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crossingbaranduin · 2 years ago
Prev tags: “This scene only furthers my theory that Mike was pushing Axl to outgrow him and challenge him and become a man” + “And that Anders was totally in on it”
Very late to the party here, but @maladyofreverie if you’re up for it, I’d love to hear more about that theory 👀
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Anders’s failed attempt to become yet another Odin
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unauthorizedrhapsody · 3 years ago
A Mike/Colin romance turned violent when Colin cheats on Mike with more than one woman, and Mike just can't take the pain of yet another lover turning to another's arm while he waits alone at home.
An Almighty Johnsons FanVid that I made for Mike and Colin. And a gift for the blog the inspired me to make it, @maladyofreverie
You have been a wonderful friend on this hellsite lol. And I just want you to know that you are not alone in your obsession with this ship. So cheers, to this ship of your own making, Mikolin. 
                                 This is an edited post, the original video needed repairs.
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punkenglishnerd · 4 years ago
golden deep; cadmium red; violet rose; blue; bright blue; yellow green; indigo?
Oooh thank you for sending me so many!!!!!! These are so fun and I really enjoyed answering them :)
golden deep: what’s your favorite season? Summer!
cadmium red: do you have a “type” when it comes to a significant other? Appearance-wise I don’t really have a type. Personality-wise, my type is someone who is kind and compassionate, easy to talk to, preferably we have some things in common, typical stuff like that.
violet rose: what does your dream house look like? My dream house isn’t even a house at all! My dream place to live would be a flat in zones 1 or 2 of London. I know it’s hella expensive but a girl can dream! I described my dream home in more detail in this post.
blue: what’s the most recent dream you remember? I always remember my dreams when I wake up, but throughout the course of the day I oftentimes forget them so I actually can’t think of one right now!
bright blue: what does your dream family look like? any kids or pets? how many of each? I hope to someday be married and have one or two kids :) I really really want children someday!! And hopefully a cute little yorkie too :)
yellow green: picture yourself walking in a field. what do you see & hear in this scenario? I’m pretty much imagining That Scene™️ from Maurice :))))
indigo: what’s the best/sweetest compliment you have ever received? I will forever and ever remember this compliment. It was when I was working at a boba cafe and it was about ten minutes until closing. This guy walked in and I was at the register so he came up to order. I was super flustered because 1) it seemed like he was flirting with me and 2) he was attractive af. But I doubted he was actually flirting with me because at that time I was very overweight, wearing my frumpy work uniform tshirt, my hair was tied back very messily, and I was sweaty from the long shift. After his drink was made, I gave it to him and he thanked me and said, “By the way, you’re really beautiful.” Then he left. And that’s what made it so meaningful to me. He didn’t say that just to get my number, just to get me in bed, etc. He didn’t say it to get anything in return. So he must have really genuinely meant it. My self-confidence and body-image were so extremely low at that point in my life, so receiving a compliment like that without any ulterior motive meant the world to me. I’m a lot more confident in the way I look now, but I don’t think any compliment on my appearance now could ever mean as much to me as that one compliment did. (Sorry for the long answer lol)
Send me some watercolor asks
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badideainaglass · 5 years ago
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replied to your video
“Mycroft and Lestrade deal with an unplanned pregnancy. My other...”
@duchesscloverly This is 'Give Your Heart a Break' not 'How Will I Know'. (Both are great videos, by the way)
Ughhhhh! I fixed it. Thanks for the heads up!
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blowuponabruise · 4 years ago
Okay! so in honour of maurice's birthday being today (thank you @maladyofreverie for finding out the exact date!) here is the drinking game me and my friends will be playing tonight
1 shot (or big gulp) everytime:
there is a longing stare between characters
risley is treated like shit
someone says 'hall'
maurice acts gay
rupert graves' accent transports you straight to somerset
simcox has a snooty look
richard robbins' soundtrack makes you emotional (hard mode)
scudder has Prolonged Eye Contact
clive is an ass
2 shots for:
'the ladies'
clive's gay run
the wicker chair
any trivia about the film you or your friend might happen to say
please feel free to play this game or add any suggestions! clive heckling is very much encouraged in this
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evening-primroses · 5 years ago
When you get this, say five good things about yourself and tag your ten favourite followers
Thank you for @fishingcatsfriend for tagging me to do this!!
1. Uddhhvjddghj I guess I like to read
2. I write poems and stories sometimes when I'm not procrastinating
3. I'm very work-oriented
4. When I love something or someone, I do it very deeply and passionately
5. I think I'm v funny but I could be wrong but who cares
I'm tagging
You don't have to do it if you don't want to!!
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rupertograves · 5 years ago
Tagged by @maladyofreverie and @punkenglishnerd <3333
Top 3 ships: Maurice and Alec obvs, Mycroft and Lestrade ‘cause I have a cause of the nostalgias, Jeeves and Wooster *kisssys chef*!!!!!
Lipstick or Chapstick: Lipstick
Last Movie: The Borrowers (????) Tom Felton is cute and why Hugh Laurie’s character was dressed as a member of a BDSM cult
Last Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nEzfa43VF8
tagging: @letboysgowilde @expo63 and anyone that follows me, feel welcome!!
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antheas-blackberry · 5 years ago
Tagged by @maladyofreverie
nickname: I really don’t have one
real name: Cindy
Zodiac? Libra
Favourite musicians or groups? ummmm INXS, the Beatles, mostly I listen to the Hamilton soundtrack on repeat, Death Cab for Cutie, Tom Petty, Luke Sital-Singh. . . 
Favourite sports team? Boston Red Sox
Other blogs? I used to, but not anymore
Do I get asks? Not really
How many blogs do I follow? 300
Tumblr crushes? no
Lucky numbers? 8
What am I wearing? A 15 year old oversized Red Sox hoodie and flannel pj bottoms
Dream vacation? I wouldn’t mind sitting on a beach in Mallorca again
Dream car? I really don’t have one
Favourite food? pizza
Drink of choice? cold brew coffee :), coke zero, water
Instruments? like when I played the flute in elementary school?
Languages? English. I took French and German in high school, but that was like 28 years ago or something
Celebrity crushes? Is this a serious question? It’s kind of obvious if you follow my blog or know me IRL. Or see my avatar on twitter/fb
Random facts? I’ve lived in the UK for almost 10 years.
I’m not tagging 21 people because I have anxiety over that but if you see this and you want to do it, go for it!
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sanguisugaao3 · 6 years ago
Six Sentence Sunday
Once again tagged by @vulpesmellifera, and also by @maladyofreverie - thank you, new friend! 
Rules of the game are to post six sentences of a WiP and tag six people to do the same. I don’t usually have six people to tag, as the game gets passed around to the usual suspects before I can get around to it. But this time I shall tag @savvyblunders, @wastingyourgum, @lavenderandvanilla & @egmon73 even though I’m sure they’ve already been tagged. 
So this is a little something I started when I was inspired by an Angelstrade sketch that @cuchabra posted. Like, ages ago - maybe even two years back. It’s a bit deeper than I usually delve, and I’m not sure that it will ever be finished, but here you go...
Lestrade ignored the phantom itch at the base of his neck as another otherworldly presence stepped up next to him. They both stared at the modest plaque set low into the marble wall, seeing the plain metal urn nestled within, and Lestrade felt his wings bristle slightly at the sound of a soft sigh. They couldn’t be seen on this plane, of course, but he was always conscious of them, as he had never mastered the seeming unflappability of the higher angels. The damn things were always twitching or flexing, his pinfeathers spreading wide as though they were preparing to launch him into the sky - never mind his personal feelings on the matter.
His superior looked at him askance, disapproval at his instinctual insubordination simply oozing from its eyes. Lestrade shook his head as he crouched, running his fingers over the bronze letters. “S’pose you’re here to tell me that they can’t all be saved? That she’s in a better place now?”
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hastalux · 6 years ago
Six Sentence Sunday – April 28, 2019
I have been tagged four times today! Thanks @egmon73, @vulpesmellifera, @thegovernmentsgoldfish, and @maladyofreverie.
A brief section from an upcoming bit of Deadly Web:
“Don’t worry. I’ll keep an eye on things here. Make sure none of these idiots start any fights.” He presses a gentle kiss to Mycroft’s lips, not really caring that they’re in the presence of his staff. “We’ll be fine.”
No idea who’s been tagged, so please consider yourself tagged if you’d like!
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punkenglishnerd · 4 years ago
Maple, Fog, Jack-O-Lantern and Maize
Thanks for sending some, Morrie!! :))))
maple - is there a hobby / skill that you’ve always wanted to try but never did? Ever since I was an angsty preteen I wanted to learn how to skateboard. Back then I was extremely self-conscious so I was too afraid to learn because 1) I had no one to teach me and I didn’t want to make a fool out of myself by learning on my own, and 2) I was scared to go into any skate shops because everyone seemed so cool and intimidating there. As I got older and graduated from angsty to emo, I still wanted to learn how to skate but I felt like I was too old to learn since I was convinced most people learn when they’re kids and not when they’re teenagers (idk if that’s actually true). Now that I’m an adult I still think it would be cool to be able to skate, but I’m at the point where I really can’t be bothered to pick it up on my own. If I eventually have a friend or S.O. who’s willing to teach me, then I’d be more than happy to learn!
fog - how well do you think you’d do in a zombie apocalypse scenario? Very poorly!! I’d probably die first lol
jack-o-lantern - if you could look like any celebrity, who would you choose? I’d rather look like myself, but if I had to choose a celebrity I’d probably choose Olivia Munn :) She’s half Asian half white just like me, and she has freckles which I think are absolutely gorgeous!! I think Asians with freckles are beautiful :)) My mom is Asian with freckles and she’s so pretty, but unfortunately I didn’t inherit the freckle genes.
maize - share the weirdest encounter you’ve had with a stranger on the street. It’s not really weird per say, but one time a random middle-aged man complimented me on my thigh tattoo (I was wearing shorts) and he reached out to stroke it... I was SUPER uncomfortable but unfortunately it’s quite common for strangers to touch your tattoos without permission... YIKES
Send me autumnal asks
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evening-primroses · 4 years ago
I was tagged by @maladyofreverie and @punkenglishnerd, thank you so much!!
hardcover or paperback / rent or buy / reads in silence or reads with music / standalone or series / annotations or pristine pages / ebook or physical copy / dog ears or bookmarks / mismatched series or complete set / cover matters or you don’t judge (but depends) / lend books or keep them to yourself / enjoys lit classes or despises them / browses shops or orders online / reads reviews or goes in blind / unreturned books or clean library record / rereads or once was enough / fanfic enthusiast (even better if it has elements of canon) or a stickler for canon / deep reader or easily distracted / must read the book before seeing the movie or order doesn’t matter probably won’t see the movie either way (unless i really like the book) / neat bookshelves or messy bookshelves / skips ahead or resists temptation / reads aloud or in your head / guesses plot twists or never sees them coming
I tag: @adamsantics @hamlette @cianishere @italianeyes 
(you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, and anyone can try it out!) 
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starsandstitches · 5 years ago
Six Sentence Sunday – September 15, 2019
Fresh from my laptop, written this morning and still very rough: A few sentences from what is (hopefully) going to be my contribution to the A Halloween 13: The Johnlock and Mystrade Halloween Calendar.
Unsure what to do Greg turned back to the graveyard. Rubbing the back of his neck, he tried to come up with a plan. His gaze trailed along the inner side of the graveyard wall where heaps of colourful leaves had been piling up against the brickwork. It had been raining the past days so the top layer of leaves looked sodden.
Typical! You see but you don't observe.
For the second time within five minutes Greg Lestrade spun on the spot. The voice had seemed to come from behind him, a bright young voice dripping with condescension.
Rules: six(ish) sentences and six tags
Tagging @souper-doup, @lavenderandvanilla, @maladyofreverie, @redgreyandpurple , @antheas-blackberry and you (yes, you! 😉)
And a bit hug and “wahoo!” to @vulpesmellifera! 💜
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unauthorizedrhapsody · 3 years ago
First of all, love Axl too, what a doll!
I think that a lot of the content being so Anders oriented is because of where the majority of creators came from. Most of the Anders blogs and content creators you see were Dean O’gorman fans long before TAJ. Many came from the Hobbit. (As did I in fact, I just went into it forgetting about dean and thinking about starting a new show, and I fell in love with the other characters as well if not more than Anders, though I am inlove with him very, very much, and I can empathize with him) And when a lot of these fans came into the fandom they already had their own preconceived notions of how Anders would be, and then they just could not view him in the way he was meant to be viewed. So then when they see any of the other Characters interact with Anders, (Axl for example) and they react to something he has done that has been foreshadowed as a breaking point, and they insult or just straight up attack him, the Deano fans get hateful of that character. I think a lot of the fandom never really cared about the show, just about Anders. And the other Characters they ignored and lacked interest in until they got into it with Anders for some shitty thing he had done, then they became public enemy number one. That is why you will see that Mike is the most hated in the fanbase. He was hurt the most by Anders, and so he is the most tense with Anders. Personally Mike is one of my favs. I adore him and Colin, and all of them really. That is why I follow @maladyofreverie their blog makes all sorts of content for TAJ, including Britchell  (Which I do love) but mostly for all the other Characters. I loved their aesthetic board for Zeb.
But it all comes down to where the fans came from in the end. If they watched the show without any ideas of how they would fall in love with just one character before meeting them all, then you will find that their content will reflect that, and If they came into it only seeking one character, it will reflect that too. And I am not saying that I do not love seeing content from Anders blogs, any creativity is good. And if making that sort of thing is what makes you happy, it probably makes other people happy too. So keep doing what you love, and the fandom will love you for it. 
And if you want content that is more centered on the show, than there is content for that too, you just need to dig a little deeper. There are a few videos on Youtube that are for the whole of the show, @the-almighty-johnsons​ reblogs a lot of cool stuff for the whole of the show.  @veggiechiknuggets was a great creator that made lots of cool stuff, but has been deactivated for a while now, however you can find their stuff on the blog listed above. But most of all, you just got to search for your fave specifically. 
Finding content about The Almighty Johnsons that isn’t centred on Anders or paints his brothers in a bad light is so difficult lmao
My favourite character is Axl but the ao3 and fanfiction.net tags are filled with mostly Anders centric fics and some make him out to be a saint when he can be a dick sometimes (I love him but it frustrates me) so I can’t really find good Axl centric fics
I swear there’s more crossover fics centered around Mitchell from being Human then any of the actual characters in the show 😂
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sanguisugaao3 · 6 years ago
Sunday Six
I was tagged by the lovely @maladyofreverie - thank you, dearie! 
From Howlers, a wee thing that I’ve been tinkering with... Mystrade, First Meeting AU. I shall tag any and all that are interested - please share your wonderful words with us!
Mycroft felt his toes curling in his shoes as they all snickered around him, his face flaring with heat despite his best efforts to retain his calm. He knew that he was mere moments from simply fleeing and submitting to the consequences of his cowardice on Monday morning, but all of his usual coping mechanisms were failing him badly.
He had actually pushed his chair back a few inches when he felt a light touch on his arm. Startled, Mycroft looked up into large dark eyes and felt an instant calm wash over him. His gaze flickered up to the headband the man was wearing, the furry wolf ears flexing as the server nodded at him cautiously.
“Silly, aren’t they?”
Mycroft nodded curtly, adding a little quirk of his lips. “Much better than bunny ears, however.”
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punkenglishnerd · 5 years ago
Rowling, Shelley & Carroll?
Rowling: Favourite message from a book? “After all, is not a real Hell better than a manufactured Heaven?” from Maurice. I take this to be a message to live authentically, something which I strive to do. Oftentimes I feel like I’m a “Clive” because while I do wholeheartedly embrace my sexuality, I hide it for my job because I’m too scared of what could happen, scared of being fired, etc. I hope to one day have the courage of Maurice and be able to live an authentic life where I don’t hide my sexuality from anyone. I used to be like that, but I lost that girl somewhere along the way and became too worried about my job.
Shelley: 3 characters you dislike? Dorain Gray, Victor Frankenstein, and Macbeth. The three namesakes are three of my favorite pieces of literature, but those three characters in particular are very unlikable in my opinion. *waits for everyone to come for my throat*
Carroll: A book that made you cry? The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. I read it when I was in middle school and that was the first book I remember that really moved me emotionally. I remember it vividly: I cried many times while reading it, and after I had finished it I stayed in my room for an hour and cried. When my mom called me down to dinner she thought something was wrong so I had to explain to her that I was just crying because of my book :)
Send me a bookish ask!
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