#mal's missing a leg or two
dani-luminae · 4 months
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D3 concept art by Thomas Zenteno featuring the coastline and side of the castle, Mal as a pink dragon for some reason, and... Ben on a horse.
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hgfictionwriter · 1 month
Self Control: Part Six - Friends
Jessie Fleming x Reader
Summary: Jessie wants to give you the world. And when she's away from you, you miss each other terribly. And how will Janine and Sinc react when they find out the good news?
Warnings: G!P smut. Phone sex. Masturbation (and getting caught). Language.
A/N: Mostly fluff, but a sprinkle of smut in there as well ;) I’m also not promoting one birth plan over another - that’s totally personal to each person/couple and this is just a story! Rest of the series can be found here.
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You were curled up against Jessie on the couch, your knees tucked in and leaning against her leg. You were on your phone and she idly caressed your thigh as she only half-intently watched a documentary on TV. Her mind was preoccupied with various thoughts when you piped up.
"We're all set for the midwife's visit tomorrow, right?" You asked.
"Hm?" Jessie asked idly before giving her head a subtle shake and coming to. "Yeah, we're set."
Jessie watched you as you nodded and returned to your phone. You floated the idea out there early on to do a home birth and, although you were both tentative - safety and concern top of mind - Jessie loved the idea of you two bringing your little one into the world in the comfort of your own home instead of a cold, impersonal hospital room.
You'd both done research into risks, what was involved, and talked with Dr. Mal about options. She connected you with a midwifery practice that offered collaborative care with her clinic. They'd still go for major appointments at Dr. Mal's, but all information would be available to both and Jessie and you would get more personal, flexible care through the midwife. Between that continuity of care and upon meeting the team, Jessie relaxed.
Tomorrow your midwife would stop by your apartment for a home visit to explore if it was an option and to further talk through birth plans.
In fact, that's kind of what was on Jessie's mind. She chewed the inside of her lip and toyed with the hem of your shorts.
"What's wrong?" You asked, interrupting her thoughts and causing her to look at you in surprise once more. You smirked at her. "You're fidgeting."
"Just thinking," Jessie said slowly, almost pouting though she finished with a short laugh.
"Yeah? What about?" You asked as you gently played with her hair and awaited an answer.
Jessie pulled you onto her lap, you releasing a laugh as she maneuvered you. Your fingers automatically laced around the back of her neck and her hands rested on your waist as she looked up at you.
"I'm just wondering if this visit tomorrow might be a bit moot. At least part of it." She held back a smile at how you screwed up your face at her. Her gaze flit away and she shrugged. "I just don't know if we'll be giving birth here."
"What do you mean?" You asked. "I thought we both wanted that. I mean, yes, we need a hospital transfer plan, but I thought the goal was to have the baby here," you went on, concern creeping onto your features.
"But what if I want to buy us a house?" Jessie asked nonchalantly, allowing a hint of a smile to cross her lips.
You shook your head out. "I'm sorry - what?" Jessie laughed, rubbing her hands up your sides.
"A house," she repeated as if it was simple and obvious. Now she smiled fully at you. "We could use more space. You have to admit - it's going to be a bit tight in here as our kid gets older. And, you know, we talked about the possibility of a second," she finished, her smile turning shy. She watched as you seemed to ready a rebuttal, but ultimately relented.
"I suppose. But we can make it work for a while," you compromised. Jessie gave you a look.
"Why though?" She asked. "We have the money. It would be nice to get settled into a new home before the baby arrives, not fighting for every foot of space for items. Plus the noise," Jessie went on as she gestured down the hall.
"I see you've put some thought into this," you said with a smirk as you tucked her hair behind her ear.
"Maybe." She grinned, before growing earnest. "I want us to have a home together. I know this is our home, but...I want a house for us. I want a yard where the little one and I, "she rest her hand on your still-flat stomach, "can kick the ball around. Run around the backyard. Water fights in summer. And if there's ever snow - build a snowman together. Maybe I can build them a little treehouse, too. Buy a dog!"
A smile had crept onto your face as she spoke with increasing enthusiasm. She waited quietly as you contemplated. It only took you a few seconds before gave an affectionate roll of your eyes.
"Domestication is hitting you hard, Fleming," you teased before you leaned in to kiss her.
"This is what I've always wanted," Jessie said quietly before cracking a faint smirk. "I can't help it if it took so long to meet you." You rolled your eyes good-naturedly at her once more, spurring a wave of affection in her.
"Charmer," you deadpanned as you kissed her again; slowly this time. "Fine. A house it is. But none of this ‘I’m buying a house for us’ business. We will buy a house together.”
"Hey, baby," you greeted, your voice feeding through Jessie's airpods as she sat on her bed, knees up with her arms resting on them as she held up her phone in front of her as she Facetimed you. "I didn't expect a call from you."
"I know," Jessie said, smiling quietly at you through the screen. "Janine and a few others are checking out some shops in town here. Figured I'd take it an opportunity to get some solitude."
"So you called me," you teased.
"Of course," she replied easily, tilting her chin up rather pleased with herself. "How are you feeling?"
"Good," you told her, holding up crossed fingers so she could see. "I don't want to jinx anything, but...maybe this second trimester, no morning sickness thing may be true."
"I really hope so," Jessie told you earnestly. "I know how hard it's been for you." You raised your eyebrows in agreement, but smirked at her.
"Thankfully, I have a very thoughtful, doting girlfriend who took great care of me throughout."
"Least I could do," she laughed and you arched an eyebrow.
"Yeah, actually. I guess that's true," you agreed before laughing furthermore. "Still. I appreciate you." You went on. "So, enough about me. How's Orlando? How was practice today?"
Jessie relayed how the day went and any little quirks that had come up.
"I saw the videos your team put up today of training," you relayed. "You looked amazing."
"Oh." Jessie laughed, somehow still blushing after all this time. "Well, thank you."
You whined. "I wish that sexy body of yours was over here instead."
"Oh," Jessie said again, further caught off guard though a small smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. "You really are feeling better."
"Yeah," you said, nodding earnestly. "And I'm fucking horny. It's worse than before, Jess. I swear."
Jessie averted her gaze, suddenly extra alert and nervous about her whereabouts. Sure, she was in her room, but still. She looked back to you and gave you a coy smile.
"Well. I wish I was there to help you," she said simply. You groaned and rolled your eyes and entirely not in the way she was accustomed to.
"Babe," you whined. "You have to do better than that."
"I can't right now," Jessie whispered unnecessarily as she peered around. You pouted.
"I thought you said Janine went out."
"She did," Jessie said with a small sigh of exasperation. It's true - she should be gone for a while. She was paranoid still, but logically speaking, she did have a window of opportunity.
"Fine," you said, relenting with a mild eye roll. You took a breath to reset and started anew. "So what's tomorrow looking like for you guys?"
"Well, hold on," Jessie interjected, not happy with how things ended. Her gaze darted left to right in the empty room until she settled on you again with a small gesturing nod. "If you're so worked up," she paused momentarily, a smirk forming, "why don't you tell me how worked up you are."
You gave her a scrutinizing, lingering look before you set your shoulders back and gave a faint smile of victory.
"Not sure you deserve to know," you taunted with a glint in your eye. Jessie's jaw fell agape, affronted by your accusation.
"Baby," she implored. "I want to know more than anything." Her breathing deepened subconsciously. She whispered. "Now, be a good girl, slip your fingers inside your underwear and tell me how wet you are for me."
You groaned again, this time exactly in the way she wanted you to. She watched intently as you bit your lip and she could see your shoulder moving and flexing as you began to touch yourself.
"Oh fuck, Jess." Your eyes drifted shut as you made contact and all she could do was sit there as your shoulders rose and fell, your head tossed back. You opened your eyes to look at her. "I'm absolutely dripping for you." You moaned softly, eyes falling shut once more. "I need you so bad."
Jessie exhaled steadily, needing to avert her gaze, but that doing nothing to limit the effect your husky voice and needy moans were having on her. She bit her lips together, eyes trained on the wall as she tried to will away the sensation of her cock starting to swell with arousal. You really were a siren call to her and no matter how many times she had you, she was still powerless under your influence.
"God, I wish I was riding your cock right now," you breathed. Jessie's eyes screwed shut at the vision of it and she cleared her throat. Despite her intentions, she opened her eyes once more to look at you and was met with video of your body writhing as you continued to pleasure yourself.
"Babe, you gotta cool it," Jessie urged you as she glanced down to see her shorts tenting. You opened your eyes, hooded with lust, to look at her with a cocky smirk.
"Why? Is my baby getting worked up?" You asked knowing damn well what the answer was. "Do you need my mouth on your cock? I love when you gently nudge the back of my throat, your hips softly bucking, when I know full well you want to fuck my throat."
"Jesus," Jessie hissed, eyes averting once more as her cheeks began to flash crimson.
"Or should we just cut straight to it. Me bouncing up and down on your thick cock. It feels so incredible when you fill me up." You moaned. "I love when you take it slow, taking such good care of me, so attentive. But nothing beats when you lose control and you fuck me like your life depends on it. Like there's nothing else in this world."
"Oh God," Jessie groaned through grit teeth as she looked up at the ceiling. She didn't need to check to know that her shorts were fully tented now.
"Shit," she mumbled as she reached under her waistband and into her shorts. Her eyes shut as soon as she wrapped her hand around her hard on. "God, what you do to me," Jessie said.
She blew out a steady breath as she circled her sensitive head with her thumb.
“Mm, fuck, I’m so hard for you, babe. I just want to be inside of that hot, tight pussy of yours,” she said. You moaned in her ear and she reciprocated. "I wish-"
A cold wave of panic went over her as her moment of relief was cutoff by the sound of the hotel door unlocking and swinging open.
"Jess, have you seen my wallet?"
"Fuck," Jessie hissed under her breath as she retracted her hand from her shorts as fast as possible. She turned away from the entryway where Janine and who knows else would be appearing any moment now. Her hands shook she frantically snatched up a pillow and clutched it to her as she laid on her side and tried to look like she was casually Facetiming you. She couldn't mask the glare she shot you as you stifled laughter.
"Oh hey," Jessie feigned faint surprise as Janine, Kelli and Sam appeared.
"Hi," Janine said absently as she began tossing clothes around as she looked for her wallet. "So have you seen my wallet?"
"No," Jessie said curtly, eyes on the blonde and then the others briefly before facing you once more.
"Can they hear me?" You asked quietly and Jessie narrowed her eyes at you in another glare as she did her best to ignore the incessant throbbing between her legs. "No," she nearly grumbled.
Kelli leaned over Jessie's laying form and waved at you. "Hi wifey!" You waved back entirely casually as though you weren't just fingering yourself 10 seconds ago.
"Jess can you get up and help me look," Janine complained as she continued to tear the room apart.
"Find it yourself," Jessie refuted with a frown. Janine grumbled and stomped over to the brunette, snatching her phone and one of her airpods out of her ear to wear it. Jessie leaned up slightly to try to grab it, but couldn't fully without risking losing her cover.
"Hi, love," Janine greeted sweetly before her face fell. "Can you tell Jessie to get up and help me?"
"Uh, I can try," you said slowly, holding back a laugh. Jessie could still hear you in the remaining earpiece. "But she's tired from practice. I bet Kelli's great at scavenger hunts."
Janine rolled her eyes at you and huffed. "Should've known you'd side with her." She sighed once more and grabbed the pillow, giving it a tug. Jessie held onto it tightly. At this, Janine frowned.
"What the- come on, Jess," she implored as she tugged harder on the pillow, Jessie reciprocating the same.
"Just take my wallet," Jessie complained. "I'm trying to rest and talk to my girlfriend. Leave me alone."
In a flash, all three of her teammates reamed on the pillow and left Jessie still fully tented shorts exposed. Janine literally screamed and covered her eyes, while the others gasped and started laughing riotously.
"Fuck off," Jessie yelled as she grabbed the other pillow and sat up laying it on her. Her face burned immensely hot as she swatted at her friends to get out.
"Oh my God, babe," she heard you say through conflicted laughter. "I'm so sorry." Janine yelled again and tossed the phone onto the bed like it scalded her and she gave Jessie back her airpod.
"You can have her back," she yelled for you to hear. "And yeah. I'm taking your wallet. Oh my gosh, you two. It's only been a day. Get it together."
It was no surprise when Jessie received relentless teasing from the entire team the following day. She pouted and grumbled, trying now and then to deflect with bravado, but for the most part she spent the better half of the day with her hood up, blushing and dodging jokes. Thankfully, by the time the ride to the stadium came around people had mostly moved on.
She'd texted with you throughout the day, you commiserating and apologizing for yesterday's event. She wasn't actually mad; it was fun while it lasted and she just didn't like attention at the best of times, never mind for something like this.
The game went well, Jessie played the full 90 and though she didn't log an assist or a goal, her stats were still solid and she felt good about things.
That evening, back at the hotel she sat around with Janine and Sinc. She was grateful that even after retiring from club play, Sinc came on staff as an offensive coach for forward and attacking midfielders.
They were all chatting when Jessie's phone buzzed. She looked to see a message from you. It was a listing for a house along with a message:
A south facing yard just for you and our little one. So you can play football together until the late hours of the night.
"I'd ask, "What's got you smiling like that?" but honestly, I'm afraid to," Janine quipped. “And I don’t need to ask ‘Who’.”
Jessie lifted her head in delayed recognition of Janine's question, only afterward realizing she was still smiling.
With you now officially just entering your second trimester, you were at a stage where you could share the news. She wanted to tell her friends before a more formal announcement went out to acquaintances and others. You told her to do it whenever and however felt right. She didn't know how that looked, but, sitting here with two of her oldest friends, it seemed clear.
"Um," she started, putting her phone away and taking a breath, she ignored how they both frowned at her. "I was smiling because Y/N and I are looking at buying a house."
Janine's jaw dropped in surprise and Christine nodded in approval. Janine started asking a million questions and Jessie calmly cut her off.
"There are lots of reasons we'd want a house, but, the biggest is," she paused, shrugging lightly, "we need the space. Because, our family is growing." She could see the wheels turning inside their heads and she smiled as she went on. "Y/N's pregnant. We're having a baby."
If Janine was surprised before, she was absolutely beyond now. Even Sinclair's jaw hit the floor.
Before Jessie knew it, Janine flung herself across the space between them and threw herself onto Jessie in a bear hug.
"Oh my God!" She exclaimed. "That is so exciting! I'm so happy for you!" When she pulled back, tears were in her eyes, immediately causing tears to spring to Jessie's. Something seemed to spark in Janine’s mind as she paused, all excitement on hold as she eyed the brunette. "Wait - you're excited, right? It's a good thing?"
"Oh my God," Jessie frowned as she gave Janine a light shove. "Of course it's a good thing. This was planned," she said in exaggeration. "Geez." She rolled her eyes. "I'm very excited."
"Okay, great," Janine said, all of her previous enthusiasm coming right back. "Oh my gosh! I want to plan the baby shower. Wait - will she let me? Probably not. Well, I can throw one for you! Why not!"
"Okay, okay," Sinc said as she put a hand on Janine's shoulder and got her sit back down. "Give the woman some space to breathe. There's still lots of time for you to insert yourself into this whole journey," she joked, side-eying the girl.
Janine now settled, Sinclair got up and Jessie rose to be pulled into a hug.
"Congrats, kid," Christine said before chuckling. "Guess I can't call you that anymore."
She pulled back, holding Jessie by the shoulders as she smiled at her, giving a small shake of her head. "Crazy to think. I met you when you were just a kid. And since then you've built this incredible career - top teams, Olympic medals, National team captain," she said with a wink, "and you've never let any of it go to your head. Still just as humble and sweet today as you were back then. You met this awesome woman who makes you happier than I've ever seen you, and now you two are having a kid of your own. It's amazing. I'm proud of you and I'm so happy for you."
By now, Jessie was, rather unsuccessfully, blinking back tears. Sinclair chuckled, tousling Jessie's hair.
"But you're still a bit of a crier," she teased. "That's okay. That kid is going to be so lucky to have you as a parent. Couldn't ask for better."
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cosmal · 2 years
hozier — send me an au + character and i’ll write you a blurb. i.e rockstar!remus, rugby!james, stoner!peter
rockstar!sirius coming home from a long trip all clingy and whiny about how much he missed you omg
order in
summary sirius is clingy when he gets home from tour.
content sirius black x fem!reader
note um mal i love this idea shut up!!!!!!!!!
"Jesus Christ," Sirius says at the sight of you. A tiny vest, a pair of boxers he's sure are his. He forgets he thought they were lost almost immediately. You've got a laundry basket held to your hip.
"Sirius," you say. Really gently. Soft and sickly sweet. You don't flinch like he'd thought you would. He likes that more than he should. "Baby, when did your flight land? You didn't Uber here did you? Have you been home?"
He doesn't answer a single one of your questions and you shift on your feet, soft socks twisting into the crush of your rug. The anklet on your left leg clinks.
He drops his neck pillow next to his forgotten suitcase and closes the space between the two of you. He almost knocks into your dining table. You drop the basket on your couch like you know what he's about to do.
He hugs you so hard he worries you might bruise. He trusts you'd let him know if it might be too much because he still feels like it's not hard enough. He wants to feel you against him. Your hip pressed to his, your chest against his shoulder, the way your chin falls into the pit between his shoulder and neck.
"Sirius," you say into his skin. Right behind his ear where you know he likes it. "I was supposed to pick you up. You were supposed to ring."
"Don't care," he says and means it. "I didn't want you to drive through the traffic, I know you hate it."
You do. Last time you picked him up at Heathrow you almost had a prang. He was just as upset as you were. He had to drive the two of you home.
"I would've been okay," you sigh. He knows what you mean. "I'm sure you're exhausted."
"I am," he says. He starts to walk backwards until the backs of his legs hit the edge of your sofa. He sits down and takes you with him. You gasp like you weren't expecting it. Silly. "I am, but Christ, baby, I missed you."
You tuck your knees into his sides where he's got your legs parted over his lap. Pressing your palms into his soft hoodie, right over his chest. "Missed you more," you say before kissing his cheek. You pull back and he's frowning.
He reaches his hands up to your neck to tug you back down to his face. "That's really not possible," he mumbles before kissing you. Properly, he thinks, warm and slow into your mouth to show how much he means it.
You pull back, and despite the slow nature of his kiss, you're breathless. A little gaspy as you blink slowly and try to tamp back your shy grin. "Sure," you say.
You tuck your hands into his hair and look as lovesick as he feels. Pushing flat locks of hair behind his ears. Kinked where he's had his headphones on for the past thirteen hours. If he's lucky, he thinks he might get you into the shower later on with him tonight while he washes it. If he's even luckier, he might not have time to wash it at all.
"You gonna let me make you some dinner?" you ask, twisting a strand of hair around your finger.
"No," he says and means it. You're not going anywhere if he can help it. "No, stay here, baby."
"You're not hungry?" you ask. Your hand stills and he doesn't have it in him to ask you to keep twisting his hair. He knows you would but he thinks he's being whiny enough.
"Not really," he lies. He’s starved. Plane food is awful. "Thanks, though, honey."
You smile at the nickname like he'd expected. "You don't want me to make that linguine? The one with the little shrimp? I think the market might still be open."
Sirius wants to kiss you again. He wants to kiss you and hug you. He wants to tuck his arms under your shirt and hide his face in your neck until he gets bored. He doesn't think there are enough days left in existence to achieve it.
"We could order in?" he suggests. "Not that I don't love your cooking, it's just, I can order from my phone and you can stay right here in my lap."
"Sirius," you mumble.
"Yeah, and then while we wait, you can tell me about everything you did while I was away." He's smiling so hard he can't help it. It's an amazing idea.
You pretend to think about it but then reach down to pull his phone from his pocket. You hand it to him, smiling, and say, "Two conditions."
"I'm listening."
"We order from the Indian place around the block. Girl and The Goat?" He knows you only suggest it because it's his favourite. He tosses up arguing with you over it. He knows you'll want Greek. You always do.
He doesn't. "Right."
"And," you add, "You have to tell me everything you haven't already about tour."
Sirius rolls his eyes like that's an inconvenience. He really did want to let you ramble away. He's been gone two months. "Okay."
You smile like you're actually excited. "Yay."
Sirius pulls out his phone and finds the right number in his favourited contacts. He holds the dialling phone to his ear. "Good, I can complain to you then. James is such a fu- Hello, could I please place an order?"
You laugh until he finishes the order.
fixing the readmore glitch <3
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fbfh · 2 months
Curiosity is a Wonderful thing ch. 10
wc: 1.8k
genre: slow burn, little angst, childhood best friends to lovers
pairing: slow burn bff!ben x fem daughter of alice!reader, previously audrey x ben, mal x ben???? yikes!
warnings: political lore and descendants world building from yours truly lol, I think that's it??? minor angst???
summary: determined to figure out what's going on with ben, you remember that many paws make light work.
song recs: dirty paws - of monsters and men, hartebeest - yaelokre, a world of my own - kathryn beaumont
a/n: HI HELLO DADDIES HELLO MY DADDIES HI HELLO also I started watching it's always sunny and every goddamn thing out of charlie's mouth is a vocal stim. I can't go more than two seconds without going HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY. LOOK AT ME GIVE ME EYES. COOL YOUR JETS. NOW GET OUTTA HERE. I love him.
ALSO!!!!!!!! happy 23rd b-day to meself!!!! does a little jester dance while I simultaneously give a thumbs down from the king chair, opening a trapped door and throwing my jester self into a deep dark pit full of lions and poorly made iced americanos.
tags @yesv01@magcon7280 @hopefullhearts @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @sunshineangel-reads @dustyinkpages @inejsknifes @tulipmagnoliaisme @ev3ningrain @yokolesbianism lmk if I missed you and I'll add you to the tag list yell at me in the notes /j (also my dearest yokolesbianism!!!!! thank you so fuckin much for the feedback!!!!!! based on your tags I assumed you'd wanna be tagged?? just shoot me an ask or message if this is not the case lol <333)
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You haven’t given much thought to anything besides your research since it began, but if you had, you suppose you would notice you’ve been holed up in the library for every hour it’s been open for a few days, at least. Each waking moment has been spent pouring through text after text, desperately seeking anything that could prove useful in answering the question of Ben’s behavior. 
The first few books proved to be utterly useless for anything besides sharpening your researching skills. You slam the most recent book closed and lean back in your chair, letting out a sigh of frustration. As much as you hate to admit it - even to yourself - you must begrudgingly admit that you need help. 
You let out another sigh, and stand up. A good long sigh seems to be your only weapon against the inconsolable frustration burbling within you turmoilously. You stretch your aching legs and arms, hoping your blood hasn’t stopped circulating entirely, and throw the window open. You take in a big, deep breath of spring air. 
The scent of gardenia and hibiscus floats along the breeze and into your chest, and you glance down at the flowering culprits below the window. 
Your mind wanders and races in a blurry stumble. There must be some way for you to get information, to get some extra hands on this without getting anyone else directly involved. You never expected to find yourself facing such a fragile, treacherous situation, much less having to navigate it yourself. Without Ben. 
You rub at your aching head, trying to make heads or snails of all this. Your mind reels in a blurry stupor at the dangerous situation your country has found itself in without even realizing this to be the case. You take another big, deep breath. 
“Alright.” You tell yourself with a note of finality, like perhaps if you say it enough things will be just that. Alright. 
There are two heads to this chimera of a situation you’ve found yourself in. Firstly, you have to figure out how to monitor Ben. His words, his actions, if he suddenly decides to shave his head and run about nude. Whatever it is, you must be the first to know. Perhaps if you find a way to stay on top of whatever his next erratic decisions will be, you can find a way to smooth things over, to fix things before they have a chance to snowball wildly out of control. 
The other thing you must consider - arguably, of more importance - is why? Why is he acting like this? As much as you resist confronting the feeling, you can’t shake the sense that this is some sort of political sabotage. It wouldn’t be the first time Ben was caught in the crossfires of political unrest. There was a very tense 8 days when you were both nearly too young to remember where Ben had been kidnapped by a group of radicalist former henchmen. They were convinced that Chernabog was sending them secret messages, and were responsible for the next villain uprising.
This, of course, was untrue and Ben was returned unscathed. The henchmen were understandably sent to the Isle, and Chernabog’s whereabouts are still unknown. There’s some debate over the nature of his crimes, if he’s truly evil or just appears to be scary. You and your mother know right where you stand on the issue - while he appears terrifying, and has incredible amounts of power, you have yet to find any evidence that he wants to cause harm. 
You understand why Overlandians are so quick to fear what they don’t know, but one cannot control their size nor the strength of their power, so your mother has urged the Auradon government to let sleeping gods lie. Besides, Chernabog hasn’t been around for half a century, and won’t be seen for another half century at least, so it’s really the least of anyone’s worries right now. 
You snap from your train of thought, returning to the matter afoot. You must keep tabs on Ben, and find some explanation for why he could be acting like this. You already have so many bites that are far too big, and you have no clue how you’ll chew your way through this by yourself. You’re about to go back when you see a bluebird sitting on the tree branch outside the window. She preens her feathers, enjoying the warm sunlight dappling through the lush green leaves that partially hide her from view. You lean out of the window, your sleeves rippling in the breeze. 
“Excuse me!” You call out. She chirps inquisitively as you get her attention. 
“I do hate to bother you, but I’m stuck in quite a muddling lurch. It’s all quite convoluted you see, and as much as I hate to admit it, I fear I’ve reached a point where I simply don’t have enough hands to handle it all.”
She quirks her head at you, hopping a little closer and lending an ear as you begin to explain the whole kerfuffle. You try to be as concise and clear as you can, but you take after your mother quite well. You get a little sidetracked here or worked up there, and find yourself rambling a great good deal more than you would have liked to. 
By the time you’re just about through with your explanation, you’ve had to pull out a lacy embroidered handkerchief, then soon after, another one for the bluebird. She’s grown quite invested in your woes, and it feels so good to be able to weep wetly over this with someone who shares your feelings. You try in vain to dry your eyes, and she holds her hankie tightly with her feathers, blowing her beak with a loud noise. 
“So you see, this whole thing is quite unusual. I just don’t know what to do, or how to fix things.” You look at her compassionate face, nodding and chirping in sympathy. 
“Do you think…” You begin, “Do you perhaps have any friends that could keep ears and eyes open for anything odd, or relating to all this? If you could possibly keep an ear to the ground - or sky - and let me know if there’s anything unusual, I would be most grateful.”
She nods, tweeting in agreement before you can even finish your proposal. She fluffs her feathers and wrings out your hankie, sprinkling salty tears onto the walkway below and hangs it up on a  branch to dry out. She salutes you, and you wave at her as she flies off to spread the word. 
“Thank you!” You call after her. She chirps back at you, and you watch her land a few trees over, discussing the topic with some other birds in the branches. You grip the windowsill resolutely. This is good. This was a good plan. Animal communication takes a great deal of work on both ends, so as long as no particularly gossipy stoats or chickadees get a hold of this, you’ll be alright. 
Besides, animals generally tend to prefer gossiping with other animals rather than humans. Overlandians never seem to understand the gravitas of the social politics of the forest. Despite the word traveling fast, you can’t shake the feeling you need more. More eyes, more ears, more furry feet and paws and claws spreading the word. You straighten up abruptly, returning to your table. You scribble a hasty note on a piece of paper, and prop it up against your stacks and stacks of useless - in this instance, anyway - books. 
gone for tea, be back in three 
You’re known for ducking in and out for tea now and again, and you’re sure this will come as no surprise to the librarians. You rush down the steps and out of the library, into the grassy courtyard. It feels like forever since you’ve been outside, and you miss leisurely strolls and reading in the dappled sunlight. But regrettably, now is simply not the time for leisure. You walk around for a few minutes, searching and looking until you see a cat lying on a garden wall, bathing in the sun. 
 “I beg your pardon,” you start, and the cat opens one sleepy eye. You take a breath and begin explaining the situation all over again. You’re pleased to find a little bit of the sting is gone this time. Just a little. Soon you have his full attention, and his tail flicks in sympathetic irritation for you, for having gone through all this. 
“So if you could spread the word to some friends, keep me informed on anything you think might prove useful” You ask hopefully. 
He pretends to consider for a moment, then agrees, hopping down from the wall and arching his back in a big stretch. He scurries off to spread the word as you make your way into the gardens for similar reasons. You traipse through the hedge maze, feeling a momentary solace in becoming lost so quickly. Soon you find just what you’re looking for, and after a similar conversation with a mother rabbit, you allow yourself to return to the library. 
You return to your research with more gumption than you had had before. You feel a sense of reassurance - a much needed one, at that - that all these kind animals and their friends and relations had agreed to help you and your cause. Soon after, nearly every cat and rabbit are doing reconnaissance for you. Dozens of bluebirds follow students and linger by windows in hopes of overhearing something useful. With all these ears to the ground and sky, you lose yourself in your fruitless research once again. 
When the words begin to look jumbled and meaningless (and not in the good way) you know you absolutely must call it a day. You close your books and place them neatly in the return cart, scratching out titles from your list of Potentially Helpful Books in your journal. More and more pages have become dedicated to this heart aching mystery, though you have few clues, and fewer leads. You ruminate on this as you begin to head for your dorm, nearly tripping over a speckled rabbit. 
He thumps his foot loudly to get your attention, and you startle. “Oh, hello,” you say apologetically, crouching down to speak with him. You listen intently to what he tells you, your stomach dropping in the early evening light. 
Ben and Mal are on a date at the enchanted lake as you speak. 
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skulla-rxcks · 1 year
Paring: Bang Chan x Female reader
Rating: explicit
Genre: smut
Warnings: use of daddy, unprotected, praise
Day 7 of k-tober
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Taglist: @f3lix00 @channiesgoodgirl @mal-lunar-28
Chan. He hasn’t come home yet, he’s been on tour and I missed every part of him. Right now I’m waiting for him at the door.
“Daddy..?” I stand up as I hear the door click open. “Oh, hello there! You okay? You look upset” He chuckles, hugging me.
“I missed you…you were really busy” I whine clinging onto his shirt, looking up at him. “Oh honey.. what can I do to make it up to you?”
He asks, picking me up and placing me down on our bed. “I Uhm..” I stutter, words not coming out of my mouth. I take his hands and hold them while I look up into his eyes, Which soften as he looks at me kindly. I just decide to go for it, I pull him closer to me and place a quick, shy kiss on his lips, looking at him with begging eyes.
“c-can you.. touch me?” I blush, embarrassed to be asking such vile things. He smiles and leans down, cupping my cheeks between his hands before gently pulling my head closer to his and kissing me, I kiss back; tugging on the bottom of his shirt before lying down on my back, biting my lip.
“gonna fuck you nice and good, yeah?” Chan gazes Into my eyes before taking off his shirt, his abs on show infront of me. “you’re so pretty…” I mumble, pulling him closer to me and unbuckling his pants until he’s wearing nothing but his boxers. “I think you’re the one I should be complimenting, I’m not complaining though. Take this off, I wanna see your soft tits.” he motions to my shirt which I obey his words and slip it over my head. He moves closer to me going down onto my chest and kissing all over it, massaging my breasts as his mouth leaves a trail of kisses down my body. “C-chan…. Daddy. please..” I whine, taking my panties off for him to have easier access.
“what do you want Daddy to do to you, baby girl?” he smirks, his hot breath on my lower stomach as he talks. “I want Daddy to make me feel good..” I whimper. “Channie..please..?” I repeat, squirming as I feel his wet tongue sliding across my nipples, taking one into his mouth before biting it softly. “mmgh!” I moan, pressing his head further into my chest as I whine with pleasure.
“I.. I want you inside me.. please..” my eyes start watering as my begging gets louder and louder desperate for his fingers, his mouth, his dick, his anything really. “mmm… baby” he groans, his tongue sliding down my body until it reaches my dripping cunt. “open these for me, yeah?”
I nod, opening my legs for him. I start moaning as I feel his tongue run over my clit and his fingers enter my hole. “D-daddy… ah..” I cry out and push his head into my cunt, needing more of him. “mmm gosh, you’re so needy.. I fucking love it” Chan chuckles before continuing to repeatedly lick my clitorus even more. “feels good… daddy..”
“good.. god it’s so pretty how my fingers just get swallowed up by your hole..” He smirks, thrusting two of his fingers harder and faster inside of me now, but suddenly he stops. “daddy..?” I pout as I feel his fingers leave me. “just give me a sec, yeah? Wanna fuck this pretty cunt. Do you want daddy to do that for you?”
“please..” I plead, moaning slightly at the stretch as he enters me. his thrusts are sloppy at first but start getting more intense, making me claw my nails into his back as he fucks me. “daddy I’m gonna cum..!” I cry, legs shaking as I get closer and closer to the end of my pleasure.
“Cum. cum for me, head back against the pillows too so I can see your pretty face before cumming on it.” I nod in response to his words, letting my hands fall free from his back and laying my head against the pillow, moaning as I feel the familiar twist in my stomach.
“OH FUCK DADDY…” I cry out, cumming around his dick before he pulls out and begins jerking himself infront of my face, his liquids spilling onto my face as he cums.
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crow-stars · 2 years
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❦summary; sometimes, a gentle touch is all someone needs.
♪the characters in this story; malleus draconia, gn!reader
✎word count; 807
❀what do the ghosts say?; ambiguous relationship (can be seen as platonic or romantic), malleus just being a big cat
☛the author's notes; nothing to note...
☪look at the catalogue?
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Humans were an odd species. Their rituals were different and what was normal for the fae was odd to them and vice versa. For example, when you began to get curious about the horns on his head, you just began touching them. Eventually you had moved on to stroking Malleus’ hair and have been so focused on it ever since. Even today, when he’s visiting you in your room, his head lays on your lap, your fingers combing themselves through his ebony locks. 
Malleus is quite happy with this odd arrangement, don’t get him wrong. He adores the affection that is showered upon him by you, not motivated by fear or ulterior motives but by you yourself. Truly, it makes Malleus feel lucky that you’re by him. 
As you rake your hand through Malleus’ hair, you hum some tune that the fae doesn’t know. It’s silent besides that, but some silences are welcome. 
“You know Mal,” Your voice tears through the silence, yet you still continue your motions, even as Malleus turns his head to look at you. “Your hair is really soft. I like it.”  
He relished in that compliment, lips curling into a smile. 
“Thank you, Child of Man. I appreciate it.” Your laughter soothes him, keeping that same smile on his lips as the silence settles between the two of you. Your humming comes back once more and all feels comfortable. 
The day ends with this and Malleus feels happiness swelling in chest as he appears in a flurry of fireflies in the Diasomnia commons room, where Lilia awaits along with Silver and Sebek. 
Sebek is first to talk after Lilia’s greeting, wailing about how he oh so missed the Young Master, how worried they were about his disappearance, so on and so forth. Lilia laughs at Sebek’s usually worrying, ushering the three to their rooms with playful laughter. 
Malleus finds himself wishing that he could fall asleep to the feeling of hands running through his hair again. It seems he’s gotten quite addicted to the action of you running your fingers through his hair. 
The next day, Malleus is the one to seek you out after classes are over. He finds you in the courtyard, seeming to be studying, with the textbooks and papers that are scattered around the table you’re at. You notice his presence before Malleus announces it, head lifting to smile at the fae prince. 
“Oh hey Mal!” You close your notebooks and textbooks, turning your full attention to him as he sat beside you. “Did you need anything?” 
“Yes. I require your touch.” 
Malleus has to stop himself from chuckling upon seeing you jump in surprise at his request. You raise your hand, lips parted and ready to talk before you stop, look away and then back to Malleus.
“I’m sorry?” 
Malleus places a hand on his head, the area between his horns. “I’ve started to crave when you pet the area here.” 
He can practically hear the hefty sigh you release, soft laughter escaping you as you shake your head. Malleus almost thinks you’ll deny his request, but the soft patting of your hand against your thigh tells him otherwise. As if practiced, Malleus curls onto your lap, head laying on your legs and rest of his body curled up to fit onto the bench. 
Your soft laughter soothes him as your fingers begin to comb through his hair, slow and at a steady pace. It’s a wonder how he keeps his eyes open as such gentle touches and you even scratch the area in between Malleus’ horns, earning a soft rumble from his chest. 
Malleus thinks he hears you mutter something, comparing him to a cat he thinks, but he could not care less, eyes fluttering closed as you continue your ministrations. The sun feels pleasant against his neck, warming him and numbing his senses. All he feels is the warmth of your touch, the warmth of the sun relaxing him sufficiently. 
It was... It was nice. His body felt afloat, but it was a welcome feeling, a new and amazing feeling. 
Malleus ended up falling asleep on your lap that day, right in the middle of that courtyard. Sebek was the one to find the two of you, aghast at the situation in front of him. You quickly shushed him, a bit passive aggressive when you asked if he wanted to wake the sleeping dragon. 
Of course, the knight yelped out a no and slapped his hands over his mouth. Lilia was next to arrive, chuckling softly at the sight before him. He commented on the situation at hand, smirking to himself as you just asked for Malleus to have some time to himself. 
Lilia dragged a despairing Sebek away, leaving the two of you on the bench, silence surrounding the area and work quickly forgotten.
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Descendants Rambling Masterlist
♡Welcome to my page/Master list♡
My Requests are always open
I'm willing to write readers with she/her, he/him, or they/them pronouns
I'm willing to write 1-2 love interests
I only write for villains/vks unless it's a VK x reader x Ak situation (ex: mal x reader x ben, Jane x reader x Carlos)
I'll make suggestive comments/make out sessions but I don't write smut, these characters are all underage regardless of their actor's age
♡ personal favorite
✎ least favorite (i might eventually rewrite)
⋆ head canons
♤ AU
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𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓕𝓸𝓾𝓻
Mal Bertha
Game Planner (He/him) After finding out how much she misses Halloween on the Isle, Mal's boyfriend does everything he can to bring her a slice of home. - Written 10/2021
Candy Apple (She/her) Evie's family history leads to her trying to back out of a chemistry project. - Written 09/2021
Carlos de Vil
Saved ♤✎ (She/her) Going back to the Isle leads to the Hook!Reader being kidnapped by her own brother, leavig Carlos to save her. - Written 10/2017
Carlos Having a Crush on You ⋆(she/her) Ben's Twin!Reader x Carlos -Written 12/2017
I've Got You✎ (She/her) Carlos has a nightmare about his mother. (Trigger Warning!!)- Written 07/2018
PB&J (They/Them) Finding out their boyfriend hates their favorite holiday leads the reader to graveling to give him a good Halloween. - Written 09/2021
I Loved You First ♡ (They/Them) Inspired by "Loved You First" By One Direction. Carlos didn't expect them to wait for him to come back to the Isle, but that doesn't make it easier to see them with someone else. (minor Gil x reader) - Written 10/2021
Dating Jay ⋆ (no pronouns used but the reader wears leggings) Jay x Cheerleader!Reader - Written 10/2018
Spidermonkey (she/her) Gothel!Reader has Jay surprise her when he sneaks through her window. Loosely inspired by twilight- Written 04/2020
Stuffed Spook (They/Them) Jay's partner gets excited by a stuffed bat and he's determined to win it. -Written 09/2021
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𝓢𝓮𝓪 𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮
Letters to the Sea♤♡ (They/Them) Soulmate AU: everything you write on your skin appears on your soulmate's skin too. Uma and the Reader write letters until they can meet. - Written 07/2021
Baking (They/them) Uma watches her partner try to prepare for the Halloween escape room. Evie's Sibling!Reader - Written 10/2021
Hook's Daughter ⋆ (She/her) Harry's younger sister is Gil's closest friend (minor Gil x Jay) - Written 07/2021
Orchard (They/Them) Gil's partner takes him apple picking during his first September in Auradon - Written 09/2021
Harry Hook
Jafar's Child ⋆ (They/them) A flirty joke leads to Harry dating Jay's sibling - Written 07/2021
Fever ♡ (She/her) Harry and Captain take care of his sick girlfriend (requested) - Written 06/2021
Haunted Castle (He/him) Harry drags his scaredy-cat boyfriend to a haunted castle - Written 09/2021
Making a Splash (she/her) One wrong move leads to two people panicking and one person hurt on the docks. Jay's Sister!Reader. (Requested) - Written 12/2021
Flirting Pirate (She/her) She only hangs around the fish and chips shop to watch after he brother, it would be easier if she didn't have to deal with the flirty first mate. Gil's Sister!Reader (Requested) - Written 02/2022
Sealed With a Kiss ♡ (She/her) Ben's twin gets kidnapped with him by a pirate who's had a crush on her his whole life. Ben's Twin!Reader (Requested) - Written 04/2022
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𝓓:𝓡𝓸𝓡 𝓥𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓼
Morgie le Fay
Sunday Night ♡ (She/her) After his friends let him down, Morgie runs to his girlfriend for comfort. - Written 08/2024
In Another Life (he/him) When Rapunzel's son gets thrown back in time he finds himself to be the object of two villains' affection. Minor James Hook x Reader (Requested)- Written 08/2024
I Would Be Yours (he/him) He never thought the lips he spent years thinking about would appear to him again 3 years later. Sequels to “In Another Life” (Requested)-Written 09/2024
True to Heart (he/him) Without the pressure of parents and villains, how hard is it to be true to heart? Especially when you’re holding a book that tells you your truth. (Requested)-Written 08/2024
Tree Bark (they/them) Everyone deserves their time alone, sometimes though that well deserved time alone has to be interrupted by the sound of animal noises coming from a tree. (Requested)-Written 08/2024
Crushing (they/them) Morgie had never been good at hiding when he had a crush on someone, and they don’t mind playing the long game with his affections (requested) - Written 08/2024
Win You Over (they/them) Magical history had always been their favorite class, but this assigned partner situation had the ability to dampen that. (Requested)-Written 08/2024
Mindless Touch (she/her) Morgie hasn’t meant to upset her, he only wanted to have his hands on what was his. (TRIGGER WARNING: body image issues) (requested)-Written 08/2024
The Dominant Type ⋆(no pronouns used/GN reader) Hook x reader x Morgie head canons with a dominant leaning reader (requested) - Written 08/2024
Warm Greens (she/her) Red discovers she has a secret aunt when she sees her face next to the people who ruined her mother’s life. (Requested)-Written 09/2024
One Sided (he/him) If he has to listen to Morgie talk about Uliana one more time, he’s going to be sick (requested) -Written 09/2024
Love Letters (he/him) Morgie was growing far too attached to those little silver envelopes (Requested)-Written 09/2024
Babydoll ⋆(no pronouns used/GN reader) Hook x reader x Morgie head canons with a submissive leaning reader (Requested) -Written 09/2024
Scales (They/them) Morgie could think of 100 things he would rather do than parent a dragon with the sweetheart of Merlin Academy (requested)-Written 09/2024
Doesn't Matter (he/him) Morgana le Fay is coming to Merlin Academy's family day, and she has no idea that her son's boyfriend is a prince (Requested) - Written 09/2024
Second Place (he/him) Just once he wants to feel like his boyfriend’s first choice (Requested)-Written 09/2024
James Hook
Call of the Sirens (She/her) As Hook sells his ship to Uma, he and his wife recall a time that she had to save him back in their prime. (Requested)- Written 08/2024
Side Effects (she/her) If Hook knew the side effects that came with those Malibu sprites, would he take them? (Requested)-Written 08/2024
Red Dress (she/her) He hadn’t meant to upset her when he picked the dress out, now Hook was set on making her see how good she looked in it. (TRIGGER WARNING: Body Image issues) (Requested) - Written 08/2024
The Dominant Type ⋆(no pronouns used/GN reader) Hook x reader x Morgie head canons with a dominant leaning reader (requested) - Written 08/2024
Eyes on Me (They/Them) The fairy wasn’t thinking about the pirates past when they excitedly called for him. They definitely didn’t mean to upset him. (TRIGGER WARNING; animal attacks and panic attacks) (Requested)- Written 08/2024
Wake Up Slow ♡ (she/her) Everyone needs a place to fully relax, and he found his in a heavy duvet and needy hands (Requested)-Written 09/2024
Babydoll ⋆(no pronouns used/GN reader) Hook x reader x Morgie head canons with a submissive leaning reader (Requested) -Written 09/2024
Bloody Charming (they/them) Hook’s flirting leads to an argument being blown way out of proportion (TRIGGER WARNING: just, yeah. I got a little too silly) (Requested)- Written 09/2024
Studious ♡ (they/them) Hook might not mind tutoring, as long as it’s for them. (Requested)-Written 09/2024
Body Better (he/him) Sometimes the weight of life can lead to your insecurities coming out in peculiar ways. (TRIGGER WARNING: Body image issues) (Requested)- Written 08/2024
Let me See (she/her) Her need to be independent keeps getting her hurt, and she really did it this time. (Requested) - Written 08/2024
Play With Fire (they/them) their mother warned them not to play with fire, now look at them getting burned (requested) -Written 09/2024
Family Lines (she/her) After seeing Bridget's sister at Family Day, Uliana will do anything to earn the girl's affection. Even being nice to her ray of sunshine sister. (Requested)-Written 08/2024
Rivalry (She/her) It was only a matter of time until the two groupd of VKs either came together or tore themselves to shreds. (Requested) -Written 08/2024
Double the Trouble (she/her) Uliana might be able to date Hook’s sister, but that doesn’t mean she’s able to make Hook like the whole ordeal. (Requested) -Written 08/2024
Breathe (they/them) Sometimes the biggest villain is not knowing how people see you. (TRIGGER WARNING: Anxiety attack) (Requested)-Written 09/2024
Strongest Tides (she/her) When the leader of their crew is emotionally taken out of commission, it’s up to her girlfriend to pick up the pieces (requested)-09/2024
Stylized (she/her) Artistry is the highest form of flattery and Maleficent has found herself as a princess’ muse. (Requested)-Written 08/2024
Play (she/her) watching your girlfriend study can get just so boring (requested) - Written 09/2024
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𝓝𝓸 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻
Descendants, Not Made for Kids ⋆ Changes I'd make if I made the Descendants movies as a series for teens or adults. - Written 06/2021
Style Headcanons ⋆ How I'd restyle the main characters from the OG Descendants movies - Writen 06/2021
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the-milk-monarch · 11 months
☣︎ unofficial sequel to this???
【 SHOWING HIM AFFECTION 】 ☢︎ | gender-neutral reader ☢︎ | Total Drama ☢︎ | Mal
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You and Mal had slept in one bed for some time now.
At first it was slightly awkward, getting used to being in such close and intimate proximity with each other for both you and him.
But as time went on you became pretty used to the cuddling, he was your boyfriend after all.
Mal also enjoyed the closeness between you two, it made him feel reassured that you still like him, even if free affection scared him a little.
Why would he get attention after all? From you? With no consequences??
He wasn't used to getting good things in life, which you could already deduct from his behavior, so you tried to be more open with him about your love.
You were still slightly hesitant about being so affectionate towards him, even though you both deep down knew he needed this.
Your hesitation came mainly because Mal was so hard to read at times, and you weren't sure what would be seen in positive or negative light with him.
But you also didn't judge him for his reactions towards things, being really sympathetic towards him as you knew the boy have been thru a lot in his life.
After slowly warming up to sleeping together, you started to get slightly more clingy towards him.
Not in an overwhelming way, but with just some small gestures.
Like sitting near him with your leg lightly brushing against his own, attempting to hold his hand (which Mal was very surprised about at first, but he brushed it off and let you hold his hand, making some smug remark about it or silently accepting his fate and just rolling with it with unbothered expression, depending on his mood at the moment) or hugging him at times.
His first reaction about the sudden hug was like
"Woah- Missed me much?" He looked at you with a raised eyebrow.
He didn't know what to do with his arms which were floating in the air as you 'attacked' as soon as you saw him, gently embracing his waist.
"That's beside the point." You smartly avoided his question in a lighthearted and a tad playful way.
"Just wanted to hug ya." You explained casually as you lingered a second more, before finally letting him go.
Mal stood there, confused and looking at you in a way that probably made you feel lowkey judged.
"…Okay?" He concluded, his tone still remaining a bit of the skepticism at the sudden (in his pov) gesture.
Although he might seem like he didn't like it, your genuine attempts at showing him some love worked wonders for him.
If by 'worked wonders' you mean you left him over-analyzing the situation, that is.
He acted like he didn't care about it, but it was visible from his slightly tense demeanor that whenever you made any sort of 'move' on him, he would have to convince himself that it was fine, and he wasn't in any danger.
He loved you in his own way, but he was also anxious it wasn't enough.
That you were showing him your love while all he could do was just- Take it and pretend like it's casual, and it wasn't his literal first time receiving so much attention in years.
He hated admitting he had a weakness, that he was becoming vulnerable around you.
Throughout all of his life he had to fight and be tough to survive, so it was unnatural to him to open up like that.
You noticed that while you were making an effort and Mal probably appreciated it, you were also sensing some… coldness from him?
Or at least that's what you perceived, since the man didn't make an effort for an in-depth talk about his feelings.
And so, when your latest attempt at getting closer with Mal resulted in the same reaction as usual - Mal just 'letting you' do that and him just slightly reciprocating - you decided to outright ask him about it.
You were both cozily snuggled up in bed.
Mal was laying on his back, with his arms crossed behind his head which was resting on them and you had your body close to his, laying on your side.
Your arm was gently placed on his waist, embracing him in a tender manner.
He was fairly accustomed to this, although his head was still full of thoughts that he tried to push out.
"…Do you… Not like it when I touch you?" You gently introduced the stingy topic, making Mal abruptly come out of his pondering.
"… What?" He asked, staring at you as if you made some slightly annoying comment that he had to deal with now.
"Tell me if I'm wrong, but…" You started carefully. "Each time I try to like, get closer to you, you make it seem as if I'm a bother to you."
Mal stopped, his stare becoming slightly blank as he was finally called out for his behavior.
He groaned, not happy about the fact that he'd have to talk about his "feelings".
"…No." He finally muttered a bit ambiguously, making you stare at him even more as your eyes were begging him for some elaboration.
"I don't mind." He finally said, trying to remain casual and brushing it off, although there was an obvious hint of something left unsaid from his words.
You decided to carefully press further. "So... why do you act so- indifferent?" You asked in genuine concern, not wanting to make him become defensive at your questioning.
He looked at you for a moment in an indecisive gaze, finally scrunching up his brows together as he let out a sorely defeated sigh.
"It's not about you." He quickly said in a way that could be perceived as passive-aggressive, although you knew you had to have patience towards him, so you let him continue.
He sighed, forcing himself to say something more.
"You're not a problem." He firmly said, making you slightly more assured in his words.
"It's just-" He stops for a moment, looking for an appropriate word to use in this situation. "Uncanny."
You kept quiet but nodded, letting him be open about his feelings.
He once again got quiet and put on a bit annoyed expression, as it took him all the strength to spit out his honest thoughts like that.
You sighed softly, prepared for a patient talk with him. "Uncanny- Why?"
He looked at you again, this time uncertainty seeping into his tough expression.
"Because..." He started preparing himself to adequately voice his thoughts.
"Because it is uncanny!" He raised his tone for a moment as emotions started to show in his voice.
"I ain't used to- feelings, and shit." He said, almost like a kid admitting to breaking the vase and awaiting for a potential punishment from his parent, while still keeping some scraps of his pride.
You smiled gently and understandingly, not a hint of judgement coming your way. "It's- It's okay, you know?"
You reassured him, intently looking at his reactions for guidance on how you should proceed further, but not in an overwhelming way.
"You can tell me how you feel."
"You don't have to treat me like a child." He muttered, a slight defensiveness flaring up in his words, but his tone stayed relatively calm.
"I'm not." You calmly but surely said.
"I just want to reassure you that we can- You know, be open with each other-?" You gently continued, looking at Mal's face for any sort of reaction, to which he avoided your gaze, thinking about your words in silence and deep thought.
He thought about any potential repercussions from him being so honest, but ultimately he decided that your words and acts towards him during the time you were together were enough to convince himself that you really didn't have any bad intentions or ulterior motives for saying that.
He finally moved his gaze onto your eyes, his focus briefly escaping them, before returning once more with a more vulnerable but willing to be honest look.
"You're too- good." He suddenly said, gaining some mildly surprised look from you, but you were aware it wasn't just a compliment from his side. He wasn't the one to be corny.
"You like me, but something's- bothering me." He said, getting slightly vulnerable around you and keeping a serious face.
"Cause- Why? What do you expect of me?" He spoke in a more composed manner now, like talking business, retaining his bits of confidence to still talk about this topic, yet his voice still had a tinge of defensiveness which stemmed from his insecurities.
You had to take a moment before responding, being hit with such question.
"What do you mean by 'what do I expect'? I don't expect anything from you." You quickly said, also getting tad serious about these matters.
"I mean- I only want us both to- you know. Both be content dating and- honest to each other. " You didn't want to sound corny, because you knew Mal didn't like that, but he had to get a bit of solid reassurance, whether he liked it or not.
Mal looked at your face for a second, mentally processing your words for a moment. After he was done, he groaned slightly.
"Eh- Fine. As long as you're okay with me not being so- 'affectionate'." He said in a slightly mocking tone by the end of his response, clearly a desperate cover up of his insecurities.
"You don't have to be so tense about it." You cooed. "You can show me affection if you're comfortable with it, but you don't have to beat yourself over it."
Mal furrowed his brows slightly as you so bluntly voiced his "weakness" in front of him. He was about to say something that made his insecurities go down a bit, but he ultimately decided it's not worth it. He was just being defensive. He sighed.
"Right." He murmured, thinking about your words. It took him a moment before finally speaking again, but this time his tone wasn't so wary.
"As long as you're okay with me being so- 'affectionate'." You copied his words in a soft and playful tone, in hopes of lessening the tense atmosphere in the room that formed with the topic at hand.
Mal's expression softened as he heard your attempt at easing the conversation.
"No. ... I guess I don't mind." He said, bringing your body closer to his, in a more confident manner, gaining a surprised and slightly flattered by the act look from you.
Although he was still somewhat anxious about being close to you, he liked teasing you from time to time. He mostly done so by sudden, unexpected from him touchy-feely or possessive behaviors.
You involuntarily grinned coyly, internally happy that Mal took the initiative to hold you closer.
"You're mine, you can cuddle me all you want." He said, once again reassuring you both - but more so himself - that you're a thing in a slightly arrogant way.
"... To a reasonable degree." He clarified after a moment, deciding to voice his boundaries now in a more chill and honest way.
You smiled softly, of course respecting his wish and nodded in acknowledgement.
"Yessir." You said jokingly, gaining a relatively amused smirk from Mal.
Mal exhaled, now more warmed up to the idea and with less worries on his head.
You readjusted your head to look towards his face. His fringe had covered up his one eye per usual, hiding his pretty face away from you.
You reached out your hand closer to his face, Mal's eyes following it.
You gently moved away his bangs, putting it behind his ear slightly. It gained some raised eyebrow from him.
"...Some problem with my hairstyle?" He asked in a pretended offended manner.
"I never get a chance to look at your face in full." You explained in a calm and slightly playful tone.
"Why hide your pretty eyes?" You buttered him up in a teasing way, feeding his ego.
"Hm, fine. I shall provide." He goes along with the act, responding in a bit arrogant way, combing his hair back in an obvious fuck-boy manner with a smug, amused smirk plastered on his face.
You looked at him with a bit corny, yet still true 'lovey-dovey' stare as he did that.
You loved the quality time spent together, even after some not so easy to talk about topics.
He also wasn't sitting on his high horse throughout all of your relationship.
Of course, he still had some narcissistic tendencies here and there, but you were sure to discuss that with him whenever he crossed a boundary.
Even though being with Mal wasn't like a 'regular relationship', you still thought it was worth it, seeing how much he valued you around, in his own way.
I have no idea where i was going with the ending, I just wanted to put the picture of Mal without his bangs covering his eye in your mind.
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wonik1ss · 3 months
pov : me after I see I’m at 500 and now have to finnish the 4k special !
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here’s a little snit-bit ! most likely will come out on monday or tuesday ! spiderman!minji x f!reader
update : here it is for the lazy people just swinging in
you adjusted your glasses as you got down to your beakers level. just one drop and your class would be-
“oh I’m such a klutz sorry..?”
“yeah yeah”. hana waved you of as she pretended to limp over to your freshly 24 year old professor.
“we can use mine..”. yunah giggled as you got ahold of her hand grasping it for dear life.
“oh you sweet sweet angel!”
“calm down I already finnished anyways ..!”. you thanked your friend again and then began to jot down some notes. you were not even three months into college when your favorite class became your least favorite. last week your professor who looked like he was deadly close to kicking the bucket decided to fight a student and he ‘retired’ the school says by his own volition..
now with your new much younger professor you felt like panties were dropping left and right.
“it’s like seeing two birds mate..”. yunah playfully shushed you as a bell rang.
“ok see you all next week..!”. already packed up you and yunah giggled as your professor struggled to get your fellow classmate to leave too.
“so the mal-“
“can’t.. jihan needs to study for her science test and I can’t let her fail..!”. you nodded as yunah ran of to find her bestfriend. ever since you started all your new friends were old friends to others. so after school ended it was either frat party’s or staying at home binging kdramas.
you tried though. you went to three frat party’s in the three months you been their for no more then three minutes. after one minute you were seen as fresh meat, two y they stalked forward, and threw a bunch of horny college boys tired their luck with you
“his boobs were moving”. yunah tilted her head as she painted your nails.
“guys don’t have tits.. y/n”
“well.. he’s peeks like.. twitched..”. you heard a door open and you laughed at jihan’s open mouth.
“you should have let me come..!”. as jihan played with your nine painted hand you went on to the point yunah had to close jihan a mouth herself.
snapping out of your daydream you stepped of the bus ear buds on. you went to get the essentials first. a new tooth brush since your roommate stepped on your old one, some more shower products then finally you got to your wants. walking into the sanrio store happy by wjsn playing in your ears.
you shopped to your hearts desire. or until you reached your debit cards limit. once you were done you wandered into a comic shop. but what caught your eye wasn’t the comics but the red and blue merch.
after coming to seol for that better education you soon found out in your part that somewhat resembled nyc a spiderman ran around helping peopl. last week it was snake in a tree, the next was the culprit of a cat napping and now you saw his suit on the cutest jacket.
“fucking inflation”
“I know right..!”. you head jerked to the old white man in the front of the store.
“no no I understand.. I tried to haggle it down but he’s just got to famous for that now..”. you smiled and as you put the tag of the jacket down you heard the caching.
“take it I’m closing up shop in a few days and it would suit you”. you tried to say no put the man put the jacket and something else in your bag and you bowed and thanked him on your way out. until you fell on your ass.
“watch it dude!”. when you looked up he was long gone and a bunch of people ran following. as you dusted of your legs you heard a stomp then another then another. you tried to scramble to your feet but his eyes trapped you. what looked like an old timely soldier. his eyes glowed blue.. it was like you were in a trance.
“thy must join me or per-“
“army’s are so old timey man just start a cult of something”. you saw red and blue legs infront of you.
“..I shall repeat myself onc-“
“are you alright miss?”. spider-man helped you up while simultaneously webbing the soldier to the mall wall.
“yeah.. shouldn’t you be fighting him though”
“feel like I should help a pretty lady escape first..”. you stood stunned when spider-man winked at you and rushed you to hide in his merch store..
get ready !
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liviavanrouge · 19 days
Livia: *Looks around, walking out into the tournament field* Ah...
Malleus: You've made it, Beastie, just like you said you would!
Livia: *Nods, aiming her claws at him* I did! Let's fight!!
Malleus: *Launches himself at Livia, grabbing a spear off the ground* I won't take it easy on you!
Livia: *Quickly dodges, her eyes wide in alarm, summoning her polearm, gripping it with both hands*
Leona: He wasn't joking
Ruggie: Liv-Chan is done for...
Lilia: *Watches the two with crossed arms*
Malleus: *Blasts fireballs at Livia, grinning as he watched her scramble to dodge*
Livia: *Knocks a fireball backwards, her eyes narrowed*
Livia: *Summons her Aura roller skates, moving quicker across the field*
Malleus: *Slides around the field, circling Livia while firing flames at her*
Livia: AH!!! *Dodges the flames, finding herself in the middle of the field, her eyes trying to keep up with Malleus* Too fast, he's moving too fast...
Malleus: *Grins, making lightning strike across the field*
Livia: GOTCHA! *Skates forward, launching herself at him* You left an opening!!
Livia: *Swings her polearm, missing when Malleus bent backwards under it*
Malleus: *Stands up, throwing a punch only for Livia to block it with her polearm, knocking the item away*
Malleus: *Leaps backwards, flying full speed around Livia*
Livia: Where...gottha catch him-
Malleus: I'm here! *Holds his hand out near Livias face*
Livia: *Turns around, her eyes wide as the flames consumed her*
Azul: LIVIA!!
Sebek: MY LADY!!
Lilia: *Stays silent, his arms crossed*
Leona: Hey! *Looks at Lilia* Do something!!
Lilia: *Smiles* Livias not done yet..
Leona: Huh...
Livia: *Appears from the flames, covered in burn marks, her hair slightly scorched as she charged up her roller skates* Not yet! I'M NOT DONE!!!!
Malleus: *Perks up*
Livia: *Unties her roller skates, sending them flying at Malleus when the aura inside the items exploded*
Malleus: *Teleports away, reappearing in the middle, smoke and dust surrounding him* What-
Livia: *Appears behind Malleus, her eyes narrowed*
Malleus: *Turns around startled* When-
Livia: I'M SORRY MAL MAL!!!! *Swings her leg, kicking Malleus right in the face, following it right a kick to his stomach sending him flying backwards*
Malleus: *Trembles, pushing himself up then falls over onto his back* Ugh...
Livia: *Stares then quickly runs over to him* MALLEUS!! MAL MAL!
Malleus: *Shakes his head and sits up, touching his head*
Livia: I didn't mean to kick you in the face! I'm sorry, I swear I was aiming elsewhere!
Malleus: *Turns her head away* Look...
Livia: *Looks around, staring as the crowd cheered* Ah...
Malleus: *Smiles*
Livia: *Stares then sobs quietly, trying to stop her tears*
Lilia: *Chuckles, smiling at her, clapping*
Ruggie: She SCARED us!
Leona: *Sighs* Agreed...
Azul: *Touches his chest* My heart almost stopped
Kalim: *Nods, sighing* Yeah!
@queen-of-twisted @yukii0nna @zexal-club @soulfungai @writing-heiress @abyssthing198 @fair-night-starry-tears
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soulwrit3s · 8 months
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I’m afraid everything will disappear
A/n: Hey y'all, I hope y'all aint think I was gon miss a day of shuriri week.
@shuririweek @mal-urameshi @neptoons1998
“I think you should speak to your wife before we go to war,” Aneka bluntly murmurs as she follows Shuri in the lab.
“No, I love her but we don’t see eye to eye,” Shuri replies with firmness in her voice as she taps away along her screen. Aneka sighs whilst watching the princess. She’s watched this before, the exact same thing happened with Okoye and her Ex-Husband, W’Kabi.
She didn’t see this coming with her favorite couple in the royal palace. She'd hope that if anything they'd be able to resolve this more calmly but There’s pride mixed into this, especially from Shuri's end.
“I don’t like the plan,” Riri admits in the council room. Her input is needed, they have two of the smartest women in the room, of course her input is needed.
“Me either, it’s too agressive,’it leaves no room for defense.” One of the elders agrees, receiving a couple hums in agreement.
Riri’s eyes cut to her wife’s.
“We don’t have much time, attacking is the best choice.” Shuri says, crossing her legs while she sits on the throne.
“I agree, we all remember what happened last time with the Talokan.” One elder says as silence falls upon the room.
“Right, but we didn’t know what was coming, it’s been seven years since,” Riri adds.
“And we’re still rebuilding some parts of the nation and our relationship with other countries,” Shuri retorts, she knows she’s pushing it, she’s not wrong but her tone is more aggressive than it should be.
“We also had no protection whatsoever, all I’m saying is we should be more careful than we were last time,” Riri sighs, crossing her arms. Her body’s already exhausted from having ended a training session, the last thing she needs is this.
“I didn’t say we leave the country open, I just say we attack first, specifically at the border,” Shuri says.
“And what do we do if they get past us?”
“They won’t,”
“And how do you know that?”
“We’re more advanced now, better weapons, better fighters, better defense-“
The elders watch the couple go back and forth until Riri effectively shuts the Queen up. Shuri shifts in her seat, her eyes low as she stares at her wife.
“We ain’t invincible, Shuri,”
“I know this,” Shuri spits, a vein forming along her neck. Memories of her family spill into her brain and the irritation on top of it isn’t helping. They’ve been arguing for weeks, nights have been eerily quiet and everyone around them can sense it.
“So what’s the problem?” Riri asks, she won’t back down either. She knows that Shuri’s queen but so is she. She's also aware that Shuri hesitated with Namor before and now that the Talokan are back and vengeful, Shuri wouldn't think twice before killing him.
“I made a mistake by not killing him before, I won’t risk it again, he needs to be dealt with, the plan is final,” Shuri says, some elders disagreeing but too scared to speak up.
“You’re making a mistake, Shuri, we all want him dead-“
“You defend if you’re so keen on it, anyone who wants to do so can do it with you,” Shuri interrupts, and her stern eyes only tense up when she sees the look on Riri’s face.
“A’ight,” Riri mutters, walking towards the doors with Ayo following behind her.
“Where are you going?” Shuri questions.
“Preparing my suit.”
The silence falls in the throne room when the doors shut.
“The Mining Tribe will be defending with Riri,” One of the Elders murmurs as she stands up. She excuses herself from the room and leaves.
“So will the Border Tribe,” Another speaks up, neither of them able to make eye contact with the Queen.
“As will the River Tribe, we can’t afford to lose anything, we’ve spent the past six years rebuilding.” The elder for the tribe says firmly.
“As you wish,” Shuri murmurs. That leaves three other tribes, ones that agree with the plan that she’s discussed.
“Aneka, I won’t speak to her right now,” Shuri dismisses the warrior as she holds her vibranium helmet in her hands, the same way she did years ago before fighting Namor.
“Since when did your tone become so dismissive!” Aneka scolds, watching the way Shuri’s face contorts.
“I don’t care, you can disagree on a plan, you can be irritated but Bast, Shuri, We don't understand you…You’re treating your family, Like we’re your council, like we’re people you work with,” Aneka snaps as workers in the lab turn around. Never in their years of living have they heard a Dora yell at a royal like this.
“Take my spear if you must, but it’s the truth,” Aneka says, if no one else will say it, she will. Someone has to, what is everyone so scared of? The fact that people are afraid to speak up to their own Queen, that in itself is a problem.
“What are you turning into? All of this because Namor is back, you’ve become so authoritarian,”
Aneka looks at Shuri all to see the same cold look on her face. She won’t let anyone get in her way, not her wife, and not Aneka.
“The plan is said and done, Aneka, As the Queen, I’m telling you to fight, that’s an order.”
“When I heard of it all, I thought it was just talk,” Nakia murmurs as she sits next to Riri. From here the land is so beautiful, it’s the same spot where Eric fought the Doras and Shuri herself in Mount Bashenga.
“It’s not, She wants to kill him,”
“But at what cost, Riri? She’s doing the one thing she shouldn’t, letting it consume her,” Nakia says. She remembers T’Challa telling her that no matter what, no one in the palace should ever let their vengeance consume them.
“You think she’s wrong?”
“What?” Nakia asks, bewildered as she turns to face Riri.
“She has the right, I don’t care whether Namor lives or not, She’s gonna kill him. How long we gon’ act like he deserves to be spared? I ain’t worried bout him dying or living. She ain’t listening to me, if she goes around this wrong she’ll end up dead.” Riri says, twisting the vibranium ring on her finger.
“Riri…You have to stop her-“
“I can’t. I’m not sure I really want to.”
Riri watches the vibranium form along Shuri’s skin. Her footsteps were quiet but usually Shuri notices when her wife walks into the lab. Not this evening though. It’s for a special reason.
“When are you gonna strike?” Riri questions, stuffing her hands in the deep pockets of her cargo pants. Shuri turns around, and the only thing visible are her deep darkened eyes through her panther suit.
“Shouldn’t you be in a talon fighter defending the borders?” Shuri questions, there’s genuine concern for her as she steps towards her.
“Yeah, but I was told to ask what time you’ll strike. So I know when to suit up.”
“Sunset, He should be dead by sundown.” She specifies. His death has been reimagined too many times in her brain. She watches Riri nod as she turns around.
Every time either of them walks out in their suits, they never know if it’s the last time they’ll see each other.
“Oh and Shuri,” Riri says.
They look at each other briefly.
“Stay safe out there, aight?”
“You too.”
They both know that Shuri will be the one to take his life tonight in whatever way she deems fit. Riri also accepts the fact that she'll be the one to help her send his body right back to shore for his people to see in the morning.
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iamthecomet · 11 months
#oh THAT'S a thought#Dew visiting Ifrit and Zephyr's pillars#telling them about his day#about the new ghouls
In relation to this post and the incredible art by @floating-goblin-art (let me know if you don't want to be tagged in this and I'll fix it ♥), and my subsequent tags. Sorry Mal, I have a lot of thoughts about it.
Maybe they're not actually in there. Maybe they are. Maybe they're just stone. Monuments. Like graves. Not actual ghouls encased in whatever salt. That would be better. But Dew, honestly doesn't know. He was broken when it happened. Irreparably he thought. Sometimes he still thinks so. Especially on days when he wakes with a migraine, or an ache so deep in his bones he is sure it will never leave.
They're hidden away in a back room in the Abbey basement. Behind a door no one ever keeps locked. Maybe as a reminder in case anyone stumbles on them--this is what happens if you fail.
Dew still doesn't know why he isn't one of them. How he and Mountain and Aether escaped this fate and Ifrit and Zephyr didn't. They were all summoned by the same papa, in the same few weeks. It doesn't make sense, and trying to figure it out just makes Dew's head pound. It doesn't matter anyway. What matters is that Ifrit and Zephyr are in this dark room with Alpha and Pebble, and the first air ghoul who must have had a name but Dew never learned it. They're with Omega. Dew tries not to look at Omega--his face drawn towards grief and horror. Dew doesn't like to think about what he must have seen. Instead, he sits on the floor at Ifrit and Zephyr's feet. They're together. Close. There is something like resignation on Zephyrs face, acceptance. Ifrit, on the other hand, is frozen mid yell.
Dew can barely stand to look at him.
The floor is cold beneath his legs as he settles in. He leans his head against Ifrit's leg. Cold and solid and foreign in a way that makes his chest catch. It never gets easier. He keeps doing it anyway. He imagines warmth. Conjures some of his own just to make it feel real. He thinks of Ifrit reaching down to pet his hair. Of Zephyr sitting next to him, carding bitter tears off of his face with their thumb. "They summoned new ghouls today," Dew starts. Voice thin and wavering. He opens his eyes but doesn't look up. He encases himself in memory. Pretends they can hear him--all of them. But especially these two. "They're ok. I guess. Nice enough. Got a multi-ghoul this time so that's something. He's pretty too--Ifrit would be all over him." Dew's heart aches.
"We're going on tour soon so I won't be back for a while. But I promise I'll tell you everything about it when I get home." Dew always runs out of things to say before he's ready to leave. He presses his face against Ifrit's stony knee, reaches a hand up to brush over Zephyr's fingers. He closes his eyes, breathes them in like he hopes he can still catch the faint smell of them. Ginger and Snow. All he smells is salt and ash. "Miss you."
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skulla-rxcks · 1 year
It’s been a while
Paring: Lee Felix x afab Reader
Rating: explicit
Genre: smut
Warnings: shower s3x
Day 5 of k-tober
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Taglist: @f3lix00 @channiesgoodgirl @mal-lunar-28
Felix and I get under the lukewarm water, holding each other close. “It’s been a good while since we’ve showered together. Been busy with work and everything..” Felix sighs.
“Don’t worry about it, sunshine, musics tough work after all.” I giggle and take a bar of soap, running it over Lixie’s back; scrubbing it softly as I watch the bubbles form on his skin.
“You know, it’s been quite a while since we’ve done anything sexual together. Do you want to?” He asks. I hum in response, nuzzling into his neck.
“missed this..” I groan out, my hands travel down to his dick. I move my hand slowly, getting him ready. “sit down, wanna touch you at the same time” I do as he says, sitting cross legged.
His dick is hard from the small amount of excitement I gave it. “Felix.. I want your fingers..” grabbing his hand, I place it on my cunt, pouting at him, needing his touch. My legs are slightly spread open. He places one finger inside me, then two. “fuck, you’re tighter than before~”
“mmm.. Lix I want your dick, too. Need to be fucked… please” I groan again, my pussy starts clenching around him as he inserts another finger. My mouth waters. “please, Felix, I need you so bad, it’s been so long..”
He doesn’t hesitate for too long after I beg again. He presses his tip against my hole and rubbing it upwards to tease my clit before pushing in completely. I gasp at the sensation. “faster.. fuck, faster” I whine, grabbing his hips to pull him closer.
We both moan, our eyes closed. The only sounds were the shower and skin on skin. I start panting. Felix picks up the pace a little. “oh god~ yes, fuck, more Felix…”
“you think you can handle it babe?” He smirks, holding onto my shoulders for support. “y-yes I can.. I promise” I moan, he starts thrusting into me faster bringing me closer and closer to my release. “mm, are you close?” he groans out, placing sloppy kisses onto my neck. “m-mhm..” my arms wrap around his neck as I feel the familiar twist of pleasure form in my stomach. Soon after we both come down from our orgasms, our juices mixing as we do so.
“I love you.. we should do this more often”
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goblinpuppy35 · 1 year
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Bright Eyes
(Previous Chapter) - Part 2 - (Next Chapter)
Student Remus x Male Reader
Summary: The Marauders start to hang out with an unexpected new friend who Remus falls for.
"All I'm saying is it just seems a little harsh" Remus said leaning against the wall by the fireplace in the Griffindor dorm living room. James and Sirius were on the sofa with their legs spread over the arm rests. "Come on Mooney, it's in his name. The new kid is a Mal-foy" sounded out James "therefore he will bring us nothing but greif sooner or later, so it makes total sense to rope him in for the prank we have planned for Luscious. Two birds one stone and all that". Remus roller his eyes. "Anyway what does it matter if you think it'd a good idea or not, it's not like you ever take part in any of our fun Mr Prefect" laughed Sirius.
Remus did take his responsibility as a prefect seriously, which was why he always felt guilty for letting his best friends get away with practically everything. They were the only friends he had, he'd do anything to keep them and that included indulging them in their chaos gremlin antics. "He's only been here for a few days and anyway something seems different about him" Remus persisted "l just think there is more to him then what's on the surface" both Sirius and James stared at Remus causing their tall friend to flush in embarrassment having clearly revealed he'd been observing Y/N from afar. Fortunately a class full of first years came rushing through the doorway and the madaraus conversation of mischief had to be put on hold to Remus' relief.
The next day Remus was reading in the library when Sirius passed him a note.
-"Use your free period to go to the greenhouse and get us something to make green dye from"
"What plant makes green dye?" Remus muttered across the table "pads you know I'm crap at posisons". "That may be true but your the only one with a free period next so figure it out!" Sirius whispered back. Before Remus could argue any further a harsh shush could be heard coming from the librarian so with a quiet huff Remus picked up his books. Sirius winked and grinned as he left.
The courtyard was surprisingly quiet as Remus brisky walked along the cobblestones, the autum wind was swirling clusters of leaves into piles. The greenhouse door creaked loudly as Remus opened it, scanning the room. Empty. He began to wonder down the room aimlessly staring at all the different plants, he had no idea what he was looking for. Almost all plants are green, surely any plant could make green dye then. Remus squatted down to look at the selection of pots under the table. This was hopeless.
"Are you alright?" a voice asked out of nowhere. Remus in surprised jolted upwards smashing his head onto the underside of the table, several pots shook above him. "Crap" he thought "of course the teacher would catch me". Remus was planning his excuse as he rubbed the back of his now bruised head however once he opened his eyes he saw across the room not the disapproving face of a teacher but a smaller figure with big Y/E/C eyes staring at him in confusion. Y/N was on the other end of the table with a pencil in hand and a book Infront of him. "How did I miss him sitting right there?!" thought Remus.
Taken aback by his presents  Remus just stood there for a moment. "Green!" Remus blurted out. Oh you idiot. Y/N's face brightened up slightly as a small smile appeared across his lips followed by a light chuckle, "yes, this is the 'green' house". Laughing nervously Remus cleared his throat and tried again, "I'm looking for something that I can make  green dye with". Y/N's eyes fell back down to his book, the pencil in his hand began to scratch away. "Is it for a posisions assignment or something ?" Y/N asked tilting his head to the side. There was a pause. "Yes" Remus forced out of his mouth and he began to slowly move around the table to Y/N's side. Without saying anything Y/N began to flick through his book. Peering over Remus could see that this was a sketch book full of detailed drawings of plants with series of annotations along the sides. "Your .. er .. good at drawing" Remus said awkwardly, unsure who to act around this new student which he towered over.
"Thanks.." Y/N said still looking through his pages "the herbology Proffesor thinks I've got a real nack for it so he lets me hang out in here.. I like the peace and quiet". This made Remus smile, he very much felt the same in regards to the library. Without warming Y/N jumped down from his stool still holding his sketch book and walked passed Remus, making his way to the door. Remus stood clueless for a moment until a brisk "follow me" came from outside and he jogged towards Y/Ns voice. They walked side by side across the courtyard until Y/N stopped into front of a twisted tree and raised his book, "Here! These leaves have a strong pigment in them. If you boil the leaves you should get the green dye your looking for". Remus was surprised by how simply this solution was "Oh wow. thanks you I apprecit-" but he was cut off by Y/N pulling him behind the trees thick trunk. In surprise Remus let himself get pushed up against the bark, it wasn't until he heard additional voices approaching did he stop protesting and listen.
"Where are you, you little worm!" bowled the unmistakable voice of Luscious follwed by the laughter of his goones. "That scab didn't finish my posisions paper. When I find him I'm going to make him polish all my shoes so I can see my face in them when I give him a good kicking". Luscious countined to call out Y/N's name who was stood next to Remus motionless, like a petrified animal. It was then that Remus noticed Y/N had pulled him behind the tree by tugging on the cuff of his shirt, and Y/N's fingers were still clutching to the material, his knuckles turning white. Remus could feel the space between their fingers and his hand twitched.
Eventually Lusiocis cruel cries began to fade and Y/N finally took a breath, releasing Remus' cuff, he ran his hand through his hair. "Sorry about that .. Lusiocis is my cousin .. sort of, not that he treats me like family anyway". Remus was gazing down at Y/N's fingers running through his hair, again he noticed what seemed to be darker Y/H/C roots. "Your not a natural blonde are you?" trading places Y/N sighed and rested his head against the tree, looking away then staring at Remus. "I'm the bastard child of the Malfoy family. I don't know anything about my father expect that he was a half blood, therefore Ive created a blot in the Malfoys purist family tree by just existing. I was sent off to Muggle boarding school from as early as I can remember until my aunt decided to take on the charitable act of taking me in and "fixing me" .. she did this to me" Y/N pulled at his hair "She bleached my hair so much my scalp started to hurt, I had to 'look the part' as to not embarrass the family any further. Though her son does an excellent job at reminding me of the impersonation my very being brings them all on the daily".
Remus didn't know how to take all this new information in, his brow furrowed upon hearing how Lusiocis treated Y/N. Yet another reason to despise the creep. Y/N looked at Remus and smiled weakly "now you see why I spend my time in the greenhouse, being surrounded by pretty plants helps to destract me from the fact I have no friends". Remus couldn't help but sympathise with Y/N "hey, when I first came here I had no friends either" he said gently, "but you spend all your time with that flamboyant boy with the long black hair and that loud kid with the glasses who obviously has a thing for that red head in our class". Remus was stunned, "how ... how did you know that?". A bashful expression appeared on Y/N's face "well when you spend all your time on your own you observe others a lot and you start to notice the little details".
There was a moment of silence between the two boys as the wind around them whistled through the tree branches. "Well anyway .." Y/N started to say before trailing off and starting to walk away from Remus. "Hey you know" Remus called after, making Y/N stop and turn around in the middle of the stone courtyard, "if you ever wanted to hang out some time .. we could .. then you could say you at least have one freind". Y/N shifted awkwardly from one foot to the other staring at the floor "um yeah okay.. well bye for now" and promptly walked back to the greenhouse. "I'm Remus by the way!" He called after again but wasn't sure if Y/N heard him. Remus began to pick leaves off the tree, every few moments he would stop and stare back towards the greenhouse until his pockets were full and he made his way back to the dorms common room.
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satureja13 · 2 months
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Ji Ho's Therapy Game It starts -> here
Since River Bagley leads from Goldshire to Bacalao Bay - and Yang Mal and the Princess already spent two days on the rocky roads - she released her trusty steed and decided to swim to the next stage of her odyssey. She needs to meet the Sculptor here. The key to find her King and to the Demon who took Jack's heart. She's so close!
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First, she went to the market to buy some appropriate clothes for a place like this. The Vendor in the food stall stopped in his motion to gawk at the beautiful Princess ^^'
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Vendor/Bartender Gytha made a few suggestions and the Princess picked something more practical. Now these were clothes for travelling! The Princess did not want to loose any more time and asked Gytha rightaway about the Sculptor.
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Gytha: "You must be thirsty and tired, let's go over to the pub and talk there."
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Princess Jihovere: "This place is beautiful. Though, I expected more hustle in a bustling harbor..."
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Gytha: "I fear you missed them. Our Vicegerent and his lover, the Sculptor, left with a strange man with glowing eyes. They took the crew of the Sea Urchin with them on the Vicegerent's ship just a few hours ago. They brought a big and a small crate too." Princess Jihovere: "Oh no. Do you happen to know where they went?" Gytha: "I fear I don't. They were in a hurry and made a big secret out of it."
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Oh no... If she could find out where they went, she could solve all their ingame problems all at once. The demon knows where Jack's heart is (the Princess even assumes it's in the small box Gytha mentioned). And since the bat (aka her King) lead her to the Sculptor's shop in Goldshire, he must know something about the whereabouts of her king.
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It was late when the Princess discouragedly left 'The Salty Mermaid'. But after a few steps, she saw the bat again!
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She jerked when her phone got off. The Queen sent her a message. The Statue of the rightful Heir got stolen from the Castle's grounds! Oh no! The only thing left with her King's likeness! (Besides the loop she stitched and the photos she took of the statue before she left ö.ö)
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She got another message from the Queen to reassure her: 'Don't worry, I called... uhm - someone over to protect me...' The Princess knew who that might be and that Equerry/Jeweller Lunvik would not be delighted to be called a 'someone'...
She has to worry about that later. Now she has to hurry to follow the bat - over to the Vicegerent's fortress!? ö.Ö' Princess Jihovere: "You don't want me to break in, don't you?" It did... And since Ji Ho spent the majority of his life in the Slums of Sulani, he had no problems to lock pick the back door... Luckily no one except Gytha seems to be here. And she's busy at her pub.
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Once inside, the Princess made her way up through the darkness to the Vicegerent's office. And there, on his desk, she found his notes and a map! Lady Mimsy on the painting looked reproachful over at the Princess/Picklock.
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Suddenly the Princess/Picklock heard steps coming nearer and a rumbling voice said: "What are you doing here?" Oh no. NPC Jeb. Who does not know the Princess (he's just not the kind of guy who follows the Royal Gossip on Social Bunny...). And he couldn't even guess who she was when she's dressed like ... a picklock. That she was... Now always righteous Jeb would blow the whistle and everyone and their peg leg would soon know what she'd done. The Queen would be so disappointed. She ruined the reputation of the already tarnished Court even more than the King who had to flee because he was a bastard...
Ji Ho decided to log out. He also ruined their investigations and their therapy... omg
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Meanwhile, in the pub, Gytha hung one of the photos she took of the Princess and Greebo, the most evil cat in the world, onto the photo wall. Usually she's not the kind to fuss over Royals, but when Greebo likes her, she must be good people :3 TMI: Gytha is inspired by Gytha 'Nanny' Ogg, my favourite character in the Discworld series. She treats Magrat, the junior whitch to her, no ounce better after she married King Verence and became Queen ^^'
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'Farewell to your bricks and mortar, farewell to your dirty lies Farewell to your gangers and gang planks, to hell with your overtime For the good ship Ragamuffin is lying at the quay To take oul Pat with a shovel on his back To the shores of Botany Bay.
I′m on my way down to the quay where the ship at anchor lays To command a gang of navvys that they told me to engage. I thought I'd drop in for a drink before I went away For to take a trip on an emigrant ship to the shores of Botany Bay'
Shores of Botany Bay - The Irish Rovers
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The Therapy Game Master Post with the sessions and places so far is -> here
From the Beginning 🔱 Underwater Love 🔱 Latest
Current Chapter: 'Who killed Jack?' from the beginning ▶️ here
📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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surfinminho · 1 year
Kinktober day 10- Frottage w/jeongin
⤷ warnings: Somnophilia, fem dom!reader, sub!jeongin, degradation, cumming in pants
⤷ word count: 606
⤷Taglist : @greysweaters-blog @hannie-bees @ashydoinwhat @chansbabygirlsstuff @hiddlestandom @stanskzsstuff @mal-lunar-28 @leeracha @linos-kitten @bonateukna @ihrtlix
⤷ permanent taglist: @iadorethemskz
*please dm me if you want to be added or removed from the taglist.*
You were getting ready for bed, while jeongin was already sleeping. Passing out as soon as he came from, probably from schedules.
You took a shower, did your skin care, and changed. Trying to get out of the bathroom faster, as you were extremely tired as well.
As you get out and walk into your room, you smile when your boyfriend came into sight. Sighing softly missing the times where you could see him more.
Climbing into the bed you snuggled up into jeongins chest falling asleep shortly after.
You wake up in a different position that you fell asleep in. On your back with your legs spread ever so slightly. You were too tired to even open your eyes, so you decided to go back to sleep. Nonetheless you get woken up again, you feel pressure on you cunt. You open your eyes to see jeongin above you, rutting his clothed cock on you.
"Innie?" You question, blinking to clear your vision to see more.
He opens his eyes frantically just to close it again, leaning foward to hide his face from embarrassment or humiliation or both.
"i-im sorry mommy I couldn't help it! I needed you and a-and you were asleep!" You feel tears trickle down onto the dip of your collarbone.
"Are you sorry? Or are you a dirty slut who always needs to rub his dick onto something." You try and tilt his head up but as soon as you lay one finger on him he starts to cry more.
"P-please I need you, n-needed you so bad. D-didnt wanna wake mommy up."
"But you woke me up anyway and you still can't stop hm? I didn't know innie was such a pervert. Humping mommy while she's sleeping? That's sick and disgusting." you held back a laugh when he finally stopped to look up at you.
"N-no! Stop mommy please I didn't mean to i- I swear!" he choked out one, two sobs before the dam broke. Crying and mumbling whatever apologies he can come up with.
"What's this?" You reach your hand over the wet spot forming on his sweats. Pressing on it, lightly squeezing his cock.
"Did you cum? Pathetic"
"N-no, no I can't stop, feels too good" he babbles, almost cumming again.
"Why'd you lie baby? We both know you came. So I'm gonna ask you again, did you cum?" you speak in a condescending tone, running your fingers through his hair.
"Yes, sorry"
"And you wanna come again but you didn't even make mommy cum. Ungrateful bitch aren't you?" you move him off of you, putting him against the headboard while you're perched in his lap.
"I-I wanna make mommy feel good too!"
"Not with you thinking with your dick" you move your hips slightly, at a slow but firm pace. You would be lying if you said he wasn't pleasing you in any way. You like toying with him some times.
"You got such a big cock but you don't know how to use it. A shame."
"M'gonna cum. Let me cum please" he starts rutting his hips up into yours, chasing a high.
"How close are you?"
"s-so close, please! Cum with me fuck-" he angles his hips to rub on your clit constantly trying to get you to cum.
"Good b-boy, gonna make me cum yeah?"
You rub your hips twice before you cum, slowly halting your movements.
"Cumming!" He dips his head in to kiss you, still rutting his hips up.
"You did so good baby, we have to take a shower though."
"Mhm "
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