#male jackieshauna
honestlynervousnut · 4 months
I just had a vision
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Could male JackieShauna be a thing?
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kings-paintbrush · 2 months
Not allowed by TV Girl is SO jackieshauna wtf 😭 Shauna 1000% listens to TV Girl I’m so right
Jackie (repulsed/not interested in sex with men… making excuses to not sleep with Jeff but feeling pressured to, because that’s what girls her age do):
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Shauna (idk she horny and jealous and gay as fuck): something something horny poets,,, Shauna’s a writer
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i-just-drink-coffee · 11 months
The Yellowjackets as things I’ve heard pt5:
Lottie: You know I will support your suicidal tendencies no matter what
Jackie: I was so depressed yesterday that I pulled out my Ukulele
Natalie: It’s always gay son or thot daughter… what happened to gay thot daughter?
Tai: Questions asking me to “fill in the blanks” gives me ptsd to my therapy sessions
Van: The things I’m willing to do for a pack of gum is really sad
Mari: Its so exhausting being this hot. You’re so lucky for not having this burden…
Shauna: Just because I don’t like Pedro pascal doesn’t mean I’m gay… I’m gay enough without that
Misty: I want to be a nurse because I want people to depend on me for everything at all times and at their weakest moments
Jeff: I think she’s unhinged but she’s still very nice… she didn’t try and kill me yet so she’s perfect to me
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soldierrcore · 3 months
Our Journey.
Chapter 1, MF Nationals.
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Anthony Alejandro Martinez had grown up in a tumultuous household overshadowed by the dark presence of his father, Bill. From a young age, Anthony learned to navigate the unpredictable moods of his father, who alternated between cold indifference and explosive anger. Bill's tendencies cast a long shadow over the Martinez family, leaving deep scars on Anthony's young heart.
As the middle child, Anthony often found himself caught between trying to appease his father and protect his younger brother, Javi, from the worst of their father's wrath.
Despite his efforts, Anthony couldn't shield Javi entirely, but he became Javi's steadfast protector and confidant, reassuring him during the worst moments.
Travis, Anthony's older brother, had grown distant over the years. He had hardened himself against their father's abuse by adopting a tough exterior, often directing his anger towards Anthony instead of confronting their father directly.
Travis resented Anthony for what he perceived as weakness, unable to understand why Anthony didn't fight back or stand up to their father.
School provided Anthony with a brief respite from the chaos at home. He excelled academically, finding solace in books and eventually in music, where he discovered a passion for playing the guitar.
Music became Anthony's escape, a way to express emotions that were too dangerous to voice aloud.
Despite the strained relationships within the family, Anthony remained fiercely protective of Javi, who idolized his older brother.
Anthony became a role model for Javi, teaching him how to navigate their father's mood swings and encouraging him to pursue his own passions.
As Anthony approached his teenage years, he wrestled with conflicting emotions: the desire to break free from his father.
With each passing day, Anthony grew more determined to forge his own path and protect his younger brother from suffering the same fate.
Through it all, Anthony clung to the hope that one day, he and his brothers would find a way to escape the cycle of abuse and build a better future together.
And then Shauna Shipman came. She played left wing for the WHS Yellowjacks, who Anthony's father coached.
Anthony and Shauna had grown up in vastly different worlds, yet their paths converged unexpectedly through their shared connection to soccer. Anthony, a diligent student and talented guitarist, found solace in music amidst the turmoil of his abusive home life. He had a quiet resilience, carrying the weight of his family's struggles on his shoulders while striving to protect his younger brother, Javi, from their father's wrath.
Shauna played left wing for the WHS Yellowjacks, a team that Anthony's father, Bill, coached. Shauna's life revolved around soccer, a passion she had pursued relentlessly since childhood. On the field, she was confident, earning respect from her teammates and opponents alike.
Their first encounter was during a tense match where Anthony, attending the game to support his father's team, noticed Shauna's effortless skill.
Despite the chaos in his personal life, he found himself captivated by her athleticism and determination. Shauna, focused on the game, initially paid little attention to Anthony.
Over time, their paths continued to cross at soccer games and community events. Anthony admired Shauna's dedication to her sport. Shauna came to a few of Anthony's soccer games and watched as he effortlessly played.
As well Shauna, noticed Anthony's quiet presence on the sidelines, his supportive demeanor towards his father's team, and his unwavering commitment to his younger brother.
Their bond began to deepen as they discovered shared interests of soccer. Anthony introduced Shauna to his love for music, playing guitar for her during quiet moments they stole away from their hectic schedules.
Shauna shared stories of her own challenges and triumphs on the soccer field, offering Anthony a glimpse into a world where passion and discipline could coexist.
Their relationship became a source of strength for both Anthony and Shauna, a refuge from the struggles they faced in their respective lives.
Together, they navigated the complexities of adolescence, leaning on each other for support and encouragement. Shauna's presence brought a sense of stability and hope into Anthony's world, while Anthony offered Shauna a perspective grounded in empathy.
As they stood by each other through triumphs and setbacks, Anthony and Shauna found themselves creating a bond that transcended their differences.
They became each other's pillars of strength, proving that amidst life's challenges, love and understanding could bloom unexpectedly, bridging the gap between two seemingly disparate worlds.
"Anthony, this has to be the worst movie on the planet." Shauna groaned in disgust, as she covered her ears.
Anthony laughed watching Shauna's discomfort, he had chose Silence Of The Lambs for movie night but lied and told Shauna it was a movie about a shepherd but after she realized it wasn't she watched anyways.
Anthony paused the movie and turned to Shauna. "You done?"
"Yes." Shauna turned her body to Anthony.
"I'm sorry, I couldn't resist," He said, still chuckling.
Shauna shot him a playful glare before bursting into laughter. Despite feeling a bit misled, she couldn't deny that the movie had captivated her in a way she hadn't expected.
The twists and turns kept her on the edge of her seat, and even though it wasn't the heartwarming story she had been promised, she found herself intrigued by the darkness and complexity of the characters.
As they continued to watch, Anthony couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at having introduced Shauna to a new kind of film.
And even though she may have been initially uncomfortable, she was now fully invested in the story before her.
The next day, Anthony rolled up to Shauna's house in his pride and joy, a bright red 1996 Ford F-250. The truck's engine roared to a stop just as Shauna emerged from the front door, radiant in her Yellowjacket soccer uniform.
Shauna's face lit up with a smile as soon as she spotted Anthony. He hurriedly got out of the truck and walked over, his hand instinctively going to open the passenger door for her—a gesture that never failed to make her heart flutter.
"Morning, Beautiful," Anthony greeted her, his voice brimming with warmth and affection. Shauna leaned in and planted a deep, passionate kiss on his lips, her love for him evident in every touch.
"Hey," she replied with a smile, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
Anthony couldn't help but grin back at her, his own excitement for the upcoming game shining through. "You ready for the big game?" he asked as he started the car and shifted into drive. Shauna nodded eagerly. "Absolutely!"
The sun shone brightly as they made their way to Schaeffer Field, anticipation building between them. Shauna was a standout player on her high school soccer team, and Anthony took pride in being her biggest supporter.
As they approached the field, the sounds of cheering and excitement filled the air. Shauna's focus was palpable, her determination clear in the way her eyes gleamed with anticipation.
Anthony watched her, a mix of pride and admiration swelling within him. When they arrived at the field, Shauna joined her teammates for warm-ups. Anthony leaned in, giving her a quick kiss and whispering words of encouragement before she dashed off.
Throughout the game, Anthony cheered loudly for Shauna every time she made a amazing play. His heart soared with pride as he watched her agility and skill on the field. They shared glances of reassurance and encouragement whenever their eyes met across the field.
The game was intense, Anthony's nerves were on edge, his eyes glued to Shauna's every move. When she passed the ball to Tai, his anxiety spiked along with the crowd's excitement.
Both teams fought with all they had. Anthony Martinez watched nervously as his girlfriend pasted the ball to Tai, Anthony grimaced as the fans around him cheered loudly in excitement and trepidation.
Home 3 visitor 3.
Seeing Tai wave her hand getting Jackie's attention. Tai swung her leg hitting the ball perfectly. The ball glided effortlessly through the air like a bird in flight.
Jackie Taylor jumped into the causing the soccer ball to bounce off her forehead. Everyone in the crowd goes silent in anticipation they all watch as the soccer ball hit the middle of the nylon net.
As the final whistle blew and Shauna's team emerged victorious, Anthony rushed down from the stands to meet her, sweeping her up in a tight hug.
"You were amazing out there," Anthony said earnestly, his eyes reflecting his admiration.
Shauna grinned up at him, her cheeks flushed with excitement. "Thank you for coming," she replied, squeezing his hand tightly.
"Great job guys!" Anthony beamed high-fiving the team.
A Week Later.
"Thanks for the ride, Shauna. My truck should be running by tomorrow." Anthony said opened the backseat to Shauna's car.
Shauna turned a smiled to the boy. "No, problem Ant."
"We headed to Jacs?"
As the pulled up to Jackie Taylor's enormous white House they watched as Jeff sneaked out of her bedroom window.
Anthony sighed. "I thought they were done?"
"Me too."
Just then the white house door opened and out came Jackie, Anthony watched as Shauna perked her head and gave Jackie her infamous  "Are you serious look".
Jackie walked up smiling and opened the car door. "Shauna, Ant."
"Hey, Jackie."
Shauna didn't say a word until they left Jackie's neighborhood. Jackie stared in a playful manner at Shauna before changing the music on the stereo.
Jackie giggled. "Were you listening to that?"
"No. Not right now it fell into the tape deck and I accidentally pressed play." Shauna smirked at her response.
"So, Jackie." Anthony sighed, "You and Jeff. Again?"
Jackie turned to Anthony. "I decided that showing up to college a virgin is a mistake. No offense."
Anthony snickered to himself. Only if Jackie knew the things I knew.
We've been together for so long that if we're each others firsts then we'll be linked forever it's more poetic that way."
Anthony leaned up on Jackie and Shauna's chairs arms. "Well shit Jackie, if that was the problem you could've just asked me for help."
"Haha. Never funny Anthony." Jackie rolled her eyes. "Anyways Shauna. Ive decided on a color palette for our room at Rutgers next year. Pink and green. It's like, classic preppy meets Palm Beach. Very Lilly P.
"College is going to eat you alive Jackie." Anthony said popping a piece of gum in his mouth. "Wait. Did you say Jeff is a virgin?"
Jackie rolled her eyes again at Anthony. She pulled up a makeup pallet and began applying some lipstick "We've been together since freshman year."
"Yeah, but. I mean, you guys have broken up like, ten thousand times." Shauna chimed in.
"Never long enough to count." Jackie shrugged, putting away her makeup.
As the turned the corner Jackie noticed a sign next to Muriel's.
"The hell is this bullshit!" Jackie shouted pointing at the sign.
Anthony and Shauna looked up to see a sign reading "We're proud of our boys varsity baseball, Go Jackets!!"
"These assholes were under five hundred all season! Shauna, honk at that thing."
Jackie reached over to the steering wheel and honks at it. Anthony and Shauna both laugh at Jackie's antics.
"No, they're just going to think you're like, saluting mediocre baseball.
Jackie scoffed before rolling out the window and reaching out "Oh, they'll know. Here, take over."
"Try undefeated, bitches! We're going to motherfucking NATIONALS!" Jackie yelled Shauna continued to hold the horn down.
Anthony laughed watching the blonde. "You're crazy, Taylor."
Thoughts on the chapter?
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girltwink-jackie · 1 year
yes jackieshauna is very yin-yang, but specifically shauna is yin (jersey #6) and jackie is yang (jersey #9)
Yin characteristics: passive, negative, darkness, earth, north slope, cloudy, female, night-time, downward seeking, slowness, consuming, cold, odd numbers, and docile aspects of things.
Very shauna-coded lol, her passivity within her and jackie's relationship, the festering negativity/dissatisfaction, her inner darkness, representative of earthly desires/worldliness/sin/humanity, her pregnancy, cannibalism
Yang characteristics: active, positive, brightness, heaven, south slope, sunshine, fire, male, day-time, upward seeking, restless, producing, hot, even numbers, and dominant aspects of things.
Very jackie-coded, her active role in the friendship and as the yj captain, the positivity, optimism and brightness she tries to bring to her teammates/shauna, how she got sent to heaven, her fiery funeral, used for a meal, her influence
The even and odd numbers thing is interesting though because it's the opposite of what their jersey numbers actually are, which seems to portray how the two inner dots represent Yin within Yang (shauna within jackie) and Yang within Yin (jackie within shauna). Very much "I don't know where you end and I begin."
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the-lonelyshepherd · 4 months
12, 23, 25 for yellowjackets:3
helloooooo 😁😁😁 tysm for the ask grin
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them.
uhhh ummm. travis. travis. i’ve said this so many times yall need to wake tf up on travis if i did a 180 on travis you can too
first watch? lwk despised his ass. also bc i was looking at fandom shit immediately after and was just o caught up i was like yeah haha annoying and misogynistic MAN whys there a MAN in my GIRLS show. but ohhhh man first rewatch??? when i was like okay i have to acc form opinions???
first of all. travis is not nearly as misogynistic as yall make him seem. he makes asshole comments in the beginning yes. his whole point is CHARACTER GROWTH!!! instead of getting worse like most of the girls travis actually has a little bit of a growth arc (cough cough transfem travis WHO SAID THAT). like yall take his original character and see that as him when the whole point is how he changes. that’s not how you’re supposed to watch a show. but yeah there’s other male characters who are lwk also misogynistic that don’t get any shit for it. i wonder why.
secondly he’s SO FUCKING COMPELLING. like AUGH just honestly am not coherent enough to put it into words rn but like him and javi and his dad, and nat and lottie and whatever they have going on and also the jackieshauna connections just.agh
he’s so important to the story he pulls so much together. his story is of GROWTH it’s of LOSING HIS OLD SOCIETAL VALUES THAT WERE IMPRINTED ON HIM!! it’s of recognizing femininity and ACCEPTING femininity!!!! and daddy issues and brother issues it’s complicated teen romances it’s vomiting over your fathers grave it’s getting laid for the first time high out of your mind while you don’t really want to and neither does the other girl it’s hallucinating the makeshift messiah while having sex with your girlfriend right before eating the girl you lost your virginity to its getting up before sunrise every day to trek through the snow to look for your little brother while everyone else thinks he’s dead and it’s eating your brothers heart while only just having gotten him back. because you have to let your brother save you. i’m going to actually throw up
i don’t think that was coherent but yeah. trav is 😁🔫
23. ship you’ve unwillingly come around to
HMMMM there’s not a lot of ships i WASNT like yes!!! let’s go!! about. okay keeping w the theme of the last one, as i liked travis more i liked travnat more but in a horrible fucked up way also they’re lesbians to me. they make me want to kill myself.
on a more casual note i used to really not like mistynat but we’re chill now i think i just needed to get used to misty lol.
25. common fandom complaint you’re sick of hearing
OH!! adult timeline was so bad
NO IT WASNT. ITS ARGUABLY LIKE MORE IMPORTANT TO THE MESSAGE OF HOW TRAUMA AFFECTS PEOPLE TRHOUGHOUT THEIR LIVESSS. like it’s everything COMING BACK TO THEM. i’ve seen people say they just skipped all the adult scenes honestly if you did that just block me like you have nothing of value to say. you didn’t watch like half the show. grow up.
anyways these are probably my more controversial ones out of the ones i’ve answered 🤭 we will see. tysm for the ask grin :)
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cupids-fiction · 9 months
Jeff Sadecki x OC Chapter 4!
Name: I Know You Will
Fandom: YellowJackets
Rating: Teen
Warnings: None apply
Ships: Jeff Sadecki/Male!OC, Jeff/Shauna, Jeff/Jackie (past)
Characters: Jeff, Male!OC, Shauna, Jackie, Jackie’s parents, Callie Sadecki, Dog!OC(s)
Major Tags: Infidelity, Cheating, Gay relationship, OC/Canon, smut mentioned, non-explicit, double timeline
Some chapters set in 1996, some in 2022 <3
Mentions JackieShauna like once in ch2 but not a major thing
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honestlynervousnut · 4 months
I've seen a lot of theories of what the statics on Ben's flashbacks are supposed to mean but I have a slightly different opinion...
I have the headcanon/dumb theory that this static things on coan Ben's flashbacks...
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Are that he's either forgeting what his life pre-crash looked like or he's slowly forgeting what Paul's face looks like...
Which are both really sad in my opinion...
But what do yall think? Could I be right?
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honestlynervousnut · 3 months
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honestlynervousnut · 2 months
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honestlynervousnut · 2 months
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(This post is for that 8%)
Okey lets pretend that Paul is really 💀,now having Said that:
Could you imagine (yellowjackets) n.2
Coach Ben in his cave,then suddently after months of not showing Up halucination!Paul comes back,they end Up having an argument and Paul finishes that argument with "I couldn't get you to listen to me when I was Alive why would I try to get you to listen now?" And Ben just stays there wide-eyed not knowing what to say.
And after Paul explains everything to him and Ben finally remembers It turns out that either the breakup scene never actually happened or that they did broke Up but Paul died a few days (Maybe weeks) before Ben got on the plane to go to nationals.
And time after that Ben can't take It anymore and thinks "fuck It" so he grabs his crutches and exits the cave.
A while later he arrives to where the cabin used to be,the Girls see him arrive but before they can try to attack him or something Ben just looks at Natalie with glassy eyes and goes "Nat....im sorry...." Nat frowns confused but before she can say anything she sees the knife on his hand and with wide eyes practically begs him not to do It.
But Ben looks at her with a smile as tears roll down his cheeks,he shakes his head and his last words are: "there's nothing left for me on Wiskayok" before grabing the knife and stabbing himself on the neck with It.
(Now to add salt to the injury😭)
Instead of just cooking him or slicing him Up and preserving his meat for survival like they would do with any other person they grab the bathtub,they fill It up with leaves and use It as a casket to give this man a proper funeral.
And I feel like Nat wouldn't allow the Girls to eat him because she would either let him rest for a while before eating him or cremating him or she would make It her mission to make sure the Girls don't eat him for her to be able to take his body back to Wiskayok (Because she Said It once: You really don't belong on this place)
Because she knows he was a good person and that he deserved better😭😭😭😭
Okey rant finished (sorry if this is sad but I really needed to share It)
And also tell me yall see my vision
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