#man who vape
incorrect-hs-quotes · 6 months
DAVE: im not against vaping but man vaping two inches from my face on the subway is a ridiculous asshole kind of move
DAVE: this dude was billowing like he was auditioning for the role of haunted house fog machine
DAVE: the humidity in the whole car changed
DAVE: he was ruining haircuts
DAVE: just jump starting the water cycle
DAVE: condensation was dripping down my glasses
DAVE: people were slipping off poles
DAVE: it was chaos
DAVE: it was like watching one man try to terraform the moon
DAVE: a planet with one dense root beer scented atmosphere blocking out the sun and choking all life
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sher-ee · 4 days
He thinks vaping is going to save him.
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gold-rhine · 7 months
ok i used video recording to see actual numbers in neuvi vape and uhhh. thats a burst vape
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and thats charge attack vape
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i repeat, 141k charge attack vape???? hello????? is this legal????
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kittykatninja321 · 11 months
Bruce who’s worried about Jason going to school and getting into vaping because they just managed to wean him off of nicotine but luckily for him Jason is weirdly pretentious about cigarettes and sees vaping as beneath him
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My birthday was full of unexpected interactions
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breezebloxx · 11 months
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burn at the coco de mer london 2023 launch event on september 18th. if i told you what kind of company coco de mer is you wouldnt believe me. nonetheless... ur honor he slayed
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TIL two three four things: One, that Lewis has actually recorded proper songs; two, that he's really damn good at making his own music; three, that he was vaping during the 2020 season (streamed in July 2020, timestamp's 1:30, right as someone in chat says he's their new role model 💀); and four, that he either thinks whoever's watching his livestreams is blind and won't notice the vape or he doesn't care about people knowing he vapes.
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bongosinferno · 8 months
Might only be on episode 3 of True Detective s2, but it's framed like a TTRPG campaign which keeps insisting on individual scenes between PC and dm.
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b4nt0s · 29 days
Since he is awake, this is just some basic trivia on Naoto.
He alludes middle child energy, petty, easy to jealous, will fight dirty when it comes to it. Although, he has an odd innocence to him that many believe stems from his mother severing ties so quickly when the youngest son was born. He can come off as childish, curious, mostly predatory with his teeth always out even when smiling. The one redeeming factor is he genuinely enjoys fatherhood actively encouraging his children, although he has shown partial favoritism to his daughter. 
Not a big fan of Naobito, he actively avoids his father out of fear. Although, he was a part of Shibuya thus retrieving the patriarch from the wreckages && taking the blame for failures. Naoto was alive during Toji’s departure, thus, they are cousins though he knew to not agitate the black sheep of the clan. In fact, he is acutely terrified of the memories && even has declared that is their clan’s punishment, a sin that cannot be washed away or beaten away, one must endure even in death.
Likes to play tennis, badminton, probably would have loved the new trend of pickleball. From his childhood crush, Hatsuko, he learned flower arrangements && will maim anyone who makes fun of him for it. Naoto has a bland sense of taste as he finds everything overstimulating to his senses. Yokan is his favorite dessert which is primarily served to newcomers, interestingly enough, he is an exceptional host to guest despite the thin veil of threats. 
His CT is based on the manipulation of shadows, using them as a cache for weaponry, he’s hinted on the succession of a domain expansion even snorting; well, he’s 40 years old it’d be pathetic if he didn’t have one.
Doesn’t smoke or drink; always orders a mocktail, he’s a fancy boy.
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playlistbaby · 1 year
I think an important point that gets left out of the "medieval peasant would say this" "NO the medieval peasant would say this" discourse is that there were multiple medieval peasants and they probably were different from each other
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knightelf · 4 months
also I think I keep getting trapped in my mind palace cuz I swear I've dreamt of the same made-up building several times now I just keep ending up in there...this time I saw the roofs pool/jacuzzi floor which I had to leave cuz a couple wouldn't stop making out next to me so I wandered into Another area and found a room entirely made with pillow furniture, like a pillow lamp a pillow dresser etc and 2 people lived in it but they were fighting and 1 left which apparently meant I lived there now. so I pointed to the giant bed and said "can I lie down there" and the other person very nervously said they have to strip it first and that "our beds are really onky here to hide something" so I was like "wtf does that mean" and they replied "massive stain. impossible to clean out. in the floors. on the walls" and That's when my body said ok. time to wake tf up
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bluelolblue · 5 months
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robotpussy · 1 year
why do people come to concerts to stand around you should've stayed at home and put on their greatest hits like ppl were fighting for these tickets and here you are cross-armed and tight mouthed
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2024skin · 2 years
I hate that women are made to feel guilty and afraid of being gold diggers for accepting gifts and free dates from men because there is something super sweet about a broke ass middle class motherfucker paying for Your broke ass' lunch 😤
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fingertipsmp3 · 11 months
Always good when you tell your friend about all the red flags your current crush has & they almost crash their car
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jopzer · 1 year
kinda crazy that we never see keeley vape tbh. i simply do not believe she wouldn't have three different vapes on her at all times.
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