#man i started writing this in july apparently
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Kane & Jim #56: Else
Chronological masterlist / Writing order masterlist
content: recovery and lots of it, angst, sickfic, accidental emotional whump, fear of starvation, vampire whumpee, whumper turned whumpee (turned caretaker), reunions
Whumpmas in July Day 18: "Or else"
i'm sorry for being so slow with k&j chapters! i'm going to try to be quicker with them in the future. here's one people have been waiting for for a very long time!
“You’re sick.”
Jim blinked, taken aback. “What?”
“You’re sick,” Kane repeated, taking another sip from the bowl. One of his last bowls before he was to start finding his own elsewhere. “I can taste it.”
“What? What kind of sick? Is it serious?” Jim asked with increasing urgency. Kane could see it in his eyes: he knew fear, and he hated to see it in Jim.
He wanted more than anything to reassure him, but he couldn’t lie. “I-I don’t know?” he admitted. “I don’t know much of human illnesses. You seem… fine?”
“Shit. Shit shit shit.” Jim grabbed his coat. “I’ll be back soon. I gotta… go to the doctor, or something. Door,” he warned.
“I’m sorry. I’m sure you’ll be okay! You can’t even feel it! You’re a healthy young man!” Kane assured him, ducking into the kitchen.
“Thanks for warning me!” Jim’s voice was laden with nerves. A flash of sunlight made Kane shiver, and he only returned to the living room when it was gone.
Kane knew what this meant: Jim would likely not finish out the week. This was his last meal given. He would have to go to vampire territory tonight, or else he would have nothing to eat come tomorrow. He had to find blood tonight, or else he’d starve. He’d go back to that horrible, empty state, always wanting, always in pain.
He knew Jim wouldn’t really let that happen, but it wasn’t fair to rely on him for blood forever, either. Kane had taken enough, with and without permission. It was Jim’s turn to rest.
Still, the fear of hunger never left him. It was a part of him now, permanently, no matter how much he fed.
And this meant one thing. The thing he’d been putting off and dreading since Jim set him free.
He would have to go to vampire territory and talk to his parents. He knew already that it would not go over well. Father would be either furious or crushingly disappointed that he’d allowed himself to be humiliated by humans, and he wasn’t sure which was worse. Mother would undoubtedly be the latter. He wondered, not for the first time, if they preferred him ‘dead’.
It shouldn’t matter. He knew now that they weren’t… good people. He could see that. He had a new family of sorts, now that Jim had taken him in.
But Jim wasn’t his legal next of kin, and Jim wasn’t the one he had to ask if he wanted his money returned so he could buy blood.
He could always get a job. But it seemed ridiculous to do when he had money sitting right there, and he would likely be found by his parents at some point anyway. There was no avoiding it forever.
Kane drank the bowl down quickly.
It was a flu, apparently. Nothing life-threatening, but it set Jim’s anxieties alight. His parents had died of illness, he explained.
While Kane had managed to catch it early, Jim started to devolve within a few hours of arriving home.
Kane knocked on his bedroom door. “Jim? Can I come in?”
“Ugh. Yeah,” he agreed.
Carefully balancing the tray, he entered. He found Jim curled up in bed, looking miserable.
“I’ve brought you lunch.” He’d been practicing his human food skills. He was still quite afraid of the stove, so though he used it when feeling especially brave, he mainly stuck to things that didn’t require cooking. He’d written down several combinations of foods that humans found appetizing, which could often be served in between slices of bread as a ‘sandwich’.
But he needed a tray instead of a plate, because despite his strength, he simply didn’t have enough hands to carry the six cups of water circled around it.
“Lotta water,” Jim noted weakly, grabbing a glass and taking a sip when Kane brought it close. His hand shook, the liquid threatening to spill. Kane watched it close, ready to steady it in a heartbeat if Jim needed him to.
He spoke gently, like he was worried speaking too loud would break Jim in his fragile state. “...Like I’d mentioned, I don’t know much about human illness. Most of what I know comes from you. I just remember… you wanted a lot of water, last time.”
He thought about that time a lot. How he was so close to losing Jim, because he was too proud to listen.
“Ah. Yeah.” Jim wouldn’t look him in the eye. “I remember.”
Kane set the tray down. “I should have taken better care of you,” he whispered. “I’m sorry. I mean–I shouldn’t have had you in the first place, but I did, and you were my responsibility, and I didn’t care for you like I should have.” A hint of tears in his eyes, he took Jim’s unusually-sweaty hand. “I’ll do better this time. Anything you need, I’ll be there.”
That earned a small smile from Jim. “Guess it isn’t so bad being waited on. ‘Specially because you can’t get sick, right?” The smile faded. “…Right?”
“I can’t,” Kane assured him. “You don’t need to worry. Just rest, and I’ll take care of anything you need.”
Jim huffed an almost-laugh. “You really changed, man.”
Liz did come over to visit come nightfall, which was good, since despite his promises, Kane had to leave. He didn’t like the thought of leaving Jim alone at night. He knew it made him scared, and Jim deserved to never feel afraid ever again. She brought a container of soup, a yellow liquid with colorful plants and large white orbs floating in it.
He waited, patient, until Liz emerged from Jim’s room. “Liz?”
“Hey. Thanks for looking after him,” Liz said.
“Of course!” The praise spread warmly through him. “There’s, um, something I wanted to talk to you about, if you have the time? Advice, I suppose.”
“Shoot,” she encouraged, flopping over on the couch.
Kane took a deep breath. “So, um, I assume now is a good time to start getting my own blood.”
“Yyyyeah.” Liz shot a glance to the stairs leading to Jim’s room. “I’d say that’s about right.”
“Blood… isn’t free. I have the money–had the money, but I’ve likely been assumed dead for many years. I’ll need to go to my parents to get it back,” he explained. “My parents are not kind people, I’ve come to realize.”
Liz raised an eyebrow, but politely refrained from making any comments about his former obliviousness. “You think they won’t give it back? Isn’t there, like, laws? This can’t be the first time this has happened with vampires, you guys are too good at not dying.”
“No! No, that’s not it, they’d give it back. It’s just, um, they’ll be… quite upset with me, I think. Especially my father.” He sighed. “I didn’t want to talk about it with Jim. I was worried he would feel pressured into giving me more blood than he’s comfortable with. I don’t know. It shouldn’t be as big a deal as it is. I’ve been through so much worse, I don’t understand why this is so terrifying. I suppose I’ve just never failed this badly before.”
“Hey, you made it out of five years with those monsters, alive. Bet there’s not a lot of vampires who could say that,” Liz pointed out.
“Ah, that’s just… not how Father would see it,” Kane said vaguely. Humans were supposed to be the weak ones. The fact that it took him five years to be freed, and he couldn’t even do it himself, would make him an utter embarrassment in their eyes.
And it was all because he couldn’t use persuasion. Everything they’d always believed about him, proven true.
Liz pursed her lips, lost in thought for a moment. “I don’t remember my parents that well,” she admitted. “I know yours suck pretty bad. I don’t think you have to admit more than you need to, right? Like, do they even need to know where you’ve really been? You could just make something up, for the sake of keeping the peace.”
“Make something up…” Kane murmured. He shook his head. “I’m not a very good liar. They’d see right through me. It’s fine, actually, the more I talk about it, the more I realize I’m being a bit ridiculous.” He forced a laugh. “It’s one uncomfortable conversation and then I can come back home.”
“You’ve got this.” Liz patted him lightly on the back, a modification from her usual clap she’d learned tended to scare him. “You’re tough.”
Kane certainly didn’t feel ‘tough’.
“Thank you. It was nice to at least… get it out of my system. Oh, and congratulations. Jim told me about you and Laken.”
Liz smiled. “After what happened, I just knew I had to say something, you know? If they could just be taken from me at any moment. Stuff happens. People die. I didn’t want something to happen to one of us before I could tell them how I feel.”
She stood. “I can give you one more night’s worth, maybe two. If you need some time to think about it and all.”
Kane startled. He and Liz had grown far more amicable over the past months, but he hadn’t expected this from her.
Maybe he should have. It wasn’t the first time. He thought of Jim, on that first night, vehemently denying Liz’s offer to provide blood, vowing to do it himself.
“...Thank you. That means so, so much to me. It’s alright, though. I’ll go tonight,” he decided.
“Good luck. We’ll be here when you get back,” she promised.
And that was all he really needed, in the end.
Kane got up, heading to the door with a quick glance back to make sure it was alright. For the freedom he’d earned, he hadn’t gone more than ten feet from the house since he’d returned with Laken. But of course, Liz made no move to stop him. “I’ll see you soon.”
The night was as beautiful as ever, even in the cool autumn air. He liked it better this way, in fact. It made it more comfortable to wear more clothing, the long pants and long sleeves and jacket he liked, especially when he ran. When he went this fast, he hardly felt the cold, and his mind was occupied elsewhere.
What if his parents made demands of him in exchange for their help? What if they expected him to return to vampire territory, to isolate himself out of the way in a socially-acceptable manner? Now that he’d tasted true companionship, he almost couldn’t bear to give it up. And what about Jim? Ever since Laken’s abduction, he’d been more scared at night. The very least Kane owed him was his protection.
His petty worries disappeared the instant he realized he could hear a vehicle coming closer.
Kane ran faster, opposite the sound. He’d likely been pushing fifty miles an hour before, and could make sixty if he tried–but he was out of practice, and the vehicle was faster.
A glance behind him showed moonlight glinting off a silver crossbow.
“I have permission!” he wailed as the off-roader gained, heart threatening to burst from his chest. This couldn’t happen, not again, no. Jim and Liz wouldn’t even think to look for him until a day had passed, a day that could easily be spent baking in the hot sun. “Liz Lieberman granted me permission to cross! Please, I didn’t do anything! Mercy!”
“Kane?” an unfamiliar voice called. The vehicle caught up to him, but there was no attack. “Oh shit, it’s you!” the driver said. “It’s so dark, I almost didn’t recognize you from the picture Laken showed us. Thanks for bringing ‘em back.”
Kane slowed, just a bit. “What?” he squeaked, tears streaming down his face.
The hunter in the passenger seat elbowed his partner, making quick movements with his hands that Kane could not understand. A signed language of some sort, he assumed. Though he didn’t know much about such things, other than that spoken orders under persuasion often didn’t work on humans who utilized it.
“Uh, my partner wants to know if you’re good? Like, you’re alright?” The driver asked. “Did we scare you? Sorry. Just, uh, you know, gotta be quick with the other guys. One second wasted and you miss ‘em, and that’s someone’s whole life, y’know.”
“Oh. Um, yes, you’d–you’d frightened me. I’m sorry.” Kane wasn’t quite sure what he was apologizing for. “Am I… free to go, sirs?”
“Yeah! Yeah, you can go… sir? Shoot, don’t let us keep you,” the hunter assured.
The one in the passenger seat made more hand-signs, waving him goodbye after. “Nice to meet you!” the other translated, finally driving away.
Kane picked up speed again and didn’t stop until he was sure he’d left the border far behind. He collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath.
He was so close to going back to the pain. If they hadn’t recognized him, he would have been skewered with silver–likely soon killed, not tortured, given they were from Liz’s guild, but still, he would have died in pain. No matter how hard he breathed, he felt like he couldn’t get enough air, and he wasn’t sure if it was that he’d been sprinting for too long or the sheer horror.
He wanted Jim. He wanted Jim to hold him and tell him everything was alright, that he was safe, that no one was going to hurt him. But Jim was miles and miles away, and could not help him here.
And he couldn’t cry on the ground forever. He was burning moonlight, and he needed blood.
Kane forced himself to his feet and wrapped his arms around him. If he squeezed his eyes tight, he could pretend he wasn’t alone, for just a moment.
After a minute like that, he started running once more.
By the time Kane reached his parents’ estate, he’d mostly calmed down. It was hard to feel as though hunters would ambush him out of nowhere when he went deep enough into vampire territory to see buildings and people. Any hunter here would be apprehended in seconds.
He touched the gate, brass-coated, though he knew there was silver underneath. There seemed to be some sort of electronic device attached to it, a new addition since his last visit, but he wasn’t sure how to use it. He could climb it, or simply shout, and one of the staff would likely hear him. If he wanted to be extra polite, which he did, he could simply stand here until someone came or went and ask to be let in.
And then that would be it. Kane would be standing face-to-face with his parents. He would accept Father’s ire without complaint. He’d had worse, he reminded himself, even when it came to the comparable. The hunters had spit on him while calling him worthless, ground his face into the floor while forcing him to decry himself as beneath them. It had been so much worse.
His hand shook against the gate.
You’ve really changed, man.
Had he? If he was still back here, ready to take whatever judgments his parents threw at him, debase himself and eagerly beg for their forgiveness, had he really changed? There were humans in there. Captive, hurt humans who he could never in a thousand years be able to free if he tried, locked away in their quarters. What happened to all his regrets? His vows that he would never associate with anything of the sort again?
What would he have done differently here before, if he’d realized back then everything he knew now?
Kane left.
It took him a bit to find it, he hadn’t been to this town before, but it wasn’t far, and he knew the address.
There was a different kind of dread this time. If he was rejected here, it might be even worse than his parents. But as he rang the doorbell, he knew this was what he had to do.
The man who answered looked almost exactly the same as the last time he’d seen him, thirteen years ago. The same dark skin, perfect hair, typically garishly-colorful shirt.
Bellamy’s eyes went impossibly wide, as though he’d seen a ghost.
taglist in reblogs, chapter 57 coming july 30th :)
edit: sorry i was wrong about july 30th. it's coming thoooo i promise
#kane and jim#whump#my writing#vampire whumpee#vampire whump#sickfic#angst#recovery whump#accidental whump#whumper turned whumpee#whumpmasinjuly2024#wij24day18
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These are all fics/requests I have plans to write in the future.
ʚɞ There is no set date for these fics and they are in no particular order.
ʚɞ You can request a fic/requests to be done sooner rather than later but do not harass me to do so
ʚɞ If your request is not on this list then it likely will not be written by me either due to lack of context, an influx of asks with similar themes (eg, trans reader struggling with something I've already written/am writing) or inability to put your context into a fic on my end.
ʚɞ Requests are labeled in italics
ʚɞ Freckles | Charles Leclerc x M!Reader
↳ Charles Leclerc aftercare
ʚɞ He Likes A Boy | Carlos Sainz x M!Reader
↳ Carlos Sainz aftercare
ʚɞ I Was Either Gonna Die at 25 or 90 Fucking Three | Carlando x Verstappen!Driver!Reader
↳ After multiple risks to your career for the sake of your brother you finally decide enough is enough and search for your big break. Apparently your big brother has other plans.
ʚɞ Heaven And Back | Oscar Piastri X M!Reader
↳ “What about Oscar who give polite cat vibes dating a man who give doberman.”
ʚɞ Great Spanish Bake-Off | Carlos Sainz X M!Reader
↳ You attempt to help Carlos with baking and end up making quite a mess. Thats no problem! Until theres a knock on the door and Carlos had forgotten all about an interview that afternoon.
ʚɞ The Timeline Of Coming Out | Carlos Sainz X Trans!Reader
↳ Coming out to the man you love start to finish ʚɞ Part One - Available to read ʚɞ Part Two - Coming soon
ʚɞ July | Lanoscar x Driver!Reader
↳ Worn out by the 2025 seaon, you impatiently wait for the break in July
ʚɞ Shot Through The Heart | Thomas Shelby X M!Reader
↳ A shot by Kimber intended for Tommy misses it's target
ʚɞ Requests and tag list are open
#f1 x male reader#f1 x reader#formula 1 x male reader#formula 1 x reader#formula one x reader#formula one x male reader#lando norris#carlos sainz#lando norris x trans reader#lando norris x male reader#carlos sainz x trans reader#carlos sainz x male reader#charles leclerc#charles leclerc x trans reader#charles leclerc x male reader#oscar piastri#oscar piastri x male reader#oscar piastri x trans reader#lewis hamilton x male reader#lewis hamilton#lewis hamilton x trans reader#lando norris x reader#carlos sainz x reader#charles leclerc x reader#oscar piastri x reader#lewis hamilton x reader#peaky blinders x reader#peaky blinders x y/n#peaky blinders x male reader#peaky blinders x m!reader
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⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ 2024 fics in review ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡
♡ thank you @rose-tinted-kalopsia for tagging me - you can view her post here ♡ i'm tagging @acciotaitlynn @nanamiscocksleeve @hesperisms @poisonf0rest + any writer who wants to join. and no pressure ofc 💕
Total number of fics: 16 Total word count: just under 82k
Chronological Breakdown:
April - ❄Cool Off * ✩Under The Stars May - ଳLove Don't Be Shy * ✩Xavier, Xavier, Xavier * ଳIridescent Scales June - ✩Passion Star Martini July - ✩My Everything August - ♪Ambrosia October - ❄Tight Spot * ଳBeneath The Abyss * ✩Velvet Night * ♪Possession * ❄Beneath The Collar * ❄ଳAmore Immortale♪✩ December - ♪Surrender❄ * ♪Return To You
Overall Thoughts:
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted?
I didn't expect to write at all! I wrote some fics back in 2020 and 2021. After deleting them, I thought my writing days were over. But, Love and Deepspace resuscitated my love for writing.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?
Obviously, didn't expect to get attached to Love and Deepspace so much!
What’s your own favorite story of the year?
Beneath The Collar
Did you take any writing risks this year?
Writing Amore Immortale has my braincells working overtime, since it's supposed to be a slow burn that leads to polyamory.
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year?
To finish, or at least to be close to finishing Amore Immortale.
From my past year of writing, what was…
My best story of this year:
Beneath The Collar
My most popular story of this year:
Cool Off (2.8k notes) - i still don't understand why 😅 it's my very first fic for this fandom, and also the first fic after not writing smut for like three years. Ofc I'm grateful that people like it, but I cringe every time I remember the setting lol.
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
Beneath The Collar. Honestly, I expected it to be the most popular or at least second most popular during Kinktober. But the people who did like it were very invested in the story, so that makes me happy. And @gattapotatta made this beautiful artwork inspired by it.
Most fun story to write:
Amore Immortale. That one is the balm for my soul.
Story with the single sexiest moment:
I have no idea omfg
Most “holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story:
I think that everything I wrote was pretty tame. But I guess personal sacrilege in Beneath The Collar can be considered wrong lol. And some people were apparently taken aback by the dvp moment in Surrender.
Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:
Hardest story to write:
Possession. I'm currently working on the sequel, and it continues to be the bane of my existence.
Biggest disappointment:
Xavier, Xavier, Xavier. For me, it's so bland, I almost didn't post it. Also, Tight Spot - Zayne is a little ooc there.
Biggest surprise:
Not to copy Roxie, but I'm so surprised by the love everyone has shown my fics! Without your support I'd probably just stop writing again.
Most unintentionally telling story:
There's the reoccurring theme in my fics where the Reader has run away to start a new life. 🤨
Highlights + Wrap-up:
I don't have that many fics to have 5 favorite opening, and closing lines. Or 5 favorite lines from anywhere. So I'll just write some randomly -
"Poor little bunny." - opening line in Amore Immortale, ch. 1.
He’s just a man now—just Zayne. - line from Beneath The Collar
Fic-writing goals for 2025:
Write more fluffy smut and more unhinged smut.
#love and deepspace#zayne love and deepspace#xavier love and deepspace#sylus love and deepspace#rafayel love and deepspace
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For the requests! I present to you...
Eddie reacting to Steve in a crop top and super short shorts for the very first time ever as Steve's just minding his own business and doing the most mundane things ever 👀
Oh what FUN. I needed this prompt SO bad and I had fun with it. Honestly I relate to Eddie so much here: just completely feral over Steve in a crop top and shorts. Hope you enjoy! - Mickala ❤️
Hawkins was hot during the summer, but that was nothing to the Florida heat.
Florida wasn’t Eddie’s idea, to be clear.
His idea was anywhere not south.
July was hot enough everywhere, why make it worse?
Apparently, he was the only one with common fucking sense.
But Steve insisted on a beach trip, and apparently the only beach that was sufficient for the kids was in Florida.
Eddie wasn’t built for this. He was pale, only owned long black jeans, and his hair stuck to his face and neck the moment he started to break a sweat.
But Steve was so excited and the kids were so excited and so Eddie was tolerating it.
Steve bought an actual RV.
When Max got out of the hospital, basically adopted her when her mom was nowhere to be found, he bought one, not too big, but big enough for everyone to have a space.
Robin took the couch, insisted on it, not sharing with anyone, not even Steve. El and Max took a bottom bunk, Dustin the other bottom bunk. Steve didn’t let Mike and Will share a bunk because he went full parent mode the second he saw them holding hands, so Will took one top bunk with Lucas and Mike took the other. Which left Steve obviously taking the queen bed in the back, and Eddie the bed with him or the floor.
So Eddie argues with himself for a week leading up to the whole long two day ride to Florida about sleeping on the floor, about maybe trying to bunk with Dustin, who kicks and snores like a grown man fighting in a boxing ring. Considered begging Mike to suck it up and share so he wouldn’t have to face what he’d been ignoring for six months now: that he was ass over head, disgustingly, write songs about him, in love with Steve Harrington.
He barely even talks to Steve, probably coming across as an asshole, but Robin covers for him, makes sure he’s given the space he needs to come to terms with the fact he has to share a bed with Steve on this journey.
By the end of the first day, he’d managed to come to terms with sharing a bed with him. A queen bed was big enough for space between them, he could wake up first so there’d be no chance of Steve seeing how hard he would be. He could make it work.
Making it work apparently meant not sleeping at all.
He didn’t even close his eyes. He felt every movement next to him, heard every breath Steve let out, every groan when he moved in a way that caused his healed but still sore bat bites to twinge.
He felt every twinge in his heart knowing that Steve was turned towards him, getting closer with every movement, and he had to ignore it.
He had to ignore it because if he didn’t, he’d turn around and pull Steve against him, play with his stupid, soft hair, and run his hand up and down his stupid, muscular, naked back.
So he was a bit tired on day two of their travels. Steve asked if he could drive for a couple hours so he could braid the girls’ hair. What was he supposed to say? No?
Not fucking likely.
So he drove, even though he was exhausted, and hadn’t drive an RV before in his life, and probably shouldn’t have been allowed near a real map for any reason other than passing it to someone else.
Robin, luckily, saw him struggling, and quickly made her way to the passenger seat to be navigator.
She didn’t say anything about it, she didn’t ask about his night, and she didn’t offer to trade sleeping spots with him. He tried not to be a little bitchy about it, but honestly, she was supposed to be Steve’s best friend, why couldn’t she sleep with him?
When Steve finally yelled to him to pull off the next exit to switch, he felt like he could breathe again.
Maybe he could take a nap in the bed since Steve was driving now.
But then Dustin wanted to talk about the campaign they’d do when they got to the campsite and Will got involved and then Mike had to add his (wrong) opinion about a trap that he was convinced Eddie would throw in. Eddie’s head was starting to hurt and they still had six hours to go.
Eddie managed to sneak away to the bedroom after they stopped for gas and lunch, slept for maybe 30 minutes, then got woken up by El, who wanted her nails painted to match her bathing suit and he couldn’t say no.
Of course, Max decided she wanted her nails painted too, and then Robin said she needed a touch up and didn’t trust herself to do it so Eddie got wrangled into painting everyone’s nails.
He barely even realized when they arrived.
But suddenly, Steve was standing next to him, smiling down at him, making Eddie want to die and also propose marriage at the same time.
“The kids are already running to the water. Wanna help me set up?”
Steve could have asked him to murder someone and he would, so he said yes.
“Cool, I’ll just change. Can you get the awning out and the chairs set up?”
“Yep, don’t take too long and make me do all the work.”
Steve laughed. Eddie laughed.
Eddie was serious, but if anyone could get away with making him do all the work, it was Steve.
So he got started on it all.
He watched Robin walking slowly towards where the kids were running along the water’s edge to keep an eye on them, all of them just a little nervous to let them out of their sights still.
He started turning the crank of the awning, already sweating from the heat and humidity, the breeze just blowing more hot air and sand at him.
He’d never been to the beach before, and he was quickly realizing why he didn’t mind that.
Once the awning was set, he opened the side compartment to pull out some of the camping chairs Steve bought for the occasion.
“Everything going okay?”
Eddie looked up to answer Steve and froze.
Steve had changed.
He’d changed into the shortest crop top Eddie had ever seen and a pair of shorts that his ass was going to pop out of the moment he bent over.
He couldn’t breathe.
Steve’s skin was just. There.
His scars, the scars that matched Eddie’s, were there.
Out in the open.
So much skin just happening right in front of Eddie’s eyes.
“Eddie? You okay? Need help?”
Eddie coughed, trying to hide the fact he was practically choking on his own spit.
“Good. I’m good. So good. Great.”
Steve’s eyebrows raised, but he nodded.
“Okay, well I’m gonna hook up the plumbing and electric. Think you can get the hot dogs and buns out and start the fire for when the kids come back super hungry?”
Eddie knew he was asking him something, possibly something important, but he didn’t understand any of it. He nodded, though.
He watched Steve walk around to the other side of the RV.
So much skin.
Holy shit.
Eddie wanted to rip those clothes off of him. He wanted to taste the sweat that was dripping down his neck. He wanted to carry him back into the RV, lock the door, and fuck him into the mattress of the bed they had to share later.
He could do it. Robin would keep the kids busy. She’d understand.
But no. There was a reason he hadn’t acted on his feelings. There was a reason he’d been keeping his distance, making sure he was never alone with Steve.
He was so lost in his thoughts he almost didn’t notice when Steve came back around the corner, sweatier than before, his skin glistening in the sun.
God, this had to be illegal. This was a war crime. This was torture.
Survived almost being eaten alive by demon bats just to die in Florida watching Steve hook up an RV.
Sounds like a sick joke by the universe, but not that hard to believe considering his history.
“Eds? You good? You look like you need some water.”
Steve was walking up to him now, using the crop top to wipe his forehead, showing off even more skin. Jesus Christ.
“Maybe I do need to cool off. Um. Let me go inside and get some water. Great idea.”
Eddie was somehow making his legs work, rushing into the RV so he could get some space before he did something stupid like kiss Steve and tell him that he loves him.
But Steve was concerned, he should’ve known he would follow him inside.
“Eddie. Hey, just relax. The heat is a lot, maybe you should get your bathing suit on and just cool off a bit. I can handle the rest of this stuff,” Steve said as he grabbed a glass and filled it with water from the sink.
Must’ve got the water working then.
Steve, to Eddie’s horror and delight, sat down next to him and put his arm around him, handing him the glass of water with a worried look.
Eddie took it, ignoring the way his hands were shaking, hoping Steve would ignore it too.
He didn’t.
“Eddie, shit. You overdid it. I shouldn’t have had you helping out in that heat like that. You’re still technically healing.” Steve’s hand ghosted over where Eddie’s worst scars were on his sides. “I’m sorry. Just stay in here, I’ll get the AC going so it’s cool. You can change, maybe you’ll cool off faster.”
Eddie knew the problem wasn’t really the heat. And Steve wasn’t going to stop this.
Eddie was watching the way the crop top rode up the more Steve fretted over him, the way his thighs were fighting their way out of the shorts.
He had to tell him.
Eddie pulled away from him for a moment, took a really long look at the scar on Steve’s thigh that wasn’t Upside Down related, and then sighed.
“You’re killing me. The heat sucks, but it’s nothing compared to what you’re doing to me.”
That should’ve been where he stopped. But he didn’t.
“Stevie, you’re like, the hottest guy I’ve ever seen. Like, hotter than Ozzy and James Hetfield combined. Which is crazy because you are nothing like them. You’re you. And like I’m me. And I’m really gay. If that wasn’t clear yet then now it is. I’m super gay. I’m also super into you. I know you’re not into guys, even if you were, you wouldn’t be into me. So like, I get that this is weird and you don’t even have to look at me for the rest of the trip. I’ll sleep on the floor or something. It’s just this outfit is sending me over the edge. I didn’t even know they made shorts that short. And that top? It’s breaking my brain. It’s leaking out of my ears.”
Steve was laughing by the end, which isn’t the worst thing that could be happening, but it certainly wasn’t the best.
“And I mean, when I say super into you, I don’t just mean stupid little high school crush. I mean like I’m in love with you. I love you entirely too much. Like, probably enough where I would be creeped out if someone loved me this much. So I think you should go back outside and let me just wallow in my self pity for a bit in here and then I’ll come back outside and pretend I didn’t just tell you the biggest secret I’ve been keeping for months.”
“Are you done?” Steve asked, no longer laughing, but smiling fondly at him.
Eddie nodded, worried that his outburst probably ruined everything.
But then Steve’s lips were on his, and his hands were in his hair, and his thighs were straddling his lap.
Eddie’s brain shut off and his body took over.
It wasn’t his first kiss by any means, but it was the first kiss with Steve Harrington, which made it more special by default.
He let his hands fall to Steve’s naked thighs, moaning into the kiss when he felt his muscles shift under his palms as he adjusted to a more comfortable position.
Steve pulled away and looked at him with droopy eyes.
“What were you thinking about out there? You were lost in your own world.”
“I was thinking about fucking you into the mattress of that bed while Robin distracts the kids.”
Steve groaned and kissed him again.
“Can we do that?”
Jesus. Steve was something else.
“Sweetheart, as much as I know you’d far surpass any fantasy I’ve had, the kids could be back any minute and we won’t have an explanation for them.”
“We don’t need an explanation if we just tell them the truth,” Steve pouted, trailing soft kisses down Eddie’s neck.
“So you wanna sit them all down and tell them their dad was fucking their mom into the mattress?”
Steve pulled away and smacked Eddie’s chest.
“No! I just figured we could say you needed a nap. Since you didn’t sleep last night.”
Eddie paled. How the fuck did Steve know that?
“Relax. I was asleep last night, it’s not like I was watching you struggle to keep distance between us. But I saw how tired you were this morning and Robin let it slip that you couldn’t get comfortable and made my assumptions.”
Eddie shook his head.
“Well then you’ll know I am actually tired. I probably could use that nap.”
Steve placed a quick kiss to his lips.
“Then you should take one. I’ll finish up outside.”
“Kinda want you with me though.”
“One of us has to be the responsible parent who sets everything up and gives the kids dinner.”
“Oh my god,” Eddie smirked. “This is like your ultimate fantasy isn’t it? Road trip with your kids and your partner?”
Steve blushed.
“You’re ridiculous.”
“But I’m right! That’s why I love you, Stevie,” Eddie said before kissing his forehead. “I’ll come start the fire for the hot dogs. You stay away from me so I can focus.”
“Damn. I was gonna take off the shirt, though.”
Eddie closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
“I am begging you to keep it on.”
“Oh. Is this like a thing for you?” Steve teased.
“So what if it is?”
“Then I’ll keep it on and you can fuck me into the mattress with it on later. How’s that sound, big boy?”
Eddie’s jaw dropped.
“Using my own words against me? Unbelievable.”
Steve shrugged and got off his lap, much to Eddie’s dismay.
“I’ll have Robin bring the kids on a night walk along the beach later. Sound okay?”
“Sweetheart, nothing’s ever sounded better.”
#steddie#steve harrington#eddie munson#stranger things#robin buckley#the party#ficlet#request#steve in a crop top and short shorts#it broke me picturing it and Eddie is long gone
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112 “i’ve never seen anyone look so cute and ridiculous at the same time.” for the writing prompt? steddie or any other ship you get inspiration for :)
112. “i’ve never seen anyone look so cute and ridiculous at the same time.”
it had taken months -- months -- for eddie to convince steve to join a session of hellfire with him and the kids, but tonight was the night and eddie was pulling out all the stops. it was maybe a little bit selfish of him to do it this way, but fuck, man it was halloween. he had to.
back in july, they started making steve's character. human. barbarian. absolute fucking tank of a dude. he had an awesome backstory that would fit well with the one shot eddie had planned for halloween. in august, eddie floated the idea to the party that they should all dress up as their characters for halloween and was met with resounding approval. everyone was planning to go all out.
which was what brought them here.
eddie's leg was bouncing. he was feeling impatient. he did his best to act nonchalant, sitting on steve's bed with a magazine and a can of beer as he waited for steve to finish getting dressed.
eddie'd been able to procure most of steve's costume from the drama department at the school through a few sneaky sources he still had there. the costume was going to be completely impractical, not all conducive to fighting hoards of monsters and zombies, but oh eddie was going to enjoy it anyway.
eddie thought of the leather wrist cuffs he'd scored; they'd cover steve's forearms almost to his elbows if he could get them on properly. he thought of the gladiator sandals with the complicated lacing that he wasn't wholly convinced steve would be able to manage on his own. he thought of the... the fucking loincloth. eddie still couldn't believe he'd managed to convince steve to wear a goddamned loincloth what the fuck.
eddie heard the bathroom door open and tried his absolute best not to look too eager. when steve walked into the room, eddie just about choked on his tongue.
"holy fuck."
"i look ridiculous."
"that's... not the word i would use."
"well. maybe a little ridiculous, but! i've never seen somebody look so cute and ridiculous at the same time."
"cute? that's the word you would use?"
no. the word eddie wanted to use, he couldn't say. because they were friends. buddies. bros. and what guy wanted to hear his buddy say "goddamn, i'd like to lift that loincloth and suck you off so good you see stars"? probably not steve.
"you look very cute, stevie. that loincloth..."
makes your thighs look extra biteable. makes your cock look massive. makes me wanna get fucked raw before the kids get here.
but then steve smirked at eddie, and flexed his thighs a little bit, and he tugged at the leather wrist cuffs as he approached eddie to stand in the vee of his thighs, so close that eddie could feel the heat of his skin.
"you gonna be able to keep it together the whole time the kids are here?"
no, eddie was not going to be able to keep it together the whole time the kids were here.
steve backed off, just a little bit, and leaned down to catch eddie's gaze.
"happy halloween, munson. if you let me win tonight, maybe i'll let you get a closer look at the loincloth."
eddie didn't know how to tell steve that he couldn't just let him win dungeons and dragons, that that's not how it worked, that he wasn't in control of the dice or the other players or... damn.
steve turned then, and eddie was able to get an eyeful of steve's asscheeks in that fucking loincloth.
eddie was gonna have to figure out a way to let steve win at dungeons and dragons, apparently.
help me beat my writing slump
#steddie#ask games#prompts#bee's blurbs#shubaka#thank you so so much!!!!#to my other requesters: i am going to take a shower now BUT i will be back!
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This take is most likely gonna be a piping hot one but it’s only fair I share it here too and do some ranting along with it since I’ve said it everywhere else:
The recent changes to the writers team as well as the supposed complete lack of communication within it is actively sabotaging the show and I would be perfectly fine with the show taking a hiatus if it meant that the team would take that time to get their shit together to improve their writing overall.
As you may or may not have known, early on in the year Kevin seemingly stepped back as head writer (not officially that I can recall but he’s had very few writing credits ever since chapter 4 of the PV saga began) and some new writers were hired starting with the episode Trash Friends, said writers being the Zamination bros Zach & Micah; X/Aaron and Medi/Paul have also been promoted to the most prominent major writers since then.
However, since these changes we’ve seen a very noticeable and steep decline in writing quality, most evident via the lore sections of 2024. They’ve all felt completely disconnected from the 2023 lore and even disconnected from each other at times. Not to mention there’s been a pretty severe mismatch between how the chapter-ending specials are advertise and how they actually turn out, but that’s a whole different ramble for another time.
Several months ago one of the Zam bros even admit to not having caught up on the early PV lore before writing for the later, which is a huge fuckup in itself that should not have happened; I made a post about it back in July when that circulated.
“But Funkii, where did you get the lack of communication thing from?” Hoo boy, allow me to present something I learned while chatting in the official discord yesterday.
We were discussing our dissatisfaction with the wotfi and the recent writing overall and someone stepped in with this (read bottom to top)
I already wondered if the communication between writers for each episode was poor but it’s apparently literally nonexistent. Yikes, not a good look and definitely not a tactic that makes for good writing.
So basically Zach & Micah don’t know nearly enough about what they’re writing for, and then there’s Paul who notoriously relies too much on fanservice (+personal desires to a certain extent) for both his editing and writing. All of that makes the messiness of this year’s lore make a lot more sense to me.
Things of course got a bit crazy in chat after this and a large number of us reached this conclusion: the show needs to take a break, man. It doesn’t have to be for insanely long, it just needs to be long enough for the writers to fix their communication and overall consistency. I know I tend to be very impatient when it comes to waiting for new smg4 content, but if this were the circumstance that initiated a hiatus then I’d gladly wait as long as I had to.
I genuinely think that would improve the show’s writing drastically and for the better in the long run. Things have been such a mess this year and I really really don’t want to see things continue to decline.
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hey sweetheart :'3 I was wondering if you were taking request. If you are would you be open to do a Lucifer x little angel reader. I just love your little fic if these and I'm always looking for more if them. I think I've read them all tho. So my idea was that maybe Lucifer and reader could have a fight I'll let you decide why. Then reader decide to go hide from Lucy and our favorite god starts panicking and all. Over all just really cute stuff 😊😊💖 Thank you for reading and have a nice day bby💕
The Gardens
Lucifer Morningstars x Little!angel!reader
A/n: man i just hope this is half decent. Got a little motivated to write about this idea when I got the request which made me very excited! I rarely let us see when R isn’t regressed which is kinda the point? But I think insights like this are really fun to write! (May 6)
A/n pt 2.: finishing this July 21 at 3am, where did I go wrong? I’m so sorry I took so damn long it’s insane bc i don’t even notice time passing. I was looking back at my old fics and noticed I’m always writing R going to sleep? I love that cuz some of my friends actually call me “sleepy” because apparently I’m always tired. (I am)
Warnings: a little arguing, Lucifer says some hurtful things, not much else. Just some sweet fluff after the hurt.
“Im the judge here. I alone decide the punishments and how souls will be handled. You might be my partner but you hold no power over me or hell. These are not your decisions to make or have a say on.” It was an angry spew of words. Lucifer doesn’t like having their authority challenged and you were the one person who could do that. For the first time, your own opinions were voiced in their work, and Lucifer didn’t seem willing to listen or like it at all.
Never in your time living in hell had you and Lucifer clashed about something so much.. it hurt, not to be ironic but it hurt like hell. Lucifer had never spoken to you in such a way. Never before had they used their intimidation tactics on you.
Lucifer being unnecessarily stubborn didn’t help at all, as they refused to actually listen to your opinion or swallow their pride and compromise. Or simply speak to you like an equal. Their words almost stung. “You have no power here.” That’s what they meant. And you couldn’t bear to listen anymore or even respond after that.
After a certain point you just gave up and walked away, leaving whatever they were about to spit back, in the dust, mid-sentence, and then ending up with a confused shocked expression. No one gets to just walk away from The Devil.
The worst part was that you wanted to run to them. As if words and a voice laced with venom hadn’t just been thrown in your face. As if they’d protect you even from their own self. They’ve always been your safe space, your comfort.. but you couldn’t, not today, not after your argument.
At first they were fine with you just walking away. They admit to being stubborn and hard to talk to.. everyone needs a little space to think sometimes, right? But then hours and more hours passed and you still refused to show.. it’s like you were hiding from them. There’s nothing Lucifer hated more than the thought of that. Did they really mess up that badly? That you, the most forgiving and lovely being they’ve ever met, simply refused them?
They couldn’t possibly leave it like that. Let you believe they think regularly of you, like you aren’t the most important being in their life, like you aren’t their special angel. So settling their pride aside accompanied with a bit of anxiety, they set out to find you.
You had gone to your safe space.. hiding away physically and mentally, letting your much calmer but also a lot sadder, little self take control.
Lucifer searched high and low for you, all around the palace, going as far as to actually ask for help looking. And thankfully it occurred in their mind that there was always one place you went when you seek comfort, and that was the little hidden gardens of the palace.
And there you were. Quietly sitting by their most recently planted flowers, daisies in fact. They always claimed those flowers suited you perfectly, not just the look, but the meaning. Which included purity, innocence, new beginnings, joy and cheerfulness. All things they saw in you. All things they loved about you. But of course there’s more, so much more that they love.
“My angel..” their voice was a complete contrast to their earlier attitude. Cautious as they approached you but still with a rush to have you close. Lucifer was unsure you’d ever forgive them, but there was no way you could possibly resent them, maybe you should have, but it wasn’t in your heart to reject them, so you let them approach without scurrying away.
Lucifer got down to your level, kneeling down on the floor and holding their hands out for you, which you immediately took, being pulled into a tight hug, their wings wrapping around you, effectively hiding you from the world just because they knew you loved it so much. They pressed a kiss to your forehead before hugging you close again. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, my sweet angel…”
Not knowing how to respond, you nodded just a little as you nuzzled close to their shoulder, basking in the warmth and comfort of their hug. “I should’ve never said that.. never. And I promise you I didn’t mean a single word of it. I’m.. I’m in no way excusing myself, and my awfully hurtful words- but I’m just not used to this, angel..”
You could understand that.. there’s no being of higher power here in hell, even in the universe actually, no one but them and the very God that created and banished them. They’re not used to being challenged or disagreed with, and ever the sinner they are also quite prideful, even as an angel. “I’ve done this alone for so long.. of course there’s other lords.. and Mazikeen. But not even they step in when it comes to my decisions, and when you did- I felt questioned. Which I recognize should be much more frequent than it is, but it’s a new thing, and I responded very wrongly to it.”
Not for a moment did the soft tone leave their voice, a mere whisper as they hugged you and refused to let go. They’d apologize for eternity if you so requested it. But even in your headspace you could appreciate them taking accountability, and recognizing that it was wrong. Not just that it caused a bad reaction from you. “I’m working on it, I promise. Your opinion does matter to me, In whatever situation, your voice matters to me.”
It hurt, of course it hurt. But Lucifer is always sincere in their word, and they were willing to work together, that’s all that mattered to you. So you quite adorably mumbled out a little, ‘I forgive’, as you rest your chin on their shoulder. And Lucifer couldn’t be happier. “Thank you, my sweet angel.. but also, you can’t hide away from me like that, tiny. You had me running all over the palace looking for you like a maniac!” They said in a more playfully, less serious tone as they chuckled.
“Let’s make a deal, yeah?.. if anything of the sort ever happens again, can I trust that you’ll be in your little room? Even if we’re a little upset at each other I always want to know that you’re safe. I understand needing a moment to decompress and think, that certainly helped me a lot today. But I’d just like to know you’re safe and that we can talk when we’re ready to, how does that sound?” You giggled as their voice took a more playful tone and you nodded, moving away a little to look at them, an adorable little smile painted on your face. “Deals!!” You said, rather excited despite the topic.
Of course you were aware that it was indeed quite possible to run into more arguments and disagreements like this, and even more that you’d slip. But knowing how much they care for you and love you, how much they worry and want you to be safe was quite reassuring that no matter what problems you ran into there wasn’t a thing you couldn’t surpass with just a little talking and cuddles.
They nodded, placing a soft kiss on your temple and deciding just then to take a moment and sit outside with you, which was rare, for reasons neither you or they could quite place. “It’s a deal then..” they replied with a soft tone, and you could hear their smile as they spoke. It was surprisingly quiet, oddly peaceful being out here with you. They scolded themselves for not doing this sooner and made a mental note for next times.
Of course your regression was still a secret and hell can be a dangerous place but the gardens are safe enough, specially with Lucifer and your hound friend who always stayed near. After a few moments, your voice interrupted their train of thought. “luci likes birdies?” The question seemingly came out of nowhere which made them chuckle a bit. “I do. What’s going on in that cute little mind of yours to ask me that, sweet one?” Their tone was obviously amused.
“No birdies in hell! Want one.. like morphi!” It seems your mind was running elsewhere, curiosity of things you always wanted to question but didn’t. “You could have one.. how about a dove? Just like you are my little dove.” Lucifer smiled and placed a little kiss on the tip of your nose, making you giggle and shy away. You were quick to nod and respond with a slight tone of awe. “Dovs pretty!”
“As are you!” Lucifer was never one to make spur of the moment decisions.. well- not at least until you came along. But how could they ever say no to you? The little angel wants a hound and a dove, so let’s get them a hound and a dove. Lucifer sighed, not in an upset manner nor exhaustion. More so in content, amused with themselves for being so susceptible to you. “Well then. Looks like my little dove is getting their own..”
#gwendoline christie#lucifer sandman#little angel (lucifer x little!reader)#sandman lucifer x reader#the sandman#🕊️ anon#lucifer morningstar the sandman#the sandman lucifer morningstar x reader#lucifer morningstar (the sandman)#the sandman lucifer morningstar#little angel#Little angel (Lucifer x little!angel!reader)
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ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚Confessions˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
Confession #5
Fulfilling a request to confess my embarrassingly horny private thoughts. Thank you for listening to my depravity @old-med1c6
Tomorrow is the fourth of July and I want my sweet boyfriend to encourage me to dress trashy with a full face of makeup. I want him to pull my shorts and underwear to the side before pushing a vibrator into my cunt. I'd think we're just having some fun while we're seeing the fireworks but once we get to the car he pulls a knife on me. He forces my hands behind my back and cuffs them together. Then he puts a gag in my mouth and throws me in the trunk of our car.
He drives us over to where the firework showing is. I'm being tossed around in the back, vibed out of my mind, and totally confused about what's going on. He parks over by a bunch of partying cars. When he lets me out, I'm not free for long. Hands are all over me as they help him position me in the trunk with my ass in the air. I'm tied into place and, after a few snips of fabric, my ass is exposed and available.
I'd be sure I was going to get my ass fucked to oblivion and back but something small and hard entering my ass made me panic. A funnel? Why? Suddenly, something cold and fizzy began pouring into my ass. I shout at them to stop only to hear one beer can fall to the ground and another one gets opened.
As my insides are flooded with alcohol, some girls play with my clit and pull my shirt down to expose my tits. The end of my shirt is placed in my mouth and I'm told not to drop it. The girls then start to assault my pussy. I'm slowly getting more and more drunk. The shirt slips from my lips and I get a harsh smack from each of them on the ass before they put the shirt back and start again.
At some point, I end up over by the fire. I'm standing, bent over the fire. The only thing keeping me from falling is my arms being held back by the man fucking me so rough I fear I may fall in. The heat from the fire is hot and my tits are uncomfortably warm. I beg them not to let me fall while they take turns on me like that. Apparently, I'm so tight when I'm scared. Eventually, it turns into a full fuck fest. By the end of the night, I am covered in cum, writing, and whatever trash they could stuff in my cunt.
#bixconfess#bd/sm blog#bd/sm community#bd/sm kink#humiliation kink#degredation kink#bimboification#degrading k1nk#degradation k1nk#cnc k!nk#cnc sub#cnc free use#rough cnc#cnc fr33use#forced intox#intox cnc#intox play#intox kink
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Changes chapter 50
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Michael was quiet as he drove Sam home, ignoring the hundreds of questions his brother was asking. Sam had almost killed his cousin. He shook his head, focusing on the road in front of him. The sun was slowly setting already, and by the time he parked on the drive way it was fully dark.
He turned the engine off, sighing deeply.
"What the fuck was all that, Mike?"
"That was Julie."
"She is dead, Dad said so himself." He repeated himself, Michael thought bitterly. Maybe it was the stress from what happened in the cave, or it was that he didn't listen to the answer. But, Michael sighed, Sam had definitely asked this before.
"Really? You believe what dad said?" Michael shook his head. "He lied. She's alive."
"She's a bloodsucker."
Michael nodded. "It's the only reason I think why she's still alive. Something bad happened to her, Sammy."
"Wasn't it her choice, like, didn't she just run away from home?"
"Apparently not," Michael got out of the car, noticing a shiny red car parking behind his. The man who he had seen working in the videostore, the man who had captured his mothers heart and saved his cousin - the head vampire, he realised.
"Is your mother home?" Max asked, noticing the dishevelled state both boys were in. Sam nodded.
"Is he a vampire too, Mike? Did we really move into a town crawling with bloody vampires?" Sam hissed, causing Max to chuckle.
"He is."
"Why don't we go inside, I have a lot to tell you three."
Michael led him in, calling Lucy downstairs. Grandpa, even though he had a natural dislikment towards the undead, joined the group as well.
"What's this about, Max?" Lucy asked as she placed a tray with cups and tea down on the coffee table.
"I need to tell you about what happened to Julie, or at least, the big picture. She has been through a lot, and she is no longer the girl you remembered. But," he sighed, realising he couldn't explain quite yet how he knew for certain, "I am fairly sure that you are her family. And you need to know."
"I thought I'd seen her around," Grandpa mumbled, popping an oreo in his mouth. Lucy looked at him with a questioning look. "Why did you never say anything?"
"Because I haven't been certain until now."
"Did you kidnap her?!" Sam asked, interrupting his grandfather.
"I did not. I gave her shelter. She was taken to a facility, called COL. The Company of Life."
"You-" Julie was quiet as she looked at David, feeling so very conflicted about what she should feel. Pain and hatred for the way he treated her, for the way he killed her friend. Or grateful that he cared, that he cared enough to not only protect her but also protect her mother, whom she had been dying to find. Julie didn't know when she had started to cry, but when David brushed some thick, red tears away, she held onto him tightly.
She had missed him.
"I have to ask, Max," Lucy said as she walked to the kitchen, leaving her father and sons behind. "Did you become close to me in order to help Julie, or was there maybe more?"
"I won't lie, Lucy," he said, placing his cup in the sink, "when I figured out the chances of you being related to her, I did want to get closer. But I always knew I needed to get to know you better."
Lucy chuckled, hiding her blush behind her hand as she looked at him.
"Thank you for being honest," she smiled before turning solemn, "and thank you for saving Julie. God, losing her voice like that must have been horrible. And turning? She went through so much."
"That's why I'm glad she is getting to know you again. With a full family I doubt she'd ever be in pain again."
Lucy nodded. "I need to tell my sister. She's in a mental hospital right now, and - it's not going to be easy to tell her. I need proof," she said, thinking about asking Julie to write a letter to her mom, or maybe take a picture, "and -" she paused, "I would really like it if you were to join me. We can travel at night, and the facility where she stays has late visiting hours."
Max smiled, appreciating the instant consideration this woman was showing him. "I would love to go along with you," he said, "I'm very curious to meet Julie's mom."
Days passed, and the summer breeze made place for an icy autumn storm. Julie had spent several days in the cave, reconnecting with the boys and actually having a somewhat civil conversation with Star. Twice.
Both times were met with the boys staring at the girls in utter confusion. Mind you, the two of them would never become friends, this they both realised, but they found an understanding once David had explained how Star had - technically, according to David - a part in keeping Julie safe.
Things were slowly turning back to normal. Julie spent some nights at home with Max, always sleeping the most comfortable if Thorn was curled up next to her. Sometimes, she chose to stay with the boys. She and Marko would practice her fighting skills, Paul dared her to step out of her comfort zone and get on rides she'd normally ignore, David had taken up teaching her how to drive ever since Max became more busy with the store, and Dwayne was there for her whenever she began to explore more undiscovered vampire skills.
All in all, she enjoyed her time with the boys, as much as she had done before. She worked in the store, still missing Maria, but somewhat thankful towards Max that he put her and Lucy's shift together. This way, they could get to know each other again on a more neutral ground.
Julie found that Lucy was a warm, pleasant woman to be around. She was caring and gentle, and even though she had been told the main parts of Julie's story, she never once pushed her for more information. Through Lucy, she got to know Sam as well, just a little. Sam was conflicted, probably with both the fact that she was, in fact, alive and the fact that she was a vampire.
She sometimes hung out with Michael, who, after a long conversation with his mom, decided to fully change as well. Oftentimes, Michael was found hanging out with David, and she decided to let the two of them be. She had the feeling she was always interrupting something whenever she was with the two of them, and silently wondered whether or not the two boys realised that.
Weeks went by like this until Halloween passed, and the whole town was getting ready to celebrate Christmas. Trees were put up everywhere, and Christmaslights decorated the streets. It was then, one early November night, that Max and Lucy both wanted to speak with Julie.
"Is everything alright?" Julie asked, looking at the two of them. Max nodded.
"Lucy and I are going on a trip."
"So you want me to run the store?" Julie asked, confusion audible in her voice. "Or - what's going on?"
"Your mother, she -" Lucy paused, not sure how to tell this gently, "she needed mental help when she lost you. She's been in and out of the hospital ever since. Max and I, we are - were going to tell her we found you. And if everything goes right, she will be coming home with us."
Julie was quiet, not knowing what to say. Then, after a moment, she asked quietly: "What if she doesn't take it well? What if..." she became quiet, biting her lip as she looked at Max, fear in her eyes, "What if she hates what I've become?"
Next chapter >
#the lost boys#tlb#marko#david#paul#the lost boys 1987#dwayne#tlb 1987#star#the lost boys x reader#changes tlb#max tlb#lucy tlb#julie tlb oc#tlb oc
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OKAY so apparently this JatP NHL AU is all I can write this week. So... here's another little shot from it?
[Here's the other one I posted the other day, this happens before that in the timeline.]
[Okay, a bit of context, cause this takes place in a larger NHL AU that hasn't actually been written.
1. The LA Phantoms are an NHL team. 2. Alex is a D-man, Luke and Reggie are both Forwards. 3. Bobby (Goalie) used to be on the team but isn't anymore. 4. Julie is their assistant coach. 5. Flynn is one of the main sports docs for the team.
Okay I think that's the major things you need to know for this. Enjoy!]
~1.7k, TW for semi-serious injury reprocussions, mentioned hockey typical violence.
Alex wakes up to a pounding headache and the smell of coffee. He’s pretty sure he’s at home, given how heavy the blankets feel and the familiar sliver of light coming between his blackout curtains, but everything feels wrong. His shoulders ache more than usual after a game-was there a game?-and his neck cries out when he tries to turn his head.
He lets out a groan and attempts to roll onto his side. Okay, bad idea, bad idea. Alex forces himself to breathe slowly, in for 4, hold for 4, out for 4, just like his therapist in college taught him. Take it easy.
“You’re awake!”
Alex startles at the sound of his roommate’s too loud voice coming from the doorway. He barely manages to lift his head before Reggie is crashing down next to him, one hand feeling his forehead. Alex winces at the jolting.
“Shoot, sorry,” Reggie says, eyes widening as he backs up. “You just don’t usually sleep in this much. So we were a little worried.”
“We?” Alex manages around a mouthful of nonexistent cotton balls.
“Oh yeah, Luke slept over last night,” Reggie explains. “And Flynn said we had to let them know as soon as you woke up. And the rest of the guys have been texting too.”
Alex closes his eyes, trying to make sense of all the words coming out of Reggie’s mouth. “Why…what happened?” he asks finally.
“Oh right,” Reggie responds, suddenly much quieter. “Yeah I guess you wouldn’t really remember. You got hit during the game last night.”
Alex frowns, opening his eyes a crack. That sorta explained the neck and shoulder pain, but… “So? I get hit all the time.”
Reggie shakes his head. “No like, hit bad.” Alex hears more than sees his best friend take a deep breath. “You got checked, and hit your head on the goalpost. And then… kinda slid into the wall. Without your helmet.”
Yeah that would do it.
“Huh,” is all Alex can manage.
“Yep,” Reggie agrees, popping the p sadly.
A clatter in the hallway draws both of their attention as Luke bursts in. “Lex, you’re up!” the forward yells, hurting Alex’s ears as he rushes the bed.
“Careful, Luke!” Reggie warns just before Luke makes impact with the bed.
Thankfully Alex isn’t lying right there and Luke tumbles onto the empty space beside him, but the shaking still sends a bolt of pain through his shoulders and spine. “Watch it, Patty,” he hisses, eyes squeezing shut.
“Shit, sorry,” he kind of hears Luke mumble past the pounding in his ears.
“‘It’s fine,” Alex forces out between his teeth. “Just…don’t…again.”
Reggie says something else that Alex can’t make out, and then the bed shifts as he gets up and probably leaves the room. When the pain subsides a bit, Alex cracks his eyes open again to see Luke still sitting there, that brown flannel jacket thrown over his shoulders.
“Sorry, man,” Luke repeats. “I should have known better.”
Alex starts to shake his head, then stops when his neck disagrees with the motion. “I’ll survive.” He hesitates for a second, a question on the tip of his tongue that he’s not sure he wants the answer to. “How bad is it?” he asks finally.
Luke winces. “We’re not totally sure. Reggie went to call Flynn to come do a check up here, cause there’s no way we’re taking you down to the clinic like this. It was too hard to tell last night with everything going on and getting your pads off and all. But… best case scenario is a minor concussion and a lot of bruising.”
Alex groans. He’s been playing hockey more than long enough to know what that tone means for the worst case scenario. That’s more than enough information. “Did we win?” he questions.
Luke takes the bait, like Alex knew he would. “Yeah, barely, it was ugly though! Their guy got off with an interference minor! Like come on! Should have at least been a double roughing. And then they were harassing us all power play and then the second their guy gets out of the box, they set him up for a breakaway and I’m pretty sure Jackie’s shoulder is gonna hurt tomorrow from how hard he checked him, but at least it worked.”
Alex lets himself zone out as Luke gives him the play by play of the rest of the game, trying to nod and frown in the right places. He manages to catch that Reggie got the tiebreaker goal in the 3rd, with assists to Luke and Nick, and that there were a few other near fights. But that’s about it.
Luke’s voice sounds totally normal, if a little angrier than he usually is after a game, but the words just can’t get through the fog settling over Alex’s mind. It’s not till Alex’s stomach rumbles loudly that he manages to focus again.
“Oh yeah, you’re supposed to have toast or something,” Luke says, glancing down Alex’s body.
“Seriously?” Alex protests. “I’m starving.”
But Luke is already shaking his head. “No can do. You threw up like three times last night. Doc said nothing heavy till we know it’s gonna stay down.”
Alex sighs but nods. “Fine. Am I allowed to get up?”
“Depends on if the world is spinning when you try,” someone else interrupts.
Alex blinks, making his eyes focus on the short, slightly blurry figure now standing in the doorway. “Hey Doc,” he mumbles as Flynn’s dark braids and denim jacket come into focus.
“Scale of 1-10, how much do you feel like you got resurfaced?” Flynn questions.
Alex chuckles at the familiar line, then gasps at the pain in his chest when he does so. “Like an 8.”
“Can you sit up for me? And don’t use your left arm, that’s the one you fell on.”
Alex winces. “Maybe?”
Luke’s arm appears around his shoulders as Alex attempts to get an arm under himself to get up. His right arm feels mostly fine, at least no worse than the rest of his body. He’s leaning on his teammate more than he’d like, and things go a little blurry for a minute as Alex adjusts to the change in angle, but he makes it up into a sitting position. He hadn’t realized before that he wasn’t wearing a shirt, which probably made things easier for Flynn.
“Okay, I’m gonna open the curtains so I have more light,” Flynn warns.
Alex closes his eyes just before he hears the shink of the metal rings on the rod. He hadn’t even noticed Flynn getting up. After a minute, he carefully cracks his eyes open. It’s too bright, like when he’s at an outdoor rink in the morning without any clouds to protect him from the glare. He keeps them half closed and turns his head away from the window.
“Sorry, Lex,” Flynn says.
“‘S fine,” he mumbles.
He hears the snap of their gloves and the click of their pen before the quiet warning that she’s going to touch him. Alex does his best to relax under the familiar checkup routine. There’s a lot more of Flynn pausing to write things down than normal though. They ask him questions every so often. Some are normal, like how things feel or to lift his arm or something. Some are kind of random, like his birthdate and what he ate for lunch the previous day. He answers as best he can, although he knows it’s taking him a second longer than it should.
She makes him open his eyes after a while, having him follow her little light pen thing, then asking about how clear things are at various distances. He can see them just fine beside him, and Luke is alright near the door. He has to admit he can only sort of make out Reggie in the hall, but his vision has definitely improved in the time he’s been awake, so Flynn doesn’t seem worried about that.
Eventually he has to stand up. That doesn’t go too well. His legs feel about as stable as toothpicks and he sways a little before Luke and Reggie prop him up between them. It gets better the longer he’s up though. Flynn lets the guys help him out to the couch, which is at least a change of scenery from his bedroom. The couch is easier to sit up on too.
“Okay,” Flynn says finally, plunking themselves down on the coffee table in front of him. “I’ll be honest, it’s not great. But it could be a lot worse. Right off the bat, I’m saying no walking around unless someone else is there to help you for at least the next 24 hours. No serious exertion at all till Saturday at the earliest. If you’re feeling good and not having any balance issues, you can get back on the ice Monday morning.”
Alex lets out a sigh of relief. So not too many missed games then. 2, maybe 3? He can’t remember their schedule for the next week off the top of his head, but that’s normal.
Flynn puts up a hand to stop him before he can speak though. “On Monday,” they continue firmly, “you can get back on the ice. No practice till at least Friday and absolutely no games till next Tuesday.”
Alex deflates. Luke lets out a protesting whine.
“I know, but you’re no help to your team if you go too fast and reinjure yourself,” Flynn points out.
Alex groans but nods. “Yeah, I gotcha.”
Flynn grins and bounces to her feet. “Good. Then I got 10 other guys I gotta check up on, so I gotta go.”
“Yeah, thanks for the house visit,” Alex responds, carefully getting up and resting a hand on the back of the couch until things stop spinning.
“No problem.” Flynn throws a few things back into their bag and heads for the door. “Just be careful, okay?” she adds, pausing in the entryway. “I know sports bros are supposed to bounce back asap and all, but let your body heal. All the way.”
Alex doesn’t argue, as much as he wants to. “Yes ma’am,” he says instead.
Flynn nods, and then she’s gone. Once Luke locks the door, Alex sinks back down onto the couch. His best friends join him a moment later.
“We’ll figure it out, Alex,” Reggie promises quietly.
Luke nods in agreement. “Yeah, you’ll be back to batting pucks in no time.”
Alex forces a smile. “Okay.”
It would be fine. It was just an injury, guys got them all the time. No big deal. Probably.
#legolas tag#julie and the phantoms#jatp on ice au#idk still workshopping a tag#mostly posting this for moony and inny#who got snippets of this in Discord yesterday#jatp#jatp fanfic#alex needs a hug and some tylenol#or something much stronger
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I started and beat this within like 4 days in July 2023, and I just completely forgot to take photos of this spread T-T.
BUT I loved Tunic so much, one of my all time favorite games I've ever played. If this was a Zelda game, it might've been my favorite Zelda game. This was only beat out by Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice bc my aa brainrot is that bad hfjdkal.
All of the stickers come with ordering the physical version of the game on fangamer!! There's also a freebie fox sticker I got from TheLittleBirdeeCo thats below keep reading.
My writing is typed below as well as my game notes. I will not type out my game notes and I also don't recommend looking at them unless you have played the game.

Game notes^ Plus a little blurb after rewatching a playthrough that I won't type out either since these are more just for fun.
Rating: 9.5 Played: Su 2023 Port: Nintendo Switch Favorite? Y Replayable? Y Recommend? Y
similar opening to links awakening
the start screen is gorgeous
THE POT SHARDS ARE MOVEABLE - i love the clay feel
tons of hidden paths and secrets
oooo you find the instruction booklet in the game
oooo you can hear the wind chimes
LOVE the mechanics of the draw bridge
what are the small tuner/bells for
i am apparently really good at finding hidden chests
i love that the fairies are stone versions of the oot/mm fairies
it's hard to get acclimated since I'm so used to 2d zelda strategies and patterns
the statues of the hero perfectly encapsulate my view of oot link, i really love the design
the garden boss is hard T-T
the bell towers are so pretty
the west garden is so pretty omg
idrk what to do at the heros grave
the librarian fight reminds me of the links awakening nightmare fight
frogs domain music reminds me of the forest temple
who am i?
why is the cathedral filled with ... me?
the boss rush was fun but hard
i don't think there's a set order to do "dungeons" so i'm not locked to doing only the siege engine
i thought cat man was pissing
why do i have the power to activate the boxes?
librarian's ghost?
was the heir me?
Game Notes:
beautiful 3D animation and modeling - very pleasing
wide attacking range - don't just attack straight forward
incredible environmental design and path making
two endings - exploration and collection for good end
diverse attack patterns and learning curve + boss rush
What a phenomenal game. I loved playing this game so much. It was challenging and I wasn't used to the souls mechanics, but I learned fast and had so much fun fighting the bosses. I love the two endings. The Bad where you replace your former self as the heir, continuing the cruel cycle. The Good where you free the Heir and find out it's you, older, someone who is no longer stuck in the cycle, and you get to be friends together. The music is absolutely gorgeous. I listened to it while falling asleep and was just sobbing from it. I love how mysterious the lore is and how everything still hasn't been answered. I love the designs of the environments and enemies and how the game can go from nice and serene to dark and creepy. I loved how this game was a perfect blend of 2D zelda plus monument valley plus a souls game, it forced me to think outside of the box and use my journal to takes notes on all the little secrets and surprises. I can def see myself play this game again, it's such a charming game that has a lot of nostalgia despite being a fairly new game. I am so happy I bought the deluxe edition, I truly cherish this game so much and love the stickers and artbooks I received. I highly recommend this game to anyone, it is such an incredible journey to go through. I'm gonna be spending a lot of time watching and reading about the lore and digging deeper into this game. Truly what a phenomenal game with such a cute yet tragic main character, ough i love tunic.
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🔞 Just Fucking Write - Day 105 🔞

Prompt: Sunwoo x Julie (Kiss of Life) / Sunwoo’s belated birthday post / Straight Sex pt 4 (?)
Tags: Unprotected sex (wrap it up kids), sex work, drinking, vaginal fingering, multiple orgasms
A/N: Thank you for the request(s) & I hope I did your idea justice 💕
“Why are we going out when it’s balls ass cold and I could be working on improving my LOL level?” Sunwoo asked as the group entered the club, kicking the snow off their boots and shucking off outer layers.
“Because our baby is finally old enough to drink and get a lap dance,” Kevin pinched Eric’s cheek and Eric swatted at him.
“You know he’s not into girls, right?” Juyeon pointed out.
“Some of us are,” Younghoon added.
“You’re into anything with a nice ass and a pulse and I’m pretty sure the pulse is optional,” Chanhee said. Younghoon reached over and hit him in the shoulder.
They made their way to a table that Sangyeon had reserved. Girls were milling around in various states of undress, but none of them caught Sunwoo’s eye. There was only one girl Sunwoo had his eye on and had for months. He was so lost in his own thoughts that he bumped into one of the girls.
“Shit, sorry, are you okay?” he asked.
“I’m fine, thank you,” a familiar voice replied. As his eyes adjusted, he recognized the girl standing in front of him. She was wearing a full face of makeup, the stripper version of a schoolgirl outfit, and heels. Definitely not the sweatpants, no makeup, and hair in a bun held up by a pen Julie Han that he regularly crushed on in his advanced math class.
“Julie?” he asked.
“Ruby,” she corrected. “At least when I’m working.”
“But you are…” Sunwoo trailed off.
“Yes,” she confirmed.
“I had no idea,” he said.
“That’s kind of the point,” she told him.
“I can leave you alone if I’m gonna, like, blow your cover or something,” he replied.
“Do you want a dance? I can give you one for a discount,” she offered.
“My friends got a table since it’s our youngest’s 21st birthday, so I think they’re probably gonna drink more than anything, but they were threatening to get him a dance,” Sunwoo told her.
“That doesn’t answer my question,” Julie (Ruby) said. Sunwoo considered her offer. She was willingly offering to take her clothes off in front of him. Of course, it was her job and he’d pay her for it, but he was still having trouble processing this fact.
“Yes, I’d like a dance,” he finally decided.
“Then follow me,” she took his hand and led him back to an area lined with booths. She sat him down in one and closed the door.
“I normally charge $50 for a private dance and the panties have to stay on, but I’ll give you half off. Panties still have to stay on or we lose our liquor license. Apparently pussies out means you can’t have booze,” she shrugged.
“I can give you $50, wait, should it be $60? For a tip?” Sunwoo pulled out his wallet and looked up at her.
“I’ve never had a man insist on paying full price and tipping me when I offered him less,” she laughed a little.
“I know how expensive school is. I assume that’s why you’re here,” he replied.
“A big part of it, yes,” she nodded.
“Then here’s $60,” he handed her the money. She looked at it for a moment before putting it in the string of her panties.
“You can choose to have music or not. It’s the buttons on the wall,” she pointed.
“Do you have a preference?” Sunwoo asked.
“You’re definitely the most considerate client I’ve had in a while,” she laughed and pushed a few buttons, starting a song that was popular at the moment. “You ready?”
“Yes,” he nodded. Julie (Ruby) began to slowly move with the music, first pulling her hair out of the ponytail and ruffling it loose. Then she slowly unbuttoned the top and let it drop to the floor, revealing a lace bra underneath. She reached behind her to unzip the skirt and stepped out of it now standing in just her underwear and high heels. Sunwoo gripped his pants tightly to keep from touching her and to rein in his erection.
“You can touch me,” she said. “The only off limits is between my legs.”
“So I can touch your -,” Sunwoo was cut off by Julie (Ruby) removing her bra and releasing her tits almost directly in front of his face.
“Tits? Yes, you can touch my tits,” she grinned as she put her hands on his thighs and leaned forward. Sunwoo tentatively reached up and ran his hands up her sides before resting his hands on her chest. By this point his brain was akin to a microwave someone had thrown a fork into. Julie (Ruby) grazed her hand over his crotch and smirked.
“Too bad we’re a reputable club or I’d take care of that for you now,” she said.
“How?” he asked before thinking.
“Probably suck you off, but riding you also seems reasonable. I’m really not picky which hole your cock ends up in as long as it does,” she told him. She continued to snake up and down his body, letting his hands roam all over her skin until they heard a ding.
“Time’s up,” she told him. “Do you have your phone?”
“Uh, yeah,” he managed to fish it out of his pocket even with the massive boner he had. He handed it to her and she entered her number.
“I get off at 2. Expect a message around then,” she told him.
“Okay,” he nodded.
“And if you really need to take care of that, guys jack off in the bathroom all the time,” she added.
“Right, thanks,” he said.
“See you soon,” she kissed his cheek before exiting the booth fully clothed. It was gonna be a long 3 hours.
The boys started interrogating Sunwoo when he finally got to the table after finishing himself in the bathroom.
“One of the girls offered me a dance, so I took it,” it wasn’t a lie. Julie had offered him a dance and it wasn’t his fault he thirsted after her looking like a regular college student much less sex incarnate.
Sunwoo tuned them out after that, opting to drink and check his phone every 10 minutes. Finally the message he was waiting for popped up.
Jules💎: Changing & then I’ll be ready to leave. Meet me out front in 5?
“I gotta go,” he announced. “I’m tired.”
The rest of them looked at him suspiciously, but didn’t say anything. By the time he got his warmer layers on, Julie was waiting outside for him. She looked more like the girl he knew bundled up in a coat and hat barefaced.
“Hey,” he smiled.
“Hey,” she smiled back. “I live pretty close to here and I don’t have a roommate so I thought you might be up for going there?”
“Sounds great,” Sunwoo agreed.
“So did you end up finishing yourself in the bathroom?” she asked as they walked.
“Yes. I haven’t had to do that since middle school,” he gave her a look. She laughed.
“It’s not my fault you got that hard. Most guys get a semi, but you were ready to go,” she said.
“And it’s not my fault I’ve had a crush on you for the entire semester only to discover you’re a stripper,” Sunwoo countered.
“Really?” she looked over at him.
“The guys are actually really annoyed by the fact I haven’t asked you out yet,” Sunwoo told her.
“So why haven’t you?” she asked.
“I assumed you either already had a boyfriend or you’d turn me down. You’re way out of my league,” he replied.
“Joke’s on you, I guess. Now you know your crush is a stripper,” her voice took on an edge to it that Sunwoo didn’t like. He stopped and turned to face her.
“Whatever happens tonight whether it’s a one time thing or we decide to pursue something, I respect your judgment. If you decided this is the best way to earn money, I trust you. Would I be a little jealous that strangers get to see you naked, too? Yeah. But I trust that if we were in a relationship that you’d only do what was necessary and I’m the one you come home to. Fair?” he explained.
“Fair,” she agreed. “This is me.”
Julie once again led him into the building, up the elevator, and to her apartment. Once they were out of their boots and layers, Sunwoo couldn’t stop himself. He kissed her, savoring the taste of her mouth against his. She wrapped her arms around his neck and returned the kiss.
“Now you can see my pussy and I won’t even charge you,” she teased.
“Aren’t I lucky?” he grinned. Their clothes littered the way to the bedroom and they flopped onto the bed naked and horny. Sunwoo traced Julie’s folds with his fingers, smiling at every twitch or moan.
“You’re soaked,” he observed.
“Maybe I’ve had a little crush on you too,” she replied.
“Is that so?” he raised an eyebrow.
“Yes, I’ve had a crush on you too,” she confirmed.
“I admit this isn’t exactly how I envisioned us finally fucking, but it’s pretty good,” Sunwoo said as he slid 2 fingers into Julie’s soaked hole. He began working all her sensitive spots while massaging her clit with his thumb.
“If you keep that up I’m gonna come,” she moaned.
“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” Sunwoo grinned down at her, increasing his pace. Julie squirmed under him as he pushed her closer to her release.
“Come on, baby. Come for me like a good girl,” he breathed next to her ear. With a loud keen, Julie came all over his hand. “Beautiful.”
He wiped his hand on the corner of the sheets then entered her still shaking cunt.
“Fuck, you’re huge,” she grunted.
“I think you can take me,” he leaned down to kiss her. She held his face, kissing him back ferociously. She bucked her hips in time with his thrusts, their bodies moving in perfect tandem with each other.
“Come in me,” she begged.
“Even though…?” Sunwoo asked.
“You heard me,” she replied.
“Of course,” he agreed. Julie locked her legs behind his lower back, holding him in place as he started to come. The first few spurts of hot come sent her over the edge a second time.
“Holy shit. That was the best sex I’ve ever had,” she panted when they finished.
“Me too,” Sunwoo agreed.
“I’m glad I have an understanding boyfriend,” she ventured.
“I’m glad I have an amazing girlfriend,” he replied.
“So we’re gonna try this?” she asked.
“I’m up for it if you are,” Sunwoo told her.
“Then let’s have a shower and go to sleep. I’m exhausted. Boyfriend,” Julie said.
“Good idea, girlfriend,” Sunwoo’s face hurt from smiling.
#just fucking write 2k24#minors dni#the boyz fanfic#kiss of life fanfic#the boyz smut#kiss of life smut
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Scandals/Controversies(because Ms girlie can't catch a break) oldest-recent
CW: pedophilic relationship, rumors, nude photos, pregnancy, school violence, Saesang, death
Taglist: @mynameisnotlaura, @palindrome969
July seventh, 2019 Bang Chan Dating scandal Seriousness: 8.5/10
During their Clé promotions, Pixie is seen being awfully close to her members, specifically Bang Chan. Many Pixie antis start accusing the two of dating, turning into a fandom war. Many go on to say that the reason she is in Stray Kids is the "fact" that she is sleeping with Bang Chan.
While JYPE usually doesn't let their idols respond to the accusations, they had to give Pixie explicit permission, because if she wouldn't have made a statement with permission, she was going to do it anyway. This is her official response.
Stay, To say that I am beyond tired and frustrated is an understatement. The fact that you go as far as to say Chan, a full grown adult, is dating me, a minor, is frankly disgusting. I am disappointed. In the middle of your hate towards me, you bring down the man that is THE glue that holds Stray Kids. The reason I had been so close to the boys is because, believe it or not, we are all like family. Bang Chan is like a brother to me, and I doubt he sees me as anything other than a little sister. And, another thing... I am a MINOR. Why would I be in a relationship with a grown man? I am disgusted by your behavior. If you hurt one of us, you are not a Stay. You don't deserve that title. Pixie
While many international fans praised the idol, many Knets were appalled by her blunt response. Pixie was already unpopular with Knets, so this just brought her down.
While many were hating on her apparent "rudeness", many praised her for sticking up for her leader. While they see her as "unladylike", they believed her sincerity for the response. It is not a day many recognize, because many people chose to forget the incident. Many Pixie antis still use this as "proof that she is a terrible person".
August 3rd, 2019 Bullying allegations Seriousness: 7/10
Along with her dating scandal, an American user by the name of Notsokayla had tweeted "proof" of Pixie bullying her severely in middle school. Many Knets were outraged at the allegations, starting the hashtag, #Pixieunemployment.
However, amidst the speculation, many people connected the dots of her trainee time and her alleged bullying and realized it hadn't added up. She had confirmed in a knowing bros episode that she had done most of her learning in South Korea instead of the states.
It was soon revealed that she had lied, and Stay flamed her on the internet. Right now, the tweet has been removed and Notsokayla is not on any platforms, as her name and face are infamous.
August 9th, 2022 Lesbian scandal Seriousness: 9/10
During her MANIAC promotions, Pixie is a guest MC along with WonYoung. She is seen multiple times flirting with the girl and with the other female idols she interviewed.
Many were angry at her blatant flirtation. Many people saw it as real, and the boycott train was racking up. August 9th, she was officially put on a short hiatus for the next two months, resuming her activities for MAXIDENT performances.
Pixie was allowed to make an official statement, much to JYPE's dismay. And what did she do?
She posted a picture of her on Instagram with a Bisexual flag. She writes in the captions:
Since you guys love to be nosy about what goes on in my personal life, yes I am Bisexual. However, I will not put my life on hold because people can't handle girls flirting with girls. I am NOT in a relationship with WonYoung. I am NOT in a relationship with a female idol. Leave my sexual life private, God damn.
I wish you hadn't found out this way.
August 18th, 2022 House fire incident Seriousness: 10/10
During her hiatus, she had gone home to stay with family. Her friends had stayed with her as well for a few days, just to stay with her family.
While she was gone to pick up her niece, a childhood friend turned Sasaeng had been so jealous she was spending all of her time with her family, he had lit her house on fire, effectively killing her parents and sister in law. The guys were not in the house at the time, which believed to be a good instinct.
The funeral took place after his immediate incarceration(he gave himself up in the name of "love"), and many reporters swarm the chapel to get a glimpse of the idol group that was invited.
Any sane person boycotted the media outlet after the blatant monetization they were trying to make of the situation. JYPE is currently in the middle of suing the outlet for emotional distress.
Now, Fei Bo and Fei Dio live in Seoul in a strict protection order given by JYPE and local enforcement. Pixie refuses to give out any information about her brother's wearabouts, as that what took her parents last time. At this time, they are not on any platform except as a guest in some Pixie instagram posts.
May 5th. 2023 Nudes scandal Seriousness: 6/10
A new soloist by the name of GBam had printed and posted pictures around the JYPE building of her nudes she had when she was 15.
He was apprehended soon after and JYPE had to make a statement, knowing that if any one of the members had made one, they would have to be fired.
Dear Stays,
Soloist GBam is now under custody of posting nude photos of our idol, who was underage at the time. Any person that is found to be in possession of these photographs will be banned from future stray kids concerts and fined a hefty sum.
Thank you for your understanding,
The man is still a mystery to fans, many speculate it was a jealous ex while the others say it was an anti. Until November of that year, there was no explanation. With her release of her single album, she had confirmed that, yes, it was an ex she had when she was a trainee.
June 20th, 2023 Changbin dating scandal Seriousness: 5/10
During the 5-star dome tour, paparazzi had snuck into the hotel and took pictures of Pixie and Changbin kissing (albeit, passionately) in the safety of the hotel. Many people, instead of being angry at the idols, we're furious with the paparazzi for taking semi-explicit photos of the couple.
Since their dating ban had been lifted two years prior, they had officially announced their three year relationship by June 22nd, 2023. They had wanted to keep it as private as possible but since they announced their relationship, they became one of the most famous power couples.
August 3rd, 2023 Pregnancy rumor #1 Seriousness: 7/10
Pixie had been wearing baggier clothing than what she originally had, and when she did a photoshoot for NIKE, many people could see she had gained a bit of weight. Especially where her uterus was.
Many people speculated she had gotten pregnant due to her relationship. She answered this during a instagram live the next day. She had laughed hysterically, before denying the claims.
"I am on my period, that's why i look more bloated recently. Yall are weird for wanting to have me wear more revealing clothing..." She proceeds to side eye them and end the live.
January 28th, 2024 Pregnancy rumor #2 Seriousness: 4/10
In France, she is photographed with Lisa and a few other female friends, one of which being her backup dancer. In the background, you could see a pregnancy test with a faint 'positive' sign. Because of this, many people were to jump on this.
To respond to this, she took a photo of her doctor's note(only leaving in her name and the results). She had gone to the doctor to get tested for pregnancy. She was not pregnant.
Her comment: yall... it was my backup dancer. She and her husband are expecting a child. That was before we found out she was pregnant, the test shouldn't have been in the frame 😭😭 You guys are so weird😭😭😭
February 3rd, 2024 Engagement rumors Seriousness: 5/10
Pixie and Changbin posted a photo together, one that looked awfully like an engagement announcement. (She thought it was funny, getting them all riled up)
While her hands are obscured, many people saw the engagement-looking ring on a cord around her neck.
She responded to the comments about the ring: yall, it's a promise ring. Chill.
#stray kids#skz#skz 9th member#skz female member#skz female addition#skz female oc#skz oc#stray kids female member#stray kids female oc#bang chan#changbin#writing#han jisung#hyunjin#lee know#skz imagines#jeongin#lee felix#skzkaifei#seungmin
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Song of Orpheus Recap
Man, Song of Orpheus is hard. I started this post on July 6th. Three months ago!! It's a tragedy within a tragedy, I got emotional, and then put this book in the metaphorical freezer for a bit.
But it's also jam-packed with revelations and foreshadowing. It's a super-long issue (arc?) and I'll be covering it all in one go. So without further ado, I'll get into it.
On Orpheus’ nature

So it kicks off with a bit of foreshadowing in the form of a prophetic dream. So prophetic dreaming isn't something that started just when he became an oracle. Orpheus also seems to have no power over his dream, but once he becomes lucid enough, he is able to see his father and then visit him in the Dreaming. It's also interesting to me that he doesn't seem to be able to interpret his dream: asking Morpheus what it all meant. (And getting the brush off from his dad in the process.) Morpheus implies that he might actually know what the dream means, but won't tell his son because he is his son. (side note: this interaction totally reminded me of friends in high school who had parents who taught at our school)

Orpheus is also able to open a portal to the Dreaming with just his voice and lyre. I found this super interesting: combined with what we saw a few issues back in France, he seems to have some sort of power that manifests through song. Whether this is something his father grants him to get "home" easier or whether it's just how powerful of a musician he is, is not stated. I think it lends credence to Orpheus having some sort of demi-god-like musical power though in addition to prophetic dreams. Seems a perfect balance of traits to inherit from both of his parents.
On grief:

This is a repeating refrain throughout this issue: People die, you grieve and you move on. Aristeas expresses this sentiment in the opening pages of Chapter 1.

And Morpheus repeats the same sentiment to Orpheus in Chapter 2 after Euridice dies. As I was writing this section of this post, we were having a conversation on Grief and how it relates to Morpheus' own character. The linked thread is a slight tangent, but I do feel like this refrain just continues to echo throughout the series and between the characters.
On the Endless:
We also learn a ton about Morpheus' siblings in this issue. Especially as they are all introduced to Euridice. For example:

Apparently, Delirium almost got married at one point. I don't see this panel talked about a lot during discussions of her character. And I have to wonder, is this why Del changed? Is it why Delight was sad as @onehundredandeleventropicalfish pointed out that subtle lettering detail from Overture? She's always pictured so young as Delight that I can't really picture her marrying at that stage...and yet...

Meanwhile, we are finally introduced to the missing Endless: And I love that when we finally get a name, it's in Greek and his face is covered. Ha! Way to draw out the mystery a bit more. I love that he refers to Orpheus as his favorite nephew...but it begs the question how many nephews does he have??

But also what just happened here? Did Destruction simply open a portal to his sister’s house? Or did he literally kill Orpheus to grant him the audience he sought??

This panel never ceases to get me in the feels: how the family portrait is bisected by the gutter space right where Death should be. But this section of the story also makes me wonder how Death experiences Time...she decorates her apartment in a very modern way with things that haven't been invented yet...are they leftovers from a pre-Overture existence? Does time not pass linearly for her? Or do the Endless simply know what is coming and exist outside of time when they don't want to?

Whatever the case may be, Orpheus isn't able to adjust. So he's a normal human on that front, and we would likewise have a hard time perceiving their realms.
On Morpheus

Here we get that famous line that Morpheus doesn't dance. Not even with his wife and not even at his son's wedding. But also wtf is he wearing and what is that pinned to??
On Morpheus and Relationships

Here we have a conversation between Orpheus and his mother about Morpheus. And it's a bit heartbreaking because you can see how Morpheus is too rigid in his ways/thinking to keep relationships going: Orpheus alleges that his father won't forget or forgive a slight. While Calliope states that Morpheus doesn't really share any part of himself and isn't willing or perhaps able to change. So here we have Morpheus' fatal flaws spelled out for the Reader in this flashback issue.
And the sad thing for me is that by this point of the story, we're seeing that Morpheus is already changing. But the more frustrating point in this panel is that we can see how Orpheus is a chip off the old block...Orpheus is the one who renounced his father, yet it's not apparent that he's tried to reach out and make amends. argh

Yet after Orpheus' death, I do think Morpheus takes things too far as a parent (especially for us modern folks). I'm still hoping to write a meta on him and parenthood, but want to get through Brief Lives before I do. Orpheus asks for his help to die, but Morpheus states that Orpheus' life is his own...and his death too. Effectively upholding the disownment that Orpheus kicked off by stating he was "no longer [his] son" before seeking out his aunt. Morpheus was never going to be the first one to crack on this: he's too by the rules. And the rules state that his son has renounced him.
On Foreshadowing:

It’s also here that we get the first hint about the Thessalian witches...and Thessaly, who will do basically what it says: mutilate a man's face and pull down the moon in the next arc.

And then there's this... Orpheus is the one who has made the Furies cry. Orpheus is the one they will never forgive. And that comes true within this arc with his death at the hands of the Baccanae. But is it concluded? I also just can't help thinking that the son from the union they didn't approve of will give them the means to take revenge upon his father.
#i finally finished this...good grief it took me a long time#sorry folks: it's just a super sad issue to be dwelling on#song of orpheus reread#dream of the endless#lord morpheus#orpheus the sandman#Lord Morpheus x Orpheus#sandman book club#sandman bookclub
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man i skipped ahead to reread the july 26th entry where mina receives the forwarded letter from jonathan & like. the thing about hawkins is like. okay so in theory he should receive jonathan's june 19th letter today, or maybe by tomorrow morning, but definitely around now based on expected postage times. except that in about a month from now he's going to write mina that this letter from jonathan has only just arrived, & we know it's the june 19th letter specifically bc jonathan described the contents of all the letters & mina briefly describes the contents of the one she was forwarded & this is how it lines up. but mina doesn't mention the apparent discrepancy in dates, & we also don't know much about what was in hawkins' letter to mina. we know mina wrote to hawkins first, asking if he'd heard anything bc she was getting worried, & he writes back "oh well what do you know this letter just arrived" but like. does he say anything about how the letter must have been delayed? does he add anything about how it's kind of worrying that jonathan hasn't materialized in the four weeks since this "hey i'm starting home tomorrow" letter was written? surely mina, writing about how worried & uneasy she's feeling, would have mentioned it if hawkins was also worried. but surely she'd have mentioned if he wasn't worried, as a counterpoint to her own feelings, like she repeatedly does later on in the story. did hawkins just not say anything either way about jonathan coming home, just literally passed on the letter with a note about when it arrived & let her draw her own conclusions? did he express worry & mina's just not writing that down bc it makes the situation feel a little too real? mina doesn't write anything about the letter getting delayed either, but she only discusses its contents, nothing about when it was sent or when, based on that, she expects jonathan to be back in england. why does she never write anything about when she expects jonathan should back in england, especially when it seems like he's probably overdue by then? for that matter, why does hawkins never pass on the follow-up june 29th letter which implies that jonathan's been delayed in bistritz for ten days? did he not receive it for whatever reason? even if he didn't, mina hears absolutely nothing from hawkins until he forwards sister agatha's letter to her nearly a whole month later, what's the deal with the radio silence from him when mina's clearly worried & jonathan's clearly overdue? what did he write in his letter to her?
on the other hand the problem with the dates could just be a minor timeline error on bram stoker's part, & whatever details don't quite line up are bc this was just a transitory part of the novel which was never meant to be scrutinized at this level.
#WHY IS MR HAWKINS SO SUSPICIOUS & HOW MUCH OF IT IS ACTUALLY ON PURPOSE#dracula daily#re: dracula#jonathan harker#mina murray#mr hawkins#dracula spoilers#original
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eating my own words here i fear (died for your sins (died for you)
ask me about my wips
So first of all, this is a cycling fic. Yes. I am eating my own words here because I in fact have a conk crete cycling rpf fic (for those not in the know, ive spent the past year and a half swearing up and down that I am never writing a cycling rpf fic, that I watch cycling like a white man in his fifties too much. lol and lmao)
Anyway, this is more or less my Adam/Tadej thesis. A character study masked as a relationship study masked as a fic sort of fic. Starts right after Col de la Loze (aka in July 2023) and will end around the end of Giro 2024 (aka May 2024) so like... almost a year to cover okay?
Minor brief and nuance-less context cause I know most people here do not know cycling (sad :(((). Cycling is more or less about the specialest guy and the specialest guy has guys around him that help him. Kinda like what people want first-second driver to be but actually real. Tadej is the specialest guy in his team, Adam has been one of his main help guys (domestiques. They are called domestiques) since he joined the team in 2023.
Col de la Loze is a hill in France and the 17th stage of the 2023 Tour de France finished shortly after reaching the summit. Its a very awful ugly climb and in 2023 Tadej basically failed here, had a massive metaphorical crash, Adam got told to at least try for the stage win but couldnt get it. Apparently after the end of the stage, Tadej apologized.
So consider this. You have the leader guy who is less experienced and apologizes for what he sees as a failure, vs a guy who is more experienced but also is very much not the guy in charge and now they try to reconcile that dynamic.
Add in the fact that Tadej in general comes off very happy go lucky, there is a thousand and one jokes about Tadej the entirety of the 2024 being very yay yippe another wonderful day of cycling with my friends when its actually the most gruelling stage known to mankind. But he can also very much suffer, he is just a human and despite his happy persona he also does experience negative feelings. Combine these two things and you got a very interesting guy.
And Adam is... well he is by all means a good cyclist, UAE can be a little bit of a messy team at times and when Tadej won Tour in 2020 it was unexpected, but by the time Adam joins in 2023 they are a well established team, they are not dominant, thank you Jumbo-Visma, but they are genuinely good. And Adam walked into the whole super-domestique thing. That was always what he was signing up for. Like it was very clear that Tadej is the main guy. Adam is good and I would love to see him be a leader for a Grand Tour at some point, but he has very much walked into a super domestique role willingly.
So its sort of about the push and pull of it all, how much Tadej needs Adams help, how much is Tadej willing to ask for, how much Adam thinks Tadej needs his help, how much he is willing to offer without feeling like hes belittling Tadej or getting in his way. It's Tadej who is the leader, Adam knew when he signed the contract, but how is he supposed to approach the whole I am more experienced bit. Reconciling those two points is really hard actually turns out.
I have like 700 words of plot written mostly contained in out of context sentences, so barely anything, but that is more or less what it is about. You cannot get this dynamic anywhere else in sports I fear.
Also Marc Soler keeps accidentally catching strays in Adams internal narration for no reason other than cause he was the first domestique I remembered that was in UAE at least since 2023. Sorry Marc I just needed another guy and you were the first one I remembered
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