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queenharumiura · 3 months ago
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2024 Akira Amano 'The Characters' Exhibition bonus 'Selfie-style' cards.
[ID: Official art of multiple characters from the manga and anime Katekyo Hitman Reborn.
They're all drawn as if taking a selfie, most of them smiling and/or doing a peace sign or another playful gesture with their hand.
Reborn, Colonnello, Viper and Fon are in their cursed forms, with Viper pulling their hood down, trying to hide more of their face.
Gokudera waves at us, with "Vongola Famiglia" written on his palm and the Vongola's emblem drawn on it too. Lambo is in his Ten Years Later version, Tsuna's shown both in his normal state and in Hyper Dying Will mode, Basil is in Hyper Dying Will mode too and Chrome's wearing cat ears.
Squalo and Xanxus are scowling. /End ID]
ID courtesy of @hopeswriting.
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alexgrigorets · 5 years ago
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Я думаю, все дети красивые. И мне моя дочь очень нравится. Мне кажется на этой фотографии она получилась хорошо, но действительности она ещё лучше 🌺 #дети #цветыжизни #наследники https://www.instagram.com/p/B-vti-KhReL/?igshid=6nkmfqcvyety
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mero-quotes · 7 years ago
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Follow @meroquotes for more Written: Suman Khrel Created: @sushilnix . . . . . . . #meroQuotes #nepaliquotes #nepaliquote #nepali #nepalipoem #quotes #inspirationalquotes #heart #love #lovequotes #मेरोQuotes #yqnepali #quotesnepal #nepal #writersofinstagram #like #lifequotes #currentlyreading #world #heartbroken #instanepal #मन #travel #journey #life #trending #sushilnix #emotional #trendingnepal #nepaliinstagrammer . (at Nepal)
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queenharumiura · 5 years ago
He is a 'model' mafioso, of course. Only the best for Juudaime.
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Gokudera 'Is he a mafia or Model " Hayato
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english-tibetan-dictionary · 12 years ago
kun dkris - fetters, bonds, 'all-ensnaring' entanglement [of mind in the case of shamatha and meditative equipose for kleshas that entangle the mind; 1) again and again continuously engage in them 2) [do so without being ashamed] ngo tsha khrel med du spyod pa, 3) [joyfully] dga' zhing mgu bar spyod pa, 4) [without a view conceptualizing them as faults] nyes dmigs su mi lta ba. If there are all those four, that is the great [worst]. The middle has 4) and the others ma tshang incompletely. The lesser has the other limbs complete, but not 4.] [IW]
kun dkris brgyad - {khro ba dang 'chab pa}, the 8 fetters [1 {rmugs pa}-) two {gnyid) three {rgod pa}-) {'gyod pa}-) {phrag dog}-) {ser sna}-) {ngo tsha med pa}-) {khrel med pa} zhi gnas dang btang snyoms kyi dus su sems yang yang dkri bar byed pa'i nyon mongs pa brgyad] [IW]
kun dkris brgyad - the 8 fetters [one {rmugs pa} two {gnyid three {rgod pa} four {'gyod pa} five {phrag dog} six {ser sna} 7 {ngo tsha med pa} 8 {khrel med pa} 8 kleshas that at the time of shamatha and meditative equipoise again and again enangle the mind [IW]
kun dkris brgyad - the eight fetters. 1) {rmugs pa}. 2) {gnyid}. 3) {rgod pa}. 4) {'gyod pa}. 5) {phrag dog}. 6) {ser sna}. 7) {ngo tsha med pa}. 8) {khrel med pa} [RY]
kun dkris brgyad - {khro ba dang 'chab pa}, the 8 fetters [1 {rmugs pa} -) two {gnyid) three {rgod pa} -) {'gyod pa} -) {phrag dog} -) {ser sna} -) {ngo tsha med pa} -) {khrel med pa} zhi gnas dang btang snyoms kyi dus su sems yang yang dkri bar byed pa'i nyon mongs pa brgyad] [IW]
kun dkris bzhi - The four ever-binding factors, the four fetters. 1) {nyes dmigs mi blta ba}. not regarding the breach as wrong. 2) {spyod 'dod ma log pa}. not wishing to avoid it in future. 3) {dga' mgu byed ba}. rejoicing in it 4) {ngo tsha dang khrel med pa}. not being ashamed or embarrassed [RY]
bka' gdams phugs nor bcu - The 10 innermost jewels of kadampa tradition {gtad pa bzhi} the four entrustments??? n/l + {rdo rje gsum} the three vajra resolutions; 1) {thegs med rdo rje} the resolution to reject objections from parents etc to one's practicing in seclusion, two {khrel med rdo rje} the resolution to face embarrassment, three {ye shes rdo rje dang 'grogs pa} to resolution to abide by promised practices) + {bud snyigs thob gsum} = 1 {mi gral nas bud} self expulsion from human society, two {khyi gral snyegs} finding the company of dogs, three {lha gral thob} attaining heavenly status] [IW]
bka' gdams phugs nor bcu - The ten innermost jewels of Kadampa tradition. 1) {gtad pa bzhi}. the four entrustments B. 2) {rdo rje gsum}. the three diamond hard resolutions. 3) {thegs med rdo rje}. the resolution to reject objections from parents etc. to one's practicing in seclusion 4) {khrel med rdo rje}. the resolution to face embarrassment 5) {ye shes rdo rje dang 'grogs pa}. to resolution to abide by promised practices C. 6) {bud snyegs thob gsum}. the three, expulsion, finding and attaining 7) {mi gral nas bud}. self expulsion from human society 8) {khyi gral snyegs}. finding the company of dogs 9) {lha gral thob}. attaining heavenly status [RY]
khong 'dzum - 1) sems kyi gting nas shor ba'i gad mo,...Ma rabs kyi spyod pa la khrel nas khong 'dzum shor byung; 2) Gre ba bsang tshul,...Gre 'gags bsang phyir khong 'dzum lan gsum byas [IW]
khrel - modesty, piety/ chastity/ despised; 1) to feel ashamed [of oneself], shame, shamefaced, bashfulness, modesty, despised, guilty. 2) decency, self-reproach, embarrassment, consideration, bashfulness, modesty. 3) to offend, make ashamed, cause to despise, disgust. See also {khrel yod pa}, {khrel med pa} 4) millet. 5) tax, duty, tribute [paid in money or kind] 6) forced service [RY]
khrel rgod - SA khrel gad [JV]
khrel dogs - gzhan zhe khrel ba'i fear/ apprehension [IW]
khrel ba - shame, disgust, aversion/ honesty, decency/ to provoke shame; 1) to feel ashamed of. 2) to despise, scorn; {khrel ba, khrel ba, khrel ba} intr. v [RY]
khrel ba'i rgyu - dam pa khrel ba'i rgyu - It would surely displease the holy ones [RY]
khrel ba'i spyod pa - dam pa khrel ba'i spyod pa - behavior that would shame sublime beings [RY]
khrel yod pa - decorum, sense of shame, modesty, bashfulness, decency, dread of blame, considerate, propriety, embarrassment, fidelity and concern. One of {dge ba'i sems byung bcu gcig} one of the eleven virtuous mental states. {gzhan la ltos nas de 'dzem pa} Syn {khrel can}, {khrel yod pa} [RY]
khrel yod ya rabs kyi gral - {'jig rten na khrel yod ya rabs kyi gral yin pa} is a noble thing in this world [RY]
dge bcu gcig - 11 virtues [1 {dad pa} = faith 2) {ngo tsha shes pa} = self-respect 3) {khrel yod pa} = propriety 4) {ma chags pa} = non-attachment 5) {zhe sdang med pa} = non-hatred 6) {gti mug med pa} = non-delusion 7) {brtsun 'grus} = effort 8) {shin du sbyangs pa} = flexibility 9) {bag yod pa} = attentiveness 10) {btang snyoms} = equanimity 11) {rnam par mi 'tshe ba} = non-violence] [IW]
dge ba bcu gcig - the eleven virtuous [mental states]. 1) {dad pa} faith. 2) {ngo tsha shes pa} self-respect. 3) {khrel yod pa} propriety. 4) {ma chags pa} non-attachment. 5) {zhe sdang med pa} non-hatred. 6) {gti mug med pa} non-delusion. 7) {brtson 'grus} effort. 8) {shin du sbyangs pa} flexibility. 9) {bag yod pa} attentiveness. 10) {btang snyoms} equanimity. 11) {rnam par mi 'tshe ba} non-violence [RY]
dge ba bcu gcig - 11 virtuous mental states [1 {dad pa - faith 2) {ngo tsha shes pa - self-respect 3) {khrel yod pa - propriety 4) {ma chags pa - non-attachment 5) {zhe sdang med pa - non-hatred 6) {gti mug med pa - non-delusion 7) {brtsun 'grus - effort 8) {shin du sbyangs pa - flexibility 9) {bag yod pa - attentiveness 10) {btang snyoms - equanimity 11) {rnam par mi 'tshe ba - non-violence chn] [IW]
dge ba'i sa mang bcu - Jamg?n Kongtr?l: {dad dang bag yod shin tu sbyangs/ btang snyoms ngo tsha shes khrel yod/ /chags sdangs med pa'i dge rtsa gnyis/ /mi 'tshe ba dang brtson 'grus so} [RY]
dge ba'i sa mang bcu - the 10 bases of virtue [dad pa, bag yod, shin sbyangs, btang snyoms, ngo tsha shes pa, khrel yod pa, 'dod chags med pa, zhe sdang med pa, mi 'tshe ba, brtson 'grus] [IW]
dge ba'i sems byung bcu gcig - the 11 virtuous mental contents [1 {dad pa} = faith 2) {ngo tsha shes pa} = self-respect 3) {khrel yod pa} = propriety 4) {ma chags pa} = non-attachment 5) {zhe sdang med pa} = non-hatred 6) {gti mug med pa} = non-delusion 7) {brtsun 'grus} = effort 8) {shin du sbyangs pa} = flexibility 9) {bag yod pa} = attentiveness 10) {btang snyoms} = equanimity 11) {rnam par mi 'tshe ba} = non-violence] [IW]
dgod gnas - khrel gad dgod pa'i yul [IW]
ngo tsha ba - by recognizing one's faults be/ look embarassed, shame[ful], timidity, conscience-stricken [syn: skyengs pa dang, khrel ldan, khrel yod, ngo dman, ngo tsha shes pa, bag yod, bag ldan, mig dman, 'tser ba, 'dzem mdog zhum med [IW]
ngo tsha med pa - khrel dang ngo tsha med pa - who have no sense of shame or modesty [RY]
ngo tsha med pa - lack of conscience, non-shame, inward shamelessness, shamelessness. Syn {ngo tsha khrel med}; Def. by Jamg?n Kongtr?l: {rang la ltos nas nyes spyod mi 'dzem pa} [RY]
nye nyon nyi shu - twenty proximate. the twenty sub-disturbances. The 20 klesha associated defilements. 1) {khro ba} anger. 2) {khon du 'dzin pa} enmity, 3) {'tshig pa} gloom. 4) {rnam par 'tshe ba} harming, 5) {phrag dog} envy, 6) {g.yo} dishonesty, 7) {sgyu} deceit. 8) {ngo tsha med pa} lack of sense of shame. 9) {khrel med pa} lack of dread of blame. 10) {'chab pa} hypocrisy. 11) {ser sna} stinginess. 12) {rgyags pa} intoxication. 13) {ma dad pa} unbelief. 14) {le lo} indolence. 15) {bag med pa} carelessness. 16) {brjed ngas} ?, 17) - {shes bzhin min pa} ?, 18) {rmugs pa} sloth. 19) {rgod pa} excitedness. 20) {rnam par g.yeng ba} distraction. twenty proximate. the twenty sub-disturbances. The 20 klesha associated defilements. 1) {khro ba} anger. 2) {khon du 'dzin pa} enmity, 3) {'tshig pa} gloom. 4) {rnam par 'tshe ba} harming, 5) {phrag dog} envy, 6) {g.yo} dishonesty, 7) {sgyu} deceit. 8) {ngo tsha med pa} lack of sense of shame. 9) {khrel med pa} lack of dread of b! lame. 10) {'chab pa} hypocrisy. 11) {ser sna} stinginess. 12) {rgyags pa} intoxication. 13) {ma dad pa} unbelief. 14) {le lo} indolence. 15) {bag med pa} carelessness. 16) {brjed ngas} ?, 17) - {shes bzhin min pa} ?, 18) {rmugs pa} sloth. 19) {rgod pa} excitedness. 20) {rnam par g.yeng ba} distraction [RY]
nye nyon nyi shu - 20 proximate / sub-disturbances /upa-kleshas /associated defilements [1) {khro ba} - anger, 2) {khon du 'dzin pa} - enmity, 3) {'tshig pa} - gloom 4) {rnam par 'tshe ba} - harming, 5) {phrag dog} - envy, 6) {gyo} - dishonesty, 7) {sgyu} - deceit 8) {ngo tsha med pa} - lack of sense of shame 9) {khrel med pa} - lack of dread of blame 10) {'chab pa} - hypocrisy 11) {ser sna} - stinginess 12) {rgyags pa} - intoxication 13) {ma dad pa} - unbelief 14) {le lo} - indolence 15) {bag med pa} - carelessness 16) {brjed ngas} - ?, 17) - {shes bzhin min pa} - ?, 18) {rmugs pa} - sloth 19) {rgod pa} - excitedness 20) {rnam par gyeng ba} - distraction chn [IW]
nye ba'i nyon mongs pa nyi shu - the 20 upakleshas [sems byung nga gcig gi nang tsan, khro ba dang, 'khon 'dzin dang, 'chab pa dang, 'tsig pa, phrag dog ser sna, sgyur, gyo, rgyags pa, rnam par 'tse ba, ngo tsa med pa, khrel med pa, rmugs pa dang, rgod pa dang, ma dad pa, le lo, bag med pa, brjed ngas pa, rnam gyeng, shes bzhin ma yin pa bcas nyi shu 20 subsidiary disturbing emotions [IW]
nyon mongs can gyi sa mang drug - Def. by Jamg?n Kongtr?l: {rmongs dang bag med le lo dang/ /ma dad rmugs dang rgod pa'o/ /mi dge ba'i sa pa chen po gnyis ni/ ngo tsha med pa dang khrel med pa} [RY]
gdong chung - 1) small face; 2) conscientious and decent [Ngo tsha che ba dang, khrel yod pa]; 3) wo [much] regard/ consideration for [ya rabs kyis sger phan gdong chung du 'dor thub pa,...Gnyen la gdong chung gi ltag pa ston pa] [IW]
gdong ldog pa - 1) mdza' brtse'i rnam 'gyur log pa,...Bya spyod ngan pas khrel nas dga' nye blo dkar gyi gdong ldog pa; 2) tshur yong bzhin du phar log pa,...Dgra bor 'thabs pas gdong ldog tu bros song,...Na tsha phog 'phral sman btang bas nad gzhi gdong ldog song [IW]
rdo rje gsum - The Three Vajras [of the Kadampas]: 1) Place before you the unshakable vajra of no dissuasion. Place behind you the vajra of no shame. Keep company with the vajra of pure wisdom. 2) the three 'diamond-hard resolutions': Start with the vajra of unswerving determination, end with the vajra of indifference to what others may think of you, and, at all times, keep with you the vajra of wisdom. {thebs med rdo rje sngon la btang, khrel med rdo rje rjes la bzhag, ye shes rdo rje rang dang 'grogs} [RY]
nor bdun - 7 prizes (dad pa, tshul khrims, ngo tsha shes pa, khrel yod pa, thos pa, gtong ba, shes rab) [JV]
'phags pa'i nor bdun - the seven aryan riches [one faith, two discipline, three generosity, four learning, five decorum, six modesty, and six knowledge/prajna: dad pa, tsul khrims, thos pa, gtong ba, ngo tsa shes pa, khrel yod pa, shes rab.] [IW]
brang rdung - 1) rang zhe rang la khrel nas 'gyod gdung drag po skyes pa'i rnam 'gyur; 2) dgra dang gdong thug skabs shin tu khros nas 'bar stangs [IW]
blo 'gyod - zhe khrel lam sems gnong, rang gi sngar byas kyi las la blo 'gyod med pa [IW]
mi dge ba bcu'i sa mang chen po gnyis - the two major bases of nonvirtue; {ngo tsha med pa} {khrel med pa) [IW]
mi dge ba bcu'i sa mang chen po gnyis - the two major bases of nonvirtue, {ngo tsha med pa}, {khrel med pa} [RY]
mi dge ba'i sa pa chen po gnyis - {ngo tsha med pa dang khrel med pa} [RY]
mi dge ba'i sa pa chen po gnyis - the two general non-virtuous mental factors; {ngo tsha med pa} {khrel med pa} chn [IW]
mi dge ba'i sa mang chen po gnyis - the two general non-virtuous mental factors, def. {ngo tsha med pa} and {khrel med pa} [RY]
mi dge ba'i sa mang chen po gnyis - the two general non-virtuous mental factors; {ngo tsha med pa} {khrel med pa} {mi dge ba'i sa mang gnyis} [IW]
mi dge ba'i sa mang chen po gnyis - the two major bases of nonvirtue {ngo tsha med pa} {khrel med pa} [IW]
mi dge ba'i sa mang chen po gnyis - the two major bases of nonvirtue, {ngo tsha med pa}, {khrel med pa} [RY]
mi dge ba'i sa mang gnyis - the two general non-virtuous mental factors [ngo tsha med pa dang, khrel med pa gnyis so [IW]
mi dge'i sa pa gnyis - the two nonvirtuous mental factors {ngo tsha med pa} {khrel med pa} [IW]
me dge ba'i sa mang chen po gnyis - the two major bases of nonvirtue {ngo tsha med pa} {khrel med pa} [IW]
zhe khrel bda' - {kho la zhe khrel bda' dgos so} I will make him eat his words [RY]
zhe khrel bda' - {rang gi rang la zhe khrel bda'} to feel deeply embarrassed and ashamed of yourself [RY]
ya rabs kyi gral - {'jig rten na khrel yod ya rabs kyi gral yin pa} modesty is a noble thing in this world [RY]
sems las byung ba lda bcu nga gcig - fifty one mental events. [1-5) {kun 'gro lnga} five omnipresent. 1) {tshor ba} sensation. 2) {'du shes} discrimination. 3) {sems pa} volition. 4) {reg pa} contact. 5) {yid la byed pa} mental demanding. [6-10] {yul nges lnga} five object determining. 6) {'dun pa} intensity. 7) {mos pa} intensified interest. 8) {dran pa} mindfulness. 9) {ting nge 'dzin} meditation. 20) {shes rab} wisdom. [11-21) {dge bcu gcig} eleven virtues. 11) {dad pa} faith. 12) {ngo tsa shes pa} self-respect. 13) {khrel yod pa} propriety. 14) {ma chags pa} non-attachment. 15) {zhe sdang med pa} non-hatred. 16) {gti lug med pa} non-deludedness. 17) {btson 'grus} effort. 18) {shin tu sbyangs pa} flexibility. 19) {bag yod pa} attentiveness. 20) {btang snyoms} equanimity. 21) {rnam par mi 'tshe ba} non-violence. [22-27]. {rtsa nyon drug} six basic emotions. 22) {'dod chags} desire. 23) {khong khro} anger. 24) {nga rgyal} pride. 25) {ma rig pa} ignorance. 26) {the tshom! } doubt. 27) {lta ba} opinionatedness. [28-47]. {nye nyon nyi shu} twenty proximate. 28) {khro ba} vindictiveness. 29) {khon du 'dzin pa} resentment. 30) {'chab pa} hypocrisy. 31) {'tshig pa} spite. 32) {phrag dog} jealousy. 33) {ser sna} avarice. 33) {sgyu} deceit. 34) {g.yo} dishonesty. 36) {rgyags pa} haughtiness. 37) {rnam par 'cho ba} malice. 38) {ngo tha med pa} shamelessness. 39) {khrel med pa} lack of propriety. 40) {rmugs pa} sloth. 41) {rgod pa} restlessness. 42) {ma dad pa} lack of faith. 43) {le lo} laziness. 44) {bag med pa} unconcern. 45) {brjed ngas pa} forgetfulness. 46) {shes bzhin ma yin pa} non-awareness. 47) {rnam par g.yeng ba} distraction. [48-51]. {gzhan 'gyur bzhi} four variables. 48) {gnyid} sleepiness. 49) {'gyod pa} contrition. 50) {rtog pa} investigation. 51) {dpyod pa} analysis; fifty one mental events. [1-5] {kun 'gro lnga} five omnipresent. 1) {tshor ba} sensation. 2) {'du shes} discrimination. 3) {sems pa} volition. 4) {reg pa} contact. 5) {y! id la byed pa} mental demanding. [6-10] {yul nges lnga} five object determining. 6) {'dun pa} intensity. 7) {mos pa} intensified interest. 8) {dran pa} mindfulness. 9) {ting nge 'dzin} meditation. 20) {shes rab} wisdom. [11-21) dge bcu gcig} eleven virtues. 11) {dad pa} faith. 12) {ngo tsa shes pa} self-respect. 13) {khrel yod pa} propriety. 14) {ma chags pa} non-attachment. 15) {zhe sdang med pa} non-hatred. 16) {gti lug med pa} non-deludedness. 17) {btson 'grus} effort 18) {shin tu sbyangs pa} flexibility. 19) {bag yod pa} attentiveness. 20) {btang snyoms} equanimity. 21) {rnam par mi 'tshe ba} non-violence. [22-27] rtsa nyon drug} six basic emotions. 22) {'dod chags} desire. 23) {khong khro} anger. 24) {nga rgyal} pride. 25) {ma rig pa} ignorance. 26) {the tshom} doubt. 27) {lta ba} opinionatedness. [28-47] {nye nyon nyi shu} twenty proximate. 28) {khro ba} vindictiveness. 29) {khon du 'dzin pa} resentment. 30) {'chab pa} hypocrisy. 31) {'tshig pa} spite. 32) {phrag dog} jealousy. 33) {ser sna} avarice. 33) {sgyu} deceit. 34) g.yo} dishones! ty. 36) {rgyags pa} haughtiness. 37) {rnam par 'cho ba} malice. 38) {ngo tha med pa} shamelessness. 39) {khrel med pa} lack of propriety. 40) {rmugs pa} sloth. 41) {rgod pa} restlessness. 42) {ma dad pa} lack of faith. 43) {le lo} laziness. 44) {bag med pa} unconcern. 45) {brjed ngas pa} forgetfulness. 46) {shes bzhin ma yin pa} non-awareness. 47) {rnam par g.yeng ba} distraction. [48-51) {gzhan 'gyur bzhi} four variables. 48) {gnyid} sleepiness. 49) {'gyod pa} contrition. 50) {rtog pa} investigation. 51) {dpyod pa} analysis [RY]
bslab pa'i stobs lnga - the five powers [of training] [dad pa dang, brtson 'grus, ngo tsha shes pa, khrel yod pa, shes rab kyi stobs faith, exertion, ..., .... prajna] ??? [IW]
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queenharumiura · 3 months ago
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Everyone playing an instrument like they are in a rock band or something, and OFC Mukuro has to be special and unique. Come on, even Hibari is playing along. Tsk tsk
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queenharumiura · 4 months ago
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This is a gift that I received from Tenka last year for my birthday that I was hoarding because greedy dragon-ing, but I decided I can share it this year to show off to people //jazz hands
Do not steal, do not edit, do not use, and do not repost. I was given permission to post this onto my blog. Okay to reblog.
Art by: @dyingresolve
Haru Miura © Amano Akira
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queenharumiura · 2 years ago
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Narrator voice: She has forgotten why she was mad in the first place.
This is a piece I commissioned for. Do not steal, do not edit, do not use, and do not repost. I was given permission to post this onto my blog. Okay to reblog.
Haru Miura and Gokudera© Akira Amano
Artist is Fluffypepole from dA
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queenharumiura · 1 year ago
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A Social Butterfly by any other name is 'rage-bait' for the tumultous storm.
This is a piece I commissioned for. Do not steal, do not edit, do not use, and do not repost. I was given permission to post this onto my blog. Okay to reblog.
Haru Miura and Gokudera © Akira Amano
Pino is my OC. Design artist is Aroadoptables from dA
Artist is Fluffypepole from dA
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queenharumiura · 3 years ago
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This is a piece I commissioned for. Do not steal, do not edit, do not use, and do not repost. I was given permission to post this onto my blog and to also use them as my tumblr blog icons.
Artist: Dark4161 on QQ (id: 3014588259)
Base artist: 吖涩
Liaison: MW0701 from dA
Haru and Kyoko (c) Akira Amano
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queenharumiura · 3 years ago
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A rose by any other name is just as sweet. A date by any other name is-- simply being dragged around. @belacedia
This is a piece I commissioned for. Do not steal, do not edit, do not use, and do not repost. I was given permission to post this onto my blog. 
Art by Cloudcrow27 from DeviantArt
Haru and Belphegor (c) Amano Akira
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queenharumiura · 4 years ago
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"Hai--- Chiisu! Hahi! Gokudera is now Akadera-desu!"
This is a piece I commissioned for. Do not steal, do not edit, do not use, and do not repost. I was given permission to post this onto my blog. In case it wasn’t clear, this is modelled after those Purikura strips.
Art by Momoko8794 from DeviantArt
Haru and Gokudera © Amano Akira
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queenharumiura · 4 years ago
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“Hm? Don’t worry about me finding one of your extra jackets. Come over here and take a selfie with me.” @belacedia
This is a piece I commissioned for. Do not steal, do not edit, do not use, and do not repost. I was given permission to post this onto my blog. 
Art by Cheridaifuku from DeviantArt
Haru and Belphegor © Amano Akira
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queenharumiura · 4 years ago
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The situation is dire, they need to get away in order to survive, and Gokudera has to slip in an 'aho-onna!" Icic I love the bickering lol
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queenharumiura · 2 years ago
Haru Haru Interview #3
Gokudera: Since the tenth says so... I'm 172cm tall and weight 59kg.
Haru: Hahi? That tall? I'm only 156cm and i'm not that much shorter.
Gokudera: Ditz! Don't come over! IF I say it's 172, then it's 172!
Haru: How suspicious...
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queenharumiura · 8 years ago
Kyoko Headcanon
@lalucedivongola this is the thing that I said I’d do. 
Here is a link if you’d rather just listen to me animatedly talk about my Kyoko HC: [X]
Length: 32:03 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Warning: Obviously length, and also I guess... language? I tend to cuss more when I get agitated or excited... so if you don’t like that i’d... avoid this. Also at some times I get real passionate so perhaps my volume gets a bit loud... ahahahaha;;;;
Below is going to be me writing out my HC in word format. I am not following what I said in the audio post because that’s just too much work. I like working on the fly. So if the audio thing is too long for you, you can just read instead. 83
[readmore bc it’s me and we know why]
Kyoko and Haru used to get a lot of hate in the KHR fandom for ‘crying a lot’ being ‘useless,’ and for ‘getting in the way of YAOI SHIPS.’. The moment anyone say that to me is the day that I will probably flip someone’s life upside down. You don’t really see that now, which makes me happy. I used to see it a lot more often back then though and it gave me so much grief because Haru has been my favorite character for a very very VERY long time. 
I’m going off topic. Sorry about that. 
So anyways, going on with the whole crying bit. They are obviously talking about the future arc. If you go back to the manga, it was either within the same day or the next day when the girls resolve themselves to helping out by doing the chores and cooking. They can’t just stay upset and do nothing. They have to be productive. They have to help out and support the guys. 
THEY DID NOT CRY A LOT. I REPEAT, THEY DID NOT CRY THE WHOLE TIME. I WILL FIGHT YOU. THEY DIDN’T. If it were me, I would’ve cried and panicked for much longer. Honestly? We need to give those girls WAAYYYYY more credit than was given to them. I seriously will fight someone over this. 
Now, another reason Kyoko got a lot of hate is because she’s so perfect and always so happy-- like a robot. She doesn’t have a personality. She’s just... so unnatural. I so get that. I won’t lie, I used to really dislike her because I felt the same way. Though after a while I tried to really think on some things and analyze some things in the series and I came up with an idea and it made me respect her more as a character. 
To start things on, in one of the games, (was it the card game?) Kyoko was given the flame type of the MIST and NOT the SUN like her brother. I assert that your flame type isn’t necessarily genetic, but more so situational and personality related. Though that also ties into a bit of genetics because a lot of the times if you’re related you’ll have a similar personality. 
I’ve posted it once before, but I really believe that situations in one’s life and one’s personality really impacts on what kind of flame type you may have. My headcanon that’s based on this idea can be found here: [x]
I dunno if you took the time to read that but if you did, thank you~ I hope that it sort of makes sense? I hope it doesn’t seem too far-fetched? I mean you don’t have to agree with me or anything like that. That’s just how I see it and I’ll stand by it. This HC is why I have the HC that I do for Kyoko. 
Now, for Kyoko, she apparently has the flame type of the mist. I really think this fits her because it deals with illusions and I personally believe it fits her SCHOOL IDOL status. 
Here’s the thing, when you idolize anyone, your perception of someone is really biased. You see this a LOT with people who are really into Kpop. Like you can look at someone and see everything they do and hate them. You can see them to be a super pretentious person. They’re rude, they’re ugly, etc. However, sometimes, they grow on you and the same things you saw that made you hate them-- you start liking it instead. That’s the power of bias. 
It’s also the same as how sometimes a really good looking guy can do something ‘sweet’ for a girl and it’s soooo romantic, but if a guy who isn’t so good looking does the same thing, it’s sooooo creepy. Similar concept. 
Idolization gives rise to use bias. Gokudera is prime example. No matter what Tsuna does, he’s just the amazing Juudaime that he looks up to and aspires to help. 
Now, the reason why I mention this is because she’s the school idol and you know people are always projecting their own ideals onto you. You know this to be true especially when Tsuna is involved. He’s just always fantasizing about Kyoko. She’s the best person. She’s so beautiful, she’s so cute, she’s so kind, she’s so perfect. She’s like an angel. He hardcore projects onto her, dude. 
With the mist, you know there is an attribute of illusions ans such. Mukuro in particular can make himself look like another person. To the point that sometimes you’re like ‘yoooo you have like a completely different personality. DUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE.
I use this idea when I think about Kyoko. As a school idol, people project an image onto her and that’s quite literally what they see, and that’s how she acts out. She will act out how people see her. How they want to see her. 
However, there are times when we see her break out of those projections. Like whenever she got shot by Reborn and she goes to Tsuna’s mom and demands she ‘apologize/take it back’. There’s also the time that when she finds out Mochida and Tsuna are about to fight for Kyoko as the prize. You see her about to go straight up there like ‘oh no bitch, I aint no prize. SQUARE UP. I’ll fight fo’ myself’. Though you know, her friends kinda hold her back. You can see in the manga (I forget if it’s in the anime as well) that she’s just really gunho about going in there and fighting herself. 
LIKE HOW DARE? I feel like sometimes she’ll just snap out of the projected images and she’ll be herself. The times when we can see Kyoko being a bit ‘weird’ is when she’s around some other people who don’t really have any misconceptions about her. 
Like when she first met Haru, she doesn’t know that Kyoko is a school idol. She doesn’t know anything about her. She won’t be able to judge Kyoko and be like ‘that’s so unlike you. That’s so weird.’ So it’s like you can see Kyoko just immediately open up to Haru and just be like ‘yoooo I also do appreciation days!!! FRIIIIIIEEENDD!!!!!’. They get along very easily right off the bat.
She also found Lal Mirch’s Gorilla decoration thing to be really cute. We even see Haru just look at her like ‘you find that cute? Weiiiird.’ We can see that Kyoko’s interests are not exactly ‘normal’. She has some odd interests in the way that we see that she even finds Haru’s costumes to be really cute and fun. She finds Haru’s ideas to be really fun. 
If you think about it, if she was a true school idol preppy girl, she probably would not have been caught dead wearing some of the things that Haru has made costumes of. This is a glimpse of what Kyoko is like. She has a personality. She has her own interests. She has her own hobbies and thoughts. SHE HAS A PERSONALITY-- but it often gets overwritten by projection, which I will get into now. 
So with the mist attribute, you think of illusions, which I assert kind of ties into the whole ‘bias’ thing I mentioned earlier. It’s like people have an idea they have of her as an idol and project this idea onto her and she either acts out this projection or just appears that way to the one projecting the image. 
She’ll be that perfect angel, the super sweet, and gentle idol of the school. To further assert this idea, Kyoko has from a young age had to act things out to make people happy. Namely, her brother. We know that the scar on his forehead is partly the fault of Kyoko. He sustained the injury because of her and she feels guilty about it. Ryohei feels responsible sort of because she feels guilty. Like he wasn’t strong enough to not get injured. 
If he does get hurt (whether or not because of her or not) he needs to heal quickly or else he’ll worry Kyoko. He has to heal fast and strong so he doesn’t worry her and get less scars that she can look at and feel saddened by. Viola we see him with the Sun flame. 
Kyoko has to be that little sister that is naive and someone who always listens to her brother, so she can pretend to be unaware of the truth. It helps Ryohei feel more safe, and it helps him feel less stressed about feeling responsible for her feeling guilty about his injuries. 
It’s a cycle of guilt. She feels guilty about his scar, and he feels responsible for her feeling such a way and then she feels guilty that he feels responsible for her feeling guilty. A train. A complex train of guilt. You feel? 
So to stop this, she simply has to nip it in the bud at the source. She should pretend as though it doesn’t bother her anymore. She has to be the small and cute younger sister he’s so protective of. She has to act out the way he wants her to in order to save him from feeling so responsible for her all the time. 
I feel as though this is one reason why he gets so scarily defensive the moment the idea of letting Kyoko know the truth in the TYL arc is raised. It goes against the image he has of her. He doesn’t want to think of her knowing the truth. To become less of a naive and innocent little girl he wants her to be. So when she does find out, he just flies off the handle kinda. 
I think that this makes sense with him projecting an innocent image of her makes sense. Like, do you really think she’s stupid enough to believe he REAAAAAALLY fell off a roof? No, you don’t fall off a roof, lose all those teeth, and you don’t get all the injuries that you did. You don’t. Hell, you even saw Tsuna’s reaction like, ‘YOU BELIEVE THAT?’. 
Dude i’m pretty sure she doesn’t. That’s the image he projects onto her. That’s what he wants from her, so she acts the part. Honestly? Do you reaaalllly think the doctor’s are going to be stupid enough to believe that he fell off a roof? I’m pretty sure there are bruises and such that can let them know that’s not the case. 
The Doc’s probably told the parents the truth and either Kyoko heard it there or she heard from her parents. She’s got allllllllllll the opportunities to learn the truth. Still, she acts the part of believing his lies, because it would calm him down. He doesn’t want her to worry. He doesn’t want her to ‘show that face again’. Since he feels that strongly, she has to act naive. 
Please, Sumo tournament? She sees those gloves you’re wearing. She knows a boxing ring when she sees one. Like all those injuries? LAMBO?????? REALLY? Sumo? You seriously think they’re that stupid to believe you? They know you guys are lying to them. They know you are lying to keep them safe, or to make you guys keep distance. It’s dangerous. They know that. 
So they have to pretend to believe you and move on. What a lot of women are told, no matter what, you have to support your men. You have to protect the family and support your man in the shadows. That’s what the girls have to do. If they have to pretend to be unaware of the truth to support them, they’ll do so. Kyoko cannot be that stupid, and Haru honestly would not be stupid enough to believe it. She’s from a private all girl’s school for pete’s sake. She’s supposed to be very smart. Don’t let her weird attitude fool you. 
She’s knowledgeable. Kyoko has common sense. They are not stupid. They are more aware than they let on. Why else did they finally have enough of it in the future arc and go on a strike? If they truly believed that everything was okay and it was just a ‘sumo tournament’ then they wouldn’t have had a strike. They would’ve just gone along with it. However, they just finally got enough of it. 
How can you basically bring them into this, have them see how injured you guys got AND LAMBO and expect them to not know the truth? 
So she gets projected images and she acts the part. Thought with Haru, as I mentioned earlier, she didn’t have a projection to work off of and you can see her being more of her true self. She’s into eating lots of cakes. She can enjoy dressing up in weird costumes. She enjoys the weird ploys that Haru has planned to surprise their friends. She can be HERSELF. 
It’s really interesting to see the subtle differences in her actions when she’s around other characters and Tsuna. The projection really just shines through, I feel.
Now, this is my thought, Kyoko has very strong feelings about treating people right and judging people, or projecting ideals onto people. WHY? BECAUSE THAT IS HER LIFE. She knows how hard it is. She will fight this. 
Why else did she only when she got shot by Reborn she goes after Tsuna’s mom demanding she take back what she said about Tsuna? You shouldn’t call yourself worthless or whatever. Not in front of him and NOT in front of a friend of his. You don’t do that. (though I also HC that Nana does that to see who Tsuna’s true friends are bc anyone who would defend him are his true friends. Those who let it go are either fake friends or are using him. She must get rid of them) You can’t say things like that, as though you were projecting the idea that he’s a no good person. She got upset by that, but Tsuna super hardcore projects all these ideals onto her. 
Calling out his mom on her BS is not one of them. So she’s stuck with wanting to say something but also being stuck with having to act out his projection. There is a lot of inner battling there and that’s why, I assert, is why she immediately goes to find his mom after being shot, because it bothered her THAT MUCH. 
Now in terms of Haru. Let’s be real here, Kyoko knows full well how Haru feels about Tsuna. She’s always all over him and they’ve canonically had sleepovers. Do you really think she hasn’t said that she loved ‘Tsuna-san’ at LEAST 20 times in a single night? Really? She so has. This is no secret to Kyoko. However it’s very obvious who he has feelings for. 
Given the fact that he’s always pushing Haru away or speaking/acting in favor of Kyoko. I’m very much positive that Kyoko is just very loyal and she sticks to her girls. You want to treat Haru like that and push her away? Then i’m going to pretend I don’t see how you feel about me. Don’t you think you can just ignore and push someone away and think that I’ll look at you. ESPECIALLY NOT if it’s my FRIEND you are treating like that. 
Sure, Haru is very passionate and it’s just really really stifling. She gets that, but you can’t treat a girl like that in front of someone you are crushing on. However, we can’t blame Tsuna. He’s young and it’s like given his life, it’s not his fault he doesn’t exactly know how to deal with things. I mean, if I had a girl like Haru on my tail all the time, I would be a bit overwhelmed too. 
Still, doesn’t mean that Kyoko has to overlook that. She has to support her friend. I feel as though that is definitely why every time he gives Haru a hard time, Kyoko chimes in like ‘Oh but I was involved too? I thought it was a cute idea.’ It’s basically a ‘if you gotta throw hate on Haru, then you should throw it at me too’. 
HOWEVER we see that Tsuna changes his tune. The moment he realizes that Kyoko was in on it and thought it was a fun idea, he’ll be shocked at first but then say how it made him happy. Thank you. Like really? Come on now, why to have such a fast change of heart. Not even Haru is oblivious or positive enough to ignore that. That probably hurts her. 
Kyoko is supporting her friend, but also in a weird way training Tsuna to stop judging people so much. Stop projecting your ideals onto people. Just learn to accept people for who they are. She probably just respects Haru for how true she is to herself. She doesn’t care about wearing a costume out in public. She can showcase her work to the world. She doesn’t really care how people think of her. She’s herself and she’s not gonna change. 
No amount of Tsuna just making comments on her thoughts/actions is going to stop her. Kyoko, I feel really likes that about her and she wants to do that herself. 
Now, if you’ve noticed, Tsuna pushed Haru away a lot at the start of the manga, but towards the end, he’s accepting her more. He doesn’t really push her away as much. He starts to accept the weird things that not only she, but everyone else does. You can see that as he’s growing more accepting of things, Kyoko opens up more to him. She starts to become more ‘aware’ of his feelings for her. Very subtle but it’s there. 
The very last thing that I want to leave things off on: I feel like this is why she could immediately tell the problem that Tsuna was having with Natsu. Tsuna was projecting his emotions onto his box animal. How else can she know this so easily than if she’s always being projected on? She knows how that is. That is her life. She’s a projected person. People don’t really know what she’s really like until they start accepting her for who she is and stop projecting their ideals on her. 
Due to the fact that she’s always projected upon, she can tell when others are being projected on like with Natsu. He can feel the anxieties Tsuna feels. He’s scared too. He’s just in his box like ‘OH SHIT! NO NO DON’T LET ME OUT. I’m SCARED!’. Kyoko can tell because she’s so used to it. She can see the signs. 
For the fact it’s so terrifying and tiring, she doesn’t like it when others project onto others in a harmful way. Thus he wants to talk back when people say bad things about Tsuna. Don’t put a bad image onto him. He’s trying. Words are powerful. Stop putting that image on him. Especially if you are his mother. Don’t do it. 
So yeah. That’s my thought on Kyoko being the way she’s designed and why the mist fits her so well. 
Honestly you don’t have to agree with me. You can say that my idea is absolute bull. I just wanted to write out a thing and share it. 
TLDR: Kyoko has a personality. She has a soul, but it’s just that with her mist attribute her true personality gets hidden. 
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