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toacody · 9 months ago
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This cat will steal your tongue and everything else.
Creator: imbatman123459
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drachenwiki · 7 days ago
I noticed that in pop culture and fanart, reptilian dragons tend to have bat wings and mammalian dragons tend to have feathered bird wings. Which is weird, considering that in real flying animals, those wing types are exactly the other way round.
And that even goes back to historical dragon art. Medieval dragons often had bird wings and very mammalian faces, while early modern dragons started to have scales and wings that reminded of fish fins and later bat wings.
I suppose that's because of the perceived warm-blooded vs cold-blooded dichotomy in people's heads, but it's interesting nonetheless.
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darkwhisper-art · 2 months ago
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Var'muz, great pack beasts utilized by the orcs of Khulnor. Often referred to as "Orc-Beasts".
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aut2imagineart · 2 months ago
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Knocking around ideas, I came up with two new concepts of Uplifted for my Centauri Universe. To recap, the Uplifted are hybrid animals created to have human level sapience. I have created four of them thus far but looking at lists of the most intelligent animals I figured there were enough others to make at least two more.
The first species I currently call the Scurachin. These lemur-like Uplifted are hybrids of rats, squirrels, capuchin monkeys, and raccoons. The second are the sprites, which are hybrids of ants, bees, and Portia spiders. To give a sense of scale, the Scurachin shown her stands 18in tall while the sprite has a body length of roughly 5.1in. If I like these ideas enough I'll probably refine them more in the future, maybe give them better names unless they're liked enough.
As always, comments and critiques are welcome
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kattheerat · 1 year ago
finished custom for Sibbi on toyhouse
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datgreenmonstah · 2 years ago
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“Entelodont Daedon”
Updated my rough sketch on this guy and worked on the body and feet more, I feel satisfied with how they look now, gonna keep the red cause it’s a color and markings that have grown on me since working on reconstructing this weirdo.
I hope you enjoy their new slippers, looking at ungulate foot bones to compare anatomy and concluded they resemble closer to a camelid/pygmy hippo than to a bovid or other hooded ungulates.
Still working on the nose, but I think I might have it down finally. Been comparing a lot of nasal bones and their structures to get a better build on this guy.
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doomboy911 · 6 months ago
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Theme Mammalian
Prompt List Smaugust
So I saw my line up of fish and mammals and I thought ooh a whale dragon for fish would be great but whales aren't fish they're mammals so the idea spawned for this theme. I will say I spent half the day working on tomorrow's theme not today's theme before realizing I had mixed them around. I went for some lovely blues and greens and looked at whales from above. Beautiful creatures making for a beautiful dragon. I like to imagine people think its a joke dragon because its breath weapon is bubbles until they're suddenly hit with a ton of air.
Palette Picked
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domestic-houseknight · 2 years ago
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My fuzzy octoling oc Junebug !! He actually mains dapple dualies, but I wanted to give him a big weapon when I was drawing this. He followed new agent 3 into the crater and ate fuzzy ooze.
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fawnrats · 5 months ago
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[Image description: A stylized drawing of a smiling arctic wolf with light green eyes running to the left while looking to the right. End of image description]
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f3l-tsm30w · 6 months ago
1st Pic: Tygr
2nd Pic: Caspian
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orbdevourer · 2 years ago
nothing like sprawling out in front of a box fan to cool off because my body temp is 1 degree higher than what I consider comfortable. feeling like a true mammal rn. mammal pilled. mammalcore, even.
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beyondbeasts · 2 years ago
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From the Book of Beyond Beasts...
"This mischievous creature is a common sight in the Other Layer. Somewhat resembling that of a skeletal cat, Skellgato spend most of their time in back alleys eating trash and breaking property. They lack the ability to digest what they eat, and it is instead reconstituted into toxic "hairballs" of trash they use to defend themselves. Despite these odd traits, Skellgato can make for great company in the Other Layer, if you're willing to put up with their quirks."
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aut2imagineart · 2 years ago
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Continuing the ExtraTerrorestrial: Alien Encounter concept art series, this is Skippy from the experience’s second pre-show.  In the pre-show he was the “lucky volunteer” who helped demonstrate X-S Tech’s teleportation technology. He would be a main character in a potential movie and, as mentioned in the description of the movie poster I made, would be crucial to the other two protagonists’ survival. My speculative biology brain wanted to draw more but I wanted to get the main ideas out as possible.  I will describe some speculation and lore regarding Skippy’s species.
  Skippy’s species is referred to as Er’oi.  Native to a roughly earth-sized moon that orbits a substantially large brown dwarf, the Er’oi are small, mammalian hexapods who share some characteristics with insects such as eusocial behavior and methods of smell and hearing.  With their world teaming with predators, they evolved to have keen senses and be proficient climbers as well as the ability to outthink said predators.  As a eusocial species, they live colonies consisting of one or more fertile queens, their male consorts, and  sterile workers who gather food and guard the co.  As a sapient species, the Er’oi are comparatively primitive, managing to create thick walled structures and stone weapons.  They were actually the first sapient species the Xerarchians discovered which resulted in the Er’oi gaining technology that would better protect them from predators.  Several Er’oi now live amongst the Xerarchians as workers and assistants though relations are not always positive as they are often viewed as lesser lifeforms by many Xerarchians.
I would like to draw more of their biology and culture at some point.
Extraterrorestrial: Alien Encounter belongs to Disney.
As always, comments and critiques are welcome.
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bittybonesbabs · 2 years ago
Chimera & Smaug Bitties by RawCherryCake on DeviantArt!
Chimera Hybrid Info.
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sweetonsugden · 20 days ago
mammalianphobia?? I don’t know.
I do, however, crave to soak in a tub, or just stand under a shower for minutes not doing anything.
Y'all ever just suddenly have the overwhelming urge to swim??? Like not actively but you just wanna,,, be in the water and have some Peace
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luciferscrack · 8 days ago
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