#Emi Kaibyo
lumisparks · 8 days
Redoing My Old KH OCs Part 1 --
Emi Kaibyo
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Hello, everyone! This will be a short series about redoing my old KH OCs. I currently have 7... I think? ... I dunno, I’m losing track of how many I have “^ ^
Aaaaanyway, I’ve always wanted to share my OCs on the internet buuuut looking back... All I want to scream is a big, fat “NOPE!” when looking at their designs and stories.
I was kind of lucky not to share them especially the fact that 5 of them were cat hybrids(how I normally address half-human, half-animal characters). But now I get to upload a better version of them! So suffer with me to see their evolutions! Starting with Emi Kaibyo
1st Version(2015 – 2018)
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To start things off, she wasn’t named Emi yet. Instead; she was “Exaleme”, a nobody who used to be Eleame. Ex was the 15th member of the OG Org. Xiii. I made Ex and El when I was in 6th grade as I was new to KH at the time. Immediately, I made Ex because I thought Nobodies were cool as she was my KH self insert. So with my name “Emalee” and smack in the X... Exaleme was born. 
In a previous iteration, SHE WAS FULLY HUMAN. I don’t know why I changed her into a catgirl – but hey! I liked catgirls and now she’s a freak of nature. Now to Ex/Eleame’s backstory... 
It’s an average tragic past: her parents died, she was taken away into the castle, got killed, split into a nobody and Heartless, and she works for Org. Xiii for some -🦆- reason while her Heartless(Eleame) works for Ansem SoD for... SOME -🦆-ING REASON.
As for her personality, she’s supposed to be the shy, cutesy type. But instead in most drawings, she’s all happy or something. Idfk man
Oh yeah, did I mention I made Ex to be shipped with someone in the organization? Yeah... I don’t want to mention who though. I am too ashamed to say it and that’ll be for the best so no one will ever know.
2nd version...?(Around 2020s)
I don’t know if I would call it “2nd version”, it’s more like the processing stage. In the past, I didn’t do much to improve or redo her story because I was busy with school stuff. Despite Ex and Eleame being my first KH OCs, I kind of forgot their KH side of them. How? By going through various RPs and AUs with my friend from KH Amino to Discord.
I did manage to get some ideas though. Instead of having Ex and El being like 1 person, they’re twin siblings named “Emi” and “Elise”. Elise being the joyful older twin while Emi the cautious younger twin. Oh and their parents are alive and healthy. I still want to ship Emi with someone because... Why the hell not. Who would that be?
... But also because I like Michael, alright? I’ll find a way to make them work in my KH story for the Kaibyo twins.
✨Final Version✨
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Here she is! All human and not a catgirl. Don’t worry, I’m doing her sister next. As for her lore, she lives peacefully in Radiant Garden with her family.
Her dad Fuyu works as a captain of the castle guards while Emi, Elise, and their mother Caitlyn work at the Kupo Kafé. However, the family’s hometown will lose their peace in an upcoming darkness.
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lumisparks · 3 days
Redoing My Old KH OCs Part 2 --
Elise Kaibyo
(Check Part 1 as well! → Emi Kaibyo)
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↓↓↓ Scroll down to read through! ↓↓↓
1st version(2016 – 2018)
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Just like with Emi, Elise used to be named “Eleame” when coming up with her in middle school. She got it from my name “Emalee” and the twins used to be one person, Exaleme being Eleame’s nobody. In a nutshell; Ex/El had the average tragic past with the dead parents, taken away to the castle, got killed, and split into a Nobody and Heartless. Eleame the Feline Trickster now currently works with Ansem Seeker of Darkness.
Eleame’s personality overall is mischievous and playful despite her horrible life. Before turning into a Heartless, she’s a sort of street rat while the castle guards chase her around. Overall, this OC is a 🦆-ing mess and writing this paragraph feels like a mess too.
Processing Stage(Around 2020s)
Despite being busy with school and not having the time to rework on Ex and El, I got some ideas thanks to talking and RP-ing with my friend on Discord. Instead of them being one person, they’re now twins named “Emi” and “Elise”. Elise being the joyful older twin while Emi the cautious younger twin. Plus, their parents are alive and healthy so YAAAAAAY
✨Final Version✨
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Elise Kaibyo, the older twin of Emi! She’s a bright alchemist albeit reckless with her bottles in or out of battles. After she and her family lost Radiant Garden and was sent to Traverse Town, Elise and Emi’s parents trained them to fight against the heartless or whatever comes their way.
Just going to note... There’s a chance one of her potions may open a black hole than some average explosion. So be careful about that haha...
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