#making up for the fact that I have nothing to post??? me?? neverrrr
eeblouissant · 3 months
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your honour, she might be a cat
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id-rather-be-home · 5 months
oh no no, I really don't mean to make you feel disheartened nooo. like I said it was only if you're intention was for a switchvers fic because based on your responses lately I can't tell what the future vibe is. I think it's just the nature of the dynamic with the characters chosen! idk maybe it's not stoic... I saw in your other ask you said "will literally makes fun of mike and taunts him" n it reminded me how yeah, domming comes with that darker energy that takes over and so he's not going to be like himself regardless. the switch flip can be jarring in fic but it can happen in real life during sex, even if not to everybody. but the making fun of him is technically degradation not necessarily domming so that becomes a kink preference thing!
as for the disgust thing idk basically I've read the fic with moots and for example one said it was just his discomfort felt strong? but they likened it to how they personally couldn't picture will not liking it, or not feeling good after it, not the writing. i've read top mike bottoming fics and he usually enjoys it but I think that means the author is setting up switchvers (or just mike being a polite guy haha) instead of your fic which has grown to not be what was originally planned (maybe?), and so it's simply a different fic to those others! nothing bad!
and no no definitely not trashing, I know you like it all! it was maybe just some of the dialogue or yeah again his reaction after they finished. but that is your fic and vision, and what you felt best so reiterating I neverrrr want to tell someone how to write, and was just answering what you said in another ask about you wanting to keep in mind having something for everybody in it, which is why I just said as long as all is respected, you're so good! sorry for any panic
i think it's hard for me to tell people definitively what the future vibe of the fic is going to be because i'm not intentionally aiming for anything super specific. i enjoy both bottom mike and bottom will so i'll write them in whatever position i'm vibing with at the time i'm writing the chapter. the main consistency though is going to be a more dominant or assertive will with a submissive mike because i like it more
and when i said "makes fun of him" it isn't supposed to be taken like it's going to be in a super mean way that would require a 'darker energy' from will. will, as a character in the show, teases mike and is a little shit to him in some of the few scenes we get of them not fearing for their lives or battling with internalized homophobia and unrequited love. you could imagine my dom will having the same energy as he has in s3 during the dnd scene where he goes, "is it early, michael?" it's that sort of teasing! he isn't supposed to have some sort of dark energy to make him dominant
and to be honest, i don't know what your moot meant by suggesting will was uncomfortable or didn't like it. i re-read the chapter and will's headspace doesn't come across the way i thought it did when i was writing it - i think i was just not feeling confident as i was writing it. it's clear in the chapter that he's enjoying it and is engaged the whole time; in fact, he's taken by surprise by how sensitive he is and how much he wants from mike in that moment
though i'm really not sure how you wanted him to react at the end when they were finished?? he was tired (and sated, which i do say in the fic specifically) but wasn't a huge fan of the feeling of mike's cum leaking out of him which i think is fair? i could have gone into more of the aftercare stuff post-sex scene but i had lost steam by that point and just wanted to get the chapter posted since it had been literal months since i posted the last one
i think i just don't write bottom will in the way that you perceive him (or your mutuals) which is totally fine. i'm not expecting my fic to appeal to every single person who enjoys spicy byler. but, yeah, i think the future vibe of my fic is going to look a lot like how it looks now
i really hope this doesn't come across as rude! i'm just genuinely kind of baffled by the way will has been interpreted
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averytalllemon · 1 year
Okay so- I just finished the book Under the Whispering Door and I just jlkasdfhigkleyau8t6iw79
I have so much to say- listen to my rant if you want, but if you don't then don't.
!!HUGE Spoiler Warning!!
I genuinely mean it, if you feel like spoilers will lead you to not read this book in the future then don't read this post. I am so serious about this- I want people to read this book so badly because I need people to rant to who understand what I'm talking about, people that I can agree with (or disagree with, of course). But in the end, do what you wish, though if you take anything from this, let it be: Read. This. Book. (please)
Anyways, onto my rant!
First off, this book is overall so well written and makes some amazing points. I honestly think it changed me as a person, I feel like it changed my view on the world, only slightly though. I just feel- wiser maybe? Like Hugo taught me something, how to be a better person, better at being there for others, better at understanding, ya know? I think it was the bits about how no one knows what you're going through, though experiences can be similar none are the same. I like that, I think about it a lot now. If I notice my friends having a hard day and I have the time to help and talk to them I no longer say "I get it" or "I know" when they explain what they are going through (or I at least try not to) because though I already sort of knew this, I feel like Under the Whispering Door helped me better understand or see more clearly that I in fact don't know. I don't know a lot of things. I'm wrong most of the time. There's plenty of things I don't understand and I'm okay with that, I'm content by that idea. Recently I've been working to better myself and I feel like this book really helped with that, so thanks. Thank you, TJ Klune, for writing this book, and thank you to my friend who got this as a present for me for my birthday I really appreciate it. (Yes, I did already thank my friend for this book ^^)
Now for the part I'd imagine most of you who have read this far are waiting for (or not, I could be wrong).
Wallace and Hugo. I cannot explain them they're just my new favorite ship. I love them so much- aewrohruilt9y4q3i2gk4yhfjT -I'm fine. My friends, for the past week (because honestly, it took me a few months before I picked up the book) I have been ranting to them non-stop about these two. I love them so much. I am horrible at explaining ships and ship dynamics but these two- they just work together, they click. I love how at the start of their relationship, when Wallace first started to develop feelings for Hugo he was thinking about him more than anyone or anything else yet also going "Pfttt- me? have feelings for Hugo? Neverrrr-" (this isn't just an exact quote of course but it sums everything up well) until he was pretty much like "Oh shit- I love him, don't I?" (Again, not a direct quote from the book.) There's also their little therapy session things where they go outside and chat. This is what I was talking about earlier, what I felt changed me in a way. They just stand there, sometimes they talk about big things that they need to get off their chests, other times they'll just chat like good friends about random things, and on some days, they just don't talk at all, and it's perfect. They're perfect. They can just exist with each other and need nothing more. They can be at peace with each other. It's amazing! They have a connection, a bond like no other. I love it. I love them so much. They are just so cute.
And though this may come as a bit of a surprise, my favorite character, not Wallace or Hugo but Nelson. Nelson is so amazingly funny- he always lightens the mood with his silly comments. He's so chaotic in the best way possible, and he really just doesn't give two shits sometimes, when it's the right moment of course. When the moment calls for it, he can be serious, calm, caring, and wise. Gosh I love this man- he'd the best- I think I would've been more said when he left if I didn't know that they'd meet again, eventually, they'll all be together.
Gosh I love this book so much <33333333
If you haven't read it yet, read it. And if you have, read it again. I promise you it'll be worth it.
Also feel free to reblog, I wanna hear some opinions on the book, characters, etc.
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cearthduo · 5 days
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Okay so, let's talk about it @proudfreakmetarusonikku first of all, for the future if anyone has a problem with my takes please just send me an ask. i don't make discourse topic posts just for y'all to yell at me in the reblogs ive got content to make!!
anyway, let me address this. i neverrrr said that what dream did there was pure or good 😭 what i said was dsmp characters in general are morally grey and can be fucked up anddd good at the same time. exile was not the example of the good, obviously.
Secondly, Dream did NOT view Tommy or anyone else as "belonging to him" and he's never implied that. Neeed discduoers to be slightly normal if you're gonna interact with me. This "Dream is obsessed with Tommy" take is not gonna fly with me because it's simply untrue.
Fundy and Quackity didn't visit consistently. This was my point. They didn't show up for Tommy. He literally said that no one was around. No one actually checked on him aside from Dream which is the entire reason he got away with so much shit. Because, like I said NO ONE CARED ENOUGH TO VISIT. Their pity pop ins were not enough and we both know that.
Also, again, I neverrrr said that Dream stopping Tommy from killing himself was yayyy Dream moment, just the fact that he did. Twice. Like that is a true statement. You're making up filler words to get mad at. I literally brought it up to negate the fact that Tommy killing himself was Dream's goal. Which is yk... THE WHOLE POINT OF THE POST 😭
The "he can revive" defense also falls flat when you consider that Dream DID NOT WANT PEOPLE TO KNOW HE HAD THAT BOOK. He also does not care enough about Tommy to revive him at that point sorry!!! The only reason he does it in the prison was to prove he could, for a bit of a power trip. If Tommy killed himself in exile he would've just been dead. Dream literally only reveals he has the book to avoid being murdered and forcing Punz to have to revive him. Like? 😭 And you think he'd risk it all to revive someone he considers a pain in the ass? Be serious really quickly.
Nothing I said was factually incorrect, you're just butthurt because I have a different take from "Dream obsessed with Tommy and and exile bad and and Dream crazy person!!!" and that's ok! Not everyone can have nuance, someone has to coddle Tommy. God knows he needs it.
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echodrops · 7 years
My First Time Blocking a Member of the Voltron Fandom!
I’m going to clip out the old post because it’s getting ridiculously long now, so here’s my reply:
No, I don’t want a cookie for my degrees. But I would like a modicum of respect for the fact that I’m not pulling my criticism out of thin air. I have a logical basis for my critique that is grounded in education and experience with this subject. It’s not unreasonably exorbitant to suggest that my learning in the exact subject we are currently discussing is relevant.  And anyways, I said you’re free to ignore them, didn’t I? :))))
“Do you even have anything published?” I do actually, thanks for asking.
“Have you written for shows?” No, have you? You seem to think you know much better than me about what the show writers intended, so you must be one of Voltron’s writers, right? Can I get your autograph?!
“Have you done anything with your degrees other than place your opinions on things and call it criticism when you have nothing to show for your own work?” Besides the fact that I do, indeed, have things to show for my work, I’m currently a tenure-track professor of literature at a university. Using my degrees every day! Amazing, right?
And finally: in what way does my post critiquing Voltron’s writing have anything to do with “boosting myself”? I literally put my critique behind a Read More. The only way people even saw it was by clicking an extra button to be taken to my personal blog, where I post my personal thoughts and feelings just like everyone else is allowed to do, in this, our beautiful free internet.
I did not force you to click that Read More button, nor did I force you in ANY way to engage with my “over-analyzing 101” post. If you didn’t like what I had to say on my personal blog, you could just have walked away. You could have pounded that Block button on my account and neverrrr looked back.
Instead, you chose to open a conversation between yourself and myself by reading my apparently offensive post to the end and then replying. And, from your very first reply, you have elected to personally attack me for absolutely no reason. I mean, let me just reiterate: you came onto my blog, took my post, and attached an insult to it instead of just politely disagreeing with my opinion like a normal person. Then, when I called you out for the unnecessary insult, you came back to simply personally insult me again. And now you have proceeded to take your ad hominem attacks to truly staggering heights by insulting not only my intelligence, but also my real life career and the writing I do for fun in my free time, the quality (or lack thereof) of which has absolutely nothing to do with this discussion.
If you think that my post is an over-analysis, why bother to read it? No one forced you. No one is forcing the “clientele base” of Voltron—by which I’m assuming you mean small children, who actually make up but a small portion of the show’s fans—to read my post. Those children you’re talking about will never read my post, just like you never should have if criticism for this show bothers you so much.
I’m not going to engage any further with you. If you can’t debate like a civilized person and use solid evidence from the show to support your points, it honestly isn’t worth talking to you. Chatting with a brick wall would be a more pleasant experience. I don’t have time for people who actively discourage others from freely thinking, “over”-analyzing, and enjoying media in their own personal spaces however they choose.
Your attempts to police content in the fandom by using personal insults to discredit the opinions of people posting things you don’t agree with are nasty and you are the literal definition of a toxic user on this website.
I’m going to block both of your blogs because I just don’t have time to deal with this level of inanity and immaturity over a children’s cartoon show. If my posts bother you so much that you feel the need to resort to personal insults to this extent over them, I highly, highly suggest you also block me, so that you never have to see one of my terrible, stupid, no-good, over-analyzing posts again.
Have fun out there, buddy.
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