#mama abby anderson
saintyveningstar · 2 months
Mama! Abby Anderson headcannons!
No. 2
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Part 2 of Mom! Abby Headcannons !
No. 1
❄️The biggest issue her kids have is maintaining eye contact while holding a conversation, and she has to remind them at every turn — they got it from her, as she used to be incredibly shy as a kid
❄️Abby has to remind her kids (and sometimes Ellie) to keep their dirty boots outside if they're not going to clean them right away
❄️(In my AU) Abby's son Absalem is usually called Abby or Abby junior, not only because of his name but also because of the traits of her that he emits
❄️She does not tolerate her kids drinking, smoking, or doing drugs of any kind - her family is prone to asthma and other serious conditions that affect the breathing or heart - also, she just doesn't want it going on, plain and simple
❄️"Don't let me find out, alright hun?"
❄️"Do not make me turn this fucking car around, you hear me?!"
❄️shes fair but also strict so if she planned on beating your ass she's gonna definitely do it
❄️"move your hand, ah-ah." She'll snap while delivering a spanking. "We're not doing that, move your hand before I get real mad."
❄️she doesn't tolerate fighting or talking back to the teacher, none of that and will get you together very quickly if she catches wind something like that has happened
❄️her children don't really have problems with grades (because they're her kids, duh) so when grades drop she knows something is the matter
❄️has to open bottles, cans, and jars for literally everyone
❄️teaches consent rules very early on and enforces that consent rules are applicable to everything and everyone
- (her teaching them) "Just like when you knock and ask someone if you may come in, you always ask someone if you're allowed to touch their body or enter their personal space." She explains, "Never assume, it's better to be safe than sorry. People should do the same for you, and if they're not you call me or come to me and you tell me immediately, do I make myself clear?"
❄️If she knows her kid hasn't been eating enough due to stress or a possible eating disorder she will put more food on the plate, or bring them more snacks during the day, sticking around for a conversation to watch them eat it then leave - wether it's noticed or not, they'll never talk about it
❄️plays hockey with them when they have free time
❄️gossips with them about doctors and nurses at the hospital she works at trying to turn it into Greys anatomy part 2
❄️God bless whatever other kid that tries to court her kid
-- she'll open the door and just give them the death glare (she was warned to be normal and welcoming) "Miss-Missus Anderson, Hi. Uh-Uh I'm here for your daughter Judah. I-Is that okay?"
Her eyebrow will cock, "hm." Then she'll turn, "Jude, honey! Your date is here!" Then she'll turn back. "Hurt my daughter, and I’ll—.... Hi, hun! Have a great time." Abby whispered, but her shovel talk is interrupted by her daughter appearing, but she definitely gives the date the eyes one last time before closing the door.
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bunniehrtz · 5 months
plss preg!reader and abby where abby holds reader's belly up to make her relax ( i remember seeing videos on tiktok but dont i remember the exact name ;(
ohhhhhhhhh baby fever is so real and i have it so bad
the birds chirp at the window as you look outside, elbow deep into the sink as you wash the dishes, piling them into the dishwasher. “god, fuck. my back,” you hiss, your hand on your lower back as you wince, your eyes closing. a presence lingers behind you, her shadow reflecting on the sink. you lean back into her chest, looking up at her. “what’s wrong, baby?” she asks, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “this baby is what’s wrong. she won’t come out. she’s hurting me,” you stick your bottom lip out, biting back a laugh. abby’s hands snake around your waist, and she leans in to your ear. “put those down,” she whispers, you automatically does as she says. the water splashes back into your face, you take no notice. abby’s hands reach under your now 9 month belly, lifting it up gently. “oh my god,” you whisper, feeling the weight lift off of you like it’s nothing. you sigh, relaxing your body against abby’s own. “that feel good?” she asks gently. you nod. “don’t move. don’t move ever again,” you joke, turning your head to smile into abby’s chest. “wouldn’t dream of it.”
taglist @queenofmistresses @abigails-gf @abbysprettygiiirl @aouiaa @lesbian-useless @dykeanderson @drunkelliewilliams @bambishaven
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chai-berries · 1 year
and the category is: things abby would do if you were her gf
no but for real. her being oblivious to anything besides her workout. that’s so accurate. she’s in the zone and once she’s out of it she reads your texts and sees red. and the whole “she’s on the hunt” like no you don’t get it she is!!! it’s canonical that abby can hunt someone down. and for that brief but also the longest two and a half minutes of her life, she’s ready to do anything. but then she finds you and you’re laughing. you’re laughing!!!! you could have died and you’re laughing!!!! :((((( you coo at her and apologize for joking around. the relief in her body sets in but her heart is still pounding. but you’re safe. it was just a joke. she cracks a grin. “c’mere. give me your bag and your hand, i’m not losing you twice in one day,” she pulls you close to her. “how about you pay me back by buying me a smoothie from the bar” she whispers next to your ear before kissing your cheek. you wrap your free hand around her arm and press smiley kisses into her shoulder. “sure, my sweet huntress.”
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dizzyjelly · 1 year
A Nice Dinner
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Word Count: 2.4k
Summary: your niece Fiona is in town and asks to go to dinner with you, Abby, and your daughter Hailey, you agree of course. You wait for Abby, your wife, to return home from work before you head out. Dinner doesn't go super well but after some reassurance from Abby you feel better.
Cw: meltdown, stress, crying, teensiest fight between reader and Abby
A/n: ok so this won the poll i posted yesterday so here yall go!! Don't even worry bc I will still be posting Our Little Secret pt. 2, I just need to finish writing it lmao. Also PLEASE lmk if you guys like this type of wife/mama Abby bc I'd definitely write more of it if u do! And feel free to leave requests as well:)))
Your cheeks hurt from smiling so much. You were sat at the kitchen table with your daughter Hailey, she was in her highchair smiling from ear to ear as you fed her. Sure she could eat her own food seeing as she was three years old, but she was just so cute when she let you do it. It was her last bite as your phone began to rang.
You gave her a loving pat on the head before going to place the bowl and spoon into the sink then pick up the phone.
"Hi." You greeted.
"Hey! So you know how we're staying at thst place this week? Well it's only like a half hour drive from where you guys are." Your niece Fiona answered.
"Oh really? That's awesome! We're yall thinking of coming down here?" You asked, Fiona and her parents were on vacation this week.
"Well actually my parents were going on a date for their anniversary and I was wondering if I could come and maybe we could all go to dinner? I'd love to see Hailey!" She exclaimed.
Fiona had always adored Hailey, she even babysat a few times when needed. Well that was back when you lived nearby. Either way, of course you wanted to go out to dinner with her.
"That'd be just great Fiona. I'm sure Hailey would love to see you too, so will Abby and I." Abby was your wife, who was currently at work.
You and Fiona worked out the rest of the details as you texted Abby about the plans. She was on board and seemed pretty excited as well. You'd offered to pick Fona up but she said she would be fine since she had her own car. Once you got off the phone you took Hailey from her high chair and brought her into the living room. You sat and watched her favorite cartoons while you waited for Abby to get home.
After pretty much doing nothing but watching cartoons and snuggling Hailey, you deemed it was time to get ready. Abby would be home in just under an hour and Hailey was still in her pajamas, as were you. So you'd taken her upstairs to her room first, so she could pick something to wear.
You were pleasantly surprised when she chose something that actually matched. A pair of jean shorts with her favorite t-shirt which was green with a dinosaur on the front. After a quick diaper change you got her dressed then told her to go in the playroom while you got ready. She ran to play with her dollhouse and you went into you and Abbys shared bedroom.
It's not like you were going anywhere super fancy, so you chose something simple. A pair of biker shorts and an older band tee that used to belong to your older brother. Which you found fitting since Fiona was his daughter. You brushed out your hair then put it up in a ponytail, making sure to take out some wispies on either side of your face.
Now that you were all read you went to see what Hailey was up to in the playroom. Thankfully she hadn't made a huge mess, there were just a few barbies lying around which didn't bother you. You motioned for her to come follow you downstairs where you would wait for Abby to arrive home.
A little while later and she was walking through the front door, still in scrubs and her bag thrown over her shoulder. Hailey ran to greet Abby immediately, wrapping her arms around her leg as she shouted out 'mama' in the most adorable way. Abby chuckled, patting her head then smiling st you as you came to give her a hug.
"How was work?" You asked as you pulled away, Abby kept a hand on your waist.
"Fine, gotta go change. When's Fiona getting here?" Abby asked as she gently removed Hailey from her leg and started walking upstairs.
"Oh probably like a half hour or so." You answered, leaving her to get ready alone.
You'd come to learn that Abby enjoyed some alone time when she got home from work. Even if it was just five minutes, she needed to be by herself for a little. So when Hailey tried to run after her, you picked her up and went to continue cartoons instead.
Abby was coming back downstairs in no time, now dressed in a comfortable pair of grey sweats and a black hoodie. She came to join you and Hailey on the couch, holding an arm around you as she pulled you into her side and Hailey laid across both of your laps. A smile formed on Abbys lips as she brushed her hair back out of her face.
It wasn't long before there was a knock at the door, you left Hailey to lay in Abbys arms as you went to answer it. As you opened the door you noticed your niece had gotten taller, and with a smile you pulled her in for a quick hug before closing the door. Immediately she made her way to sit beside Abby on the couch and scoop Hailey up into her arms.
"Hi Fiona." Abby greeted with a chuckle at her affection for Hailey.
"Hey!" Fiona replied.
You smiled as Abby made her way over to where you stood in the living room, pressing her chest against your back as she wrapped her arms around your waist. Fiona was so involved in Hailey she hadn't even noticed as you wo shared a quick kiss. You let your hands come to rest on Abbys before speaking.
"Well we can probably all fit in Abbys truck, we're ready whenever you are Fi." You shrugged, only now did Fiona look your way.
"Oh yeah, let's go." She smiled, carrying Hailey out to the car as she played with her hair.
Since you trusted her enough, you and Abby let Fiona get Hailey buckled up before you drove to dinner. Abby let you drive, which was rare and usually meant she had to just be exhausted. You understood though, work usually had her pretty beat by the end of the day.
The car was silent for the first minute or so, but it soon filled with the light hum of the radio. Then also the conversing between you, Abby, and Fiona. The occasional babble from Hailey would make its way in there as well. You guys didn't chat about much, just caught up really.
You arrived at the restaurant and exited the car. Abby got Hailey from her carseat, letting her walk on her tiny sandal-clad feet up to the door. Then once she entered she brought her up into her arms, knowing she'd try and run off and probably get herself into some trouble.
"Hi, three and a high chair please." Abby greeted the hostess.
You admired the way she would always lead when you went out, take control. It was nice to know you had someone to take care of you like that. The hostess grabbed three regular menus and one kids then took you back to your table. It was in a more secluded corner of the restaurant, which wad nice.
You and Abby sat beside each other one one side and Fiona sat across from you two. Your waitress came over in no time to ask what you wanted to drink. You ordered your usual favorite soda, and Abby looked at you for approval before getting a strawberry daiquiri. She didn't drink often, but every once in a while didn't hurt anyone. You nodded and waited as Fiona got a pink lemonade.
After a few minutes she brought your drinks out and said she'd be back in a few to take your orders. You'd already opened your menu, and were still looking. Fiona seemed to be set on what she'd be getting since she was more focused on helping Hailey draw on her kids menu.
"Anything look good?" You asked Abby, bumping your shoulder into her own lightly.
"Uh I kinda wanted to try this but I definitely couldn't finish it by myself." She pointed out the item on the menu she was speaking about, taking a sip of her drink.
"That's definitely looks good, we could just share it if you want." You offered and she nodded.
"Hailey? What do you want honey?" You asked before reading off her options.
She'd choose the third item you listed and you'd nod, giving her the menu back so she could continue to draw with Fionas help. You brought an arm around Abbys shoulders, leaning into her lightly.
"So, Fiona, you know I have to ask. Do you have a boyfriend?" You asked your niece and she blushed a deep red.
"Uh, actually no." She answered with a giggle.
"Oh? Really." Your voice picked up an octave, her physical response differing drastically from her verbal response.
"Well actually I have a girlfriend.." She smiled as her voice got lower.
"What! No way!" Abby exclaimed, unfortunately a bit too loud.
Hailey had a reaction to this of course, she hated when people were loud. Immediately she burst into tears and started to thrust around in her high chair. You sighed, removing your arm from around Abby and now pulling Hailey from her chair to sit on your lap. You bounced her lightly on your keg as you shushed her, rubbing at her arms soothingly.
"Ah- sorry. I'm sorry." Abby apologized, she just felt terrible.
"Hey, it's fine. She'll calm down in a minute." You reassured, but there was a harshness in your tone anyways because you were just frustrated.
Instead of wasting more time with another sorry, Abby instead asked Fiona all about her girlfriend. She was very excited to tell Abby all about her, and you listened too of course. She sounded very sweet and Fiona was certainly happy.
Haileys cries had stopped by now and she sat peacefully in your lap, sucking at her thumb. Your waitress came back now to take your orders, you looked to Abby and let her order for you two while you'd order for Hailey. Fiona collected your three menus and handed them off with a smile and a thank you.
You picked up your soda to take a sip when a waiter was just making his way past your table. Due to the close proximity of his table to yours, he bumped into your elbow and caused you to spill all over your shirt. And Hailey broke out in tears once again. You sighed and let out a groan of frustration, slamming your glass back down on the table.
Hailey began to thrash around in your arms, which had you looking to Abby with tears brimming your eyes. A look that merely said you were tired and needed some help.
"Here, I've got her. Go ahead and wash up in the bathroom." She took Hailey in her arms, shushing her then making silly faces so she'd giggle instead of cry.
You paid them no attention as you were already on your way to the bathroom. Once you got in there you couldn't help it as your tears spilled over. You tried to wipe them away, but there was a consistent stream. Thankfully it was one of those bathrooms where it was just made for one person, and you wasted no time in locking the door.
A small huff fell past your lips as you brought a wet paper towel to try and rid your shirt of the soda which was probably making it sticky. It was stained of course because that was just your luck. If things couldn't get any worse there was a knock at the door.
"What!" Your voice was angry.
"Hey, it's me. Come on open up." Abby spoke softly.
You sighed as you unlocked the door and let her in. Your tears continued to fall as you stood there embarrassed, the wet paper towel smooshed in your hand at your side. Abby tilted her head with a frown, bringing her hands to your shoulders.
"Baby. It's ok." She tried to reassure.
"But it's really not!" You shouted, you didn't want to yell at her but you were just so overwhelmed, "i-I just wanted to have a nice dinner! And now my shirts ruined, Hailey's already had two meltdowns tonight!" You struggled to speak through your sobs but you managed.
"Y/n, Hailey is fine. Besides can you even call those meltdowns? She just cried a bit that's all, and here you can wear my hoodie." Abby removed her hoodie to reveal a beige t shirt underneath.
You let out a small sigh, tossing the paper towel in the trash then removing your shirt before putting the hoodie on. It was too big, but extremely comfortable. And it smelled just like Abby which relaxed you a bit. Your face was still tear stained and red, even if you stopped crying.
Abby looked down at you, opening her arms and waiting as you leaned into her. You buried your face into her chest, wrapping your arms around her lower back as you let out a sigh of relief against her. She uses one hand to rub up and down your back, the other massaging your scalp. Your eyes fell shut for a moment as you felt calm for once that evening.
Abby let you stand there in her embrace for a few moments before separating from you just enough to meet your gaze. You smiled up at her, the way she brought her hands to either side of your face grounding you. She rubbed her thumbs across your cheek, placing a sweet kiss to your forehead before asking if you were ready to go back to the table. You just gave a simple nod and followed her as you walked back to the table hand in hand.
A feeling of adoration filled you as you saw Fiona playing peekaboo with Hailey back at the table. And Hailey, much to your surprise, was sat in her high chair like an angel. She was giggling at Fionas actions, which had a bubbly feeling forming in your stomach.
The rest of the evening went well, and you all enjoyed a wonderful meal together. Later you'd get back home and say your goodbyes to Fiona. Then you'd work on getting Hailey and yourself ready for bed.
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dollyhao · 11 months
y’all abby found a way to get me pregnant‼️‼️took a lot of trying (sis had me on my neck) but we did it !!!
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angelkissiies · 2 years
i think we should all stop calling abby mommy and instead call her mama,, it’s hotter
let me do you one better , abby calling YOU mama.
(abby hey mamas lesbian confirmed)
“hey mama.” she greeted, her strong arms pulling you into her as you attempted to clean the gun in your hands. it had been a couple hours since you’d seen her last , spending most of the day in the armory preforming what issac called ‘chores’ for ‘misbehaving’.
you flushed at the nickname, glancing around to see if anyone had heard her. “hi, abs.” you hummed quietly, the gun slipping from your hands as she bent her head down to your neck— hot breath caressing the shell of your ear.
abby chuckled, squeezing your waist slightly. “what? don’t want anyone to hear me?” she teased, knowing how nervous she made you, though everyone knew how abby was with you.
your body shuddered at the sensation, “it’s not,” you began, mind clouding with thoughts you definitely shouldn’t have been having at 9am “it’s not that.”
“oh yeah?”
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mawrmyy · 1 year
guys im actually married to abby anderson btw... if you even care...
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Abby with a breeding kink
Abby Anderson x female reader
Warnings: smut, mentions of IVF, breeding, strap on, strap referred to as cock
Literally just pure filth, enjoy 😈
You and Abby have been dating for 3 years and married for one and honestly it’s been the best 4 years of your life you couldn’t imagine spending your life with anyone but her. Recently you both decided to take the next step. You’ve been going through IVF and as happy you were to have a baby with Abby that wasn’t the only perk. Going through IVF brought out a certain side to Abby, you’ve known about this side for 3 years now but with the prospect of you getting pregnant this side has just gotten more prevalent. Abby Anderson had a major breeding kink.
Abby has always had a breeding kink, you remember the first time you stumbled upon her breeding strap. You had been dating for a year and she told you to grab the strap you wanted her to use when she got home. You rooted through her bottom drawer and came across a strap you’ve never seen before. You inspected it, it was big and it had some kind of tube at the end of it. It definitely looked interesting so you sat it on the bed and waited for her to get home.
When she got home she saw the strap you chose and shook her head “no, choose a different one” she told you and you were curious what was the issue with this strap so you poked and prodded her for answers until she mumbled something with a flush on her face. “What? I couldn’t hear you?” You asked
She sat on the bed next to you and put her head in her hands to hide her blush but it was no use as the flush moved to her ears. “It’s a breeding strap” she said a bit louder. That night she came clean about her breeding kink and about how she was afraid to tell you about it. You two have definitely come a long way from that night if right now is any indication.
The hand in your hair gripped tighter as Abby’s hips slammed against your ass. Your face was buried in the bed as Abby fucked you from behind. “That’s it baby take it” she grunted as she held your hip.
“Gonna fuck you till I cum, you want that huh baby? Want me to cum in that pussy” she growled as her strap pumped in and out of you.
“F-fuck yes Abby please” you begged, god you felt so good. Her cock was stretching you.
When you started having IVF appointments Abby got a present for the both a you. A new breeding strap, bigger and better than her previous one. This one and a little nub that rubbed against her clit perfectly and the silicone had veins that enhanced your experience too. And it also had a bigger out put of “cum”.
The squelch of your soaked pussy could be heard through out the room, the sound of skin against skin, and your whimpers and moans. God Abby loved that sound.
“So good for me baby, this pussy was fucking made for my cock” Abby thrusted deep into with each word almost as if she was proving her point.
“Yes yes yes” you could barely think at this point everything just felt so good. The grip in your hair loosened and Abby placed both hands on your hips and you knew exactly what that meant and your pussy clenched just at the thought.
Abby groaned when she saw your pussy clench around her cock. Fuck she loved to just watch her cock go in and out of your cunt, there was already a white ring forming at the end.
You were both getting close you both knew that, Abby started thrusting harder and faster into you. You couldn’t form a thought she was fucking you absolutely brainless all that was coming out of your mouth was “ah, ah, ah…”
“Mmh that’s it baby take my fucking cock fuck gonna make you a mama baby that what you want?” Abby had no control of the words coming out of her mouth anymore and her words just made you clench harder, she had to actually put more work into fucking you with how tight your pussy was getting. The raspy growl of her voice making you even wetter.
“Gonna fucking fill you full of cum”
“Gonna make you have my fucking baby”
“Gonna make you a mama” her pace was unrelenting at this point she was so fucking close.
“Yes yes yes Abby fuck make me a mama” you moaned out
“Abby Abby Abby…” your moaned crescendoed into a scream as you came around her cock, your legs shaking and your hands gripping the sheets.
“Fuck” Abby reached down for the pump attached to the strap, the knot in her stomach tightening
“Fuck” she cried out as she came her grip and your hip and the pump tightening as she shot her hot cum into you. You could feel it filling you.
You were both breathing heavily and Abby leaned down to kiss your back.
“I love you” she mumbled against the skin
“I love you too” you told her still out of breath.
Abby slowly pulled out of you groaning at the sight of her cum dripping out of your pussy, while you whimpered at the feeling of her pulling out.
She fucked her cum back into with two fingers and your whimper turned to a moan.
“Cant waste a single drop now can we mama?”
I need Abby Anderson to breed me and call me mama huh? Who said that?
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leiswxrld · 8 months
𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧
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pairing: Dealer!Abby x Camgirl!reader
synopsis: you’re a college student when you suddenly ran out of your fix of weed and your normal dealer is out of town so Ellie your closest friend gives you abby's number a well-known dealer on your campus but all you'll be getting is the weed right?
warnings: MDNI, 18+, pussy eating (r receiving), weed, smut, car sex, fingering (r receiving), reader is 20, praise + degradation (baby, princess, slut, mama) , dirty talk.
a/n: haven't wrote lesbian smut before but anything for abby she is so mf fine, also another thing to mention cam girl only gets mentioned once but might make it an actual thing.
credits: @cafekitsune @animatedglittergraphics-n-more for line dividers ❥
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Abby Fucking Anderson.
She was the college's well known dealer and was always known to be selling drugs towards the back of the parking lot. You would see her black Mercedes parked out back and only caught a glimpse of her, she was well built, dressed in a black tank top and a pair of baggy shorts to go with it.
Her hair was always in a braid or down no in-inbetween and you barley saw her face, you'd occasionally smoke when you were stressed about the amount of assignments piling up and your last dealer was out of town so you knew he wouldn't be back for another month or so and you were desperate for some weed.
So when you ask one of closest friend's Ellie she gives you Abby's number and your now sat in the dark in your room conflicted, deciding whether or not to message her but with a rush of confidence you send her a text, watching the delivered message on your screen illuminating your room.
'You still selling'
A few minutes pass by as you're scrolling on TikTok, the anticipation killing you as you kept checking the message over and over again. Your eyes widen as you saw that she had seen your message and she began to type, the three dots appearing on your screen before a loud ding echoed in the silent dorm.
🍃 'Yh sorry was just with one of my boys if you want I'll be out back you've seen my car right'
You read the message, tapping on the back of your phone thinking of what to reply with before your typing away,
'The black Mercedes right'
She's reads it, the three dots appearing once again
🍃 'Yh meet in 5, you go to the college right'
'Yh I do'
🍃 'k meet in 5 yh'
'alr' ❤️
Abby likes your message and you turn off your phone, what were you doing, yes you were desperate for a quick fix but to go to Abby you were fucking nervous about even though you had never seen her face or even talked to her eye to eye.
You quickly dressed into the quickest thing you could find, a black skirt and pink top that was thrown onto your basket from yesterday and you grab your keys and phone, sliding into your fluffy slippers before leaving your room. It was beyond curfew just gone after 10 as you quickly leave the building, the cold bristly air hitting your arms, giving you goosebumps.
You make your way towards the back entrance parking lot, quickly spotting the black Mercedes, the trunk was open and Abby was dressed in her usual attire of a tank top and shorts with a boy just stood just a few feet from her, you recognised him to be Darren from your 1st period science lesson that sat a few seats behind you.
Approaching you finally see her face, she was breathtakingly beautiful, blue eyes, pale skin and cute freckles spread out across her nose and cheeks. A few strands fell to her face as she laughed at something Darren said, she must have noticed you approaching in her peripheral vision because her attention turned towards you as so Darren's.
Your legs felt like jelly as you got approached, her eyes scanning your face before slightly looking you up and down stopping at your thighs. Did abby just check you out ?
"Your Y/N right" she spoke out, the raspiness of her voice making your knees buckle slightly.
Darren crosses his arms before his eyes widen, "Oh shit Y/N your in my maths class right" he says, "Science, i'm in your science class"
"shit my bad" he turns to abby and you notice the small bag of weed in his left hand, "thanks abby, see you next week yeah" he says, going to dab her up as abby reciprocates.
"You know it" Darren gives you a ‘nice to see you again’ slightly smiling before walking off happily towards the boys dorm. "So Ellie tells me you're trying get some weed yeah" she asks as your attention turns back to her.
"oh yeah I just run out and needed a quick fix" You reply and she hums going to her trunk and pulling a small box tucked towards the back, opening it and revealing a fuck load of drugs. "How much"
You don't usually know the amount you buy since your dealer just recommends the it and your just stood there contemplating, "You alright"
"Yeah sorry my dealer normally recommends the amount so I don't really know how much" she pauses, biting her lips before grabbing one little baggy. "3 grams alright for you, it's one of my best sellers at the moment"
You eye the bag before nodding, "Yeah that's fine how much will it be" you reply going to grab your purse and pulling a few hundred dollar bills. "Shit what do you do, no college student should have that amount of cash unless your a stripper or sum'
Your cheeks heat up as you meet her very intense eyes, you were what some called a cam girl, fucking yourself with different toys for people online and hooking up with people you've met around college that promised to keep your little side hustle a secret, the only few people who knew about what you did was Ellie since you had accidentally left your computer open on the site and she managed to accidentally press the recent video of your fucking yourself with one of your toys since she needed to access a file on your computer and she promised she'd keep it a secret.
"oh- I uh sell clothes from now and then so that's how I make most of my money aside from my job" Abby notice's your nervous stammers but decides to leave it.
"Well it's $50 for 3 grams" she replies as she watches you pull out five ten dollar bills, handing it to her. She takes it stuffing it into her pocket, "Nice making business with you Y/N" she replies, passing you the small baggy and closing the trunk,
She turns around to still see you stood their a conflicted expression on your face, "sum wrong"
"Yh no I normally smoke this with someone, usually can't finish a blunt by myself, I'll end up getting too high but its alright thanks" your about to walk away before Abby's voice stop's you.
"If you want I can smoke some with you and then the next time you come to me I'll give you a discount" she offers and you think about it for a second "Sure I'm down, anything for a discount" you joke and she smiles.
"Let's do it in my car don't want to attract attention" she says, walking towards there driver door before getting in and you follow getting into the passenger side.
"Do you mind if I turn on the car, it's bit cold in here- you sure you ain't cold in that little skirt you got on" she implies, looking at the black plait skirt that barley covered your knees.
"Say's the person with shorts that barley cover their legs...I should be asking you the same question" you remark and she chuckles turning on the engine and you feel the warm breeze hit your legs as you go to adjust the mini fan on the dashboard to face your direction.
Abby goes to connect her phone to the car, the familiar song Die for you emitting from the speakers. "Pass the bag princess" your heart skips a beat at the nickname Abby gave you, watching as her arms tense up as you pass her the little bag with weed in. She grabs a small brown paper from her pocket and you watched as she fixed up the blunt, rolling it into the familiar shape and sealing it.
She takes a lighter from the cupholder and passes the blunt to you, lighting it whilst it's in between your lips and you take a long drag from it, entering through your lungs before exhaling into the air, the familiar feeling hit's you as your body relax's and your eyes droop slightly. You pass the blunt to Abby who mimics your actions as you see the veins in her hand pop out.
Your both sat in silence whilst taking turns hitting the blunt before abby speaks up,
"Shit...been a long time since I've hit a blunt" abby admits as she passes it back, "Really how long"
"Been about a month" you look at her, "Shit how come" taking in a drag once more, "I never really got the time to business been busy lately"
"Oh so you only sell to college students or you're just selling when you can" you ask, rolling the window down to allow the smoke to leave through the little crack. "A bit a both I just sell when I can" she pauses looking at you, "So how long you known Ellie for"
"Since high school she's one of my closest friends, trust that girl with my life"
"Surprised Ellie didn't tell me she had such a pretty friend" you looked at her, realising Abby Anderson had just called you pretty, you were at the point were your high as fuck, your eyes were a tinted red and your breathing increased slowly, the feeling of your panties getting soaked was prominent
You were desperately getting horny and your attraction to Abby didn't help in your situation but make you wetter, the sexual tension in the car was high as you both feel silent, nothing only but the music playing in the background, abby watches the way you lick your lips before making her move.
It's slow and sensual, her hand laying gently across your jaw as your hand goes to grip her hair, the blunt long gone from your hand. You gasp as her hand slides into your panties and you feel her smirk against your lips at the wet mess you created.
"So fucking wet for me princess" she groans, your whimper's muted by the music as she slides her fingers in between your folds.
She takes her fingers out, placing them into her mouth. "It's always the pretty ones with the best tasting pussy" she mutters, sucking every last bit off her fingers.
"Please" you plead, grinding into her hand, her lips quirk up as she pulls her fingers out of her mouth with a plop. "Please what baby"
"Please fuck me" her hand grips your thigh as the once soft blue eyes you had fawn over had been replaced with darkened ones, "With what"
"Your fingers'" you plead, your legs opening slightly as her fingers tread carefully towards your aching cunt.
"Lay your seat down princess" she orders and you quickly go to pull down the latch beside you allowing abby to climb over to your side carefully watching you as she pulls your panties to the side, revealing your wet cunt.
"So pretty for me mama" she latches her lips onto your aching clit, you gasp slightly leaning back into the seat, her tongue slowly licks every crevice and every spot with care and your hand snakes up into her dark blonde hair.
The filthy wet sounds from your pussy, bounced off the car walls as she sucked on your clit, the dirty moans from abby's mouth vibrating against your cunt, "Oooooh fuck" you moan, the elongated fuck coming from your mouth as you briefly make eye contact with Abby. "Your make such pretty sounds baby let's see how much louder you can get for me"
You gasp as she slips two fingers in with her mouth still attached to your cunt, fingering that spongy spot with every harsh thrust of her fingers at a rapid pace, sucking and slurping on your juices as she hollows her mouth around your clit, your juices dripping down abby's face. You grind your hips into her fingers, your eyes rolling back and jaw slacking with every movement letting your eyes fall back onto hers.
Strands were sticking to her forehead, the glimpses of her pretty freckles covered in your juices made her look even prettier than before and her muscular arms forcing your legs open making it impossible to shut them. "Look at you grinding your pussy into my face like a helpless slut, is it good hmm"
She whispers, watching the way your legs began to buckle under her grip, the way you got so fucking pussy drunk from it soaked her boxers. "it feel's so fucking good abby..." you scream, your legs threatening to close on her face, abby could just suffocate in your pussy at the sweet taste, you were so addictive that she could go down on you for fucking hours.
"I knew you liked this shit hmm...did you dress like this knowing you were going to get fucked stupid" you go silent for a second feeling an orgasm building up as abby goes to slap your pussy, "I know you can fucking talk slut... tell me"
"y...yes- fuck- I did" she grins continuing her pace, "nasty bitch" those words alone managed to make you squirt all over her face, the juices splattering on the seat and dashboard as your eyes rolled deep into your head, the grip on her hair tighter than before as she continues to eat you out, "made such a mess baby didn't know you were a squirter"
"wait- abs mhmm.... please stop" you beg, the sensitivity of your clit, making you shake as she continues til your licked clean. satisfied she comes up, face covered in your juices bringing you into a kiss allowing you to taste yourself.
"Same place next week" she offers and you smile giving her another kiss, "sure abs".
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abigails-gf · 5 months
abby x fem pregnant (and then mom) reader plss
abby anderson x f!reader.
warnings: brief mention of IUI (insemination), reader is pregnant, brief mention of sickness, labor/delivery, some postpartrum baby blues.
a/n: hi! i'm so sorry for taking so long to write this one. i had to do some research for all of this since i've never been pregnant, so i'm sorry if it's not accurate, i guess? i tried my best. i'm super proud of it though, and i hope you all enjoy it too. this one is pretty long, around 6k words. maybe my longest fic? honestly, mama!abby might be my favourite version of abigail. 🫶🏻🫧🫧 she's just so sweet and caring. i love her so, so much. thank you all for the support! thank you. i hope you all like this one. ♡
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you and abby had been wanting a baby for a long time. you'd seen multiple doctors, talked to nurses, got a bunch of blood tests, saw files of potential donors...
until the day finally came — around two weeks after the insemination, you had decided to take a pregnancy test. your period was late and the doctor had suggested you to do so. abby went to the pharmacy and got you a pregnancy test. you closed the bathroom door behind you, abby on the other side. a few minutes later, you washed your hands and opened the bathroom door.
abby closed the toilet lid and sat on top of it, pulling you onto her lap. you held the test in your hand. you two waited in silence, waiting to see the second line appear. abby had her arms around you, squeezing you.
suddenly, you squealed. "oh my fucking god!" you and abby looked at the test quietly before she started to tear up. she hugged you tightly, crying into your arms as you started to cry too, looking down at the test. "can't believe it..." she whispered, taking another look at the positive test. "we're gonna be parents." you turned your head a little, facing abby who smiled at you, her cheeks flushed, tears in her eyes. "oh, baby..." you kissed her. "i love you so much. love you so so much." you kissed her lips, cheeks, nose, eyes. everywhere. she chuckled and kissed you softly. "i'm so happy, baby. so happy you're gonna carry our baby." her eyes fell to your stomach. "there's a little guy in there", she sniffled.
she took a few days off, to come with you to the first ultrasound. the doctor applied the gel on your stomach. abby was standing next to you, squeezing your hand.
"ah. there they are... see that little white ball, here?" the doctor spoke in a gentle voice, pointing at the screen as she moved the transducer on your stomach. "see it?" she looked at you. your eyes were fixed on the screen. you could barely see it – see them, your baby. but oh, how you cried. the doctor smiled as abby hugged you, kissing your head. you looked up at the doctor and apologised. she let you and abby alone in her office.
abby took your face in her hands, caressing your cheeks. "we're gonna be mamas, baby", abby spoke, your foreheads touching. "yeah, we are." you looked into her blue eyes. "i love you s'much, angel. my pretty girl. mama of my kid." she kissed you, feeling you smile against her lips.
weeks passed by and abby was still so supportive. you both had noticed the changes in your body: the way your favorite jeans and the bra abby got you for your anniversary didn't fit so well anymore, the little belly bump being more visible. and the way you complained about feeling sore, tired... abby gave you massages each night before bed.
she sat behind you in bed, put some essentials oils on her hands before placing them between your neck and shoulders, softly applying pressure. "oh, god..." you let out. she smiled as she massaged your shoulders.
her hands started to travel to your front, as she massaged your breasts. you had been complaining about them hurting. she held them in her big hands, oiling them. you pressed your back to abby's chest, letting out sighs of contentment. "feels good, honey?" you nodded, eyes closed as she started to play with your nipples. she kissed your neck before massaging your boobs some more. she then let her hands fall on your stomach, rubbing your small bump. you opened your eyes and smiled at her. she looked into your eyes and smiled as she caressed your stomach. "so pretty, mama", she whispered, kissing your shoulder, her eyes on your stomach. you looked at her big hands on it. what a pretty sight, you thought.
she did this for the entirety of the pregnancy, even massaging your feet when you complained about how sore they felt. she made sure to cater to all your needs.
when you started feeling sick, she was there for you, she'd wake up at the crack of dawn to check on you, hold your hair if needed. she had taken notes on what helped with sickness and had gotten you a "snack box" which rested on your nightstand. it contained crackers, ginger candies and other goods. she always made sure you drank water and ate throughout the day.
even when she was at work, she called you to make sure you were alright. "how's my girl doing? you know, mel said fruits helped with her sickness when she was pregnant. can you check if we still have some? i'll go to the market after work if not."
you two would go to the mall on weekends, starting to prepare for the baby. you'd gasp over how small the clothes are. "baby! look, it's so small!" you said, holding a pair of shorts or socks. she'd smile and let you put the pair of socks in the cart. abby had picked a few clothes for the baby as well – since you two didn't know the sex yet, you decided to pick things that would fit them no matter what the sex was. she picked some overalls, some bodysuits. "honey, look. isn't that one cute?" she said, picking up a shark plushie. you smiled. "aww, put it in!" you said. she kissed your cheek, putting it in the cart. "love you and our little shark."
as for the nursery, you two decided to keep it simple for now. you had a spare room in your apartment. you and abby decided to leave the walls white, she hung up pictures of you two on the wall just above the crib that she had built. "baby? you okay if we put this picture of my mom here?" she asked, bringing in a photograph of her late mother. "sure, we could put it on the dresser?" abby put the frame with her mother's picture next to a bouquet of tulips. she turned around and hugged you. "thank you, sweetheart." you hugged her back. "hey, are you alright?" you rubbed her back as she hugged you tightly. she sighed.
"yeah." she pulled away, taking a deep breath. "just wish she was here, is all." you smiled softly and caressed her cheek. "honey... your mom would be so proud of you, i'm sure." she held your hand against her cheek. "i know, i know. i just wish she could meet our kid, be there. you know?" you nodded. "i know, baby. i know."
suddenly, you felt a kick in your stomach. "what's wrong?" another kick. you looked up at abby and smiled. "the baby, it's kicking." you took her hand and rested it on your belly, waiting for the next kick. your hand resting above hers as the baby kicked once more. abby got on her knees, putting both hands on your stomach. you smiled down at her. "hey there, little guy. or girl." another small kick. you both chuckled, looking into each other's eyes, standing in the baby's nursery. abby kissed your belly. "so excited to meet them. so thankful for you, baby." she squeezed your hand.
abby had taken a day off to come with you to your 20 weeks ultrasound. she sat on a chair next to the bed as the doctor put the gel on your belly. "let's see..." she spoke, putting the transducer on your cold stomach. as soon as she did so, the sound of a heartbeat came out of the sonogram. you gasped. "oh my god. is that the baby's heartbeat?" the doctor smiled and nodded. "mhm, that it is." you looked at abby. "that's our baby's heartbeat", you whispered. she squeezed your hand tightly, looking at the screen. you could see the shape of the baby's head, their little nose, and tiny legs curled up. you cried. "they're healthy, all is good, mamas." the doctor moved the transducer to the side, up on your belly. she spoke. "do you guys wanna know the sex?" you and abby looked at each other. "do you want to?" you asked abby. she shrugged. "it honestly doesn't matter to me, i'll love them either way." you smiled and abby kissed your head. "then, no." the doctor nodded and wiped the gel off your stomach.
"would it be possible to have a copy of this ultrasound? like, two of them?" abby asked. "sure, just wait here." the doctor left the room and came back a few minutes later with an envelope containing the scans.
you put your copy of ultrasounds in a photo album, along with the first scans you did months ago. abby had kept one of the photos in her wallet and given the others to her father.
she was the sweetest. you were so lucky to have someone like her by your side, to share your life with her, so lucky to have her be the mother of your child. you wanted to thank her, show her how grateful you were, how much you loved her.
you had planned a date night – a picnic, as the days started to get warmer, longer.
you started to prepare the picnic. preparing peanut butter sandwiches, some carrots to munch on, crackers and fruits. you put a blanket first in the basket, then the food, two wine glasses, some water and the bottle of sparkling apple juice that was in your fridge. you got ready, chose something you'd be comfortable in for the evening. abby and you went shopping for maternity clothes, so you had new clothes to wear. you finished getting ready, smiling at your reflection in the mirror. your bump was now the size of a watermelon, as you entered your sixth month.
you made the bed, picking up something from under it, which you've been hiding for a few months.
abby came home around 7pm. "baby, i'm home!" she looked at the full basket in the kitchen and walked to your bedroom. "pretty girl, hi", she said, hugging you. "what's going on?" she whispered. "thought we could go picnic tonight? a date?" abby smiled and nodded. "so sweet t'me, baby." she lifted your chin up and kissed you softly.
abby drove you two to a park. it was a pretty warm evening. she carried the basket until you found a spot near a tree, the sun beaming through its branches.
you helped abby lay down the blanket. "here, sit, baby." you two sat down next to each other and started getting the food out of the basket. you stayed quiet for a few minutes, enjoying this peaceful moment. "thank you, abby." you broke the silence, looking at her. she looked so pretty, the golden hour resting on her face, making her eyes sparkle. "thank me for what?" she asked, popping some berries in her mouth.
"for being here. for taking care of me, for being the absolute best girlfriend ever." you took her hand in yours and looked into her eyes. "i love you." she kissed your forehead. "i love you more, baby. love you so so much, sweet girl. no need to thank me, i should be the one thanking you. you're carrying my kid, already the best mama in the world. prettiest girl, sweetest girl in the world." you kissed her softly.
you reached for something in the basket, hidden by the tissues. you left abby's hand and looked down at your hands, they were shaking. abby was eating a strawberry, looking ahead. "abby?" she was about to answer, when she looked at your hands. she almost choked on the fruit. "baby?"
"abby, will you marry me?"
you opened the small velvet box, revealing a wedding ring. abby started to cry. "baby... is that..." you nod. "your mother's ring, yes. your dad wanted you to have it." you felt tears on your cheeks, smiling brightly, waiting for abby's answer. "baby, fucking yes, yes, yes!" she chuckled and cupped your cheeks, kissing you lovingly. "of course, i want to marry you." you put the ring on her finger. you wiped her tears as she wiped yours. she brought your foreheads together and smiled. "i love you so fucking much. swear, you're the best girl ever. my wife." she couldnt stop smiling. "my wife, mama of my kid, my sweet girl, love of my life." you giggled and kissed her soft lips.
you two spent the evening at the park, in each other's arms. abby rubbed your stomach, smiling at how big it's gotten. "can't believe it. how did i get so lucky, huh?" she kissed your forehead.
abby's father, jerry, invited you both for dinner one night, to celebrate his daughter's engagement. you and abby were seating on the sofa, abby's hand on your thigh. "i'm so proud of you, sweetheart", jerry said, coming back from the kitchen. he smiled at his daughter and hugged her. "your mother would be so proud, too. i can't believe my baby's gonna be a mother and gettin' married." jerry started to tear up. abby smiled. "dad, don't cry. c'mon."
"happy tears, sweetheart, happy tears", he reassured her. he pulled away from abby and looked at you. "told you she'd say yes." you chuckled. "i know. but there was still a tiny part of me that was scared of a no."
abby looked at you and raised an eyebrow. "really? you're carrying our kid and you expected me to say no? really, baby?" she kissed you. "silly girl." jerry smiled at the sight of you, wiping his tears. he looked at abby's ring finger. abby noticed his staring and looked into his eyes. "thank you for this, dad. you sure you don't wanna keep it?" jerry shook his head. "it's yours, sweetheart. plus, i still got mine to remind me of when your mother was mine - that she is mine." abby hugged her dad tightly and sat back down next to you.
jerry thanked you for carrying his grandchild and making his daughter happy. he even gifted you abby's childhood stuffed animal: a zebra. "thank you, honey. for making abs so happy, for being there for her when i can't. you're a real sweetheart. but i'm sure she tells you that everyday, huh?" you smiled and hugged him. "and you call me if you need anything, okay?"
only a few weeks were left before your due date. abby had gotten used to you waking up in pain, your pelvic hurting and back too. you shook her arm, trying to wake her up. you felt guilty for doing so, but she told you to wake her up whenever the pain was too much for you. "mmh, what is it, baby?" she stretched and opened her eyes. she turned on the bedside lamp and looked at you.
"it hurts." you took deep breaths, trying to calm down. "it's okay, baby. just lay back down, lay down." she helped you, putting the pillow under your head, holding your hand. "deep breaths. that's it, good girl." she rubbed your stomach with her free hand as you hissed at the contractions. laying between your legs, hovering over your belly, abby kissed it. "just lay down for me, baby. deep breaths." you relaxed a little as abby started to caress your stomach. "stay here, pretty girl. just gonna get you some water."
she came back a few minutes later with a bottle of water and sat at the edge of the bed, next to you. "sit up for me and open." abby brought the bottle to your lips and made you drink. "good." she put the bottle on the nightstand and laid back down next to you, rubbing circles on your stomach. "how do you feel now?" the contractions had calmed.
"better. thanks to you." she smiled and kissed your temple. "yeah? come here, sweet girl." she wrapped an arm around you, pulling you closer, spooning you. her other hand on your stomach, continuing its soothing motions. "sorry for waking you up", you apologised. she kissed your neck. "shh, s'alright, mama. told you to tell me if you need anything."
you slowly drifted off to sleep in your wife's arms.
during the last weeks, abby had taken days off here and there, to be by your side. "but what if you go into labor while i'm at work?" that was her worry.
she helped you prepare your hospital bag – packing comfy clothes, sweatpants, pyjamas for you and the baby. toileteries, some essential oils, diapers and things for the baby. she also put the plushies for the baby, but also for you, if you needed some comfort.
thankfully, the day you went into labor was her day off.
you two were on the couch, abby had prepared your favorite for lunch. you were watching a movie, her hand on your stomach as you ate. the plate was balanced on your belly. you were about to put the plate on the coffee table when suddenly you felt something damp. at first, you had thought you peed yourself – which happened once during the last month. you looked at abby and stood up, looking at your seat, feeling the liquid trickling between your thighs. abby looked up at you. "baby, i think your water's breaking", she said calmly. you were in a state of shock, not moving.
abby stood up and put her hands on your shoulders. "baby, look at me. look at me, sweet girl." you did as she told you. "we're gonna get you changed, and then, we'll drive to the hospital. okay?" you nodded.
abby took you to the bathroom and helped you put on a diaper. abby could tell you were anxious and embarrassed. "baby, it's alright. i'm here, i'm here", she reassured you, taking off your soaked clothes. "arms up, baby", she said, helping you get dressed. she seemed so calm compared to you. she kissed your head.
"we'll be okay. promise."
she went to the bedroom and picked up your hospital bag. she helped you put your shoes on.
"come on, baby." she opened the door and took your hand, pulling you out of the house. you stayed close to her, hugging her as she walked you to the car.
in the car, she had her hand on your stomach. "it's alright, baby. deep breaths", she said as you started to have contractions. you listened to her, trying to focus on your breathing.
as you arrived to the hospital, abby held you, an arm wrapped around you. "my wife's going into labor", she said to the secretary at the entrance.
you were laying on a hospital bed, wearing a hospital gown as abby sat next to you. you squeezed her hand whenever you felt your stomach contract. "abs, it hurts so much." you said, on the verge of tears. "i know, baby. but you're doing so good. they said you were already 5cm dilated." she kissed your head.
you two had been sitting here for a two hours already. abby tried her best to reassure you, help you. she massaged your shoulders, helped you off the bed when you needed to go to the bathroom, tried to distract you from the pain by talking.
she put a wet cloth on your forehead and caressed your belly. "you're doin' so good, baby. keep on taking deep breaths." she kissed your cheek as you tried to focus on her voice.
"you're doing a good job, just a little more", the obstetrician said between your legs. you were sweating, letting out grunts as you pushed. "slow and long push, come on."
abby let you bite her fingers and squeeze her hand. "you can do it, sweetheart. think of the baby, how happy you'd be holding them in." she kept on patting the wet cloth on your face, caressing your hand.
one last push.
you were out of breath, tired, exhausted, your ears were ringing, your eyes almost closing. but screams woke you up. you flashed your eyes open and looked at the midwife who put the baby in your arms.
as soon as they were in your arms, they stopped crying. their skin covered in white vernix, eyes shut, small fingers moving toward yours. the baby wrapped their small fingers around yours. you started to sob.
you looked at abby, who was crying. she smiled down at you and the baby. "it's our baby," you whispered, looking back down. the midwife wiped the baby a bit, giving you a warm towel to hold them with. "it's a girl, congratulations", she said, smiling at you and abby. "a girl", you repeated.
abby kissed your cheek and your head. "love you and her so much." she cried, her lips against your cheek.
you looked at your daughter, her small hand wrapped around your fingers, the way she looked at you and abby – you were sure there was no greater feeling than this. abby put one of her fingers in front of your newborn, who wrapped her other tiny hand around abby's finger. "hey, sweet girl", she spoke in a soft voice.
"she's so small", she whispered. you smiled. "mhm, but ain't she adorable?" abby nodded and kissed your head. "just like her mama."
a total of 6 hours had passed since abby and you entered the hospital. the sun was slowly setting down. it had been an hour since your daughter was born, she was sucking on your nipple. abby watched you two from her chair.
you looked at her. "thank you for being here, abby. wouldn't have done it without you."
"no, thank you. thank you for being here, for being my wife, for giving birth to our daughter." she kissed your head and looked down at your daughter. "prettiest baby girl, there is." abby couldn't help but grin as she caressed your daughter's face.
"her skin is so soft." the baby moved her face towards abby. "let me hold her", abby said, carefully picking the baby up, making her scrunch her legs. you felt tears running down your cheeks at the sight.
"i'm so scared to move, she's so small." abby chuckled. your daughter in the crook of her big arms, she had her eyes closed, her little chest rising up and down. she was wearing a footie pyjama with different kinds of sharks that abby had picked and a little beanie. abby couldn't peel her eyes off your daughter. "she's so pretty. so small, so soft. and so, so cute. just like her mama." she looked back at you.
"thank you, baby. thank you for being the best wife i could ever ask for." you grinned as abby came closer to you, leaning down to quickly kiss your lips. "i love you, i love you and our daughter more than anything."
the first weeks back home were hard. you had some days were you could barely get up, stayed in bed and only held the baby for her meals or when she was asleep. abby would bottle feed your daughter if you were asleep, or when she woke up during the night. "baby, you don't have to do it. i can feed her, just wake me up", you've told her multiple times.
she walked around your room, bottle in hand, baby in her arms. "shush, mama. you gotta rest. i got it", she reassured you. you looked at your wife and your daughter, who was sucking vigorously on the bottle's nipple.
abby held your daughter against her, gently tapping her back until she heard a small burp. you giggled and abby smiled at you. "cute burp, isn't it?"
abby was there for you and the baby. she took care of you while the baby was napping, giving you massages, preparing you baths, make you lunch. she made sure you felt loved; always reminding you throughout the day how grateful she was to have you in her life.
once, you had sent her to get some diapers and she came back with a bouquet of your favorite flowers. "i love you, sweetheart." she kissed your head as you were holding the baby, walking around the house. you smiled and kissed her back. "i love you too, abby."
another night, you had woken up to abby's side of the bed being empty. it was early in the morning, still dark outside. you heard some whispers coming from the nursery. you got up and walked to the room.
the door was opened, the night light casting a blue hue in the room. you could see abby sitting on the armchair, not wearing anything on top, holding your daughter in her arms. abby's braid fell on her shoulder, the baby's hand on her naked chest. abby looked up as she heard your steps. she smiled. you walked to abby's chair and kissed your baby's head. you looked at abby and smiled. "hi." you kissed her lips. "let me put her to bed and i'll join you."
abby stood up, careful not to wake up the baby up. she walked to the crib and gently put the baby inside. you hugged abby from behind, kissing her bare back. abby stayed there for a minute, watching your daughter sleep so peacefully. abby grazed her fingers on one of the aquatic felt animals on the mobile above the crib and turned to face you.
"i love you, so much", she whispered, wrapping her arms around you.
abby's dad often came over. even more since abby had gone back to work after her paternity leave. since he was retired, he had plenty of time to come and help you. he also always insisted on babysitting your daughter so you and abby could go out for dinner or just go out the two of you. you were a bit scared to leave him alone with her at first, not wanting her to feel abandoned or confused. but your daughter seemed to love her grandfather, always reaching out for him when he walked through the door. and he loved her too.
jerry was playing with your daughter on her playing mat. she was giggling as he blew raspberries on her tummy. your daughter was now 4 months old. she was holding her zebra stuffie, which once belonged to abby, in her hand. absolutely adorable, you thought.
abby put a hand on the small of your back as you stood in the doorway. "you ready to go, my love?" you nodded. "mhm. jerry, you're sure you got this?" abby's dad looked up at you two and smiled. "go, don't worry. ow, ow!" he looked down at your daughter who was putting his fingers in her mouth. he giggled and poked her small tummy. "alright dad, call us if you need anything", abby said before walking out of your apartment.
she had booked a reservation at your favorite restaurant. you held her arm as you two entered the place. "here." the waiter said as he guided you to your table.
abby, pulled your chair towards her for you to sit. "well, thank you." you smiled. she sat in front of you, and looked into your eyes. "you look so pretty, baby." she smirked at you. "oh, shush."
dinner went well, abby and you talked about her work, how you've been feeling, and your wedding. "i thought, maybe we could do something, just the three of us. elope." you looked at her. "you don't want to invite your dad?"
"just us three", she reaffirmed. "what do you think?" the waiter came with your desserts, a cheesecake for abby and your usual. "thank you."
"well, i would love that. but when? and where? and what about our families?" abby takes your hand in her. "we could have a small party once we're back. but for now, i just want it to be us three. you, our daughter and me." she smiled softly. she squeezed your hand and looked into your pretty eyes. "as for when and where: how about next summer? i could take a few weeks off. and for where – anywhere my wife wants to go." she brought your hand to her lips and kissed it.
you smiled at her, feeling your cheeks warming. "i love you so much, abs."
"baby? how about catalina island?" you asked abby, scrolling on your phone. abby was changing your daughter, closing her overalls. "let me see."
you put your phone in front of her as she picked up the baby. "oh, s'pretty. can you check the laws on marriage certificates in california?" you nodded, opening another page on your phone.
abby gently bounced the baby in her arms. "we don't need to be from cali to get married, no blood tests required but a we need a witness..." you said, looking at your phone. "alright, i'll check for an attorney and an officiant." abby kissed your head. "you look for a photographer, mmh? and we'll check places to stay at together." you kissed her softly and looked down at your daughter. "your mama is the sweetest. did you know that, sweetheart?" abby blushed and hugged you close.
valentine's day arrived. you woke up, abby already gone to work. you went to your daughter's room to find her already awake, babbling. "hi, my love", you cooed. "hi, my baby." you picked her up and kissed her cheek. you went to the kitchen when you found a small note on the fridge: "happy valentine's day. x i'll come home a bit later. i love you. abs."
you smiled and started your day. you fed your daughter some banana puree. she had grown so much these past few months, already 8 months old. she had grown out of her newborn clothes so fast. you smiled as you put the spoon in her mouth. "good job, sweetheart." she looked up at you and smiled, flashing you her smile, her two bottom teeth showing. you kissed her small nose.
the day went by fast, you and your daughter went out to the park. she was so adorable, looking around, observing the world around her, babbling. then, you went to the florist and got a bouquet of blue hydrangea.
you went back home and put the bouquet in a vase, on the kitchen table. you spent the afternoon with your baby, reading for her, bathing with her. after the bath, you put her in her diaper and pyjamas before doing the same with you. you made your baby some puree and fed her.
you played with her a little until she cried. you breastfed her, watching her slowly dozing off. "mama loves you, baby", you whispered, wiping her mouth and kissing her head. you put your daughter to bed, turning on her night light and mobile.
you went to the kitchen and prepared dinner for you and abby. she finally came home around 7:30pm. she came to the kitchen to greet you. "baby, thanks for the flowers." she spoke, kissing your cheek. "happy valentine's day, my love" you looked at her and kissed her. "what were you doing? comin' home so late?"
she smirked. "had some work to finish." she kissed your head and hugged you from behind.
you two had dinner, talking about your elopement, your day, how much your daughter's growing. "by the way, i checked and we'll have to make a stop for a few days in L.A, to get our wedding license. and then get the ferry to the island." abby explained. "oh, that's alright. yeah, we can do that." abby kissed your hand, sensing you were a nervous. "it'll be alright, i promise."
abby went to take a shower as you waited for her in your bed, reading. she came out of it, wearing nothing but her towel. you looked up from your book and felt your face get warm. all this time, and she still had the same effect on you. she quickly looked for something in her work bag before clearing her throat. she sat on the bed.
"my love?" you nodded. she opened the small box, a ring with a small diamond in it. you gasped. "abby, i can't – why?" she grinned. "course you can, you're my wife. but you'll get to wear it on our wedding day. just wanted your approval. you like it?" you leaned your head on her shoulder and kissed her neck. "mhm. thank you, baby."
she smiled and closed the box, putting it on the nightstand before kissing you. she cupped your face and deepened the kiss.
that night, she came on your tongue, thanking you, her wife. she worshipped your body, kissing you all over. thanking you for being hers, for the kid you had given her. you two made love, whispering "i love you's" to each other.
abby was slowly falling asleep when the baby woke up. you were about to get up when she stopped you. "i got it." she stood up and put a random t-shirt and underwear before going to your daughter's room. you smiled, still wondering how you got so lucky.
the trip to los angeles went smoothly. abby and you decided to pay for an extra sit so you'd have a row for you three, and somewhere to put the baby's bassinet. you made sure to pack enough diapers and changes for the flight. you nursed your daughter during take-off and landing, as you read it helped with ear pressure and she slept during the whole two hours flight. you checked into the hotel you were staying at for the next four days. "we'll rest for the rest of the day and then tomorrow we'll go to the county clerk. the appointment is at 10am."
you spent the rest of the day sleeping, abby took the baby on a walk while you did so. she made sure to put sunscreen on her small face, little arms and legs and even put on her little bucket hat. "you're so cute." she spoke to your daughter, kissing her tummy.
the next day, abby, your daughter and you were on your way to the county clerk. you had checked before hand if you had all the documents needed to request a license. it all went well.
the attorney said that they will call as soon as the license is ready and will assign you a judge. you and abby smiled at each other. "thank you." abby said, shaking the attorney's hand.
two days later, abby got a call on her phone. "hello?" she answered. she looked at you and your daughter, sitting on the hotel bed. she grinned. "amazing! we'll be there. 2pm, today. thank you." she hung up. "they got our license."
abby looked down at you sitting and cupped your face, kissing you. "we're gonna get married, it's official." you kissed her back, holding your daughter close to you. "my wife." you whispered into the kiss. "my wife." she repeated.
you stayed one more day in los angeles before taking the ferry to the island.
the trip on the ferry was a bit hard, despite it being only an hour – your daughter was feeling a bit fussy, probably uncomfortable due to the warm weather. you and abby tried your best to calm her down, make sure she drank water, was changed, rubbed her face with a cold wet cloth. and it's only when abby took her on the deck a bit, the breeze touching her puffy cheeks, that she calmed down.
you rented a small apartment a few minutes by foot away from the beach. the californian sun fell on your skin, making you sweat. you made sure to put sunscreen on your daughter's face, arms and legs and even got her a little bucket hat.
as you three settled in the rental, abby called the photographer and the judge to remind them of the place and time of the wedding.
the photographer had texted that she had arrived to the island a day prior you arrived. "baby? she's asking if we want a pre-wedding photoshoot tomorrow afternoon, at the beach?"
you were in the bathroom, washing your daughter. she's giggling and splashing the water. "how much is it?" abby leaned on the bathroom's door. "says it'll be 90 dollars." you turned around. "do you want to? i mean – it's amazing with the sun, the beach. but do you want to?"
abby smiled and got closer to you, kneeling next to you. "it's our wedding. if you want to, then let's do it." she kissed you softly and turned to your daughter. "does my little girl wanna go to the beach? mmh? wanna go see sharks?" you looked at abby. "wait what? there are no sharks, right?" abby chuckled and kissed your head as you looked at her, confused. "you're too cute."
for your first night in catalina island, you three decided to go out for dinner. you had taken the baby wrapper with you, abby being the one wearing it. one of her hand on your daughter's back and the other hand in yours. the sky was a shade of purple, with some hues of red and yellow. the night slowly setting in.
"hey, baby, what about this one? they got cheesecakes." abby said, stopping in front of a restaurant with a view on the beach. "sure." you kissed her cheek as you entered the restaurant. music was coming out of the speaker. "good evening, a table for three, please. with a high chair, if you guys have that." abby spoke to a waitress.
the waitress smiled and asked you to follow her to a table on the terrace. "here, i'm gonna go get the chair." you thanked her.
you and abby sat across from each other, the sunset on your left and on her right. "look, baby. isn't it pretty? it's pretty, mmh?" she spoke to your daughter, who had turned her head to look at the sunset. "ma" she babbled. you and abby smiled. you couldn't believe she was going to turn one year old in a few weeks. the waitress came back with a highchair, putting it on the side of the table. abby held the baby carefully as she unwrapped her, before putting her in the chair. your daughter held abby's index finger.
you ate, abby and you talking about the next few days, as you admired the view – the sunset and your wife, feeding your daughter some mashed potatoes. "the plane's coming, brr..." abby smiled, bringing the food to your daughter's mouth, she clapped her hands and opened. "the plane landed!"
"you okay, baby?" she looked at you from the corner of her eyes. "mhm, just looking at my beautiful wife and my baby." abby chuckled, wiping your daughter's mouth with a tissue. "i love you."
the next day you met with the photographer at the beach. "just act as if i wasn't there", she said, preparing her camera. you and abby played with your daughter, sitting next to her in the sand as she touched it, smiling as she discovered the new texture.
abby and you walked to the water. you held your baby by her hands and lowered her gently, so her feet touched the water. she moved her feet up. "it's okay, baby. s'just water." she hesitated a second before letting her feet on the wet sand again. abby kneeled and looked at her. "yay!" she encouraged your daughter who started giggling at the feeling of water hitting her ankles. "my little shark." abby pretended to bite your daughter in the neck, making her giggle. "nom, nom, nom..."
abby picked her up and looked at you. your daughter looked at you and reached for you, touching your shoulder as abby leaned in for a kiss. "i love you." you kissed her back and grinned. "i love you too, abby. and i love you too, my baby." you looked at your daughter and kissed her head as she giggled and wiggled in abby's arms.
the sun was starting to set, the photographer was starting to pack her things. "so, after tomorrow's the big day for you, huh?" you smiled and nodded. "we're so excited. thank you again for accepting to be our witness." she smiled. "it's no problem, really. i love photographing elopements, though i don't get to do it as much as i'd like to." she put her backpack on her back and waved goodbye. "see you, lovebirds!"
you couldn't believe that in two days you were going to be married to the love of your life. it all seemed so surreal. "i love you, abby." she hugged you close. "i love you more, sweet girl."
it was finally the day abby and you would officially be wife and wife. you had dressed your little girl in a white dress with her little bucket hat. abby was buttoning her white shirt, wearing a pair of light blue pants. she had her hair down, grinning. her cheeks were flushed. "you look so pretty."
she sat on the bed next to you and kissed your head. "so do you." you were wearing an all light blue outfit that matched her suit. you quietly brushed through your wife's blonde hair, before braiding it. once you were done, she turned to you and kissed you softly. "i love you." your noses touched. you kissed her once more. "i love you too."
you three made your way to the beach, the sun caressing your skins. your baby in her stroller. you met with the judge who was already there, and the photographer.
you placed the stroller in front of the judge, where you stood across from abby, waiting for the judge to start speaking. your daughter looking at the both of you as she nibbled on her teether.
"thank you all for coming here today to witness this union. we are here today to celebrate the love between two - or shall i say, three, people." you chuckled nervously, already feeling the tears well up. abby took your hands hers.
"do you", the judged turned to you, "take abigail anderson to be your wedded wife?" you nodded, squeezing abby's hands. "i do."
"and do you, abigail anderson, take this woman to be your wedded wife?" she wiped her tears and nodded, "i do."
"i love you so much. i swear, i love you and our daughter more than anything. i've loved you for so long, i don't know what i'd do without you. you've been here for me during good and hard times, always trying to help. you've been my anchor all these years. i love you." she looked at you, sniffling. you were also crying, squeezing her hands. she caressed the back of them with her thumbs. "i love you", you whispered back.
abby got the ring out of her pocket, the one she had gotten you on valentine's day a few months back. she held your left hand up and slid the ring on your finger. she kissed each one of your fingers. "i love you." she cried as you caressed her cheek.
"you may now kiss", the judge spoke. you wrapped your arms around her neck and kissed her, passionately. she wrapped her strong arms around you. "i love you so much", she whispered into the kiss.
all you've ever needed was here. your wife, your daughter. you felt like the luckiest woman in the world, and so did abby. she was so grateful to have you in her life, grateful that you'd chosen her as your wife and mother of your child. "mama!" your daughter said right before the photographer clicked a photo.
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taglist: @abbysprettygiiirl @bambishaven @bunniehrtz @cowboylikeabi @dykeanderson
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saintyveningstar · 2 months
I love you most
Please proceed with caution this story does mention SH, scars, and smoking. This was a request !!! I really hope this is good
"So ... what do you wanna talk about then, Ma?” His eyes dart.
"You gotta look me in the eyes first, sweet thing." She says, gently placing her hand on his jaw, tilting it up to face her.
"Can't have a conversation otherwise." Abby remarks and he swallows thickly. "Have you been hurting yourself?"
His eyes flickered over with fear. "H-Hurting myself? I don't know what you mean—" he pulls back, but Abby holds firm.
"Let me be clear, then. Cutting yourself?" She says, and he freezes for just a second. "You've been cutting yourself, Absalem, I know you have."
Abby’s son has been battling with self h-rm for god knows how long, and she finds out and handles it the best way she knows how.
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It's a calm Saturday afternoon, with Ellie at work and Abby having her day off. Owen didn't have the kids this weekend because he was out of town for work.
She heard her son's footsteps coming down the stairs and outside the master bedroom and she was quick to call for him. See, she'd been suspecting something for weeks, nearly a month. First, it was the smoking, and she'd thought she nipped it in the bud — but her son, he was acting strange in ways that only she knew.
Eyes glazed over, long sleeves, not barely eating but pushing his food around, having to be reminded to eat or else he'd completely forget.
One of her razors was gone, and she had a sneaking suspicion she knew exactly where it went.
Absalem opened the door, peeking in, and Abby eyed him once before looking back into the mirror - continuing to brush her hair. "Hi, honey. Come in, close the door behind you, please."
He obeyed quickly, hands shaking with anticipation, and he sat on the bed behind her, watching her through the mirror, gripping the comforter under him.
"I uh ... need to talk to you." she said slowly, but calmly.
"Am I in trouble?" He bit his lip, looking up at her. She sat down next to him, groaning as she did.
He didn't think he was, he knew his mom's tells, if she was mad at him he'd know. She seemed upset, resigned, scared maybe.
"Not quite." Abby smiled sadly when Absalem kept looking at his thighs. "Unless you've done something I don't know about yet, no." She joked, but earns barely a smile out of him. That wasn't like him, that wasn't her Absalem at all.
"So ... what do you wanna talk about then, Ma?" His eyes dart.
"You gotta look me in the eyes first, sweet thing." She says, gently placing her hand on his jaw, tilting it up to face her.
"Can't have a conversation otherwise." Abby remarks and he swallows thickly. "Have you been hurting yourself?"
His eyes flickered over with fear. "H-Hurting myself? I don't know what you mean—" he pulls back, but Abby holds firm.
"Let me be clear, then. Cutting yourself?" She says, and he freezes for just a second. "You've been cutting yourself, Absalem, I know you have."
"Mommy, it's not what you think— I—"
"Salem, you're not in trouble with me, nor anyone." She says. "And I want to help you out here, baby, but you gotta meet me half way, yeah?"
"Yes ma'am?" His baby blue eyes gloss over with tears that he won't dare to let fall.
"Let me see your arms?"
Absalem is too choked up to say anything, but he complies. Abby sighs when she sees nothing on his arms. "Where are they, honey?" she asks softly, looking into his eyes intently.
"My legs."
Abby tries to steel herself, getting up. "I'll be right back." she says, going to the back room to find the first aid kit they always kept stocked.
He hears the water running in the bathroom, and he knows she's following procedure, like always, by washing her hands — Abby was a stickler for the rules, even in a time like this.
By the time she's brought it back, Absalem has his pants off, sitting in just his shirt and boxers. The cuts disappear past the length of his boxers, coming all the way down to his knee, on both of his legs.
Her fingers tighten on the box, and then she hands it to him, "Hold, please." Abby squats, then kneels on the floor in front of him. She wrapped her hands around his calfs and pulled him forward, closer to the edge so that she could see better.
"Now, hand me some cloth, the big square ones, not the cotton pads." Abby said, and he did just that. "Then, hand me peroxide. I'm going to clean them out now, and it's going to burn, but I'm going to try and be as gentle as possible. Okay?"
She flips the peroxide upside down, pouring it on the cloth.
"Are you listening to me?" Her hand hovered over his leg with the cloth in it.
"Yes ma'am."
Abby begins dabbing his wounds, and it earns small yips and hisses of pain, but no louder than a whisper. There's a little dried blood but no active bleeders, and nothing major - Abby takes that as a small win. She applies neosporin and wraps both his legs in gauze.
When she's done she sits on the bed next to him. "While these scars are healing you will not be participating in soccer. No practice, no games. Understand?"
"Mom, really--?"
"I mean it." She grit out. "This is serious, Abs. Once again, am I understood?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Second, only I will change your bandages and check. Third, you will give me back the razor and you'll do it immediately after we're finished talking about this. Okay?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Now, what's going on with you?" Her voice loses some of its bass. She's stern, but it's gentler now.
"I-I don't know, okay? I'm just ... I don't know."
"Is it something at school, at home? Are we pushing you too much-?"
"No ma'am, it's not ... you."
"Help me understand, baby. Please."
"Sometimes I just ..." he bites his lip. "With dad, and- School and everything. It's just too much."
"What happened with Owen?"
"He just makes me feel ... I don't know, Mommy, really. It's just too much."
Abby pulls him into a hug, tight and caring. "You're strong, Abs. I'm proud of you, you know that right? I want you to be able to talk to me, about anything. I'm not going to get mad at you about the way you feel, Absalem, never."
"Yeah, of course. You're allowed to have feelings, and I'm not sure what's going on at Owen's house that's making you feel that way, but I assure you he'll be getting a call from me, promptly."
"I'm sorry for not talking to you about it, Ma."
She puts their foreheads together, holding the back of his neck.
"That's on me though. I didn't show you that it was okay for you to talk to me about these things, and I'm sorry."
"No, mom--"
"Absalem, just accept the apology." She says, and he chuckles into her collar bone. Abby smells his hair, running her finger through his curls.
She kisses the top of his forehead, "oh, I love you, Absalem. So much."
"Well, I love you more, so."
"I love you most."
"I love you more than that."
"There's no more than most, hun."
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bunniehrtz · 5 months
so im just saying you maybeee could do a mommy!reader who woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and check on the baby and find the baby talking with her plushies? so reader cries and ends up waking up mommy!Abby who goes to see what's going on and fills reader and her kisses baby?
i love u mama abby
you wake up suddenly, turning over to look at your alarm clock on your bedside table. 4:41 in the morning. you sigh, looking back at abby who’s fast asleep, snoring softly. placing a kiss on her nose as you get up, making your way to the bathroom, realising the reason you woke up. you stretch your arms up, yawning softly.
after peeing, you begin to walk back to your room. you stop in your tracks, hearing a faint hum coming from your daughter’s room. you crack her door open slightly, your eyes tearing up at the sight. her princess nightlight is on, all her teddies and dolls on her bed, having a little tea party. she gasps at the sight of you. “hi, mama! time to get up?” babygirl asks, making you giggle. “definitely not, baby. still dark outside. what are you doing up?” you ask, walking into her room, sitting on her bed. “just playin’, mama. tea party,” she says so nonchalantly. your eyes well up once more, as you lean in to place a kiss on her forehead.
your eyes catch a figure in the doorway, her eyebrows furrowed, the bags under her eyes prominent. “what’s going on?” abby whispers, rubbing her eyes. your daughter jumps up, waddling over to abby, her arms up. abby picks her up, holding her on her hip and walks back over to her bed. she sits down, expecting ivy to get back in bed. she stays, turning herself around to face abby’s chest, her eyes fluttering closed. “sleep in mama’s bed,” she says tiredly, making you pout up at abby, who is falling asleep sitting up. “you wanna sleep with mama and mama?” you ask, standing up. she nods into abby’s chest, abby standing up, too.
you three walk back into your’s and abby’s room, ivy settled in between you both. abby places a kiss on baby’s cheek, and your lips. “night night, mama,” abby whispers, babygirl already snoring away.
taglist: @queenofmistresses @dykeanderson @abigails-gf @abbysprettygiiirl @aouiaa @bambishaven
470 notes · View notes
cranberryjuice-posts · 7 months
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- this butch this butch -
Pairings - Butch Abby x housewife! Milf! reader
IMPORTANT - takes Place in the 40’s / Abby is referred to as Abby and is written with He/Him pronouns UNTIL reader finds out she’s a she
If ur currious what the Lingerie looked like
Tw - SHITTY SMUT‼️‼️ oral sex, fingering, erm that’s abt it guys it takes place in the 40’s idk 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
An - the smut is like kinda at the end and short bc idk
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Rushing around the house you struggled to prepare dinner. Tonight was important, your father had decided to come by for dinner bringing along his understudy Andy Anderson, your husband was currently out in the living room entertaining your father and your baby girl June was currently playing on the kitchen floor with her blocks.
“Ok ok.. steak for main course and I’ll do lobster bisque for the appetizer” you mumbled while grabbing the ingredients you needed.
“Mama” your daughter asked from where she sat, walking over to your todler you crouched down to her smiling. “Yes baby?”
“Square” she held up a block. Letting out a content sigh you took the wooden toy from your daughter, setting it aside you kissed her forehead. “Yes baby that’s a square, now mommy has to take care of dinner ok so be a good girl and play with your toys” Getting back up you returned to your meal prep.
After an hour the door opened, stepping in John. As he entered the kitchen your dusted the flour off of your hands while he found his way over to you, bending down he placed a soft kiss on your lips before heading towards the liquor cabinet. “John.. common I’m making dinner and June is up, can’t you wait until later”
He didn’t respond. “John p—“
“I heard you the first time” he snapped. Your breath caught in your throat, being married to your husband for the past 6 years you’ve learned quickly about his temper. And his hand.
Nodding slowly you started baking again. Checking on your soup June started crying as she hit her hand on a chair. “Your daughter is crying” John spoke as he prepared two glasses. “Yes.. uh could you please get her I’m sorry I’m just busy with dinner”
John however ignored you, walking out while heading back towards the living room. “God..” you sighed with your daughter practically screaming, before you could walk over to her the door opened once again making you pause in your step, being faced to face with a long forgotten crush of yours.. Andy . “Oh my god Andy I— please you don’t-“ you stumbled against your words while you tried to clean yourself up some. Andy chuckled shaking his head while picking up June. “It’s ok, I don’t mind helping out”
“Thank you” giving him a grateful smile. Sitting down at the counter Andy started to watch as your Finshed your meal. Normally you preferred being in the kitchen alone, but Andy was different. Being around him made you happy, it also didn’t help that he was insanely attractive. His strong arms and short well kept Blonde hair, and for some reason being around him gave you this flustered feeling. It was a wonder how he hadn’t been swooped up by some lucky woman .“so how’s your marriage going” Andy asked drawing your attention.
“Hm? Me oh it’s going.. nothing to bad though” you chuckled trying to make light of the situation. “Oh by the way Andy could you please take June out and set her in her high chair? You’d be doing me a major favor” you pleadingly asked, he of coursed nodded leaving to do as you asked.
All you asked for was a normal dinner. Sitting across the table from you was Andy. You knew he liked you, you may of been younger than him by a couple years but you could tell how he tried to peek at your cleavage through your dress or how he appreciated your victory curls. Though you didn’t mind the attention as it was more than you received from your husband.
Cleaning up the now emptied plates, you smiled as your dad complimented your cooking skills. “Aw dad it’s nothing to write home about”
“Ha! As if im Gonna Need you to start cookin for me every night” he laughed pulling a cigar out his pocket. Going outside you expected your husband to follow him the same as Andy only this time he followed you to the kitchen. “Well I think tonight went gr—“ the next thing you knew your jaw hit the sink then you laid on the floor.
“First thing Sunday you will go to the priest and confess about how you practically eye fucked another man infront of me.” John simply spoke while adjusting his shirt sleeve. “What?” You quietly asked, your tears staining the floor bellow you.
He scoffed. “Don’t act suprised you knew what you were doing. I saw how you act with Andy. Clean yourself up and get this nasty kitchen cleaned as well” he harshly spoke before leaving.
“Annnd here’s mommy” Andy smiled as he brought June into the kitchen, your daughter laughing excitedly. Almost immediately Andy noticed your closed off stance. Setting your daughter down He mumbled “Go find your grandpa ok” making sure the young girl was gone he made his way towards you
“What’s wrong” he asked standing behind you. You both had known each-other for a few years at this point, thus a friendship had grown over time. “Nothing” you mumbled.
He knew. You knew he knew. It was obivous. A small stain of blood on the floor, the first aid kit open and your formerly perfect curls now distressed.
Letting out a deep sigh he moved to be Standing beside you at the sink, now rinsing off the dishes he stayed quiet. “I’ve got it Andy”
He shrugged his shoulders “I know.”
“Andy this is a woman’s job please” You tried to push him back only he didn’t move. Giving up you stepped back watching while Andy finished off the plates putting them now in the drying rack.
Turning around He dried his hands before gently grabbing your face, rubbing a thumb over your bruising cheek and jaw. His critical gaze felt as though he knew how you felt. Your pain. Your cheeks flushed somewhat from his touch. Without realizing it you leaned into Andy kissing him.
A moment later you pulled back realizing he hadn’t kiss you back. “I’m sorry” you covered the bottom half of your face while holding your head low. “No no.. it’s not you trust me” his tone shocked as he quickly tried to assure you— you were in the right by squeezing your arms. “Your absolutely perfect in every way it’s just that.. there’s some stuff about me that you wouldn’t approve of, that would make you reject me”
Looking up confused you tilted your head. “What is it..” keeping eye contact with him. You knew he wouldn’t tell you without you putting up a fight. “I swear on everything Andy that I won’t tell.. if I do then you can tell John how I kissed you…. So please what is it” debating for a moment he finally sighed giving into you. Taking his hands away from you but keeping your bodies close he untucked his shirt pulling it open.
That’s when you realized it. Andy wasn’t a man.. rather he was a woman. “Your..”
“Yeah..” she sighed, Closing her shirt. “My Name is Abigail— Abby for short, not Andy. Legally a few years ago I changed my name to Andy because I couldn’t stand the thought of being a mans wife. So I changed. I changed everything about me and I ended up landing a pretty good spot at your fathers company” she slightly chuckled.
You kept your hands towards your chest. Out of everything Andy actually being named Abigail and being a woman was not what you expected. Pulling your eyes away from Abby you finally reached out, softly touching her chest which was covered by a thin tanktop. You felt the woman’s breath falter.
Standing on your tippy toes once again you placed your lips onto Abby’s. It was a quick peck. “Your not disgusted” she asked quietly with her hands on the counter behind you. “No.. if anything you being a woman makes you even more attractive”
That was all it took before Abby quickly jerking you into her kissing you hungerily. Bringing your hands to the girls face and wrapping an arm around her neck you deepend the kiss with Abby’s hands finding that special spot in your back as if to say ‘she’s got you’.
You’ve heard of lesbians before. It was a new term but still far away from being a socially acceptable term. From an early age you knew you liked women. It was hard not to but you knew that it was either conform to society and marry a man, have a kid and a family or be an outcast and alone forever. However in this moment you were prepared to throw everything out of the window if it meant to be with her
Pulling back you panted keeping Abby close. “John’s gonna leave.. he says it’s because the office needs him but I know he’s going to fuck his secretary. Midnight come by at 12, I know he won’t be back til morning and June will be long asleep” stepping back from the woman you tried to fix your curls in the mirror on the liquor cabinet. “The back door will be unlocked for you”
“What are You saying” she chuckled fixing her shirt some, Abby’s cheeks were completely red. “You know what I’m saying..” looking back over at her, there was this unspoken agreement between you both.
“Ok. I’ll be back at 12:00am sharp” she gave a small smile, kissing you softly once again.
Just as You Said John had left soon after your father. Spending the next hour you put June to bed, now leaving you with three hours to get ready.
Once midnight came around Abby walked in through the back door of your house finding it unlocked like you promised. Making her way upstairs she stopped at your door. Hesitant like this was all some fucked up dream. After a small mental pep talk she softly knocked on the door before stepping in.
Stepping inside the woman paused. You stood by your bed wearing a black lingerie set. The simple black bra and silk shorts with fishnets underneath. A few candles were lit and your hair redone. Shyly standing fiddling with your hands.
“My god.” Abby spoke breathless as she closed the door. Walking to you she held your hips admiring your body. “I.. I tried, um.. I had originally got this for John and I’s sixth anniversary but I figured this was a much better occasion”
Abby leaned forward trailing soft kisses from your jaw to your lips. Her hands dragged up loving your skin while you kissed. Bitting your bottom lip you let out a soft moan allowing Abby to slip her tongue in.
The kiss repeating multiple times until she pushed you down onto the bed. Her knee finding itself between your legs. “Off” she whispered. “What?” You asked breathless. Abby hooked her finger under the bra strap pulling it down. Once realizing you quickly took the top off setting it aside.
The blonde kissed down your neck, finding her way to your breast. Licking over the sensitive nipple she smiled as you tried to hold back a moan. Sucking on your breast she showed the same love towards the other with her hand.
She rhymathically rubbed her knee against your aching core. Covering your mouth you tried your best to hide a loud cry. Feeling yourself grow wetter you couldn’t help but start to grind your hips against the woman’s leg.
“Abby..” you softly cried grabbing at her short mannish hair. “I know sweet girl I know” she whispered still kissing your chest. Switching her mouth to the second revelishing in the fact you never felt like this with your husband.
Letting go of your nipple with a pop like sound she stood up from where she previously was. Taking off her suspenders Abby made quick work of her button down and pants leaving her in her briefs and wife beater pleaser. Taking a moment to admire Abby’s muscular physique, you looked away embarrassed
Getting down into her knees she pulled you to the edge of the bed. Bringing your underwear and fishnet socks down Abby had to restrain herself from loosing control. After your daughter birth you never managed to loose all the pregnancy weight, your lower half of stomach having a noticeable pudge with dark stretch marks.
Feeling Abby’s eyes on you, you tried to hide your stomach with your hands however she forced them away. “Abby please it’s disgusting”
“Oh sweet sweet girl.. it’s the furthest thing from disgusting, baby I’m having to restrain myself even now from fucking your senseless. You are the most attractive woman I’ve ever laid eyes on”
Her words making you turn red. Embarrassed still you stopped resisting Abby’s gaze and let yourself relax. Watching as the woman positioned herself between you, she looked up asking for your permission. You nodded at first which she didn’t appreciate “common sweet girl I need you to give me a yes or I’m not doing anything”
“Yes damnit Abby” you whined. She grinned at your neediness, not wanting to make you wait any longer she leaned in kissing your clit.
A whole new feeling of pleasure courses through your body as you felt Abby start to suck on your sensitive bud. Lapping her tongue through your folds and even teasing your throbbing hole.
Trying to keep quiet you gave soft breathy moans while having a firm grip on her hair. Abby tightly held your thighs as she continued to sloppily lick at you, your juices running down her chin.
Abby looked up at you slapping your thigh to get your attention you looked down. Her free hand now running lines with her thumb over your sopping cunt. “You keep your eyes on me, if you don’t then I’ll stop” agreeing faster than you should of you kept your gaze down at the blonde
Abby knew she wasn’t one to deny you, almost immediately going back to what she had previously been doing.
After taking a few moments she slipped a finger into you. Moaning loud you covered your mouth worried your daughter might wake up. There was a momentarily pause where you both kept an ear out incase June had indeed woken up. You could feel Abby laughing against your leg making you softly hit you with your thigh.
She rolled her eyes before moving back down between your legs. Her thick finger moving in and out as she continued to suck on your clit you felt a long forgotten feeling building up. Abby knew you were close, by how your breath started to increase and how you started to grind yourself against her face wanting— needing more.
Before you realized it yourself you had came. Falling back as you had no strength to keep yourself up, Abby continued to lick at you until you were completely cleaned.
Coming back up she towered over you pinning you down to the bed capturing you in one final kiss.
Laying in your bed together both nude you laughed softly as abby held you close finding one of the dumb jokes she had told you amusing. Hiding your face in her neck you realized that this was where you always wanted to be. To be in her arms, to be in her bed, hearing her dumb jokes, To be her wife.
“Abby” you mumbled against her skin.
“Yeah” she Hummed while playing with one of your curls. “John’s gettin enlisted into the army for the war. He told me a week ago. He leaves in a few days.. while he’s gone if he comes back alive I’ll divorce him and if he dies it’ll make this next part easier.” You spoke with a gentle tone.
Pulling back from Abby you shifted around until you sat up looking down at her. “I’ve known you since I was 18.. the past 8 years I couldn’t of asked for a better friend and now I know what I want.. Abigail Anderson. I want you to be mine.. in public you will be my husband but behind closed doors, in the comfort of our home and in our bedroom away from prying eyes you will be my wife”
Abby stayed quiet for a moment. Trying to search her eyes for an answer you noticed as the strong woman started to cry. Worried you said something wrong you tried to speak but were quickly cut off by her sitting up to kiss you. “I would like nothing more then that.. my wife” she pulled you into her hugging you close.
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elliesgaythoughts · 7 months
Tied down
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Abby anderson x female! reader
Warnings: squirting, restraint(Abby’s sports bra), dildo use, Abby slaps readers face.
You lay or your bed hands tied together behind you using Abby’s sports bra, tierd from already cumming 3 times tonight as you watch her rummage through your drawers.
“oh what’ve we got here” she questions, as she pulls out your clear dildo, you’ve long forgotten about the toy since you two got together but the memories of you using it on yourself imagining it was Abby pushing the thick length into you makes your slick drip onto the silk bedding beneath as you. abby throws the toy onto the bed besides you and starts to remove her boxers, the sight of her blonde happy trail leading down her toned stomach to her pretty pussy that’s literally dripping onto her inner thighs never fails to make your clit beat faster than your heart. she walks towards you, and presses a soft kiss to your lips you instantly moan into her mouth wanting to deepen the feel of her pink lips on yours but she pulls back laughing when you lift your head desperately trying to reattach your mouths but her huge hand presses down on your chest pushing you deeper into the mattress “oh you’re so desperate angel”she mocks.
Abby makes her way between your legs and bends down to suck and lick on your inner thigh her teeth grazing your sensitive skin makes you squirm, she reaches for the faux cock and brings the tip to your vulva and slowly runs it up and down your slit, you squeeze over nothing “aww baby you’re so cute” abby brushes the tip across your clit and you gasp “tell me what you want princess” she coos still leaving wine stained marks onto your inner thighs.
You cover your face with your palms and whine in protest but abby grabs both your wrists in one hand and brings them down then grips your chin pulling your face down to look at her in her icy eyes, she can see that you’re on the verge of tears “need you mama” you whine bucking your hips to get closer. “not good enough” Abby dismisses your pleas.
You hated when she made you tell her what you wanted but god was it worth it every damn time so you let her hear you “want you to fuck me, make me cum all on your dick mama, I need you.” knowing you’ll get whatever you want.
Abby steps back and you start to panic “abby, please.”
“don’t worry baby i’ll fuck you” she reassures as straddles your abdomen, you gasp at the feeling of her cunt on your stomach “just gotta get it wet first”.
she leans against your bent knees and push the tip in only, teasing herself. you need to touch her “abb-”
“shut up” abby says softly and you whine in response bucking your hips up, you accidentally push the whole dick inside her “ahh fffuck” her eyes roll back and hips buck.
Abby leans forward and you think she’s gonna kiss you and so you close your eyes…SLAP! Her palm harshly connects with your cheek and you yelp in pain as she squeezes your face “stop being a brat”. you look away submissively, tears brimming your eyes “good fucking girl” she coos placing a kiss to your lips.
She gets into her original position and slowly pulls out and pushes in again, your mouth waters at the sight of her dripping onto your abdomen, she slides it in and outta herself repeatedly and all you wanna do is make her feel good. Soft grunts leave her lip at the feel of your dick stretching her cunt. you wanna touch her so badly “plea-“ she slaps your breast hard and you buck into her again and she moans as your abdomen pushes the dildo in thurther inside, her hand laces around your throat cutting off your oxygen, her other hand comes down to rub her drenched bud, leaving your dick inside. You can see her pink cunt throbbing, her hand comes down from your windpipe and thrusts into herself hard in while rubbing her clit in circles, white coating the bottom of the silicone she ruts her hips against you, her head thrown back and grunts leaving her pink lips “uhh uh huh ahh!” your trying your hardest to bust outta abbys fucking bra and touch her anywhere “fffuck fuck fuck” her voice raises in pitch, you give up, you know how she sounds when she’s about about to cum ,her eyes connect with yours “cum for me mama” you plead. your cunt is squeezing on nothing, clit twitching at the sight, you buck your hips up seeking any friction and she squeals your name tears falling from her pretty eyes as she squirts all on your cock and chest, some landing on your mouth and you lick your lips moaning at the taste of her.
chest still heaving abby closes her heavy eyelids and collapses onto you, your cock still inside her, you can feel her pretty clit still beating against your abdomen, her heavy breaths turning gentle against your chest, you relax into her touch closing your eyes and taking a breath, the smell of sex filling your lungs.
a moment passes
“abby?” you whisper
“yeah baby” she grunts
“you gonna untie me now?”
“to tierd” she states, eyes still closed and face between your chest.
“fuck” you whisper under your breath.
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ashlynlovestlou · 10 months
pottery with abby :)
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꩜ synopsis: abby takes you on a pottery date and it leads to something more..
꩜ CW: cute little date fluff , dom! abby , sub! reader , smut (men dni) , fondling , fingering , gentle! abby , pet names (mama, honey, sweetheart, etc) , no use of y/n , abby has a bulge , reader doesn't get dick (sorry lovelies) , orgasm denial , overstimulation , dacryphilia (kinda) ,
nsfw!! this is short, i'm so sorry :')
Abby's thick, and quite thunderous, thighs are spread apart, you slotted in between them. Your back is pressed up against her chest, the only thing supporting you being a small sliver of the wooden stool you're both sitting on.
The only sound is the whirring of the pottery machine in front of you. You had bought it a few months ago, thinking it would make a cute date night for the both of you to have in your shared apartment. Of course, you were right. Though it took months to convince your girlfriend the same.
Let's just say, you weren't disappointed. It felt exactly like how it did in the movies, where your sweaty bodies were all squished up against each other. Now both of you were covered in clay from the elbows down, your fingers intertwined as you both work away at the clay.
"You're so pretty, mama." Abby says, her voice sultry as her chin rests in the crease between your neck and shoulder. You can feel her warm breath on your skin and how her hands slowly move from the clay to your arms.
"Abs... the pot." You say, trying to get her attention. Of course she ignore you, her dirty hands placing visible handprints on your clothed thighs, "Abigail Anderson! These are my favorite overalls!" You giggle and pout at the appearance of clay-handprints over the course material of the denim.
She laughs against your skin, the vibrations alone sparking a familiar heat in the pit of your stomach. She doesn't move her hands despite your objections, and even though you wanted to salvage the overalls while you still could, you couldn't deny the warmth pooling in your panties.
"Gonna' let me take care of you, baby?" She coos, pressing her rather chapped lips just below your earlobe.
You'd be an idiot to say no. So naturally, you agree, squeezing your thighs together. The entire time you could feel her packing, her bulge poking and prodding at your ass as you sat in front of her lap. You knew what her intentions are. And you loved it.
She grabs the damp rag you had set aside to clean off her hands with. She wipes them clean before her clean hands slip into the top of your overalls, teasing your stomach over your shirt.
She was teasing you, and you knew it.
"Abby..." You say breathily, taking your hands off the pot in front of you and turning the machine off. She tuts you and takes her hands out instantly, your eyebrows furrowing in disapproval.
"Don't stop making that pot. If you take your hands off, so do I." You groan just as fast as she had retracted her hands from you, earning a stifled laugh from your girlfriend behind you, "Don't be a brat. C'mon, keep going."
Desperate to satisfy the twitching in your cunt, you turn the machine back on, dipping your hands in the water to start on the pot again.
Her warm palms find your tits, kneading them as she peppers kisses on your neck, "Mmm... you're so fucking pretty." She groans again, giving your chest a firm squeeze before pushing her hand down your overalls. She can feel your moisture through your panties as her digits tease at your already sensitive bud, "This all for me?"
You nod, your hands struggling to stay steady on the clay.
Her hand snakes between your legs, her fingers rubbing circles around your pussy. You moan out loud, caught off guard by the pressure against your slick folds.
"Gonna put one in ya." She warns, giving you enough time to stop her if you wanted to. Once she realizes that you're not, she's eases one of her fingers into your hole, letting you adjust before she starts to pump in and out, "Fuck, baby, you're so tight."
You bite your lip, hands still on the clay as your legs shake.
Without another warning, she shoves another one in, the pressure only increasing. You squeak, your hands letting go of the two of you's pot. She tsks you before pulling out, pulling a gasp out of you from the sudden emptiness.
"What did I say?" She demands.
"N-not to stop with the c-clay." You babble.
"That's right." She says, "C'mon, honey, you can do it."
You both resume in your tasks, her fingers working away at your cunt, your own at the clay. Some parts of the pot were denting, but you could feel your orgasm bubbling up in your tummy again. Your eyes closed, the stimulation making them pool with tears as your walls clenched around her fingers. You were close, and Abby knew it.
"Ab— Abby-"
"I know, honey. Cum on my fingers. Let me feel you." She coos, sucking gently on your neck as your orgasm came crashing over you. You were a shaking mess, and Abby fucked you through it. Moans were heard throughout your shared apartment, your neighbors most likely fed up with how loud you always are with her.
She takes her fingers out when she's sure you're okay, drying them with the same rag from earlier. She offers you a little smile before turning back towards the pot in front of you.
She notices the little, crescent shaped nail marks in them, from your attempt to calm yourself from earlier. She laughs at the sight, kissing your cheek. "Alright, baby. Let's get this fixed, hm?"
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whore4abby · 11 months
cookies; dbf!abby anderson
part one part two
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warnings; almost smut?? - older!abby (refers to herself as mama once), ass + tit grabbing, tiny mention of nipple play, mdni
wc; 1.2k
a soft knock at the front door startles you out of you thoughts. you glances at the time on your phone, realising it was a little too early for your dad to be home. you set down the bowl you were mixing cookie dough in and walk towards the front door, your curiosity piqued. you instantly recognise the tall figure on the opposite side of the frosted glass and your eyes widen slightly, you freeze for a second before gaining the confidence to actually open the door.
you open the door and abby stands there leaning against the doorway, her broad shoulders almost touching each side of the frame. “hey kid….your dad home…?” she asks, looking past you into the rest of the house, as if looking for movement in the house.
“not yet….” you shake your head, feeling a little awkward as you fidget with your hands, pressing your glossy lips together. you stare at her in awe and after what feels like an eternity, you regain your composure and find the courage to speak. “oh…uhm, you wanna come in…?” you step aside a little and swing the door open further to invite her in.
abby steps over the threshold and into the house, wiping her boots off on the doormat. you practically gawk at her, her huge biceps straining against her t-shirt and making your mouth water and you quickly look away once she makes eye contact. abby smirks to herself, following you into the kitchen.
“you’re making cookies….?” she laughs softly as she notices the mess of a kitchen, utensils strews across the counters and dirty dishes filling the sink. you laugh awkwardly and nod as you pick up the wooden spoon again and finish mixing the cookie dough up. “mhm….baking calms me down i guess….”
she smiles and reaches over to take the spoon from your hand, her calloused fingertips brushing against yours. she maintains eye contact as she lifts it up to your mouth. struggling to keep a straight face as she watches your eyes widen, finding your nervousness a little endearing. “cmon….open up sweetheart~“
abby’s playful teasing seems to have an effect on you as you become hyper-aware of every little movement you make, slowly parting your lips and eating the sweet cookie dough from the spoon, trying hard to stay focused as you watch her gaze drop to your lips.
abby looks down at you in amusement, enjoying this little moment of intimacy that you both seem to be sharing. she lets the spoon fall out of her hand and back onto the countertop, landing with a subtle thud. “you just gonna stand there? those cookies won’t bake themselves…” she looks at you seductively as she speaks in a tone that is both sweet but suggestive. it’s clear that she has something else on her mind.
you snap out of your your momentary trance, your eyes refocus on the glass bowl placed before you, filled with the golden, saccharine mixture. having trouble focusing on the task of shaping the dough, abby notices the look of cluelessness on your face and chuckles lightly before leaning closer to you. “here… let mama do it~”
abby takes the bowl of cookie dough from you. she starts to roll up balls of the cookie dough and places them onto the tray. the contrast between her rough hands and the delicate dough is almost mesmerising. as her wrists flex, you find yourself distracted by the thick, pronounced veins that run up the back of her hands all the way to her elbows. they’re thick and bulging, a sight that almost has you drooling. you can’t help but be in awe of her as your eyes are glued onto her the entire time - it makes you curious as to what else she may be able to do with those hands…
once the whole tray is filled up with the even shaped cookies, abby passes you the baking sheet and stands behind you, placing her hands on your elbows and guiding you to slide the sheet of cookies into the awaiting oven, knowing that soon the sweet smell of homemade goodness will fill the kitchen. “atta girl…~”
once its been placed inside, she shuts the door and reaches over to set the timer for you. abby decides to stop teasing you and she walks over to the table and takes a seat in one of the white wooden chairs, keeping her eye on you the whole time as you start to clean the dirty dishes. her eyes begin to wander down to the curve of your ass as you stretch across the sink to grab the dish soap. the clinking sound of dishes being washed echoes in the room, with the occasional splash of soapy water.
you finish up cleaning the dishes and dry off your hands, feeling a sense of accomplishment as you see the sparkling dishes sat on the drying rack. turning away, you jump slightly as abby had somehow snuck up on you without you realising. “oh…! abs, you scared me….” you giggle breathlessly.
abby chuckles playfully as she spins you around and brings you closer to her by placing her arms around your waist. her strong muscular arms completely encircle you, providing you with a sense of complete infatuation as you look up at her dreamily.
“m’sorry sweet girl…~” abby mutters as she gently brushes your hair back from your face, caressing your soft cheek with her thumb. you freeze as you suddenly realize what's about happen and before you can even react, her hands move to cup your face tenderly as she gives you deep and long kisses, your tongues mixing and exploring each others mouths hungrily. her teeth sink into your bottom lip faintly, causing an involuntary whimper to bubble up from your throat.
abby softly and passionately continues to kiss your lips, her rough hands roaming down to your ass and gripping it firmly. she hoists you up effortlessly and places you on the counter, you shiver as your shorts ride up and the backs of your bare thighs make contact with the cold marble.
“abby….mmm fuck….~” you voice comes out as an airy whisper, tilting your head back as she begins to plant wet kisses across your delicate neck. her muscles flexing as she roughly squeezes at your bra-less tits through your shirt. her thumbs expertly caressing your nipples, the friction from the thin cotton causing them to harden even more as you arch your back and whimper in desperation.
abby softly runs her tongue across your neck. her strong tongue continues to explore every part of your neck and her warm breath against your skin causes you to shiver. “good girl….” abby purrs in your ear, her rough voice making you gasp. her hands slowly start to slide down to your ass and start to rub against the juicy flesh.
just then, the oven timer goes off. abby pulls away, a wicked grin on her face. she straightens back up and moves towards the oven, but not before giving you a rough kiss on the lips, her fingers squishing into your cheeks almost painfully.
and so she leaves you there on the counter, your hair dishevelled and your lips still wet from her passionate kisses. you take a moment to gather yourself, panting and feeling a mixture of confusion, desire, and disbelief….and wondering what the fuck just happened.
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