#maleficent writes
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 9 months ago
last set of tsumsitter ssr groovies 👀
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First is Pomefiore!! (Edit: The initial version of this Groovy is on the left; Rook is missing the golden Pomefiore markings on his robes. There was an update to fix this. The updated version is on the right.)
The trio is framed by a border of colorful lights, which reminds me a lot of old-fashioned movie theater signs (though not as colorful). If you look closely at the top and bottom, it seems they are posed for a candid photograph and it’s being posted to Magicam or something?? Rook and Epel look super crisp here, which I love!! I think Epel is posing with his hands held behind his back. This paired with his smile and the slight bird’s eye view of his face makes him look super cute please don’t beat me up for saying that, Epel. And Rook is being showy and familiar as usual, even putting one hand on Vil’s shoulder. Vil isn’t cringing or uncomfortable with it, which goes to show that he and Rook are truly good friends.
As for Vil, it’s rare to see him posed casually like this. Most of his cards feature him posed in very “model”-like and mature ways, so to have just one hand on hip, leaning forward slightly, and gripping his grimoire is unique for him (I mostly associate this pose with Ace, lol). His smile is quite casual too—it’s not quite the full catty smirk he has in his live2D model, it’s a lot more subtle and playful.
BahacTeHWWRVwkkwwm YHE VIL TSUM STeALS THE SHOW ThoUGH 😭 (You can tell it’s smiling despite the lack of a visible mouth) from how its eyes!! The placement of the Tsum is also funny. With Pomefiore’s peacock throne in the background, it forms sort of an angelic halo around… the sentient stuffed toy… Proof that Tsum Vil is a heavenly being/j
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Next is Ignihyde!!
The Shroud brothers return to Cyberspace, that blue void with tons of ethereal floating screens, particle effects, and code www I don’t know what those three pink balls of flame are in the background, but there being three of them is a consistent theme for Ignihyde. Three pink fireballs, three Shroud brothers, three heads of Cerberus! I wish I could say more here, but I’m basically a Malleus when it comes to tech—
Idia’s pose isn’t anything we haven’t seen before (just at different angles of it, I suppose). But!! It feels different here and adding Ortho definitely adds to it. The Pokémon trainer energy of the initial art carries over to the Groovy. Idia looks like a smug, tough trainer looking down on you with a cocky grin and his face half-shadowed.
Ortho floats almost menacingly next to his big brother, his face entirely shadowed. His aura is like a phantom (fitting) or even like a Pokémon on standby waiting for the chance to fire off a Hyper Beam. This might be me overthinking things, but I wonder if the amount of light on the brothers’ faces references the original Ortho. Robo!Ortho’s face is entirely darkened because his parallel has passed on. Idia’s face is only partially shadowed because while he was close to stepping over to the “other side”, he ultimately found hope and was able to continue living, this time for himself and on his own terms.
I LIKE HoW TSUM IDIA HAS ITS OWN sCREEN TO WORK OFF OF TOO 😭 IBRO IS MAkING A sUS FACE TOO, IT’S GLEEfUL AbOUT WhAtEVRr it’S UP TO… That makes me think that it’s hard at work… I dunno, hacking something systems fnksgwiwozlapaeb Watch out, a Tsum near you might infect your computer and then bounce away happily after ruining all your programs and files.
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The violet backlight is fantastic—it adds an interesting lighting to the illustration and highlights the green flames and Silver and Sebek’s bright eyes. And speaking of Sebek and Silver, LOOK AT THEM JUST LOOK AT THEM???????? More specifically, Sebek’s arms (they look ultra meaty somehow) and Silver’s whole face(that lopsided smile??? HELLO?????)!! On either side of Malleus like that… Peak bodyguard, I REPEAT, PEAK BODYGUARD
With Lilia bringing up the rear, the three form a perfect squad to surround and to protect their liege. cbsjsbevejwlw I like that Lilia is different than Silver and Sebek; he’s hanging out upside down (as he usually does) and bears a huuuge grin, completely having fun in the moment. (… How does his hat stay on like that when he’s fighting gravity though?)
Up front and center is Malleus of course! He’s wielding his spindle staff like a king might a scepter. This with his fierce face gives the impression of a leader marching into battle with his retainers. You get a real good shot of his teeth and reptilian eyes here which I’m sure the Malleus stans are going feral for right now—and with the limelight shining down on him, he looks almost hopeful for once instead of downtrodden or gloomy.
THE TSUM MALLEUS LOOKS SO FUNKY PLACED tHERE cnsnwveuxvDFsFjqk Just. Cheekily There on Malleus’s shoulder… Because Maleficent and Diablo is a known combination, the image of those two as master and minion comes to mind. Imagine Malleus blasting you with lightning, pausing to listen to his Tsum whispering a suggestion into his ear, and then telling you the Tsum has advised that he blast you with a second strike 💀
Aaaaaah, the Tsumsitter SSR Groovies are some of the best in this game 😭 So glad they’re finally over though, it’s stressful saving rolls for what you know would be a limited event with multiple SSR banners, lol
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ghostedgrim · 9 months ago
Has anyone else noticed there's been a huge decline in fancfictions that have multiple parts with a storyline and/or don't contain smut/nsfw.
And I don't mean slow burns (Hell I haven't seen one in a year). So many fics these days are one-shot nsfw, multiple parts maybe with storyline but each chapter is smut.
Stories without the smut, or ones that are an actual multi-chapter slow burn, comfort, hurt-comfort, and such just don't seem to exist or when someone makes them it gets zero praise.
It's hard getting motivation because I'll make a post for a popular character/fandom but it'll get maybe 5 likes.
The lack of in depth story fanfics has made it hard to enjoy reading and writing fancfictions these days. I used to stay up all night reading 5-10 chapter long stories of a nsfw free slow burn, or intricate self-insert story.
Don't get me started on self inserts bro, they get so much hate. Gor forbid someone writes a story about their oc, especially if their character is shipped with a cannon character. I get you want a reader x character, but an oc x character are often so much fun simply because some people about COOK on their characters.
It seems the appreciation for fanfics has drifted from actual stories, to a crave to read porn.
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softpastelqueer · 2 months ago
Decided to start picking back up writing Chapter 2 of Cities Of The Lost but in the meantime if y’all wanna read chapter 1 here it is!
I’ll be eventually including cameos from other characters like Evie, Red, Chloe, and etc but I’ll start getting better at updating
Summary: Years after leaving Auradon and the Isle, Uma is now a private detective solving mysteries alongside her assistant, Audrey Rose. However, after magic is dying out and the disappearance of a former loved one, Uma finds herself surprised by her newest client. This case will her toughest yet.
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hannahhook7744 · 2 months ago
Random Thought I Had About Super Sinister 13th Birthdays;
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Okay, so I don't know how canon this can be considered since Super Sinister Thirteen birthday parties are only mentioned once or twice in the books. 
But I recently found out the canon birthdays of three characters—Uma, Mal, and Evie—and am now struck with a couple of angsty thoughts. 
So, I personally get the impression that Super Sinister Thirteens on the isle are like Sweet Sixteens/a milestone birthday/right of passage—and they’re probably big on the isle, and something the isle kids themselves came up with. I mean, we know given how most of the villains are on top of the limited resources on the isle that a good portion of the isle kids probably never had birthdays/birthday parties. 
What if a Super Sinister Thirteen is something the older isle kids made up to throw themselves a birthday party at least once and it became a sort of right of passage among the isle kids? The day were you were finally considered a villain or something?
It’s the most important birthday on the isle and the only one a lot of the kids have—with some of them not even getting to have that—and all of the kids, and several of the adults know it. 
It’s canon in the books that more people showed up to Mal’s Super Sinister Thirteen than Uma’s. 
It’s canon that Uma and Mal both share a birthday—that they were born on December 31st. 
That alone is angst material. 
Arch enemies, former friends—sharing a birthday—and having more people show up to your enemies’ milestone birthday than yours whether out of fear or just because they genuinely think that your enemy is more evil/important/special than you and it’s better to be seen on their side than yours. 
But then we find out that Evie’s birthday is October 11th. Two months before Uma and Mal’s. 
Evie was still exiled when she was thirteen. 
Was alone with only her mother, her pet parrot Othello, and depending on when her doll was eaten by vultures/dogs (can’t remember which animal it was eaten by), her favorite doll—on what was supposed to be a milestone birthday. 
All because she didn’t invite Mal to her sixth birthday. 
Only that’s not exactly right, is it?
Because Evie was six. She wasn’t in charge of invitations. Her mother was. 
Her mother who probably wouldn’t have listened to her if she said she wanted Mal there or not. 
And in the descendants book ‘The Magic of Friendship’ we see the invitation Evie meant for Mal to have, despite Mal having never got it (correct me if I’m wrong. It’s shown on the wiki but it doesn’t really give context regarding the invitation). 
It doesn’t matter how the invitation didn’t get to Mal—whether it was because a six year old Evie misplaced it, a spiteful Evil Queen wanting to make a grab for power, a test from Maleficent, or something else. It doesn’t matter why the invitation didn’t get to Mal. What matters is that we the audience now know it existed 
That Evie knows it existed and that she made one. 
Which means Evie wasn’t slighting Mal and that she had no reason to expect her sixth birthday party to be ruined by Mal’s mom for ‘not inviting her’. Because as far as little six year old Evie knew she had invited her.
Whether she knows or doesn’t know that Mal didn’t get the invitation after the party is ruined is irrelevant. 
It doesn’t change the outcome. 
Evie is exiled for the next ten years with no companions other than a doll, a parrot, her abusive mom, and maybe goblin servants—including on her birthdays.
Her birthday is October 11th and she was exiled on her thirteenth birthday—on what would have been her milestone Super Sinister Thirteen. 
She’s exiled through no fault of her alone with no friends and no really caring family, and likely doesn’t know the full circumstances behind why because she did invite Mal, didn’t she? (Maybe she starts to question if she ever really did or if her mind just made that up). 
She’s alone on a day where other isle kids with the means to celebrate would be having fun with the rest of the isle kids and their friends. Alone and not allowed to leave her home that functions more as a prison on a day she knows is supposed to be special for isle kids—and then two months later, she gets to watch Mal’s Super Sinister Thirteen celebration (and maybe even Uma’s, depending on how many people showed up and how flashy she was able to make hers) knowing that she was forgotten and abandoned on hers intentionally for something she didn’t even really do. 
The pure angst material is glorious. 
(Don’t think Uma sitting with Gil and Harry almost completely alone in Ursula’s fish and chips on her  Super Sinister Thirteen, fighting back tears because she invited just as many people as Mal had and how she probably had to decorate herself and make everything because Morgana, Ursula, and whoever her father is couldn’t be half assed to help and how there is only so much a thirteen year old with or without the help of an adult, like her Aunt Uliana, can do. ).
(Don’t think of Evie sitting in her windowsill on her birthday, tearful face buried in a pillow as she hugs her doll all while Othello flies around the room squawking ‘unibrow’ and other things the Evil Queen has criticized Evie on or how longingly she must have watched Mal’s celebration from that same windowsill two months later while knowing that she hadn’t really done what she was accused of). 
(And certainly don’t imagine Mal on her thirteenth birthday, having all eyes on her—including that of her mother who punished her for helping a Goblin in the market—and being a nervous wreck or how she was likely thinking about how her father and brother weren’t there. Don’t think about how sharing a birthday with Uma once must have been a wonderful thing and was now a bitter one on that day for both of them—).
Again, I’m likely just overthinking it  but I just wanted to share. 
(Also don’t think about Celia, who’s birthday is October 31st, and how Evie might have also seen Celia’s eighth birthday celebration less than three weeks after her milestone birthday was ignored—given that Dr. Facilier would likely have the means to give Celia a decent one since he runs an arcade, school, and might even do some work on the side to get money. One that could likely be seen from the arcade). 
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dangerdazee · 8 months ago
descendants: rise of red one-shot, in which uliana is not as big and bad as her "friends" lead her to believe
Uliana walks in front, a couple feet ahead, and the other four villains follow behind. They whisper as they walk.
"Goblin pastry? That's her plan?" Hook crosses one arm over his chest, propping up the arm with a hook and letting it sit up by face.
"How were our ideas not worse than that?" Hades questions.
"I'd much rather eat a little pastry than burn to a crisp." Morgie raises his eyebrows and purses his lips.
"Maybe there's more to the plan than just the cupcake." Hook's attempt to give Uliana the benefit of the doubt is not well-received.
"It's Uliana. You know there's not." Hades smirks.
Maleficent smacks her boyfriend on the arm.
"Don't say that." But Maleficent's laugh doesn't really match her words.
"What's all the talking back there?!" Uliana stops abruptly and whips around, her hair flying.
"Nothing." Maleficent, Hades, Hook, and Morgie say in unison.
As soon as Uliana turns back around and the group of five continue walking, the four in the back stifle laughs.
Uliana thinks she's big, bad, and scary. She thinks all of the people in her little entourage are terrified of her and bow to her.
She couldn't be more wrong.
Why she ever expected evil personified to not be playing a cruel joke on her is beyond them. But she's been falling for it, hook (no pun intended,) line, and sinker.
It was Maleficent's idea first. When the five of them began to form a solid group, Maleficent immediately noticed Uliana's insecurity and confidence issues.
A good friend would try to be supportive and helpful, but this is Maleficent. She saw it as an opportunity to have a good laugh.
One day, the facade will fall and Uliana will be humiliated and the outcome of this evil prank will bring them great joy. But, honestly, they find it just as fun and satisfying to laugh behind her back about it.
"Should we even be getting back at Princess Perky?" Hades throws his arm over Maleficent's shoulders as they continue walking and whispering.
"Why? Are you going all soft?"
"Gross, no. The flamingo thing was just really funny." Hades gives a sly smile.
Uliana stops as someone calls her name. It's a teacher, so she's more inclined to actually pay attention and go. She tells the others to go on and she'd meet them later.
As soon as Uliana is out of earshot, Maleficent pipes up again.
"We could always... sabotage." Maleficent's face reveals that she's thinking hard.
"No- How would that make sense?" Hook pats Morgie on the shoulder, taking a bit of the edge off of his correction. "No, she means we could sabotage Uli's plan."
"How?" Morgie asks.
"I'm not entirely sure yet. But we have a few hours left to figure it out."
Hook glances over at Uliana, seeing her angry and frustrated as the teacher speaks to her. Hook can only assume that she's not doing well in a class.
"Look, look. Look how upset she is." Maleficent, Morgie, and Hades turn their attention that direction and chuckle along. "Never gets old."
It would be only a couple years later that Uliana realizes what's been going on.
The anger in her was only beaten out by humiliation.
Suddenly, all these people who she thought feared her were making her feel small. And weak. It was as if they grew ten feet tall.
All the strength and power she thought she possessed dwindled down to almost nothing.
Uliana felt like her whole life was a lie, while Maleficent, Hades, Hook, and Morgie all laughed and had a grand time. They reveled in the result of their game.
Part of Uliana wondered if she deserved it.
[ @ladyoftheesun here it is! might rewrite sometime to improve it, and i'll tag you again if i do unless you tell me not to! ]
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ivorydragoness44 · 1 month ago
dtror!Hades x Reader: Fountain
Word Count: 1,221 Warnings/Notes: The Reader and other characters get surrounded by dancing students, the Reader becoming overwhelmed at the situation, the Reader falling into the fountain (unharmed), Hades setting the courtyard on fire, and characters concerned for the Reader’s well-being.
Summary: Leaving class with Morgie and Hades, the Reader and their friends encounter a musical predicament as students accidentally block their way and cause an incident that Hades does not take lightly. A/N: This is more of a Hades and Morgie x Reader, while also being a Uliana’s crew x Reader at the last half. It got out of hand for initially being a Hades x Reader haha.
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  Slinging your bag over your shoulder, you yawned.   “Class wasn’t that bad,” Hades said, walking over to your table.   As the rest of the students left the classroom, you three remained. The third being Morgie. The son of Morgana le Fay slid over beside Hades.   “Yeah,” he agreed with his friend. “We learned more in today’s class than in all of last week’s!”   “It’s not that,” you shrugged, “I guess I’m just feeling… off today.”   “Oh.” They nodded slowly in understanding.   “Come on.” You gave a small smile before turning to head out the door.
  The sea of hormones had ebbed, and the three of you were to walk without a single student in your way. Not that either of you were in a rush. The next class would not begin for another few minutes. There was always plenty of time to reset and socialize between classes. Maybe not enough time for some, but things consuming more time would just have to wait until later.
  As the three of you made your way over to one of the courtyards, you quickly found where a good portion of the student body had congregated.   “This is the second time today,” you observed as rhythmical lyrics continued in the area.   “And we haven’t even had lunch yet,” Morgie agreed. Swaying his head from side to side, he grabbed his friend’s attention.   “Are you going to join?” Hades asked with raised brows.   A brief moment of thought and Morgie stilled. “No,” he said, looking to the blue haired boy. “I mean… it sounds great and all, but I have no idea who they’re singing about. And besides… they’ve already started singing. I don’t just want to jump in.”   Hades smiled, humored. “That hasn’t stopped you before.”   “You can be very determined,” you added, patting Morgie’s shoulder.   “Yeah.”
  While your conversation sided the song performing in front of you, you three failed to notice one thing in particular. A group of singing students danced dangerously close to where you were standing.   “Uh…maybe we should”—   “Move?” Hades finished your suggestion.   “Yep.”
  With a single hand, you ushered Morgie forward. He slithered around toward the door across the stone walkway. But as your hopes for an easy retreat came to their height, it crashed down.   The dancing within the space changed tempo. To avoid a collision with two students, you side stepped and twirled out of their path, your hand slipping away from the silky texture of Morgie’s shirt in the process.   A small gasp left your lips as you leant back, narrowly avoiding an extended arm as the students continued a spritely routine. They moved forward, and you moved back. It was an unsavory dance, dodging physically artistic motions as they seemed to unconsciously target you.
  Continuing to back away, your head was nearly whipping back and forth in an attempt to keep track of their motions. As you looked up, you caught Hades doing the same. At least the students appeared to miss him with each move.   The overwhelming nature of the situation pounded in your ears. But not more so in the next moment. Stepping quickly, a pressure pushed against the back of your leg. It did not move, however, in reflex your other leg did, trying to regain balance as your world tipped over and the strap to your bag slipped off of your arm to safety.   A sudden coolness enveloped you. You did not breathe. The water of the fountain was far deeper than anticipated at first glance. It muffled out the majority of the music beyond the surface. Though it was a lot calmer, you could not stay like that forever.
  Pushing yourself up, all that you could see behind the edge of the fountain was orange and red fire. Little wisps of it burning a bright white. The flames flared up from left to right. With a slosh of water, you sat up. You watched as students fled the courtyard with screams of panic. Their terrified expressions were sure to imprint in your mind for some time.   Soon, the fire encompassing the area cooled down and burnt itself out. Standing in the middle of it all was only one student: Hades. Even his most closest friends, Uliana’s crew, were no where to be seen. However, you had an inkling that they were staying at a safe but observant distance. Why would they miss such a spectacle of Hades’ fury?
  Hades’ flaming locks too cooled down, no longer holding a flame on his head. His shoulders sank down, the silver spikes on his jacket not threatening to create an additional piercing on his earlobes.   Taking a breath, Hades took one solid glance around. In the next breath, he strode over to the fountain. He propped one boot up on the edge for leverage and leaned down to offer a hand to you.   There was a pause as you stared at his hand. The collision of all that had happened coming to a sloping halt. Again, you looked up at his face after the shock of it all.   “Unless you want to stay in the water…”   His confused tone snapped you out of your daze. Blinking, you caught up with the present reality. With a wet grasp, you took ahold of his gloved hand. He yanked you up into a standing position and carefully step out of the fountain with godly ease.
  At the sound of your squishy wet boots, you looked down at the footwear. “Great,” you sighed, looking back up to Hades with the hopes of ignoring the feeling around your feet.   “Are you all right?” He asked, releasing his hold on your hand.   “Aside from the obvious? Yeah. Not fond of it… but yeah.”
  A multitude of approaching footsteps caught the attention of the pair of you.   “Hot stuff,” Uliana smiled approvingly at the surrounding courtyard as the group got closer.   “You even burnt that tree to a crisp!” Morgie bounced over to Hades’ side. “It’s still smoking!”   Hades’ brows raised and all eyes glanced at the aforementioned foliage.   Maleficent dragged her fingertips down Hades’ arm with a small smile. “Maybe I should redecorate it with thorns to match?”   Hades said nothing as he looked at her, but a smile pulled at the corner of his lips.
  As the attention on Hades swayed, the others looked to you.   Hook turned to you with an examining tilt of his head. “Sorry, love,” his upper lip curled, “but you look like you just swam around my ship.”   “Heh, I feel more like the dropped anchor,” you replied with a dry laugh, retrieving your dropped bag from the ground.   Hook’s brows furrowed in concern, his charm momentarily lost. “Are you hurt?”   “No,” you gave a small toothless grin to further reassure him. “Now, don’t go scheming a revenge plot while I go change.”   “And dry off,” he added with a flourishing gesture of his hook.   You frowned.   Uliana placed a gentle hand to your shoulder. “No promises on the no scheming though.”   “I wouldn’t expect anything less from the Academy’s most wicked.”   With a shared smile, laughter rang out from the group. There was no telling if or when they would conjure up a plan on your behalf. If they were to get revenge for you… it would have to be perfect.
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
Thank you for reading! If you'd like to read more fanfiction from me, there's a pinned post on my blog linking to all of my writings.
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libraryraccoon · 1 year ago
I just need somewhere to just write that and people need to hear me out on this : A MALE!Y/N BEING DIAVAL. THE REAL DIAVAL.
Like, yk Diaval in the movie ? That's him, but with a different apparence. He rename himself Y/N for people not recognized him as Diaval.
And one day, Aurora or Maleficent come and say something like "Oh ! Hey Diaval !" (If it's Aurora) or "Long time no see, Diaval." (If it's Maleficent). And I can just see everyone confused because Reader hide the fact he was Diaval and a crow (like he was in a human form, and people had only think he was a human in Diasomnia that know too much).
Also, I can see Crowley that is the real crow of the Evil Queen. And Y/N know he's the crow of the evil queen, and Crowley know he is Diaval. And it would just be akward in public between them, but in private ? I CALL THEM GOSSIPY BITCH-
And just imagine Crowley when he was the evil queen crow with no name, so Diaval found him the name Crowley, and for thanking him, Crowley give him the name Y/N. And years after, Diaval rename himself Y/N before going to the NRC and the evil queen crow rename himself Crowley before being the headmage of the NRC... THEY ARE BROTHERS OUR HONOR.
I also can see Diaval!Y/N scolding Crowley for making Yuu do all his work.
And in the theory Overblot!Crowley, I can just imagine Diaval!Y/N knowing something is wrong with Crowley and finding pretty quickly that Crowley is an overblotter, and (for the phantom!Grim theory) Grim being his phantom. I just know Diaval!Y/N will do all for protecting the children and the staff, he won't fight Crowley because he wasn't a threat (for now) and because he was his friend. And I know Diaval!Y/N will blame himself for Crowley overblot. I just know it.
And for Grim, even if he is a phantom, Diaval!Y/N will just act like if he was a normal child. He'll just watch him a little more closely than the others.
*Ahem*, yeah, just hear me out on crow of the queen!crowley and Diaval!Y/N and the NRC staff and students just being confused.
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allykakamatsu · 1 month ago
Twisted Hearts 1 Chapter 2: Tricks and Masters
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<First> <Previous> <Next>
Story Summary: When an unknown incident lands the students of NRC in a strange new world, they have to travel across worlds to find each other as well as trying to vanquish the darkness. Sounds.... easier than most of what they've been through this school year at least, but nothing is ever that simple, and a pair or adopted siblings will once again find themselves at odds.
Chapter Summary: Barely escaping the Queen of Hearts with their heads on their necks, the groups attempts to breathe are interrupted by a powerful Heartless. Meanwhile at Hollow Bastion, Riku meets the other villains and fully realises what he's in the middle of.
(Chapter Underneath Read More)
“Riddle, that was awesome, but what the hell is that thing?” Ace asks as I get a better look at Riddle’s new weapon, a red claymore with three claw shaped blades at the bottom with a handle surrounded by a thorny vine themes hand guard, and a vine pattern in the middle with the four card suits and a crown along it.
“I have no clue admittedly!,” Riddle answers, “I was just filled with this determination, like when I get angry usually but more… controlled I suppose, and I just felt something in front of me to grab, so I did, and next thing you know I have this thing! Surprisingly not that heavy given the size of it but this is quite bizarre!”
“What the he-!! That’s a Keyblade!!” Donald gasps in shock as he jumps into Riddle to get a better look.
“Three, two.” Cater counts down but before I can ask why I see Riddle’s face turning red over Donald climbing all over him and that tells me all I need to know.
“GET OFF OF ME!!!” Riddle screams as he throws Donald through the door out of Wonderland…. Okay.
“That’s one way to open the door.” I quip as I break the stunned silence as the rest of us run through.
“I always forget how strong Riddle-Senpai is even without his magic…” Deuce mumbles as we all make it to the safe side and we quickly close the door. That… was way too close-
“Guys, where’s Alice?” Goofy asks as he helps up Donald, prompting us to look around and, unfortunately she is missing, zooterkins.
“When was the last time anyone saw her?” Sora asks as he gets panicked.
“She was with us right as we ran away from the trial,” Cater answers, “the soldiers were still down for the count thanks to Riddle’s #brutal attack so I don’t think she got grabbed at least, so she probably just got separated from us and hid somewhere.”
“I’ll go back in and check to be safe.” I state as while Cater’s probably right I don’t want to risk it… but as I try to open the door it won’t budge?
“Wait, what?,” Trey asks as he tries the door as well but he doesn’t have any luck either, “that… that’s a problem-!!”
“Whoa-Trey!!” Riddle yelps as Trey pulls me and him to the ground right as it starts shaking?
“What now?!” Donald groans in frustration as everyone else gets onto the floor.
“Wait… this feels like what happened when that heartless showed up in Traverse Town-!,” Sora yelps before getting cut off by a… purple and pink heartless thing holding batons appearing?!, “Heartless!! Everyone, be careful!” 
“Aha, what the hell have we gotten ourselves into?” Cater asks with an uneasy laugh as we all square up for another fight.
“Anyone have a plan for this thing or are we just charging in?!” Trey asks as we all back up to avoid an attack.
“Get the darn batons away from it!! BLIZZARD!!!” Donald shouts before casting an ice spell at one of the batons.
“Sounds good to me!,” Ace agrees as he casts his own spell, “fire shot!” With that he fires the spell at the baton… only for the Heartless to not even flinch as the baton is set on fire, and it then lights up the other one before charging us again. Uh oh.
“ACE!!!!” Riddle and Deuce shout in frustration as we run away to get some distance and they both cast water spells at the Heartless. 
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“Well excuse me for not knowing it could do that!!” Ace fires back as he casts a water spell this time.
“Argue later, for now let’s just try not to get burned al-!” I tell them before pushing Sora out of the way of a fire blast.
“Ah!! Thanks again Silver-! Watch out! FIRE!!” Sora thanks me before casting a fire spell at the Heartless which was about to whack us, and thankfully that doesn’t set anything else on fire and just stuns it enough for us to back off.
“Guess we’re even now huh, nice cast,” I compliment making Sora smile as I get an idea, “Riddle! We can use our keyblades to cast! Let’s try it so we don’t build up too much blot!”
“They can-?!,” Riddle asks as he barely dodges a fire blast from the Heartless before checking his pen, “well, I suppose it can’t hurt to try! On three!!”
“Right!,” I say as we line up to fire… which includes Riddle mounting his keyblade like a rocket launcher… okay then!, “one, two, three!!”
“FIRE!!!” We both shout as I feel the magic come out of the keyblade just as naturally as it would if I was using my pen, though I feel a tingling, slightly draining sensation instead of the usual mild blot accumulation, and the fire spell hits it’s target, as does Riddle’s though his is somewhat comically oversized, and it makes the Heartless fall to it’s very stretchy knees.
“Let’s get it fellas’!” Goofy shouts as we all use the chance to hit the Heartless as hard as we can with our weapons and spells, and it looks like it’s almost dead-
“DEUCE WHAT ARE YOU DOING-?!?! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!” Ace screams as Deuce somehow throws Ace at the Heartless’s head, and that’s apparently enough to kill it as it dissolves into darkness, leaving behind it’s heart.
“That…. Is for lighting it’s weapons on fire… and making that more complicated…..” Deuce explains in between pants of exhaustion.
“Deuce, that was nice and Ace admittedly had it coming,” Cater tells him after we all recover from that attack, “and I know you said you wanted to be more like Rid’s, but I don’t think people throwing is the part you wanna emulate.”
“Wait, what?” Sora asks as everyone who wasn’t there for the incident looks confused.
“Long story short,” I explain, “on our first day, another one of our classmates touched Riddle’s hair cause he’d never seen anything that red before and he was curious without much care for personal space, and Riddle responded by setting collaring him with his unique magic, setting him on fire and throwing him across the room.”
“…..Wow, and you said Grim and ‘Zia caused a commotion on our first day, what they did is tame compared to that.” Ace quips as Riddle is looking embarrassed, Trey and Cater are hiding their laughter (though only the former is remotely successful at it) and everyone else stares in disbelief.
“I I In my defence, Floyd really shouldn’t of grabbed me like that, I I just panicked.” Riddle fires back once he’s mostly calmed down.
“Yeah, but,” Deuce adds, “well given how he is, no wonder Floyd-senpai doesn’t leave you alone now Riddle-senpai.”
“Teehee, you can say that again.” A new voice chimes in, and when I look up to see who it is, I see it’s a cat beastman about our age with purple hair, but notably the same type of tail as the cat who bought us time during the trial.
“Chen’ya!,” Trey shouts in surprised relief as all the Heartslaybul students eyes show some degree of recognition, “glad you made it out okay.”
“Ehe, gonna take more than an angry queen to pin me down,” Chen’ya assures him as he jumps down from the table with a bottle, “was eavesdropping during your introductions so I already know all your names, pleasure to meet you all. Sorry I couldn’t make it out sooner to help with whatever that unbirthday reject was, I was trying to figure out where in Wonderland Alice vanished off to.”
“Wait, she’s gone?!” Sora asks as the panic starts rising again.
“Yup,” Chen’ya admits, “she got split from you guys by some darkness stuff and ran into the lotus forrest, I ran after her, but after a few corner  turns she was gone. Checked the place from top to toe but no sign of her.”
“Oh for the love of the Queen…,” Riddle mumbles in frustration, “does anyone have any ideas what could’ve happened to her?”
“Darkness….,” Sora hums before looking worried, “she might of been sent to another world like Riku and Kairi were.”
“Great, another kid we have to keep our eyes peeled for.” Donald groans in frustration.
“Chen’ya, can you keep your eyes open for her just in case.” Trey asks as he goes into what I’ve heard Idia call ‘mom mode’.
“Will do,” he agrees before giving a slightly sassy smirk, “but since you asked me, I assume you’re all going together to look for her and little Sora’s friends?”
“Hey!! I’m not that short!” Sora refutes with a pout which gets a snigger out of Ace.
“And to answer, unless someone wants to stay back as well I believe we are,” Riddle replies, “if nothing else I’m going, Liddell-san was in this mess with me, I feel obligated to at least ensure she makes it out of this.”
“Well, if you’re going, then you can count us in too Rids,” Cater adds with his usual smile, “right guys?”
“Right, Heartslaybul’s gotta stick together!” Deuce adds with an eager expression with Trey and Ace also nodding in agreement, though the latter does so a bit awkwardly. Heh, I heard about how rough things were for them on the first week of school, it’s nice to see them getting along a lot better now-
“Um, guys, what’s that?” I ask as I point back to the wonderland door… where a glowing keyhole has appeared in the already existing Keyhole…. Okay then?
“That’s the Keyhole!,” Donald explains as he and Goofy look both relieved and excited, “once we seal that the Heartless shouldn’t be bothering this world anymore!”
“Alright then!,” Sora says eagerly as he pulls out his Keyblade a bit awkwardly, “so, how do I close it-! Whoa!!”
“Like that apparently.” Ace quips as a laser beam fires out of the Keyblade and goes into the keyhole, making it vanish.
“I see, so the world trotting is also for a good cause, all the more reason to tag along then,” Riddle says likely thinking out loud before turning back to Chen’ya, “will you be alright on your own?”
“I’ll be fine, plus if I get bored I can probably figure out how to catch up,” Chen’ya replies, “but you’d better not forget about me while you’re gone.”
“Aha, I’d think I’ll be dead before I ever forget about you.” Trey assures him with a laugh which the cat beastman returns before vanishing.
“Do you really think he’d be able to world travel and find us?” Goofy asks as he takes a sip from the bottle Chen’ya left for us and it turns him back to his normal height.
“If it was anyone else I’d doubt it, but underestimating Chen’ya is a plan that usually just leads to getting jump-scared.” Riddle answers as he drinks up next and we all pass around the bottle and drink up, but as we are I can’t help but think. 
It’s nice to have some back up, but this world hasn’t given me any leads on Father, Malleus or Sebek, and now we have to find Alice in addition to them and Sora’s friends. We managed to do some good while we were here but, I hope wherever we go next is a bit more fruitful in our search.
POV Switch, Riku:
“Come along now, we can’t be late.” Malleus says as he ‘leads’ (though it’s more accurate to say he’s all but dragging) me into the meeting room, and honestly, while this will probably be hell in it’s own way, I’ll take whatever is gonna happen in here compared to being trapped in a tiny bedroom with Malleus asking me way too many questions to ‘jog my memory’.
“Right, sorry.” I tell the insane dragon to placate him as we walk in, and the first thing I notice is the door we came in from is the only way in, so unless I learn how to teleport out of nowhere getting out is going to be easier said than done, though probably still easier than leaving the bedroom with Malleus inside it.
The other thing is the meetings attendants themselves. There’s… well there’s a woman with octopus limbs where her legs should be, a living sack, a guy who looks like he was ripped straight out of one of Sora’s pirate books, a guy with blue skin and his hair on fire, a tall man wearing a style of clothing I’ve never seen before, and what I assume is a teenage boy with his hood pulled up so much I can’t see his eyes who is desperately trying to not look at something.
“Hmph, I was wondering when you were going to arrive.” The tall man says as Malleus takes his seat at the table and I’m somewhat dragged into sitting on his lap.
“Apologise for the delay, I had to get reacquainted with my missing brother after all these years.” Malleus explains, putting all eyes in the room squarely on me, great…. Wait…. The boy looked shocked when he saw me but then he I think looked up and tensed? What in the world is going on?
“Ha, if I known it was bring your pet to work day I would’ve brought my poopsies,” the octopus woman says with a chuckle, “maybe even those dears who follow me around like lost sea puppies.”
“Don’t tempt me Ursula, if I bring in my little squad this whole castle will get trashed.” The sack man adds with a slightly sadistic laugh, and I notice the boy flinch and desperately try to shuffle away. Ah, so he’s trying to not look at the sack man, got it.
“I believe we were told that we weren’t allowed to bring anyone?” The pirate points out with a grimace, either he’s annoyed by the rule breaking or the fact he wasn’t allowed bring someone. Either way, he’s a mood because I am very annoyed by this entire situation. That and terrified but I won’t give the universe the satisfaction of admitting that.
“Riku is a guest of myself and Malleus, and Jaffar’s little assistant is fully joining us, so exceptions have been made,” Maleficent explains as she teleports in, “now then, I have called you all in for a specific reason.”
“Yeah yeah, can you make it quick, my plan to kill Wonderboy is almost ready and I’d rather get on it-!,” the fire man says dismissively but becomes annoyed when he barely dodges a lightning blast from Malleus (escape is becoming a bigger mess by the minute), “hey!! What’s the big idea?!”
“How unbefitting behaviour for a member of the Seven,” Malleus sighs before turning back to Maleficent, “continue, auntie.”
“Thank you dear,” Maleficent replies before getting focused, “while things are progressing smoothly, a hiccup has occurred. The Kingdom Key has been claimed, and the one who’s wielding it is travelling the worlds, which may be a problem.” With that she summons I guess a magic picture to show what she’s talking about-!!
“Sora!!” I shout involuntarily as I see my friend on the table, and while I slink back into my seat when everyone starts staring at me, I let out a massive sigh of relief as I do. Sora’s alright, thank goodness, and with how much he and Kairi stick together like glue she’s probably alright too. That’s the first good news I’ve gotten since I’ve got here, but by the sounds of it he could be in trouble now that these weirdos might be going after him. Hopefully he’ll be fine for a bit but this is all the more reason to get out of here.
“So, you all called us here so we knew who to gun for?” Sack man asks and even with the lack of proper eyes I can tell his intent is murderous. Sora please don’t run into these guys before I find you idiot….
“Primarily,” Maleficent admits before smirking, “though it was also to give you all an update on our plan.” Before anyone can ask what she means, she snaps her fingers and a blonde girl who’s even younger than Sora and Kairi appears.
“What…. Where am I…? This isn’t Wonderland! Who are you people?!” The girl asks extremely confused and panicked, but no one answers as everyone is now smirking, save for the boy who looks at me and even with his eyes covered I can tell he’s concerned about whatever is about to happen.
“Another Princess found,” the tall man who I think is Jaffar says with a smirk, “I believe that means there’s only two more to go, Jasmine and whoever the last one ends up being.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if it ends up being that damned Peter Pan’s little friend, or a certain someone’s ditz of a princess.” The pirate chimes in which makes the octopus sigh in agreement.
“Regardless, let’s deal with the one we have right now,” Maleficent says as she grips the panicked girls arm, “my dear, as always.”
“Of course,” Malleus agrees as he sits up and leaves me in the chair, “I’ll be right back.”
“Wait, what are you going to do to her?” I ask getting very tense and ignoring the sacks comments about me being Malleus’s baby.
“Just what we need to, don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.” Malleus answers as he starts casting a spell, which does nothing to lessen my panic and evidently the same is true for the girl as she starts trying to squirm away.
“Let me go, let me go!!” She shouts as she tries to get out but it’s not working, and…. Fuck it.
“No!! I don’t know what you’re doing but you’re going to hurt her!” I shout as I jump out of my seat and grab onto the spell arm to try make him stop. Is this dumb, yes, but it’s not the dumbest thing I’ve done in the past twenty four hours, and at least in this case the only one I can hurt is myself-!! OW!!
“Jeez, got a real beacon of heroism there.” The fire man quips as I pull myself off the floor after receiving a slap from a very angry looking Maleficent, oh boy.…
“What… what the hell is going on?” The hooded boy asks, finally speaking, with a tone of confusion and dread and that makes Malleus give him a look of shocked recognition. Great, now someone else is going to be dragged into this mess.
“Boy don’t cause a scene, you don’t want to end up like that fool.” Jaffar tells the boy with a hiss as I try to stop whatever the hell this is, but I… can’t move?! What the- shit Maleficent’s using a spell to keep me in place this is bad! Um, is there anything I can throw?!
“And to answer your question Viper-san,” Malleus replies as he turns back to the now trembling girl, “we need the hearts of the Seven Princesses of Heart to complete our plan, so I’m just adding the next one to the set.”
“Her heart- WAIT!!!” I shout as I try to process what’s happening, but before the words even fully register in my brain Malleus puts his spell hand on the girls chest, making a crystal like heart appear which Maleficent grabs right as the girl falls over.
“What… what… what the hell did you do to her?!?!” I shout as I try to get out of this spell. They… they just killed a child… how…. How could they…?!?! I’m… I’m going to kill them-!!
“Apologise for my brother, he’s always had a good heart and this isn’t an easy thing to see.” Malleus apologises as I see that I somehow broke free, but now I’m stunned on the floor…. My hands are also faintly glowing a wispy purple which great, this is even worse somehow…
“It’s alright dear,” Maleficent says with an exasperated sigh directed at me, “but bring him back to your room for now so he doesn’t cause any more scenes. Now, where were we?”
With that Malleus picks me up and takes me out of the room, and I try to move, or even say anything, but I just can’t, and the last thing I see before everything goes black is the boy, Viper, looking in my direction with concern as he tries to move the girls body.
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ginnyrules27 · 7 months ago
Okay so in Rise of Red, after Uliana gets transformed into a flamingo and chases down Bridget and Ella, it's clear that Hook and Morgie run after Uliana first and Hades and Maleficent bring up the rear as they casually saunter after them, holding hands.
I know it's a weird thing to focus on but I do, and now I need answers!
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We might finally see Malleus’s full dragon form but with Silver this is gonna be bittersweet 😭😭😭
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[Referencing the ABEMA livestream news!]
(Disclaimer: I'm exaggerating for dramatic effect here; the characters themselves have not indicated that they plan to or want to kill Malleus, though that is a genuine worry expressed by many fans.)
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From a little baby lizard born from the miracle of a father's love... to a raging dragon from the fairy tales, set to be slain by a knight also raised by his father's loving hand... Is this a doomed fate or what/j 💀 I'm guessing that the fit Silver's in is the form the Harmonia Frame takes (since it can shapeshift to "best fit" its pilot). But... wow, for it to take the form of shining armor, the spitting image of his biological father, but also with the hair blessed by his adopted father... Silver really is a product of love 😭 He looks like he walked right out of a dream too, I swear that the brush strokes in that card art (especially in his iridescent armor) are softer than usual... Almost sort of looks like the same stuff used for the backgrounds in Sleeping Beauty. Really lovely technique there!
The way Silver's Dawn Armor card parallels how his own father the Dawn Knight fought against Maleanor, Malleus's mother... Not to repeat history, but to break the cycle and find the happy ending the Dawn Knight wanted 😭
Their parents standing against one another hundreds of years ago... and now Silver standing against Malleus now... Neither he nor the Dawn Knight with hate in their hearts, but knowing that this is what has to be done... Wishing, hoping, praying with all their might that it didn't have to be this way, that their people can come to a peace and mutual understanding... OTL YOU GOT THIS, SILVER... YOU CAN RIGHT THE WRONGS OF THE PAST AND PAVE THE WAY TO A NEW FUTURE HUMANS AND FAE HAND IN HAND
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"This is a painting of the Thorn Which after she transformed into a dragon… I’ve always wanted to see this artwork. This wasn’t part of a dream, this really happened. What overwhelming power… I must be diligent in my training so as to not falter before a foe that could be as mighty as her." (by mysteryshoptls)
Bro was mentally preparing himself for this tragic moment, not knowing that he would one day have to turn his sword against his master... 😭😭😭
That final book 7 update is about to be SO insane 💦
P.S. I got Silver for my JP login right after I finished writing this post 💀 IS THIS AN OMEN…
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lilacs-stars · 8 months ago
shorter vs long fics
so for my upcoming works, I was wondering if people would prefer one-piece, longer fics (like 8-10k+ words, or more), or for me to break those longer fics down into two or three separate parts (3-7k words for each).
I usually feel like keeping it as one thing tends to fit the story more and having two different parts can make things a bit of a hassle for the reader, but I don’t want to overwhelm people with a lot of writing all at once and deter them from reading. so, please tell me what you think! I’ll probably stick to whichever result wins from now on.
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supercalime · 8 months ago
Girl who’s too old for DCOMs talks about Descendants Rise of Red for way too long:
- Literally no joke, I’m a firm believer that this is the best descendants movie and I wish we could’ve followed this story since the beginning
- im so so happy that they had a much bigger budget! This franchise really needs big set pieces, a lot of CGI, costumes that look expensive and a cast that can actually act, so it paid off
- ok so I’m gonna highlight a few things, let’s go
- I was really shocked they killed Carlos off (for obvious reasons, my respects to Cameron), as this franchise is for younger kids and dumbs down a lot of things. China’s delivery and her tears made me very emotional. Which is no surprise as she carried the other 2 movies she was in on her back
- Red is a very likable protagonist but some choices made for her character were boring. She’s not really looking for approval from her mom and she clearly has a good head on her shoulders so I don’t see the reason of having the “fake outs” that she will actually sentence someone to death but again, kids movie
- we only got one and a half scene of Maddox but I already love him
- Rita Ora and Brandy ate and left no crumbs. They play queens because they are queens
- after the reveal that there was a prank that turned the QOH evil, I expected that Cinderella had something to do with it (more of that later)
- I did cringe a little on how much rapping/sing-talking there was. If you want that hire Lin Manuel Miranda
- I’ll forever be bitter that Disney flipped Kenny Ortega off and stabbed him in the back, but that being said, Jennifer Phang couldn’t have done it better. She knew how to work with the script and the budget. Although some of the photography and choreography felt a bit weird
- it was certainly a choice that young Bridget looks nothing like her older self. Specially um…skin tone wise. There’s some implications I won’t get into
- im very surprised on how little we saw of the supporting characters. I thought Aladdin, Jasmine and Fay were going to be more prominent. And poor zellie (btw stupid name, just use Rapunzel)! Who got cut out of the movie completely!
- Aladdin and Jasmine were absolutely adorable!
- uliana and the other villains were fun antagonists. They were what I expected so I don’t really have notes.
- it probably has something to do with the IP but I don’t see why not have Uli just be Ursula but whatever
- I do appreciate that this installment finally made clear of what the lore is. We finally got confirmation that this universe isn’t a sequel to the movies, which was very confusing in the first 3
- this is gonna sound horrible but. Im so glad they committed to killing Cinderella. I do wish they had done that before Chloe and Red time travelled to give Chloe more motivation. In fact I’m very happy that this movie was darker than the other. Disney animated movies always had a lot of death so this feels closer to them than the other 3 ever did
- Now onto me thinking Ella was in on the prank, this will be long: the movie has third act issues and it was very anti climatic, which even led me to believe there was going to be a twist until I saw there were like 5 mins left. Anyway, when Cinderella told the QOH “it was just a prank and that was so long ago” I was convinced she had been involved, so I was looking out for it. I was reading into every expression Ella’s actress had and thought I saw that she was pretending to be Bridget’s friend to get out of her abusive home. I thought that it would’ve been revealed that when the prank was done, she’d maybe just do nothing and leave Bridget helpless because she was afraid that if she did help, she’d never be like the other princesses or something. It would’ve been so cool to see Chloe’s view of her mom shatter, as she only knew her as this benevolent queen who’s only kind and perfect.
- obviously none of that happened and the climax felt really flat. We should’ve seen the dance in the beginning of the movie, not knowing who the characters were, then we go to the present, then once the time travel happens, we don’t spend as much time before the dance and we get the dance a little before the third act and see a few of the things play out. Like Ella and charming falling in love, or even Fay giving her the dress and shoes before, and a Carrie like scene of the prank almost happening that is stopped by Red and Chloe. Then back to the present and a BIG ENDING MUSICAL NUMBER!
- All that being said, I hope we get more sequels. I think it would be cool to see this as more of an anthology thing, following different protagonists so the stories don’t feel too stuck into a few characters. Also Disney, cmon. You’re a streaming site now, let’s get some cannon queer characters please
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abysswalkersknight · 2 years ago
Just did a practise picture and drabble with my last idea with malleus and little Silver, since I wanted to try my hand at some fluff and comedy.
Humans are so fragile, Malleus thinks brushing a knuckle over the soft cheek of Lilia’s slumbering child. It had only been a mere eight years since his guardian had introduced Malleus to the sweet little bundle nestled in his arms, and to the old general’s delight, the prince was enraptured at first sight, feeling those tiny fingers, delicate as they were, gripping his own one with such considerable strength. Malleus had decided then and there that with Lilia’s permission he would also take part in caring for this adorable creature. Which brings them to now as little Silver slept, curling into the thickest blanket Malleus could find. It was the middle of winter and Lilia had to go run some errands so Malleus was left to babysit the little human. He frowned as he felt Silver’s cheek and forehead, the child was far too cold for his liking! So with the elegant grace of someone who had to endure torturous hours of royal etiquette lessons, Malleus swept up the child onto his lap in a firm hold, thankfully Silver didn’t stir and instead snuggled closer to the prince’s chest.
This is still too cold for human children! It would be terrible if Silver caught a cold, Malleus had read all about the dangers of human illnesses, first it could be just a slight fever and runny nose then all of a sudden it could turn into something called pneumonia! The books said that it's fatal to humans and if the adults die from it, of course their offspring will have higher chances! 
Subconsciously Malleus’s arms tightened around the child oblivious to his spiralling thoughts. No, he thinks, no way was this child falling sick on his watch, but instead of lighting the fireplace like any rational person the prince picked up Silver once more in his arms and disappeared in a display of little green lights.
‘Malleus Draconia!’ Lilia stormed into the prince’s chambers with a flurry of rage and exasperation. When the castle guards and servants caught sight of the angry general they knew better than to block his path, some of the older guards winced in sympathy for the young prince. They recalled the past incidents when the princess and her husband recently had their egg, and knew very well what was about to happen.
Right now Lilia is hushed by the giant dragon who points down to the little human child nestled into his scaly arm, Silver stirs slightly then settles and nuzzles closer to the warmth, the dragon rumbles and snuffles the child until satisfied that he is settled.
The older fae glared up at the dragon with all the confidence of someone who had seen centuries worth of horrors and the irritation of a parent, ‘Malleus, why did you nab my child. Again?’ the dragon hissed angrily, arching his neck back like a broody chicken. This was not the first time Lilia has had to deal with something like this, sometimes he almost regrets presenting his son to Malleus as the prince has immediately taken to stealing the child whenever it was slightly colder than usual, and it takes Lilia forever to get him back so he could have dinner, not to mention he almost never leaves unscathed. 
He’s just like his father. He begrudgingly recalls. Back when his friends were alive, Lilia would sometimes be sent to retrieve something from the egg’s nursery and it was an absolute nightmare whenever it was Leven’s “turn” to have the egg. It would be just like now, the big oaf would be in his dragon form, curling around the egg and snapping at anyone who dared go near, really Lilia and Mallenoa would always compare him to a brooding chicken, the princess; with affection, Lilia; seven’s damn it, just let him do his job!
Thankfully this just means he knew just the thing for a situation like this. 
‘Malleus give me back Silver, oooorrrr I get the broom’ he says moving closer. The prince hissed again and puffed smoke from his nostrils, his three pointed tail suddenly sweeps up and batted at Lilia until he backed away ‘alright that was just plain rude’ with a flick of his fingers a broom flew into his hand, the dragon snaps at him and he smacks the narrow snout with the end of it ‘I did say I’d get the broom out didn’t I?’ the dragon hisses once again.
Lilia sighed, so this was going to be one of those days wasn’t it.
After a few hours of scrappy cat fights, and a certain dragon getting a broom shoved up his nose, a roughed up Lilia had his son burying his sleepy face in his face and a dejected prince following behind, occasionally blowing his nose.
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emilixthefox · 2 years ago
Why do Bumblebee and Unicron look so alike?
Unicron: This is my child.
*Holds a little baby Bumblebee in their arms*
Primus: What?
Bumblebee: Ah.
Unicron: My child is my everything, if anything were to happen to them I would destroy every planet in my way.
Primus: Please don't.
Cyclonus: My Lord, I have a bit of news...
Unicron: Well out with it.
Cyclonus: It's nothing of any consequence and it's certainly no reason to over react. It's just that Optimus Prime has..
Unicron: Disappeared?
Cyclonus: Uh, no. Optimus Prime has..
Unicron: Cut off his leg? No wait, the rust.
Cyclonus: No, my lord. Optimus Prime has asked Bumblebee if he would become his-
Unicron: Do not. Ruin my morning.
*cut to later*
Bumblebee: Optimus asked me to marry him.
Unicron: Poor thing. He'll recover.
*Bumblebee face palms*
Bumblebee: My answer was "yes".
Unicron: No.
Bumblebee: Yes.
Unicron: No.
Bumblebee: I wasn't really asking.
Unicron: Nor was I.
Bumblebee: What, You'll turn him into a ghost?
Unicron: Hmm.
Bumblebee: No, stop that. Why don't you like Optimus?
Unicron: Well for one thing he is cybertronian.
Bumblebee: I live on Cybertron.
Unicron: And I have never held that against you.
Bumblebee: Until I fell in love.
Unicron: Love... Love doesn't always end well, child.
Bumblebee: Yes I know, the last time you fell in love and stop being evil, Primus stabbed you in the back and took me away from you.
(Also art)
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elektricangel · 8 days ago
I just want a Cloqwork Maleficent AU…
Ozpin, King of the Fae, and his familiar, Qrow, who once was a crow but thanks to Ozpin’s magic is now sometimes also a man, a wolf, a horse, a dragon. Anything Ozpin needs him to be.
Ozpin was once courted by Queen Salem of the human kingdom who overthrew her tyrant father, but when things turned sour between them because she grew too hungry for magic and sought to bind him to her side, war broke out between their realms.
After Salem stole his wings, Oz placed a sleeping curse on their daughter so their lineage would end without further bloodshed. But sensing the child would be the bridge between humans and fae, the Relic spirits steal her away and raise her in the woods as her fairy godparents. Ozpin and Qrow come to love her as their own just in time for her to fall under the curse. You know the rest.
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delicateharmonybear · 2 years ago
Shipping Asks
I'm sure something like this has been done, but I'm too lazy to look so here. Send me a ship + number(s) to answer. And of course feel free to reblog for your own ships. I'll try to send asks to anyone who reblogs today (esp if you put ships in the tags).
How do they sleep? Ie, positions, who spoons who, who steals all the covers, etc.)?
Who does the driving?
Who does the cooking?
What do they fight about?
How do they resolve fights?
What do they playfully tease each other about?
Who makes the first move?
What is their first date like?
If they get married, who proposes and how does it go?
What flowers do they have at their wedding?
In general what's their wedding like?
Do they have kids?
Where do they live? Urban, rural, suburban?
What's their song?
Who is most likely to need nailed out of jail?
Favorite activity to do together or way to spend time together?
What do their families think of their relationship?
Where would they travel or go on vacation/honeymoon?
How is their home decorated?
Also feel free to specify a different setting (ie, modern AU)
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