#maker: yulia
dasisugarun · 11 months
im glad to hear jungkook finally. this sounds exactly like his style.
jungkook did his job for 100/10
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panimoonchild · 4 months
Russian culture is erasing the culture of others
Today is the Day of Publishers, Printing and Book Distribution Workers, as well as Philologists. The Vivat publishing house published the names of the employees of the Factor Druk printing house who died as a result of Russian attack on May 23:
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Photo: Yulia Orlova/Facebook ▪️Tetiana Khrapina, a printer-carpenter; ▪️Roman Strohyi, gluing machine operator; ▪️Svitlana Ryzhenko, brochure maker; ▪️Olha Kurasova, sewing machine, and automatic machine operator; ▪️Olena Ninadovska, sewing machine, and automatic machine operator; ▪️Hanna Mynaieva, operator of a completing machine; ▪️Dmytro Shilo, brochure maker.
Faktor has launched a fundraiser. All funds will be used to support the victims and restore printing life.
The details are on the Vivat website.
If you ordered anything online, please be patient, as shipments from the warehouse have been temporarily suspended and will resume after the investigation is completed.
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meirimerens · 5 months
top 5 patho characters GO
Numero One: YULIA!!!!!!!!!!
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Numero Two: if i'm being facetious: the reconceptualization of Herb Brides i have in my mind to cope with their obscene manhandling in-canon. if i'm being serious, The Polyhedron [she's living/alive. go argue with her makers]
Numero Three: Capella. i have immense amounts of tenderness and heartache for her as a girl forced to fit into her mother's shoes and having the balance of the future tightropewalk on her skinny shoulders. if i could pick her up and put her in an university where she would thrive and make friends i would. but i am powerless. because the narrative goes on without me (and without her)
Numero Four: equal parts Burakh & Rubin. in some ways for the same reasons. Cain and Abel if Cain didn't want to kill out of jealousy but out of destructive desire to Be You and all he can be is your brother [what Cain was to Abel, and this didn't protect him]. i like to see them as both grappling with the same thing(s), just in different ways, and the narrative rewards and punishes them in kind. i like burakh's (somewhat truly) selfless devotion contrasted to rubin (somewhat) selfish devotion, and where one is Atlas the other is a beaten dog.
Numero Five: equal parts Peter because i relate. to the mentally ill artist side of things because i didn't kill anyone. and i don't have long hair. and i don't like guys. and so on. And Notkin because i have great amounts of thoughts about his future. mostly because he mandatorily gets fucking sick twice on your watch so you get attached to this thing. sorry about your liver buddy
Bonus: Farkhad just because of how much of a blank canvas he is. he's basically a narrative-built-in creative writing exercise and brother. i picked up the pen.
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utilitycaster · 2 years
The "Darling" counter
I've been wondering idly about this since Vex re-appeared, and anyway, here's the best I can do for main cast campaign and EXU PCs. Note that I do count DM control in this. TLOVM is not included, and uses must be in-character and used specifically to address someone. This is up to date through episode 3x36, A Desperate Call, but does not include the most recent episode (3x37).
Vax: top recipients are Keyleth and Vex, each with 2. He also addressed Pike, Tary, and K'ryyn one time each.
Keyleth: only said darling once, to Vax.
Laudna: twice to Imogen, once each to Kunthea (NPC), Orym, and Chetney.
Scanlan: Once each to Keyleth and Vex
Loquatius: Once, to Laerryn
Percy: Three times to Vex; once each to Victor, Delilah, and Gwendolyn.
Molly: Once, to Jester
Grog: Once, to a barmaid NPC in Whitestone.
Fy'ra Rai: Once, to Opal.
Jester: Once, to Nugget
Imogen: Once, to FCG
Our lady of 'darling' herself, Vex:
to Percy: 39
to Keyleth, Scanlan, and Tary: 10 times each
to Vax: 9 times
to Trinket: 8 times
to Pike: 6 times
to Grog: 5 times
to Gilmore and Eskil Ryndarian: 4 times each
to Tiberius, and a Vasselheim potion-maker she was trying to bargain with: 3 times each
to Lyra, Tyriok, Kynan, Velora, Treev Bonebreaker, Allura, Sprigg, and the members of Bells Hells: 2 each
to Zahra, Lillith, Sylas, Hunin, Kyor, Kaylie, Garmelie, Cassandra, Dr. Dranzel, Derrig, Shanak (aka Bob), Vanessa (the Westruun refugee, not Vanessa Cyndrial of the Slayer's Take), Yulia, Wence, a blacksmith named Karen, a masked assailant, one of Uriel's guards, someone who was selling cows, a Westruun refugee child, and a bar patron in Hell: 1 each
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hayheadd · 1 year
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pathocats au made in clangen catmaker (this is a dollmaker app) (all the assets were made by clangen contributors)
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Aglaya and Maria
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Murky and Sticky
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Vlad, Capella and the other Vlad
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Grace and Taya
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Eva and Yulia
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Grief and Lara
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Alexander and Katerina
Just putting this out there because I dont have all the power needed to draw a cat design for every pathologic character. So I'm tryna like get the general concept of how they'd look like. Like I originally wanted to make Grief a normal ass orange cat but this owl fur pattern is just too good. I think it's also very funny of all people for Grief to be such a pretty kitty. Also both the maker and clangen are very fun
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fancifulplaguerat · 1 year
Sharing some thoughts about Clara because she deserves more attention and I’m obsessed with how the other two protagonists are these twenty-something medical men while she’s this circa fifteen-year-old saint girl who’s actually twelve days old who’s actually as old as Earth itself with magical hands. She’s the literal plague incarnate, an instrument of natural law, but she becomes Clara because she cares about people and her capacity to heal them so much she just denied her very identity. I adore the reveal that she’s branded a thief because she stole her own fucking name like can I ever express how much I want to scratch and bite (affectionate) when Spichka says to her, “You steal something and can’t remember it afterwards. Must’ve been something important—or else something you don’t just put in your pocket. Someone’s name, maybe?”  
And it’s painful to me how characters like Yulia/Andrey belittle her faith and question if she even believes in God, since faith/sainthood/etc. are what Clara clings to to define herself as a good person. So much so that it’s what allows her to be a miracle-worker—when Artemy talks to the Rat Prophet in his route, the Rat tells Artemy not to reveal Clara’s identity to her, because it’s only Clara’s belief in her holiness that makes her a saint: 
“She is, as a matter of fact, the disease. The Sand Plague personified. But—heads up!—she doesn’t even know it. And so she performs miracles, branding herself a miracle-maker—because she believes that she is one [...] everything she believes in comes true. And so she’ll forget how to do it as soon as she learns the truth.”
And on that note I have to include this interaction with Andrey because it devastates me: 
Andrey Stamatin: [...] I don't know what God you believe in, but I don't think you're even old enough to have a concept of one! And you are either a lying imposter—or an abominable Changeling, a temptress, a thing from hell, a shabnak-adyr, a maneater, made of dead bones and dirty clay!
> You heard me! You know the reason! *
> Don't yell at me, don't call me... that! I'm leaving... I'm leaving!
Andrey Stamatin: Shut up! What do you know about faith? What do you know about religion? You had barely been born and already you got your head full of the ravings of a failed prophetess—who's writhing her hands in desperation and envy as she's watching a new star rise—and here you are, thinking you can lecture me, even daring to accuse us of heresy and a revolt against God!
Though I never survive this interaction I think it’s one of my favorites in Clara’s route because it so poignantly encapsulates her conflict, while gesturing to her struggle to define/rewrite herself. Because despite what the Rat says, the Cathedral quest suggests that Clara’s wherewithal isn’t *always* enough. Ough. When Clara tells everyone to take her hands and not to be afraid, that nothing will happen, but we know how it all ends from the Bachelor/Haruspex Routes just. Devastating gameplay. It fills me with dread when Clara is tasked with getting water because of the Bachelor Route, when Anna says that the shabnak “cried” on the ill and Saburov says that the carrier put some sort of liquid on the plague victims’ lips. 
But tragedy aside Changeling Clara is so entertaining to me. I love being able to say shit like “I am death” and “Don’t make my angry... or I’ll bite!” to people. Very much enjoy getting to be the Horrors, or when the Rat Prophet says to her, “Greetings, plague dear! Wait just a bit more, we’re almost done embellishing your throne. The very heart of the town shall become the temple of the pest. You’ll have the world at your feet soon.” Lavish. Sumptuous. She is such a fantastic character the intrigue the tragedy the high drama of it all 
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bloodskinandteeth · 3 months
Bound, break, desire for Wylla and Yulia !
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bound: Has your OC ever been imprisoned or captured? What happened? How did they get out? Did the experience leave any scars?
Wylla has never been imprisoned in a traditional sense, but as far as her marriage it was like living in a gilded cage. She was married off at the tender age of fifteen, at the insistence of her father, who wanted the favor of a wealthy lord. It was a marriage of duty, not love, but things were relatively harmless until Wylla was struggling to concieve. 
The lord’s frustrations were taken out on her physically until she managed to get pregnant, only to miscarry the child toward the end. Wylla had broke to news to her lord husband after they’d retired to their chambers for the night and a struggle ensued. The lord drew his dagger and left a gnarly wound that descended from Wylla’s left cheekbone and curved down into the edge of her lip. This terrible scar remains as a reminder of that night and remains with her the rest of her days. She did get out, however. No one but Wylla herself knows what happened that night, only that the lord himself was found by guards dead in the dirt, as if having fallen from the window in his tower.
break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
There are a few moments where she has broken down completely. Leaving her home to be married to her lord husband, and her subsequent return after his death. Another being the death of her brother Harlan. None of which were quite so cosuming as recieving a raven in King’s Landing to tell her her home has been reduced to ashes with no known survivors. Often her grief must be quite well hidden, having been taught to keep her composure as a lady should, however this tragedy had Wylla’s wailing echoing the halls. The only people who have ever seen her in such a state are her handmaidens, her mother and Aemond.
desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
Wylla, in her most idealistic desire, would want nothing more than to wed Aemond and live out their days together. She recognises this is a foolish fantasy, given they’re at war, and prays at the very. least they can make it out alive.
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bound: Has your OC ever been imprisoned or captured? What happened? How did they get out? Did the experience leave any scars?
Similar to the previous answer, Yulia hasn't been captured or imprisoned in the traditional sense (at least not in the backstory i've created for her so far). However, she often finds herself in the presence - and under the authority of - vampires who are older and more powerful than herself. Being in this position various times since her turning means that the only way she's been able to survive thus far is by holding her tongue and playing her cards right. She has no physical scars but plenty of mental ones, especially after escaping the influence of her maker and her immortal 'brother'.
break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
The death of her maker, for one, caused Yulia more pain than she could have imagined. Blood tears like rivers traveling down her cheeks and a dark hole within the soul she believed she no longer had. She can't quite remember the pain of turning after all those years, but she imagines it couldn't have been worse.
Outside of this, Yulia remains quite aloof. Time has numbed her to most tragedies, and breaking down often feels pointless after all she's endured. What is worth breaking down over when one can live forever? Few have seen her lows, vampire or human those who have are all dead now.
desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
After struggling for a long time to find meaning in her immortal existence, there is not much for Yulia to want for within her own life. She now often looks outwards for meaning and inspiration.
She's not very open about it, as fraternising with mortals is frowned upon, but Yulia desires more than anything to understand people and the world around her. She has a voracious apetite for knowledge and communication, to hear stories and philosophise with others; it's become her way of finding meaning in her long life as it's not a desire with a particular end goal.
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shmowder · 3 months
Woke up and am headed to work still thinking about it.
Also Aglaya in a nightgown I am WEAK 🖤
Makes me wonder, though, what type of partner do you think would be a good match for some of the other characters? Specifically Katerina, Yulia, Peter, and Grief?
🐿️ anon
Aglaya in a nightgown lives rent-free in my head, the idea alone gets my face hot and knees weak this mental image is too powerful.
I think realistically, she'd prefer a classic silk nightgown, black and sleek. Very little to no lace at all, something of a vintage cut to fit the time period of the game. The nightgown would be on the longer side, very airy, and doesn't hug the body.
But MY HEART desires something a little more risqué, you could say. I want her in a short nightgown with lace and small ruffles, still black, bc it is her iconic colour. A definite modern design Purely self indulgent bc I am a simp.
Or maybe a flowy dramatic nightgown? the firrly kind that comes with a feathery rope.
And hmm do yoh mean like in a ship or a good match logistically? Like how Lara starts a shelter and mirrors Alexander Saburov in a lot of virtues and traits?
If it's the first one, I ship everything but nothing in particular? The only ships I'm passionate about are Aglaya and Artemy's doomed roomance, sometimes Burakhovsky too.
If it's the latter and I get to play match maker in order to create the most efficient couple who would help each other in reaching their goals rather than based on love, they'd be:
Katerina and Maria
Listen, Katerina wants to be a mistress desperately, and the pressure of the responsibility is leading her downhill.
If we simply marry her off to a capital M Misteress, then there is no pressure for her to prefrom bc her wife would've already taken care of it.
Katerina can live a happy life and not worry about being infertile since her and Maria would'nt have had children of their own either way. They can happily adopt.
You might ask, what's in it for Maria?
How about landing the final hit to the declining powerhouse Saburov and completely ereasing it from the board? better yet, she stole the queen to her side of the chessboard.
Would they love each other? hmm unlikely. But I don't think they'd care. Maria loved the bachelor but she still married younger Vlad just to rule the town afterwards. Alexander loved Katerina more than life itself but it wasn't enough to get her out of her mental breakdown. These two women do not care for love as much as they care for results, so they balance each other.
Yulia and her roommate
Eva is a BAD TIME for her. Yulia might be hopelessly smitten with her golden locks, innocent fawn eyes and romantic view on life, but it will never work. Especially with Yulia's fatalistic views and tendency to relay on logic.
Eva wants to preform in life and Yulia wants to remain an observer which is why they would clash. Eva wants to find her purpose and Yulia believes life is inherently purposeless. They would hurt each other no matter how much they love one another. Eva might get over it afterwards but that breakup would shatter Yulia's fragile nerves.
That's why I think her engineer roommate in P2 is the best option. Someone who can stand her enough to live together is definitely someone who would be perfect for her. That roommate probably saw her through the lowest of her moments and helped her get back up. It's a best friends to lovers situation.
But if I had to pick a prominent character, I'd go with Aglaya or Peter. Sadly I don't see Aglaya having much interest in Yulia, she might bore her tbh. It's a one sided attraction on Yulia's side.
For Peter, they would make each other so much worse. Wallowing in their melancholy and being emo in general. Peter would ask her to snuff cigarettes out on his neck and Yulia would oblige.
There is always Yulia and Dankovsky? They mirror each other, they have so many things in common such as philosophy and latin. They also would annoy the shit out of each other by being so obnoxious all the goddamn time.
Good. Let them save the rest of the world from each other.
But ah, Yulia is strongly implied to be a butch lesbian isn't she? She'd probably pass on all the men.
Peter and....?
What besides his twin? lmao okay no no. I think Anna Angel. Maybe he has a crush? They are friends in canon and let's be fr for a second who would befriend Peter Stamatin out of free will? Anna would.
They could work together? Bpd queen and Depression king. She is a singer and an acrobat, he is a painter and an architect. They both value art but not in the same obnoxious way art consumers do, rather in the messy way artists do. How people who make art can appreciate it's ugliness and the struggle in a way that the people who merely look at art can never.
We're just hitting two birds with one rock by putting their dolls together. Anna solves her fear of being found out since Peter and Andrey would protest her if it happens. Like they killed people for less before.
And Peter now has someone who sings around, didn't he enjoy how Grace sang lullabies to his paintings? He likes music and it might inspire him to make art again.
There will be love but I wouldn't call it romantic.
Bad Grief and ARTEMY
They used to be best friends! While Lara and Rubin abandoned Grief thinking he truly turned to the bad side, Artemy still saw good in him when he came back. They were kids running in grass fields together and climbing trees.
Grief is the first person to help you when you arrive, you get a stash of goodies from his cupboard during the first day. He immediately gives you a job and still rewards you whether you fail or succeed. He clearly has a soft spot for Artemy.
Also he is a simp, like clear as day. There are so many lines when he is being embarrassingly down bad. Calling Artemy's hands precious surgeon hands that should be protected, saying it's no problem if Artemy killed his men, it's their fault for messing with him in the first place.
But would they work together? would they bring out the best for each other and solve each other's problems?
HA. No.
So I propose, drum roll please!.....Grief and Victor Kain.
Clocksmiths? More like COCKSMITHS.
Grief freshly had his mind broken by Aglaya, Victor had his mind broken years ago by Aglaya's sister, Nina. They both like tinkering with clocks.
Grief questions his reality a lot, Victor questions the flow of time a lot. Victor holds enough statues in town to redeem Grief in the eyes of the people, Grief holds enough experience as a gang leader and a necessary evil to balance the scales in town. He lets his gang get away with crime as long as its petty and no one gets killed. He knows a gang will exist with or without him so he'd rather be in charge to make sure to minimise the costs.
And it is surprisingly noble and thoughtful of him. Victor must really appreciate that.
will there be love? eh...maybe? not really. But there will be mutual respect and admiration above all.
Anyway what are your thoughts? I don't feel strongly on any of these pairings tbh. I don't ship them I'm just throwing stuff on the wall and seeing what sticks.
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misspeppermint2003 · 7 months
Picrew Animated Portraits of World Politicians 3
I made the third part of Picrew anime portraits of world politicians with an image maker. It's also consisted of 12 politicians from different countries.
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Former British Prime Minister Liz Truss (left), Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni (middle) & Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen (right)
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Dutch VVD party leader Dilan Yeşilgöz (left), former Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson (middle) & French National Rally party leader Marine Le Pen (right)
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Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen (left), former Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt (middle) & former German Chancellor Angela Merkel (right)
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Slovak President Zuzana Čaputová (left), former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko (middle) & Icelandic Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir (right)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
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mountphoenixrp · 1 year
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We have a new citizen in Mount Phoenix:
          Alexander Garin, a 33 year old son of Hundun.           He is a shop clerk at Jinxxed.
FC NAME/GROUP: Lee Gikwang/Highlight CHARACTER NAME: Alexander “Sasha” Garin AGE/DATE OF BIRTH: 30th March 1990 (33) PLACE OF BIRTH:  Arsenyev, Primorsky Krai, Russia OCCUPATION: Shop Clerk at Jinxxed DEFINING FEATURES: A stitch mark at the nape of his neck; several tattoos—some looking much more professional than others.
PERSONALITY: Alex—also often endearingly called ‘Sanya’, ‘Sasha’ or ‘Shurik’ by his siblings—is chaotic by nature and good-natured despite his upbringing. Considered to be the mood maker of his family, he feels happiest when he gets to cheer people up. He is loud, outgoing and typically the life of the party. Though, due to his naive nature, he tends to be rather clueless when it comes to reading the room, which has gotten him into rather precarious situations.  
HISTORY:  Alexander doesn’t know much about his biological mother and at some point, he stopped caring to find out. The limited information he’s gotten from the orphanage was that she was a young woman who couldn’t afford to raise him. Not in the monetary sense; according to the worker he talked to, his mother was loaded and came from old money. But in the sense that she did not have the desire to give up on traveling the world or taint her reputation to take care of a bastard child. A shame really.
However, Alex didn’t feel bad about cutting her out of his thoughts, and even the anger about what could’ve been dissipated rather quickly with the unintentional help of his adoptive siblings. At least he had them. Nine of them, to be exact. And although their adoptive guardians did everything in their power to make their life as miserable as possible, he still felt content whenever he was around his four brothers and five sisters. 
Maybe he was just some stupid. Too naive to get overly mad about their living situation. Or maybe he was just content with even the smallest amount of hope for a better tomorrow for all of them. He had to watch his older brothers bleed from labor and give one of his younger brothers stitches for wounds inflicted by those who were legally supposed to protect them. On late nights, he could hear faint sobbing and consoling whispers from his sisters’ room—the threat of being married off in exchange for an animal or some feed looming over their head. Of course he didn’t like living there—none of them did—but at least they had each other. Something neither their parents nor teachers or folks from the village could ever take from them.
Well, that is, until one of them did. 
Despite all the cruelty their parents put them through, their actions still shocked them. He must’ve been in his late teens when ten suddenly became nine. When Yulia was taken.
Then there were nine.
A new type of chaos was born inside of him; not the type he became so accustomed to but a fresh and more deranged kind. Thirsty for havoc. Because it was only when he was engulfed in complete and utter bedlam that he finally felt at peace. With constant parties inside their home—as well as outside whenever he managed to sneak out—Alexander often reveled in the daily chaos, allowing him to cheer his siblings up as often as he could. 
The month before their parents finally passed, the disarray, and their sleepless nights might’ve just been the most productive he’s ever been in his life. At the time, he didn’t know what caused their insomnia, but something inside him told him that it would be fatal. Lucky for all of them, it was. He was the first one to find out about the actual cause of their deaths—Maxim, barely an adult yet already a silent murderer. 
Then there were eight. 
If the chaotic time of their parents’ misery was the most productive and alive he felt, the quiet months after his brother’s departure might’ve been the most draining. Alex constantly felt like something was missing, something he couldn’t properly name. Bouts of energy depleted as quickly as they came, and he tried to supplement the clutter in his head with parties and anything that would get adrenaline rushing through his veins. It wasn’t until the quiet boredom started to stress him out enough for him to accidentally set off a power he didn’t know he had. 
Pacing around in their parents’ old room as to not wake the brothers he shared a room with, Alexander unintentionally brought upon chaos by animating multiple dormant items in the room. Bedsheets folded in on themselves without any help and started to roll off the bed. A sock that fell behind the nightstand crawled across the floor. The lamp on the ceiling started swinging wildly despite the absence of cause. For a moment he wondered if the house might be haunted or if he might be dreaming. But when he tried to animate a shovel the very next day and watched it roll around on even ground, he knew it was his own doing. 
He knew right then and there that he wanted to learn more. And judging by the information his brother provided, he might just found the best place to do it. After settling everything and explaining the situation to his family, Alex finally made the decision to follow the path he was meant to take. He wanted to learn more. He had to still his hunger for chaos. He needed to go to Mount Phoenix. 
And so, he left.
Then there were seven.
PANTHEON:  Chinese CHILD OF:  Hundun POWERS: Alex feels energized and empowered in chaos—or more specifically, chaotic situations. Although he never noticed, but he can and already did instill distrust in others. He did, however, notice that he can animate inanimate objects for a short period of time. 
STRENGTHS: charismatic, easy-going and a fast learner WEAKNESSES: petty, naive and holds grudges forever
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autumncrowcus · 2 years
"Another expression of the suspension of normal order was the inversion of gender roles. The transvestism and reversed gender behavior of Dionysos and his retinue may reflect the change in the attitude of the ecstatic worshippers to their own gender (Hoffmann 1997: 29; Miller 1999: 245–7). Gender ambiguity could be conceptualized as anti-social by observers and post factum by experiencers themselves—while possessed by the god, they lived the feeling of totality and did not really care about gender conventions. Male authority was threatened by women leaving their homes and abandoning themselves to experiences that at least in some places remained beyond the reach of men. Male suspicions and horrors gave rise to a whole series of images of mad women, portrayed as liminal and semi-bestial, whose derangement was expressed in their aggressiveness, physical force and refusal to submit to male sexual demands. However, by attributing terrible atrocities to the maenads, the myth brought ad extremum not only the male dread of ecstatic women (Bremmer 1984: 273), but also the female fear of loss of control and acceptance of the role women were allotted. The more frightening and morally deficient bakcheia (Bacchic mania) looked to the Greeks of both sexes, the more understandable is the tendency to emphasize in myth and cult Dionysos’ alterity as a foreigner of ambiguous gender, indifferent to traditional virtues (Ustinova 2018: 197–8).
"In a Homeric hymn to Dionysos, the god is called gunaimanês, “he who drives women mad” (Homeric Hymn to Dionysos 1. 17; cf. Nonnus 16. 229, 252; 17. 184; 36. 469: thêlumanês, “he who drives females mad”). Although in myths many men were punished by Dionysos with insanity, the god was still dubbed “maker of maenads” (Rayor 2004: 15). In the ecstatic cult of Dionysos, gender asymmetry is quite obvious, although its diverse modalities and extent are still controversial (Ustinova 2018: 179–80).
"Gender imbalance may reflect the proclivity of women in patriarchal societies to channel their suppressed psychological tension to ecstatic rites. Henri Jeanmaire compared maenadic rites and ecstatic sessions held by Egyptian women on the eve of the twentieth century. These meetings comprised music, dismembering a sacrificial ram and drinking its hot blood, followed by blissful re-composure and return to everyday life (Jeanmaire 1970: 128–31; cf. 259–60). In the twentieth century and nowadays, during the May festival of Anastenaria (“sighers”) celebrated in Northern Greece, women and girls dance and then rush in a state of trance to the mountains (Danforth 1989; Xygalatas 2015). Thus, in several modern communities around the Mediterranean, by channeling strain, especially prominent in subdued women in patriarchal societies, collective ecstasy resolves psychological tension and brings about feelings of peace and satisfaction. In these rites, women living in androcentric society also acquire a public role and therefore feel empowered."
-“Apolline and Dionysian Ecstasy at Delphi,” Yulia Ustinova, collected in The Routledge Companion to Ecstatic Experience in the Ancient World
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dasisugarun · 11 months
I don't like that dresses of dancers are same colour of jk. jk is being lost on the frames and all backgrounds are dark. very strange solution of art director.
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aforsakenmemory · 7 months
Fashion photographers who've inspired me​
Yulia Gorbachenko​
Gaspar Noé (film maker)​
Marco Tenaglia- 'I like strong women. Those who scare many men'.​
David Bailey- Personal approach as he uses portrait photography.​
Lina Tesch​
Nico Bustos​
Corrine Day
Mario Testino
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xtruss · 1 year
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Located within the scenic southwestern region of Germany, the Black Forest boasts a myriad of distinctive trees and is home to a rich and diverse cultural heritage of the local community. Photograph By Yulia Denisyuk
Photo Story: A Journey Through The Craft Heritage of Germany's Black Forest
Ringed by mountains and steeped in tradition, the Black Forest region in southwest Germany has inspired centuries’ worth of fairytales. Today, its story revolves around craftsmanship, creativity and time itself.
— Story and Photographs By Yulia Denisyuk | April 17, 2023
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He stands in the centuries-old distillery in the village of Bad Peterstal-Griesbach in the central Black Forest, explaining that the company switched from schnapps to gin a decade or so ago.
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Top Left: “The valley we’re in is home to over a thousand distilleries producing schnapps — the highest concentration in Europe,” says Hannes Schmidt, CEO of the Boar Distillery. Top Right: “Fifteen years ago, the region was seen as old-fashioned,” adds Beate Axmann, a participating artist whose paintings explore themes of global migration. Bottom: “It takes two kilograms of wool and about one week of work to create one bollenhut,” explains Gutach-based Gabriele Aberle, one of only two remaining bollenhut makers. There are different versions for various stages of life: at weddings, a crown of multicoloured beads and mirrors (to stave off the devil) is donned; after marriage, it’s a bollenhut with black pompoms. The hats are still in use at weddings and festivals, and can only be worn by someone from the three villages.
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Nestled on the slopes of the Rench Valley, the distillery makes limited batches using water from its own spring. And it’s not just any gin — infused with 19 local botanicals, it’s one of the world’s most-awarded. ​
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Left: “The secret,” says Schmidt, “is in the Black Forest Burgundy truffle. We experimented for half a year to find just the right amount to add.” The Boar Distillery is open for visits and tastings, but can sell out a year in advance. Right: ​“It’s important for our culture to know where we come from and where we’re going. This is what this movement is all about,” says Uwe Baumann, creator of Cosmos Black Forest, a project that brings together local artists to reinterpret Black Forest traditions. The idea was to play with traditional symbols such as the cuckoo clock and bollenhut hat, and make them relevant to modern times.
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Left: “Today, it’s different. We have a rich contemporary art scene.” Cosmos Black Forest creations can be found across the region, including at Kloster Hirsau, a museum set in a medieval monastery in Hirsau. ​Right: The towns of Kirnbach, Gutach and Reichenbach are home to a tradition that’s become a symbol of the region. The bollenhut is a plaster and straw hat with 14 wool pompoms. Since the 18th century, unmarried women have worn red hats, signifying they are looking for suitors (red being seen as the colour of youth)
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Left: South of Gutach lies Schonach, a quiet town with a big claim to fame: it’s the birthplace of the cuckoo clock. Right: The industry developed here in the mid-18th century, with all the elements coming together to make the clock tick: local wood for the housing, plus the mechanism and the bellows responsible for the signature cuckoo sound.
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Left: Conny and Ingolf Haas are the fourth-generation co-owners of cuckoo-clock-making company Rombach & Haas. “Our hearts beat cuckoo and we wanted to bring the clock back into people’s living rooms,” says Ingolf. “They were once considered kitsch — today, they’re in again.” ​Right: It’s unclear who invented the Black Forest gateau, a cake comprising chocolate sponge layers, cream, sour cherries and kirschwasser (cherry schnapps). ​
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According to Ingolf, the Black Forest has a special energy, where time stretches and problems disappear, if only for a moment. For him, that energy lives inside the cuckoo clock.
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Here, Freddy Boch, owner of Hotel Engel, has been making the gateaux for three decades using his grandfather’s recipe. Every two years, he organises the Black Forest Cake Festival, where a panel of confectioners judges over 250 cakes from all over the world. Along with other local chefs, Boch also runs Black Forest gateau-making workshops.
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turkishsource · 5 years
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sanem aydin being adorable with her new friends
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italoniponic · 2 years
Hi, I’m italoniponic but you can call me “Cherry”~ I’m just a simple soul who likes to write and joke around things I like. 
✿ Playlist Maker — I have a sideblog @myplaylists-angeli that’s related to my own spotify account. Since making playlists for literally any reason is turning into my new personality trait, I decided to at least share it with you guys. 
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✿ Fanficwritter — My account on ao3 is cherrygrace. I’m currently on a writing hiatus, unfortunately. But I may try to post some headcanons here once in a while.
✿ Multifandom — there’s a infinity of them as I watch a lot of stuff and have a new obsession once in a while. I’ll list the “big” fandom ones: 
             » twisted wonderland {main one here}; bnha; fullmetal alchemist bh; inuyasha; jujutsu kaisen; kaguya-sama; demon slayer; noragami; sailor moon; miraculous; haikyuu;
              » other “little” fandoms you will discover here bc I always go for the underrated ones for some reason.
✿ My Tags —
              »  #cherry’s mumbling > just me talking about random things
              » #cherry’s mumbling about [name] > just me talking about a specific anime/manga (list here)
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              » #cherry’s friends > interactions with my friends (still I haven’t put everything in the tag bc it couldn’t be a worst time to post a lot of things in this blog)
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✿ Some Pessoal Things/Info —
             » I’m not a english native speaker but I try my best. My username is weird bc I’m terrible at creating these things. I’m Brazilian and actually have Italian descendance from my paternal grandfather and my maternal family part are related to Japanese by marriage. Since I grew up appreciating both cultures, my username kinda reveal that;
             » I’m Catholic, Apostolic and Roman. I’m not the type of person to say exactly how my day is going and this stuff, but I like to reblog some religious content from time to time, especially during Easter and Christmas. It’s not much (I actually wanted to do more) but that’s it for the time being;
            » I’m horrible at talking to people or making friends. That must be why I always ended up attached to introverted characters with lack of communication skills bc oh well, so do I. If you really want to talk to me about anything, be a little itty bitty patient, ok? It’s easier to befriend a rock than me tbh;
            » Don’t know how to classify my type of humor for comedy. I also love finding references in things that I like;
❝That’s it. Thanks for checking in!❞
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