#malia teen wolf
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Hi! It's me again, I was wondering if I could ask a Derek hale x sister! Reader where since the hale fire the reader stop talking to anyone but only her siblings (like laura, Derek and cora) and one day the pack come in to derek's loft and saw reader whispering to Derek a d they ate shocked because even at school she never speak but as soon as she saw them she stop speaking/whispering to him. So the pack always try to make her speak by speaking to her or asking her things but reader either sigh or growl but never speak to them even though they're her pack because she's afraid that they'll die once she will start being friendly with tem, sos some people of the pack start getting frustrated and stiles or someone else make a comment about her being mut or thinking that she was mute and Derek her big brother stand up for her. Please and sorry it's so so long.
Derek defending Reader b/c of their Quietness
UGH YES LOVE THIS🦅🦅🦅 it’s not long bro, don’t even worry about it, I love writing for teen wolf teehee
Idk if I did you justice but I hope you enjoy this!!
Derek is SUPER protective of you, like it’s not even funny😭
Since you’re with your older brother most of the time, the pack has gotten used to your presence and silence, yet were always so curious to know more about you!
But whenever they’ve come across you, whether it be at school, walking down a street, or even when fighting, you never say a peep to any of them
They obviously know that you somewhat care for them with all the times you’ve saved their asses from trouble, but you’re just so quiet that it’s hard to form a connection with you
I don’t think they’ve actually heard your voice besides from the occasion sigh or chuckle you would let out whenever someone said something funny
At one point they all just assumed you were mute until they one day unexpectedly dropped by Derek’s studio when they hear faint talking from outside his door
Of course they hear Derek’s deep voice, but they also hear a new voice as well
This once is much softer, yet filled with life as they heard the joyful laughing of this unknown person
Stiles being Stiles, homeboy just barges in to see who this new person only to see the surprised faces of you and your brother
“You can talk?!” Is definitely the first thing this dude would say
Your mouth is glued shut at the question and before the group can begin interrogating you, Derek steps in to separate you all
Since then, the group (mostly stiles tho) would try and make you talk
Whether it be about the most random things, they are always in some way waiting for your response
I think Allison would be the one in the pack to understand your hesitance of forming a connection with them because of your terrible pst
She understands your boundaries and only converses with you when it’s only the two of you
Allison doesn’t let her surprise how on her face you you laugh at a joke she offhandedly said to make you feel comfortable
She’s the only one you would actually talk to in private, allowing her to take a place in your heart with how many times she’s saved you, and made you laugh
Scott doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable by any means, but sometimes the silence between you both makes him feel awkward
He definitely bugs Derek about it though. Because of how much he asks about it, Derek does fold at one point and reveals why you never speak around them
Scott sees you in a different light at the knowledge of you scared of forming relationships with them, but he doesn’t treat you any differently
He’s learned to embrace the silence and calmness you bring, throwing smiles towards you every now and then when you guys make eye contact
Lydia and Stiles are more of the pushy types, always bothering you about why you don’t talk
Lydia learns to just let I go though after the first few times she tries talking to you
She doesn’t wanna waste her breath when you won’t even respond to a yes or no question😭 you usually communicate with her with your eyes or by nodding your head
Stiles on the other hand won’t let go of it
He’s always asking you questions, waiting for a response before babbling about something else
There are times that he asks sensitive questions which he knows is wrong and insensitive of him but he just wants to hear you speak again
I think we all know how stiles is, pushing someone’s else’s limits until they actually do so emerging to him to him shut up💀
I think Scott might reveal a little about you to Stiles because of how annoying he’s gotten about the subject
Stiles actually gets fed up one random day tho after the group almost gets killed because of your reluctance to communicate with them, making an off handed, and lowkey insulting, comment towards you
“What, are you finally gonna speak at our funerals when one of us dies? There won’t really be a point in doing so though.”
Might not seem like much, but for you, your heart breaks at that
He will admit it’s not his proudest moment
The second the comment leaves his mouth tho, Derek is slamming the younger boy against a way and giving him the death stare
Everyone gasps at the sound of Stiles hitting the wall
Scott tries to make Derek let go, but Stiles was talking shit to his younger sibling and he’s not gonna take that
You quickly walk over though, resting a hand on his arm
Everyone is supposed, even Derek, when you speak
“It’s ok Derek, let him go.”
After a moment of hesitation, Derek lets Stiles go, not before threatening to rip his head off if her ever speaks to you like that
Once he’s backed off, you look to Stiles, eyes filled with hurt and anger
“Are you happy now Stiles?”
And boom, you angrily walk away leaving everyone tense, Allison chasing after you
I think this’ll have a more emotional affect on you because this dude basically forced you to kinda relive a trauma you’ve grown to have
He destroyed the coping mechanism you had, which was keeping to yourself in silence
But maybe this was the push you needed. Maybe you needed someone to break you out of this shell you were in.
It was a difficult and scary process for you, but with the support of Derek and Allison, you slowly began speaking more
Starting with small comments, everyone gave you time and space to go at your own pace when talking with you
I think you would have a stutter because of your limited amount of contact you’ve had with other people throughout the years
So the pack patiently as you get out the words and sentences you stumble on occasionally
They don’t make fun of it, but instead encourage you to continue, especially if you get frustrated when you can’t get out a specific word
They are also there to remind you that they’re always going to be there for you, and that they won’t ever leave you💔
You appreciate so much because that’s been your number one fear ever since the fire that happened all those years ago
While at first things were still awkward with you and Stiles, he apologized the second you guys were alone
He’s super sincere and remorse full of the way he treated you. You accept his apology, but not without giving him the classic Hale threat if he ever does it again🤭
Derek is still super protective of you and always reminds you to not push yourself
You honestly love and appreciate him for that, and often remind him how much you appreciate him
Cora, if she’s visiting, would be surprised to hear you talking freely now. While she gives Stiles the stink eye at hearing how it all happened, she’s lowkey happy that you’ve finally broken from your chains of doubt
#teen wolf x reader#teen wolf x you#platonic Derek hale x reader#derek hale x reader#derek hale#stiles teen wolf#stiles stilinski#Scott teen wolf#Scott mccall#lydia teen wolf#lydia Martin#allison teen wolf#allison argent#malia teen wolf#x reader#teen wolf headcanons#teen wolf#headcanons#teen wolf ask
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Pairing: Malia X Reader (gender not specified)
Canon: Teen Wolf
Content: ⚠️Romantic Attraction⚠️fluff, angst, queer confusion, coming out
Author's Note: For My fellow Aros, we don't get enough Rep 💚🤍🖤. Also, don't forget, romance-repulsed Aros are valid. Romance-favourable Aros are valid. Romance-neutral Aros are valid. Anyone who identifies as Aromantic is valid.
Summary: You've been comfortably out as Aromantic for years now, but one day, the relationship you have with your friend and fellow pack member, Malia Tate, changes, and you begin to fear that there may be feelings there...feelings that are more than friendship
You were sitting at the cafeteria between Scott and Stiles, staring down at yet another meal defined by day-old cheese and questionable meat. You poked at the lasagna (assuming that's what it was) unenthusiastically with the use of a plastic fork and mumbled along some generic responses as Stiles rambled on about a supernatural occurrence in Beacon Hills, there hadn't been many recently.
"And get this, they found a broken mountain ash line near a mauled body with unidentifiable claw marks on it not too far from a tree with a spiral carved into it", Stiles spoke without so much as stopping to breathe.
"... Mhm... Mhm...", You repeatedly replied without conviction as you placed the questionable lasagna in your mouth and gulped as you forced it down your throat.
Then; she entered the room. It was the most cliché thing, but it instantaneously made everything better. From the taste of the food in your mouth to the nature of Stiles' monologue, it was almost as if the whole world had been colorized by an Instagram filter. Everything seemed brighter, bolder, your surroundings had been emancipated of anything dull and boring and replaced by a palette of excitedness, accompanied by a hint of nervousness. You noticed every little detail. The clicking sound the heels of her boots made as she strode towards your table, the way she flicked the strands of her hair that covered her face by moving her head to the side as her hands were occupied carrying her lunch tray, even the shape of her dimples that formed vertically on her cheeks when she smiled.
These random moments when the entire room lit up had been occurring more and more often, and it wasn't until recently that you had realised they weren't so random after all. They had been caused by one specific thing. They had been caused by her:
Malia Tate.
You watched as she joined you at the table, and nervously returned her greeting with an awkward wave of a hand. She was beautiful. Beautiful enough to spend hours upon hours staring at without looking at or thinking of anything else. You watched the way the golden-yellow sunlight danced on her skin, illuminating it in a spectacular glow. They say a picture says a thousand words, but in her eyes you saw a thousand pictures. They were the most perfectly proportioned, soul bearing brown eyes you'd gazed upon in your life. You observed her brown, shoulder length hair and noticed the way it blew so elegantly and naturally and eventually sat perfectly on the side of her face.
There was generally one meaning attached to such a glorified level of admiration. Romance. Society dictates that when a person's presence changes the entire tone of the world to you, you were romantically attracted to them. For others, it was simple. It was almost casual and meaningless. The trials and tribulations of romance were something the rest of society took for granted, almost as if it was something that would always be there, not realising for some, it never was. There was one very specific, very problematic reason for which you could not concede to the fact that these feelings were more than friendly:
You were Aromantic.
You had been your whole life, and you'd been out now for several years. It started in elementary school. When everyone else was having their first kiss and getting 'married' under a tree during recess with those little candy rings, you'd just watch from the sidelines, refusing to participate. Then came middle school. Everyone having their first kiss, going on their first date, having their first relationship, and yet still you were excluded from the experience. High school was when it got tough. Everyone was either recovering from a serious relationship, getting into one, or losing their virginity. It was at this point you'd come to the realisation that you just weren't feeling what everyone else felt, or perhaps you were simply incapable of doing so. It actually made you comfortable. Comfortable knowing you had found a label to appropriately convey your romantic orientation, and you couldn't help but think of the day you figured it out.
3 years ago...
Of course, Lydia being the emotional support structure of the pack was the one to help you when you were questioning.
"I don't like people", you said matter of factly
"I know, right? People are the worst", she said as filed her nails.
You sighed, "No, I meant I don't think I like people. As in like like".
"Ohhh. Like... At all?".
"So you've never had a crush?".
"Or been on a date?".
"Maybe you're just--".
"--A late bloomer? Yeah I've got that alot; but... I don't think so. I think there's something more".
Lydia considered you for a minute, "Perhaps it's not that your bad at relationships... Maybe you just don't feel romantic attraction as a whole..."
"What?", You asked, confused about what she was getting at.
"*your name*, have you ever considered that you might be... Aromantic?".
Aromantic. It was on that day you heard the term for the first time. One of the lesser known LGBTQ+ orientations. Unlike the 'gay best friend', there was no stereotypical TV trope associated with aromantics. They were, for the most part, excluded from media representation. The label just resonated with you immediately, it described the longest, most complicated definition you'd have to give to someone when explaining your stance on relationships and conveyed it all in one singular word, and that made it seem so undeniably perfect in your eyes.
A person who feels little to no romantic attraction.
Someone who struggles with the forming of emotional attachments.
One who doesn't believe in love.
An individual without a romantic orientation.
Whatever people perceived the term 'Aromantic' as, it didn't matter. You just wanted them to know you weren't a robot. You wanted people to know you didn't hate love, you just couldn't feel it. It was a concept outside of your capabilities. Not something you avoided because you were too afraid of the possibility of heartbreak, or too afraid to ask someone out or something like that. It was just something you didn't understand.
... atleast it was. The very thought that you'd never find love, that you'd never be loved, it should've scared you, but it didn't; simply because you'd accepted it. But now, these feelings you were having, these impulsive moments of attraction... That scared you. It scared you because it didn't fit the label you'd already associated yourself with and before you took on that label, nothing made sense. Now you were having feelings, and those feelings would change everything; and when things change... Nothing made sense.
"*your name*... *your name*!", The words pulled you back into the present day. You shook your head, realised that you had been staring blankly into empty space for about 10 minutes and noticed it was Malia calling out to you.
"Mm? Oh, yeah. What's up?", You asked.
"I have a math test next week. Can you help me study tomorrow?".
"Yeah, sure", you said enthusiastically, jumping at the opportunity to help her.
As the conversation faded out, you couldn't help but think of another memory, the day you came out. It was, of course, to Malia.
2½ years ago...
"I've been... Thinking alot lately, about my sexuality".
"Yeah?", Malia asked, trying be as supportive as possible.
"I don't experience romantic or emotional attraction".
"So basically you hate love?".
You chuckled, "Hate is a strong word. I don't understand it... I don't feel it. Romance is like a foreign concept to me; I can't process it, I can't convey it".
"So, what does that mean?".
"I'm Aromantic... I know it sounds silly but--"
"--No, it doesn't. Not at all. I'm glad you know who you are... Not everyone does".
Malia wasn't the best at understanding other people's feelings, but she always made a conscious effort to be accepting and comforting. She was a good listener, a good friend. That made it easy for you to decide to come out to her first. Now, however, there was a level of uncertainty, because you weren't entirely certain your feelings for her were just friendly.
You weren't paying much attention to that right now, though. The entire pack had earlier agreed to go shopping for prom outfits together, and after a short drive to the mall you found yourself moving through the racks in search of the perfect garment. Lydia, who was your ride home, walked into a change room with five outfits in hand, and Malia walked into the one next to it. You were still inspecting the different pieces of clothing from the rack opposite the change rooms when you heard Malia call out.
"Um, *your name*, a little help?". You looked over and saw Malia had stepped out with her back facing you as she struggled with the zip of her dress.
"Sure", you said, once again jumping at the opportunity to help her, clearly making an effort to keep your voice casual.
You placed a hand firmly on her shoulder and nervously reached for her zip, as you noticed how close you were. She tilted her head slightly so she could throw you a sideways glance without having to turn around. She smiled, and you smiled back as you lifted the zipper and brought it to the top of her dress.
"Thank you", she said as she once again stepped into the small room to adjust herself.
"...You're welcome", you said, flustered. You stepped aside and noticed Lydia had been standing there the entire time.
"What?", You asked.
"Nothing", Lydia responded cryptically.
You shook your head and chuckled as you turned around and witnessed Malia exiting the change room in the beautiful silver dress you just helped her zip on, almost like an angel descending from heaven.
"What do you think?", She asked.
"Looks good", Lydia commented.
"Wow... You... Look... Beautiful", you said as your eyes grew to the size of saucers and you let your jaw fall to the floor in awe of her beauty.
She chuckled shyly at the compliment before speaking again, "I'm not sure if I'll be flexible enough to dance in this... *Your name*, could you help me?".
You immediately agreed and approached her although you weren't exactly sure what she meant by 'help'. Malia took your hands in hers and got herself into a dancing position, prompting you to do the same. She then placed your hands around her waist and rested her's on your shoulders. It was thrilling, how close her face was to yours. You could feel your heart beating faster and your mind racing uncontrollably and in all honesty, you didn't know why. She started to dance, moving her feet side to side and letting her body follow, and you repeated her movements.
"How does it fit?", You asked.
"Perfect", she answered.
Later, you were in the passenger seat of Lydia's car. While she drove you both home, you sat in silence until Lydia decided to break it. "Ok; what's going on?", She asked.
"What do you mean?".
"You're smiling".
"Yeah, so?".
"You've been smiling for the last 5 minutes".
"I'm happy".
"No one's ever this happy, unless..."
"Unless what?".
"No, tell me".
She sighed, "I saw you and Malia back there".
"Yeah, and?".
She furrowed her brow, "You seemed close".
"Yeah we're like, best friends".
"Is that all you want to be?".
You sighed, "I don't like her".
"I never said you did".
"You implied it".
"Fine! Fine! I'm sorry", she said, momentarily putting her hands up in defence before returning them to the steering wheel. You sat in silence for about a minute before you decided to speak again.
"Ok... Maybe I think she's hot...".
"Maybe?, *Your name*, you were practically drooling".
"...but that doesn't mean I like her. You can think someone's hot without liking them".
"You can but..."
"But what?", You said, rolling your eyes.
"But I saw the way you look at her. That's how I used to look at Jackson. It's a look that says you have feelings that are more than just physical".
"I'm Aromantic", you said commandingly.
"Which is totally fine. But should that label really prevent you from admitting...".
"Admitting what, Lydia?", You said as you crossed your arms.
She rolled her eyes, "THAT YOU LIKE HER!".
"Lets get one thing straight", you said as Lydia cringed at the poor choice of words, "no pun intended. I'm Aromantic, I don't like Malia, and I dont like anyone". The tension broke down as Lyida pulled up to your house.
"Ok, just... Try and keep an open mind".
"Fine", and with that, you left.
The next day, you met up with Malia to help her study for her test, as previously promised. You stepped into her room without knocking and accidentally walked in on her in a towel.
"Oh-- sorry! I'll just--".
"Don't worry about it", she said with a laugh. Being naked was never a serious thing for her, "come in, I'll just change in the bathroom".
You made yourself comfortable in her room and removed your books from your bag. As you looked up, you noticed Malia's shadow from the other side of the door. You watched as she removed her towel and slipped on her clothing ever so elegantly, it was almost impossible to look away. A few minutes later she entered. You were sitting at the foot of her bed, going over some notes and she joined you. The rest of the day went as normal and you managed to be surprisingly productive, until Malia brought you snacks.
You were examining an equation from a textbook when she grabbed your attention.
"*your name*".
"You have some crumbs on your face", she said, laughing lightly.
"Oh!", You said as wiped the wrong cheek.
"Here, let me", she said as she wiped them off.
It was a tantalizing experience. The feeling of her hand cupping your cheek, even if for a brief second. It made you nervous, and you felt a surge of uncertain emotions coming forth.
"Yeah?", She asked.
"...Should be going".
"Oh. Ok... I'll see you out".
You both woke up, and as Malia walked towards the door she lost her balance, tripping and falling directly into your arms as you instinctively reached out to catch her, and when you did, you noticed her lips were barely an inch away from yours.
"I love you", you thoughtlessly blurted out.
Malia's expression changed, she was surprised and clearly taken back.
You nearly died of embarrassment as you realised what you've accidentally done, what you've said and the everlasting affects it would have. Before either of you could say another word, you took off running and never stopped.
The next day...
You were at the airport, waiting for your flight number to be called when someone sat next to you. It was Lydia.
"Hey", you said unenthusiastically.
"So... What are you doing here".
"Why? ".
"You know what happened".
"*your name*, love isn't something to be afriad of. Let alone run away from".
"For you, maybe".
You sighed woefully, "Before I started identifying as Aro... Nothing made sense. I thought something was wrong with me for not doing what everyone else was doing. I never knew who I was. Then I discovered the term 'Aromantic', but it was more than just an orientation, I discovered myself. Now, I'm having feelings, feelings that don't fit the label and I... I can't begin to explain what it's like to look into a mirror, and not know who it is looking back".
"*your name*, the point of labels is to make your love life easier, not harder. If they complicate things that defeats the purpose of them". You respond only with a curious expression before she replies, "I'm saying you can be Aromantic and love someone".
"That... Doesn't make sense".
Lydia reaches out to hold your hand, giving her words a dysfunctional sense of almost parental care. "I was there when you were questioning. Your problem wasn't with feeling romance, it was with understanding it, processing it. And you can't do the former...".
"...Until you've done the latter... So what you're saying is--".
"--Just because you can't process something or understand it, doesn't mean you can't feel it. It means it takes someone extra special, someone so unbelievably amazing to help you understand, in order for you to feel. You found her, *your name*, and she's leaving. Are you gonna let her get away?".
"No... No I won't; wait, what do you mean she's leaving?".
"She just left for the train station. I guess whatever's going through your mind is going through her's as well because she's leaving town".
You reached for your phone to call her and tell her to wait, but it was dead, "Shit!", You exclaimed in anger, "What do I do now?".
"Go to her, *your name*, go!".
In the background of the conversation, you heard the announcer call out, "All passengers for flight 327 should be boarding. Final call for flight 327". That was your flight. Leaving seemed safe and sensible. Staying seemed dangerous and risky. You looked between the boarding queue and Lydia as you made your decision.
"Love is like a glass of still water. It could be pure or it could be poisoned; but you'll never know unless you try it", Lydia said wisely.
"Give me your keys".
You drove with determination to the train station, running red lights and cutting people off as you dragged Lydia's car relentlessly through the streets until you saw your destination in the horizon. As you approached the entrance of the station, you brought the car to a sudden stop, causing the tyres to make a deafening "screech" sound as they tore against the cement. You could see Malia entering her train from a distance, "MALIA!, MALIA!", you called out desperately, but she was too far away. You took off running in her direction but were soon stopped by a professional looking woman in a suit, "If you want to board the train you have to buy a ticket", she said.
"I'm not boarding the train I just needa talk to my friend".
"I'm sorry but you need to buy a ticket. If not, please step aside".
You grunted at the loss of time and threw some money at her before grabbing your ticket and taking off running again. You were a matter of metres away from the train as it started to move. "MALIA!, MALIA!", you screamed out hopelessly. You were beginning to believe your efforts were hopeless, but just then, Malia poked her head out of the entrance of the train and met your eyes.
You noticed the train heading into a tunnel, the entrance would soon be cut off by the brick walls that made it, and time wasn't on your side.
You closed your eyes for a second, thought of everything you've been through and everything it's meant. The pain, the suffering, the confusion... And decided it all came down to this moment. Almost as if your legs had been reborn, you took off running one final time and in astonishing speed, caught up to the train just in time to jump inside before it entered the tunnel.
You tried to regain your balance as you landed inside, and when you looked up, you noticed Malia had caught you in her arms and your faces were almost touching. For a matter of moments, you stood in silence and stared longingly into each other's eyes.
"Malia... What I said before--".
"I love you too", she said curtly.
"...What?", You asked in disbelief.
"I love you too".
Subsequently, you both let your faces fall against each other's, holding one another passionately by your waists, you pulled her in and met her lips with a fiery intensity, and embraced each other in a long, romantic kiss.
Fandom List
Tags: @melthedwarf @cactuwus
#Fanfiction#malia x reader#malia Tate#Malia hale#Malia teen wolf#teen wolf#teen Wolf fanfiction#teen wolf fandom
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My one blorbo is and always will be Malia Tate😂🖤
who was your original blorbo? Like the first ever blorbo that you felt Blorbo Induced Emotions for
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Oh, that Peter-Stiles dynamic is just so fascinating. Right off the bat. I remembered that it fascinated me, but I didn't remember that they are fascinating right from the start.
The tension in their first meeting at the hospital. How Peter, who has hurt or killed everyone he encountered so far, just... circles his prey until Derek gets there to defend Stiles.
The way Peter just. Tore into Lydia without a thought. But didn't harm Stiles at all.
The way Peter only bit Scott out of opportunity but wants Stiles in his pack - because Stiles is "the clever one" - and actually offers Stiles the bite. Doesn't force it onto him, fully giving Stiles the choice and then leaving without doing... any harm at all... when Stiles says no.
Obsessed with how obsessed Peter is with Stiles.
#Teen Wolf#Stiles Stilinski#Peter Hale#Steter#like. don't get me wrong. also in a platonic way#but you know this is my second favorite TW ship#...the way Stiles is just catnip for Hales#(Derek. Peter. Malia. I do not remember his dynamic with Cora though)#Phoe Rewatching Teen Wolf#Phimmy's 2024 Teen Wolf Watch
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rewatching 6x06 and i Love that in the iconic s6 scott/lydia/malia trio it’s scott who gets relegated to the backseat
he protecc, he attack, but most of all he sits in the back
#scott mccall? make a WOMAN sit in the back? methinks not#this probably isn’t accurate to the whole season but it delights me nonetheless#also love that he was fully napping that boy deserves the sleep#he is so dear to me#teen wolf#scott mccall#lydia martin#malia tate#scalia#scydia#malydia
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somebody write a fic where derek is super weirded out the more he finds out about humans
"yeah depending on the break it can take like two months to heal the bone; sometimes small fractures are bad enough they take months to heal" "WHAT"
"hes just sick?? humans get sick, isnt that a thing?" "derek his fever is at 101" "is that bad?" "derek thats lethal"
or like, all three hales. like stiles has an Epiphany when malia shows up and sits the hales down and is like "yeah hi the behaviors you exhibit on average?? very rude and intimidating by human standards and societal norms" and the hales are just like
#teen wolf#derek hale#peter hale#cora hale#hale pack#werewolves#stiles stilinski#sterek#malia tate#stiles is halenip#like catnip but with the hales#derek x stiles#werewolves are not human
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The result of Stiles spending so much time at the Hale's:
Laura: What do we say when making bread? Malia, glumly: That's the dough rising. Derek: And what do we NOT say? Stiles, sadly: That's the yeast fucking.
#sterek#we must remember#stiles was malia's example of human behavior#stiles stilinski#derek hale#laura hale#malia tate#the hales#the hale family#the hale pack#incorrect teen wolf quotes#incorrect quotes#teen wolf au#teen wolf
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how it feels to be a teen wolf fan in the year of our lord 2024
#teen wolf#scott mccall#stiles stilinski#derek hale#isaac lahey#coach finstock#bobby finstock#allison argent#chris argent#sheriff stilinski#melissa mccall#lydia martin#danny mahealani#scisaac#sterek#aidan and ethan#deucalion#peter hale#vernon boyd#kira yukimura#malia tate#liam dunbar#theo raeken#thiam#alan deaton#mason hewitt#corey bryant
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#stiles stilinski#teen wolf#dylan o'brien#myedits#this is bad#but i liked doing it#that's so true#gracie abrams#lydia martin#scott mccall#isaac lahey#derek hale#malia tate#kira yukimura#theo raeken#liam dunbar#mason hewitt
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#almost didnt have liam in here#couldnt have that now could we#allison argent#derek hale#theo raeken#malia tate#stiles stilinski#lydia martin#scott mccall#liam dunbar#chris argent#braeden teen wolf#teen wolf#incorrect teen wolf quotes#teen wolf text posts
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What even is my life.
#malia#Malia tate#Malia hale#teen wolf#teen wolf fandom#Malia teen wolf#malia tate birthday celebration#Shelley Hennig#memes#funny memes
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#teen wolf#malia tate#gifs#teenwolfedit#twedit#maliatateedit#useramys12#tuserbelovas#userayanna#tusercatherine#addys-beth#userlolo#userdanahscott#useremrys#userbecca#tusermarcia#shelleyhennigsource#userblorbo#usergif#teendramaedit#userthing#shelley hennig#i really should use coyote!malia more in gifsets
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Stiles: You should always say "please" and "thank you" Malia: Please shut the fuck up, thank you. Stiles: Not exactly what I had in mind, but you can't deny progress.
#scott: how are malia's 'how to be human 101' lessons going?#stiles: not great but it could be worse#cora: how are the lessons with stilinkski going#malia: excellent I'm going to have this human thing down in no time!#incorrect quotes#incorrect teen wolf quotes#teen wolf#stiles stilinski#malia tate
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I need something today... And that was the Hales hugging cause I don't think I got that from the series...
They ALL needed that family hug.
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#teen wolf#teen wolf ships as 'i could fix him' tropes#but i had such a hard time deciding which fits better to which#realistically just thiam can fit to at least half of these#isaac lahey#scott mccall#erica reyes#scisaac#danny mahealani#stisaac#ethan steiner#malia tate#malira#kira yukimura#vernon boyd#sterek#derek hale#petopher#chris argent#peter hale#thiam#liam dunbar#theo raeken#feel free to add your own opinion if you think they'd fit differently
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