#margot robbie x y/n
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Pink nightmares
Warnings: First Meetings, fluff
Word count: 1.2 K
Pairing: Barbie (Margot Robbie) x Fem!Reader
Prompt: Barbie meets another human.
PS: Lesbians in a relationship are fast
Requests: OPEN
Special request: @lillymonroe66
[Main masterlist] [Barbie masterlist]
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When Barbara got up, she felt her nightshirt sticking to her back. She was sweating. She had had the same nightmare again.
Carefully, she put on the slippers Gloria had bought her and began shuffling her feet to walk to Gloria's door.
She knocked gently on the door, and getting no answer, opened the door only to find the woman sound asleep.
I knew the woman had had a tough week. With her new position at Mattel, a teenage daughter, and her and her husband's estrangement, she didn't have much time for a worried Barbie. So, Barbie simply closed the door and walked to Sasha's door, walked over to the sleeping child and moved her slightly.
"I can't sleep" she whisper. "What do humans do when they can't sleep?"
"Ahg, Barbie, I don't know , go watch TV or something?"
Sure, when she watched movies with Gloria and she rested her head in her lap, she always fell asleep. That was her solution.
She quickly left the room and went downstairs to the living room, turning on the television and adjusting the volume so as not to disturb anyone.
She changed channels more times than she would like to admit, but, despite finding programs that people regularly use to fall asleep because of how boring they are, such as infomercials (even though Barbie loved infomercials), she couldn't fall asleep.
Thirty minutes later, she was forced to turn off the television and re-enter the teenager's room.
"I still can't sleep" she whispered again. "what else can I do?"
"Agh, how should I know?" replied the girl half asleep and with obvious irritation. "why don't you go for a walk?" yawned. "Like in the movies you like."
Sure, that always put teenagers in the movies to sleep.
Carefully, she went back downstairs, sitting on the floor to put on the sneakers Gloria had instructed him to leave by the front door, opened the door and quickly decided to put on a sweatshirt of Sasha's, because it was getting a little chilly.
Barbie had been walking aimlessly for a long time. Somehow, she had reached the Venice Beach pier (her favorite beach), but she was so engrossed in the beauty of the sea, she didn't realize that it had already started to get light.
Least of all she had noticed, a woman was absentmindedly running up to her… until the two collided.
"Oh shit."
From the blow, both girls ended up on the floor, the blonde kneeling and the woman in sportswear fell on her butt, but the latter quickly got up to help the blonde up.
"I'm sorry, I'm too distracted."
"Don't worry" spoke Barbie as she tried to brush the dirt off her knees, but as she touched the right one… "Ouch."
"Oh shit" repeated the girl. "Honey, you're bleeding. come here."
Carefully, the stranger took the blonde ex-doll by the shoulders to the table of a coffee shop that was there on the dock and they were just opening.
The girl asked for a first aid kit, sat the blonde down and bent down to be at the blonde's knee.
The waiter quickly brought the first aid kit, causing the stranger to quickly draw the disinfectant on the wound, causing the blonde to hiss.
"I'm really, really sorry. Now you're going to have a little scar on your leg" she spoke, showing sorrow in her eyes.
"Are you kidding?" laughed the blonde "I've never gotten any of these before, it's fabulous… Ahhh!" she yelled as the other woman put disinfectant back on.
"I'm sorry" repeated the stranger. "So…you've never had a raspon, what's wrong with you, didn't you have a childhood?"
'Honey, I think it would be advisable for you not to tell anyone that… you were a doll. People aren't made for this kind of situation normally.'
Gloria's voice reached the blonde's ears.
"It's hard to explain."
Carefully, the woman took a small band-aid out of the box and placed it on the blonde's small, clean wound.
"Ta-da" the woman stood up, as she showed the other woman the band aid along with some jazz hands, eliciting laughter from the former doll. "There. Now not only do you have your scratch, but you also have an amazing band aid to show off. And it's Hello Kitty."
The blonde laughed again.
"Thank you very much…"
She said trying to guess the name of the woman in front of her.
"T/N. My name is T/N. What's yours?"
"Barbara. But everyone calls me Barbie."
They both gave each other a smile.
"Well, Barbie… I'd really like you to tell me about your non-existent experience with childhood injuries."
"Ohh, believe me, it's quite weird and complicated to explain" commented the blonde feeling a strange sensation accentuate in her belly, and she felt a scorching heat rise up her neck to her cheeks.
"Well, I have all the time in the world to understand your story" T/N quickly sat down next to the blonde and gave her a smile. "Besides, I wouldn't waste any opportunity to be with a woman as beautiful as you."
T/N got out of her car, took her keys and locked the car. She walked quickly to the door of the house and knocked on the door, just once. Before she could give another knock, the door swiftly opened, revealing the blonde ex-doll with a perfectly matched outfit and beautiful silky hair.
"Hi baby."
Before T/N could continue to admire her girlfriend, the latter threw herself into T/N's arms and began to spread kisses all over her face.
"Ahgggg. Get a room."
And there was Sasha, trying to annoy Barbie. T/N had given up trying to figure out which of the two was playing the role of little sister.
"Sasha, leave them alone!"
And there was Gloria, their mother and best friend.
Barbie moved to let T/N into the house. She quickly entered the house, ruffled the younger girl's hair and walked to the kitchen, where Gloria was waiting for them with sandwiches.
"Are you nervous?"
"Well, yeah, anyone would be if you're going to meet all your girlfriend's distant friends."
"Oh honey" Gloria gave her a smile. That mom smile "You don't have to be nervous. Everyone is very friendly there."
"I'm ready now, baby!" Barbie came bounding in with three giant suitcases.
Gloria and T/N looked at each other with complicity.
"Are you sure you have everything?"
"I think I s… Oh, I almost forgot my friendship bracelets I made for everyone…"
And just as quickly as she came, she left, ducking into her room again.
"Do you have the ring?" whispered Gloria.
"What ring?" asked Sasha.
"Shhhh!" both older women tried to shush her.
"Yes" whispered T/N as she pulled out the little velvet box he kept in her pants pockets.
"OH SHIT!" shouted Sasha.
"Gloria, Sasha said a rude thing!" accused Barbie as she re-entered the room next to a fistful of bracelets.
"Yes honey, I just heard her. And she'll be in trouble once they leave."
T/N took the suitcases and all the things Barbie was going to take on her trip (rather short for all the things Barbie was carrying), said goodbye to Gloria, her husband and Sasha.
They both got in the car to drive to Venice Beach.
"Ready?" asked Barbie, flashing that beautiful smile that T/N had fallen in love with.
"Always, with you by my side."
The only good thing about having my own cell phone stolen is that… I'm more active writing
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r2in2p · 7 months ago
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hepburnswan · 2 years ago
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beach party
🌸 pt 2 of you are kenough 🌸
pairing: ken x reader
summary: in which barbie finally leaves the dreamhouse and goes to the beach, only to find a surprise waiting for her there
warnings: fluff, some romantic undertones 🥴 , super corny ending
word count: 1.8k
authors note: soooo here is pt 2, hope ur all excited 😁😁 the ending is super corny and sounded better in my head lmao, let me know if yall want part 3 !!
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It was time.
Time to get out of the house and head down to the beach!
Though you were a little nervous, you were definitely anxious to get out of the dreamhouse. You took extra care to get all dolled up (see what I did there 😁) for your grand appearance. You decided to leave your hair down, and put on your favorite bikini, along with a matching coverup, beach bag and sunglasses. Then, you were ready to head out.
Little did you know there was a surprise waiting for you..
It was already a little later in the day, you had taken some time to yourself after your conversation with Ken, but better late then never.
By the time you pulled up to the beach in your pink convertible, the sun was already beginning to set and there was no one to be found.
You groaned in disappointment. Had everyone really gone home?
It was fine. After all, you had gotten used to being alone. It couldn’t hurt to hang out for just a little while.
You got out of the car and stepped down the sand dunes down to the beach, setting your bag down and sitting down next to it. You felt weird though- almost as if you were being watched? No, that was impossible. There was no one here!
You could only sit still for a little while before paranoia began to set in. You kept hearing sounds, almost like whispers, but convinced yourself it was just your imagination. You stood up, about to turn around and head back to your car when suddenly a voice shouted, “NOW!”
You were frozen in shock as confetti and the sound of noisemakers filled the air, and barbies and kens emerged from seemingly nowhere - behind trees and cars and buildings, and at the very front of the crowd was Ken - and well, another Ken, holding a giant banner that read,
In a matter of seconds, you were surrounded by your fellow barbies, being hugged, and petted and told how much you had been missed by them.
“Surprise!” President Barbie said excitedly.
“We’re so glad you’re feeling better!” said physicist Barbie.
“What .. what is this?” You smiled, dizzy with both joy and confusion.
“Okay, quiet down everyone!” Ken shouts, and the crowd hushes.
“Barbie,” he says chivalrously. “We wanted to show how much we care about you,” he smiles, and you blush.
“So, in honor of your return to the Barbieland party scene, we decided to throw you the best. Beach Party. EVER!” he yells, and the crowd cheers.
Your hand is over your mouth in shock as the girls around you giggle excitedly.
“So?” Are you ready?” President Barbie asks, and the crowd anxiously waits for your answer.
The crowd screams with excitement, and the party begins!
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The party was spectacular, and continued to be as the night went on. Everybody - and I mean everybody - had shown up to celebrate. Even Weird Barbie was there, and Mermaid Barbie and Merman Ken would pop out of the water every now and then to wave to you and the rest of the partygoers.
You were sitting with a group of other barbies, gossiping and sipping on imaginary tropical drinks. “So who’s idea was this party, anyways?” you ask.
“Oh, it was Ken’s, actually!” says Diplomat Barbie, nodding towards where he sat in the distance.
Really? Ken had planned all of this .. for you?
“He .. he did?”
“Of course, we were eager to help!” President Barbie chimes in. You smile to yourself.
Meanwhile, Ken sat on a quiet corner of the beach with a few of the other kens, just chatting about horses, when his eyes fell upon you. He gazed in awe of how the other barbies fawned over you like you were some sort of princess. That was fair, you definitely looked like one, he thought. It was then, when he noticed a beauty in you that he hadn’t noticed before. Huh, he thought.
“Uh, Barbie?” Author Barbie asks.
“Hm?” you smile.
“There’s one more thing,” she says, handing you a pink envelope, which smelled of vanilla. You accept it, holding it for a second, confused.
“Barbie couldn’t make it tonight, but she left this behind for you before she left,” President Barbie says softly.
“Ah,” you reply.
You immediately knew which Barbie she had been referring to.
Stereotypical Barbie, or Blondie, as you called her, had left for the real world a few days earlier. She had been one of your best friends in Barbieland, if not your very best, and though you had supported her in her decision to leave, you already missed her horribly.
“We meant to give it you sooner, but.. we weren’t able to because, well, we didn’t see you much these past few days…” Doctor barbie says, looking at you sympathetically. “But we thought now would be a good time!”
You nod in understanding and open up the envelope to find the note written inside. You pull it out, and after a deep breath, you read.
Dear Barbie,
I’m writing this as I’m getting ready to leave for the real world, and I want you to know a few things. One, don’t you worry, I’ll be back to visit! And more importantly, two, I want you to know how perfect and amazing you are! You’re one of my very best friends and I am going to miss you so so much. You are kind and beautiful, just as any barbie should be, and don’t you ever forget it. Don’t let any ken or any barbie bring you down, ever. Keep making Barbieland a better place, the way I know you can, and know that I will do my best to do the same in the real world. I love you so very much!
Lots of love,
Blondie <3
P.S. Keep an eye on Ken for me. Maybe you two can keep each other company ;)
You blushed at the last sentence. What on earth did she mean by that?
Nonetheless, you appreciated the kind words from your best friend, and put the note back inside its envelope and slipped it into your beach bag. You decided to get up and clear your head a little, and bid goodbye to the other girls, heading down to stand by the plastic waves alone. You thought of Barbie’s letter, especially that last sentence. She couldn’t have meant…No! Absolutely not. But that must’ve been what she meant! No, don’t flatter yourself! She probably just meant in a friendly way! But the wink.. the wink! That wink had to be suggesting something!
You were so lost in your own thoughts that you didn’t sense the presence behind you. Not until he tapped you on the shoulder, and you turned around to face Ken himself.
Without thinking, you manage to stutter a “H-Hi Ken!”
“Hi Barbie .. you feeling okay? Is it the party? Are you overwhelmed?” he asks sweetly.
“No, no! I’m sorry. It’s just, you just.. startled me there.” you reply, calming your voice down. “The party’s great, actually. I heard you planned it, is that true?”
“Yeah, yeah,” he nods shyly.
“How long have you been planning this? There’s no way you could have pulled this all together in just a few hours!”
He says nothing, just mock-shrugs and smiles.
“Oh my god, really? But how?”
“I have my ways,” he smirks.
“Ken… you really went through all of this.. for me?”
“Of course, Barbie,” he blushes. “After all, you deserve it. And I figured it was the least I could do to make it up to you. To all of you.”
You grin from ear to ear, pulling him into a hug.
“I knew you hadn’t changed.”
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After pulling away from your hug, Ken had an idea. Though you had already reassured him that he was already enough, that he didn’t have to do anything to impress anyone, including you, he figured there was no harm in trying. Just for fun.
“Hey Barbie, wanna see something cool?” He says excitedly.
“Uh .. sure? What?”
“Watch this!” he grins, before suddenly disappearing to god knows where. A minute later he returned, carrying his surfboard under his arm.
“Oh Ken, no.. I don’t think you should.. remember last time?” you pleaded.
“Relax, Barbie. I got this,” he says reassuringly, before shouting, “HEY EVERYBODY! CHECK ME OUT!” eliciting an exceedingly large amount of gasps and murmurs for the rest of the party. You even saw Ken’s enemy, Ken, stifle a laugh, and you shot him an angry glare that made even him nervous. Before anyone could stop him Ken was already bolting towards the water.
You covered your eyes, not wanting to see what was about to happen, only to hear cheering and applause. You open your eyes to see that Ken had landed perfectly - and was now surfing the plastic waves.
“Well that’s new!” President Barbie laughs, and you giggle with excitement at Ken’s success. Like a pro he glides back to the shore, a huge grin plastered on his face as the crowd cheers for him. When he’s back on land, he waltzes right up to you.
“Told you so,” he grins, and you nod proudly.
“Oh, Barbie!” he says. “There’s one more thing,” he smiles, before suddenly taking your hand in his. You blush, and he pulls you over to where the other barbies and kens had started a bonfire.
Everyone gathered around the fire in a perfect circle. You sat with the other barbies, and him across the circle from you with the other kens. He sat next to his buddy, another Ken, who was holding a guitar, and you shuddered when he handed it over to him. Uh-oh, you thought, you’d seen this before.
“Barbie, this one’s for you!” Ken yells adorably, holding the guitar in his left hand and pointing his right finger at you. Suddenly feeling very shy, you hide your face in your hands once more, only to hear Ken start playing a very familiar tune. Your favorite song.
You looked up at him, bewildered. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. You looked through the flames and there he is, belting out a gorgeous rendition of the song you loved so much. The two of you locked eyes, and when you looked into them, you saw everything you needed to see. This was not done for his own pride or ego, no. This was done entirely and solely for you.
The circle is waving their hands back and forth slowly, you’re enchanted by his voice and his eyes and your heart is thumping in your chest with a familiar feeling you weren’t sure you wanted to admit you felt.
Looking into his eyes, you see the same; there is hurt, and regret, but there is also care, and admiration, and that same something.
Something new.
Something more.
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frost-queen · 11 months ago
Kenough for you // part 2 (Reader x Ken)
Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn, @bimbo4ever , @niktwazny303
Summary: Ken has taken over Barbieland. When Barbie get's desperate for her dreamhouse she turns to you for help. When Ken and you meet each other again, he hadn't forgotten about you. Never being able to get you out of his head. [ read part 1 & part 3 & part 4]
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“I took the lead for once.” – Ken bragged as the other Ken’s sat in front of him. Pulled in by his story. – “She even asked me to stay over.” – he said sounding cool. – “No way.” – one of the Ken’s said. – “Way.” – Ken replied with a nod. One of the Ken’s scoffed with a puff. Ken turned his head to him. – “You don’t believe me?” – Ken asked a bit bitsy. The other Ken placed his hand on his thigh, leaning a bit closer. – “What about Barbie?” – he answered cocky. Ken flexed his muscles, moving his arm up.
“What about her?” – he replied trying to sound unbothered. A few Ken’s eyes widened. Then there was a loud voice. Calling out his name from below. – “KEN!” – the voice cried out clearly frustrated. Ken held his finger up to the Kens, moving a bit closer to the edge to see who was below. It was Barbie standing at his door. – “A moment Kens.” – he commented as if it didn’t bother him.
Ken got down, pushing the barn doors open, letting his arms rest on them. – “What up Barbie.” – he told her cooly. Barbie moved some hair over her shoulder, putting on a sweet smile. – “Ken, this is my dreamhouse.” – she said trying to keep her composure. Ken took in a deep breath. – “This shall hence forth be known as Ken’s mojo dojo casa house.” – he responded.
“This is my dreamhouse!” – Barbie shouted with a stomp of her heel on the ground. Ken chuckled out a laugh so dryly it wasn’t even an attempt of being funny. – “It’s Ken’s mojo dojo casa house.” – he repeated. Barbie wiggled annoyingly like a whiney little child. – “It’s time for the Ken’s to have a dreamhouse Barbie.” – Ken told her. He waved her away, wanting her off his property. Barbie stared in shock at him as Ken returned back inside.
She felt like crying if only she knew what the emotion was. Angry at Ken, she had used up her last attempt. Ever since they came back from the real world, he had been different. Taking over Barbieland to turn it into Kendom. A place where the Ken’s took everything from the Barbie’s. Barbie was at her last wits, letting herself fall into the sofa at weird Barbie’s house.
Weird Barbie stretched her leg up against the wall, tilting her head. – “I assume Ken didn’t listen.” – she said moving her head back and lowering her leg. Barbie shook her head. – “I don’t know what to do anymore. I want my dreamhouse back.” – she whined out wiggling her legs with a shake of her shoulders.
Weird Barbie did a split on the ground, bringing one leg forwards so she had both her legs out in front of her. – “What about the real girl?” – Weird Barbie questioned. – “You mean Y/n?” – Barbie said through her distress. Weird Barbie got back up stretching her arms up above her head. – “Maybe he’ll listen to her?” – Weird Barbie suggested letting her arms flop against her side. Barbie blinked, her distress gone in a matter of seconds. – “You think so?” – she asked getting up. – “It’s worth a shot?” – Weird Barbie answered pulling her shoulders up.
Barbie ran up to Weird Barbie, grabbing her by the shoulders. – “If I can convince her to come here and tell Ken to stop, everything will get back to normal.” – Barbie exclaimed happily, squeezing Weird Barbie’s shoulders together. – “I guess so?” – Weird Barbie replied. – “I could get my dreamhouse back!” – Barbie pushed Weird Barbie away as she spun around, arms flapping till she came to a stop. – “She did do something silly with Ken where their lips touched.” – Barbie said clasping her hands together, already thinking about getting her dreamhouse back.
“You mean kiss?” – Weird Barbie answered scratching the back of her head. – “No silly.” – Barbie answered laughingly. – “There is no contact with a kiss.” – Barbie went on innocently. Weird Barbie held her finger up, wanting to contradict, but Barbie was so in the clouds with her head, it was no use.
Barbie waved Weird Barbie goodbye, going to leave for the real world again. This time there wasn’t Ken jumping on her from the backseat. It was just her and that song she sings her lungs out to leaving Barbieland… urhm… Kendom. Barbie went through sequences of phases before she entered the real world again on rollerblades. Everything was still the same when she left it.
Now she just needed to find you. She… she just didn’t know where you lived. Falling in one of her distress moments again she sat down whining about how she was ever going to find you. As if a miracle was spoken out, you found her. You furrowed your brows seeing the so obvious pink blondie on a spot you first found Ken as well. You decided to walk up to her. – “Barbie?” – you said confused.
Barbie looked up, bringing up a grant smile. – “Y/n!” – she exclaimed getting up and wrapping her arms around you. – “I found you!” – she said aloud making you a bit wary of Barbie’s sudden affection towards you. – “Is… is Ken here too?” – you questioned looking around over her shoulder. – “No, but you are going to save Barbieland!” – she said cheerful still holding your hands.
“I’m doing what?” – you replied shocked and caught off guard. Barbie squealed excitedly, her eyes falling on your shoes. – “We’ll first need rollerblades.” – she pointed out, making your eyes widen. – “Not again!” – you called out being pulled along with her. Before you knew it you were in rollerblades. Arms wide open, you were afraid to make a move. – “I don’t like this.” – you told her remembering last time. – “No complaining, I need my dreamhouse.” – Barbie said, grabbing you by the wrist.
You screamed it out when she started skating, pulling you along with her. It seemed like she was skating without any purpose or destination. With the blink of your eyes, you were suddenly on a snowmobile behind Barbie. – “What is this?” – you asked looking confused around. – “The way to Barbieland silly.” – Barbie answered. It felt like the skimobile wasn’t going forwards but within a matter of moments, the scenery had changed again.
You sat confused in a chair on a camping site as Barbie arrived with an empty plate. – “What is going on?” – you called out slightly panicking as you grabbed onto the chair’s leaning. Barbie joined you, sitting down as well. – “Ken has taken over Barbieland.” – she told you. You stared confused back at her. With the blink of an eye sat you on a two-bike with Barbie. – “He won’t listen to me, so I’m using you.” – Barbie spoke sitting in the front. Looking around you suddenly sat on a rocket with a helmet on.
“Tell Ken to stop and give me back my dreamhouse.” – Barbie told you over her shoulder. You heard a bird caw as you suddenly were in a boat with her. Grabbing the edge, you looked down at the fakest waves you had ever seen. – “You’ll bring everything back to normal.” – she told you with a smile. The boat made way for a pink car as you sat beside her. Feeling a bit awkward. Barbie sang along with the song on the radio as you kept quiet.
You rather inspected the toy car that seemed to almost drive on it’s own. In the distance you saw a big sign covering over with Kendom written on it. – “See!” – Barbie called out, gesturing at it. The car drove past some men, placing bricks on stacks. – “They are building a wall.” – Barbie told you as you kept looking at them even when passed. Not at all how one would build a wall.
Pinching yourself, you hoped you weren’t tripping for it sure felt like it. The pink car drove into the town as you had imagined it a lot pinker. You drove past the beach, hoping to spot Ken there, yet there was no sign of him. The car drove on till it stopped in a small neighbourhood. Barbie got out as you followed her still trying to process what was going on.
Barbie walked up to the house as you staid behind her. Looking curiously around. – “Ken!” – she called out sweetly. Not a moment later opened the barn doors with Ken appearing. – “Barbie.” – he said cooly. – “Ken.” – Barbie said sugary with a sweet smile. – “Can I have my dreamhouse back?” – she asked with a flirty look. Ken chuckled dryly looking away. – “It’s Ken’s mojo dojo casa house.” – he told her annoying her. – “Fine!” – Barbie let out stepping aside to reveal you.
You were still looking curious around till you noticed Barbie had moved. Your gaze falling on Ken. Ken’s eyes widened seeing you. – “Y/n!” – he said excitedly. Smiling boyishly. – “Hi Ken.” – you responded. Ken cleared his throat, changing his attitude. He moved his bare arm up, flexing his muscles at you. – “What are you doing here?” – he asked checking out his own muscles and hoping you were looking at them.
Barbie gave you a little shove forwards, desperate for her dreamhouse. – “I wanted to talk to you. Can I come in?” – you asked. Ken inhaled deep looking over his shoulder. – “It’s boy’s night.” – he told you. – “Can’t you make an exception?” – you answered sweetly. – “One moment.” – Ken held his finger up, disappearing behind the corner. You got startled when he let out a scream off excitement. He then re-appeared all cooly.
“Sure.” – he opened one side for you. You ducked down under his arm, going inside. Barbie wanted to go after you as Ken blocked her way.  – “Not you.” – he said ushering her away. Barbie gasped in shock. Ken turned around leaving Barbie outside. You had entered the house more as you were greeted with many curious men sitting in the living. All turned around to look at you. You presumed they were Ken’s as well, moving your hand up in a greeting.
“Hi Kens.” – you said. Ken came by your side, gesturing at you to make other Ken jealous. – “Hi Y/n!” – all the Ken’s said in unison. Startling you that they knew off you. – “It’s boy’s night.” – one of the Ken’s said. Ken placed his hands on your shoulders. – “Y/n is an exception. She came all the way from the real world to see me.” – he told them.
The moment he said that all the Ken’s came over. Jumping over the sofa to get to you. Some started to poke you in your cheek to feel if you were truly real. Others tried to win you over with their masculinity. It was overwhelming as you felt like being absorbed by Ken’s. Ken waved his hand in front of you, battering the other Ken’s away.  – “Get your own real girl!” – he called out, claiming you as his. Not liking the idea he needed to share you, he grabbed you by your wrist, pulling you upstairs.
Exhausted he sighed loud free from the Ken’s. You stood a bit lost, feeling a bit nervous. It has been a while since you saw Ken. Unable to stop thinking about him and now you were here with him where he lived. Ken’s gaze fell upon you, softening his expression. He walked up to you, taking your hand gently in his. His eyes staring lovingly at you. His cool attitude from earlier fading away. – “I’ve missed you.” – you said gazing lovingly back at him. Ken smiled at that.
He led you further into the room letting you sit down. – “After I left… I couldn’t get you out of my head.” – he told you. – “It’s like I’m thinking more about you than Barbie.” – he confessed, frowning a bit. You smiled shyly as your reaction made Ken wink at you. – “Ken… you should be thinking about Barbie. You are boyfriend and girlfriend.” – you told him, knowing how deep a Ken’s love was for a Barbie. – “But I don’t want to.” – Ken answered holding both your hands now. You exhaled deep, getting up as your hands slipped out of his. Ken looked saddened and hurt at your back. 
“What did you do to Barbieland?” – you asked changing the subject. – “It was time for the Ken’s to take over once I found out about patriarchy. It’s where men and horses run the world.” – Ken explained. – “That is not what…” – you started turning half back to him to explain. – “I know. I lost interest in it once I found out it wasn’t like that.” – he interrupted you. His answer made you chuckle softly at how innocent he was. Hearing you laugh made Ken curl up a saddened smile.
Ken got up as well, approaching you. When he touched your elbow, you slowly turned around to him. His eyes telling you all. He had missed you desperately. As you had missed him. – “Ken…” – you started yearning so much for him. Heart breaking again that you had to leave him again soon. – “I’ll give Barbie back her dreamhouse.” – he simply answered. You nodded letting him know it was the right call. – “and restore Barbieland.” – he said with soft sigh, knowing how it used to be. But maybe things could be different.
Ken’s eyes widened looking at you. He pulled you closer to the centre. Leaving you standing, he rushed to go get his guitar. – “I’ll serenade to you.” – knowing how much you liked that. – “Ken…” – you said knowing he was trying to stall time. – “Or I can show you the beach? I’m really good at beach.” – he chuckled out nervously. Ken laid his guitar away looking desperately around for more ways to keep you around.
“I’ll teach you to skate? We can hold hands. Do that thing again you did with your lips.” – he kept suggesting, getting more desperate by each one. – “Ken.” – you said knowing you couldn’t stay here. You simply came here to restore Barbieland and then leave again. Interesting that it took but a few words of yours for him to restore it. You weren’t meant to stay here. You weren’t meant to fall in love with Ken.
It had always been Barbie and Ken. Never Ken and Y/n. Things like that didn’t exist. Ken grabbed your hands, dropping in despair to his knees. – “I don’t want you to leave.” – he begged. – “You have Barbie.” – you told him with a heavy heart. – “I don’t want her. I want you!” – Ken called out. – “Please…” – he pleaded unable to tear himself away from you. – “Ken, you know I can’t stay here.” – you explained to him.
Ken got up to his feet, ready to do anything to have you longer. – “Am I not worth fighting for?” – he asked with a saddened face. Touching his cheek, you made him look at you. – “You so are Ken.” – you whispered to him. – “More than anything. But I can’t stay here. I’m no Barbie.” – you explained him again.
Ken clamped himself onto you. – “I don’t want you to leave. I don’t want to miss you again.” – he said feeling miserable without you by his side. Ken’s eyes met up with yours, seeing the desperation in them. – “Please…” – he whispered, begging you one last time. A tear rolled down your cheek as Ken wiped it away. – “I wish I could… but  I can’t…” – you told him. Ken placed his hand behind your neck, pushing you closer.
Continue to bring you closer till he felt his lips come in contact with yours. Something he had never done with Barbie. You slowly pulled away as Ken wanted to have another go. Feel your lips on his again. – “Ken…” – you said putting him to a stop. You turned away from him, making your way to the stairs. Ken was panting. Feeling you slip away. – “I’ll come with you!” – he suddenly shouted, making you stop to stare with wide eyes at him.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!
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supercap2319 · 2 years ago
Ken watched Y/N from afar. He was leaning against a pink column with Ken. Ken watched as Y/N glided through a well choreographed dance routine in a glittery outfit alongside the other Y/N's and Barbie's. He had this big smile on his face as he swayed his hips in motion to the song as he twirled Barbie around, earninng a polite chuckle from her.
It was no question on who Ken was jealous of. And it wasn't Y/N. It was Barbie. The stereotypical idea that a Ken and a Barbie were supposed to end up being boyfriend-girlfriend wasn't always the truth. Especially, in Ken's case. What he felt for Barbie, or what he was supposed to feel for her was somehow transferred to Y/N. Ken didn't understand it. The patriarchy of Barbie Land being ruled by only Barbies was something that didn't apply to the Y/Ns. They were what the Kens were supposed to be. Not as an accessory, but as an opposition.
They lived in harmony with everyone in Barbie Land, but they weren't bound to the patriarchy of Barbie and her rules. They had their own success in masculinity that wasn't toxic to themselves or the kids that played with them. Perhaps that's what drew Ken to Y/N. He wasn't anything like Ken himself. He was... Amazing. He was so sure of himself and had this sunny disposition about him that just drew Ken in like some choice waves.
Y/N turned to Ken staring at him as he smiled and winked at him. "Dance the night away. My heart could be burnin', but you won't see it on my face."
Ken flushed as he looked at his feet and counted the glittery pink tiles on the dance floor before he felt a tap on his shoulders and saw Y/N looking at him with a smile on his face. "Fancy a dance, Kenneth?" He had his hand stretched out as Ken looked from his hand to his face and smiled charmingly. "Yeah! That would be cool."
He grabbed Ken's hand and led him to the dance floor. "Cause every romance shakes and it bends, don't give a damn. When the night's here, I don't do tears, baby, no chance. I could dance, I could dance, I could dance. Watch me... dance. Dance the night away. My heart could be burnin', but you won't see it on my face."
Barbie watched from afar as she saw Y/N and Ken together in a choreographed dance number. She smiled. Good for them.
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fandomnerd9602 · 4 months ago
barbie (margot robbie) x male reader
Barbie giggles as Y/N treats her to a date…
Barbie: I never thought I could feel this way for anyone
Y/N: I know the feeling. Thank you for saying yes
Barbie takes Y/N’s hand from across the table…
Barbie: I hope we can do this again
Y/N: I hope so too
Barbie: you free tomorrow?
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Ryan Gosling!Ken x Fashion Designer!Barbie!Reader—General HCs
(A/N): I’m obsessed with the Barbie movie. Margot is so stunning as always and she’s one of my favorite actresses. I absolutely adored Ken in the movie. He’s such an icon! Let me know if you guys want more! Sorry if this isn’t the best. This is my first head cannon and I’m using to writing stories and not this format. So beware with me and enjoy!
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Ryan Gosling!Ken x Fashion Designer!Barbie!Reader
The ultimate Golden Retriever (Sunshine) x Black Cat (Grumpy) trope
Fashion Designer!Barbie!reader is honestly very similar to Cruella de Vil from the 2021 Film—minus being evil part. More so, your creativity and chaos vibes are on the same level as Cruella’s.
Ken thought he was in love with Stereotypical Barbie until he locked eyes on you.
You were absolutely perfect. Your style was one of a kind and the hottest in-style in Barbieland—everyone wanted to commission outfits from you— and you seemed so elegant and confident.
Non Evil!Cruella de Vil vibes 1,000,000,000%
He literally tripped right in front of you in his haste to make it over to you, but he pulled himself up and gave you a killer golden smile.
You wanted to say you weren’t amused in the slightest, but even you couldn’t help but give a slight smirk at his goofball antics.
You’d never given him much thought beyond the facts that he was super loud, always freakishly happy, acted like a shaken up soda bottle you accidentally opened up.
You thought you might be able to scared him away with your sharp wit, sarcastic and mocking smart remarks. You were sure that your over all jaded and blunt personality would do the trick.
He falls even harder for you. Finding your honestly, transparency, and overall confidence to be so endearing but so unbelievably HOT. Not even Stereotypical Barbie could touch your level.
Imagine his surprise when he finds out you and stereotypical Barbie are very close friends who go way back. TOTAL Pikachu face!
He loves watching you work. You’re so in your element and hyper focused on what your doing. He’s left in awe while watching you tear apart and shred different fabrics. It’s total chaos but he’d never question you. He trusts your masterpiece process almost religiously.
He asks you a zillion and one questions about what you’re doing but lowkey you kind of love it. Someone taking a genuine interest in your art? Everyone else is either too afraid of the consequences of interrupting you or is uninterested in gerenal.
This is one of the many small things that soften your resolve towards him. 
He insisted totally begged you to let him help you carry your bolts of fabrics, material for accessories, and supplies as you went from shop to shop. He refused to let you carry anything.
He talks the whole time and doesn’t really think you’re listening, until you ask him a question about whatever it is he’s babbling about at that point in time.
He could feel the tears of joy welling up in his eyes at the notion that you were actually listening. That could only mean one thing—you respected him.
Don’t even get me started on how Ken acts when you ask for his opinion on a decision or if he likes what you’ve made! He LOVES everything you make btw.
This only sets Ken’s love for you in stone.
Totally asks to be your date to the Barbies parties.
If you thought he was nervous asking out Stereotypical Barbie then oh boy! Fingers crossed, eyes squeezed shut, lip biting—the whole nine yards!
High-key wants to cry when you say yes.
Everyone is always so excited to see the new unveiling of your outfits at any and all parties.
Barbies and Kens never really know what to expect but they all know they’ll be guaranteed the best appearance from you.
Ken is totally smug af that he holds your affections and so he completely and unapologetically rubs it in the other Kens’ faces. 
The first time you genuinely smile at him, he really thought he might die! Your smile is so stunning, perfect, opulent, gorgeous, goddess like, and—
He could go on forever. The point is, you smiled at him! HIM. You never smile at anyone! You smirk plenty, but never smile.
Even on the rare occasion that you do, it’s very small—almost none existent.
You always thought he was very funny. He never had to try hard seeing as he was just a naturally silly fella, but the first time you couldn’t hold back and you laughed loudly at something he said, he was in absolute awestruck.
What he said wasn’t even that funny, it was the way he said it.
All the Barbies and Kens ship the two of you. The definition of opposites attract.
Stereotypical Barbie is totally the official president of the OTP ship fan club for you two.
1000% you look at Ken like this 🥺🥹 and you look at everyone else like this 😒🖕 pretty much!
The patience and softness you exercise with Ken makes others feel like they’ve fallen through the looking glass.
You go from being a ferocious she-lion like this to a total mushy docile kitten with him Like this
Seriously, it so easy for you to snap on someone’s case and put them in their places, but with Ken you have a seemingly bottomless pool of patience.
Legit tho. This was you and him at the beginning of your budding relationship in general…you were over it at first. You really weren’t tho
Someone or something please help the person that hurts Ken—accident or not—whether it be emotionally, physically, or mentally. It’s gonna be a dark day in Barbieland.
It warms Ken all over to have a girlfriend who cares about him and his wellbeing so much. He feels so important, loved, and cherished.
And that’s all baby boy really wants!!!
He loves holding hands and linking arms together.
He’d say it’s his favorite but let’s face it, cuddles are his kryptonite.
Your embrace is so warm and soothing, and surprisingly to him, you secretly adore cuddling.
Though you did tell him if he ever told anyone else that tidbit of information you would never cuddle him again! 
Honey…He sticks to those words like the gospel!
He cannot and will not lose cuddling privileges💯
Now listen. If Ken’s going to date you then his outfits got to be on point, and you make sure of it. You know what he loves outfit-wise and set to work for making him a one of a kind wardrobe.
He actually does cry when he sees the final product of all your hard work for him.
You hate seeing him cry in anyway, it hurts you to see him cry, but at least these are tears of happiness.
You suppose you can live with happy tears…
You guys become the IT couple in Barbieland. You’re the highest standard for couple goals.
Speaking of boyfriend/girlfriend goals.
He has so many adorable nicknames for you but he will never grow tired of hearing you call him by the term of endearment you chose for him.
You call him Baby Darling…
He just about melts into a puddle whenever you call him Baby Darling.
He’s never heard any other Barbie call their Ken that and it makes him feel so special.
Who else loves and ships Ryan Gosling!Ken x Fashion Designer!Barbie!reader?
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notyourhetloki · 2 years ago
AAA all your Ken stuff make me giggle nonstop idk how you do it🫢🫢 I was thinking what IF Ken AND Barbie started falling in love with Reader, and we had to pick at the end I would love to see your twist on that love u 😙❤️❤️
competition (Ken x Reader x Barbie)
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Reader: gender neutral
/Ken x Reader x Barbie/
A/N: Hi, anon! AWW thank you so much!! I loved this request, and I hope you like it too! lots of luv xoxo (Stereo!Barbie = Stereotypical Barbie / RG!Ken = Ryan Gosling Ken; I thought abt calling him 'Beach!Ken' but idk if there are more Kens like him so... yeah.)
It all started when you arrived at Barbieland, nervous but completely in awe of this new world.
Stereo!Barbie was one of the first dolls to greet you, holding your hand and guiding you through the streets to your new house.
‘They’re so cute!’ Barbie thought to herself, completely charmed by your smile and shyness… she really wanted to get to know you better.
And so thought RG!Ken when you walked past the beach. Barbie was still holding your hand, and he was intrigued… who was this new doll she was seeing? He needed to find out.
As time went by, Barbie would visit you daily, bringing small gifts and inviting you to parties… and you would always go!
Ken would also be at those parties, curious about you… the more he got to know you, the more he got obsessed. He loved your laughter, loved the way you danced, and he would always try to join you, succeeding most times.
Barbie began hating when Ken danced with you, something in her screamed ‘NO’ when she saw you two having fun without her. She wanted you to dance with HER, not HIM… was this… jealousy? What a weird feeling.
She then also joined the dance, nailing the choreography while trying to push Ken away, but it didn’t work… Ken would come back stronger than ever, dancing as if his life depended on it (he was trying to impress you).
When the music stopped, Barbie was quick enough to grab your hands and lead you somewhere more private, looking into your eyes before asking: “(Y/N), would you like to stay over?”
Before you could answer, you heard a loud gasp. Turning around, you saw a shocked Ken sneaking in behind you, trying to listen to the conversation.
Ken was stunned because 1. Barbie had never asked him to stay over when they were together, and 2. That meant it was getting serious! And he needed to act fast.
“Sorry, Barbie… (Y/N) can’t stay over at your house tonight, I’m taking them to the beach to have a little date, isn’t that right, doll?”
‘Doll?? Why did he call you that? And a date?? You were going on a date with Ken?? What was going on?!’ Barbie thought.
“Hum…” you managed to start, but you couldn't even protest before Ken tried pulling you away by your arm.
Barbie immediately pulled your other arm, trying to get you to stay. You felt like they would split you in half like that, fighting for your attention.
“GUYS…” You finally shouted, making them stop. “The only place I’ll go is home! Goodnight!” Anger filled your voice as you walked away, leaving the two behind.
“Look at what you've done!!” “What I’VE done?? What do you mean??” You could still hear their banter as you exited Barbie’s house, and that irritated you even more.
At your house, hours had passed and you were preparing to sleep when you heard the doorbell ringing.
Opening the door, you were surprised and a little annoyed at the presence of the fantastic duo. Barbie and Ken stood there with sad puppy expressions before she spoke first. “(Y/N)… we’re sorry we hurt you, it wasn’t our intention!”
You gently smiled at her, accepting her apology. Then, Ken started talking as well. “We just… really like you. I… we would like to have more of your attention, if that’s possible…” It seemed a little scripted, but you wondered he and Barbie had agreed on something to say... and that was cute. Besides, what did he mean by ‘really like you’, after all?
“Oh, guys… it’s alright! I promise I’ll equally schedule time for the both of you, is that ok?”
They looked at each other for a moment and nodded, smiling for their mission was a victory! You’d spend more time with them separately, it’s everything they could have asked for.
“Now… are you gonna stand there or come inside?” You teased, and their smiles grew wide before racing to your door.
(Because why choose if you could have both? ;D)
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bruniiiswrld · 2 years ago
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basically ken got lost in the real world and found refuge with you in a very calm cafe (not starbucks!!!!)
here's the link: cafe meet up ken! 🌸
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itzrainbow110 · 1 year ago
I promise.
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Pairing: Stereo!Barbie x Fem!Reader
Warnings: fluff, love story, lesbo, suggestive smut but nothing really said.
Summary: (Y/n) helps the Barbies take Barbie-land back.. but falls in love with Barbie in the process. Little does she know.. Barbie loves her back.
(A/N): It’s my first time writing on Tumblr guysss! I hope you like it :)
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The Kens took over everything in Barbieland.. the houses, girls night, the Barbies.. and the only way to get the Barbies back was for Gloria to give a speech.. and then that Barbie would be a decoy Barbie to get all the Barbie’s back.
Stereo!Barbie and I were helping get the Barbies constitution back in place.
“I can’t believe we’ve almost done it!” Barbie said excitedly to me. “All these emotions are just overwhelming right now..” Barbie grabs my hands. Oh my god.. “Aren’t you excited to get the constitution put back in place?” She asks with hopeful eyes. “Yeah.. I’m very happy that Barbieland will be back to normal” I answer smiling at her.
I knew that I would probably never see Barbie again after all of this.. I’d go home and Barbie would be perfect in Barbieland again.. I grew feelings for Barbie over the past week we’ve been together. Of course Barbie wouldn’t like me back.. Barbieland was the idea that Barbies and Kens would be together and Ken was always trying to get Barbie’s attention. A human and a Barbie doll wouldn’t work out.
Tonight Barbie was going to take Ken to be his ‘long-term, long-distance, low-commitment casual girlfriend’ whatever that meant.. I’m just a bit jealous by this.. even though I knew it was all apart of the plan.. but what if she falls in love with Ken in the process? What if she decides to stay with Ken? I am hopelessly in love with Barbie…
“(Y/n)? Are you okay?” Barbie asks. I determine whether I should tell Barbie the truth.
“Barbie? I- I- I love you..” Barbie looks at me surprised. “You do?” She asks. “I know barbies are supposed to be with Ken and I know you probably like Ken.. but I just wanted to get it off my chest.” I tell Barbie and she starts laughing. I’ve done it now.. Barbie of course doesn’t like me.. “I don’t like Ken..” this surprises me “you don’t?” Barbie shakes her head. “Ken’s just a really good friend, and I love you too” Barbie gets closer to me placing her hands on my waist, I can’t believe this.. barbie actually likes me. “Then why are you going to be Ken’s ‘long-term, long-distance, low-commitment casual girlfriend’?” Barbie sighs and caresses my cheek. Her hands are soft. “it’s all apart of the plan.. we need to save Barbieland. But I promise I won’t love Ken.. I’ll always love you.” Barbie kisses me softly. Her lips are soft too.. One kiss showed me all of Barbie’s feeling towards me. “I love you.” Barbie tells me. “I love you too.”
At the beach later that night all the Kens are singing to all the Barbies this weird song that the Kens like. I was with Weird Barbie, Gloria, and Sasha. “I can tell you like Barbie” Gloria says to me. “How could you tell?” I face towards Gloria “I just can..” I chuckle at Gloria’s comment. “Is it your mom sense?” I ask, joking a bit. “Maybe.” All the Barbie’s come back to Weird Barbie’s house. Barbie walks over to me and she wraps her arms around me pulling me close. “I hope you’re not jealous now..” I look over at her “I’m not.. I promise.” She chuckles.. “I think after all of this is over I want to stay in the real world.” I look over at her surprised. “Really? Why? You’ve always wanted to be perfect in Barbieland..” I ask her. “I get to be with you.. but also I already have feelings and I’m okay with change now. I’d also like to have the ideas, not be the idea.” She says. “Oh, Barbie… are you sure?” Barbie nods.
Barbie finally became human and Ken accepted that Barbie didn’t love him. Barbie and I started living together in a small apartment in LA.. Gloria and Sasha come over all the time for dinner and sometimes we go over to their house.
“Baby, Gloria and Sasha are coming over again tonight!” Barbie says excitedly crawling on the bed and wrapping her arms around me. “Do they have to come over like every night? When do we ever have time to ourselves?” Barbie kissed my lips “we have time to ourselves all the time.. you know what? Tomorrow we’ll have the whole night to ourselves… just you and me.. okay?”
The following night Barbie stuck to what she said.. “a whole night to ourselves.. what to do?” Barbie says teasingly.
And the rest of our story will be left to your imagination.
The end.
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layla4567 · 6 months ago
KEN with a reader who wears glasses
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Ken x Human!GNreader
Summary~: After entering the real world, Ken decided to explore the city alone without Barbie by his side, which made him feel strange until he saw a human person wearing cute glasses.
Warnings: just cutesy and demure headcanons 💅
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🩵 Ken was skating through the streets, moving his head rhythmically following imaginary music. He looked around him with a mixture of excitement and confusion, he felt happy to discover new things but at the same time he missed Barbie being close to him (or him close to her).
🩷 It's not until he sees you from a distance in a flower shop deciding whether to buy tulips or camellias. You had your back to him, so he didn't see your face but Ken noticed your clothes and thought they looked good on you, so without thinking twice he came over to give you a compliment like he would with Barbie.
🩵 He quickly appeared before you with his fluorescent skates and his cowboy outfit. "Nice clothes, it looks beautiful on you!" You hadn't noticed his presence so you turned around startled. At this point I couldn't say who was more surprised, you or him. When you turned around, Ken saw your black-rimmed glasses, they were a little bigger than your face but they made your eyes stand out and his smile only widened to reveal his bright white teeth.
🩷 For your part, when you stopped at his blue eyes, you felt your cheeks burn. His face seemed newly sculpted and that smile looked like something out of a toothpaste commercial. But your face started to turn redder when you realized that that man couldn't stop looking at your glasses. They were horrible, but was it necessary for him to stare at them for so long? In a reflex action you closed your eyes waiting for some unpleasant comment.
🩵 "Oh, nice glasses too! They make your eyes shine like stars" Ken said with a sincere smile and winking at you. You opened your eyes enormously when you heard that compliment. Did he really think your glasses were pretty? You were paralyzed for a moment, unable to even stammer out a "Thank you." A little shy, you looked down, touching the frame of your glasses to adjust them. "T-thank you, this is the first time someone has told me that."
🩷 Ken cocked his head in confusion, it seemed super strange that no one had told you that before. He had not yet met so many humans but he was sure of one thing and that was that you were the most beautiful so far.
🩵 He noticed that this made you somewhat uncomfortable so with a happy and seductive smile he drastically changed the topic of conversation. "So, what flower were you thinking of buying?" Ken looked around the store amazed at the variety of plants and flowers there were.
🩷 "Uh well, I don't know, maybe some camellias or tulips. I can't decide" you sighed. Suddenly Ken saw something at the back of the store and smiling, he went there quickly without looking at you, leaving you almost talking to yourself. Surprised, you looked where he was going without understanding.
🩵 The handsome blonde returned with a large sunflower in one hand and offered it to you with a puppy smile. "Here, it's for you. You look like this flower because it is pretty like you". You grabbed the flower he offered you with a proud and satisfied look. Your hands were almost shaking as you gripped the delicate stem, why did he do that for you? Why was he acting so nice to a stranger like you? "Thank you very much, I think I will buy this one" And for the first time since you saw him you smiled.
🩷 Ken was even happier for your sweet smile and came forward to hug you but he did so with so much enthusiasm that he knocked your glasses clumsily to the ground. For a moment you panicked since you couldn't see anything without them. "Where did they fall? I can't see anything!". You narrowed your eyes and began to feel the air uselessly.
🩵 Ken felt bad for dropping your glasses so he quickly apologized and picked them up off the floor. Your vision was still blurry so you couldn't manage to grab the glasses from his hands, but he calmly placed them delicately over your eyes. You felt his soft fingers on your cheeks and again you felt how your face began to burn.
🩷 "Done, there is. You look better with them" He said sweetly, running over your face. You swallowed loudly and murmured a thank you without stopping to look at his hypnotic eyes.
🩵 Oh!, by the way, I'm Ken. Do you like horses? He said changing the subject as if nothing had happened.
divider credit: @cafekitsune
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spencer0o7 · 1 year ago
i wanna write but school is beating my ass rn
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glitterpeachtree · 1 year ago
Welcome to my Mojo Dojo Casa Ted Talk where I talk to you about haw the Barbie movie ruined my life:
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So basically, I never wanted to see the Barbie movie. I was just going to wait until it was on some streaming service, so I could watch it for free. But then my aunt invited me to see it. I thought I was going to hate it, but after seeing Ryan Gosling, and his Mojo Dojo Casa House, I became addicted.
I couldn't stop thinking about Ken. I couldn't stop thinking about Ryan Gosling. I watched every single Ryan Gosling film, tv show, and interview I could find. Spent probably a $100 on his films...
And of course, this movie had to come out when college classes were starting up again. I am choosing between Ken or College. I now want to move to Malibu, so I can find Ken. I want to go to Hollywood and star in a movie, just so I can be with Ryan Gosling.
I can't function. I can't eat. I can't sleep. I can't focus. Someone help. I can't stop. this Ken-ddiction.
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mademoisellekeery · 9 months ago
\\ Red dress & a black tie //
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• Pairing: Co-worker!Steve Harrington x F!Reader
•Warnings: Swearing, tiny bit of angst, fluff, first date, proof read, f!reader
•Word count: 1k - (1419)
•Summary: Your Co-Worker/Friend, Steve asks you out on a date, after crushing on him for years, and finally “getting over it”, what could go wrong?
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You stood there, stunned. Your face turns into a tomato. “You want to take me out? like a date? like a date date? like a date where we sit opposite each other, sharing a milkshake, end of the night kiss, kind of date?” You say rambling, you knew Steve in high school, well you knew of him, I mean who didn’t right?
He was THE king of Hawkins High, and every girl (and a few guys) had a crush on him, that included you too, but it was a silly girl crush. (A silly girl crush that was still there.) The famous ‘King Steve’ who dated girls like Nancy wheeler or Tammy Thompson, so why the hell was he asking you?
Steve chuckles as his heart races, little did you know this was the day he’d been waiting for awhile now. He had been waiting for the perfect time to ask you out. He’s had a crush on you for months now and he had to do something about it.
“Yes, I want to take you on a date date. Yes to the sitting opposite each other, yes to the milkshake, yes to the kiss, yes to everything.” Steve smiled, as he leaned back on the counter, crossing his arms, he hoped you’d say yes..
ʚ・ ୨୧・ ɞ 。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚ ʚ・ ୨୧・ ɞ
Just a tiny preview of Red dress & a black tie ❤️
Let me know if you guys like it and want to be tagged in the first part, it will be uploaded soon!!
(I do not own stranger things nor do I own any content from it!)
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cassiesbarbie · 2 years ago
💌rg!ken x barbie!reader headcanons
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a/n: first post lmk what you think! this is just a general barbie but if you want headcanons for a specific barbie my requests are always open! :)
• for starters, this man would absolutely worship the ground you walked on. if there’s a puddle on the ground, you’d best believe that even on the coldest of nights he would cover it with his jacket and offer a hand as you crossed (you told him you could just walk around it but he insisted)
• physical touch is this man’s JAM. he would always be touching you in some way whether it was holding your hand or wrapping arm around your waste. he needs all the other kens to know that you’re his and his only.
• girls night is every night and he knows that, but sometimes he’ll get lucky and you’ll agree to let him stay over. he’s stayed over so many times now that your dreamhouse is almost starting to resemble a mojo dojo casa house.
• he follows you around like a lost puppy. most mornings he’ll wait for you at the beach and once he catches sight of you he won’t leave your side for the rest of the day (but if you ask for time away from him he’ll be out the door in a split second, always wanting to make you happy)
• he obeys you like you’re a queen because to him, you are one. if anyone so much as steps a toe out of line around you he won’t hesitate to take extreme measures.
• he’s very insecure, always worried you might want to leave him for some other ken. so when the other kens inevitably turn and gawk at you as you pass by (how could they not?), nine times out of ten he’ll grab your face and kiss you in front of all of them to prove that you’re his.
• he’s also the most supportive boyfriend of all time. no matter what you’re career his, he’ll stand behind you and support you in any and every way possible (not that a barbie needs it, but it’s sweet nevertheless).
• sometimes, if he catches you on a good day, he manages to get you to agree to listen to him play guitar. is it very good? no. is he a very good singer? sort of. but he loves playing for you so you pretend to love listening. he plays your favorite songs though, so that’s a bonus.
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imiwrites · 2 years ago
BESTIE you want ken fic ideas I got Ken fic ideas-
I need a 'Reader is sick and Ken takes care of you' fic so BAD!!! Something about golden retriever man being good husband material makes me FOAM AT THE MOUTH
Like we all agree he's lon a super good journey of self-discovery after the end of the movie. And that's super healthy!!! He deserves to figure who he is as a person and not just an accessory 🥺 But in doing so, he becomes extremely compassionate towards other Barbies and Kens too! So just the idea of Ken running around, being the friendly neighbor type, doing errands and whatnot because he discovers he likes helping people, and maybe he even runs errands for the reader!! Like if the reader is super swamped with her profession (what ever it may be) and Ken starts getting her groceries, and he polished her car, and cleans up her home. Like REAL malewife material.
And perhaps that causes a really sweet bond to form, and that's why when she ends up getting sick, Ken is the one to swoop in. His job at beach can wait, for he has a very big task at hand: taking care of his favorite Barbie Girl ever and making sure she feels better in no time 🥺 bonus points if it's rare that anyone gets sick in Barbie Land, so he's super worried 😭
Feel free to ignore this but if you don't, thank you for the fic in advance!! 🩷
Bed Rest
Ken x Fem!Reader
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barie spoilers below the cut!!!!
Sypnosis: After Stereotypical Barbie left Barbieland, Ken decided to figure out who he was. Helping people was one of his new favourite things, and when a certain Barbie falls sick, Ken drops everything to be there for her.
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: Descriptions of fainting, not proofread, FLUFF
A/N: This is my first time writing on Tumblr and I lowkey have no clue how it works but it's fine!!! Anyway I hope you enjoy, I haven't written fanfiction in a while so I hope it's alright! I'll get to the other requests tomorrow <3
It took Ken some time to realise that he was enough, or ‘Kenough’, as he’d put it. After Barbie had left Barbieland, it took him a while to feel himself again. But with it came a lot of realisations. He realised that doing beach was a lot easier when his mind wasn’t focused on Barbie, and he was able to talk to people he wouldn’t usually notice. It was a nice change, Ken had to admit.
He also realised how much he enjoyed being around other Barbies and Kens, whether it would be at a big blowout party, or cheering on the Barbies as they played volleyball. Friendship was another fairly new thing to Ken. While he’d known everyone for almost his entire existence, he realised he never really knew them. Being able to understand and relate to his fellow Barbies and Kens was an experience he never thought he would have. Without his focus on Barbie, he found that being able to lend a hand to a friend was also another thing he was quite good at. And often, it came with a small reward, which always kept a smile on Ken’s face. 
He’s constantly seen helping out his friends. Whether it be fixing Lawyer Barbie’s car, or helping another Ken’s beach, he always enjoyed being able to lend a hand to a friend. It was always left him with a bubbly feeling in his stomach, and a grin permanently stuck on his face. Who knew helping a friend would be so enjoyable?
He also enjoyed lending a hand to Chef Barbie. She had the sweetest smile, and after every task he helped her with, he would get a reward in the form of food. And company. Ken appreciated the company more than the food, not that he would ever admit this out loud to Barbie. Sure, the pastries were downright delicious, but nothing could replace the soft-sound laugh she let out at his jokes, or the look of anticipation on her face when he was telling her a story. 
“Thanks Ken!” Barbie waved from the window of her Dreamhouse, watching as Ken held two bags of groceries out, undoubtedly for a new recipe she wanted to try out. 
“It’s not a problem, Barbie. I’m happy to help.” A shy smile graced his lips as he placed the groceries down on her kitchen bench. He’d turned to leave, when the call from Barbie stopped him.
“Why don’t you stay here while I cook, I feel like I haven’t seen you in a while.”
Ken was suppressing a smile, “I don’t know, there might be some more people to help out.” It was a lie. There was no one else to help. Ken was going to stay regardless.
“Oh, sit you,” Barbie giggled, pulling out a chair, “You’ll be helping me by keeping me company. And being my taste tester, of course.” 
Ken paused, as if to think about it, but the both of them knew he was going to stay. “Seeing as you really need me, it would be impolite for me to go now,” Ken explained, as he walked towards the pulled-out chair, completely mesmerised by Barbie as she started combining ingredients in a mixing bowl. A strong smell of chocolate filled the room, and Ken let out a soft hum of delight.
“Smells good?” Barbie turned around, smiling, and Ken nodded his head eagerly. 
“Always does. What exactly are you making?”
Barbie hummed, turning back around to place the mixture onto a tray. “It’s a surprise, but it’s going to taste amazing, I promise.”
“I’m sure it will, I mean it already smells so good.” Ken stood up from his chair, making his way to the kitchen. “D’you want me to wash those dishes for you? Get it out of your way?” 
“If you’d like to, that would be perfect. Thanks Ken!” Barbie beamed, sliding the dish into the oven. 
“Woah! Barbie, I know I say this everytime, but this is most definitely the best thing you’ve made so far!” Ken said, in between bites of what Barbie had called a ‘Brownkie’, the perfect mix between a brownie and a cookie. 
Barbie giggled, “Thanks Ken, I’m glad to know it tastes good. I’m going to bring it to Barbie’s blowout tonight, think they’d enjoy it?” Once a week, President Barbie would host a blowout with all the other Barbies. After some discussion, it was agreed that a party every night was too much, and only holding a party once a week allowed for more excitement. 
“Oh they’d more than enjoy it, trust me!” Ken exclaimed. “I don’t know how you do it, everything you cook is always just perfect.”
Barbie shrugs. “Lots of practice.” She pauses, looking away before looking back at him. “Hey Ken?”
Barbie looked down at her hands, then looked back at him. “Do you think you’d wanna come to Barbie’s blowout with me?” 
Ken’s eyes widened. Whatever he thought she was going to say, it most certainly wasn’t that. “I- uhh, yeah of course!” Identical grins appeared on their faces. 
“So, I’ll see you there tonight?” Barbie asked, and Ken nodded vigorously. 
“Thank you for the Brownkie, I gotta get ready, but I’ll see you there!” 
As she was getting ready, Barbie could feel a small pounding in her head. It hurt. She was unsure what it was, she’d never felt something like that before. She shook her head, pushing it out of her mind. It was President Barbie’s blowout, she couldn’t be thinking of silly things like that.
She walked towards the kitchen, grabbing the platter of goodies she’d made earlier, including the Brownkies that Ken had enjoyed. The pounding had only gotten worse as she continued to get ready. She tried to ignore it, she really did, but the more she focused on ignoring the pain, it had just gotten worse. Barbie clutched her head as she walked, the platter precariously balanced on her free arm. 
The sound of music filled her ears, but only made her head pain worse. What was this thing, and why did it have to come now? And why was the room spinning?
“Barbie!” She heard Ken call out, but she couldn’t quite place him. She felt… strange. She was almost positive she was standing still, but it felt like she’d was moving really fast. The lights hurt the pounding in her head, but the music had gotten quieter. She heard a faraway clang, and she looked to her arm, the tray of baked goods gone. Barbie could hear Ken calling her name, and she swore he was standing in front of her, but she couldn’t quite make it out. 
“Ken?” she whispered, a chill spreading throughout her body. She felt someone touch her arms, but it was too late. Barbie had collapsed into Ken’s arms.
“Someone help!” Ken called out. He was stressed, which is something he should not be feeling. In fact, he was here for a stress free night with all the other Barbies and Kens, but of course, something like this had to happen. 
Barbie’s eyes fluttered open, and Ken let out a gasp of relief. 
“What happened?” her voice was soft. 
“I-I’m not sure, you looked really funny, a-and I was in front of you and it was like you couldn’t see me and then you just fell.”
Doctor Barbie came around the corner, assessing Chef Barbie. “I’ve never seen anything like this before. But from what I’ve learnt, it should be nothing. Just take it easy for a few days, and you’ll be fine.” Ken grinned, feeling relieved.
“Let me take you home. I’ll take care of you for the next few days.”
“Ken, you don’t have to do that, I’ll be fine, don’t worry.” Barbie smiled gratefully.
“Are you joking? I’m worrying a lot! Doctor Barbie just said she hasn’t seen anything like this! Barbies don’t get sick! I’m staying with you, and you aren’t leaving your bed until you get better!” 
“Ken, what about beach?” Barbie tilted her head. She knew how much he loved his job. 
“Beach is the last thing on my mind right now, I need to make sure you’re okay.” Ken smiled as he stood up, holding Barbie in his arms. 
“You know, I’m quite sure I’d be fine walking.” Barbie whispered, hiding her face in his neck out of embarrassment.
“Are you joking? I’m not taking that risk. Just relax, I’m taking care of you, and I’m sure you’ll be better in no time.”
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