#make these two talk it out dammit THEY HAVE SO MUCH IN COMMON and so much plot pitting them against each other
peachsukii · 8 months
Hiii just thinking about Bakugo x reader where reader’s in danger from a villain attack and Bakugo saves her heheh. And then the media’s eating it up like 😭😭
this is such a cute idea!! ✨
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Accidental Damage
『♡』  pro-hero support fem!reader x pro-hero bakugo ╰➤ ꒰ pro-heroes au | secret bf/gf ꒱ ♡ katsuki bakugo masterlist ♡
summary: you've been swamped with work as a pro-hero support engineer, pushing 80 hour weeks over the busy season, and finally have a day off! bakugo, however, isn't so lucky and ends up getting called in for an emergency patrol during your movie date. instead of sitting at home, you decide to treat yourself and head out into the city. turns out, you probably should have stayed home...considering the fashion district you frequently visit was the villain-of-the-week's choice of attack. tags & warnings: mild violence, anxiety, cursing | lovers (bf/gf), fluff, emotional comfort, physical hurt, protective bakugo, reader doesn't have a quirk, reader's a badass, accidental pda, oops the secret's out now, bakugo treats reader like a princess a/n: wanted to change up the dynamic a little and make reader & bakugo secretly date from opposing sides of the hero world! i'd love to see more of the support class tbh ꒰ Ao3 version | word count; 2,890 ꒱
It’s your day off! After working endless hours for the past month, you’re finally free of the frenzy of Support Request busy season. Spring is often the time that most heroes submit their upgrade and repair requests to their agency’s support team, resulting in a non-stop effort to get through everything in a timely manner. The agency doesn’t want to be responsible for a hero not being able to perform their patrol duties from malfunctioning hero attire.
The original plan of the day was to spend it in your apartment, watching movies with your bombastic hero of a boyfriend - Dynamight. Unfortunately, just like 9 out of 10 other times, he was called out on an emergency shift to cover for someone else.
Being the girlfriend of the number 6 hero wasn’t easy, especially because no one knew you two were even together.
The two of you attended UA High together in separate classes - Class A and Class H. You knew of one another, but never had a chance to talk outside of the occasional ‘hey.’ After graduating from UA, the two of you happen to be hired to the same agency in Tokyo as you were assigned to his support team. A few late night dinners, long phone calls, and plenty of flirty banter later, you started quietly dating the explosive hero. It’s been about two years and you’re happy as can be - secret or not. It wasn’t for any purpose other than to keep the media out of Bakugo’s personal life and focused on his hero career as it was common for the public to become judgmental and fans to get…protective, to say the least. The last thing you wanted to do was to risk his ranking or public image for the sake of labeling him as "taken."
"Oh god fuckin' dammit," Bakugo cursed as his phone rang on loop, vibrating to the edge of the coffee table. Removing his arm from your waist, he frustratingly snatched it from the table before the final ring. You caught a glimpse of the caller ID before he answered and left the couch.
Aww...we just started the movie, you thought, disappointed in the timing.
It was unavoidable, though, considering he was in the top 10 of the pro hero circuit in a record amount of time after graduating from UA. He was damn good at his job and worked his ass off to get where he is today. You're so proud of him and all he's accomplished, but that doesn't mean that you hate how often they pull him back into work on his days off. He hates it just as much as you do.
You overhear a bit of the conversation as he moved to the hallway to take the call.
"Dynamight, we need to you to assist..."
"Spare me the damn formalities and just tell me where the hell you're sending me."
"It's downtown, sector 24, you'll be going along side..."
That's all you heard before he was out of earshot.
You never held it against Bakugo whenever this would happen, it wasn't his fault at all, he had a job to do and he was needed - that's all it was.
He returned from the hallway, a scowl on his face as he plopped onto the cushion next to you. You already know what he's about to say.
"I'm sorry sweets, I gotta go back to work." He leans over and plants a soft kiss on your cheek. "What a fuckin' week. Been lookin' forward to finally sitting at home."
You frown as you squeeze his hand reassuringly. "It's okay, the world needs the great Dynamight."
Bakugo groans in defeat, leaving the couch to run for the door. He's about to put his shoes on and grab his keys before he pauses, dropping his boots in the entryway and skipping back over to the couch. He bends over the arm and sits awkwardly on it as he grabs your chin, turning your face to his. He places a kiss to your lips and it leaves you breathless, like always.
“Love you, sweetheart,” he purrs, finger brushing along the top of your cheek.
“Love you too, Kats,” you respond quietly as his hand leaves your cheek. “Be safe, text me when you head home.”
He grabs his keys and wallet from the entryway, shuffling through it and placing his credit card back onto the table.
"Leavin' my card for you to take, baby. Go buy somethin' pretty for yourself."
And just like that, he's out the door and on his way back to the agency for the fifth time this week.
Bakugo had a habit of not letting you pay for almost anything, no matter how much you protested against him - it was one of his ways of showing his love for you. He would often scold you for having somewhat of an overspending problem, but your motto was always “money comes back!” He’d roll his eyes and hand you his credit card, preferring to spoil you instead of letting you drag yourself into debt. You learned to stop refusing his offer to pay for things a few months into your relationship, knowing full well he'd never back down after he'd steal your card out of your hands or swap it for his when you weren't looking.
Might as well take him up on his offer and go shopping!
Strolling down one of the main streets of the fashion district, you pop into one of your favorite clothing boutiques to browse around. It's busy for a Sunday afternoon, but the crowds don't bother you. Whenever you came here, Bakugo would often wait a street or two over to avoid said crowds. He hated them, but never wanted to leave you alone, so he'd tag along in ways that made him comfortable.
You're flipping through a sales rack outside of the store when a sudden rumbling in the street catches your attention. An earthquake, maybe? A couple of people around you notice as well and stop what they’re doing to focus on the vibrations. A moment later, the street becomes riddled with panic as the entire crowd is rushing in the opposite direction.
Of course a villain would show up to ruin your shopping trip.
You always make sure for these type of scenarios that you keep a spare gadget in your bag for protection. Bakugo wasn’t satisfied with you carrying just a normal self defense weapon, so he helped (more so forced you to) craft a device that would allow you to “save your own quirk-less ass” if push came to shove. He knew how talented you were and dedicated to your craft, always thinking up new gadgets and drawing plans off the clock. He wanted to encourage you to create your own genius contraption rather than solely making things for the heroes around you.
Digging through your bag, you grab onto the make-shift object that resembles a pair of bracelets. You slip them on and push the buttons on the underside of each bangle - activating the mechanism inside. They cover your hands in a binding of metals that resemble armored gloves and crawl up your forearms and end at your elbows.
Time to see what these babies can do!
You laugh to yourself at the thought of calling your creations "babies." It fondly reminds you of Hatsume and how she would be ecstatic over her piles of support items she's constructed, constantly flailing around the support classroom with glee.
Your attention is roughly brought back to the villain landing a few stores away from you as a giant gust of wind forces remaining civilians out of his way. He's sporting a jetpack-like bag on his back, motorized arms poking out of it like a spider. He spots you out of the corner of his eye, immediately curious about your support gear.
"Oh? What do we have here?" He questions, gesturing in your direction. "Those look too high and mighty for a girl your size. Are you even a hero?"
You know he's trying to antagonize you and get under your skin, and unfortunately, it works. But if you can keep him distracted until a hero shows, he'll do less damage to the area and you can prevent unnecessary causalities.
"Who needs a hero when a 'normie' like me can kick your ass with my bare fists?" you instigate, praying that'll convince him to shift his full attention to you. It does, aggressively launching himself in your direction with his...spider legs?...and lands in front of you, bending over to level his eyes with yours.
"Those are some brave words for a bug like you."
You take a deep breath, steadying your stance before landing a swift right hook to his jaw, sending him soaring into the street. Your gloves make a soft hiss as they release the energy stored inside them.
Yes! God, that felt good. Is this how Kat feels?!
The villain clamors to his feet, seething with rage as he readjusts his set of translucent goggles.
"You little bitch!"
You brace yourself for impact by crossing the gloves in front of you, summoning a temporary energetic barrier to guard against his attack. The force sends you stumbling backwards, falling straight on your ass as you roll out of the way of a robot leg slamming down next to you.
Just keep moving, don't stop moving, remember what Kat taught you!
You're extremely thankful in this moment that Bakugo practically forced you to train with him. He was adamant on you having basic fighting ability - hand to hand combat, some karate, self-defense moves, and more importantly, staying in shape to outrun any villains. He didn't think you were incapable of handling yourself, he just wanted you to be able to kick some ass while doing it.
As you're zigzagging the villain, dozens of cameramen and reporters are flooding the scene, desperate to get the 'first look' on the details of the commotion. Your tunnel vision on the current threat in front of you keeps you busy, not noticing the massive media crowd forming around you on both ends of the street.
The villain jumps up, catching you off guard as he lands behind you, smacking you in the back with a robot arm with a loud thwap that sends you careening into a clothing rack on the street. A collective gasp is heard from the peanut gallery, clamoring over your safety for 'views.'
You may or may not have hit your head - unsure if you're dizzy from the fall or a potential concussion. Shaking yourself out of the haze, you scramble away from a follow-up attack from one of his mechanized tendrils.
"Aw, are you backing away from the fight you started?!" He taunts, arrogantly laughing at your defensive maneuvers.
In the distance, you begin to hear soft booms echo through the air, steadily growing in volume. You knew exactly who was rushing to the scene.
Oh buddy, now you're fucked.
You can't help the devilish smirk that crosses your lips, anticipating your hero boyfriend to show up and blow this guy into the pavement. In the interim, you have one final trick up your sleeve - literally - to give this guy a pre-beatdown of your own.
"Nah, just wearing you down so I can knock your ass out!" you boast, channeling your best "hero" speech.
With a few taps of your fingers on the metal gripping your forearms, the gloves begin to channel energy into the palms of your hands, lighting up with blue sparks as it charged. You needed an extra 15 seconds before they were ready to burst. The villain notices, swiping at your feet to knock you down before you can properly dodge. The breath is knocked from your lungs and leaves you gasping for air.
Boom, boom...boom!
You can tell Bakugo's almost here as the explosions get louder with each burst.
Just 5 more seconds...
"Yo, spider-freak!" Bakugo roars from atop a nearby building. "We can do this th' easy way or hard way. Your choice, jackass!"
He hasn't noticed you yet as your gloves begin to beep, signaling the charge is ready for use.
Perfect timing.
Getting to your feet is more of a struggle than anticipated as you're still recovering from the previous strike. Wobbling on jelly legs, you plant your feet solidly on the pavement to the best of your ability, bring your hands up in front of you and aim your palms at the villain. Your loud cackle catches Bakugo’s attention, sending a panic coursing through his veins as he finally sees you - shaking like a leaf with a grin on your face.
What the fuck is she doing?!
His train of thought is interrupted by your gloves firing off a massive burst of energy, hitting the villain square in the chest and slamming him into the ground, shattering his robotic accessories in the process.
Holy shit, those fuckers work after all.
Bakugo can't help but snort at your ballsy attempt to hold down the villain, feeling simultaneously proud and scared shitless that you'd put yourself in the middle of harms way for strangers - just like himself. He's blasting off the building and down to the street to wrap up what's left of this D-lister villain.
The blowback from the gloves, however, is way harder to handle than anticipated. As the gloves emit vapor and a sharp hissing noise, you're sent teetering backward, tumbling across the street until your body skids to a halt.
Everything fucking hurts.
But holy shit, that was exhilarating.
There's sirens in the distance while you lay there, signaling that they're more than likely surrounding the asshole and taking him into custody. You groan and grumble while sitting up, propping yourself up on your elbows as a loud thud lands at your feet.
You know the sound of those boots anywhere.
"Dynamight?" you feign, pretending to be distressed after the fight. "Oh, you showed up at the perfect -,"
He cuts you off with a sharp quip, his voice gruff with a playful tone. "Shut the fuck up."
Bakugo crouches down as he's grabbing your wrists and hoisting you up onto your feet. He holds onto you for a moment while you get your bearings, wobbling like a baby deer. Once you're steady, he pulls you flush to his body and cups your chin in his gloved hand. Before you can protest his movements, he swoops down and your lips meet.
He's kissing you.
In the middle of the street.
In front of every single press company in the city.
In public.
You squeak against his lips, putting your hands on his chest to create space between the two of you as you pull away. He's perplexed at your hesitation until the realization whips him back to reality.
"Fuck!" Bakugo snarled, a pink blush creeping up the back of his neck. He was too caught up in the moment with adoration over your bravery that he...forgot he was on duty.
Cameras and reporters are rushing over, shouting a million different questions at the two of you.
"Miss! Are you a hero, too? What's your name?"
"Are you Dynamight's side-kick?"
"Dynamight, you saved the city once again! Who is this young lady in relation to you?"
"Are you worried this will affect your reputation with your supporters?"
"God, the agency is gonna fuckin' hate me for this," he growls.
Oh no. You just inadvertently tainted his reputation. He might get demoted...if only you had just stayed home today.
Bakugo turns toward the thousands of camera flashes and video cameras, arm slung around your shoulder.
"This is y/n, she's a support engineer from my agency and saved your asses today," he says confidently. "And she's my girlfriend, so don't get any wrong ideas about it."
The mob of media personnel begin speaking all at once to Bakugo again, shouting question after question.
"How long have you two been together?"
"Is she in training to be a hero, too?"
"That device was impressive! How did you manufacture it?"
"Do you have a quirk?"
You're standing there, dumbfounded that Bakugo just openly admitted to your relationship on live TV and to news reporters. You can't help but flush red over the barrage of questions, not used to this kind of interrogation in your line of support work.
He sighs, shaking his head as he removes his arm from your shoulder and moving to hold your hand.
"Quit it the questions, we're leaving."
With that, he parts through the crowd with you following behind, crossing over to the other street before letting go of your hand.
"Katsuki...are you sure you’re okay with this?" you ask timidly, aware that you can't take back what he said.
"Idiot, I don't lie about things like that. Now I get to show off my perfect princess."
You say nothing in return, just quietly squeal and do a little happy dance.
Perfect princess.
"Let's get your stubborn ass to the medical team, you look like shit," he teases, poking you in the forehead. "And we should probably tone back the output on those gauntlets, that coulda killed somebody - or you."
You hum in acknowledgement and follow him down the street, heading back to the agency together.
think of the gloves as, like, ironman suit type gear? how you can just pop them on and use them as enhanced fighting gear. hehe, a cute little panic fluff is always fun. thanks much again to @queenpiranhadon for the prompt!! 💜
Divider by : @/saradika
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lavenderslabyrinth · 9 months
A Sacrificial Game
King!Dragon x Reader
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This is my first post since deciding to kick off this new account. It’s rewritten from an old story I had posted on here long ago once upon a time. I hope you enjoy~
CW: ♢ Mention of Near Drowning ♢ Blood/Injury ♢ Abduction ♢
The coos of morning doves and the gentle brushing of branches against your bedroom window were quickly drowned out by the boisterous laughter and squabbling of your many siblings. Your attempt at trying to drown them out via the trusty quilt-over-head technique was quickly plundered as they burst through your sacred doorway. With energy only children can manage to conjure from the depths of hell at 8 in the morning, they jostled you around roughly, stealing away the comforting warmth you'd had. Surely, you'd thought, this was an act of merciless torture. Your skin prickled with goosebumps and, irritably, you managed to croak out a yip. "Ow! Off!" Your anger did nothing more than make them giggle as they lightly bruised you with their rough play. "Lemme sleep, dammit! Off! Get off!" Taking evident joy out of your misery, the damn gremlins only gave you a round of smug looks. They did relent, however it was truthfully only to avoid your flailing swats at their heads. “Momma said we ain’t eatin’ breakfast till you get up. So get up lazy" A chorus of agreements and more jostling only drew a strong eye roll from you. But, nevertheless, you shooed them off and sat up, groggily rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
Normally they'd just eat without you, leaving the leftovers warmed in the oven to be picked at by whoever passed by, but today was a special occasion. It was your birthday. Normally birthdays were happy events full of gifts, smiles, and all things merry-making-- but this one was different. While the younger whelps scurried off to the old wooden table, none the wiser to the fate that you now had to face, a heavy weight hung over the heads of the adults in the house. The thickness of the air palpable as you stepped into the kitchen and saw the grim look on your mother's face.
The saying goes that a starving savage is less likely to ravage your home if you give it a single meal-- and such began the gruesome, superstitious tradition... Once a year, one unlucky village that bordered the human kingdom would be chosen to place the names of all it's unmarried, of-age residents into a box and perform a drawing. Whichever sorry soul was picked would be ripped away from their homes by the temple, never to be seen again. The nobility liked to call it one of the "highest of all honors" a commoner could receive. The common people? You call it human sacrifice.
At least, most of your people do. Despite that being so, the vast majority of the population feared the very notion of abandoning the ritual. Why? Because the entire purpose was to "sate the otherfolk's thirst for human blood." One sacrifice, one year free from their wrath.
Your skin crawled at the very idea of it all as you leant down, clumsy hands tying up the laces of your worn leather boots.
As a child, you believed every word that hung off of the elders' tongues down near the pub. The fascination and wonder of another terrifying world outside the kingdom's tall, stone walls ignited your naive little heart. But with age, it grew evident to you that they were no more than simple old widows and drunkards with nothing better to do with their remaining time than talk stories and scare little children with tall tales. How were you supposed to believe beasts, much less entire civilizations of them, would be satisfied by the blood of one person if they truly wanted to attack a meager village, much less an entire country? Who decided they even wanted that blood? It was an argument you’d tried to raise countless times with your village council only to have it shot down with a simple “Well the Chosen never return, do they?” It pissed you off to no end. It didn't even take two wrinkles in the brain to conclude that it was more likely the animals of the woods, the elements-- or worse, other humans that caused the sacrificed to meet their demise; but no point you made would ever change their stone cold hearts.
And as though your age wasn't enough to make this birthday sour, the drawing was to be held this evening. The irony of someone losing their life on the day of your birth was palpable. Taking your usual chair at the kitchen table, you noticed the way two of your brothers squabbled over the last roll. With spiteful retaliation, you plucked it from between them taking a slow, mocking bite right in front of their faces. Maybe next time they'd think twice before ganging up to practically assault you out of bed.
"(y/n)?" Your head snapped up to attention, meeting your father's gaze. "How are you feeling?" You swallowed the fluffy bread quickly shooting a quiet reply. "I'm alright. Would feel a little better if you guys would stop lookin at me like I'm headed to the gallows." The laugh you were awarded from him was dry, but it eased some of the tension in his weathered shoulders nonetheless.
"I suppose it is a bit stuffy in here for a birthday, huh?" Your mother piped up sheepishly, wiping her hands on the dishtowel that hung from a belt on her hip. "Say, why don't you go visit Alikar? Trade some of our tomatoes for a basket of peaches-- bring those back and I'll make a pie we can all have after the drawing, how does that sound?" The little heads in the room visibly perked at the idea of getting their grubby little paws on something sweet. It wasn't often you had the sugar for such things after all.
Dismissing the idea of having to attend the black box event, you gave her a gentle nod. "Sure, I can do that. Need anything else while I'm out?" You inquired, stuffing the rest of the bread into your mouth before your youngest brother could snatch it from your hand. "No, dear. Just finish your breakfast and we'll handle the rest."
After practically beating your siblings off the table with a stick to get your fill, you quickly washed up and plucked the basket from the floor. “I’m off!” You called, getting no discernible acknowledgement as the chaos in the house never ceased. No matter to you-- the pie would be well worth the trip ahead.
Uncle Alikar.
The man was a huge part of the reason you didn’t believe a lick of all that ‘savage otherfolk’ nonsense. As your feet scuffed along the well worn path, old memories bubbled up to the surface like froth from the babbling brook that ran beside you.
You were the eldest of your siblings which, consequently, meant that when you'd been a rumbling little runt there were no older kids to show you the ropes and your parents' first trial run at raising a whole little person. This always resulted in you tumbling headfirst into trouble, but one day it had gone a little too far. Your tiny body approached the ledge of the stream. The same edge you would use every summer to hunt tadpoles. But, unbeknownst to you, the soil that was far too saturated with yesterday's rain to hold your weight. Without warning, it crumbled beneath your little feet sending you hurtling down into the rushing waters below. The merciless current carried you faster downstream than your father could run and just when your little head was wrenched under the raging current, a large beast sprung into the water after you. Before you could even process what had happened, your little lungs were hacking up the water they're inhaled, the coughing doing little for the burn in your lungs.
At first it was all a blur, you could hear your parents shouting as well as another rumbling voice above you responding back to them. Your little legs dangling far above the ground as a muscular arm stayed firmly wrapped around your waist. Someone was... holding you? You blinked away the tears, looking up to be met with a mouth full of razor-like teeth, thick sopping wet fur, and bright, slitted eyes. Misunderstanding what was going on, you began to cry out in fear. You were absolutely terrified you were about to be eaten by the ravenous river monster your mother warned you about countless times in attempt to dissuade you from wandering near the water when they weren't watching you. Only when those large paws handed you off to your mother ever-so-gently did you begin to quiet back down "Are you alright now, sweetpea? Ol' Alikar didn't mean to spook ya. Poor thing." He was some kind of rakshasa or tabaxi, evident by the sopping tail that swayed in the water behind him and round, fluffy ears that tilted back with concern. Speaking of...
Your knuckles rapped against the wooden door, sending warm clunks into the cottage. It was a serene place far from the human village which was always surrounded by the sweet smells of fruit and scents of warm, freshly made bread. Not but a few seconds later the upper half of the door swung open and there, in all his striped glory, was Alikar himself. “There’s the birthday girl!” He greeted you, his smile full of sharp teeth. A sight that originally took some getting used to but was now synonymous with a second home. “Hey Uncle Al. Mama sent me down to get some peaches for a pie.” You raised your basket of tomatoes.
He only chuckled in reply. “Oh, I know, how else was I supposed to give you your gift?” His paw pushed the lower part of the door open, welcoming you inside-- the scent of herbs and butter wafting much stronger from within. Surprised, you could only follow dumbly after him at first, setting the basket down as you took a seat on his kitchen table.
“A gift? Since when do you have the extra funds to get me gifts?! Aren’t you saving for the wedding? What about--”
    “Would you hush, child?” He laughed, taking amusement in your fretting. “You’re still new to the whole womanhood thing, what do you know about adult troubles?” You gave a halfhearted growl at him but had no argument to fire back at him. Even though you'd been considered an adult in human standards for quite a few years, Alikar did have more experience than you in that department.
"You get onto me about my finances but I don't see you moving out of your parents' home yet." He teased, carefully unloading every piece of fruit from the wicker basket with care. "Don't bully me! I'm plenty experienced in other things!" You whined. Snatching one of the many apples he'd left unattended. The crisp sweetness did little to nurse your slightly bruised ego but the coolness of the juice as it dribbled down you chin quenched plenty other, more satisfying needs. "Yeah? And what would your area of foreign expertise be? Apple thieving?"
You glared at his back, cheeks tinting "No! Like conversation! And courting."
"Pah!" He scoffed, soft paws stacking the soft, pink fruit into a neat arrangement. "Much good your 'experience' has gotten you, I am the only one getting married here out of the two of us." Okay. Ouch. "And I converse plenty well, thank you very much!"
The afternoon passed with similar banter as you stuffed yourself with whatever fruits Alikar let you get your hands on. In the end he had given you a carefully carved wooden totem of your favorite animal, peaches, and sent you on your way. Whatever wood the little figure was made from gave a faint, sweet scent when wet with water. A bit ironic considering how you met all those years ago but you appreciated it nonetheless.
You had asked him if he’d have wanted to come and celebrate with you and your family but, regretfully, he had to decline. As charming and kind as he was, the path to your home was far too close to the village for his comfort and the idea of one of your acquaintances or friends coming to celebrate as well and reporting him sent the hairs on the back his neck straight upward. It was no secret the village wasn’t excited about strange, new creatures given the black box tradition, so it was doubtful Alikar would be in the public eye anytime soon, as unfortunate as that was…
   You didn’t realize how much time you’d wasted until the shadows began stretching longer, snuffing out much of whatever light the day had left for you. “Ah shit.” You mumbled. You'd definitely missed the drawing, and at this rate you wouldn't be able to eat sweets till the next morning. Speeding up from a mozy to a quick trot back up the hill was unpleasant to say the least, but damn if those thoughts of peach pie didn't motivated you to haul ass.
However, as you drew closer your eagerness was smothered.
Hunching down, you quickly used the cover of the thorny brush to peer out at the scene below-- The terrified cries of your siblings pierced through your chest.
“Where’s the girl?!” A man demanded, spear to your father’s throat and eyes unwavering as your mother pled, voice breaking with fear as her children clung to her skirts.
“Dunno what you’re talkin’ bout.” Your father replied curtly, looking the assailant back in the face with matching fury and anger. “I've only got sons.” The hair on the back of your neck stood up. Only once before, in your entire life, had you heard such a chilling tone come from that man. You'd been no older than 12 when a suitor equal to your mother in age offered to pay a hefty sum for your hand in marriage. The cruel chill in his voice as he sent the man away stuck with you-- but it didn't seem like this scenario would have the same outcome.
“Have it your way.”
A pit knotted itself in your breast as your family’s pleas turned to screaming cries, the spear cutting into you father's shoulder without mercy. Everything seemed to move so slowly after that...
First, you'd prayed he'd give in, relenting your location to the angry mob that surrounded him-- but your father stayed silent. That same fury in his eyes unwavering as he stayed on his feet.
Second, you though, maybe, the crowd would believe they'd truly made a mistake. Maybe a (y/n) didn't live in this village. Perhaps they'd been mistaken-- but that hope was quickly snuffed out as the spear-wielding man reeled the weapon back again, poised to strike.
You hadn't even known what you were doing as you pushed through the thorny brambles. Didn't even register as your fingers curled around a plump peach from your basket. And certainly didn't realize the strength you'd shot through your arm as you slung the fruit straight into the back of the man's head.
The hard impact followed by the splatter of sweet juices dripping down his neck was followed only by a second of silence.
Then two.
Then three.
All heads turning in your direction....
It was nothing more than instinct as you dropped the precious wicker basket your mother had weaved to the ground-- Alikar's carefully nurtured peaches bruising in the dirt. You shot back through the thorns. Dress skirt shredding, legs practically minced as you rushed through the uncaring wild.
Everything blurred.
Heart racing, the sound of shouting, the thundering of feet right on your tail. It was so much, too much-- too soon. There was no where else you could go. You didn't even know where you were going. Run. Run. RUN.
And run you did, even as your calves burned and blood dripped down your skin, you flew through the woods in a desperate flurry. It was fruitless though. Your wreckless abandon being brought to a halt with a blistering pain that shot through your ribs. The last thing you saw was the sight of the ground coming right at you, and then? Darkness.
I was going to wait till I finished part 2 to post this part but I'm too excited and part 2 is about halfway written anyway :) Stay tuned!
pt. 2
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pizzagame4000 · 6 months
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NOISETTE THEMED DOODLE DUMP ft. cheesecake and the spouses
copious hazel headcanons under the cut because i can’t help myself
first off: her name is Hazel 👍🏻 ik that’s a common one but it’s literally perfect… canon info to me
her favorite thing to do, besides making experimental food, is actually exercising! she’s an incredibly skilled acrobat and stunt artist, so she needs to be fit for that, but she also just enjoys letting the excess energy out bc she gets really cranky otherwise. she’s toned af and could wipe the floor with you - she doesn’t go around picking fights for no good reason, but if she did… heehee
she has such an unending well of passion for all of her interests that some find her to be too much but she dgaf… she’s unabashedly autistic and does NOT care if you don’t want to hear her infodump about obscure cheeseslime genetics, she will do it anyways
i like to think that, although she is very bubbly, she has an insane morbid streak that catches people off guard. she loves talking about anatomy and gross-out subjects to anyone who can stomach it, and cracks the most fucked up jokes - it’s one of the reasons her and noise get along so well. she is thinking about blood and guts because she thinks it’s interesting!!!! she will give you hyperspecific graphic threats of violence if you make her mad!!! teehee!!
i would put her at like… chaotic neutral but leaning towards good. she has an almost scientific fascination with violence and seeing what kinds of stress a body can take, and doesn’t mind watching shit unfold instead of helping… unless something actually super fucked up is going on (like way past canon typical pizza tower violence), she’s not going to bat for you lol she’s gonna grab a camera and clipboard
her interest in anatomy branches out into a love for biology, medicine and health in general - as much as she loves watching her boyfriend beat the shit out of some chump on live tv, she also loves studying how different creatures work and how to treat injuries. she almost became a doctor! but she didn’t like the rigid schedule and pressure, so she fostered her interest in dance and gymnastics, and went into television as a stunt double instead. that’s actually how she met noise! that’s why they look so much alike - she was told to inquire NTV for a job because of the resemblance. noise thought she was so cool she was asked to be his co-star instead, and they’ve been inseparable ever since.
sometimes she gets tired of the noisette persona, but she does genuinely like theo, so it’s hard. she’s been more busy with this NTV gig (that’s looking more like a full blown career) than she would like, so that’s why she opened her cafe - to do something else for once dammit!! she likes weird shit, food included!!!
i have two shipping scenarios i like, so consider these parallel universes - hazel x vigi, and hazel x vigi x noise
if you don’t like negative takes on the noise relationship i’d recommend skipping to 2 ^_^
1. her relationship with noise deteriorates bc noise can’t accept the fact that hazel doesn’t wanna be noisette all the time! they’re so busy, he barely even makes time for her anymore - he barely even tolerates her! it’s not until vigi comes into the picture that she realizes she doesn’t have to deal w that mess. but it sucks cuz noise isn’t just her bf, but also like!!! a big part of her career!!! and she does genuinely love him but he’s just!!! an uncommunicative ass!!! it culminates in hazel leaving him and crashing at vigi’s farm because fuck it, it’s her life she does what she wants. she will kiss the cheese AND rebuild her tv career, on her own terms this time baybee
2. noise and hazel still have that issue but they actually communicate like adults and fix their relationship problems, so none of that shit happens! happy ending! hazel has her own life and theo actually lets his gf know he loves her! woah! enter vigi, in: “we saw you across the bar and we really dig your vibe…” imagining vigi as a third to hazel and theo, completely out of his depth but too bisexual to care, is SO funny to me lol… like hazel and him are probably the only two together at first but over time he and theo warm up to each other more (gay intent) and it’s perfect
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pinkroseblooms · 8 months
Thank you thank you so much for taking my request! I wish there were more Bucchigiri fics out there. I love it so far! Matakara needs more love! And Shindo being a rival is perfect!
I'm glad you're enjoying it! Here's part 2! (ngl this might end up being a 4 or even 5 part story. I'm getting invested)
A Whole New World! An Unknown Admirer and an Unknown Enemy!
Matakara/f!Reader/Shindo, Pt.2
Summary: Your first day at Ichizu high has finally arrived! As you take the next step towards your long awaited fresh start, Matakara reflects on the past and looks forward toward a future with you and him, finally no longer separated. Meanwhile, Shindo is making plans of his own... wc: 2.6 a/n: There's a lot of references from Disney's version of Aladdin because of course there is. Enjoy!
“Arajin, you couldn’t have done worse if you had thrown the rock at her head.”
“It was supposed to be romantic! What do you know?” Arajin has half a mind to drop the book bag he had offered to carry for you. “It’s not like you have any experience.”
“I have common sense.” You retort lightly. “If you want to get anywhere with this Mahoro, you can’t ignore her feelings. Reign it in and don’t be so pushy.”
“Yeah, I know.” Arajin hangs his head, trudging alongside you; his frown only grows deeper as the school gates come into view. “Are you sure you don’t want to meet up for lunch?”
“What, you’re not eating with your girlfriend?”
“Ha ha.” Arajin hands over your bag, shouldering his own with a yawn. “Listen, keep a low profile, okay?” He scans the entrance gates with narrowed eyes. “It’s a mad house but you should be fine if you keep your head down and…keep close to Matakara.”
Your eyebrows raise in surprise. “Is that your way of giving us your blessing?”
“Ugh, stop! Look, if people know you’re cool with him, they’re not going to bother you.” 
“Maybe you ought to take your own advice; stop being such a big baby and start talking to him again.”
“Dammit, will you butt out?”
“I’m only saying, it’s obvious Macchan cares a lot about you. Can’t you just-?”
“Isn’t it bad enough we had to come back here?” Arajin cuts you off tersely. “The past is the past. Drop it.”
“Fine.” Your hand tightens around the strap of your book bag and you pointedly turn away to the Ichizu high’s doors. “I’m sorry I messed everything up for you. I didn’t ask to be here either, but I am and I’m going to make the best of it. If you ask me, the only one hung up on the past here is you.”
“Wait, I didn’t mean it like-”
“I’ll see you at home.”
You don’t give Arajin a chance to say anything else, opting to hurry off to your homeroom, wherever it was; the map Arajin had sketched out for you was still in your bag’s front pocket, but you didn’t want to do anything to slow down. You had to get away from him and the regretful look on your brother’s face. Even if he’s sorry, you can’t stand Arajin’s stubbornness; your nerves are rubbed raw and all you want to do is get through this day quickly. After the first day, surely you’ll feel more at ease being back in a classroom with other people. You don’t need your brother lecturing you to add to your anxieties. 
“Good morning!”
You flinch; you were hoping you wouldn’t run into Matakara before getting settled. As soon as you see him speed walking down the hall towards you, two unfamiliar boys trailing after him, all you can think about is how nice it would be to latch onto him and stick by his side for the remainder of the day.
“Good morning.” You wave and attempt a smile. “Hey, am I anywhere close to 2-C?”
“Sure, I’ll walk you.” Matakara skids to a halt in front of you, bright eyed and breathing a touch labored. “I can give you a tour later. These are my friends, Zabu Kakeru and Sakigake Komao, we’re all in the same class as Ara-chan.”
“I apologize in advance for any trouble my brother might cause.” You tell them with a sheepish smile. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Yo.” Zabu regards you curiously. “You’re that shrimp’s sister?”
“Huh, I was expecting you to look prettier.” Sakigake looks you up and down. “Matakara wouldn’t shut up about you all week, so I kinda assumed you’d be a supermodel or something.”
“Hey, knock it off!” Matakara looks at you with a shaky smile. “He’s kidding, really, I was just telling them how we went way back and, er, you know, I was excited we’d finally be going to the same school.”
“You already seem less annoying than Shorty.” Zabu smirks at you from over Matakara’s shoulder. “Where is the brat anyway?”
“I told my brother dearest I could find my own way to my homeroom. He’s probably already in his class now.” You unzip your bag’s front pocket and take out a folded up piece of notebook paper. “I’m guessing he didn’t make the best impression.”
“Aw, don’t listen to Zabu, he skipped breakfast.” Matakara sidles up to you, looking over your arm to scan the crudely drawn map. “Did Ara-chan make this?”
“You can tell?” You’re a bit impressed. “I guess it looks pretty similar to those old treasure maps he’d make up. See?” You move in closer to show Matakara the place Arajin had marked your classroom with a big, bold ‘x’. “X marks the spot.”
“Thi-this looks about right, but it only shows you how to get to your homeroom.” Matakara moves back a few steps. “Why don’t you let us show you around?”
“Us?” Sakigake grins, bouncing on the balls of his feet. “Sweet, now we have a reason to cut class!”
“Since when do we need a reason?” Zabu snorts. “I wouldn’t mind ditching the first period.”
“Um, I really shouldn’t.” You speak up carefully. “I don’t know if Macchan told you, but I’m a bit easily winded. I wouldn’t want to slow you guys down and I really should stick to my schedule.”
“Lame.” Sakigake pouts. “Matakara said you were cool.”
“He did?” You eye your old friend with a half smile. “Sorry to disappoint you, but believe me, he’s exaggerating.”
“We could give you a tour during lunch.” Matakara offers, face flushing slightly. “I was hoping we could all hang out, maybe do something after school? You said if we ever attended the same school we’d do stuff together, like get lunch or study and all that…”
“I did?”
Matakara nods quickly. “You pinky swore.”
“Well, I can’t break a pinky promise.” You’re beaming; somehow, he always knows just what to say to get you back in good spirits and you feel like you’ve gotten your second wind. “Alright, I’ll drop by your homeroom for lunch period, but if you change your mind and just want to be with your buddies-”
“Not a chance; I want you to get the whole high school experience! We’re all going to grab food at the cafeteria and picnic on the rooftop, you’ll see, it’s gonna be a lot of fun.”
You don’t need convincing. “I’m looking forward to it. I’ll see you at lunch then.”
“Awesome.” Matakara grins. “No take backs, okay?”
You make your way to your homeroom, waving over your shoulder at the three boys; when you turn the corner, Zabu and Sakigake glance at one another as Matakara stands there, hand still waving despite you not being in his line of sight any longer. The expression on his face is similar to one might make if they were beat silly over the head a dozen times with a sack of bricks. 
“Why do I feel like we’re gonna be third and fourth wheels?” Sakigake leans over to whisper in Zabu’s ear. “Cause I won’t be able to keep my lunch down if those two start going at it at his desk.”
“Sorry guys; you don’t mind me volunteering you for the tour, do you?” Matakara finally regains some semblance of awareness and smiles at the two boys bashfully. “She’s putting on a brave face, but I know she’s feeling nervous being here.”
“It’s fine.” Zabu shrugs. “Are you sure she’d want to hang around with us though?”
“Huh? Of course.” Matakara says simply. “You guys are awesome”
“Cut the crap.” Zabu crosses his arms, but he can’t contain a small smile. 
“Zabu, Sakigake, I really would appreciate you guys helping me make her feel welcome here.” Matakara grins softly. “I guess I’m hoping if anything happens, you two will have her back like how we look out for each other. I’d like that.”
“Alright, alright, we gotcha.” Sakigake thumps Matakara on the back between his shoulder blades. “Let’s see how things go; you know, she might end up making friends in her class though?”
“Oh, right.” Matakara hadn’t really thought of that. “I guess. But until then, I want to do as much as I can to help her until she’s settled. She’s a really good person, you’ll see when you get to know her a bit.”
Matakara remembers you were all but bedridden and barely able to walk past your own front yard for most of the time he knew you; if he wanted to see you, he would have to go to your bedside or sit with you in the backyard where Yayako had planted you a small plot of veggies to help keep you occupied. You spent a good amount of time there, trying to soak in the sun and the fresh air, a book in your lap and Matakara glued to your side, following along or listening to you read aloud. You never failed to ask him how he was doing, how his brother was, ushering him to take home any of the vegetables you spent so much time tending to with the little strength you could muster to do so. You, who seemed so small and frail in spite of being a head taller than Matakara and with a much thicker skin, had no shortage of time or energy for him to come to you for advice or to wipe away his tears. Back in those days, he admired Arajin, borderline idolized him, but you were something else entirely in Matakara’s eyes. 
When you moved away, Matakara cried until his eyes were raw and his stomach ached and then he cried some more. Now you’re here, finally able to be out and about like you always wished you could do and attending Ichizu with him. It’s like a dream come true; Matakara could hardly contain his own joy when your somber expression brightened at his offer to meet up. He’s essentially bound now to make sure you enjoy yourself at Ichizu high. Even at this moment as he listens to Zabu and Sakigake go over what they should do after school ends, Matakara wants to rush out to your classroom and take a seat at your side and stay there for the rest of the day. Really, how can he do anything else when you give him such a blindingly gorgeous smile? A smile like that should be protected at any cost; Matakara is almost ashamed at how eager he is for you to turn to him for support the moment you feel any discomfort or unease with your new surroundings. 
“I should be wishing her good luck and for her to make a lot of new friends.” Matakara slumps at his desk, hardly conscious of the rest of the world around him. Not even Arajin’s cold shoulder in response to his morning greeting phased him, at least not as much as it would have before your arrival. “I thought I was over being so childish. I’ll have to be careful not to get too clingy; we’re not little kids anymore and it’s not as if I can keep her all to myself.”
Matakara buries his face into his arms; he can feel his cheeks burning. In spite of admonshing himself for getting carried away, he simply can't force you out of his head. It doesn’t help that you somehow managed to become even cuter over the span of five years. No, scratch that: cute doesn’t cut it. The sensation of you leaning in slightly to show him the hand drawn map had nearly caused Matakara to freeze up just from the feeling of your shoulder pressing against his.
“So pretty. I remember her being cute but now? I mean, seriously…she has those eyes and that hair and…that smile...” 
Matakara exhales; imagining your warm, gentle smile alone is making him lightheaded. All those times Matakara spent leaning on you, head on your shoulder, so brazenly nuzzled against your side and he had nearly done so again out of habit or perhaps instinct only minutes before.
“She smells nice too. I still wish we had the same homeroom. If I asked, maybe she would read to me again and let me hold her.” Matakara presses his face harder into his arms, pretending he has you in them, your own arms wrapped around his neck, his mind somehow hearing your voice low and soft in his ear. “Wanted to hold her so bad…she’s so pretty and smells so good."
“Matakara Asamine?”
“Asamine-san, wake up, roll call.” 
There’s a tap on Matakara’s shoulder from the student seated behind him and he raises his head; everyone is staring at him. Had he been asleep? How many times had the teacher said his name? Even Arajin is turned in his seat, looking his way but turns his head immediately when they make eye contact. After a moment, Matakara finds his voice to call out a hasty response.
The teacher goes ahead with the next name and even though no one dares laugh at him, Matakara is self conscious anyway. He knew it would be hard to keep himself in check around you, especially considering how long he had spent hoping to see you again one day, but Matakara had no idea exactly how hard it would hit him. If anything, his feelings for you have only gotten more intense. 
“I’ve decided…I’ll do everything I can to make her wish come true. We’ll make a whole new world, one where she can do anything she wants with nothing holding her back. I can’t believe this is actually happening; she’s here and we can be together again.”
Matakara smiles to himself as he idly flips through his workbook, not really seeing the words and having absolutely no idea what page he’s meant to be reading; he’s already counting down to when the clock strikes half past noon, despite the morning having barely started.
“Arajin Tomoshibi’s sister? I see.” 
Shindo leans back against the couch; the information he had a few of his underlings gather on you isn’t much, but it’s enough to satisfy his curiosity. The file, if it can be called that, is one sheet of basic information with a couple of photographs attached. One is of you from that morning, walking with Arajin on your way to Ishizu. The second photo is one of you taken of you watering some potted plants and a planter of herbs outside your family’s restaurant; you look a bit tired, frowning slightly as though disappointed with the progress of the herbs growing on the windowsill. You hold the small watering can, tipped downward, hand on one hip and lips pursed in a way that makes Shindo recall the face you had made when you left him standing in the aisle of the bookstore. A scarf is tied around your head and the apron draped over your body is stained. Not the most flattering angle or ensemble for a surprise photograph. 
And yet, Shindo continues to stare down at the picture, held between his slender fingers; he turns it over and around, eyes scanning every detail. It’s as if he’s searching for something, but it’s not like there’s anything to gain from gazing upon your discontented pout.
“How dull a life she must lead: in and out of doctor’s offices and hospital rooms and when she’s well enough to be released, all she can do is pitter patter the hours away with books and plants. It explains her misconduct; names or not, she wouldn’t have the first clue of who I was, too ignorant to realize how easy it would have been to discipline her for being so mouthy.”
Shindo considers the photograph with a chuckle; his pinky traces your lips with a feather light touch. Such an unattractive expression; he’ll make sure to obtain a photograph with you looking more presentable. 
“Poor little bunny, trapped in a burrow for so long. I know how to bring a little excitement into your life.”
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breezybeej · 3 months
The Verity by Colleen Hoover Post
I want to put some of my highlights and notes here so I can reference them without needing the images on my phone. Warning: this book sucks and you will see some really stupid and weird shit in here.
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This is the description of blood splashing on Lowen (the main character) after she witnessed a man get run over. I've seen some car accidents. I don't think it's very common at all for someone's head to pop like a water balloon in these circumstances.
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What is cryptic here? He (Jeremy, the romance option) has seen worse than a man getting run over. I think it's pretty straight forward, babe.
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This is from Verity (jeremy's wife, a comatose woman). Most of her stuff should be taken with a grain of salt for plot reasons but some of these are so ridiculous on their face that you can't really save them
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Licking someone's thumb like a postage stamp is just so FUCKing SExy
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I cared, I heard, and I minded. Please don't talk about getting fingered at steak 'n shake
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Meeting Jeremy makes you want to jump off a cliff????? Well, to be fair, me too, girl
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Why is this how you describe it, Lowen. You are reading her autobiography but you are thinking about her underwear.
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Okay, I love this one because there's a lot happening. 1. He walks backwards A LOT in the first half of this book and I don't know why. 2. He was on his way to the kitchen to heat up leftovers but they were already done when they arrived? 3. He pulls out a plate of pizza. So in one very short paragraph we have pizza said three times. I think this book wasn't carefully edited.
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So what does that mean. If someone has a plate of peas and they do this, I imagine them poking and prodding and scooping but pizza? Is he like... picking it up and putting it down? Sliding it around the plate?
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It's just SO weird to go with your wife to her first pregnancy appointment for the baby you squirted into her, isn't it.
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So this is again Verity writing from opposite land but like. They very much do have sex constantly so does she feel this way or not.
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This one really bugs me just because she flubbed the parallel structure on "with a broken wrist" and "covered in blood" like the reason we have mechanics for parallel structure is that the sentences feel clunky without it.
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I lost count, I didn't highlight every one, but I think this is in the book at least 10 times. Colleen does NOT trust you to remember this.
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Lowen, why is this a dammit. Why is that messed up. What.
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Just like Layla in the other book, Layla, Lowen is a girl who knows how to eat and she's quirky for eating tacos
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So why didn't she just list the vegetables. It would be faster. "He grabbed cilantro and onions." or "He grabbed onions and peppers." Like... Colleen, you live in texas and you write about tacos in your books more than once.
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People hate me for suggesting Lowen is bi but..... i mean.... she was diggin through Verity's drawers too, you remember.
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Why did anyone let her say epic burn in a book. Why does she use epic again moments later.
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Ope, I got this one though.
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Thankfully Verity has two breasts.
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That's how I felt reading this book. You DO get a feeling that Colleen partially wrote this to call out her haters.
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Don't say that
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Here's another line that gets repeated like 6 times. I don't even know why. It doesn't play into the plot or the themes really.
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God isn't that insane. Who does that. Also this is Verity Opposite land so... does she wear lingerie often?
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Babe. What.
Someone pointed out that license picture are usually the worst pictures of you possible. That makes this so much funnier imo
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When you say "He groans" as a single clause, it makes it sound like he's disappointed. "Ugh, babe you forgot your bra AGAIN?"
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distort-opia · 3 months
hey tort, what you didn't like about Batman caped crusader new design? And apparently with what I seen of the news, Joker was left out of this one hahaha
Mm, well... there's some stuff I like the sound of:
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"A cold, remorseless avenger of evil, seemingly more machine than man." It's funny to me he's talking about this as if it's that new of a take, Bruce has been weaponizing Alfred and Alfred's been enabling him in the comics for a while. But I am excited about an intentional approach to Bruce as a dark spooky offputting freak. Timm has been talking elsewhere about how he wants to depict a Bruce who's not very heroic and much darker, who's wearing a "person suit" over his true self which is Batman, and I think that could be quite interesting.
Meanwhile, Harley Quinn is now a serious psychiatrist who only fakes being bubbly... and actually a serial killer going after the rich of Gotham? The more you read about the changes, the more she's just a whole ass new character. I do get wanting to reinterpret things or bringing novel elements, but going "let's make everything about her the opposite" doesn't really land you in the realm of interpretation. Harley now sounds like a new person, with the only things in common she has with actual Harley Quinn being the name, profession and the harlequin-themed suit... which isn't even red, black and white.
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And well. While the description of Selina isn't too flattering, I can't say she hasn't been depicted this way before. I just don't really like it:
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Making her a rich person who's stealing because she wants to keep being rich... [sigh] I prefer the Selina who grew up impoverished, and who's got much more complex motivations to her being Catwoman.
Alas, Harley might be hard to recognize, but then there's Harvey:
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The "let's take character traits and turn them opposite" approach strikes again! And once more, it makes the character very different, because Harvey being disfigured by acid after trying so hard to be good and save Gotham, and the disfigurement bringing Two-Face to the surface... it's such a core tenet of him.
I know some people might prefer these extreme changes over how the original characters were written, or even argue that they've gone through so many different origins and versions-- this is just another one of those. And I agree that this is just how things go, when a story that's almost a century old gets readapted, again and again. But well, especially when it comes to Harley and Harvey, I personally feel that if you're changing the core traits so much... at least don't call them by the same name, dammit. I'd feel similarly if they made a show about Batman and then went "oh we put a whole new spin on him by making everything the opposite!" and you find out he doesn't give a shit about his parents' murder and he kills people.
But who knows! The show isn't out yet. Maybe it'll be super well written, or these things have been blown out of proportion in interviews, and so on. We can only really tell once the show is out, so I'm waiting until then to truly form an opinion. And to be honest, I'm not that upset they left out Joker; DC has been overusing him for a while, and Joker fatigue is sadly not that hard to understand. Plus, keeping in mind all these major changes... they'd probably give us a Joker we can barely recognize, too.
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snowdropluck204 · 1 year
How They React to Their SO Getting Stalked - BNHA (pt 3) - LOV
This is part three of the stalking headcanons, the League of Villains version! Shigaraki won't be in this chapter as I have already done his headcanon in a previous part! This was requested by @supernatural-hunter1! If anyone has any requests or ideas, please send them to me and I will get to them as soon as I can! Xxx __________________________________
I feel like Kurogiri would probably find out without you telling him, and rather than flying off the handle and using brute force, he would begin psychological warfare!
~ You had been quiet for weeks, Kurogiri began to get progressively more and more worried, you had never hidden anything from him, so something must be wrong. ~ You were meek and timid, not your usual bubbly self around him. As much as he hated the idea of violating your privacy, he needed to know what was happened. ~ He felt that if you were hiding something from him, he had the right to know. He was slightly paranoid that you were planning on breaking up with him, if you were, he didn't want to be surprised at the bombshell. ~ Searching your room while you were out did make him feel immensely guilty, but he knew something was wrong. ~ As he searched through your bedside dresser, he was shocked, you definitely weren't planning on breaking up with him, instead he found dozens of handwritten notes, if 'handwritten' was the right word. ~ The letters got increasingly scrawled, the words becoming more and more angry, the messages more perverted. ~ The letters started sweet, talking about your beauty and brains, compliment after compliment. But then, when the writer of the letters realised you weren't responding and throwing out their letters, they got vicious. ~ "I know you've read my letters, respond dammit! We were meant to be together! Don't make me force you!" ~ Kurogiri crumpled the letters in his hand, his anger rising quickly. ~ This was a chess match, and he was going to win. ~ Thus the match started, Kurogiri followed your stalker, changing things around and making them feel like they'd lost their mind. Eventually, Kurogiri decided to make an appearance. ~ Showing up behind the stalker, he grabbed him by the throat and pressed him against the wall, "I am only going to say this once, you stay away from my (y/n), unless you want your worthless, insignificant life to end in the most unfortunate way..." ~ Kurogiri growled, dropping the stalker and watching with a sly smirk as they ran, turning around, his smirk dropped seeing you standing there, a small smile on your lips as you giggled and walked off, Kurogiri hurrying to catch up with you.
Everyone knows, Dabi is the 'punch now, ask questions later' sort of guy... He would burst in, quirk a-blazing (haha jokes) and demolish anyone he dares to hurt his sweetheart...
~ Dabi was there when you received the first note from the stalker, it wasn't all that bad, just a touch creepy. ~ Naturally, the first thing Dabi wanted was to hunt this guy (or girl) down and make them pay... But you insisted that it was probably a one time thing and they would back off. ~ Unfortunately, you were wrong, the notes only increased, eventually leading to you receiving pictures of yourself, not in any compromising scenarios, thankfully, but someone was still following you. ~ Following you to the store, to the library, to work and back to your home. ~ Dabi had had enough, and he was going to show this creep a thing or two! ~ It was no secret that the villain known as 'Dabi' had taken a shine to someone, the villain's sweetheart was a common news story, but nobody knew who it was... Until now. ~ Following the guy who was, in turn, following you from a safe distance, Dabi moved in for the kill. ~ Sneaking up behind the creep, Dabi covered his mouth with his hand, making sure to use a painfully strong grip, dragging him away from you and towards his car, letting his hands smoulder and burn the stalker's flesh if he tried to make any sounds or sudden movements. ~ Bundling him into his car, Dabi drove the stranger out into the middle of nowhere. ~ Letting him out of the car, Dabi had a twisted grin on his face as the man began to run, knowing he wouldn't get far. ~ Blue flames lit up his face as he followed in pursuit. ~ This was gonna be fun, all for his darling. ~ (And a bit for himself, let's be honest.)
Honestly, I feel like Toga wouldn't do much to help in the case of the stalker, if anything she would take notes! She loves you, don't get me wrong, and she intends on giving this creep the world of hurt, but she has her own agenda!
~ You sat in disbelief, watching as your girlfriend had a jaunty conversation with the person who had been stalking and harassing you for the last month or so. ~ You weren't too worried about this weirdo (the stalker, not your girlfriend), they seemed relatively harmless, you were surrounded by a group of notorious criminals after all... ~ What you were worried about, was the fact that your girlfriend seemed to be trying to make friends with your stalker... ~ "Look at how many pictures you've got of (y/n)! They're so cute aren't they!? How did you get such a good image from outside their work? I've been trying for ages! They come out all fuzzy!" ~ You sat shaking your head and pinching the bridge of your nose, Dabi was stood behind you, watching the scene in amusement, Shigaraki was just annoyed and Kurogiri was ignoring us all, as usual. ~ "Would you let me pick your brain? Obviously I don't want the most recent advice, I mean... You did get caught... But anything else would be great!" ~ Unfortunately for the creep. ~ Only Himiko was allowed to stalk you! ~ She would up draining the stalker of their blood, it wound up being quite useful, she was able to follow around the Class 1-A students without them being suspicious and even managed to frame the guy for a bunch of crimes before they found his body!
Hopefully this was okay! This was all I could come up with honestly, but I hope you guys liked it! Xxx
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kay-elle-cee · 11 months
Hey. Congrats on your milestone. You are an amazing writer who contributes soo much to this fandom and I'm so glad you are a part of it. Could you do some hcs on I'll be fine, I'll be good. I love the happy ending and interpret J and L to have a good and healthy relationship, but how are they as an established couple? What is her relationship with Sirius and Remus like? What difference is dating and marriage compared to Gryffindor!Lily ? Love to see your takes on these
Oh my goodness, Anon, thank you so much for these kind words 🥺
And I am HAPPY to give hcs for i'll be fine, i'll be good! I've spent a lot of time thinking about Them.
(this got out of hand so I'm putting it below a cut)
Follower Milestone Celebration
I think in the beginning, there's a lot of late nights spent talking (at Lily's apartment, because the guys- especially Sirius- are still a little wary of this whole thing). I imagine these nights remind them of that first night they spent together in 7th year, after Christmas holidays when James told her about Fleamont and they just shared the history of themselves with each other. They catch each other up on the intervening two years and really open up to each other in a way they didn't when they were younger. They work on really understanding one another and trying to be as transparent as possible (which is hard for Lily, but dammit, she won't lose him again).
Their relationship definitely isn't a secret this time, not with that display after the raid in chapter 6, and people respond to this differently. It raises some eyebrows with the majority of the Order, but no one makes any sort of snide comments.
Sam is honestly their number one cheerleader, always talking about how gross they are but also shoving them together whenever there's a chance. She really clued in to Lily's loneliness when they met and is just really excited that she seems to be happy and that James just adores her.
Remus extends the hand to Lily first, of the boys. Inviting her to the bookstore on her lunch break, inviting her to tag along to things with the group of them, etc. Remus, more than the others, knows about self-hatred and self-persecution, and sees that as a commonality between them, so it's easier for him to understand why she did what she did back in Hogwarts.
Peter likes Lily, but doesn't really talk to her too much unless it's just the two of them, or maybe Lily and James and Peter. He's afraid of rocking the boat, and that boat is Sirius' temper. He doesn't really publicly interact with Lily until Sirius comes around.
Because of COURSE it takes Sirius the longest to come around. Yes they had some progress over the course of that final chapter of ibfibg but I don't think Sirius is one to just forgive and forget, and Lily and James both know this so they don't push it. There's no walking on eggshells around him or downplaying their relationship, but there's also no eyerolling "get over it/get used to it" exasperation, etc. Lily just becomes more of a fixture in their lives and Sirius accepts it but doesn't necessarily embrace it.
Until a few months into their relationship when James comes back hurt from a mission and she spends all night at Headquarters working to heal him. It takes a few hours to get James stable and when she does, Sirius brings her a cup of tea (the way she likes it, which he's apparently picked up on) without saying a word. They sit in mostly silence, watching James breathe, until Sirius starts asking the impatient questions of 'how did this happen, how long until he wakes up, is there anything to make the healing faster' etc and a very tired, very frazzled Lily snaps at him and they go back to sitting in silence.
A couple of hours after that when James gets the clearance to return to their flat, Sirius hoists him up (still very groggy) and begins to walk out. He looks back expectantly to where Lily is sitting with her head in her hands and asks "You coming, Evans?" and then it's more or less smooth sailing for them there. There's lots of verbal sparring between the two, but any animosity is more or less gone.
As mentioned above, communication is crucial to their relationship. And they do have their arguments—times where they don't really see eye-to-eye on things—but there's a love there that's been through hell and back that withstands it all.
I'm very firm in my belief that they wouldn't rush to get married. I think being in Slytherin and being very close to that pureblood zealously would really scare Lily at her core. Seven years of being surrounded by the "diluting the bloodline" shit, along with all the accompanying hate and anger, would stay with her, even though she knows it's all a lie (not to mention the fucking war they're literally in the middle of).
I think this would be one of their reoccurring arguments—James would press the issue, talk about how much he wants to marry her and she'd say things like "Isn't this enough?" or "I'm not going anywhere, I promise," and probably rejects at least one proposal before something* happens and they tie the knot.
*It's Harry. They accidentally get pregnant with Harry and the joy she feels overwhelms the terror of everything that had been subconsciously beaten into her and it's not a long engagement because James is so fucking ecstatic that it's happening it just happens. (And then I think Lily swings hard in the opposite direction and starts flaunting the fact that she's pregnant and married into the Potter line. Not like, in battle or anything, but when they go out to Diagon Alley, etc, she lets that bump be KNOWN).
And I can't in good conscious let this Harry be the subject of a prophecy so he's NOT.
*takes a deep breath* Sorry, that was a lot 😅 Hope you enjoyed, though, and thank you again so much for your lovely words!
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pesterloglog · 4 months
Jake English, Dirk Strider
Page 633-636
JAKE: Fuck!!!
JAKE: Why did she have to go and build a moon laser!!!
JAKE: Why did she have to go and
JAKE: And SAY all that!!!
DIRK: It's not over.
DIRK: That moon laser doesn't mean shit.
JAKE: ...if theres no one to press the button?
DIRK: Boom.
DIRK: Or, you know.
DIRK: No boom.
JAKE: Her guard is down...
DIRK: And you have a gun.
JAKE: I have TWO guns.
DIRK: Let's be real, this wouldn't even be the first time you've thought of it.
JAKE: Its... an option.
DIRK: You help her win the battle.
DIRK: Avoid baptizing the Earth with laser-fire.
DIRK: And she uses The Point, and the world doesn't end.
DIRK: Probably.
DIRK: Who the fuck knows.
JAKE: What should i do?
DIRK: I'm not gonna tell you.
JAKE: I already know youll want me to do whats heroic.
JAKE: But you wouldnt want me to kill jane either.
JAKE: Would you?
DIRK: Stop staring at me like I'm gonna tongue-kiss the answer into you, dude.
DIRK: You know what you need to do.
JAKE: But jane was right about me!
JAKE: I cant be trusted.
JAKE: I dont even like 99% of people.
DIRK: Then do it for one person.
DIRK: Aren't you tired of spreading yourself thin trying to believe in everything?
DIRK: Because it's looking pretty fuckin' likely that the future where Tavvy is happy and the future where Jane is alive don't coincide.
DIRK: You have to kill one for the other to survive.
JAKE: It sounds like youre gunning for her.
DIRK: It sounds like *you're* gunning for her.
DIRK: Say what you will about Dirk, but he always wanted you to be your best self.
DIRK: He pushed you hoping if he did it hard enough, you'd push back.
DIRK: That's a far cry from whatever neutered domestic purgatory Jane's offering you.
DIRK: Wasn't it nice to be believed in, man?
JAKE: Ugh.
JAKE: Can i make an honest query?
JAKE: Did i really kill him?
JAKE: I did, didnt i?
DIRK: Common sense says no.
JAKE: Cant you swing that one by your esoteric telepathic dirk connection?
DIRK: That's a tricky fuckin' wicket, man.
JAKE: Its "sticky wicket".
DIRK: It's nothing, because that's a stupid fucking phrase cooked up by fake people about a fake sport from a dead planet.
DIRK: Anyway, it's tricky because there's not really all that much of anything left of the big man.
DIRK: Not here, anyway.
JAKE: Oh, baloney!
JAKE: Thats not how this works. Youre the supernatural tsaheylu of our combined "steezes".
JAKE: This isnt my first ride in the rodeo, mister, I KNOW THE RHYTHM OF THIS BUCKING BRONCO.
DIRK: I'm sorry.
DIRK: He's gone, dude.
DIRK: Yeah.
DIRK: Get it all out, man.
DIRK: I know a crisp glass of personal culpability isn't what you ordered, but hey.
DIRK: It's better than relapsing.
JAKE: Im drunk right now.
DIRK: And that sucks, buddy.
DIRK: But I'm talking about the big show of "everything's fine now" kitchen table red undie dirty dancing you did.
JAKE: Oh, i forgot about that.
DIRK: You fuckin' wish you did.
DIRK: It'd be the only reasonable excuse you'd have for nipping this uncomfortable epiphany in the bud so you could slink back to following orders from Dirk.
JAKE: ...
JAKE: Gods hooks, i backflipped right into my old ways!
DIRK: Don't beat yourself up about it. It's a running theme with literally everybody we know.
DIRK: You all get caught up in these feeling jams, hugging it out in self-realizational bliss.
DIRK: Then, bam.
DIRK: Premature ejaculation.
DIRK: That passionate growth grind ends before it builds to anything actually satisfying.
JAKE: :(
JAKE: Are you saying i need to be red undies jake again?
DIRK: Absolutely the fuck not.
DIRK: Hands off the belt, buddy. You've graduated.
DIRK: You're fully dressed Jake now.
DIRK: Sitting on the sticky floor of a custodial closet, hidden away from anything certain and good in this world.
DIRK: Alone.
JAKE: This is scary! I dont like this.
DIRK: Fuck yeah it is. This is sweaty, achey, burning transformation, brother.
JAKE: I want to go back! I want to be the other guy again.
DIRK: You can't be the other guy anymore, Jake.
DIRK: We're sending him upstate to live on a beautiful farm, where they're gonna immediately drag him out back and put him out of his fucking misery.
DIRK: Remember when you told Egbert you wanted someone to hold you accountable?
DIRK: Well.
JAKE: Nooooooo.
DIRK: "Here's Johnny!"
JAKE: Oh...
JAKE: *sniff*
JAKE: Oh, dirk...
JAKE: Cripes, if there really is no magical component to all of this,
JAKE: if youre really gone,
JAKE: then i am simply a forty year old man... being led by the nose... by an imaginary friend.
JAKE: That is not cute.
DIRK: It's kind of cute.
JAKE: Its mental illness!
DIRK: It can be both.
DIRK: Look.
DIRK: What you need to do is stop sobbing into your own fucking arms and make a decision.
DIRK: Spying for the rebellion, running away... these were steps in the right direction, but they also had, y'know.
JAKE: Plausible deniability.
DIRK: They were deflections.
DIRK: And at the end of the day, that's what choosing Jane would be, too.
JAKE: Its odd, but...
JAKE: Shucks, i dont want to cut her down right before she makes this big turnaround.
JAKE: If shed decided to keep her promise...
JAKE: thatd be bitter fucking berries to live with.
DIRK: But?
JAKE: But she probably wont change, will she?
DIRK: Why in the fuck would she?
DIRK: She'll have won.
JAKE: But... i dont think she was meant to be this way. Do you?
DIRK: Like, was she born to be a wildly racist dictatorial cake boss?
JAKE: Ok, when you put it that way it sounds a bit bonkers.
JAKE: What i mean is...
JAKE: Take me, for example.
JAKE: I know its not my fault janey got a bit rough and tumble with our relationship. That fundamentally, i didnt deserve it.
JAKE: But that doesnt exactly make me a mensch by default, does it?
JAKE: In fact i worry there might be more of me thats, well... inherently bad than not.
JAKE: And thats why everything tends to get so furiously fucked all the time!
JAKE: Everyone is waiting around for this better version of me to pop up, but thats never going to happen.
JAKE: Because if it did, it wouldn't be me anymore.
DIRK: So, are you trapped being Mr. Pissy Pantyloos Loser Man no matter what?
JAKE: Sort of.
JAKE: What do you think?
DIRK: I don't know.
DIRK: Maybe?
JAKE: Oh...
DIRK: Who even gives a fuck?
DIRK: This is some big philosophical philandering you're trying out, and we didn't even finish elementary school.
DIRK: The best we've got to work with is whatever you gleaned from "My Dinner with Andre" and "Blade Runner."
DIRK: And you fell asleep during "Andre."
JAKE: Point taken.
DIRK: Here's what we do know: when you face our friends tomorrow, they're gonna be none-the-wiser about the insane masturbatory matrix bullet time battles you've been having with yourself in your own head.
DIRK: What will be real to them is what you DID.
DIRK: That's it.
DIRK: Show them you're trying.
DIRK: Or don't, and get left behind.
JAKE: Good god...
JAKE: This is the worst pep talk... ever.
DIRK: It's you, dude, what did you expect?
JAKE: True.
DIRK: Do you want to be left behind?
JAKE: I want to see tavvy grow up!
JAKE: I want to choose him!
JAKE: But i want to believe in jane too...
DIRK: Sigh.
JAKE: Listen.
JAKE: I never really understood all that much of the "doomed timeline" hoopla you cerebral types tend to gab on about.
JAKE: But... its nice to think that there might be countless janes somewhere out there who never stopped being happy.
JAKE: Baking, getting up to all manner of lighthearted mischiefs... true blue all around.
JAKE: When i think of her, thats whats real to me.
JAKE: What she is now, what these rotten unenviable circumstances have made of her, its all just...
DIRK: Happenstance.
JAKE: Is that stupid?
DIRK: Probably, but you're a god of Hope.
DIRK: You're a poster-child for making stupid shit feasible.
DIRK: And no one has the power to say what's true for every Jane.
DIRK: I'm sure if you asked a couple of them how they feel about labor camps and domestic violences, they'd hit you with a "Woah there, buster jones."
JAKE: "Thats not for me!"
DIRK: "No siree!"
JAKE: Hehehe.
JAKE: Exactly.
JAKE: If i can believe in those janes,
JAKE: i think i can let this one go.
DIRK: Extravagant hoops to stumble through just to keep believing, man.
DIRK: It's sneaky. I like it.
JAKE: Its decided then?
DIRK: Seems so.
DIRK: You can finally leave the closet.
JAKE: Har, har.
JAKE: Goofs aside, old buddy...
JAKE: I get the strange sense i wont be speaking with you again.
DIRK: You won't. Why would you?
DIRK: You're normal now.
JAKE: But-
DIRK: You don't need him.
JAKE: It feels good to pretend, though.
JAKE: To hold on a little while longer.
DIRK: Don't.
JAKE: Fine! Fine...
JAKE: Hope is the crummiest aspect of the lot, huh.
JAKE: I swear the only time its worth a lick more than delusions and hot air
JAKE: is if it really fucking hurts.
DIRK: Welcome to being a person, Jake English.
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burningvelvet · 7 months
to cope with my post-binge blues from watching black sails, i just finished the treasure island audiobook. it's my first time with any treasure island media - now i have to watch the muppets movie. any way here are my thoughts:
- i knew the character of trelawney had to be based on the romantic era edward john trelawny of byron/shelley fame and I WAS RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sources: WONG, AMY R. “The Poetics of Talk in Robert Louis Stevenson’s ‘Treasure Island.’" A Sandison Robert Louis Stevenson and the Appearance of Modernism
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- i know that black sails isn't fully intended to be a perfect prequel or meant to be taken as filling in all of the gaps to treasure island but i'm still going to compare & contrast the two lol
- billy spending his whole life obsessed with flint and having alcohol withdrawal induced hallucinations about him. OMG. and i'm shocked that they just casually dropped that he visited flint in georgia to get the map like did flint request to see him before he died, was it just about the map, or did he want closure about the whole thing, did billy seek flint out, why didn't they kill each other, how the fuck did that whole thing go? i need more information dammit
- saw another post on here talking about how in black sails flint has that speech about the drunk guy named flint asking his grandpa for rum before disappearing into the sea and then in treasure island we find out flints last words were asking a "darby mcgraw" for rum before he died SO IN THE BLACK SAILS UNIVERSE DARBY IS HIS GRANDPA and so im wondering DID FLINT 1.0 EVER EXIST AT ALL OR WAS IT SIMPLY FORESHADOWING ALL ALONG but at the same time it doesnt matter because the black sails creators said the ending is intentionally canonically up to interpretation and black sails canon and treasure island canon dont match up any way but still it gives us so much to think about bc we never canonically find out who the fuck darby is
- the doctor is the funniest character ever and him giving zero shits about billy or silver is hilarious LMAO
- rly enjoy the descriptions of the contents of billy's pockets and chest. i love old shit and that whole nautical aesthetic ugh. im currently wondering about the significance of the five sea shells billy had (jim wonders abt them too) if they were souvenirs from the island or what... but we never find out!!
- and what the fuck was up with those black spots I NEED ANSWERS! It worked on Billy but not Silver?
- having grown up on PotC i'm very enthused at the references (the song, the rum, "dead mens chest," etc)
- wish we saw more of jims mom, she was lowkey a badass for a moment there telling everyone off and willing to face the wrath of the pirates with her son lol
- love how the men just take jim on for his valour and then decide to make him a cabinboy and the mom just gets a replacement son to help her around the house lmaoooo i wonder if that was a common thing for single women to do though?
- long john silver has a sort of jekyll/hyde personality (btw the author stevenson also wrote jekyll/hyde for those of you who dont know!) - also why the fuck did they leave him to his own devices toward the end and not have a gun on him 24/7 like? i was also shocked that he didnt run off with all the gold only some of it. most chaotic character ever
- my biggest questions are why did black sails take out the alcoholism and the sea shanties? but importantly the alcholism - if they were going for gritty, as they were? flint and billy's alcoholism is integral to their characters (defines their characters actually) in the book as contrasted by silvers moderation & thats rly interesting. and the lack of singing is just boring - pirates rly did have sea shanties - however i can understand for time constraints per episode and whatnot them taking out the singing for practicality - but the alcoholism again is integral to those characters as well as being historically accurate and realistic & would have added a lot imo
EDIT: immediately after posting this i realized that since there are a few years between the treasure burial and flint's supposed death in georgia, he could have become a drunk in that time if we're creating a black sails to treasure island timeline, and billy wouldn't have become a drunk til later on since black sails is set roughly 20 yrs before treasure island.
HOWEVER - by the talks of it in treasure island, and all the pirates referring to flint as a drunk etc., it would still seem that flint was always that way when they knew him, prone to drinking... but at the same time i guess you could say all the characters are jollier than in black sails as indicated by their singing and their more stereotypical piratey ways.
however i still think the alcoholism & addiction theme would have added an extra layer to everything especially after flints sad drunk scene with eleanor. also in toby stephens deep fathoms interview he said flint is essentially like an addict when it comes to his delusion & desires. anyway i digress
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transcript here, audio is on youtube: https://www.justsaypodcast.com/blog/2018/12/18/transcript-interview-with-toby-stephens-of-black-sails
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xenonsreturn · 8 months
In Another Life
A short story of Garrus Vakarian and Commander Shepard
I need to do . . . something. I need to get out of here. If I stay in the battery any longer, I think I'm going to explode. Why does this room have to be so damn small?
But where the hell am I going to go? No matter where I go, I have to bring my head with me. What I really need is to get out of my head.
Where is this coming from? I've been doing fine . . . well, as fine as any turian on a suicide mission can do. But now, I can't seem to think straight. I'm nervous. Which is new for me. I can't concentrate on my calibrations and they seem to go on forever. I find myself pacing. There's a buzzing all over my skin. Maybe I'm sick. I could go see Dr Chakwas . . . no. Bad idea. She'd remove me from duty – or worse, give me medicine.
I'm heading for the mess. Maybe just having something in my stomachs will help me settle down.
When did this start, anyway? Hmm. Illium. No, it was after that. Hell, I don't know. I know I was fine when Shepard and I tracked down Sedonis. I still wonder whether I could have taken the shot. Is that what's bothering me?
No, that's not it. Even if I could have, I saw what Shepard was doing. She didn't want me to take it. Saving me from myself, she said. Hmm. She's done that a couple times now. She's always trying to pull me back. I don't know why she cares so much. It's really irritating.
Still, I have to admit, I make better choices when she's around. And when she's not – well, I turn into Archangel. It's a lot easier to be Archangel, but . . . well, I feel stronger, somehow, here on the Normandy. And it's good to have some familiar faces around sometimes. Joker. Tali. Even Liara for a bit there. Shepard, of course. I probably have more in common with her than anyone else on the ship. Hell, than anyone else in my life. I liked it when she used to come down and talk, before Liara came back. Somehow, she made the battery feel a little larger, even though there were two of us in that tiny space. But now, she and Liara are back together, and she hasn't been around since, and I -
Oh, damnation.
How did I not see this happening? And now it's too late, isn't it?
I thought – I guess I thought . . . that she . . . maybe . . . ah, hell.
Can I go back to not knowing what's bothering me? That was better than this.
Great. Now I'm talking to myself. Or hearing voices in my head. Whatever. But I'm right. I can't go into hiding – not from myself. I turn around and get a seat at the end of an empty table.
I'm going back to the battery. I need . . . cover. I do not want company right now. No, Garrus, dammit, you're going to the mess!
I'm not alone long, however. Tali shows up. Great.
"Is this seat taken?" She asks – then, without waiting for a reply, she sits down anyway.
"Uhh . . ." I look the length of the empty table. "Doesn't look like it." None of the other seats are taken, either – why don't you try that one way over there?
She just looks at me. Well, at least I think that's what she's doing. That damn mask makes her hard to read. Actually, come to think of it, I wish I had a mask. Lucky lady.
"What are you having?" She asks.
I pretend to be relaxed. I am sure I suck at it. "I don't know. Whatever Rupert's serving that won't kill me, I guess."
Tali chuckles. "Well, whatever won't kill you, won't kill me, either. Let's split an order."
So much for no company. Back to the battery, I guess. "Actually, I'm not hungry after all," I say, and start to get up.
With surprising speed, Tali reaches across the table and grabs my wrist. Not only is she fast, she's strong. In spite of my shock, I have to admit, I'm impressed.
"Don't. Go. Anywhere. Garrus."
Well, this is . . . unwelcome. I slowly sit back down. I have a bad feeling about this.
"You've been acting . . . strange, Garrus. Distracted."
This is worse than I thought. People can tell.
"Ah, I don't think – "
Tali cuts me off. "Don't deny it. You haven't been yourself since we left Hagalaz."
"Well – "
"I've seen you pacing."
"No, I – "
"Your aim was off on the last mission."
Okay, that's too much. "Now, wait just one goddamn minute – "
She sighs. "Garrus, calm down. It's obvious you've got some knot you're trying to untie, and we feel – "
"WE?" This day just keeps getting worse and worse. "Who's we?"
"Oh, you know, Miranda, Jack, Samara, Chakwas, Gabby."
Just when I think I've hit bottom. At least Shepard's not on the list. And -
"Not Kelly?"
"No, not Kelly. I know it's her job, but . . . well, quite frankly, none of us can stand her."
I don't understand that at all, but I'm really beyond caring at this point.
"Look, Garrus, we just want to help."
Help. Fantastic. Not only can people tell, not only are they talking about it, now they want to help. I'm Archangel, goddamn it.
"Tali. Go hack some other project. Right. Now."
I stare into that mask. She seems to stare back for a moment, then shrugs and stands up. "Fine. I tried. Chakwas said you'd do this." She turns away, but then turns back and says, "Take care of it yourself, then, Garrus. Good luck with that. You need it."
I just look at her until she's gone. I wish I could take some satisfaction in hurting her feelings, but it's clear that she's not hurt. She's just pissed. And also, well, I don't want to hurt her, not really. She's a good person on the team. I like her. It's just . . . don't go trying to get under my skin like that! You're not invited!
"So – " A voice right next to me. I look up and Rupert is standing there.
"What do you want?" I growl. I am kind of pleased that he backs up a step.
"Uh, that's what I was going to ask you, Garrus," he says, a little breathlessly. He holds out the day's menu. "What do you want?"
I take it out of his hands. "Just . . . give me something that will kill me."
It has not been a good day.
Back in the battery. I am, in fact, hiding. I don't want to go out there. Where they know. I just wish, in here, I didn't know. I must have been blind. And now, I wish I still was.
I look around the little space. I don't have much of mine here. Because I don't have much that's mine. I never thought about it, never thought I was missing anything, but right now, I do. Damn, do I.
At my terminal, there's my dad's old insignia from the fleet. I wonder, did dad ever have to deal with this sort of thing? I can't imagine it. But then, we were always so different. He had discipline. I have . . . what? Lack thereof, I guess. I can't help but rush in . . . and maybe that's why I feel this way. If he could have felt something like this, Dad would have damped it down. But I can't. Not anymore.
The only other time . . . well, there she is. Her dog tags hang next to Dad's insignia. Scout Lidia Misuraca. I wish I didn't have these tags. Because that would mean she'd still be alive. She might have been halfway across the galaxy – hell, she might even be fighting us; we are with Cerberus, after all – but she'd be living. I've run it through my head a thousand times and I still don't know if there was anything different I could have done during that raid, something that might have saved her life – but I still wonder. And maybe that's why I'm out here now.
And maybe she's not all. I take off my visor and run my finger over the ten names carved in the frame. Yeah. I had a team. Good people. And now they're all dead. Because of me. Maybe that's another reason I'm in here – because everyone I touch, dies. It's safer. For them. For me.
I look at the message on the terminal screen. Took me nearly an hour to write it.
When you have a moment, I have something I need to discuss with you.
- Garrus
Am I giving too much away? My finger hovers over the 'send' key. Do I dare? And then I realize, it's the only way through this. I hit the key.
I am surprised by the fact that I actually feel some small measure of relief. We're out of the holding pattern now, I guess. I took action – just a little, but enough to set . . . something . . . in motion. I don't know if it's the best thing, but at least it's something. And what the hell am I hoping for anyway? I know she's with Liara. There's nothing that will change that. Maybe if I'd said something earlier, before Illium . . . ah, but I didn't know then, did I? Dammit. And anyway, Liara makes Shepard happy. Who am I to stand in the way of that?
But don't you deserve some happiness, too, Garrus? It's odd, but I hear Shepard's voice asking this question. Do I? I don't know. Ask me most days, I'd say…no. I don't deserve it. But when we're together, maybe I feel like I do. Maybe because she's always seen the best in me. So maybe I do deserve some happiness – but just because I might deserve it, doesn't mean I get it. The galaxy is a cold, cold place. It doesn't care what we deserve. It doesn't care for justice. It's just dark. And I guess it's up to us to be the stars, to hold against the darkness. That's what I strive for. And in a different way, so does Shepard. Different, but . . . well, I guess I had an idea that maybe we were just same enough to have some overlap, maybe enough common ground to build . . . something more than this.
And now she could be on her way down here. Right now.
The reality of this hits me like a . . . well, like a missile to the face. Suddenly, I need to get out again. Cursing my stupid finger that sent the message, I make for the door, but before I get there, it opens.
Ah, hell. Here we go. "Ah, Shepard. Guess you, ah, got my message."
Her eyebrows arch. "What message?"
She came down here just to see me, just to talk with me. I feel torn between two emotions – elation, and it's about fucking time.
"Ah, never mind," I say, hoping my voice sounds steady. I'm surprised that it does. "Just something I wanted to talk to you about, but it can wait. What brings you down here?" Because it's been awhile.
"Okay, yeah," she says. "I want to know if you have any contacts that can keep an eye on Hagalaz for me. I know Liara's capable, but . . ." She trails off, and I can see the concern on her face.
"You want a couple extra eyes watching her back," I say, without even thinking about it. Of course she does.
She smiles. "Yeah, something like that."
I love her smile. I hate how much I love her smile. "I know of three guys off the top of my head – one from my days at C-Sec who became a freelance mercenary, and two I know from Omega. All three will do the job for money. But they're good. And once they commit, they'll see it through." I see the relief in her face, in her posture. "I'll send their contact information to your terminal." I want to throw myself out the nearest airlock. But really, what the hell else am I going to do? Deny her help? That's not in me, not for her.
"Thanks, Garrus." She pauses. "How you been? I feel like I haven't been down here in ages."
That's because you haven't. "Well," I say, "you've been pretty busy. No problem, though – you always know where to find me."
She leans up against the door jamb. "Yeah, but I've missed you, Garrus. Things have been . . . well, crazier than usual, but I miss coming down here, hanging out with you."
She is actually killing me.
"I mean, hell," she goes on. "With almost everyone else, I'm Commander Shepard – Savior of the Citadel. It's really . . . annoying." She smirks. "But you know, we've worked together for a while now. It's good talking to someone I know. Someone I trust. There's a hell of a lot less of that in the galaxy than there ought to be."
"Yeah," I say, because I can't think of anything else to say. And then, I find myself saying, "Shepard, you know what we need? We need a bar on this goddamn ship."
She laughs. "Hell, yes! That's a great idea, Garrus!" She looks towards my footlocker. "Hey, that reminds me, you got any of that Batarian ale left?"
I grin. I'm actually starting to relax a bit. She always does that to me. And she's the only one. "Yeah, I might have a couple bottles left."
I get out the bottles and pop the tops with my talon. She was so impressed the first time I did that.
"Cheers," she says as I hand her one. She tips the bottle back in my direction.
I return the gesture. "Cheers to you, Shepard," I say.
"Garrus, when we're off duty, just call me Hera. We've known each other long enough for that." I do not show how much what she just said means to me.
"Okay, Hera," I say, trying the name out. We both tip the ale back. It burns a bit, but man, the flavor is fantastic. It really lingers.
And then, as she lowers the bottle, I catch a . . . tightening in her face. Like a shadow passing over. And I'm not the smartest man alive, but I know where it came from. I could ignore it . . . ah, hell, no I can't. "So, Comm- ah, Hera. You and Liara? You've . . . worked things out?"
She looks at me, the smirk reappearing from the shadow. "You know me too well. You know that, Garrus?"
If it wasn't for the smirk, I'd change the subject. "Well, maybe I do," I say instead.
"Yeah. Yes," she says. "We have worked things out. Very . . . thoroughly."
I kind of want to die right now.
She sighs. "But it just means I'm going to miss her all over again."
And for a moment, my heart breaks a little – not for me, but for her. I don't know what to say, but I come up with, "Yeah, but it's good to have someone to miss. Someone you know you'll be coming back to. It's a good thing . . . a good thing to see."
I glance at my terminal, and I think of the only other one who ever was close to me. And now . . .
She clears her throat. "Yeah, Garrus. You're right. You're right. It is good. Thanks." I turn to see her smiling at me, but her eyes, well, human eyes, you can tell when there's something going on behind them. And I realize, I've just seen her, hurting for Liara, and she's just seen me, hurting for Lidia. The fact that we saw each other in this moment lightens my heart. I feel . . . bold.
"Anyway, Garrus," she says, breaking our gaze. "You said you sent me a message?"
Ah, crap.
"It's nothing, really, I'm just . . ." I set my bottle down and look at her. "You know, I work pretty well alone. I can go where I want, do what I want, when I want – I have focus. No distractions. Just the job. I don't need much. And it's good - I think, working that way, I make some small difference in the Galaxy."
"A lot more than that, Garrus."
I shrug, even though I'm touched by the compliment. "Maybe. But sometimes . . . well, I like to see what you and Liara have. And sometimes, I think, maybe I'd like something like that, too."
She smiles. "Thanks, Garrus. It's good. It is. But you know, it's also . . . complicated." She takes a breath. "Boy, that word doesn't even cover it. I died. She almost became . . . someone else. And both of us thought the other had moved on. When I think about it, I'm amazed we managed to find the space together." She chuckles. "It's really a mess!" She looks at me. "Who knows, maybe you're the lucky one."
"Huh, maybe." I don't feel lucky.
She raises her eyebrows.
I suddenly can't face her and turn away. "I'm glad for you, though. It's a . . . good mess. I never thought I'd say this, but maybe sometimes a mess is better. But for me, well . . . there's no one . . . available. And that's my fault. I don't really know how . . . I spend so much energy keeping people at arm's length – "
She interrupts. "Well, that's certainly saying something."
I turn back see her looking at my arms. I can't help but feel a little thrill go up my spine. "Yeah, I guess it is." I chuckle. How does she do this, make me talk when I just want to shut up? "But maybe I don't do enough to let people in. I just – well, sometimes I feel like I'm alone in the whole damn galaxy. I've been thinking about it a lot lately – maybe I'm a poorer man for that . . . I don't know, maybe I'm just getting old, thinking of where I might be down the relay." I start to feel like I'm saying too much, like I've already said too much. I want to change the subject. "Hell, I don't know why I bother thinking about this. We're not likely to survive this mission anyway."
But – typical Shepard – she won't let it go. "But you are thinking about it."
"Yeah." Dammit. "Yeah, I am." And then I look at her, and I see her being, well, who she is. For me. "Thanks, Shepard. There isn't really anyone else I'd want to talk to about this." And then it hits me, and my boldness returns. She deserves to know the truth. I step right up to her. "You know what I was saying about arm's length? Well, there's not many who've managed to get beyond that. In fact, ah, there's just one. It's good to have someone I can . . . trust." I take a breath and look her right in the eye. "It's you, Shepard. I'm a better man because of you. And I . . . I just . . ."
The words fail me, right when I need them the most.
I see her face soften, suddenly, and I know she knows. She understands.
I can't stand it. I turn my back on her. "Ah, never mind."
I feel her hands on me as she turns me back around. "Hey."
I look right at her. I am certain everything I'm feeling is plain upon my scarred face.
She rests her hands on my shoulders, and I see a thousand emotions playing across her face. "Garrus, I want you to know something. I trust you, too. I don't make a habit of that. And I don't let people get close to me easily or often, either." She pauses. "In this life, you and I are . . . .what we are. And I'm thankful for that." She nods. "But in another life . . ." She looks right into my eyes. "Garrus, yes. Yes."
I can feel something loosen in my chest. I know what she's saying, and although it kills me, I feel a surge of warmth throughout my whole body. She cares, she really does. It's not perfect, it's not the same thing I feel, but . . . I am important to her. I nod, and then I feel a real smile cross my face. "Hearing you say that . . . in this life . . . is . . . almost as good. Almost as good as another life."
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jackyjango · 2 years
What are some of your cherik as parents headcanons?
Hello @cinimionroll ! Thank you so much for this as! :D
Here are some of the head canons I have for cherik as parents:
- Charles would be the strict one- KIDS, YOU SHOULD EAT YOUR GREENS, DRINK YOUR MILK AND BE NICE TO ONE AND OTHER. Erik would be totally chill- He’d make the kids pancakes on demand, sneak in a few chocolates into their diet, and replace milk with soda cans now and then.
-Charles would opt to take the kids out to museums or parks- It’s educative and recreational at once. Erik would definitely think that such trips are boring and take the kids out to theme parks and permit them to go on roller coaster rides much to the fury of Charles. Charles: “What were you thinking taking them on roller coaster rides, Erik? Do you know how dangerous they could be?” Erik: “Relax, Charles. It’s not like I can’t control them.” Charles: “They’re FIVE for crying out loud!”
- Charles would not have it if the children missed out on their homework or lag behind on their studies. Erik on the other hand would be: meh...
When it comes to the teens and the older mutants of the house:
-Charles wouldn’t allow them to drink (because they’re underage, dammit!) or drive without a learner’s license and all. Erik distracts Charles (winks winks nudge nudge) when the kids want to go out drinking or raid the liquor cabinet. He’ll even let the teens take out his car or his motorbike for a spin now and then.
-Charles doesn't approve of the kids swearing. Erik would swear with them (much to Charles' despair)
-Charles would be the one the kids would go to for guidance and moral support. Erik would be the one the kids go to when they’ve fucked something up and they’re too scared to tell Charles about it. Erik would then go and fix whatever the kids screwed up. They’d all tell Charles... eventually.
But Erik would be strict with them when it comes to their trainings and exercises. He'd be a strict master on the grounds and push them till they'd fall. But he'd also be there to pick them up and help them start again.
Erik would call them brats or idiots or cockroaches and what not. He'd pretend that he doesn't care about them. ('I don't care about those brats, Charles! They're your kids, not mine', he'd say) But he isn't fooling Charles, or anyone for that matter, because everyone knows how he feels about the kids. There's one thing that's common to both Charles and Erik when it concerns to the kids: that both are supremely overprotective of them.
The effect it has on Charles deserves a separate fic altogether. Lol. Charles feels a strong tug in his heart whenever he sees Erik being tender with little Scott or helping a seven-year old Kitty arrange a tea party for her teddy bear friends. Or when he sees Erik bringing Hank out of his shell and coaxing him to ride the bike or teaching Alex to control his anger. Charles cannot lie that it's hot af and that he's turned on the thought of Erik being a hot dad.
Erik would be the cool dad. He really would. There’s an instance in the comics where the kids hear some noises (somewhere... I can’t remember where) and think that the place is haunted. Magneto takes one look at the place and knows that it’s not. Instead of assuring the kids, he eggs them on to believing the haunted theory by telling them that he, too, heard the noises (something on those lines. I read it a looooooong time ago...) He takes a good laugh out of it before revealing the truth.
To sum it up, Erik's a total teddy bear when it comes to the kids!! :D
P.S: I may or may not have written a fic about the difference in their parenting styles somewhere... here (https://archiveofourown.org/works/15178172)
Again... thank you so much for the as, because I can talk about these two for ages! :D
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karaonasi · 8 months
BaxScar FanFic
Scarlett belongs to @minthe-drawings
And I wanted to write a little fanfic for them ❤️🤍🖤
Baxter’s POV
The light was much too bright.
Still, it was too early.
Too early to deal with being awake.
I reached around, searching. Dammit. Did I just dream it was one of her too-rare visits?
I swear, these separations from her get harder and harder to take each time. I sighed and fell back into the sheets, feeling cold without her there. And lonely. Maybe…maybe she would be available to talk between clients--once I was awake enough to form complete sentences at least.
I had almost dozed again when I sat up in bed--way too fast, making my head spin. Was that? I layed back down. I could have sworn I heard someone in the kitchen. Then I heard it again. Clanking sounds definitely coming from the kitchen. This time I eased myself up more slowly, despite my excitement, making my way to the edge of the bed. I stood and felt my pajama top pull oddly. Oh…huh… somehow it was half undone. My fingers were usually quite dextrous. But in the morning hours they felt thick and clumsy. I realized I had to straighten my pants too, having twisted in my sleep. Memories of the night before brought a soft smile to my lips--my Scarlett’s softness, pressed against me, her legs tangled with mine, her long hair sometimes tickling my cheek… I’m not quite sure how long I stood there, only the coldness of the floor against my bare feet made me aware my mind had zoned out. Where were my slippers?
Zebra slippers finally found and on my feet, I shuffled into the common area of the apartment. I stopped, having just emerged from the hall when I saw her. Scarlett. MY Scarlett. There. In my home. What I desperately wanted to be OUR home. I think my original intent upon coming out of the bedroom had been to go directly to her but… I somehow found myself sitting sideways in my favorite blue chair, resting my head on my hands on the back of the chair…because I had to sit down. Maybe I had stopped breathing when I saw her. I don’t quite know. I just knew I had to sit down.
Her red head popped up from whatever she had been doing. And then she was coming my direction, her long bare legs striding slowly toward me, my fogged brain hearing music in my head and seeing a dance in her step. She was so graceful. Especially when she danced. As if she was made to be in my arms. My one true partner. On the dancefloor and off.
“Morning, Baby,” her lovely voice purred as I felt the press of her lips on the top of my head. I smiled up at her, wanting to bask in her brightness as if she were the sun. Then got distracted, looking down at my hands that suddenly had a warm coffee mug in them, blinking at the apparition perplexed. “You’re a bit more confused than usual, Sweetie,” and I heard her laughter, like windchimes to my ear.
I blinked again, trying to scrape together some semblance of coherence for her. “...well…yes…” I met her gaze, though my vision went double. No matter. I couldn’t complain about seeing twice the beautiful woman before me. “...two weddings this weekend…” I explained. She nodded then sat on the couch, holding her own mug. I hungrily memorized the sight of her. It had been too long, too many weeks. And neither pictures nor memories could quite hold a candle to the real sight of her. Her creamy skin adorned with a constellation of freckles, the softness of her--generous curves of chest and hips that felt even better than they looked, long shapely legs, and her beautiful face and piercing green eyes that seemed to light up for some unfathomable reason when she looked at me. Not that I would ever try to dissuade her from choosing me again. No, I would take my undeserved good fortune and treasure it until the end of time. Because…quite honestly, she was a goddess. A goddess that brought light, acceptance, happiness, healing and…love into my life for the first time in my life.
I suddenly realized that she was looking at me with an amused expression. “Goddess, huh?” her voice teased. I blinked at her. Did I say that aloud? I wracked my brain to come up with something witty to volley back at her. But my mind was simply too slow… I heard her laugh again and I felt my face heat just slightly. “If that is the case, then… Come. Here.” She pointed to the spot just before her. And though I wasn’t sure what game we were playing (or if I could keep up in my current state), I simply nodded and set down my mug before complying. “You’re a mess in the mornings, Pretty Boy,” she teased with obvious affection, and I watched as she undid and refastened my buttons that had somehow been mismatched.
“I know…” I was glad she was in a happy mood, even if it was at my expense. But the last thing I could do was complain as Scarlett’s slender hands led me onto the couch beside her. She guided my head to rest upon her, her arms circling around me. “...you are my entire world, Scarlett My Love…” I murmured before drifting off, feeling warm and loved and…safe… as only she had ever been able to do in my life.
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creatively-cosmic · 6 months
Hi Starry, I’m back! :D
I’m glad you like the questions and that they aren’t annoying, because every bit of lore I read is like a taking a shot of dopamine lmao. And that picture of Fire getting a hug 🥹 brightened up my whole day. Trust me when I say that you guys reposting pictures and adding content to older ones isn’t obnoxious in the slightest. The art (at least for me) makes it easier to digest and form connections about the story in my head, plus y’alls art is great—who wouldn’t want to look at it? The lore/art in the last one was particularly interesting. (Like, young Red looks like such an polite, upstanding citizen and then you scroll down two pages and now it’s like “Tf you lookin crazy for”? Was that an implication that Steven had something to do with Red going missing/becoming Glitchy? And Leaf is funking DEAD?-)
Anyways, you know what that means! Question time: Leaf Edition!
The First (and most obvious) question: What happened to Leaf? Why is the homegirl dead? (Why was Leaf being dead, out of all the things I’ve seen so far, the one thing I wasn’t expecting?)
Second: What’s the relationship between Leaf, Fire and Blue? You said that Blue and Fire’s murder-suicide loop was spurred on by her death, so were they friends before she died? Did they see it?
And two smaller questions: How tall are the main four (Red, Blue, Fire, Leaf)? And do they have Pokémon Teams? If so, what are their teams looking like?
That’s all till next time! Have a good day/afternoon/night wherever you are!
We honestly can't thank you enough for all your questions, compliments, and just overall being a huge sweetheart. We're really happy you've been enjoying these, and whatever dopamine you get from seeing these, we probably get like. TENFOLD, just for seeing someone so interested, and giving us a chance to talk about this wild ride of a story. So really- thank you. This has been a delight!
This one is gonna be REALLY long (I have to rewrite fucking HALF OF IT now DAMMIT), as we want to talk on the stuff you crossed out, too.
(I'll put their heights and teams in a follow-up post btw, so watch for that.)
1. Red.
Young Red is an interesting point in time. See, he and Blue had a LOT in common- a lot more than you might think. Of course, Red was a good kid, genuinely- always so caring for his Pokemon, kind and passionate about them. He was polite to the people around him, and always soft spoken, when or if he spoke at all. The adults around Kanto and his hometown always adored him for how well mannered he seemed- a real role model, and stand up child. Just a bit shy.
In all truth though, Red moreso had a very strong mask. One that he only dropped, allowing himself to relax and act like himself around one person: his best friend, Blue.
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Both of those boys were a lot more immature and competitive with each other- the main difference being Blue didn't hide it like Red did. They LOVED competing, always trying to one up each other in everything they did. When they were together, Red wasn't afraid to speak his mind, signing or whispering to his friend with a smug grin on his face. Around his friend, Red could really be himself, and they both loved it. Having so much fun, roughhousing and taking jabs and just being children around each other. A lot of people, when seeing this, would assume Blue- who was always rude and a bit more standoffish- was a bad influence, but really, the two couldn't be happier than they were with each other.
... When you spend God knows how long, trapped in a dimension with no human life, desperate and angry with unholy forces eating away at your mind, will, and sanity. Let's just say masking doesn't end up staying a necessary skill. A good portion of why Red being Like That now is honestly? Just because he just gave up on trying to make himself presentable.
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He has bigger problems now than worrying about how people see him, anyways.
2. Steven.
I'll try to keep this short, as the Strangled Red elements of this story could warrant it's own post entirely.
To put it simply: Steven is, in part, directly responsible for Red's fate.
It wasn't HIS decision, mind you. He barely even thinks for himself anymore. But there were things that wanted Red, and Steven is very suggestible when it takes the right approach. So it lays itself out so simply.
Red trusted Steven, after all. Idolized him. Missed him. Would follow him anywhere. What better possible option could there be?
Of course Steven is the one to drown that boy on the coast of Cinnabar.
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3. Leaf. (cw for animal death.)
Finally, the star of the show for this ask (as if this isn't long enough already). I can see why the information for her is more supriding as we haven't posted as much for her, which. We do feel bad about- our ability and motivation to make art for her was severely hindered by our struggle (I'm talking MONTHS) to make a design for her that we were happy with. Her story is WELL figured out, though, so we're glos we get to discuss! And now that her design is actually finalized, there should be more visual stuff for her coming.
So what happened?
Well! As is the entire premise of Missing Numbers, each major individual is based off of various Pokepastas. The easiest way to answer that is one of two of Leaf's sources:
Abandoned Loneliness.
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But first, we have to go further back.
Fire was not the only Vessel made by the Almighty.
... He was the first, and the favorite. But he wasn't the only one. Leaf was the other.
Once Fire had come to Palette town, the next Game was set to begin any time now. But as the Almighty looked down on the world, He looked back at the others that had been built, and realized that the new Kanto was missing something. An alternative option. Though He was reluctant to change the structure of the world, it was, by all means, an improvement, and something the Players would expect after the past Generations.
She was less meticulously made than her brother. She kept her Heart and Mind about her, as there wasn't time, nor was it safe, to rid her of them like Fire. She would serve well enough as a Vessel regardless- and she did, as when the Game began, Leaf was chosen as the player's Avatar. (Not quite what the Almighty had expected, but the choice had been given for a reason, so it would be foolish to change anything now...)
Blissfully unaware of the nature of her existence, Leaf proceeded to go on a triumphant adventure through Kanto.
This is a good time, before we get back to the tragedy, to answer your second question!
Leaf, Blue, and Fire's dynamic changed throughout their journey through Kanto. At the beginning, let's just say things were... Tense.
Fire acted hollow, in the beginning, as he was meant to. Genuinely, it was fully expected that he'd be chosen as the players Avatar. So without it, he was left... Quiet and cold. It seemed he didn't care for anyone- not Blue, nor his sister.
Blue, meanwhile, was NOT in a good headspace. But at this point, after about two years passed since Red's dissapearance, he'd learned to hide those feelings. The people of Palette town, including his Rivals, knew him as this bitter, irritable person, resentful towards the world for incomprehensible reasons.
Leaf was the only "normal" one, basically. A cheerful, excited girl, whose heart bled for everyone she cared about and always tried to stand for the right thing. She didn't know where she came from... She had no memories of her life before "Red" and Hazel (Fire's mother) Yuuji found her, seemingly abandoned in the tall grass just outside of Palette Town, under the falling autumn leaves. Taken in as a part of their family, she grew attracted quickly, her loyalty and love and impulsive need to protect coming to be what she was known for.
With all this given, when the journey started. Leaf HATED Blue- he seemed to despise and bully her brother more than anyone. Blue didn't like Leaf much either, but wasn't as harsh towards her as he was Fire. Fire was as... Neutral as ever. But he silently followed the two once they went out, almost as if he wanted to watch over them. Ensure their safety.
As the journey continued, over time, away from the stuffiness of their hometown, the three started to grow closer. Maybe the fresh air was doing Blue good. Maybe Leaf was learning more about the world. Maybe Fire's deep brown eyes were growing warmer.
Somehow, a death was the tipping point for all of them to finally become friends. It's absurd, how grief was the thing driving them apart, but ultimately went to bring them together.
When Blue's Raticate died, he quickly fell back to his lowest point. Angry and hateful and heartbroken, lashing out, and ultimately running away. ... But it put everything in perspective. Through all her guilt (it was in a fight against her, after all, that the Raticate had been so severely injured), Leaf suddenly understood why Blue had been so horrible before: he was mourning. And he needed someone. It didn't make her forgive him, but it made her extend a hand.
And for once, knelt over the grave of a lost Pokemon, Blue accepted it. From that act of kindness, Blue genuinely began to get along with the others, and slowly, the trio came to be friends- all the way up to and after the Championship, where despite losing again, Blue felt closer to the others than ever.
... It seems in this world, good things don't last.
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The events of Abandoned Loneliness happened several months after Leaf became champion. When revisiting Raticate's grave with Blue, Leaf came across a peculiar Pokemon- a horribly sickly little Eevee, too weak to even cry. Leaf had never been the kind to leave a Pokemon in need to fend for itself- kindly, she took the little stray into her care, determined to nurse it back to health.
The properties of Glitched or Corrupted Pokemon aren't something I need to dive into right now this is already ungodly long. What's important is that the Eevee was not a natural Pokemon. It should've been dead.
It always starts with a Pokemon that should've been dead.
Let's just say... Everything unraveled from there. Fully explaining what the events of Abandoned Loneliness translates to in Missing Numbers isn't something I have the energy to write at the moment (this is so long and I've been putting off finishing it cause I'm still mad all my initial writing got deleted >_<).
The important part comes down to Leaf's demise at the hands of this "curse." Bonded to that sickly little Eevee, when the world pushed her to put it out of its misery- voices of the damned screaming, unbearable, suffocating, demanding she DO IT DO IT DO IT, you can't bear to watch it suffer anymore, after all... The destiny bond it held her in dragged her down with it.
Nobody witnessed her death. She was alone and isolated at the foot of a mountain. She thought she could solve everything herself. Thought she could handle it all.
Her body was only found days later, curled up on the ground, rotting blood seeping from her eyes, with the body of the poor little Eevee in her arms. Trapped and suffocated by the hands that killed it. It was far too late. To maje it worse, her friends were the first to know of her death.
Fire was the one who found her body, after all.
Leaf's demise was a SEVERE breaking point, and unlike Fire, she didn't get a chance to be revived by God. Her modern presence in the world was not... Authorized, let's just say. Leaf had to claw and fight to keep hold of herself and climb back to existence in ways unprecedented, and believed to be impossible. But despite being a corrupted entity, her body was stable. And so, rather than Smite her as he would other Glitches, the Almighty decided to make good of an unintended situation: He could make use of her. A man on the inside is a powerful tool, after all.
So long as He kept her anger for her fate targeted towards the "true" threats.
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I could keep going but I've babbled on way too much already for this post lol. I'm so sorry about the delay on this one- life REALLY got in the way. And Tumblr's buggy ass mobile app 💀
hopefully i can elaborate more without any crashing in the next round if there is one ashfshf
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fourhornedsatyr · 7 months
Depression isn't something that just goes away.
It is the thought of "Oh, I'll do [Y] when [X] is better", "I'll put [Y] away when [X] isn't so tiring", and "I'll enjoy [Y] again when [X] doesn't take up so much of my time/energy"
Depression, in the most masturbatory fashion, is empowered by itself.
Yet depression is not seperate from us, we who bare this affliction. It is a construct of our own making in how we have rationalized our pain, defeat, and suffering.
Depression is defeated, not by waiting it out like the common cold, but by doing the things that it tells you not to do.
We have crashed our bikes and have tricked ourselves into believing that we will start peddling again if we just wait.
We must get back up again, kick off, peddle, and force our way through those difficult first few pumps on that uphill slope we crashed on.
Go talk to your friends!
Go do your laundry!
Clean out the dishes!
Apply to that job!
Join that fun organization!
Go to the climbing gym!
Go hiking!
Live dammit!
So many of these things take but a few mere minutes. A run can be 20 minutes, the dishes can take one to ten minutes, volunteering and networking can take an hour or two a week, attending community events can be one to two hours, a session at the gym can be an hour, and most importantly -- we can decide when many of these events happen. We can plan out days for rest, days for fun, hours for joy, and hours for rejuvination.
Yes, it's going to suck at first, but soon you'll find joy in it again. The things you were good at will come back. The things you enjoyed will surround you again. Life will go on, and we will go with it.
I cleaned out a lot of my junk from my time in college, shit that had been pilling up in my time working field jobs across the country and seasons. It had festered into further depression, but I finally cleaned it out today.
I'm going rock climbing later too, I'm excited to have recently gotten back into it after so long.
I hope you're having a good day too. You deserve it. Start with a walk, a strum on the guitar, or a phone call to a loved one; follow it up with cleaning your dishes, feeding yourself if you haven't yet (drink water dammit!), and doing something that you've left to fester.
You've got this.
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 2 years
Mimic Chapter 34
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The past can stick with people for years and with how fast school and the world around you are moving. Those demons need to be let go.
Words- 5782
Izuku Midoriya x Reader
Warnings: Injuries/violence, angst, battles, TW: PTSD!
The water was hot against your skin but hot is what you needed. The pain from the hot water distracted you from the other injuries decorating your body. The hot water poured down your body as you let it wash away the dirt and grime from you, the cuts painting your skin sting from the heat but you ignored it. Closing your eyes your mind rushes back to those moments.
“You just can’t seem to stay dead…”
“So long puppet..”
The bruising covers your neck as your breathing slowly tightens in its grasp.
“Ms. L/n I’m going to need to take your vitals can I roll up your sleeve.”
“For betraying Master.”
The blade pierces your skin. Blood pooling everywhere
The yelling and screaming. Your body hits the ground as they crowd around you. Their hands pinning you down pressing you into the earth sucking the air from you.
The air you were lacking right now.
Your eyes snap open gasping for air your hand clutch your throat trying to steady yourself against the tile catching your breath the water has now grown cold. It's only memories now…the injuries weren’t there anymore they were long gone. They would only be memories. Shutting off the water and getting out you change into your school uniform. Fixing your hair in the mirror you pull the damp strands seeing how much longer they have gotten. It only seemed like yesterday when you had just entered U.A. just a normal quirkless girl. Even when you lighten your hair from its natural black color it was weird to picture yourself with any other color now. Your hand drifts from your hair tracing your neck nothing but smooth skin. Recovery Girl had healed the bruising and other injuries you sustained but the memories in your mind and the phantom pain were something out of her power.
The incident in Kyushu had already been a month ago but the world quickly moved on to new and bigger problems while you still stayed stuck in the past. Your class had gotten stronger with more training exercises and rescue simulations while you stayed waiting. Your quirk returning had only been in that moment, the doctors assume in that life or death scenario your quirk may have jumpstarted but otherwise remained dormant. So you did all you could do study hard in your class, watch your classmates do wonders with their quirks, participate in some hand-to-hand combat, and the private sessions with Aizawa to keep your strength up and to deal with your mental health.
Your mental health had tanked with Shigaraki, the raid, and Kyushu it all seemed to pile up and it burst. You had spent days locked in your room whether it had been lying staring at the wall or crying and screaming from the nightmares that plagued you. You were grateful for the people in your life, to have Mina sit beside you as you ate only for you to puke it back up. She was never mad though always telling you it was alright and it wasn’t your fault while you cried over the toilet apologizing for everything. For the boys to come by and make you smile while telling you about their day at school or whatever was going on. Even Bakugo…who would rather die than let the rest of the class know about him just sitting beside you in your room or the common area in silence. It was comforting even though you two wouldn’t talk during it just his presence was enough. The rest of the class had been there every step of the way but none was as good as Midoriya. Almost every second that wasn’t spent in classes or training was with you. He would hold you every time you would wake up screaming from a nightmare helping you back to sleep, him rambling about whatever had fascinated him to distract you from those intrusive thoughts in your head, or just be there if you wanted to talk or just sit in silence he was there.
Heading out of the dorms your class had a training exercise today with Class B and a special guest. You arrived at the Athletic Field Gamma alongside Midnight and All Might, heading up the stairs where you see your class and the other. Mina sees you smiling waving you over and you walk over sitting beside her as you see your classmates watch the screen.
“Who’s fighting who?” You ask looking between the multiple cameras showing the playing field.
“Tsuburaba, Shishida, Shiozaki, and Rin against Kaminari, Tsuyu, Kirishima, Koda…and oh yeah Shinso!” Mina lists off the names and you look at the screen seeing the fighting begin.
“Shinso’s here..” You say. You knew he had been taking up training with Aizawa he was usually before yours so when you would be arriving he would be leaving the two of you having short chats but that was it.
“Yeah, apparently he’s trying to get into the Hero Course.” Mina shrugs. On the screen, you see Shinso with new gear the same capture weapon around his neck like Aizawa’s, and some sort of mask covering the lower half of his face. With losses on both sides, your class lost Koda and Kirishima as the fight continued.
“Will these fearsome moves from my precious students finally be the thing to put Class A in its place?!” Vlad King commentates as Monoama cheers him on.
“C’mon you’re totally biased!” Mina cries out throwing her hands in the air.
The continues as Kaminari sacrifices himself but it allowed Shinso to brainwash Shiozaki and while Shishida went after Shinso, Tsuyu and he were able to defeat the two together solidifying the win. Your classmates returned each getting critiques from Aizawa before the next group was called out.
“Y/n! I didn’t know you were gonna be here today!” Kaminari cheers rushing over to you his arms in the air sitting beside you pulling you in a hug as you laugh.
“Like I wasn’t going to cheer my classmates on, nice job!” You smile ruffling his hair as he smiles and Kirishima joins you as the next fight begins. You watch with excitement as your classmates duke it out all of you in shock seeing Tokoyami flying using Dark Shadow when suddenly mushrooms appeared covering the whole terrain even getting on your classmates which was creepy when the group was split up due to Manga’s quirk the fight was split between Tokoyami, Aoyama, and Hagakure and the others with Kendo going after Momo herself. Until Momo created a whole cannon surprising you all after all the effort your class put in it was no match and they were quickly defeated but it was a close fight. You all were given a break as they changed sections before the next fight.
“Needless to say, it’s not just their quirks. They’ve grown mentally too, which further enhances their quirks.” Midoriya mumbles scribbling in his journal.
“Writing it all down, huh?” Uraraka says looking over at him, “You’ve grown too, Deku.” Midoriya smiles looking up from writing.
“I hope so.”
“Midoriya!” All Might’s voice cuts through and you lift your head slightly up from Mina’s lap as the boy stands following after All Might the two talking off the side.
“Those two are awfully chummy,” Mina says. Looking away quickly when Midoriya glances back at you. You lay back down grabbing Mina’s hand fiddling with her fingers.
“Y/n..” Mina calls your name and you hum listening, “Do you miss your quirk at all?” You freeze with your movement before looking up at her.
“It wasn’t that hard figuring it out after you came back we all thought you were taking time to heal, but then time went on and you weren’t showing signs of using it like before. You still were involved in classes and training but the second quirks were involved you pulled back, everyone thinks you’re just adjusting or you’re nervous using your quirk again. But I know that’s not it.” She says and you knew you couldn’t hide it from her, she wasn’t dumb.
“I guess I do…I miss being to fight side by side with you all but at the same time, I feel content. I don’t have to worry about hurting anyone with my quirk...I’m not dangerous.” You say
“You’re not dangerous!” Mina defends you but you shake your head.
“Thanks but I guess I feel a part of me missing..just this emptiness inside where I should have my quirk..have power again. Be a hero.” You say looking down at your hands, loosing your quirk had affected you deeply you lost your connection with One For All and All For One. That means no vestiges of the old users and no connection to Tenko. You could only watch the news and stalk news columns trying to hear anything about the League.
The two of you sat in silence before the next group was called out and the fighting began, while you tried focusing on the battle your mind did drift off to what you said early and what Mina said. Part of you was missing without your quirk an important part that made you so special, but also a target. There were two sides to the coin regaining your quirk and joining the fight against All For One and whatever his plan is or remaining quirkless…continue your life at U.A. but maybe live your life. Live a normal life and watch from the sidelines as your classmates grew and became great heroes. You hadn’t realized how far in your mind you drifted off to until Vlad King spoke up,
“Twenty minutes have elapsed!! Match 3 is over! The score stands at 1-1! It’s a draw!”
“They were just stalling! No fair!” Kaminari groans.
“In real life, fleeing and waiting for rescue services is a perfectly reasonable strategy.” Shishida points out. On the screen, most of the students were knocked out or injured in one way getting carried out by the health robots.
“In light of multiple knockouts evaluation will come later just like with Match 2! Match 4 fighters prepare yourselves..” Vlad King says and you see Bakugo, Jiro, Sero, and Sato get up heading toward their fight.
“Chill out man,” Kaminari mumbles. 
“Does this guy ever shut up about us?” You say to Mina and she shrugs.
“AND OHHH, I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR MATCH 4 IN PARTICULAR, YES SIRRREE! WHY, YOU ASK? BECAUSE TOKAGE IS IN THE MIX! BAKUGO HAD BETTER BE READY!!” Monoma says and you all turn to the screen. You had heard she had gotten in by special recommendation so it would be interesting seeing her and Bakugo duke it out. But you had faith in your class. Quickly both teams were going straight for the kill but Class B had managed to get the jump on them. At a moment when one of Class B was going for Jiro to take her out, Bakugo appears saving her which was completely unexpected.
“What’s this? Do my eyes deceive me? It almost looked like he protected Jiro, just now.” Monoma says
“He sure did! By…kicking her!” Kaminari says gleefully but trails off in the end.
“Don’t worry Monoma! He’s got sides to him you wouldn’t expect!” Kirishima pats him on the back but he quickly goes into a frenzy.
“It’s true though. This is the first time we’ve seen him put it all on the line for someone else!” Kirishima smiles.
“Yeah unlike some people who are more focused on being obsessed with others Bakugo rather spend his time growing stronger.” Your comment and you see Monoma’s gaze shift from the screen to you.
“Ah, and another nuisance apart of the class. Heard you’ve stepped back from your class, afraid of losing against Class B.” He says and you smirk stepping closer. You can feel your class and his class looking between the fight and the fight starting in front of them.
“Afraid? Trust me Monoma I don’t think it’s me who is. I think your whole class should be afraid of what I can do. Be lucky I’m not involved in this training.” You say a few inches from him an almost look in your eye daring him to provoke you.
“Then you wouldn’t mind joining in. Grace us with this powerful quirk you’ve been hiding from everyone.” He says and your eye twitches slightly and a smirk grows on his face, “Unless you can’t and everything you’re saying is just bullshit.”
You smile stepping back and shoving your hands into the pockets in your skirt. He wants to play this game you can play this game. “Fine but you should already prepare your begs for mercy.” You say before heading over to Mr. Aizawa who stands by the teachers.
“Mr. Aizawa I wish to be involved in this training.” You say and you see All Might’s surprised look on his face while Aizawa thinks for a second.
“Young L/n…your quirk I don’t think it’s the best for you to be going against your classmates who will be equipped with theirs.” All Might says almost frantically but your steady face is locked with your teachers.
“I’m capable to handle myself. All I need is your approval. Let me do this.” You say your hands tense at your side. You knew a hundred percent you were bullshitting about everything you were saying. Sure you could handle hand-to-hand but going against someone with a quirk you were hesitant but you weren’t going to make your class look like idiots for Monoma’s ego.
“Alright..you’ve done enough training, but you must understand you’re going out there quirkless. This is your fight you get no advantage.” He says and you nod keeping your face steady but on the inside, you were shaking, “I had already been contemplating involving you in this training but you seem adamant. Midnight take her to get changed.”
“Wait but I don’t have my-” You go to say but he pulls out your case with your class number on it. Had he just been waiting for you to say you wanted to fight? Grabbing the case with two hands hiding the slight tremor in your hands as you hold it in front of you.
“You’ll join Midoriya’s team, so both teams will be equal,” Aizawa says and then sends you off with Midnight to the set-up medical tent where Recovery Girl is. She smiles at you coming in your case by your side.
“Finally getting back into it.” She says and you nod before heading behind one of the curtains pulling it shut behind you before silent freaking out. You were going to get your ass kicked, sure you would probably hold your own but once the real fighting gets involved and quirks are pulled out you would be a liability. ‘Get yourself together’ slapping your hands against your face you turn opening your case. You pause almost frozen in place looking down at your uniform. The faint sounds of fighting and screams fill your head before you shake them away pull out the costume in perfect condition and being to change. Like a second skin almost just like before feeling almost heroic just putting it on. You finish tying your boots up standing up smoothing out any wrinkles in the fabric.
“Shit!” You wince feeling a spark run through shaking your hand to dull the pain, damn static electricity. Closing your case and putting it to the side you head out of the room and rejoin Midnight as the two head back to the class. Saying your goodbyes to Recovery Girl you head out of the tent and you stutter in your steps seeing something from the corner of your eye, was someone standing there? You look over seeing nothing. Looking forward you keep walking ignoring this weird feeling in your chest.
Far off on a remote prison holding villains of all crimes and even the worse.
“It’s 1541. We’ve got movement.” One of the workers says typing on his computer.
“That’s a few times since yesterday. Honestly wish they’d hurry up with his sentencing…I’m not sure how much more of this I can take,” The head director says glaring at the camera showing the surveillance of prisoner 1541, “Kill one man, you’re a murderer. Kill millions, you’re a hero. Was it Chaplin who said that? Also, Gigantomachia popped up the other day. The big man’s loyal servant. It ain’t just the League of Villains. Who knows how many secret sympathizers he’s got out there…we gotta be real careful not to provoke anything at this point.”
From inside a highly secured cell resides a man, with machines keeping him alive while restrained until the end of his days smiles, “Dear me…so sorry for the trouble. All this nostalgia…it makes me ache inside. I hear my little brother’s voice!” He pauses before chuckling a grin growing wider, “And my sweet girl it seems you’ve returned..together we are now.”
Returning to your class you can feel the looks from your classmates in surprise seeing you in your hero costume you make eye contact with Monoma and you send a glare to him before you join Midoriya and your new team as you start heading to your starting point.
“You’re…fighting?!” Midoriya says his eyes widening in surprise and he glances over at Mina who also sends back a look.
“It was time to get off my ass..so what’s our plan.” You say.
“We should start with Shinso, okay? As long as he’s out there, I’m on edge. I don’t wanna get brainwashed…” Mineta says pointing at his head.
“Let’s not focus too hard on him though. The rest of them are the type to stay hidden and launch attacks from who knows where..” Uraraka points out.
“Well, we have L/n quirk can’t you like see them from anything!” Mineta brings up and both Uraraka and Mineta look over at you and you could also feel both Mina and Midoriya’s gaze burning into you.
“Yeah Ragdoll’s quirk they won’t be able to stay hidden from us.” You say and Mineta and Uraraka nod. And you don’t see the look Midoriya and Mina give to each other.
“Sorry, can I talk to L/n really quick? Keep coming up with a plan,” Midoriya says his hand latching onto your arm and pulling you away from the group he whips you around to face him, “What was that!? You know you don’t have your quirk.” He whisper-shouts.
“We’ll be alright, I can handle myself Midoriya.” You retort crossing your arms.
He sighs pinching the bridge of his nose, “I know you can but don’t give them hope when we both know you can’t do what you say you can.” He grabs your hand squeezing it. “I don’t want you getting hurt just to prove to everyone else.”
You snatch your hand from his grasp, “This isn’t about proving to anyone.” You hiss out before walking past him, “Let’s get back with the group.” While walking past him shoulder brushes past his and a shock of electricity runs through you. What the hell is up with you? Rejoining the group you see Midoriya coming back and right behind him seems like a shadow of someone. The face is unreadable but you could feel their stare digging into your soul when you blink it was gone.
“Okay, so we’re thinking of having Midoriya be the bait since the others might be wary of him. While the rest of us follow alongside, L/n we want you to stay hidden to keep them on their toes because while they are so focused on us and Midoriya they won’t have enough time to realize you struck against them!” Mina explains and you nod your arms crossed at your chest. You could feel Midoriya looking at you but he looked away and nods.
“We got this! We can win this!” He says and your teammates smile.
A buzzer goes off, “It’s time for Match 5! The final battle! Everyone ready?! Keep it together to the very end and do your best!!” Vlad King yells out, “NOW START!”
Midoriya had moved forward to bait them out as the rest of you went off to set traps.
“I guess I’ll see you guys later.” You say to the three of them before you go off quickly hiding but still keeping an eye on them as they set up traps. Watching them and keeping an eye out, be smart Midoriya.
You whip around looking for the voice finding nothing chills growing on your arms. This could be Shinso’s doing..but he didn’t know your real name. This couldn’t have been him.
Another voice echos and you turn in a different direction looking around for the voice. A cry echoes out and you look down to see your classmates being attacked. Crap you see Mina quickly throw up a wall of acid as her eyes lock with yours and she shakes her head. Not yet. Stepping back further into the shadow you freeze feeling a presence by you. Was it Shinso had he found you?
“Y/n Shimura~” A voice you haven’t heard in a while speaks out.
Back at the viewing, All Might listens to Gran Torino on a phone call, “Sorry to say this probably ain’t what you want to hear.”
“Oh? What did Master tell you..?” All Might questions.
“This wasn’t long after she inherited One For All...Like always we were out on patrol. Just chatting.” Gran Torino says.
Midoriya dodges another attack from Monoma One For All flowing through his veins, “Tell me!” Monoma calls out preparing another attack, “Your pal Bakugo..how is it that he can still smile without a care…when he’s the one who brought about the downfall of the symbol of peace?” He smirks as Midoriya sends another attack using his gloves which the blonde dodges.
“You know it’s funny the stuff your class gets involved in, but some rumors are spreading through the school. Your dear classmate, L/n. People are calling her a villain, the League knows her and people can only assume the worse with that quirk of hers.” Midoriya felt red-hot anger rush through him hearing those words, “She did get arrested after all so maybe the rumors are true? She’s nothing but a dirty villain.”
You stare back into his scar-filled face shadows swimming around him, “It has been a while, dear child.” He grins holding out his hands to accept some embrace, “We are together once again.”
“Get this Gran Torino.” Gran Torino retells his memory, “I had the weirdest dream last night, A man was standing there, all shrouded in black smoke. He spoke to me and said…”
It’s Not Time Yet…
Power erupts from two sides of the battlefield. From one screen explosions of black whips appear from Midoriya's wrist ripping apart his sleeve and on the other screen the camera shatters but another picks up an explosion tearing apart a section of the area and blood-red sparks fill the air. The air completely leaves All Might’s lungs seeing this event. There was no coincidence that these two users have this reaction at the same time.
“Another new move from Midoriya?” Sato says.
“And L/n she completely wrecked the area more than any else has,” Jiro says and your classmates watch the new power-ups happen before them.
“Aizawa. Vlad.” All Might says looking frantically at the two teachers, “You need to stop them! Something’s wrong!”
Your breathing is heavy gasping for air that seemed electrified the sparks from your hand fading before a tense feeling hits you straight in the chest almost knocking you back. Looking past the debris and the sound of metal crashing around you. Up in the air you see black tendrils frantically crashing into objects.
“Midoriya…” You breathe out and you start moving the air crisp with each step. You hear a piece of metal come loose from the destroyed area heading down to you but the sparks of red appear reaching out and hitting it and it decays before it can even hit you.
“Go to him, Shimura…One For All is in your grasp.” All For One says standing to the side his smile widening in glee at the destruction you created in just one attack. Your power…his power was working subconsciously for you now.
“Shut up…” You snarl the energy surrounding you bending the metal around you and creating a clear path to where you sense Midoriya. The bright star from across the battlefield, there he was. Get One For All… A voice whispers in your head and you slap your head silencing the voice. You needed to help them.
Midoriya dodges a blow his quirk back to normal after his conversation with one past user of One For All.
“Hm?! I’m afraid this match isn’t over yet!” Monoma yells and Uraraka rushes to attack him when scraps of bolts send her back.
“Are you two okay? What was all that?” Yanagi says.
“Nice poltergeisting there!” Monoma yells out as his other teammates arrive.
“That wild black energy ruined all our plans!” Shoda yells out.
“EAT THIS!!” Mineta yells out and Mina arrives sending attacks and it becomes an all-out brawl.
“Midoriya, Uraraka! You’ve seen L/n we lost sight of her with the other blast by us!” Mina says dodging an oversized bolt. Midoriya couldn’t help but feel worried you were around, did you get taken down?
A tremor runs through the map and every hesitates for a second and another follows louder and much closer.
“Look!” One of the students from Class B points out an everyone sees in the distance some of the metal buildings falling large clouds of dust picking up in the air before the ones closest to them they see cracks appearing all over it before it tumbles to the ground.
“That’s Shigaraki’s quirk!” Someone yells out. Had the League appeared to attack? Everyone held their breath before someone appeared from the dust, the footsteps, and the crackling of electricity before they see someone.
“Holy shit…” Back at the viewing area, someone mumbles out seeing the full effect of the damage.
Your gaze scans those of the field before it locks onto Midoriya’s. Both of you stare at each other for a second before you can see Monoma appearing from behind him. You disappear from their view and Midoriya and Uraraka feel the brush of air past them and an electric shock rush through them and you’re now standing next to them.
Your fist slams into Monoma sending him crashing into one of the buildings, All For One and Decay tearing through the metal before he hits it.
“Y/n…” Midoriya whispers looking at you. He didn’t know how to describe what he was seeing now, you tore down buildings like nothing and traveled feet in seconds releasing powerful attacks. Just the way you looked was different, you stood different as the red sparks that people feared seeing surrounded you just like One For All would. You radiated power that was thought to be gone.
“The fights not over Midoriya.” You say without looking at him and he’s brought back into reality as the brawl continues. Standing up beside you he nods One For All flowing through him. Red and Green. Opposites as you both hold two different powers. You see Monoma pushing himself through the hole he came through pretty battered but with a cocky grin on his face.
“Finally decided to grace us!” You smirk cracking your neck before looking at Midoriya who is looking up at Shinso.
“See you when the fight’s over.” You say and he nods and the two of you shoot off in different directions.
From further away three teachers see the intense battle unfolding before them, “What now, Eraser?” Vlad King says.
Aizawa is quiet seeing Midoriya fighting against Shinso and you with a wild grin on your face fighting Monoma, “All Might…Let’s see how this plays out..”
“Aizawa! You can’t be serious?!” All Might says a look of shock on his face.
“We’re letting it go on?!” Vlad King says looking at his coworker, “But..there was clearly something wrong with Midoriya. Plus L/n too, weren’t we warn for her to not use any villains' quirks?”
“If it happens again, I’ll jump in and pull Midoriya out. But Shinso managed to calm him down this time. If it’s quirk related, I’ll have no problem stopping it, even L/n.” Aizawa says watching them fighting.
“But why…?” All Might says.
“Because their hearts are still in it. Midoriya…L/n..and Shinso too. All of them are still hungry to win!” Aizawa says.
You grin swiping your hand the air pressure tearing up the ground as Monoma uses one of the quirks of his classmates to dodge the blow. “You know it’s funny you and I!” You call out throwing your fist out causing a building to collapse your quirk traveling through the metal decaying it, “People would say our quirks are similar, the ability to copy another’s quirk. But they're wrong. You can only copy up to four quirks only for a limited amount of time…ten minutes is it?” You grin and he shivers hearing you reveal his weakness as he hides behind a building. How did you even know it? Your eyes shimmer a rainbow color as you see everyone’s location including Monoma’s and weaknesses.
“You can’t use multiple quirks at once right?! So in reality…I have the better quirk. You have to constantly touch someone’s quirk but me..” You say and Monoma looks around hearing your voice echo but not seeing you. The sound of cracking and Monoma looks down seeing them all underneath him. The ground disappears as he falls, trying to use one of the copied quirks but nothing works. A shadow appears above him and there you are, eyes a bright red from erasing his quirk, hair as white as snow floating in the air both your hands held out as a blinding light forming from it, and the flashes of red sparks.
The power coming off you can be felt through the cameras. Your classmates and fellow students watch the ultimate move of quirks, Eraserure, Explosion, and All For One.
“I take whatever I want.”
An instant takedown from Midoriya stopping Shinso, Uraraka scooping in defeating the other Class B students with Mineta and Mina’s help, and you delivering the final blow to Monoma. The smoke clears as your footsteps come close to Monoma who lies unconscious on the ground. The arms of your costume were destroyed right past your elbows, little sparks rush through the material as it decays more. 
“Take his quirk, go after all of their quirks, my power strives for it.” All For One says as you bend down grab the boy by the collar of his suit and start dragging him.
“I should have killed you when I had the chance.” You spit out walking past him seeing through Search where everyone is for to lock them up.
“You will learn Shimura…All For One seeks power you will accept my power.” He says and you pause turning to look at him dropping Monoma stalking towards the villain.
“Your power…this is mine and when all this is over I’ll find wherever the hell the heroes have you locked up and take your quirk for myself.” You spit out anger and almost a bloodlust clouds your judgment and he grins seeing it. The madness in your face but also the look in your eyes, hunger for power and you weren’t satisfied with what you just had.
“You’ve accepted All For One as it truly is. This power will never be satisfied no matter how many quirks you take. You triggered it that day claiming that quirk for your own. You can do nothing but continue to hunt for more quirks…until you claim the one quirk destined for you…until you take One For All.” He grins and the red clears from your mind and you step back almost horrified by yourself. This wasn’t you…was it? Your mind rushes back to the raid…taking Overhaul’s power. You told yourself it was for the safety of what he did to Eri but was that the reason? Or did you want the claim the quirk for your own due to the subconscious thought by All For One?
“Do not be fearful Shimura, you will get used to the feeling. Like Tomura the urge to kill to satisfy his craving was too great for him to suppress…you as well will soon be unable to suppress it too,” All For One says stepping closer and you turn your back to him holding your arms trying to ground yourself self-doubt and fear running through you. His cold arms latch onto your shoulder drawing the air from your lungs, “And when that moment comes you will finally become what I created you to be…a weapon to destroy all of heroes society.” He whispers and you jerk away swiping your arm out with a yell the metal structures surrounding you get hit cracks form from decay but never fully get destroyed just a reminder. Clutching your hand to your chest you try calming your breath his words ringing in your head.
If you were to continue training to get more powerful you were just playing into his hand by becoming his tool in destroying heroes. But if you didn’t get stronger you wouldn’t be able to face the League or Tenko when he received All For One. On one hand, you destroy heroes with your power or you stand by and watch society fall to the hands of villains.
Your mind was in a daze during the post-fight analysis from your teachers, you responded with short answers and when you all were sent back to campus it quickly faded and you only remember returning to the dorm and heading to sleep beside Midoriya your hands holding him close to you. With just a small part of your brain whispering to you to take his quirk and claim it as your own but you pushed it away drifting to a night of restless sleep.
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