#mammon\\ try it just try
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Trying not to burst into laughter during class omg
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cloudsofteeth · 3 months
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She always knows just what to say.. she’s a good noodle
(*´ー`*) and stressed out Bimet is very funny to me
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zephyrchama · 9 months
Listening to Magic Moment on a non-stop loop has forced me to write this.
Writing Prompt: MC giving "free massage" tickets to the brothers.
Under the cut. Gender neutral MC, second person, one section for each of the 7 brothers.
Warnings: Nothing hardcore but there is suggestive content (every person has different boundaries so I don't know whether to classify it as some or a lot?). One section almost has a violent outburst (guess who lol it's satan's part), that might be unsettling to some.
The Seven Rulers of the Devildom had expensive taste. Must be a side effect from being some of the most powerful and influential millennia-old entities around.
The student council gave you a regular allowance and there was some side change from various part time jobs, but no way could you afford a custom designer brand gift for each of your housemates. When probed for details about what they’d like, they always say they’d gladly accept anything from you. That’s surely true, but you wanted to gift something they’d actually use and appreciate.
So after weeks of thinking, you got a bag of nice craft paper and some cute stickers that reminded you of the brothers. You holed up for an evening with a Do Not Disturb sign on the bedroom door. Late at night a couple days before Christmas, you snuck into the festively decorated living room and dropped your gifts into the brother’s stockings. Those were also your idea, and technically a gift with some little snacks inside, but now they also contained an extra surprise.
On Christmas morning everyone would wake up and discover your “Free Massage” tickets. One use per ticket. Valid forever.
Lucifer ---
You assumed Lucifer would use his ticket quickly, given how exhausted he often was. Despite being as busy as ever, he showed no intention of using it. Perhaps he thought the gift was beneath him and forgot about it entirely. Perhaps he needed hints to remind him.
For days you would check in on him more and more frequently. Send him a text, inform him that you were around if anything was needed. “Don’t forget to take breaks, ok? I’m here if you need me!”
One evening you boldly slipped into his room on the pretenses of returning a book. The timing couldn’t be more perfect. A sleepy Lucifer was towel-drying his hair after a shower. He sat on the corner of the bed, clean pajama shirt folded neatly beside him.
You took a seat on his other side. The book was large enough to occupy a third space. “Thanks for lending this to me. It was a surprisingly helpful reference.”
“I told you it was, didn’t I?”
He sounded amicable to conversation. Time to go on the offensive. “Do you need any help with that? I have a nice hair dryer from Asmo.”
“No,” he stated matter-of-factly. “I have the same one. I just prefer simple routines like this before bed.”
One rejection wasn't enough to deter you. “How was your day? Did anyone cause you trouble?”
You would have known if one of his brothers had acted up, but maybe something else was on his mind you could take advantage of.
“It was particularly uneventful. Quiet, for once. I’m glad to have this evening off, I have to be up early tomorrow.”
Shot down again. Now Lucifer was reaching for his shirt. Before he put it on, you grabbed his shoulder and weaseled your arm under his armpit and around his back. Not the smoothest move, but he stopped to humor you.
“Is anything on your mind?” he asked.
“It’s just that you’ve been so busy lately, I’m worried about your health. You’ve got to take it easy from time to time.” You rubbed your palm over his back. “I’m sure you get sore when you’re overworked.”
“Indeed. However, it’s something I’m used to.”
He re-folded the shirt and got up to put it away. “Would you like to stay the night? You must miss me, seeing as I’m so busy.”
In the spare moments it took for Lucifer to hang up his shirt, place the returned book on its shelf, and walk back to the bed, you already made yourself at home in the sheets. He chuckled, “someone’s eager.”
The lights turned off and he slid into bed by your side. After only a couple of minutes, Lucifer shifted to face the wall. He already appeared asleep. He must really have been tired after all. Under the warm blanket, you reached to stroke his back again.
A novel idea formed in your mind. If all your attempts failed while he was awake, maybe subliminal messaging while asleep would be effective. You snuggled up close and whispered into his ear, “massage ticket… Use… the massage ticket…”
You weren’t expecting a reply, but Lucifer’s deep voice whispered back at you, “why would I waste such a valuable gift?"
"You're awake?" you gasped. Lucifer's prank had been unexpected. You began softly punching his back. "I thought you fell asleep."
"I'm awake, and I wasn't planning on using that ticket. Especially when you go through the trouble to do interesting things like this.”
Mammon ---
Mammon’s ticket had been confiscated. He no longer had it because he got up early, the most excited out of everyone to receive his shiny new presents, and once he saw what was in his stocking he knew that each of his brothers had one too.
Beelzebub walked in on him rooting around in everyone’s stockings to snag their massage tickets for himself and tackled him, as he thought Mammon was stealing Christmas chocolates. The commotion attracted everyone else and Mammon’s ticket was vetoed in a unanimous vote. But he still deserved a gift from you.
Instead of letting him choose a day and time like the others, you visited Mammon’s room when you felt like it. He was still pouting.
“You know I’ve been on my best behavior all year. S’not fair!” He punched the couch in frustration. He really had been getting into less trouble lately. It felt bad seeing him so down.
“Do you want one now? A massage, I mean. Don’t tell your brothers. It’s a limited time offer since you don’t have a ticket.”
“Ya mean it?”
You nodded, and his misery turned into excitement. He literally jumped up. “Well, do I get a little somethin’ extra too? Since I don’t have my ticket, ya know. Somethin’ to make up for that. I’ve got this nice little outfit you could wear that’s-”
You quickly cut him off before the Avatar of Greed gave too many demands. “Limited time offer with terms and conditions. Take the massage right now as-is or leave it. Up to you.”
“Aaarghh alright, alright. I’ll take it. Feel honored! I’ll humor your little massage for a while!”
Mammon dramatically pulled his shirt off but kept wearing the silliest, smuggest smile. He really was cute when trying and utterly failing to act tough. He sprawled himself out on the couch, “let’s see what you’ve got!”
Since the greedy demon hogged all of the couch space, there was nowhere to sit next to him within arm’s reach. With a “don’t mind if I do,” you decided to crawl over Mammon’s legs and sit on his butt.
In a moment of shock he wiggled out from under you. You would have toppled over the side of the sofa had Mammon’s famously fast reflexes not scooped you up, now placing you atop his chest. “Whaddya think you’re doin’, huh? Who said you could do that?”
“You did! How else was I supposed to… Look, do you want this or not?”
His scowl, no matter how big, couldn’t hide the blush on his face. “Yeah, ok, but just… warn me this time… Ok?”
Leviathan ---
It had been nearly a week since you last heard from Leviathan. After Christmas, you thought you might not see him at all until the new year. There were so many holiday game events happening, after all.
“Think I’m stuck,” read the message that popped up on your DDD late one night.
“Can’t move. Requesting reinforcements. And food.”
Concerned, you popped into the kitchen for whatever palatable finger foods you could assemble on a plate and began making your way to the third born’s room. You knocked, but there was no answer. It had been a while since he gave you a password, but it didn’t seem to matter now. You just walked in.
Leviathan was slumped over in his gaming chair, surrounded by roughly ten different screens. Each had a different game and one was streaming some idol talk show. His trash can, while still relatively contained, was almost overflowing with energy drink cans and snack packages. Levi didn’t seem to notice you walk in. He had been gaming for days. You set the plate at the edge of his PC desk.
“Dang. You live like this?”
Bleary-eyed and vitamin D deficient, he still shrieked. “Whuh? Don’t scare me like that!!”
“I came to answer your distress call. You’re stuck?”
“Oh, right. I did send that, didn’t I.” He turned back to the monitors briefly to pause a few things and save a few others. It was impressive how much he could multitask.
“My back’s turned into a pretzel. I thought I’d finally take a break, but when I went to stand up I couldn’t. I think I’m stuck to the chair, lol. If I, uh, use the massage ticket, could you help me?”
“’course I will. Here, drink something.” You slid him a juice. The gamer chair was pretty tall, blocking all access to Leviathan’s back, so you started tapping away at his shoulders. He scrambled to take his headphones off, which helped.
“Sorry to call you in for such a stupid reason. I know this is a disgusting sight..”
You shook your head, though he couldn’t see it. “How’s your game progress?””Oh, about 80% done everything? 85? But it’s mostly the daily quests now, I’ve maxed out on all the top prizes from the main event stories. Look, I even got this Christmas bow set. It has trash stats but looks like a tree and fires little candy canes.”
A big burly warrior with a Christmas hat on one of the screens demonstrated the weapon.
“Uwaah, you know that really helped. I think I can try to stand now.” Leviathan made a made show of setting his legs on the ground and leaning forward, only to magnificently slide back into the chair. “Ow. Ok. That, uh, wasn’t what I planned.” He turned away. “Don’t look at me.”
“No! Don’t give up!” You spun the seat around and he squeaked In astonishment. “We’re gonna make this happen. Levi! Do you trust me?” It was all or nothing. You dramatically reached out your hands. You knew you could do it. You were going to pull this demon out of the gamer chair.
Steeling his resolve, Leviathan nodded and grabbed your hands. You asked, “ready?”
He confirmed, “Ok… Ok lets go! One!”
As you shouted “three!” in unison, you tugged back with all your strength. Maybe you could have pulled a little less, as the two of you went flying backwards. There would have been some real damage if Levi didn’t cushion your head from the tiled floor with his arm.
“Woaaah it woooorked! We did--”
Mid-celebration, he seemed to notice he was in a compromising position on top of you. After barrel rolling off to the side, his voice got noticeably quieter. “We did it… yeah, uh… Sorry about--”
Leaving no room for negativity, you reached around his back and hugged him before he could finish the sentence. “I really missed you, y’know? Come out of your room more often, Levi.”
His face wasn’t visible, but you’re sure it was bright red as he stammered a soft “alright.”
Satan ---
Satan texted, asking if he could redeem his massage ticket after a long and tiring day. Said it was urgent. His presence was always in demand at social events, galleries, and book shop unveilings. After five busy events in one day he just wanted to return
home to relax with a book, but some idiots were running around the library playing war with rubber band shooters. His fuse that day was incredibly short. So he retreated to the comfort of his room, but each thudding footstep down the hall sounded irksome and brought Satan one step closer to snapping.
When you knocked at his door, wrath was seeping out the cracks into the hallway. He practically screamed at you to get inside. Satan was shaking on the edge of his bed, crushing an unrecognizable object in his hand. The room was dreadfully cold. You rushed to his side, practically jumping into the empty space next to him.
He barely acknowledged you. Rubbing slow, small circles on his back had a quick effect though. Upon hitting between his shoulder blades, his tense muscles loosened and he leaned against your side. You could hear him grinding his teeth. After a long minute passed he exhaled in relief.
You scooted back a bit and guided his head to your lap. Stroking continuous circles, one hand was in his rich blonde hair, the other against his shirt fabric. “Thank you for coming,” he muttered, rubbing a cheek against your thigh.“You really saved me there.”
“Any time. Do you want to talk about your day?” Your voice was low and soft.
“No. Just keep going.”
Gently pulling at his shirt collar, you loosened it to caress the back of his neck. He was still in his outdoor attire. He’d tell you about it in time, once fully calmed down. He tried to apologize for the outburst, though it wasn’t your fault and he didn’t quite know what to say. You brushed his hair back, combing it away from his forehead to let him know things were okay. It became your personal mission lessen the stiffness in his back. You’d work your way down his spine until he relaxed.
“Maybe I could read you a book, too?” You suggested, squeezing his shoulder. Satan shifted his hand to rub your knee in appreciation.
Asmodeus ---
Asmodeus set aside a whole spa evening to use your massage ticket. It was special. He filled his bath with high-end fragrances so his skin would be extra silky. He extended an offer for you to join him in the water, heated with magic to be the perfect temperature, but you said you’d wait in his room. Those baths can take hours. You’d be too pruny to feel, let alone massage anything. He had plenty of interesting magazines to flip through in the meantime, and you got to enjoy the plush sheets on his bed.
He waltzed out of the bathroom in a magnificently fluffy robe, another Christmas gift he’d received from somebody. “Thanks for waiting! Were you lonely? I’m allll ready!”
A brand new skincare set waited on the vanity, stocked with creams and masks for you to try together. Asmo plopped into a seat while you pulled up a spare chair behind him. “What are we starting with first?”
He rifled through the packages. “This!” A matte purple, gooey liquid. “I tried samples of this before, it smells divine. Come here!”
You let him plop a dab of the gloop on your nose and rub it into your cheeks. “There! Give it a few minutes and then wash it off. In the meantime, shall we begin? Hm?”
He turned to face the mirror and wiggled impatiently for his massage, cheekily sliding the robe off his shoulder. “I know you probably can’t wait much longer.” You both laughed. With the robe around his waist, you got to work redeeming the ticket. Pounding against his back didn’t seem to phase him at all, and Asmo hardly moved from the strength of your fists as he rubbed another cream under his eyes. He launched into a story about some fan who sent him a thirty page letter the other day.
“They described my beautiful eyes really well. It was even scented, and each page was another scent. Isn’t that wild? Do you think they did that themselves, or are the pages sold like that?” His eyes peered at you in the vanity mirror. “Hey, can you rub a little harder?”
“Oh, sure!” Knowing it would be hard for you to physically hurt him, you put a bit more force into each tap. “What scent was your favorite? Like, could you distinguish them?”
“Actually, yeah! There were lots of fruits like cherries, strawberries, one was pine scented, and a rose one of course.” Asmo glanced away from his own reflection once again and he shifted his weight back towards you. “Hey, hon? Harder?”
You obliged, squeezing his back muscles with as much strength as you could muster. “Is that… Was it the longest fan letter you’ve gotten?”Asmo let out a barely distinguishable moan. You almost thought you imagined it.
”Hm… Not by far…” He started, but trailed off. With a big breath, he moaned louder and leaned back further. “Oh, come on, harder… ” He wrapped his arms around his chest and wiggled.
“Asmo!? What the-- are you…? Gross!” You lifted your hands in shock and he burst out laughing. Without anything supporting him up, he fell into your lap in a fit of giggles. “Did you think I was serious? Ahaha! You’re so cute when you’re flustered!”
Beelzebub ---
“I ate something that didn’t agree with my stomach, can I redeem that gift for a massage? It might make me feel better.” That’s what Beelzebub asked one afternoon, stopping by your room after noticing the door open. It’s rare for something to upset Beel’s stomach. It must have been really rancid.
“Yeah, of course! You wanna do it here or your room?”
“We’re already here. If you don’t mind.” Beel walked in and made himself at home, smoothing out the covers on your bed.
You got up to shut the door, but wondered if a run to the kitchen would be useful.
“Will ice help? Or any kind of medicine?” Maybe even normal food would cancel out the bad stuff and make Beel feel better, but he declined. Beel already propped his head up on your pillow and laid down.
“You’re gonna lay face up? How am I supposed to rub your back?””My stomach hurts. I thought you could rub that, and I would feel better.””Oh.” Nobody else had been able to look at you directly while giving massages. This was more embarrassing.
Beelzebub realized he hadn’t taken his shirt off, but didn’t want to stand and repeat the process again, so he just pulled it up to his chest. His breathing did seem more labored than usual. Out of pity, you didn’t roll him over. “I haven’t done this way before, so tell me if it’s uncomfortable.”
The demon was so much bigger than you, it was hard to find a good starting spot. “You can sit here,” he said, patting his waist. “Only if you want to. I don’t mind.” So you scooted on up, placing your legs to the left and right of him. Beel is so muscled it was like sitting on a warm rock.
“Where does it feel uncomfortable? Here?” You prodded a bit around his stomach, careful not to make him sick.
“Pff, haha, yeah. That’s it.”
“That tickles?”
While Beel softly giggled, you worked your hands along the soft spots between his ab muscles. “What did you even eat?”
“A bath bomb.”You couldn’t help laugh along with him. Beel continued, “I didn’t know that’s what it was until Solomon told me though. I thought I maybe I accidentally had his cooking. It looked delicious. But I think it started expanding, and caused an ache.”
“I can’t blame you there. I almost ate soap once.”
“Really? You?” You were always the more level one when it came to food. “Did it look good?”
You nodded. “Boy, did it. And it smelled amazing, I could smell it from across the room. You probably smelled the bath bomb the moment you walked in that building, right?”
He vigorously nodded. “So you do get it!”
Beel reached up and pulled you into a big hug, catching you off guard so you practically fell on top of him. “Thanks for making me feel better.”
Escaping from one of Beel’s hugs was no easy feat, so you happily went along with it. “Any time. If you ever see one of those fake cupcakes again, maybe we can put it in the bath water and see what it does together.”
Belphegor ---
“I’ve got a fun idea. Meet me in the observatory?
When you showed up to Belphegor’s summons he was counting stars. The observatory was dark but the stars were bright enough to illuminate his silhouette standing in front of the window. He greeted you with a warm smile.
“I brought my ticket. I have a special request though.” Waving the massage ticket in
his hand, he came to meet you in the middle of the room. As your eyes adjusted you could make out that an old telescope was set up next to the fountain.
“ A special request? I guess I could hear you out since I came all this way.”
The two of you took a seat on the floor. For several moments, the only sounds were your own breathing and the soothing flow of water. When he didn’t start explaining, you were afraid Belphie might fall asleep in the peaceful silence. “Are you really gonna wait for me to ask what it is?”
“Yeah. If you wanna know, you should hurry up.” You could hear the smile in his voice.
“What did you want to do?”
He reached to adjust the telescope in front of you at your eye level while explaining. “I thought we could stargaze together, but instead of just talking about what we see, we could draw them on each other’s backs. If you draw the constellations I can tell you what they are. When it’s my turn, I can show you what they look like and tell you stuff about it. What do you think?”
If your eyes could have stars in them, at this moment they would. “That sounds like a really fun idea.”
“Hehe, right? I told you. So take a look, what do you see?”
Belphegor turned his back towards you while you excitedly peered through the telecope. It was easy to focus and you quickly found a target to study.
“Two there, and then… Ok, I think I’ve got it. What’s this?”
You started to replicate what you saw with little knocks for stars, and connected them by slowly drawing arcs between the points. Belphegor’s jacket would slide over his shirt though, messing up the curves.
“Hm…” He sighed. “I thought I would be pretty good at this, but it’s hard to tell what you’re drawing.”
“This might be easier without the jacket,” you admitted.
“Really? I’m too tired to take it off though. Take it off for me?”
His brothers spoiled him too much, just like you did, so Belphegor didn’t move a muscle when you tried to peel off the warm jacket. You had to get in his personal space and lift his arms up for him. You told yourself the struggle would be worth it when you finally wrestled it off of him and could wear it yourself. He was being too uncooperative though, and eventually suggested “how about we switch? I don’t want to take this off, I’m comfortable now.”
Dejected without your warm prize, you agreed. The telescope stand rattled against the ground as he readjusted it and you turned away from him. “Do you still really want to use your massage ticket if I’m not the one doing it?” you inquired.
He hummed and hawed, mulling it over while gazing up at the sky. “Yeah, I do, if it lets me do fun stuff like this with you. I got one, let me know if you have this star sign in the human world.”
The first couple pokes sent tingles through your skin. The stars were really far away from each other, drawn on opposite sides of your lower back, but you weren’t prepared for such a delicate touch and had been distracted. “I don’t… think so? Hold on, draw it again.”
“Don’t you know? It goes like this.” He poked again, a little lower. You let out an
“eep!” and subconsciously scooted forward.
“Wait, I’m not done.” He was clearly holding back laughter. “I haven’t shown you this other one yet.”
The next constellation felt less like the trace of a star, and a lot more like Belphegor just wanted to tickle your sides. “Do you know what this is called?”
“Khh hahaha, no, I don’t.” The laugh-riddled admission further encouraged him. He wiggled lines all over your sides and crept his way to your stomach.
“I guess we have a lot of constellations to talk about then. Good thing the sky is so clear tonight.”
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spark-river · 28 days
Lucifer: Mammon, could you read that? *hands him an article*
Mammon: Get ya' self some glasses!
Satan: Quite the stupid thing to tell someone with glasses, don't you think?
Mammon: Shut up.
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mammon-s · 10 months
Ok but you as a Princess and Mammon as your loyal knight guard.
You tease and flirt with him constantly until one night when you ask him to help you out of your dress instead of your hand maiden, he breaks, pushing you back onto your bed.
“What? Is this not what you wanted little Princess? For me to ravage you?” As he pins you down, your face heating up.
But he’s right, it’s all you’ve wanted for so long, so he does. He takes your virtue that was promised to some lord you were to wed. But he doesn’t care, in fact the thought that he was one to take it from you makes him even more excited. He doesn’t care that if anyone finds out he would surely be executed. All he cares about is how you feel around his cock and how in this moment you are his
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devildomditzy · 8 months
"Are we going to talk about this?"
You watch as 'your demon' strides across his room, sitting down roughly on his couch and staring straight ahead, unable to look in your direction.
'Your demon". Did you even have the right to call him that? After you've been away for so long?
It's been a week since you and Solomon returned unannounced from your journey to the past, much to the shock and surprise of everyone. That night was filled with joy and tears and laughter from everyone. Everyone, except the second born. The person you absolutely missed the most for months and months, the person you thought of during sleepless nights and difficult times. The person you cried over more than anyone else was standing right there, just a few feet away -
And absolutely giving you the cold shoulder.
He's silent for a moment, before his voice comes out like vitriol, scalding and snide, yet somehow so hollow, like his words had no real emphasis behind them. Like he felt almost nothing.
"What's there left to talk about?"
"Mammon-", you try to get a word in before he cuts you off with the same version of the monologue you've heard from him even since you made your way back to this timeline.
Your timeline.
"Ya left me here. Ya left us here. You didn't leave a note or a sign or even shoot me a text that you were goin'. Nothin'. Nada."
"You know I didn't exactly choose to get taken to the past against my will, Mammon."
He stands to face you now, tone filled with pain but his face looking so, so emotionless.
It could scare you, when he gets like this. The second born should never look that serious.
"And how would I know that? Huh? How would I know where you went? How the hell would I know what ya'd gotten up to, huh? How would I know if you were runnin' off with Solomon? How would I know that ya didn't just get sick of us?"
His voice raises his voice as he walks towards you.
"How would I know if ya were alive, or dead, or somewhere in between, huh!?"
You're jostled as the second born grabs your shoulders and shoves you, not hard enough to hurt, but enough to have you cornered between the surface and himself.
"I never stopped trying, okay? Not a day went by that Solomon and I didn't look for a way home, a way out, a way to you, anything!" you exclaim, defending yourself from his tirade.
"How would I know that you were gonna come back!? How would- H-how could ya, I couldn't...I-I-I- can't...."
His voice shakes as he balls up his fists into the fabric of your shirt, his true emotions finally shining through after a week of trying to get through to him.
How quickly his indifference turns to fear.
Tears begin silently falling from his lash line, streaking his cheeks.
"Oh, Mammon...", you wrap your arms around him, following his lead as his body begins to crumple, both of you sitting on the floor.
"I thought you were gone. I-I didn't know if ya were still breathin', or just vanished, but I thought-"
He gulps down a few tears and lets out a shaky breath before finishing.
"I thought you were never coming back."
You respond to him in kind, holding him tighter as he increases his grasp on you.
You can't help but let out a small giggle as you wipe away his tears (and a few of your own).
"Babe, it's me we're talking about. I came back to the Devildom how many times now?"
"Yeah," he sighs, looking off to the side, remembering all the times you somehow managed to extend your stays within the exchange program with Diavolo's blessing.
"I can't believe you gave up on me that fast", you tease, poking his cheek.
"Never did", he mumbles. "Looked for ya every day until I realized.. ya just weren't here. And not like here like in the Devildom, okay? I mean like here here."
He's quiet for a moment before he grumbles again, "Didn't stop lookin' until Lucifer made me, that bastard."
You bust out laughing, "I missed you, and your cute little complaints"
"Hey! My complaints ain't little! I'd burn down all three realms if it meant I coulda found you again!"
You place a quick kiss to his cheek, giggling at the way he goes rigid.
"Well, you don't have to worry. I'll always find my way back to you."
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zorosdimples · 11 months
someone shut that man up! sit on his face.
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boozye · 11 months
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I tried to inktober I swear...
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another art post so soon?! i'm having too much fun with these
+bonus from the ddvd au
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lonely-north-star · 2 months
jewelry maker mammon x retail worker mc pt 2
hi guys, two people asked for part two and now I'm here. Did not expect people to find enjoyment in this.
Part one above, not sure how to shorten it on mobile. Once again, this is me projecting onto my MC because I'm not suffering alone. Anyway, more craft store silliness !!
-Mammon attends the hiring event, dressed in a button down shirt and his hair combed. It's his Lucky Interview Outfit™
-He's kinda nervous because he really would like to work here and doesn't want to blow his chance
-The store manager recognizes him, and Mammon can't tell if this is good or bad
-Good because he's already got him laughing, and it helps brush over the fact that there's a few gaps in his resume
-The manager admits he had hoped to see Mammon there and it's good to put a name to a face
-Asks Mammon what he wants to work as, which Mammon kinda shrugs at, saying he's pretty flexible, but reminds him he's already good with the beads
-Says they'll label him as a floor person and put him anywhere as needed
-His first day is filled with training which he finds extremely boring until MC comes in to the break room
-She stops in her tracks and is stunned to see him there, before she recovers and smiles at him
"You're gonna work here now?"
"Nah, they just gave me a vest and name badge for nothing."
-She huffs and side eyes him as she grabs her equipment, rolling her eyes when she puts her bag away. Turns around, handing him a yellow star sticker
"For your badge."
-Suddenly he's even more eager to finish training and get to work
-His first days, he works short shifts during her hours and trains on the register (because everyone needs to know they claim)
-MC falls short of shaking him, sternly telling him to ask questions, no, she will not get mad. Yes, she may look irritated but she always looks like that. She'd rather you ask.
-They let him take over on his third day and he has great interactions with every customer
-He gets two credit card applications immediately. Had to walkie for help because he knew the script, but not the process (because no one ever gets them)
-The manager group chat receives a single photo of his tally sheet from the store manager because "Five sign ups! Three protection plans! Where has this cashier been my whole career? 🔥"
-He quickly becomes a favorite because of how good his numbers are
-No one knows how he does it but as long as higher ups aren't breathing down their neck everyone is happy
-It's because he's extremely motivated by the sticker rewards MC gives out. They're scented
-He might be good at the register but he hates staying up there when it's slow because he feels trapped. He can only recover the queue line so much guys
-Will beg to go on the floor if he's met the goal for the week and there's another person scheduled. Or will work to make the goal first and then beg to switch places
-On Fridays he works mornings in order to do jewelry repacks (Repacks are boxes of mixed products that get sent to us that we have to sort into other boxes by department. These things are like 12 x 10 x 20 inches maybe?)
-They are PACKED with products. The strung beads specifically come wrapped in bubble wrap or sealed bags by the SKU. Same goes for other products like findings, wire, and string. You spend a lot of time ripping open the package, pulling it out, scanning it, and then putting it on the shelf
-But see, Mammon knows these aisles better than the back of his hand. He doesn't need the scanner
-He'll unwrap handfuls at a time of strung beads and immediately start putting them out. Anything that goes in the next aisle he doesn't touch because he will not be walking back and forth, he's going to gather it all up and do it at once
-He spends barely an hour on each box, and once he's done, he admires any of the new items that came in. As a treat.
-Replen manager comes to check on him and she's stunned to find him done. She buys him a pastry from across the street as a reward
-He does help out with other repacks, but it takes him longer since he's not as familiar with the aisles
-Despises craft paint with a burning passion. Do NOT put him in that aisle or he will throw a fit. Threatens to quit (wouldn't actually)
-Gets frustrated easily with that aisle because the paint tubes fall over too often. And his hands are too big to reach for the one that fell over, and he'll end up knocking more over because the shelves are too close together
-Has trouble folding T-shirts. MC has shown him multiple times but he can't stay consistent with it
-One time she found him kneeling on the floor trying to fold a shirt. Has not let him fold since
-Now if they're working together, she folds them and he puts them away. It's efficient.
-After three weeks, he's gotten pretty good with memorizing the store and product locations. He has come to this conclusion.
Hell: Craft paint, T-Shirts, Open Stock Paintbrushes
Heaven: Jewelry <3, Kids Beads, Seasonal, Yarn
Neutral: Fine Arts, Ribbon (Thin Ice), Stickers, Fabric, Floral, Baking (Hates the baking pans specifically though), Wood, Frames, the rest of the store basically
-He likes making things look neat (actually likes the way MC looks pleased when he drags her over to show it off)
-If they're working together, he might get slightly distracted and trail after her to chat. She only allows it if it's slow.
-If someone needs help she'll shoo him away/send him off. He'll come right back after he's done though
-Otherwise she's walking through the aisles recovering with him and doing returns, handing him stuff and pointing to where it goes as he rambles about a new commission he made. Or the newest beads they got in stock.
"Says B 23."
"And they said they we're gettin' it for their partner-"
"There. Next to the red gift bags."
"-but how do ya not know their favorite color?! C'mon! That's like the first thing ya learn!"
"What's yours?"
"Blue. Or gold. And yellow, when gold ain't an option, because yellow is a lot more common. But none of that neon crap! Nah, like.. like.. I'll show ya when we reach the bead aisle! Anyway, they came back all-"
-'Yellow.' She thinks. Fitting, for someone who brightens her day so much. She shakes the thought away.
-She won't admit it but she does enjoy it. It makes the time pass faster.
"Did you know the beads go on sale Sunday? And we get paid this Friday. Are you gonna buy any?"
"...Are ya messin' with me?"
"Why would I be?"
"I'm going to buy so many things."
-MC starts to dread Sunday, and knows she's gonna have to reign him in. Oh boy.
hahaha pt 3 is in the works, i think. Because I had more ideas, but this got long again. Rest of this is me rambling.
Anyway, today I worked on repacks for Research™. And because I didn't wanna hear people asking if things are in the back. NO. I DID IT ALL TODAY !! EVERY LAST BIT !! (for t shirts and jewelry at least)
Took me four hours to do three jewelry boxes, though I did stop multiple times to help customers and go fulfill online orders. And unlike Mammon, I did need a scanner for some of it.
T shirts I did five boxes and took ten minutes a box since I didn't need the scanner except a handful of times. So it definitely varies on what department you're doing how long you'll take and how familiar you are with the aisle. For reference, it took my coworker 3.5 hours to do two boxes of jewelry.
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So, I have this particular kink that is kinda odd (shocking, I know lol), which can basically be summed up by "taking care of the sub". Especially with things that the sub is capable of doing themselves, but is either too dumb or can't do it *right*, or the dom just does it for them.
Like bathing someone, picking out their clothing, ordering for them at restaurants, etc.
It's less about the control aspect (while I do like that) and more of the act of taking care of someone. The gentle and softness aspect is something I really enjoy.
But I have a more... extreme version of this kink. It still focuses on the gentle care, but instead of taking of someone, the sub is an object. Like a precious collectible or something rare and expensive. Something that needs to be handled delicately and with care. The sub is still no more than a *thing*, but a valuable thing.
Now imagine this kink with one of the brothers. I think Mammon would very much enjoy this kind of play, especially when you show him off. Imagine having him sitting in your lap completely naked, his legs being held apart by your thighs as you talk over him. There's a few dozen demons standing around the luscious club, and a sizeable group is gathered around the couch you and your precious are sitting in.
You address the crowd of demons, bragging about your latest prize, showing all of Mammon's weak points like an appraiser would. You run your hands over his nipples, commenting about how lucky you are for finding something that is reactive as Mammon moans. Your other hand wrapped around his dick and gave it a few strokes.
One of the bolder demons asked if they could touch your treasure, but you state that it is way too delicate, and only professionals like yourself can safely touch it. All of Mammon's moans, groans, and begs for more fall on deaf ears as you and the other patrons discuss him like he's not even there.
I feel like Asmo would also really, really enjoy scenes like this. Being treated like a precious jewel? Of course, he would love that, lol. And he especially wants you to show him off. Would even rent out big venues and have you play with him on stage. But I feel like he would also like to do these scenes when it's just the two of you. There's something special about hearing how precious and beautiful he is as you play with him in your own bed.
Lucifer is also someone who would love, but also kinda hate these scenes? (If very much a "brat who hates punishments" kind of way, as in he likes it consents to it, but some part of him is torn lol) The praise is a big ego boast, but there's something humiliating about being treated like an object that both exictes him and shames him.
Lucifer would never be willing to do this scene in public or with other people around. He's already pretty PG when it comes to public affection. But if you and him are dating both Barbatos and Diavolo? Then he wouldn't mind adding them to the scene.
The scenes involving them play out a myraid of different ways. Sometimes, you're showing off Lucifer to Diavolo as he sits on his throne with Barbatos at his side. Other times it's the other way around, with you sitting on Diavolo's throne pretending to be a human ruler, and Diavolo and Barbatos acting as the demon hunters who tamed Lucifer, and now you inspect your new prize. Sometimes it's the four of you lounging in Diavolo's bed as you pass around Lucifer like he's a cool rock you found.
Anyways, I really like this kink. Who knows? I might do more with it one day. Come yell at me in my inbox if you share the kink or have thoughts about it lol.
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fightingthetides · 1 year
Continued from: [x] @vipermirage
“Huu…” Fon sighs, “If not listening to me is the best you can care for yourself, I’m curious to see how much worse you can get.” He is referring to the fact he hadn’t seen Mammon in some time and they’re already in this state. Fon starts doubting that Mammon can sustain a decent life without having someone to check up on them every once in a while.
“Why don’t you put everything away, get washed up and then go to bed properly? You can vent at me if that helps alleviate your stresses.” A sacrifice a wise and patient person is willing to make for the sake of others. Perhaps if it were anyone else, they’d appreciate his concern, but—this may not be the case here with Mammon.
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misc-obeyme · 6 months
This has been on my mind lately, how do you pronounce Levis' name? Leh-vee, Lee-vi or Leh-vi??
I personally pronounce it Lee-vi but I think that's just because that's how I've always pronounced the name Levi?
If it was supposed to be the same as how it sounds in the word Leviathan, then you would have to say Leh-vi. But that sounds funny to me.
And in the game, the other characters pronounce it Leh-vee. I'm not sure but this may be related to how such names are pronounced in Japanese? Possibly?
I tried to say it as Leh-vee for a while just because that's how they say it in the game, but I couldn't get myself to switch. I just kept defaulting to Lee-vi.
It's kinda fun to think that MC pronounces it different depending on their regular accent, though.
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ofgain · 6 days
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Ugh... He feels like shit. Was it possible for a sin to even get sick? Rarely, but it could happen. Don't look at him. Don't even breathe on him. He's just going to focus on his work and hope this headache goes away soon.
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devildomditzy · 1 year
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kuroo-hitsuji · 1 year
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Oops 😵‍💫
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