#make it make sense 🤣
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myreia · 7 months ago
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✦ S U M M O N E R
Summoning does not come easily. Though she understands the principles and geometries, even crafted the arcane ink required for codices, she still could not summon. It is embarrassing, in a way, to have mastered all other forms of magic but to be stuck on this one. She devours text upon text, determined to move past whatever roadblock prevented her from enlightenment. There must be some book here, some tome that will unlock the secrets, teach her in a way she understands. She just needs to find it. —level 90 compendium
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hyydraworks · 7 months ago
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But wait, there’s more 🐳 🦈 🌊
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blackknight-kai · 6 months ago
You know. My attraction to Caesar from POTA makes a lot more sense now. I always just decided “eh I’m a ‘monster fucker’ so it’s fine”.
Yeah. Sense has been made. (I need help but I won’t accept it.)
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the-fourchette · 1 month ago
"Because you weakened me"
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I tend to over analyse too much but aren't those two scenes a parallel ?
1/ Mel's position
In both frames Mel is positioned to the left of her interlocutors (Ambessa and Jayce). In both pictures, she's the vulnerable one, she's barely listened to and her words have "no weight" (but the contexts are important!)
2/ Context
In the first situation, Mel advocates for the mercy of the young heir of a conquered nation (I guess)
As a result, Ambessa banished Mel because of her softness. Her mother needed her to be far away from her so she could accomplish her bigger missions. She literally said that she couldn't look at her in her eyes because Mel weakens her resolve to do what's necessary for her family (i.e conquering lands through wars but also protecting her family, and more precisely protecting Mel from the Black rose).
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In the second situation, she explains to Jayce that her whole life had been a lie and she can't control it because of her family and powers.
Jayce listens and coldly leaves Mel to fulfill his greater mission : saving the world from his "misdeeds". He gives her a dull but meaningful pep talk. And, he, too as a hard time looking at her in the eyes. Jayce knows Mel and he knows that she needs to feel approved and validated, he genuinely loves her and believes in her strenght and intelligence. I think that's why, besides her revelation, he specifically chose those last words to encourage her (i.e "You are not a passenger").
I don't know if I am reaching but it seems like in a teeny tiny moment, they want to hug but both refrain from it. Almost as if they are restraining themselves to have physical contact. Mel has to cross her hands. Their posture is unnatural and awkward, the perfect opposite of how they usually behave around each other.
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Jayce usually let himself be soft and vulnerable with Mel, she's his confidant, but this time he couldn't afford to do that for the greater good. There is a deep sorrow in his eyes when he manages to look at her (is he also ashamed because he weaponized hextech when she fought not to ?). He knows he couldn't count on her help and comfort this time. He couldn't cave in and melt into her arms (or lap). He can't be "weak". Maybe, Jayce knew she would weaken his firm resolve.... So that's why, like Ambessa, he has a hard time looking at her.
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3/ "There is no force in this world that can control you"
He's also resignated and defeated because he knows that he's definitely a passenger. (And he doesn't want that for her, I suppose...). He's in pain and he knows that he's risking death (or he's already dying because of his hexcorized arm).
Feels like this line is almost a jab to Mage Viktor who, in hindsight, dictated/manipulated his whole life.... He says he's confused about a lot lately, that's the sentence of someone who discovers that his whole life was a "lie". But he also feels responsible for all the bad decisions he made and he's determined to fix it. Little does he know how much Mel and him have in common : kidnapped and tortured in alternative/future worlds, and controlled and coveted by people who needs them for what they could bring to them (Mage Viktor and the Black Rose).
Anyway, Jayce never told Mel what happened to him so the poor woman must feel so unworth and unloved, again. In reality, Jayce was protecting her and the city from an apocalypse and her mom was protecting her from the black rose.
She seems quite done but unfazed after Jayce's speech, seems like a familiar feeling to her. She's used to be cast away at this point, right ? As an empath, I'm pretty sure she's devastated but she can't be "weak" too (that's why she was exiled after all). She also knows that they are going to war, so no time for self pity.
This scene is so frustrating because I can understand why Jayce is so cold and distant, he's pained, he knows he's risking death. But at the same, he feels so OOC (which is not that stupid because it's not everyday that he had to face an apocalypse...)
I don't know, I'm just trying to make sense of this scene. But maybe I'm just reaching and it's not that deep (because season 2 is a parallel fest, so much parallels just for the sake of "parallelling"....)
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llamaisllama777 · 8 months ago
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... I didn't know who MUCH I needed this piece of art in my life till now! Kiwi THANK YOU FOR DRAWING THIS! This is gonna be my banner for a bit. Okay, onto the actual review. We finally got some Sun and Solar bonding moments, and I'm happy about that. I noticed a lot of people mentioned that Sun and Solar didn't really hang out a lot, and I thought "No they have to have hanged out like this before?" Well, color me surprised they didn't really hang out a lot. So, I'm glad we got an episode with just them bonding. Jack has become a stinkin' criminal. He stole a bugatti! Do you know how expensive that car is?! (Seriously, do you cause I don't.) Solar, you might want to do some reprogramming or teach Jack morals cause at this rate he'll steal the declaration of Independence! Move over, Nick Cage!
Solar is still wrapping his head around the new moon/Nexus situation, and I don't blame him. Imagine waking up from being dead only to discover your best friend/brother/cousin has become dangerously unstable and tried to kill one of your family members. Ya, you'd need a few days to process all that, too. But I'm glad Solar has Sun and the others to lean on. I am still very worried about what will happen when Solar and Nexus meet again. Pray for him y'all.
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First gaming video of the Eclipse and Puppet show! Yay! 👏 👏 👏 👏 @damien-candle did an amazing job on everyone. I love how they draw Foxy with his little scruff, and Earth just looks adorable as always. Okay, now, spoiler alert in 3..2..1
Foxy loses... as usual.
That's not much of a surprise, but what is a surprise is EARTH IS HERE! She popped by for a visit. I hope we get an episode where she explores this universe with Eclipse and Puppet. That would be fun. Eclipse is surprisingly good at Game of life. Maybe it's just luck, but my headcanon us he's just a master of all board games!
Amazing episodes today from everyone! 👏 👏
11/10 👏
I need more Marvel x TSBS art in my life.
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doctor-octiddius · 1 year ago
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guys, i can't do this. i am not god's strongest soldier.
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thebramblewood · 3 months ago
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And just like that the walls of willful denial come crumbling down.
Beginning / Previous / Next
Naomi: What a fucking night! [sighs contentedly] Sweet, sweet warmth.
Guidry: Hello, Naomi.
Naomi: [yelps and ducks for cover] Who the fuck are you, and how the fuck do you know my name?
Guidry: I’m an ethereal being. I know much more than your name, Naomi. But I’m also an old friend of the family. Do you not recognize me?
Micah: [squeals excitedly] Guidry?!?
Naomi: You know this big pink weirdo?
Micah: You don’t remember? From Mom’s stories? [to Guidry] But why are you here? I thought you dwelt in Evergreen Harbor.
Guidry: After helping your mother, I discovered I was free to roam. Something about completing my Soul’s Journey? Anyway, I started fresh as a paranormal investigator. Easier to hunt down ghosts when you’ve got firsthand experience.
Naomi: [mildly hysterical] I think I need to go lie down.
Guidry: I sensed volatility here and came as soon as I could.
Micah: Oh, that was probably Alice…or Edith. But they’re handled now. Mostly.
Guidry: No, no, I’m very familiar with Ravenwood’s usual… eccentricities. This was something different, dark and long buried, emanating from this location specifically. But I’m sure you girls will be fine, considering your pedigree. Just remember I’m around if you need me!
Naomi: I’m not sure I can call myself a skeptic anymore.
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harmonysanreads · 5 days ago
They want him so bad
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pizzaqueen · 2 years ago
464 words of pre-slash pining fluff for day one of @steddie-week / rated G or T
It’s not as tight a fit in the listening booth as Eddie hoped it would be, but it does get him closer to Steve than he’s been all day. (Well, except for when he draped himself all over Steve at their table in the food court, or when they were pressed close in the photo booth, Eddie goading Steve into making goofy faces, or when their knees were resting together at the movies earlier.)
But they’re in their own bubble here. The rest of the world completely shut out. Just the two of them, one set of headphones, and a song shared between them.
Eddie has the album at home, and he wouldn’t be surprised if Steve knows that, but he didn’t resist when Eddie dragged him in here with one hand curled around Steve’s wrist, the other clutching the album they’re listening to now.
The song is so familiar and it fades to the background as Eddie watches Steve sidelong; the drums keep time with the beat of his heart, the howling guitar could be the singing in his blood. He catches Steve looking at him, once, twice, three times, his pulse skipping whenever their gazes lock.
This is almost everything Eddie wants. Listening to music with Steve, forgetting about the world beyond the song and the space between them. It would be perfect if he was sure that Steve’s heart is beating as hard as his, that his skin tingles at the nearness of Eddie, the way Eddie’s skin is tingling, now, being so close to Steve. The way his stomach swoops, and his chest feels full to bursting, how he’s every single fucking hopelessly in love cliche whenever they’re together, and even more when they’re not.
But he doesn’t know. He has no fucking clue. Sometimes, maybe, he thinks—hopes—but how can he be sure? He’s out of his depths here. It drives him crazy but, fuck, in moments like this he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Steve shifts, their hips bumping together, the brush of his arm against Eddie’s sending electricity through him. It draws Steve closer and he doesn’t move away, so they listen to the rest of the song pressed close, like the booth is half the size.
“So”—Eddie pulls his side of the headphones away from his ear when the song ends—“what did you think?” He bites his lip, kicks Steve’s foot.
“I think I liked it.” Steve’s gaze flicks outside the booth, then fixes back on Eddie. His eyes twinkle, warm and dark, and he turns so he’s facing Eddie fully. He licks his lips and leans in, saying, “But maybe we could listen to it again?”
“Yeah,” Eddie says, a smile forming, “maybe we could,” and he starts the song over.
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amtrak12 · 16 days ago
When you know the fic will turn out so good, the writing, the characters, the humor, all of it -- but then you remember the effort that goes into writing epic-length 50k word fics
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storiesofaot · 4 months ago
Hello, hello. I hope your day has been treating you well. I come bearing questions from this post. Do you have any details or further ideas regarding Hange's crush on Keith Shadis? How they behaved around him, what the nature of the infatuation was, maybe more on why, etc.
Heey there! 😇 Yes, thank you so much - I had a good day with some tea and gingerbread hehe! Hope your day is going or has been good, too! ✨️
Ooh yes, Keith Shadis, our dear sunken-eyed, bald-headed friend 🤭 I actually did some thinking and rewatching this afternoon, and now I do have some more thoughts about the whole Hange&Shadis thing! (Still feeling gloriously inadequate to actually try doing an analysis on them, but it truly was a lot of fun! 😁)
I have my own personal timeline for Hange in my mind, so I created a comparison with Shadis's time with the Scouts. I don't know if it'll matter that much for the following ramble, but I'll share it anyway :)
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In that flashback scene from 3x11 (Chapter 48), we get to hear Shadis himself talking about the time he met Grisha, and sharing some of his beliefs with us. He always had the drive to know what was outside the walls; he felt trapped inside and wasn't too happy about everyone living in "comfort", simply accepting the situation without actually wanting to change anything about it. I think Hange was also always curious about the world beyond the walls. Her focus was on the Titans, yes, but she was equally fascinated by the ocean and all the new discoveries they made in Marley = the world outside of the walls. In that sense, I believe she felt a connection with Shadis, as those were likely the values he advocated for during his time as Commander, and they clearly resonated with her.
But Shadis believed that in order to accomplish something, one had to be special. He wanted to be special, and over time, he was even convinced himself that he was special, and even better than the others? I think, though, that the whole feeling special thing might’ve sparked that little crush Hange had on Shadis. This is just my personal opinion - it’s not really based on anything - but I can imagine that when Hange joined the Military, she was already exceptionally smart but maybe lacked a bit of skill when it came to actual combat?
He might have been the one who saw beyond that "lack" - he recognised her curiosity about the world and her genuine desire to understand things. (We know he’s very good at reading people; we saw it when Eren & Co. were training). So he made Hange feel special in a sense, because, as mentioned above, he believed that only special people could accomplish (great) things. He recognised her potential and might've been the one who allowed her to join the Scouts, maybe even pushed her to get a better fighter, encouraging her so that she could unfold her full potential (a little like he did with Eren, he could've made sure he didn't enter but in the end, he yielded; and we know Hange can be very persistent, too!)
This might be a slightly silly thing to admit, but it's all for the sake of this analysis sooo xD I remember back when I was in secondary school - I must’ve been around 16 - there was one moment where someone made me feel "special" in a way that hadn't happened before. It was just a little, minor, innocent thing, not even worth mentioning (he pretty much just opened the door for me 😂) but it was such a nice gesture. Because it was the first time something like that happened, I guess it especially stood out to me, and I will (always?) associate it with that person.
Bringing this back to KisuHan (lol xD), Shadis might have been the first one to truly see her abilities, to acknowledge her amazing mind and not dismiss her due to the way she appeared or acted? That's where her infatuation with him started; she felt seen and valued, he made her feel special, so her 15/16/17 year old brain crushed hard on him 😁 (and he still had his hair, sooooo xD) I don't know if she actually wanted to feel special, but since it kind of happened, in a sense it made him feel special to her, too?
(Maybe that was also the reason why she seemed truly mad or hurt when he told them the story about Eren and Grisha, a story he had withheld from all of them for so many years. She might have always thought highly of him, and the first little damper was him stepping back from his role as Commander, and the fact that he kept all that information hidden was another big damper?)
Now if you've made it this far - thank you!! (this turned out much longer than I thought it would be lol) I know, I could've just said "Shadis made feel Hange special." but where's the fun in that? 😂 Of course, this is just my personal opinion or explanation, but I'm curious to hear your thoughts on their "relationship", too!
As a farewell, here’s a little photo of our buddy Keith. This was so much fun, thank you sooo much for asking, I really loved thinking about this! 🙌🏼
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navybrat817 · 1 year ago
I could boop over and over and over and over, but can only send 10 asks in an hour?
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foxglovevibes · 2 months ago
Something, something;
The fact that Goodsir was the only one to truly see past the veneer that Hickey had crafted for himself was 100% because he was:
a) a surgeon and thus was trained/inherently more attuned to looking deeper than others would dare/feel comfortable to and having a keen eye for any sort of abnormality and malignant symptoms that could spread to other vital bodily functions-
b) so fixated on the nature of things and the world around him. So much so that he could easily see that Hickey was little more than a fox that had managed to slink it's way into the henhouse the expedition had become, with the intent of leaving nothing but blood and fuckin' feathers EVERYWHERE-
In short, Hickey had the potential to be, and then eventually became, the thing Goodsir had been trained to recognise and extract which was why he was the only one to truly see Hickey for what he was right from the get go.
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wikiangela · 1 year ago
fuck it friday
tagged by @dangerpronebuddie @theotherbuckley 💖
it's technically already friday here but still a little less than an hour before the episode!!! but for now I'm getting back to my beloved alive shannon fic and here's some angst that I've been stuck on bc apparently I can't write eddie and shannon arguing lol
prev snippet
“Eddie, there’s nothing to celebrate about our marriage ending.” she said gently, taking a step towards Eddie. He stopped and turned towards her.
“Isn’t there? I thought this was what you wanted.” he scoffed.
“And you agreed.” she bit back, tone defensive. “It was all amicable and mutual, and you agreed, Eddie. I thought we were past this.”
“Well, maybe I’m not.” he wasn’t sure why he was starting something right now, a discussion, maybe an argument. It wasn’t necessary, it was stupid, they’d talked it all over multiple times. Still, seeing the papers, it’s just… it hurt. He knew he had no right attacking her right now, but he just- he wanted her to hurt like he was hurting, and he felt awful about it. “Maybe we rushed this.”
“Rushed?” Shannon asked incredulously. “Are you kidding me? If anything, we should’ve gotten divorced sooner. We hadn’t talked in two years.”
“And whose fault was that?” Eddie had the answer ready before she finished talking. And he knew he wasn’t exactly being fair, the circumstances being what they were (...), but at the moment he didn’t care.
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @gaydiaz @thebravebitch @silentxxsoul @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @transbuck @911onabc @housewifebuck @watchyourbuck @underwater-ninja-13 @eowon @loserdiaz @evanbegins @ladydorian05 @wildlife4life @diazpatcher @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @thewolvesof1998 @puppyboybuckley @weewootruck @loveyouanyway @spagheddiediaz @rainbow-nerdss @sunshinediaz @giddyupbuck @epicbuddieficrecs @pirrusstuff @spotsandsocks @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @hoodie-buck @nmcggg @jesuisici33 @exhuastedpigeon @rogerzsteven @hippolotamus @honestlydarkprincess @fortheloveofbuddie @steadfastsaturnsrings @diazsdimples @disasterbuckdiaz @tizniz @daffi-990
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rlbbackup · 15 days ago
FicSnip Day 8: Briar Rose
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Ngl when my wheel of choice landed on this fic, my heart sank.
For those unaware, I have a difficult relationship with this fic. At one point, I even had the first two chapters posted before taking them down. This fic is very difficult for me, not because it's difficult to write, but because I've received negativity because of it and it's sister fic: Oh Your Smile.
OYS is a sad ending fic and Briar Rose was born of wanting to fix it. It's dark. It'll be gritty. But most of all, it'll be painful for both Yor and Twilight.
The snippet I wanted to share was just how conflicted this will make Twilight. To note, I wrote this a full year and more before Complicity, but I feel it has a similar vibe. We'll see.
I'm not sure when I'll be happy enough to post this fic, though I likely won't until I have it completed in drafts. We'll see.
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 7 months ago
dan and phil are like jesus in that they’re dramatic ass fruity men in their 30s always going like “i am making this SACRIFICE for THE PEOPLE” and everyone is like “no one asked you to do this in fact we’d all rather you just did not do this” and they’re like “IT IS TOO LATE NOW YOU HAVE TO LIVE WITH THE CONSEQUENCES THIS IS WHAT YOU WANTED” and we’re like “no no we didn’t want this actually and you made this decision with your whole ass adult brain you truly could have just not done this and we’d all be better off for it but now we all have to suffer because YOU refuse to say no to shit” and i think that’s ridiculous stupid annoying awful beautiful
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