, eyes sparkling.
“There we go,” he grins with a wink.
“Get back out there, you dork,” you say through the wide smile stretched across your face, waving him off as Barry and Raff begin their good-natured teasing once more.
He stops to blow you a kiss as he jogs back over, making your smile grow impossibly wider as his friends playfully jeer about what took you so long?
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ghostfacd · 2 years ago
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pairing; slytherin!luke x hufflepuff!fem!reader
summary; graduation had finally came for you and luke, which meant closing doors and new beginnings. a summer on his lake house should’ve been fun, right?
genre; fluff, angst, hogwarts!au, one mention of sex but no actual smut, lots of crying, mentions of cheating and insecurities, mentions of past luke x kielle, to sum it all up, ynluke deserves better 🤲
author’s note; im gonna apologize in advance bc this one is gonna HURT.
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The day of Grad had finally came. You knew everybody in your year was excited, having spent 7 years at Hogwarts and were ready to move on.
“You look so pretty!” Kielle says as she enters your room, her voice buzzing with joy. She had her graduation gown and cap on, her makeup looked amazing.
“Have you seen yourself Ms. Kiels?”
“Oh stop it,”
You had put your phone on Do Not Disturb, not wanting anything or anyone to interrupt your getting ready process. You had to look perfect, this was the last time you were going to be at Hogwarts.
“Babe, I’ve been calling you.” Mark enters your room along with Luke, who looks absolutely entranced by you.
“Sorry Marky, you know I don’t like distractions when I’m getting ready.”
Over the past year, you and Luke’s relationship had grown greatly, and so has Mark’s and Kielle’s. You four were no longer immature teenagers who couldn’t handle criticism, but now newly blossomed adults.
“Are you guys ready?” Luke comes up from behind you, pulling you into a small back hug.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.”
When Professor McGonagall all called you up to receive your diploma, you could’ve swore you were gonna breakdown right then and there.
You couldn’t believe you were actually graduating from the one place you had called home to for 7 years.
When you turn around to hug Kielle, you could see tears filling her eyes, something that quickly brought tears to your eyes as well.
Man, you hated this part of graduating. The goodbyes, the crying, and the reminiscing.
“Hey, don’t cry,” Mark says as he takes Kielle away from your arms. She sobs into his shoulders, and Luke is quick to pull you into his arms.
“You okay lovie?” He asks, eyes searching yours for any sign of crying.
“I’m okay Lukey,” you turn around to give him a tight hug.
“Guys! Don’t be so sad!” Luke says when you pull away, arms wrapping themselves around his two best friends, “we four are spending the entire summer together, so quit the crying, alright? You’re gonna make me cry,”
Kielle wipes her tears, giggling at Luke’s words. Him, crying? Never in a million years.
The only time Luke has ever cried was when you two were broken up and he had regretted ever making that decision.
You all waved a final goodbye to your classmates, knowing in the future, you might run into them in the grocery stores with their own families and greet them and laugh back on the days spent at Hogwarts.
Luke even gave a small hug to Teddy Wellings, a boy who had been his partner in Potions prior and whom Luke had scared the complete shit out of.
“Good luck out there Wellings,” Luke says as he gives the boy a small grin.
“Wow, I never thought you would smile at me,” Teddy jokes, “but thank you Luke. My favorite Potions partner.”
“I was your only partner,”
“It’s the thought that counts!”
You silently make your way over to Evermore, one of the first girls you had ever befriended at Hogwarts.
“Hey Morie,” you say, slinging your arms around her shoulders.
She quickly turns around, giving you the brightest smile ever. “YNNN!”
“The one and only,”
She pulls you into a tight hug, chin on your shoulders as she rubs your back in a comforting motion.
“Thank you Morie.”
“For what?”
“For dragging me to the Quidditch match that one day. If it weren’t for you, I would’ve never had the courage to approach Luke, and we probably would’ve never dated.”
Evermore laughs, wiping away a few tears that had came down her cheeks. “Well I’m glad that Luke has such a wonderful and caring girlfriend like you, and I’m grateful that we became friends, YN. You’re always welcome into my life anytime, okay?”
Her words make you let out a sob, nodding as you two hug each other even more tightly.
“Alright, are we ready to go?” Kielle appears from behind you, giving you and Evermore a small smile.
“Yeah, I’m ready,” you give one more hug to Evermore, intertwining your hands with hers one last time before you leave. “I’ll miss you Morie.”
“I’m always just one call away Y/nie,”
- -
You all decided to spend the summer at Luke’s lake house. His brothers weren’t home the entire summer—Jack being with his girlfriend while Quinn was overseas. It was a perfect getaway.
“Hi darling,” Luke takes a seat next to you on the dock, admiring how pretty you looked with your sunkissed skin.
“Lukey,” you pull him into a small hug, one that he doesn’t pull away from until minutes after. He loved being with you in the sun, it was warm and made him feel a million times better just being by your side.
“Cannonball!” The loud voice of Mark runs throughout the entire house. You and Luke quickly part away to make space for the running boy, who, annoyingly so, cannonballs in the water, splashing you and Luke with a bunch of water.
“Mark I’m so gonna kill you!” Luke screams jokingly through soaked eyes.
“Uh huh, come join me in the water Lukey boy, it’s cold!”
You see your boyfriend roll your eyes, but extends his hand towards you so both of you can take a dip in the lake.
“Where’s Kiels?” You ask, wondering where the blonde girl was.
“She’s making BBQ for us right now! Said she didn’t want to get her lash extensions wet, whatever that means.”
Luke and Mark start splashing water on each other, making you laugh silently. Suddenly, Luke gets out of the water, shaking his body of the remaining droplets.
“I’ll be right back,” he says to you and Mark. “Mark, don’t drown my girl.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it Hughes!”
It’s about twenty minutes later when you realize that your boyfriend isn’t back yet. Confused, you dry yourself with a towel before making your way to the backyard, where Kielle was grilling the marinated meats.
“I don’t know Kielle,” you hear Luke say in a hushed tone.
“Lu, you’re gonna have to tell her sooner or later,” Kielle sighs, turning around to place a hand on Luke’s shoulder. “The more you drag it on, the harder it’ll be.”
Your eyebrows furrow. What were they talking about? Was Luke cheating on you?
It couldn’t be. Kielle loved Mark too much to do that—and you know Luke would never do that to you. But the words that came out both of their mouths said something different.
It didn’t help that Luke and Kielle had kissed once at a party during your sixth year at Hogwarts.
You walk quietly back to the dock, not wanting Luke and Kielle to have seen you. Your head was filled with questions that made it difficult for you to think properly.
“Hey, you okay?” Mark leans his chin against the dock, looking up at you. “Did you find Luke?”
“Yep,” you mumble underneath your breath.
Mark raises his eyebrows, but doesn’t further question. He pulls himself out of the lake, “cmon YN, let’s get to eating!”
The lunch was pretty awkward for you, since everybody else was talking while you were sitting in silence. Luke, being the observant boyfriend he is, notices your discomfort and intertwines his hands with yours.
You should feel comforted—you should feel better now that you were holding his hand, but were you the only one that had the privilege of doing so? Or was Kielle another person that also had those rights?
It wasn’t until the sun set and the sky was dark that you and Luke were able to get some alone time at the lake. Mark and Kielle had practically kicked you both out of Luke’s own house, but they said it would only be for an hour.
“They’re totally banging,” Luke says, a grin plastered over his face. If you weren’t so insecure, you would’ve laughed along, but instead you chose to stay silent.
Luke’s smile quickly disappears when he sees this, and he pulls you into a side hug, your bodies now touching. “What’s wrong lovie?”
“Are you cheating on me?”
Those five words make Luke choke, eyes widened and face flushed. “What?!”
“Luke Warren Hughes, are you cheating on me?”
“Of course not!” Luke stands up, flabbergasted at such an accusing question from you, “why—why would you even think that YN?”
“Because I heard you and Kielle talking about how you had to tell me something! I don’t know Luke—you guys are pretty close.”
“Yeah that’s because she’s like my best friend since first year,” Luke brings his hand to his hair, ruffling it in distress. “No YN, I’m not cheating on you.”
“Then what was it that you were gonna tell me that was so hard to say?”
Luke sighs, eyes looking directly into yours. “YN, I’m moving to Michigan.”
You could’ve swore your eyes popped out of your sockets in this very moment.
“Michigan? Why?”
“Well, when we were in our fall semester of our last year, I decided to apply to some muggle universities. I looked at UMich, and I really liked it YN. I want to do something with my life outside of Quidditch. They have this hockey program that is just amazing. So I applied and I got my congratulatory letter back in January. I’m sorry.”
It feels like your brain completely halts, forgetting how to speak or think.
“Lovie, please say something.”
“I don’t know what to say Lu,” your legs almsot give out onto the dock if it weren’t for Luke catching you and gently sitting you down. Even at times like this, Luke always knew how to take care of you. “I’m proud of you—I am. I just always thought we would go to uni in England, you know? Michigan is so far.”
“I know lovie,” Luke places a few strands of your hair that had gotten in the way behind your ear, “but Umich is a great place. I think I’d really fit in.”
Of course you couldn’t ask Luke to stay in London with you. That would be selfish. Your boyfriend seemed so passionate about going to Michigan that if you had cried at this very moment, you would feel incredible guilt.
“That’s great Lu, that’s great.”
Luke sighs as he watches you fall apart in his arms. Instead of talking more, he decides to rub your back comfortingly, placing tiny kisses on your tanned shoulders.
“We can do long distance can’t we Lu?”
Luke places his hand under your chin, making you look up at him. The sad look on his face already telling you what you didn’t want to hear.
“Lovie. I thought about this for a while, ever since I got my acceptance letter. I love you YN, don’t you ever doubt that, but I think it would be unfair for the both of us to do long distance when our time zones are so different and we have so much going on in our lives,”
You shake your head quickly, your tears making your vision too blurry to even look at Luke clearly. “No Lu, I’m willing to do whatever—”
“But I’m not,” Luke holds the both of your hands in his, eyes glossy and red. “Lovie, I can’t keep the promise that I will have time for you when I go to Umich. I’ll be so busy with hockey and studies and with our time zones, we wouldn’t even be able to call properly. I just can’t have anyone holding me back, and I most certainly don’t want to hold you back either. There’s just no way that I’ll end up being with you.”
“Is this what this is all about?” You scoff, wiping away your tears furiously. “You think I’m going to hold you back Luke?”
“It just wouldn’t work—”
“No Luke, it’s fine.” You pull away from his arms, now standing up. “You’re right. You’re completely right. This long distance thing will just fuck us up in the future, so we might as well end it now right?”
Luke gulps, not expecting you to be so upset with him. This was the last thing he wanted.
“YN,” he practically begs. “Please don’t make this harder than it already is.”
“I won’t Luke,” you sigh, “I guess we’re over then. Thank you for everything.”
You walk away that night with your heart broken and tears streaming out of your eyes. This night was the final day before summer was over, and while your original plans were to spend the entire night with Luke by your side, you ended up sleeping in the guest room of his house.
Mark and Kielle were painfully aware of the tension in the room the next day. Both not wanting to add fuel to the fire, Mark decides to take Luke out swimming to calm his nerves while Kielle stayed with you and made fruits for the both of you.
“I take it that he told you he’s going to Umich.” She says, handing you a bowl of cut watermelon.
“Yeah, yesterday night.” You take a bite, too upset to properly enjoy the sweetness of the fruit. “I feel bad, you know? I’m proud of him for getting in—it’s just, I thought we would spend our lives in London together. I never thought he’d go off to the States and we’d break up.”
“I know honey,” Kielle pulls you into her arms, letting your tears soak onto her top. “If it makes you feel better, Umich didn’t only take Luke, but they also took Mark.”
“No way,” you say, “Mark got in too?”
“Yup, our boys are gonna be playing hockey together.”
You wince at her mention of “our boys”, knowing that Luke was no longer yours.
“Oh I’m sorry YN, I mean Luke and Mark are gonna be playing together.”
“It’s fine Kiels,” you reassure her. The bowl of fruits seemed to be more interesting to you than anything else in the world right now. You just wanted to go home and cry it all out.
“I’ll still be in London,” Kielle speaks up after a while. “You’ve still got me,”
You give her a small smile, nodding slowly.
Curse you Michigan, for taking my boyfriend.
- -
The day for Mark’s and Luke’s departure had come quicker than ever, the two boys now standing outside the gate to board for Michigan.
Even though you and Luke were now exes, you couldn’t miss the chance to say your final goodbye to him. If you had stayed home, you knew you would’ve regretted it for the rest of your life.
“Flight 380 now boarding,” the microphone says. “Flight 380.”
It was Luke’s flight. You had memorized the number when Kielle first mentioned it after your breakup with him.
“Hey,” you say as you approach Luke, who’s currently rechecking all his luggage.
The silence between the two of you is awkward, and filled with so much longing. But neither of you are able to speak up, too afraid to do so.
“I’ll miss you, you know?”
Luke cracks a smile at that, his eyes sad. “I’ll miss you too lovie.”
You swore you almost cried when he had used the pet name that he’s been calling you since the beginning of your relationship.
“Will you come visit me every year?”
“Of course I’ll come visit you every year,”
You couldn’t help but pull the taller boy into a tight hug, not wanting to ever let go. You let your arms wrap themselves tightly around his waist as you bury your head into his chest.
“Don’t be a stranger, alright?” You say, tears rolling down your cheeks.
“How could I ever be?” He sniffles, laughing slightly.
“Alright Luke, we have to head on now,” Mark says, slightly pulling the boy back.
Luke gives you one final smile before leaving, but your eyes never leave him. Not until the gates are fully closed, and the loss of Luke’s presence starts to hit you.
“It’s okay,” Kielle comforts you as the both of you make your way back to her car. “I’ve got you.”
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agirlwholovesrockstars · 11 months ago
don't you forget about me
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๑ Summary : will you be true to your word that you won't forget about Eddie when both of you stood on your ground with your hopes and dreams succeeded?
๑ Word Count : idk if y'all like longer fics, but I'm just eyeballing it on the right amount, I'm so excited for this one hehe
๑ Warnings : 18+ Songwriter!Eddie Munson x Popstar!FEM!reader, cursing, use of y/n, highschool classmates, set in modern era (but with 80's aesthetics) Eddie is (21), reader is (20), Eddie is also very shy doesn't know how to express he feels but he cares, reader is jittery and rambles when she's nervous! VERY CUTE! I promise :))
๑ What to Expect : friends to lovers, unrequited feelings, FLUFF! this can be slightly awkward but I am a woman of my word it would be absolutely adorable!
๑ Note To Reader : I just had this idea that Eddie and reader while reunite after so many years later and they both can't handle that their friendship has never changed! it's still pretty rock solid! 😭🫶🏻✨
๑ Author Note : I worship John Hughes films, so, you know the drill! 😉 and um- sorry if I'm bringing myself some of my fics in this but the beginning happened to me in real life, so, yes, I miss that specific person (yeah the same guy that had a crush on for 10 fucking years 😃👍🏻) I haven't seen him since 2018 👀
"Stop- what are you doing?!" you said to him while having a breathy laugh
He smirks as he looks at you within his eyelashes as he tries to hold you still while writing something down on the back of your hand
"Eddie, this is ridiculous" you say to him as you shook your head sideways but a fond smile is sitting on your lips as you glanced at your back a bunch of students are hollering in excitement for the school year end because knowing damn well that whatever he is written down on your hand it will not stay, it would be easily removed once you took a bath when you get home
But, you don't mind it anyways, you smile at him as you watch him curiously as you can see his lips muttering different words under his breath as he writes
"You're the one who is being ridiculous" he says to you not looking at your eyes yet
You chuckle at his reply as you playfully roll your eyes at him
"There" he says as he brings back the cap of his blue ballpen, you heard it with a click
You bring your hand close to your face as you read what it says
"Don't let anyone else stop you for following your dream"
you lightly giggle when some of the words are not aligned as it goes wonky down on the back of your hand but still it's nice and you liked it
"Don't forget about me when you get famous with your singing career" he leans forward to get close to you, so, you could hear him clearly
The hallways are filled with whooping and screaming in excitement of students that are cheering for the school year end, Eddie chortled at the sight of it
You missed the way he looks at you
You raised your head as you flash him a sweet adoring smile as you nod
You shyly taken a back from his words of encouragement that really meant true as you judge by his tone
You snort "Okay, Eddie"
A smile tugs to his lips as he leans his back on the railing as he spoke again "I mean it, Y/N"
You look back at him and you directly look into his eyes
"Just don't ever forget about me, okay?"
It's very heartwarming to you that he is so kind "Of course, I will never forget about you, Eddie"
How would you ever forget Eddie Munson?
When he's the only one guy in your school campus who is so respectful towards you?
That was 2016, nine years ago
You've been classmates since 7th grade and even though you don't both have the same section from 8th grade and 9th grade
You still see each other and interacted a little
You kinda wish that he was still your classmates all those years
Sometimes, though, you winced at the memories when you're with him, you cringe at it at how you make things weird and awkward
You hate it when you get all so jumpy and nervous around him, I mean- it's just Eddie but the problem is that he doesn't know that you just realized it back in 8th grade that you finally figured it out that you developed feelings for him
You both weren't exactly close
Yeah, both of you tease each other and make fun and silly jokes sometimes
Yes, you both have a few conversations and slightly deeper talks about both of your families when your teacher on P.E class partnered the both of you together for the dance project
That's the only time that you ever both talked real to each other
That little moment, until now is still vivid to you
But still, you're not that close to him
He was just a good friend or maybe just a good classmate that you had
You encountered him again back in 2018 when both of your paths crossed while being on the escalators
You noticed him first but before you call out to him, you made sure that it was him because you moved on to another school after 9th grade, so, pretty much something's have changed but him?
He never did, he is still stylish as ever and so are you
But of course, both of you grew up
You're now already looking at him and you expect him to notice you, so, you didn't do anything at first and when you both finally met in the middle of the escalator and he is still doesn't saw you on the other side and he is mere inches close to you and you're too fucking shy to call his name out, you tried to tap on the handles to make a sound but no to avail, as you had no choice but to say his name
He whipped his head around the second you call him
He smiles and leans back forward as the both of you stare at each other
You shyly wave at him as you duck your head down to look at where you're going
From the corner of your eye, you saw him reached at the end of the escalator, his eyes still locked on you
But goddamn, it's 2024, you're 20 and he's 21
Both of you are college students now
Your feelings for him remained the same way and all of the crushes that you had from elementary to highschool
He's the only one ever to take over your heart this long
So long that sometimes, you wonder, if you try to confess it, so, it will be all over
But isn't that embarrassing? since well....
You haven't seen him since what?!? 2018???
2018 was the last time you ever saw him
You also haven't talked to him for years
Besides, seeing him on his Instagram profile but that doesn't count
But you did some risky stuff and you made such a big deal out of it because you're too overreacting with your giddy feelings for him
Like for instance
You complimented him on his Instagram stories in 2021 and he only heart reacted on it
You greeted him on his birthday for the first time ever in 2022 (you're wishing that he won't find it weird that you know his birthday and you hoped that he still remembers that he also wrote on your slambook back in 7th grade, that's why you knew) you also send your pictures with him from the field trip that you both had in 8th grade
And that right there, you received a message
A message that is so short but so endearing and it really means a lot to you
He says that he is sorry for not reaching out to you after all of those years passed and he is glad that you hadn't changed ever since then and he appreciates and he is so grateful for the highschool memories that you both had together
Even it's just a short amount of period at that time
2023, you greeted him again on his birthday but he only said thank you
You kinda hoped that he'll message you
But, girl- thank god that you aware of the term called "reality check" because why would he message you all of the sudden since that you both didn't knew very well
You sigh in hopelessly romantic manner wishing that he'll talk to you someday
Yeah, a smile grows on your lips all the time when you always receive a notification that he likes your posts
Damn, only a notification from him already lightens up your day
How fucking great, that's how pathetic it is
"5 minutes then you're good to go!"
Okay, fast forward from your train of thoughts, right- you got a show to run
You're a popstar now and you made it like you always wanted to be
Despite, everyone from your school bullies tries to pull you down
Eddie is the only one who believed in you and supported you all the way even both of your lives are different now than before
While in the autograph signing table
"You're such an inspiration!" A young girl said as she beams up as she watches you sign up of your portraits photograph
"Thank you so much, sweetie! I'm very happy to hear that, did you had fun?"
She aggressively nods as she starts bopping up and down on her heels in excitement, you chuckled at that and you gave back the signed picture of yours to her as she gives you huge smile as she takes her leave
You didn't noticed the next person as you start signing
"As you walk on by, will you call my name?"
The sound of the person's voice is too unreal for you to hear and to register of what you just heard as you paused on what you're doing as you slowly raise your head up at the person who is standing in front of the table across from you as you gasp that you thought you're not going to see him again after 2018
But, now, here, he is finally once again
You've always dreamed about this
You've always wanted this to happen
It's unbelievable
You know that face and voice and that iconic smirk on him as you take him in
"Eddie?" You're still gasping in shock as you cupped your mouth in surprise as you look around you and your eyes are twinkling as he looks down on you in adoration and now the other fans that are waiting in line are getting curious and they flash you a smile as they relished and witness the reunion of the both of you
He grins as he nods as he shoved his hands onto his pockets "Ah- she remembers me!" You giggled to his classic antics
He hasn't changed
You could hear everyone who is asking, the buzzing "who is he?" "omg- they knew each other?!?" "wait- maybe he is the guy from her songs!"
You're too overwhelmed from all of this that you almost forget that you have to sign all of the pictures
You motion for him to lean down as you say "Can you wait for me backstage?"
He smiles "Yeah, sweetheart- I'll meet you there"
You sheepishly smile at him again as you gave him access that made everyone eyes goes wild, the crowd seems to go nuts over it
And by that the following question had been like this
"Who is the lucky guy?"
"Why is he getting the special treatment?"
"Is he your boyfriend?"
You don't give them all the personal information from your life and all the details but you confirmed that he is the guy from your songs and you love how your fans squealed and get thrilled from this
After an hour, the show is over and you bid goodbye to your fans and thank them for attending, you stretch your arms out and massage your neck as you exhale as you headed into the backstage
"Y/N's a star now" he leans his back on the wall as he smiles at you
He says the moment you moved the curtains on the side as you snort at his comment
You went into the small comfort room as you change your clothes into much more relaxing attire
"Hey, Eddie, I hope you didn't get bored for waiting"
"Nah, I don't mind it- sweets"
Once you get dressed, you open the door, so, you can talk to each other as you start to remove your makeup with a cotton pad as you double cleanse with rinsing it thoroughly
He watches you put a tinted lip balm on your lips, he swallows as he hangs his head low for a while
You groan at the hairstyle that you had earlier but you absolutely loved it getting all glammed up but you're just so tired and wanting to get this everything off so you can get to rest
Both of you kept talking but you didn't notice how he looks at you and watches your every move from removing the pins and hair ties from your hair from brushing it and you let your hair down as you grab your shoulder bag
He is so entranced by you like as you do too
Only if he knew
And only if you knew
His daze has cut off the time when you're literally now in front of him, he snapped out of it when he tries to recall of what you just asked him
"Do you want to walk outside?"
"Y-Yeah sure, come on, let's go"
You told your crew that you'll be back and you look out for them and always saying thank you for getting the job done
The walk was.....pleasing....but too quiet for you
It seems like Eddie can read your thoughts as he finally spoke up
"How many years had passed?"
A knowing smile is showing onto your features as you glanced at him
"9 years"
He raises both of his eyebrows "Damn" as he chuckles in disbelief
"Yeah" the smile still lingers on your lips
"Did you get to do it?"
"Do what?"
"Your band? Corroded Coffin?"
There's a glint on his eyes as he stops to his tracks as he stares at you for a moment
"What?" You ask him in confusion
"Nothing, it's just- you still remember that?" He tilts his head at you as he squints his eyes
"Well, of course! you told me not to forget about you, right?"
"You're always true to your word, sweetheart, I like that for you"
You both sat down on the bench in front of the fountain as you watch random kids playing
He sighs but he notices that you're awaiting for his answer as you quirk an eyebrow at him as he snorts
"Uh, no- Jeff, Gareth and Me, played for 4 to 5 years, I think? We had a blast but I realized that being a rockstar, it's not for me permanently"
"But, I thought you always wanted to be rockstar"
"Yeah, well, we got a record deal for a while-"
"What?!? Really?!?"
He chuckles to your excitement as you turn your whole body facing to him
"Yup, and we- uh- did a little tour here and there but, it just felt like that's not what I was looking for" he shrugs as he looks down as he starts to fidget his rings
You notice that, you always do, it's his nervous habit, you smile at him sadly
"How about Jeff and Gareth?"
"They got all their own ambitions and all of us took the same thing and we agree to not totally disband but, maybe, someday I don't know in the future, we'll get back to where we started"
You nod at him in understanding "I still feel superior to be one of the very first audience" you smirk
He whips his around at you at that and he blinks slowly like he just had a flashback
Yeah, if he's supportive to you and so do you
"the most loud cheerier ever, I gotta say" he laughs as you facepalmed as you can remember all of it
"So, what do you do now?"
"Uh, I'm a songwriter"
You react in delightful way and he chuckles at your face that you make
Both of you reminiscence your highschool memories as both of you look back at it
"Y/N, you-"
He hesitates for a few seconds as he chuckles as he dismissive his hand at you
"It's getting late" he says as he clears his throat
Your smile slightly falls as you glanced on your watch
It's been 2 in half hours
"I guess, we better get going then"
You both stand up as he walk you through the parking lot
You dig your nails through your palms as you think twice if you should tell him right away how you really feel about him
You can't chicken out now
You're not a kid anymore, you can take the rejection and well....
At least you tried, so, it will bring you peace
You've been fighting for your whole life not to ask him before, it's plaguing every year passed
Only a few more steps, you can sight your van
You took a deep breath, you know you'll make a rambling mess out of a speech but you don't care
"Eddie" you say as you turn around to look at him
He raises his head the moment you call his name
You walked closer to him as he looks at you as he waits for you to speak
"I know this is going to sound so out of place but uh- I have feelings for you since we we're 7th grade, I didn't know that I had it since I just suddenly realized it when we we're in 8th grade and ever since then and now I still have it for almost 10 years and it's okay, you don't have to-"
"I know"
You're stunned, you can't function to speak anymore
"I-I'm sorry?"
"I know and I'm aware of it"
He can't just say that to you like it was nothing
You're definitely screaming inside to this mind-blowing revelation
Your cheeks starts to glowing red as you feel all bashful to his gaze
Your eyes suddenly can't manage the hold to look in his anymore
"Even before?" You whisper as you wrap your arms to yourself
He's now the one who moves towards you
You're appalled and you didn't even noticed that your mouth is hanging agape as you shut it and swallow
"How did you find out?" You ask without looking at his eyes
He runs his tongue over his lips "from Gareth, and you know him he's got a big mouth and all that"
You close your eyes in humiliation as you bite down your lip
You shouldn't have been talking to him or giving a clue
But, sometimes though, you give hints when you're having a conversation with him
Gareth, somehow, finds the missing puzzles and figures it all out
You couldn't stand here and you feel ashamed of what you just did, my god, what are you thinking?
"Listen, uh- it's good to see you, I gotta go" you say as your drag your heels to walk away from him as fast as your feet can take you
But, he reaches out and holds your wrist making you stop
"Y/N, don't go"
"Because-" he sighs as he runs his fingers through his hair
"I'm no expert in showcasing my feelings, okay? I-I'm shy"
Your entire discomfort of being flustered has completely washed away
You find it amusing, well, Eddie has always been shy but really???
There's nothing to be mousy about when he's with you
"You're shy?" You echoed what he just said as you pursed your lips together
He scratches the back of his neck as he clicks his tongue as he nods his head slowly
You exhale "Well, fuck- Eddie, I'm shy too! I can't even blurt it out loud of what I've been carrying for what?!? 10 years?!?"
You start pacing back and forth in front of him as he breathes through his nose
"See, Eddie, I've always liked you, okay? or maybe I took your kindness way out of line" you throw hands up
He gave you that doe eye look and you avoid looking at it as you continue rambling at him
"I can't even comprehend why? Why am I still clinging onto you for all these years? I hate that you still made me swoon over you and make me feel things!"
His mouth starts to slowly hanging open to your subtle confession
"You know what's unbelievable to me? Is that you don't know me and I don't know anything about you but still it feels like I knew you even though we don't talk a lot back then and it hurts, it hurts that you're so big-hearted and it pains me that you're just so mellow person" your voice cracks and that's where the time the water works starts to fill up in your eyes
You sniffle as you quickly wipe your tears from your cheeks "You're the only guy that has ever been so nice to me, the only who cared, the only one who hasn't changed towards me since highschool, I don't even know what's the reason why"
He is still remains silent, probably still processing every information that you just told him
His eyes softens and his heart is begging to leap forward outside of his chest
"Y/N" he holds your forearm softly as he runs his thumbs over it, you shivered from his touch
"Have you ever wondered why I still don't have a girl beside me?"
He is still single?!? What?!?
You gulped as you look at him with hopeful eyes and tear-stained cheeks
He smiles down at you as you scrunch up your face in a shameful way that you don't like him to see you crying like this
That's right
You haven't seen anyone with him since elementary or highschool
He had a couple of silly crushes that you heard from your classmates before but still
You don't saw anyone else with him
And that alone made you think a lot since Eddie is not an asshole, it's mind-boggling
You're still in denial that you might think he has the same feelings for you
As if
"Eddie- I think you're a great human being, anyone is lucky to have you"
He chuckles slightly as you dodged his point
"I didn't date because why?"
You take all the courage that's left inside of you as you look at him
"You already have my heart, darling"
Your eyes flutters to his admission, your heartbeats faster that it might burst any second
He likes you?!?
"A-Are you sure? I don't u-understand- why didn't you m-make a move before?" You stuttered, your voice sounds so small and it makes his heartache
"I was a coward" he pulls you closer to him your eyes widen but you melt to his touch
"W-What about the messages that I sent you? Does that mean anything to you?" A sprinkle of insecurity is showing through your tone and he catches it, he reassures you that it means a lot to him
He grins at the birthday wishes that you make before
"I appreciate them all, I-I just didn't know how to express it in there, so, when I found out that you're have a show in here, maybe it's time to take it to the next level, it feels it's the right thing to do in person"
He embraces you for the first time and the only time that you ever became this much closer to him, you feel his warmth enveloping you his arms surrounding you in the most cozy way possible, you sigh in content as you squeeze him
"Feel better?" He asks as he still holds you tightly
"Yes" you whisper softly as you smile against his chest inhaling on his scent, it's intoxicating
The moment you pushed yourself away from him, you slipped on the thin ice as his reflexes are fast enough to catch you before you can hit the icy cold ground
You gasp as your eyes goes everywhere to his face as you held on him to stabilize you to get back up on your feet
He's so mere inches close, his eyes sparkle as he stares at you
He slowly lifts you back on, both of you didn't break eye contact
He can't help himself as his hand crawls at your waist to flush your body against his, you fight for your breath for the idea that he's about to do
His eyes flits through your eyes and to your lips, he goes for it as you close your eyes as you kissed him back
"Is it too late?" The smugness is radiating off of him when you chase his lips to peck on it
"I think we both waited on the right time" you say as you kissed his cheek
His cheeks blooms red as he dramatically freaked out as you let out a fit of giggles
"I'm relieved that you're patient to finally let me get out of my shell"
"Oh, be thankful that I have a wide patience or else I'll fucking lose it"
He laughs as he rest his forehead against yours
"You're the most perfect girl ever"
You smile brightly "And you're the most perfect boy ever"
Your crew call out to you saying that you have interview tomorrow morning
"Be with me?"
You snort as you elbowed him as he catches you off guard pressing another kiss to your lips
"I love you, Y/N- you have absolutely no idea"
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rxgueone · 2 years ago
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Word count: 7,300
Summary: Lana (oc) has just came back from rehab. While she was in rehab, she had met several different people, one of them having the name of Austin Butler who had just moved into town. Lana and him are invited to a party. At the party, one of Lana’s friends get hit on, to which Austin defends said friend.
Warnings: angst, drugs, smoking, cursing, violence, all I can think of.
Tags: none.
Note: I just needed to get a story out. I might expand on this plot I have no idea. Also, I have a passion for cars and I feel like this story low key shows that—? If there’s typos I’m sorry. I wrote this at 1AM and it is currently 4:43AM as I am re-reading it, spare me.
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People say a lot of things can go down in the summer. Or not, sometimes people just have a boring summer. But for Lana, needless to say it was pretty exciting. To put it front she had overdosed in the first week of summer break and had to spend the rest of her summer in rehab. God knows what she has overdosed on, but she had visited her drug dealer buddy. Which that turned into something deadly, where she and her drug dealer buddy got threatened, and in as a result she overdosed. The experience for everyone was scary, except for her, she says: she was vibin. Needless to say everyone thought she was dead.
At least five days till senior year started, and she had just gotten back from rehab. She was standing in front of someone who she considered to be family. He was short, about 5’8” and had a scar going across his face due to a bike accident he had when he was younger. He had a buzzcut, always wore a Hockey cap. With the logo of the SJ Sharks. “So, you back?” He was looking up at her with a cigarette between his ear and head.
She stood in front of him, nodding. “Yep.”
“Aight, that’s what’s up.” He leaned off his chair, held out his hand and they both pumped each other. Leaning back then took the cigarette to light it up. “I thought you fuckin’ died man, sure as shit scared me.” He scoffed, blowing out a bit of smoke away from her.
“Nah, I’m good.” She shook her head. “How’ve you been Dal?”
Dal was a drug dealer. He owned a convenient store with his twin brother named Tray. Dal was the older brother by at least five minutes, he was 23, dropped out from the high school Lana was going to at the age of 17. His twin brother Tray also dropped out at a young age as well, maybe 14 or something along the lines of teen. Which Dal didn’t mind. The two brothers had their little drug business, plus with the store? They had a good amount of bank coming their way.
At first Lana was unsure about Dal. But after being friends with him for a solid year or two. Lana was sure about Dal and Tray now. She knew that Dal was a real and genuine friend, who actually gave some sort of shit about her. She trusted Dal and Tray, and the same went for the both of them.
“I’ve been alright.” Dal smiled, nodding his head for a few moments. “How’ve you been though, Lana.”
“Been alright.” She chuckled. “Hey, is Tray- still-?”
“Aw c’mon, you can’t be serious. You just got back.” Dal tilted his head, confused.
“Nah, I wanna say hi to him is all. I’m off that shit for good. No worries.” Lana knew that Dal was implying about the glass and powder that they sold.
“Oh aight, yeah he’s in there.” Dal nodded understandably. They both gave each other one more pump before Lana had smiled, skipping into the convenience store while he smoked his cigarette.
Lana opened the door to the fridge and walked inside. Finding Tray who was leaning back and listening to music. Tray was in nothing but a tank top and some sweats, wearing a silver chain necklace. He looked up, seeing Lana. “Yo! What’s up Lana!” They both pumped each other. “Thought you died bruv.” He sniffled, rubbing his nose.
“Seems like everyone thought I died.” She joked, a charming smile plastered on her face. Tray returned that friendly smile, nodding his head. “You got anything new?” She asked.
“Got some of that fuckin’ murky shit, check it out.” He grabbed a little baggie of powder. Holding it up to her face, she leaned down to look at it, nodding her head in approval. “Where you put that shit in the spoon and heat it up, Dal says it’s some strong shit bruv.” Tray smirked proudly before putting it down.
Tray reached into a little bucket, holding it out. The bucket was filled with bags that had at least three pills of LSD. “What type of acid is that?”
“It’s got levels.” He held up the bag to her. Which she took so she could look at it decently, nodding her head still. She had squinted her eyes. The pills looked to be formed in sugar cubes, and the other bag Tray held out had little smiley faces stamped on them. “Them sugar cubes is the shit bro!” His tone was filled with excitement.
Lana nodded her head, smiling a bit. She was happy that he was excited about drugs. Even though drugs were bad of course, the fact that Tray obviously had some sort of passion for them was low key pretty cute. Tray and Dal never took the drugs either, they simply held and sold them.
“What do they do?” She asked.
“Some psychological shit. One of the clients tripped out for two days straight.”
“Shit, that’s pretty dope.” Lana admitted.
“But ey man,” Tray snapped her attention from the drugs to him, “Dal and I really did miss you man.”
“I missed you too, Tray.”
Lana left the store after. Tray had given her an ice cream sandwich with a bag of cheetos. Which was her favorite snack. She had decided to walk home, with her hands in the pockets of her sweatpants.
While she had been walking, a familiar car had drove passed her, slowed down until Lana was walking beside the car. She recognized it, it was a blacked out 2000 Pontiac Firebird that the owner of said car actually bought with their own money. Lana side eyed the car, seeing their window roll down. “Hey Lana, is that you?!” They exclaimed excitedly through the window.
Lana leaned down, walking to the rolled down window. “Yep!” She nodded her head. She had already known who the driver was. Her name was Victoria Sanchez, aka Tori.
Victoria was fucking crazy to put it short. Absolute fucking psycho. At least to the boys who had dated her. Lana liked her, Victoria was always super nice to her, and in Lana’s eyes. Victoria had a heart of gold. She was small, about 5’3” had tan skin with black hair that was slightly wavy. With the perfect siren eyes, and perfect lips as well, and a small nose. Needless to say, she was a real treat n’ beauty.
The opposite could be said of her boyfriend Ashton Tucker. Ashton was a dickhead, a jock really. He was tall, about 6’3” so a solid foot taller than Victoria. Lana and Ashton didn’t get along at all, they actually got into a fist fight with each other in Freshman year due to the fact that he had tried to grope her at the school dance, homecoming to be exact. Which resulted into her decking him across the face, and the both of them went at it.
Ashton took pride in himself, he was the footballs team quarterback and their captain as well. He had brunette hair with a sharp jawline, good nose. Lana didn’t like thinking about him, but he was the school heartthrob at the time. Girls thirsted over him. Ashton though always had eyes for Victoria.
Their relationship was toxic needless to say. Lana had watched the two get into a screaming competition. With Ashton repeatedly calling her fucking insane, and Victoria yelling about how psychotic he was. It was a relationship that had the same taste as eating raw sardines with expired beans, joined up with soda that had no carbon. Lana knew all about it due to the fact she was good friends with Tori.
“Damn bitch, I thought you died!” Tori shouted, laughing. She was glad to see Lana after two months. Lana shook her head, happy that Tori seemed excited. “Come on in, I’ll give you a ride to wherever you’re going.”
“Appreciate that, Tori,” Lana opened the door of the Firebird, sitting in the passengers side.
“Oh my god c’mere bitch, you have to let me hug you.” Tori opened her arms and they both hugged each other. Tori leaned back in her seat, grabbed the gear shifter of the car and put it into first gear, driving forward. “I’ve missed you, Lana.” She smiled.
“Missed you too.” Lana responded. She meant that. She actually did miss Tori, in spite of them being polar opposites. Lana had missed the excitement and attitude that Tori had, it was rather entertaining.
“How was rehab?” Tori kept her eyes on the road.
Lana leaned back, thinking to herself before answering. “Pretty good, the people there were nice.”
This was true. The people at rehab all had problems and all were fairly nice. Nobody there was judgmental. They were all supportive of each other, plus, Lana had actually met a really cool dude there.
The doctors there were also cautious about the drugs they would give her every time something went down. At one point she asked the doctor for a specific drug, and they said to just stick with Advil and Tylenol, and in response Lana said she never wanted that doctor again.
He laughed at that response. He was a sweet doctor. Actually he was Lana’s favorite. His name was Mr. Gilbert.
“That’s good, hey-“ Tori turned to look at Lana, “wanna come hangout with Alex, Beth, and I for a bit? I’m going over to Alex’s place first to pick her up.” She asked innocently. Lana nodded, smiling. Tori giggled, she wasn’t over the fact that Lana was back. Lana looked great, her wavy brunette hair was cut short. Her tanned skin actually looked somewhat smooth. But she still had her eye-bags. Which was fine to Lana. It was completely okay considering the last time she saw Lana, she was a mess. To be specific, Lana was wearing a shirt she threw up on without washing it.
When Tori saw that, all she could say was: shit, drugs really do fuck you up huh? And to that statement. Beth agreed.
Lana sat in the car for a bit, watching Tori shift through the gears. “Hey,” she brought up, and Tori glanced at her, “has anything interesting happened while I’ve been gone?”
“Well,” she hummed, thinking to herself for a few moments before answering, “well… there’s this new kid that’s in our grade this year. I heard he just moved here.” She started.
Continuing on, “I heard he’s super cute, his name’s Austin.”
Lana blinked, “Austin?” She echoed his name.
“Austin.” Tori repeated after her.
“You know him?” Tori blinked, confused.
“Well- yeah.” Lana shrugged.
Austin Butler was a kid she met in rehab. He wasn’t a patient there, but was there to see his older brother who had overdosed like Lana. From what she could recall, Austin had been bored one day and walked to the lobby to which Lana was there trying to buy a Snickers bar from the vending machine.
Austin instantly recognized she was a patient due to the clothes she was wearing. And was happy that there was someone there that was at least close to his age. He approached her, offered to buy her the snickers since she had no money, and she gladly agreed. Didn’t want to spend money.
Austin was a super chill dude actually. And yes, Tori was right. He was a pretty cute dude. Although Lana could remember he had a super awkward smile. But, regardless, he was nice. Austin was a guy who was 100% clean, didn’t do drugs, drank, or smoke. Didn’t have any socials either. Lived his life low, he was a minimalist, which of course- considering Lana’s generation, was probably a real shock.
Austin told Lana he hadn’t done anything like that because of his family. He came from a line of addicts, and so he steered away from drugs. Plus, his relationship with his mom and dad weren’t so good.
Eventually Austin’s brother had left rehab. But Austin still came over every day to see Lana, check up on her since she was his only friend. Unfortunately, Austin had to come tell her that his older brother relapsed and passed away.
“Yeah,” Lana nodded her head, puckering her lips when she was thinking then smiled, “Austin’s a good friend of mine. He was at rehab with me.”
“A patient?” Tori seemed surprised.
“Oh no, his brother was a patient. Not him.”
“Oh- so you’ve met him?” Tori tilted her head to think herself. “Is he cute? Alex says he looks like someone from the sixties.”
“Yeah,” Lana agreed without any hesitation. She had no problem complimenting Austin, he deserved it. She kept nodding her head when she was thinking of him, “he’s good looking for sure. Tall, blonde, gray eyes, and he plays Hockey.”
“Yeah, he plays for the Campbell Vipers.” Lana confirmed. “Deep voice. Definitely the new heartthrob.”
“Oh…” Tori blinked as she kept trying to envision how he looked. “Ashton’s probably better.” Lana thinned her lips in disagreement. Ashton’s the spawn of satan. She thought to herself. “Speaking of him, we broke up.”
“Again?” This came to no surprise.
Ashton and Victoria probably broke up at least twice a month. Lana was actually low key sick of it. Tori would cry about him then the very next week she’d be getting dicked down by him. It wasn’t just Lana who was sick of it. Even Alex, someone who was passive, more passive than Lana, was sick of it. As well as Beth. The whole group was tired of it.
“The hell do you mean, again?” Tori mimicked Lana’s deeper tone.
Lana squinted her eyes at Tori. “Don’t you and him break up like forty times a year?” She leaned back further in the passengers seat, sweeping her hair away from her eyes.
“So? I love him.”
Lana chuckled to herself. “More like you lust for him.” She murmured underneath her breath, whilst staring out the window.
School had finally started and like usual they had a pep rally and an assembly to get everyone ready with what would happen for the school year.
Tori had picked her up because once again, she found Lana walking by herself. Why? Well because when Lana wasn’t sober. She couldn’t actually properly bike. At one point she actually biked into the lake, couldn’t retrieve her bike back then. Even Alex was shocked when she found out about the bike. And it took a lot to somewhat surprise Alex.
While Tori drove Lana to school, they talked about the usual which was obviously about the new boy that was coming to Preston. Frankly, he was the talk of the town. Which was one of the nuisances of living in a small town such as Campbell.
There was only about maybe 7,000 people living in Campbell, so pretty much everyone knew each other. Welcome to the suburbs. Lana had known that when she overdosed, she was the talk of the town. And it was the same for Austin Butler. If Lana was being truthful, she was slightly surprised that everyone had just found out about him.
But then again, it didn’t come as to much of a shock. Austin was always going to rehab, for gods sakes he even slept there overnight. So it made some sort of sense to Lana that not everyone knew of him. Tori had talked about Austin to Alex and Beth, who kept saying how they heard he went to jail, got kicked out of private school, was a richie bitch, he was a manwhore, couldn’t keep a girl for more than a week- maybe 3 days if the chic was unlucky.
Lana was bothered by this type of talk no doubt. She had known Austin for two months and what she did know what that most things said about him were untrue. She wasn’t urged to defend him however, why would she anyways? He was a Hockey player. Those guys can beat if they want to.
As she was sitting in the bleachers of the gym, she could see hordes of the other seniors walking in. And as she stared down at the crowd, she spotted him. He wasn’t hard to miss, he had golden hair, and honestly, it was nice. But not just golden hair, he was tall. Maybe one of the tallest kids in school. The tallest was Miller, who was 6’5”, then came Ashton who was 6’3”, then Austin who was 6’1”.
Lana got up from her spot and screamed his name. Which caused him to poke his head up from the bottom of the bleachers, and at an instant that awkward gummy smile of his peered on his face. Tori, Alex, and Beth looked up at Lana, confused why she was screaming. Then looked to where Lana was waving, and they saw the blonde walking towards them. “Austin!! Get the fuck over here!” She shouted with her arms waving around like there was no tomorrow.
Austin quickly walked up the stairs towards the top row of the bleachers. Wearing a backpack that was slagging off his shoulder, he reached Lana. With a smile, his hand went for hers, quickly dapped her up, then gave her a quick bear hug. “What’s up Clark? Didn’t know you went here.” Clark was Lana’s last name, Austin had a thing where’d he call people by their last name. Due to respect. But, this also taught Lana something about him. If he called someone by their first name, he probably didn’t like them, or he was pissed.
“Please, it’s either Westen, or here. And Westen is the private school, so fuck that.” Lana sat back down beside Tori, patting the spot beside her. Austin dropped his backpack between his legs before sitting down beside Lana.
He looked over her shoulder, flicking his head towards her group. “Who are these chics.” He asked innocently.
“This is Victoria Sanchez, she goes by Tori,” Lana pointed to her. And Austin smiled at her quickly. “The other is Alex Bradley, and that’s Beth Williams.”
“Sup.” He smiled at the three of them before leaning back on the wall. Tori stared at Austin, absolutely starstruck. The same went for Alex and Beth, who couldn’t keep their eyes off of him.
“Hey,” Beth started, pushing her blonde hair behind her ear, “Mason Cooper is hosting a party- a back to school party around five up till god knows what time, you guys wanna come?” She looked at the four of them. All of them except for Austin nodded, and Beth eyed the other blonde who sat at the end of the line. “What about you, Aus? You wanna come?”
The question was answered with silence. Austin was looking at Lana, as if he was asking for permission to come. Lana gave a nod, deciding to answer for him. “Austin will come, I’m sure he will.” Lana glanced at Beth then at Austin. “You’re comin’ right, dude?”
“Yeah, totally.” There was a small smile on his face. And Lana looked at Beth, confirming for her.
“I’ll pick you guys up then.” Alex answered. “I got the biggest vehicle out of everyone here.” She brushed her hair back. This was true, Alex own a white heavy duty 2010 Ram 2500 6.7 cummins mega-cab that ate up all her fuel. It took 6 miles to the gallon which was actually atrocious. The truck was beloved however so it wasn’t like she could get rid of it. The truck actually belonged to her father, he’s a contractor. But regardless, Lana and the group felt bad for Alex. Who was mostly complaining about the awful mpg.
Austin nodded his head, before speaking. “Y’all don’t gotta pick me up.” He waved his hand apologetically. “I’ll drive there myself- Lana, could you send me the address?”
“Yeah of course.” Lana looked over at Beth, who understood what Lana wanted. Then the three of them leaned back against the wall. The pep rally was starting and the music was blaring like there was no tomorrow. Tori leaned forward to look at Austin. Lana expected a conversation was to spark, and she was going to sit in the middle of it.
“So Austin, where are you from?” Yep, Lana was right. Tori was starting up a conversation with the golden boy.
Austin leaned towards Tori so he could hear her properly. Meaning his side profile was right in front of Lana’s chest. “I’m from the West Coast.”
“But you play for the Campbell Vipers?”
“How’d you know that?” Austin chuckled. “Lana tell you or sum’n?”
“Yeah! She says you play for them. I didn’t know you were a Hockey dude.” She leaned close to him, their faces just inches away.
Austin gave a measly shrug. Thinking of an answer. As if he was supposed to make one up to impress Tori. But simply gave her the truth. “I lived in the West Coast before moving to the next town by age five. I was in a daycare in elementary. And the teacher there was a Hockey coach in his spare time, he asked if I was interested and I said yes. I started off in the peewee league before being transferred to the Vipers.”
The Campbell Vipers was actually a good Hockey team, and mostly everyone was proud of them. Even in spite of them just being a team of high school players, the team was incredibly talented. The teams color was crimson and black, with their logo being the insignia of a saw-scaled Viper.
Lana didn’t know any of the players due to the fact that their jerseys didn’t have their last names or first names, just their number. Austin’s number was three, this was because he was the third youngest in his family. He had an older sister who played Volleyball in high school, and got a scholarship for it as well. Austin was trying to follow the same path of getting a scholarship for Hockey.
Lana sat in the middle of their conversation. Her eyes looked through the bleachers, finally stopping at the bottom row. She could see Ashton staring up at the group. Lana blinked her eyes, noticing how he was glaring at Austin. Who was currently having a pleasant conversation with Tori about Hockey.
Lana bit her lower lip, not sure how Ashton would possibly react to this considering he was a dickhead and a jock as well. But Lana knew that Ashton was too pussy to even beat Austin in school. Lana could remember all the times that Ashton would beat someone to a pulp outside of school purely for interacting with Tori. The only people who could interact with Tori were chics, and guys? Well good luck to that.
Lana listened to Tori giggling as Austin was telling her about his life, due to the fact that she was so curious about it.
Austin got kicked out of his house after his brother’s passing for fighting with his mom’s boyfriend. He couldn’t live with his sister because she was off in college living in the dorms so that was off limits. So Austin figured why not live with Dal and Tray. It was a surprise that Austin actually knew the duo, but he had revealed that because of his older brother, almost all his friends, if not all of them were drug addicts.
Druggies to Austin were probably one of the nicest people on the earth, just lost was all. He also revealed that he was close friends with Dal and Tray due to his brother being friends with them as well. The duo had been letting Austin live with them for free. Only thing was that Austin had to respect their mother, who was unfortunately ill. Since the blonde was so polite, and since their mother loved him, Austin was allowed to stay as long as he wanted.
Whenever Hockey season was over, Austin would work for a rancher that lived in Gilroy. He loved horses and cattle, knew how to herd them with the help of a trusty Border Collie. Austin was a clean cut American boy with a cowboy background. Word.
“You sound interesting.” Tori smiled at him. “We should hangout sometime.”
“Whatever you want, miss.” He shrugged. “What about you? Where are you from, huh?” His voice was as smooth as butter Lana admitted to herself. But at the same time she was dreading this conversation. She was sitting in the middle, Ashton the psycho was glaring at them, which meant something was gonna go down soon.
Lana looked at her surroundings. Seeing how there were multiple pairs of eyes looking at Austin. She knew he’d be the knew heartthrob, and she slightly hated that she was friends with said heartthrob. But, at the same time she liked it. It told her that not all good looking guys were actually dickheads.
Victoria was from a place that was the opposite of Austin. She didn’t come from a rich family but rather from just a middle class family. She was surprisingly the only child, and it was surprising because everyone else in the whole entire friend group, including Lana, had siblings. But not Victoria, she was the only child, and was low key spoiled.
Sassy and had an attitude. However, she was always willing to defend her friends. Victoria revealed to Austin that she hated her parents, her dad specifically because of how loveless their marriage was. Her dad had been sleeping on the couch for as long as she could remember. Always drinking beer and never interacting. And when there was some sort of interaction, it was met with screams and shouting. Since her parents had a loveless marriage, Tori would often fantasize about marrying a man who genuinely loved her for who she was. Fantasized about having a healthy marriage.
Which was actually really ironic considering that her and Ashton would have sex 24/7 and when they weren’t fucking there were screaming. Aye, but sex and arguments make the perfect cup of joe. He really must love her for who she is… 100%. Lana thought as she listened to Tori.
She loved makeup, and also did drugs now and then. She didn’t vape, but she smoked cigarettes quite often. Her favorite was Marlboro Red, the strongest. She told Austin how she was good friends with Dal and Tray. This- was false. She wasn’t. She knew them sure but she wasn’t actually good friends with them. Lana was good friends with them. Not Tori. Maybe Tori thought she was close with them due to the fact that Dal and Tray had this sense of protecting Tori.
Tori then revealed her on and off relationship with Ashton to him. She told him how Ashton was a dickhead, how he was probably psychotic with some anger issues he needed to work on. Ashton once grabbed Tori by the throat and slammed her against the wall because she pointed out the stain he had on his shirt. She told Austin how Ashton dumped her because he thought she looked like a whore. In fact, he would often degrade her outfits, calling her a when he got the chance whore. Even when they weren’t in bed. She had told Austin. “If he were dating me now, he’d probably say I look like a whore.”
Tori was wearing a gray crop top with some gray sweatpants. She honestly looked great. A bit of her cleavage was showing and so was her stomach, but the fact she didn’t even get dress coded was a miracle. In response to her statement, he shook his head. “You look beautiful, Sanchez.”
There was a bit of silence, as if she wasn’t expecting a response like that. Lana side eyed Tori, agreeing with Austin. “He’s right, you do.” She knew that Tori needed some sort of confirmation from her silence.
“You think so?” She blinked at them both.
“Of course.” Austin smiled.
“Yep.” Lana responded after Austin. Tori smiled, leaning back on the walk beside Lana. And Austin glanced at Lana before leaning back to watch the pep rally.
When the assembly was over. Austin had hung out with Tori for a bit. She wanted to show Austin the campus. He was leaning against the lockers as she was talking to him. Lana was quietly watching with Alex and Beth, wanting to see how Austin would treat Tori.
“Hey,” Beth hit Lana’s shoulder, who glanced at her. But then was able to see that Beth was pointing to Ashton, who was approaching the duo.
“Shit, something’s boutta go down.” Lana rolled up her sleeves of her flannel in case she had to do something about Ashton. She wasn’t afraid to stand up to him. Even though he was 6’3”, she was 5’10” which in her mind- wasn’t that big of a difference. Alex stayed quiet, interested in what Austin would do once he saw Ashton.
Austin had a smirk on his face the whole time when he was talking to Tori. He wan’t talking though, she seemed to do most of the talking, with him smirking and nodding along. Clearly interested in whatever story she was telling about her being the cheerleading captain, dating the football captain, which most of the time was a recipe for disaster.
Austin’s eyes slowly crept forward when he could see Ashton strutting towards the pair. The smirk on his face disappeared, and he stood up straight. Eyes narrowing towards Ashton. “There he is, there he is.” Beth said excitedly, slowly moving behind Lana as if she was hiding from someone.
Lana noticed how Austin stood in front of Ashton, his eyes still narrowed. He didn’t seem to back down. It was clear Austin had no visible respect for Ashton, not after what Tori had told him. He probably saw the jock as some sort of dickhead who needed to get his shit together.
Tori looked at Ashton, saying something before telling Austin something. In response to this something, he dipped his head and left Ashton alone with Tori. Walking over to Lana, Alex, and Beth.
“Something is definitely gonna go down at the party if Ashton goes there.” Alex murmured from beside Lana.
Alex, Beth, and Tori were all standing outside of Lana’s house. She opened the door, being greeted with the trio. Lana blinked, seeing how Tori was in a thin pink crop top that pretty much looked like a sports bra with a pink silk skirt. Beth seemed to have curled her blonde hair for the occasion. She was wearing a white tank top, with a pink wool jacket over it, and some denim jeans. Alex was just wearing a casual pink shirt with some denim high waist jeans with her brunette hair tied back.
Lana stood there, looking at the trio. All three of them were wearing pink, while she was wearing black. In fact, she was wearing a black oversized shirt with a jacket that was too big for her and some joggers. Beth had texted her that the theme they were gonna go with was pink, but she obviously had completely forgotten.
“You completely butchered the theme.” Tori said, her hand on her waist. Alex was smiling at Lana, thinking of how silly she was.
“I texted you- we chose pink- remember?” Beth held out her phone from the purse she was carrying. Lana slowly nodded her head before walking out.
“Sorry I have short term memory loss.” She joked.
Alex rubbed the nape of her neck, thinking to herself. “I have a pink bow tie in the truck. Want it?”
“Sure.” Thank you Alex for coming in clutch. She added in her head.
They had pulled up down the block of Mason’s house. The whole entire ride had been dysfunctional. With Tori stressing out about her makeup and Ashton, Alex continuously telling Tori how she shouldn’t worry about Ashton due to how beautiful she was. Beth trying to learn how to tie a bow tie and put it onto someone who wasn’t wearing the proper clothes, and Lana who was being uncooperative by screaming the lyrics to Nirvana songs that Alex had been blaring while telling Tori how beautiful she was.
“How the fuck do you tie a bow tie?” Beth stared at Lana, who was now calm.
“Ugh, it’s not hard Beth.” Tori rolled her eyes before jumping in the backseat. She plopped herself down in the middle, and looked at Lana’s neck size, adjusted it, put one side shorter than the other side, and began the process of tying a bow tie.
After that was finished, Lana hopped out of the truck. With Tori and Beth following behind, Alex hopped out after, then locked the truck. The four of them walked up the sidewalk side by side, Lana with her hands in her pockets. “You think we have to give Veronica a ride?”
“Onica gets too drunk to walk at every party. I’m sure we have to.” Alex answered. This was true. Last time Veronica got so drunk that she was about to be taken advantage of if it wasn’t for Tori who had walked in to stop the whole thing.
‘Get the fuck away from her!’ Was something she was excessively yelling, she even got a whine glass and broke it over the assailants head. On top of that, Lana was too high to function. So Beth and Tori were left with babysitting the duo while Alex had to drive them home.
As they were walking down the block to Mason’s house. Lana paused when she heard the sound of a V8, and she had already known what was making the sound. It was definitely a V8 engine joined with cams. And Lana could hear the blowp of the V8 as it rolled by.
She and Alex had their jaw dropped as they saw a blacked out 1985 C4 Corvette, with the cams inside that thing were making a beautiful sound. “Holy shit, Alex…” Lana breathed out as the car slowly prowled and had parked behind Alex’s car. They both were mesmerized by the beauty of the C4.
“Who is that?” Tori asked, clearly intrigued.
“A dickhead.” Beth answered without any hesitation. Corvettes weren’t really liked in town. Why? Because most of the drivers that owned a Corvette were dickheads, would often rev the shit out of their engine, make themselves known. The owner of this Corvette wasn’t as bad as the typical driver in Campbell, but due to the fact that he clearly installed a full exhaust system, with some new cams, meant he was close to that dickhead Corvette owner line.
The four of them stood still when they saw the door or the Corvette pop open. And out came Austin Butler himself. Lana squinted her eyes, slightly confused. “I didn’t know he could fit in that.” She whispered to Alex.
Alex nodded, agreeing. He was 6’1” and Alex had put a bet with all her money that Austin was cramped inside that car. He had been wearing a simple white t-shirt and some denim jeans, joined with a brown leather belt. He had a strong strut and he flicked his head towards them. “What’s up.” He smiled as he stood in front of Tori. Looking down at her, he kept that same charming smile. “Hey Sanchez.”
“Hey Austin.” She smiled as he fell in beside her.
“Sup Clark,” the two of them quickly dapped each other up. “Hey Williams, hey Bradley.” He dapped the both them up after with a smile. Alex was surprised that Austin had already learned their names. Especially Alex’s last name, he never spoke to her at the pep rally.
“Wow, you actually did come.” Beth said as Austin was now walking in the middle of the group. Tori and Beth were on his right, Lana and Alex were on his left.
He slid his hands into his pockets as he walked with them. “I mean,” he shrugged, “I said I would.”
“Austin always keeps his words.” Lana looked at Beth calmly. “Whenever he said he was gonna see me in rehab. He always did.”
When they had approached Coopers house. Lana could see Ashton’s car. Which was a 1998 Acura Integra Type R, that had brand new shocks, break discs, and was lowered just one inch off the ground. It was so low that the car scraped. Due to Ashton’s bragging. Lana knew that the car had a 1.8 liter 16 valve inline 4 engine, which from what she could recall was a good engine that was specifically made by Honda.
The Type R had only 195 horsepower. But considering that Ashton modified his car and had it dynotuned, it definitely made more than 195 horsepower. Austin was in awe when he saw the Integra. “Who’s car is that?” He asked, pointing to the white pearl 1998 Integra Type R that was parked out in Cooper’s driveway.
“Bitch, that’s Ashton’s.” Tori answered casually, rolling her eyes. Austin huffed, as he kept staring at the Integra.
“He’s a dickhead but he’s got a beautiful teggy.” Austin murmured to Lana.
“Tell me about it.” She rolled her eyes in envy. Ashton was a rich boy, so he had a lot of privilege and often got away with his bullshit. “Say Austin, you don’t even smoke, party, or do drugs, so why are you coming here?”
“The food.” He answered. Austin had a habit of often sneaking into parties and going into kitchens so he could eat the food there. He’s always raid the fridge first, and usually there was cake. Sometimes he’d raid the freezer and find Vanilla ice cream, his favorite. He was lactose intolerant but for some reason would down ice cream when he had the chance. Suffering for ice cream was worth it in his mind.
He’d watch the others drink, get drunk, then he’s raid the kitchen. The best thing he found in the kitchen was a full batch of 12 glazed Krispy Kreme donuts that were cold but they sure as hell weren’t stale. He downed all of them in less than five minutes, four bites per donut plus milk to him was the perfect combo.
When Austin had entered the party with the four of them. All eyes were on him. Apparently Allison and Ally had locked themselves in the bathroom when they saw Austin walk into the party. Immediately they began hyperventilating when they saw him. According to Tori, they thought he was so attractive that they hid away. Which was cringe on its own, but Lana still couldn’t blame them. She too was shy around attractive looking people, men or women, didn’t matter.
Allison and Ally had been in the bathroom for so long that there was a line forming. People were shouting about how badly they needed to go pee, and Beth was one of those people. She approached the door and banged on it like there was no tomorrow. “Allison, Ally? Can you open the fuckin door?! There’s like ten of us that has to go pee out here!”
While Allison and Ally were having a nervous breakdown over Austin. He was in the kitchen enjoying an ice cream sandwich. Across from the kitchen was Tori, she was with Ashton. He was trying to convince her to get back with him. With his hand over her hips, he was pulling her close. “C’mon Tori, you know I didn’t mean that. I love you.” He smiled, leaning down to kiss her.
“No thanks Ashton, you can go fuck yourself.” She pushed him away.
“What?” He hissed angrily, grabbing her wrist. Tori could tell that Ashton was obviously not in a sober state, he was reeking of alcohol and weed. Stunk, stunk real bad. Austin kept a close eye on the pair, grabbing another ice cream sandwich. “You did not just tell me that.”
“I just the fuck did.” She yanked her hand away, only to be greeted with a chokehold. Ashton could feel Tori shaking in his grasp, but she kept staring up at him. Inhaling sharply to catch her breath as his grip around her throat tightened. He leaned down further, his nose against hers as he kept a tight grip on her throat.
Before he could get a word out, Austin swallowed the chunk of ice cream. “Oi, buddy! She said she ain’t gonna ride your dick, now leave her alone, man.” He called to Ashton. Tori kept staring up at Ashton to see what he’d do, and he threw Tori to the side, whipping around to face Austin.
“What pretty boy?”
Austin took a bite from his sandwich. Gulping down, “…she said she ain’t gonna ride your dick.” He said as he took another bite. “So back up.” Speaking through a full mouth, Ashton stood there, glaring at Austin.
Ashton and Austin were both making a scene in the kitchen, and there was a crowd slowly forming to watch in interest. Alex poked her head out the corner, with Lana by her side. Alex saw Tori and without any hesitation had grabbed Tori to pull her out of the kitchen. Lana was gonna stay behind to watch what was to unfold. The pretty boy goes up against the richie bitch who’s dad owns half the town. Nice. Lana couldn’t stop smiling, for some reason, she was proud of Austin for going head to head with Ashton. Well I mean it makes sense, he plays Hockey.
While everyone else saw this as some sort of stand off. Austin was simply enjoying his ice cream. It was pretty wild if Lana was being honest. “Scuse me, who the fuck are you?” Ashton asked, slowly walking towards Austin, who was leaning against the fridge as if he was gatekeeping his ice cream.
“Hi, I’m Austin Butler.” He introduced himself to Ashton before taking another bite from his ice cream sandwich. Ashton narrowed his eyes, slightly squinting them in confusion. That was the thing about Ashton. Whenever he couldn’t properly intimidate someone, he would always get confused. But slightly fearful. Why? Because an opponent who has nothing to fear, isn’t someone you wanna fuck with. “Who the fuck are you?” Austin repeated after Ashton.
“What’d you just say-“
“Who the fuck are you.” He smirked, repeating the question for Ashton.
“You tryna fuckin’ start shit with me?”
“No, are you?”
“Nah man, seems like the fuck you are!” Ashton grabbed Austin’s forehead, forcing it back. The back of his head hit the fridge, and Ashton tightly gripped his hair so he could slam Austin’s head into the corner of the counter.
He fell to the ground, laying there as if he had just been killed. The crowd that had formed was silent, staring down at Austin. His blood had stained the kitchen counter, and Ashton stood over Austin. “Did he just fucking kill him?!” One of the bystanders shouted within.
“What the fuck is his problem?”
“Dude was just chillin!”
“He was eating a fuckin’ ice cream sandwich and got his shit handed to him for what?”
The crowd slowly started to fall apart in protest when they watched Austin. As he laid there, he let out a bundle of laughs, giggling madly before he got up to face Ashton once more. “Hey buddy,” Austin started, speaking softly as if Ashton was a child, “you tryna start sum’n with me?” A childish giggle left his throat. As blood was dripping down the side of his head and onto his face.
“What…” Ashton stared at Austin, genuinely weirded out.
“I said.” Now he stood still with his hands in his pockets. “You tryna start sum’n with me.” Narrowing his eyes towards Ashton. He saw the jock launch towards him, like instinct he stepped to the side quickly. His brain was now thinking like a Hockey player. He grabbed the bottle of vodka that was on the kitchen counter and slammed it onto Ashton’s head. Shattering it on the back of his head, and Ashton fell over. Instantly knocked into an unconscious state.
Austin stepped over Ashton’s body to walk back to the fridge to get another ice cream sandwich. Unwrapping it, he dropped the wrapper onto Ashton, taking a bite from the sandwich. Lana stood in the middle of the crowd, she had been watching the whole fight. And all she could really say was. “God damn.”
Examining his surroundings, he spotted Lana then pushed through the crowd. “Scuse me, scuse me.” He murmured as he approached her. They all moved out of the way for him. Their eyes still staring at Ashton.
“Holy shit…
“Yo? is he good?”
“Should someone call the ambulance?”
“Who? For Ashton Tucker? Nah that fucker deserves it bro!”
“Sup Clark.” Austin took a bite from his sandwich. “How’s Sanchez?”
Lana was blinking repetitively, still trying to process what she had just seen. “She’s uh- she’s- she’s um…” stammering through her words, while scratching the back of her head, “yeah man she’s- she’s good. Alex is taking care of her.”
“That’s good.” He covered his mouth so she wouldn’t have to see how full of ice cream it was.
Lana didn’t like Ashton, not one bit. If she could kill him she would. But the fact that Austin slammed a bottle of Vodka over Ashton’s head and just left him laying there while a puddle of blood was forming underneath him was both concerning and badass. Concerning because she didn’t want her friend to get in trouble, but badass because finally Ashton got what he deserved. “Aye you sure- you sure Ashton’s good?”
Before taking another bite from the ice cream sandwich, Austin was surprised by the question. “You friends with him?” He asked, confused why Lana was even worried.
“Then why do you give a fuck?”
“Yeah good point.”
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chloe-skywalker · 3 years ago
Love ~ Bucky Barnes
Bucky x Fem!reader
Loki x sister reader
Thor x sister reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,714
Requested: Can I ask a request where the reader is Thor’s and Loki’s sister and when Bucky sees her he fell in love with her? Please? - @aura-nightingale
Authors Note: Thank You for requesting! Sorry it took awhile but I loved the request, and it made a perfect Valentine’s day imagine. Happy Valentines Day everyone! Hope you enjoy the story!
I am very very proud of how this one turned out.
Avengers Masterlist
Holiday Masterlist
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“So how’s it feel to be back on Earth?” Nat asked the youngest Odionson who was currently sitting at the breakfast bar in the Avengers compound kitchen. It had been a while since Y/n, Thor, and Loki had been to visit. And truthfully Natasha had missed the youngest Odionson. Y/n had missed her as well, the two having had become like sisters over the years.
“Awesome. I missed it here. Missed you guys.” Y/n smiled at the redhead and then to the others in the room. Y/n and Thor both love Earth and the Avengers are family to them.
“Well, we have a new addition to the compound that you only have met briefly before.” Tony stated telling the girl across from him, but by his tone, it sounded more like a warning.
“Who?” Y/n asked, tilting her head in a curious manner.
Before Tony could answer with a snide comment about the man in question Steve spoke up. “An old friend of mine.”
“Is it that guy- uh- Barnes? Wasn’t it?” Y/n snapped her fingers trying to remember.
“Yeah. How’d you know?” Steve asked with a confused expression about how she could have known that.
Y/n pointed towards the redheaded woman. “Nat took me to the museum about you and your team back then.”
“When did she take you there?” Steve asked slightly embarrassed. Of course, Natasha would take her to that museum.
“Nat shrugged her shoulders unaffected by caps stare, taking a sip of her drink. “Last time she was here.”
Y/n waved her hand towards Steve to get his attention. “So where is this Barnes? If I remember correctly he was pretty handsome.” She asked curiously.
Steve smiled at the goddess, he couldn’t help but think maybe someone else will be on Bucky’s side. “You’ll meet him later today.”
“You know what I’m also excited for? Last time I was here I heard of a holiday called Valentine’s day. That’s today right?” Y/n smiled bouncing in her seat. Wanda and Natasha nodded to answer her question, they had been the ones that told Y/n all about the holiday they celebrate on earth. Needless to say, it intrigued the young woman.
“What’s this Valentine's day?” Loki asked from his spot leaning against the far wall of the living room.
“Oh, brother it’s this lovely holiday here where people find love and get together if you know what I’m saying.” Thor smiled widely at their brother. He had celebrated a few Valentines day’s with Jane before while on Earth. Of course, the others jumped in to tell Lokie it wasn’t just about what Thor was implying.
While everyone was talking about Valentine’s day which did in fact happen to be today Steve went to go tell Bucky that he’ll be meeting someone new later in the day.
“Hey.” Steve spoke standing with his hands in his pockets in Bucky’s doorway.
“Hey, Punk.” BUcky greeted looking up from where he sat on his bed tying his boots. “What's up?”
“Well Thor and Loki are back and they brought their sister. You haven’t met her before but you will later. Just wanted to warn you.” Steve told him. He thought Bucky should know that there was someone he hadn’t met in the compound.
Bucky nodded appreciating the heads up. “Does she have any powers like them?”
Steve nodded in confirmation. “Yeah, she controls elements. Mainly one’s that involve heat. Fire, Lave, etc.”
Bucky nodded acknowledging that he heard him and in thanks for the information. It wasn’t but an hour or two later that Bucky and Steve joined the group back in the common room.
It didn’t take but one long look for Bucky to notice the new face in the room. “Who is that?”
Steve looked in the direction Bucky was looking in. “That’s who I was telling you about. Y/n Odionson.”
“That’s Thor and Loki’s sister?” Bucky raised his brows looking at her.
“That's the one.” Steve nodded
“She is. . . “
“What Buck?” Steve asked turning his head in his friend's direction.
“She’s gorgeous.” Bucky stated gulping. He hadn’t felt this way since before everything.
“She is very beautiful.” Steve had to agree, the girl is a literal goddess. He turned his head in a quick snap towards his friend with a shocked expression. “Wait a minute. Bucky, are you-”
Bucky nodded with his mouth still agape. “Punk, I think I-”
“Hey! You must be Barnes. I’m y/n.” Y/n introduced herself holding out her hand. Even though she cut off the super soldiers' conversation she hadn’t heard any of it. Which gave Bucky some sense of relief.
“It’s uh, nice to meet you. You can call me Bucky.” Bucky reached out to shake her hand as he looked at her more closely. He didn’t think it to be possible but she was even more beautiful up close.
“Bucky. That's from your middle name, right?” she smiled repeating his name before asking about it.
“Yeah, it is.” he nodded answering her question even though he was pleasantly shocked about her having known that.
Steve looked between the two and could read that they didn’t need him. So he patted Bucky on his shoulder and gave Y/n a smile and left the two alone.
“So my sister and your friend with the metal arm?” Thor hummed as Steve came to stand next to him and Loki. Thor had watched the whole exchange between James and his sister before Steve left them.
“It seems so.” Steve answered as he as well as Thor glanced over to watch Y/n and Bucky move over to the couch to sit.
“I like him. He seems like an honorable man.” Thor smiled taking a gulp of his drink.
“He is.” Steve nodded.
Loki rolled his eyes at his brother and the star spangled man. “He’s a trained killed. Is that who you want our baby sister to be with?”
Steve let out a sigh and had an annoyed look in his eyes. Turning to face the long black haired trickster. “Loki, he’s changed. Wakanda fixed what HYDRA did to him. Besides he didn’t have a choice when he killed all those people. Unlike you.”
With that, Steve gave Thor a tight smile before heading over to chat with Nat and Clint. Leaving the brothers to chat amongst themselves.
“The stars and striped man is right brother. Besides, look how happy they both seem.” Thor stated as they both glanced over to their sister.
Loki scoffs. “Yeah, till she realizes who he was and what he’s done.”
At least that's what Loki would like to happen but even he knew that was not likely. Y/n didn’t care about things like that, she wouldn’t care about Bucky’s past. She cared about who he is on the inside.
“Brother at least he could protect her better than any other mortal.” Thor countered.
“A single redeeming factor.” Loki grumbled shaking his head. No one was ever going to be good enough for his little sister.
“Strong, kind, protective, handsome- not as handsome as me but that’s to be expected.” Thor smiled shrugging his shoulders.
“Ever the modest one.” Loki rolled his eyes as he said his ever so sarcastic comment.
“Oh always.” Thor smiled oblivious to the fact it wasn’t a compliment.
“So I take it your onboard with the metal arm as well? He’s attached to a piece of machinery. And an exassaisn.” Loki turned his head to face Thor instead of watching his sister, closely.
“An you wear horns. Besides from what my friend Rabbit says that arm is cable of extraordinary things.” Thor smiled at Loki giving him an amused look.
“Oh I’m sure.” Loki spoke completely annoyed at the conversation and situation.
Thor nudged Loki, a little to hard. “Lighten up brother. He could be good for her after everything they both have been through. Besides, it’s Valentine's day.”
Loki had to admit he hadn’t seen Y/n that happy in years. She really did look really really happy. Maybe he could be good for her.
Later that day, well it was night now. Most of the Avengers were out at dinner with their wives or dates. Some were still at the compound. Y/n and Bucky had talked practically all day. Nothing could separate the two of them. Not till they both got hungry and Bucky suggested that they should pick up some take out. Y/n nodded and went to talk to her brothers before they leave, having sensed them watching.
Which gave Steve a moment to talk to Bucky. So he moved to sit across from Buck, trying to hold back his smile. “So, you and Y/n?”
“Punk.” Bucky grumbled but couldn’t keep his face neutral all he could do was let the smile break out across his face.
“Oh, come on tell me.” Steve let out a light laugh. He hadn’t seen Bucky like this since the ’40s. It gave him some relief.
Bucky shook his head laughing happily with a huge smile on his face. Looking Steve in the eye’s he stated. “I think I’m in love.”
“That's great, Buck.” Steve smiled at his best friend. He was happy that Bucky seemed to have found someone. An on Valentine's day of all days.
“So you and Bucky-” Thor started, wiggling his eyebrows ready to tease his little sis but Y/n cut him off.
“Thor-” Y/n whined knowing he was gonna tease her.
“More like her and a trained killer.” Loki cut in. He would tease her to right along with Thor. But Loki was always more protective of Y/n than anyone else. He won’t stop till he’s long dead. For real dead.
“Guys!” Y/n spoke up louder than before stopping both of them before they could say anymore. Looking at both her brothers with love in her eyes and pleading with them. “Please give him a chance. I think I might love him.”
Thor and Loki were silent for a moment before Thor clapped his hands together happily before pulling her into his side. “We will. Won’t we Loki?”
“Hmmmmhmmm.” Loki mumbled in silent agreement. It didn’t mean he wouldn’t be watching James Buchanan Barnes closely.
430 notes · View notes
harryskalechips · 4 years ago
one and done
A/N Hi everyone! I’m back with a one shot :) I know I don’t write as often anymore but since I’m self quarantining and I’m just about finish with high school, I thought I should try and give it another go? I’m also re starting up my jewellery business so ahhh many goals in mind but no motivation ??? Okay, I hope you guys enjoy this one!!! It is definitely a slow burn with smut but part 2? I dunno!!
Y/N and her brother’s best friend Harry, has had some pent up sexual frustration for a while. Wouldn’t it be best if they just had a one and done? you know to get it out of their system ;) 
*smut includes spanking, choking, male and female receives oral, harry dom but Y/N rides, magic face cream treatment for anti wrinkling results? Yes, and what else? sub space, hair pulling, gosh I forgot please read it 😁
Word Count: 6.1k // Masterlist // one and done PLAYLIST
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“Don’t you think it's a bit of a cliché to be crushing on your brother’s best friend?” Ness teases Y/N as they walk out of her house. They were just on the steps about to go on a walk around the block. It was definitely one of their favourite things to do as the sun was just about to set.
Y/N had her butt sat on the spruced wooden steps as she ignored her best friend’s comment. First off, she knew it was a cliché. Secondly, her last encounter with him just seconds ago was already making her plan her own execution.
In her head, it was simply her just jumping out of her window multiple times until she lost consciousness. Ness on the other hand was standing up, watching the poor girl tie her laces. “Okay, I was just teasing. We can change the topic.” She lends her hand out for Y/N to take.
“It’s not just that Ness.” She gladly accepts the gesture and stands up. She wipes off her butt and glances back at the door. “I’ve never had a thing for him! Ryan and Harry have been best mates since what? 8th grade and for some reason ever since the cruise from last summer, I can’t stop thinking about him.”
“It’s because he was shirtless half of the time.” Ness laughs as she hands Y/N’s water bottle to her. “Okay, we can admit it though. As a senior he is 10 times more attractive than he ever was. He looks like a frat boy that could jump my bones.”  Y/N stops walking and just stares at Ness while the girl continues to walk. She grabs her hand and pulls her forward. “Okay, I’m sorry for the bad comment.”
“He is hot though. Really hot.” Y/N smiles.
“See, that’s why you should sleep with him.”
“What are you crazy? Ness, Ryan would kill me or him -maybe the both of us!” 
“It’s pent up sexual frustration. Harry legit watched us walk out your door while eating a banana and you still managed to trip on your shoes.” She laughs.
“He was making eye contact with me!”
“All I’m saying is that he throws parties at his house and always invites us despite y’know us being juniors. Just offer, do it, slip out, and never say anything about it ever again.” Ness elbows Y/N as she crosses her arms. 
“Maybe I will.” She laughs pretending to actually sound confident in the idea.
“Good, there’s a party this Friday anyway.” Ness shrugs her shoulders. “It’s the best remedy sis.”
“Harry, can we talk?” Y/N follows him into the kitchen while everyone else is God knows where around the house. 
“Ryan is in the backyard, trying to get Cassidy back.” He barely glances at her as he pours himself a drink. He notices an empty one in her hand so he decides to pour coke in hers. 
“I um wasn’t really drinking coke.” She states confusedly as she watches the bubbles in her cup dissolve.
“You think I’m trying to get you drunk at this party. One alcoholic beverage is good enough for yeh.” He smiles at her as he screws the cap shut and taps the top of her head. He was treating her as if she was a child, which definitely pissed her off since she was going to ask him a really fucked up favour in the matter of 60 seconds.
“I can handle myself, you know.” 
“Yup.” He rests his back against the counter and bites the rim of the plastic cup as he looks at her. “What do you need though?” He genuinely asks her. Although they weren’t that close, Harry knew her long enough to know she wouldn’t start random a conversation with him. It was more like a hi and bye situation. Not her trying to actually talk to him. 
“I have a favour and you can’t tell Ryan.” Y/N lets out a big breath as she watches his reaction change into a confused one. 
“Look Y/N, if you want to try and smoke a blunt, I think it’s best you find yourself a dealer that doesn’t know your brother.”
“No, not that.” She whispers as she moves in closer. There were more people entering the kitchen and this was about to get really fucking awkward. 
“What?” He looks at her and notices her body shifting closer to him. Her chest was touching the side of his arm, making his eyes look towards the cabinets instead.
“Do you wanna fu-?” His eyes widen as he downs the rest of his drink in one go. Harry doesn’t even let her continue as he steps away from Ryan’s little sister. 
“I’m sorry do I already know the rest of that question?” He tries not to obviously choke on the liquid in his mouth.
“Well, I don’t know you didn’t really let me finish.”  Her sassy tone comes out. Her cheeks were really red and although Y/N came to the party with Ness feeling really confident in the dress she picked. She just wanted to go home and not show her face to him ever again. This was the stupidest idea! Why on earth did she think Harry would want to sleep with her when there are so many girls that try to get his attention. 
“I’m sorry Y/N.” He bites the inside of his cheek and watches some familiar people leave the room. Once it’s clear again, he speaks up. “Like are you serious?” He could feel his throat becoming more stuffy. “You and me?” She nods. “Really?” She nods again. “That’s crossing the line and Ryan is pretty overprotective. I can’t do that to him.”
“Cool.” Y/N stands perfectly still as she tries her best to maintain eye contact with him. She takes a sip of the coke but later, grabs the bottle of alcohol and pours it into her cup regardless of him watching her. “Well, don’t let Ryan know.” She shrugs her shoulders and laughs. “Thanks for answering my survey!” She gives him an awkward smile then walks out of the room. How can a guy pass up on her??? First rejection has gotta sting. 
This wasn’t some weird guy she was asking though. This was Harry, Ryan’s best friend. If Ness was put in his position, she wouldn’t want her to say yes either. God, she was also going to kill her best friend for putting the most ridiculous game plan in her head.
And although the party continued on, Ness and Y/N didn’t let the earlier events bother them. The two spent hours just fucking around until they found a comfy spot in the living room.
“Y/N, don’t look.” Ness sits beside her on Harry’s couch watching a few strangers play an unfamiliar game on the floor. 
“What?” she quickly looks up to see what Ness is talking about. It wasn’t a surprise to see Harry holding Carla Laws’s hand as they walked up the stairs. They looked pretty excited for a room tour too.
Oh hell no, everyone knows a girl doesn’t go to Harry Styles’ room to just hold hands and a cute sentimental room tour!
“Are you sure he didn’t want to with you?”
“Yes Nessa.” She rolls her eyes and drinks her third cup. “Whatever, if anything at least I don’t feel attracted to him anymore. I found a new ick. He doesn’t even find me attractive.”
“Good. Rejection may hurt but it makes you wake up and face reality.” 
Okay if there was one thing Y/N could say now, it was that she is finally over Harry. Overall, he was nothing but a phase. Yes, she was crushing on him for the first semester of the year but after that weird conversation they had, it made sense why they couldn’t work out anyway. He’s a stuck up douche - a typical senior, all while she was a junior who was either too infatuated with him or too horny. Maybe both?
It’s been about two weeks and although Ness made sure to keep trash talking the guy, Y/N knew there was more to him than what her best friend thought. She knew him for years! Maybe the fact he was athletic, charismatic and just kind that made her realize what a perfect guy he was. She knew he was a bit more complex than what other people thought of him and it wasn’t bad at all. 
What she never thought was how awkward it was going to be the next time she saw him. “Hey, Haz.” Ryan opens the door for his buddy as Y/N covers herself with the blanket more all while pretending to watch TV.
For the past couple of days, Ryan was going over to his house and maybe Harry asked him too to come over, but what she didn’t expect was to see him again so soon. 
“Hey Ryan.” Harry takes his jacket and boots off as it just begun to snow outside. “Hey Y/N.” She quickly glances at him and waves. 
“Let’s go to the kitchen first, I wanna get snacks.” Ryan suggests as he walks away, assuming Harry would follow him like usual. 
After thirty minutes, Y/N thought the boys would be upstairs but as she entered the kitchen wearing nothing but her shorts and her brother’s old t-shirt, she was surprised to see Harry and Ryan eating sandwiches at the breakfast bar, looking pretty serious. Did Harry tell him? 
As she walked closer, she noticed both boys were just on their phones, scrolling through different social media platforms. She quickly brushes past them to put her dish in the sink. Ryan seemed unbothered but she could definitely feel Harry’s eyes on her. Once she makes eye contact with him, he quickly takes a sip of his juice and looks at his phone once more. “Y/N can you grab the chips in the cabinet please?” Ryan looks up at his phone and notices his sister was standing right in front of the cupboard. 
“Yeah, no problem.” She turns her back on them and opens the cabinet. She goes on her tiptoes reaching for the only bag of chips. Once she grabs them, she puts them on the counter and walks out of the room, only hearing her brother murmur a thank you. 
It was about 6:30 PM and the parents weren’t home yet. Ryan and Harry decided to chill in the living room when the doorbell rang. Pausing the game, Ryan opened the door to see Tom standing in front of him. “Y/N it’s for you!” He calls out for his sister since he knew Tom was her friend.
“Who’s that?” Harry mouthed.
“Her boyfriend.” Ryan shrugs as he unpauses the game. 
“Tom? What are you doing here?” Y/N walks down the stairs, pulling her shirt down. 
“Vanessa told me to come by. Apparently you need help with the calculus homework? I’m free tonight anyway.” He smiles and gives her a hug. Tom was a really good friend of Ness and Y/N. He was a smart boy that was really kind and obviously had a big crush on Nessa. There was anything he could do for her. 
Y/N instantly bit her cheek and laughed as she remembered Ness’ text message a couple of hours ago when she told her Harry came by. This was definitely one of Ness’ master plans. “You’re so sweet.” She pulls away and laughs. “We can go upstairs, I have a few questions to ask.” She quickly glances at her brother who doesn’t care all while Harry tried his best to maintain his eyes on the screen. 
“Y/N, Put some shorts on!”  Ryan finally yells out as the two went up the stairs. 
“I don’t get why he throws parties every weekend.” Ness takes a sip of her drink as they sit inside Harry's dining room. They probably weren’t going to stay too long. Everyone was inside due to the cold weather with the occasional smokers outside. Being the only few juniors, there wasn’t much the girls could do other than loiter around, drink a few cups and play the games they knew so well. Y/N wasn’t the type to have random hook ups but you know her exception with Harry. 
“Gemma has gone off for college and Anne is always working really late shifts at the hospital. He’s pretty much anywhere and everywhere besides his house unless it’s a party.”
“I’m going to say bye to my brother then we can head back to mine if you want?” Y/N offers as Nessa nods and downs her drink. 
“I’m going to drink a cup of water. Meet you at the front?”
“Mhm.” They both stand up and leave the room. Nessa was heading straight to the kitchen while Y/N began to wander around the house. 
“Y/N.” Harry calls out her name over the music. He was wearing a while long sleeved shirt that was unbuttoned. It made him look really attractive which almost made Y/N lose her breath. 
“Hey Harry, You know where Ryan is?” The only typical thing she would ever ask him before that one time. (Pretending as if she didn’t sexually harass him last time.) 
“He’s downstairs with the rest of the boys.” He glances around at everyone and looks at her once more. “I’m sorry, are you um- leaving?”
“Yeah me and Nessa are going to call it a night.” She wraps her hoodie around her figure and tries to make her way to the stairs. 
“Want me to give you girls a ride?”
“No no, it’s okay!” She smiles and waves her hand at him. “Nessa drove. You also have a party to h-”
“It’s kind of late maybe she should head home and we can-” And that’s when it hit her. Was Harry Styles trying to isolate her? 
“Oh.” She widens her eyes and slowly nods. “Okay. I’ll let my brother and Ness know. Should I meet you in your car outside?”
“Yeah.” He runs his hand through his hair and quickly leaves her side. After bidding her farewell to Ryan and explaining her interpretation of Harry to Ness, she was  quietly leaving the house as she watched Nessa walk by herself to the car down the street. What surprised Y/N more was to see him in his brown jacket standing by the passenger door. 
“Did you tell Ryan I was dropping you off?” He  nervously smiles as he opens the door for her. He makes sure no one is watching them leave together as he feels the butterflies forming in his stomach. 
“No.” She puts her hood on and sits in his car. She was picking on her stockings trying to avoid the awkward tension between them. Once Harry sat inside and they both put their seatbelts on, they were on their way to her house. It was weird knowing she was actually leaving a party with her brother’s best friend so she could suck his- 
 “What happens if they notice you’re gone?”
“Um, I’m sure they’ll think i'm elsewhere doing stuff.” She knew what he was thinking about and that made her a bit uncomfortable but it didn’t change the fact it was true.
“Are you still down to y’know?” Harry honestly never thought he would be this nervous talking to Ryan’s little sister. 
“Yeah.” She bites her lip as they glance at each other. 
“Cool. Are you like a virgin or something. I mean is there anything that I should know about?”
“No.” She shakes her head and low-key observes how he drives. 
This was going to be one hell of a night. 
Harry has seen Y/N’s room a countless number of times but to actually be with her by themselves in Ryan’s house made him feel really guilty. That guilt however, was shoved in the back of his throat. The girl in the room with his was obviously the best distraction. “I like your room.” he smirks at her as he looks at her soccer trophy collection from grade school. 
“Thanks.” She laughs lightly as she takes off her jacket. She quickly texts an update to Ness before putting the phone on do not disturb. 
“So before we start, what made you ask the offer?” He takes his jacket off and throws it on her chair. He sits on her bed and glances at the time. It was still early, so people probably weren’t going to be looking for him. 
“This is going to sound really dumb but I’ve had this crush on you since the cruise last summer. Well, you know Nessa... she had this thought and she thinks it is just pent up sexual frustration?” She shakes her head of saying the whole idea out loud. “So I thought maybe I should just get it out of my system.” Harry laughs as he takes in of what she just said. it made her smile as well.
“You were checking me out all summer?” He asks her in disbelief. “Little Y/N wanted to jump my bones?” He started to smirk at her. Although they didn’t know each other too well, the awkward tension was gone with just one simple laugh of his. 
“Stop laughing.” She throws a pillow at him. “I didn’t think you would say no.”
“I didn’t want to say no Y/N are you crazy? I’m laughing because I kept checking you out in those tiny bikinis you used to wear.” He throws the pillow to the side and shakes his head. “I don’t want to cross Ryan like that but I think i need to get you out of my system too.”
“Mhm and why’s that?” She locks her door and sits on the bed with him. “Because Carla couldn’t distract me from seeing you in my sheets.” He leans in and kisses her. “Tom coming by a few days ago with you wearing nothing but those little shorts was already making me lose my mind.” He whispers and kisses her again. 
Y/N immediately sits on his lap while trying her best to keep his mouth on her’s. Everything about this was so hot. She was about to just rip his clothes off. 
“One and done yeah?” Y/N rubs herself on him as her fingers tangle themselves in his hair. He kisses down her neck while grabbing her ass. 
“One and done. Just to get you out of my system.” He confirms with her as he gently throws her on the bed. He’s pulling his long sleeve off and taking his shirt off but once he begins unbuckling his jeans, he couldn’t help but notice Y/N trying to take her shirt off as well. “Fuck.” He murmurs as he gently unbuttons her long sleeve to help her take it off. In a flash, he’s on his knees unzipping her skirt and taking her stockings off as well. “You looked really pretty tonight by the way.” His cheeks flush as he throws her bottoms behind his back. Y/N laughs quietly and she sits up and brings his face closer to hers. 
“I actually would like to say the same exact thing.” He leans in to kiss her once more. Her lips were extremely soft and forbidden and it was making him slowly lose his mind all over again. Y/N thought Harry was just a phase but that seemed impossible as she was already dreading the fact this was a one and done situation. 
“You’re just so fucking soft and alluring.” He whispers in her ear as he unclasped her bra. “I already know I need to fuck you hard.” Y/N eyes’ roll back as she feels his wet mouth on her nipple as the other one massaged the other. Her hands were trying really hard to focus on the task at hand which was to undo his pants but it was definitely not working with the way he was distracting her. Not a single thought could process in her mind.
“I think since this is a one and done situation, you better make this memorable.” She whispers and bites her lip as she tries to hold back a moan. His fingers were teasing her covered entrance but Harry could feel her drenched spot already clenching at his presence. 
“Memorable? I’ll definitely leave my mark on you.” He sucks on her mouth more roughly than usual as he rubs his fingers on her centre. “You wanted me so bad baby? You just had to beg me huh?” He gestures his hips more forward to help her with his pants. 
“I’m kind of new to this. Be a bit patient.” Y/N laughs as she gently unzips his pants after numerous attempts.  
“You just ruined the moment.” He laughs with her as he kisses her forehead and takes his pants off as well. “Just kidding, this is probably the most fun I had.” He hovers over her again and teases her entrance. 
“What do you mean?” She lays on her back and roams her hands all over his chest. 
“Never got the chance to tease the fuck out of a pretty girl then fuck her hard.” He slaps her clit and bites down on her lip. She suddenly lets out a moan that makes her eyes flutter and her chest rise closer up to his face. 
He brings two of his fingers to her mouth and slowly lets her lick on it before rimming her entrance and shoving it in without any warning. His thumb slowly rubs her swollen numb as he can’t help but rub himself on her sheets as well. “You mind if I get a little bit of a taste? I’ve been dying to know. I saw you earlier at the party and I had to jerk myself off seeing you in those little stockings of yours.” 
“You. You jerked yourself off thinking about me, baby?” She looks down at him and smiles softly. He gives her a little smirk before pulling his hand away and heading his head down a bit south. His tongue dips slowly on the left side of her leg as his hands grip her thighs tightly, sure of the bruises to form soon.
“You’re like a fucking wet dream. How can I say no to you?” He urgently swipes his whole tongue on her centre. “I saw you earlier and had to go to my room.” He takes another lick. “Fuck baby, the best i’ve fucking tasted. Fuck oh fuck.” He precisely observes the way your whole swallows his fingers in and clench so tightly around him. His tongue dipping and switching with his fingers because he honestly can’t decide which is best. 
“Harry, fuck me please baby.” Y/N moans loudly as she harshly grabs on her boobs. She’s never been fucked this good. It was honestly feeling like a dream. With that being said, she’s only had sex a handful of times but Harry seemed like such an expert in the field. “Oh God.” She tries to pull away. She wasn’t sure if she could continue on with Harry obsessively licking and sucking on her wet centre. 
He looks up and watches her eyes roll back as her fingers begin to pull on his head aggressively. His only reflex is to spread her legs wider. After her first orgasm, Y/N lays on her back staring at her ceiling trying to catch her breath. 
“Fuck me.”
“We aren’t done yet, love.” He laughs at her cuteness. He can’t remember the last time where he wasn’t rushing to finish himself off. He was taking his time with Y/N since it’s what she deserves. He lays down beside her and kisses down her chest. “Tell me when you’re ready to go, yeah?” He dips his tongue on her shoulder until it reaches the huge hickey he left on her collarbone. He gently licks around it and sucks on it again. 
He was a bit surprised to see Y/N sit up and grab a condom from her drawer. “Thank you for fucking the shit out of me, I’ll gladly return the favour.” She smiles and tucks her hair behind her ear as she focuses on putting the contraceptive on him. Just touching it was already forming butterflies in her stomach. 
“I could’ve been fucking you on that cruise.” he mischievously smiles at her as he watches the way her pretty tits move. 
“You were sharing a room with my brother.” She hisses as she holds onto his shaft trying to gently ease the pain as she fully sits on him. 
“But you were alone.” He grabs onto her waist and helps her. “You’re so beautiful fuck.” He sits up on her headboard as her palms rest on his chest. Both of their eyes couldn’t help but watch the way he was easily penetrating her. 
“Was touching myself because of you.” She mumbles out as her speed begins to increase.
“What did you say baby?” He almost chokes on his breath as he can feel her fully taking him in. 
“Couldn’t stop thinking of you on that cruise. I needed you to rail the fuck out of me.” She moans louder as she starts to feel his hips meet her. 
“Fuck me. So perfect, Shit.” He quickly turns them around and shoves himself back into her. His hand immediately tightens around her neck and once he is about to pull it away, she keeps his hand on her. 
“Fuck me harder.” She cries out as his arm begins to push her legs up. He spits in between their centres before thrusting as hard as he can. All you could hear was her headboard banging against the wall as his hand continuously choked the fuck out of her. 
“I bet you like getting spanked too huh?” He bites his lip and semi turns her body before slapping her ass. 
“Harry fuck.”
“Come on, baby. Be a good girl and come around my cock.”
“Fuck fuck fuck.” Y/N cries out as her fingernails scratch his back. “Come in my mouth. I want to taste you so bad please.” tears begin to form in her eyes as she continues to clench around his dick. Harry immediately pulls off the condom and helps her sit up on her knees. She absolutely could not feel a thing below her stomach but with Harry’s hard cock in her mouth, she was already closing her eyes and trusting him with everything she was. She’s never been this fucking vulnerable, she was literally about to pass the fuck out. 
She was softly holding onto his thighs but her hands found comfort on his waist as he began to fuck her mouth harder. Harry on the other hand, kept his eyes on how her mouth was taking him in. He watched the way his fingers wrap around her hair tightly as he brought his hips closer and closer until he could feel her gagging on his dick. Without a warning, he immediately pulls out and spills all over her face.
“Why’d you do that?” She opens her eyes and pouts. She was pretty upset how she couldn’t taste him spill into her mouth. So her finger immediately takes a swipe of his spill and puts it in her mouth. Without hesitation, she’s taking his forming soft dick in her hands before softly licking it clean and softly sucking on his balls. She takes his shaft and swipes her cheek once more before licking the rest of his spill from his shaft. 
“You’re going to make me hard again if you keep doing that baby. Might not be as nice as I was this time.” 
“Maybe I want another round?” She gestures him to lie down as she continues to kiss and suck on his cock. 
“Thought it was a one and done.” He softly smiles as he removes some of the hair from her face.
“How about a one and done night?”
And although they thought this was crossing a line, they already knew the moment their lips touched, they wouldn’t be able to stop.
“Wait so he changed his mind!” Nessa laughs as they drive back home. “Bitch how are you at school today? I literally saw you limping at lunch.”
“Shut up.” Y/N mouth widens as she rubs her face. “I don’t know what happened okay? We said one and done but we honestly went a couple of rounds before I had to wake him up so he could drive back home.”
“But is he out of your system? Don’t get me wrong Harry’s a fine guy but like dating wise? He’s been with other girls but somehow always goes back to Carla. They’ve been like that before you and Ryan moved here.” 
“Yeah, he’s out of my system.” Y/N laughs but truth be told, some nights when she can’t sleep, she’ll find herself staring at the ceiling. 
“Why are you guys home so early?” Nessa asks once they step inside the house. There was a good comparison between Nessa and Ryan with Y/N and Harry. First off, Nessa literally saw Ryan as her older brother which meant they were pretty vocal towards each other. Secondly, Nessa was very comfortable at Y/N’s house almost as if this was her second home. 
“Carla and Cassidy are coming over.” Ryan smirks as Harry cleans the living room behind him. “During the party last night, I may have asked if they wanted to come over for a double date game night thing. Mom and Dad are cool with it since it's a Monday which is their date night too.
“Oh have fun.” Y/N buds in and laughs. “Make sure to actually vacuum please. You don’t want the girls finding your crumbs on the carpet.” She takes her jacket off as Nessa follows behind her up the stairs. Harry obviously tried to ignore the fact, she bluntly ignored him. 
“Double date? Damn, you guys really did just fuck and brushed it under the carpet.”
“It meant nothing right. So?” Y/N tries to brush off the topic as she sets her backpack down. “Why won’t you sit down?” “On that bed?” Nessa smiles awkwardly as she glances at the double bed near the wall. 
“I changed the sheets.” Y/N takes her shirt off and replaces it with another loose top. She unzips her pants and wears her black tights instead.
“So should we invite ourselves to their double date?” Nessa raises her eyebrows as she lays down on the bed. 
“No because it’s weird and I don’t want Harry to think I’m jealous.”
“I think you are.”
“Nope, I told you I don’t like him like that anymore and he’s out of my system.” She tries to ignore the fact, how she swallowed him without hesitation.
“Okay but wouldn’t it be better to prove to yourself you are just by being around him.” And although Y/N wanted to protest that, the two best friends ended up being invited by Ryan to play downstairs anyway. 
“You girls want a refill?” Ryan sits up from the coffee table as he cleans up the empty red cups. Ness, Carla, and Cassidy wanted a new one which made Y/N go help her brother out in the kitchen. 
“Are you having fun?” Ryan asks as he throws the cups in the recycling. Y/N pours the preferred drinks in the new cups as she looks up at her brother. 
“Yeah, I was wondering why you invited Ness and I. Don’t you think we’re cock-blocking?”
“Harry suggested you guys hang out with us while we played games. More competition is fun y’know. Plus you and Nessa can leave whenever.”
“Oh cool. Thanks, I guess?” 
“Yup.” He grabs two cups as she does. She couldn’t help but notice how Ryan suddenly started cheering. “Yeah, Styles get it! Woooo!” Y/N turns her eyes to notice Harry and Carla making out on the floor by the coffee table. 
“Are you guys dating again?” Cassidy laughs as she tries not to watch them make out.
“Sure.” Carla pulls away and pecks his cheek. Nerissa was just watching Y/N’s reaction and she knew it was a bad one. 
“Y/N could you walk me to the car? Appa just texted me and he’s wondering where I am. I forgot it was his birthday.” Nessa speaks up.
“Oh shit.” Y/N was clueless of her excuse. Which thankfully made her seem more genuinely in a rush to get out of the room. She sets the drinks on the table before going upstairs with Ness.
“How did you forget it was Appa’s birthday, Ness?” 
“I don’t know.” She packs her things up. “Why don’t you come with me? He’s gonna blow his cake soon.”
“Oh, I don’t want-”
“Come.” And if there was one thing Y/N knew well about Nessa, it was that she wouldn’t ever forget it was Appa’s birthday, especially if she just celebrated it a couple of months ago. Without a fight to say no, Y/N immediately grabs a hoodie as they walk down the stairs. 
“Ryan, I’m going to Ness’ to celebrate Appa’s birthday. I’ll be home soon before Mom and Dad comes home.”
“Oh okay.” Ryan waves at his sister as his arms rests on Cassidy’s shoulder. 
“Bye guys!” Ness and Y/N wave as they both exit the house immediately. Harry stays unbothered as he takes another sip of his beer. 
“Thank you for getting me the fuck out of there.” 
“It’s okay. We don’t actually have to leave you know. It’s 6 PM, I can drive the car to a different neighbourhood and you can cry all about him there.”
“I love you.” Y/N begins to tear up. 
“I love you too.”
“What’s Tom doing here?” Ryan’s eyes are in shock as he watches his sister hold hands with the familiar boy. What’s confusing is that Y/N went to Ness’ for a birthday. 
“He just wanted to come over.” She smiles innocently as she waves hi to the same party. It was just about 7 PM and the double date duo was watching an unfamiliar movie on TV. Nessa called Tom and Y/N had to explain their situation. Although he didn’t really want to do it. He knew Y/N wanted to prove something to the Harry guy. So as long as they didn’t do anything romantic or weird that would cross his boundaries, Tom was okay with it. 
“Aw, I didn’t know you were dating Thomas?” Cassidy smiles as she walks in with a bowl of popcorn. She hands it to Carla who is cuddling up against Harry on one of the sofas.
“We aren’t dating.” They both look at each other and laugh. Tom shakes his head and pulls Y/N up the stairs instead. 
Once the pair is gone, the dates begin to watch their movie again. “Ryan, you really don’t care if your sister is by herself with that boy?” Carla laughs as she feeds herself and Harry popcorn.
“I’m definitely not going to interfere with that, they’re probably doing the nasty already.” His eyes widen as he stuffs more popcorn down his mouth and although, Harry was keeping his eyes on the screen, there wasn’t anything sitting well with him knowing the girl he was with on the weekend was already in somebody else’s arms. 
The goal was to get each other out of their systems, why the fuck are they so jealous then?
great plan Vanessa. 
Part deux ici 
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years ago
fuckboy - chapter xi
The one where Chris only wanted to fuck you and you were alright with that.
Chris never promised anything more than what he had to offer: a release - and a good one at that. Recently widowed and new to Hollywood, you're eager to learn how to live the single life with the help of such a talented teacher. What happens when Chris is the one to start expecting more from the relationship than you are prepared to offer?
for general warnings and author’s notes, please go to the fic’s masterlist.
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Y/N’s P.O.V.
“Oh my God!” The exclamation surprised me, too focused on signing a few autographs to some fans who had recognized me. I would have expected it to be another one, but since the voice sounded to be from someone much older, I was unprepared to find Chris’s mom, Lisa with her eyes wide as she stared at me.
“Oh my God! Chris, look!” She pawed at her son’s shirt, while said son tried not to openly laugh at his mother’s excitement, holding up his dufflebag in one arm while the other held onto a young boy’s hand.
“Yes, ma!” He teased, eyes meeting mine with a peculiar glint in them. I could see it even from a distance, and despite the slight shadow his cap casted on his face. “I see her. Why don’t you go talk to her?”
Lisa looked panicked suddenly, almost as if she only now realized I was staring back at her. I didn’t hear her say no, but I did see her shake her head and turn around, reach for Chris’s shirt almost like she intended to drag him away from me, and I had to stifle my own laugh.
“Hi, ma’am! I take it Chris didn’t warn you I’d be joining your family on the trip.” The way she froze was hilarious and I could see from the corner of my eyes that a man I recognized as Chris’s brother, Scott, was now filming the entire interaction, so I tried to make sure not to make her feel embarrassed by controlling my own reactions.
“No, he didn’t…” She acknowledged in the coldest tone someone could possibly utter, and I saw Chris’s smile drop on the spot. Now, that earned him a few chuckles. “But oh my God! I can’t believe you’re really here!”
The difference in her voice was like night and day. She suddenly spoke in a much more shrill, even louder tone and I instinctively flinched but then snapped out of it when she threw herself at me, arms trapping me in the sweetest, albeit most suffocating hug I had ever experienced.
“Oh, you have no idea how much I love you! I am such a huge fan!” I smiled, letting go of my own suitcase to wrap my arms around her too. “I’ve followed your work since the very beginning, I showed the video of you singing in your husband’s funeral to everyone I knew-”
She abruptly stopped, letting go of me to check my face for any expression of grievance, I imagined. “I’m so sorry, I…” But I immediately shook my head, raising a head to signal her that it was okay.
“It’s been almost three years,” I found myself repeating the familiar words I’d spoken countless times. “I’ve moved on.”
I think it was the first time I meant it.
I could feel Chris’s gaze on me. I knew he must have felt the weight of my words. In one way or another, he was the confirmation that I had, in fact, moved on, and he had a pretty great hand at making it happen.
Of course, his mother couldn’t know that. So I tried to shake away the awkwardness by offering her a smile. “You know, I’m a huge fan of your work, too.” I winked, knowing she wouldn’t get what I was hinting at.
“What do you mean?” Looking up, I turned to meet Chris’s eyes and then looked to check and see if Scott was watching me too.
“Well, look what wonderful sons you’ve raised! I haven’t met the girls but I’m sure they’re just as nice.” And just like that, I was in with the family. I had always had a special talent at making those older than me become captivated, and I was always my friends’s parents favorite whenever I was around.
“Shanna! Carly! Come meet Y/N!” I hugged the girls as they were introduced to me, but took particular joy in meeting the little people that would be with us during the trip. “These are my grandchildren,” Lisa introduced them to me, and I immediately dropped to their eye-level so I could greet them properly.
“Hey, I’m Y/N!” The boy, Miles, looked at me with curious eyes, but his sister immediately threw herself in my arms, making me chuckle. God, I loved kids. “I’m excited to go to Disney with you guys. I’ve never been there before.”
It took him a little while, but eventually Miles let me know what was going through his head. “You sound like the princess in that movie!” My eyes lit up, unbelieving that he had recognized me.
“Yes! That’s me,” I laughed, opening my arms again when he joined his sister in my embrace.
“Okay, I’m starting to get jealous, so I think it’s time we get this train on the road.” A warm hand clasped my shoulder, breaking me from my little bubble of adoration. Looking up, I found Chris staring down at us, a pout on his lips to guilt the kids into leaving me for him, but I could see the softness in his eyes.
“You’re really good with them,” he nodded in their direction once they ran away screaming in excitement, towards their parents. We were at the end of the group, walking side-by-side, close enough that we could talk lowly without anyone hearing it.
“What can I say?” I shrugged, faking boastfulness. “You’re known for loving dogs, I’m famous for loving kids.” I didn’t turn to check on how he received my jest, but then I was forced to look him in the eye because his hand grabbed my forearm, turning me around to face him.
I realized what he was planning to do early enough to stop him.
“Chris, no!” I hissed, checking to see if someone had noticed him very clearly leaning down to steal a kiss. “We’re in a public environment, with your family, nonetheless. There’s no way we can get away with it.”
The man had the audacity to pout, peering up at me from under those ridiculously long eyelashes of his, like I was committing a fucking crime. “Behave yourself,” I whisper-yelled, trying very hard not to laugh at him. “Can’t believe the biggest child of the group is you, for heaven’s sake!”
His chuckled warmed me to the core, and it didn’t take long for us to embark on the plane with our little group making a lot of noise. If Chris ever intended to take a seat next to me, that opportunity was stolen long before he could have voiced it.
“Over here!” His mother waved me over, pointing at the seat right next to her, and with a smile I assumed the spot she left me. We made idle chit chat as the plane took off, but before long she fell asleep, leaving me to finally unpack the book I’d brought for this precise reason.
I’d just opened up the first chapter when a napkin was dropped on my book.
“You look hot,” read the little paper, and I had to bite my lip not to giggle at his behavior. “Chris, I’m literally wearing the baggiest clothes I could find so I could be comfortable on this flight,” I turned to the side so I could whisper in his direction and still have him hear me, but he just nodded.
“Hot,” he repeated, like that was a whole statement to counter my argument in itself. I rolled my eyes, ignoring him as I reopened my book right where his napkin had saved my spot.
But I made sure to keep it there, so there was no way I would lose it.
Chris’s P.O.V.
“Did you seriously just slap my ass?” She admonished me, but all I could do was chuckle at her pretend angry expression. It was beyond adorable, as was her entire behavior ever since we landed in Orlando.
She looked like a little kid, staring with wide eyes and an open mouth at every little thing in the parks, and even the actual kids weren’t as excited as her. Granted, they’d all been here before.
It was incredible to be able to witness her experiencing this for the first time. I knew I’d made the right call right when a tear rolled down her cheek upon seeing Cinderella’s castle.
“It’s not like I haven’t done much filthier things to you before…” I taunted, leaning closer so I could tease her without anyone hearing me. “I’ve been thinking, would you let me fuck you there?”
She whipped around in a flash, but I was quick enough to catch her wrist before the slap was placed on my chest. “Would you stop it?” She asked, very clearly mortified at my choice of subject to chat while we made our way back to the hotel, and although I shook my head, I accepted her wishes at last.
For now.
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years ago
Viagra Prank - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: smut, f!receiving, male masterbation, needy Bakugou, sexual touching
Summary: After a dumb argument, Y/N decides to punish Bakugou by avoiding him while he’s superrrrrr horny
Bakugou and Y/N had been arguing for an hour already. They have been talking about Y/N cheating on him.....IN A FUCKING DREAM. Yes it really scared Bakugou and he did wanna talk to Y/N about it, but he just went about it in the wrong way and so, this led to the arguing and yelling. Bakugou knew he was in the wrong, but he was too stubborn to apologize, at least verbally. Usually, that was okay for Y/N, because at least he showed when he was sorry. But this time, all she wanted was a soft and genuine “I’m sorry.”
Instead of apologizing verbally, Bakugou attempted to make up for it through his actions. He bought Y/N another teddy bear to go along with the others he got her, bought her a bouquet of roses and gourmet chocolates, and spent the entire day with her. At night, he held you close and filled your ears with sweet nothings like “I’m so lucky I have you,” “I don’t know how you deal with me, Teddy Bear, but thank you,” and “I’ll forever love you, Y/N.”
After seeing he put a little extra effort into this very “Bakugou” apology, Y/N forgave him, but she still wasn’t letting him off the hook. She wanted to punish him at least a little, but the question was “how?” She discussed it with Bakugou’s closest friends to give her ideas.
“You could ignore him all day.” The red head said, “he has a free day tomorrow, so I can imagine he plans on spending every second of it with you.”
“Nah, since he has a free day, I would love to spend time with him too. I don’t wanna ignore him, just mess with him a little to get back at him.” You said.
“What about one of those kinky couples do? A sexual punishment. Orgasm denial, overstimula-“
“NEXXTTTTT” you, Kirishima, and Kaminari said, cutting off Sero’s nasty thoughts. Besides, you and Bakugou were that kinky couple. And you knew he enjoyed all that stuff. The freaky bastard. You were getting nowhere until Kaminari said something unexpectedly smart.
“What about viagra?” He recommended.
“What?” You questioned.
“Viagra. You can buy it at any pharmacy and just crush up the pill into a powder and give it to Bakugou in a drink. It’s gonna make this man insanely horny, and to punish him, just deny him every time.” He said sipping his drink.
“I-.....that’s perfect!” You said
“Wow Kaminari, nice plan.” Mina said.
“Thank you.......hey can I get some more boneless ice?” Annddddd dunce face is back. Someone get this boy his water.
Doesn’t matter though, now all you have to do is buy the viagra and you’re set. That night, you and Mina went to the pharmacy together and bought the pills. When you went to sleep, you saw Bakugou waiting for you in the room.
“Jeez babe, what took so long? I was waiting here for like 2 hours!” Bakugou pouted. You laughed and kissed him.
“I’m sorry Suki, but not everyone goes to bed at 8 on a Friday night.” You said taking off your jacket and changing into your pjs. You climbed into bed as Bakugou defended himself.
“Well neither do I, but I woke up mad early today.” He said wrapping his arms around you. You pecked his forehead and tried to get some sleep, excited for the next day.
“Yeah, yeah you big baby. Just get some sleep.” As you both cuddled up, you layed with a devious smirk as an unknowing Pomeranian slept peacefully above you.
That morning, you woke up early with Bakugou to work out together. As Bakugou got ready, you prepped his drinks. You placed 3 bottles of water in Bakugou’s gym bag and opened up one of them. Taking the viagra pill out, you placed it in a bowl and used the bottle cap to crush the pill to a powder. You poured the dust into the water, put the cap back on and shook the bottle. After seeing the bottle still looked normal, you subtly marked it and placed it back in his bag. When he came, ready to go you gave him the bag and you guys made your way to the gym.
After working out for a few minutes, Bakugou took a huge gulp of water. You noticed it was the bottle you marked and smiled. After a few minutes, Bakugou was starting to feel...something. He didn’t know what it was, but now he was staring at you...more than usual. Your body covered glistened in your sweat and the image of you like that was burned into Bakugou’s mind. The heavy breathing you did only accentuated his need for you and the way your body looked everytime you stretched or moved. God, he knew you were hot, but something about you today just hit different.
Bakugou walked up to you and held your waist.
“Suki?” You looked up at him with an innocent face that made him bite his lips.
“Do you wanna get outta here? I think we’re set on workouts for today, Princess.” He said while staring at your body and chest.
“Oh, sure! Let me just get my stuff and-“ you were cut off when Bakugou gripped your ass with both hands and tongued you down, he pushed you up against the wall and began grinding into you. You felt his growing erection press up against your sensitive heat which made you moaned into the kiss. This made Bakugou even needier. Unfortunately, you weren’t giving in so easily today.
“Hah...S-Suki..” you breathed out while pushing him off you slightly. “C’mon..can we at least get out of here and wash up.”
“Why? We can do that after I completely ravish you,” Bakugou smirked as he attempted to kiss you once more but you pushed him back smiling.
“Sorry Suki, but we need to get back. Okay?” You said and walked away as Bakugou rolled his eyes taking another sip of water. You both walked out but with Bakugou being a lot more handsier. You walked and he would jog up behind you and grab your ass, he would walk with his arms wrapped around your waist while standing behind you, and once you reached your dorm room, he shut the door and slammed you against it grabbing your chest and kissing you again with fervor and tongue. Sadly, once again, you pushed him off.
“Shower first Suki.” You said and walked to get some clothes out of your closet. Bakugou just sighed and banged his head against the door. He looked down and saw his friend creating a tent in his sweatpants and he let out a breath a horny frustration. Then an idea hit him.
“Shower sex?” He said hopefully like a happy puppy, and if he had a tail, please believe it’d be wagging.
“No.” Bakugou just growled and flopped onto the bed and face planted down on the cushion.
“Fineeeeee!!!!!” He complained while his voice muffled by the mattress. While you showered, you left a needy Bakugou on the mattress. He could only imagine what you looked like. Curvaceous body, covered in droplets of water, steam all around you making your cheeks red. Bakugou rubbed at his face. Why the fuck was he this horny?
When you walked out, you were wearing a small towel as you seemed to have used your wind quirk to dry your hair. Bakugou licked his lips as he walked up to your almost naked body and felt you up. He kissed up on your neck as you tilted your head to give him more access. You pressed your ass into his crotch as he grinded into you. You could hear his soft moans. His hand traveled to grope your chest and the other hand went to your clit.
“You want me to feel up on this sweet little cunt?” He asked as he pressed two fingers into you and you gasped.
“A-ah...” you moaned out as your tongue rolled out of your mouth and eyes rolled to the back of your head. You almost gave in to his desires until your phone rang, snapping you out of your trance. You pulled his hand away from you and walked to your phone but not before Bakugou tried pulling you back.
“Hey..where do you think you’re going? I’m not done with you.” He said pulling you towards him.
“Please, Princess. I need you..now.” He said as he grabbed your ass.
“Baby, seriously. Get washed up and let’s continue our day. Please?” You pouted and Bakugou sighed and gave in. He grabbed some clothes he kept in your closet and went to wash up. You sighed in relief and checked your phone only to see it was spam, but still glad it snapped you out. As you got dressed, you cursed yourself for falling so easily for Katsuki.
‘That damn Katsuki. Knowing my body, using it against me. Who the hell does he think he is being built like a Greek god like that?’ You thought as you dressed yourself.
While Bakugou was in the shower, he realized he needed to calm down. Yes he has an amazingly hot girlfriend he could fuck to settle him down, but it was clear she wasn’t down for morning sex today so he had to solve it himself.
He let his head rest under the hot water as his hand went to grab at his length and move vigorously. He imagined the way Y/N would look with her pretty mouth wrapped around his cock, swallowing all of him. How she would take his entire length in her tight little cunt, squeezing him perfectly.
“Y-Y/N...fuck..faster..” he moaned out with a breathy voice as he moved his hips, fucking his hand. He groaned and threw his head back.
“C-C’mon baby...s-shit, c’mon. Oh fuck..I’m cumming! ....a-ah!” He said as his hips stuttered and his release covered the shower floor. He sighed as he tried to regain his breath from his orgasm. It wasn’t as good as it would’ve been if it was actually you, but nonethe less, he came. Sadly, he still wasn’t satisfied.
As Bakugou walked out in nothing but a towel, he tried to get dressed but the second he saw you, his hard on returned. Oh, this was gonna be a long day.
All throughout the day Bakugou tried his best to get you in bed, and when his advances always failed, he resorted to feeling up on you or running to the bathroom for release.
You had to admit, rejecting Bakugou’s attempts had gotten harder and harder. For each time he touched you, you basically had to leave yourself hanging. You felt yourself grow wetter each time to a point where even you almost went to hide away in your room and please yourself. Thankfully, it was almost midnight, meaning the day would be over and your punishment for Bakugou would be done. Then, you both can explore your desires.
It was late LATE into the night when Bakugou busted into your room as you were watching a movie. You paused the screen and spoke to him.
“Suki! You can’t just barge in like that, you’re gonna break my do-“
“Shut up” he said as he made his strides over to you and shut you up by tonguing you down. You fell into the kiss and returned it, kissing him with just as much passion. You peaked open your eyes and looked at the time. 11:47. ‘So close,’ you thought to yourself. You reluctantly pushed him away again.
“Suki, yes.” He whined back as he attempted to kiss you again but you stopped him once more. He was getting fed up. He lifted you by your hips, tossed you flat on your back on the bed, and used his arms to cage you in. His hands pinned your wrists to the sides of your head and his knees were pressed into the mattress at the side of your hips. He got close in your face before speaking.
“You owe me an explanation, princess. I get not wanting to fuck on busy days or during a certain time but all day? I’ve tried to get you right here where Ive wanted you and you rejected me each time. Tell. Me. Why.” He said each word with poison on his tongue. You cringed at what you thought his reaction would be, but soon came to the conclusion that you’d have to tell him at some point.
“...Punishment” you said with a hopeful smile, praying that your boyfriend won’t fling you out the window. Bakugou looked at you with wide eyes.
“What?” He squinted his eyes at you and asked.
“You were acting like an idiot the other day and it pissed me off. I accepted your apology and forgave you but you weren’t completely off the hook. So I put viagra in your drink to turn you on and deny you as a punishment.” You cringed at how easy it was for you to tell him the truth. Bakugou looked at you with a confused look, then a smirk.
“So...you drugged my drink to get me riled up so I could fuck you? Didn’t know my teddy bear was so freaky,” he said licking your neck.
“What?! No! It’s not like tha- ah!” You were interrupted as Bakugou gripped into your chest.
“Then whats it like, teddy bear? Rejection? Well you’re not denying me now. Why not?” He asked you. But you had no answer for him anyway, so as far as he knew, he was right.
“That’s what I thought,” he said while continuing the attack on your neck. “I’ve been so neglected all day, I think as an apology gift, you should let me have my way with you. Doesnt that sound fun, princess?” He said the last sentence while letting his finger press against your clothed clit. You moaned at the feeling and felt yourself growing wet.
“K-Katsuki!” You moaned.
“Please, Princess?” He asked..practically begged.
You bit your lip and closed your eyes. Enjoying the feeling of his pads rubbing into you. You arched your back and gave in, spreading you legs for him. Bakugou smirked and was quick to remove your shorts and panties. Excited, he went to feast right away. No teasing, no waiting. He’s right into it, enjoying his meal. Sucking and kissing your bud, his eyes shut as he enjoys hearing your moans and tasting your sweet nectar.
The sudden feeling of his tongue hitting you and eating you out had you shivering. The massive amount of pleasure was so sudden, you could’ve cum right then.
“S-Suki! ...m-more!” You said as your hands went to grab at his hair. Bakugou groaned as you tugged and sent his tongue right into your hole. You cried out in such ecstasy that you legs began to shake.
“Cum on my tongue, Princess. Let me taste you,” Bakugou said before he went right back in. When you came, Bakugou lapped up every drop of you, savoring your flavor. He went up to kiss you and allowed you to taste yourself.
“God I want you so bad princess..” Bakugou breathed out as he released himself from his pants and lined up with your cunt. He rubbed his tip up and down your opening and you moaned in excitement.
“Let me have my way with you, Y/N.” He said in your ear as he pressed in. You wanted and needed him now. You looked at the time and saw, 11:56. Screw it.
“Please Katsuki! Use me! Please fuck me!” You begged. Smirking at your neediness, Bakugou slammed into you. Not giving you any time to adjust, Bakugou kept to his word and had his way with you. His pace was going so fast it had you seeing stars.
“Y-yes Katsuki! F-uck.....Mm,” you cried out. Bakugou lifted your hips to hold onto you and fuck you in a deeper angle.
“Shit....like that, Princess?” He said said with a smile as he kissed your neck.
“M-more Katsuki!” You begged again. Bakugou held onto your hips and kept his steady pace for awhile. He smacked your ass and kissed you deeply, exploring every inch of your wet cavern.
“You thought it was okay to fuck around with me like this? Huh princess?” He said smacking you again. You moaned at the contact and he gripped your ass. He grabbed your legs and put you in a mating press. The new angle reached deep inside you and hit the most sensitive spots. You screamed his name as he continued to fuck you with his head thrown back.
“Gotta keep quiet now...can’t let the whole class know what’s happening in here,” he huffed out “or maybe you want them to know. Yeah? You want them to know how much of a slut you are just for me?” He teased.
“Ohhh..yesss Katsuki.” You moaned. His cock was sliding into you perfectly, making you dizzy and drunk on euphoria.
“Yeah, but you’re my slut. Right? My dirty little slut. All for me, and me only.” He said as he placed his arms next to your head.
“I’m yours Katsuki! Just yours...ah!” You clenched around him. You could feel the way his balls slapped your ass everytime he thrusted into you. The sounds of skin slapping and your wet cunt filled the air and made a melody you’d never forget. In the heat of the moment, you began to feel the familiar knot in your belly.
“F-fuck. Cum for me princess, I want you to spill in on me.” Bakugou said. He went deeper, harder, and faster. Whatever it took for your pleasure. As he went in, you felt the knot become loose as you came on Katsuki’s dick and your legs shook. You cried out in pleasure as Bakugou continued to chase his own release. After a few more deep strokes, Bakugou met his high and climaxed. He filled your womb with cum and layed there as he emptied his load. You both layed there in silence, catching your breaths as you both came down from the high.
Instead of pulling out, Bakugou stayed where he was and just leaned in closer to you.
“You done messing with me, Princess?” He asked you. You let out a breathy yes as he kissed your cheek and pulled out. He layed beside you and cuddled into you as he held you close.
“I don’t know. I’m kinda satisfied with how this turned out.” You teased. Bakugou only let out a quick laugh in disbelief at his wild girlfriend and just kissed her.
“You’re crazy.” He said while holding you closer.
“But you love me,” you said.
“Yeah..I do.” He said as he rested his head against you. While basking in the glow of the after sex peace, Bakugou realized something.
“Umm..Y/N?” He started.
“Hm?” You said in a sweet voice, with your eyes still closed and you still cuddled into his chest.
“I’m, uh...I’m sorry..for how I was acting.” He apologized. This made your eyes burst open. He was apologizing..verbally. You looked up at him and gave him a sweet, passionate kiss.
“Thank you Katsuki, but I already forgave you. Remember?” You giggled. A sound that Bakugou will forever remember. A sound he will forever enjoy hearing. He just sighed and leaned into you even more, trying to communicate all his love through the physical contact you were both having.
“I don’t deserve you, Princess” he said as his eyes began to fall heavy into a deep sleep.
“You deserve me and the whole world Katsuki.” You said with love dripping in your voice.
“You are my whole world,” he mumbled in embarrassment as a blush adorned his face as he attempted to hide away in your neck. You blushed and smiled at his little confession and allowed him to sleep. It was past his usual bedtime after all.
“Get some rest, Hero.” You said, pecking his forehead with a loving kiss. As he drifted off, you just smiled and rested your eyes as you thought about the next time you would drug his drink. This little viagra prank turned out amazing.
A/N: y’all this was so sloppy😭 it could’ve been so much better but it’s been sitting in my drafts mocking me. I just had to get it out here. I’m sorry it’s not spell checked but I hoped you enjoyed it none the less. (The smut was so bad😭😭) see you next time, Cubs💗🧸
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years ago
Pairing: Arvin Russel x Reader
Warnings: fighting, swearing, southern dialect (not really a warning lol)
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“Hey Arvin.” Leonora smiled as she climbed into her brothers car. “Sorry it took so long. I got my dress caught on a locker.”
“I don’t mind waiting, long as those hillbilly boys ain’t bothering you.” Arvin stated in his low southern drawl.
“They left me alone today thanks to Y/n.” Leonora sighed in content as she situated her bible on her lap.
“Y/n?” Arvin furrowed his eyebrows. “Who’s that?”
As if on cue, you opened the back door of Arvin’s car and got into the backseat.
“Hi.” You waved at the two of them with a cheerful smile. “Sorry I’m late.”
Arvin looked at you in the rear view mirror and cleared his throat, nervously taking off his baseball cap and smoothing his hair down before looking away. You had your hair in banana curls that came to your shoulders, the front pinned back to give a better view of your face. Your cherry red lips matched your skirt, which was a nice contrast to your bright white blouse. Arvin was taken aback by the girl in his backseat, feeling like you were much too pretty to be in his beat up old car. For the first time in his life, he cared about his appearance, fumbling nervously with the brim of his hat.
“There she is.” Leonora looked back at you. “This is my friend Y/n. She’s gonna come with me to visit momma today.”
“Nice to meet you. Awful nice of you to drive us. I don’t know anybody with a car.” You spoke with excitement, as if being in Arvin’s old car was a fancy excursion. He held eye contact with you in the mirror, nodded at you to acknowledge your greeting.
“Nice to meet you too. Name’s Arvin.” He tilted his hat to you. “You have somebody buried up there too?”
“Kinda. My dog is buried under the big oak tree in the back.” You explained. “It’s her birthday today.”
“We’re gonna say a prayer for Bessie and momma. We won’t be too long.” Leonora told him as he started the car.
“Bessie?” He wondered, looking to her for answers. The name ignited nostalgia in him for a song he had never told anyone about.
“That was my dogs name.” You said, a light flush appearing on his cheeks as you spoke directly to him.
“Nice name.” He commented, thinking of his dog Jack. “What breed?”
“Jack russel.” You answered, as if you read him mind.
“She likes Russel’s.” Leonora commented, causing you to jokingly slap her on the shoulder. Arvin’s jaw tightened as he looked at you in the mirror again, curious to know what his sister meant by that.
“Shut up. Least I’m not crushing on a preacher.” You playfully teased her.
“Just teasing.” She laughed as you pulled up to the church. “You can park here, Arvin. We don’t mind the walk.”
“Thanks for driving us, Arvin.” You smiled brightly at him. He finally turned to look at you, face softening when his eyes met yours.
“No trouble missus.” He nodded curtly at you, fighting the urge to break his permanent frown with a smile.
“See you later.” You waved goodbye to him as you left the car, linking your arm through Lenora’s once you were out. Despite your back being to him, he waved back, blowing out a nervous breath as he watched you leave. He wasn’t one to have his head turned by pretty girls, his grandmother worried if he even cared for girls at all, but something about you left a pink tint in his cheeks. He looked at his backseat where you had been, smiling a little at the thought of you. The smell of you flowery perfume lingered in his car, replacing his usual smell of cigarette smoke. It was a nice and welcomed change, one he wouldn’t mind getting used to.
Before long, Arvin heard a knock on his window. He looked up and saw you holding your book bag over your head with an apologetic look of your face. He quickly rolled the window down, blinking a few times in surprise.
“Hi. Leonora wudden done yet and it’s starting to rain. You mind if I wait in here?” You asked like it was a tall order, but he was more than happy to fulfill it. He hadn’t even realized it had begun to drizzle, too wrapped up in that thought of you to notice his surroundings.
“Go ‘head.” He nodded as he unlocked the door. “You don’t have to sit in the back if you don’t want . Front is just fine.”
“Thank you.” You smiled at him as you sat in the passenger seat, shaking the raindrops out of your hair once inside. You tossed your bag over the seat and let it sit in the back before rubbing your arms from the chill of the rain. Arvin wordlessly took of his jacket and laid it over your shoulders when he saw the goosebumps on your arms. You smiled gratefully at him and held the jacket tighter around you, taking in the smell of it.
“Thank you. Rain came out of nowhere.” You laughed breathlessly as you looked at him. Too shy to speak, he gave you a nod in response and looked out the window.
“You don’t talk much, do you?” You asked suddenly, making him look at you again. You had a coy smile on your face, a smile he was growing awfully fond of.
“Don’t got much to say.” He shrugged, just happy you were taking an interest in him.
“Shame.” You chuckled shyly as you looked down at your red fingernails. “I would’ve liked to hear whatever you had to say.”
Arvin’s jaw dropped a little at your statement, immediately coughing to cover up his shocked expression. It was the first time he had ever been flirted with and it showed. He rubbed his hand on his shirt to smooth it as he shook his head, unsuccessful in hiding how flustered you made him.
“You mind if I smoke in here?” He changed the subject before he could embarrass himself further.
“Go ahead. I like the smell.” You shrugged as he pulled out his lighter.
“You do?” He looked at you curiously with his cigarette between his teeth. Most people he knew hated the smell, but you were continuously proving you weren’t like most people he knew.
“Yeah.” You nodded. “Reminds me of my daddy.”
“Me too.” He chuckled softly, finding himself on common ground with you once again. “You smoke?”
He held out his box to you to offer you a cigarette, making you bite your lip as you contemplated it.
“I never tried it before.” You spoke shyly, as if it was something to be embarrassed about.
“Here. I’ll give you a light.” Arvin smirked as he took a cigarette out of the box. You opened your mouth and held eye contact with you as he placed it between your lips, red lipstick staining the base. He lit his own cigarette before leaning forward and lighting yours with his own.
“It’s gonna burn at first, you might start coughing.” He warned you as you took a short puff.
“Whew.” You took it out of your mouth and coughed. “That’s something different.”
“You don’t have to finish it if you don’t like it.” He assured you as he took a long drag of his.
“Never said I didn’t like it.” You winked at him before taking another drag. Arvin looked away as he smiled, rubbing his tired eyes with his free hand.
“My grandmomma hates it when I smoke in here.” He began to open up to you. “Said it makes the seats smell like a factory.”
“Then I won’t tell her.” You drawled. “Secrets safe with me.”
Arvin found the confidence to move his arm to rest on the back of seat, almost close enough to be around you. You took the hint and scooted closer to him, excitement evident in your eyes. He smirked a little before he took his cigarette out of his mouth and blew the smoke in your face. You leaned into his cloud of smoke, holding his gaze as you inhaled. He leaned forward as well, planning to meet you in the middle until you heard the backdoor open.
“Hey guys.” Leonora bumbled as he got in the backseat. “Rain came out of nowhere, didn’t it?”
You and Arvin shared a disappointed look before your turned in your seat to look at Leonora.
“Hi, hun.” You greeted her kindly. “You all set?”
“Yeah. Thanks for coming with me.” She put her hand on your arm and squeezed it in appreciation.
“Anytime.” You told her, sneaking a glance at Arvin as he put his key in the ignition.
He kept quiet on the ride to your house after asking for your address, so you busted yourself by keeping light conversation with Leonora. You didn’t live too far from the church and found yourself in your drive way sooner than you’d like. You unbuckled your seat belt and collected your books, looking at Arvin wistfully before getting out.
“Thank you for driving me home, Arvin.” You thanked him. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“A lady should never walk alone. Specially not in the rain.” He nodded curtly. “Here, I’ll walk you to the door.”
“Are you sure it’s no trouble?” You gazed at him innocently through your lashes. You wanted him to walk you to the door, you just didn’t want him to know that.
“No trouble at all, doll.” He assured you as he got out. You said goodbye to Leonora before Arvin opened your door and helped you out.
“If your grandmomma don’t like the smell, maybe we could smoke outside sometime.” You suggested as you took slow steps to your front door, coming up with any way you could think of to see him again.
“I got the feeling you didn’t like it all the much.” He chuckled as he fidgeted with his cap.
“I could learn to.” You said, almost sadly as you looked at him. You stopped once you got to your front door, silently sliding his jacket off your shoulders and giving it back to him.
“How about we do something else? Something you like to do.” He suggested as he accepted the jacket. Your lips curved into a smile when he showed the same interest in you as you had in him.
“I’m pretty boring, Arvin.” You shrugged shyly as you dug your toe in the dirt. “Alls I do is go to church and do schoolwork.”
“You ain’t bored me yet.” He smirked as he shoved his hands in his pockets. You bit your tongue between your teeth and giggled, timidly tucking your hair behind your ear.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Arvin.” You held your hand out to him for him to shake. He took your hand and kissed your knuckles, never breaking eye contact.
“See you. You have a nice night now.”
You watched him the whole way back to his car, pressing a cold hand to your burning cheek to calm yourself down. Only once he and Leonora had pulled away did you go inside, leaning your back against the door and sighing once you did.
“How come I never seen you with her before?” Arvin asked his sister as he drove towards their house. He knew his sister didn’t have many friends, of any for the matter. And he definitely would’ve remembered seeing you before, considering the way you were stuck in his brain like an old song.
“We just met today. Chuck Greenwood was picking on me this morning but she stopped him. She told me she saw me at the graveyard every day and asked if she could tag alone to see her dog. She’s nice, isn’t she? My first friend.” Leonora smiled proudly as she brushed off her bible, never being one for making friends.
“She’s alright.” Arvin played down his feelings towards you. “How’d she stop Greenwood?”
“She asked him to take her to the drive in. I never seen a boy look so red.” Leonora bounced in excitement. “He forgot all about me and started following her around all day. Shame though, I heard him telling people he had his way with her behind the school busses.”
“That true?” Arvin clenched his jaw, feeling white hot jealousy corse through his veins.
“Course not. Shes not like that.” Leonora said, giving Arvin some peace of mind.
“Good.” He grumbled, turning the corner as his car rattled.
“She’s so pretty.” Leonora gushed. “She told me she could do my makeup for church this Sunday if I like. You think I should?”
“I don’t know. What does the Bible say about lipstick?” Arvin cracked one of his rare jokes.
“Nothing.” Leonora rolled her eyes. “She looks so pretty with it though. Reminds me of momma.”
“She did look pretty.” Arvin mumbled. “Nice color on her.”
“You like her, don’t you?” Leonora’s jaw dropped as her brother showed an emotion other than anger for the first time.
“You mind your own business now. Was just being nice.” Arvin stated as he looked at her in the mirror.
“You ain’t nice to nobody.” Leonora scoffed. “You like her.”
“Shut up.”
“Don’t worry. I won’t tell her nothing.” Leonora smiled in satisfaction.
“You better not. Now hush up before I make you walk home.” Arvin warned.
“Just saying.” Leonora added slyly. “I think she likes you too.”
Arvin looked at her in his mirror to see if she was serious, and she was. He grunted and adjusted his cap, hoping his sister wouldn’t see the smile on his face.
“Can you pass me the sugar?” You asked Leonora in her kitchen the following day.
“Here you go.” She handed you the bag. “Thank you for helping me and grandmomma. I don’t know what she was thinking trying to make all this food on her own.”
“I’m happy to help.” You shrugged as you measured the sugar in a cup. “I love cooking. Makes the whole house smell good.”
“Well I appreciate it anyhow.” Leonora smiled at you as she poked your side.
“Something smells good.” Arvin announced as he entered the kitchen, stopping in his tracks when he saw you. “Hi, Y/n.”
“Hi Arvin. We’re making a pie for tonight. You wanna help us?” You turned to face him while resting the bowl of ingredients on your hip. You had an apron loosely tied around your waist and a streak of flour going across one cheek, looking as beautiful as ever.
“Not much of a baker.” He shrugged with a soft smile. “‘Less you like eggshells in your crust.”
“Could you set the table, then? 5 places, Y/n is staying.” Leonora asked him over his shoulder, missing the hopeful look on his face when she mentioned you staying.
“Hope you don’t mind.” You smiled apologetically at him while stirring the bowl with a large wooden spoon.
“Don’t mind at all.” He nodded, moving towards you to get the plates out of the cupboard behind you. “Pardon me.”
“Sorry bout that.” You stepped out of his way, shoulders brushing as you moved.
“No apology needed.” He shook his head as he collected the plates. “See you at dinner.”
You waved to him with your free hand as he left the kitchen and headed towards the table.
“He likes you, you know.” Leonora instigated once her brother was out of earshot.
“Don’t be silly. That boy dudden like anything in this town.” You chuckled, flustered at her implication. “We’re all just something for him to scowl at.”
“He does too.” She insisted. “I seen the honey glow on his cheeks when I mention your name. He thinks you’re pretty.”
“He said that?” You gasped, making Leonora laugh in delight.
“Uh huh.” She poked your side again. “Told me himself on the car ride home. You should’ve seen him, all red and blushin’. I bet he’ll put his plate next to you tonight.”
“If he does, I don’t want you making eyes at me all night.” You teased as you playfully bumped her out of your way with your hip.
“I won’t.” She said innocently as she picked up the basket of bread. “I’ll gonna bring this to the table. Maybe I’ll see your boyfriend while I’m there.”
You hit her on the butt with a dish towel for her comment, her laugh echoing through the house as she went to the table. You began to hum the tune of the Little Bessie song you knew from childhood as you poured the pie filling into the crust.
“My momma used to sing that song.” Arvin’s voice came from behind you, making you jump a little. “It was one of the last things I ever heard from her.”
He joined you at the counter and gave you a half smile, wordlessly holding the pie tin steady as you poured.
“I was awful sorry to hear about what happened to your family. Leonora told me, hope that’s all right.” You spoke softly as you looked at him with sympathetic eyes.
“S’all right.” He shrugged, signaling that he didn’t want to get into it. “She’s told me a thing or two bout you as well.”
“Like what?” You wondered as you took out the uncooked strips of pie crust.
“Like you telling Chuck Greenwood you’d let him take you to the drive in.” Arvin stated, a mixture of disappointment and anger hardening the boyish features of his face.
“She told you that?” You asked in disbelief as you laid the strips in a delicate pattern.
“Yes ma’am. She also told me he started a rumor that the two of you meet up behind the school busses everyday, doing God knows what, after school. That true?” He asked roughly. Leonora has already told him it was false, but he needed to hear it from you.
“No.” You laughed like it was absurd, popping the bubble of jealously that had formed in Arvin’s stomach since he first heard it. “He can say what he wants. Everyone knows he’s full of it.“
“Well if that’s how you feel, why are you going on a date with him?” Arvin gripped the counter and hunched over as he stared at you. You cracked a smile, seeing what Leonora meant by all the times she called him overprotective.
“Oh, Arvin.” You giggled, finishing the pie crust. “I’m not going.”
“But you said yes.” He stood you straight, his face twisted in confusion.
“I know. I said yes so when I don’t show up, it’ll hurt him like he hurt Leonora. Maybe then he’ll realize it’s not nice to mess with people.” You explained as you put the pie in the oven. Arvin was taken aback by your reasoning, standing there dumbstruck as you set a timer. He always thought it was his job and his job only to protect his sister, only to find out there was somebody else looking out for her too. The boundaries of his protection ended where the schoolyard started, and that had always been something that troubled him. Now that he knew he could count on you to keep an eye on her, he felt a weight taken off his shoulders.
“You let that candy ass talk about you like that to protect my sister?” He asked lowly as he took a step towards you. He brought his calloused thumb to your cheek and and wiped the flour from your face. Your breath hitched in your throat as you gazed into his dark and tired eyes.
“She’s my friend.” You stammered. “She’d do it for me.”
Arvin’s lips tweaked into a smile, approving of your answer. He dragged his thumb down your face, pulling your bottom lip down for a moment before it bounced back.
“If that Chuck Greenwood bothers you again, you tell me. All right, doll?” He murmured.
“Why? What are you gonna do about it?” You tilted your head and gave him a sultry smile.
“Kill him.” Arvin said simply, making your heart stop.
“I’m only kidding.” He followed up. “I’ll just set him straight, is all.”
“Thank you.” You said under your breath, too starstruck to speak at full volume.
“Speak up now, darling. Don’t mumble.” He commanded you. You cleared your throat and stood up straighter, hoping that would give the facade of confidence.
“I said thank you.” You repeated.
“No need to thank me. Any friend of my sisters is a friend of mine.” He tipped his hat to you and backed away, grabbing a dish towel to clean his hands.
“So you and I are friends now?” You asked, disappointment making a home in his heart now that he wasn’t in your personal space.
“Don’t have too many of em.” He shrugged. “One more cant hurt.”
He went to leave the kitchen so you quickly untied your apron and followed him.
“Since I’m not going to the drive in, I have nothing to do Friday night.” You began, sighing ostentatiously.
“Oh, yeah?” He smirked at you, taking the hint.
“Yeah.” You continued your charade of looking forlorn. “Leonora has bible study so I’ll be all alone.”
Arvin stopped in the hallway, taking your arm gently between his hand and turning to towards him.
“I could take you somewhere, if you’d like.” He offered as if he had just thought of it, but it had been weighing on his mind since your first encounter.
“I would like that very much.” You nodded, biting back a smile.
“Is it all right if I sit next to you tonight? Uncle Earskell chews pretty loud, it grosses me out.” He chuckled shyly as he scuffed his shoes on the floor.
“Sure.” You giggled, secretly thrilled that Leonora had been right. “I promise I don’t chew that loud.”
Arvin looked up and smiled softly at you, shrugging a little as he scratched his nose.
“I don’t supposed I’d mind all that much if you did.” He said quietly and you understood what he was implying.
“Speak up now, darling.” You repeated his own words. “Don’t mumble.”
Finally, you got a toothy smile out of the stolid boy. He grinned from ear to ear at you rendition of what he said before, feeling oddly proud that it had resonated with you. Before he could act on his feelings, Leonora appeared in the hallway.
“There you two are.” She sighed. “Pie is just about done. Y’all ready to eat?”
You and Arvin nodded repeatedly, both hoping she hadn’t seen anything before she interrupted it. You followed her to the dinning table, blushing when you felt Arvin’s hand on your back to guide you.
Friday night, right on time, Arvin pulled up to your house. He didn’t strike you as the kind to be punctual, in fact, he normally wasn’t. He just knew his reputation proceeded him and he didn’t want you thinking he didn’t care. He did care, very much in fact. He cared so much that when he saw you coming out of your house in high waisted shorts and a strapless top, he forgot how to breathe. You had a bandana tying your hair up, red like the color of your lipstick. To Arvin, you looked like a dream come true.
“Hello miss.” He greeted you as you climbed in his front seat. “Where to?”
“Anywhere you wanna take me.” You beamed as you buckled your seatbelt. He grinned wickedly as he started the car, feeling the wind whip through his hair as he pulled off.
He made small talk with you as he drove to a nearby lake, telling you about his new job laying down tar. Though you didn’t care much about the particular subject, you hung on to every word. You got the impression that he had a lot to say at all times, he just didn’t think anybody cared to listen. It wasn’t long before you pulled up to a still body of water, parking right before the shore.
“I like coming up here when the weathers nice.” Arvin told you as he kept his eyes straight ahead. “It’s quiet.”
“People who look for quiet places usually have pretty loud thoughts. What are you thinking bout?” You asked as you turned your body to face him and leaned your head on your hands. Arvin chuckled and fidgeted with his cap, looking anywhere but you.
“Only thing I’m thinking bout right now are those little shorts of yours.” He answered honestly, making you flush.
“You like em?” You smiled as you smoothed your hand over your shorts. “My momma made em. She works at the fabric shop in town.”
“She did a good job.” He finally looked at you. “Look real good on you.”
“What about you? Do you ever wear anything but white shirts and beat up old baseball caps?” You teased as you shook the brim of his cap.
“No ma’am.” He pursed his lips to fight off a smile. “Can’t say I do.”
“Good. Cause I ain’t seen anybody rock a jean jacket as good as you.” You told him. “Looks real good on you too.”
“Why, thank you.” He nodded his head before looking out his window so you wouldn’t see him turning red.
“You blushing?” You laughed, cupping his chin in your hands and making him look at you.
“I blush when pretty girls say I look good.” He defended himself as he playfully shooed your hands away.
“So Leonora was right.” You bit your tongue in amusement.
“She said you thought I was pretty.” You sighed dramatically as you checked out your manicure. “Didn’t believe it until now.”
Arvin reached forward and took your chin between his rough fingers, holding it in place so he could get a long look at you. You sucked in a sharp breath as you held his gaze, entirely under his spell now.
“Now how could someone as beautiful as you not believe it?” He drawled, eyes darting between your eyes and your lips.
“I guess I don’t hear it all that much.” You whispered, not wanting to disrupt the moment.
“Let me ask you something, doll.” He began. “Anybody ever kissed you before?”
“No.” You shook your head as much as you could with his hand still attached.
He half smirked. “You ever want somebody to?”
“Not until now.” You breathed.
“Me too.” He gulped before leaning in the rest of the way. His hand was sprawled over your cheek, big enough to cover the entire side of your face as he kissed you hungrily. You accidentally knocked his hat off as you grabbed his face, trying to get as close to him as possible. He laughed as it tumbled onto the seat before reconnecting his lips to yours. He pulled you into his lap and pulled the banana out of your hair, immediately tangling his hands in your messy curls. He brought the banana around your neck and used it to pull you closer to him, if that was possible. You gripped the seat behind him, leaving crescent moon marks where your nails dug into the leather. He pulled away only to catch his breath, leaning his head back in bliss as he panted heavily.
“You gon’ be the death of me, darling.” He groaned as he blew out a breath towards the roof of his car. You took his face between his hands and tilted it down so he was looking at you, brushing your thumbs along his ever bruised cheekbones.
“Well then I hope you rest in peace.” You smirked before kissing him again.
The memory of your night in Arvin’s left a lingering grin on your face all weekend, still present on Monday during school. You walked with Leonora to her brothers car once the school day had ended, barely able to hear her over your loud thoughts of Arvin.
“Shoot.” You stopped in your tracks on the way out the school doors. “Forgot my math book.”
“You want me to wait?” Leonora asked kindly.
“No, it’s fine.” You waved your hand in dismissal. “I’ll be quick.”
“Alright then. See you in the car.” She waved goodbye, despite knowing she’ll be seeing you again in a few minutes. You waved back before heading to your locker and collecting your book. Since you were closer to the back of the school, you went out the back doors to walk around. Your heartbeat quickened as you clutched your books to your chest, knowing you’d be seeing Arvin in just a few moments. Your state of bliss was interrupted by someone putting their hand over your mouth from behind and yanking you backwards. All your books fell to the ground as you were harshly pushed up against the brick wall of the school building. Your attempt to scream was muffled by someone’s hand over your mouth, so you just shut your eyes in fear.
“There you are, you little whore. You missed our date on Friday.” Chuck Greenwood said through gritted teeth as he pinned you against the wall. Your eyes flew opened upon identifying your attacker and you impulsively bit down on his hand. He yelped in pain and let go of you, shaking his hand out to relieve the sting.
“Ow! You bitch.” He barked and shoved you again.
“Get off of me.” You shoved him back. “I’m no whore. I just didn’t want to slum it with a no good hilly billy like you. I had better things to do.”
This really set Chuck off as he grabbed your face and held you against the wall, restricted your breathing with his grip.
“Oh yeah? Like what? Know you wasn’t working. I drove by all the most popular street corners but I didn’t see you.” He growled as he got in your face. “Now I’m gonna get what I wanted, and you’re gonna keep quiet.”
His hands moved to your waist and you gasped in fear.
“I wouldn’t if I were you.” You blurted to distract him. “And for your information, I was out with an actual gentlemen.”
“Who?” He took the bait and tilted his head.
“If you’d like to meet him, he’s right behind you.” You smiled a little, gasping for air when he let go of your face.
“What?” As soon as Chuck turned around, his face connected with Arvin’s fist. You couldn’t help but cover your mouth and laugh at the fact he practically walked into the punch, knowing that had to hurt ten times as bad. Chuck hadn’t yet recovered from the first punch when Arvin swung again, knocking him in the nose this time. Chuck covered his bleeding nose with his hand and looked up in time to be kicked in the stomach by Arvin. He fell to the ground and Arvin knelt down beside him, gripping his face the way he had just been gripping yours to make him look at him.
“You think picking on girls is fun? Huh?” Arvin yelled when Chuck didn’t answer the first question. “You think making em fear you makes you less pathetic?”
“Get off of me.” Chuck cried as he tried to roll away. “You’re crazy.”
Arvin grabbed him by the shirt with both fists, lifting him a little off the ground.
“You listen to me.” He growled. “You’re gonna find everyone you told about you and Y/n and tell em you were lying. Tell em you made it up and you’re sorry. You hear me?”
“Yes.” Chuck whimpered. Arvin pulled him up by his shirt and pushed him forward, towards you.
“Now get your ass up and apologize.” Arvin demanded as Chuck stumbled towards you.
“What? I didn’t even get to do anything.” Chuck turned around to complain to Arvin. Arvin raised his eyebrows in amusement before grabbing Chuck by the back of his neck and getting in his face.
“I said apologize.” He bellowed. “You apologize for spreading lies about her, being aggressive with her, calling her a whore, and you damn best apologize for that comment right there. If you know what’s good for you, you won’t make me wait.”
He lifted Chucks head up and forced him to look at you, tightened his grip when he hesitated.
“Ow.” He whined and looked at you. “I’m sorry.”
“For?” Arvin yelled in his ear.
“I’m sorry for calling you a whore.” Chuck apologized.
“And?” Arvin continued.
“And for telling people we did stuff behind the school busses.” Chuck added, flinching ad Arvin leaned in again.
“What else?” He snarled right in his ear.
“And for grabbing you. Honest to God, I’m sorry.” He cried loudly. “I did it. Let me go.”
Arvin let go of his neck and aggressively turned him around to face him as he gripped his shoulders.
“If I ever see you around my sister or my girl again, I’ll kill you. You hear me?” Arvin shouted as he pointed a finger in Chucks face.
“Yes sir. I mean, yes.” Chuck stammered, eyes full of fear.
“Now get out of here.” Arvin shoved him and Chuck went running. Arvin watched him go, not satisfied until he was out of sight. His breathing returned to normal as a sudden flush came over his face, realizing he just lost his temper in front of you. He looked at you timidly, worried you’d be scared by what you had seen. To Arvin’s surprise, you had a dopey smile on your face as you approached him.
“Your girl, huh?” You giggled as you took his hand in yours, examining it for serious injuries. The handkerchief in your pocket made itself useful as you used it to clean his wounds.
“Sorry you had to see that.” He spoke softly as he searched your face for signs of regret. “He won’t be messing with you no more.”
“Don’t be sorry. Nobody ever got their knuckles bloody for me before.” You brought his hand to your lips, kissing his red knuckles as you looked in his eyes.
“I’ll get em as bloody as I have to to keep you safe.” He promised. “You’re my girl now. Nothings gonna hurt you again.”
“I like it when you call me your girl.” You smiled as you slowly intertwined your hands with his, careful of his cuts.
“Well good.” Arvin put his hand on the back of your head and pulled it towards him, giving you a kiss on the forehead. “Cause I like saying it.”
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