#marga lopez
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dare-g · 10 months ago
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Even the Wind is Afraid (1968)
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jafar-panahi · 1 year ago
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Salón México (1949)
Directed by Emilio Fernández Cinematography by Gabriel Figueroa
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fattomatoz · 1 year ago
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• Hasta el viento tiene miedo (1968) Dir. Carlos Enrique Taboada
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roskirambles · 1 year ago
Mexican horror movie of the day: The book of stone (El libro de piedra, 1969)
¡Feliz día de Muertos! It's that time of the year again, and once again let's celebrate by remembering a little of one of the classic master's of Mexican Horror. I've talked about Carlos Enrique Taboada before, and his mastery of creating a sense of atmosphere and mystery over startling with loud noises or imagery the viewer doesn't dissapoint with this being one of his finest efforts.
It follows the story of the rich Ruvalcaba family. More importantly, the daughter Silvia. She's been pretty reclusive since her mother died some years ago, and now that her father Eugenio has remarried they moved to a different house. So when her new tutor Julia Septién finds her, she's surprised that the girl has apparently being playing hide and seek with a kid called Hugo.
But when she inquires on the matter, Eugenio informs her that this so called Hugo is nothing but her imaginary friend, imprinted on a stone statue of a boy in the backyard pond. Even moreso, based on what Silvia says Hugo is… not exactly a nice kid. He's rather possessive and even asks for horrible things like making Silvia put herself in danger to get Julia to follow suit.
And then strange things start to happen that make Julia suspect there's something else than just child imagination going on.
The premise is quite straightforward (a child with an imaginary friend that turns out to be something supernaturally evil), but it certainly makes a name for itself with execution, as childhood innocence is juxtaposed with an overbearing sense of malice in the air that hides itself in plain sight. Like other Taboada movies, it's imagery is quaint to the point of not being innapropriate for children. But the sense of tension growing that something horrible is about to happen doesn't let go.
And when it does, it delivers in bizarrely macabre ways like a kid playing games on everyone. For old school horror, definitely a keeper.
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artistaslatinos16 · 1 year ago
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breserker · 9 months ago
so for the books (and my own benefit) i need to watch a lot of golden age of mexican cinema films, of that which i'm the most familiar with Pedro Infante's stuff. it's been slow going because none of this shit is very accessible and at this point in my life I understand Japanese wayyyy the hell better than whatever Spanish I left behind but it'll have to do when there are films that have no subtitles, english, spanish, or otherwise (weeps)
anyway one film i grew up with was La Tercera Palabra (1955) which is not dissimilar to My Fair Lady in some regards. unfortunately while this film was uploaded to youtube about 2 years ago and has nearly a million views, the most recent printing of the film is a 2003 DVD and the criterion collection has like. 1, soon 2 films from this era of Mexican history (for a total of 12 Mexican films at least one if not two of which are del toro's which, don't get me wrong dude. favorite living director. BUT, you feel me. when their French and Japanese and Italian lists sprawl for 90, 100, 200 entries and then there's this wholeeee classical era of a neighboring country's films not--ok rant for a different time)
point being, i THOUGHT the dvd i grew up with, that 2003 printing, had subtitles, if not in english then in spanish. probably not in english. i put in a request at my library like "hey can you find this film with english subs for me please bc it's not just me but my roommate wants to watch it after i hyped it up and the criterion collection--okay RANT FOR ANOTHER TIME". this occurred at 2am. 2 hours later i realize in despair no that 2003 dvd doesn't have eng subs, no release of the film has eng subs anywhere and i'm suddenly struck with the horror that i've only ever seen the film in pure spanish when i thought i had a guideline. so i send another despairing letter to the library like "please disregard that. i'm not drunk but i'm in despair."
well they got it for me anyway, same DVD from my childhood. i tottered home with it yesterday and popped it in and watched it and reader there were no spanish subs either. PURE 1955 audio quality spanish. how did i watch this as a kid.
it was extremely painful to watch as an adult. film is a visual medium so i did understand a lot of story beats, like, you know, i know they're falling in love in this scene. i have no idea why though. some jokes i got. but they were also easy to get. i understood the gist of the plot because i had seen it before (and no thanks to wikipedia, look at this awful stub of an english page. it lists only Sara Garcia as starring, but she's not EITHER of the two main roles, one of which is Marga Lopez (the protagonist) the other of which is Pedro Fucking Infante. yes i have plans to dress up that page at some point because christ this is bad)
either way it's still a fantastic film imo. you can watch it here if you like. the benefit to my viewing is that it's almost 1:1 how Vel watches the film on his tia's massive VHS collection of pedro infante movies, complete with "i get the film and some of the spanish but i can't quote anything nor truly understand the artistry of the dialogue".
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filmes-online-facil · 2 years ago
Assistir Filme Santa Entre Demônios Online fácil
Assistir Filme Santa Entre Demônios Online Fácil é só aqui: https://filmesonlinefacil.com/filme/santa-entre-demonios/
Santa Entre Demônios - Filmes Online Fácil
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Mercedes (Marga Lopez) dança por dinheiro com os clientes do Salon México, um famoso cabaré na Cidade do México. Sua irmã mais nova Beatriz (Derbez) estudos em uma escola particular cara, paga pela Mercedes. Obviamente, o jovem Beatriz não sabe sobre o trabalho de sua irmã. Os problemas começam quando a Mercedes vence um concurso de Danzon com Paco (Acosta), seu cafetão. Paco se recusa a compartilhar o prêmio com a Mercedes, então ela rouba o dinheiro quando ele está dormindo.
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ladamarossa · 4 years ago
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Even the Wind is Afraid (1968)
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sus-ojos-verdes · 4 years ago
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-Sí, Madre. Conocía su orden y, aún así, hablé con ella. No soporté su mirada de desesperación.Aislarla sin despedirla si quiera, hubiera sido una...
-Iba a decir crueldad, ¿no?, ¡digalo! Sé que tengo la razón, poco importan los medios con tal de salvar un alma.
-Recuerde, Madre. La intolerancia también es un pecado.
-Señorita Lucila, va usted demasiado lejos. Conozco sus métodos, un día fui lo bastante tolerante para permitírselos y, ¿qué logré? promiscuidad, libertinaje, recuerde lo de Claudia..
-Qué poco sabe usted del amor, Madre. A Claudia la empujó la prohibición de sus padres, de usted. Tal vez si no hubiera cerrado el portón de la huerta, no hubiera sucedido eso. Ella deseaba un amor limpio, abierto.
-De esa manera se puede disculpar a todas, hasta a Manuela.
-La muchacha no tiene la culpa.
-Pero no me va a negar que...
-¿Por qué se interrumpe?, ¡Dígalo! No le tenga miedo a las palabras, ya no es hora de callar. Usted quiso decir que Manuela...está enamorada de mí.
-¡Señorita Lucila!
-¡Sí!, eso es lo que usted piensa y todas las demás. Y eso es lo que les han hecho creer a esas muchachas inocentes. Pero se equivocan.
-Entonces, ¿Me hace responsable de este escándalo?
-A usted no, a su ceguera porque usted es la primera en haberse aprisionado en este colegio. Es difícil asomarse a un alma cuando nunca se ha sufrido: hija de ricos, usted fue alumna a los 12 años, novicia a los 18 y su talento la hizo Madre Superiora. ¿Qué sabe del mundo?, ¿Cómo puede comprender la soledad de una huérfana, falta de caricias, de ternura?, si un perro hubiera lamido la mano de esa niña, se hubiera encariñado con él. ¿Cómo no me va a adorar si yo represento todo para ella? Amiga, hermana, maestra, madre. Todos sus sentimientos volcados, pero limpios, Madre, ¡limpios!
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dorothea-wieck · 5 years ago
Muchachas de Uniforme, 1951 Mexican remake of Mädchen in Uniform. (Marga López & Irasema Dilián)
The video found by @irlanda-scarlett-liebe 😀
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furiouscrusadeavenue · 5 years ago
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“Lazos de Amor”   1995.
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dare-g · 6 months ago
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Nazarin (1959)
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alexandrareadscomics · 4 years ago
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Translators note: "suck" means "sigh"
So here's En försvarbar flicka, written by Frank Jonker and drawn by Marga Querol Manzano and Comicup Studio. It uses a "dear diary" format, pretty typical for Daisy comics, and starts with Donald and Gladstone fighting over Daisy's affection and being too distracted to step in when an armed robber steals her purse.
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She talks to her friend Clara about it, who says some gender-essentialist shit about how men are inherently violent (please stop, I know you mean well but this excuses violent men's behavior), and advises Daisy to take up some self defense training. Daisy is unsure, imagining herself as a bodybuilder... but you don't need to be one to learn martial arts, so she does.
After she single-handedly knocks out three Beagle Boys, which is the only good thing that happens in this comic, Donald and Gladstone finally learn to respect her and pay attention to her. This love triangle is always such a mess, and I'm really not a fan of how much of Daisy's character is based around it.
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Next, Deckargåtan is a regular feature where you have to solve some mystery - here, Donald's nephews blame a broken window on the kids outside, and the magazine asks you how Donald knows they're lying. I can't recall if I found this difficult as a six-year-old, but it's probably appropriate for the target demographic.
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After this, En handelsresandes nöd, written by Gail Renard and Jack Sutter, and drawn by José Maria Millet Lopez - a pretty forgettable story where Donald abuses a too-insistent encyclopedia salesman, and then needs his encyclopedias after getting on a gameshow - and the one-pager Här var det dimmigt, written by Jonker and drawn by Bas Heymans, where Donald mistakes a scarecrow for a cop due to the fog.
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didanawisgi · 5 years ago
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Eightfold Path: Buddhism written by Donald S. Lopez
Donald S. Lopez, Jr. is the Arthur E. Link Distinguished University Professor of Buddhist and Tibetan Studies at the University of Michigan.
Alternative Titles: Astangika-marga, Atthangika-magga, Noble Eightfold Path
“Eightfold Path, Pali Atthangika-magga, Sanskrit Astangika-marga, in Buddhism, an early formulation of the path to enlightenment. The idea of the Eightfold Path appears in what is regarded as the first sermon of the founder of Buddhism, Siddhartha Gautama, known as the Buddha, which he delivered after his enlightenment. There he sets forth a middle way, the Eightfold Path, between the extremes of asceticism and sensual indulgence. Like the Sanskrit term Chatvari-arya-satyani, which is usually translated as Four Noble Truths, the term Astangika-marga also implies nobility and is often rendered as the “Eightfold Noble Path.” Similarly, just as what is noble about the Four Noble Truths is not the truths themselves but those who understand them, what is noble about the Eightfold Noble Path is not the path itself but those who follow it. Accordingly, Astangika-marga might be more accurately translated as the “Eightfold Path of the [spiritually] noble.” Later in the sermon, the Buddha sets forth the Four Noble Truths and identifies the fourth truth, the truth of the path, with the Eightfold Path. Each element of the path also is discussed at length in other texts.
In brief, the eight elements of the path are: (1) correct view, an accurate understanding of the nature of things, specifically the Four Noble Truths, (2) correct intention, avoiding thoughts of attachment, hatred, and harmful intent, (3) correct speech, refraining from verbal misdeeds such as lying, divisive speech, harsh speech, and senseless speech, (4) correct action, refraining from physical misdeeds such as killing, stealing, and sexual misconduct, (5) correct livelihood, avoiding trades that directly or indirectly harm others, such as selling slaves, weapons, animals for slaughter, intoxicants, or poisons, (6) correct effort, abandoning negative states of mind that have already arisen, preventing negative states that have yet to arise, and sustaining positive states that have already arisen, (7) correct mindfulness, awareness of body, feelings, thought, and phenomena (the constituents of the existing world), and (8) correct concentration, single-mindedness.
The Eightfold Path receives less discussion in Buddhist literature than do the Four Noble Truths. In later formulations, the eight elements are portrayed not so much as prescriptions for behaviour but as qualities that are present in the mind of a person who has understood nirvana, the state of the cessation of suffering and the goal of Buddhism.”
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deforest · 5 years ago
hi, sorry to bother you but i was wondering if you could recommend me some non white classic actresses? thanks for your time and have a lovely day :)
omg never a bother at all, my pleasure! ❤️
Josephine Baker, Maria Felix, Lupe Velez, Lena Horne, Dolores del Rio, Dorothy Dandridge, Anna May Wong, Eartha Kitt, Theresa Harris, Rita Moreno, Marga Lopez, Maylia, Sadhana, Nina Mae McKinney, Setsuko Hara, Fredi Washington, Ruby Dee, Nancy Kwan, Elsa Aguirre, Toshia Mori, Diahann Carroll, Silvia Pinal, Chelo Alonso, France Nuyen, Mamo Clark, Madhubala, Faten Hamama, Ruan Lingyu, Columba Dominguez, Yoshiko Yamaguchi, Katy Jurado, Vyjayanthimala, Lilia Prado, Tarita Teriipaia, Meena Kumari, Maria Elena Marques, Movita Castaneda, Ethel Moses, Madiha Yousri, Parveen Babi, Pam Grier
i hope i could be of a little help! and i hope your day is lovely as well 🌸 🦄
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mexican-collection-films · 6 years ago
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Prudencia Grifell y Marga Lopez en dos fotografías fijas de la película "Una mujer en la calle" 1955.
Dirigida por Alfredo B. Crevenna.
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