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indigenous-gender · 9 months ago
I refuse to assimilate into colonial gender/sexual constructs and dichotomies such as binary versus not/non binary, man versus non-man, woman versus non-woman, trans misogyny affected versus trans misogyny exempt, assigned male at birth versus assigned female at birth. None of these concepts exist in my cultures or are relevant to my lived experiences as an Indigiqueer. I embrace Indigenous tradition and reject all colonial constructs, languages, and dichotomies forced on my people through violence. Stop centering whiteness as the default and acting like the world revolves around white SAE speaking Amerikanus.
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indio-politics · 2 years ago
If your response to a Native begging you not to vote and further harm our people is “well then who do I vote for” “xyz is dangerous” *defends Biden, a notorious white supremacist* *defends any non Trump candidate that is notoriously racist* *weaponizes our own oppression to gaslight us* you are not an ally, you never were. You are as anti-indigenous as everyone else.
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indigenous-gender · 2 years ago
So happy to see my people 🖤 malalåhi yan mamflorita yu’! Biba!
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asian/pacific lesbians marching in the san francisco pride parade, photographed by cathy cade, june 1987
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indigenous-gender · 9 months ago
The lack of critical thinking skills on TikTok is astounding. I legit just had a white person attack me and call me racist for identifying as FUTCH. All because they misunderstood the videos that Black folks were making about how futch night (an EVENT, not the identity) was racist.
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indigenous-gender · 9 months ago
HE-SHE PRIDE!!!!!!!!!
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indigenous-gender · 9 months ago
I saw someone say that they would feel betrayed if they found out someone they were talking to who had identified as transfem was actually afab. To that I say, it’s none of your business how anyone identifies or what their reasons are, and if you would feel betrayed by a queer person identifying with a term and community, that’s something you need to rethink and reflect on. I am tired of colonial terminology being forced on Black/Brown/Indigenous people, especially when these terms are being misused. AFAB/AMAB terminology originates from intersex communities. I am not AFAB or AMAB. I was not assigned a gender. I understand that society perceives me as a specific gender most of the time, but their perception has zero to do with how I identify. I identify as transfem because I am coming from a place rooted in indigenous masculinity, and transgressing and transforming into womanhood. I do not have to explain or justify the way that I identify. It’s just another painful reminder that white gender will always be centered, and Black/Brown/Indigenous gender will always be excluded. I understand why you would feel that way, but your feelings are not my problem. Identity policing is rooted in white supremacy.
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indio-politics · 2 years ago
If you participate in electoral politics, if you campaign or vote for colonizers, if you support the illegitimate colonial entity that is the United States, if you support the illegitimate colonial power that controls the lives, lands, and resources of Indigenous peoples (US territories and others) you are an enemy of Indigenous people, directly undermining our sovereignty, and participating in our genocide. “Vote blue no matter who” is anti-indigenous violence. Shaming, harassing, dehumanizing, and daring to BLAME indigenous people for our oppression if we exercise our right to not vote is anti-indigenous violence. You have no right to control Indigenous lands and peoples. If you vote or support voting, ESPECIALY if you dare to weaponize Black and Brown oppression and lives to justify harming us by voting, you are anti-indigenous and signing off on our genocide, so DO NOT INTERACT WITH ME. You are NOT WELCOME on my page.
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indigenous-gender · 3 years ago
this is why I cannot relate to or be in community with yt queer ppl. y’all think man=oppressor and woman=innocent victim, when the fact of the matter is Black and Brown people of all genders are oppressed by white people of all genders. white gender is extremely binary and black and white, no room for overlap, no room for fluidity, no room for contradiction, no room for multitude. as a triracial Indigenous person my identity is already overlapping. I am multiracial and multiethnic and multicultural and multilingual. so too is my gender, it is multiples. I am låhi yan palao’an, malalåhi yan mamflorita, gela’. I am in English, against my will and consent, “man” “w-man” “gay man” “lesbian” and so on. my cultures and ethnicities and races are the core of my gender and sexuality yet white gender erases and denies my existence. multigender is an ancient sacred indigenous experience.
another concept we need to blow up is the idea that womanhood and manhood are mutually exclusive experiences. i am begging y'all to consider multigender people for even one second when you talk about gender. you have no idea how alienating it is to exist as a multigender person when even queer spaces are aggressively binarist and constantly try to divide you from yourself, or reject you for resisting.
if you think "man" and "woman" are opposites which never overlap, I hate to break it to you but that's just the gender binary again. it's not a sliding scale with "boy" on one side, "girl" on the other and nonbinary in between.
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indigenous-gender · 3 years ago
white women will have “mean lesbian” in their bio then all but call me a savage Indian for bluntly and fiercely standing up to their racist asses 🤣 what happened to mean lesbian? are u scared of the big Brown mean lesbindian? you know mean lesbian doesn’t give you a pass to be racist right?
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indigenous-gender · 3 years ago
I just experienced racism from another person of color for defending my cultural identities and experience as a lesbian. when I said that I was engaging in good faith and asked them not to put words in my mouth they continued putting words in my mouth mocked me, said that my definition of lesbian (which is specific to my cultures and my races and ethnicities as a Brown and Indigenous triracial person) comes from yt people and then said I learned it off the LGBT wiki which I don’t even know what that fucking is. My definition of lesbian comes from lived experience as an indigenous 2spirit malalåhi mamflorita lesbian. my definition is me centering Black and Brown experiences. and then they had the fucking audacity as someone who is not two spirit to tell me in a condescending disrespectful way that other 2spirit people think that the definition of lesbian is “non-men loving non-men” when that very fucking definition EXCLUDES us for being two spirit. TWO SPIRIT IS NOT NON MEN. THAT ENGLISH COLONIAL TERM DOES NOT DEFINE US. just because SOME two spirit people do not identify as men doesn’t erase all of us who do identify as men . FORCING THE TERM NON MEN ONTO US IS MISGENDERING, DEGENDERING/UNGENDERING, AND RACIST AND ANTI-INDIGENOUS. it’s disgusting how people think that two spirit equals non-men when that is a colonial idea that erases our cultural identity. I am not the only 2spirit person who has repeatedly, publicly, proudly stated that our male identity is EQUALLY as important as our female identity or other identities. the fucking nerve for a non-indigenous person to “2spirit people to me when I’m explaining how that very specifically invalidates and erases my identity as a twospiritlesbian the fucking nerve y’all have. this is a reminder that just because you yourself are not white, does not mean that you are incapable of being anti-indigenous and racist to other Brown and Native people. not being white yourself is NOT an excuse or exemption from being anti-indigenous, holding anti-indigenous beliefs, and enacting anti-indigenous violence on an Indigenous person. “NON MEN” (LOVING NON MEN) IS A RACIST, COLONIAL, ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND USA-CENTRIC TERM AND CONSTRUCT. IT HAS FUCKALL TO DO WITH ME AND MY CULTURES AND I WILL NOT LET IT BE FORCED ON ME. FUCK OFF.
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indigenous-gender · 3 years ago
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If I had a dollar for every time a colonizer said this shit I’d be on a yacht. it fucking amazes me that white queers think gender and sexuality have nothing to do with culture and race, and it just shows how racist and completely stuck inside their Eurocentric bubble they are. this is the problem with white queers, just like white cishets they think their identities and experiences are the only ones in existence, they think their experiences and identities are the default. they don’t even consider Black and Brown Indigenous gender and sexuality because they’re white, they don’t have to. y’all deadass scream “gender/sexuality is a social construct” then scratch your fuckin heads and play dumb when we talk about how our Blackness, Brownness, and Indigeneity plays a role in our gender and sexuality. gender and sexuality are inherently cultural, every single culture across the globe has DIFFERENT constructs, terms, and experiences. y’all mfs really think the world revolves around white gender and English language.
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indigenous-gender · 3 years ago
white queers call my identity as an Indigenous Brown triracial dyke “harmful” meanwhile they’re voting for and funding my genociders, supporting our occupation, benefiting from our stolen land, labor, and resources, and their very denial of my dyke identity is violence. I’ve been CALLED A DYKE. to my FACE. by colonizers on stolen land for being visibly mamflorita malalåhi yan two spirit. I am taking control over my pain and trauma and proudly declaring I am a dyke. if as a white person you are “harmed” by this, that’s because you’re a white supremacist who has a vested interest in controlling my identity by destroying my culture.
christ i'm actually seeing people insist that dyke is not a slur now as if that's a necessary justification for wlw to be able to say it? why are people so fucking terrified of what reclamation actually means? the point isn't to make a weapon used against you so meaningless that target feels safe to sell it back to you on a shirt, it is transgressive and shocking to say "so what if i am that? i am the words that have been the last thing people have fucking heard before being bashed". don't insert yourself into a words history and then deny its weaponization, WIELD IT against your oppressors!!
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indigenous-gender · 3 years ago
my gender is perfectly gela’. perfectly låhi yan palao’an. perfectly mamflorita yan malalåhi. I feel so real. I feel so seen. I feel so sacred and deadly and ancestral. Biba CHamoru. Biba gela’ 🖤
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indio-politics · 3 years ago
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Biba CHamoru! Tungo’ i Hale’-ta!
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indigenous-gender · 2 years ago
anyways Black and Brown lesbian men who are attracted to men are amazing 🖤🤎 Black and Brown lesbian men who are cultural genders are amazing 🖤🤎 -signed a gela’ mamflorita malalåhi two spirit 🖤🤎
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indigenous-gender · 3 years ago
fr like speak for yourself, as an Indigenous låhi, palao’an, mamflorita, malalåhi, two spirit, CSA survivor, I am NOT “as bad” as my yt oppressors. we are not the same. this is straight up colonial rhetoric that completely erases Black and Brown mens’ experiences
“if you say you hate men and you don’t include trans men in that you’re transphobic!! We’re just as bad!!” Baby boy love yourself more
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