#main blog is a mess
trashboxgobrrr · 1 year
wow another side blog i’ll probably forget
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gallusgalluss · 7 months
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EVERY grungus
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hardestysally · 2 months
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Alicent & Rhaenyra I House of the Dragon 1.01
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mattodore · 7 months
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found out while putting together matthias's oc page that his name has the exact same etymology and meaning as theo's name...
i’m sure this is information matthias is very normal about…
#theo is in fact a gift from god so jot that down !#river dipping#i've been throwing myself into oc stuff bc i'm not doing hot mentally which is... tbh when i do my best writing 😭#none of this is new tho i wrote the bios and 'at a glance' intros months and months ago when i first made an oc page#which is why i do plan on rewriting them but for now i'm leaving them like this... so i guess the echthroi page is done?#obviously echthroi has more characters than this but i haven't taken new screenshots of everyone yet...#i put the gray cas bg back in my game a few days ago only to completely forget i wanted to take new headshots for the oc page 😭#like these are just placeholders... i want the backgrounds to match the oc page. oh... or maybe i could just do transparent pics?#i think i remember vyx made a post abt how to do that... will look into that when i open the game again. rn i'm at my keyboard 🧑‍💻#like i am writing new things! started a google doc for theo yesterday and have been writing on it here and there since then#i've already cried in there... lmaooo. i like oc pages for sure but i think a huge google doc is what i really need to keep track of things#i drop so much lore in tags on here and it's like! river write that down somewhere else or you'll lose it 😭#like i fr have never actually written down any of the info i've shared on here. i've just had all this oc knowledge stored in my brain.#so i went through and copied over a tonnn of tags and posts i've made into google docs but i just know i'm missing things i've probably#said in the tags of their core tagged posts... 🧍 if my blog didn't have so many posts i'd have an easier time going through it but 🤷#and on top of that i've been making a bunch of posts about theo and matthias on my main acc. which is like 🧍 well great now there's more#i'm gonna lose track of...... i fr have gottt to get into the habit of actually putting things down in theo's google doc!!!#i'm just trying to figure out the best way to format it all but i've downloaded a few templates that i've been messing with.#...anyway. if it isn't obvious i'm trying to get back to posting on here. i'm opening my inbox now with the intent to just.#sit here in my inbox until i can get myself to reply. lads... avpd is actually so torturous i'm not kidding.#i feel like i'm dying trying to get myself to interact with people sometimes even despite how badly i want!!!! to interact!!!#theo and me and our avoidant trauma responses holding hands and skipping around together
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angeltannis · 11 months
The fact that Symmetra’s seemingly only childhood friend was a boy she fundamentally disagreed with everything about and disliked pretty much everything that he stood for - and that it was exactly the same for him - is so so so funny to me. Unlikeable neurodivergent bitches gotta stick together
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titsoutfortntduo · 1 year
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my favourite part of generation loss was when ranboo yelled 'its lossin time' and then lossed all over those guys
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goombasinastack · 6 months
splatoon 3 hot take turned impromptu essay
was stuck offline in splatoon 3 because internet was actin up and i realized how pretty the photomode splatoon 3 filters are compared to the actual game
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i was taking photos on brinewater and thought. damn. this game looks fine but i miss how VIBRANT splatoon 1 was! i wish i could play sploon 3 with this photomode filter on all the time. and brinewater is the best map for this because of the sunset lighting! so i went to one of the worst offenders mapwise for general color—undertow spillway. it is a warm gray mess:
for someplace underground, it’s WAY too warm of a tone—even if there are skylights, they aren’t very well defined, as they’re off in the background—they’d be better with some light shafts to pop out more, imo.
so here’s undertow with photomode filter #6 (this would’ve been a video but tumblr limits to 1 video per post):
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and i think this looks a lot nicer, colorwise! the icky warm gray is shifted to a soft pink—and while that’s still not in keeping with the lack of obvious skylights, it works better than warm gray.
so then i opened ibis x paint and got to work on a filter that would hopefully help elevate the entire game’s look:
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on top is photomode filter #6, in the middle is the original screenshot, and on the bottom is my proposed filter.
i upped the contrast, brightness, and saturation a bit, then added a 5% pure magenta (#FF00FF) overlay layer on top of that. then i added a slight gaussian blur to emulate antialiasing, which nintendo refuses to do for some reason!
and i wanna play splatoon like that! i miss the vibrancy and intricacy of splatoon 1…
incoming splatoon 1 essay‼️
not only were the colors eye-bleachingly bright, but the overall game feel was much more immersive—especially in ink physics. you could paint trees, and the ink would drip down through leaves as if it were rain… ink splatter would respond to the movements of platforms, keeping its intertia as it dripped! you could see the textures of surfaces through the ink, as if it were an actual liquid instead of a layer of thick oil. 3 doesn’t have any of those special touches.
there’s also the music… 1’s ost feels so much more WEIRD and experimental than the later games, and that really helps cement that this is not human society—this is a new thing—which tracks for splatoon 1, as it was so zany nobody had ever seen anything quite like it before! splatoon 2 follows this sheer melting-pot of brashness and creativity with evolving and varied styles—where once was punk and weird samples in Squid Squad is now groovy rock in Wet Floor, jazz in Ink Theory, and also whatever Sashi-Mori was. also i <3 chirpy chips. splatoon 3’s music goes back to that punk, but i feel that it loses some of the charm and creativity of the first two games. C-side is pure metal, and hardly uses any weird instruments. there have sparsely been other splatbands involved with regular battle music—Yoko&tgb call back to the jazz of Ink Theory which i love! Off the Hook’s new tracks delve into a new style in piano rock. but the main band kind of falls flat to me. :(
let’s talk stages. in splatoon 1, stages were wildly different from each other, including skateparks, construction sites, underpasses, malls, sewage plants, and other locals that are culturally underground. the rest of the trilogy moves away from this in a story standpoint, as ink battles evolve from punky, diy competitions into full-fledged championships in 2 and 3, with advancing battle infrastructure as time progresses. that’s fine, and honestly it’s cool to see that kind of worldbuilding! but in 1, each stage was designed about and influenced by the area it represented. Arowana Mall is a straight line with high vantage points on the second/third story because it’s a mall. Pirahna Pit features convenyor belts that shuffle refuse around because it’s a trash plant. Blackbelly Skatepark has so many hills and valleys because it’s a skatepark, for goodness sake. splatoon 3’s original stages have some of this charm, but it feels lost in ambiguity. why doesn’t Mincemeat Metalworks have small moving platforms on cranes or other heavy machinery? Idk, have some grates and one-way drops, and a car on a post. why isn’t there any water incorporated into the stage design of Brinewater Springs? Idk, have 2 paintable walls and a tetris piece. 3’s original stages have little to no connection between their locals and the geometry, which make it feel same-y compared to previous games.
maybe this is because of the inflexible philosophy of the designers—or their corporate oversight, maybe. for stages, you need to make a straight line or tetris piece with few routes to push, in an effort to promote the game’s main premise of Chaos. for music, you need to make punk songs that aren’t too weird so they don’t drive away the parents. maybe the little ink touches could have been missing because development was rushed?
i honestly dont know why it happened out this way—perhaps the splatoon team just needed more time to cook, in order to squeeze out that extra 20% of game feel? or maybe it was that speculated corporate oversight, i dunno. things WERE missing on launch—notable exceptions being X rank, online tableturf lobbies, and no more than three salmon run maps. i know we’ve yet to even get the DLC but for being about 75% of the way through the game’s content lifespan, but splatoon 3 feels incomplete. there have been improvements, yeah! i just wish there could’ve been more. i would rather have waited another year for splatoon 3 if it were polished that much better, y’know?
i honestly feel like splatoon 1 captured that creative, no-holds-barred mantle of Chaos better than 3 does. 3 feels… flanderized, in a way. the curse of trilogies, perhaps? writing about it more, it feels like not only have the in-game sports of turf war been ripped out of its seedy home and thrust into the spotlight, and gone “mainstream” (see: massive squidsport companies investing in multimillion battle lobbies with holograms and lockers [sunken scroll about that!], flying coffee machines that grant you brief invincibility, new rules and techniques that allow squid surges and rolls, etc.), but also the Real Life Physical Video Game Cartridge of Splatoon has been popularized massively with the sequels on the Switch. maybe i’m not missing the “vibrancy” of splatoon 1 when i look at the colors and photomode filters of splatoon 3, but instead the inherent punkiness and counterculture inspiration that i see in the original.
fuck capitalism, i guess!
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the-kipsabian · 2 months
once again asking people to reblog instead of just liking posts from artists, THE REBLOG BUTTON IS FREE
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myfandomhalf · 8 months
Season Finale
Sick and tired of reading about people say that Dazai knowing about the plan beforehand somehow takes away from the genuineness of the skk moments
You mean you WANT Dazai to choose to kill Chuuya for the greater good and then not give a shit immediately after?? Ignoring the speech for a second, the reason he was able to be so carefree after “killing” Chuuya is because he KNEW Chuuya was gonna be okay.
First of all, Dazai knowing Chuuya wasn’t gonna die doesn’t take away from his speech. He replayed all those memories for himself, nobody else was seeing what was happening in his head. He was GENUINELY upset at the idea of losing Chuuya and having to put Chuuya through that, DESPITE knowing Chuuya would be okay. He was STILL upset. That’s way better than him thinking he just killed Chuuya, sparing him a thought, not even crying (bc no that wasn’t a tear) and then just moving on being silly as if nothing happened.
And then the other speech him saying that they’re destined to - do you seriously think he’d just make that up for shits and giggles? He was being serious. If he was gonna play it up for Fyodor’s sake he would’ve said the most emotional out of pocket line to ever be written, which to them would be related to him leaving Chuuya behind. But no he just said they’re destined to do something.
Dazai talks a lot about the past to Chuuya (Chuuya does not participate) but those two are clearly emotionally constipated bc they never have a conversation about what they mean to each other (which I think is bc Asagiri is not ready to reveal that yet). This was clearly Dazai taking his opportunity to say what he REALLY thinks / feels forcing Chuuya to listen without the commitment. Bc if anyone gets the ick later he can use the convenient excuse of “oh I didn’t mean that” which is bullshit.
And I do think an element of this idea that it’s worse that Dazai had everything planned comes from the misunderstanding that Dazai has completely changed since he was in the port mafia. Dazai just tends to make “better” (as in more objectively good) choices, but he very much still puts on a front. You guys do realize that his silly persona is just that right? A persona? He’s literally being fake every time he’s silly. That’s not his real personality. He’s a morally gray character. He never became a purely good person and he never will. It makes MUCH more sense that he planned everything out with Chuuya beforehand.
He met up with Akutagawa before getting arrested, he probably did the same with Chuuya.
And yes, this means he DID use and manipulate Sigma the entire time. Why wouldn’t he? Sigma has an ability Dazai needed. I’m sure Dazai planned for sigma to not die bc in his role as a detective it’s part of his job to mitigate losses of innocent lives, he knows this, but also bc Dazai needs to know what sigma learned. I genuinely hope there isn’t anyone out there thinking Dazai wouldn’t manipulate sigma bc he cares about him? He just met him. He has no personal investment in him. But he WILL make sure sigma is alive bc of the aforementioned reasons.
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Dude I’m still new to the test tumblr rp scene as @koebi-san but man- I’m sorry y’all gotta deal with that
Tbh I feel kind of bad. I know it probably doesn’t come off as that. Considering how much I went off on them, but I do.
And it’s not that I feel bad for revealing her as the terrible person she is. Because she deserves that and she obviously doesn’t care because I happen to know she is still using her accounts like nothing has happened. Even messaging some of the blogs of mods from the discord she was banned from to ask if she can roleplay with them - like they weren’t present and aren’t fully aware of the situation and who she is.
It’s more I feel bad that I’m causing drama in the twst rp community? Because I really do just want to have fun and rp Che’nya.
But this mod was really making it not fun for me and several others. If it was just me, I could have kept ignoring them, honestly. I didn’t interact with them enough for me to do all this.
Yes, I hated they were over-saturating the twst rp community with their blogs (them having 11 is absolutely ridiculous) but I could just leave it. Whatever. They weren’t making characters connected to Che’nya. But they were stressing out and hurting my friends.
And so I finally just… snapped.
And I’m hoping making such a big deal out of this - making such a loud noise, such a huge callout - will just make sure that this drama both starts and ENDS quickly.
I just want to go back to having fun with all of you roleplaying the mad eldritch horror, self-aware Cheshire Cat that gets his head stuck in teapots and bends reality to his will… but only sometimes because other times it’s funnier not to.
So, I’m hoping now that me and the others that joined in finally broke down and made the callout post about her, we can get back to that sooner rather than later.
But thank you for your kind words. It is what it is. It’s the internet! Toxic people are kind of par for the course.
I’m just happy that, for the most part? I’ve really only had great experiences on here as Che’nya. 💜
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eureka-its-zico · 8 months
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Okay SO I have THOTS on this.
We know Chopper is coming next season to the show, but I’m like….so torn because I NEED them to meet asap. Like, I can picture her coming into Chopper’s room to be his first patient (after overhearing him all excited and seeing him spinning in his chair 😩).
I’ve started rewatching the anime (I was originally on ep 602) to see about ways I can create fillers until then. BUT I WANT HER TO MEET HIM SO BAD! Also, Brook because he’s a fav too. Honestly, I’m just emotionally attached to Doc as a character.
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vampcubus · 2 months
i remember a time i said i didn't like sideblogs cus it was too much work and now i have like 5 lmao
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mamawasatesttube · 5 months
tumblr shows me the lil mutuals tag whenever i follow someone who follows this sideblog, but i'm curious. does it also show the mutuals tag to people i follow who follow me here on the sideblog but don't follow my main??
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gingaswag · 5 months
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baby mold angel born in forgotten piece of bread.... more news at 9.
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gregmarriage · 3 months
i may be lame as fuck, permanently single, celibate, with no prospects, but fuck it, i’m eating garlic crackers and watching 90’s japanese women’s wrestling
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the-kipsabian · 9 months
..im just gonna straight up ask but
yall dont mind when i brainrot and kip post, right?
im just always extremely self conscious about it when im talking and reblogging a lot, as i have been told before to stop being obsessive and that its stupid and whatnot. i mean, yall are here willingly, unfollowing and muting tags is an option always, but like.. idk it still always makes me very aware about things when i do that even tho it makes me happy whenever i go on these silly lil reblog sprees
anyways just. just thought i'd ask idk
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