#man i wish i had them
let's talk about being mentally ill and living w the Driftwood/Firefly's cause I need the comfort (100% self indulgent):
Warnings: (mental illness depictions, mention of self-h4rm, mention of ED if you squint. gender neutral reader, lemme know if I missed any♡)
- Baby, who is actually really good abt it?? You've locked yourself in your room for the day? Well she's coming with you and you're having a Tim Burton marathon. Don't want to? That sucks; she's tying your ass down and peeling your eyelids open A Clockwork Orange style to force you to be distracted from your mind by discussing the Burton multi-verse with childish excitement. She's beside you in bed, hands on your arm, squeezing excitedly whenever she makes a connection, and even though you wish you could just sleep and disappear, her presence is impossible to ignore and be grumpy about.
- Not eating or refusing to???? Not in Mama's house you're not. She'll ziptie you to a chair and force-feed you your fav meal with the most loving, motherly care, mixed with a multitude of swearing like a trucker. If you refuse, get ready for the airplane: "vroom vroom motherfucker, open up" and "what, don't like the pasta?? here honey, have some pie instead" and "if you don't eat, I'm going to put Otis on feeding duty. and he will not be as patient as me".
- Self-harming?? NOPE, not on Tiny's watch. Tiny will lift you (he can. doesn't matter how big you are, he is bigger and stronger) to his room, sit you on the floor, and wordlessly drop crafting supplies and colouring pages on the floor. You're making a paper skeleton chain whether you like it or not with kiddie scissors that barely cut paper, and colouring with little washable markers that leave streaks. He'll pet your head too, to keep you focused should your mind get any alternative ideas. He'll also let you colour on him if you ask nicely:)
- You're curled up on the couch dissociating from the world? Rufus is a shit-disturber, and will start messing with you to bring you back. If you have long hair, he's pinching it between his fingers and pulling at it lightly. Sits in front of you and just. Stares. Until you're uncomfortable enough to say something rude, and then he's throwing you over his shoulder and yeeting your depressed ass in his truck for a ride. Maybe he'll stop at your fav food chain if he's in a good mood, while he makes you listen to some death metal band that's louder than the thoughts in your head and keeps you grounded. Definitely the type to call you 'little one'.
- In a non-verbal / nothing nice to say about yourself / 'don't talk to me or I'll bite you', mood? Otis is your boy. That's his state of being, and he also finds it relaxing when someone else is a spiteful grump like him; so he's more than happy to work on his artistry and have you listen to his musings and rambles. He'll like it even more if you vent a little (add fuel to the fire), and give him more juice to be angry at the world, increasing his motivation for his work. He's a fully grown angsty teenager — this man gets the rage, and enjoys your little venting sessions (and maybe you) even if he'd rather eat glass than say it out loud.
- Spaulding acts like nothing is any different. Little lighter on the teasing, but we know how he is, and he'll tell you to 'suck it up' and is outwardly brash and mean. BUT, he'll mess with Otis more and though he gets a kick out of it; it's a subtle way to give you even a small smile when Otis is all razzed up. Stirs the pot to cause drama like the meddler he is.
- Avoid Hugo at all costs. Will make things worse.
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popsicle-stick · 9 days
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will you meet me halfway?
anyway i finished wolf 359 earlier this month and ive been insane ever since so i had to get this out my system. i Care for them so so Deeply
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intern-seraph · 16 days
gonna be real here, i kinda get why baul dislikes sebek's dad so much. like, aside from being prejudiced against humans, baul would see papa zigvolt as the man who will inevitably break his daughter's heart. not by any conscious action of his own, but by virtue of being human. mama zigvolt will outlive her husband (and likely her own children!) by a measure of centuries, not decades. by marrying a human, she has sentenced herself to centuries of grief. like, that's fucked up!! as her father, baul probably worries so much for when that time comes when his daughter will be alone again.
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cowboythewizard726 · 6 months
beautiful orc girl leed helllOOOOO beautiful leed alert oh my GOD she's so cool WOOAHHHH beautiful siilly girl she was really pretty and awesome and so kind i think shes wonderful and there should be a statue made just for her thats really big and in the center of everything and she should get anything she wants ever smile face
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catmask · 3 months
my sister texted me smthing going on at home thats making me sad but im trying not to think about it and stay whimsical. its fursona friday..... its fursona feidayyyy...
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lylahammar · 1 year
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Let's take a moment to appreciate the amazing villains/monsters (sorry Nimona lol) we've been given in animated films this year
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sculien · 1 year
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@lgbtqcreators creator bingo | wardrobe
Rachel Green + fave outfits
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werewolf-girlfriend · 2 years
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skitskatdacat63 · 4 months
Vettonso complaining about each other not respecting schrondinger's track limits on the radio compilation + Seb's commentary that made me a bit feral
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Must include these sexy ass pics okay, it makes me feral how hard they race each other.
Also SO upset that we got this vid and there's also pictures(and presumably a vid out there somewhere) of Fernando, back then, ALSO debriefing this race. And yet we never got them together?????? Evil. Fucked up.
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Imagine seeing them complaining about each other but also having to (begrudgingly if you're Fernando) compliment each other IN FRONT of each other. Maybe its a good thing it doesn't exist, bcs then I'd have a heart attack.
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constarlations · 5 months
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🍊 Big Sis Nemona 🍊
my favorite Unovan/Latina Pokémon trainer ever created
Twitter Link
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I stand with Louis no matter what. If either lestat or armand did that shit to me and people talked about me the way they talk about louis on here and on twitter you're gonna see me in history books
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sarilolla · 9 months
Trolls headcanon
So, we all know how babies and young kids often hide or stick around in an adults hair (I’m guessing most often a parent or parent figure)? I think that’s a remnant from when the adults had to carry them around like that for safety reasons (pre-sound era). It calmed the kiddo down, as they felt safe and protected, and kept them in a safe spot for the adult. It also probably comes from how an egg incubates in hair
Now, Pop Trolls literally depended on this calming feature for their kiddos while living in the Troll Tree. While adults and teens could be quiet when necessary, babies and young kids struggled. So hair time was when the tiny one knew they should be calm and many used it as a nap spot. It’s a thing heavily associated with protection
That protection and calming feeling continues when the kid is too old to stay in their protector/guardian’s hair. That means that if a parent grabbed their kid with their hair (like we have seen the Pop Trolls do many times), the kid will instinctively calm down a bit. It’s the sense of family and protection, and that instinct can carry on long until adulthood. The longer the older carries you around in their hair, the longer that instinct of safety lasts
Branch was carried around a lot by his brothers, but mostly JD as he was the oldest and could easier carry him around (they’re sitting on your head after all, you need a certain strength). All four of them were protective of their tiny baby brother, so they all carried him a lot, meaning that if any of them grabbed him with their hair now… he would instantly calm down and nearly rag doll, much to his embarrassment
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lavender--milk · 7 months
inside of me there are 2 wolves. one wants so badly to worship like 12 different deities. the other just barely has the energy to devote to 1 😭
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captin-azoth · 2 months
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Doot da doot DOOT DOOT
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pineappical · 1 year
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would calling this something like "the sun to his earth" be a little bit too cliche? maybe...
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cozylittleartblog · 1 year
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diversity win your spam emails are queer
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