#manhunter rp
jigsawscarred · 3 months
// If there are any Hannibal/Silence of the Lambs roleplayers interested in writing with a Hannibal based Billy Russo blog could you give this post a like? I'm looking for more writing partners!
(My verse is here!)
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downwithbatman · 2 months
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Unfortunately our date had to be cut short because of Justice League business. Despite that, I had fun. MM is a lovely companion and we both agreed on having more dates in the future.
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brucie-wayne-official · 7 months
who's your favorite superhero? despite the fact you date two of them ;3
If I have to pick one other than Superman or Batman...... Martian Manhunter seems very cool :-)
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zcottwhathuh · 1 year
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did they ever reply
not to me no (probably because there's no denny's in IN and i do indeed have an IN area code number. which was probably a red flag)
but the phone company didn't tell me it was an invalid number either
so hypoTHETICALLY yes they could indeed respond if we were to track down the dennys and get another random guy in the area WITH an 833 number to text the number
we're gonna blow this case wiiiiide open
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cemetery-clone · 4 months
Hey superboy, we've heard your opinion on batman, and we obviously know wonder woman is a smash-- but how would you rate the rest of the justice league on smashability?
We're talking the flash, aquaman, green lantern, Martian manhunter, green arrow--
Flash is hot and he’s sweet, talking abt the og flash. He’s a sweetheart and a literal golden retriever, smash.
If we’re talking about the other Flash, the ginger one— still smash but not as much
Martian Manhunter is my ex-girlfriends uncle so I wouldn’t smash out of respect for her. (If me and her never dated I would climb that man like a ladder.)
Green Arrow is hot but he’s a hugeeee prick. I hate Red Arrow too so I’d smash GA out of pure spite
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cursedfortune · 5 months
@fallesto in relation to x.
She watched him as he registered and came to... a very him conclusion. One that made her utter a little sigh before she bounced back. Determined.
“May I have it back!”
The witch gave a little shake of her head and for good measure, even hopped back gracefully to ensure she was out of reach. Sure, he could use his ability to barricade her within an invisible barrier but she also knew he restrained himself around her compared to others. At least, when he could. It was progress.
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"I think you'd look dashing in my dress... but that's not the point." As she lifted her hands, or more like the sleeves her hands were hidden within, up to her chest. Though she had buttoned his coat she still did her best to keep it closed. Modest. But he had been quick to deduce her state of undress with another means. Such a stinker when it came to playing along, wasn't he?
The witch lightly danced across the floor, her gaze on him as she crossed the room but not towards him. By the look on her face and the way she moved, it was clear she was in a playful mood. "My love, I implore you to think for a moment on the times I remove my clothes in your presence. You'll see this isn't a theft meant to make you feel mocked. This coat is an extension of you and thus I claimed it for myself. Perhaps there's more of you I wish to get my hands on...?" Her head tilted a little, dropping hints.
It was clear very early on to Mortem he knew nothing of the intricacies of romance. Always one to not understand a joke, teasing, these games. But as always, she was determined to teach him. Not because she wanted to change her husband, but she wanted explore love with him. In all the ways they knew love to be and all the ways they didn't. Besides, Regulus gave himself too little credit. He could be playful when he wanted to be. A true charmer that wooed her heart.
"Mull it over a few minutes, why don't you? I'm going to get a head start~!" What did she mean? It was clear a moment later when she dipped out of the room and scurried off down the corridor - seeking a place to flee and hide. It would seem she was set on derailing his day.
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ppravitas · 5 months
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template cred. personals do not reblog.
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muttb4st4rd · 2 months
Watchtower duty doodles
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Subject: Martian Manhunter
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jigsawscarred · 4 months
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WORLD'S SICKEST JIGSAW PUZZLE (Hannibal Verse. / Main Verse.) --- Open to anyone. Primarily NBC influenced but can take inspiration from & be edited to adapt to other forms of media. This is currently one of the main verses on my blog and the current one for my about page.
Under the cut due to being long & triggering themes.
Billy Russo was born to Carla Russo, who was a drug addict and a prostitute. His father presumably left when Carla was pregnant and was possibly one her clients. Billy’s mother abandoned him outside of a fire station in Albany, New York.
Billy then entered the system, living in various foster homes over the years. One of these happened to be the Ray of Hope group home.
Billy adored baseball and wanted to be the next Joe DiMaggio despite the fact that he was too poor to afford baseball gear like the other children.
He was around ten or eleven at the time when he was a victim of attempted molestation by one of the caretakers at the group home. Billy was able to fend him off with a stickball bat, but didn’t come out unscathed. His attacker, Arthur Walsh, in turn broke Billy’s arm, ripping his rotator cuff in three places. Out of fear that no one would believe him, Billy lied and said the injury was from another child who was bullying him, never giving a name. He never lived down not telling who actually hurt him, knowing that his abuser most likely went on to continue his cycle of abuse.
In his early adulthood Billy socially transitioned and with help from support groups he was able to afford hormones and eventually get top surgery. After his transition he had built up a newfound courage and sought out a new purpose in life and eventually decided to join the Marine Corps.
After serving for multiple years and becoming the rank of First Lieutenant, Billy left the marines. Deciding he wanted something that he deemed would be more helpful to people he worked hard and got into the FBI. It was here that he met Jack Crawford and begun to work alongside him Jimmy Price, Brian Zeller and Beverly Katz.
[Rough draft ahead]
Eventually Billy endured a traumatic incident where the majority of his face had been disfigured. He couldn't remember who had scarred him, nor could he remember much of his life in the FBI. His childhood and time in the marines felt distant and blurred. It's here where he gets in contact with Dr. Lecter in hopes that his memory will be restored, or maybe he'll be made much worse.
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killawhore · 1 year
Wanted » J'onn J'onzz alias Martian Manhunter
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Der Martian Manhunter ist ein Superheld der auf dem Planeten Mars geboren wurde. Sein eigentlicher Name ist J'onn J'onzz, und er ist einer der letzten Überlebenden seines Volkes. Als J'onn auf die Erde kam, nahm er eine menschliche Gestalt an und lebte unter dem Namen John Jones. Er arbeitete zunächst als Detektiv, bevor er schließlich in Kontakt mit anderen Superhelden kam und sich entschloss, seine Kräfte zum Wohle der Menschheit einzusetzen. Der Martian Manhunter verfügt über eine Vielzahl von Fähigkeiten, die ihm aufgrund seiner außerirdischen Herkunft gegeben sind. Dazu gehören Telepathie, Formwandel, Superstärke, Flugfähigkeit und einen Hitzeblick. J'onn J'onzz ist eine ruhige und besonnene Person, die eine tiefe Verbindung zu seiner Heimatwelt und seinem verlorenen Volk hat. Obwohl er sich auf der Erde wohlfühlt und sich mit den Menschen identifiziert, fühlt er sich oft einsam und isoliert.
David Harewood, Harry Lennix
Zum Gesuch
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silkkorchid · 6 months
What went down in TWST rp in a week-
Covers 4/6 - 4/12
Naming this week “Sebek’s life cannot get any worse”.
People are throwing tomatoes at Mrs. Rosehearts.
The NRC Prophet is loosing their cool for Kalim since he always ask them to read his palm at parties.
NRC Fashion advice account is spraying Lucius. That won’t end well…
There is now a Book Club in NRC.
There is now a daily announcement what goes around NRC account.
A dance club member got their privacy violated by their friend.
Crowley hit someone mom, get that crow in a cage immediately!
Crowley’s hair is thinning, WHICH HE WILL BE BALD!
Lucius made an account, and this week can’t get any weirder that THE CAT FROM MAGIC HISTORY CAN SOMEHOW FUDGING- [🍮.exe has crashed]
Lucius got a brother name, Luciciu…
Lucius join the dance club. Don’t ask how though.
Lucius got a secret stash of catnip from the NRC Staff.
Diasomnia is playing Mario Kart and according to Silver. Malleus, Lilia, and Sebek is all screaming.
Ain got an allergy reaction after someone threw blueberries at them.
Ain ate the rocks from the Monstro Lounge again.
Someone point out that Sebek and Silver kinda acts like Papyrus and Sans from Undertale.
Sebek got a crazy stalker that happens to be his older brother ex.
That Valarie person mess up the wrong family the moment she kidnapped Sebek, also the Diasomnia future children has join in the manhunt, wonderful.
Idia is willing to do a fist fight with Valarie, she pissed off the wrong person.
Ruggie join in the fight to rescue Sebek for fun.
Valarie is now dead after being shot by Yuu. I presume…
Sebek got a bird that looks like Sebek..?
Ignihyde blew their budget fixing the second floor, Idia is in disbelief about it.
Verdis got kicked out from his own dorm for insulting Idia.
Idia now knows what is like being a father, while his future children are hugging him.
Idia is afraid of the Leech Twins, I’m not surprised at all since everyone knows that the twins are damn terrifying.
Idia is being bullied by someone he can easily beat.
Deuce got turn into an egg… HOW THE HECK DOES THAT LOGIC WORKS!?
Deuce became a rainbow. Can we petition to stop bullying deuce?
The reason why Deuce got onto Tumblr was a bet from Ace, in which made Deuce strained his ankle.
Deuce now realizes that Lucius got an account.
Cater meets his future child, welcome to the You Are Now a Dad Club.
Tsum Cater is at it with the phone, but got captured by Althea.
Ruggie knocked out someone with a magift disc as they were laughing too hard to the point they felt like they were dying..? Also WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS ALWAYS HAPPENS AT PRACTICE RUGGIE BUCCHI!?
Someone made Cheka cried. And Leona is out for blood along with several others.
Cheka said the f word, welp here we go again. Rip quartz
Azul Mom made a tumblr account, TIME TO ASK WHAT WAS AZUL LIKE!!!
Mrs. Ashengrotto now know the existence of her grandchild. This is gonna be a interesting family drama.
Mrs. Ashengrotto sent baby pictures of Azul.
There is two Kalim, rip Jamil Viper.
Someone traumatized Kalim.
Mrs. Rosehearts is in denial about her way of raising a child.
Mrs. Rosehearts is at it again complaining about her treatment at NRC. She brought it upon herself.
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simplepotatofarmer · 1 year
Blog Update:
Hi, it's me, Loyal.
I just want to say first and foremost, I really do love (parts of) the fandom and I'm not going anywhere.
I will, however, not be around as much. One, I'm about to enter an all day intensive treatment plan so I'll literally just be on in the evening. Two, as much as I'm going to keep writing and creating, I have no intention of interacting publicly with fandom as much as I have.
I can't. It's actually fucking insane that it's gotten to this point. I made tribute post and because I used lyrics from Dream's song, I got harassed. The people doing this, acting like this, thinking this way are insane.
So in case it's not clear: Based on my personal lived experience and some information that's come to light, I still enjoy Dream's content. You can approach me personally, off anon, if you want to know my reasoning. If you dislike me for this, that's fine. But I'm done trying to walk this fine line just so I don't get people threatening me, my kids, and my pets. Just so people stop sending me the city I live in, so they stop digging up twelve year old tweets, so they stop calling me slurs and suicide baiting me.
That's absolutely insane. It's horrible. It's disgusting and I was honestly just sitting here, taking it, because I'm terrified of upsetting people and losing friends if I say 'yeah, I'm excited for a new manhunt and I also this song helped me and my kids process my grief'. And the worst part is, it's not an unfounded fear. People have done the most vile shit to me. People I thought were friends jumped on me instead of those harassing me.
I just want to post about Techno and c!Rivals duo and not worry about whether or not this post is going to get me hate. I don't want to worry about how random discord servers are talking about me.
Because that's fucking batshit. Not the worrying, but what these people are doing and I'm tired of letting this effect me. I have enough going on in my personal life. My partner of 15 years almost died. We almost lost our house. I should be able to come online and post about the silly minecraft guys I like and their RP and lore without censoring myself out of fear of literally being doxxed and cyber stalked. I should be able to talk about the racism that effects me without being afraid people will make it about cc drama or calling me slurs or erasing my identity as an Ojibwe person.
The people doing this are the problem. It hurts that so many people are part of this, it really does. But I can't keep letting it get to me. I've always done my best to be kind. I haven't been perfect, especially not lately, because all this hate and stress has gotten to me. I've lashed out. I shouldn't have.
And I shouldn't have had to deal with all that shit in the first place. I hope no one else does. It's terrifying and draining and I'm done.
So I intend to post the things I enjoy, I intend to reblog my friends' art, write the Emerald duo and Rivals duo fics I want to. I want to post about the Syndicate and the new manhunt when it comes out. That's what I'm going to do.
Asks are staying off for the moment because people are too happy to make burner blogs but I'll probably turn them back on at some point as I love answering lore and headcanon questions and, again, it's fucked up I can't enjoy an aspect of the site and fandom because people can't just leave me alone.
To those people: Get help. You're harassing someone because you think they deserve it and that's the most fucked up thing.
To everyone else: So so many of you have been amazing. You've been supportive, you've been kind. That kindness and support speaks volumes and I love you all. I genuinely love you. Dreblr, you've been here for me for over a year at this point and I cannot thank you enough. You are the best part of fandom as far as I'm concerned. And to Dtblr, y'all have come to support me countless times and that means the world to me, it really does. As for all my fellow Rivals duo fans, you people are worth your weight in gold for the joy you bring. A special shout-out to @vpofcookies because you've been here since the beginning, practically, and I love you. There's more but you know who you are.
Anyway, I've been carrying this for awhile and I'm tired. I'm no longer going to give any amount of thought to the people determined to drag me down and harass me constantly.
My best advice is stop focusing on the things and people you hate and instead focus on what you love. That's what I plan to do, from here on out.
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etoilesbienne · 2 months
TL;Dr it was yesterday at popcorns birthday party. he had people gather round to watch as Wing Gaster joined the game. And spamton show up. "It Is Time Spamton" he said. "We Must Fight To The Death". Then they did. And wing gaster died by spamtons hands. Then everyone did a manhunt for spamton (to avenge the fallen) And spamton died (killed by mads). Permanently. As one last hurrah.
my only regrets is that i did not get screencaps of "wing_gaster joined the game" and "wing_gaster was slain by Spamton using [fail rp]." but they will live on forever in our memories. (also important context is popcorn the goat got a call of FORTY PEOPLE to stay DEAD SILENT as spamton and wing gaster prepared and then had their duel. It was incredible.)
Anyway sorry if you already heard about this but by your reaction i was assuming you hadn't LOL. thank you so much, genuinely, for running qblr and how GOOD you made it. i wish i logged on much more than i did, because it was truly something special and brought me so much joy; thank you :'D!!
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js-kent · 1 month
ooc: hey im officially working on a 'family tree' of sorts for every blog involved in this rp group so would you mind telling me who your characters are connected to and where theyre living with tags so I can keep everything organized?
Connection list is:
Great grandparent/great grandchild
pibling/nibling (gender neutral terms for aunt/uncle and niece/nephew)
(repeating this for all the blogs you run would be appreciated)
Ooc: okey so
My Normal jon account, had his dad clark, mom Louis, dateing Damian damianwayne-thebloodson
Wally blog: wife linda, kids jai, iris, tommy
Boyfriend garth
Cape starling: her parents have passed
She's sorta connected to hal
Js kent: dad clark is vampire, mom Louis, and brother kon
Megann: her uncle is Martian Manhunter
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ambitiouslyher · 5 months
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BREAKING NEWS !! ... nationwide manhunt ordered for fashion ceo, nina liu. she's wanted on various smuggling and murder charges. it's speculated that she is the head of one of gotham's crime syndicates ravaging our suffering city. if you have information on nina liu and her whereabouts, please contact the GCPD. consider this criminal armed and dangerous.
( feel free to like , rp partners may reblog , personal / non rp blogs, please don't reblog ).
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ppravitas · 1 year
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❝ dogs bark, babe. snakes crawl. LEO KILLS. this is a surprise to you? you fuckers created me. my head is filled with combat training, ways of escape, stealth tactics. i wanna think about puppy dogs and fucking football, but all i see are six things than can be used to KILL YOU right now. sorry. seven. ❞
▊▏⸻ ind. leo kasper from manhunt 2 . written by frances . 18+ only . warnings for violence, gore and medical abuse apply .
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