#maría lionza
elhoimleafar · 2 years
Native Goddess Yara/Maria Lionza
María Lionza // All My Posts On Her
I appreciate those who share it, sharing is caring, and blogging demand a lot of work and time, especially while a lot of people out there are constantly stealing your job.
I. María LionzaQueen of Witches & Fairies: https://abundanceandmagic.blogspot.com/2017/08/maria-lionza-queen-of-witches-fairies.html
II. María Lionza, Native Goddess of Witches (featured in Tess Whitehurst's blog) : https://tesswhitehurst.com/maria-lionza/
III. María Lionza, A Feminist-Indigenous-Goddess-Cult from South America: https://abundanceandmagic.blogspot.com/2022/09/lionza.html
IV. Marialionceros: Tradition, Cult, Spiritism. https://abundanceandmagic.blogspot.com/2022/09/YaraCult.html
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lasaraconor · 1 year
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María Lionza
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kachimera · 2 years
Brand of catholicism that goes "depending on the current pope im either gonna chill out and be nice or run into the woods with the pagan goddess until the next one"
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jamesbarnesbestgirl · 2 years
Una Noble Reina - Chapter 1
K'uk'ulkan’s mother knew her son was special from the moment he was born. It wasn’t until she realized that he was aging at a far slower pace that she felt a deep sadness for her son. She turned to Chaac, who had blessed her shaman with the vision that saved her people, for solace that her son would know happiness and love. Chaac bestowed upon her the knowledge that when the time was right her son would meet his match in a woman with K'áak'o' tu yicho'ob (fire in her eyes). 
Nearly 500 years later K'uk'ulkan is faced with the startling reality of his own mortality in the aftermath of the defeat at the hands of Shuri. With relations with Wakanda improved but still strenuous, K’uk’ulkan turns his focus to strengthening Talokan by any means necessary. While recovering from the battle he is reminded of his promised match and sets on a path to find her.
CHAPTER 1 - Nos despedimos con un saludo
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The inspiration of this story is very loosely based around the Venezuelan legend of María Lionza (also referred to as Yara) the goddess of nature, love, peace and harmony. 
I have not written a fanfic in quite some time so please be gentle. 
The only specific physical description that I plan on writing into this fic is going to be that the reader has central heterochromia in both eyes. This is a genetic condition in which an individual has two eye colors, with a primary base color and a secondary color in a ring around the pupil. The base color is up for your personal interpretation, but the inner ring is described as a ring of fire in the reader's eyes. The reader is also aprox. 27 years old. 
Present Day - Orlando, FL
The world was going to shit. At least, that’s what you thought as you walked away from your advisor's office back towards your own. Ever since the second alien invasion of earth (that you were aware of at least) had whipped out half the planet only for everyone to be brought back five years later, your life had been slowly imploding. 
First your entire family had been snapped away, leaving you to fend for yourself and grow as a person on your own. Now, a year after they had returned, your PhD advisor dumps the fact that the University is redistributing all research funds for her lab towards vibranium research. Thus, leaving her without a way to fund research and you without a clear path forward to obtaining your PhD.
“That purple demon should have just done us the mercy of snapping everyone out of existence. At least that way our lives wouldn’t be falling apart.” You said begrudgingly as you sat down at your desk.  Hiding your head in your arms in the process. 
 “You too, huh?” your friend and fellow former PhD candidate Itzel said. “It could be worse. They are at least granting us a masters for the work we’ve already completed.” She said placing her hand on your shoulder in a comforting gesture. 
“Yayyy…” you say unenthusiastically waving your finger in the air without lifting your head. You take a few deep breaths to gather your feelings before sitting up in your chair. “I guess I will just start tutoring full time while I’m job hunting.” You said, attempting to smile. 
“You know, my mother is the principal at the local elementary school in my hometown.  A few days ago when I spoke with her she mentioned that they are looking for an English teacher.” Iztel stated, while fully turning to face you. “I’m sure if I ask she would be happy to get us both jobs at the school. Plus, aren't you always saying you want to improve your spanish? What better way to do that than to move to Mexico?” She added enthusiastically. 
“Supongo que eso podría funcionar. Un cambio de escenario debería hacerme bien.” you responded after careful consideration with a smile. 
“Perfecto!” Itzel exclaimed, clapping her hands together. “I will speak to my mother tonight and then you can come over on the weekend and we can figure out the details.”
Feeling a renewed sense of hope you nodded in agreement. You finally turned towards your computer ready to get back to work for the day. 
Present Day - Talokan - Underwater Cavern
K'uk'ulkan was agitated. He was still attempting to wrap his head around his loss to Shuri. He had clearly underestimated her hunger for vengeance. Luckily for him and his people she had shown mercy at the eleventh hour. The loss was making him face a reality he was not expecting. That maybe, despite his best efforts, Talokan was not ready to fully protect herself from the surface world. Remaining hidden was becoming more difficult year after year. The tentative alliance that stemmed from the conflict with Wakanda would only act as a temporary solution to his dilemma. He needed a stronger way to ensure his people's safety. But how? 
“You’re doing it again.” stated Namora, as she entered his hut. 
“Doing what?” he asked, still lost in his thoughts. 
“Sulking.” she voiced. “You are the one that assured me that this alliance is what is best. If that has changed…” She continued.
“It hasn't.” K'uk'ulkan cut her off, finally turning his attention to Namora. 
“Then what has you so troubled?” Namora asked, her concern for her cousin seeping through her voice. “I ask as your cousin, not as your general.” She proceeds to sit next to him and look at the mural he was previously mindlessly staring at. 
K'uk'ulkan turned to her and sighed. “I stand by that the alliance with Wakanda is what’s best for Talokan, but I will not lie and say my ego was not bruised by the defeat.” He admitted. “I underestimated the princess, underestimated her drive.” he turned back towards the mural. 
“The surface world will turn on Wakanda, and when they do Talokan will be their only ally. I just need to make sure we are ready. That if, when the dust settles and Wakanda turns on us, there will be no question as to who the final victor will be.” He turns back to Namora, his jaw set in determination. 
Namora sits there with him, letting his statements sink in. They sit in silence as Namora scans the murals her king had painted throughout the hut. Moments of his history, of the history of Talokan, captured in the beautiful traditional paintings. One mural caught her eye. Slightly obstructed from view, below the mural depicting his birth, was a figure. The small mural was of a woman, one wearing an intricate crown, her eyes full of fire. 
“What about Le Reina?” She asked, breaking her cousin's contemplation once again. His focus shifts the mural Namora is gazing at. 
“She doesn’t exist. I’ve spent years searching for her.” he scoffs slightly, turning away from the mural. 
“I’ve never known you to be one to give up.” Namora says with a raised brow, a small smirk pulling at her lips. 
“I haven’t given up.” he scoffs in offense. “Le Reina, my match, I have always assumed would be a mutant, like me. I would know if there was another mutant within the waters of Talokan.” he stated firmly. 
Namora sat in contemplation for a moment. “It sounds like there is one place you have yet to look.” She turned her gaze to the hut door. 
“The surface world?” he questioned. “You think the queen of Talokan is from the surface world?”
“Well, have you checked?” Namora countered back. 
They let the silence once again take over. It is true that he had never considered a surface dweller. K'uk'ulkan had expected his match to be born in Talokan from the day his mother had told him of his intended. He had spent the better half of a century after he had first come of age searching for her. After almost 300 years of no sign of her, he had all but given up. 
“The surface world is a large place.” he stated. 
“Then we better start looking.” Namora said. She stood up and turned to exit his hut. 
16th Century - Yaracuy, Venezuela
In the rainforest of Venezuela, in a small village along the Yaracuy river the chief of the village waited impatiently outside his home. He paced back and forth along the river embankment. He could hear the labor pains of his wife from within his home. After a particularly loud groan from within the home he began to pray to their mountain god for the safe delivery of his child. 
A few minutes went by and the chief finally heard the cry of his newborn child. After a few moments one of the village women, who had assisted during the birth ushered him inside to meet his new child. 
“My love, come meet our beautiful daughter.” His wife gestured towards him with an exhausted smile on her face. 
The chief knelt beside his wife and pushed back her sweat soaked hair in a loving gesture. “May I hold her?” he asked as he kissed his wife’s forehead and silently thanked the gods for a safe delivery. 
His wife carefully transferred their newborn daughter into his arms. “She needs a name.” she said while smiling at her child. 
“Yara. Our beautiful Yara.” He said with a smile as he gently held his beloved daughter. 
As the family began to bond with their new member the child slowly opened her eyes. Both parents paused their loving gestures and looked from their child to each other. The girl's eyes were unlike anything the chief had encountered. She had eyes as green as the rainforest with rings of fire surrounding her pupils. 
Present Day - Orlando, FL
After your initial talk with Itzel you had finished up work for the day. That weekend you had spent nearly 5 hours on facetime with your friend and her mother. As Itzel had predicted her mother was enthusiastic about the idea of you joining her school as their English teacher. 
Now, 3 months later, consolation masters done, you were packing up the last of your things for the move. You had sold all of your furniture, as it would have been far too expensive to move.
 “How long of a drive is it again?” you ask Itzel as she loaded her last bag into the back of your car. 
“44 hours if we were to drive straight through without stopping.” she said as she walked around to the front passenger side. 
“If we aim for about 8 hours a day we should get there by the end of the week.” you state as you enter the driver side of the car. Itzel was from the small coastal town of Sisal, just north of Mérida in the Yucatan province of Mexico. As you plugged in her family’s home address into your phone's GPS system you ensured that you could see out of the rear view mirror with the trunk pact full of your stuff. 
“We better get going then if we want to reach the panhandle by dark.” she says as she adjusts her seat. 
You pull away from your apartment and start the drive north. It was strange leaving the place you had called home for the last 6 years, but in saying goodbye you were saying hello to a new chapter of your life. 
Supongo que eso podría funcionar. Un cambio de escenario debería hacerme bien. - I guess that could work. A change of scenery should do me good.
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enchanted-moura · 2 years
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It is no secret to anyone that José Gregorio Hernández is adored as a healer.
The doctor of the poor belongs to the animist cult of María Lionza —a polytheistic religion— and Afro-Cuban Santeria has a cult of José Gregorio, “popular religion” adores him.
A well-known shaman, who says she teaches people how to call on the spirit of the doctor to turn ordinary water into medicine, sells most of her Gregorio-related items to practitioners of Santeria, the Afro-Latino tradition that prevails in Latin American and Caribbean regions. In parts of Caracas, psychic healers offer the desperate the opportunity to be attended to by Hernández in person. - https://bottegadivina.blog/2015/03/03/jose-gregorio/
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unwelcome-ozian · 1 year
Hello, thanks for considering this ask.
- A woman on a beast. The woman is sometimes nude or partially clothed. The beast is usually a feral animal. Ever heard of this type of symbolism in programming?
It would depend on the belief system followed. For example;
There I saw a woman sitting on a red beast. The beast was covered with evil names. It had seven heads and ten horns. 4 The woman was dressed in purple and red. She was shining with the gold, jewels, and pearls that she was wearing. She had a golden cup in her hand. This cup was filled with terribly evil things and the filth of her sexual sin. 5 She had a title written on her forehead. This title has a hidden meaning.-Revelation 17
Princess Yara rides through the mountains on a tapir and often appears in them form of a blue butterfly. (María Lionza)
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enbreves · 2 years
Inauguran Plaza María Lionza en Quibayo estado Yaracuy
Inauguran Plaza María Lionza en Quibayo estado Yaracuy #09Oc #enbreve #news
Este domingo se inauguró la plaza María Lionza en Quibayo, estado Yaracuy, acto que estuvo encabezado por el vicepresidente Sectorial de Comunicación, Cultura y Turismo, Freddy Ñáñez, el ministro del Poder Popular para la Cultura, Ernesto Villegas, y el gobernador de la entidad, Julio León Heredia. Ñáñez, señaló que «El día de hoy es la absoluta representación de Venezuela. Un crisol de colores…
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julio-viernes · 1 month
Justo dentro de un mes, 7 de septiembre, se cumplirá el 46 aniversario de la edición de "Siembra" de Willie Colon y Rubén Blades, obra maestra absoluta de la música latina y un renacimiento para la salsa cuando se encontraba en franca decadencia. El cantante y compositor panameño y el trombonista del Bronx criado en Puerto Rico parieron en 1978 su deslumbrante disco de la "salsa intelectual", cuajado de números magníficos como "Plástico", "María Lionza", la propia "Siembra", "Buscando Guayaba"... y, sobre todo, la sensacional e inmortal "Pedro Navaja", una de las mejores canciones de todos los tiempos, no sólo latina, sino en general. Una expresiva historia de asesinato urbano entre un malandro y una prostituta fantásticamente narrada, que Gabriel García Márquez hubiera deseado escribir. "Navaja" se inspiró en la célebre "Mack The Knife" - popularizada en 1955 por Louis Armstrong , y, sobre todo, en 1959 por Bobby Darin-, que a su vez era una versión de "Die Moritat von Mackie Messer", de Kurt Weill y Bertolt Brecht (popular en la voz de Lotte Lenya) para el drama musical de 1928, "The Threepenny Opera ("Die Dreigroschenoper").
Subo dos vídeos, uno sensacional en directo en los años 80 con Blades y su grupo Seis del Solar en plena efervescencia, recordando con gracia y estilo ese "Mack The Knife" primigenio (en concreto el de Darin), y por supuesto, con la cita final a "America" de "West Side Story" de Leonard Bernstein. El segundo es la versión en estudio - la historia, el meollo de la letra- de Pedro Navaja, dramatizada para la TV mejicana en 1980.
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noticlip · 3 months
La Montaña de Sorte recibió el “Mara de Diamante”
La Fundación Mara de Oro de Venezuela e Internacional este 2024 continúa premiando “lo mejor de lo mejor”, como parte de las actividades en el marco del Sextoagésimo Noveno Aniversario, realizando una Entrega Especial Histórica desde el Monumento Cerro María Lionza la máxima distinción: “Mara de Diamante”, otorgada este año considerado Patrimonio Inmaterial de la Humanidad.  “Para esta…
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keyboardinpain · 1 year
Culto de María Lionza
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davidsoto666 · 2 years
Si lo vemos desde el punto de vista de la Santería sería algo parecido a la que se realiza antes de entrar al cuarto de santo para coronarse la osha.
Pero para los Marialonceros la Coronación es algo muy importante es como la consagración por la Santa Reyna María Lionza, y es un punto importante ya que te lo ganas con muchos sacrificio y dedicación, algunos lo obtienen por su gran desempeño y/o evolución como Materia, Banco ó simplemente por su conducta dentro y fuera del culto, o con las Ceremonias que se le van realizando a la materia que se inicia en el culto.
Pero bien, quien es el elegido o quien está realmente capacitado para decidir quién y cuándo, un Marialoncero debe ser Coronado, esto solo lo deciden los hermanos espirituales en una sección o misa y se le comunica al elegido en su debido momento, bien sea en la montaña de la Reina ó en el portal principal del grupo, o haciendo una consulta directa con los espíritus, ya sea por el tabaco o las muletillas que se suelen usar en el culto.
Cuanto tiempo debe pasar o que cosas debe hacer un Marialoncero para recibir una Coronación, el tiempo definitivamente es incierto, porque uno puede pensar que un hermano debe recibir una Coronación pero los hermanos espirituales no se la conceden, que cosas se deben hacer para tratar de recibir una Coronación, el comportamiento dentro y fuera del culto es fundamental seguido de la disciplina a la hora de desarrollarse como Materia y/o Banco a esto va aunado los sacrificios que todo Marialoncero debe realizar, entre lo más usual es que sean veintiún días de purificación en oraciones y retirado de las bebidas alcohólica, las fiestas, parrandas, reuniones no deseadas y la abstención del sexo por completo, también bajo limpiezas de plantas fuertes, y baños dulces, poniendo unas asistencias ya sea una bóveda espiritual con sus respectivos vasos representando las cortes y prendiendo una vela diaria durante este periodo, con lo cual podrá proceder a realizar el primer velado de limpieza, despojo y purificación con velas blancas y luego pasar al velado de fuerza, elevación y desarrollo, con las velas de colores según lo indiquen los espíritus y luego de sacarle el camino de las cortes que lo acogerán en el culto, con lo que se sabrá si podrá recibir el misterio y tinaja del culto a María Lionza.
Para qué sirve la Coronación, lo que más se conoce es el resultado sobre los que son Materia se dice que la Coronación cierra el Carapacho contra entidades negativas ó malignas y no permite que esa Materia Coronada reciba algo malo, además de abrir el portal del cerebro por primera vez al umbral espiritual de sus guías principales y protectores, como la primera Coronación la realiza el Protector se dice que este deja una marca espiritual que identifica al Coronado como hijo de ese espíritu.
La Coronación es un arma de doble filo, esto porque es un reto que se debe asumir con bondad y no sentirse por encima de los demás, yo personalmente he visto personas coronadas que antes de su Coronación tienen un desempeño impresionante y después de la Coronación empiezan a decaer hasta el punto que terminan por retirarse del culto o solo del grupo donde recibió la Coronación, por otro lado está la otra cara de la moneda de Coronados que toman un segundo aire y sorprenden con la evoluciónque tienen después de su Coronación.
Se dice que son tres las Coronación que se deben recibir para cerrar bien el Carapacho y que este bien protegido espiritualmente, pero también he visto a hermanos con más de tres Coronaciones
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elhoimleafar · 5 months
How do your dreams sound? How does your magic feel and sound? 😌🐈‍⬛🌄
One of my goals writing Dream Witchery was keeping it authentic and personal, but also real and faithful to the culture and history it represents.
The aroma of star anise, rosemary, chamomile, mint, cinnamon, kava kava, and orchids burning everyday over a piece of charcoal in the corner's cauldron, that was the essential spirit of the book bringing with it inspiration and motivation day after day, and occasionally camphor to refresh memory and properly clarify memories.
When you have Dream Witchery in your hands it feels like a bunch of wet earth from the edge of the Orinoco River in your hands, when you pick it up from the table it feels like a large, light rock from the bottom of the Segura River in Cartagena.
Those shades of orange on the cover they have that look that is reminiscent of the houses in the old villages of Peru, Cuba and Colombia, when the houses have been painted for so many years that you feel the color change in the cracks, but even so the families do not paint the houses because these were many times painted by their grandparents collecting money for weeks to be able to make these humble changes.
The subtle changes in the Orange cover remind me so much of the color of the burning fathoms at the edge of the Montana de Sorte (Cerro María Lionza) river where the brujas gather after that long two-day journey to honor the queen goddess of the land, It also reminds me of those amazing soups made over burning wood every Sunday afternoon at the Embalse la Mariposa, where my mother, as well as many brujas of the Capital in later years, usually brought their clients to perform spiritist sessions, and aromatics baths with flowers and essences in the river to honor Oshún & Our Golden Lady of Charity 💛
That dancing snake surrounded by moons that reminds me of how our ancestors, Hispanics, Indigenous natives, Europeans, and Afro-Caribbeans living on the coasts mixed with each other and constantly changed their skin, just like us, as well as all the witches in modernity, we constantly change our skin and adapt to everything that comes for us.
Those moons around are a subtle and wise reminder to always keep me grounded, remind me to be a child sitting over the hood of my dad's 1989 Chevrolet Classic just watching the stars and the moon all night and listening the drums coming from the house while everyone is dancing and singing all long night 😌
If you haven't read yet Dream Witchery 🌺 you can grab yours now in this link: https://amzn.to/4aPNCLd or in your favorite local bookstore.
#dreamwitch #indigenouswisdom #tribe
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notihatillo · 2 years
El Hatillo, 10 de Octubre del 2022
Buenos días y productivo fin de semana, las lluvias castigaron duro al país, decenas de fallecidos, otros tantos más desaparecidos viviendas destruidas han sido las sequelas que los fenómenos meteorológicos nos han dejado, nos hacemos solidarios con las familias de los desaparecidos y esperamos que el gobierno ayude a los que lo necesiten en estos momentos.
Nuestro resumen de noticias llega a ustedes gracias a @NotiHatillo /Alcaldía de @ElHatillo /Redes Sociales
- @eliasayegh: Este domingo por 3ra vez en 4 días nuestros equipos liberan la vía principal de nuestra Zona Rural. Los suelos están sobre saturados de agua y por eso se han generado múltiples deslizamientos. Paralelamente @CorpoelecInfo trabajando para restituir el servicio eléctrico! https://twitter.com/eliasayegh/status/1579207216800075776/photo/1
- @eliasayegh: Lamento muchísimo la tragedia en Las Tejerias, Estado Aragua. Mis condolencias con los familiares de las víctimas, esperando que aparezcan sanas y salvas las personas desaparecidas. Toda nuestra solidaridad en estos momentos difíciles!
- @ElHatillo: Nuestro equipo de @PC_ElHatillo continúa haciendo evaluaciones de riesgo en distintos sectores del municipio que han presentado situaciones de viviendas.
#AlertaElHatillo https://twitter.com/ElHatillo/status/1579172159343075328/photo/1
- @ServiciosEH: Cuadrillas de Corpoelec trabajan en corregir averias en Los Naranjos. https://twitter.com/ServiciosEH/status/1579247357820309505/photo/1
- Lluvias se mantendrán por vaguada formada al norte del territorio nacional por 72 horas
- Al menos 25 muertos y más de 50 desaparecidos reportan medios locales tras el deslave en Las Tejerías producto de las fuertes lluvias
- En Las Tejerías, la escena es apocalíptica. Casas destruidas y con varios metros de lodo, montones de árboles arrastrados desde la montaña hasta las calles y negocios completamente devastados.
- Habilitan centros de acopio para ayudar a las familias afectadas en Las Tejerías
- Estadios de Leones y Tigres serán centros de acopio para ayudar a los afectados por las lluvias
- "Solo nos quedó lo que tenemos puesto", contó sobreviviente del deslave en Las Tejerías
- 25 personas fallecidas, 52 personas desaparecidas, 21 sectores afectados, 20.000 viviendas afectadas
- Mientras en Las Tejerías sufren una tragedia, Maduro envió otro importante cargamento de ayuda a Cuba
- Cerrado acceso a Choroní por deslizamiento de tierras
- ONU movilizará apoyo humanitario por el deslave en Las Tejerías
- "El pueblo se perdió": desgarradores testimonios tras deslave en Las Tejerías
- Le reclaman a Maduro por no hacer trabajos de prevención para evitar tragedia en Aragua
- Gobierno ordena despliegue tras difícil situación en Las Tejerías
- Las telefonías móviles también resultaron afectadas por el deslave en Las Tejerías
- Gobernadora chavista de Aragua pretende censurar imágenes del deslave en Las Tejerías: “están despertando angustia”
- Ministra Santaella: Se mantienen las clases en todo el país
- En Chichiriviche de La Costa se quedaron incomunicados y sin luz por las lluvias
- Reportaron apagones en Táchira, Mérida y Zulia tras fuertes lluvias la madrugada de este domingo.
- Picos de Mérida amanecieron vestidos de blanco en su 464 aniversario
- Conatel abrió procedimiento contra Promar TV por un error involuntario
- Reportaron apagones en Táchira, Mérida y Zulia tras fuertes lluvias la madrugada de este domingo.
- El Hatillo, uno de los municipios más afectados por apagones
- Paso de onda tropical por Zulia ocasionó alto oleaje en el Lago de Maracaibo e inundaciones en el municipio Baralt
- Sobrino de la Ministra de Educación Yelitze Santaella, en estado de embriaguez, provoca grave accidente vial en Maturín: dejando varios heridos.
- El chavismo inauguró una plaza en Yaracuy con la escultura de María Lionza robada de la UCV
- Casos de COVID-19 en Venezuela‌‌ 14 nuevos casos
- Dólar: 8,23
Promedio Paralelo: 8,82 Bitcoin 19,573.50
- Huracán Julia impacta en Nicaragua con vientos e intensas lluvias tras golpear costa colombiana
- El norte de Colombia sufrió daños tras el paso del huracán Julia
- Ataque nocturno ruso a ciudad ucraniana de Zaporiyia dejó al menos 17 muertos
- Putin reunirá al Consejo de Seguridad de Rusia después de la explosión en puente de Crimea
- La UE condenó los ataques del Ejército ruso contra instalaciones civiles.
- Kiev y varias ciudades de Ucrania están siendo atacadas por misiles rusos.
- Los orcos rusos en vista de las consecutivas derrotas lanzan misiles contra población civil de Kiev
- Centro del huracán Julia toca tierra en costa atlántica de Nicaragua
- Ian es el segundo huracán más letal que azota a Estados Unidos en lo que va del siglo
- Putin acusa a Ucrania de ataque «terrorista» contra el puente de Crimea
- El papa Francisco pidió «aprender de la historia» ante el peligro de una guerra nuclear
- Desmantelan banda que tramitaba documentos migratorios falsos a venezolanos en Colombia
- Huracán Julia impacta en Nicaragua tras golpear la Isla de San Andrés sin dejar daños ni víctimas
- Carlos Baute: No voy a Venezuela por dinero. Regresa al país luego de 12 años de ausencia. Se presentará el 27 de noviembre en el Hotel Eurobuilding.
- Deportivo Lara Femenino a la espera de pasaportes para viajar a la Libertadores
- Fallece a los 78 años Pepe Ravelo, exfutbolista internacional venezolano
- Cristiano Ronaldo aumentó su leyenda: llegó a los 700 goles en clubes
- Verstappen revalida el título de campeón mundial de F1 al ganar en Suzuka
- Checo Pérez finalizó segundo en la coronación de Verstappen durante el Gran Premio de Japón.
- Djokovic gana en Astaná el torneo número 90 de su carrera
- “Disculpas a la comunidad Lgbt”: Iker Casillas desmiente que es gay, su cuenta fue “hackeada”
Tal día como hoy
680 - en la batalla de Karbala, el imán chií Husayn ibn Ali (nieto del profeta Mahoma) es decapitado por las fuerzas del califa Yazid I. Los chiíes conmemoran este día como Aashurah.
732 - en la batalla de Tours, cerca de Poitiers (Francia), los francos -mandados por Carlos Martel- derrotan al ejército musulmán, con lo que detienen el avance de estos a Europa. Muere en la batalla el gobernador de Córdoba, Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi.
1361 - en el castillo de Windsor (Inglaterra) Eduardo, el Príncipe Negro, se casa con Juana de Kent.
1471 - en Estocolmo se libra la batalla de Brunkeberg, en que Sten Sture el Viejo, regente de Suecia, apoyado por granjeros y mineros, rechaza el ataque de Christian I de Dinamarca.
1575 - en la batalla de Dormans, las fuerzas católicas vencen a las fuerzas protestantes (dirigidas por Enrique I de Guisa) y capturan a Felipe de Mornay.
1631 - el ejército sajón captura Praga.
1780 - en las Antillas (mar Caribe) comienza el Gran Huracán de 1780, el primer huracán con mayor número de víctimas mortales de los que se tienen datos (22 000 muertes directas, 27 000 muertes totales). Durará hasta el 16 de octubre.
1798 - los británicos ocupan la isla de Menorca.
1811 - en Uruguay, José Gervasio Artigas es nombrado líder del pueblo oriental después de que el gobierno de Buenos Aires firmara el armisticio con Montevideo.
1840 - en el Reino Unido se emite el primer sello de correos.
1856 - en Madrid (España) se inaugura el Teatro de la Zarzuela.
1868 - en Cuba, Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, un rico terrateniente, inicia el proceso de independencia contra España.
1911 - en China, el emperador chino Puyi abdica, por lo que la dinastía Manchú pierde el poder y se produce la Revolución de Xinhai, que dará nacimiento a la República China.
1913 - el presidente Woodrow Wilson preside la voladura del Gamboa Dike, lo que supone el final de la construcción del Canal de Panamá.
1914 - en Rumania, Fernando I es coronado rey.
1919 - en Viena, Richard Strauss estrena su ópera Die Frau ohne Schatten (La mujer sin sombra).
1920 - en la región de Carintia, sus habitantes -según un plebiscito- determinan formar parte de Austria.
1933 - se produce el primer sabotaje aéreo de la historia: un Boeing 247 de United Airlines es destruido en pleno vuelo.
1935 - en Estados Unidos se estrena Porgy & Bess, ópera de jazz de George Gershwin.
1938 - el pacto de Múnich cede los Sudetes a la Alemania nazi.
1941 - en Estados Unidos se estrena la película Fantasía de Walt Disney.
1944 - en el campo de concentración de Auschwitz (Polonia), en el marco del holocausto judío, los nazis asesinan a 800 niños gitanos.
1947 - cerca de la población argentina de Las Lomitas (en la actual provincia de Formosa) comienza la masacre de Rincón Bomba: más de mil indígenas pilagás son ametrallados por la gendarmería. En los próximos días serán perseguidos y asesinados los sobrevivientes.
1954 - en Tegucigalpa se funda el Partido Comunista de Honduras.
1957 - en Estados Unidos se publica la primera edición de la novela La rebelión de Atlas de la novelista y filósofa Ayn Rand.
1960 - la Unión Soviética lanza la sonda Marsnik
1960 pero su cohete lanzador falla a los pocos minutos, estrellándose contra la Tierra.
1962 - en la frontera chino-india suceden graves enfrentamientos armados.
1963 - Francia cede el control de la base naval de Bizerta a Tunicia.
1964 - en Tokio (Japón) se inauguran los Juegos Olímpicos de 1964.
1970 - Fiyi se independiza de Reino Unido.
1970 - en Montreal, el grupo terrorista FLQ secuestra a Pierre Laporte, el viceprimer ministro y ministro de Trabajo.
1979 - en Japón se lanza al mercado el arcade Pac-Man de la compañía Namco.
1982 - en Bolivia, Hernán Siles Suazo se convierte en presidente, marcando el final de las dictaduras militares y el comienzo de la democracia en ese país.
1985 - F-14 estadounidenses interceptan un avión egipcio secuestrado, obligándolo a aterrizar en la base siciliana de Sigonella.
1986 - en San Salvador, ciudad capital de El Salvador, un fuerte terremoto de 7,5 grados en la escala de Richter mata a 1.500 personas.
1987 - Fiyi se convierte en república.
1990 - el equipo de fútbol paraguayo Olimpia gana por segunda vez la Copa Libertadores de América.
1993 - el papa Juan Pablo II beatifica a la madre Francisca Rubatto, primera beata uruguaya.
1997 - en Nuevo Berlín (Uruguay), un DC-9-32 de Austral Líneas Aéreas se estrella y explota, matando a 74 personas.
2006 - en China se desbloquea el acceso a Wikipedia, tras un año de censura.
2006 - en Palencia se inaugura el Nuevo Estadio Municipal La Balastera.
2006 - en Estados Unidos, la empresa Google compra el sitio de vídeos YouTube.
2007 - en Colombia inicia operaciones EasyFly la primera aerolínea colombiana de bajo coste.
2009 - en Haití se produce un accidente aéreo que cobra la vida de 11 cascos azules (6 uruguayos y 5 jordanos) durante la misión de paz en Haití.
2010 - se disuelven las Antillas Neerlandesas y se constituyen Curazao y San Martín en países autónomos dentro del Reino de los Países Bajos.
2011 - en todo el mundo se corta la comunicación a través de los BlackBerry; se reestablecerá tres días después.
La Cita de hoy
El propósito de la vida humana es servir, mostrar compasión y tener voluntad de ayudar a otros.
Albert Schweitzer
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latizanainformativa · 2 years
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Comisión presidencial UCV: escultura de María Lionza está a «buen resguardo» https://unionradio.net/comision-presidencial-ucv-escultura-de-maria-lionza-esta-a-buen-resguardo/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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jamesbarnesbestgirl · 2 years
Una Noble Reina - Chapter 2
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CHAPTER 2 - En la montaña de Sorte por Yaracuy
Here is chapter two! Sorry for the wait. My uploading goal is once a week 😀
There is a lot of exposition in this chapter but i promise it will be worth it in time!
Also, the river serpent god is part of the legend of María Lionza and is not our beloved winged serpent god.
Late 16th Century  - Talokan
K'uk'ulkan’s mother knew her son was special from the moment he was born. Her son had been blessed with wings on his ankles and the ability to breath the air that she had once breathed. Now, almost 25 years after her people had been forced from their farms, she had the peace of seeing her people thrive in their new home. Although she longed for the surface she found great joy in watching her community thrive. 
She had watched family members find love and have children of their own. Those children were now, in turn, coming of age themselves and finding the love that their parents share. 
With this joy came a sense of melancholy. Her son, le yáax paalal Talokan, was wise beyond his years. Although wise, the king had barely resembled a boy. It had seemed, along with the blessing of his birth, he had been granted an extended life as he did not age at the same rate as his peers. 
When she was a younger woman, the thought of never being able to see her son grow in the way all the other mothers did made her mournful. In her sorrow she had turned to Chaac, who had blessed her with a vision of her son. 
In the vision he was in a grand palace, a grown man, embracing a beautiful woman with K'áak'o' tu yicho'ob. She recognized the way he gently cupped her check and placed his forehead on hers. Staring into her eyes as if she was the most precious thing in the world. It was the same look his father had given her. There was no indication on how much time would pass before the vision came to fruition, however she was at peace with the knowledge that her son would know love.
She smiled gently as she passed a young couple with their newborn child on her way home. She had just been visiting with her sister, who had recently become a grandmother. 
“Na'! Táan a wotoch!” (Mom! you’re home!) exclaimed an excited K'uk'ulkan as he swam quickly to envelop his mother in a hug. 
“Je'el. Bix estuvo a k'iin, paal áanteni'.” (Yes. How was your day, my son.) she replied, returning the embrace. She pulled back to gently run her fingers through his hair. 
“Bin genial! Teene' yéetel Pakal k meyaj ichil u búukinta'al le vibranio bey fuente sáasil utia'al k wíiniko'obo'!” (It was great! Me and Pakal are working on using vibranium as a source of light for our people!) he told her enthusiastically. “Táak in meentik teech u na' le k'iino'. Je'el bix le solías wilik ken a ch'úupalo'.” (I want to make you the sun mom. Like the one you used to see as a girl.)
“Nib óolal paal áanteni'. Le sería jach jump'éel siibal.” (Thank you, my son. that would truly be a gift.) She said as he beamed up at her praise. 
“Bix estuvo a k'iin na'?”(How was your day mom?) he asked as she slowly made her way into their home. 
“In k'iin ts'o'ok u biin ma'alob. Táantik in biin in wil a túumben ka'a suku'un champaalo'.” (My day has been going well. I just went to visit your new baby cousin.) she replied as she began collecting ingredients to make dinner. 
“Ka woksaj óotik wáaj u alguna ka'atéen yanak ten le je'elo'?” (Do you think I will ever have that?) he quietly asks, as if talking to himself. 
“Ba'ax a k'áat a ya'alej?” (What do you mean?) she asked, still focused on her task.
“Jump'éel ch'i'ibalil, woksaj óotik wáaj u alguna ka'atéen yanak ten jump'éel ch'i'ibalil bey le ti' leti'ob?” (A family, do you think I will ever have a family like theirs?) he clarified shyly. 
The question made her pause. A small part of her heart broke at the sound of her son's uncertainty. Stopping what she was doing she made her way back to him. “In wojel tin puksi'ik'al yaan a meent.” (I know in my heart that you will.)  She reassured him, staring into his eyes. 
“Ba'ax je'el u páajtal a t'aan in leti' tu ka'atéen.” (Can you tell me about her again?) he asked tentatively. She smiled, nodded, and guided him to the living room. Dinner could wait. 
16th Century - Yaracuy, Venezuela
It was early morning. The mist of the dawn had just begun to break as the chief walked along the Yaracuy river. It had been five years since his precious Yara had been born. His now five year old daughter had developed a spirit that matched her unusual fire-filled eyes. 
As the chief continued his walk he pondered on his daughter's shocking birth. When his village had witnessed his daughter's unnatural eyes there had been whispers that the princess was a demon, some had even suggested that she be sacrificed to their river serpent god. As she grew older the whispers began to dissipate, but they never fully went away. 
As he traveled further from his village the wind began to pick up and the once breaking mist began to thicken. From the mist, down by the river bank the serpent god emerged. The chief was startled at first, for he had yet to be visited by the deity. 
Chief of the Yaracuy river. I have come to you to bestow you with a premonition. The deity echoed within the mind of the chief. Your descendants have the spirit of a mighty fire. A fire that will lead them to be sought after by powerful men, myself included. Only once devoured will their true potential be revealed. 
Before the chief could question the serpent it was gone. The mist and wind once again had returned to normal. His thoughts immediately turned to his beloved daughter. 
The chief rushed home to divulge what he was just presented with to his wife. 
“She is not safe here.” he spoke with fear in his eyes.
“What are we to do?” she asked, turning towards the sleeping child. 
“We shall hide her. Send her to live far from the river, in the Sorte mountain. Twenty of our best warriors will protect her.” he stated. 
“Are you sure this is necessary?” his wife asked with tears in her eyes. 
“If we don’t, she will be devoured and we will never see her again.” he replied solemnly. 
It was settled. Twenty of the village's best warriors left for the mountain of Sorte with the princess Yara. Intent on protecting their young princess from being devoured by the river serpent. 
It was the hardest decision the chief had ever made. Unfortunately, he never saw his daughter again. That day he sealed her fate, and the fate of her descendants. 
   Present Day - Sisal, Mexico
After 10 long days you had finally made it. Itzel had just made the turn into the driveway leading to her family’s seaside home. As she approaches the house and comes to a stop you see her mother and father waiting by the front door. 
“Ah mija! Welcome home!” her father exclaims as you both get out of the car. 
“It’s been too long.” her mother says as she goes to hug her daughter. 
“Y/N! It is nice to finally see you in person. Welcome to Sisal.” her father says. “Here let me help you girls with your things. You must be exhausted from the drive.” 
“Thank you so much for letting me stay with you while I get settled and find a place.” you say as you pop the trunk to the car. 
“It’s nothing. A friend of our Itzel’s is a friend of ours.” her mother exclaimed. “Now come in! Come in! I have lunch waiting inside.” 
You continue to thank the family for their gracious hospitality as they help unpack the car. 
Lunch was amazing. You hadn’t remembered the last time you had smiled this much. Being in the presence of Itzel’s parents reminded you of your own before the blip, so joyful and full of life. 
“So Y/N, what is the plan for this week?” Itzel’s father asked as everyone was just finishing lunch.
“Well, I was thinking tomorrow Itzel could show me around town.” you say smiling at your friend. 
“I’m down! Plus, it would be good to get a rough idea of the area for house hunting.” Itzel responds, getting up from the table to begin the dishes. 
“I would also love to see the school if possible?” you ask her mother. You grab your plate and get up, moving towards the sink to help. 
“As it is summer, school isn’t in session at the moment. I can show you the building and what will be your classroom on Wednesday if that works for you.” her mother responds smiling.
“That would be perfect!” you exclaim. “I cannot even begin to thank you again for all the help you have given me. I appreciated it so much.” you thank both her parents. Her mother brushes your thanks off stating that you’re practically family, which once again warms your heart. You’ve only known them for a short while but it’s decided. You would die for this family. 
le yáax paalal Talokan -  the first son of Talokan
K'áak'o' tu yicho'ob (fire in her eyes)
Tags: @kingtwhiddleston @xxmilli @leah-halliwell92
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mssm-art · 3 years
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