#maqui ffxiii
givelightningherharem · 2 months
I’m so happy, I finally have yeuqui food 🥹🥹 thank you SO MUCH @akimojo for taking on this comm, I’m so friggin excited to have such cute art of these two, I adore them sm, their potential is amazing and the amount of fluff with just that touch of angst is so good😭 thank u so much once again 🥺🥺💕💕🙏🙏
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animcsus · 7 months
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ROLEPLAY HISTORY post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back.
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Kit Fisto (Sw)
Hardcase (Sw)
Kix (Sw)
ARC Captain Alpha (Sw Legends / adjusted canon divergence)
ARC Trooper Fives (Sw)
ARC Trooper Jesse (Sw)
Cpt Howzer (Sw)
SGT Hunter (Sw)
SGT Boss (Republic Commando)
CMMDR Grey (Sw)
Cmmdr Bly (Sw)
Cmmdr Wolffe (Sw)
Cmmdr Mayday (Sw)
Droidbait (Sw)
Hevy (Sw)
Boost (Sw)
Hera Syndulla (Sw)
Cal Kestis (JFO/Survivor)
Princess Rapunzel (Disney's Tangled + Show)
Princess Belle (Disney's Beauty And the Beast (Animated))
Prince Eric (Disney's Little Mermaid)
Hercules (Disney's Hercules)
Captain Steve Rogers (Marvel's Captain America)
Loki Laufeyson (Marvel Comics + Show)
Hela Odinsdottir (Marvel's What If...?)
Minthara Baenre (BG3)
Red Harlow (Red Dead Revolver (Canon shift)
So many more I don't write actively here, many of which include ocs I'm not brave enough to bring here to tumblr.
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Mox or Deke from the new episodes of TBB, but honestly I'm interested in possibly bringing back older muses like Zack Fair. May not happen. But it be what it be.
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PAST CANON MUSES ( primary )
Reno (FFVII)
Zack Fair (FFVII)
Cloud Strife (FFVII)
Aerith Gainsborough (FFVII)
Maqui (FFXIII)
Vanitas (KH)
Terra (KH)
Ventus (KH)
Renji Abarai (Bleach)
Grimmjow Jaegerjaques (Bleach)
Envy (FMA & FMAB)
Winry Rockbell (FMA & FMAB)
Patty Thompson (SE)
Kyle Rayner (DC)
Kori'andr (DC)
Jack Moore (DC)
Harley Quinn (DC)
Barbara Gordon (DC)
Tommy Shepherd (Mavel)
Noh-Varr (Marvel)
Many, many others.
PAST CANON MUSES( secondary / casual )
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Considering I didn't have bad experiences with Cloud or Zack, I may consider bringing them back!
I would consider Starfire again bcs I had a lot of fun with her graphics.
I'd consider a few of them upon request.
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TAGGED BY: I stole it.
TAGGING: @galaxycrxss and whoever would like to do it.
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tenebraetrash17 · 5 years
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When you can’t decide if your favorite type of ship is a pure and innocent duo with a crush or two bitter people ready to judge the world together.
Silver’s Rare Pairs: 1//?????
tagging @givelightningherharem per request!
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oerbadiafanille · 3 years
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Ffxiii -> Favourite Friendships: 2/?
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snvxiii · 2 years
Snow and NORA Headcanons & Thoughts
*I have not read the novella or other extras. My information is based, mostly, off the games and the tidbits I skim here and there.
Why I find NORA fascinating and the implications of Cocoon society:
What we know
NORA is headed by three people: Snow, Lebreau, and Gadot.
Snow and Gadot are 21, raised together in the same facility. They are stated to be like brothers.
Snow is also a brotherly figure to Maqui. Assumedly, the same can be said of Gadot given their age-range.
Lebreau and Yuj are 19, Maqui is 17. Lebreau has known Snow and Gadot from when she was young—the three are childhood friends.
Officially, Lebreau and Maqui bring in the main source of revenue to fund NORA through the cafe and garage.
Yuj is considered a ‘junior’ member… whatever that means. NORA consists of five people. How are there even rankings?
In Episode 0, all of them are raised in the same facility. (I want to know more about their dynamics, damn it.)
Questions I have
How is it possible for four young adults and a teen to set-up and run a cafe/bar/restaurant/garage on a beachfront?
Did Snow and NORA become orphans from losing their parents? Or were they admitted into the facility as >1. This… might be answered in the novella, admittedly. If I had the attention span to read it.
What the hell are their last names?
My headcanons
Considering Cocoon is considered a sort-of paradise, where each and every human is taken care of, I am assuming the following:
Poverty does not exist. Everyone is fed and sheltered. Jobs only exist to provide humans with a sense of purpose.
People who pursue work do-so to maintain a certain standard of living, status, or sense of purpose. Meaning, you don’t need a job to survive, unless you want to live in an area like Palumpolum or Eden.
A lot of low-skill jobs are automated. They have flying cars. Anything’s possible.
Which also means, if you’re content with a relatively low-cost standard of living, being a cashier in a supermarket is totally fine, because you’re not being paid poverty-wages! Actually, those jobs are likely automated.
Bodhum is a small, rural town with low cost-of-living. How else do you explain three young adults with no other relatives to speak of, be able to afford and maintain a beachfront cafe/restaurant? Have you seen how empty those beaches are? Hell, have you seen Lightning’s house? Her primary struggles are related to being a parental figure and role model to Serah, but nothing on the costs of raising another child.
Considering Cocoon is a paradise, that means everyone is provided adequate resources to succeed. It’s how Lightning is able to afford such a large house and support her sister; how three orphans open and maintain a beachfront cafe.
Pursuing higher education is not seen as a requirement or the “next step”.
Natural disasters never happen. Bodhum is stuck in summer year-round. When it rains, it’s because the environment needs to be maintained.
Which leads me to additionally headcanon…
Snow, Gadot, and Yuj are not actually “jobless”. They might lack official titles, but considering their roles in maintaining the cafe, helping out with the garage, maintaining good relations with their neighbors, etc. They do work, just non-standard work for little-to-no profit. Snow, in particular, likely offers his help pro-bono i.e. fixing fences, catching cats, aka the stuff you help your granny with.
Yuj has a separate part-time job to be able to afford his fashion hobby. Eden is pricey, so he works on the side. Either that, or the cafe/garage brings in enough money for him to splurge.
Lebreau knows how to do her taxes. Along with being a fantastic cook, she’s also business-minded. It’s why the cafe is in her name.
Maqui also knows how to do his taxes. Also, a literal child genius. This isn't even a head canon.
Or maybe no one on Cocoon pays taxes, because there isn’t any need when you, literally, live right next door to your gods. Pothole in the road? Boom, fixed in the next hour by a weird sludge monster that doesn't need to be paid, because it lacks the concept of fairly-compensated labor.
Maqui and Hope would get along. They’re both child geniuses and share an older brother-figure through Snow. Hope knows how to operate ancient, machinery for some reason.
Lebreau is a lesbian.
(I, uh, don't have any specific headcanons for Gadot. Sure, he could know how to do his taxes–but... would he, really?)
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thecommoncurator · 3 years
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Final Fantasy XIII 2
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rorvk · 5 years
Snow is the Ideal Lightning: an FFXIII Analysis
I don’t really see this brought up a lot, and I would like to talk about it. FFXIII spoilers.
Snow and Lightning’s relationship is one of the most complex friendships in the FF franchise. The combination of insecurity, jealousy, humor, tension, reconciliation, and eventual familial love is what solidifies itself as intricate and impressionable. In this thoughtpiece I would like to explore a less discussed aspect in Snow and Lightning’s dynamic.
Lightning and Snow, despite surface impressions, aren’t that fundamentally different as people.
To start, they share similar backstories and attributions derived from said backstories. Snow and Lightning are both orphans who suffered from lack of parental guidance, and in turn, they became the parental guidance figure for the people around them. Snow for the NORA members he grew up with since his orphanage, and Lightning for Serah’s sake when the Farron sisters were bereaved.
As a result of this, Snow and Lightning both place emphasis on heroism and familial values for the sake of others. Snow grows into his hero role as a vigilante group leader, but also acts as a family man towards them, even drawing Maqui out of his shell of introversion before he joined NORA. Snow even states he wants to have a “big happy family” with Serah, and a large part of his heroic efforts in XIII in general are for her sake at a constant. Lightning also strove to obtain her idea of heroism, but the methods she used to do so weren’t beneficial in the long-term. The bereaved Lightning, at the age of 15, had an idea of heroism that focused on physical strength as means of protecting and providing for her family, and thus joined the army. Regardless of effectiveness, both fundamentally follow very traditional models of heroes to embody a pillar of physical and parental strength for the people around them who depend on them.
Where Lightning and Snow are disparate is the effectiveness of their values and how they conduct themselves, emotionally, in their ideas of heroism. Snow wears his heart on his sleeve, and also is very emotionally accommodating (when not being oblivious). He fulfills the roles of his (unpaid) job and family in almost every aspect. Lightning, on the other hand, interpreted being emotional as weakness when she constructed her martial persona as a teen, and also was described to have been emotionally inept in social situations with others as a child. This later spiraled into being destructive, both physically and emotionally to her family and teammates––essentially having Snow’s morals but with am aggressive approach.
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Snow and Lightning’s worlds collide when Snow tries to marry Serah, or effectively merge his idea of family with Lightning’s. He even calls Lightning “big sis” in the JP version ( just “sis” in ENG ) to both be accommodating and inclusively familial to her. Lightning sees this as a threat, regardless of Snow’s good intentions, for a number of reasons.
In their first encounter, audio dramas and official novels, Snow and the rest of NORA meet Lightning on a GC mission and effectively save her life from monsters in the field. Amodar, Lightning’s own boss, praises Snow and his teammates for his work, even asking him to join the GC. Snow, of course, immediately denies. Thus begins Lightning’s insecurity towards Snow and everything he and his group stands for.
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When prompted by her boss if she had heard of NORA as an organization, Lightning immediately lies out of jealousy as a form of preserving her dignity. Snow & co. were able to accomplish her same job as her without being professionally trained, and were rightly prideful in it, which made Lightning insecure about her own abilities and pride.
Lightning spirals into further insecurity and jealousy when Serah, accompanied by Snow, breaks the news about Serah being a l’cie at Lightning’s 21st birthday party, and also news of their engagement.
Lightning interprets this as a ploy by Serah to have an excuse to get married to Snow. She lashes out by threatening the possibility of killing her as an intimidation tactic, and also did this because she wanted control over the situation to mitigate the insecurity over “losing” Serah. Regardless of her intentions, she emotionally hurt Serah who straight up runs away, the opposite of what she intended to do: to protect her.
In the novels it is shown that Lightning had been emotionally dissonant with Serah prior to this fiasco. Ever since she joined the Guardian Corps, she was consumed with her career and estranged herself from Serah, chasing and becoming a toxic idea of heroism while unintentionally running away from her problems. She becomes aware of how she negatively affected Serah after the encounter, but she does not understand that the problem is not only from not spending time with Serah––the emotional strain between them is from her own toxicity and escapism, which the game itself tackles.
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Snow picks up where Lightning “left off”, and after confronting her, vows to be the one to protect Serah, implying Lightning has already given up this position despite being Serah’s blood family. Serah herself criticizes Lightning’s approach of good intentions with bad actions and emotional neglect, and how Snow was a bigger emotional support to her than Lightning was.
Snow does what Lightning can’t––but wants to do––through his constant direct action. Naturally, this causes the jealousy from Lightning’s behalf towards Snow in their relationship in the course of the events of the game.
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In the first half of the chapters in XIII, Snow and Lightning collide at every turn, even so far as to get physical.
Snow’s belief and trust in Serah is his guide for a large part of his sense of hopefulness and positivity. Snow is willing to do “whatever it takes“ and because a combination of guilt and responsibility, he is bent on protecting Serah and keeping his word.
Lightning is also consumed by guilt over failing Serah, but runs away from addressing the actual problem or providing viable solutions not rooted in senseless violence/fighting. Lightning also wants to do “whatever it takes”, and even recognizes in Chapter 3 that Snow has the right idea, but her insecurity towards him prevents her from cooperating.
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Another reason Lightning lashes out on him is, because instead of verbally acknowledging herself as the problem as to why she “lost” Serah, she thinks it’s easier to take her frustration out on Snow––the manifestation of her mistakes. Snow is also someone who shared similar values and even a similar job, played by the rules, and was able to fulfill the roles of family man not just to one person, but to multiple people, and thus excels in actualizing his desires and values, unlike Lightning.
Neither he government, l’cie curse, nor Snow were the ones who took Serah away from Lightning, in an emotional sense. The estrangement between the sisters and both the rapport between Snow and Serah is a product of Lightning’s own actions and deficiency, which she refuses to understand and own up to for a large part of the narrative.
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Lightning eventually comes to terms with her impractical idea of strength and begins to unpack such mindset. She gradually understood the persona she constructed as a teen backfired, emotionally stunted her growth, and poisoned the familial relationship she was trying to preserve in the first place. The turning point of this mindset is when she shows weakness and honesty in making peace with the physical representation of her guilt and shortcomings: Snow.
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At the end of the day, Lightning and Snow are both people with similar experiences, goals, and morals, but are different in their success in engineering their reality to match their personal values. They clash because of Lightning’s insecurity and jealousy, and it’s only when Lightning decides to give up her pride and talk through her problems that she is able to move on from such negative feelings.
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In her emotional growth, Lightning admits she desired the ideal pillar of emotional strength that Snow provided for the team, and begins to channel and reapply herself into that same paragon. She becomes the ideal hero she wanted to be, but specifically in the emotional department, even supporting Snow in his times of despair, along with the rest of her teammates and family.
Disclaimer: I’m sorry if this makes Snow look angelic, he is very flawed as a human being and that’s literally the entire point of the Snow+Hope arc, this is just me talking about him in the context of Lightning’s perspective of jealousy, she herself even acknowledged some problems with his personality.
My sources are the trilogy, the Episode Zero Promise novels, and the audio dramas. Thanks for reading!
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sheiscandlelit · 7 years
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Kupocon evening #kupocon #ffxv #ffxiii #prompto #noctus #maqui #cosplay #casualcosplay #ukcosplayer #cosplayer
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What if I make a yeuqui (maqui/yeul) fancam
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darkfromday · 7 years
okay but consider this
instead of Lightning blaming Snow for what happened to Serah because Serah and Snow are *in wuv* and he wants to take her sister away from her, we could have had Serah befriending Snow and NORA in secret.
Lightning is still working nonstop as a soldier to support herself and her sister and pay for school/college, but it’s *her* wish that Serah become a teacher, not Serah’s.
Meanwhile, Serah’s passion lies elsewhere. She’s worked and messed around with Snow and NORA to bring justice to the downtrodden who fall through Cocoon’s cracks, and seen Lightning on the other side working within the law to keep the peace as fairly as possible. She wants the best of both worlds–to be an official peacekeeper who helps the needy, goes off the grid when she has to, and gives the l'Cie another chance to contribute to society. But it’s near impossible to bring these desires up to her sister, the one who’s raising her to do better, to do more.
She talks to Snow about this–complains, really–but he’s not one to criticize Lightning; in fact he encourages Serah to see her sister’s side of things. He’s never had any younger siblings to feed and clothe and house, after all. The members of NORA are mostly self-sufficient, and it’s Lebreau who makes sure Yuj and Maqui stay out of trouble. Lebreau is also constantly raising Snow and Gadot, so Snow has a deep respect for women like her and Lightning who put aside their own wishes to bolster others. He’s also able to respectfully disagree with Lightning about how their world should work, rubbing her the wrong way with his constant optimism while also serving as a much-needed buffer between her and Serah.
But still a mostly-secret buffer–in order for the drama to work later, Serah’s true bond with NORA can’t be spilled until after Day 1.
The incident where Fang and Vanille wake and wander around searching for their purpose still occurs, meaning Dajh is still marked by the fal'Cie. But this time, NORA shows up because they hear that innocent civilians are in danger and being held hostage, and Serah’s heart is too huge for her to stay away. Snow has promised himself he’ll protect Serah, but the two get quickly separated in the chaos, and then Serah is marked, too.
Since Snow’s not the type to give up on anyone, once he finds out he could propose to her, he does, in the hope of using an old loophole that allows Pulse l'Cie bonded to Cocoon citizens to stay on Cocoon–a loophole not used for many many years. This way, the fights between Serah and Lightning and Snow and Lightning on the latter’s birthday still happen: because once Serah spills the beans on her new condition, Lightning vacillates between you two aren’t even in love, how do you even KNOW each other, you’re just trying to ruin my sister’s future to her ill-advised if you were really a l’Cie I’d have to hunt you down you know canon speech.
Allowing this to be the backdrop of the game’s opening makes all the conflicts between Lightning and Snow more poignant. He’s taken Serah behind her back and let her run around with him and his vigilantes. She’s smothered her sister and pushed her away in her hour of need. Ding ding, y’all, let the punches begin.
Making Snorah a broship instead of a romantic ship makes Snow’s guilt over Serah’s fate and his determination to make up for his mistakes with her far more relevant and less irritating over time, because there’s nothing like a true friend with that level of dedication to pull at the heartstrings, especially in Final Fantasy.
It also allows the relationship between Lightning and Snow to go from mutual dislike (or at least Light’s dislike versus Snow’s admiration and respect) to grudging respect and peace on both sides. Over time, especially if they’re allowed to pair up during the main story, they can work out their misunderstandings about each other and their world. Serah can still remain an important subject between them, but a large part of the plot could unravel Snow’s true feelings for this little-sister-figure, what Serah’s real dreams were growing up, what Lightning’s trials and tribulations have been, and how (or even if) Snow can fit into the Farrons’ lives in any way.
And if any of the rumors about FFXIII’s story development are true, an increased focus on their organic friendship through crisis allows Snow and Lightning to move past their initial misunderstandings and fall in love–or at least as much in love as an emotionally-repressed soldier and an immature optimistic vigilante could have been in that first game.
Having part of FFXIII be about how Lightning learns to accept Snow as a foil (and vice versa) makes her welcoming of him to the family in the end even more of a conclusion, and it gets rid of weird scenes where Serah hugging one person more than the other seems wrong in canon.
(And there, see, that also takes care of Serah’s atrocious lack of characterization in the game beyond “sweet sister girlfriend”, so don’t say I never did anything for you. ^^)
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tell us about johnny :0
hes like the same height as me and his favorite member of bts is j-hope and hes kin with maqui from ffxiii and demyx from kh and lotsa other stuff and his lockscreen and homescreen are both pictures of me (kuromi and zexion) and hes so gay and has orange hair … ogmfm
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Final Fantasy XIII
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Happy Anniversary FFXIII-2!!🎉🎉
Ffxiii-2,,,,where do I start with this game,,,there is a lot to love about this game, from a more improved battle system, new beautiful music, the whole collecting monsters and using them to fight alongside you in battle, the paradox endings, and so much more. But, if I were to rank all three ffxiii games, this one would definitely rank the lowest for a few personal reasons. Regardless, that doesn’t make this game any less fun, it was amazing to see Serah come into her own, and ffxiii-2 Lightning is without a doubt my favorite Lightning for so many reasons.
Happy anniversary to this fun game! I’m glad to have it in my life. Even if I have my own gripes about it, that doesn’t make it any less enjoyable 🥺💕
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That one time Hope tried to come out of his shell around new people, only for it to backfire on him ;w;
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