#make Ai proud
yuseirra · 1 month
Onk spoilers!!!! Here's what I think what may happen if the story takes a more.. Fantasy approach. I will put a read-more just in case!!
I don't think the most recent chapter is bad, the way most characters act are in character and there was foreshadowing that nino can't accept anyone who surpasses Ai and Ruby was showing such a potential. And Kamiki, well, I was sure he understood Ai's message. She didn't want him to be "lost" anymore, and he turned back after listening to her words. It's like how Kana was able to bring Aqua back to himself in 146. Her words have a HUGE effect on him.
I have no idea if Aqua and Ruby never saw this coming or if this is some sort of vision but if Ruby's really BEEN stabbed and her life is at stake, I feel her dad would try to give her what he's been collecting in order to help her return to life.
The "lights" mentioned in the song Mephisto.
I am 90% sure he wanted to revive Ai, trade his life for hers or wanted to give something in order to compensate for it, and I think he was very close to reaching that goal.
The three words attached to him when you see him in this chapter, Desire, Disappointment, Despair- I think those can mean two things:
Desire: he desired to be with Ai/He desires to bring her back to life
Disappointment: He was rejected and that led him to feel disappointment/He tried but could not revive her, so the failures made him feel disappointment.
Despair: something drastic happens and he loses Ai,(he really, really didn't see this coming. This must be true) and he fell into despair after that/He despairs because he can't ever have what he wants to come true(to bring his love back to life)no matter how hard he struggles.
But upon hearing Ai's words, he found she was always concerned for his sake. She wouldn't be happy if he traded his life for hers or harmed others in order to do it. That makes him come back to his senses and he can't devalue his own life anymore. So he gives up and decides to stop what he's been so desperate about doing, for it's what Ai would have wanted.
However, if their daughter's life is at peril, what he's been doing may not be come to waste.
I feel like he may reach out to Ruby and do what he's tried to do for Ai, and if Ruby really comes back to life and survives, he'd be able to save someone for once, their daughter who really resembles Ai and may even outshine them(amaterasu is the sun god. She's one of the most powerful gods in Japanese mythology, more renowned than the entertainment god-ame-no-uzume- and her husband, the god of the bright lights-sarutahiko-)
And he'll get his salvation that way.
But I don't know if this will actually happen. This makes Aqua look so helpless, what's he been doing if he's aware that nino's someone that suspicious?;;
I just want Hikaru to do something at this point, he seems pretty passive in my opinion...; I'm not sure if he's very capable of taking strong actions but he did say he'll do something for Ai after all
He did the MOST sensible thing he could as a person by deciding to get punished by turning himself in...but I don't really picture this comic ending with him behind bars. It feels a bit funny thinking about it. With all the other characters smiling and laughing and him. Behind bars lol. I can see nino like that.. :/ him, though... It doesn't feel like a pretty picture.
So if he actually DOES have the guts in him to go out there and do something, I think him giving his life to save his daughter would be in character for him and it'd give him a good resolution too. I wouldn't want him to die if he's really been that person who's been hurt and tossed around all the time, his life was simply miserable and tragic. Although yes. He could have done things in between but I'll get to that when it's tackled in the plot, it's something we don't know for now,
But IS there something that'd give this guy a happy ending other than letting him reunite with Ai?;; Hm; hmmm...;; maybe he can live with Aqua and Ruby if he actually wasn't so guilty about what's happened to Ai? But that feels so awkward too;
Yeah. It's just a small imagination I have.
I'm not so sure how much I could expect out of Kamiki at this point, he seems like a kind guy in nature but he's way too soft???? Maybe he'll really end up doing nothing.. But if he does do something, I feel this can be it. I'd feel very sorry for him if he actually does this but it's something that would make sense for me.
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jjoneechan · 2 months
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I love him, I'm so proud of him
Dream's scar version
Lil bonus: scar buddies! ✨
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THEY MEAN EVERYTHING TO ME 😭 dreams and saps scars tell so much I'm happy they're comfortable talking about it
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kikicolors · 2 years
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smokszyvverstar · 8 days
My brother showed me a song and I had to do this. It took me like four days or so
Celebi inviting Dusknoir into the polycule
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saewokhrisz · 1 year
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bro is pondering!!!
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spookythesillyfella · 29 days
★ WARNING FOR : BLOOD . GORE [kinda] . BODY HORROR [not really but i wanna cover all bases]
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something something "i want to pull your skin open and crawl inside you" something something
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kindahoping4forever · 8 months
AshtonIrwin: Have you ever seen a professional musician in the studio? 😂 “THANK YOU CLEVELAND!!!”
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frootbyethefoot · 9 months
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in honor of hl2vrai having a trailer now, i rewatched all of hlvrai and went a bit insane designing comic/graphic novel covers for them! hlvrai was one of (if not the?) first things i started posting on tumblr, so this was mostly a project i did in order to show self improvement (colors, shapes, shading, expressions, etc.)
happy 2024! to another year of learning and improvement!
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GUYS I AM SCREAMING a journalist contacted me to talk about women characters in the Zelda franchise this is so fucking funny
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ai-higurashi · 6 months
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Cure Pumpkin design I did back in December with t-shirts, etc. in mind! mostly to make a shirt for @zukoromantic
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allycat75 · 6 months
Happy April Fool's Day, Boston Dumb Fuck! But then it is no longer just a day for you anymore, is it?
You really gave it the office over the past few years, haven't you? Made a joke of your life, your family, friends and fans and look at where it has gotten you.
In honor of this most sacred of days, let's take a quick look back down Untrustworthy Lane, shall we?
You saying you loved love in your SMA article, then taking this massive dump on it. That was awesome!
Also saying you hated yourself in the same SMA article. Too bad no one close to you believed you or intervened. Maybe this mess could have been avoided
Your then fake girlfriend, now fake wifey, crashing the Thanksgiving family celebration at Disney World, where you pretended to be creepy niece-creepy uncle. I am sure your family laughed and laughed at that one
Tried to convince us jump scares were cute beyond brothers and could be easily staged
Also thought it would be fun to hide a misogynistic snuff film behind a dumb chin puppet video
Tried to trick us into thinking being good at Mario Cart was a noteworthy feat, and being bad at it was worthy of derision
Proved Valentine's Day is a joke by releasing a few handfuls of unflattering photos, plus some obvious photshop fails and even 2 or 3 photos that had absolutely nothing to do with the day of forced love. The joke was on you, however, since all that accomplished was to murder so many lady-boners it doomed you to only finding pleasure in your own hands, or perhaps a realistic fleshlight, for the foreseeable future. But you are a big "alone guy" so that should suit you well!
Extending this shameful stunt to the "Ghosted" premiere. That was a double whammy- the little racist, clout chasing twit thinking she was going to walk the red carpet and Ana and Dexter thinking they could save that festering turd of a movie from further embarrassment. Are they still talking to you after that prank?
Orchestrating two ghost kinda ceremonies using only vague descriptions of locations and pictures from family and friends in the vicinity of possible kinda locations, including a very real and special birthday party for a young lady that was probably ruined, but all in the name of a fun manipulation, right? Pepper in some online quotes about getting mentored by RDJ (he's doing a bang up job, by the way), as well as a line in the online version of the disaster of all disaster interviews in GQ, (that if people truly cared, would have put a 5150 hold on you and your dissociated life) and voila! Sham marriage complete.
Continuing with the joke-in-and-of-itself ASP. I mean, having a discussion on antisemitism where your guest chides those who normalize this behavior, just as you shove that poison ring in the camera, symbolizing the unholy union between you and the Nazi wifey. Great job, man!
Almost as good as you wearing the colors of the Nazi flag for your red carpet debut with your charming anti-semetic "bride", fake kisses and all
The best jest, however, was you not even getting to catch up with your more successful friends at the Vanity Fair party because you and that prize woman of yours were shuffled off immediately to the pick up line to be taken home, alone to your fleshlight
But you should be used to not getting into parties. There was the pathetic loitering in front of the CAA and UTA pre-Oscar bashes, but the best prank on yourself had to be the SNL Christmas party, where the wifey recreated the bratty niece look from the first pap walk and you tried to drive a wedge between one of your best friend's marriages (at least Colin has gotten in some good jabs at you on the show), all while the two of you probably were hid away in a dimly lit basement room for 20 minutes, then let out a back door to go home, alone to your fleshlight. And Alec Baldwin and his wife were actually invited. That's gotta hurt!
And just recently being called a "car enthusiast". More subtle than some of your other hoaxes, but still hilarious!
Now I don't know if you signed onto this because of duress or the promise of something great (hopefully not the Gene Kelly movie, because that was never going to fly- that was another trick on you, and even if it was miraculously offered to you, after this, it would not be a good look playing a male chauvinist who preferred young women).
I am sure you have had your fun, but let's hope this time next year you will have long hung up the jester's hat and become a real life boy!
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My novel is in the beta stage now and on one hand I would love to lease it out to a couple people online to get more eyes and opinions on it but I’m also pretty freaked by all the AI stuff not to mention the amount of times my fanfics have been illegally listed on Amazon. I guess I’m a noob with all this beta stuff. I do have a couple people irl who’ve been willing to give me honest feedback but I’d like to broaden the pool if I can. I don’t know if there are sites out there that are safe for a thing like this or how one goes about it. I don’t have many published authors in my day-to-day life.
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sirenspells · 2 years
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Somnium forms for the aiball sillies!! I had so many tabs open for references and inspiration but all in all designing them was really fun!
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another-clive-blog · 13 days
It's sooooo bothering saying "Luke's voice isn't very good- in French I mean, not in English" everytime.
To make things simpler, I suggest the following system : French Layton is Flayton, French Luke is Fluke, French Clive is Flive, French Flora is Flora,
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agreysexualromantic · 10 months
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Gifsets via @winchesterlegacies
Smallville 9.21 Salvation
I'm going to refer to this moment to talk about why I hate Jor-El so damn much in this series.
Because this moment, here, this moment where he very consciously chooses to sacrifice himself (and everything that led up to it), this should have been greeted by his father with understanding and pride. This was the choice of a true hero, one who had weighed every other possibility and chosen the one that caused the least harm, that brought the most peace, that saved two entire worlds from war and tyranny.
But instead what we get from Jor-El the moment Clark opens his eyes in the next season episode is, as always, shame and anger.
And no, I don't care that Jor-El is AI. If it was true that he operated without regard for emotion there would at least be internal consistency to his criticisms of Clark, *but there never is*. (Also, anger is an emotion, and AI Jor-El absolutely expresses anger frequently, and his anger results in active punishments for Clark, not just "natural consequences" from Clark's actions.)
In reality, Clark can just never do the right thing in Jor-El's eyes. If Clark makes a choice based on human emotion, he gets a lecture for being too emotional. If he makes a choice based on logic he gets a lecture for not caring enough about the people he was "sent" to lead. When he chooses to save the lives of the people he loves, Jor-El tells him he can't focus on just a few people, he has to think about everyone. When he thinks about literally everyone and sacrifices himself, Jor-El tells him he failed and abandoned them to greater evil (as if Clark could have possibly foreseen any of what was coming in season 10). Jor-El tells Clark repeatedly that he's NOT a god and shouldn't act like one, yet expects perfection and omniscience from him. He consistently withholds vital information and assistance out of sheer spite. He pouts and gives Clark the silent treatment like an actual child whenever he feels remotely wronged by Clark.
He spends nearly 10 seasons telling Clark that he will never, ever be good enough, going so far as to disown him completely and tell Kara to take his place instead. Clark shows one minor instance of pride for saving both Lois and the people of Metropolis and he's told that he's too dark to defeat the darkness. And again, this is immediately after Clark WILLINGLY AND THOUGHTFULLY SACRIFICED HIMSELF TO SAVE TWO ENTIRE WORLDS.
In other words, Jor-El is a toxic, abusive father. He moves goalposts constantly, he tells Clark to obey or suffer the consequences (but we never see any instances where Clark's obedience actually leads to a better outcome for Clark or anyone else for that matter). After Jonathan dies, Jor-El heaps guilt on Clark's head for choosing to change the past, when Jonathan himself admits that he made his own choices that led to his death. Jor-El tells Clark to do one thing and then blames him for the outcomes when Clark does it.
Clark simply cannot win, because Jor-El doesn't actually want him to.
It's no wonder that by the start of season 10, Clark is holding a pile of insecurity, regret, shame and fear. It's no wonder that he's so terrified of making the wrong choice, no wonder that he so often believes that he HAS to do everything on his own and that everything that goes wrong is literally his fault and his fault alone.
And look, I get it, Jor-El is there to challenge Clark, to push him, to be the Kryptonian influence, blah blah blah. I get that Jonathan and Jor-El are set up as foils for one another in fatherhood. I get that Kryptonian culture is different and Jor-El doesn't operate under human ethics or morals.
None of that changes the fact that he actively works *against* Clark's growth for the majority of the series. Most of the time, Clark has to *unlearn* whatever lesson he learned from Jor-El in order to take the next step towards becoming Superman. Clark rarely, if ever, comes to a place where he actually thinks Jor-El was *correct* in the way he views the world, he only comes to a place where he agrees that not obeying Jor-El means people were punished, and Clark regrets any time someone suffers.
AI Jor-El served as a personal villain for Clark in the series, and the way the writers tried so hard to force Clark to have a relationship with him "because it's his father" was one of the most frustrating story threads in the whole series.
End rant.
Also, fuck Jor-El.
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nightmarearian · 5 hours
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my bullets will find you.
"He cast aside his physical form in order to etch the memories of rage and sadness deeper into his being." -Black Swan
"He really wanted to just fall asleep like this and never wake up. Until he heard those crude songs and those gentle words, and memories of yore surfaced once again. The unforgettable hatred turned into a weak light in the darkness and he followed it to walk toward the end of it all, exerting every ounce of his strength to rise once again to the surface." (Boothill's Character Story: Part III)
My Life Stood as a Loaded Gun
(really just this analysis, really).
his themes of being a dead man walking and absolute rage (being what's keeping him going) are my fuckin roman empire I love him so much Give him the world I beg 😭
as far as I can tell, the "my bullets will find you" were for Acheron, but it fits verrry well for any target of Boothill's, really, soooooo
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this... uhh. Moodboard-esque doodle page of mine being the original reference. That one shot at the bottom left :)
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