#marg answers
margaritadaemonelix · 6 months
🎨🐻 for crafter asks!
thanks for the ask ^-^
🎨What is the one craft you think looks amazing, but could never do yourself or can't get the hang of?
never got the hang of knitting, to be honest ;-; i've tried to learn from my mom a bunch of times, and there was a little bit when i was about ten or so when i could knit in flats, but anything more complicated than pure purls has always been beyond me
🐻What is the cutest thing you have ever created?
i'm sure i've done other really cute stuff that has entirely slipped my mind, but here's mr giraffe! i picked up needlefelting during the height of the pandemic and occasionally come back to the hobby here and there
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"How about you get lost" from Dom @ {The bean for the angel au}
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Poor thing was just trying to help him out a tiny bit with his place before hiding. Even if she was his guardian angel, he did scare her to a insane degree. She stiffened when she heard his voice and mentally yelling at herself for stopping and hiding earlier. Even if she wanted to go, she couldn't. She was assigned Dom even if he liked it or not.
She was folding a blanket up and was about to put it in its usual spot she noticed it was at but got spotted by the man.
"I..i'm assigned to you. I-i can't leave"
She forced herself to speak quickly before getting yelled at or threatened again.
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babyblueetbaemonster · 6 months
What do your elder scrolls ocs wear when not in armor or battle robes? Casual outfits!
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Jo usually just wore the Fine Clothes uncle Sheo gave him in that quest, with the cool Mage's Circlet from Savos Aren. Nay got her dress (Belted Tunic) from uncle Alvor's "Help yourself to whatever you need" gift basket. Dubak got a Blacksmith's Apron. I can't recall where he got it... cough, yeah.
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Acelta wore variety of Mage's Robes that does fashion damage to Haskill. (after finding out the secret side effect he stopped wearing them)
Sunny is silly :3
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small-tragedies · 6 months
001 The Simpsons!
Favorite character: Of course it’s Lisa Simpson. 🤣 When I first started watching The Simpsons, I was really intrigued by her character, and she grew to be my favorite character ever!
Least Favorite character: It would have to be Elizabeth Hoover. Lisa’s teacher at Springfield Elementary School. I just never liked the woman, at least with Edna Krabappel, who seemed like she didn’t like Bart. The thing was, she did actually care about her students and Bart, unlike Miss Hoover, who really doesn’t give a rat’s ass about any of them and has actually bullied an 8-year-old just because she felt like Lisa was a show-off. (Granted, Lisa can be a little full of herself at times, but she’s just a kid, and Miss Hoover is an adult who has personal issues and is taking them out on a little girl.) (Hehehe, I really info dump when it comes to a character I don’t like lol.)
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Lisa and Jessica are my OTP forever and ever! And I could go on all day about why I love them, but then I wouldn’t be able to talk about any other ship lol. I like to ship Lisa with the twin weasels ( I affectionately call them this and like to think Lisa does too 😂), Sherri, and Terri Mackleberry in a polycule V-type relationship (no incest), with Lisa as the hinge. (It probably goes without saying that I also ship the twins’ separately with Lisa too, and it’s usually Sherri. 😆) third pairing (yes, we are counting the twins’ as just the second ship, okay? They’re a unit right now, so I can say more ships,😂) would be Lisa and Allison. I love to think that if they had stayed very close friends, it would have turned into a friends-to-lovers situation, and I just think their relationship would be very cute and sweet, and they would grow old together. And my fourth pair I fancy is Lisa Simpson and Francine Rhenquist... You all are probably noticing a pattern... And you’re right because I have a thing—a thing for shipping Lisa with bullies... I just think she can be a bully whisperer and tamer, okay?! 🤣 And now, last but not least, my final and fifth pairing is Allison Taylor and Hubert Wong. I just think these two are too cute for each other! And they are just two cute little nerds in love. (Shout out to my sister @twisting-echo for getting me into shipping these two nerds).
Character I find most attractive: Groundskeeper Willie hands down! Have you seen that man without his shirt on? Absolutely beautiful~ 
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Character(s) I would marry: Kang and Kodos, two one-eyed aliens, just for little ol’ me lol. 🤣💕💕💕
Character I would be best friends with: Professor Frink. I always loved his character and his zany antics.
A random thought: I once had a random thought about making a fic where it would be an AU where everyone had animal-like features, and I had wanted the whole Simpsons’ family to be cats. 😅🤣
An unpopular opinion: Oh, boy, here it goes... My unpopular opinion is that I really haven’t liked how they have written Marge in the newer seasons of The Simpsons. Just some of the storylines they do for her feel like they’ve done it a thousand times before, and it’s gotten old. And I have never liked how they have made it so that Homer has no problems bonding with his daughters, especially Lisa, but nothing with Bart. The same goes for Marge. I never like how in some episodes she can’t bond with her daughter, but honestly, it’s the writing overall because they always make either Lisa an asshole to her own mother or Marge is the asshole. Just why can’t they have cute bonding episodes for the whole family like what I’ve seen in Bob’s Burgers? 😭
My canon OTP: I wouldn’t say OTP, but I had always thought Comic Book Guy and Kumiko’s relationship was surprisingly cute and sweet. 
Non-canon OTP: This wouldn’t be me if I didn’t say it was Lisa and Jessica, now would it? Yessss, they’re my little babies! This ship is very dear to me; it’s been my OTP for years. 🤣💕💕💕
Most badass character: Gina Vendetti. I love her and think she’s a little badass. I also love to ship her with Bart. She’s his scary Amazon girlfriend who terrifies everyone around her lol.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Milhouse and Lisa; just no, I have never thought they worked well together ever! It's just sad to see him pine for someone who does not like him at all. Seriously, it was a running joke that Lisa settled for him, and that’s just sad. Millhouse deserves someone who actually cares and will love him, and Lisa needs to be with someone she’s not settling with because it’s all she’s ever known, and she knows he won’t leave her because he loves her too much and it’s just not healthy or fair to either one of them. (I love my girl, but she has to let him go so he can move on).
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): I have never liked the slow decent at which they have taken Lisa’s character in how the show writes her. Back when the show first came out, she was intelligent, kind, and passionate about the planet and all living things. Mind you, she is still very intelligent, but they have taken some parts of her personality and turned it up to an 180. She is flawed, which is why I love her, but over the years, they have made her more of a snotty brat at times who throws her intelligence in people’s faces, and it doesn’t seem like she’s that kind anymore, and most of what she rebels against feels performative and hollow now. She could always be somewhat intolerant of opinions that differed from her own, often refusing to consider alternative perspectives and showing a feeling of self-righteousness. But it feels like that’s how she is all the time now, and I just haven’t been a big fan of what her character has become.
Favourite friendship: Now I’m going to completely talk about a “fanon” friendship since The Simpsons didn’t give me it in the canon of the show. I mean, sure, I could talk about Millhouse and Bart’s friendship, but sadly, while I like it, it is not my favorite, and the truth is, sometimes they abused each other more than they were good friends with each other lol. 😂😅 No, I’m going to talk about a friendship between Lisa Simpson, Allison Taylor, and Hubert Wong. I always thought it would have been nice for Lisa to at least have someone who was her friend in the show, someone she could bond with, just like Bart with Millhouse. But no, they have always made her a loner just for the sake of writing that not a lot of people like her in Springfield (poor baby, 😭) and they wasted the potential of Lisa and Allison’s friendship. In the show, they always show Lisa as a miserable adult who’s so bitter about everything. I like to think she would have grown up a little differently if she had at least one consistent friend (not Janey; Janey was just as bad as the twins’ with the way they bullied Lisa). And honestly, it would have been nice to see her hang out with two other people who shared similar interests as she did, and it just would have been cute. I definitely have more things to say about their friendship, my sister and I have made up in fanon over the years, but that’s definitely for a different post lol.
I’m so sorry that this is soooo long. 😂 Once you get me started on the Simpsons, I can’t stop rambling like a mad woman about it. 🤣 Thank you so much for this ask. This was so much fun to write out.
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rainbow-wolf120 · 1 year
Teehee, my finger slipped
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Ok, when I first say Milo and his longness, the first thing I thought of was this pose lmao
Also Yay siblings. I love siblings, I have siblings
Anywho Milo is silly and I pronounce his name as Mee-Low, so my bad
He's schmoovin'
Milo is owned by @supgoddo
Penny belongs to @troutagon
Pose I was talking bout:
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lookedlikethebins · 7 months
https://x.com/reasonczuchry/status/1768422637103943900?s=46 HOT PRODUCER GEORGE with his girlies!!!!
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much to think about... so very much to think about... thank you for your diligent service, anon xoxo
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not-poignant · 7 months
I'm a reader and from Western Australia. The description of the UTB facility always kinda reminded me of Woodman Point Recreational Camp. Like that kind of set up. More space between the cottages. Being close to the beach. But with Margaret River bushland...... if that makes sense.....lol
Hello fellow Western Australian! :D
I had to look up the Woodman Point Recreational Camp because I'd never heard of it and kind of cringed at how spartan and jail-like it looked. (I'm sure it's very different and a lot more fun to experience! But the photos aren't kind).
I actually imagine for example that Gary's cottage looks actually way more like this, just kind of without the white fencing around the verandah:
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Literally like giant forest behind it, garden around it, kangaroos, and the grass is greener and better maintained and there's also just in general on the grounds, way, way more greenery to create a sense of things being screened off from each other.
There's a reason Efnisien's not mentioning all the other chalets on the property, and it's not just because they're very far apart (because many aren't, they all have to be reasonably reachable by staff).
The standalone chalets I imagine a bit more like this, but more modern, and a lot more glass / curtains to fully open the house (to air out pheromones). And while they're less likely to have forest behind them, there are just a lot of trees etc. and gardens and benches etc. on the property.
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This is probably a better idea re: an aerial view:
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(Though yeah as you say, more space between the cottages, and more grass. There's also a central cluster of buildings where Gary's office/s, the medical suite/s, caterers and all the professional/corporate meeting rooms are!)
It's more of a radial design. Some cottages are clustered closer together, some are duplexes, and some are quite far away due to the possessiveness of the omega (so Caleb and Lucien are very close to the beach and quite 'separate' so they're not likely to catch any pheromones from anyone else).
I'd say there is more grass, and more like...lush maintained gardens with a mix of native and exotic plants from the aerial view. Because it actually used to be a very kind of 5 star self-contained chalet experience, it's got botanical garden level of greenery around the place, that's very well-maintained by gardeners etc. on staff. It's not the kind of place where they get a lawnmower person out once every few weeks, they have full-time gardeners who come in every day and leave every day because there's just so much to do / maintain in the garden/s and on the grounds!
I hope that helps some! I mean it still might remind you of the Recreational Camp, the photos that came up for me in an image search were pretty bare.
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smilingmxsk · 2 days
“ Well, well! You look as if Hell froze over.
Are you dying? “
How kind, Betty.
Oh fun. Out of all the people needing to find her in her most vulnerable moment, it had to be this bitch. Propping up on an elbow, the young woman glares daggers from the bed and instinctually snatches up her mask. Not to put on, but to make sure this nosy ass nuisance didn't get any bright ideas. Not like it would end well anyway.
"Go eat a dick y' fuckin' cunt." The Fixer sneers. Despite looking like pure death, she's managed to find a fire deep down to spit venom.
"I unno how th' fuck y' found y' way in, but y' best find y' way back out else I start findin' every sharp object I can t' chuck atcha.."
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rolkstone · 9 months
A drawing of Marge as Madame Defarge from "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens?
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mermertheleeswitch · 25 days
Yo hello fellow SFW tickle community member who's also into Pizza Tower!! :D Love your art style and ocs. Hope you're having a good and groovy pre-spooky month.
...Yeah, that's all. Just wanted to pop in and say hi and send over some hopefully good vibes XD
-from, @laughtertower
YOUUUUU YOUUUUUUU YOUR ART IS SO GREAT AND EXCUSE ME BUT HOWWWW TTHE EARTH DID YOU FIND ME- hehe i don't think i even tagged anythin pizza tower related on this blog so im asssummming you know my main hehe- BUT SERIOUSLY THANK YOUUUUUUU IT MEANS ALOT FROM YOU/GEN your art is very pretty and i just wanna squish it/pos ^^
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margaritadaemonelix · 4 months
Oh heck yeah, another paleontology nerd!!! Do you have any favorite facts or things you want to infodump about? :)
The weirdest thing I’ve heard recently is that there’s a creationist pseudoscientist guy who dubbed himself “Dr. Dino” and suggested that “some people think parasaurolophus could breathe fire.” My dude, nobody thinks that except you. 😵‍💫
hsdkfjlhlkjhsf that's a hell of a conjecture to make alright! admittedly i am Very Behind on my palaeontology bc i used to be dead terrified of dinosaurs, but my fun fact is that i'm old buddies with the Parasaurolophus walkeri holotype! it's at the Royal Ontario Museum, which i frequent to the point where it's basically a second home to me ^-^
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📐 creech is like 3'10". microorganism.
had to do margarita-
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byanyan · 1 month
send ✧ & i'll bold all that apply to your museㅤㅤ∘ ˚ ( accepting )
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bold is a definite. italics is a maybe/sometimes/depends on the situation.
I would kill you. ✧ I would physically hurt you. ✧ I would attack you unprovoked. ✧ I would manipulate you. ✧ I dislike you. ✧ You annoy me. ✧ You scare me. ✧ You intimidate me. ✧ I hope I intimidate you. ✧ I pity you. ✧ You disgust me. ✧ I hate you. ✧ I’m indifferent toward you. ✧ I’d like to get to know you better. ✧ I’d like to spend more time with you. ✧ I’d like to be friends with you. ✧  I’m unsure what to think of you. ✧ I’m unsure how I feel about you. ✧ You are my friend. ✧ You are my best friend. ✧ You are my mentor. ✧ I look up to you. ✧ I respect you. ✧ You are my hero. ✧ You inspire me. ✧ You are my enemy. ✧ You make me happy. ✧ I want to protect you. ✧ I would fight by your side. ✧ I consider you an equal. ✧ I think you are beneath me. ✧ I think you are above me. ✧ I would lie for you. ✧ I would lie to you. ✧ I would sleep with you. ✧ I would sleep by your side. ✧ I would hug you. ✧ I would kiss you. ✧ You are family to me. ✧ I would die for you. ✧ I would kill for you. ✧ I would trust you with my life. ✧ I would trust you with my most precious belonging. ✧ I would trust you with a secret. ✧ I would trust you with my biggest / darkest secret. ✧ I love you (platonically). ✧ I love you (romantically).
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ratwhsprs · 4 months
💪 (It's probably his shoulder instead but she likes teasing regardless c: -)
send 💪to rest your arm on my short muse's head! || Accepting!
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Otis unconsciously shifted his weight to accommodate the woman leaning on him, before he realized what he was doing and slowly turned his head towards her. If she was using his shoulder to balance while checking her shoe or something, that would be tolerable... buuut she was doing no such thing.
"...Do I look like an arm rest??" He muttered as one of his rats reached up to sniff at her hand.
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csinickstokes · 2 years
Has anybody been watch CSI:Vegas? Cause 🤔🤔🤔🤔
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growstrong · 2 months
6'6" rat bestie
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