#major narnia feels rn
hopecomesbacktolife · 9 months
so one of my friends and I have been doing a Narnia reread together (the first time in years that I’m reading them and omg does it feel good to go back to an old favorite!) and we were talking about starting The Horse and his Boy tonight on a call, and then she sent me a horse 🐎 emoji, which—while very fitting for the book!!—my mind went in a different media direction, and the following conversation ensued 😂
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please note: this tumblr user and narnia fan (me) is extremely queer and gay, not unlike like narnia and its’ characters are canonically stated to be! I’m saying this just in case this post breaks containment of my own little blog, as I don’t want that aspect of myself to be erased especially within this specific fandom. do not remove my captions before or after the photos. thank you! 🫶🏻
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syscultureis · 11 months
Heard we were listing our weird introjects! I wish I could give a long list like the other systems BUT the majority of our active system by a large margin is 5 of the main 11 characters in a very good but somewhat obscure podcast that ended in 2017. These include (these are descriptions of the characters from their source not things the alters have done since in this body)
Russian low-morals scientist turned medical officer with terrible bedside manner (who, as an alter, is genuinely pretty offended by that trope)
Alcoholic abuser who went to prison and became a chill dude who just wants to smoke a cigarette and eat pizza
Very gay (but not in the sterotypical way) ballistics specialist
CEO and his wife who casually tried to literally unalive the entire human population besides themselves but whose plans were foiled by a harpoon (it's dubious as to whether or not they are together or just work wife situation in canon but they are Very Married here despite their relationship being open)
Everyone who knows this podcast 100% knows who each of them are and everyone else is sitting there like 😦 rn I just know it.
Other highlights of introjects we previously had were:
Sportacus from Lazy Town
Anton LaVey and Togare who was his pet lion
Aslan from the movie version of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe (apparently lions make us feel safe I guess idk)
Our current partner's ex who we had an introject of before we met her and who went dormant shortly after we met her. This alter pretty much exclusively came out to play Overwatch and World of Warcraft when we were stressed and yell at anyone who bothered her. Not all video games by the way, just those two.
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pingvin-king · 7 years
i wonder if Caspian or Eustace or any of the Narnians got like a glimpse of the four Pevensies as the royalty they are, like a glimspe of their former glory (similar to how sophie frm howl’s moving castle would be seen as her normal self when she was asleep?)
like it’d be so awesome if when they camp for the night and everyone’s gone to sleep but Caspian or even one of the Narnians wake up when they hear laughter and soft voices. so they get up and as they get closer to the fire, they just see four regal figures dressed in finery and crowns seated at this campfire and have to rub their eyes like a billion times cuz wtf??? And the Pevensies are just talking about the Past and reminiscing and of course, Peter notices them first and is just like ‘come join us!’
so now this person is face-to-face with Kings and Queens of old and they have to fight to not be so starstruck and not just bow down at their feet, they are so majestic (they meet the person on watch for the night’s gaze who comes back from a perimeter check and takes comfort in how they look as out of it as they do lol)
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cescalr · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Aww, thanks mate <3 I'm gonna count 'written' as 'finished' or we'd be here all day hemming and hawing about which ones are my favourite. <3 This narrows it down to 5 of 65 instead of 102, which... i think you'll understand why I needed to do that. Pls. Sanity. I need that. That's something I need to keep having. (Also, no repeat ships/fandoms, just to let my other works shine. Teen wolf has a major bias otherwise, with 40 of my fics being for that show)
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In no particular order;
For When The Sunset Turns To Gold - Chronicles of Narnia (Movies), Gen. Minor crossovers with Torchwood and Harry Potter, but mostly negligible. More about the Pevensies post-film lives (because they DO NOT DIE, BOOKS, THANKS) than anything else.
To note, I am incredibly proud of this fic! I love the feeling it's got. I was very emotional when I wrote it because I'd just watched Prince Caspian and got reminded of the very sticky ends each of these people meet and i was like NOPE OKAY and wrote this to make myself feel better. I'm pretty sure I cried when I was writing it. Actually, I'm tearing up rn. Onto the next one very quickly-
Keeping This. - Teen Wolf, Stiles/Theo, post-series AU. Soulmate AU, too.
Started in my Journey Across the Dimensions fic/let collection, finished here. This one was interesting because of how long it got, lol, for a one-shot. I ended up using it for my Steoday fic, and I'm still really happy with it. I just think this is some solid character work, and some extra-solid character dynamics work. I'm not so good with the building up romance thing, and I think this is one of the times where I did an actually good job with it, instead of just an ok one. Trying to get more comfortable establishing relationships than having them already established, since that's what I prefer to read anyway esp for non-canon fare. Anyway, I'm pleased with this one. As an AU i think it works, and i think it works more for being pretty canon-compliant. It's simple and it's easy and it's actually quite soft, which is rare for me. Especially when it comes to these two fellas. Stiles and Theo as written by me are... rarely soft. So this is a nice reprieve. Especially since I think I did a good job keeping them accurate despite the sweetness. I'm also pretty sure I managed to keep the tense consistent! But don't quote me on that. Same for all of these, actually. (Working on it, working on it...)
A Muggle Cliché (thank you for making me write this, lol) - Harry Potter, Ron/Harry, coffee shop/squib!harry/no voldemort AU! (Also background Dumbledore time travelled AU, but shhhh not important nobody ic knows that. The fic is fluffy and happy and great and the shadowy background history of the AU is not even remotely addressed.) I am halfway through writing a technical-sequel to this fic that's Cho/Ginny, stay tuned! (I know it's taking forever and the request came in before Easter, but to the person who sent in the prompt, I promise i'm literally like, halfway there. Should be done by the end of summer, at max.)
Obviously you know this one, since you made me write it, lol. Thank you for the prompt, again! I think this is my strongest ronarry excluding your other prompt, but I mean, like, non-canon ronarry is hard for me because i'm super attached to their canon selves, so this was a work in characterisation where I could see how an AU like this would change them without them being totally different people who we don't care about because it's like, in name only shit (which I'm never fond of, as a rule). So, yeah! This is one of the most saccharine things I've written. Good lord. Did pay you back for that, though.... sorry.
Somebody to Someone. - Slaughterhouse Rulez, Don/Willoughby, post-movie AU. Thank the entire Slaughterhouse Rulez discord for this one lol like a few years back. Man, how time flies... I was 17 when the film came out.... i'm 21.... gosh... anyway fluffy Christmastime goodness.
Yeah, I mean, I said it there. fluffy christmastime goodness. Don't blame that part on me, though, I had a lot of help writing this one. I'm proud of the parts I wrote and I'm super grateful for the help from the discord, you guys are great! So I guess this is my first fic that's a collaboration (that's actually a fic - we won't talk about the other one...) so, uh, yeah! Awesome! Collabs are fun. Working with other people on a fic can be a great experience. And I'm very happy with the outcome! Slaughterhouse Rulez is one of my favourite movies. If you take anything from me, it's that you should watch it and also join the discord server. It's a fandom of like 15 people. We need mooooorrrrreeeeeeeeeee-
In Another Universe (Maybe We Were Happy.) - Assassin's Creed, Desmond/Clay, 5 aus in which they (eventually, at least) get together romantically, and one in which they don't. Obviously varies wildly between angst and not angst, as is my M.O. To note I am working on that other AC fic (the soulmate au one) but it's taking forever bc i need to replay ac3. Dumb dumb moment here. Literally forgot the plot *facepalm.* Anway, somehow hoping these 44k words are enough to tide over the literal years people have been waiting for me to finish that other fic... ack.
This one is super nostalgic which is weird since it's not even that old, but I'm really fond of it. One of my first long-fics that i actually finished, which is also cool. Each chapter is it's own AU, so really I'm not sure if this is a fic per se or more a fic anthology, but either way, I'd never done the 5 + 1 format before and I thought it'd be cool. It was a good way for me to work through my characterisation of these guys, who I'd not written before, and my thoughts on the AC universe, which I'd also not written before. I think it's some solid writing and it's got one of my best AUs and romances, in chapter 2, with the coffee shop assassins AU where the Templars are Starbucks. Yeah, I know, I think something about coffee must trigger my romantic sensibilities which are usually stuck somewhere else in hibernation. Or fear. Or something. I'm bad at romance, anyway. The last chapter is some good Angst and I think some of my best angst, so there's that. It's a mite bit confusing if you don't know AC, though, but then that's the case for most fanfics of media. (I've read fanfics of media I've never consumed, though, that made perfect sense to me, so...) Anyway. Uh, yeah. Love this one. Very fond of it. Love my boys <3 Claysmond probably in the top ten for my otps. May even be top five, depending on the day. (Today? Yes.) Desmond and Clay are definitely in my top ten characters, anyway. I could not tell you where they sit, though.
Cheating to add Ginny Weasley, Veteran of War, Time Traveller, Defeater of Dark Lords, and Dark, but Good., which is a series and not a fic, and I don't think the components work as well on their lonesome. Technically hinny but for the first two fics he's dead. (actually, he's still dead in the last fic, it's just that ginny is as well. Not a spoiler.) Basically, well, read the series title: she time travels, she kills voldy, she's a bit fucked up and she's done some fucked up shit but she's still Ginny Weasley, and she's a good person at heart. Anyway, love these fics. Might've cried a little when writing. Might not. Can't prove shit you weren't there! (I did. I definitely did.) Anyway. Mostly Gen with Minor/Background Relationships. Contains Fantastic Beasts canon up to the second movie and kinda including, but veers very AU, and written before the third (which I wouldn't have acknowledged anyway, since i'm not planning on ever viewing it with mine eyes). Uh, yeah. (Premise of this fic series could actually lead to other fics/aus stemming from it..... given how Ginny gets back in the past in the first place. Sooooo that's fun!)
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Thanks again!
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goldenxsunshine · 5 years
🤶🏻it’s past midnight and I just got home from work and I even went through my night skincare routine!! Like from Thursday till Sunday the “mall”( i don’t remember if I explained it to you that the place it’s like a mall with tons of different restaurants and a library and wine bar) close at midnight but the positive note is that tomorrow I got the afternoon shift again so I can sleep in !!! Also I am so sorry I feel like I keep talking about this job a lot but it’s like one of the major source
of joy at the moment shhxjd alsooo let’s talk about you! I am glad that you opened up and I am also happy that your exam went great wbk you’re SMART smart! Ooohhh not long till the secret santa reveal are you excited?? I am kinda nervous because I really wanna keep talking to you after it’s over 🥺🥺 completely unrelated but I am reading a fic and like that was the first time that someone ever mentioned my city in one of those and I am like !!!!! but also ???? bc my city is the Narnia of Italy —             
— and this person when they wrote it were like “yeah let’s make Harry and Louis have a trip there” like ??? thank you I guess??? I feel like I am throwing topics at you right now but I am just so happy and excited about how my day went and I just want to talk to you and I love you too I hope you’re doing all good and well okay?             
No you didn’t but it’s kinda nice to have a place with all these types of stuff innit? Idk but the image i have of the mall is definitely quite nice!! Also i’m glad you had the afternoon shift, cause midnight is late to come back from work!! And please don’t apologize for talking about your job, i love hearing you talk about it, it’s clear that you love it and i couldn’t be happier for you!!! kasjdha we’ll see about that when i get to my january session of exams lmao
ALSO YES I KNOW!! I’m so so curious to know who you are, and tbh i’m also kinda nervous cause i feel like it’s always easier (at least that’s what i think) to talk anonymously, BUT just so we’re clear i refuse to stop talking to you cause i really really enjoy it and i love you!! So idc what it takes, we’ll keep on talking ✨
“Narnia of Italy” 👀 wth does that mean asdkhajh, like as in no one talks about your city ? I need details plssssEither way you got me curious about what kind of fics you’re reading rn and what kind do you usually read, so like do you read lots ? And if so do you have like favorites or favorites trope ?
And honestly i don’t mind you throwing topics at me, like for real i just love that you had an amazing day you deserve it, and i love seeing how excited you are for it!! And i am doing well thank u, im finally on my break and also TOMORROW IS GOING TO BE SO GOOD!! I’m finally gonna see my newly-born (is that even a word akjgah) nephew and i’ve seen so many pictures but like,,, it’s not enough i NEED to see him and hold him and kiss his tiny little hands cause he’s too adorable 🤗 AND we’re picking the christmas tree so yeah it’s gonna be good, then i can focus all my energy on balancing studying and resting so yeah we’ll see how this goes
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fireeaglespirit · 6 years
beyond-far-horizons replied to your post :
allthebrazilianpolitics: Why the Brazilian...
this is deeply worried @fireeaglespirit​, even more awful when you can see it happening and you knew it would happen and people dont logically think things through. I see the same in my country and it is awful to see all the illegality and crap they are justifying and just pandering to the far right making the UK into a small, racist country whilst the elites get billions and take away rights. It’s textbook autocrat stuff. Pl stay safe and make plans to get the f out
viviane-lefay replied to your post : 
 @fireeaglespirit​ Now, that is some really sick shit that is going on there. Please get out asap!
It’s not like I’m in danger but I just feel some despair... 
Its like everyday there’s some deep shit going on here and a new scandal and the situation brings a lot of tension even within families and bolsominions try to pretend everything is great even when the government is fucking them in the ass so they get irritated whenever any new rotten thing is exposed and there’s a lot of ‘pride’ going on and nationalism I've never seen before. I always hated nationalism and I could say I used to think a good thing about brazillian people is that they weren't nationalist but now this is changed.
Its a very dumb kind of nationalism, mind you... self destructive americanized nationalism if you will, even so its here, and the notion that the ‘state’ is worthier than any citizen has gained strength so that people are gladly sacrificing themselves for that illusion. I’m just giving one example..
On an economic front, did you know they’re fucking up the retirement system right now and we've been warning this would happen as I’ll be honest, Bolsonaro never lied or deceived anyone but people are so dumb they called it a lie when we warned them of the things that would happen if they elected this man and yesterday Bolso went on the TV and said he would just do this and now people are silently despairing because some of them were almost retiring and they’ll have to work a decade more if they want the same benefits they’d have so its kinda hilarious to see it all falling down, but they still don’t have the nerve to even react to it and the few that have been waking up from the Matrix are being bashed by their own former friends... its really a mess.
Anyone who even dares criticize the government is called communist or even worse, its like completely black and white thinking.
People are completely hypnotized I never saw anything like that, its like their own individuality was crushed by an ‘ideal’ and they just sacrificed anything to see this done so now they’re not willing to admit it was a mistake, and they’re going to lead us all to hell if that means keeping their pride.
This people has been completely broken that they don’t even react anymore, there are no protests, no strikes, etc... just silent suffering. At most there are some memes in the Internet, is all we can do now. 
I know what they want with those military walking the streets, this is just intimidation, and its working.
I’m very careful when expressing my opinions and I went back to the wardrobe on some fronts due to fear... I feel really bad about it. Just not being able to express myself as I used to do is just heartbreaking and having to silently witness acts of vile racism and just hatred in general because my self preservation instinct is greater than my idealism or sense of justice, just makes me feel miserable on a daily basis. Its not like I can ignore it when life itself has changed and people are always reminding me of the new ‘status quo’.
I desire to get out of here more than anything but for me this is a major task and not something I can do alone so I’m trying as hard as I can but it still seems so far away. I know this is pathetic of my part because when people say they’re going to do something they just do it and they don’t plan it for years and keep failing but you know how complicated things are for me because I haven’t been able to do many things in my life so its a huge jump..
I’m just glad I’m awake at least, this is already an improvement next to whats happening so I planned beforehand. Did you know that rn Portugal is having so many requests for citizenships from br folks that they’re overwhelmed and even the consulate had to stop taking in requests for a few months because it wad chaotic. I’m glad I’m almost there because I noticed this would happen so I planned beforehand.
But yeah, its like... its just so obvious that this place would become a true shit hole and people would flock out of here massively... Just wait and see a diaspora of br folks in the next few months as people start to come back from ‘Narnia’ and notice the shit they've done..
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saturnsovereign · 7 years
all da questions
if someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?i’d have them read one of my other blogs that I don’t just share with anyone
have you ever found a writer who thinks just like you? if so, who?no not really, everyone’s writing style is unique
list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with.i can’t really think of any at the top of my head and mostly cuz I don’t really like to identify as a character which is why i like watching them
do you like your name?  is there another name you think would fit you better?its alright, idk about another name really so
do you think of yourself as a human being or a human doing? do you identify yourself by the things you do?a human being i guess, i’m just here... not really doing anything... and like i used to identify myself as a person in the guard and all but thats really what my major defining trait people knew me for
are you religious/spiritual?agnostic
do you care about your ethnicity?yeah but i guess i feel i’ve been desensitized to it?
what musical artists have you most felt connected to over your lifetime?i don’t really have one... the one that comes to mind is James Blunt but even then
are you an artist?i’m ok at drawing but idk if i’d call myself an artist
do you have a creed?not really
describe your ideal day.i’m with my girlfriend and we have nothing to worry about, we don’t have to worry about departing form each other
dog person or cat person?doggos
inside or outdoors?inside to a point bc sometimes i feel like i have to go outdoors and do something instead of suffocating in my room
are you a musician?i play the drums but i’m not really a musician
five most influential books over your lifetime.i don’t really have anybody
if you’d grown up in a different environment, do you think you’d have turned out the same?if i was raised in california instead, i feel like i would have been a lot more confident or cooler
would you say your tumblr is a fair representation of the “real you”?there’s still a lot of things tumblr doesn’t know about me and maybe only one or two people know the real me
what’s your patronus?it’d probably be a cat honestly
which Harry Potter house would you be in? or are you a muggle?gryffindor but man i’d like do summer school or something there’s only so much you can do with magic
would you rather be in Middle Earth, Narnia, Hogwarts, or somewhere else?hogwarts
do you love easily?no
list the top five things you spend the most time doing, in order.tumblr, youtube, homework/school, skyping my gf, (i used to do guard :(
how often would you want to see your family every year?often, my siblings and i are kind of going through a tough time and i know my parents get exhausted from all the commuting they do.
have you ever felt like you had a “mind-meld” with someone?it’s better to keep people out of my mind XD
could you live as a hermit?i’m in college rn so i’m already a hermit
how would you describe your gender/sexuality?cisgender, bisexual
do you feel like your outside appearance is a fair representation of the “real you”?apparently just by how i appear i don’t look straight so yeah mostly :D
on a scale from 1 to 10, how hard is it for someone to get under your skin?5 mostly cuz idk
three songs that you connect with right now.OK- Robin Schulz ft James Blunt, All Time Low- Jon Bellion, Holy- PVRIS
pick one of your favorite quotes.“maybe if we turn off the lights the judges won’t hear us drop”
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hopecomesbacktolife · 3 months
something has changed in recent days and now you can’t even google search a tumblr url and post keywords to find a post when the tumblr search function itself isn’t working, because now when you click on the internet search result it brings you to that person’s blog’s home page and not the specific post anymore 😫
like I have spent all morning (in between work things, so not constant, but still!!) trying to find One Specific Post TM that I saw in a screenshot and this already-ridiculously-overcomplicated work around that I used to use isn’t working anymore 🥲🥲
here’s the post I am trying to find to reblog. I saw it in a cropped screenshot on pinterest and just wanted to reblog it to my narnia tag lmao. if anyone has a link to any version of this post pls share it because idk how to find it now with that alt method no longer functioning 🫠
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hopecomesbacktolife · 3 years
do you ever just
❤️💕💗💗💗❤️💕💞💗❤️ 💗💞💕💗💞💕💕💗❤️💕💞Trufflehunter 💗💞💕❤️💕💞💗💞💕❤️❤️💕💞💕💗❤️💞❤️❤️💞💗❤️
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hopecomesbacktolife · 5 years
I always associate you with Lucy, partly because of your bio !!
Oh my gosh, this is the highest compliment I’ve ever received, thank you so much ❤️💓💗😭❤️💗👏🏻❤️🙏🏻❤️💗
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hopecomesbacktolife · 5 years
“The noises she had been hearing turned out to be of two kinds: the rhythmical thump of several feet, and the music of four fiddles, three flutes, and a drum. She also got her own position clear. She was looking out of a hole in a steep bank which sloped down and reached the level about fourteen feet below her. Everything was very white. A lot of people were moving about. Then she gasped! The people were trim little Fauns, and Dryads with leaf-crowned hair floating behind them. For a second they looked as if they were moving anyhow; then she saw that they were really doing a dance — a dance with so many complicated steps and figures that it took you some time to under- stand it. Then it came over her like a thunderclap that the pale, blue light was really moonlight, and the white stuff on the ground was really snow. And of course! There were the stars staring in a black frosty sky overhead. And the tall black things behind the dancers were trees. They had not only got out into the upper world at last, but had come out in the heart of Narnia. Jill felt she could have fainted with delight; and the music — the wild music, intensely sweet and yet just the least bit eerie too, and full of good magic as the Witch's thrumming had been full of bad magic — made her feel it all the more.
All this takes a long time to tell, but of course it took a very short time to see. Jill turned almost at once to shout down to the others, "I say! It's all right. We're out, and we're home." But the reason she never got further than "I say" was this. Circling round and round the dancers was a ring of Dwarfs, all dressed in their finest clothes; mostly scarlet with fur-lined hoods and golden tassels and big furry top- boots. As they circled round they were all diligently throwing snow- balls. (Those were the white things that Jill had seen flying through the air.) They weren't throwing them at the dancers as silly boys might have been doing in England. They were throwing them through the dance in such perfect time with the music and with such perfect aim that if all the dancers were in exactly the right places at exactly the right moments, no-one would be hit. This is called the Great Snow Dance and it is done every year in Narnia on the first moonlit night when there is snow on the ground. Of course it is a kind of game as well as a dance, because every now and then some dancer will be the least little bit wrong and get a snowball in the face, and then everyone laughs. But a good team of dancers, Dwarfs, and musicians will keep it up for hours without a single hit. On fine nights when the cold and the drum-taps, and the hooting of the owls, and the moonlight, have got into their wild, woodland blood and made it even wilder, they will dance till daybreak. I wish you could see it for yourselves.”
-C. S. Lewis, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Silver Chair, chapter 15; The Disappearance of Jill
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hopecomesbacktolife · 7 years
whenever I watch the first Narnia movie, I am seven years old again and innocent and naive and falling in love with this other world and checking every wardrobe and closet in secret because I half believed I'd find something more than coats, I am full of hope and my family is small but they're mine and it's enough, I am attempting to sew the costumes but at seven years old they come out mediocre at best, I am taking old and empty vanilla extract bottles and pretending that it's healing cordial, I am picking up sticks and pretending they are daggers, and I want to be Lucy whenever I watch the second Narnia movie, I am ten years old and feeling uncomfortable with the Susan and Caspian love story and not only because it wasn't in the book, but because I am ten and unsure how to handle love and romance in any form and I am upset with all the changes they made from the book, and why did they diminish Lucy's character when she's so strong and literally goals in the books, yet I am still wanting to be Lucy whenever I watch the third Narnia movie, I am reminded of when I was thirteen and very insecure and all I want is to be pretty and cool like my older sister and for that reason even though it wasn't in the books, Lucy's struggle with her appearance and her conversation with Aslan makes me cry because nobody told me that I was good enough, that I brought things into the world that wouldn't exist without me, and when my grandma was telling me that I had "love handles" and my skin was never as clear as my friends' and when all I wanted was to be okay with myself, I still wanted to be Lucy and have Aslan himself tell me that I am good enough. and when home life is starting to begin to rock and become uncertain, Lucy is who I still look up to and Narnia is still where I flee to take refuge. I am thirteen and when my friends are obsessed over their first boyfriends I am dreaming of going on voyages and billowing sleeves rippling in the wind and not because I am Not Like Other Girls™, but because I can barely talk to a boy and I'd rather be a Narnian queen than a middle schooler anyway then I am eighteen years old and in college and unsure if I am even like Lucy at all, but my friend's roommate says he has something for me and so I follow him up to his room and he gives me a delicate silver circlet made out of tiny leaves. He says that ever since he met me that I remind him inexplicably of Lucy Pevensie and that he asked his sister to buy the circlet and send it to him for me because he thought I'd understand and appreciate its' Narnian tone as much as he did. I don't say much but inside I am crying tears of happiness because I've a l w a y s wanted to be Lucy I am nineteen years old now and when home isn't a home anymore and some of my family aren't family, I find comfort in Narnia still and look up to Lucy even now. I don't remember a time in my life when I wasn't admiring her; Narnia has been with me for so long that it's practically a part of who I am now. Many other stories of heroes have become my favorites as well-- middle-earth and hogwarts and dragons from many stories and swordfighting and Wonder Woman and much, much more. But Narnia was my first love and is still such a big part of my heart, and it has brought me back to my faith more times than I can count. When I feel like I can't reach God I can talk to Aslan, I am reminded of that time when C. S. Lewis said that if a lion is how you view him then a lion he shall be and I am comforted by that thought, because sometimes it is easier to talk to a Lion. I still check closets and push aside the clothes, peering past the coats because you never know. And I now see myself as Lucy.
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hopecomesbacktolife · 7 years
for me, at least, Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman is on Lucy Pevensie-levels of amazingness and being fav. and for me, that’s a heckin’ lot to say because Lu has basically been my hero for all of my life. I’m just so
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