#makes me teary-eyed tbh
seung-mong · 1 year
I just wanna say i love your work like the seungmin x reader gave me so many emotions it was like an emotional rollercoaster BUT IT WAS SOOOO GOOD! Then i read the skz smut book and that was also so fucking goooodddd too bad wattpad took it down. (I'll sue them for you dw) ANYWAYS, keep up with the good work and i can't wait for future chapters!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ur so sweet literally im in tears thank you so much bb!! im so happy you enjoy my work tears in my fuckin eyes rn MUA I LOVE U I HOPE U HAVE THE BEST DAY EVER!!
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intcritus · 11 months
manhua and fics today.
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svtswhorehouse · 1 month
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OT 13 : edging vs overstimulation — nsfw
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Seungcheol : overstimulation. honestly, i feel as if he’s the type of person to use it as a punishment. ya’ll would probably go through like a hundred different positions and he’ll make you cum with every single one before he can switch to the next. would hit you with that faux sympathy and imitate a pouty face when he slows down to check on you. when you say you’re okay, he’ll slam back into you again. won’t stop until you use your safe word, but will take a break if you really need it. needs to see your mascara running, desperate doe eyes, and fucked out expression the entire time.
Jeonghan : edging. oh baby, good luck with this one. A MENACE. would probably do it for hours until you’re crying and a babbling mess. he lowkey gets off on how pathetic and dumb you get for him. likes being begged, so he might gaslight you into thinking you don’t want it as much as you say you do which will make you even more desperate. the type to use anything from his tongue, to his dick, to toys — you’ve grown to hate vibrators overtime. also another one who would fake being sympathetic and imitate your sad face. he would probably play dumb like “what baby? why are you crying?” he’s a meanie overall, and will do it just for fun but he’ll make you feel good so don’t you worry your pretty little head.
Joshua : edging. he’s honestly such a sweet and caring person, but he’s also friends with jeonghan and apart of the 95’ line so what do you expect. some days he would choose to be nice, but other days he would decide to be a tease. honestly, not that bad though. he would only do it for a little while before deciding you’ve had enough. lowkey likes it when you cry. he has the biggest hands in seventeen so he utilizes them a lot, especially when it comes to you. enjoys the way you clench around them whenever he stops. he definitely takes time to examine your face which a teasing smile and ask you “what’s wrong,” even though he knows he’s being an ass.
Jun : edging. tbh, does it just to laugh and be a little shit. will be fingering you, pull away really quickly and look back up at you with a smile on his face. will probably be like “ha, you thought,” or “gotcha.” let’s out the cutest giggle whenever he does it that sometimes it’s difficult for you to be mad at him. does it a few times before you smack him on his shoulder and threaten him with no pussy for a week. will definitely let you cum after that.
Hoshi : overstimulation. HOSHI IS A MUNCH AND NO ONE CAN CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE. would probably choose to live between your thighs if you let him tbh. def eats pussy like he’s a starved man and it’s his last meal he’ll ever have. probably enjoys it more than you do. you can push him away all you want, but he’ll come right back (will literally beg you if that’s what it takes, he loves pussy). main dancer and his stamina is insane, so he doesn’t mean to overstimulate you really, he can just go for hours. you would definitely have to take breaks in between rounds with this one.
Wonwoo : edging. finds it amusing. might tie you up, just to keep you still whenever he decides to go to town on your pussy. he’ll shoot you a little smirk from time to time which will end up pissing you off because he def knows he’s being an asshole. prefers to edge you with his cock, he likes the way your pussy flutters around it whenever he stops. also, his favorite time to do it is whenever he’s gaming. he’ll have you sit on his cock and have you do all the work while he plays a video game. it’s only when your whines start getting louder and movements start to get fast when he’ll place a firm hand on your hip and hold you in place. loves when you look at him all teary eyed, but still promises he’ll make you feel good after. no one said how long his game was gonna last though so good luck.
Woozi : wild card. depends on what HE feels like. you have no say. you just shut your mouth and look pretty for him. if he’s stressed he’ll edge you, but if he needs a mental break or something, he’ll overstimulate you. will definitely happen in his studio the most, just cause that’s where most of his stress leads back to — writing and producing. enjoys cockwarming while he works, but if you’re being stubborn and moving too much, he’ll decide to fuck and overstimulate you. will be like “i thought this is what you wanted baby? couldn’t stay still cause you wanted my cock so bad hm?”
Dokyeom : overstimulation. he’s just happy to please overall. also another one that doesn’t mean to overstimulate you. he just wants to make you feel good and when you try and push him away, he just might look at you with puppy dog eyes. also loves when you sit on his face, he feels like he can be as messy as he wants. asks why you’re crying, but not in a mocking type of way, he just genuinely doesn’t know that it feels too good that it’s getting hard to hold yourself up. it’s a good thing he’s strong.
Mingyu : overstimulation. i feel like he has an oral fixation and cures it by eating you out tbh. this big and beefy man specifically loves it when you sit on his face. if you hover over him for a second too long, he’s pulling you down and holding you in place. obviously he’s ridiculously strong so when you try and pull away, he doesn’t let you. will gaslight you into thinking you can take one more, even if it’s the hundredth time and you’ll agree just because it feels too good to say no. will cage you in with his arms and fucks you so good you wouldn’t be able to utter an audible sentence. likes when yours eyes get all dazed and it looks as if there’s not a thought in your head. he’ll be on a mission to make you squirt.
Minghao : edging. says that you need to practice patience ???? might use it as a learning experience for you ???? might make you want to kill him after ???? lmao. i feel as if he’s more likely to deny your orgasm completely than to edge you. like he would edge for a bit, but overall wouldn’t let you cum. he says it’s to learn to be more patient, but really he just enjoys how desperate and whiny you get after. will definitely fuck you nice and good when y’all get in bed for the night. might tease you by edging you once, but when tears start to brim your eyes, he’ll let up. just, be a good girl for him and don’t piss him off.
Seungkwan : edging. honestly, he’s sweet with it. will check in on you often and make sure you’re doing okay. seungkwan’s favorite way of edging you is by literally having you grind on his thigh. he enjoys how easy it is to get you off and likes to see his skin coated with your slick. also, he def knows his quads are strong af so why would you not wanna ride his thigh? will mutter words of encouragement and praise, even when he stops your movements. knows that him shaking his leg really helps so he’ll stop moving altogether when he feels like you’re getting close. a sucker for your tears so he might give in if you play your cards right.
Vernon : honestly, whatever you want. goes with the flow and the mood. vernon is the type of guy who might let you take the lead. if you wanted to dom for the night then okay. if you wanted to fuck in a bathroom then okay. if you wanted to be edged or overstimulated then he will help you. won’t do it as a punishment, but it’s also not something that he thinks of. you might have to bring it up or give him hints before he can act on it. you might also have to control it so like when you think you’re gonna cum you might have to push him away, or if you want to be overstimulated, just take the lead and hold him close.
Dino : overstimulation. another main dancer right here. he has a lot of energy in him. you would want it as much as he’s happy to give it though. y’all are definitely the type of couple to fuck like two bitches in heat. he would be on a mission to either see how many surfaces y’all could fuck on or how many rounds he’s capable of going which will therefore lead to you getting overstimulated. honestly, doesn’t mean to overstimulate you he just gets a little excited. will apologize after and be so soft with you though so it’s okay.
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I have no memory of this place which is a testament to how long its been since anything has made it from my notes app to anywhere else but also. there are multiple documents in each of these?? I wrote a page long poem???
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chamomiletealeaf · 4 months
how do you think the cod boys would react to you being on your period…. like i feel like a lot of those mfs wouldn’t let it stop shit … 😳🥰
Tbh I'm not into period sex or anything like that, but I think they wouldn't mind. I think Johnny would be the most into it though.
warnings: period, period sex, suggestive comments, mostly fluff
Johnny wouldn't mind the blood, as long as he gets to fuck you and make you feel good. He'd actually initiate it.
"You feelin' alright love?" He asks.
"Mm ok. Why?" You ask.
"Just curious. You cramping at all?" He asks, almost hopefully.
"No? Not really. A little achey, but, not too bad." You respond, looking at him with furrowed eyebrows, confused as to what he's getting to.
He makes a dissatisfied grunt and pouts.
"What's going on? You want me to be in pain?" You laugh confusedly.
"No no not at all bonnie. I just- know what helps soothe the cramps best." He smirks and you roll your eyes catching on after a second.
"I mean, now that you bring it up, I am feeling a little something." You walk up to him and wrap your arms around his neck smiling.
Gaz would be the sweetest, Price right up there with him. He would definitely love to lay on top of you like a weighted blanket giving you kisses and feeding you snacks. If your cramps got really bad, he would shyly suggest sex, only as a last resort.
"Honeyyyy" You sniffle, gripping onto his shoulder with him lying on top of you every time you get a pang of pain in your lower half.
"I know, I'm sorry sweetheart." Gaz coos, pecking your neck with little kisses while on top of you, his arms squeezing you tight.
"Hurts Gaz." You whimper.
"The meds aren't working hun? not the heating pad? nothing?" He asks.
You shake your head teary eyed.
Gaz takes a second to think and he gets noticeably shy, avoiding your eyes.
"Well, uh- I mean- there's another thing we could try. If you're comfortable of course." He mumbles.
"What is it?" You ask, desperate for any sort of relief.
"Well, uh-" He laughs shyly. "I heard that, well- I mean we could try having sex maybe- heard it can help with cramps. Only if you want." He stutters out quickly and you smile.
"Do you want to?" You ask, loving how cute he looks while embarrassed.
"I wouldn't be opposed no. Think it's worth a try- maybe?" He says, ducking his head into your neck, too shy to look you in the eyes after such a suggestion.
You lift his face up from your neck and kiss him.
"Help me get these off yeah?" You say, smile forming on his face.
Price would be just as sweet as Gaz, but more controlling, meaning he wouldn't let you lift a finger even to use the bathroom. Uh-uh, he's carrying you everywhere.
You accidentally bleed on his sheets and he wakes up not seeing you in the bed. He gets up, not noticing the stain at first until you walk back in with a wet warm towel.
"Oh. Sorry. I wasn't supposed to wake you. Just- go back to sleep." You tell him, embarrassed and panicked look on your face.
"What are you doing sweetheart?" Price asks, sitting up in the bed. It was pretty early, sun just rising so you both could see without the lights on.
"I- nothing just go back to sleep." You say, walking closer to the bed and pulling the sheets over the spot you stained his white bedsheets.
Price grabs the sheets and pulls them back, confused as to why you were so jittery and what you were covering.
When he pulls them back he sees a big red stain right where you were laying. You must have bled so heavily right through your pad/tampon that it woke you up. You look down at the warm towel you had embarrassed to look him in the eyes.
"Oh sweetheart.." He coos at you as he moves to stand up out the bedd, walking over towards you.
"I'm sorry John I'll clean it up. Just go back to sleep." You say, tears forming in your eyes from the overwhelming amount of hormones taking over your emotions.
"Honey come here." Price whispers, pulling you into a hug. "It's ok sweetheart no need to cry. C'mon let's get you in the shower hm? You want a bath maybe so you don't have to stand love?" He asks, rubbing your back while you cry to soothe you.
"But- the sheets." You sniffle into his chest.
"Love I don't give a bloody damn about the sheets. I'll take care of them while you just rest yourself now hm? Now answer the question, bath or shower?" He says, lifting your chin to look at him with his pointer finger and thumb.
"Shower, standing helps. Don't wanna sit in bloody water either." You say while Price wipes your tears.
"Ok sweetheart. I got you." He says, then picks you up bridal style.
"John I'm gonna get blood on you!" You squeal panicked.
"Oh hush- I don't care. You think I'm afraid of gettin' a little bit of blood on me?" He jokes reassuringly as he walks you to the bathroom.
He places you on the counter as he starts the shower.
"C'mon, give me those clothes darling. I'll wash them and the sheets. You'll have your favorite pajamas waiting for you when you're done. Just relax now hm?"
You strip in front of him and he lets his eyes wander. You look so beautiful even when you're miserable.
You hand him your clothes and he pulls you to him to kiss your forehead.
"And listen, if the shower doesn't help, I know another way to take all those icky feelings away." He smirks and you laugh.
"There we go. That's what I wanna see. Don't ever wanna see you feel bad baby."
Simon would be quiet, but always following you around right by your side just in case you need something. He's by your side more usual on your period, silently knowing what you're going through, so he makes sure he's always there and will do anything you ask immediately.
"Siiii" You whine.
He's immediately sitting up next to you on the couch to tend to you.
"Could you get me some tea please? Can't move." You look up pouting at him and how could he say no.
"Of course sweetheart." He says and immediately gets up.
He comes back in a few minutes with your tea to find you curled up in a blanket. He sets the tea down and quietly sits next to you and pulls you into his lap.
"Hey you ok lovie?" He asks and you stay silent, as if it hurts to even speak.
"Hey. What do you need baby?" He asks while brushing your hair from your eyes.
You turn into his chest and close your eyes.
"You wanna take a nap? I'll stay right here with you." He says and you shake your head.
"No? Ok hun. What do you want then? Can't give you what you need if you don't tell me sweetheart."
"Hurts." Is all you say, and you shift in his lap right on his cock and he grunts a little.
You look up at him with wide eyes hoping he'll get what you're saying.
"I know love, I know." He says. "You need me to rub your back? Show me where it hurts bun'."
You grab his hand and move his hands to your sore breasts.
"Aw they sore?" He gently squeezes and kneads your tits with one hand and you whine.
"Yeah. That feels good." You say, whimpering when he squeezes too hard.
"You need more love? Need me to fuck the cramps away?" He coos and you nod.
"Ok bun', let's get you on your back hm? All you gotta do is relax alright?"
You nod your head and close your eyes, letting Simon give you what you need.
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tiredcreatur3 · 2 years
toji having the worst size kink and only realizing when the two of you started going out.
of course, you’re a grown woman in her early twenties but oh, you just look so small and so so tiny next to toji who’s almost a feet taller than you and twice bigger in width, in his late twenties.
there’s just something about you under him, all spread for him, your pretty little cunt barely taking his thick cock, legs fallen apart as you whine for him with those sad fucked out eyes of yours.
it drives him crazy, he loves seeing you all helpless and without a chance to do anything about it. he could do anything he wants to you and you wouldn’t be able to do nothing but take it.
“look at you, baby.. your cute lil’ pussy barely taking me.” he sighed softly while balls deep inside you, seeing how you were breathing heavily and shaking, tummy trembling as you struggled to take all the inches.
he slowly rolled his hips into you, his eyes never leaving yours as he rubbed at your clit as well, wanting to take care of his princess the best he could.
“i-i can’t-“ you whimpered with a little sob.
“shh.. look at that, honey. takin’ me so fucking good, god you feel amazing.. have no idea how proud daddy is.” he said as he gently rubbed at your cheek, almost melting as you leaned into his touch.
your hands rested above your tits, getting pounded in toji’s shirt that was hunched up just above your tummy so he could rub across the soft pudge here and there.
you couldn’t keep your mouth shut, moaning and whining tiredly, so so out of it, eyes all soft and teary, feeling like coming any second really, just being so so sensitive and stretched to the max.
“t-to..” you let out, staring at him as he thumbed at your slit, having you panting and shaking under him, the tall man towering over you.
he smiled to you, humming as he soon sped up the thrusts a little bit, stuffing your tiny little mouth with his three fingers which felt like having his cock stuffed down your throat due to how long and thick they were. he always knew how to shut you up and keep you from complaining.
you whimpered around his fingers like a lil bitch in heat, all teary eyed, cunt fucked dumb and raw as the consistency of his thrusts made you drool and drop any sort of self respect you had left for yourself.
“what a good little girl.. makin’ daddy so proud.” he cooed quietly, being so soft and fond of you, he truly loved seeing you like this, all spread for him without a worry or a thought in that stupid lil head of yours. he loved fucking you dumb until you were a slurring tiny mess.
he pulled out for a second which made you close your legs in with a loud whine, that tiny lil hole of yours clenching around nothing as you looked to the male with sad eyes.
“don’t worry, sweetie.. daddy’s got you.” he hummed out, tapping the head of his cock across your wet slit, watching your pathetic reactions, how needy and out of it you were, cunt so red and glistening with your own slick and his precum.
he carefully nuzzled his cock between your folds after tapping ‘em a few times, groaning softly as he gently began to roll his hips, the tip of his cock nudging at your clit with each slide up, one hand resting on your lower tummy, pressing down a bit and the other one now having a tight grip on your neck, making you feel all nice and light headed.
don’t have the energy to finish this tbh so yeah
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amourtoken · 1 month
As promised, here's some hard ass dom Noah thoughts <3
*NSFW below the cut, MDNI*
cw: pre established consent, hair pulling, mean dom Noah, oral (m receiving), throat fucking, dacryphilia, slapping, spit, safewords (unused, dw), spanking, edging, pet names, choking, belly bulge, overstimming
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♡ let me start off by saying I think he's a softie 90% of the time when yall aren't fucking but there's that quiet mean streak he has that's reserved for specific times yk
♡ he's had the worst fucking day and needs to take it out on something. You're the unfortunate something.
"Need you. Don't ask, just follow my fucking directions, okay?"
♡ he's dragging you by a handful of your hair to sit you between his legs, you two have a safeword for times like this but you've never had to use it. Noah typically knows his limits. (Just bc he knows them doesn't mean he won't tiptoe at the edge of them)
♡ can't help himself, you're just so soft and pretty and looking up at him w the biggest puppy eyes :((( you're even cuter to him when he's measuring his fat cock against your face and you're pressing messy kisses up and down the length of it. So trained for him.
♡ still cute to him even when he's holding your jaw in his large hand and leaning over you to spit in your mouth. He loves the way you get teary eyed when he drags his fingers through the mess on your tongue and gags you on them when he fucks them down your throat. If you can't take his fingers how do you expect to take his dick? He's nice enough to at least attempt to warm you up.
♡ he's a hair puller and a fucking head pusher in these times, both hands buried in your soft locks while he drags you up and down his cock, throbbing at the sight of big tears rolling down your cheeks from how harshly he's fucking your throat. He'll hold you down on his dick until you can't breathe and start to squirm then he'll pull out of your throat before you start to panic too hard.
♡ 100% paints your face with his cum and smears it around with the tip. Thinks you're pretty even when you're messy (even more so tbh) he's also gonna drag his fingers through the mess on your face and make you lick it off to clean up.
"It'd be a shame to waste any, wouldn't it puppy?"
♡ still fucking hard after he cums cause he's insane and needs you so unbelievably bad. He's nearly dragging you off the floor to throw you over the edge of the couch, admiring your body while you're bent over and your back is arched so well for him. He'd run his hands over your thighs and grab a handful of your ass before slapping it hard enough to leave a pretty intense handprint. He loves the way your voice sounds, spanking you just draws out the pretty whines and yelps, how could he not?
♡ he buries a hand in your hair and pulls back to arch your back even further before thrusting in, he doesn't give you much time to adjust. His brain is too fucking foggy right now to go through the usual prep, he just needs to feel you. His free hand is squeezing your hip hard enough to bruise while dragging you to meet his thrusts. He loves the way your ass bounces against his hips every thrust, you're so soft compared to him. He could do anything to you and you'd let him.
"So- fucking tight for me- you know who's pussy this is, puppy-"
"Takin' this fuckin' cock so good- fuck-"
"So messy...all for me, right? Say it."
"Tell me how good this dick makes you feel, no one else can fuck you this good, hm?"
"Keep making those sounds, baby- fuckkk-"
"Gonna cum? Gonna fuckin' cum on my cock baby? Not till I say so. Beg me for it."
"You can handle another, stop whining."
"So sweet of you to let me take all that stress out on this sweet little pussy- feel so fuckin' good for me.."
♡ you can feel him hitting your cervix every thrust and your body jolts harshly against him, the hand in your hair is making your eyes water it's pulling so hard to keep you in place. His other hand has moved from your hips to dip between your legs, rubbing fast messy circles on your clit until your legs are shaking so bad you couldn't possibly hold yourself up without Noah's help. Every time you're just about to cum though he pulls his fingers away and laughs at the pathetic sounds you make.
"What? Want something? Use your words, puppy."
"wanna cum? Feels so good when you squeeze around me like that- you can hold out for a little longer."
"Keep begging for it, I'll think about it."
♡ at this point you're in full blown tears while he's fucking you against the arm of the couch, you've been so close so many times and he's so fucking mean for taking it from you. He pulls you by your hair up so your back meets his chest and continues bullying your pussy, the hand in your hair fitting against your throat and squeezing just right to make your vision blurry and head feel foggy. There's a little bulge just below your navel in this position from Noah fucking into you so deep.
♡ after tormenting you to his liking, his hand returns to your clit and quickly tosses you over the edge. You're nearly convulsing in his hold and tears and still running down your face as he continues playing with your pussy. He doesn't stop even when you're squirming and whimpering, begging for a break cause you're overstimulated and can't take anymore. He'll stop when he's finished, there's nothing you can do to throw him off course now.
"What? You wanted this so bad now you're begging me to stop? Too late now."
"You can cum again, stop crying."
"Awe, what? Too much? Just a few more, then I'll think about stopping."
♡ he pulls you through 3 more orgasms, it felt like an electric current was rippling through your body as he buried himself as deep as he could and filled you with his cum on the last. The hand on your throat squeezed a little tighter to hold you in place. Black spots flooded your vision and you flopped over the couch arm as he pulled out, a mess of slick and cum nearly pouring down your legs. Poor thing, you were spent. Noah was panting behind you, holding himself up with his arms on either side of your body.
♡ he almost felt bad for putting you through this but if you really wanted to stop, you would've said so. You're so good to him, and this run in has made him forget entirely about the shitty day he's had prior.
♡ you're so spent you can't drag yourself off the couch, but Noah is more than happy to pick you up and bring you to bed. Once he sets you down, he can't help but admire the mess he's made of you. Surely you wouldn't mind if he drug you to the edge and buried his face between your legs, right?
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l3viat8an · 1 year
Nsfw content MDNI
Ofc me being me, I can’t work on the idea I want to but I can write a random idea that popped into my head!- anyways some Lucifer content because why not ;) CW: Me just typing words and hoping they make sense tbh- Pillow humping, Lucifer really, misses you and he’s a little jealous~
This is stupid.
You’ve only been gone 2 days, 2 measly days! He’s been on longer trips away from you and never felt this….needy.
Lucifer’s thinks it’s pathetic the way he’s feeling, but he hugs your pillow tighter, burying his nose a little deeper and breathing in your scent.
What’s worse is the reason why he’s missing you and wishes he could touch you.
You sent him a photo this morning, nothing risky or even suggested! Just a quick mirror selfie in the bathroom at the hotel, where you and Satan were staying.
Oh yea, Satan was with you! Diavolo had insisted the two of you go on a short trip to the human world and acquire new rare books for the RAD library. Lucifer had objected saying he could accompany you instead, but Diavolo shot him down. Saying it was more fitting for Satan to go and how Lucifer’s work plate didn’t need another thing added. You had frowned a little, but ultimately agreed with Diavolo. If you and Satan could do the job and not make more work for Lucifer that had to be the better option! Right?-
But back to the photo!- It was you, bleary-eyed and messy bed head, smiling into the mirror, you sent him the pic followed by a quick ‘Good morning, Luci <3’ text. It made his heart melt and cheeks flush a bit. Lucifer always loved how you looked first thing in the morning, so cute and still half asleep until you’ve had coffee and breakfast.
But that wasn’t what had set Lucifer off. What had really got to Lucifer was Satan, standing behind you in the bathroom doorway his hair still messy and holding a cup of coffee out to you.
Lucifer knew it was stupid but the thought ‘It’s not fair.’ Won’t leave his mind. It’s not, after all. Satan is with you in the human world, apparently sharing a hotel room, getting to see that soft look on your face first thing in the morning and Lucifer is down here in literal hell hugging a pillow wishing it was you.
What’s even worse then all of that is how thoughts of you, in his bed with him won’t leave his mind.
You should be here, he should have his arms wrapped around you and be able to touch and kiss you, just because he feels like it.
But you’re not and he can’t. It’s so frustrating, all these thoughts mixed with the unusual feeling of jealousy fill his mind, he wants to clam you, take you, mark you.
And he can’t do any of it because you’re not there……but your pillow is….and maybe….
Lucifer sits up in bed, still holding your pillow, “No.” he says aloud as if that’ll clear the thoughts from his mind.
He’s not some hopeless virgin, he’s the avatar of pride! and he’s not about to fuck a pillow because he’s lonely……is he?
He sets the pillow in his lap looking down at it, as if the pillow did something wrong.
As he looks at the pillow memories of your face, head on it, eyes teary and cheeks flushed red as he fucks you float through his mind or when he has you on your stomach, biting the pillow to muffle your moans. “Fuck.” Lucifer breaths memories of your nights together filling his mind.
In the end his body decides for him. Grabbing the pillow, Lucifer stands up, setting the pillow in roughly the same position your ass would be if he bent you over his bed. Sliding his pants and boxers down, enough to free his hard cock and seeing the pre-cum beading at the tip and Lucifer mumbles “Pathetic.” He’s better then this……but you’re his weakness… experimentally, he holds your pillow still and ruts against it.
The material is a soft enough, Lucifer ruts his hips a few more times, letting out soft moans. If he keeps his eyes closed he can imagine it’s you, just like that time you teased him with red silk lingerie~
Ahhh~ more thoughts of you, naked and underneath him, begging for more, for whatever pleasure he’d give you. Lucifer opens his eyes hoping to see your face and is met with reality. He’s still alone, it’s just your pillow, just your scent in the room with him.
His hips speed up and a sound that can only be described as a whine of your name leaves his lips followed by, “Stupid and not fair……” he pulls away from the pillow and pumps his cock in hand, rubbing his thumb over the tip and groaning. It’s still pleasure and feels good but it’s not as good as you!
He grips the pillow again, rutting into it much faster then before, properly chasing his high now, Lucifer closes his eyes picturing you, just you. “Miss you, miss you so much.” Lucifer pants as he cums all over you pillow.
He stands there for a moment, coming down from his temporary high and hears his DDD chime. Sighing Lucifer reaches for his phone it’s a texts from you ‘Miss you. Goodnight 😘’ a small smile on his lips Lucifer texts back ‘Miss you too, goodnight, Darling and sweet dreams.’
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gendercomsumer · 1 year
if you can can you write s comfort headcannon with fem or nb reader who hates themselves to the point they refuse to look at themselves in the mirror?? (Thinking about vil and/or malleus tbh but any characters are fine) feel free to refuse!
Vil and Malleus with an S/O who can't look at themselves in a mirror because of how they hate themselves
a/n: Thank you for sending in the request! I do love some good comfort with a side of angst so this was nice for me to write! If you're similar to the S/O in this story I do hope this could provide some form of comfort to you!
Warnings: Self deprecating speak(from S/O's end),
Characters: Vil Schoenheit (710 words), Malleus Draconia (
Vil Schoenheit
Ever since the two of you started dating, Vil has made sure he compliments you at least once a day. 
Doesn’t matter the time he will once a day without fail give you at least one compliment.
From telling you your hair looks nice to you did good on a test.
It’s rare he repeats the same compliment once so you’re surprised with something new everyday.
In the Pomefiore dorm, not only are there mirrors in almost every room.
The floors and walls are polished so well that you could see yourself in it
And you hated it.
It was hard to find a room where you didn't have to feel your own reflection in the room with you.
 Vil wouldn’t pick up on it immediately, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t pick up on it soon
After the first or second time though he’d notice how you would avoid the rooms with mirrors
Even the ones without you wouldn’t look at the shining tile floor.
When you would be in his room you wouldn’t even towards his vanity, and none of this sat right with him
Once or twice when he would re-enter a washroom you were just in he would see a towel draped over the mirror
After that he knew he couldn’t let this just dwindle forever, he’d have to bring it up to you.
What was going on in his darling sweet potatoes head to make them cover every reflective surface they see?
So Vil one day while he was helping you on a skin care routine, and you had insisted on keeping your back to the vanity across the room
Vil saw this as a good time as any to bring it up. He furrowed his brows with a small frown and looked at you,
“Sweet Potato.. Is there a reason you are so adamant on never looking in a mirror..?”
 You could feel your breath hitch as his question left his lips. 
you did tell him about your true thoughts the fact you couldn’t look at yourself because of the hate you felt towards yourself
About how you couldn’t bear the thought even.
Vil would listen and let you spill your heart out even if you cry.
He’d gladly hold you or touch you as you cried if you needed the comfort but won’t force you if not. 
He knows this is a vulnerable moment for you and he doesn’t want to make it worse
Once you have spilled your feelings to him he’d look almost saddened by your confession. 
“Oh darling… You’re beautiful… in every faction…” 
He partly feels as if he hadn’t been telling you how he sees you as the most beautiful person in all of the Twisted Wonderland
He’d let you cry but he silently promises to himself that he would make sure you’d be able to look yourself in a mirror, and he’d help in anyway he could
How could his dear sweet potato see themselves as anything less than perfect?
After the confession from your end on how you felt about yourself Vil made sure that you knew he meant every words of his affirmations and complements 
Vil would also work with you on looking in the mirror
He wouldn't push you to far as he understands that this whole process will take time
 Every time you would enter his room if it was a bad day as much as he’d like to leave it uncovered, he would cover his vanity 
He wouldn’t want to worsen your mood that's the last thing he’d want to do
If you’re able to look into the mirror at least once and be able to smile at yourself, even if it’s teary eyed and for only a moment
He will be so proud of you and he will make sure you know.
 Wrapping his arms loosely around your neck and resting his forehead on your shoulder as he stood behind you, and you sat in the vanity chair.
That one look you were able to do and not have a look of disgust or disappointment was more than enough for him
“You’ve done so well sweet potato… I love you so much… so please love yourself as much as I do…” 
Malleus Draconia
Luckily (or more like sadly given the situation) Malleus dorm doesn't have that many mirrors.
They mostly just have very large and tall windows that can be reflective once freshly cleaned
but for the most part it was easy to avoid your reflection when it came to that dorm at least
In Ramshackle though the mirror, even if dusty, still reflects your features well
So with the extra cloth you covered every mirror in the dorm.
Malleus I believe that Malleus prefers the atmosphere of the Ramshackle dorm
Not to mention his beloved child of man was there so what was not to love about the place you called home?
He never really noticed the lack of mirrors until one day he saw you hiding one that had been uncovered
Then he started to become curious
It had gotten so bad that the mirror in your room that according to Grim "They have really weird dreams about" was moved out of the room and into a spare.
Malleus tried to talk to you about it "Child of man? Why is it your dorm has such a lack of mirrors?"
You'd brush it off saying that a majority of the mirrors were far beyond broken
But if you thought he wouldn't see the way you became anxious at the question and answered as if you had rehearsed it
you'd be gravely mistaken
He'd then be acutely aware of how you acted around mirrors, how you'd do everything in your power not to face them
Every time he'd look back on the times he'd frown. Why couldn't his child of man face themselves?
He even did a bit of an investigation and found all mirrors intact and fine
so he brought it up to you one day during one of your late night walks you took
You had stumbled across a small lake but you didn't look at it's beautiful reflective surface
"My dear..? Why do you never look at yourself?"
The question was sudden and took you back with a twinge of fear making its way through you.
You looked aside ashamed and pressed your lips in a thin line as you mumbled a response the feeling of tears pricking at your eyes
Malleus was taken aback, how... how could you see yourself in such a light..?
The silence was deafening and Malleus slowly reached out to you grazing your arm with his fingers
You pulled away looking anywhere to avoid his sympathetic gaze
"My dear, you have helped so many, done feats no other could dream of, and all the while captured my heart... how can you see yourself as any less than brilliant..?"
His voice was laced with pain, how could he let this go on for so long and not do something?
Malleus then made a personal vow to himself, 'even if it takes an eternity, he will have you see yourself the same way he sees you'
He would stay by your side, if you show even the slightest bit of insecurity
"My dear have I told you how wonderful you look today?"
"You are doing so well, you should take a break!"
Similar like Vil his sayings and compliments he'd barely repeats and if he does another on is coming up right after to assure you there's plenty more he loves about you
He's now acutely aware of every little thing you say about yourself and if something is even slightly self deprecating, even if it's a joke..
"Don't say that, it was one test child of man, there are plenty more to come. All things considered you didn't do as bad as you may think, some people (he's talking about Ace and Deuce/hj) barely got anything right."
He's now your personal coach helping you in some subjects, slowly building your confidence
The one day on your walk you come across the same lake and you looked at the lake, at your own reflection.
Granted you were only pointing out some flowers floating on the water, but when you looked over at Malleus it was as if you had done a heroic act
even if you didn't bring attention to yourself, or it still hurt to do, in his eyes it was progress.
The last time you were here you couldn't look at the lake in fear of seeing yourself staring back at you
This was progress, progress the two of you had worked so hard to come to
He smiled and pulled you gently and mumbled a small string of words
"I'm so proud of you my dear..."
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crybabychim · 3 months
bf! minnie who controls the things you wear to a party, won't tolerate your whining. he'll shove his whole hand in your mouth while putting that little denim skirt on you <3 and don't you dare to tear up or he will make you wear that shirt that says "SLUT" in bright red.
the slut shirt kinda slays tbh LOL but I see where you're going
like really really toxic bf!minnie who you stay with because you just love him too much 🤧 who cares about red flags... you're just too dumb to see them lol
warnings: mention of non-con, toxic relationship, physical abuse.
he sees you with the sluttiest dress, saying all bubbly "I'm ready to go!" and he's fuming, because why the hell is that dress so fucking short?
"you gotta be genuinely so fucking stupid to think this is an appropriate outfit to go out in public," he spits out and you're so hurt because you thought the dress was cute. sure it's short, but it's pretty!
he's not gentle at all when he drags you to your bedroom... he slaps you across the face a few times, watching the tears flow down your burning hot cheeks.
you're crying while sitting down on your bed, seeing jimin picking out a skirt that is way too small for you. you don't even wear it anymore because the length is embarrassingly too short.
"it doesn't fit me!" you complain, but he's not having any of it.
he takes a hold of your jaw, "what did you say?" he asks angrily, his words coming out like venom, shoving two fingers down your throat. you inevitably choke, spit dripping down the corners of your mouth. "hm? care to repeat?"
and of course you don't, unable to speak as he stuffed your mouth with his digits. but you'd be too ashamed to repeat yourself anyway.
"yeah, learn to fucking keep that nasty mouth shut," he adds on, "you're not of any use if it's not raping that dirty pussy of yours. you're lucky I still haven't dumped your fucking ass."
you're on the verge of tears the rest of the night, teary eyed as you follow closely your boyfriend through the busy streets of the city in your short skirt that uncomfortably clings to your ass and 'rapeslut' written on your top in bright red.
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desultory-novice · 5 months
White-Haired Noir (Older)
I wasn't kidding when I said Noir has become more of "my OC" than before. Anyway, they tell me cringe is dead, so let's get on with it!
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(Pictured: Would you believe this guy was once my Dark Matter Swordsman???)
No longer a teary-eyed apprentice, White-Haired Noir in ~the future~ (circa Star Allies??) has become a knight in his own right, swearing his service to Dedede as thanks for helping house the bruised, battered, emotionally unstable teen boy so many years ago.
Dedede Stop Adopting People Challenge (impossible)
Over the years (and with plenty of hard hitting, gloves-off training from Meta Knight) Noir has both grown up and grown accustomed to life on Popstar. He's regained some semblance of a life (gasp!) and inner peace. (...When Popstar's not being invaded, that is.)
He has friends (and rivals), is able to stomach food and drink a bit better, and has accepted Gooey, finally. He can even speak positively of his lost childhood with his little sister, on occasion.
Despite Popstar's generally warm weather, the Shiver Star native continues to dress in highly concealing fashion, as his upper body still bears the scars of his interrupted Dark Matter transformation; one reason he grew his hair out long was to help conceal the ones on his neck better, so as not to frighten the younger Waddle Dees.
[Assorted Text Wall Below]
Age Range: Mid 20s and up (Tbh, his specific age'll probably fluctuate depending upon the kind of story I want to tell. This is, quite simply, an adult Noir who's got his life more together.)
Abilities: Mild regenerative abilities, magic reflection, healing/purification, light projection [Rainbow Sword] 
Protective magic and various physical ability-boosting magic [These come courtesy of the crystals adorning his jacket, a gift from the Queen of the Fairies. Noir is still a squishy human, after all. His fine swordplay aside, he needs magical enhancements to not get accidentally steamrolled by Kirby's other friends.]
Hobbies: swordplay, stargazing, crochet (Taranza taught him the last one, both as a mental grounding exercise and to help rehabilitate Noir's Dark Matter corrupted hands for performing delicate tasks. Half of Dream Land has one of Noir's early crochet octopi sitting in their storage. Nowadays, he makes toys for the younger Dees.)
Etc: Because of his closeness with King Dedede (and in large part due to their matching scarves/sashes), his general protectiveness of the Waddle Dees, as well as his fairy-tale outfit (which Ribbon helped with) Noir has picked up nickname of the "Prince of Dream Land"
A highly unfitting one, Noir has been heard to privately complain. In what world could an unwashed, damaged, sharp-tongued orphan with hands near-literally dyed in blood become a prince...?
Height-wise, if we consider King Dedede to be one of a breed of extinct "mega penguins" then Noir, fully grown, is of comparable height. (Dedede insists he's taller because of this crown puff. Huzzah! His title as king is safe!) In human terms, this does make Noir a short king :cough: prince, which in his case is due to malnourishment, physical abuse during puberty, and just plain genetics. ^^;
Anyway, despite how shockingly decent he looks cleaned up, Noir is still a feral cat at heart, and he hasn't lost his sass either, even if the edges have been somewhat filed off with time.
(Even the most angsty and tragic of emo boys can only go so many years with sparkly, shimmering, pastel rainbow hair (1) before they give up the act and start smiling ju~st a little more! ^_-)
(1) It is completely impossible for Noir to return his hair to its original dark maroon/black, btw. Even the strongest dye refuses to stick.
...And yes, he has attempted.
(Q: When is this...? Cause he still looked 16 in that FL comic you did.) (A: That's because I hadn't thought ahead when I wrote it! This form is basically meant as something to pull out for the later games with some extra padding for any future games/events. >w< )
(Q: So... is that FL comic still Apologies canon?) (A: ~ish! He would definitely be his older self now. That said, this Noir did still encounter Elfilin by chance, immediately recognized him as ID-F86, and had a PTSD episode over it, dredging up old memories he'd believed he had come to peace with. It was the closest the Dark Matter in Noir had come to re-awakening in years. Elfilin's sincere apology to the innocent victims of Forgo's rage helped Noir keep from losing himself completely and he was able to recover.
Also, following Crystal Shards, Noir DID resume having daily nightmares about Adeleine and her fate. That was why MK encouraged him to stay with the fairies of Ripple Star for a time and recuperate; that Noir could resume his training with Meta Knight later on. The grateful fairies all turned out to completely ADORE him - particularly, his shining rainbow hair. This period away from Popstar meant that he totally missed out on Amazing Mirror though.)
(Q: If he missed Amazing Mirror, what games DIDN'T he miss?) (A: He was actually there for a somewhat altered version of Meta Knightmare Ultra in Planet Robobot! It was his first "mission" with his teacher. (And I have a fanfic brewing about that, thanks to the anon who asked what if Noir got within wishing distance of Star Dream...)
Unlike Meta's relationship with Kirby, where Meta trusts Kirby to bounce back from everything and is excited :wipes drool off face: to see how much Kirby will grow, Meta Knight tries (somewhat) to keep his very human disciple out of danger, if he can. He's not soft on him by any means, with hard blows and even harder life lessons, but he knows that Noir came to them hanging onto life by a very frayed thread and he only pushes as far as he believes Noir can take.
Nowadays, he's much more trusting of him to handle himself.
(Q: Assuming he was in SA, where was he during TDX, RtDL, and FL? (A: In both Triple Deluxe and Forgotten Land, he was away from Popstar. Record of Stopping Dedede Abductions: 0/2. He rolled his eyes at a giant beanstalk erupting from Dream Land leading to a kingdom in the clouds "...You're kidding?" and Dedede was stomping mad when Noir laughed outloud about the story of the abduction - which concealed the fact that Meta Knight WAS LAUGHING TOO.
In Return to Dream Land, Noir was still on Popstar but didn't participate in the adventure in any capacity. When everyone returned and told the tale of Magolor's betrayal, his response was a deadpan, "Okay but you all saw that coming a mile away though, right? .........Tell me you saw that coming." He was a little less sassy when he heard Magolor's downfall came at the hands of a corrupting artifact.)
(Q: Wasn't Noir taller than Dedede in that one random sketch?) (A: As an Earth human. Noir eventually became Popstarian size.)
(Q: It's nice that he's okay but... but Adeleine... ; _ ; ) (A: Yeah... However, similar to Blade and Gooey in the main verse, in the AU AU, it was Painter who took care of and sheltered the Dark Matter outcast. Noir initially hated Gooey, because he despised Dark Matter for destroying his family and he hated it every time Gooey tried to approach him - like a sign that he would never escape his mistakes. Only later was he forced to confront Gooey and realize that Gooey was always seeking Noir out because of Adeleine's memories Gooey had taken in. They eventually had a painful heart to heart, where Noir was able to experience his sister's last memories through Gooey. Noir now lets him wear Painter's beret in memory of her.)
Anyway, that's now two (and a half (?) if you count "Snowflakes") Noirs who have escaped the cycle of misery! Hooray!
Don't worry, Main Timeline Noir, your salvation comes next............Probably???? >w<
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backtocarousel · 1 month
ive heard from some guy doing street interviews that korean men with big dicks tend to struggle with erectile dysfunction (im so sorry i know how unsexy that is) and uhhhhh those screenshots really just set in stone the HC that chris is 100% down to give whatever his partner asks for and expect nothing in return. i bet hed get a lil emotional (maybe cry) if they insisted on trying to get him hard, even it takes hours 😤
omg really??? that makes sense thoooo tbh maybe could be a microphone but... we all collectively agree that he definitely has a big cock right LMFAO
he's the sweetest most cutest baby ever, he would definitely cry 🥲 he seems like the type to cry in sex tbh (sorry to all dom alpha daddy chan lovers) receiving is something he's not used to, so it would get him so so teary-eyed 🥲
he would definitely get like 'no, no, its okay! let me take care of you!! lay down, let me do all the work!!' and when his partner refuses he'd be thrown off a little but in the end accept it and lay there 🥲🥲🥲 i just really want to spend hours taking care of him lol he just needs to lie down and be pretty... (who wouldnt want that+$&#!)
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fillinforlater · 1 year
Spaceship: Horizon - Season Finale: How did we get here?
Male Reader x Miyawaki Sakura & Choi Yena
Length: 2480 words
Tags: a lot of what the fucks, a lot of fucks, sudden sex, sex as a reward, threesome, friendly rivalry, blowjobs, forced deepthroat, 69, pussy eating, face sitting, snowballing, cowgirl, overstimulation, very numb, very exhausted, very confusing, commander!Sakura / dorky!Yena / puzzled!You
TW: Kinda forced with a lot of plot point coming together. Feel free to back read ;)
Inspiration: A lot of ppl wanted Kkura, other wanted Yena, and I wanted to finish one of my many plans I had for this season finale. This series is super old, hell, I don't even remember all the things I set up and names lol.
Credit: @midnightdancingsol for the late edit. Really saved some stuff, tbh. You're the best.
(A/N: FInally, we are! Season two wrapped up after HUGE holes in between lmao. A lot my newer reader might not even know this series exists lmao. This was always supposed to be my flagship, but yeah, I guess others are more well-liked. Enjoy this season finale, it (probably) won't be the last!)
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“Hm! Look, he is waking up, Commander!”
“Stop calling me that, Yena! These titles are absurd.”
The ceiling above you is familiar. The cushions below you are familiar. The two do not evoke positive memories, unlike the two familiar voices that argue for a brief period of time, before they stop. 
Two pairs of eyes look down on you. They sparkle in excitement and thrill—at seeing you, perhaps?
“Sakura? Yena?” you call out the two names you associate with those orbs and reach for where you assume their bodies are. Texture—an arm, a hand. This is reality and not some weird lucid dream. You have experienced enough of those in the past to be cautious, but luckily, both Sakura and Yena are real.
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“Welcome back!�� Yena shouts. She wraps an arm around your nape and her following hug leaves you breathless for a second, her sizable breasts for another. 
“Back?” you respond, mildly confused, although it is nothing new to you that this girl says random shit again and again without explaining herself.
“Aw, Commander, look at him! He is a literal war hero and doesn’t even know it.”
Yena giggles, thus Sakura gives her a quick slap on the butt. It was certainly not a kind slap, but the idol does not look angry at all. The excitement and amusement do not disappear from her. It’s all absurd. It would all make more sense if you died and went to heaven. No more aliens that want you to record porn, just the weird, dorky, sexy guide from the spaceship and your favorite idol. Sounds like heaven, alright.
“War hero? Damn, I can’t even remember the battle I fought, but it explains why I’m dead.”
Sakura shakes her head.
“Yena, please, this poor guy is completely lost. Enlighten him about everything he asks for. We got the time.”
Yena suddenly straightens her posture. Like a news anchor delivering important, serious information, she tries to stare at you, but her attempt fails. Her laughter echoes off the walls and through the large room. She repeatedly slaps her thigh in loud amusement. Sakura looks pissed.
“Yena! Get your act together!”
“But how would you tell him? It sounds so weird when I try to put it into words!”
“Weird?” you say confusedly. “Nothing can be weird to me now. We are on a fucking spaceship with aliens that can shapeshift and want to film us have sex.”
Yena laughs again. “Oh boy, about that!”
Sakura, visibly at the end of her patience, plants an angry hand on the younger girl's mouth. She glares at her, then at you, and says with a bit of resignation:
“All of the things you just said—they changed. A lot.”
“Huh? How so?” you say while giving looks to both of the girls and their banter. If they weren’t so cute, you’d cringe at their behavior.
“A couple of weeks ago,” Sakura begins as she still suffocates a teary-eyed Yena with the palm of her hand, “we found ways to communicate with other parts of the spaceship. It is absolutely gigantic, we still have no idea how big it actually—Yena, stop it now, please—is. A couple hundred kilometers in each direction, probably. At first we thought it was a trap, that these intelligent creatures would not allow us to meet up in secret and share information. But then, we found the reason: all of them were watching your videos. Every single one of them.”
“What do you me—please, no!”
Your fingers dig into your hair. It feels sweaty, greasy, and definitely unwashed, the new stress is not helping either. Your pornography spread further than you would have imagined. If these aliens saw it, then other people saw it too. The size of this ship makes you imagine that potentially millions of humans could have seen you naked and get it going with dozens of women. Well, there goes your reputation, even if you ever return to Earth.
“Listen to her, she is not finished,” Yena says with a large grin on her ducky facial features. She places a caring hand on your shoulder, while Sakura places a not-so-caring-but-rather-threatening-hand on hers. 
“Don’t interrupt me, please.”
“I won’t, Commander.”
“I said you—never mind. Anyways, these aliens were addicted to the porn, the sex. Something about it made them lose focus. They became sloppy and made mistakes that left holes for us to not only be able to communicate with more and more people, we also made plans to get more information about this place and how we could use this addiction to our advantage.”
“Maybe you noticed it too,” Yena barges in. “Some aliens—especially your Worker—must have been very affected by it. Being irrational, less caring, all that kinda stuff.”
You nod. He certainly was affected. Uncontrollable, maniacal, not paying attention, getting desperate for more material, Worker became a junkie for your fucking porn. 
Your mind spins at the thought. Where the hell is this leading up to?
“Just a couple of days ago,” Sakura continues with intensity, her eyes wide open, “we were able to throw away all our strategies and battle plans. The aliens started to evaporate. At first we thought it was a trick by them and that they figured it out, but then we got reports that they probably died due to an overdose of your porn. We knew their deaths, or rather obliteration, was inevitable. And so we watched them evaporate, one by one, and we took control of their positions. We found all kinds of young people held as cattle, tortured as slaves or being forcefully fed food. Not all of the experiments were cruel of course, but I think everyone is delighted that this shit is over.”
Sakura takes a deep breath and pinches her forehead. Her rambling wasn’t all that coherent, but she got the point across to you, which is—
“So… we won?”
Your question lingers in the air for a bit. The smell of sweat and some fine perfume reaches your nose for the first time since you woke up from your slumber. The mattress below you feels wet, your legs are still kind of numb. 
Oh, it must have been them who gave you the drug. They wanted you to film the ultimate video to finish the aliens off. The pieces of the puzzle are slowly coming together, but the picture couldn’t look any more bizarre. 
“Yes!” Yena exclaims and lunges herself at you. Her entire body presses onto yours, from thighs, to tummy, to titties. Yena doesn’t seem to care that you’re all sweaty. She looks genuinely happy.  It feels great, this feeling of victory, of freedom, Yena pushes it all onto you. 
“After we live streamed your holy-moly-crazy-orgy to the last remaining aliens, they all evaporated.”
“It sounds so stupid,” you giggle and shake your head, “but I guess I’m glad. I bet there are still so many insane things that happened. No need to tell me now, to be honest, I’m not sure I understood the things you already told me. But can I at least know why you didn’t tell me about it?”
“So it didn’t look forced,” Sakura says with the attempt of a wink, “We had no clue if you would have been able to perform under pressure if you knew what was at stake. We also like to keep these top secret issues in a small circle.”
“Damn, you all sound like the CIA.”
Yena rubs her cheek on yours as she gives another hearty laugh. 
“Our guerilla group really developed into a whole organization. It’s gotten even worse during the three days you were asleep.”
“Wait, what?” you groan defeated. Another three days of life missed for something you can’t grasp yet. And what the hell do they mean by organization? The questions don’t stop coming.
“Don’t worry!” Sakura flails her arms as she shifts closer to you as well, “We used the Helper system to keep you hydrated.”
“Wait, how? I don’t—”
“We have some smart people among us,” Yena says, her lips pouty, for some reason, “They were able to hack into the system, which is why we can communicate and use the Helpers to our benefit. Communication, water, food, hell, even teleportation. These things are amazing.”
You stare at the ceiling. It’s the same, it’s been the same, it has not changed.
Your eyes open to the possibility that this is all fake, a dream to make you feel better. It’s a simple explanation for the absurdity tenfolding with every word the girls say. But can it be true? A dream this realistic and detailed, with all the right changes? 
Wait, maybe you really died a war hero and this was your reward. Like in those old, ancient stories—your brain is coming full circles. Damn this drug, damn this fucked up spaceship.
“—cannot understand, but I guess it’s fine.”
Silence, then the two girls giggle.
“Yes, it’s basically long story short,” Yena blurts out, “You fucked, fucked up things happened, the Aliens are fucked and we won. Everything is fine.”
Take a deep breath through your nostrils. The air still feels real, the wetness on your skin too, but most importantly, Sakura still smells as good as she did back then. You’re not dead, thank God, and apparently a porn star war hero, thank God? 
“Okay, whatever,” you respond and force your upper body into a sitting posture, “Can I please take a shower now? I smell of sweat and… other, more obscene bodily fluids.”
“Not so fast,” Sakura responds and sits down on your legs. Fuck, they are still numb, you can’t even fiddle them out underneath her light body.
“Let me in on it too, Commander!” Yena shouts and climbs next to you. She begins to pull at your shirt, while Sakura wiggles out your pants from under your butt. 
“What the—hey stop! We don’t need to film anything anymore, right?” you fight back with words, while your body surrenders immediately.
“You are right,” Sakura says as your cock springs free, already semi-hard, “No cameras. This is just for you, your reward.”
It might not be the first time that your favorite idol has taken your cock into her mouth, but there is something absolutely incredible about this time. She, the Sakura, is literally some Commander that gives a guinea pig porn star head for winning a war against shapeshifting aliens—oh yeah, and there is Yena, rubbing her now exposed breasts on your arm as her ducky lips suck your neck. It’s impossible to let that sink in.
You moan out in pleasure. It’s a miracle that your cock still works after what happened during the last session. Then again, it is Sakura who uses her skilled tongue and lips to make you hard and throbbing. 
Judging from Yena’s annoyed hums on your ear as she nibbles on it with great care, she feels neglected. Suddenly, one of her tits is in your mouth so you lazily suck on the hard nipple. Sakura hisses from in between your legs, your cock still in the warmth of her mouth. She stops sucking and jerks you off to properly address Yena.
“What are you doing? This is his reward, not yours! You can’t use him like your plaything.”
“Oh stop it, Commander! I know you want to ride his cock badly and cum on it like the needy bitch you always were while we watched the vi—”
“Fine, shut up!”
Through their bickering, they don’t seem to realize the mess of moans and whimpers you have become. Yena’s soft breast firmly placed in your mouth leaves your mind numb yet blissful, while Sakura’s hand goes up and down your cock at high speed. It’s like she is electrically charging you, to the point where you might explode. Why the fuck does a foreign hand feel so much better on your length than your own?
“Gimme some of that too,” Yena says and leaps at your crotch. At one moment, her chest was all you could see, the next moment it’s her pink pussy, hovering above your face. 
Lips on your tip make you beg for mercy, but the two don’t have any. Sakura pushes down on the back of Yena’s head and you unexpectedly penetrate her face deeply. Your entire cock disappears in her mouth and she slobbers all over it. A mix of saliva and lipstick covers your sweaty legs.. 
“Ye-Yena, K-Kura, I can’t—”
“You don’t like it?” Sakura asks, her tone missing seriousness entirely.
“No, I—fuck!”
Throw your head back as Yena moves. The warmth of her throat is gone and back again as soon as Sakura allows it. The idol is thrusting her friend—or are they just rivals—onto your shaft ferociously. Because of Yena’s firmly placed knees next to your shoulders, you are unable to stop them. All there is is your climax. Resign to it.
“Fuck, I c-can’t, hmpf!”
As the two girls work together to suck out your semen, Yena bluntly drops her cunt onto your lips, its scent a bewitching perfume to make you forget the pain of your overstimulated dick. She tastes delicious, her nectar drips into your groaning, gasping mouth. 
“My turn, finally!”
Yena pulls her stuffed mouth away, but your twitching, probably completely red cock doesn’t stay cold for long as Sakura lifts herself up and after a long hum goes down on your length, it bottoms out with ease, and your mind shuts off.
“So good!” Sakura screams and starts to ride you with no regards to your exhaustion or obvious overstimulation. Her body, flawless skin, flawless proportions, flawless everything, is uncontrollably fast yet she still finds a way to make it a show. Somehow, she is able to lift one of Yena’s legs high to give you a view of what is to come (granted, through Yena’s slick and suffocation, your eyesight is a bit dazed) and then pulls the cum-stuffed duck into a messy kiss. 
It’s not snowballing, it’s an avalanche. Cum drips from their loosely connected lips and tumbles down Sakura’s curves. Weird sucking and licking sounds fill the room as Yena tries to drink your whiteness before Sakura can steal it. The two girls fight and Yena continues to ride your face to not be outdone by the eager Sakura. You feel the remaining snow drip down on your tense torso, but they are eager to lick it off of you. 
This drags on for minutes, until their mix of pants, teases, giggles and actual words are only feral moans. In the confines of Sakura’s cavern, you survived the overstimulation and are ready for another release and possible death if the horny idol doesn’t stop afterwards. Luckily, she seems close as well. Yena also starts to rub her own clit frantically, more and more of her juice covers your features. 
The moment you all cum is surprisingly silent. There is a gasp here and there, wet smooches from fucking and face riding, but other than that, you all succumb to your release rather quietly. Sakura fucks your rod and it’s erupting seed deep into her cunt, while you make sure to open up for Yena to dump her fresh nectar into you.��
Wait a minute. Whose reward was this supposed to be again?
(A/N2: maybe mine? 😉😳)
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truebluehue · 11 months
ahhhhhhh! Jake sully with a pregnant mate. She'll just be all pouty and teary eyed due to hormones and just won't leave him alone. Sometimes she'll follow him around while he's doing his olo'eyktan duties and just sit there all sad untill he touches her in anyway. Sometimes she wants to cuddle, sometimes she wants him to lift her bump, sometimes her hormones are a bit crazy...She'll just be really clingy the whole pregnancy and emotional tbh 💀
sorry im late. had to get smokes. please take this drabble as an apology.
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A small look into pregnant life with Jake.
Jake was the happiest man alive when you told him you were pregnant. The love of his life pregnant with a possible miniature you? How could he not be ecstatic! And Jake would do anything for you. All you had to do was ask. So when you randomly walked up to him with a pout, he was ready to start a war for you. “Ma’Jake, there is something I want to try but I need your help.” You stand next to him, rubbing your stomach in soft circles.
Jake immediately pauses what he was doing and rushes to stand. “What is it? Is it a craving? Is your back hurting?”
“Mawey. Stand behind me please. Good. Now,” you put his hands under your stomach, “lift gently.”  For the next 20 minutes Jake just holds up your stomach, content to just hold his whole world in his hands. 
But not every moment is this easy. Cravings? Jake is already hunting it down. Aches? Massaged away. But the clinginess is something he’s not used to, and apparently it’s his fault? “You seem more stressed when you can't see me. You’re protective of us.” You say during dinner one night. “Why stress the both of us.”
And yes maybe Jake does wake up sometime just to make sure you and the baby are okay.
Or he finds a way to bring you with him during his olo'eyktan duties.
Or tries to hunt as fast as he can to return.
He just wants to protect his little fortress. Even though that fortress currently gives him emotional whiplash.
“NOTHING FITS.” You try on and toss nearly every piece of clothing you own. You only calm when you find that ONE last loincloth that fits your bump. Jake doesn’t mention that it was actually his.
“Everything hurts and it's your fault. Though i do still love you.” Jake can only watch as you waddle away.
“Would you love me as a worm?”
“But what if I was a hot worm?”
“Worms aren’t hot.”
Sniffles can be heard. “But you told me you’d love me no matter what!”
Sighs. “I’ll still love you as a worm, but there will be boundaries.”
All in all, Jake wouldn’t trade his life for the world.
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shiny-jr · 2 years
oh my god that azul snippet when mc tries to leave.... I LOVE THAT IDEA SO MUCH TBH. like imagine if yuu is tyring to get away from the lounge when they catch him doing underhanded things to get yuus relationships to fizzle and just as yuu was about to leave azul grabs onto them, begging them that it wasn't what it looked like or spewing excuses somewhere along those lines. looking back at what i read it sounds kinda shitty but I'm just spewing word vomit lmao
-Big Man Anon
Warning: Yandere stuff. Gender-neutral reader.
Characters: Azul Ashengrotto.
Summary: Teary-eyed Azul begging for forgiveness.
Note: So y'all like desperate men, huh? (I wrote this like at 2AM last night on a google doc, promptly before passing out).
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"It's over, Azul."
It felt like his heart broke in half upon hearing those words escape your lips. All because he had become too careless. All it took was one slip-up, one misstep, as he was oblivious to your presence in the shadows of the lounge while he frightened a poor unsuspecting student he had grown envious of when they sat beside you in a class for more than three days in a row. As he spoke ominous words that could vaguely be made out as threats, you eavesdropped without his knowledge. That was what led to this moment, you making the decision to break any contact with him due to his actions.
Ashengrotto inhaled sharply, it felt like a piece of glass pierced his arteries. Instantly, without thinking, he reached forward and gripped onto your sleeve, fueled by the newfound desperation and reemerging fear. "W-Wait, you don't understand––" 
"Oh, I understand perfectly." You hissed. "Involving me in these cruel acts of yours, making people avoid me, and doing great seven knows what else! This is exactly what I get for trusting you, isn’t it? I should've never given you another chance."
Shrinking down under your intense gaze, Azul's knees gave out and he fell in front of you. Even if you took a photograph with something like the ghost camera, no one would believe you if you said the Azul Ashengrotto was basically groveling on his knees in front of you, in his very own lounge no less. Usually it was the opposite way around. People were on their knees in front of him, begging for their debts to be forgiven.
His grip had moved to the cloth over your knee, gripping it tightly until his knuckles turned white, tears rimming his eyes. Everytime you even moved an inch, his grip would tighten and you had to wonder where he got his strength from. All you hear are excuses pouring out of his mouth, mixed in with pleas and offers, topped with the occasional choked back sob. You can't make sense of half of what he's saying by how he's clung to you and dug his face into the side of your leg. You're not sure if he was too ashamed to show his face so he hid it like this, or he just was that fearful of being torn apart.
"P-Please, understand, it was for you—"
"For me? Or for you?"
He sucks in a breath and shakes his head. "For us. Us. I’ll make up for it…!” More fat droplets of salty water had begun to sprout from his eyes as he spoke rapidly, “Whatever your heart desires shall be yours. What do you desire most? Say the word, and you shall have it. All I ask for in payment is to, please, don’t leave me!”
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stick-ball · 7 months
What would make for easier life for Neil? Living on the run with his mother(canon) or staying in Nest for few years ?
Okay listen, im sorry, but Neil's level of woobification is the sole and only reason i cannot respond to this in depth without retching blood. The only way the girlies will get me is over my dead body. So, instead I offer you this:
To cite a classic, Neil is gonna be fine either way. The kind of spirit he has will prevail what life throws at him, he's got the nerve and sheer determination to limit his focus at will, to imitate and conquer. Both paths will be dark, but neither will be stronger than his spirit.
Because his true and sole horror is Nathan.
So, instead of crying over the delusional, sociopathic, murderous psycho (can you feel the love?) that is Neil Abram Josten, I want to consider what would change for others if he ended up at the Nest.
Andrew- that ship would probably never set sail, so there's that. I am not gonna go all teary eyed over this bcs the last thing I wish on Andrew is the Nest tbh.
Jean - would have a partner, he wouldn't be the cast aside to both the Ravens and the Sons of Exy at once. That would mean more nerve, less suicidal thoughts.
Kevin - is more likely to end up dead than with a broken hand but that's bcs he's not important to the plot anymore in this scenario. Alternative is if he ends up maimed and running to daddy he most likely ends up in a relationship with Andrew instead, but it does not last because they are eachother's destructive tendencies.
Riko - oh this is my favourite can of worms. Because of Neil's uncontrollable attitude problem and ultimate daddy issues Riko would have a someone to butt heads with instead of slap around. Think what that would do to him. Neil gets so much extra angst points for the fact he is a first born son. He's like an amplifier and balm to Riko's issues at once. Does that mean he has a chance to be better? Does it mean he is worse? Thats a game of russian roulette! I love even the odds end up in this scenario though!
Nathan and Mary - more likely than not Nathaniel ends up an orphan sooner rather than later. I would say more but I think your imagination will paint a similiar picture.
The Foxes - well, Seth is alive, I think that's a happy ending?
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