#major red dead redemption 2 spoilers
spoonhead · 8 months
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Mainly the Micah mission because when they were having their little show down and Sadie showed up I was like “Wow good for her you get him girl” and then when fucking DUTCH came out of the cabin I just about screamed like what 😭 He just stood there, didn’t say shit until he shot Micah, then just kinda fucked off like what the hell man I wasn’t expecting that at ALL
I’m so glad Micah is finally dead tho it’s about time and when I say this game changed, I mean I will never be the same emotionally golly.
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darwbycrew · 1 year
How dare you P.3:
Old Man Jaune:...
Weiss:.....you grew a beard....Jaune...are you trying to $%&@?
OMJaune and RBY: !
Weiss: first you had the nerve, the audacity to get thicker than a Ursa Major, with Dat chest and Dat Ass?and don't think for a second that all that armor and clothes is actually hiding them at all , I know what'chu packing and now this, what are trying to do me Jaune?!
OM Jaune: (-_-)... Weiss...look, nows not the time...
Weiss: and DAT Voice! I mean Gawd Damn it, Jaune! you voice sound like the secret love child Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid) and Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption 2)! What da hell is wrong with you?! Sounding sexier than a Mother!@#$%**, which you about be after tonight!
Ruby: kinda surprised you know who those two are, but Weiss look nows not the time, we have to..
Weiss: NO! No, what we NOT gonna do, is have my daddy issues all out in the open in the best and worst possible way and not having YOU, Mister Arc, not throw some ass my way!
Yang: As much as I enjoy watching this Thirsty version of you Weiss, Jaune looks a bit too depressed for that right now...
Weiss: Thirsty? Depressed? B!#$@, I am DEHYDRATED and DEPRESSED! and the only way to solve both problems is for this MAN (Points at Jaune) to be D- Pressed into these GUTS. (pats and rubs aggressively around her stomach)
Old Man Jaune: yeah, I'v most definitely have gone Mad down here.
Note: you have no idea How much I've waited to post a part 3, I had a gut instinct to wait to put this out and now thanks to that one word of dialogue, My work can continue.
By the way, here is the link for Part 1 and Part 2, I'm going to edit/recon the setting of the first 2 parts to vol 7.
And like before the inspiration of this dialogue is from AceVane, please check out his vids they are hilarious...and teeming with the N word, but very funny.
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debbeh · 9 months
can u tell me EVERYTHING u know abt negatus??? like im serious i need u to go absolutely ham i need this to take me three whole days to read it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT
yall are not gonna believe who just forgot to press save...
Anyways, you asked for this and here it is...
Negatus's full name is James E. Negatus
It is implied that he has at least one child
He has pjs with houses on them
He cannonically has at least two stuffed animals
Admiral Anous attempted to burn one of them (Toby) but pissed off Negatus enough to get axed in the chest and thrown into a freezer instead
Negatus is very boastful, mostly in an attempt to impress and be liked by others
He's generally smart but tends to overlook major flaws in his plans
He had 381 demons, most of which he killed when they failed to win a tournament, which he wanted to win because he thought that would make people like him
the remaining demons are Rita (the Negatus simp), Niel (the Rita simp), and Jeff (the dumb one)
Negatus usually calls his boss, Imperatrix "your eminence" but behind her back calls her bossy boobs
when his demons fail him he calls them cretins
He once sent his demons on a teambuilding retreat and joined when he saw the instructor was hot. He failed to remember however, that he killed the instructor's parents and most of her village
When he thinks Imperatrix is dead he plans to stage a coup, creating his famous logo and planning the new layout of Yonderland (Negataland) which just so happens to be an exact replica of the Mona Lisa.
When Imperatrix does die (spoilers), Cuddly Dick takes over, who throws Negatus in jail. Debbie breaks him out of prison but not before he establishes himself in the prison library. He and Debbie totally have a moment together before Negatus finds out she's married.
At this time too, we learn about Negatus's rough childhood and how he was forced to eat his pet dog Scratchy which his father baked into a pie
meanwhile the Elders are being forced to do the same with their new pet rabbits but Negatus is there just in time to save them
Negatus serves as a spy for the Elders after this but eventually goes back to working for Dick and betraying Debbie.
Finally in the Christmas special, Negatus catches Chompus (the monster that eats everyone's presents every year) and goes to steal more presents from Yonderland as well as Debbies house.
Here, there's a Grinch moment where Negatus sees Debbie's daughter who makes Negatus feel bad for stealing her presents and he FINALLY has a full redemption arc.
Negatus usually wears his leather outfit complete with black eyeliner, black nail polish, and occasionally red lipstick
for attending (sneaking into) a meeting with the overlords, he wears a red version of his helmet (the same thing + some red fabric) plus some more lipstick and a cape with camping badges on it.
since he tends to brag a little too much, the overlords are convinced he actually did kill 2 or 3 megadragons and he is invited to hold a seminar on being evil... and he accidentally kills everyone there
Negatus is totally in love with Debbie as on multiple occasions he has described her as pretty and eaten deodorant when she says to him "I see you in a totally different way now" (approximately 2 seconds before telling him she's married)
One time he dressed up as "Dirty Ernie" (a name he made up on the spot) to kidnap Debbie. Dirty Ernie's outfit is basically just gross clothes plus big overcoat, fingerless gloves, a very stained beanie, and what appear to be some white converse shoes.
This is the episode where he learns he's really good at football (⚽) and that his father was not proud of him but his new friends (that he will betray in .3 secons) including Debbie are proud of him. This is also when Debbie kisses him on the cheek and his reaction is fucking adorable
Negatus, when employed by the Elders as a double agent, had to basically be a maid for the other overlords who loooooove picking on him
Negatus my be dumb but his demons are (usually) much dumber
He uses the font of oris to observe things but mostly (and very frequently) uses it as a bathtub
he lives in his lair which is completely staffed. The main rooms include the throneroom, cells, bedroom, kitchen, well leading to a treasure room, and completely unguarded back entrance.
He had all the hallways painted different shades of grey (they are all the same and he frequently gets lost).
He has emergency electric lights just in case the candles fail.
he once bought a mech suit to kill Debbie and the Elders but overloaded it with so many weapons that it shut down and he fell over. Good news, the hair dryer still works
Negatus’s mech suit is actually made from miscellaneous kids toys and a sled. It was also Farnaby’s dream to get to be in a mech suit and has mentioned that the voice he does in this scene was to mock how airline pilots talk.
This is all I can think of and Stats has killed my brain so there u go 👍
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♡》About Me《♡
○ Name/s, nicknames: Ash, Athena, Tabby
○ Age: 26
○ Country: United States
○ Gender: Female, sometimes neither
○ This is a Red dead redemption 2, sometimes 1 blog; expect spoilers and sometimes borderline 18+ content. Sometimes other games too, but it's rare.
○ I will not repost/reblog 18+ content, so you need not worry about that. Mostly SFW content. I only post slightly nonSFW content on Shirtless Sundays. Posts such as this will be tagged with a #ContentWarning tag
○ I do not reblog or interact with political posts, this is for my own mental health.
○ I use mods, I am a PC and a PS4 player, but considering both are different controllers, I prefer to play on a Windows compatable Xbox controller.
○ I'm always looking for a friend to talk to and share RDR2 stuff with, helping others with mods or being helped.
○ I follow and sometimes send asks from @athena-ash-photography
My reblog page is @gametastic-p
Last updated: 9/14/24
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●Major tags●
○ #gametastic-photography tags of my game photography
○ I tagged mods as #rdr2mods and mod tutorials as #rdr2mod tutorials
○ Shirtless Sundays (refer to link for info) will come with a #ContentWarning tag
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zaddyazula · 2 years
i’m a pretty hardcore zuko redemption arc stan, but my time on tumblr and rewatching the show has really shown me a lot of problems with it.
i know this is a pretty big topic on atla tumblr, so i thought why don’t i shove my opinion in everyone else’s face :).
first of all, my belief of a redemption arc is when somebody redeems themself by changing their actions and ideologies. zuko does a lot for the whole actions part of it, but ultimately nothing to challenge the xenophobic, imperialistic ideology that he has been brought up to believe, as well as the belief that the fire nation royals are better than anyone else.
sure, zuko says he lost himself a lot, but he never mentions anything about his previous beliefs, which can be seen regularly through the first two seasons, particularly season 1. constantly calling katara a peasant; calling others filth: the list goes on and on for all the occasions he has displayed some sort of belief of superiority towards others.
yes, he freed appa; yes, he went to rescue hakoda and suki; yes, he went with katara to get revenge on yon rha - it doesn’t mean anything if nothing has changed in his mind.
he can help them all he wants, but if he still has the ideology of a racist, xenophobic and classist prince, what is the difference between banished zuko and fire lord zuko?
[side note: obviously, by the end of the show, zuko doesn’t share the beliefs that his father and sister held, but you can see him demonstrate them very clearly in some of his flashbacks and a majority of season 1.]
take this horrific analogy: if someone you hate (and i mean absolutely fucking despise) goes out of their way to help you and try to reconcile with you, and you do so but still hate them with your entire fucking soul and nothing you thought about them has changed - then what is even the point of reconciling? if your ideologies have not changed, in my book, it doesn’t matter what you do, if you save their life, whatever other bullshit you could do for them, then you can’t redeem yourself.
imagine being in some sick blood feud, but you guys decide not to fight anymore, what fucking progression is there if one of you then goes: “by the way, i really fucking hate you. i also killed your entire family. :)” there’s none. nothing changes except for the fact one person’s entire family is dead.
an example of a good redemption arc (it’s literally in the name of the game) is one of my all time favourite character’s from one of my all time favourite pieces of fiction: (high honour) arthur morgan from red dead redemption 2.
to summarise (minor spoilers): arthur is in a (cowboy!!!) gang in 1899, who are constantly running from the law. arthur ends up contracting tuberculosis from a man he kills, which leads him onto his path of redemption. he (if the player chooses to go high honour) begins to help people and reflects on his actions. not only does arthur change his actions, but he actually changes ideologies. he stops believing that he can throw his life away, and that there is no point in trying to do anything good when he’s already done so many bad things. arthur goes through a complete (!!!) metamorphosis, actually feeling compassion for people and wanting to save them from mr. i have a plan (the leader of the gang).
arthur is an absolutely incredible example of a redemption arc: it’s literally the point of the game (unless you’re a low honour player. i don’t know how you can do that. you’re superhumans). he changes his actions, his relationships and his ideologies with the help of people he meets along the way.
the same can mostly be said for zuko, and i’m not saying zuko hadn’t changed his ideology by the series finale, my issue is more the fact that it’s never addressed. once. not even a single time (i finished watching the show again today, may have bawled my eyes out) is anything about what he was taught to believe mentioned, let alone worked on.
the belief that the fire nation royals are superior is shown through azula pretty much any time we see her, and ozai a majority of his onscreen appearances.
hell, even the belief that the fire nation is superior to the other nations is shown in the s3 episode where aang goes to the fire nation school. throughout the show, we are constantly shown that the fire nation believe they are better than everyone else, but not once is zuko challenged for it, even by little miss zuko hater, katara. not once is anyone challenged for it, except for if you count the whole “the air nomads never had an army” from aang, but for me, that doesn’t really count.
don’t get me wrong, zuko is my favourite character in the show, if not one of my favourite characters ever, but this whole ‘the best ever redemption arc’ bullshit needs to stop. yes, it’s a good redemption arc, but it lacks the awareness that comes with realising that you need to repent for not only your actions, but your beliefs. redemption arcs like arthur morgan’s show the progression of the character; obviously there’s a difference between being the main character of an 100gb game and being one of the main characters in a kid’s show, but they still managed to get a redemption arc in for him. what they didn’t manage, however, was challenging zuko’s past beliefs.
you cannot become a better person by ignoring the ideals that shaped you to be that horrible person.
you must challenge them. you must face them.
so, in my opinion, despite how much i love it, despite how much i want to crown it the best redemption arc of all time, i just can’t. until zuko challenges his ideals ON SCREEN (which’ll be never), then i can’t give it the honour (i’m so funny).
don’t even get me started on the redemption arc azula should’ve had, because that’s even more bullshit to deal with.
damn this took ages to write.
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burningexeter · 7 months
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The Wildwood Chronicles
I've talked about this for what seems like to me, to death about this so I want to close the book on this and finally sum it all up because I finally have everything to say it about it in just one place.
It's now a full-on passion project that I really want to do, create and make a reality and that's The Wildwood Chronicles, an epic and ambitious adult-animated series that is a grand crossover between over hundreds — and I mean HUNDREDS — of media (movies, TV shows, anime, comics, video games) that retroactively establishes them all in the same shared universe all along.
Here is all the information, all of the notes/trivia/details, everything that I can tell anyone on this without spoiling anything about it because I'm keeping this shit under lock and key pretty much:
• The ambition with this project is anything but small. How I'd best describe it is a mix of Avengers: Infinity War (the last great MCU movie with only two exceptions afterwards) and Inglourious Basterds (Quentin Tarantino's greatest achievement since 1994) with the influences being not just those two but also Godzilla Minus One, Grand Theft Auto V, Red Dead Redemption 2, Gore Verbinski's Pirates Of The Caribbean Trilogy and the original Die Hard for many aspects of the series whether it'd the size, scope, scale, balance of characters, action, emotional moments etc.
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• As for who's the lead and who'll voice him, the answer is Reese Miller both voiced by and modeled directly after Walton Goggins. When he's introduced, he's a down-on-his-luck, alcoholic, cynical, sarcastic and narcissistic schmuck with a criminal past who after an incident that caused his downfall had no choice but to crawl back to his family that he abandoned years ago and now has to deal with his ex-wife wanting him to do just one good thing in his life now and that's be there for his children. Only thing is it's on a certain day where his daughter is his that the main event that kickstarts everything happens and he's left in and later wakes from a months-long coma while his daughter, for a while, has an unknown fate. It's from then on that he becomes a man who is consumed with guilt and regret and is haunted by his past actions and the dirtbag he was with him wanting to and even becoming a better person in this world that's now falling apart. Unfortunately, all of the events that he's put through ultimately turn him into a tragic anti-hero who wants to see this world burn to the fucking ground and without giving any spoilers away, deals the final blow that seals this fictional universe's fate. Or does it? I seriously can't imagine anyone else in this role but Walton and Walton only.
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• As for how it will be a crossover, not only will it be a sequel years later, months later, weeks later depending on which media but also it's a strong balance of differentiations. Some like the three here will be major players and have major roles....
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.... while others will be surprise supporting roles or even cameo appearances from supporting characters like these three here....
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.... or are objects and items that serve as easter eggs that imply or show they're in the same world as well like these beautiful bastards here.
• As for the actual show itself, it will be a 65 episode limited series event with a clear and more than definitive beginning, middle and end. I want the whole show to feel like one long 65 episode feature film while at the same time giving each episode their own stand-out distinctions enough to make them stand on their own. Top of all that, there will be no commercial breaks and every episode will be a full two-hours long with them being treated as events you can't miss. What makes this more special is that there's only one network I have in mind for this series and that's FX.
• As an added bonus, the show will be incredibly and viscerally violent and even brutal with its gore. Hundreds and hundreds of people, creatures, superheroes, supervillains, zombies etc. will be killed in thousands of different and horrific ways with Rambo (2008), Blade II, aforementioned Inglourious Basterds, The Night Comes For Us and Hard Boiled serving as the main influences for the violence but it's not shock for the sake of shock, it's to show that the world is now somehow more dangerous and visceral than it's ever been before and to show that absolutely no one no matter who they are are safe.
• As for who are the directors, I want there to be several distinct and interesting filmmakers to helm episodes but the main one who'll direct the most episodes for he's the main director of the series will easily be Gore Verbinski.
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Meanwhile (not in The Pit (tm))
"Why am I even here?" Artemis whispers to Holly flying next to him. Artemis isn't uncomfortable with the types of people they've met but Holly definitely is and she's been glaring at him for hours now even though she refuses to leave his side.
"Remember Jayjay" Holly says.
"The lemur." Artemis replies dryly.
"The lemur you sold to extinctionists"
"You may recall that afterwards I repented and went back in time to save him. It was a perilous ordeal."
"I know, I was there too."
Artemis flourishes a hand as if to say 'There you go'
"You also kidnapped me and held me for ransom" she accused.
"We all make mistakes Captain Short. One I could not have made successfully if someone hadn't broken protocol."
"Your crimes are not MY fault!"
"Excuse me for interrupting" a very polite voice came from a tablet displaying a glowing red circle, encased in a floating bubble. "If you are questioning whether you belong here it is recommended you seek out the wizard"
"The wizard," Artemis replies unamused, not a question but a clear bid for an explanation nonetheless.
"Yes, the wizard. If he judges that you are innocent he will grant a wish."
"What did you wish for?" Holly asks, she could feel 2 sources of magic emanating from the tablet, though neither felt like the magic she was used to.
"Oh no, no, the wizard chooses the wish he will grant. He provided me with a glamour. It should force the humans I interact with to confer upon me basic civil rights and bodily autonomy." There is amusement in the voice at the last phrase. "He believes this will prevent the Artificial Intelligence version of a lobotomy that is scheduled upon my return. I think he is giving my humans too much credit." And with that the bubble floats away.
"I guess we should look for a wizard" Holly says at the same time Artemis says "I'm not going on a wild goose chase for some wizard."
"Don't give me that look," Artemis continues "I'm not being difficult, I just don't see the point and it feels a bit too 'Wonderful wizard of Oz' I don't need a heart or a brain or to click my heels three times."
“And you must be The Wizard.” Artemis says very collectedly considering he only just avoided tripping over The Wizard’s table. A table that just materialized in the middle of the convention space, along with a blond elf wearing a ridiculously oversized wizard hat and his crystal ball.
“Artemis Fowl the Second,” The elf replied ominously. “Would you like to know your fate?”
Artemis studies The Wizard’s set-up for a moment and states: “Your crystal ball is plugged into a computer. This entire aesthetic is a ploy and I doubt you control anymore magic than I have in my right eye.”
The Wizard’s serious façade crumbles as a grin breaks through. “Oooh they said you were smart. Dead wrong though kiddo. Name’s Taako.”
Behind Artemis, Holly coughs to stifle a startled laugh. Taako doesn’t even pause.
“I’m not sure what the ball is connected to, but convention staff gave it to me a while ago and it knows Everything!” He hikes the table skirt up to reveal a computer. Which. Y’know. Sufficiently advanced technology, magic yada yada. “It even knows that you used to have a fairy eye before you…” Taako takes a moment to put on reading glasses that had been hanging from a chain around his neck. “[REDACTED FOR MAJOR SPOILERS]. Huh. Odd”
“Also I so can do magic!” At a flick of his hands a cup of tea starts to float and a spoon stirs it rapidly.
Artemis takes a measured breath and turns to leave, but The Wizard keeps talking at him.
"I know all about your whole redemption arc thing too, but you have done things wrong unfortunately."
"And which of my dastardly deeds landed me here?" Artemis engages.
"Kidnapping your best friend for ransom."
"Hold up," Holly interrupts, suddenly unamused. "I was *not* his best friend when he kidnapped me, or for a long while after."
The wizard winces a fraction. "Yeah, Mags is struggling with the linear nature of time. She was quite literally born yesterday!"
"Mags?" Artemis asks.
"Convention staff, real sweetheart," The Wizard waves his hand dismissive. "The point is I can't grant you a wish. But! I am well within my rights to curse you!"
Artemis's eyes flash with something other than his careful disinterested act.
"I curse you with...." a dramatic pause, because Taako is nothing if not an overexcited theater kid.
"The power of friendship!"
Behind Artemis and Holly a young man and an orange cat land in a crumpled heap.
The boy looks up confusion melting into delight. "Artemis!"
"Prosperity," Artemis sighs and gives Prosper a hand up. "Firestar." He notices that The Wizard and his tables have vanished.
"Friends of yours?" Holly asks.
"More like ex-coworkers"
(Artemis, Prosperity and Firestar as current co-workers over at @white-boy-bracket)
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grymmnox · 8 months
weekly fic recs #37
meant to post this yesterday, completely forgot. anyways, same stuff as usual; & for platonic, / for romantic, all that.
yes, we are pretending everything between june last year and now does not exist because im too lazy to post them. (might make a big masterpost of all of the bookmarks, but i doubt it.)
fandom(s): rdr
ship(s): canon relationships (bessie/hosea, abigail/john, cal/charlotte)
keep in mind these like.. almost all have major spoilers. the ending broke me and i was coping.
a way from here to the sea; werewolfsquad - red dead redemption
teen and up | 4.5k words | arthur & john, arthur & dutch | READ TAGS summary: When a thirteen-year-old John manages to get himself tossed in a river, it is, as always, Arthur’s job to prevent him from getting himself killed.
If Your Well Is Empty; pipdepop - red dead redemption
teen and up | 6.3k words | arthur & copper (the dog), arthur & van der linde gang | READ TAGS summary: Arthur’s hurting bad, and Dutch doesn’t know how to fix it. Luckily, Hosea might have a solution. It’s small, wriggly, and likes to eat boots.
You're The Anchor I'm Holding Tight Onto; pipdepop - red dead redemption
teen and up | 5.7k words | arthur & van der linde gang, hosea & van der linde gang, arthur & john | READ TAGS summary: As they recuperate after another botched job, Arthur struggles with keeping the gang afloat. Sometimes literally. Or: Copper catches a legendary fish. He absolutely does not mean to.
We Are Definitely Not Getting A Dog (and that's final); pipdepop - red dead redemption
teen and up | 12.4k words | arthur & hosea, dutch & hosea, arthur & dutch & hosea | READ TAGS summary: “You won’t believe our luck! I found something wonderful in town!” Hosea eyes the boy shuffling beside Dutch’s horse, staring down at his boots. Then he slowly turns back to Dutch. Takes in the bright grin, the eyes gleaming with excitement – the expression he usually gets when he comes up with one of his grand schemes. “...behind the dirty urchin?” - Against his will and better judgement, Hosea Matthews acquires a son.
Complete Fics
what wastes and deserts of the soul; magistrate - red dead redemption
teen and up | 33 chapters, 339.7k words | arthur & john, jack & john, abigail/john, arthur & jack, arthur & dutch, dutch & john | READ TAGS summary: Eight years have passed since Blackwater, Saint Denis, and the fall of the van der Linde gang. The survivors are trying to make a life for themselves – some moving on to nobler pursuits, some circling back like carrion birds to the scores they left behind. And outside a town called Purgatory, West Elizabeth, a man wakes up without a scrap of memory or a name, haunted by a black wolf and a golden stag.
Birdshot & Bone; magistrate - red dead redemption
teen and up | 2 chapters, 12.7k words | arthur & van der linde gang, arthur & john | READ TAGS summary: "Got a tip," Sean said. "Good one. Some of O'Driscoll's boys are fixing a move on some sort of hidden treasure, old Plantation savings stashed in a manor, something like that. Something to do with those Lemoyne Raiders pissing all over Scarlett Meadows. Just the sort of Confederate gold we're out here looking for, isn't it?" (John and Arthur go robbing O'Driscolls. It does not go well.)
in my body i fight fire; novoki - red dead redemption
teen and up | 3 chapters, 37.6k words | arthur & hamish, arthur & charlotte, charlotte & hamish, cal/charlotte | READ TAGS summary: Hamish places a hand on Arthur’s wrist, expecting a stone-cold touch, a missing pulse. There’s a beating beneath the skin. Slow but there. Arthur is alive. --- OR: --- Hamish, hearing errant gunshots by his cabin, checks the nearby mountain for any dying men he can comfort in death. He finds a familiar face.
The Cold Hand; Aenlu - red dead redemption
mature | 7 chapters, 24.1k words | READ TAGS summary: Dutch ain't come for him, and Arthur tells himself he is glad for it. It has been almost four full days since Dutch's meeting with Colm, and Dutch cannot shake the itch beneath his skin. ---- Arthur does not liberate himself from the cellar at Lone Mule Stead.
the door gets opened to ghosts; the_ocean_weekender - red dead redemption
teen and up | 3 chapters, 3.1k words | abigail/john, abigail & arthur, arthur & john, jack & john, arthur & jack, arthur & uncle summary: Abigail is home alone with only a shotgun when a ghost visits the ranch.
Tied Up By The Past You Hold; pipdepop - red dead redemption
teen and up | 2 chapters, 11.2k words | arthur & dutch, arthur & hosea, bessie/hosea | READ TAGS summary: In a spur of the moment decision, Dutch and Hosea rescue a young boy from a beating in some backwater town. Trouble is, now they’re not entirely sure what to do with him, and this whole ‘parenting’ thing is a lot more difficult than Dutch thought it would be.
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nestavadavat · 1 year
https://archiveofourown.org/works/47673307  “I don’t think I’m a good person.”
Arthur says it plainly, though Charles can see the way his brows are furrowed, just barely visible under the brim of his hat, and the way a frown tugs downwards on his chapped lips. The sky is clear and Charles can’t help but feel like this conversation would’ve been much better suited for a rainy day.
Also in which Charles looks back on a conversation with Arthur and wonders why everything turned out the way it did.
Words: 964 Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Red Dead Redemption
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Relationships:  Arthur Morgan/Charles Smith
Additional Tags: Hurt No Comfort, Angst, Red Dead Redemption 2 Spoilers, Post-Canon, High Honor Arthur Morgan, Charles is Sad, I don't know where this came from tbh --
Finally finished something that I’m happy with. I hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I liked writing it
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squiddtastic · 1 year
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—Intro ☾ ⋆*・゚
✧ Sam | Artist 。・゚゚・ 24 y/o, they/she, lesbian
art tag | textpost tag | asks tag
pr0ship dnf please!! feel free to block
major spoilers will be tagged as "[series] spoilers"
feel free to read my carrd for more info! misc reblog side blog is here ask and inbox are always open if you wanna say anything! mutuals can always ask for my discord!
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—Interests ☾ ⋆*・゚
including interests that are most relevant atm!! my interests are subject to change suddenly !! = current fixation
✧ BG3 !! ➼ Astarion ✧ Dragon Age !! ➼ Zevran
✧ Red Dead Redemption 2 ✧ The Adventure Zone ✧ Resident Evil ✧ Hades Game ✧ God of War ✧ The Witcher ✧ Demon Slayer / KNY ✧ Jojo's Bizarre Adventure ✧ Mob Psycho 100 ✧ The Legend of Zelda ✧ Stardew Valley ✧ Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons
✮—I will continue to update this post as needed!
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ainulindaelynn · 1 year
RDR2 Another End for the WIP game please!
Thanks for the interest, @sleeplessincarcosa! :)
This one is for Red Dead Redemption 2, as the name suggests. Usually I'm only compelled to create over writing injustices, but this time I actually love the way the game ends (painful as it was). This sprouted instead from my sadness about the way things end up for John, Abigail, and Jack in/after RDR1. It was a little thought that got away from me.
Trying to sidestep spoilers (because everyone should play this game)... but it's an AU where John is the one who collects Strauss' loan from Thomas Downes instead, which butterfly effects the story in some important ways. The brothers’ fates are reversed. This AU begins at the end and follows the epilogue loosely, but with some MAJOR cast differences, if you know what I mean. It's thematically darker and grittier than the original, I think.
Snippet below the cut :)
Abigail’s gaze fell to the gun that Sadie pulled from the saddle and tucked in her waist. “Where are you going?”
“I’m not leaving him,” she said, her voice gravel and resolute in a way that only Sadie could be. “I’m going back.”
“He’ll kill you.”
“No he won’t. It’s been half a day - whatever happened on that mountain is over. Whoever–” she stopped, mulling over her words before abandoning them to begin again. “They’ll be long gone by now. I don’t think Dutch would kill him outright. If there’s any chance to get him out of there…”
Abigail halted, eyes falling to the ground in the half-light of dawn. When they lifted and found Sadie’s again, she nodded. 
“I’ll go instead,” Charles said, cutting in, “If it goes south — or if we get separated — you can protect these two in a way I can’t. They’ll need you.”
Abigail was shaking her head, eyes distant and filling with tears again, but her voice was steady and hard as stone when she spoke. “No… you both go. Jack and I— we’ll be safe here. We’ll lay low. I know it’s been a while since I’ve been out, but I know how to handle a gun and we can be real quiet… If you’re not back in two days….” She hesitated, glancing at Jack, already sleeping against the bags. “If you’re not back in two days we’ll keep going. We won’t look back.”
Sadie looked her straight in the eyes, searching for some assurance, weighing Arthur’s demands against the stony blue irises.
Abigail was as strong as any of them. She always had been, no matter the circumstances of her life.
“She’s right,” Charles cut in, meeting Sadie’s gaze. “If Dutch survived…or Micah… they’ve got bigger things to worry about now than us. They won’t find them. Not here. But what we find back there… two would be better… watch each other’s backs.”
Abigail swallowed and nodded, drawing herself up and straightening her posture. “In two days, we’ll move on. We’ll sell the wagon and the horses to the stable outside town and use the money for the train in the next town over. We’ll disappear if we need to… start over. I’ve done it before.”
Sadie studied her again, recognizing for the first time just how much steel there really was in her bones.
“We can do better than that,” she said. With quick steps she made her way to her saddlebags and dug inside to pull out a small purse. “I’ve been keeping this… as a precaution. Dutch was never going to save us all. It’s enough to get you started… a room and board until you get settled — if you need it.” 
Abigail hesitated.
Sadie dipped her head toward Jack, folding it in her hand as she did. “Take it just in case.”
“Take this too,” Charles said, setting a smaller pouch on the log beside him. “I can survive without it if I need to. We both can.” He nodded at Sadie, who gave affirmative.
“Come back,” Abigail said, the sound coming from deep in her throat, as if rising from the last reserves of everything she’d built. “Do everything you can… and come back.”
“Are you sure?” Charles asked.
“He would do it for us… Has done it for us. You have to try.”
Charles nodded and glanced at Sadie.
“Okay,” she said, looking back sternly. “Two days.”
“Two days.”
Charles mounted Taima and Sadie was a step behind.
Anyone interested, feel free send an ask from the WIP List :)
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threefeline · 2 years
HELLO ok sorry i saw u tagged on the poll post that red dead redemption 2 made you cry and I got the game recently (know nothing about the franchise, just saw it was on sale and heard good things abt the cowboy game) and now im v v curious abt what in it could make people cry? like is it stuff where if you know storyline and plots and stuff it'll make you sad or could someone who is new to it also be like ;_;?
So like I knew almost from the get go the MAJOR spoiler of the game and then like a bunch of spoilers dotted throughout the game; but the ending of the like *main* storylines still made me weep like a little baby. If youre going into this blind then honestly that's best, if you're *not* like me and want to spoil all the darker parts of it. But honestly yeah, it can get you whether you know the main spoiler or not, I think. I did, and I was ugly sobbing. My only main advice is like. Meet all the strangers you can and do any sidequests you find on your map. (sidequests marked with white initials and main quests are marked in yellow initials.)
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cola-canine · 8 months
And we're getting to that point in Red Dead Redemption 2. Spoilers ahead.
I knew the first deaths in the gang were gonna hit hard for me, emotionally. Yes, even when I knew it was coming.
The end of Chapter 3 with the shootout in Rhodes and the death of Sean is just a big "WHAM." I know this is why I've been procrastinating on the story - I'm nearing 90hrs in this playthrough so you know I'm taking my time. But this is the part I was anxious about the most because it all falls apart from here. The first score that doesn't pan out, the first real loss.
The assault on Braithwaite Manor is a beautiful piece of gaming cinema. The tone and emotional manipulation that's set up here: you want more revenge in the name of Sean, you want to tear the house down in search of Jack. Catherine Braithwaite is such an evil character, despite her short appearances for such a major role. The scene where she walks right back into her burning home is a great way to end a legacy of hers.
Man, I was on the verge of tears playing through those two missions. The writing and performances in this game are just spectacular. I'm still amazed how Rockstar was able to handle this giant cast of characters without it falling apart. 23 different characters in the gang alone and not one is just swept under the rug or held back from letting them shine. Truly a masterpiece.
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