#man i want to draw everyone there were so many cool characters this time around lksjfdlskhf
mabaki · 12 days
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VS Art Party! September 2024! EU and NA
I'm trying to simplify my stuff lmao
Character names below
Nio Starrkin
Nutcracker Halle
Utopica Wodna
Slubby McSlubface
Finn Longshot
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luci-is-a-bitch-x3x · 11 months
Obey Me! Brothers Chaotic Pumpkin Carving:
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Welcome! This is the chaotic competion I think I mentioned in the last pumpkin carving one! The characters may not be how you imagine! I apologize for any poor jokes, bad spelling, and terrible grammar. Without further ado, please enjoy the content. ♡
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After carving pumpkins as a family with Mc the brothers want to do a competition, whoever carves the best pumpkin wins! Mc was nominated judge of the competition, Mc was still allowed to carve another pumpkin, they just couldn't be in the contest. The brothers were all bickering over who would win before they had even bought the new pumpkins. Can't carve the old ones. Unbeknownst to the brothers Mc had decided to say that they all won from the start, all hell would break lose if Mc chose one pumpkin. What made matters worse on Mc is that Mammon said- "whoever wins gets a kiss from Mc!". Its okay, Mc just had to decide between giving them all forehead kisses or cheek kisses.
What designs do the brothers go for:
(These designs have to be more intricate than the previous ones, they want to win the contest and they want Mc's kiss!)
Lucifer went with an intricate spooky design, a bat or a coffin, maybe even a spooky castle. Lucifer takes his time carving his pumpkin, he needs to be able to take pride in this pumpkin. And get the kiss from Mc. Mammon did some type of bird, a crow or a raven. He may even add some Grimm next to it if he has the extra time and wants to carve more. Mammon is pretty quick with carving his pumpkin, he's not the fastest out of all of his brothers at it but he is one of the faster ones. That doesn't mean Mammon Doesn't want the kiss. Leviathan went with an intricate Ruri-Chan design, instead of it just being her face like last time, it was her full body, she was doing some cool pose. Levi took his time, wanting it to be a perfect for Ruri-Chan! And for Mc! He needs that kiss. Satan does an intricate carving of a cat, unlike last time this cat has much more detail and is a cat's full body. Satan's design was probably something like a cat sitting while facing forward, the cat probably has stuff around it thats Halloween themed. It could be a variety of ideas from gravestones to ghosts, anything idea Satan can think of he considers. The cat may even be wearing some type of hat, like a witches hat, if theres a witches hat then Satan will add a broom. The point is he gets all spadazy with his cat carving this time, this means Satan has to take his time. He just really wanted to impress Mc man. Asmodeus does an even more interact drawing of himself than the one he did before. This time its more than just his face, its his body as well, or at least more of it than before. He has to focus on his face, its one of his main features! Asmo takes his time, putting in lots and lots of details. The pumpkin should be as perfect as he is! He's so excited to win Mc's kiss. Beelzebub does a design of food, most likely he carves a cheeseburger. Its really well carved out and its rather detailed for a cheesebuger. Beel doesnt take his time really but he doesn't rush either, he just lets it play out. He just hopes he doesn't eat his pumpkin before Mc can judge, he really wants that kiss. Belphegor was asleep most of the time again, but his was still somehow cool. How he gets stuff done when hes always sleeping? It's one of the Devildom's many mysteries. Belphie carves an intricate skull, it's somehow detailed and the details don't even seem lazily done! Belphie is also somehow the first done even though his is as cool as everyone else's. He may be lazy but he'll put in effort for a kiss from Mc.
How the competition goes:
They did the carving in HoL's kicthen, and although its larger than a normal kitchen, with so many people it feels like a normal kitchen. Mc tried to seprate the brother to keep them from fighting again, but there wasn't much space between each brother so Mc knew chaos was bound to happen. Mc tried to get some rules set in the begining but the brothers were to impatient. The contest begins with no rules, already promising choas. Mc's only little ray of hope is that for fairness more carving tool kits were bought, meaning each brother had their own tools to carve with. Even though they shouldn't fight over tools, and they all had different designs this time, arguing still ensues as soon as the contest starts.
At first its just banter between some of the brothers, friendly competitive remarks that made them grin and seemingly have a good time. This friendly banter was quick to end, full on chaos began to ensue when Satan accidently flicked pumpkin parts everywhere, most of the brothers complained but none reacted as dramatically and angrily as Asmo did. Asmo got so upset over it that he reached over with one of his carving knives and cut a chunk of Satan's pumpkin in retaliation, since there were no rules to the competition this was technically allowed. Satan fairly became enraged by Asmo's actions. Satan did his on accident and it didn't sabotage the others pumpkin! Mc was quick to calm Satan down by comparing it to art at art museums, Mc explains that Satan can use it as part of his pumpkins design instead of looking at it as if it ruined his pumpkin. Satan is a good sport and takes the high road, continuing to work on his pumpkin without ruining anyone else's out of anger. Asmo continues to whine about being dirty, but after Mc cleans the pumpkin pieces off of him he calms down a bit.
Tension in the kitchen is already high, and only two of the brothers have fought so far. Things go for fine for about the next 30 minutes of pumpkin carving, but the calm ends as quickly as it comes. For no reason at all, Mammon, Asmo, and Levi start arguing. One thing leads to another and Asmo does his dirty trick of cutting into someones elses pumpkin again, this time Mammon's pumpkin falls victim to Asmo's crimes. Mamon unlike Satan retaliates against Asmo's attack, Mammon carves a chunk out of Asmo's pumpkin just as Asmo had done to his. Asmo screams dramatically, acting like it physically wounded him, he grabs his carving tool and jabs at Mammon's and Levi's pumpkins. Levi stops arguing with them, instead he clutches his pumpkin and starts hissing in his demon form when either of them act like their going to attack his pumpkin. Mammon and Asmo end up in a small fist fight before Mc and Lucifer can calm everything down again. Due to the small fight Mc tells all the brothers to take a break and calm down, the brothers go on a 15 minute break and come back a little calmer than before.
When the brothers come back and the contest continues everything goes suprisingly well for awhile. The brothers all focus on carving their pumpkins, they barely even bicker, just an almost uneasy calm silence. Some brothers even begin to finish their pumpkins, they look really well done, Mc is actually impressed. This calm silent moment is soon disturbed by a monstrous growl, one the brothers and Mc know well, as the monstrous growl is actually Beel's stomach rumbling. Everyone continues what their doing until a high pitched 'Beel don't you dare!' Rings out, everyone turns to see Beel trying to eat Asmo's pumpkin, Asmo manages to keep Beel away from his pumpkin long enough for Mc to feed Beel a small snack. Asmo refuses to be next to Beel and Beel gets moved to being next to Levi. All seems well and everyone goes back to finishing their pumpkins. The ones that haven't finished their pumpkins work hard, putting a lot of work and fine details into their pumpkins.
Beel was still working on his carving of a hambuger, which probably wasn't helping his hunger, but he looked very focused on making his carving look good. Beel carves a peice out of his pumpkin and then leans over and casually bites a peice out of Levi's Ruri-Chan Pumpkin. It would have gone unnoticed and stayed casual if Levi didn't loose his mind. Within a few minutes everyones pumpkin were ruined and the entire kitchen was destroyed. Levi went into a rage when Beel ate a peice of his pumpkin, Levi seemed to yell once before he just straight up summoned Lotan. Water rushing into the kitchen and all the chaos the summoning causes ruins everyone's pumpkins and leaves the kitchen in a very poor state. Everyone was now soaked head to toe in water, standing outside of the kitchen as they had to leave the kitchen so they wouldn't drown. Its silent for a moment, but not a good silent, its like a ticking time bomb. Its almost as if everyone needs a moment to process what just happened, as soon as they process it the imaginary bomb explodes. Right before the brothers can actually process anything Mc laughs and says something about how everyone wins since all the pumpkins are destroyed. Mc plants a kiss on each of the brothers cheeks/foreheads before Mc wanders off to their room, leaving the brothers to deal with the aftermath of the chaotic competition.
Once reality hit, everyone got in trouble from Lucifer, even Mc who was just the judge and didnt do anything. Everyone had to put money into repairing the kitchen and punishments were handed out "accordindly" Lucifer also made a rule that any other pumpkin carving competitions had to be held in HoL's garden. He'd rather have the garden destroyed than the house.
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Thats all for now babes! Hope you enjoyed!! ♡ This is not proofread. Feel free to comment or reblog any thoughts or any add ons you have! Happy Halloween!! I have more Halloween content in mind so there might be more after this! I hope you're nightmares come true, and the spooks scare you're skeleton right outa you! ‹𝟹 Stay tuned for more! Stay Safe! & Stay Spooky!
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
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lumisparks · 8 days
Redoing My Old KH OCs Part 1 --
Emi Kaibyo
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Hello, everyone! This will be a short series about redoing my old KH OCs. I currently have 7... I think? ... I dunno, I’m losing track of how many I have “^ ^
Aaaaanyway, I’ve always wanted to share my OCs on the internet buuuut looking back... All I want to scream is a big, fat “NOPE!” when looking at their designs and stories.
I was kind of lucky not to share them especially the fact that 5 of them were cat hybrids(how I normally address half-human, half-animal characters). But now I get to upload a better version of them! So suffer with me to see their evolutions! Starting with Emi Kaibyo
1st Version(2015 – 2018)
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To start things off, she wasn’t named Emi yet. Instead; she was “Exaleme”, a nobody who used to be Eleame. Ex was the 15th member of the OG Org. Xiii. I made Ex and El when I was in 6th grade as I was new to KH at the time. Immediately, I made Ex because I thought Nobodies were cool as she was my KH self insert. So with my name “Emalee” and smack in the X... Exaleme was born. 
In a previous iteration, SHE WAS FULLY HUMAN. I don’t know why I changed her into a catgirl – but hey! I liked catgirls and now she’s a freak of nature. Now to Ex/Eleame’s backstory... 
It’s an average tragic past: her parents died, she was taken away into the castle, got killed, split into a nobody and Heartless, and she works for Org. Xiii for some -🦆- reason while her Heartless(Eleame) works for Ansem SoD for... SOME -🦆-ING REASON.
As for her personality, she’s supposed to be the shy, cutesy type. But instead in most drawings, she’s all happy or something. Idfk man
Oh yeah, did I mention I made Ex to be shipped with someone in the organization? Yeah... I don’t want to mention who though. I am too ashamed to say it and that’ll be for the best so no one will ever know.
2nd version...?(Around 2020s)
I don’t know if I would call it “2nd version”, it’s more like the processing stage. In the past, I didn’t do much to improve or redo her story because I was busy with school stuff. Despite Ex and Eleame being my first KH OCs, I kind of forgot their KH side of them. How? By going through various RPs and AUs with my friend from KH Amino to Discord.
I did manage to get some ideas though. Instead of having Ex and El being like 1 person, they’re twin siblings named “Emi” and “Elise”. Elise being the joyful older twin while Emi the cautious younger twin. Oh and their parents are alive and healthy. I still want to ship Emi with someone because... Why the hell not. Who would that be?
... But also because I like Michael, alright? I’ll find a way to make them work in my KH story for the Kaibyo twins.
✨Final Version✨
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Here she is! All human and not a catgirl. Don’t worry, I’m doing her sister next. As for her lore, she lives peacefully in Radiant Garden with her family.
Her dad Fuyu works as a captain of the castle guards while Emi, Elise, and their mother Caitlyn work at the Kupo Kafé. However, the family’s hometown will lose their peace in an upcoming darkness.
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mbat · 6 months
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!! these were made using bases !! the bases will be linked below the cut!!
the cut is so the post isnt too long to scroll past, but also i will be talking about the au in it!!
decided to draw my own take on adult flurry heart, mostly so i could draw my own take on opaline in the au where opaline is like a nightmare moon of flurry heart. if youre wondering who the third pony is, its chrysalis' disguise for the au, named gentle heart.
flurry hearts base:
opalines bases (one for the body, the other was only for one of the wings):
gentle heart/chrysalis' base:
i had to use bases because ive been in such a weird art block lately, i just couldnt draw bodies right, but i was having this idea and i just had to get it out of me lol. i drew everything else just fine, idk why i couldnt draw bodies. shout out to elementbases on deviantart for having a lot of good mlp bases! and organized into categories no less!
btw for reference for adult flurry heart i mainly used images of her only adult appearance which was in some mobile game ?? i never played it but its real and its the only time we see her as an adult, though i dont think we get any details about her aside from how she looks. i just wanted to say that cause idk how many people know about it.
also yes her cutie mark is different between versions of her
so this is an au ive been tossing around for a while, especially since it started out as a half-theory i had about g5 before it truly did set in that they were just fucking up the entire thing (no hate to g5 or anyone who likes it but im personally just. disappointed), namely when they were like 'oh yeah opaline is just some alicorn that celestia and luna knew as kids and when they didnt want to play with her she held onto that for thousands of years and became evil over it'
also apparently the reason equestria is separated is because she just. idk whispered mean things in everyones ears? idk man i dont read the mlp comics, i plan to read g4s comics but not g5s. i didnt even know g5 had comics until i looked up why the pony kinds were separate.
anyway the idea was a theory because before all that we had no idea who opaline was, why there was some random alicorn, i mean, weve seen so few throughout g4! she was so mysterious for that, and i feel like the most popular idea was that she was flurry heart, since that was one of the few alicorns we knew of, and flurry is such a blank slate, especially since we dont technically ever see her adult form (with one exception)
i still personally think they shouldve gone that route but i know now that they wouldnt have, they probably wouldnt have wanted to give one of their previous characters, especially one like flurry, any bad traits or make her a villain, even though it would be such a cool idea. not to mention, they couldve redeemed her? idk man. worse villains have been redeemed lol
on to my au though. i wanted to keep it feeling like it couldve been canon but also stretching it just a little bit to make maybe more sense and also be more my creation, yknow?
we see at the end of g4 that chrysalis is trapped in stone alongside the other two villains she was working with, but we also know that these stone prisons can still be escaped, as we saw in discords introduction. my idea is that the stone is kept locked up, but unattended to, and she escapes, though her fellow villains dont. the specific details will be saved for if i go more in depth on all of this somewhere else lol
she develops a plan, that being to disguise herself as a normal pony, and to become staff at the crystal empire castle. that disguise is gentle heart, a name she literally made up because she was mocking the 'stupid' (from her perspective) names that ponies have, and she just kept it. while she works at the castle, she gets close to a young flurry heart.
she acts very extremely sickeningly nice and sweet in this disguise, but theres an uncanniness to it, a disingenuine undertone that is only noticeable when youre looking for it, really. flurry heart comes to love and trust her as a friend, and gentle heart isnt seen as suspicious to really anyone in the castle. people still think chrysalis is trapped in stone, after all.
her next step in the plan, however, is that when no one else is around, she shapeshifts herself into cadence or shining armor, and acts like a horrible parent to flurry heart. this creates a deep disconnect for flurry, as one moment her parents are the best ever, and the next they arent. if flurry tries to bring this up to them, they have no idea what shes talking about.
flurry begins to confide in gentle heart about this, and gentle heart begins to plant the idea in flurrys head that she should run away, and that gentle could run away with her. after a while of this, flurry finally decides to do this.
they run far, far away together, flurry being a child/young teenager, and they hide where no one else really goes, far from towns and pretty much any ponies. (this location hasnt been chosen yet but its not the mooost relevant? the basic point is that theyre hidden away) and they set up a home here.
soon in, gentle heart makes a decision. she shows her true form to flurry heart, a flurry heart who was never taught about how changelings used to be before their reformation, as her parents thought it was a conversation for when she was older. they didnt want her to feel paranoid, or scared. the changelings she knows are bright, and covered in generally round shapes. theyre not like the jagged and dark chrysalis.
gentle heart tells flurry that she was cursed. that her pony form is her true form, but she was cursed by the princesses to be in this form. being in her pony form drains her of energy, her changeling form recharges that energy. really, its just her excuse to not need to be in that pony form anymore. she tells flurry that she was cursed falsely, accused of a crime she did not commit. that she was made to work at the crystal castle so an eye could be kept on her. she asks to be called chrysalis, as being called gentle heart in this form feels wrong.
chrysalis right now is the only person in the world that flurry heart trusts, so she accepts this as truth.
as flurry heart grows up, chrysalis begins to plant ideas in her head that the other ponies are awful and horrible, just like her parents seemingly were. that flurry heart is better than all of them because shes not horrible, and on top of that, shes a natural alicorn. there hasnt been a natural born alicorn in thousands of years before her. flurry heart begins to believe all of this too. she doesnt have anyone or anything else to tell or show her otherwise.
these dark beliefs warp her appearance overtime, making her go from her parents daughter, into what we know as opaline, akin to princess luna turning into nightmare moon. she becomes annoyed with, averse to her cutesy name she was given by her family, and adopts the name opaline, both because of her crystal cutie mark, and because part of her still thinks of the crystal empire as her home, though now more like its hers to own someday.
speaking of, into her adulthood, opaline and chrysalis form a plan. a plan to take over equestria. the idea of being the ruler of all of pony kind was a natural conclusion that chrysalis wanted opaline to make, and so she did. their first step was to invade the crystal castle and take it over.
chrysalis tells her that cadence was never a fighter, so she shouldnt be an issue, but shining armor would be. if both chrysalis and opaline combined their power, they would easily overpower him and anyone else daring to fight them. the thing is... this works.
for a few reasons, actually. people were shocked at the return of chrysalis, and on top of that, despite her warped appearance, opaline was recognized as flurry heart. there isnt exactly many alicorns, and especially none that look similar to her. there was a fight put up, but not at full power. no one wanted to hurt the lost princess.
she takes over the empire, trapping any who oppose her, especially her parents. she doesnt even give them the option to talk to her. she plunges the empire back in dark days, not in the way that sombra did entirely, but still. shes strict on her subjects, and begins to make them like a military, planning to use them to invade canterlot. anyone who would dare come to attack the empire would be held off.
after she knows her subjects are loyal (terrified), and properly molded into an army, she storms canterlot, chrysalis by her side. its a hard fight, but they do it. they trap the other princesses, and they take over.
opalines first rule of business is to make the crystal empire the new capital, the new seat of power. for a while, this is the most drastic thing she does, otherwise going slow with her horrid ideas and changes.
the worse comes when shes already caused distrust and discomfort among ponykind, pitting ponies against eachother. she begins to decree that ponykind must be separated by type, designating towns to each, forcing ponies apart by law. she made sure it was enforced. she didnt need ponies coming together to rise against her, so she forced them apart. the damage is done.
this of course doesnt last forever. twilight is free and gathers the elements, and they take opaline by surprise, ending her reign. they empty the empire and trap her alone in her castle. thing is, she also trapped them in a limbo-like state, along with the other princesses (and her father), as they had also tried to join the fight. and a final blow to her, chrysalis got caught in crossfire, and was seemingly killed. no one intended it, but it happened. opaline is devastated.
and now, shes stuck. trapped alone in a castle in the middle of a city. she has the whole city alone to herself, and all she has now is the items left behind by her people, and mostly books. she only ever sees them as fiction or propaganda though, refusing to take them to heart and accept them as truth. alongside reading and re-reading the books around the city, she schemes of a way out. she is not very successful in this for a long time.
the closest she gets to getting out is when she opens the barrier just long enough to see, and kidnap, a young unicorn. a one misty brightdawn. she forces misty to be her only companion in a long time, and raises her like a daughter, but not lovingly.
some stuff continues on similar to canon, like misty befriending the mane 5 and leaving opaline behind, but i wont say more because i can keep some secrets for myself :] i do have an ending to her story planned though!
also pls ignore timeline and other canon contradictions pls pls pls pls pls lol
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deathsdue · 5 months
I'm here to cry on the dash about Gerome (nothing new there) using some quotes from his supports as reference. Post is under a read more for potentially triggering content and length.
My main focuses with writing Gerome revolve around a few things:
Gerome keeps everyone at a distance in order to protect himself from pain. Like the other gen2s, he's lost a lot, and he can't take losing more. Inwardly, he's very soft, and the trauma has led to no small amount of depression.
The way he was as a child made him unable to handle the events that transpired as well as others might have (not that gen2 does not all struggle with what happened, I'm not trying to negate any character's feelings, this is just touching on why Gerome wears a mask and pushes people away)
He deeply cares for his friends and is a good teacher but doesn't believe in himself.
In short, Gerome's own worst enemy is himself. So let's get into it! And what better place to start than the beginning?
Cynthia B Support Cynthia: Liar! Remember when we were kids? We'd talk for hours and hours! Gerome: We're not children anymore. Cynthia: I know. But remember when you told me I looked all strong and graceful like a hero? Gerome: …I said that? Cynthia: Oh, yeah! All the time, actually! I'd love to hear you say it again. Hee hee! It sent a thrill down my spine when you'd tell me how wonderful I was! I love that about you! Cynthia S Support Cynthia: Remember how we'd go into the woods and play Justice Cabal? Gerome: …Vaguely. Cynthia: There was that time I pretended to be a paladin and killed all those evil goblins… You said I looked truly heroic, even though the goblins were only snapdragons. Gerome: You don't forget anything, do you? [...] Gerome: Do you remember teaching me to fly when we were young? Cynthia: Yeah, sure! You were so scared of heights you couldn't ride a wyvern! So I took you on my pegasus, and we flew and flew until you weren't afraid anymore. Hee hee! That was so much fun! I haven't thought about that in ages… Severa A Support Gerome: …When I was but a child, I often dreamed of being a warrior. And in my dreams, I always wore a mask, because… Because I thought it looked cool. Severa: LAAAAAAME! Gerome: I'm not finished! …I began to wear masks all the time, just for the thrill. But it's as you know, I don't like to reveal my inner life if it can be helped. And soon, a child's plaything became a tool for keeping people at bay. Cherche A Support Gerome: People everywhere grieved for the heroes and honored their noble sacrifice. But I didn't want heroes. I wanted a father and a mother…
As a kid, Gerome played imaginary games with his friends (which included Cynthia of all people, the most bubbly of their group, as well as Owain, the other Justice Cabal member), easily handed out compliments (i.e. spoke his feelings), wore a mask just because it was cool, and he was terrified of heights.
This is the soft, little kid that was broken by losing his parents and being thrust into an apocalypse. People all react to and handle trauma differently and the way he is as an adult is a result of how he adapted to that trauma in order to protect himself.
That he took such an extreme way to do so is really a reflection of how he was as a child — imaginative, emotional, and with aspirations of heroism. The most iconic of the changes he made is his mask.
M!Robin B Support Robin: Hmm… The mask hides your emotions from foes on the battlefield… But I imagine it also serves to hide your inner self from allies as well? Cynthia A Support Gerome: I'm not finished. You have always been a perpetual ray of sunshine in my life. But sometimes, a man like me wishes to draw the curtains and sit in the dark.
The mask is a hot topic for a lot of his supports and he typically only takes it off willingly when he's bearing his feelings - such as during a love confession. He also frequently runs away from many of his companions when he starts feeling too much and doesn't know what to do. Additionally, he even frequently lies to his companions about his mask and his feelings, deflecting or not telling the whole truth until he's pressed further or finally comes around to telling the truth.
Cynthia's A Support line is really what gets me though: The urge to sit in a dark room by himself. I don't think depression and suicidal ideation is a topic FE would generally touch on heavily or very explicitly, though it's a theme for a lot of characters I'm sure, so I interpret this as a way of hinting at the issues plaguing him. Not to mention, a lot of times when Cynthia reminds him of something he did as a kid, he's surprised to learn it. Having a poor memory for positive events is a sign of depression as well. (In fact, the one thing he prompts her to remember is something he associates as a negative memory.)
Gerome was a very soft hearted kid and without a proper support system, not to mention being embroiled in a war for most of his life, it all went downhill.
Which leads to Gerome's extreme lack of self confidence.
Cherche B Support Gerome: How skilled could I be to still fall victim to the cruel whims of fate? …How skilled could I be when I was unable to protect those I loved? Cherche C Support Gerome: Minerva, you look so sad and woebegone. I suppose it's my fault, isn't it? If it wasn't for me, you'd be living a life of tranquility in Wyvern Valley. I'm sorry that I've dragged you into yet another terrible war. …Hmm? What's that? That's not why you're sad? …Ah, yes. I understand completely. Your original mistress is alive in this time, and you pine for her hand on the reins. Cherche: …That's not it either. Gerome: Ch-Cherche?! Cherche: Minerva is worried about you. Don't you see that forlorn look in her eyes? Fire Emblem Heroes Gerome, on learning a new skill: This is much too valuable. Maybe someone else should have it.
These kinds of lines, in addition to his depression, is why I've made him a student. He could absolutely be a teacher (and I'll get into that in a bit) but he has no belief in himself. To the point that he can't even understand Minerva's concern for him; he keeps assuming her mood is somehow his fault, his shortcoming, or that she wishes she had Cherche instead of him. He cares for Minerva with his whole heart and he doesn't even think she would be concerned about him.
Despite all of that, Gerome is incredibly sharp and a good teacher. These were skills he learned because of the state of his timeline and the people he had to protect. He was certainly lucky to have survived to the end of the apocalypse, but it took skill as well.
Kjelle C Support Gerome: When thrusting with the lance, you should push with your leg and stomach muscles. You used only your arms just now. Such technique will betray you in battle. Kjelle B Support Gerome: Much better. You now place your whole body behind the thrust. Kjelle: See? I told you I would fix it. In fact, just before you— Gerome: However, your footwork is lacking. Kjelle: What's wrong with it? Gerome: You're throwing too much weight into the thrust and becoming unbalanced. It's a common enough mistake. More practice should fix the problem. M!Robin B Support Gerome: Hmph. Then the sermon is over? You weave a lovely tapestry with your words, master tactician. But talk is cheap. In the real world, where I must live, power is everything. Power is right, it is truth, it is victory. And I'll prove as much on the battlefield. Cherche B Support Cherche: You handle the reins superbly… I was hoping you'd teach me what you know. Gerome: I have nothing to teach you. I just sit in the saddle and follow Minerva's lead. Cherche: Oh, hogwash. I've seen how you two swoop and dance in the sky. Plus you handle the lance with such verve! A skilled rider like yourself has a great deal to teach me.
Cherche recognizes his skill even as he dismisses it. He also gives specific advice to Kjelle, always evenly and never with admonishment, and with clear ways to improve. He's only seeking to help.
His skill and power is something he's had to earn due to his hard life, but he takes that knowledge and tries to pass it on, he even looks out for others outside of his friend circle.
Laurent C Support Laurent: I'm here to give my regular report, as per our arrangement. Gerome: Oh, yes, of course. How could I forget? Laurent: Ahem! I'm happy to report that today everyone continues to be in good health. There have been no reported instances of brawls or other insubordination. Logistics are running smoothly, and we have sufficient stockpiles of military supplies. Laurent B Support Gerome: In your report just now, you neglected to suggest that we stock up on arrows. Laurent: Is that a particular concern? Gerome: We're likely to march within the week and can expect to encounter aerial forces. I strongly suspect we'll need extra arrows in the baggage train. Laurent: An astute observation. I shall make the necessary adjustments to the manifest.
Gerome is honestly full of contradictions, from his feelings to his abilities. He doesn't care about anyone else, but he constantly worries over his friends and the army's supplies. He's not skilled, but provides instruction on combat. He wants to be alone, but he's attentive to his friends's needs and enjoys being around them.
Before coming to the academy, he spent much of his time alone, because the army dispersed and people went back to their normal lives. His parents are due to have this timeline's version of him and there's no place for him there. However, leaving Gerome alone for an extended period is a bad idea. Losing the presence of his friends really did a number on his already fragile mental health.
I could go on, there's so much, but I feel this is already pretty long. Hopefully it was also coherent.
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artsytheghost · 6 months
im curious: how many iterations has anna gone through by now?
I hate myself. It took me a week I think to finally answer this. Tell me why I decided to draw all of her past designs AND colour them.
Tada! I drew all of her past designs AND coloured them! :D
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According to this, it would be five. Let's go through them all!
1. First version! Skull mask!
Anna's creation was paired with Elise's. Except, they were males at the time. And nameless. They were referred to as the Voodoo Man and the Puppet. The concept was that the Puppet is a demon stuck inside of a hand puppet and is forced to help the Voodoo Man as a slave. I was young and haven't learned that voodoo is a real religion and is to be respected. I was influenced by Disney's Princess and the Frog.
These two were so early they haven't gone past the colouring stage. They only stayed in my notebook-turned-sketchbook back in like 2017? Somewhen around that year. But the creation process was fun, as it was a challenge of sort to make an OC in a certain way. The concept was that you start with one word, then expand on that design until you have one you like. I started with hand, then to hand puppet, possessed puppet, skull man with puppet, finally to this design. Then after that, Anna.
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2. Skull face!
As the Mad World story and cast was forming, I thought to myself how Maria's the only female of the group. So, why not make these two women too? I also thought the "unaffected human" idea was interesting, so I implemented it to the new Anna. But I wanted to reference the skull mask by turning it into a skull facepaint. A magical one!
The idea was that the facepaint would look like an actual skull to non-magicians and lesser-magicians. So, Anna has made everyone believe that she's a fellow mutant. Except for Maria, as she's a more experienced one, and thus, can see that her "exposed skull" is fake.
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3. Skull Guitar!
As Mad World progressed even more, I felt the skull facepaint was no longer relevant. Anna and Elise have also began to separate. I also felt that Elise's role was becoming irrelevant too. As for Anna, I began taking inspiration from my friend whom had similar hair with her. My friend likes rock music, and maybe Anna does as well. Plus, a rocker magician does sound cool.
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4. Best friend?
Anna began to resemble my best friend even more personality-wise. And thus, Anna and Aaron, a sort of self-insert, bonded more. This may look the same with iteration 3, but the bigger difference is her story. Because of this, Anna and Aaron wear matching accessories. Aaron's glasses and bandana now have their clones for Anna.
As for the guitar, try having an electric guitar work in the apocalypse. Sure, generators exist, but it's better to just have an acoustic guitar.
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(Unfinished art WIP from 3 years ago???)
5. Final, for now
Anna had become "Aaron's best friend" and that was it. I felt bad, so I gave her more character just for her, and it reflects in her design, as it's richer compared to the past ones. She feels more like an actual person that can stand on her own. She's still Aaron's best friend, but she's also Anna. And Anna likes to rock!
The hair change was an experiment. One that succeeded it seems.
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misty-zzz · 1 year
my msm au lol, 🤩🤩
Just some things I wanna say:
Some parts maybe similar to the fs AU, this au is inspired by the fs au. But most of the time, I thought of those parts before I got to read the similar parts. 
ANYWAYS, plz enjoy 😋😋
Tootoo is literally a self insert, I swear 
    Tootoo wasn’ t the happiest today, a party for Sky Painting was going right outside the castle. She didn’t exactly like the fire works, or just being at a party in general. “I wish the party could just end…” complains the Tootoo. The party had been going on for hours. The door opens, Sooza enters the room, “ I hope the party isn’t too loud,” she says locking the door. “It’s alright Sooza, but how was it for you?” Asks Tootoo. Sooza plops onto the bottom part of the bunk bed they shared. “It was alright, mostly hanged out with pluckbill.”
      Tootoo gets back to what ever they were doing before. “Whatcha doing anyways?” Sooza climbs to the top bunk. “You’re making a lot of noise, and I can’t read my comic!” 
“I’m putting up these posters I drew,” drawings of Tootoo’s original characters hangs on the wall. “I forget that you’re a really good drawer.” Sooza gets up onto the bed. “What’s their name?” She points at an almost hoo-man like character. “That’s Delta, she’s a mix of a hoo-man and what the hoo-mans call, I think they’re called a dragon..?” It responds. “Well that’s very cool, but I think we should both go to sleep.” Sooza climbs back down, and gets to bed. 
     Tootoo wakes up. Everyone in the castle wakes up. Everyone on the island wakes up. A shift within the titan made everyone awakened. “Sooza, what was that…” Tootoo hangs off the edge of the bunk bed looking at her sister. “I don’t know, but I don’t want to check it out.” Tootoo thinks for a moment, “Well… you keep on being a Snooza, but I want to check it out.” Tootoo climbs down, with the soft bells from the shoes making that soft noise. “Be safe, dont die, or get lost…” 
     Tootoo walks outside, to see many more monster on light island crowded around trying to figure out what just happened. Monsters all spoke about their theories. Most monsters were convinced it was an earthquake. Even if it was a small one, Tootoo wasn’t fully convinced by this. “But Light island isnt on top of any tectonic plates…” mumbles Tootoo, remembering their lessons from school. So they go off away from this crowd. It was too loud anyways.
 She goes to the edge of the island. Near the eyes of phosphorus. She sits on the edge, they like to have her legs dangle, but was also scared that she might fall off into the endless ocean below. Tootoo’s hands feel groves and cracks. “This island is one of the younger islands. It shouldn’t have this many cracks at this age…” She traces the cracks, which seemed to form from the eyes, and they where opened…
I hoped you like this au im working on!!!
sorry if there’s any mistakes
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dashielldeveron · 9 months
Hi, sorry about the anon but I’m shy. I know you probably get this all the time but I just wanted to gush over your soulmate trope series. I spent my entire weekend binging it and then rereading it all. I can’t get over how talented and subtly funny you are! Your prose is so touching and then you can just flip the moment and dispel some of that tension with a joke that most people could not pull off, it’s artful!!
Bakugo being a little shit and not telling reader his hypothesis, letting her pull her own schemes and letting her suffer! I don’t even like Monoma, I hate Monoma, but you managed to write him in a way that was so charming and endearing that I couldn’t put it down. The paragraph about Shouto hiding all of his true feelings from the world and reader’s determination to draw those out into the open got me in the heart, I just sat and contemplated how this interpretation could be applied to canon Shouto for a while. Aizawa’s desire to be noble to the point he was willing to sacrifice his own happiness and by extension the happiness of his soulmate because he thinks he knows better was just *so* Aizawa to me (not to memtion the incredible sex scene after so much build up between the characters and their dancing around these dynamics they clearly would fall so easily into). Shinso wasn’t even the focus of his chapter for me, I related so heavily to the reader’s insecurity and anxiety and *everything*. It was like you crawled into my mind and fished out all of the things I personally struggle with to put into a reader character.
And Dabi’s chapter? I’ve re-read it three times. It’s so devastating and sweet and sad and hopeful. His physical insecurity, struggling with the things he’s done and wanted to do, not feeling worthy of a soulmate and at the same time not wanting one because he assumes she will paint him into a corner the same way everyone else in his life has. His struggle with intimacy and the hypersexuality he uses to overcompensate. Feeling actually physically ill at what he subjected his soulmate to before they were even destined for each other. And I’ve never even seen seeing through each other’s eyes as a soulmate trope before, to *me* it’s so unorthodox and unique, and you used it so *well*. I’m in awe at your creativity.
And you’ve been going at it for so *long*, I can see your passion and commitment. And your improvement!! Each chapter just gets better and better and better, more depth, more interesting prose, more complex emotions, such beautiful descriptions. If you ever have the desire and time to add more I just know you’ll continue to stun and amaze me in new ways. I hope school is going well for you, I just had to let you know how appreciated your writing is. ❤️
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oof that’s a lot to read all at once!! and then again, wow!! it takes me forever to review the canon that i’ve established, so i’m super impressed with your quick read time. and ohhhhhhhhhh it makes my heart siiiiiiiing that you think i can pull off subtle f u n n y...................i try to be so funny all the time, so i'm so glad it's working for you
oh my god bakugou is soooo frustrating; i love him v v much. and i know a lot of people dislike monoma bc he's meant to be Stock School Rival in so many ways, so i'm so gruntled that he was working for you here :) and shouto!!! it's that todoroki Watch Him thing, y'know, and since reader Sees real shouto, she wants him to be seen by everyone :) that's sooooooo cool and flattering that shouto's route made you recontemplate some considerations for canon boy; i also tend to think of him as a little shit, but in a different flavour than bakugou. and goddddddd i think aizawa's route affects me the most bc of aizawa's "noble", stupid sacrifices to be a Good Man; he could have been happy immediately, but it would've been tinged with guilt, and he's suffered enough.
and oh!! it's so interesting that you say that shinsou isn't even the focus of the chapter for you but reader and her insecurities; you're, like, the third or fourth person to say--and that makes me immensely happy. really. bc i was nervous i was making her insecurities Too Specific so that no one would related to them, and with shinsou, i was like, okay, what's could i see as the best possible scenario for someone (me) feeling these anxieties? and shinsou is so willing to give--and it's reciprocal relief for him when, at the end, he doesn't have to too early. i'm hoping that some of it was a comfort to you, even if 1) shinsou not real. there are still good, good people out there who will be enormously kind to you in ways specifically helpful for you.
and ohhhhhh dabi. what a weirdo. idk and am frankly scared of what canon will do to dabi in the end, so i wanted him to be more than okay, but realistic. when you have a mental breakdown, it's realistic you end up living with your parents. you go back to childhood patterns and feel weird and out of place about them. nothing quite fits, and is everyone fooling you by being so kind? do they mean the kindness, or are they scared? what do you fall back on? i don't think he would know what to do at all besides hold someone at arms' length. and also i wanted dabi to be a weeb lol. i feel in my heart he was deeply into naruto and tries to pretend he isn't. and i haven't seen the "seeing through each other's eyes" either!! the closest i've encountered, i think, is when soulmates have a body-swop on a certain day of the year--birthdays, or something, and during that body swop, they rush to find each other. yeah idk i was trying to think of what to write for a dabi chapter, and the first scene that i thought of was the cafe scene where he holds up our chin while we're looking at ourself through him, and the details of how nervous we are and the sweat dripping down our neck. i try to avoid having non-reader POV bc i like second-person limited for readerfic, and i was trying to think about how i could express this strange, calm-but-nervous-and-sweaty look. and i thought, well, why can't we, the reader, be seeing that somehow? silly. but i think it could be fun and/or sexy. like you could both experience a stupid even so that you could bitch about it later together. or he could see what he looks like when he goes down on you. or if you're lost, he can try to recognise the surroundings. idk i think there could be a lot you could do with it, and perhaps some other people had ought to give this type of bond a try.
ultimately, this ask is incredibly, immensely kind and generous and absolutely the best thing i could've seen after an extremely tough semester. i can eat well on this ask forever. you seem to be the exact type of reader i love, who notices small stuff and structure. really, thank you so, so much. i am v v v grateful and a silly little jester at yer service :)
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watching and dreaming
WATCHING AND DREAMING! i’ve got popcorn and soda ready :D 
the in-between? yay?
funky little in-between places between worlds, the unknown, the in between, the nowhere realm, gotta love them
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AMITY VS LUZ! the fight to the death literally no one wanted!
oh shit. poor…..everyone!
terribly sad moment but the color coordination or purple+green+red´+yellow+blue was great (couldnt get a pic w amity’s hair in it that didnt exclude hunter
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gotta love those tiny details in dream sequences that remind the mc that something is wrong. toh is so good at that, keeping consistency across eps! a witch’s duel was introduced in s1, and yet now they are recalling the concept, drawing attention to it, in a way
it’s interesting how ‘light’ here also has implications of truth, reality, knowledge. reminds me of hs in a way, though ik the idea is not exclusive to that
family reunion time!
rai-rai? really?
collector is soo cute!
collector is just an amoral child propaganda yes!
(can you guys tell i love collector???)
spiders are cool yes!!
wow! character who does bad stuff but doesnt realiza it’s bad? sign me right up! i love collector, did you know that?
the interesting contrast of childish innocence plus terrible atrocities is always fun to watch
watcha playing eyyy!!
love how luz, eda and king are kind of showing collector what his games feel like (getting injured, painful) for them, while being part of the games themselves! i imagine this si setting up for a ‘stop! this isnt funny anymore’ ‘well, that’s what everyone else feels too’ moment
poor collectorrrr nhghhshshshsh new fave character ig
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love this shot
collector is so like a child, they encounter a feeling they dont like and immediately become mean
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couldnt help but notice their eyes were without that white dot- kinda like the amity-puppet, yk?
collector spinel kinnie, also older-collectors are archivists? cool
ok so my predictions about the archvists taking collector in where wrong, cool. might wanna do something with that later tho
man that’s- that’s sad. collector literally got abandoned by their siblings, and then made new friends, just to see their siblings practically genocide everyone there, just for one of their friends to blame them for that and trap them in an empty dimension for a lot of years (and obviously leaving collector w some trauma). even if they dont say it in grown-up words, what happened to them was awful
luz collector parallels yes!
fuck you belos! go raine!
texts i found
-i gave up my palisman for you (i think?)
-im done
oh they really said ‘go big or go home’ w the horror here didnt they? 
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i think it’s cute, seeing luz tell her story of the owl house. kinda like those end of movie narration where the mc describes what they learned. very…heartwarming, excuse me while i cry bc this is the series finale
the knee! i love that theme of ‘can you hear the world singing?’ i’ve seen in so many other places. real magical. and TITAN MAGIC?? gimme.
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no but fr they baby
collector saying a baby could do what it took luz like 6 eps to learn
i love!!!!! the idea that luz and the titan/isles are connected to eachother, have loved it since i first came upon it in s1, i should do a (heavily canon divergent basically full on au) fic of it.
at first i heard ‘he must really like you’ as ‘he was really like you’ and honestly i like both.
‘hear that?’ ‘hear what?’ didnt that also happen last ep? i’ve been watching so much media it’s mixing around in my head
oof. collector recognizing raine’s earring. 
oh?? collector tell us your plan??
‘kindness and forgiveness’ wont help you now collector.
also isnt belos kinda a titan now??? should he be inmune to collector’s magic?
what a load of second-hand embarrassment
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collector is such a child!! they see a new rule in this game we call life and they assume it always applies and are surprised when it doesnt! .
‘no, you did good, collector’ yes!! bc collector wasnt completely in the wrong for wanting to understand belos! it means they learned from what luz taught them!! it’s not their fault belos is an asshole!
wow! for everyone who thought king was gonna be the petrified one this season, not quite!
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that silent ‘oh no’ look
no dont say that!! that’s sad!!! i’m sad now!!
luz! light! she became light!!
gotta love ‘tiny golden sparks representing magic through a connection with the world surrounding you’ sounds too specific but both toh and spop have done it!
collector i gte you’re grieving but please stop putting yourself in dangerous situations you have to be rescued from
even so: ‘the archivists arent here! the couldnt have taken her!’ noooo
oh. luz’s…..shards, return to the stars. the light glyph is written in the stars. huh.
‘i should have thanked them’ oh. bc everytime they get separated, the separated party thanks luz (‘luz, thank you for being in my life’ ‘thank you for being my big sister’)
i’m crying now.
i should be more surprised but this was set up since the beginning
‘luz is a noceda! you know what that means? it means she’s too strong to let any of this bring her down’ literally!! the name noceda means ‘don’t give up/yield’ theory of language my beloved
‘I’m sorry for everything!’ reminds me of catra. damn. and ‘i don’t want anyone else to go missing……’
i need the music for the titan luz scene.
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love this logo?? bc 1 it reminds me of the solar system which correlates w the space theme we’ve got going but also, it reminds me of like, connection. how mixing glyphs together makes them stronger. how luz’s strength is in her friends, her attachments, her connection to the world!
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is that collector screaming????
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no he looks like a cat fr
no but??? the isles being overtaken by green vegetation?? utterly natural for humans (belos, and to an extent luz) but utterly alien to the people of the isles?? then luz giving back the red vegetation??? smth about accepting other people’s differences even if they dint align w yours???
gotta love all the callbacks this ep is doing. i could make a compilation of them but it’s like they’re saying ‘we know this is the end, but remember the journey’ remember remember remember ughhhhhh toh will never die.
love how all the glyphs have their natural element form, but also other connotations! the light glyph deals w light, but also knowledge, truth (it helps wake up the people of the isles) but also the obscuring of truth (the invisibility glyph) while fire is both fire and like, movement, the sphere titan!luz travels in is made of fire glyphs while the teletransporting spell has a fire glyph in the middle, light also seems to have themes of ife? and it makes sense for fire to be movement: the more hot something is, the more the atoms in it aare moving and just…. hajdjakd.
eda’s requiem???
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what the fuck  is going on here what does that do
also ‘i am the good witch luz child of the human real student of the demon realm’ YES????? BC SHE’S NO LONGER PRETENDING TO BE SOMEONE ELSE, SHE’S ACCEPTED WHO SHE IS AND WHERE SHE COMES FROM
collector seeing the hex-children and curling up…… gonna save this
whoa!! belos is a bastard!! come on, still attepmting to manipulate luz??
also ‘you’re human, you’re better than this’ ‘WELL WE AINT’ (stomps) YESSSS 
and the acid rain not hurting luz….nice detail. the titan does look upon her
’Hunter deamonne is canon!!’
uh??? no- no more glyphs???????  nooo
my babies!!!! theyre all so grown up now
in remembrance of flapjack 
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i’m going to cry now. bye
i have no grand speech about how much this means to me, mostly bc there are no words to describe it. it’s just…..thank you, TOH, for being in my life.
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gremistired · 3 months
Greetings, I am back with your irregularly scheduled art post!
So basically I have like… 5 aus of my utmv ocs cus the brainrot is… so bad… n I have been hyperfixating on one I call Renewed Scales! It’s really cool n awesome and I’d explain it but we’d be here all day and I’m sure y’all just want the art so SJDNSSN
These two are experimental pieces! Basically playing with lighting and brushes n things I’d normally not do on a non experimental piece, and oh my god I cooked..
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Basically, first one is my silliest of illies malfunction!! That was the first one I did, and this drawing takes place in the second half when tensions are high and malfunction has lost almost everyone she has to the bbeg who is oddly triangle shaped (it’s.. it’s bill sans- i wanted to use a bbeg that isn’t one of my ocs, and I wanted to explore other characters in the multiverse)
And the second one is my beloved man Dimidros!! The mad prophet of my au BeastTale! This one was the most experimental, and holy shit.. either way, this one takes place around… 4 years after malfunction and malware (need to rename her, also another fan kid I have that is very plot important for this au!) were born/created? Dimidros is talking to/getting harassed by the triangle man and basically said “Yk what, I know the exact time and date the two of us die, my goddesses will be back and they are gonna come kick yo ass” n then disappeared, he is mid teleport as he says this hence the drawing being all blurry n stuff!
And as a lil snack, a silly lil thing cus I promised my irl’s server that I’d draw malfunction happy next time!
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Malfunction and malware! Raised in two different places and having the twin goddesses’ souls (reincarnation :3) these two mfs have so many issues! I need to malware post more, she’s so silly goofy (hopefully next malware post gives her a new name… cus it SUCKS[/j] and is too close to malfunction’s-)
Buut yea! I love Renewed Scales a normal amount, n all I can think about these past few days are Renewed Scales and a wof arc 4 au I’ll come here one day to talk about :D
If y’all read my rambles your a real one, I wanna post more here but my postable random thoughts are few and far between and I haven’t been drawing that often-
I shall depart now! I’ll try to post again this month… that’s all I can promise SHDSJDJSJSNA
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downfallofi · 2 years
12, 16, 22
Ooof Ima have to warn you, some of these are gonna get sad, can I interest you in a cat picture instead.
12) My childhood dream... I always wanted to create comic books like the comics I grew up reading. It started early, crude grids and lines on notebook paper, and it grew and grew all throughout middle school until by the time I was in high school, I was filling entire sketchpads with nine panel, six page comic book "issues" and each one was basically an ongoing story. I started creatint my own characters, and by ninth grade I had basically created a universe, with its own continuity and entire roster of heroes. And like. The ENERGY i poured into those pages. The creative juices, the infectious enthusiasm. I mean yes i was still doing "amateur" art, I was kind of ripping off plots from Dragonball Z, I was just throwing stuff out there... but like kids in my class used to gather around, watch me draw and get invested in the story I was telling and they were interacting with it and it was so fucking cool. But then ya know. My father told me to give it up, go to school and get a real job and stop drawing "cute little cartoons". I began to look at what I drew with a little more shame, the energy died (and I was kicked out at 17, long story there) and my gift broke. So yeah. My childhood dream, what I always thought Id be doing and the only thing that made sense to me... and the only thing that fucking hurts that I can't do anymore, I thought Id be volumes deep in my own lines of graphic novels by now. Just another, cliche story of dreams dying I guess...
16) LMAO man you got an hour? I mean you know. Mom was murdered when I was 8, father abusive and never told me he was proud of me, kicked out of home at 17, dumped and abandoned by everyone Ive cared about, literally homeless at one point, I mean like this is a broad question...
22) I'd say my sister, but there's a lot of times I don't think she really does understand, we come from the same cloth but we don't work the same way. I don't... I don't know if there's many people left who haven't walked away honestly... 😥 closest would probably be James. If not... I don't know that there's anyone in my life who's stayed and wanted to be there. I don't know if there's anybody else I've been able to let in.
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tired-teacher-blog · 2 years
I've been struggling lately with my writing because nothing seems to be good enough. So I thought, what's better to get through this than to try a little something with my two favorite teachers? This is going to be like a little practice round to get me back on track, so I apologize in advance if it sucks 😞
Title : Relationship headcanons
Characters : Aizawa/ Yamada/ Fem reader
Genre : NSFW/ 18+/ Fluff/ Headcanons
Please do not read if you're a minor
Masterlist|Second Masterlist
Aizawa :
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You have talked about your desire to start a family together, he has even mentioned how many kids he wanted you two to have: "as many as possible" is what he would say everytime the subject is brought up. He just craves the idea of having mini versions of the both of you.
He pretends to hate it, but Aizawa Shōta loves the feeling of your fingers moving through his hair. He groans and pouts everytime you play with his locks, but dare to stop and he'll demand you do it again. It's cute, witnessing the cool and laid-back Shōta sleepily whining about the loss of your touch. It makes you feel special, being the only one who gets to see that side of him.
More often than not, you wake up in the middle of the night to his cold empty spot, but you have never wondered about the reason because you know. He has lived through too many horrors that had left him with a chronic insomnia, and although it has gotten a lot better after meeting you, he still occasionally wakes up covered in cold sweat and ends up unable to fall back asleep until morning. On nights like these, you follow him outside to find him either training or working in his office. And no matter how hard he insists, you always refuse to leave him alone.
He is possessive, and doesn't hesitate to show it whenever someone is being a bit too friendly with you. He would simply walk up to you and wrap a protective arm around your waist while glaring daggers into whoever dared to approach his woman, and that's always enough to scare away any unwanted attention.
He loves kissing your neck, even more so because he enjoys the reactions you make everytime his stubble grazes your sensitive skin.
He's the kind of person who would express his feelings for you through actions rather than words.
He loves seeing you interact with Eri, especially since he knows how much you adore her.
He's not really a kinky guy. That said, he does have a mild breeding fetish.
He is extremely dominant in bed, he takes his time pleasuring you and studying your reactions to everything he does.
He loves it when you moan his name everytime you twitch around his cock with pleasure.
His tongue is magic. He knows the effect the sneaky muscle has on you and uses the fact to draw out the sexiest moans out of your throat. He does it for both of you, he loves knowing that he's the only one who's able to give you that much pleasure.
Bite marks, fingerprints, hickeys... He likes marking you, especially in spots only he has the right to see.
With your permission, he occasionally uses his binding cloth on you.
Except for the deep groans, growls and heavy breathing he lets out when he's deep inside of you, he's not really vocal. But all of that changes when you take him into your mouth: "fuck babe! Yeah keep going", "take me deeper sweetheart.. just like that", "you're driving me crazy", "you're mine you got that?"
He worships every single fiber of your being, so there is no room for insecurities with this man. He would teach you -all night long- how to properly love yourself.
He is the king of aftercare. Sex with him can -and would- get intense, so he makes sure to pamper you afterwards. For instance, he would kiss and trace every single bruise left on your skin, he would gently clean you up, whispers loving words into your ear, makes sure you drink plenty of water and fixes you a snack in case you were peckish.
Yamada :
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Everyone knows about your relationship because Hizashi loves showing you off. He is so proud to have you and considers you to be the single most important thing in his life, which is why he makes sure everyone around you knows you're taken. Yes, he is possessive.
He gives you special greetings and shout-outs during his radio show and dedicates some of his favorite songs to you.
He loves taking you out on dates, it's his chance to spoil and show you all his favorite places in town.
That's not to say that he doesn't enjoy spending quiet evenings with you at home. He likes those just as much, especially since he gets to be more touchy feely with you.
He confessed his love for you first. He asked you to meet him after hours and shyly admitted his feelings. It was precious and out of character. And even after all this time, you still remember that moment like it was yesterday.
He's playful, and a tease. He enjoys flustering you and the best way to do so is by sneaking kisses and touches when you're on a meeting or outside with friends. He's also really good at it and never gets caught.
Tummy kisses are his favorite. He loves dragging his lips and teeth along your belly just to marvel at the sound of your sweet giggles and the feeling of your fingers through his hair.
Body worshipping is his thing. He vocalizes everything he loves about your body and the things he craves doing to you: "look at that cute puffy cunt inviting me in", "you're so soft honey, I can't get enough", "yeah babe keep bouncing on top of me.. fuck! Your boobs are so distracting", "delicious.. so fucking delicious."
He loves eating you out. He enjoys the way your thighs squeeze around his neck right before his sinful tongue pushes you over the edge.
He usually uses his quirk as well to send blissful vibrations up your core.
You have tried quickies in the teachers' office or in one of the empty classrooms at least a few times.
Titty fucking is one of his kinks. Having you underneath him as you engulf his throbbing dick in your soft boobs is guaranteed to drive him insane.
He loves it when you pull on his hair, even more so when you whine and moan his name as you do it.
You have watched porn together too many times to count -his suggestion- but nothing against your will. You're so comfortable with each other that sometimes you indulge in trying some of the things you see in those movies. It's always fun and helps you learn more about each other's preferences.
894 notes · View notes
slothgiirl · 3 years
the medic (keith x reader)
17k. something weird’s going on with keith, like alien weird. as the team medic, you’re concerned.
“So he is avoiding me,” you muse aloud, grabbing one of the pink alien food biscuits that were Hank’s latest experiment. Though it had been hours since Voltron had taken out the Galra Empire’s presence on this Balmera, you’d only just seen the last of your patients. Altean medical equipment did wonders.
After a battle, you were hardly surprised to find Hank in the kitchen, grounding himself as he cooked. You were surprised to run into Keith.
“Yeah,” Hank nods, “Probably trying to avoid another dental exam.”
You flush bright red, “His teeth fell out! Sorry for being concerned.” Between you and Lance, you’d managed to get a look at Keith. A fist fight with some alien species that was cooperating with the Galra had not gone Keith’s way, knocking out two of his teeth.
Shiro, predictably, had waved it off and accepted Keith’s insane explanation that his teeth would grow back on their own without question: given his hand waving of the red paladin’s eyes glowing slightly in the dark, more than any human’s should (human eyes didn’t glow at all!). Hindsight was twenty twenty.
The yellow paladin shrugs as he mixes orange noodle-esque things in a bowl.
Team Voltron was full of strong personalities. Add in Lotor and his friends dropping in, there was always something going on.
Hank just wanted to unwind from spending the past few hours destroying heavy duty mining equipment without hurting the planet. “So how are the biscuits?”
You chew on one, still bothered by Keith. Maybe Hank was right and he was trying to hide something from your keen gaze. You hoped not. Knowing the red paladin, and after two years in space, you certainly did, he’d rather suffer in silence until there was no other option than get medical attention. Back on earth with needles and scalpels, you understood, but in the Castle of Lions…
“Kind of like a rice cracker,” you tell Hank helpfully. “In a good got snacks at H-Mart way, not the sad quaker oats rice snacks.”
“Oh H-Mart,” Hunk smiles, “they don’t have those in space. They do have salt though. Found that at the last market we went to.”
“As long as alien food doesn’t poison us,” you comment. It was lucky that hadn’t happened. It was alien food. But not one negative reaction which either made humans some of the most hardy species or you were just lucky.
“Yeah,” Hunk chuckles, “I’ve gotten pretty good at recognizing what’s edible and not. I know Pidge said there’s some books, but my Altean is pretty bad.”
“Languages are hard.”
“Wish there was a space version of google translate.”
“That’s genius!” You look at the yellow paladin, wondering how a universe with speech translators never thought to do the same for written language.
“I know,” Hunk smiles while popping another tray into the oven.
Lance finishes painting your toenails. It was a rare day when there were no space battles or rebel meetings. “Pidge,” the blue paladin whines, “let me paint your-”
“Don’t even think about it!”
“It’s supposed to be team bonding night,” Lance counters.
“Lance,” Allaura frowns from where she’s sitting with Shiro, “the castle’s night cycle has not started.”
“Well we can change it,” he counters, “there’s no up or down in space. OR day or night.”
“You can paint my nails,” Hunk offers. “Won’t last long though between the cooking and the vents I’ve been cleaning. This is a 10,000 year old castle. No offence,” he glances at Allura.
“No offence at all. The battles have taken their toll and I’m sure Coran appreciates the help. He is only one man.” She lets out a sigh. The only other remaining Altean was a bittersweet subject for her.
Hunk kicks off his shoes. “My pleasure. Literally. This Castle is so cool. The artificial gravity alone!”
You watch the paint dry on your toes. Only your big toes had actual drawings on them, strange alien creatures you’d all encountered over your time in space. The others were clear with green and blue swirls. “You’re a good artist Lance.”
The blue paladin winks, “I’m a regular old Michaelangelo.”
You laugh, “of course you are.”
“And I’m not just good with a brush,” he wiggles his eyebrows, more boyish flirting than anything serious.
You roll your eyes.
Pidge throws a cushion at Lance. “Oh please like you’ve got past the first date!”
“I have! Vivian Tran from Calculus.”
“Can you focus on my nails,” Hunk asks, but Lance is busy waving the thin brush in hand as he argues with Pidge.
“And Atticus from Cantonese.”
“Didn’t you drop that class,” Hank asks.
“Well, the hindi teacher was way nicer and didn’t hate me. I was good at drawing the characters though.”
“Can you speak hindi,” you ask, having taken French for your language fulfillment.
“Eh-” Lance shrugs.
“Can you flirt in Hindi is the real question,” you ask with a grin.
“He can’t even flirt in English,” Pidge points out scathingly.
“My nails Lance,” Hunk grumbles.
“Right. Right,” Lance focuses back on his task, going with a yellow that matches Shay. “What language did you take Shiro?”
“How many dialects does Earth have,” Allura asks.
“A lot,” Shiro tells the alien princess. “The Garrison pushes being multilingual in its program. Most cadets were already bilingual to start with, generally covering major languages.”
“Got bored of the training room,” Pidge asks Keith as he walks in, flopping down on an empty sofa.
“It timed out.”
“Sure,” Lance immediately starts, a dog with a bone, “not like you couldn’t beat it or anything.”  
“You can’t even get past level 9!” Keith growls back, sitting up with a jolt, skin still slick from sweat and his cheeks were flushed with exertion.
Lance gets up, puffing out his chest. Oh boy, here they go again. The rivalry thing they had going on got old fast to everyone around them. While it did push them to be better paladins, it was annoying to hear. “Oh like you’re any better.”
Hunk takes the brush from Lance, finishing off his last toe on his own.
“I am,” Keith bites back, a growl still audible from his chest.
“Only because you cheat!”
“It’s not cheating!”
“How is it not-” Lance stops, furrows his brow, then grins. “You got a little something there.” And like a thirteen year old, Lance points and laughs.
Keith frowns, his hand coming up to his cheek.
Sure enough, Lance was right. Keith had a couple of angry red blemishes on his cheek.
“You have adult acne,” Lance giggles, immature as ever. He was always able to find an angle to everything. It was what made him such an excellent strategist.
“It’s not adult acne!” Keith scowls, scratching at the blemishes.
“Its been three years,” Lance retorts smugly.
You frown. “No. It’s been like two.” You look over at Pidge to confirm, “Right?” You were like ninety percent sure you were twenty.
“Two and a half,” Pidge answers.
“Ha! You’re twenty! Adult-”
“I don’t have adult acne!”
They’d fought over more meaningless things before.
If it was two and a half years, maybe you were twenty one? You frown. How old would you be before you ever saw your family again?
Stashing that depressing thought away, you focus on Keith and the red marks on his cheek like a line coming down to his jaw. “It could be a rash,” you utter thoughtfully. Pidge and you had already encountered a very itchy plant before. “Or space ringworm-ring line?”
For the first time in days, Keith looks at you, meeting your gaze. “It’s not a rash!”
You lift your hands up, “okay. Okay. Geez.” When it came to Keith, you didn’t push too hard. He was too stubborn for it to work.
Lance, however, “hey, it’s okay Keith-buddy, just use toothpaste.”
“Toothpaste makes it worse,” Hunk counters. “Not great for your skin either.”
“It always worked for me,” Lance counters. “Or a clay skin mask.”
“Clay? You mean that green mud,” Keith clarifies.
“It’s clay!”
“Clay would work,” you agree with Lance. “Hey it could be like a spa day!”
“I could go for a spa,” Hunk nods.
Pidge shakes her head, “right. I’m going to try and see if I can get a signal back home.”
Shiro looks over at you, “do you really think it could be something serious?”
You shrug. “No clue.”
Keith huffs, “Just drop it,” he states dramatically, headed for the door. He was over being the center of attention.
“So face masks?”
You nod, “want to try it Allura?”
“I would love to try the clay mask,” she smiles brightly.
Te-Osh’s rebels had sent for Voltron, less fighting than rebuilding.
While you were no paladin, you had spent the majority of the day helping Allura take stock and synthesizing medicine, everything from serums to numbing gels. Just your luck the machine had overheated and given out on the last batch. It was a pretty large machine.
You stick your head inside, waving off the smoke. With your nails, you pry open the hutch and take stock. You were no Pidge or Hunk, still unsure how the thing even worked, but it was clear it needed a new regulator and starter. “Plenty of those lying around,” you utter, scrunching your face at the awful burnt hair smell. Your finger finds the ventilator button on your wrist controls, and there-the smell gets sucked out of the room.
“Is this a bad time,” Keith asks behind you.
Startled, you bang your head on the mental. “Keith,” flushing hotly when you look back and realize you were ass up in front of him.
He doesn’t even notice, grimacing, hand rubbing his nose bridge.
“What’s wrong?” You hurry to wash your hands.
Keith sits down at one of the medbay tables. “My skull feels like it’s being cracked open,” he explains flatly.
You look him over closely, standing right in front of him. “Where exactly,” you ask, frowning when you notice the blemishes had grown to a full blown rash, hot angry skin peeling and cracking like twin marks down his cheeks. You should have pressed. What if it was a parasite? Keith was half galra.
It was easily forgotten given how human he looked. Sure, the signs were there: his unhuman night vision, more strength than he should have, good ears and nose, nails that had torn through metal, but it all faded into the background.
“Does it itch,” you ask, raising your hand, fingertips hovering over the marks on his cheeks.
“Yes,” Keith nods, averting his eyes from your gaze, “mostly it’s hot. And my sinuses…all the way down to my neck. Hurt.”
“Hm,” you turn, reaching for the medical scanner. There was no way you could ever go back to being a medical officer at the galaxy garrison. Earth’s technology was ancient in comparison. “Hold still.”
“Alright,” he says seriously. Keith holds his breath.
You look up at him, in his violet eyes, and smile before laughing. “Keith!”
“You said to hold still,” he points out sincerely, before the corners of his lips turn up. Keith was an expressive guy, his smile lit up his entire being, a lightness in his eyes that made you smile wider.
“Let’s try this again,” you giggle, clicking the scanner and aiming right at his rash first. “Pew.”
He rolls his eyes, snorting. “You too?”
“Mine’s the only right one,” you wink, then look over the reading.
“Not even close.” He scratches at his cheek listlessly.
Whatever reason he had for avoiding you had worked itself out. You’d missed his company.
“Oh yeah,” you challenge, “then what’s the sound?” The readings came up clear. Keith was in perfect health. So not a parasite…space allergies? Those wouldn’t come up on the scanner.
“What is it,” Keith asks, noticing your pensive expression.
“How’s your sense of smell? Stuffy nose?”
He looks up, then takes a deep breath, “now that you mention it…I can’t smell your soap anymore.”
“What?” This was news to you. “You can smell my soap?”
“And whatever planet we’ve been on,” Keith fidgets, blushing as he ducks his head, bangs falling over his eyes, “the soil. It’s all different. But I can’t right now.”
That was worrying. But if the scanner said nothing was wrong…you had to wait and see. It might clear up on its own. You’d give it a day or two.
“Nothing came up on the scanner,” you tell him, “so it should go away on its own. It might just be allergic to something out here.”  
He nods, accepting your diagnosis.
“Let me get the medicine.”
You pass him a tube of gel and add that to the list of medication you need to synthesize once you fix the machine. Then grab a weekly supply of pain tabs. “Here.”
Keith pops one in immediately.
“Let me know if it doesn’t clear up in two days,” you tell him.
“Eh, I can always set Lance on you again,” you snort. Shiro was a pushover when it came to Keith. He was no help.
Keith laughs, looking a little more himself. “I could take him.”
“You could,” you agree, “but don’t tell him I said that.”
He tilts his head, smiling. “Coming? Shay got food for us.”
“I’ve got to fix this machine first.”
“Need help?”
“Might ask Hunk or Coran,” you admit.
“I could-”
“No,” you cut him off, placing your hand on his shoulder, “go eat and rest. That’s an order.”
Keith leans into you. “Are you going to write me a doctor’s note too,” he asks, his delivery always so earnest you had to do a double take to figure out if he was joking or not.
“If I have too,” you stick your nose in the air. “I’ll even send one to Zarkon.”
Keith laughs easily. “Why didn’t Lotor think of that.”
You snort. “I’m going to check your lymph nodes,” you tell him, taking a step towards him again. “That okay?”
Keith tilts his head back, “Go for it.”
“Wow,” you chuckle, “who are you and what did you do with Keith Kogane.” You brush his hair out of his face.
“Remember when you broke your arm,” you point out, gently pressing your fingers over the side of his throat, feeling the swelled bean shaped lymph nodes under his ears, behind his jaw. “And said nothing for like a week?” It had been your first year at the Galaxy Garrison.
“It was only a sprain,” Keith grumbles.
“Still!” You laugh, “I’m glad you asked for help.” Because this was still Keith and you didn’t want him to think you were laughing at him.
“Mm,” he closes his eyes as you trail your fingers lower, making sure it wasn’t too bad.
The fact they were inflamed at all worried you. You had no clue what was the space equivalent of antihistamines.
Keith’s breath tickles your shoulder, deepening and evening out like he’d finally relaxed. That was most of your patients once you gave them answers and they knew they’d be getting care and treatment. You liked helping people.
You pull your fingers back, ever the consummate professional. It was like the ghost of your garrison advisor was hovering over your shoulder. “They’re not too swollen if you can still eat. Can you still chew?”
Keith opens his eyes. His expression is glazed and feverish.
“Keith,” you utter, worried.
“Yeah?” His gaze is heavy as it meets yours.
Your skin warms up because he wouldn’t stop looking at you like that.
“Any jaw pain,” you ask, focusing on the task at hand. You bring your hand up to his forehead. He was warm.
Keith leans into your touch, “no.”
“Good.” You bite your lip. Could it be some weird galra thing? Wouldn’t it have come up? You feel your own forehead. He was for sure warmer.
You were going to have to corner Coran about it.
Keith lets his eyes fall shut again and honest to god purrs, leaning into you.
Add cornering Lotor to your list.
You don’t pull away, figuring it was harmless. Lance, Hunk, and Allura were more prone to random hugs. You were more than happy to indulge Keith as well. He already wasn’t feeling well.
You wrap your arms around the red paladin’s shoulders, hugging him, “I’m looking forward to a break from Coran’s post mission food goo once I get done with the machine.”
He was completely out of it.
His breath tickles your cheek.
“Though I’m not sure there’ll be any left if I don’t go there? Maybe I should grab a plate and then come back here,” you ramble. Keith had never sought you out for comfort. It was touching that he trusted you now. You’d been friends with the others before, with Keith and Shiro and the Alteans, you had skipped right over friendship and gone right to family.
You look behind you.
Te-Osh takes a step back, “forgive my intrusion. I was unaware-”
Keith snaps out of whatever was going on with him. Bolting off the exam table. “It’s fine. We’re done here.” He hunches his shoulders and beelines for the door.
You frown, still processing.
“I can come back,” Te-Osh tells you, glancing between you and the door Keith had just escaped through.
You shrug. “No. I’ve got time. What do you need?”
“If you’re sure?”
Nodding, you smile, “yeah, what can I help you with?”
“Here is where we will focus the blunt of the attack on. Keith, Lance, engage the fighters. Hunk,” Shiro explains, “you’ll be with me taking out the communications towers. We want to keep the damage to the minimum. The resistance leaders want the factory intact. Pidge-”
Pidge waves the Black Paladin off, “I’ve got the code written.”
“It really does come in handy,” Lance observes, “all those vents are Pidge size.”
The green paladin grumbles, “easy for you to say when you’re not the one crawling around in there. It’s not your knees getting banging up.”
“Well the galra are all like nine feet tall,” Hunk points out, “the vents probably aren’t that small from their perspective.”
Lance unsubtly glances over at Keith.
His rash had cleared up, but not before spreading. In its place were two purple slash marks running from his cheek to jaw, galra markings. No one had pressed…yet.
You were just glad it wasn’t some weird space parasite.
Her brother ruffles her hair, “Pidge sized! A micro pidge,” Matt jokes to himself.
She smacks his hand away, “five feet is a perfectly reasonable size.’
“She could still have a growth spurt,” you add, though it was highly unlikely.
“No,” Matt’s eyes go comically wide as he hugs his sister, “not my hobbit,” relishing in her embarrassment.
“In summation,” Allura calls you all back to attention, “the paladins will take out Galra forces and Pidge will open the weapons factory up to Vexuin rebels to take over. I will be manning the Castle to ensure no fighters target the work camps and coordinating communications with the rebels.” She turns to look at you, “Matt and you will take down the sentries, freeing the people from the work camps.”
Everyone looks over at Keith. The horror on his face is easy to read.
What had brought this on?
Shiro clears his throat.
Keith ducks his head, letting his bangs obscure his features.
“Why not,” Pidge asks grumpily, time was running out. You were all just ironing out the details, “your plans suck.”
“Pidge,” Shiro chastises.
The green paladin was right.
Keith fought the same way you played video games, caring about nothing but reducing the enemies stats to zero. He’d gotten great at teamwork, but he was hardly a strategist.
“Keith,” Allura asks, “do you have any legitimate reasons why Matt should go on his own?” And when she phrased it like that…
The red paladin crosses his arms over his shoulders.
Pidge taps her foot on the floor.
“Okay then,” Shiro takes over, “let’s get to our lions.”
“Coms. Come in earthlings!,” Coran chimes in over the system, “remember this planet’s atmosphere is toxic to breath, too much sulfur in the air, not to mention the heat will give you all a taste of the slipperies. And worse! So keep those space suits on Vol-”
“-Tron,” Lance grins back, having taken a liking to having a kooky space alien uncle.
You lock your helmet in place as Matt pilots the pod towards the work camps. They were just as grim as the first time you’d seen them. It was the same all over in many of the Empire’s work planets. They were at the bottom of the totem pole. There were some planets where the native species and Galra coexisted more or less peacefully, this was not one of them.
“So what’s up with Keith,” Matt asks you.
You shrug. “No clue. I keep waiting for Lotor or one of the Blades to drop in so I can corner them but he’s a picture of perfect health so I’m not worried.”
“But the,” he takes a hand off the wheel, motioning to his face.
You frown, arching a brow. You’d never looked at Allura quite the same after the way she had treated Keith upon learning about his heritage. It’s not like he’d been a completely different person, she’d known him for over a year.
Matt might be Pidge’s brother, but you weren’t about to let anyone get away with giving someone you loved shit. Especially not Keith who would just silently take it.
It made your chest ache, thinking about how sweet he looked when he smiled. He didn’t deserve any of it.
“What about it?” You stare back at him cooly.
Matt focuses back on landing the pod just beyond the sentires line of sight. “Nothing. Pidge figured it was nothing, didn’t even seem curious. I figured you might know, you two are pretty close.” He glances over at you meaningfully.
“We’ve known eachother since the garrison,” though you hadn’t really been friends. Keith had been kind of a loner. You’d tried to include him, having shared a couple classes with him here and there, but he’d never taken you up on any offer.
“Right.” He doesn’t sound all that convinced. “Glad to hear it’s all good. I caught the sneazles while in the work camp,” Matt makes a face.
You laugh.
“It was horrible! But also like an episode of spongebob somehow?”
“Space is weird.” You had way bigger problems and had seen stranger things by now. For fucks sake, you were saving dragon looking aliens from the Galra right now. This planet was like a silent hill game!
Thick fog obscured the rocky landscape. Even from within your suit you could smell the stench of rotten eggs. Yet this was home to the Vexuin.
Shiro gives the signal.
You take the safety off the taser gun Pidge had built for you. Anything pilfered off the Galra was too large for your small stature, just a hair shorter than Keith. The gun packed a punch, with enough voltage to take out the robots.
Matt and you get to work.
“Almost got it,” Matt mutters as you take aim and shoot.
Stupid damn biolocks.
“Hurry the fuck up,” you tell him, dodging a shot from another sentry before frying it with your own weapon. One shot, one sentry. You needed to take them down before they got close. The robots were durable and strong. You knew better than to think you could go hand to hand with one, you were a medic not a fighter.
“I am, I am,” Matt insists. “Ah there,” he grabs a taser flash bomb out of his pocket and tosses inside the sentry outpost.
You shoot again, trying to keep your hands steady. It was easy when it was just programmed machines. Nothing to feel bad about.
Matt and you rush inside, stepping over more fried sentries. You take position at the entrance, gunning down anything that makes its way towards the two of you.
“You in,” you ask him.
“Patience my young apprentice,” Matt says, laughing at his own joke, “it’ll take a moment for my worm to work its way through the software and give me complete control.”
The ground shakes as the main part of the battle takes place outside, at a monsterous factory that’s gray, chimney shooting out smoke. You can only see hints of lions shooting and Galra fighter ships lighting up the sky.
The sulfuric fog coats everything.
You taste rotten eggs on your breath.
Inside your suit, sweat runs down your back.
“Okay,” Matt chimes into the coms, “I’ve hacked the camps. Ready to open the gates.”
The rolling low grutal voices of the Vexuin rebel leaders fill your coms, “Good.”
“Go ahead Matt,” Allura gives the order, “Voltron?”
Pidge answers, “dropping in, should override their” static, “ticks.” Then an explosion reverberates in your ear where the communications device is.
“Pidge,” Keith yells out.
“Keith cover Lance,” Shiro grunts out, blasts audible from here. “Pidge?”
Matt’s face goes ghostly white.
“Pidge, come in Pidge?” Allura asks. “Paladins? Are you able to reach Pidge?”
“Negative,” Shiro replies, “Hunk, take the main gate! Time to land.”
“On it.”
“Guys,” Lance yells, “the shield’s down. Pidge hacked them.”
“Keith,” Shiro yells, “wait!”
You decide to hope for the best. There was nothing you could do for any of the paladins all the way from here. “Turn it off,” you tell Matt.
He steals himself. “Right.”
The lights of the compound go out. Sentries power down where they stand, puppets with their strings cut. Locks disengage, and for the first time in decades, the Vexuin are free to leave the barracks free from Galra supervision.
You and Matt go out to meet them.
“I could get used to this,”  Pidge calls out as everyone meets on the planet’s surface. Rebels come in from the forest slowly, making sure this is for real, before sniffing the air and calling out to their loved ones lingering around the liberated camp complex.  Their vision worked in the infrared, all the better to see on this planet. You’d need at least three showers to get the smell out of your hair.
Keith carries Pidge, careful not to jolt the youngest member of Voltron. She holds a leg stiffly, a sprain or fracture.
Matt rushes to his sister, “Katie!”
She waves him off, “I’m fine.” Then snaps her fingers, “Down.”
There’s a small smile on Keith’s mouth as he places her down on the ground gently.
Lance comes up behind Keith, ruffling his hair, and being every bit himself as he comments with a smirk, “good boy.”
The shorter paladin smacks Lance’s hand away, but it’s too late, Lance is already smothering Keith in a hug that turns into a competition, like always with those two. Keith shoves at Lance’s face while Lance tightens his grip on Keith.
Shiro clears his throat, “paladins.”
“A dobesh in the pod,” you ask Pidge as Matt gets his turn to fuss over her.
“Yeah. Landed right as an explosion went off,” Pidge frowns. “Not my best moment, but my program still did it’s job and,” she pats her bayard, “I took them out.”
“Can’t be that bad if you can stand,” you agree. Nothing serious but you’d be keeping an eye on her all the same. The faster she got into the pod and took weight off her injury the better. You didn’t want to exacerbate the sprain.
“The jet pack helped,” Pidge points out.
“Lucky you,” you grin.
Shiro and Allura are consummate professionals as they go over the last of the logistics with the Vexuin, “It would be wise to stay until your people have situated themselves in case the Galra Empire retaliates,” Allura states, ending her sentiment in a question, “but it is ultimately up to you.”
The Vexuin chatter among themselves for a moment before one speaks up, “we would not turn down Voltron’s help. A few quintants should be enough time.”
“Then we will make ourselves of service to you,” Shiro nods. “Please, let us know anything we can help with.”
A red scaled one smiles, showing off her many sharp and jagged teeth, “our people long to see the camp destroyed.”
Hunk offers, “I could help rig a controlled explosion.”
“Very good.”
“The system inside the weapons factory is down,” Pidge tells them, “but I can reprogram it to keep the Galra out so that you can decide what to do with the place.”
“Oh no you don’t,” you cut in, “Matt can take care of that. You’re going in a pod first.”
“Pod person,” Matt mutters under his breath with a snort.
“Then let us get to work,” Allura dismisses everyone.
Pidge tries to take a step, and almost falls over.
You grab her.
Her face goes crimson from the pain.
The adrenalin must have been keeping the bulk of the pain away.
Keith picks her up.
It’s not until you’ve loaded Pidge in for three vargas that you pull off your helmet, savoring the crisp clean air of the Castleship.
“I can still smell the sulfur,” you comment, wrinkling your nose.
Keith shakes his hair out.
You look at him thoughtfully, “must be worse for you though.”
“Why,” he asks, genuinely puzzled.
“Because your nose,” you point out, then frown, “your sinuses did clear up yeah?” He never said anything about it so you figured they had and he could smell fine again, but you weren’t sure.
“Oh. Yeah. They did.”
You smile fondly, “very convincing Keith,” you tell him, reaching out to him. He lets you run your fingers right under his ears, behind his jaw. Everything was in order.
A knot of anxiety dissolves in your chest.
“Well,” he asks, “satisfied?”
“Mhm.” You look at the purple markings on his skin.
Keith’s breath hitches. His gaze is trained on you, watching carefully.
“So if not rotten eggs,” you ask, slowly bringing your fingertips over the marks on the sides of his face, giving him every opportunity to pull away, “what do you smell?” You couldn’t help it. It was that scientific curiosity. Everyone at the garrison had ended up there because they were nerdy in some way: devoting themselves to some STEM field while other kids were watching cartoons. You’d had a stutter as a kid, self conscious about it too, so instead of trying to make friends you read your textbooks under your desk, racing ahead.
Keith’s eyes meet yours. There’s a level of vulnerability in his gaze that worms its way into your chest and all of a sudden you’re incredibly aware of how close you two are, the lack of space between your bodies, your fingers caressing his skin.
You look away, focusing on the marks. They were purple, which was obvious. His skin itself had grown purple, perfectly delineated.
“Like wet soil,” Keith explains finally, “when they just added fertilizer.” You wince, remembering the smell of the horticulture center wafting through the garrison’s campus during the spring. “And garlic.”
“I like garlic. I’d kill for some,” you tell him, sounding very much like Hank. You hadn’t expected to be homesick for food. “Best food they served at the cafeteria.”
“That’s not saying much,” Keith mutters, amused.
You chuckle, pulling your hands away from his face.
He leans forward, asking for physical comfort in a very Keith way: unsubtle and wordlessly, putting the onus on you to get the hint.
Pidge must have freaked him out more than he was willing to discuss.
You wrap your arms around his waist, hugging Keith. “Pidge’ll be fine.” Sure, she was younger and short, but she was more than capable of handling herself. “I’m more concerned about how she left the other guys,” you comment lightly resting your chin on Keith’s shoulder.
His shoulders shake as he laughs easily. “They asked to surrender to her personally.”
“That’s Pidge all right.” You glance over at the pod. She’d be back on her feet in no time.
Keith’s breath against your skin feels nice. Your heart flutters in your chest and you find yourself blushing and pulling away, thoughts racing as you realize just how much you liked this boy. You pull away, unsure what to do and suddenly finding it too awkward to be around him at all.
The start of a whine escapes his throat before he smothers it, looking away, as he lets his bangs fall over his eyes, effectively hiding his easy to read features.
“Let’s go help the others,” you say, fumbling to grab a med kit and click your helmet back in place, your face too warm and it must be obvious. You didn’t want to make things weird. You didn’t. But-
“I’m going to stay here until Pidge wakes up,” Keith tells you.
“Oh. Okay.” You nod. “That’s a great idea. It’s always confusing as hell to get out of the pods.” It was akin to waking up from a midday nap: completely confused and exhausted instead of rested.
Your skills would be more useful with the Vexuim than fussing over Pidge at the moment. And having something to do would keep your mind off Keith.
“You know,” Lance comments, sliding up to you as you watch Lotor strut away from you after another failed attempt to talk to him. “If we bottled up whatever galra repellant you have going on, we could defeat Zarkon with perfume.”
You look over at Lance, trying to suppress a smile. “What would you call it?”
“That’s-that’s actually pretty great,” you tell Lance.
“I know,” he grins. Then the latino boy sobers up, “trying to find out what’s going on with mullet?”
You nod. “I even tried to corner Acxa,” you admit. For an eight foot tall purple alien, boy could she make herself scarce.
Lance’s eyes widened in delight, “like could and should peg me Acxa?”
You groan. “Lance, sometimes it’s okay to keep things to yourself.”
“I’m just saying,” he laughs, “the ship’s not that big…”
“It’s designed for six thousand people.” You’d learned that fun tidbit while practicing your Altean with Pidge.
“Like for real!”
“Ay dios mio,” Lance utters, “you’re screwed.”
You finally hit the motherlode.
Lotor and his generals are in a stately room that reminds you of the socratic lecture halls at the garrison, sofa arranged in a half circle, with Shiro and Allura. The former Prince had shown up for a reason beyond making a nuisance of himself. Allura looks at her wits end with him, as he smiles like a douche, her eye twitching.
She invites you in without hesitation, “take a seat next to me,” and effectively uses you as a human shield against Lotor.
Literally since you and Shiro were the only humans here.
“Everything has been thoroughly discussed,” Lotor comments dryly, snubbing you once more. Normally, you wouldn’t have cared but you were trying to get information out of the man. “Unless either of you have further questions?”
Shiro hums, rubbing his chin, “I know saddling you with a rebel ship or two will slow you down but I don’t see another way around it. A display of size on their part will go a long way to show it is an alliance and not the Galra Empire hy another name.”
Allura nods, a small smile on her lips as she looks over at Shiro, “The black paladin is right. It will be a steep hill to climb to show that you are not the Galra Empire. Their fears would be alleviated with the presence of the rebel alliance.”
Zethrid sucks in a sharp breath, “So that’s it then. We will always be scorned and merely tolerated.”
“Time,” Shiro sighs with a look of gentle understanding at the muscular woman, “they need time. You can’t erase 10,000 years of history. It is hard to extend trust after being imprisoned and enslaved.”
“The alliance has started coordinating with you and the Blade directly have they not,” Allura asks stiltedly. It was by the necessity of time that they had stopped going through Voltron first. Lotor might be too smug for his own good, but his team was effective at sabotaging warships and infiltrating Galra ranks to liberate prisons and cities, enough to turn the tide for the rebels.
Her feelings towards Lotor and the Blade were still tinged with suspicion, her treatment of them lukewarm at best.
Still, Lotor brushed it off and continued to help. “Well then, Princess, Shiro, we have a long journey ahead of us.”
Shiro nods.
They shake hands.
You stand up, ready to corner Lotor.
“But first a word Shiro, it is a private matter.”
“Yeah, sure,” Shiro leads Lotor away.
Your eye twitches.
That snake!
Zethrid and Narti walk purposefully away as Allura pushes in her chair, ignoring the last two of Lotor’s team. “Princess,” Acxa, tries. “Until next time.” She nods at you, “stay safe.”
Allura gives the woman a strained smile, hooking her arm with yours. Human shield.
“You too,” you tell her. She doesn’t wait, already halfway out the door. You sigh.
Ezor giggles, by far the friendliest and easiest to get along with of Lotor’s team. “Stashing food and water will cut down the embarrassment by half.”
“Oh,” she shrugs, “I guess Lotor was right. Darn it! Now I owe him one hundred GAC.”
But she scurries off.
“Ugh,” you kick the wall, tired of everyone being weird. The usual frustration with being caught up in a space war was just the salt on the wound.
Your toe throbs, “fuck,” you hiss.
“They are rather tiring to deal with,” Allura agrees, reading the situation wrong, “but it hardly calls for assaulting the Castle.”
“Sorry,” you flush red with embarrassment. “I just had a question for Lotor and he seems intent on never being in the same room as me.”
“Ah-,” Allura smiles easily, “Lance did mention that you were in possession of a Galra repellent.” The twinkle in her eyes lets you know she was in on the joke.
“Come, let us work our frustrations out with some introspection.” Which was just Altean for weird breathing exercises that supposedly helped you do alchemy. She had managed to rope you into practicing with her before.
“Anything to spare the wall,” you joke.
You walk back from the library. It was a cozy room, especially when you dimmed the lights. The Castle was always so bright, designed with the Alteans sight needs in mind.
Sometimes you just needed some time away from everyone. You loved them, but spending years with the same people while floating through space…you had no clue how Shiro had managed it.
Getting a walk around the ship was also nice. It was easy to forget how big the Castle was when you mainly stayed on the same three floors. Just a couple months ago Coran had rediscovered the greenhouse. The plants were a little piece of Altea, and had quickly become one of Allura’s favorite spots.
The windows were wide portholes. It unnerved you still, looking out and not recognizing any star, any constellations.
A lump of homesickness lodges itself in your throat. It had been over two years, your siblings would have grown so much in that time. You certainly had. The last vestiges of childhood had gone from your face.
Acne cleared up even without Lance’s ten step routine.
You walk across the bridge, trying not to look down. The viewing platform was clear glass in space, you could lay on it. It freaked you out a little.
It was the only constantly dark place in the castle.
You still yelp when you spot Keith, his eyes luminous violet like a glow in the dark t-shirt. That should have tipped all of you off, but alien was not the first thing that came to mind when you previously believed aliens had never visited earth.
He whimpers, curling up further.
“Keith,” you gulp, focusing on him and not the glass separating you from the void of space. “What’s wrong?”
He looks up at you miserably, blinking sluggishly. “I have the worst migraine.”
“And you’re down here instead of getting painkillers?”
Keith shrugs. “It’s not as bad, quiet. Dark.”
You sit down next to him. “I can go get you something,” you offer, your cheeks warming up and it was ridiculous how you can’t even manage to act normal around him anymore.
“Coran already gave me a dose.”
“Oh.” You were hurt. You were supposed to be the medic. That was your role on Team Voltron.
You hug your knees to your chest, and look down at space. It was darker than the photographs back on earth. Not so purple and blue.
You weren’t Matt who was just as good as Pidge with technology or Allura who was the leader and a princess to boot, you’d just planned on having a late dinner with Hunk once he got over the motion sickness before Lance roped you into following Pidge. You weren’t a paladin.
Keith shuts his eyes. “You were with Allura. I didn’t want to bother you.”
“It’s no bother.” You swallow thickly, letting silence fall over you both.
You listen to Keith breathing, looking around the darkness of space for any familiar stars. You knew the space around Shay’s Balmerra, and Arus was at least a little familiar. But the universe was so vast and wide.
There were planets you’d only ever been to once, each with a different night sky. Some of them never even had a night, with multiple suns staving off a night cycle.
“Do you think Allura minds?”
“Mind what,” you ask.
Keith clenches his jaw, rubbing his temples. “That I look more Galra.”
Allura has always been harder on the Galra. For her, it had been such a short time since Zarkon had destroyed her world and her people. You didn’t agree, but you could understand where she was coming from, the pain still there as she continuously wore Altean mourning pink.
You look over at him, the outline of his body against the glass. “I think your marks look cool.”
“I do,” you whisper gently, considerate of his migraine. Those were the worst. “They frame your face. You look nice,” you finish lamely, looking away. You look nice. Lance might say stupid things but at least he tried.
“What if I looked even more Galra?”
“Like completely purple and tall?” You couldn’t really wrap your head around it. It also seemed incredibly unlikely. Could his phenotype change so drastically? On earth the answer was no, but who knows how the Galra work. It was fascinating to see such a wide range of traits in one species.
He was also half human.
You worried if his body would even tolerate such a drastic change.
“Yes,” he says, not waiting for you as he rants in agitation, “the rebels hate the Blade and Allura doesn’t trust them at all and that’s not even mentioning Lotor.”
“That’s not true. Te-Osh likes Acza and Ezor. Lotor’s kind of annoying if we’re being honest, and I’m sure his being Zarkon’s son makes it a little hard to believe he’s on our side,” you try to reason. “And don’t write off the Galra who have changed sides or were in the camps right alongside other aliens.”
Keith says nothing in response, mouth a thin line as he thinks.
You wonder how long it’s been bugging him.
You want to reach out and hug him, but he isn’t Hunk. You’re not sure he’d want to if he’s not initiating the contact. So you don’t.
“Everyone knows how the last Galra paladin worked out.” A low growl in the back of his throat is enough to clue you in to how distressing this was for him.
Your heart hurts. “And everyone knows you’re not Zarkon,” you state evenly back. “We already know you’re Galra.”
Keith snorts humorlessly. You can’t see his eyes; they’re hidden by his bangs.
“The glowing eyes are not exactly subtle dude,” you point out, “not to mention your hair does the poof thing guinea pigs do when they’re eating, but not when you’re eating, more like when you get annoyed.”
“I-what!” His eyes go comically wide as he sits up. His dark hair does the thing, making him look like a character from those old Japanese kids movies.
You giggle, “you’re doing it.”
Keith tries to look at his reflection in the glass.
You blush, grateful that it’s too dark to see, and then realize that wasn’t true for him, so you look away, hoping he didn’t notice. “Yeah. I’m the medic, it’s my job to know these things. Like how Pidge has two webbed digits on her foot and Lance is allergic to flax seeds and bees.”
“That…makes sense.” Then he smiles, “still didn’t put two and two together.”
“Don’t be a smartass.” Reason number three thousand Iverson had it out for him back at the harrison. “And if anyone has a problem with you I’ll kick their ass.”
“You?” Keith snorts. “You wouldn’t even flip me during self defense.”
“You remember that?” You run a hand over your face, “I didn’t want to hurt anyone,” you always took forever to practice on your partner. And your weak arms didn’t help.
“That’s what the mats were for.”
Keith laughs at your expense.
You smile, taking delight in watching him smile and laugh and you wish it could always be like this and the war would just end.
Then you sober up. “You’re going to be okay, right?”
He doesn’t answer you right away.
“Keith-” you reach out, voice cracking. “You’re going to be okay, giant purple space cat or not, right?”
He takes your hand, squeezing it firmly. “Yeah. Don’t worry about it.”
“Good,” you utter, but tears bead up in your eyes anyway. It was terrifying watching someone go through something unknown that you couldn’t help them through for all your medical training. You knew how to set bones and run a pod…not whatever this was.
You trusted Keith.
He knew himself better than anyone. After all, he’d been right about his teeth growing back.
“You really are worried,” he whispers in disbelief.
“I can smell it on you,” then he seems to realize what he said, and pulls away, ducking his head. Like he hadn’t meant to say so much.
“Really?” Learning about anything alien biology was pretty cool, you had to admit. Allura had once described colours that you couldn’t perceive. It was a fun talk. And then she’d made you meditate for alchemy stuff or so she claimed. It might have just been payback. “Is that new?”
“Yeah,” Keith admits, still drawn into himself. “Can we not-I already feel like enough of a freak already without,” he waves aggressively at himself.
You bite your lip, nodding. You wanted to say something, to get it through his head how you saw him, incredibly kind and fiercely loyal (to the point of taking on Zarkon by himself) and an endearing smile you never got tired of seeing.
You liked him.
The universe was lucky to have him as a paladin.
But you don’t know how to say it in a way he’d accept. And he asked you to drop it, so you do. “Right, I’ll just go then.” He’d been here first, and the glass made you nervous.
Could it withstand a hit from a galra battleship?
Keith opens his mouth like he wants to say something else, but he just nods, then winces, “Argh,” he groans as he curls up on his side, covering his ears with his hands.
You rush to his side, kneeling next to him, “Keith,” you utter softly, not wanting to make it worse.
His eyes are pressed close and for all your medical know-how, you’re at a loss.
So you running your fingers through his hair soothingly and wait for the pain to pass.
He shifts, laying his head in your lap as he whimpers.
You can’t stand to watch him and do nothing. You press your com, pinging Shiro and Coran. This was beyond you. He’d trust Shiro with whatever was going on and he’d gone to Coran. You respected that even if it did sting.
Your pride meant little so long as Keith felt comfortable and sought help.
“Shh, shh,” you whisper gently.
Sweat beads on his brow.
Whines escape his throat.
“Fuck,” he grunts, clenching his teeth.
He’s warm to your touch and that rouses another bout of worries. At this temperature it’s a fever, but he didn’t have the symptoms, the flushed cheeks and chills.
Keith curls up further, muscles stiff.
You’re helpless.
After what feels like ages, Shiro and Coran finally appear.
“Number four, Number five,” Coran claps his hands.
You hold out your hand, motioning them to shut the fuck up as Keith winces at the sound.
His hair is damp near his ears.
“Keith,” Shiro utters much more gently, kneeling down on his other side, “I’m here, I’ve got you.”
He raises his head, blinking groggily at Shiro, trying to concentrate through the pain, “Shiro,” he reaches for his brother who easily pulls him against his chest. Keith buries his head in the crook of Shiro’s neck.
You sit back, trying to get out of the way. Your hands are wet.
You look down and realize it’s blood. His ears-
Oh god.
“Number five,” Coran says gently, helping you up, “I’ll take great care of our Paladin. Why don’t you go get cleaned up.”
You don’t get any sleep that night.
You were always struck with cognitive dissonance walking around colonized planets like Rahiri where the natives and Galra lived side by side. This was not a planet ravaged by the empire. The flora-like aliens in all shades of green with rootish limbs and leaves and petals for hair had assimilated into the Empire, achieving citizenship over generations. 10,000 years deca-phoebs was a long time. That was a huge source of tension in the Alliance, what to do with the world who neither wanted or wished to leave the Empire.
It was also a source of dark humor that no one spared the four of you a second glance despite two paladins of Voltron walking around.
Hunk holds Shay’s hand in front of you as they point and awe and drag their feet on the way to the space port.
“You could always stay with,” Hunk says hopefully, “we could just drop you off. Personal taxi service.”
Shay smiles back kindly, “that would be wonderful but I have been away from home for too long. I am, as you say, a homebody.”
“Aw, yeah,” Hunk chuckles, “I feel that. I like the ground. And dirt. Piloting is overrated.”
“Don’t let yellow here you say that,” Keith comments so dry, you think he’s serious for a second. Allura and Pidge had gone shopping for supplies. That was an advantage of a planet that had not seen war.
Hunk glances back, clearly having forgotten we had tagged along in case anything went down. “Yeah well, she’d like a small moon. Or an asteroid. There’s colonies on those.”
“Very true,” Shay laughs. “I think my balmerra is also like a moon. A beautiful creature. We have learned how to ask for crystals so we do not need to cut them.”
“That’s impressive. Did the books from Allura help,” Hunk asks.
As much as you liked getting to stretch your legs, seeing a different planet where the threat was not imminent, you didn’t like being a third wheel, or fourth wheel if you went according to Coran’s favorite numbering pattern. That inch difference between you and Keith mocked you.
You glance over at the red paladin.
His gaze kept flickering back and forth, around the street. The occasional loud noise of crates being unloaded made him jump.
“You good,” you ask Keith, cracking a joke so he’d know you weren’t judging him. “You see la llorona or Davy Jones?”
“You know…a famous ghost? Do they have ghosts in space?”
Keith snorts, cottoning on. “They don’t even have ghosts on earth.”
You pull a face, “well that’s no fun. Seriously, you okay? Or have we been made?”
He shakes his head, glancing around again just to be sure. “So much for Zarkon’s finest.”
You laugh, following Hank and Shay into the space port. Shuttles were departing pretty consistently. Everything was in orderly fashion. You especially liked how no one was shooting at you.
“It takes some getting used to.”
“What does?” You watch as Keith shakes his head, making his hair fall back from his face.
Shay and Hunk go to the ticket counter, but you decide to find somewhere off to the side, wanting to give them privacy.
You roll your eyes at Keith, “you suck.”
He crosses his arms over his chest, leaning against the wall, looking anywhere but at you. “Lotor explained it to me and Shiro…what’s happening.”
“Oh.” You swallow, looking at Hunk and Shay hugging and saying their goodbyes yet again. They’d said them last night at dinner, this morning in the pod, and again when you’d split from Allura and Pidge. It was cute. They were adorable.
“Hm,” you glance over at Keith, not sure why he would be sorry about anything. He was the one getting screwed over by half of his heritage.
“You’re hurt.”
“You can smell that too,” you ask him, holding his deep gaze. There was an intense commitment to everything Keith did; it was reflected in the depth of his violet gaze. He didn’t do things in halves.
“Now I can.” He looks at his shoes, red dusting his cheeks. The red didn’t tinge the purple marks on his skin.
“So this is all,” you’re not sure how to put it, “nothing to worry about?”
“He said it was normal. But because I’m half there’s no way to know what to expect.” He looks away as he says it, stiff as he glances around.
The anxiety that had settled into your jaw since you’d had to wash his blood off your hands eases up. “Giant purple space cat,” you joke, nudging his side.
“Oh fuck no,” Keith grumbles. Even that furrowed expression that crossed his chiselled features made you feel all giddy inside.
Bad timing.
“I’m not hurt I-I just wish you trusted me,” you finally admit. It was silly. You felt selfish, so you tack on, “You know I’m here for you if you need me. We all are. I know Shiro’s your brother, but we’re your friends.”
“I know,” he sighs wistfully, “I do trust you…it’s just-it’s been hard. I don’t know how to feel about any of it and I’m not used to it either.”
“It’s fine,” you tell him, “I’m being silly, making this about me. As long as you know I’m here for you…I’m not trying to force you to tell me anything…” you cringe internally at yourself. The galaxy garrison had been made up of nerds, so it followed everyone was a character. It hadn’t helped anyone’s social skills.
You wish you could just go, I worry about you because I love you instead of stumbling through word vomit.
“Come on,” Keith brings you out of your thoughts, grabbing your hand and pushing through the crowd of people coming and going to different boarding gates, “I think Hunk’s going to need some comfort food.”
You glance around, finding Hunk’s form making it’s way to you both. He was wiping his eyes, bittersweet smile, making no move to really hide that he was crying.
“Let’s get back to Allura yeah,” he tells you both.
“Or,” you go with Keith’s idea, “we can get something to eat. Allura gave us a good hour or so.”
“Varga,” Keith supplies.
“Yeah, that.”
Hunk nods, “that sounds nice. It’s just,” he looks back at the departing shuttle, “it’s hard. It’s war and you never know when your going to see each other again but it’s not like she can just drop everything and I wouldn’t ask her too, if anything I’d like to retire there. Nice and quiet. Maybe open a restaurant…”
“Vrepit Sal two,” Keith offers.
“Could make it a chain,” you add with a smile. Hunk, like you, was not such a gung ho pilot. You had landed the flight simulation without crashing exactly once, for your final emergency protocol exam.
“Thanks guys,” Hunk grins, “but I think I’ll bring some earth out here. Give these people a taste of traditional earthlign cuisine.”
“So your menu’s going to be as long as Cheesecake Factory’s,” you ask with a silly grin.
“Maybe not that long. A burger, ramen, scratch that, pizza instead of a burger.” Hunk rubs his chin thoughtfully sniffing the air and following his nose to a food stand. You trusted him for food. He had a knack for combining goo and exotically colored food that screamed fake and poisonous into pretty great meals.
Keith was still holding your hand, not as a loose afterthought: every now and then he’d rub his thumb against the back of your hand and it sent a thrill down your spine.
You don’t pull away, wanting to savor the feel of his skin against yours even if it wasn’t that deep. You’d hugged and napped with everyone at least once, grabbing each other’s hands in the confusing crowded hovels of swamp malls (actual swamp malls and not places Coran thought of as a swamp mall).
You nab a table outside the stand.
Everything was in Galra which none of you could read. “Damn,” you mutter looking over.
Hunk glances at Keith without subtlety.
You were starting to think only Allura and Shiro could do subtly.
Keith raises a brow.
“Nothing,” Hunk looks down at his screen.
“Point and hope for the best it is,” you shrug.
“I love a good surprise,” Hunk nods, then looks down at his hands, “we’ll see each other again right? Shay…they’re pretty safe. And well…yellow’s got thick armour.” He sighs, resting his cheek against his fist, elbows on the table.
“Shay’s a badass,” you confort Hunk, “she figured out how to communicate with the Balmera and through the Balmera. She’ll be okay.”
“Yeah, she’s pretty freaking amazing,” Hunk blushes.
You order from an alien that somewhat resembles Ezor, all cotton candy color, and twiddle your thumbs, enjoying the rare moment of rest and relaxation.
“I could get used to this,” Hunk comments, savoring the strange dish he’d been served.
“Get a travel food show,” you tease, “I’d watch it.”
“It could be like this all the time,” Keith muses hopefully, “aren’t planets like this proof we could all get along.” He bites into the glowing blue lotus root shaped meal, and blinks widely.
“What,” you ask, looking over at him.
Keith grabs a napkin and spits out his food. “I think I just lost another tooth.”
“You think,” Hunk raises a brow, “how could you not notice a missing tooth?”
“Smile,” you nudge Keith sitting next to you.
He rolls his eyes, before fake smiling which was always so undeniably forced when he did it. You laugh, nodding, “yup, missing tooth.”
Keith frowns for a second, before continuing to eat.
“Oh,” Hunk utters, before he kicks your leg lightly.
You look up, meeting the yellow paladin’s searching gaze.
He looks at you with a knowing smile.
Heat rushes to your cheeks, the tip of your nose burning hotly, you look down, shoving a questionable sticky black slice into your mouth. It was easy to chew despite the sticky-ness, the flavor starchy and nutty.
There was no way this wouldn’t get back to everyone else in the Castle. No way.
They were all so nosy.
Oh fuck.
“It sure is hot in here,” Lance says with a challenging smirk at Keith.
You roll your eyes.
Lance stretches, resting his arms against the back of the sofa, his hand tapping annoyingly against your shoulder.
Keith is unmoved. Or more accurately, Keith’s mouth twists as he tries hard to ignore Lance’s latest attempts to get him to remove his hat, a lime green thing that clashed perfectly as was his fashion sense, or lack of any fashion sense.
Pidge smacks her head, then peaks curiously at Keith: at Keith’s hat.
You flick Lance’s cheek. “Hey hot shot, don’t hug me when you’ve set the thermostat to ninety degrees.”
“Ninety five actually,” he winks, hugging you towards him. Ugh, you couldn’t do it. You’d already done away with your afghan coat, tied your lavender flannel around your waist, what more could you do. You didn’t have shorts in space. The skirts stored in the castle were breezy, but made you feel at risk of tripping over the hem with each step.
“Hm,” Keith voices, taking a seat, “reminds me of home.”
Hunk snorts, “really thought that through,” he tells Lance.
Lance is undeterred. “Could go higher.”
“I don’t think your cow would like that very much,” you point out.
The blue paladin sulks, looking down at you, “you’re just saying that because you like-”
You jab your elbow into his side.
“Ow! What ever happened to do no harm?”
“Technically,” you tell Lance, “I never graduated.”
“She’s got you there,” Pidge smirks from beside Keith. She was taking apart yet another radio. The signal had yet to reach earth.
“Thank you Pidge.”
She shrugs, “It’s true.” Then turns on Keith, “The hat, explain.”
He looks like he wishes he could merge with the sofa at that, slumping in his seat.
You decide to step in, “I’m going to turn the thermo down.”
Lance is quick to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you back onto the sofa, “come on, relax. Like mullet said, it’s homey.”
You throw him a dirty look.
“Keith?” Pidge side-eyes her fellow paladin. He’s sat up, gripping the sofa cushion so tightly he’s ripping hole into the ten thousand year upholstery.
“You okay there buddy,” Hunk asks.
Keith sucks in a breath, and with deliberate motion, pulls the hat from his head.
Your eyes widen.
His ears had changed.
They weren’t nearly as alien as Allura’s, but no one would mistake their shape for human. Keith’s ears tapered up and out, portrudding, but it was more than just a pointed tip, the entire shape of his ears had transformed, resembling a butterfly’s wing. It was still human in color, but…
Hunk breaks the stunned silence first, “so are you going to like to end up purple?”
Keith ducks his head, wrapping his arms around himself.
No one else gets the chance to further interrogate Keith, or hear his own thoughts, because Allura calls everyone up to the bridge.
Lotor hailed the Castle of Lions. Everyone stands around the bridge while Shiro and Allura take the lead as usual. They might as well be twins given how well they got on, communicating differing ideas without undermining the other.
“There are nine warships in the system,” Lotor acknowledges, “I would be much indebted if you would do me the favor of sending Voltron for the aerial battle.”
“The Empire’s presence is still in its early stages,” Acza explains, “but their terraforming development for the planet will cause the destruction of the Talpidae living there.”
“Then we have no choice,” Allura clenches her fist, never one to sit back while there was something she could do about it, “we will provide air support. Sent me the coordinates so that I may Teleduv there.”
Lance is still obviously eyeing Keith’s latest development. It was readily visible, and you were fighting the urge to do the same.
But you weren’t also trying to flick his ears.
Keith growls lowly.
Lance sniggers.
Pidge offers Lance a piece of paper to make paper balls with.
Hunk sighs long sufferingly, having resigned himself to the more childish side of his two friends. They were terrors. Put Pidge and Lance together, and they were gremlins out of a horror movie made for elementary school teachers.
You slip your hand into Keith’s, squeezing reassuringly. It would take some getting used to like anytime someone got a new haircut, but you would. Like his atrocious boots, they’d become an endearing part of him.
Keith squeezes your hand back.
Shiro nods, agreeing with Allura, “have the Talpidae been contacted.”
“Very much so,” Ezor chimes in, “they’re funny little people. And their sensory-”
“The point Ezor,” Lotor sighs, rubbing his nose bridge.
“They sent for help to the rebels. We were closest to their system,” Exor elaborates with a shrug, “they do not have the background to fight head on, and will evacuate most of their people into bunkers, but they have been digging under the new construction and weakening the structural integrity of the Galra outposts.”
“Very well,” Shiro accepts, “Princess Allura and our chief medic will meet with the Talpidae as a show of goodwill.”
“Our only medic,” Hunk points out.
Keith growls, his hand squeezing yours hard.
You all look over at him.
“Red Paladin,” Allura says, trying to look as professional as possible in front of her least favorite of Voltron’s allies, “is something the matter.” She shares a look with Shiro, but otherwise looks unsurprised at Keith’s less than human ears.
Or maybe she’d make a great poker played.
“Can’t you meet with the Talpidae after the battle,” Keith utters harshly.
“They may need immediate tactical support,” Allura reasons, “we should be there in person to provide it.”
“It’ll be fine Keith,” Shiro adds.
Their words do little to calm Keith down. His dark silky hair puffs up. His grip on your hand tightens and you feel miffed. You’d been on the ground working triage before. You might not be a fighter or pilot but you could look after yourself.
You pull your hand out of his. “I really don’t see what the problem is,” you tell Keith pointedly.
“I’ll watch Allura’s back and she’ll have mine.”
Allura nods. “Our chief medic is correct-”
His ears twitch, “You’re not exactly a fighter.”
Shiro covers his face with a hand.
Your brows furrow. You’re livid. “So! I won’t be fighting. We’ll be in the bunkers with the Talpidae. It’ll be safe so it doesn’t even matter.”
“If it’s perfectly safe then you don’t need to be there,” Keith’s voice breaks, a whine escaping his chest but you don’t care, done with the conversation.
“Yikes,” is Ezor’s quiet whisper.
You’re not a paladin so you don’t care, you just stalk off the bridge ready to go scream into your pillow in frustration. Or better yet, go for a swim and scream underwater.
“Wait-” Keith follows you.
You ignore him.
“I just-,” he keeps trying as you stalk down the stairs, deciding your room was better after all if only because you could lock Keith out.
“Listen-,” he whines.
“I didn’t mean-”
“You didn’t mean what,” you round on him, hands on your hips, pissed off and maybe some of its was from being stuck on this stupid ship all the damn time but like eighty percent was earned. You might not be taking on a squad of Galra soldiers, but you could take one on if it came to it.
Keith at least has the decency to look miserable, sad chirrups in his throat as he crosses his arms over his chest and looks at the ground.
“Well?” You tap your foot on the ground.
“I just don’t want you to get hurt,” he finally manages. “Especially if you don’t need to be there.”
“But I do,” you counter, “There’ll be people running into those bunkers having escaped soldiers and sentries and the faster they get treated the better chance they have.”
“I didn’t mean it,” Keith repeats himself. “You-you can hold your own.” He looks up at you through his bangs, still hunched in on himself.
“Obviously.” There’s no heat, the anger having deflated already. It was just white hot ache in your chest, hurt at the idea that Keith thought you would get in the way, that you had nothing of value to add to the Alliance and Voltron.
You bite your lip.
Don’t cry, you think to yourself.
You were being dumb.
He was just being plain stupid.
“I mean it,” Keith repeats, “I’m sorry. I was just looking for an excuse to make sure you were safe.”
“Right, because Allura can handle herself but I can’t.” Your voice cracks.
“No,” Keith says in a rush, “it’s not the same.”
“Because I can’t fight?”
“That’s not,” Keith runs a hand through his hair, “It’s me okay. I’m-I’ve always jumped into things without thinking, but I decided to go for it, like breaking Shiro out but now I’m doing things before I even notice and it’s all these stupid Galra instincts!”
You swallow.
“I’m sorry,” he tells you once more. “I didn’t mean to and I’m sorry. No one thinks you can’t handle yourself. That’s why Shiro paired you up with Allura, because he knows you’re capable of watching her back.”
Your smile is fragile as you look over at him, “yeah?”
“Yeah.” Keith holds your gaze, looking as skittish as a stray dog. Another whine escapes his throat.
What the heck.
You hug him, “you’re such a dumbass.” You understood why he’d worry. This was war. Pidge was on a two man campaign with Shiro to get Matt to stay on the Castle, both scared witless that Matt might die on a mission with the rebels. Ulaz had died so everyone could get away.
You’d had patients in the last decaphoebs you could do nothing but ease their pain. You’d had patients that you couldn’t even administer anything for the pain because of how torn apart they were: guts spilling out, charred people shapes that you were surprised to still find breathing.
The images would never leave you as long as you lived.
“I’m sorry.” Keith buries his head in the crook of your neck, his breath tickling your skin sent shivers down your spine.
You hug him tightly, aware that every battle could be your last: the last time you saw him. “You’ve said that already,” you tease, memorizing the smell of him, stale sweat and something cloying that you had wanted to bottle up from the moment you’d met him and had never found on anyone else. As embarrassing as it was to admit to anyone other than yourself, Keith smelled good. Really good.
Most people smelled like nothing at all.
He stiffens.
“But it’s nice to hear again.”
Keith smothers a laugh.
You kiss his hair. Boys were so dumb.
He purrs.
You smile goofily, warmth building under your skin, and toes curling up in your shoes. You should say something. Right?
At some point?
Or maybe it shouldn’t be said under the looming threat of an upcoming battle.
You can’t decide, so you say nothing at all.
Bombs still pelt the surface.
Your teeth chatter as the ground shakes even deep underground. Even more soil falls onto you. Your spacesuit was more oche than white at this point as you carry an injured Talpidae in your arms. It’s arm had been completely blown off. Sluggish blue blood oozed out.
Allura was last, tailing the group.
You reach the bunker.
The sentries had followed some of the feeling Talpidae into the tunnels, but they’d been sorted out.
The people here were strange, russet in fur colouring, with no discernable eye, just strange pink flagella protruding from their nose and large claws for digging. They stood at about Pidge’s height.
The bunker seals and you get to work.
Tourniquet here, pain patch there. There were so many of them banged up.
The fight continued on the surface.
The paladins had to form Voltron.
You and Allura work as a team, she takes the bruises and broken bones with no immediate risk of death. You triage the worst of the Talpidae, giving away your precious stash of painkillers to those you can’t save and are not in for a quick death, a Talpidae lies twitching, it’s nose blown off but alive. Another holds it’s hand, but shakes their head when they look at you. They weren’t going to make it.
Training kicks in and you focus on saving those you can.
Your hands stain blue from the blood.
Allura works alongside you.
You cauterize a Talpidae named Soedob’s hand, the claws on their right limb were gone, but most of it was spared.
“You smell Galra,” Soedob utters, blinking out of the pain induced haze as the painkiller kicked in.
You half hear, half don’t, so focused on the task at hand. It was easier to not stop until you were finished and could curl up and sleep and not think about blood and war and Zarkon.
“We have Galra allies,” Allura answers diplomatically, leaving the issue of the half Galra paladin alone.
It irked you.
“No, not them,” Soedob notes. “Those had a different aura.”
“Smell,” you guess, finishing off. You hoped the fighting ended soon. You supply was not unlimited. The castle had better facilities.
“Is that what you call it?”
“Our primary sense is sight,” Allura explains, giving you a long look.
You shrug. You hadn’t even seen any of Lotor and his team. There hadn’t been time. It had all been relayed over coms, over video.
“Another then?”
You swallow thickly, flushing with embarrassment because you both spent time around Keith but Soedob was only smelling him on you and it’s not like you had been doing anything intimate…well, it had felt intimate, hugging Keith, but it wasn’t anything like when cadets snuck into each others dorm room, shoving a sock on the door handle in the universal symbol of don’t bother us. “The red paladin is part Galra.” Mercifully, your voice doesn’t shake from the embarrassment, but you can’t look at Allura.
“Ah,” Soedob nods, neither outraged nor pleased.
Then there’s no more time, you have more Talpidaes waiting for medical aid. You give their own healers some of your supplies, freeing up Allura to find the clan leaders.
You can feel Allura’s questioning glance on you.
“Team meeting in the mess hall,” Shiro calls over the coms system.
“Mess hall,” Pidge rolls her eyes, “it’s the dining room.”
You snort.
“I like to think of it as the dining room too,” Hunk offers. “I mean there’s only eight of us. It’s sort of like being home again.”
“Mess hall makes me think of the garrison,” you admit, falling into step besides them. “and the food.”
“Ugh,” Pidge groans. “That was the worst. Matt wasn’t kidding.”
“It does make the space packs easier to digest,” you muse, “maybe that was the point.” It took the garrison two years to get to Mars. It was funny, once you’d thought that was a long way from home.
“I liked the cheese garlic bread,” Hunk allows.
“Food goo,” Pidge grins, “or the garrison space food?”
“Food goo.” Hunk doesn’t even have to think.
“Food goo,” you agree. “Though not Coran’s paladin special.”
“You don’t even eat that,” Hunk huffs, half outraged half amused, “you’re always like well I’m not a paladin so…”
You laugh. “Seeing it is more than enough.”
The rest of the ship’s inhabitants are already there waiting for you. Lance is trying to teach Coran how to play slide, moving very slow as he claps their hands together.
Shiro and Allura are in easy conversation. Her mice scamper around her feet.
Keith looks absolutely miserable next to Shiro, folding himself into the smallest possible size, trying to disappear. It was hard to reconcile the Keith that was quiet with the Red Paladin that shot first and asked questions later.
You smile at him, excited to see him, but also figuring he could use some reassurance, whatever it was going through his head. Keith meets your gaze and the corners of his mouth turn up, before he ducks away.
You know better than to take it personally.
It was Keith.
Your toes curl inside your shoes and you bite back your smile, suddenly aware of how much you might be revealing and not wanting Lance of all people to start a meeting by commenting on it. For him, it might be all fun and games, but you weren’t sure what to do with these newfound warm and fuzzy feelings. You sure as fuck didn’t want to be called out on it.
You weren’t sure what to do about liking Keith so your current plan of action was: nothing.
“Thank you everyone for being here,” Shiro claps his hands together, his leader impression defaulted at awkward dad. He thought he always had to be on. Despite being the most trained out of us, he’d only just started his career during the Kerberos mission.
You wonder if he’d picked up his leadership style partly from Pidge’s dad.
“Where else would we be,” Pidge shrugs, never one to miss a shot.
“All the same,” the older man smiles.
“Yeah, no problem my dude, bro,” Lance flashes finger guns at Shiro.
You snort, taking a seat between him and Hunk.
“But seriously, what’s up,” Lance leans forward. “Or is this some lowkey way to keep us on our toes,” he winks at Allura who smiles indulgently.
“I await the news alongside you paladins,” Allura answers, hands resting in her lap. She looks over at Shiro.
The whole room turns to look at Shiro.
He had called the meeting.
Meetings tended to be informational in nature: updates about the expansive war, rebels hailing Voltron for intervention, the Blade passing on the rare bit of information, and the always popular distress signals. But Shiro and Allura both looked too calm for that.
Keith goes rigid, a spring wound up too tight.
You wondered if the elephant in the room would finally be addressed.
Shiro puts his hand on Keith’s shoulder, smiling encouragingly the way a parent dropping their child off for their first day of school would, “go ahead Keith.”
The red paladin focuses his gaze on Shiro, his expression more sour than it’s been in a long time.
The past few years had done a lot to get him to open up to everyone on board, but right now, he looks exactly like the stubborn closed off cadet he had been back on Earth.
His ears twitch slightly. He manages to look even more taunt, and you wonder if he’s going to wave this off. Then, he lets out a breath.
His body is stiff, but Keith no longer pulls away from Shiro. He looks down at his hands pensively, nails cut to the quick. “Right.”
You can feel the nervous energy of the rest of the room, leaning in, waiting to see what Keith wants to say.
“Mhm, go on,” Lance says, chin in hand.
Hunk elbows him in the side.
“Hey!” Lance is about to start in on Hunk.
“Guys,” you snap, shoving Lance’s shoulder.
“Okay, okay,” Lance zips his mouth and throws away the key, “shutting up.”
“Looks like that didn’t work,” Pidge snarks.
“Paladins,” Allura’s clear commanding voice rings out. When everyone shuts up again, she nods at Keith, “you may continue.”
He looks up at everyone through his bangs, “I’m going through Galra settling.”
Hunk looks over at Allura, who was far more familiar with all this alien mumble jumble than anyone else.
Shiro squeezes Keith’s shoulder.
“And that is,” you prompt gently, before Keith hastily decided that was all he needed to say and left.
He meets your waiting gaze. Under the ship’s bright rooms, his eyes were obviously violet, heavy on the purple. He’s chewing his bottom lip like he isn’t sure he wants to go through with saying any of this and you wonder if he must be thinking of how weird things were between everyone when he learned of the alien part of his heritage.
Your mouth quirks up into a smile.
You were more than willing to stuff someone into a cryopod if they bothered Keith. He may be part of Voltron, tasked with defending the universe, but you’d make sure there was someone to defend him.
An embarrassing rush of heat bubbles under your skin. You look away, nervous.
“Shiro,” Keith asks.
Shiro nods, wrapping his arms fully around Keith’s shoulder. “Galra settling is when Galra,” he looked like he was trying to figure out exactly what he was talking about as he said it. Aliens were weird. “When Galra reach a certain age their appearance locks in.” Even Shiro looks a little puzzled. He was a pilot, not a biologist. You knew organisms back on earth who could manipulate their genotypes, generally sex changes with the right environmental conditions, but you weren’t sure there was anything comparable to whatever this was. “The Galra are apparently very adaptable in individuals. That’s why there’s such a range of them.”
That explained the fur, range of tails, more reptilian looking once, and the eyes.
You wanted a Galra biology course, a full semester long one. What exactly caused such a plasticity in their phenotype? Did the trait have to be encoded in their genotype to appear or was there something freakier, Allura’s space magic, going on?
“-because he’s half human and we don’t go through anything like this it’s more painful than it would be. Lotor said the chameleonic abilities of Alteans helped him when he went through this,” Shiro finishes without a satisfying or thorough explanation.
At least Keith wasn’t dying.
Thank god.
Thank whatever freaky Altean magic existed in the universe.
“So,” Lance starts, “it’s Galra puberty.”
In a split second Keith loses any self consciousness about the situation, “it’s not Galra puberty!” His hair puffs up and you have to fight the urge to laugh, covering your face with your hands.
“There’s…” Shiro glances at Keith, before Lance and Keith could really get into it, “there’s more.”
Keith looks mullish, but ultimately gives Shiro the go ahead.
“Part of these..changes,” the black paladin explains, “have brought out some Galra instincts.” Clearly he was having as much trouble grappling with what this meant as Keith was. Your body suddenly deciding to change was no fun when you had no context for it. “Among them, the need to scent family…”
Pidge tilts her head, “is this like the most convoluted and emotionally constipated way of asking for a hug,” she asks Keith.
Keith smiles wryly, “pretty much.”
“Oh come here dude,” Hunk grins, engulfing Keith and Shiro in a hug.
“Ah number four,” Coran points up in the air, “I am now just recalling the galra that lived on Altea having explained this once, of course it didn’t occur to me because of the apparent dominance of your human genes.”
“So they’re actually co-dominant,” you muse as Lance drags Pidge along for a “group hug!”
“No.no,” Pidge makes a half-hearted effort to wiggle out, being a younger sibling herself, was used to being subjected to affection. She smiles even as she struggles.
“It would seem so,” Coran nods, “though not every gene.”
“Just these.” You wonder if there’s a space equivalent of the human genome project.
“Lance,” Keith yelps, “that’s my foot.”
“Buddy, I am not feeling the love here.”
“Is it working,” Hunk asks, peering at Keith, “are you going to turn purple now?”
“No one turns purple from hugs,” Keith replies, annoyed but makes no move to pull away.
“Thank you for trusting us with this Keith,” Allura smiles, her eyes crinkling.
“Get in on this too Princess,” Shiro motions over, before catching your gaze, “you too. Don’t think you can get out of this. You’re part of Voltron too.”
You snort, and join the group hug.
Pidge’s elbow is a bony thorn in your side and there’s the slight hum from Shiro’s prosthetic, but it’s a good mix of warmth and intimacy with the people you were closest to in the entire universe. Allura’s shoulder presses into you back and it’s sort of ballooned to ridiculous proportions, Keith somewhere in the center of it all, his hair barely visible to you.
“Add cuddling Keith to the chore wheel,” Pidge proposes.
Keith groans.
“How about we let Keith decide,” Shiro proposes.
You snort, knowing him too well. “Are you willing to take that risk? Died-from lack of hugs.”
Lance laughs.
Shiro looks convinced by your stellar argument.
“I’m not that bad,” Keith grumbles.
“You’re a terrible hugger,” Lance argues back. “You’re all stiff, like you’re enduring one of Iverson’s paradox sims. Not as bad as my abuelo but still.”
Keith lunges for Lance.
Someone topples over.
Everyone falls.
You laugh, smothered by limps and someone’s hair in your mouth…maybe Hunk’s? You don’t move, worried about kicking someone’s head.
From somewhere, Keith does that low rumbling chest noise that reminds you of a cat purring happily.
No one makes fun of him for it.
“You should comb your hair before we take the pod down,” you tell Keith. You’d spent your free time before this alliance dinner scrolling through a datapad, trying to learn names, where they hailed from, species, things that may prove useful.
Half a varga ago, Keith had found you balled up on a sofa, and sat next to you, his way of asking for physical comfort. You’d obliged him readily, throwing an arm over his shoulders and spooning him as you both laid on the sofa. He was already in the paladin uniforms that Allura had dug out once the alliance became a reality instead of a loose string of rebel groups fighting the Galra empire.
You’re both short and slight, fitting together perfectly.
You squash any feelings you have, this wasn’t about you, it was about him. You’d done it a thousand times with Hunk or Lance, fallen asleep listening to Allura, why should Keith be any different? (You know why.)
He’s reading the screen with you.
“I doubt they’d notice,” he remarks as you scroll to a particularly vivid color alien race with sensory appendages sprouting from their heads.
“You have a point desert bum,” you tease, “I’d rather be a bum by a beach town. All surfer bro.”
“Can you even surf,” he asks flatly.
“No. Learned how to swim at the garrison,” you admit. “But tanning by the water has to be more appealing than roasting under the Texas sun.”
“I like the desert.”
“I know.” You were pretty sure everyone just liked their homes.
“It’s quiet,” he admits, “and watching how the sunlight transforms the landscape…”
“It’s too big and wide,” you admit, thinking of space. Flat land that went on forever…empty dark space that went on forever.
“Good for driving,” Keith smirks.
You laugh. Or course that’s where his mind went. “Sure, but it all looks the same, everywhere you turn.” It was disorienting. To be fair, you were a city girl. Your background noise was cars honking and people yelling even at four in the morning. The garrison had been a big adjustment.
“It’s really not. You just have to look.”
“I’ll trust my gps,” you counter, “not my sense of direction. I’d probably end up one of those cautionary tales about mirages and deserts.”
“You can’t really get a good signal,” Keith replies lazily, his body slack against yours, “out there. It’s best to mark a trail with chalk if you don’t know the area.”
“But you do, know it I mean?”
“Out past the Garrison? Mhm. All of it. We used to go hiking…before,” he trails off.
You press your lips to his hair lightly, before shifting, “my arms asleep.”
“I don’t mind.” You sit up, “it’s nice. I used to put my sister to sleep this one year she had nightmares almost every night.”
“You miss her,” Keith states, sitting up, looking at you with his intense expression. Having someone focused one hundred percent on you was a new experience. He wasn’t thinking of a thousand other things, just you.
“I do. I miss everyone, but,” you shrug, “I’ll see them again. Meanwhile you’re stuck with me.” You smile fondly at Keith. “I’m going to change before we have to go to dinner.”
“I’d take fighting Zarkon anyday,” Keith mutters, cringing at the upcoming show of diplomacy. There was so much smiling and hand shaking. It was exhausting to be that extroverted with a roomful of strangers.
Even Lance zonked out after these things.
“Knock on wood,” you laugh.
Treaties have been signed. A wrecked Galra fleet floats in space above the planet your on today, but today’s battle is won.
One of Lotor’s General’s is here, Acza. She’s wary, and surprised at the warm reception she’d received. She might be Galra, but she’d been crucial in taking down the Galra base’s shields. Biolocks, Zarkon should really rethink those.
You sip at your thick drink, warm and flavored like cinnamon oatmeal, that chases off the chill of the night. The idea had been to sleep, your hands still ached from all the sutures and stitches you’d woven, but Allura refused to hear it, dragging you along. There would be time for sleep on the Castle, she’d claimed, joyous to have helped another besieged planet.
“My congratulations,” a Blade utters from behind their glowing mask.
You jump, not having known there was even a Blade here. They were allies, yet their anonymity that made them so useful in information gathering, created a gap between you. You had no way of knowing who this person was. Their suit obscuring any details, the mask a rank.
You couldn’t even see their eyes.
“For what,” you ask, puzzled. You hadn’t fought. Your skills made you most useful after the battle, trying to save lives and patch up wounds. It was important and emotional draining work, but you hardly won battles.
Because of the mask, you can’t get a read on their reaction. Blades. Spies. Maybe if you could see their eyes…
They nod, and walk off without explanation.
You watch them go, still confused until they disappear among the bodies loitering around, celebrating liberation.
It was a feat to disappear when you were eight feet tall.
First the Galra had avoided you like the plague, the black plague, now they were being cryptic as fuck.
You lean your head down, trying to sniff your armpits without making it too obvious. Was it the blood? Or the space bleach? That tended to linger.
You didn’t smell that bad. Certainly like bleach and rubbing alcohol…
You take another sip of your drink, looking around for a place to sit. You’d been on your feet for too long. You wanted to sleep.
Someone would find you.
You wander around. Smiling when someone notices you, and thanks you and you hurry to get away before they ask you a hundred questions. There were only eight humans in space. Well, seven and a half. You stood out.
They wanted Voltron, but you would do.
“There’s space here,” Acxa calls out.
“Thanks,” you plop down next to her, sagging into the seat. Oh, yeah, you were so freaking tired.
“Of course. You look dead.”
“Yeah,” you look around the rebel camp, “I’ve no clue how they have the energy.”
“It’s like that everywhere. This is their home,” Acza offers, “people fight hard for their homes.”
You nod, before looking over at the alien woman, “not avoiding me anymore then?”
She shrugs, not disputing the allegation. “No need anymore, now that you and Keith sorted yourselves out.” She’s so blunt about it. “Galra are so sensitive when settling. We didn’t want to cause any incidents.”
“Is this about the scenting?” You still hadn’t had time to read through the information you’d gotten your grubby little hands on.
She nods.
You put your drink down on the mossy ground. “Yeah, Keith explained it. Well, Shiro did, really. Lance is over the moon about having an excuse to bother Keith.” Now you really all were a family. You’d named it outloud.
Acxa’s brows furrow, “Lance?”
“I think he just misses his family a lot,” you offer. “We all do and while we’re family too, it’d be nice to see our family back on earth too.”
She frowns. “Keith and you are not,” she asks slowly.
“Me and Keith,” you flush, ducking away from her. “No-I, no. We’re not.” You should’ve gone back to the Castle the moment Allura turned her back. She would’ve never known.
Acxa’s frown becomes tinged with anger and worry, her hand grabs your wrist. “Galra have more than one type of scenting, between families, and between partners.”
You try to connect the dots but your brain gets stuck between ideas. Scenting. Keith. You. You and Keith. It was right there but-
“Keith isn’t marking you as family,” she explains slowly, “he’s marking you as his partner.” Acxa waits until her words sink in before adding, “to do so without letting the other know…” She makes it clear what a social taboo that is.
But you’re one step behind her.
Did Keith like you?
You think back to all the times you’d been with him in the past few vargas, trying to pinpoint any hint: he’d smiled at you but he was happier now in general so it could be a coincidence…
“If you need,” Acxa offers, “I will help clarify the situation.” It’s an awfully kind gesture.
“No,” you say in a rush. “no. It’s-I think I need to go talk to Keith.” He’d known what he was doing…you could draw a thousand conclusions but nothing would be better than confronting him about it.
“If you’re sure.”
“I am,” you stand up, glancing around. During parties, Keith tended to find a quiet corner out of the way. He’d opened up, but he was still more of an introvert.
You find Keith lying stretched out in the shadow of a makeshift building, looking up at the stars. It’s his eyes that give him away, reflecting the light enough to be inhuman, nocturnal vision.
“We need to talk,” you wrap your arms around your body. You weren’t angry, just confused. Didn’t he know he could just come talk to you about it by now?  
Keith looks up, startled, then stands. “Alright.” He sounds resigned, a man sentenced to detention for a month which was janitorial duties at the garrison. It kept even the most smartass cadets humble.
You look around.
No one was really here. You could hear the music and people a bit further into the heart of the camp. Here was good enough.
“I talked to Acxa,” you start, “she said-” you look down at the trampled vegetation underfoot. It was embarrassing to your human preconceptions to even think, let alone say, which was why you were pretty sure Keith didn’t mean any harm. Scenting meant nothing on earth, where he’d grown up. “She said you’ve been scenting me, which like I know but not that way?” You look up at him as realization sets in and he ducks his head, looking away. “Is it true?”
He crosses his arms over his chest. “I-,” he takes a deep breath before ranting, the agitation and months of buried emotions flooding out, “I hate this. I hate that I can hear the conversation outside and smell which direction  Shiro’s in and how much my eyes hurt on the Castle from how bright it is but I don’t-I can’t say anything because I’m already enough of a freak. Before I was just the weird kid but now I’m just a fucking alien freak! There’s always so much going on and I don’t even know what’s next!”
You wait, wondering if there was more.
It was a lot of changes.
You couldn’t understand, there was nothing in your life comparable to your biology deciding to be a little more Galra after twenty years.
“And I tried not to-,” he admits, meeting your waiting gaze, “I tried to leave everyone alone so you wouldn’t,” Keith swallows, forcing himself to continue with an obvious disgust at himself, “you wouldn’t smell like me or whatever Lotor explained but I couldn’t-it was driving me crazy like this itch, this buzzing under my skull and seeing you guys with others-I thought I was going crazy until Lotor explained. And then when Lance would ruffle my hair or you would check that I wasn’t about to fall over and die and-,” he waves his hands in the air, “I would just zone out.”
“Oh,” you utter, recalling past events with a newfound understanding. Keith had been reaching out, all instinct even when he was trying not to be a bother. It broke your heart, how he always came from the perspective that he was an inconvenience.
“I did know,” he says in a small voice. “That-you…but I don’t know if it’s me or this, or all these things happening to me.”
Your expression wobbles. You bite your lower lip, trying to get a handle on it. How silly to worry about a crush when Keith was going through it.
“I like you, but I don’t know if I like you or if it’s just these stupid Galra instincts messing with my head.” Keith deflates, drawing into himself. “Everything
s…it’s been a lot.”
“I get it,” you utter, “maybe not the situation but I’m not mad. Though Acxa was ready to kick your ass and she totally could,” you try teasing.
But Keith flinches, looking away guiltily.
“I’m joking. I-I get why. It makes sense. It’s a lot to get used to.” You swallow, not sure what to do about anything either.
“Its a huge offence,” Keith utters, “that’s why she was pissed. Made worse because you can’t even tell…I-I couldn’t think straight and I…it took the edge off.”
“Scenting me?”
He nods.
You take a step towards him.
“I-,” Keith’s eyes meet yours, his attention entirely captivated by you. It sends a thrill down your spine. You’d seen how he could be when laser focused: on piloting, on training. “I know they say it’s wrong but you and Lance do stuff like that all the time. And I thought…I figured I could figure out how much of what I’m feeling is me and how much of it are these new instincts.”
“You don’t have to apologize,” you tell him. “I-you’re right, it’s whatever to me. Like, a Blade congratulated me earlier which was weird but fuck them you know? I can ‘smile and nod’,” you smile as fakely as possible to show what you mean, “through it so long as you’re okay.” He’d bled in your lap.
Keith looks a little unsteady, unsure what to do with your lack of anger. “You don’t-”
“So is it like galra marriage then?” You were curious as to what exactly the Blades were going to gossip about you and Keith.
He makes a choked sound. “Sort of. They bond. It can be broken but that generally means someone killed the other.”
“Let me guess,” you reply, “Zarkon fucked even that up.”
Keith nods.
“That guy’s the worst.” Your voice is light.
Keith snorts, smiling for a split second. “I won’t anymore. I’ll-”
“Keith,” your voice cracks as you out your hand on his arm to keep him from rubbing off, “if its really causing you all this additional confusion in too of everything…you can…” the words were too intimate to say, too charged with a sensuality that he clearly was figuring out. You were willing to wait. For him.
He was conflicted enough without you dumping your feelings on him.
“You don’t-”
You raise your hand, caressing the side of his face with the back of your hand, ghosting over the purple mark on his cheek, “I don’t mind.” Sure, you had a crush on him, you could admit that much, but more simply, you loved him.
This was a small ask.
Your gaze flickers to the tips of his ears.
You had washed his blood off your hands.
“Besides, shit’s hard enough. My arm falling asleep is a small price to pay if I can help you.”
Keith’s mouth quirks up in a smile.
You laugh, “come here.”
It finally sinks in that you weren’t just talking bs. You meant it, as you hug Keith, wrapping your arms around his middle. He smelled good in spite of the battle he’d been through earlier.
Without really thinking, you breathe in the scent of him.
Keith hugs you back, cuddling you against his chest, resting his chin on your shoulder.
You yawn. “want to sneak back into the castle?”
“Only if you tell Allura you’re the one who wanted to leave,” he deadpans dazedly.
You laugh.
“Come,” Allura motions as you stand from one of the Castle’s weapons systems, “we must meet with the rebel leadership on planet.”
The planet was a farming camp.
The slaves were overworked and underfed and they had still revolted when they learned Voltron was near. Now, they were free.
“Princess,” Coran calls out, “it appears that number four is heading back to the ship.”
A pained expression crosses Allura’s broad features, her full mouth frowning, before she decides to pick her battles for the day. “I am sure Keith has a good reason for his actions.” She sounds like she’s trying to convince herself.
You don’t want to go down there either.
This entire last week had been spent synthesizing medicine and treating thousands of people made harder by the range of species. The garrison better give you that medical degree immediately.
“I’ll go check on him,” you say automatically, “he might need me to prep a pod.”
“Fantastic idea number five,” Coran believes your excuse.
“Let us know if anything happens,” Allura says, giving you a long look, before heading for the exit.
The central Galra soldiers had been taken out, but small bands of fighters were still fighting to their last breath. It’s why Voltron has remained on the planet.
The lions had roamed the landscape answering calls for aid and hunting down the last of Zarkon’s forces here.
You meet Keith in the red lion’s hanger.
He’s popping his helmet off, running a hand through his flattened hair. “I thought you were headed out with Allura?”
You shrug, suddenly feeling awkward. “I was, but I wanted to check on you first.” That was a normal thing to do for your friends. There was no reason to overthink things.
“I’m fine.”
He sets the helmet aside, working on undoing the armor off. There was dirt and dust but thankfully no blood to speak of, his or otherwise.
“Then I’ll see you there,” you ask.
Keith looks over, a kid with his hand caught in the cookie jar, his smile slight when he replies, “I’m not heading there.” Blunt. Concise.
“It is depressing,” you admit. There was so much resource allocation and need planet-wide.
He raises a brow. “Oh. Yeah.”
“Keith?” Now you’re wondering what the real problem was. “What is it?”
“Does it matter. I don’t need to be there. Shiro and Allura can handle it.” He looks away, suddenly very interested in the wall. Unlike the rest of the ship, the red lion’s hanger was dim, in a permanent night cycle.
Pidge’s work.
“I think the people would like all of Voltron present.” Then you make a face, “oh god, I sound just like Allura don’t I?”
Keith laughs, “just a bit. As long as you don’t make us all meditate…”
“It’s so boring. I fall asleep.” You smile softly, “Seriously, go down for a moment. Then you can hide out here.”
“I-I’d rather not.” He shifts uncomfortably. “Four out of five is is fine.”
“I’m sure they’ll understand,” you agree.
“I’m sure they’ll be glad.”
“Keith-” you start, knowing he already felt hyper aware of how his appearance had changed. Before, it hadn’t really ever come up outside of the team. No one would tell and if Keith wasn’t vocal about it…now everyone in the entire universe probably knew.
There were rebel Galra, mostly in prisons and work camps. Feelings varied.
“That’s not true,” you say, not sure if it was true, “you helped free them.” You shift your weight onto your other foot, “there’s a few assholes everywhere.”
He gives you a long look. “The Galra enslaved all these people.”
“Pfft,” you wave off, “you look like one sixteenth Galra. And-”
“They stare.”
“Because you’re a paladin,” you reason. “Pidge is also cranky about the attention.”
Keith sighs.
The paladin armor lies in a discarded pile.
You step forward to him, “anyone would be lucky to have you as a pilot. And Voltron sort of lucked out when the red lion chose you.”
Keith’s eyes widen as he looks at you, pink dusting his cheeks.
In for a penny, in for a pound, you lean forward and kiss his cheek, ghosting over his skin, “face marks and all.” You can’t meet his gaze when you pull away, blushing fiercely.
Why did you do that!
God, you were so dumb-
He cups your cheeks and brushes his lips over yours.
Oh! Oh.
“Is-is this okay-,” Keith starts asking.
You feel giddy, smiling before kissing him. Yeah, it was okay.
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haldenlith · 3 years
Random Crow-bservations
I know, terrible pun.
In doing little doodles of Crow and such, and staring at way too many references (including the high quality CGI stills of Uldren from Forsaken), I’ve come to notice a few things. It all could be my addled swiss cheese brain, though.
Homeboy has some broad shoulders and chest.
He also has some fuckin’ killer calves, which tracks, honestly, with how I imagine Uldren was. IE Always on his feet, always running around doing something, because those are some runner’s gams right there.
With those two items, I honestly think he probably leans more from “twink”, as everyone likes to call him, to “lean twunk,” (I’m thinkin more like a swimmer’s or runner’s build or something like that -- definitely muscle there, but not bulk, but also not lanky af) and it’s all just well hidden under a layers and layers of clothes/armor.
There are some fairly deep lines in that face, and as I said before (and snickered about, because puns and stuff), he’s got crow’s feet at the corners of those orange eyes. Uldren was definitely starting to show his age. To think we were probably only a century off from having DILF Uldren/Crow.
Why does Crow have what looks like shotgun shells on his belt? He’s wielding a hand cannon (I assume Hawkmoon -- I like to imagine he wields the Ashen Wings Hawkmoon, even if it’s not true, it fits his theme). The shells have no purpose. I just... WHY? EDIT : I keep forgetting to edit this in, but apparently he does use a shotgun as well, it’s just not pictured, which is... an odd choice to show the shells but not the shotgun. It’s also come to my attention that Duality might actually be his shotgun.
I always want to imagine him as a bit shorter, buuuuut I’ve noticed in cutscenes and generally even when the Guardian runs up to him when he’s just “around” in the HELM that he’s decently tall. He’s no Saladin, but he doesn’t seem to be short, either. Like when Saladin steps in front of him, it looks like he’s only maybe 3ish inches shorter than Saladin, and I imagine everyone’s favourite grumpy Iron Lord to be 6′3 or 6′4.
I’ve also noticed that it seems like Crow slouches. Bad Crow. That’s bad for your back. (It may be him sulking 90% of the time, though. We haven’t had a lot of chances to see Crow in a good mood. We’ve only gotten to hear it.)
Okay, this isn’t a visual thing, but a random lore thing: Crow seems to really like using Solar.
And then on a very unrelated note to Crow specifically, but related to his VA: ... I am sometimes surprised when I put the voice to a face. That voice of Crow’s is fairly smooth and kinda young-ish sounding. I was not expecting an older gent that reminds me of a semi-scruffy version of Jeff Bridges. He seems like a really cool dude, though.
Edit: I forgot something else: Gods Crow/Uldren has the strongest damn jaw and chin. Almost young Bruce Campbell (like early ‘90s) levels. It feels weird for me since I generally draw characters with a softer jawline, but my lords. In short, he’s hella masculine, but oh, he’s still so pretty. He’s what I call “man pretty.”
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doobnnoob-tf2 · 2 years
Hellooo!! I just found this account and i gotta say i luvvv ur posts, they make me so happy :,) especially ur dadspy ones T-T . I ALSO wanted to ask if mayyybbbeee (only if u really want to ofc)… um write some cute lil headcannons bout my fav boy Scout 🥺 i feel like not a lot of people chose him as their favs but idk why but i think this man is the boy of my fucking dreams and it’d be rlly cool and epic if u wrote some cool/cute headcannons bout him 🥹 (sorry if this has been done before!!) - 💖
Scout was on his way to becoming a pro baseball player, he lost his scholarship however because he couldn’t keep his grades up.  he instead took the job for Mann Co. because it was really good money that he could send home to Ma
he thinks she’s disappointed in him for not getting into college even if to just play baseball, but she’s proud of him no matter what he does
he has a rabbit plush from his childhood that he sleeps with every night and hides during the day.  it’s been resewn over and over and is very dingy and dirty.  he has no idea who it’s from but it’s always been very special to him
Scout has his own comic series he draws on stowed away in his room.  he’s kept hidden because he’s embarrassed about it.  it’s a typical superhero comic with a self insert of himself as the main character
he copies things his teammates do, mostly Spy.  it’s always small things like how they stand or walk or if one of them starts acting all confident then he will too.  he doesn’t realize he does it, but he does because he looks up to all of them
he’s self conscious about his buck teeth but any time someone refers to them as cute or adorable, he gets all flustered and giddy over it
Scout is VERY praise driven, he thrives on having approval of everyone he looks up to.  if anyone on the team needs something done, he’s almost always the first to volunteer himself and loathes when they ask he take someone with him
he’s bi and doesn’t realize it, he just thinks it’s normal for guys to find other guys really hot and daydream about them and doodle them in his comics later.  he always has a justification for why that time he saw Soldier shirtless right after a shower made him all flustered
he was in both his high schools track and baseball team as the star player.  track was more a hobby to him so he could keep limber for his baseball games and when he’d go off and cause trouble with his brothers
Scout’s been arrested once before joining Mann Co. but doesn’t realize his brothers have actually kept him from getting in trouble with the law many more times.  they would always try to shove him out of the way and have him run home when they could tell cops were about to get involved because they knew if he got arrested, Ma would be very upset
he was arrested for taking part in robbing a gas station, and was young enough to be let off without any trouble
Scout’s name on his birth certificate is spelled with the accents (Jérémy) but everyone, even Ma, always spells it without.  he doesn’t even really know there are accents in his name
he’s semi-fluent in Italian
he looks up to Spy a lot.  he sees him as the father figure he never had and genuinely admires everything he does.  out of everyone on the team, he copies him the most, down to even sneakily buying himself a butterfly knife to teach himself how to flip it around like Spy does.  they pick on each other a lot and bicker even more, but they’re both just as quick to find little ways to say they’re sorry after things have calmed down
he considers everyone on the team his best friend, but he hangs around Pyro and Sniper mostly.  Pyro because they enjoy a lot of the same things he does when it comes to TV or comics or whatnot.  and Sniper because he’s a good listener and will allow him to just trail behind him all afternoon and talk his ear off.  and because after he came out of his shell, Sniper turned out to be just as much a troublemaker he was
Scout, Sniper, and Demo are the three to watch out for if there’s even a hint of a “so stupid it’s dangerous but sounds fun” idea floating around.  jumping off the base into a pool?  they’re gonna do it.  see how long someone can hold to the top of the camper while Sniper drives donuts in the desert?  let’s get drinks and see how bad this can go.  “I dare you to take a sip out the sewage water under the bridge.”  “okay, but you gotta do my chores for a week.”
also hi, you’re Sparkles now
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coco-goat-milk · 3 years
Hello! May I request the kids with a Rengoku! Reader? I feel like his character’s overall energy would serve great with them, especially as an older sibling!
Rengoku! reader x Klee, Qiqi and Diona (platonic)
Pronounce: She/him/they, no pronounce mentioned so i won't either!
Warning: Slight spoilers for Rengoku, Qiqi and Diona, Mentions of alcohol, Mentions of Ganyu x reader
A/n: Moshi moshi~ cutie, Yes i agree! I really think this dynamic is adorable<3 Oh and I'm back everyone, and I'm sorry it’s so short :)
Reblog, comments and likes are highly appreciated!!!
First time meeting:
When you first arrived in Mondstadt to help the knights of favonius bc they are lazy you also got introduced to Klee, at first you were shocked that a child was a knight.
She was immediately amazed by you, first of all you look so cool! Second of all you were very...uh.. bright.
She immediately ran up to you asking for your name.
You were immediately enamored with the cute child and decided that you would surprise adopt her.
When you two get closer:
No but seriously whenever she blows up fish in the lake you would just encourage her. Basically you stand beside the lake and laugh brightly while she blasts fish into oblivion.
Each time she sees you she always runs towards you expecting hugs!
She also loves playing with you whenever you can, mostly it involves fish blasting or searching for flowers.
She loves it when you braid her hair, especially when the two of you take a picnic and she makes a flower crown.
She really loves listening to you talking about all your fight stories, she will boast about you to the other knights about how cool and strong you are.
Whenever you two get something to eat and you yell “UMAI” in the beginning she is kinda shocked but soon after she joins in.
Whenever she eats anything and it tastes good she yells “UMAI” it has become a habit for her. The first time she did it people looked at her scared but she just kept going.
Whenever she is confinement she draws pictures of you and her together <3
She also likes to play games with you like tag and hide and seek, she also enjoys watching you fight.
You always make sure that she doesnt hurt herself nor cry, so that often leads towards her getting her way with you. (i mean bombing fishes and such)
She really enjoys your warm and big cuddles<3
When the two of you walk through Mondstadt she always asks for you to hold her, and who are you to deny that! You always place her on your shoulder while the two of you laugh brightly.
Klee really wants to cook or bake with you, and she wants to wear matching aprons!
Kawaii (人◕ω◕)
Oh and the two of your aesthetics match it’s adorable :3
First time meeting:
She questioned the honesty of your bright smile-
But she soon understood that everything about you was sincere.
She really liked how honest and nice you were, she hadn't felt that joy in a long time :/
You thought she was adorable, she reminded you of your own little sibling.
Snek man was busy so you took Qiqi outside to play <3
She liked you very much even though she forgot your name a lot of times :p
When you two get closer:
She doesn't really remember people that much but she remembers you! Because of your bright smile and bright aesthetic.
And she always tries to scribble as many details about you down in her notepad<3
She really enjoys the concern and honest love you give her.
unlike someone else who is fake asf
She always looks forward to your visits :)
Since you yourself have a little brother you can take good care of her, she is a little different then other kids but you still treat her like one!
She is very happy with that although it's not really obvious, you know she is!
It's kind of funny how your personalities contrast each other-
You are very protective over her. When she told you about Hu tao, you would rescue her
Sometimes she questions how you can be so enthusiastic.
She doesn't really ask you for a lot of things, but she sometimes asks you if you bought her Coco goat milk (my username ;) and whenever she asks for something you bring it to her in a heartbeat<3
The first time you looked for Coco goat milk you found this beautiful girl, the girl was honestly shocked by your slightly obnoxious behavior but she found you cute and really sweet. She helped you search for ‘coco goat milk’ but it ended up being coconut milk.
Now everytime you visit Qiqi you bring her Coconut milk, she will have this small cute smile on her face. Which makes you smile even more oh my how bright can you get?
You like to bring her to walk around Liyue, you always hold her hand so she doesn't get lost. People sometimes get scared because of your loud voice booming over anyone else's.
She likes to take picnics with you and Ganyu, it gives her this unfamiliar but happy feeling of family!
Qiqi is lowkey a matchmaker for you and Ganyu, she makes the two of you hold hands and while Ganyu lowkey dies with a red face your laugh is as bright as the sun.
Your bright and happy presence always manages to give Qiqi a small smile on her face.
Whenever she is sleepy while you two are away you pick her up and try to be as quiet as possible.
First time meeting:
In the beginning she didn't like you because she thought you drank alcohol, but then you just asked for a normal drink?? What, how is that possible…
When you found out that basically a kid was working in a winery, you thought you were drunk.
Like honestly why is a kid working with alcohol, anyways you decided to ignore him since y’know Genshin logic.
She was kind of rude in the beginning until you decided to just order some drink without alcohol, suddenly she was kind of you.
You really sat there like ( ´・‿・`)?
Anyways, you decided to spend time with the kid because your caring sibling side decided to act up.
When you two get closer:
You don’t drink alcohol whenever you are with her, she appreciates it so much but she doesn't say that ofc.
She huffs whenever you pat her head but she secretly loves it <3 She expects headpats whenever the two of you meet up.
She really wants to go hunting with you as well, and when you show off your strength she will be so amazed :3
^You are now officially her idol, she looks up to you so much.
Diona wants you to teach her tricks with her sword, because the moment she saw you fight with your sword she was enamored.
You do not like her dad...honestly who does..but anyways you full on ignore him and try to ignore him as much as you can. Because of that you are pretty protective over her as well.
She actually enjoys it whenever you bring her gifts, quite likes it when you gift her plushies and bring her homemade sweet potatoes.
Was very embarrassed when you yelled out ‘UMAI’ and scolded you for it, but when someone looks at you weirdly be ready for a hissing kitty with her nails bared at the person.
She doesn't like it when others take away your attention, Diona will attack those people.
(omg im so sorry but i don't have more headcanons-)
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