#mama don't cry
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wild-icarus · 5 months ago
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I really love that musical about Dracula....
Kim, Junsu (Dracula [Wildhorn] 2020 Korea), Wao, Yuka (Dracula [Wildhorn] 2011 Japan), Borchert, Thomas (Dracula [Wildhorn] 2007 Graz)
Hewitt, Tom (Dracula [Wildhorn] 2004? Broadway?), Murray, Chris (Dracula [Wildhorn] 2011 Pforzheim)
Lee, Hong-gi (Vampire: Ai no Nikushimi no Hate [Svoboda] 2014 Japan), Hůlka, Daniel (Dracula [Svoboda] 2015 Czech), Shin, Seong Woo (Dracula [Svoboda] 2022 Korea)
Valledor, Carlos (Vlad el Musical 2018), Thompson, Rob (Dracula: The Rock Opera [Thompson] 2012), Vogel, Gerd (Dracula [Svoboda] 2011-12 German)
Yosef, Golan (Dracula - L'amour plus fort que la mort 2011), Lee, Choong-Joo (Mama Don't Cry 2021?), Pelletier, Bruno (Dracula - Entre l'amour et la mort 2006)
Di Minno, Leonardo (Vlad Dracula 2020), Matteucci, Vittorio Chioran (Dracula Opera Rock [PFM] 2006), Juan (Dracula: A Chamber Musical 1999 Stratford)
Rodó, Juan (Drácula 2022?), Große, Ronny (Dracula - Das Grusical 2012-14 Thale), Sowinski, Scott (Dracula: A Rock Opera [Briggs & West] 2013 production)
? (Dracula [Heicks] 2004), Asaka, Manato + Mano, Sugata (Aoi Kuchizuke - Dorakyura Hakushaku no Koi- 2008), (Dracula: A Musical Nightmare 1978)
For ease, just the show names (from above) listed:
Dracula (Wildhorn): Broadway, Austrian, Various German, Japanese, Korean
Dracula/Vampire (Svodoba): Czech, Various German, Japanese (in Japan but Korean Actors and Language), Korean (performed Korea)
Dracula – Entre l'amour et la mort: Canadian
Dracula L’amour plus fort que la mort: French
Dracula (Heicks): German (could be a play, hard to tell)
Dracula: A Chamber Musical (Ouzounian & Norman): Canadian, American
Dracula: A Musical Nightmare (Johnson & Aschenbrenner): American
Dracula - Das Grusical (Martin): Various German
Dracula el Musical (Cibrian & Mahler): Argentinian
Dracula Opera Rock (PFM): Italian
Dracula: The Rock Opera (Thompson): American
Dracula: A Rock Opera (Briggs & West): American
Vlad el Musical (Domingo & Freeman): Spain
Vlad Dracula (Avecone & Pagliara): Italian
蒼いくちづけ -ドラキュラ伯爵の恋: Japanese/Takarazuka
Mama Don't Cry/마마 돈 크라이: Korean
Other Musicals (No Photos Online): "Dearest Dracula (1965)," "Dracula the Musical? (1982)" 2 clips from a 2000 production, Possessed: A Dracula Musical (1987)" has a Cast Album, "Dracula the Musical (Karrol Cobb and John Cobb)", "Dracula (Orton and Evans)" axed Westend show with a partial concept album available, "Dracula (Peter Dehler + John R. Carlson)," "Dracula! (Riccardo van Krugten + Chris Kurbjuhn)," "Vladmir: The Dracula Musical (Collister & Collins)" has a 1992 cast album
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klqdraws · 2 years ago
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My name is Sarah~
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moodymeangirl · 2 days ago
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lavenderprose · 8 days ago
'He would not fucking say that' only it's 'That child would not speak in full fucking sentences.'
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 7 months ago
Everyone: We need to find Avatar Kuruk's reincarnation! Hey, that one boy! He kinda looks like him! He even has his smile! He must be the Avatar. Kyoshi: *literal shiny variant of Yangchen roaming the streets of Yokoya*
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frostbeees · 1 year ago
USA Hockey is Do or Die
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caitlynmeow · 8 months ago
Thoughts about the Dimitrescu babies in kindergarten ?
When Bela started kindergarten, Cassandra was still only a baby. Bela was already used to being the big sister, having heard many times how strong and brave she was, that she would look out for her baby sister, and that she was essentially her hero.
Bela has a little ego problem, which is amplified by her mother: she is smart and brilliant and can do so many amazing things.
Now, starting kindergarten was a huge step for her. She was scared, but she didn't want it to show. She is the big sister, right? She is strong and smart and crying because she wants her mother is not very strong or mature right?
But at the end of the day, she is only four years old, and having control over her emotions is not something she mastered yet. She wasn't very vocal, but Alcina sensed her daughter's trepidation. From how Bela's hold tightened on her skirt, to the way she hesitated to let go, to how she avoided looking at her teacher.
Alcina knew of the struggles her daughter was going through. She knew that Bela was trying to compose herself while her small body trembled under the weight of the emotions she was feeling.
Alcina took her aside, away from the classroom and any other person. She sat with her and hugged her for the longest time. It was Bela's first time away from home. Alcina was feeling torn at the fact; she has a routine with her daughters and she was trying to adjust to the change. If she was having a hard time with it, then her little daughter is feeling much worse.
Knowing that Bela is smart and understanding, Alcina made a suggestion. She put a watch on Bela's wrist, and promised her that she will be picking her up in an hour. She did that for a few days, adding one more hour every two or three days.
Alcina's heart broke when Bela told her one day that she doesn't have to pick her up early, she wants to stay and play with her friends. While she was proud, Alcina was sad that her little daughter is old enough to have her own social circle. She made friends, and according to her teacher, she is the leader of their group and Alcina couldn't be more proud.
Cassandra wasn't four when she started kindergarten. Having her birthday in November, Alcina argued that Cassandra was too young for this transition.
One, she is clingy.
Alcina doesn't mind it, really. There is nothing she loves more than giving her children an infinite amount of cuddles and spending time with them glued to her side.
Now by that point, Bela was independent, embracing school and her friends and all of that.
Cassandra was not. She was glued to her mother and she often dealt the K.O. by declaring to Alcina 'I want you, Mama!' And Alcina goes running to her. Every. Single. Time.
Now by that time, Daniela was born. Cassandra's clinginess? It grew tenfold.
Starting school with a new baby in the house? That was a huge transition and Alcina's second daughter was not taking it with stride.
Unlike Bela's composed reaction and attempts at braving something new (and scary), Cassandra was anything but. She hated going to school. She hated having to wake up and go out so early. She hated not being at home with her Mama and her toys, and most importantly, she loathed being separated from her mother.
To Cassandra, she felt as if she was being sent away. Her Mama is getting rid of her now that she is busy with the new baby. Bela goes to school? They just dropped her off earlier so that Cassandra can see that it's normal? Didn't work.
At times, Alcina is guilty of giving in and taking Cassandra home. Her daughter would get so upset she'd make herself sick. And honestly, Alcina doesn't have it in her to watch her daughter be distressed and ignore it.
She is only three years old, she can't cope and Alcina can't handle seeing her so upset. So what does Alcina do? She gives in.
Needless to say, the first year of kindergarten was a mess. Lots of missed days, constant tantrums at drop off, and excessive clinginess for the rest of the day. It was a lot on both Cassandra and Alcina.
Both Miranda and Donna said that Alcina needs to put her foot down and stop entertaining Cassandra because her responses make her act worse. Cassandra knows if she pushes enough, Mama is going to give in. So she does. Every time.
Donna stepped in and took Cassandra to school. Her dear niece put on a show, but Donna wasn't impressed. 'You're done now? Good, now go to your classroom'. Because Donna is not against her niece expressing her feelings. Cassandra can react however she wants, but at the end of the day, she is going to school and that's the end of it.
All of that aside, Cassandra enjoyed being in school. She made friends, and enjoyed all the different activities. She is mostly quiet and shy, yet she has made a lot of friends and with time, going to school wasn't as harrowing as she made it out to be the first few months (or whole year, if we're being honest).
Like Bela, Daniela is very independent. Also, being the youngest, she was so ready to show her Mama and sisters that she was ready to start school.
Daniela was actually looking forward to it. Finally, she is old enough to go with her sisters. That thought made her so excited. Plus, she always considers herself 'big enough' to do things like her sisters so what if she has to be away from her Mama for a whole day?
So Daniela started school with stride.
Alcina was expecting some clinginess, this is her baby after all.
Come day one, while walking Daniela to her class, her little daughter waved at her 'bye Mama' and entered the classroom without looking back.
This time, it was Alcina who was somewhat sad that her youngest was very relaxed about this. Sure, it's a nice break from the display Cassandra did at her age, but Alcina wasn't expecting this level of nonchalance.
With Daniela, it was Alcina who had a hard time letting go. And at the end of the day, Daniela was excited to show her Mama what she did and talked nonstop about her day.
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shannonsketches · 1 year ago
Weird Horsegirl Ganondorf fun fact of today is that in Ocarina of Time Ganondorf rides without a bridle! Even in the concept art his horse lacks any bit or reigns (as does Epona, and every other horse).
What it mainly means is that the N64 didn't have the power to mess with an unnecessary complex item to render -- but what it could be interpreted to mean for the sake of fandom fun is that the horses are raised and trained to be ridden bridleless.
Not to be up my own headcanons about horses being a big thing in Gerudo Valley and Malon's mom being Gerudo and there being a reason that Gan's horse is specified as a pure black Gerudo Stallion because other Gerudo horses don't look like that but -- have you seen the dressings on the other horses?
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All of them, even Zelda's horse, have a call to Gerudo patterning. Except for Epona, who was only able to be approached, touched, and ridden by Link and presumably Malon herself.
It's no secret that the Gerudo are more or less pulled from African and Arabic cultures, but fun fact about Arabian horses, they used to be given as prized gifts to royalty and important political figures.
So if they are inspired by Arabian horse history --
Although the specific area of the Arabian Peninsula where the breed originated can’t be pinpointed, it is widely accepted that around 2500 B.C., the Bedouin people were responsible for developing the desert horses that became the ancestors of the Arabian horse. The nomads’ keen horse sense and meticulous attention to proper care and breeding created an animal that could withstand the harsh environment of the desert, surviving extreme heat and cold with little water and the food they shared with their handlers. A life of travel also required horses with great lung capacity, endurance and stamina. (x)
It's very possible that all of the horses in OoT have ancestry in Gerudo Valley!
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venusjailer · 1 year ago
Someone give this man a damn Lamictal prescription and a hug
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The Cure, Boys Don’t Cry (1979)
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keeperesque · 2 years ago
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hello rise community, how do we feel about those lost turtle sisters, huh?
me and my friend @nokmietarchive may have spent like every other moment since the twitter q&a thinking about these two so i have decided to post some art for once, please enjoy :)!
Frida is of course Big Mama's assistant, an overly serious girl and the oldest turtle (though Raph is still the biggest lol). Hyper-competent with a lot of unresolved trauma regarding her relationship with her mother, she struggles to express her emotions in a healthy way well after leaving behind her white mask and black cloak. She was extremely reluctant to join the Mad Dogs after witnessing Leo's unserious behaviour, and struggles to connect with the boys.
Frida is skilled in many forms of armed and unarmed combat, and wields a Naginata. She's a sea turtle, her colour is ooze green, and her shape is diamonds! She has little diamond-shaped orangey scales beneath her mask.
Misc fun facts!:
We purposefully made Frida's face shape similar to that of BMA's mask, and her mask tails are similar to the shape of BMA's hood
She does not immediately move in with the Mad Dogs, who are all too loud and rowdy for her only-child-until-recently self
She and Georgia share a special, "messed up childhood" sort of bond that only two screwed up sisters can understand
She does still wear the pauldron from her BMA days, but I didn't want to draw them, lol, sorry...
Raph respects her, and is also a little scared of her
Leo is her least favourite brother
Georgia, affectionately nicknamed Georgie by her brothers, is the littlest of the turtle siblings (though no one knows if she's any younger than Mikey). She spent her formative years trapped in an alternate dimension, surviving alone on a Kraang planet. Thankfully, her infancy with Baron Draxum prepared her to survive even the harshest environments! Unfortunately, her survival didn't come without some small sacrifices...
Georgie is a scrappy survivalist - wielding twin Kama, she's opportunistic and unpredictable in a fight, and has perfected the ninja art of disappearing. She's a diamondback terrapin, her colour is Kraang-blood magenta, and her shape is droplets! She has three white spots on either side of her eyes, and swirl patterns on her carapace.
Misc fun facts!:
She will chew on anything if given the opportunity, including her own hands and plastron.
She has a Donnietech Hypoallergenic Antibacterial Complex Polymer G-Grade Plastrochew Plate (Silentchew™ edition) that was developed specially for her.
Her favourite food of all time is anything leafy and/or green - cabbage, lettuce, whatever. Just whole heads of the stuff.
Having her and Draxum in the same room is detrimental to his health. She's fine though.
She is very easily overstimulated and overwhelmed by large crowds and the bustle of the city.
Kraang arm
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lewishamiltonstuff · 1 year ago
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teaboot · 2 years ago
(psst to add on to the other ask: you're also hella on instagram and pinterest too!! like, you're everywhere-everywhere. i knew you before i even made a tumblr account myself-everywhere)
it's insane, congrats lol :D
Investment portfolio in clown town filled with monopoly money and defunct arcade tokens
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lukaherehelp · 1 year ago
How is Sprite the twin that has me more stressed about what is going on than the one literally investigating a disappearance?!
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parawhore-mp3 · 26 days ago
I know the usual meme with Ain't it Fun by Paramore is "no, hayley. It isn't fun", but personally, what always comes to my mind when I listen to it is more between the lines of "yall would cry in front of your mom?". And I know that probably says a lot about me, but it's my truth
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airenyah · 1 month ago
oh actually i forgot to post about it last night but. my mom actually cried at the end of the episode. mother 🥺🥺🥺
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the-mandawhor1an · 10 months ago
I've been thinking about how Din would react if Maia told him she's pregnant.
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