#maki is such an important character to me you don't understand
babil-plush · 7 months
Mai Zenin
Kokichi Muta
Masamichi Yaga
Riko Amanai
Yuki Tsukumo
Nobara Kugisaki
Suguru Geto
Yu Haibara
Satoru Gojo
Grasshopper curse
Reggie Star
Rika Orimoto
Wasuke Itadori
Toji Fushiguro
Ryu Ishigori
Tsumiki Fushiguro
Haruta Shigemo
mmmmm nobara is alive trust
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rubberduckyrye · 1 month
You know I've seen quite a few people say they're wanting to make v3 rewrites lately--and as someone who is actively working on one by myself, I feel like I should give some advice. I know I'm nowhere NEAR done with Twins AU, but I've made a ridiculous amount of progress and I think these things have greatly helped me out personally
So here are my tips for making a V3 rewrite and actually making it stick/not to burn out before the first chapter!
This is important. Don't try to please everyone. You will never please everyone. Write this for yourself, and you will find an audience. People can and will hate your fic no matter what you do. Don't try to please them, they are not your target audience-- so Write this story for, first and foremost, yourself. It'll feel so much more rewarding if you do I promise.
V3's main theme is extremely muddied due to how the narrative was and how open ended the game was left, and from my own research, no one can agree on what V3 was trying to say about truth and lies, or Reality and Fiction. If you want to rewrite this story, you're going to need to narrow down what you want your rewrite to say about the themes presented.
PLAN THE EVIDENCE AND MURDERS AS THOROUGHLY AS YOU CAN. I think not knowing what I was going to do for the cases and trials really scared me for the longest time until I essentially sat myself down and fleshed out all of the cases for Twins AU. Make evidence lists, do research on how your murder cases might go, the works. It's a lot of work but I personally followed this post and also made an evidence list to help me out plot out the murders for Twins AU. This is also a great way to flesh out your protagonist as well, since you get to explore their note-taking style and what kind of language they'd use for taking notes and if they have opinions about certain things.
Write a summary of each character in the story. DR games have a big cast and V3 has an even BIGGER cast than usual, so it's good to write down summaries for all of the characters. I also suggest really studying each character too, even if you plan on changing a character to better suit your tastes (or to get rid of offensive material.... looking at you Angie) you still want to keep the core of their character intact for fans of that character.
Speaking of characters, make sure to try and remember to write each one as a human being, even if they aren't human (Kiibo for example). Develop them, give them quirks and flaws, motivations and wants and desires and dreams. Even if you hate a character, doing this much character study will help you keep them in character and keep their motivations reasonable and understandable.
If you don't have a good grasp on a character, study harder. Don't go looking for other people's interpretations or try to be a crowd pleaser. Make your own interpretation, and that interpretation becomes special to your rewrite.
If you plan on changing a character, for the love of GOD do your research first. Don't go accidentally making Angie into a worse racist caricature of Pacific Islanders Please and Thank You. Actually, just do a ton of research in subject you think might be relevant to a character or the plot--like Gonta and how ableism prevails in his story. Like how Shuichi has anxiety up the wazoo and how Maki has learned helplessness. Study and research hard.
Pace yourself--I don't think people realize how GIANT a V3 rewrite project is--remember that this game is extremely long and you cannot write this in a single month. Once all of your planning is done, write a reasonable amount for it each day. For me, I'm able to crank out 2k a day because I type absurdly fast, but most people would probably want to start at maybe 500 words a day.
If you're not having fun, step back. You might be burnt out and need a break, or maybe the scene you're writing is just not working. Take time to assess your own feelings and do what is appropriate to resolve them.
Don't feel too discouraged if you need to rewrite a whole scene--it happens to the best of us and sometimes things are just not working. It's not lost progress to retry--consider the scene you are replacing as a rough draft you need to remake. I've had to erase huge 1k chunks due to this.
Reward yourself for big accomplishments! When I finished the prologue, I threw myself and my editor ( @trans-shuichisaihara ) a pizza party, and I plan on doing something like that again, albeit probably cheaper. Reward yourself for huge milestones! Hell, I owe myself at least one treat for two chapters I've written, but tbh I've been having so much fun just writing that doing so is rewarding within itself. That doesn't mean external factors can't help, so if you finish a chapter and you're proud of it, buy yourself a treat for working so hard!
If you got a friend who likes editing/beta reading, invite them to beta read for you! They can help you find errors and typos that you might've missed. If you plan on editing your fic, I highly recommend reading your writing out loud to help you find weird sentence structures and awkward phrases. This should have the bonus of making it easier for people who use screen readers/just prefer audiobooks to enjoy your fic as well!
EDIT! Here are two more:
It's okay to be scared writing something new! Getting out of your comfort zone is going to happen with a giant story like this, and maybe you're going to flop at the best parts. That's perfectly fine!!! You can always edit it later--or even just call it "good enough" and move on! This is fanfic for fun, not a professional project you're making money off of. It's okay if things are less than ideal and incredible imperfect. An imperfect story is at least written. That's better than not writing it at all.
For the love of everything that is holy, remember that the characters should be people--and remember that their talents do not make up their entire personality. Their talents should not solely dictate what they wear, how they act, or the worst offender in this fandom--how their executions go. When writing a character Execution, think instead of what would be the worst way for that character to die--that is to say, what would bring them the most despair upon their death. DR1 and DRV3's executions all play with the despair of the blackened in each execution (with DR2 being noted to heavily miss the mark and to be the set of executions that are the most disappointing to Kodaka, from what I've been told.) So if you're stuck on writing a new Execution, try to think about what each execution from DR1 and DRV3 does to play with the despair of the blackened. What about their executions are giving them despair in their final moments? Do they at all relate to their talents, or are they completely separate from their talent? Study them, and you'll be able to use that information to write your own unique executions that are miles better than most of the fan made executions out there.
And I think that's my advice for now! Happy writing, everyone!
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gojosbf · 7 months
why do you think that female char are no longer well written on jjk? /genq (i am caught up with the manga so don't worry about spoilers)
SPOILERS AHEAD!!! for me all of this began with nobara's death and it went downhill from there, now see I understand it might've been important to give yuuji motivation etc but when a roach naoya get's to survive again and again after getting killed but there is no hope for nobara who was one touch kill and had chances of survival but doesn't purely for shock factor, it doesn't sit right with me.
Okay, ignore even that maybe it's my attachment to the character talking so let's talk about other female characters: most of the fandom forgets momo exists that's how useless he made her, she suffered no serious damage (not as far as I remember) and her only active role was in kyoto goodwill arc and an appearance in shibuya we barely see her after that.
Gege treats female characters as a catalyst for mcs, either they're completely useless or get killed off or even if they're powerful enough they're barely mentioned or shown doing something useful.
Example for catalyst: We literally never really see Utahime in action except in Shinjuku Battle to boost Gojo's ct. Like really? That's your semi grade 1 sorcerer and all throughout the manga that was her only role?
Example for completely useless: I already talked about momo, lets about miwa okay, she put her everything to that one swing post-shibuya against kenjaku only for him to deflect it with his bare hands and what about her after that? Nothing!! She gave up everything and now she cannot do anything, just another cheap tactic to get rid of another useful character.
Example for killed: Listen I will accept Mai's death because it served the purpose and was one of the most impressive parts but other than that? Yuki Tsukumo, the special grade, the star plasma that rejected even tengen and cornered kenjaku, her death was so anticlimactic and unsatisfactory, she was practically winning but apparently "a miscalculation" caused her death, listen I like a shocking plot twist and death but that seemed like nothing but an excuse to get rid of another strong female character because gege had no idea how he'd use her in future.
More example for catalyst: Tsumiki and Yorozu (aka the same body but!) she was such a driving force for Megumi but after Culling Game arc hit we got a tease of her (or them) and that provided more motivation for megumi to fix things to work harder to bring his sister back but instead of seeing more of her gege killed her off after sukuna took over megumi's body because her purpose was served!! Done. She was there as long as she could be used as a beacon of hope for our poor boy.
Example of if powerful then they're barely shown: Shoko and Mei Mei, we know both of them are quite capable, they've proved their worth and aside from the fact that Mei Mei is a fucking pedophile she's still a great sorcerer but now she doesn't care about sorcerers and henceforth isn't present/doesn't provide much or any help at all other than the telecast. Shoko on the other hand, we're supposed to believe that her using rct is special and she's one of the most important characters mind you she's the part of the og trio but we rarely get to see her. Even know (the up to date manga chapters) they keep talking about taking the injured sorcerers to shoko but they never !! show !! her !! in !! action !! Like c'mon she's been working overtime but SOMEHOW gege can't dedicate more than four panels to her?
Now onto Maki, the only one standing, the only female character gege truly utilised gave her one heck of goal and arc and then very conveniently forgot her for next 100 chapters. She's great yes, and gege's finally back to currently giving her the attention she deserves which I am very skeptical about because if he just kills her off in next chapter to make a statement istg...but everytime she's mentioned they HAVE to mention toji, it's almost like she'll never leave his shadow, all her achievements are boiled down to FEMALE TOJI which, don't get me wrong I love toji but she's more than that, she's a monster because she wiped out a whole clan not because she shares same superhuman powers as her predecessor and dare I say she's already surpassed toji at this point.
Let's not forget Uro and Angel/Hana whom gege brought in once for one job and then we all completely forgot about them. (I am mentioning them last because he's done this with many other characters so they're truly not an unique case in that sense)
Returning back to when jjk first was fairly new and we had these panels
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it was hype we thought FINALLY!!!! she doesn't denounce her femininity but isn't used as a fan service material through them either and she's fucking nuts and strong FINALLY!!! only for gege to go well now that you've had the crumbs you're getting neither, not the pretty ones nor the strong ones and even if they're strong I am going to act like they don't exist so have fun!! And that's why I think he's really downgraded.
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linkspooky · 1 year
Hi! Thanks for your tremendous work, it's always a pleasure to read your blog! I just wanted to ask your opinion on Hidden Inventory / Premature Death Arc. I know this one is important to make parallels on different characters' stories, but I for me this arc is a surprise. I mean why would Gege suddenly make us involve in the future? 🥲 I just don't understand how he could come to telling us the stories from the past. Do you find it fitting?
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Jujutsu Kaisen is a story primarily about cycles: the previous generation giving way to the newer one, spring turning into summer. In particular it's about the passing of the torches between generations. The elders in Jujutsu Society resist what is natural, they are such hardline traditionalists they often sacrifice the young because they refused to give way and let the new generation replace them.
Gojo Satoru's ideals which are in opposition to the elders state that not only should children be allowed to live out their youths, they should surpass their elders. Gojo is staunchly opposed to say, the elitist Zen'in who believe themselves the strongest, or even Sukuna the greater sorcerer of all time, in the fact he wants the kids he's raising to grow stronger than him.
On the flip side, Jujutsu Kaisen is also about negative cycles, like the curses which can never truly die so are exorcised only to be reformed. It's also about the cycle of abuse, such as Toji being abused by the Zen'in, only to abandon his own son in turn. The flashback arc is necessary, because the problems the current generation are facing started with the previous one. These problems persist because the cycle is unbroken.
Tengen in their explanation states that the distortion that caused Kenjaku's plans to succeed in the modern day happened eleven years ago, and he lists two reasons why, first Zen'in Toji who was not affected by cursed energy, and second Geto who could control curses.
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Toji is hailed as the destroyer of destinies because he's free form cursed energy, but as for a more meta-textual reason why Toji gets as much focus in story as he does, is because much like Maki he's a product of the worst abuses of sorcerer society.
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There's a reason for this line here when Toji appears before the collected members of the Zen'in Clan, Naobito the head, Maki the Toji of her generation, and Megumi who was almost sold to them and is Toji's son who he abandoned therefore another link in the chain of abuse.
All of these characters are effected by the cycle of abuse in the Zen'in Clan, yes, even Naobito and later on Naoya who appear to be at the top. It's that whole "Toxic Masculinity harms men" thing too. Naobito was not born a drunken, abusive jerk and he was likely not a good father in any capacity considering the way Naoya acts.
They're all trapped in the cycle known as the Zen'in Clan, and they all stare on in envy to the one they think is free, Toji, who escaped and became the sorcerer killer. Toji who, the whole clan was secretly fearful of because they believed he had the capability of killing them / also according to Naoya's take looked down on him because he was an otherworldly strength they did not recognize and tried to suppress him to make themselves feel superior.
Either way, Toji is someone who they have put down their entire life because he wasn't born to meet their standards, because he's something new and different from tradition and the big three houses are the worst traditionalists of Jujustu Society. The Toji they all fear however, is a monster created by the Zen'in Clan themselves. Despite being abused by toxic masculinity, Toji is also toxic masculinity incarnate. He drinks, gambles all of his money away, he's an absentee father, and his greatest onscreen time is shooting a girl who's about Mai's age in cold blood. If Mai was the ultimate victim of the Zen'in Clan's toxic masculinity, then Riko is also the ultimate victim of Toji's masuclinity which didn't just target sorcerers but reached out and targeted innocent girls (Riko) and children (Megumi).
The explanation of who Toji was in the past, how he both killed Riko and drove the wedge between Geto and Gojo's friendship creating the first dsiruption in the cycle is important because in the modern day the Zen'in Clan has not broken the cycle. The abuse of the Zen'in Clan is so bad, that one generation later they've already manufactured another Toji.
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While Maki's rise to power is glorified a little bit too much, in story the fact that the cycle has repeated itself is not a good thing. Maki's lost her chance of happiness and reconciliation with Mai, she's won against the Zen'in but it's a pyrrhic victory, she's now strong at the cost of everything else. As I said before Mai is also a clear parallel to Riko, someone who just wanted to live a normal life cut down in the prime of her youth by a member of the Zen'in, who's death then sparks another person to spiral.
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They're just girls who longed for an ordinary life and be together with their loved ones, and Maki and Geto are both haunted by the fact that they were unable to save them in the aftermath. Geto's actions are spurred by the way the world carelessly killed Riko, and Maki gives up on reforming the Zen'in Clan and chooses destruction after they swallow up Mai.
The flashback chapters do more than just give parallels between say Gojo and Geto's friendship and the current friendship between Megumi and Yuji, or even give us Gojo's backstory and insight to his character they also go to great lengths to show us how much things have not changed in the modern day Jujutsu World.
While the distortion that drove Toji to do what he did began in the Zen'in Clan, Geto is basically driven by the faults of Jujutsu Society as a whole. The death of Riko is his eye opening moment where he learns the truth of their society, the young are sacrificed for the old. It's not just the fact Riko died, but afterwards he witnessed crows of people appluading for it, and Toji acting like that death was nothing. There's also the fact her death / sacrifice was ordered by Jujutsu Society in the first place, but Geto thought he could overcome that cycle with strength alone until he couldn't. Geto's monologue that leads to his slow breakdown even refers to being a sorcerer as "an endless cycle."
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The three years of Geto and Gojo's youth is referred to their spring, whereas Premature Death takes place in summer. Not coincidentally, in story Summer is referred to as the worst possible season for curses because curses accumulate during that time.
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Jujusu Kaisen is about cycles, and the inability to escape them. Geto and Gojo's springtime of youth turns to summer, Geto begins to have doubts because of his inability to protect Riko, and his witnessing of sorcerers dying around him.
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It's not just Geto's superiority complex, or his increasing antipathy for the weak normal people who demand sorcerers exorcise curses for them because they can't defend themselves. Geto also bears witness to the continued death of children around him. It's not just a hazard of the job, sorcerer society continually sacrifices young people to uphold the strict traditions of the elders.
Geto is moved by the mistreatment of the young in a way Gojo is, Riko's death is what opens his eyes, a few days Geto goes to the village he witnesses the brutal death of Haibara and Nanami's own feelings of helplessnes to stop it, and then his breaking point is when he sees two twin girls who are sorcerers ganged up on and imprisoned by an entire town, the same way that the indifferent crowds cheered for Riko's death and the same way sorcerer society considered Riko an expendable sacrifice to maintain Tengen.
Sorcerer Society's callous indifference to both the deaths of their sorcerers, but especially the young is what drives Geto to his breaking point. This is also the source of Gojo's ideals, because he realizes something went wrong with Geto and he doesn't want that mistake to repeat.
“For people like us, we naturally know how to get rid of the poisons within their heart. But for youths who hold onto a lot of sentimental feelings, it’s another matter altogether. Their heart might collapse just from getting struck by poison once.” “Isn’t it an adult’s duties to rid poison from a child’s heart? As a teacher, you should know this better than me, right?” [Light novel 1: Ressurection Puppet]
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In Gojo's case he is actively trying at least, to raise kids in a way that they won't break like Geto did. It's the loss of Geto which inspires his current ideals. However, to dwell on this briefly Gojo is also still a very flawed mentor because he's a product of the system who raised him.
Kenjaku comes back in the form of Geto's body to defeat Gojo. Then Sukuna ends up taking Megumi's body away from him. There's a pattern here, two people who Gojo has a strong connection too have their bodies taken away from him. In Megumi's case this is where Gojo has failed to break the cycle because of his stated intetions, because Gojo didn't adopt Megumi to help him after his father died, Gojo swooped in to take Megumi because he was a potential weapon he could use against the elders.
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The flashback arc ends with Gojo making his slightly predatory deal with Megumi, by threatening his sister's happiness unless he complies and lets Gojo train him instead of the Zen'in. Megumi is shown to be a child that's continually having trouble growing up throughout the story, because of his broken home situation.
The ending of Hidden Inventory could have been Gojo learning his lesson and breaking the cycle in regards to Megumi, but he deliberately did not, and so once again the problems the main characters are facing now is created by the failures of the past.
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Gojo Mr. "I can totally beat up on Megumi, it's fine."
In this case though, Hidden Inventory is also about how the problems of the past are plagueing Megumi's life, because the primary villain of it is his father, and the ending of the whole arc is us seeing his first encounter with Gojo. Megumi is in this case the latest youth swallowed up by the old, because Sukuna is quite literally a member of the previous generation physically stealing his body away from him to prolong his life long after he died.
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Tsumiki's death is also a repeat of the death of Mai Zen'in, and Riko Amanai. It's once again the death of an innocent being swallowed up by the toxic masculinity of Jujutsu Society, all while the person who wanted to protect them is completely helpless to stop it. Gojo also took responsibility for Megumi, and Tsumiki both and later on couldn't live up tot hat responsibility, Tsumiki is dead and Megumi is possessed.
The Hidden Inventory flashback arc is there to establish what is basically the beginning of the cycle in the story, so we can see later on how this cycle is repeating itself again and again without being broken even this late (200 chapters) into the story. With the eventual hope that if the adults like Gojo can't fully break the cycle, then the kids he raised will be able to do so in his place.
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apsephion · 1 year
Here's the fluff I spun a wheel and it picked Danganronpa V3 and Demon Slayer characters so..... Here you go make sure you enjoy.
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Characters: (Demon Slayer) Obanai, Mitsuri, Shinobu, Giyuu, Sanemi (Danganronpa V3) Kaede, Shuichi, Korekiyo, Kaito, Kokichi and Maki
Fandoms: Danganronpa V3 and Demon Slayer
Title: sleeping at night with these characters
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Demon Slayer:
Man is a silent sleeper prove me wrong
He is also extremely still so you'd prob think he is dead sometimes
He gets cold easily so in summer it would be fucking perfect but in winter...
He might cling to you in his sleep but that's a small chance of happening
I'm sorry but mans would move away from you and push you in his sleep
Overall 5.5/10 could be better but still very nice to sleep with
My baby
She snores a lil bit tbh but cutely somehow
Will cuddle you in your sleep no debate
Might accidentally punch and kick you in your sleep
If you're bigger/taller than her she will sleep on top of you
If you're smaller/shorter than her she will little spoon you, you have no say
10/10 would recommend if you love physical contact
I personally she would be a fucking menace.
Prolly can't sleep so messes with you defo
She is a light sleep so don't move too much or she finna get annoyed with you
But if you ignore all of the she's actually a pretty good person to sleep with
Prolly snuggles up to you
But if you sweat in your sleep leave her the fuck alone she hates the moisture
She is smol so she likes being little spooned, but when she wants to feel confident big spoons you
She's a peaceful sleeper when she can finally sleep
A solid 4.5/10 would recommend if you're a deep sleeper if not I totally don't recommend
Doesn't sleep
But when he does end up sleeping like a log
Cuddles you and blushes like a mess when you tell him about it in the morning
Likes to be little spooned simple
Doesn't really like heavy blankets so your just gonna have to suffice
He is cold.
So he loves you're warmth whether in the summer or winter
Prolly cling asf
8.5/10 would recommend
how do I say this...
Don't sleep with him please he is an absolute menace
A kicker and a puncher no debate
A heavy and light sleeper so he'd switch between the both
He will take your blankets even if you get your own
Pushes you if try to get close while he's light sleeping
But he would wrap his arms and legs around you
Protective so holds you closely and tightly
Won't let you live
Danganronpa V3:
Baby I love her btw
Amazing cuddler
Comfortable body heat
Prolly switches between a light and heavy sleeper through the night
Holds you
Rests her head on your shoulder
10/10 sleep with her, amazing experience
My love, the reason I wake up
Hugs you,holds you, clings to you. Physical touch is just a must for him
He will not let you go while sleeping
Gets cold easily so you're a liability for him to keep warm
Little spoon frfr
10000/10 Soooooo recommend
I love this man like pleasss fuck me with your fingers
Ahem anyways
He is a gentle cuddler
Slight cold body temp
I personally love thinking that he would play with your hair
Sweet nothings while you're falling asleep
Sleeps late so he might coddle you while kissing the crown of your head
10/0 would recommend
Chaotic sleeper ™
Blanket hog
Sleeps right on you despite his weight
Squeezes you tightly
Big spoon
7.5/10 though he's annoying sometimes he's a great cuddle-bug
He doesn't like sleeping periodt
So he would be a fucking nuisance
Pokes your face while you sleep
Kicks you purposely
Takes your blankets
Why does he do this? Because he's kinda lonely being awake alone
So you have to mom him
When he gets to sleep he is a cuddle bug
You wanna go get water you have to bring Kokichi with
You wanna pee Kokichi's tagging along
2/10 annoying asf
Doesn't sleep
Has trained herself to not sleep
But understands sleep is important
So what's the next best thing for her? She cuddle with you
Very nice body temp she adapts to winter and summer
Your thirsty? She gets you water
You need to pee? She accompanies you
Basically very comforting even if she rarely sleeps
7.5/10 would recommend
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Sorry for not getting this one I live in South Africa so I didn't have lights but I'll get the smut one out as soon as possible. Love you guys
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©Apsephion 2023 (forgot how to copyright sr)a
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fairytalewonders · 3 months
Also nothing like my usual post, but I couldn't help but think of it.
For those of you that know about Danganronpa, particularly Danganronpa V3, I just had a thought I think might help people understand a character more.
You all know Kokichi Ouma, right? How Kokichi Ouma has a no killing rule in his organization? (Something that is probably important to have when your group mainly goes around committing illegal activities. The longer you do such things, the easier it becomes to do and the lines get more blurred. Which is why the rule probably exists and isn't an unspoken rule but one that's clearly outlined. Because members of the group actually have the potential to do such a thing.)
Well, that doesn't necessarily mean that Kokichi is morally upstanding like some like to make him out to be because all this rule does is ban killing. But everything else is on the table. Another way I just recently thought to put it in-- you know Batman, right? How Batman has a no killing rule? But he'll do everything but kill you? He will send you to the ER and brutally disfigure you if need be, but he won't kill you.
I think that's how people should start looking at Kokichi. Not a pioneer of justice like Batman, but someone who is willing to do everything but kill someone.
(Not that I think Kokichi would send someone to the ER. The fact that I think he was scared of Katio when he punched him makes me think Kokichi just doesn't like violence in general, and has a personal hatred towards the art of killing. But, I think Kokichi would be down for breaking-and-entering, as well as stealing and everything like that. I don't think that would bother him in the slightest.) (Though, Kokichi's seemingly personal hatred to the idea of killing makes me think something may have happened to him, which is a completely different analysis than this one, as such I will not be going into in.
Which, I would like to point out, I also think Kokichi was trying to get everyone killed by Chapter 4. If he figured out they were being watched, he probably figured out they weren't the only people to participate in a killing game, he also probably figured there would be future ones. So to stop the games, he would make it unplayable to the viewers. (In other words, even if he got the rest of his peers killed, they were doomed after the first killing, it was probably better from his perspective to ruin the game and prevent any future games from being held. Saving the future people, instead of his peers basically.) (A choice he and Maki, Kiibo, Shuichi, and Himiko would have ironically shared if that was the case.)
The reason I say this is because I'm frustrated with people making Kokichi this "soft boy" who did no wrong and was only trying to help everyone, or making him a horrible hypocrite with no values. When in truth he's morally grey, was long before he even set foot in the killing game, and was then put in a killing game that would make anyone's morals worse. If anything his actions are an attestment to how much he clung onto those morals and beliefs. (He was far from the only person that's actions that got others killed, and he didn't have the worse motive by far. It shouldn't be swept under the rug, but he shouldn't be automatically worse than every character for his actions just because of a rule he has with his organization. A basic rule that everyone in society has, though it normally doesn't need to be lined out.)
Which, this is just how I view Kokichi, and it may not even be accurate. Just a thought.
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newtthetranswriter · 1 year
hii can u write a cuddle session with yuuta?
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Summary: Just a lazy day cuddling and watching The Dragon Prince.
Paring: Yuta x gn!Reader
Word Count: 874
A/N: Thank you for requesting this. I love cuddles with Yuta, he’s just so sweet. I couldn’t help but use the dragon prince as the show they watch while cuddling because it’s one of my favorites right now and if you’ve watched you should understand my comparisons, if you haven’t watched it I highly recommend, it has such diversity and has the same feel as Avatar the Last Airbender, plus there are a bunch of easter eggs for atla because one of the creators was also a writer and producer on Avatar. Anyway, enjoy this lovely piece and let me know what you think. MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS DO NOT INTERACT
Dating Yuta has been a dream come true. He is the sweetest guy I have ever met and it feels like he understands me better than anyone. It’s almost like he can sense when I’m having a bad day because today he suggested that we skip hanging out with our friends to just stay in and watch one of my favorite shows. So, that's exactly what we are doing right now, we’er cuddled up on my bed with a bowl of skittles on my lap watching The Dragon Prince on netflix.
I just really enjoy laying with him and commenting on the little jokes each character makes or judging Viren for being a horrible father. We also like to try and figure out which character reminds us of each other and our friends, that’s the current debate we are having.
“There is no way Toge is Claudia, if anything he’s Zym. Because one, he can’t talk, and two he likes to cause trouble. I don’t think any of our friends are evil enough to be Claudia.” I said completely flabbergasted that he would insinuate that our best friend would be able to do such horrid things to people and animals.
He laughed and said “I wasn’t saying that because I think he’s evil or something, I was saying it because in the first few seasons Claudia is a complete dork, yeah she sucks for doing dark magic but she does dumb stuff as well. Anyway, now that we have Inumaki picked, who would Maki be? I personally think Rayla is an exact copy of her; they would both roll their eyes and slap someone for being an idiot.”
I chuckled at his defense, “I completely agree. Maki is also too stubborn to ask for help when she really needs it. Panda is Ezran, I will not accept any argument, he understands Toge and encourages his dumb behaviors.” I started with no room for argument.  “Also you are Soren, don't try to fight it, that's my final decision and I'm sticking to it.”
“W-what how am I Soren?” My boyfriend looked at me obviously confused by my statement. “I’m not disagreeing, I’m just curious why you think that.”
“Well for one you both use swords to fight. But most importantly, you are both extremely kind in spite of the fact you have both been through a lot. Soren spent years being gaslite by his father into doing horrible things, and when he tried to make his sister see it she also tried to gaslight him. Once he finally realized his family was doing horrible things he made the hard choice to leave them and change for the better. Now I’m not saying you have the same past but I know you struggled and suffered for a while. Having Rika lash out everytime something even came close to threatening you and not understanding it had to have been difficult, but instead of giving up, you decided to keep fighting and try and make it so no one else has to go through what you did.” I pointed out the major similarities between the two swordsmen. “Also I think you are both adorable.”
He just watched amazed by my reasoning, thinking I was just gonna say it was because they both use swords and are dorks, but no it was like I had thought about this alot. “I-i- Wow, you’ve thought about that a lot haven’t you?” he asked with a light blush.
I smiled up at him. “ Yeah I have, you have been through a lot and I'm proud of you for it. Now the most important question, what character am I?” I asked, trying to see his brain work.
“Oh definitely Bait.” He said confidently as I looked at him in shock.
“Excuse me, I just gave a college dissertation level speech on why I think you are a handsome swordsman, and all I get is a toad.” I said sitting up and turning to fully face him.
“Well yeah you are both adorable when you’re grumpy, both love shiny things, and you have a massive sweet tooth.” He said, defending his choice, reaching to try and pull back to lay with him. I begrudgingly layed back down resting my head on his chest, I felt his arm wrap around my shoulders as he placed a kiss to the top of my head. “Now shush, one of your favorite moments is coming up.”
I just nodded and snuggled closer to his side as I turned to watch as general Amya accidentally ruined her own engagement. I always find it funny, like yeah I get wanting to propose in a flashy way but seriously. Amya is a high ranked general who doesn't seem like someone who enjoys random surprises, what else would you expect to happen ambushing her with what look like flaming whips. I chuckled at the scene before closing my eyes, just enjoying the time I get to spend cuddling Yuta. I whispered a quiet “I Love you” as I drifted off to sleep.
Right as I let sleep take over, I heard Yuta respond with his “I love you too” before we both feel asleep to the sounds of dragons, elves, and magic.
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voxofthevoid · 5 months
The last couple of chapters of jjk have been making me shriek with delight. My boy Yuuji let's gooo! I think my favorite thing (and you've mentioned this I think?) is the side-characters helping. Every time Sukuna starts to get some space to think and react, there's *someone* there to sneak in a couple of pot shots while Yuuji closes the gap. I think it's a wonderful contrast to the Suku v gojo fight, where those gaps basically allowed Suku to win. (this is black fisting the chussy anon)
Same, anon, same 🤝
I did mention it once! After 256, I believe, with regard to how Larue played a role in immobilizing Sukuna long enough for Yuuji to nail him with that first Black Flash (and I am still not over the fact that it was the first of EIGHT). I'm also very glad that pattern has both (a) continued into this fight with Ino's contribution and (b) lessened in terms of intrusiveness to better emphasize Yuuji vs. Sukuna. I don't know whether it's heading in the direction of a one vs. one or whether Maki (or even Yuuta) will join again, temporarily or otherwise, but regardless of how it progresses from here, we have this. Team play was a significant factor in injuring Sukuna to this extent and getting Yuuji in position to rail him with Black Flashes, and like you said, it does contrast with the Gojou fight damn well.
Sukuna's older, more experienced, and more well-versed in jujutsu than the rest of the cast—they need every advantage they can to beat him. I can understand Gojou vs. Sukuna starting off as a one on one, both because of Gojou being most effective alone and as a pissing contest pride thing, but the aftermath of the fight makes it clear that a coordinated attack would have yielded better results. Higuruma's domain alone could have given Gojou a better chance. Even putting aside practical strategy and focusing on themes, I find the way Gojou died fighting alone to be a disservice to his character arc. The fact that he did plan for the others to interfere if he was too weakened gives me some solace, but the end result was still...well, if I start on that, we'll be here forever.
With Yuuji and non-Gojou sorcerers in general, team play has been emphasized time and time again, and while Jump Kaisen did get pretty dull at parts (at least partly because of the weekly release tbf), it seems to be an effective strategy. For Yuuji's role in particular, I do like how it mirrors all his previous important fights, where his own power did matter immensely but the support, psychological and practical, he got was key in determining the outcome.
I can see it going either way from here, and the effectiveness of the end result will depend heavily on the execution (what's new, eh?), but let's keep our fingers crossed that the upcoming chapters will be as good as 256 and 257.
And say hello to your new name! Please don't run away.
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runabout-river · 10 months
One thing that bothers me about jujutsu is that the author doesn't know how to develop some characters. 1 Shoko Ieri is an interesting character but I find her apathetic without a cold and superficial personality. 2 itadori yuji doesn't seem to be a protagonist he seems more like a tool than the protagonist of the work. 3 nobara had no development dry and emotionless death. and many other characters. There were only 2 characters that really had development, which was gojo and geto, for me, they were the only ones that had it. Why do you think the author did this, is it because he didn't want to develop the characters that's why he killed many important characters? I would appreciate it if you respond.
This is a lot to answer so sorry if it gets confusing a little.
1.) and you really have to keep this in mind, is that the manga isn't finished yet. It's also not about to finish. We have just reached the beginning of the end and we have at least another 6 months to go if not more. Without the last panel drawn, we can't really talk about the stuff Gege hasn't put into the story yet.
Still, many of your points can be addressed.
Shoko: In both the present and the past storylines, she is a side character without her side of the story being shown too much. Her being cold and apathetic can be a fitting description of her in the present but in the past she was more open and easy-going.
When you say she has a superficial personality that's where your interpretation is a little off. For one, her personality changes and for two, her current personality reflects the cost that living as a sorcerer has on people. We are also shown her inner thoughts on occasion but interestingly, one of those thoughts kind of comments her role in the story.
(This thought also establishes that she has trouble understanding Gojo's point of view on his godlike status)
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The thing with Shoko is that we're never shown what she does: heal and save people. That's an aspect of her character that has been completely, and deliberately I say, missing until this point. But she has saved the lives of: Geto, Ino and Angel (plus some others) and she has therefore shaped the entire plot of the manga extremely.
But this I think will change in the most impactful way possible: with her saving Gojo's life by showing us for the first time what her CT is and how she heals people.
On Nobara, you're right. She had little character development and no reflection on her thoughts and beliefs. To this I say, read my post about her coming back because I believe that she will get that character develepoment and reflection when she re-enters the manga.
The same thing goes for Tsumiki. I was really disappointed when Yorozu died and Tsumiki basically disappeared from the story with her role never being more than that of a prop. But it was pointed out to me, that Tsumiki actually had been shown in an active role in the manga 70 chapters ago and that role will definitely be revisited when Megumi gets the spotlight again.
Now to Yuji. Did you realize that you contradicted yourself? You said that Yuji doesn't feel like a protagonist but you also said that Geto and Gojo had the best character developement. You're definitely talking about Hidden Inventory here but HI is and arc where Yuji is removed as the protagonist.
So the main protagonist being removed from the story temporarily has a purpose. You could say that that was a flashback and doesn't really count and that you mostly mean the 4 mini-arcs in Culling Games where Yuji wasn't present + the Sukuna/Yorozu fight + the Gojo/Sukuna fight.
Gojo/Suku we don't even count in this, that's a given, Sukuna/Yorozu is character showing plus setup for the future and Yuki/Choso/Tengen vs Kenjaku we don't count either, because that's a plot progression plus villain fight.
In my experience when people talk about Yuji not being a good protagonist because he isn't present often enough, they mean the arcs where Yuta, Maki and Hakari take centre stage. (The three other mini-arcs add to this)
Why would a mangaka do their story like this?
For world building. To be more precise: for plot building. Yuta, Maki and Hakari have important roles for the endfights and for that they needed character development (Maki), a show of their powers (all) and setups for the future (eg alliances with Kashimo and Uro).
Right from the beginning, JJK always moved the plot forward first. That's why the pace is so fast. The story is plot driven and not character driven, but that doesn't mean that the characters aren't given their time, just that that time isn't an entire chapter.
You can critizese this of course, I too would've liked small character scenes to have been expended on. That Yuji is taken off the picture for world building isn't sth I would critizise though. That's what happened in parts of Attack on Titan, and it also happens constantly in One Piece with Luffy albeit in Flashbacks.
It simply adds to the story when we can see other characters act on their own and while Yuji is back in the centre now, he will most likely take small steps back again to let other characters shine like Megumi eg. It also adds to his personality, but for the end of the manga he will be the centre of attention.
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puellamagishowdown · 4 months
Round 1 Has Finished!
Thank you all for voting! Some results are exactly what I expected but quite a few were confusing to me. Sometimes I wish I knew why people voted the way they did. Also, just for the record, I did randomize these. None of these pairings were planned.
Now for something important I'm going to say before things get too bad.
I've seen a few heated replies that are getting too close to aggressive for my taste. Guys, this is for fun. There are no real world consequences to the result of this poll bracket. If I believe someone is getting too aggressive or insulting towards other voters (or me), I will block. I don't want any true negativity here and if preventing some people from interacting keeps peace, I will do it. You all are free to try and convince others to vote the way you want, but keep it civil.
If you would like a list of results along with some commentary, feel free to click the keep reading button. Otherwise, see you all soon for the next round.
Suzune Amano vs Ayame Mikuri (54.3%) - The first result gives me sadness. I'm a real fan of Suzune's character.
Niko Kanna vs Miyuri Yukari (63.8%)
Pia Undo (59.2%) vs Yuuri Asuka
Tsubasa Hanekawa (50.4%) vs Alexandra Kurusu - This one was close. It was switching back and forth until the end.
Toyo (81.1%) vs Ebony
Sasa Yuuki vs Madoka Kaname (91.2%) - I wonder how Sasa would have done against someone other than Madoka. You know, the magical girl who will probably be in the top 5 if not win the whole bracket.
Livia Medeiros (67.1%) vs Hikari Kirai
Hayate Yagami vs Rena Minami (81.3%)
Tart vs Sana Futaba (67.1%)
Arisa Narumi vs Asahi Miura (68.1%)
Manaka Kurumi vs Kaede Akino (68.9%)
Ranka Chizu vs Sudachi Suwa (52.6%)
Mikoto Sena (81.5%) vs Hagumu Azumi - I'm sad we'll probably never see Mikoto animated. Her design is really pretty.
Hotaru Yura (83.3%) vs Moka Megumi
Himika Mao vs Saki Asami (60%)
Melissa de Vignolles vs Mikage Yakumo (58.9%)
Yukika Nanase vs Sasara Minagi (55.4%)
Amaryllis (61.3%) vs Shizuka Tokime
Ren Isuzu (83.1%) vs Pernelle
Shizuku Hozumi vs Kokoro Awane (56.1%)
Kuro (58%) vs Kaoru Maki - The character without eyes won. Okay.
Kagome Satori vs Nanaka Tokiwa (54.1%)
Kagari Hinata (66.7%) vs Mayoi Hachikuji
Alina Gray (69.1%) vs Ria Ami - I really love Ria's design. I would like to think she would have moved on if she wasn't against a major character like Alina.
Mikura Komachi (60.3%) vs Umika Misaki
Yu (77.5%) vs Lavi Himuro - Why? Is there some real love for Yu out there for some reason or is it just voting against Lavi? I really don't understand this one.
Kushu Irina vs Himena Aika (50.6%)
Sayuki Fumino (51.7%) vs Chika Aoba - The first of two tiebreakers. What a peculiar duo to be a tie. And I messed up the title of the poll like a loser.
Ashley Taylor (73.2%) vs Akira Shinobu
Yuuri vs Meiyui Chun (87.7%)
Hinano Miyako vs Mel Anna (67.1%)
Satomi Usagi vs Ryoko Natsu (76.1%) - Satomi was the reason I decided to use fan art for the Kazumi girls. The only colored art of her I could find had SAMPLE across the front of it. And she didn't even win.
Ayase Souju vs Hazuki Yusa (75.7%)
Tsukuyo Amane vs Eternal Sakura (75.3%)
Kanami Honoka vs Mayu Kozue (92.3%) - Poor Kanami got bodied.
Kako Natsume (58%) vs Hanna Sarasa
Maria Yuki vs Rui Mizuki (65.8%)
San Kagura vs Kanoko Yayoi (65%)
Chizuru vs Masara Kagami (70.4%)
Ryo Midori vs Juri Oba (66.7%)
Isabeau vs Kyoko Sakura (84.6%)
Tsubaki Mikoto (70.8%) vs Chisato Shion
Riz Hawkwood (83.9%) vs Temari Kira
Kanna Hijiri (52.6%) vs Jun Kazari
Sunao Toki vs Chiharu Hiroe (55%)
Aimi Eri vs Mito Aino (66.7%)
Kuroe vs Corbeau (51%) - The cloak girl showdown was really close. I really never knew who would win.
Nemu Hiiragi vs Tsuruno Yui (70.2%)
Kazumi vs Yuma Chitose (52.6%)
Hitagi Senjougahara vs Mitama Yakumo (59.6%) - I'll be honest, I kinda thought the Monogatari fans would have risen and voted. Then again, I have no idea how large the Monogatari fanbase is in the first place.
Shinobu Oshino vs Yuna Kureha (62.5%)
Yuuna Kaharu vs Riko Chiaki (70.5%)
Ayaka Mariko (53.5%) vs Takina Inoue
Meguru Hibiki (60.8%) vs Akari Mai
Nadeko Sengoku vs Momoko Togame (55.6%)
Mirai Wakaba vs Ui Tamaki (86.2%)
Ao Kasane (57.3%) vs Matsuri Hinata - I'm actually a bit crushed. I love both Matsuri's design and character. The fact she didn't get through but her sister did is almost worse.
Suruga Kanbaru (52.8%) vs Fate T. Harlaown
Seira Mihono vs Gunhild (69.8%)
Rion Yuzuki vs Homura Akemi (93.1%) - Rion was destroyed. I almost feel bad.
Asuka Tatsuki vs Sae Kirino (58.1%) - Fun fact, when the poll ended the first time it said 50.6% Asuka. Only the next day did it say it was tied. That's why the tiebreaker poll went up so much later.
Nagisa Momoe (83.2%) vs Sakuya Suzuka
Iroha Tamaki (66.9%) vs Chisato Nishikigi - I have no idea what Lycoris Recoil is about, but both of the crossover girls had really nice designs.
Mitsune Miwa vs Yachiyo Nanami (74.6%)
Seika Kumi (61.9%) vs Emika Kisaki
Nayuta Satomi (52.6%) vs Tsuyu Mizuna - The first time I saw Tsuyu, I just thought Ayaka Kamisato. Keep in mind, I was not playing Genshin at the time.
Yozuru Sasame vs Karin Misono (50.9%)
Urara Yume vs Kanae Yukino (75%)
Konoha Shizumi (61.5%) vs Eliza Celjska
Shigure Miyabi (62.4%) vs Haruka Kanade - Really? I thought Haruka had one of the better designs but apparently I'm wrong. Or maybe Shigure's story is really that good.
Tsukasa Amane vs Oriko Mikuni (63.8%) - Also a little sad neither Amane twin got through. I like their designs but that might just be my personal bias towards kimono-styled outfits.
Hotori Yuzuki vs Lapin (72%)
Tsumugi Wakana vs Olga (75.2%)
Mifuyu Azusa (59.2%) vs Mabayu Aki - Mabuyu has a design I think would have fit with the Holy Quintet if she was released back in the day (and the clothes were green). But I have heard Scene 0 is pretty meh so that probably held her back quite a lot.
Natsuki Utsuho vs Felicia Mitsuki (83.3%)
Mami Tomoe (71.4%) vs Touka Satomi
Rika Ayano (58.7%) vs Heruka
Sayaka Miki (86.1%) vs Nanoha Takamichi - I also thought the MGLN fans would have risen from depths and really voted for their titular character. But then again, Sayaka is a force to be reckoned with in this bracket.
Mitsuru Inami (73.6%) vs Luca Souju - Every single one of the characters I used fan art for didn't even move onto the second round. I could have just not included them and nothing would have changed. And that's a shame because I feel Kazumi has some real underrated designs, especially the Soujus.
Ikumi Makino (66.3%) vs Minou
Kanagi Izumi vs Kirika Kure (52.9%)
Konomi Haruna (76.5%) vs Leila Ibuki
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kamyru · 1 year
A summary to the family relationships in Voltage Inc stories
I once posted about how the MCs from Voltage Inc are mostly mentally healthy girls from complete families, with both parents being more than adequate and usually with siblings. The statistics for the games I am writing for are like this:
Her Love in the Force: Two alive parents that are good at parenting and an alive sibling good at "siblinging"
Irresistible Mistakes: Two alive parents that are good at parenting and an alive sibling that briefly mentioned
Oops! I Said Yes?!: Two alive parents that are adequate at parenting
Plust: Love U So True: Two alive parents that seem to be good at parenting
Romance MD: Always on Call: ... She is the one whose family status can be compared to the LIs
Tokyo Love Hustle: I don't remember, but I'm not sure both her parents are alive
So, out of 7 MCs, only one and a half (if anyone remembers TLH's MC's backstory, tell me what's up with her) have a tragic backstory regarding their families, which makes up around 80% of MCs with no family trauma. If we take more MCs, then it probably is 85%. Now, let's see how we are with the boys. (I don't remember or know all their stories, so correct me if I wrote something wrong).
Alive parents with alive siblings (if they have any): Seiji Goto, Toshiaki Kijima, Toma Kiriya, Natsume Asaoka, Kuranosuke Kiba, Shu Hasunuma, Munechika Takado
Alive parents with dead siblings: Shusuke Soma
Alive parents with dead siblings and questionable love for them: Eiji Takao, Tetsuya Hosho, Sentaro Kyogoku
Alive parents with questionable love for their children: Yukihisa Maki, Shunichiro Tachibana, Ukyo Senkawa, Kunihiro Kasai, Sui Claude Saigu, Mikoto Amamitsu, Kaede Ekuni
Another fatherless child with his dad away: Hyogo Kaga (he can fall in the previous category too), Taku Hayama
Adopted orphan: Ayumu Shinonome, Rei Kamiki, Keita Mitsuura, Go Okubo, Daimon Togo, Toshiki Kasumi, Suzumu Mado
Adopted orphan with dead siblings: Takaomi Tsugaru
Adopted orphan with dead siblings and questionable relationship with the parents whose at least one adopted parent died: Hideki Ishigami
Not adopted orphan: Jun Araki, Taro Akuchi
Characters about whom I don't remember/know anything (please, tell me in the comments what's up with them): Jin Namba, Toru Kurosawa, Eiichi Matsunaga
Status unknown (please, tell me if you know anything): Ryoga Buto
So, here we have 35 characters. The ones about whom I don't know anything don't fall into the first category, from what I remember. And even if we put the last one in the first category, we still have a rate of 23% with no family trauma. By games, it looks like this:
Her Love in the Force: No trauma = 12,5% (1/8)
Irresistible Mistakes: No trauma = 30% (3/10)
Oops! I Said Yes?!: No trauma = 33,3% (2/6)
Plust: Loving U So True: No trauma = 66,6% (2/3)
Romance MD: Always on Call: No trauma = 16,6% (1/6)
Tokyo Love Hustle: No trauma = 0% (0/2)
Besides the fact that we don't have information about Ryoga yet, these are still not accurate because Kuranosuke theoretically falls into the "No family trauma" category, even if this man has trauma regarding his family and his entire personality can be explained by his family's behavior towards him. 
Even the story with the "happiest" families (Plust with 66,6%) isn't close to MCs' 80%. 
I want MCs with traumas who went through something and overcame it. And if Voltage Inc likes to make it hard from the beginning, using their families, then there it be. I don't want men characters who went through hell and back to come to MC so that she could fix them. I want MC to have her struggles that don't involve her man. Women's lives don't revolve around their men. They can have struggles outside their relationship. 
Don't get me wrong, I understand that it is important to support your partner and everything. I like how the LIs have character development. But if you look at these games, MCs' lives seem so good and careless before meeting their SO. Their problems begin after men appear in their lives. They go through problems that aren't as serious as their partners, while the men save the day and are named heroes. 
The family thing is only ONE aspect of the traumas that Voltage gives to MEN in their stories. There are so many struggles that a woman can go through: toxic exes, physically present but morally absent parents (especially fathers), high expectations, double standards, and sexual harassment. 
I have had a pretty normal life compared to Voltage Inc men's. But I still can't identify myself with the MCs in here. I'm only 21, and I have seen more sh*t than the MC from "Her Love in the Force" when she entered the Academy. It makes me uncomfortable when I play for a plant from a greenhouse whose strongest personality trait at 23+ is naivety. 
I want to live in a world with parents that love me nonetheless, there's no depression, sexual harassment, toxic relationships, messy breakups, divorces, bad relationships with siblings, mental illnesses, double standards, or high expectations. But it's not possible right now, and I want to see problems depicted in fiction to know that I am not alone. 
I want to see a LI who goes out of his way to help MC with her problems, at least sometimes. I don't live on this earth to save men from themselves. I also want to have support to overcome my problems. 
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astro-can · 11 months
ranking anime pt 1
ranking a few of my favourite animes in terms of plot and characters
Bungo Stray Dogs (the manga) i'm actually a pretty new fan but its def the best mangas i've ever read. and notice how i say manga, not anime. the anime actually kind of sucks. the plot is very interesting and intriguing, and all the characters are very well-written. idk where asagiri got the idea of taking historical poets and authors and turning them into hot manga characters from, but i love it. its a very cool concept. you def need to read all the side stories to understand whats happening at times, but you can easily find the side stories on sus illegal websites or just buy them (or watch the anime adaptations). atsushi is a well-written main character and dazai's personality literally has my mind running in circles. this is a manga that makes you think a lot, but if you like literature, def give Bungo Stray Dogs a shot. you won't regret it!
Toilet Bound Hanako-kun (the manga) notice how i said manga again (the anime could do so much better). the art style for this book is AMAZING and the characters are SO WELLWRITTEN. like the title is a bit weird you I SWEAR YOU WONT REGRET IT IF YOU READ IT. its literally the best mixture of romance, comedy, horror, and mystery. its sort of a slowburn and i wish hanako's backstory will be revealed soon because im literally dying to know what ACTUALLy happened between him and tsukasa. and i want to know how nene and hanako's relationship grows!
Spy x Family this is the perfect comedy-action anime to watch with your family and friends. the concept is cool and its fun to see how anya, loid, and yor's relationship grows! I want to know what will happen at the end and if loid and yor actually stay together. its a very good anime and i highly recommend it.
Jujutsu Kaisen i'm a fairly new fan of jjk but i really love it! at first i had to read it a couple times because of all the fast explanations for cursed energy and stuff, but i think i've memorized it all now. yuji is a very interesting main character, and its nice to see his internal struggles with hosting the most evil cursed monster alive. his struggles of accepting his fate and his struggles of losing the people he loves is something that i like seeing (not in a sadistic way) because it accurately shows his character development. i love the strong female characters (shoko, maki, utahime, etc etc) and the subtle inclusion of the lgbtq community (kirara, mai, megumi, etc etc). the character developments in this series in CRAZYY like i actually love it so much. what i don't like is how some of the explanations are a little nonsensical and they pass over the important stuff too quickly. but overall, its a very good series and i recommend it!
Sk8 the Infinity i was so sad when season one of Sk8 ended, because it was really good. i hope they make season two soon. sk8 is so good because it shows reki's struggles, just like how gege shows itadori's struggles. the characters develop nicely, and the relationships between the characters are shown nicely. its a very fruity anime that i HOPE will end like yuri on ice (with reki and langa getting together BECAUSE I WOULD LOVE FOR IT TO BE CANON) its short but sweet and i highly recommend!
The Promised Neverland (the manga) i CANNOT express how much i DESPISE the anime. i HATE IT SO FCKING MUCH. anyways, the manga is pretty good. its another series that works your brain a lot, and it kinda makes me sad because there are literal eleven year olds being smarter than me 😭i personally really like isabella and yugo's characters, and i sort of dislike emma's desire to save the demons. like girliepop pulled the main character card and said "i wanna save everyone so no one has to suffer!" personally i would've gone with norman and ray's plan sooooooo....i also dislike how emma loses her memory at the end. i know it was really important, but i wish she could've gotten her memories back after reuniting with them again because in the canon manga, she CANT remember a SINGLE THING which means ALL THE THINGS SHE DID WITH HER FAMILY are just GONE. i actually screamed when i read that she never got her memory back. i also wish the author had maybe specified a bit more on isabella and ray's relationship as mother and son. anyways, a pretty decent story with good characters.
Demonslayer this is actually my favourite anime. I love it so much. ive read the manga over ten times and it has tanjiro, one of my all-time favourite anime characters. the reason its ranked so low is because of how simple the plot is and how it sort of repeats the action scenes. some of the characters could def be written better, but there was a lot of very good characters as well. tanjiro's character is written so well, and so is shinobu's. i wish we saw more of rengoku before he was killed off after like thirty minutes of screentime, and i wish the author hadn't killed off obanai and mitsuri at the end. that kind of made me mad. but they were reincarnated happily, so its ok! there are some nonsensical explanations and some random things here and there. people say its only because of the animation, and even though the animation is what makes it popular, i personally think that the story itself isn't that bad. its good, and i recommend.
Haikyuu haikyuu is like THE sport anime. its good and its actually taught me alot about volleyball. its also the reason i started playing volleyball. im the libero on my team 💪 its very exaggerated, but the characters are well written and the team's struggle as a whole is laid out well. i like the concept and the main character (hinata) is acc so funny like i love him so much. its the first anime i watched, and its def not the genre i would watch as a first choice, but for a sports anime, haikyuu is really wellmade. the reason its ranked low is because i'm not very interested in it anymore/not really my thing
My Hero Academia i was OBSESSED with this last year. like it was the literal reason i was living. but now that i go back to read it again, its sort of repetitive and deku has become WAYYYY too OP. it started off with a cool concept, but the author has been dragging it out for wayy too long. the fighting scenes are all the same and deku needs to put aside his "good side" and actually take actions that will be for the better, like KILLING OF SHIGARAKI INSTEAD OF WANTING TO 'SAVE HIM' LIKE WHAT?? i also hate how uraraka's whole personality has just become "i have a crush on deku" and i kinda hate how the author portrays uraraka's relationship with toga. i actually kind of despise this anime.
and yeah there you have it :)
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aimfor-theheart · 7 months
omg good evening!! hope you are having a good week so far!! long time no message. would you consider sharing your nobara thoughts 👀👀 i agree that her potential was super wasted. like why introduce her technique only to so quickly nerf her 😭😭
i do understand if this is a can of worm you don't want to open but would love to hear your hot take 🙏🙏
omg hello my friend!! i hope you’ve been doing well!!
i would absolutely consider sharing my nobara thoughts….i will absolutely open the can of worms if asked….just didn’t want to fully plague the dash with my ramblings.
mostly i wish she was a more integrated and integral part of the plot and world of jjk. i think in general, when you have strongly written characters, their own arcs, backstories, etc. are often built into the very fabric of the world and plot you’re telling.
below the cut, i’ll share some more of these thoughts and ideas that i would’ve found interesting for her:
(spoiler warnings ahead!)
nobara, in comparison to megumi, maki, or even yuuta, has a rather singular and non-connective backstory. it’s not bad, but it’s not massively strong to me, either. and i think her backstory is such a waste of potential.
there’s several routes here i think could’ve been interesting and worked to embed nobara into the world and plot more.
i think it could’ve been interesting if nobara is a descendant or relative of someone important….specifically, perhaps, someone bad? mostly so we could get the added potential mystery/tension of her maybe being one of the moles
it’s mentioned that nobara is from the country, which makes me think of getou. it could be cool if she was a cousin/relative of his. and this could open a whole plethora of options for her own development, the plot, and character dynamics….not to mention jjk’s central themes and ideas.
following the line of thought of her being a relative…if she were a descendant of kenjaku’s, that could’ve been quite interesting.
i think her being a relative of someone bad also would’ve played into her whole “i live by my own terms and don’t care about anyone else” …also could’ve been about FOUND family rather than blood….yuuji and megumi having seats in her life, rather than her relative, etc. a lot of her story could’ve been about shaking off old shackles of sorcery world. you’re not always your family legacy, which would contrast nicely with megumi and maki, who are so entrenched in theirs. but all of them are there to end cycles that have been going on forever.
or something with her and sukuna would’ve been fun….perhaps maybe just sukuna even having a greater interest in her
specifically for her technique and how it can touch souls!! seems potentially threatening to him, who used yuuji and his body as hostage at points. if nobara could impact and harm sukuna’s soul specifically, without harming yuuji, it could’ve been huge.
more than that, her technique and this talk of souls vs the body with mahito and kenjaku…..is like THE key to separating sukuna from yuuji (or now, spoiler warning, megumi)
so in general, she feels greatly wasted for not being highlighted or pushed into those directions
i also think it’s a shame we don’t see nobara with a mentor figure the way we see yuuji with nanami (or gojo) and megumi with gojo.
i think nanami could’ve been a great fit for her, too, for several reasons. 1.) they both use cured tools specifically 2.) nobara’s prickly-ness and sass would’ve been fun beside nanami’s calmer demeanor 3.) they both face mahito and lose………..it could’ve been cool for nobara to be defeated in shibuya, but return to the story to show that like. the apprentice will outlive the mentor. to even get to defeat mahito finally would be even greater to complete that arc
MORE THAN THAT…..it just would’ve been fun to see her and yuuji with nanami….couldve been similar to like kishibe with denji and power from chainsaw man but perhaps more wholesome LMAOAO
in general, jjk doesn’t do a great job of giving itself breath for connection and relationship and love which like. arguably……a theme of it is…..love being the greatest curse of all….i think its earlier stuff is stronger at this…..once we hit the culling games, it lost itself. and lost nobara’s thread, which was rather weak at points to begin with, which is a shame.
anyways…..i’ll stop here. but i just think at every point, nobara could’ve been a far stronger character and every day i mourn her potential and jjk’s potential in general
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cruyuu · 28 days
Haha totally! Bird place is awful. Something I have been noticing is that some other mangas/shows/etc is like they are losing fans or they don't comment too much anymore, I think people have drama fatigue
It's specially sad when you care about Yuji too, that place is awful, G fans not caring about Yuji, or telling YUJI fans to stop defending what they like. Saw one subreal conversation
Yuji fan: *ending theory*
G fan: ok but now G comes back and is proud of his students
Yuji fan: he won't come back it doesn't make sense, this is about Yuji
G fan: and? Gojo being there doesn't mean it would ruin it! You yuji fans are so sensitive
For real. They have been like this EVER since Shibuya
My biggest problem with them is that they complain about this being Sukuna Kaisen BUT they are just asking for Gojo Kaisen XDDDD
Maki drama with her sister? Non important
Yuta cool moments? Don't matter
Yuji i and megumi? Don't matter
Yuki? Don't matter
Also their OBSESSION with gojo vs sukunas fight. Like, I think even most sukunas fans despise that fight now but gojo fans keep insisting ALL OF JJK FANS only like that fight. No thanks
They also say the fights after Gojo (plus yuji development) don't matter. Sukuna vs yuta yuji? You can't like it. Sukuna vs maki? You can't like it. Sukuna vs todo yuji? You Cant like it
ALL must be about gojo yo. They complain about sukuna getting attention (imagine reading a manga about yuji AND sukuna lol) but then they are ok when Gege is dragged to some convention and they spend 1 hour asking him questions JUST about Gojo. Or the new book being about gojo. Yuji's grandpa? Doesn't matter. Kenjaku sukuna past? Don't matter. Yuki Todo past? Don't matter. Yuji's father? Doesn't matter. But hey now you know when Gojo takes a dump lol
Sorry for the rant, but it's sad how much harm fanboys can do to a community to the point I'm seeing even yuji fans leave.
Funny how they always claim Gojo and students BS when they clearly don't care about his students. And I don't even get this fascination, I don't even think I saw him talk to Nobara and only shared a few scenes with them. Even Nanami and todo felt more like protective teachers (remember the CANON is Gojo trying to reach sukuna lol). I could understand at least if this was like All Might relationship with Deku, but it's not even like that lol
Again sorry for the rants, really hope Gege won't concede, and if he kills sukuna it's because he wants to not because of pressure
You're right, anon, and don't apologize for ranting. It's totally fine to be frustrated about certain things which are prevalent in this fandom. This blog of mine will always be a place where people are free to share opinions and talk with me. Threats and insults over characters which don't exist will not be acknowledged. If anything, I'll just laugh.
Well, I'll tell you when I was on that app, I was pissed off almost daily. I was the happiest when I just read jjk and didn't look up stuff online related to it. I'll just say I'm not surprised why some people stay clear of this fandom.
That conversation that you saw sums up my experience trying to praise Yuuji without mentioning anyone else. Considering Yuuji is my fav, I like him for who he is and if he changes, I'll still love him. If he has roles or not, I'll still love him. If he doesn't live up to his promises, I'll still love him because I care about him and about his own viewpoint as a character. I believe that he can and should exist outside of others that are involved in his life.
Funny how 265 talks about the same thing. That people exist outside of memories, outside of roles. People say that speech Yuuji gave is wonderful yet can't apply that reasoning to him.
My biggest problem with them is that they complain about this being Sukuna Kaisen BUT they are just asking for Gojo Kaisen XDDDD
They do, lol.
Maki versus the Zenin clan was touching. It was also perfect revenge. Maki's arc also tackles misogyny (quite well, might I add) and I don't know why people in this fandom are ignoring it, but then again, this is this fandom. Notable for ignoring side characters in favor of other side characters. What pains me the most is that nobody is treated equal. Not even those side characters can stand side by side together and be praised.
To the fandom, a lot of things that happen in the story do not matter. What matters is who's prettier or who has a cooler CT.
Sorry for the rant, but it's sad how much harm fanboys can do to a community to the point I'm seeing even yuji fans leave. Funny how they always claim Gojo and students BS when they clearly don't care about his students. And I don't even get this fascination, I don't even think I saw him talk to Nobara and only shared a few scenes with them. Even Nanami and todo felt more like protective teachers (remember the CANON is Gojo trying to reach sukuna lol). I could understand at least if this was like All Might relationship with Deku, but it's not even like that lol
Like I said, it's alright, anon. If anything, I agree with you.
I always saw Nanami, Choso, Todo, and Higuruma as people that were more responsible and took care of Yuuji far better than Gojo ever did. Sure, I'm not discrediting the fact that Gojo was a teacher to Yuuji, one he looked up to, but holy shit the bar was in hell. Yes, cursed energy training. Yes, teaching him about the basics of jujutsu. But taking care of him? Of his mental health? Nope. He was only interesting because he was Sukuna's vessel and had survived digesting his finger.
Still, Gojo was never written to be a teacher figure. He only took the teaching job because of Geto, and because Geto told him that, you can imagine that it was done out of spite and hence why Gojo never dedicated himself to that role. It's precisely because he didn't care. Hence Gojo and his students is not 'it' to me. When I see those Team 7 (from Naruto) comparisons, I cringe and die a little on the inside. Like sure... if Gojo was written to truly give a fuck about his students (in some AU) it would work, but canon says otherwise.
Again sorry for the rants, really hope Gege won't concede, and if he kills sukuna it's because he wants to not because of pressure
I'm hoping so, too. Popularity should never affect the author's wishes.
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seoafin · 1 year
gege fridging yuki and now tsumiki. shoko, utahime, mei mei, momo, miwa disappering from the plot and now i dont think nobara is coming back after reading the newest chapter which would mean that her death was handled horribly 💀💀💀
i genuinely dont understand whats going on in jjk anymore tbh either like i stopped reading after 208 and your blog was how i found out about the tsumiki thing 😭😭 i wish gege wouldve atleast utilized her in the past chapters if the plan was to kill her because the impact just. isnt there. and like what was the point of yorozu??????? to show us that sukuna is strong?????????🤔 i will actually be surprised if gege turns all of this around but honestlyyyyyyy 😬 (1/2)
its a shame that gege doesnt know how to include female characters into the plot anymore because theyre all just interesting and have wayy too much potential.
like the idea of a character who only cares about money and could go as far to exploit their own sibling like mei mei or someone like shoko who is one of the few/only people in the world who can use rct to heal people (the fact that she was in the same class with the 2 strongest sorcerers in the world and she was never shown to be afraid of them or take their shit) or someone like yuki who was the first special grade in their generation and also an spv??? (if this had been revealed during HI arc the drama would increase tenfold...) OR TSUMIKI omg this one frustrates me so muchhh like she had SO SO SO MUCH BUILD UP AND FOR WHAT??? this girl had to get into the role of a parent for her younger brother because toji sold him and left them and her mother abandoned them and left. SHE IS ELDEST DAUGHTER CODED (so much so that her perspective and feelings during a traumatic situation are never explored because shes fine if shes hardworking and doesnt complain *cough*minari*cough*) imagine going through all of this at such a young age and having to adapt constantly and pick up the pieces alone because the have to keep living. like if megumi was too young to be going through all of that SO WAS SHE????? she deserved wayyyyyy better i could go on for hours about this but. yeah 😭😭😭 basically theyre all characters who've got their own agendas and it wouldve been so much better if already existing characters had been explored rather than 1098274 new characters being introduced. i miss plant trio. nobara balanced out fushiguro's emo angstyness by bullying him. oh well atleast we have maki 😍😍😍 (2/2)
no i agree with you 100% jjk had so much potential to have active and important female characters with agency in the beginning of the manga where akutami was still tying characters into world building. i think that made people (like me) hopeful for a deconstruction of gender norms and dynamics in the jujutsu world that would propel the female characters forward instead of letting them stay one dimensional but it looks as if that's what ended up happening anyway. once again i don't think akutami is intentionally sidelining them if that means anything i just think his planning and organization is off (not enough time given to develop characters other than megumi and yuuji) and that he bit off more than he could choose (having a large cast of characters). which is such a shame bc he could be doing so much more with them!!! like the narrative giving shoko the spotlight for like 2 seconds isn't even a step in the right direction it's the bare minimum!!! it's something we should've gotten during the shibuya arc!!!
also yes. i will die mad about yuki tsukumo and tsumiki. they could've been saved idc idc killing off one of the strongest female characters in your series is just plain WRONG. and tsumiki deserved to live my god.......NOT ANGEL. TSUMIKI. AGHHHHHHHH.
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linkspooky · 2 years
I remember seeing a post how you headcannon Momo being a surrogate older sister to Mai, which I thought was so wholesome and yet so sad at the same time (sad due to Mai needing to find some sort of older sister affection after Maki cut her off)
Thus, I was wondering if you would like to expand upon/explain that headcannon in more details
Oh, and if we will get to see it in your future jjk fics
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Momo being a surrogate older sister to Mai is something I enjoy, especially in regards to the friendship between the Kyoto girls Trio of Mai, Momo and Miwa. There's a lot of potential you could explore there. The difference between the way the Kyoto kids view friendship, and the way the Tokyo kids do.
They are a codependent mess of traumatized kids, but unlike the Tokyo Kids they tend to discuss their trauma out in the open and make an attempt to communicate with each other. There's also a theme of found family you could explore, or just in general how Kyoto Kids like Momo with Mai, or Miwa with Kokichi want to reach past the boundaries that sorcerers who usually fight alone have with each other and form closer relationships.
There's also a good theme of feeling a deep love for someone vs. the action of showing that love every day. When it comes to the difference between Mai's relatonship with Momo, and Mai's relationship with Maki it's Momo who actually buries Mai's body. Maki dumps her on the side of the road, because in that moment destroying the rest of the Zen'in is more important. I think that's emblematic of a lot of the tragedy of Mai and Maki's relationship.
To start out with, even in the one side story they're featured in, it's mentioned that the three Kyoto girls are oddly close because one sorcerers are naturally independent and two Momo is older than the both of them. On top of Momo stepping over a boundary for sorcerers that usually keeps them apart she also displays an overprotectiveness for her lowerclassmen.
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When Miwa's heart is broken by Kokichi's death, it's Momo who feels the most for her sake. When Nobara is the one hurling insults at Mai and calling her the watered down version of Maki, notice how it's not Maki Mai's own older sister that's speaking up to try to defend her but Momo who takes Mai's side and tries to explain Nobara about the pressures Mai faces in the Zen'in Clan, and Mai's half of the story.
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In a story where most of the characters avoid forming deep attachment or displaying sympathy (because Nobara's response to this is basically just "I don't have to sympathize with her if I don't like her), Momo goes against the current by deeply empathizing with both Miwa and Mai and not only stepping out of her shoes to understand their pain but also going out of their way to defend them.
Which is something that interests me about the Kyoto students, they all undergo the tragedy of growing close to one another, and growing attached, only to lose those attachments and mourn them.
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Miwa is devastated by the loss of Kokichi, and Momo has to bury Mai's body but the only reason they mourn them so deeply is because they made the effort to grow attached in the first place.
Which is why I wanted to point out there is a difference in the way Momo mourns Mai, and the way that Maki mourns her. Maki calls Mai her heart, but doesn't bother to bury the bod and leaves her on the side of the road. Maki calls Mai her heart, but doesn't even know enough about Mai's life to know she was friends with Miwa. Mai apparently never told Maki anything, but Momo knows enough about her situation to explain everything she's undergone to Nobara.
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Not to suggest Maki doesn't care, because clearly she does the loss of Mai makes her go off the deep end, but there's this interesting theme you could explore between the two of them in being there to show that you care, and caring at them from a distance. If Mai is Maki's heart, then much like the queen in Snow White she's put her heart in a box and buried her somewhere else to keep her own feelings at a distance because in the sorcerer world feelings / attachment = vulnerability.
As for future fanfic, there's a lot I want to do with the Kyoto Students during the culling games. My basic outline for my fics taking place during the culling games is to keep everything else the Tokyo kids do the same, and instead focus on what the Kyoto Kids are doing during that game.
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Miwa and Momo have made brief appearances so far and both of them are incredibly ominous, Momo's face is not drawn and she looks incredibly melancholy (the deaths of Kokichi and Mai hitting her right in a row means she's probably not in a good place). Whereas when Momo appears onscreen she's calling Maki a monster.
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Again, Momo's last impression of Maki is being handed Mai's corpse at the side of the road. She seems to be the only one of the kids who has some inkling of what happened to the Zen'in Clan.
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For Fanfic I think it would be great to explore, not only what Miwa and Momo + the rest of the Kyoto kids are doing during the culling games, but also the way Miwa and Momo both mourn Mai because they're not Maki, and they haven't gone on a killing spree to avenge Mai. They're working through the weakness and pain of losing someone and not being able to do anything about it. They mourn Mai as a human being and an individual because they knew her a little better. It's also from an interesting perspective because both Miwa and Momo were too "weak" to protect her.
My plan more or less is to have Momo be together with Miwa during the culling games, and have them discuss their feelings and just try to do their part while just slowly breaking down, interspersed with flashbacks of how they grew close to each other. I also want to include Noritoshi Kamo who has also lost his chance to reform the Kamo clan and bring his mother home. They are all at this point feeling like everything they tried to protect they failed, and they want to throw their lives away for the good of the group, but they have to learn to live with the losses instead, because no matter how strong they grow, life is a series of constant losses and you can't hold onto everyone forever no matter how much you want to.
My culling game fics are going to focus ALL on the Kyoto Students, and the bonds between them including my headcanons for how they interacted during their school days, so please look forward to them!
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