#anyway shout out to my mum because it happens to be her birthday
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130 days since a brand crossed Markiplier
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canirove · 11 months ago
Friends, lovers… and an orange | Chapter 2
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"Mum, I already told you. We didn't kiss!"
"Adele, if you did there is nothing wrong with it, you know? You've known each other your whole lives and..."
"Mum, for the millionth time: Mason and I didn't kiss! I was just smelling his neck!"
"Ok, ok. No need to get that angry" Elizabeth said over the phone.
"How am I supposed to not get angry when no one believes me? Not you, not Jourdan, definitely not the press..." Adele said.
"This will pass, don't worry. It has always been the same. And with all these daily trends online, people will have forgotten about you and Mason in a week. His fans may even start a new gossip if they see him following another girl on Instagram."
"Yeah, that's true" she sighed.
"Addie..." Jourdan said after knocking on her room's door. "There is someone who wants to see you."
"I gotta go, mum. Call you later."
"Ok. Love you sweetheart."
"Love you too" Adele said before hanging up. "Who is it?"
"Mason. He wants to talk with you."
"Of course he does" she said before walking into their living room. "Hello."
"Addie, hi. How are you?"
"Well... you know. The whole country and part of the world believes we were making out after your mother's birthday party, and my best friend and my own mother didn't believe me when I explained to them that we weren't."
"Hey, I do believe you" Jourdan said.
"Yeah, but because you saw me crying after I explained everything ten times."
"You cried?" Mason said, getting up from the sofa and moving to where Adele was standing, stopping himself when he was about to... Touch her face? 
"I did, but you know me. I usually cry when I get frustrated" she shrugged. "Anyway, how are you? What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to apologize. All this mess is because of me, because of my fame. You've always wanted a quiet life, you don't deserve this."
"Thank you" Adele smiled. "Have you spoken with your agency, tho? What are we supposed to do?"
"Nothing. The best thing to do is to let things cool down. People will move into the next piece of gossip and leave us alone."
"That's what my mum said..."
"And mine" Mason chuckled. "They've been through this, they know what they are talking about. And so does my agency. So we should keep calm and..."
"Guys..." Jourdan said. "I think you may want to see this."
"Are those… paparazzis?" Adele said when she joined Jourdan and looked out the window.
"Fuck, they followed me" Mason said, joining them.
"They what?"
"They were waiting outside my place, but I thought I had lost them on my way here" he said. "I am so sorry, Addie. This is all my fault."
"What are we going to do now? Call the police?" she asked.
"That won't do anything, they are just standing in the street" Jourdan said.
"So then what?"
"I'll leave and distract them, take them back to my place” he said.
"But now they know where I live, Mase. What if they camp outside or follow me everywhere?" Adele said.
"Then you will call me and my agency will take care of it. I promise you it will be fine."
But it wasn't fine. 
For the following couple of weeks and every time Adele left the house, she was welcomed by paparazzis shouting at her and asking her about Mason, the photos being online just a couple of hours later. At one point, they even followed her while she was on her daily run to the park. 
Things weren't cooling down as everyone had told her, and it was exhausting. 
"That's it, I'm leaving" she said after her latest encounter with the photographers.
"Leave? Where?" Jourdan asked.
"New York with my brother. No one will bother me there." 
"Welcome, sis!"
"Hello, Luca. Would you mind giving me a hand with my suitcase?"
"Yes, of course. How was the flight?" he asked. 
"Long. And can you believe that the paps followed me to the airport?" Adele said, letting herself fall on the sofa.
"That's what happens when you make out with Mason Mount and get caught."
"We didn't make out" she replied, throwing a pillow at her little brother.
"That's what you say. But those photos..."
"Those photos are taken out of context. And can we please talk about something else? I've come here to disconnect from all that drama."
"Sure" Luca said, sitting next to her. "What are your plans?"
"Just relax and mind my own business. I won't be bothering you and... Wait, where is your other half?" Aka, Alex, Mason's little brother. Like the best friends he and Luca were, they had decided to move to New York to continue with their studies, and they had obviously had to live together.
"On a date. We'll see how long it takes him this time to fuck it up" Luca chuckled.
"Jealous?" Adele asked.
"I'm not interested in dating" he replied, crossing his arms over his chest.
"That's not what I meant." She had always suspected that Luca had feelings for Alex that went beyond friendship, but the few times she had asked him about it, he had always denied it. 
"I'm not jealous. Of any kind. So stop trying to turn my life into a fanfic and put that energy into something else."
"I will, don't worry." 
And for the next month, Adele managed to do it. To put her energy somewhere that wasn't the paparazzis and everyone thinking that she and Mason were finally dating. She would go out for a run in the mornings, visit a new coffee shop every day, visit museums, go for walks and take photos of everything, spend the day at campus with Luca and Alex, join them at a couple of parties... She even went on a date! 
Everything seemed to be going well, until that one morning.
"Mason!" Luca said when he opened the door. "What are you doing here?"
"Got a job in the city and decided to come pay my little brother and his twin a visit" he smiled. "Hello, Addie."
"Hi" she said.
"How are you?"
"Good, good. And I'm sorry, but I have go. I have a pottery lesson in an hour and I want to grab something to eat first."
"Could we... Could we meet for lunch? Maybe dinner?" Mason asked. "I would like to have a chat with you. Alone."
"Yeah, sure" she replied. 
That night, they met at a small restaurant around the corner, one of Luca and Alex's favourites. Usually it was packed with people, but that day it was almost empty except for a group of girls and another couple sitting next to them.
"So, what did you want to talk about?" Adele asked him.
"I wanted to apologize."
"What for?"
"Ruining your life?" Mason chuckled.
"You didn't ruin anything, Mase."
"You ran away, Addie."
"Yeah, but..."
"You were being harassed, and it was all because of me."
"Mase, hey" Adele said, reaching for his hand and giving it a little squeeze. "It's fine. I'm fine. I actually needed this break from London and everything back home, they did me a favour."
"Really" she smiled. "So stop blaming yourself, ok?"
"Ok" he said, smiling back. 
After that, they spent the rest of their evening catching up on what they had been doing, and as they left, Adele noticed that the girls who were sitting not far from them were checking out Mason. And she didn't blame them. That night he looked more handsome than usual, and she may or may have not checked him out too as he left to go to the bathroom. 
But what had made her feel uneasy, was what had happened while they were at the door waiting for another couple to walk into the restaurant. She could swear she had heard one of the girls saying her name and Mason's. 
Could they have recognized them?
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deathdoesntkillyou · 1 year ago
the dream I had which is now cannon in my heart
(The only way this is even vaguely related to what we've been doing is that it started when Sylvie got sick in the way that things like that get you thinking about what's important etc)
But anyway, the dream was about Maggie and her namesake nan because I vibe that Johnny visits her (first at home in her caravan where she's getting cared for by his sisters and then in the home she gets put in eventually when her Alzheimer's gets worse) every week like a dutiful son and his wife and kids only go on special occasions when they've gotta so Maggie goes with him from when her nan is in the home and she can (because she's the daughter of Ali and she'd insist regardless of however young she may be)
So like I said, when Sylvie is a sick kid she decides that she wants to see her nan more like oh I really should while I still have her and she sneaks and goes whenever she can and the staff let her even though she's only 12 because they recognise her from coming with her dad and she's doing no harm (plus jali will say it's okay when they inevitably find out, even though they don't necessarily know how often she is going, including when she's supposed to be at school (because like her mum she's a wild child so nobody is automatically assuming that's where she is cos she could be off anywhere doing anything and often is/was lol)
A wholesome time is being had despite the nan being deep in her dementia and not able to talk or know her/basically confined to a chair and as time passes a bed, because nevertheless this gal chats away and they look at photos or she sings to her or they have lunch together and she helps feed her, does her hair and paints her nails etc etc all the cute things, sometimes she just draws the nan while they listen to music (which is foreshadowing and handy for later when her nan dies and she gives all these drawings to her dad, including ones she did of her when she was younger from said photos they look at)
Years pass how they will (it was unspecified in the dream, she got older than 12 but she was still a teen idk) and sometimes as the nan got worse she didn't want long visits or was asleep when Maggie came so she ended up making friends with most of the carers + other residents (she's her mother's daughter and makes friends easily) and I've always vibed she likes making clothes especially costumes so picture her throwing a lil Halloween party for the residents who are able to go and making Christmas decs and singing Christmas songs and hiding chocolate eggs all around this home at Easter etc etc, all the while only the peeps closest to her even know she does any of this cos she isn't shouting about it, basically she's a full time volunteer without thinking of it like that
But of course, the day comes when her nan dies (again it was kinda unspecified in the dream but she ended up going into hospital dying basically and poor Mags couldn't go and say her goodbyes because there is so much extended gypsy fam always visiting that she couldn't even sneak when one of them wasn't there and it was really sad*) so she stops visiting the home obvs cos she's really sad but runs into one of the younger carers coincidentally one day when she's in town and they have a lil catch up and she's like we all 'we miss you' + '[one of the residents she made friends with] is having a 90th birthday party, you should come' so she did go and it slayed and she decides to come back and keep visiting again, thinking she'll just go like once a week or every so often and it'll be chill but DUH she ends up going almost as often as she did before, doing all kinds of different shit with different residents, having a whale of a time and living her best life (p.s this did not happen in the dream but as I'm writing this down I'm thinking of the potential for her to get with someone's grandson if we wanted a ship for her, like in that book, cos you know these old ladies would all be trying to pimp their fam out lol)
Long story short, she kept it up and they offered her a job when she finished school which she took and I love that because it's not something she planned (like her mother she's into all sorts of things) but it's just a job she falls into and really enjoys * There was a whole part in the dream about the funeral btw, she (and Ali) did get to go but even though all they were trying to do was pay their respects and serve a lewk, the gypsy fam were SO mad and didn't want them there because it was a full blown traditional affair despite the nan not being a gypsy as we now know, Johnny was sticking up for her while also trying to stop things kicking off but ultimately his dad put his foot down and told her (and Ali) to leave cos he didn't want the drama and felt like he was being shown up as he's clearly on the side of the gypsy fam about it and tries to pretend Maggie and Django (who wasn't there) don't exist
They left cos not trying to cause a scene actually but just before they did there was a whole heartbreaking moment where Maggie said to her granddad in gypsy lingo something like sorry for your loss (idk if they have their own equivalent of things they like to say but if they do it was that vibe because she put her all into it) trying to be nice and respectful and saying it with ALL the feeling in the world cos she loved her nan so much by this point but everyone was simply fuming and didn't take it the right way
So this was when she decided to change her name because not only a fuck you all he's my dad too but fuck you all I'm gonna have my nan's whole name cos she's my bestie and ILY and y'all didn't even visit her unless you were forced
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poussiffanche · 2 years ago
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{Open the images in a new tab for better quality}
Heyo guys! Here are my designs (day & night) of Sun and Moon!
I had this AU in my head: the pizzeria's birthday is the day of its inauguration and so great re-opening. Refurbished, everything is fine again; there are no more disappearances, the pizzeria is very successful, there are no more glitch/virus, etc. Bye bye villains (and the human characters (Vanessa, Gregory, etc) are somewhere too but not in the pizzeria. I haven't really study the subject. 😅))
In the renovations, Sun and Moon are part of it! The daycare attendants each have their "body", their personality. When they first saw each other, it was a touching moment; they fell into each other's arms, Sun was crying, shouted and jumped of joy. Even though Moon is more reserved by nature, he had such a big smile that it said a lot about his state of mind, not to mention his moist eyes. They were always together, we never saw one without the other.
I wanted to stay as "canon" as possible while bringing my version of them.
So: ► For their pants, slippers and Moon's hat, I used sunrise/sunset colors, respectively Sun and Moon. I like to imagine that when they meet new people (kids, parents/adults) they introduce themselves as: 《I'm Moon's sunrise; Sun!》 《I'm Sun's sunset; Moon.》
► Sun and Moon have more "lively" features: colored eyes and pupils (like other animatronics), they can open their mouths and have more facial expressions. With those modifications, they look more friendly at first sight, especially Moon (my mum who doesn't know the characters was curious to know what I was drawing and when I showed her his original version she found him scary. 😭)
► Their eyes have complementary colors: Sun has blue-green eyes and Moon's orange-red.
► Their bells have "crescent moon" colors as well as their frills + shape and all of those accessories have a particularity at night~:
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• They glow! Yes, they are fluorescent. Even if Sun and Moon would be separated, they would be together day and night to take care of children so, it's important that they have points in common. Thanks to this, children who wake up at night for any reason could find them without having to call them (and potentially disturb other children), serve as a nightlight, even as a little glow for kids who are afraid of the dark.
► Sun and Moon have white and black pupils respectively. I like this "Yin and Yang" effect but there's more:
• Moon, being a night patrolbot, the fact that he has black pupils he would be used to the dark and could watch surroundings without having to light up his eyes (and potentially being spotted if there is an intruder). He can always do it if necessary. Althought Moon's frills and bells are fluorescent, they are dim compared to if he were lighting up with his eyes so there is no risk an intruder spots him. Anyway, Moon is difficult to flush out; he is very good at hiding and tracking his prey down.
• Sun, as for him, has his white because he remains a daytime animatronic despite everything; he can see in the dark but not as well as Moon without lighting! He can see what surrounds him more brightly and it is impossible to dazzle him.
► With the virus/glitch mostly gone, Moon still has "aftereffects": he lights up red from time to time without wanting to and scared some of the children (especially the new ones, the old ones are aware of what happened and are very supporting) when they woke up during/after naptime, even before. Unable to completely remove this functionality, it has been modified so that it is used during an alert/danger.
• Sun, not being particularly confronted with danger, staying in the daycare at night, he wanted this feature also to on one hand support his counterpart but on the other hand because he dealt with violent/abusive parents/adults so this feature is quite a deterrent. In general, when Sun and Moon come to light up red, it calms things down (especially coming from Sun).
{There you go, I guess I've done the trick. I take this opportunity to warn you that I will draw my comic again so the next drawings I may do of Sun and Moon will mainly be sketches. I will finalize them when I'll have time. 😁}
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queenshelby · 4 years ago
Just Friends – Part Nine
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Words: 4,515
Warning: Smut, Mention of Pregnancy, Birth Control and Abortion
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When you woke up the next morning, your little mishap the night before was on your mind and you weren’t quite yourself, worrying about all of the possible scenarios.
Cillian noticed immediately that something wasn’t right but, with everything that was going on, the arguments with your parents and his heavy filming schedule, you decided not to tell him. You believed that there was no need to worry him at this point.
But, after yet another fall out with your father during breakfast on the day of his birthday, you broke out in tears. Your emotions got the better of you.
‘Are you alright Y/N?’ Cillian asked as he followed you to your room. He knew that you weren’t as, usually, your father’s comments would not have gotten to you upset in the way they did this morning.
‘I just don’t know why he won’t just accept you. You are the best that happened to me in a long time’ you cried.
‘Y/N, I am a fair bit older than you and, by what I gather from his comments, he is concerned that I am not genuine about our relationship. He seems to have a strange misconception about actors, but I am sure he will come around over time’ Cillian said calmly, taking you into his arms just as your mother walked into the room and asked you whether you would still be able to pick up your grandmother from the train station at 11 o’clock.  
‘How about I get her and you spend some time with your parents’ Cillian suggested and you reminded him that you were meant to pick up the birthday cake as well and that you promised Max to take him with you so he could go to the toyshop in town. His grandfather had given him $20 pounds and he was very keen to spend it on some more LEGO.
Cillian suggested that he take Max with him instead and you agreed, thanking him for doing this for you.
***Trip to Town***
After Cillian had picked up your grandmother, he remembered that you had been talking about a jewellery shop in Birmingham that you liked. It stocked several vintage items and vintage jewellery was your secret obsession.
It was your birthday in three weeks and Cillian hadn’t gotten you a present yet. Your grandmother was kind enough to show him the location of the shop and suggested that she would go and get the cake while him and Max choose something nice for you for your birthday.
Cillian accepted your grandmother’s offer and him and Max went to the store. It was obvious that you shopped there frequently as the owner of the shop recognised Max and immediately asked about you.
‘So, I guess you are looking for a present for Y/N’s birthday?’ she asked Max and Cillian while Cillian looked at the different necklaces and earrings on display.
He had no idea what to get you, but the shop assistant showed him several necklaces she thought you might like while Max wandered through the shop.
To Cillian, all the necklaces looked pretty much the same and it took him about a minute to realise that Max walked off. He quickly excused himself before looking for Max, who was standing in front of a different display cabinet.
‘How about a ring… maybe this one?’ Max suggested after he took Cillian’s hand and dragged him half way across to the other side of the shop.
The shop assistant couldn’t help but giggle as Cillian took in a deep breath, being surprised by Max’s suggestion. The ring Max had chosen was a $7,000 pound engagement ring with an emerald in the middle and several diamonds imbedded in the gold band.
‘Mum’s favourite colour is green you know’ he added with a big grin on his face as he looked at the ring.
‘Max, you don’t usually give a ring as a present to a woman unless…’ Cillian said as he kneeled down in front of Max in order to have this conversation with him but, before he could finish his sentence, Max interrupted him.
‘I know. You only give a woman a ring when you want to marry her Don’t you want to marry my mum?’ Max asked and Cillian’s eyes widened while his chin dropped. He didn’t expect this question from Max.
‘Uhm…’ Cillian swallowed, unsure how respond to Max’s question and there immediately was an awkward silence in the shop as both, Max and the shop assistant looked at Cillian with wide eyes.
Cillian was speechless and simply chuckled before collecting his thoughts.
‘I am curious Max, how would you feel if I did want to marry your mum? Would you be ok with it?’ Cillian then went on to ask, trying not to answer Max’s question directly. After all, you haven’t even been together for six months but it certainly would be a possibility in the near future.
‘I would like that because then you would be my dad and that would be pretty cool’ Max explained, causing Cillian to chuckle and give him a hug.
‘That would be pretty cool, I agree. But you know that I am looking out for you anyway, right? Even if your mum and I aren’t married’ Cillian said with a warm smile before messing up Max’s hair as he usually does with his boys when they are being cheeky.
‘I know’ Max responded before giving Cillian a hug which was just when your grandmother arrived at the shop.
‘We are still looking at a birthday present for mum’ Max sighed and your grandmother got involved immediately, helping Cillian decide on a nice necklace and earrings for your birthday.
‘I am just going to pay for these and then meet you at the toy shop?’ Cillian asked, hoping that your grandmother would take Max to the toyshop so that he could buy the LEGO he wanted.
‘Sure, take your time’ your grandmother said as she took Max’s hand before leaving the jewellery shop.
***Birthday Party***
The remainder of the day went well, even to the point where your father and Cillian had a couple of beers together after dinner.
Immediately following dinner, Cillian and your father went outside to talk. They were there for thirty minutes, outside in your father’s men shed and you were rather concerned when Cillian and him had left together. Surely this wont end well you thought but, to your surprise, when they returned, all was well. Much better than before.
Curious about what had happened, you asked Cillian what they talked about. But, Cillian didn’t tell you. All he told you was that they had resolved their differences and you didn’t dare to question it any further.
The following day, you and Cillian made your way to Manchester while Max stayed with your parents. Cillian had to return to filming and you were eager to finally meet the crew and also share a bed with him again.
But, there was one person you were not keen to meet and this was Cillian’s ex-girlfriend Sarah who, out of all people, portrayed Thomas Shelby’s current love interest on Peaky Blinders. She had been harassing Cillian for weeks now, calling him numerous times and sending him numerous text messages.
The thought of her kissing Cillian in front of the camera annoyed you even more so when you finally met her and, after spending an entire day on set, found out about her intentions. It was obvious to you that she wasn’t over Cillian and the fact that he had broken up with her.
She didn’t take you seriously and that was obvious to you. According to Sarah, you are no more but Cillian’s midlife crisis. The young girl he decided to be with to get over her. She was oblivious about the fact that you were living together which is something Cillian never wanted with her.
You were looking after Cillian’s children when he was away and had built a good relationship with Cillian’s family and even his ex-wife. Sarah, on the other hand, never met Cillian’s parents or children.
Regardless of this, Sarah played on the fact that she was having intimate scenes with Cillian as part of the script and she was quite vocal about it.
As such, on your first night in Manchester over dinner with the cast, she even told you about the scene between her and Cillian earlier that day which involved him kissing her and touching her half naked body. She also told you not to worry about it because they had done it before for real which, according to her, made it less awkward and easier to film. She said that they knew each other’s bodies, which made you wanted to vomit.
Things escalated when she followed you to the lady’s bathroom and told you about having had sex in Cillian’s trailer once about a year ago. Following this statement, she implied that she would do it again if he was up for it.
But, the fact that she was acting like an idiot didn’t bother you. It was the fact that Cillian had forgotten to inform you about his earlier scene with Sarah which caused in your first fight with him since you moved in together.
***Making Up***
‘And this is exactly what she wants Y/N, getting us to fight because of her’ Cillian said angrily as he closed the apartment door behind him while you hung up your coat and took off your shoes.
‘We wouldn’t be fighting if you had told me about kissing her on set today…for fuck sake Cillian’ you shouted, throwing your handbag onto the floor besides you.
‘This is my fucking job Y/N, nothing more. Do you actually think that I enjoy filming scenes like this?’ Cillian asked somewhat flustered.
‘Well, you used to fuck her so I don’t know’ you sighed as you started to aggressively unbutton your blouse.
Cillian was speechless. He didn’t know what you were doing and whether you were, in fact, still angry with him or wanted sex. Perhaps both were applicable?
‘Well yes, we used to be together which means we had sex’ Cillian said somewhat annoyed, looking at you as you were getting undressed rather quickly. ‘What are you doing Y/N?’ he then went on to ask, unsure whether he should approach you or not.
‘How thin are the walls of this apartment?’ you asked as you dropped your bra to the floor. By this point, you had undressed yourself almost completely, leaving you in nothing but your panties.
‘Thin’ Cillian responded with a chuckle as it became evident to him what you were doing. Sarah’s apartment was right next to his and she got back to the apartment building before you did. You could hear her TV in the background.
‘Alright then Mr Murphy. I am laying my claim. You better fuck me hard and good’ you chuckled as you walked over towards Cillian, wearing nothing but your panties.
‘When have I ever not fucked you good, eh?’ Cillian smirked, jokingly using his Tommy accent to respond to you before he kissed you hard.
‘Did you think about me when you had this scene today?’ you smirked, biting your lip suggestively, as soon as you pulled away from the kiss.
‘If I would have thought about you, this would have happened and I certainly didn’t want to give her that kind of satisfaction’ Cillian smirked as he brought your hand down to his crotch. You could feel his raging erection strain against his jeans.
‘I never wanted anyone as much as I want you Y/N. You are driving me fucking crazy’ Cillian then went on to say before kissing you again passionately. You parted your mouth slightly and your body ignited at the intrusion of his tongue. Cillian groaned as he tasted your mouth and your nipples hardened as you pressed against his chest, ready for his hands and lips.
He broke off the kiss with a ragged sigh before pulling his t-shirt over his head in a haste and getting rid of his jeans.
Cillian then ran his hands over your breasts and down in between your legs, over the top of your soaking panties. His eyes flickered back and forth. He starred at you with his deep blue eyes, taking in your curves.
‘What?’ you giggled as you noticed his stare. His fingers were gently tracing over your thighs.  
‘I've barely touched you and you're dying for me to fuck you’ Cillian observed before he pulled down your panties.
You stepped backwards, leaving your panties lie on the floor, before letting yourself fall onto the bed.
The wave of anger over Sarah actually made your vision haze over for a second. But you soon forgot all about it as Cillian hoovered over your naked body.
‘You are so fucking sexy, you know that?’ Cillian whispered, his mouth at your ear.
You threw your head back and moaned as he moved his lips downwards and lightly tugged at your already taut nipples. You arched your back, thrusting you breasts into his face, silently begging for more.
Cillian complied with your request and began sucking one nipple between his teeth. His tongue flicked nimbly across your nipple, and you felt your pussy clench in response.
He kissed his way to your other nipple and teased it until you began squirming and whimpering.
‘Cillian, please fuck me’ you cried loudly. ‘I need your cock inside me’ you moaned.
He released your nipple at last and you looked beseechingly at him.
‘Patience babe’ he said before kissing his way down your stomach slowly until, finally, he reached your mound.
Without any warning, his tongue ran through your slit, causing you to moan loudly.
After several licks, his tongue made its way to your clit, licking circles over it while he inserted two of his fingers, pushing them right against your g-spot.
‘Fuck Cillian, oh god’ you screamed. You weren’t prepared for this sensation so quickly. Usually, he was taking it slow so that you weren’t overwhelmed with the intensity.
But not tonight. He gave you no time to get used to the sensation and, while he used one hand to push your squirming legs apart, he used the other to finger you.
The tip of his fingers flicked against your g-spot over and over again while his lips sucked on your clit and it wasn’t long until you felt your orgasm hit you like speed train.
‘Oh my fucking god yes’ you moaned as you held onto Cillian’s hair, your legs quivering and shaking while his fingers thrusted in and out of you.
Cillian smiled against your mound. You were incredibly loud when he stimulated your g-spot, so loud that, previously, one of the boys stormed into the bedroom to see whether you were alright.
Luckily, he saw nothing as Cillian was quick to pull the doona over you both when he heard the door opening and, following this incident, you installed a door lock and you tried your best to control your moans.
But tonight, you didn’t hold back. You wanted Sarah to hear how much pleasure Cillian was giving you after having dealt with her terrible behaviour all day.
Just as you came down from your high, Cillian kissed his way back up to your breasts and neck before whispering into your ears.
‘On your knees’ he instructed, knowing very well how loud you are when he takes you from behind. It was your favourite position.  
Your stomach fluttered as Cillian took off his briefs and lined himself up with your entrance.
Slowly, he entered you, inch by inch, stretching your lips wide. Your legs were fatigued, but that was hardly going to stop you from taking him deeper and deeper until Cillian settled on an animal rhythm that only a climax could complete.
He gave you no time to adjust as he kept thrusting into you, hard and fast.
‘Push back against me babe’ Cillian ordered and you complied with his request, allowing him to drive into you deeper and deeper with each thrust.
You arched you back and gasped as Cillian brought one of his hands in between your legs, rubbing your clit while he kept thrusting into you.
You almost squealed as he was pleasuring you, taking you hard from behind.
‘Louder’ Cillian instructed, enjoying your moans and screams.
‘Cillian’ you cried and, just as you did, he pulled your upper body up against his, forcing you to hold on to the railing of the bedhead.
He kissed your neck forcefully, thrusting into you while rubbing your clit at the same time.
You felt the pleasure between your thighs sharpen to a spring-loaded bundle of nerves that Cillian’s body would set off in a matter of seconds. God, his body was miraculous.
You cried out his name over and over again as your second orgasm radiated through you and he continued to kiss your neck until her body stopped shuddering. Then he buried his face in your neck and grunted with nearly every thrust until, suddenly, he pulled out, allowing his own orgasm to wash over him and covering your back with his hot cum.
You felt his grip on you loosen as he groaned out his pleasure, much louder than he usually would
Between ragged breaths, Cillian quickly cleaned up your back and you almost instantly collapsed on the bed together.
‘Jesus’ he panted. ‘That makes me want to fuck you again’ he added.
‘We’ve got all night babe’ you smiled, pulling Cillian closer for a kiss before getting him ready for another round with your skilled hands and mouth.
***Time for Goodbye***
The next morning you accompanied Cillian to set for two hours before making your way back home to Dublin. Your grandmother and Max were already on their way and would meet you at Manchester airport later.
With a coffee in your hand, you sat on a chair in the make up room while Laura, the make up artist, applied Cillian’s make up.
Sarah was sitting next to him, having her hair done and make up applied and you couldn’t help but grin at her as you were enjoying your coffee.
‘Time for the tattoos Cilly’ Laura said and Cillian reluctantly took off his t-shirt, causing you to giggle. Your cheeks were flushed red and Cillian apologised to Laura in advance.
‘Did you get attacked by a tiger?’ Laura chuckled as she observed several scratch marks on Cillian’s back and a few small bruises on his neck.
‘Not exactly’ Cillian chuckled while Sarah sighed, trying not to look at Cillian but failing miserably.
‘And this is why we don’t usually allow partners on set. It creates too much work for the make up artists’ Anthony grinned with amusement as he sat down across from Cillian, discussing the schedule for the day with him.
‘There must be some kind benefit of being a producer of the show, right?’ Cillian chuckled and Anthony certainly didn’t argue his point.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t long after Cillian’s make up was finished until you had to leave, catching your flight back to Dublin.
Cillian and you shared some kisses and, with a small tear escaping your eye, you said goodbye and went on your way.
You knew you wouldn’t see Cillian until your birthday, which was three weeks away.
Not long after you arrived at home, something else arrived and that was period. It was way more than a week early but you didn’t complain following your little mishap three days ago. You were relieved and immediately made an appointment with your gynaecologist Lucy to get the IUD.
She had recommended it to you a few weeks ago when she visited your house and you had an open conversation with her about your forgetfulness.
Lucy wasn’t just your gynaecologist, but also a close friend. Her daughter went to kindergarten with Max and Cillian’s youngest son. Whilst you were afraid of the procedure, you trusted her advice as a doctor and as a friend and you discussed the available options with Cillian who, again, made it very clear to you that he didn’t want any more children. At that point, neither did you but you certainly believed in keeping your options open.
***Surprise Surprise***
‘Hi Y/N, how are you going?’ Lucy asked before offering a seat in her office.
‘Pretty good, how about you?’ you asked before taking a seat.
You looked around her office for a minute while Lucy brought up your blood test results and the results from the urine sample you had dropped off at the surgery the day before. To your surprise, she didn’t have anything prepared for your procedure.
‘Is everything alright?’ you asked, looking at her as she looked through the test results, one by one.
She took in a deep breath before she responded to your question.
‘We cannot do the procedure Y/N’ she then went on to say.
‘Why? I filled my prescription for the IUD already and I am keen to get it done as soon as possible’ you explained as you placed the box containing the IUD onto Lucy’s desk.
‘Well, you won’t be needing it Y/N. In fact, you won’t be needing any contraception for a while’ she then chuckled before turning the screen around so that you could see it.
Your heart skipped a beat as she pointed to the results of the urine test. The results read ‘PREGNANT’ in red capital letters.
‘Oh my god’ you shuddered, your hands shaking violently just as you broke out in tears.
Lucy handed you a box of tissues before taking your hand into hers. She didn’t know what to say. After all, she knew that you and Cillian weren’t planning on having children.
‘So, tell me, did you bleed?’ she then asked when you finally calmed down a little from your shock. She was curious why you didn’t notice being late with your period as, from your records, you were quite regular when it came to your menses.
‘Yeah, a little, about three weeks ago. It wasn’t much and I didn’t think about it because I figured that it was breakthrough bleeding when I stopped the pill…well I forgot my pill and then didn’t take it again…oh my fucking god…this cannot be happening’ you cried hysterically again, losing your words.
‘My guess is that it was implantation bleeding but I would like to do a quick ultrasound if that’s alright with you’ Lucy went on to say.
‘Is there not something I can take, like tablets or something?’ you asked, still in shock that you were pregnant.
‘Is this what you want?’ Lucy went on to ask and you simply took in a deep breath before telling her that you weren’t sure. You never thought about going through another pregnancy especially after Cillian had told you that he was done having children.
You explained the situation to Lucy and she convinced you to have the ultrasound anyway as, even if you decide to terminate the pregnancy, she wanted to ensure that you weren’t experiencing a pregnancy outside your uterus which could be life threatening.
You reluctantly agreed to have the ultrasound and Lucy took you into another room to perform it.
‘This will be a little uncomfortable’ Lucy said as she inserted the camera before starting to push slightly upwards, looking for your baby.
Then Lucy stilled, taking several screen shots while you held your breath. She was awfully close to your bladder which made you wanting to go to the bathroom badly.
‘Is everything alright?’ you asked as Lucy was silent. She didn’t talk to you while she looked at the ultrasound machine and her mind seemed to be ticking over.
‘Is Cillian home?’ she then asked and you shook your head.
‘He comes back home late tonight for my birthday this weekend. Why are you asking?’ you asked just as she withdrew the camera from inside you and handed you a towel so that you could clean yourself up.
‘Because you might need someone with you to digest the news’ Lucy said before taking in a deep breath.
‘Is there something wrong?’ you asked as you could see the concern on her face.
‘No, everything looks pretty good so far but, you aren’t just pregnant with one baby Y/N. You are pregnant with twins’ Lucy said and you immediately thought that this was a very bad joke.
‘Excuse me?’ you barely managed to say and Lucy immediately showed you the pictures she had taken on which she marked one small black spot as ‘B1’ and another ‘B2’.
‘Two babies, one here and one here…right where they should be’ she pointed out before explaining to you that the twins weren’t identical. There were two sacs and it certainly explained your bleeding. ‘You are just over 5 weeks along by what I can see, which means that you would have conceived the twins when you went over to the UK last’ she explained.
‘Fuck…’ you said before breaking out in tears again. ‘Cillian doesn’t want another child. He was quite clear about this when we got together and now I have to tell him that I am pregnant with not just one, but two babies? Can’t you just give me something Lucy? I beg you’ you cried.
‘I can but you do need to talk to him Y/N. This is my advice as your friend. He deserves to know and make this decision with you, don’t you think?’ Lucy said calmly, holding your hand and you nodded.
‘If you decide to terminate, I will see you next week and we will discuss alright? If you are going to keep the pregnancies, text me and I will give you a referral to the maternity hospital’ she then went on to say and you stayed in her office for another five minutes before having calmed down enough before driving back home.
You struggled with the thought of being pregnant but had to keep calm and collect your thoughts. After all, you had to pick up Max and Cillian’s boys following your appointment.
When you picked them, you barely coped and simply grabbed take away for dinner before putting them in front of the TV for the remainder of the afternoon. Luckily, being a Friday night, they were tired after a week at school and kindergarten and it was easy to get them to bed on time despite the fact that Cillian was due to arrive at 9 o’clock.
When Cillian arrived shortly after 9 o’clock, you didn’t get up to greet him and he noticed immediately that something was wrong.
‘What’s wrong babe? Are you alright?’ Cillian asked worried as he saw that you had been crying. Your eyes were red and your face was flushed.
‘No Cillian, I am not ok. We need to talk’ you said just as more tears began to build up in your eyes.
   Tag List (Cillian):
@lilymurphy03  @deefigs @theflamecrystal   @desperate-and-broken  @weepingstudentfishhorse   @livinginfantaxy  @rosey1981  @atomicsoulcollecto  @peakyboyslover  @nerdy4itall  @elenavampire21  @hanster1998  @mariapaiva13  @fairypitou  @harry-is-my-sunflower  @zozeebo  @lauren-raines-x @kasaikawa  @littlewierdalien  @sad-huffle-nerd  @theflamecrystal   @peakymalfoyscullymulder  @themissthang  @0ghostwriter0  @stylescanbeatmyback  @1-800-peakyblinders @datewithgianni  @momoneymolife  @ntmynouis @lilymurphy03  @mcntsee@cloudofdisney @missymurphy1985 @peakymalfoyscullymulder  @otterly-fey @janelongxox  @uchihacumdump @basiclassy  @being-worthy​  @chaotic-bean-of-smolness​  
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hello-everyfandom · 4 years ago
“I just got you this because I saw it and thought of you!”
Warnings: Light swearing
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
Words: 3.9k
Summary: Your love language is Gift Giving
(This is apart of my series “Love Languages”, please check it out!)
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“Close your eyes.”
“Should I be worried?” George asked quite warily. 
“Will you just-” you huffed, “Please?”
“At least let me know what I’ve done wrong before you jinx my tongue to the top of my mouth.” George jokingly pleaded.
“If you know what’s best for you,” you lowered your voice to match his joke, “you’ll close your eyes.”
“Alright, but I’m trusting you,” George placed a grin on his lips, the dimple of his left cheek becoming more and more prominent. 
“Now, hold out your hands,” you said feeling more and more excited.George hesitantly put his hands out in front of him and jokingly flinched when you touched him. His comedic flinch made you laugh as you scanned him over to ensure his eyes were shut. Satisfied with George’s compliance, you slowly reached into your bag to pull out a wrapped gift. When it was safely in his hands, George’s fingers crinkled around the wrapping paper. He opened his eyes and saw you looking excitedly from the gift in his hands and to his confused face. 
Instantly, George began to sweat. Had he forgotten an anniversary? Or a birthday? Or some other holiday? 
He cursed in his mind, fuck fuck fuck fuck.
“Go on then!” you smiled, “open it!”
George looked uncertain as he slowly unwrapped the gift revealing a small box. He lifted the box to see a small shaped coin. “It’s... uh.” He asked, picking it up and fiddling it with his fingers.
“It’s a coin!” you giggled at his confused reaction, “I bought it when I was in Russia over the summer to visit my cousin at Durmstrang.
“Oh! It! It is a coin! I love it!” George moved to pull you in a hug before you chuckled and pushed him away.
“It’s not just a coin. It’s a coin that has been enchanted.” You pointed to the head on the coin, “When you flip it, it’ll tell you whether or not someone is near you. See?” You took it out of his hand and flipped it in your hand, immediately it flipped to Heads. “For pranking, yeah?”
George looked at the coin in wonder and then again at your adoring face. “I... I love it.” He put a hand on your cheek and leaned to press a loving kiss to your lips. “But, I...”
“What is it?” you asked, holding his hand to your cheek.
“I’m so sorry, love. I think I... I think I forgot our anniversary or birthday or... I don’t. I’m so unbelievably sorry!” George spewed out.
“What!” you exclaimed in surprise, “No! No, no. Our anniversary isn’t until October!” you began to laugh, “I just got you this because I saw it and thought of you!”
George let out a breath of relief before feeling tense once again, “But, I didn’t get you anything...”
You pressed a kiss to the palm of his hand, “I don’t expect you to! It was just something for my love, that’s all.” you looked up to see George’s concern written within his brows, “Really! I just got it for you because I thought it would be nice.”
George shook his worry and began to smile, “I love you, you know that?”
“Oh, I know. I’m the most glorious girlfriend in the entirety of the world.”
“And so humble as well.” George grinned before giving you another long kiss. 
George grew up with seven siblings. While he grew up with hand-me-downs and knitted clothing from his mother, you grew up on the richer side of the Wizarding World. He wasn’t used to receiving expensive gifts and frankly felt a little uncomfortable and insecure. All the gifts you had given him must have cost a fortune, something he would never truly acquire. And although he loved his family and his upbringing, he cannot help but feel shameful at the fact that he cannot shower you in gifts as you did to him. 
It began with a new quill, then some pranking supplies, and soon the smaller gifts like the flowers you collected for him and the ties you bought turned into new robes and wand adjustments from Olivander’s. He accepted them graciously and sometimes even refused gifts as they seemed to be too expensive. With your assurance, he took them with a smile on his face but his head hanging low. 
With your anniversary coming up, George could feel the hole in his pocket becoming larger and larger and the money he had saved up had gone to ensure the twins’ ability to start their own joke shop. 
“I have no idea what to get her,” George flopped down on the couch. 
Ginny, who was sat to his left, looked up from her book.“What do you mean?” She raised her eyebrow at her miserable older brother and looked to his twin who sat on his right.
“I mean,” George groaned and placed a hand over his eyes, “What do you get the most perfect girl in the world? What do you get her that she doesn’t already have?”
Fred began to laugh, “It’s happened, hasn’t it?”
“Oh, I think it has,” Ginny chimed in.
“What the bloody hell are you two talking about?”
“Georgie, can’t you see?” Ginny grinned teasingly, “You’re whipped.”
“Like Mum’s Christmas cream, you’re entirely whipped,” Fred added.
George sat up instantly and looked at his siblings with annoyance, “Well, we already knew that!”
Fred and Ginny joined together in laughter, noting how George’s vein is popping out of his forehead. 
“Will you two stop your bloody, dumb, shitty teasing and just-” George groaned again and flopped back on the couch, “Help me?” He asked almost pathetically.
“How much did you want to spend?” Ginny asked, quieting her laughing.
“I don’t know! I just know that I don’t have enough.” George moaned.
“A necklace for the lady, perhaps?” Fred suggested making George shake his head.
“She’s already got enough necklaces and jewelry to fill an entire block on Diagonalley.”
“New quill?” Ginny added,
“No, she’s got her school supplies shipped from some store in America.”
Ginny and Fred began to suggest more and more things to which George either did not like because they were not “you” or because you already had them.
“Oh for fucks sake,” Ginny exclaimed, throwing her hands up. “What the hell can you buy?”
Fred thought for a moment, putting his fingers to his lip as he usually did deep in thought. “What if you don’t buy her a gift?”
“And what? Don’t get her anything at all?” George said sarcastically, “Good plan, you bellend.”
Fred reached over the arm of his chair and gave his twin a good wallop on the shoulder, “No, you dickhead. Don’t buy her anything.”
Ginny caught onto Fred’s idea and nodded, “That’s actually not a bad idea, Georgie, don’t buy her anything.”
“Hello??” George yelled, “Are you two not thinking right?”
“George, stop being a smart arse,” Ginny berated, “Get her something homemade instead.”
George opened one of his eyes to look at his sister who stared back at him in annoyance. “Oh.”
“Yes, oh,” Ginny mocked, “Make her something.”
George groaned again making Ginny and Fred roll their eyes. “But I can’t make anything but dung bombs.”
“Then, you’re out of luck,” Ginny stood up, dusting off her pants. 
Before she could leave, George bolted up and grabbed her wrist. “Gin!” He yelled, “You know how to knit, yeah?”
“Uhm,” she looked to Fred for assistance, “I guess, Mum tried to teach me once, but I-”
“Brilliant!” George grinned, feeling his frustration seep away, “Then you’ll teach me!”
“Georgie,” Ginny rolled her eyes, “I don’t really even know how to knit myself, nevertheless be able to teach you.”
“But, you’ll help?” He asked, putting his puppy dog face on.
Ginny looked at her older brother, her weakness, and let out a sigh, “Fine, whatever.” George shouted in victory, “But, you have to also write Mum and ask her because she knows more than I do. And... you have to tell Y/N that the idea was mine.”
George reached up and kissed his sister’s cheek making her scream in disgust, “Yes, done and done! You are the best sibling in the entirety of the world.”
George turned sharply and sprinted up the stairs to write a letter to his Mum.
“What the hell am I then?” Fred crossed his arms, “Toasted squid?” 
The following days were spent with Ginny and George trying, and rather unsuccessfully, to knit a sweater for you. Fred watched in the background making witty and snide comments. Molly had written back with such haste that Pigwidgeon was nearly on his last breath before arriving at Hogwarts. She sent many words of encouragement and told him that he was the absolute “sweetest” which was in large contrast to Ginny’s frustrated and rather harsh criticism.
“No! You’re supposed to go over not, George! Have you even been listening this entire time?”
“Of course I have,” George said defensively, “It’s just confusing, that’s all.”
“Why can’t we just use magic?” Ginny whined.
“Because then it wouldn’t be homemade, hence the word, home, little sister.” George frowned, “What does it matter anyway? She won’t like it.” 
“Georgie,” Fred pushed off of the wall he was leaning on, “Stop being such a worry-wart.” He patted a hand on his shoulder, “Y/N is the sweetest girl, just because she’s richer than Merlin knows and can afford whatever she wants and doesn’t have to care about-”
“Alright, get on with it, Fred,” George warned.
“She’ll love it no matter what.” Fred finished, sending his twin a much needed reassuring smile.
“I hope so,” George sighed and picked up the needles once again. “Now, what the hell do I do again?”
By the time your anniversary approached, you were nearly bouncing with joy. You had gotten George the perfect present, something he’d never ever expect. Thankfully, your anniversary landed on a Sunday so you woke up and rushed to get ready in the morning. George waited, anxiously, on the stairs for you until you emerged. 
Dressed in jeans and a nice blouse, George was nearly breathless upon seeing you. He gulped as you walked down, seeing the gold necklace your parents had gifted you for your last birthday and pearl earrings they’d given you after getting amazing marks on your exams. 
“Hi,” you said softly, locking your fingers with his.
“Hi, darling,” he said back, pressing a kiss on your cheek. 
“Happy anniversary.”
“Happy anniversary,” you sighed contently and began to walk to the portrait.
“Now, what shall we do on our momentous day of love?” George asked, swinging your joined hands. 
You pulled your bag up closer on your shoulder and smiled back.“I think,” you paused, “we should go on a walk. A long, romantic walk.”
“Then a walk we shall take!” George led the way, pulling you through the corridors making you giggle. 
It was a delightful day spent with kisses and fond memories. You snapped a few photos of your boyfriend with the old camera you had bought.
“Now, I’ll never understand,” George raised his eyebrow, “Why you have a camera older than time itself rather than one of those new, fancy-schmancy cameras.”
You looked admiringly at the photo your camera just printed. As it developed, you could see the two of you, cheeks pressed together, you with a shy smile and George with his tongue sticking out. Another photo you had taken moments before was a snapshot of George’s lips pressed to your cheek and you could just make out the blushing on your face.
“Well,” you looked back up at your boyfriend, “I just happen to love old, worn things I suppose. Why do you think I’m with you?” you added, teasingly.
“Oi,” he defended, “ ‘m only a few months older than you, love. And I’m not worn, I’m newer than a baby’s bottom. You’re the only girl ‘ve been with.” 
“Only? As in there will be more?” you asked, a taunting tone on your tongue. George looked at you, as lovingly and as gentle as he ever could, and thought nothing more of the life you two would have. Happy, content, any other words that describe a healthy and romantic relationship. His thoughts began to waver at the idea of how he’d only be able to afford a small flat, that is if the joke shop even took off in the first place. He thought of all the expensive things he could never afford and how you may resent him. As you looked at him, you thought of the happy children you’d have and the copious amounts of dogs and cats you’d care for. George swallowed harshly.
“Only.” He repeated. You blushed once again and leaned to kiss him. The feeling of your touch on his made George fall quicker, deeper, and madly in love. 
After dinner in the Great Hall, in which George absolutely refused for anyone to sit next to or in front of you in order to make it more “private,” the two of you were laid, cuddled on your bed. George could feel the anxiety and panic set in when he realized soon he’d be giving the girl of his dreams a disappointing gift. 
You hummed, sweet with content, and put your chin on his chest. “I’ve never been happier.”
“I’m so glad,” George ran his fingers through your hair, pushing the stray ones behind your ear. “But,” you said as you sat up, “I do believe anniversaries come with a certain type of exchange.”
“Oh?” George asked, sitting up as well. His fingers felt knotted and his throat was closing up. He had sneaked his gift in, awfully wrapped in some colorful parchment, and placed it under your bed.Be confident, George pleaded and tried his best to act cooly. 
“I’ll go first, may I please, please go first!” you begged. 
George bit his tongue, much preferring he’d go first in order to deal with the disappointment before anything and also give you a chance to dump his impoverished arse.
“Of course, darling,” he nodded making you squeal in delight. George breathed deeply and closed his eyes, holding his hands out as he usually did when you gave him gifts. In his hands, he could feel a box wrapped with a bow.
“Alright, go on!” you nodded eagerly. George let out a shaky breath before carefully removing the bow and lifting the lid. To his delight, he picked up a pair of wool socks that were embroidered with small hearts on the sides. “It’s-”
“Socks!” you finished for him, “Because you get cold feet, remember? Now, when you are playing Quidditch or cold at night, you can wear them and think of me!” George broke out in a grin and thanked the heavens for his girlfriend and all the luck in the world that it took for him to find her. “I love them.” 
“Really?” you asked, pointing at the hearts, “I did those myself!” 
“They look wonderful, I absolutely adore them.” He leaned and kissed you. 
The kiss was long as George put a hand on your neck to pull you closer. His lips moving against yours made butterflies take flight and your bones become weaker. As he pulled away, you rested your forehead on his trying to catch your breath.
“My turn?” George asked making you nod. George pulled out his crappily wrapped gift, that Ginny told him off for, and put it in the bed. 
“Oh! Wrapped it yourself, I see?” you teased. George nodded proudly, becoming more and more confident in his gift. 
As you lifted your fingers to rip the paper off, you paused and faced him with another sly smile.
“Alright! Okay, I was going to save it till the end of the night, but I simply cannot wait.” George’s eyes widened as you jolted off of the bed. “You didn’t think I only got you socks, did you?” you asked, moving towards the trunk at the end of your bed.
“No, wait, Dear, the socks are lovely, I don’t need another-”
“I know, I know, but I couldn’t help it!” you sent him a wink, “Now, this one is the actual gift.”
“Actual gift?” George stuttered.Pulling out a large object, larger than your entire frame, George clenched his jaw. You struggled a bit to put it on the bed but managed and sat down in front of him.
“Happy Anniversary, my love.” your voice made him wince a bit.
You watched in utter excitement as George began to slowly unwrap his gift. Removing all the paper, George nearly fainted seeing his gift. A new broom, one of the best in the world, something he’d never ever be able to buy for himself. A broom, costing more than Merlin knows galleons. 
“So!” you bounced, “Do you like it? I saw at your other games, that bludger took out part of the tail end of your broom and I could not live with myself if you had an accident due to a faulty broom! I went and got it myself,” you said proudly. 
“And! It’s the fastest, rarest, and nicest type of wood, with a partially enchanted seat to help you stay upright!”
George’s hands shook, holding the broom.
“Speechless? That was my entire goal!” you raised your fist in victory. 
“I know! And, not to mention, now you can wear your socks during the game! Two gifts in one!”
“I debated on getting you new gloves, but they wouldn’t be shipped in till middle of November and-”
“Y/N,” George said softly but firmly making you look at him with concern. You had never seen this facial expression on George as his eyes were nearly welled with tears and his lip was red from his biting.
“What’s wrong?” you asked frantically, “is it the wrong size? I gave the shopkeeper your height and everything-”
“No,” George said, putting the broom to lean on the wall next to your bed. “I can’t take this.”
“What do you mean? Love, I got it for you!” you laughed, waving your hand.
“No, Y/N, I seriously cannot take this.” You frowned, 
George’s voice was shaky making your heart drop. “I don’t understand.”
“It’s too expensive-”
“Nonsense, I saved up for it!”
“Baby,” George said, small and timid, “I cannot accept any more expensive gifts from you.” 
“What do you mean?” you questioned, leaning forwards to grab one of his hands, “the price doesn’t matter to me, I literally could not care,”
“But I care.” George protested. 
You nearly began to cry as you saw a tear dripped down George’s cheek. You sat up so you were sitting on your knees and gingerly placed your hands on his cheeks.
“My love, what’s wrong? Won’t you tell me?” you whispered, rubbing soft strokes with your thumbs. 
“I...” George struggled to find the words to describe how awful he felt, “I cannot take your gifts. And... and I’ll never be able to give you these types of gifts.”
Your eyes widened in surprise before you began to furiously shake your head, “George Weasley, what in the world are you talking about?”
“I’ll never be able to give you expensive things like necklaces or pearls or nice perfumes or nice suppers at fancy restaurants. I’ll never be able to give you the gifts you deserve. You deserve to be treated like a princess or a queen or anything and I cannot give you that, I can’t.” George let out.
You thought of his words in utter disbelief. Never once did you ever think of George’s economic standing and neither did you care. 
“But you do treat me like a princess,” you encouraged, making George moan with more tears, “You do. You tuck me in when I’m all tired from classes and make me cuppa’s in the morning. You massage my shoulders when I’m stressed and you hold my hand when you know I’m anxious.” You pushed his head up so your eyes met, “I mean that, from the bottom of my heart. I don’t care if you cannot give me expensive gifts or fancy dinners or anything, I care that you love me and want me to be by your side.”
“But, you give me all these-”
“I do it because I love giving you gifts! I love seeing you smile. And not all my gifts are expensive, sometimes I give you flowers I’ve seen or biscuits from the Great Hall. My darling, you do not need to worry if I feel as though you cannot provide for me, because you provide more than enough for me. I don’t care about money or gifts or anything like that.” you assured. 
George went silent and you began to pepper his cheeks, nose, and forehead with kisses until he cracked and started to smile. 
“I’ve just got the best girlfriend ever, haven’t I?” George asked, pulling you onto his lap. 
You curled into his chest and nodded.
“Oh, absolutely.”
It was quiet between you two again until you chimed up, “Well... may I have my gift now?”
“Uhhh, it’s uhh,” George stuttered. “It’s not amazing.”
“Don’t care!” you grinned and picked up his gift. “I’m so excited, I could nearly pee myself.”
George jokingly shoved you, “Oi, blimey well don’t do that. Not while you’re sitting on me at least.” 
You shoved him back before opening his gift. George held his breath as you unraveled the present and saw his gift. Your heart nearly stopped. You picked up the sweater, moving the parchment aside, and placed it on your lap. The sweater was yellow and made with soft wool. On the front, there was a badly made daisy, the flowers you always got for him during the Spring. Touching the fabric softly, tracing over each petal you stared at.
“I know it isn’t much but-” Before George could finish his apology, you took him by surprise and wrapped your arms around his neck tightly. Pressing kisses on the crook of his neck, he could feel your smile.
“I absolutely love it.”
“With all my heart, I’ve never been given something handmade nor something so sweet.”
“I made it... myself.”You picked up the sweater and laughed, “I can tell. How long did it take you?”
George paused, thinking and smiling sheepishly, “A few weeks maybe.”
“And you made it all by yourself? No magic?”
“No magic,” George confirmed, “But, Ginny did help me... she and Fred helped me come up with the idea.”
You shifted in George’s lap, moving so you could toss off the blouse you were wearing and shrugging the sweater on. It was warm and smelled of honey and pine and the string he had used made you feel as if you were wrapped in a hug of his. 
“George... I don’t know what to say. Thank you.” 
George blushed a deep red as you kissed first his cheek and then his lips.
“You’re welcome, Darling. I’m just glad I’ve finally given you a good enough gift.”
“Well,” you kissed the skin of his neck, “I’ll wear it every day. But...”
“But?” George asked, wrapping his arms around your waist. 
“But, I think right now, I’d like it off,” you suggested, lowering your eyes at him.
“Off?” George asked confusedly before his eyes widened in realization. “Oh! Oh, off!”
“You’re so smart, aren’t you?” you snorted before pulling George in for another kiss.  
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roonilwazlibimagines · 4 years ago
Ron Weasley fucking you so good, you guys break his bed(the twins and Harry would have a field day)
Uhm okay this is so funny I fucking love this
Ok but Ron is the king at the silencing spell because he can’t control himself and he doesn’t want anyone to hear
But nothing prepared him for a broken bed and with all the adrenaline Ron has completely gone blank and he cannot remember the spell
'What do you mean you can’t remember the spell!?’
‘Well can you?’
You would just scoff and roll your eyes at him because you didn’t either 
And you’re both kinda just pacing around and just coming to terms with the fact that you’re going to have to ask someone
‘Well I’m not bloody asking my parents’
‘What? So you’re going to ask the twins?’ 
And Ron groans and turns red because that option definitely isn’t any better
And you guys are just pacing and thinking about who is better to ask 
Ron decides his mum because all though that is completely mortifying and horrific at least she won’t ask any questions and won’t ever bring it up again
And so Ron decides to take one for the team and he says that he will ask his mum and you can go to the bathroom or whatever so you don’t have to deal with the awkwardness
‘Wow, thank you so much, Ronald’
So you both get dressed and you go to the bathroom and Ron is making his way down and you really don’t know how you’re ever going to look Molly in the eyes ever again
So you’re like going to the bathroom and kinda just pacing the bathroom and Ron is trying to figure out the best way to tell his mum what happened
Anyways, the best way I see this going is when you’re coming out of the bathroom George is there and he is like ‘oh hi!’
And Ron told Molly really quietly that he needs help because he broke the bed and Ron’s worst nightmare comes true and she practically shouts ‘what do you mean you broke the bed?!’
And of course Fred just had to be in the other room and hear her and he is racing in and is like ‘you broke the bed?!’
So anyways Ron is groaning and turning red and Molly is a bit embarrassed because she realises what she did and no one has asked how he broke the bed but everyone seems to know
And of course Fred has to run to tell George and this is when you’ve come out to see him and Fred just has the most mischievous look on his face and George is confused and you’re praying to every God that it isn’t what you think it is
‘So, what have you and Ron been up to?’ 
And you’ve literally lost all ability to speak but Fred is dying of laughter and you can hear Ron and Molly’s footsteps coming up
And Molly is telling Fred to leave them alone and George is shouting for someone to tell him what happened
‘Ron and Y/N broke the bed’
‘They what?!’ 
And now both Fred and George are dying of laughter and you and Ron is super red and you’re just frozen on the spot and staring at the floor because you are absolutely mortified 
And Molly is telling them to both be quiet but she leaves to go fix the bed and you and Ron are left with them and you want nothing more than to go over to Ron and bury your face in his chest and just hope that somehow it will act as a portal to get you out of this horrid situation
But then, of course, it gets worse because Harry is walking down
‘What are you guys laughing about?’
‘Ron and Y/N broke the bed’
And now all three of them are laughing
‘It’s not funny,’
‘Are you mental?’
‘This is the funniest thing to ever happen to you’
And the three of them are just there dying of laughter and it is like a full dramatic laugh like they’re bending down and wheezing and crying and leaning on each other 
But anyways, Molly fixes it and she tells them that she doesn’t want to hear anymore from them, they’ve already had their laugh
And they kinda go off to do their own thing and you basically rush into Ron’s arms and you’re telling him that that was the most embarrassing part of your life and all he can do is nod because that was so traumatic
And you both just want to go back in his room so you can disappear but of course just as you’re about to enter
‘Be careful, we won’t be able to control ourselves if you break it again,” 
And of course they start laughing again but Ron slams the door 
And neither of you can leave the room for the rest of the day because you’re both just so embarrassed
And then that night at dinner you finally come out and idk but maybe the whole family is there for dinner, like Bill and Fleur and Charlie - just because
And like literally as soon as you’ve all sat down 
‘Ron and Y/N broke their bed today’
And everyone kinda just stares at each other awkwardly but then George, Fred, Ginny, Hermione and Harry cannot stop laughing again and now Bill and Charlie are laughing and Molly is sending glares to Arthur because he is trying not to laugh
'Ron, please do tell us how that happened’ - Charlie 
And Molly is yelling at everyone saying that is enough
I like to think that Fleur says something along the lines of ‘I think it is beautiful that they are that passionate about each other, its really inspiring,’ but in a French accent so it sounds better
And like Ron is just like all red and you’re frozen again or maybe you’re starting to laugh now as well because Molly looks mortified and everyone else is laughing really hard now
And Bill just pulls Fleur closer to him because she doesn’t realise how gross that was for everyone to think about and he thinks she is sweet
But Fred and George would never let him live this down
Like they mention it every chance they get for the rest of their life
Like they’ll mention it at your wedding, at every birthday, at the birth of your children, literally whenever you are all together
They claim it was the best thing Ron has ever done
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bakugohoex · 4 years ago
“they’re our what?”
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pairing: katsuki bakugo x female reader
cw: fluff, kissing, language
word count: 2800+
a/n: this is so shit but we move, it’s probably pure waffle and when i read it tomorrow morning i’m going to punch my 12am self
summary: in which you and bakugo sneak out for a late night date and meet two kids, confused and lost, you take the kids back to the dorms trying to get help, the thing is they looked strangely familiar
↞ back to my hero academia masterlist  
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His fingers entangled in your own, his thumb rubbing back and forth of the back of your hand and the cocky grin he had plastered on his face. You knew instantly he wanted something, he’d snuck into your room a couple hours prior and the look on his face, you instantly knew he wanted more. He kissed you softly, you were both facing each other on the bed the kiss being loving, it was nearly 3am and you were still awake, both of you craving more.
“Let’s sneak out.” He whispers, you smirk rising from the bed, he sits on the edge watching you wear his hoodie and some leggings, grabbing your waist to pull you closer to his body. His little explosions on your sides making you hungrier for more of him.
You put your arms around his neck bringing him closer as you gently played with his hair, “come on I want ice cream.”
He rolled his eyes as you both go towards the balcony, grabbing your waist closer before the explosions flew from his hand. You were in the air, the wind flew through your hair, Bakugo admired you watching as you threw your head back letting your face feel the cool air, you loved the wind on your face. You finally saw the ground closer and closer, your shoes landing onto the ground, Bakugo helping you.
He was being sweet, holding your hand, asking if you were okay every couple of minutes. “You have to give Kiri recognition; he was able to get you to even go to Deku’s birthday.”
You smirked at his grumble, “I went because of you dumbass.”
“I think you just love Deku so much.” You tease as even Bakugo had turned up with a card for the boy.
“You really want to be punished don’t yah.” He spoke smirking, his horny mind wanting to fuck you on the road, you jab his side making him get out of his fantasy world.
Before dragging him towards the 24/7 ice cream place, clinging onto his arm to gain warmth, “why didn’t you were more layers.”
“I wanted to be closer to you, you’ll bring me warmth.”
“Dumbass I would’ve still given you warmth anyway.” You pout as he ordered both your ice creams, you got all giddy as Bakugo passed the ice cream too you.
“Don’t drop it.” You stick your tongue out before licking the tip of the ice cream.
Bakugo watched inattentively, his own ice cream melting, he takes your hand walking outside, “if you keep licking the ice cream like that you won’t make it back to the dorms in one piece.”
You giggled at his teasing manner continuing to lick it slowly, some ice cream falling down your fingers, slowly bringing your fingers to your mouth to suck away the stickiness. “You’re really trying to get me to fuck you in an alleyway aren’t you.”
“I would never tease you.” You continued the charade before both of you finished the ice creams.
His fingers having some of the ice cream covering it, he brought it to your mouth, you opened instinctively “so needy aren’t you.”
You nod starting to suck on his fingers to make them no longer sticky, he took his fingers from your mouth, the saliva surrounding it as he rubbed it on your lips, “such a good girl.”
He loved teasing you, watching as your fingers wrapped around his own, “I’m still cold.”
He rolled his eyes, pulling you in front of him, his hands went underneath your hoodie as you both continued to walk forward, the heat from his hands bringing comfort and warmth to your body. His head rests on your shoulder, matching your height. It was a perfect moment, showing love and appreciation for one another, his hands would glide up and down and nothing could ruin it.
Well, that’s what you thought.
The sound of children shouting at one another made you flinch, it was nearing 4am, and two children at this hour was abnormal. Both Bakugo and yours head turned facing the alleyway, “we should check it out.”
“But the moment.” He scowls.
You hit his chest, grabbing his hand from underneath your hoodie. Dragging him down the alleyway, it was silent a few sobs coming from further in before you are met with two children, an older boy with his blond hair that strikingly resembled Bakugo’s and y/e/c eyes that looked frustrated. Behind his arms that he had put out to what you assumed was his sister was a much younger girl with y/h/c and red eyes that were filled with tears.
“They’re crying Suki.” You say going over to the two kids, “Hi, do you guys know where your parents went, we’re students at UA maybe we can help you?”
You speak softly, the older boy giving a glare as the girl stopped crying. “Kaiya, stay back they might be villains.” The boy strongly speaks.
He reminded you of someone, but you couldn’t put your finger on it, Bakugo comes towards them both, an angry scowl on his face. “Daddy.” Kaiya shouted before running up to Bakugo, your eyes widened and so did the boys.
“Y/n why is this child clinging to me?” Bakugo spoke annoyingly, Kaiya still clinging to his leg. You could see her better in the light with a yellow hair clip moving her hair out of her damp eyes.
“Ryo look its daddy, he came back.” Ryo looked between Bakugo and you.
“Kaiya, Ryo he’s not your daddy, we’re only 17 and Bakugo doesn’t have kids.” Your voice was soft, but they clearly weren’t listening.
“That’s our surname, where’s mummy?” Kaiya whined still latching onto Bakugo.
“Mummy?” Bakugo finally spoke, her whines made him pick the girl up, she stopped as you stood up, Ryo still looking up at both of you.
“You left us daddy, you said you’d be five minutes and you and mummy left.” Kaiya scolded Bakugo, his eyes widening.
“Y/n what the fuck is going on?”
“Don’t swear in front of them.” You slapped his chest going back to the boy.
“Ryo, can you explain to your sister he’s not her father.” Ryo had been staring blankly at you before he kicked Bakugo in the side.
“Why is this kid kicking me?” Before he could stop Ryo, Ryo’s hands erupted into explosions. Your eyed widened at the boy.
“Ryo, stop, put it out.” You tried to suppress the explosions seeing that they were more powerful and covered his arms more than his hands. The power it had could kill someone, “Ryo, please.”
The explosions stopped at the hear of your plead, “you left us old man.”
Bakugo became even more confused choosing to ignore the old man part, as you eyed the two kids, the darkness continued, and they seemed to be hungry. “Look why don’t we get some food and you two can explain what happened?”
“Will mummy be there?” Kaiya asked enthusiastically.
“Mummy’s already here.” Ryo spoke grabbing your hand, your face was still. Bakugo looked between you and the kid holding his hand.
You didn’t speak, both you and Bakugo in silence at the situation. You weren’t their parents; they were just confused kids. You reached the same ice cream parlour, walking in as you were finally able to see the children properly and they you. “Mummy.” Kaiya shouted as the people working at the shop looked concerned.
“Be quiet idiot.” Bakugo scolded as he went to order ice cream, you made the two kids sit next to each other waiting for Bakugo’s return.
“Mummy why did you and daddy leave us?” You felt a pang in your heart, what kind of parents would leave two children to fend for themselves, they were clearly seeking some sort of parental figures and you two were the first ones they found.
Bakugo came back with a tray of ice cream, handing you your favourite, the two kids took the other. “You got my favourite.” They both squealed.
“How did you know?” You ask Bakugo his arm resting behind your shoulders.
He huffs, “I just did.”
You found that unusual that Bakugo had gotten both their favourites but dismissed any further idea, as they happily ate you looked at the two children who looked happy as if they were with there family.
“Do you two want to explain what happened now?” Bakugo mutters not paying attention to the kids, you watch them intensively.
“You and mum took us to the beach, but a big scary villain attacked, you both left us with Uncle Kiri and went to go fight the villain, but this man hit Uncle Kiri and sent us into an alleyway, but you both found us and now it’s dark and I want to go home.” Ryo was clearly over exaggerating, but he knew Kirishima so he had to know of you both somehow.
“We need to take them to Aizawa, we can’t leave them.” You tell Bakugo.
“Yeah I know, but then he’ll know we fucking snuck out.” You grabbed his hand, to prevent any nervousness from mostly yourself.
“Unless we just say we heard them outside.” You try and think of lies before looking at the two kids, “do you think they’re ours?”
“No.” Bakugo doesn’t say anymore, you had thought about kids and had loved the idea especially with Bakugo, but could they really be yours.
Kaiya puts her arms out to be held, “I ain’t holding her.”
You roll your eyes at your boyfriend picking her up, Ryo grabs Bakugo’s hand, the small boy making Bakugo confused before Bakugo grabbed your free hand. You walk silently towards UA; it wasn’t that far but flying had been a lot quicker. Before you finally reached the dorms, it was nearing early morning where some of your class had woken up.
You walk through the entrance with the two children in tow, “where’s Aizawa?” You ask Midoriya who was outside practising some moves, you saw the clock inside striking 6am knowing everybody would be groggily getting up for class.
“Deku.” Ryo shouted letting go of Bakugo’s hands, a scowl at how the young blond ran to Deku who was scared.
“Ugh hello?” Deku spoke confused.
“Ryo come back here.” Bakugo muttered, Ryo walked back slowly saying a yes dad.
“Dad?” Bakugo gave a scowl to Deku before making everybody walk inside, most of the class was already up and seeing you and Bakugo with two kids was confusing to say the least.
“Who are the kids?” Kirishima spoke first as by now the whole class had come down whilst you waited for Aizawa who Bakugo had gone to get.
“Uncle Kiri.” The two kids shouted; even more confusion came from the class. They watched as Kirishima’s face flushed at the two kids who were running towards him.
“Don’t shout.” You told them off leaning against the sofa.
“Yes mum.” The shock that came from everybody’s faces, even Aizawa who had arrived with Bakugo watching the two kids.
“Did you explain?” You asked the two kids running back as they jumped onto the sofa sitting beside you.
“Yeah we’d gone on a run and saw them.” You nodded at the lie before Ryo spoke.
“Where are we, old man?” The two words you hadn’t expected him to repeat as he looked at Bakugo, who looked like he was about to kill the kid.
“Katsuki don’t.” You were tired and Kaiya had moved to lie on you to try and gain some sleep.
“Let me call someone, they might be able to sort this out.” Aizawa swiftly left not even questioning the lie.
Mina was the first one to speak however as Bakugo sat beside you, Ryo climbing on top to sit on his lap. “You can’t deny it they look like you both?”
“What? No, they don’t dumbass, we look totally different.” Bakugo was in denial and you had accepted that maybe they were from the future.
“Kacchan, we all see it.” Deku speaks.
Bakugo scowled at everybody as you hummed a song in Kaiya’s ear to make her fall asleep. Momo sat down in front ready to ask questions to the hyperactive Ryo, “Ryo, is it, how old are you and your sister?”
“I’m 7 and Kaiya is 5.” He speaks proudly, you stroked the boys hair Bakugo tense as the boy held his hand.
“And your surnames?” Momo continued, everybody wanting to hear this,
“Bakugo.” He spoke happily, it confirmed it all.
“And Y/n and Katsuki are your parents?” He nods, your hands still in his blond hair.
“Dad you were telling us about the first time you met mum when we were on the beach.” Ryo started playing with the silver band on Bakugo’s fingers.
“And where was that?” You ear perked at wanting to hear the answer.
Kaiya had drifted off, happily lying on your chest, “you both met at UA dad said you fell in love with him at the first time you met, but you told me that you thought he was an…”
You both speak in sync, “egotistical bitch.”
You didn’t know what to say as the boy happily played with Bakugo’s fingers, the rest of the class looking utterly astonished and for the first time Bakugo was lost for words. Aizawa walked back in with a woman you didn’t recognise, she introduced herself quickly. You didn’t care for her name, instead her quirk which let her identify connections between people which made her the most suitable for this situation.
“I need to touch your hands.” You put your hand out as Bakugo disgruntledly does as well before Ryo puts his hand on top and you put Kaiya’s on her as well. She closed her eyes as if she was working out all of the connections that the four of you would have with one another.
Before finally opening her eyes she grabbed a pen and paper quickly writing everything down which looked like an extensive list, your whole class waited patiently, intrigued to know her answer. “well here it is, Ryo and Kaiya are both siblings, Y/n is their mother and Katsuki is their father, and Y/n and Katsuki aren’t blood related but are marri…”
Aizawa coughs as everybody knew what the last word was. They were yours and you and Bakugo had lasted, even married in the future, you were able to have a family with him.
“They’re are what?” Bakugo was shocked to say the least.
“I told you, old man.” Ryo laughed at the boy.
You thanked the woman as you looked at Aizawa, “I already called the commission they’ll be here in a couple hours, go take them to your rooms.”
You nod carefully holding Kaiya and Ryo had started to fall asleep on Bakugo as well. The way Bakugo held him made you go soft inside; it was truly perfect and a sight for sore eyes. Moving into the closest room, which was Bakugo’s you all stepped inside, letting them sleep on his bed.
“What do you think they’ll do to them?”
“Hopefully find a way back for them, future us needs our kids after all.” You went beside the wall, making sure the two kids didn’t fall as Bakugo joined the other side, they slept peacefully in between the two of you.
“You really think we’ll have these two then.”
“It’s confirmed now, I’m…glad it’s with you.” Bakugo was acting nicer as he moved his daughters hair from her face.
“You’d be an amazing father Katsuki.”
“So, would you, princess.” You giggled as he moved his fingers into your own, you had started to drift off to sleep, Bakugo watching as he did see a family in front of him before he fell asleep himself.
You both slept peacefully before hearing banging on your door, “what time is it?” You mutter stretching your arms, there was no sign of the two kids, but you hadn’t realised it was only 6am (again?) and the sound of Kirishima’s voice echoed through the room.
“Baby wake up?” You giggle as his arm was wrapped around your own.
“One more minute.” His morning voice turning you on, you loved how rough and deep it got when he was tired.
You hit his head as he finally got up, you gave him a small peck before you left for your own room, not noticing anything to be different. He let you go and as you quickly got changed into your uniform you ran down the steps ready to eat some breakfast.
Bakugo sat beside you, his hand on your thigh, “I like the hair clip.”
You were confused before you touched your hair, unclipping it you saw a bright yellow colour, it was cute but definitely for a child, you didn’t even know where it came from. “Suki we went for ice cream last night and then we came straight back didn’t we?” You question.
“Yeah dumbass.” You nod before he speaks again, “last night was a blur.”
It was it felt like something was missing from your memories and you didn’t know what it was, even the hair clip brought a pain in your chest. You dismissed the idea entirely, you and Bakugo continued on happily eating and talking. He gave you a soft kiss whilst nobody was looking, it was soft and filled with love and comfort. Whatever you had both forgotten you were sure you’d find out one day what it was.
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sunflowerdarlingx · 4 years ago
Fred Weasley - “Fred doesnt date” 2
Hi everyone, I hope you’re all okay <3
Here is part two to “Fred doesn’t date”, please let me know what you think, I do have a part three idea ready but wont post it unless some of you want it. 
Female Reader 
Warnings: none 
Some might say Fred Weasley was scared to commit, some would say he enjoyed the player lifestyle and others would say he was some sort of sex addict who just enjoyed multiple partners but not all at once.
The truth was, Fred was indeed scared. He felt that the people close to him were he only ones he could trust, the only ones he could truly open up to. He was very happy with his life and his relationships, those he chose to build were stronger than most. He never expected to be drawn to Y/N, he also never expected to develop the feeling he did.  
He was utterly shocked at the way their relationship progressed, he had never felt this before, the butterflies he would get when he saw her or the way his heart fluttered when their skin made the slightest contact or the undeniable feeling of love he had when she fell asleep in the common room all cuddled up into Fred’s chest after a night of her homework and him planning pranks.
This is why Fred Weasley didn’t date. It always got complicated. Feelings of anger, hatred, sadness filled him up and he couldn’t take his eyes away from the scene in front of him. Cedric placed a kiss on Y/N’s jawline before placing one on the corner of her lips. Soon enough his lips were on hers as his hand moved down to her waist whilst the other supported the back of her neck so he could pull her closer.
Fred knew he should look away, he knew he was torturing himself watching the scene in front of him unfold.  
He wanted to scream, he wanted to go over there and pull Cedric as far away from Y/N as he could. An overwhelming need to break his hands for even touching Y/N in such away creeped inside his body and his fists clenched at his side.
How dare he.  
How dare he stand there and touch her, kiss her, do all the things that Fred should be doing with her.  
Surely he had heard the rumours. He knows how close they had been getting. How dare he interrupt that and take her away from him.  
Tears pricked at the corner of Freds eyes, threatening to spill at any moment. He knew he couldn’t stay there, so he didn’t. He forced himself to look away form the two and turned to head back to his dorm.  
He thought Y/N liked him, he thought she felt the same way he did. Why did she kiss Cedric if she knew?
He was angry with himself, he was so stupid to let himself get attached to her in the first place, he knew it was a bad idea but she was so bloody addictive. Every little thing about her drove him mad but in the best way possible.  
As Fred walked down the corridor the tears started to fall freely from his eyes, scared someone would see him he ran as fast as he could up to his dorm. A few girls saw him and tried to stop and speak to him but his feet carried him straight past them. His top teeth were embedded in his bottom lip to stop the sound of heartbreak escaping his mouth.
Even after what he just saw, no other girl could take his attention away from Y/N. He made it to his dorm, he was greeted by a smiling George who soon had a look of fear paint his face.  
“What’s wrong Freddie?” his voice was laced with concern as he walked over to his brother. He had never seen Fred in such a state. His eyes were red and puffy, his cheeks were wet with tears and his lip was bleeding slightly. It was obvious this wasn’t from a fight so what had gotten Fred so worked up?
Fred stood still in front of his brother, he looked around the room before a broken sob left his mouth, George’s heart broke at the sound. George wrapped his arms around Fred and pulled him close. “Mate what is it? You know you can tell me anything”  
Loud broken cry’s left Freds mouth as all his emotions bubbled over, chocked sobs and snotty sniffles filled the room as he collapsed against George. Though Fred and George loved each other dearly, they never really hugged, it wasn’t uncommon but it wasn’t something they did regularly. They usually hugged when something good happened, like when they got the money for the shop that they planned on opening over the summer or when it was their birthday. George couldn’t believe that the reason they were hugging was because Fred was, well heart broken.
“Digger kissed her, he actually fucking kissed her” Fred shouted as he pulled away from George. “How fucking dare he, who does he think he is” he pulled his shirt over his head and wiped his face with it before putting it in the wash basket.  
“Fuck...Fred I’m so sorry” George had never seen Fred so angry, even loosing quidditch to Slytherin never had him this mad. His hands were in fists by his sides whilst his chest heaved with anger, jaw clenched.  
“I should have asked her sooner Georgie, why the fuck didn’t I ask her sooner” soon the anger was replaced by sadness, which consumed Freds body as he lay in his bed. He’s never been so emotional before, his heart literally felt like it had been broken in two, he felt weak… hopeless  
“Cmon mate, why don’t we go down to dinner, food will help and I’m sure we could see if the elf’s could get you ice cream, like what mum does when you’re upset”  
Fred buried himself in his duvet, “nah I think I’m gonna stay here, don’t really want to have to sit and watch her and perfect Diggory be all over each other again”
“I’ll take you something back then, just please come and find me if you need me, even send one of the first years down and I’ll be here as soon as I can okay?”  
Fred nodded “turn off the lights please on your way out”, George left the room and anger flooded his body. He hated seeing any of his family sad but the fact it was Fred, it was prankster Fred who was always laughing but now broken, angered him even more. He wanted Fred to be happy but after seeing the state he was in, it felt like it would be a while before laughing Fred returned.  
“Ced, I really think we should go and find Fred, what if he’s looking for us” Y/N pulled Cedric by the hand towards the staircase leading to the Gryffindor common rooms.  
Cedric pulled her back toward him, wrapping his arm around her waist “cmon you agreed to a snack first” he looked down at Y/N with his best pleading eyes. She rolled her eyes before grinning at the boy beside her “fine, only because I’m hungry”  
They made their way down the corridor, “he’s probably off shagging some girl in our year, doubt he’s looking for you”. Y/N felt angry hearing that, she knew Fred had a reputation but they had been getting closer and going on dates and stuff, surely he wouldn’t be off seeing other girls when he was suppose to be spending the day with her George and Lee.  
“I don’t think so Ced, he was suppose to be spending the day with us” her voice was quiet as she looked ahead of her.  
“Oh cmon Y/N you can’t be serious, Fred doesn’t care about that, as long as he’s getting a shag then he’s happy” Cedric laughed. “What’s going on with you two anyway?”  
“Fred and Me? Nothing...we are just friends” Y/N looked down at the ground, the thought of Fred with another girl upset her, Y/N had always hoped that the rumours going around school just now were secretly true. That Fred was finally settling down with someone. With her.  
Cedric turned them so Y/N rested against the wall, “are we friends Y/N” he asked as he rested his elbow above her.  
“Of course Cedric, why would you ask that?” she looked up at him, forcing a smile.
“Well if I’m honest, I’ve always liked you Y/N, obviously I figured it’s better to tell you now before it’s too late. Especially since I’m leaving at the end of the year.”  
“Oh Cedric...I’m not sure what to say, I’m flattered really” suddenly her shoes looked very interesting.  
“Cmon Y/N, I’m so much better for you than Weasley, he can’t give you the things I can, plus you know his reputation just as well as I do. Remember that time Lucy is my year came into the common room crying her eyes out because Fred said he didn’t want her? What makes you think you’d be different?”
Y/N couldn’t help but frown. Cedric was right, Fred did have a reputation for hurting girls, she never thought he would really mean to hurt them but what if he did? He’d led her on and now he was no where to be seen.  
Why would Fred change for her? She was nothing special. Plenty girls at school were prettier than she was, smarter than she was. She was a fool for thinking Fred would want something more.
“We would be good together Y/N and you know it. Summers in Italy or at yours, your brother loves me already so we know he’d be on board with it us. Plus, look” he gestured down to his body “who could say no to all this”.  
Y/N couldn’t help but giggle at Cedric, she had always found him quite attractive, though they really only started speaking last year, Y/N had lost all her puppy fat over the summer, her boobs had gotten a bit bigger and her arse and curves were more defined.  
“Hmm summers in Italy do sound good” she teased  
“I’d hope I’d get your attention more than just through the summer” he leaned down placing a kiss on her cheek.  
“I’m sure we could arrange that if it’s your deepest desire” he smirked against her before placing another kiss on her cheek.  
“It’s all I’ve ever wanted” he teased, placing another kiss on her jaw, “can I kiss you?” His voice was a low whisper in her ear. Y/N wasn’t sure what to say, on one hand she would like to kiss Cedric, she did use to have a crush on him, but the other part of her wanted to say no, hopeful that Fred would maybe want her.  
Her body reacted before she could, nodding at Cedric. He grinned down at her, he ran his hand across her cheek pushing her baby hairs back form her face, she giggled at the contact.  Cedric placed a soft delicate kiss on her jaw and then her lips, soon enough their lips where moving in sync but something felt off.  
She pulled away before smiling up at Cedric “cmon we better go and get ready for supper” she places her hand in his and pulled him towards the common room.
When she got to dinner she sat with Cedric, laughing with him and his friends, her attention was drown to the flash of ginger hair walking into the hall. It was George, she looked over and smiled at him, shock consumed her when he glared at her. If looks could kill she’d have been dead.  
His eyes trailed down to the table where Cedric has his hand rested on top of hers. George looked angry, his face turned slightly red and his nostrils flared. He walked over to the Gryffindor table, immediately meeting with lots of “you okay George?” “Where’s Fred?” “What’s got you so angry?”.
He was sat with Lee, Angie, Alicia and Katie, once he told them all what happened they were fuming. None of them really liked Diggory in all honesty, from the way he acted during quidditch to his show off personality, they all thought he was a bit of a tool.  
To say there were all shocked was an understatement, they had all seen Y/N and Fred together and even they knew they were more than friends.  
“Well I won’t be saying hi to her again any time soon” Alicia said in a bitchy tone, “how could she do that to Fred?”.
Fred eventually got hungry, and honestly he hoped food would comfort him. He pulled on a hoodie with his grey joggers and made his way down to the great hall. As he entered he avoided looking over at the Hufflepuff table, usually he would look for Y/N and send her a wave or a wink or a goofy grin but not today. Not ever again, he thought to himself when he reached his friends. He was sat in between Lee and George, both of them giving him a pat on the back as he sat down.  
They tried to distract Fred by talking about new pranks and quidditch plays but he wasn’t really paying attention. He was desperate to turn around and look at her, to go over and pull her away from perfect Diggory and convince her that she should be with him instead but he knew he had to be strong. He knew he didn’t stand a chance against Diggory, after all, he he was the better option, he would give her the things Fred couldn’t, like luxury holidays to Italy.  
Ginny came over to them and sat in-between Fred and Lee, giving her brother a comforting hug once he explained what happened. A few little sobs leaving his mouth which he covered with a cough. Fred had spoken to Ginny loads about Y/N, she was the only one who wouldn’t slag him off for being all lovey dovey about her.  
“Fred, don’t look now but Y/N is coming over” Alicia said as she kept looking over to where Y/N walked over towards the table. Fred groaned and felt his eyes start to water.  
Ginny turned around and glared at the girl coming towards her, “bitch” she mumbled before turning to Fred. “Want me to tell her you don’t wanna talk?”
“Fuck” he rubbed his eyes with his pointer finger and thumb, “it’s okay gin, I can’t exactly avoid her”. Y/N came over and wrapped her arms around Fred’s neck, pulling down his hood “what’s up with you Freddie?” her voice whispered in his ear. Fred tensed at the contact, before relaxing at her voice.  
Y/N was worried about Fred, he was never usually late to dinner and she didn’t even get her usual goofy smile off him.
Her voice was one of his favourite sounds, he often fell asleep to her voice in the common room late at night when he’d sneak her in. His head would rest on her lap as she read muggle tales to him, the way her voice soothes him sent him into deep slumbers. He couldn’t help but melt in her arms and at her words, she’s always so caring.
He looked at his friends who were all sending glares her way. He sucked in a breath before pulling her hands away from his neck, he turned around and looked at her. She frowned at his current state, his hair was a mess, eyes bloodshot and face red.  
“Nothing I’m good” Fred stood up and, made his way out of the hall.  
“What’s up with him Georgie?” She turned to look at Fred make his way out the hall.  
Ginny scoffed and rolled his eyes at her, “hmm I wonder” sarcasm laced her voice as she tapped her chin. Ginny learned at a young age to look after herself and then she very quickly realised she had to look after her family. They always came first and no one said anything bad about them.  
She’d had her fair share of arguments with boys and girls over the years, boys trying to slag off her brothers out of jealousy and girls complaining about rejection. Knowing how much Fred liked and cared for Y/N only made Ginny angrier, Fred actually allowed himself to get close to someone and she broke him. She stood up to face Y/N, eyes staring her down, “why don’t you go ask your new boyfriend Diggory? Maybe you two can recreate some of the dates my brother took you on”, her voice was cold as ice as she spoke. She shoved past Y/N and went to look for Fred.  
Y/N’s eyes widened as she looked down at George, he just looked at her before a “she’s right” left his mouth and him and the rest of the people he was sitting with left the hall.  
Y/N was shocked, she was an idiot for underestimating what she and Fred had. She stood for a moment trying to think about everything that had happened. She majorly regretted kissing Cedric now, she should have spoken to Fred, asked how he felt but she was an idiot. She let her insecurities get the better of her.
She decided to go to her dorm and call it a night, at about 2 am she woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep, her mind in overdrive. She decided to go for a wander out to the gardens to look at the stars.  
Fred was in and out of sleep, if he wasn’t having dreams about him and Y/N, he was dreaming about her and Cedric.  
He woke up after dreaming about walking in on Y/N and Cedric, Cedric was above her, hands running down her body, they were laughing at Fred as he stood at the door watching.
“Oh Freddie, you didn’t actually think you had a chance with me, did you?” Y/N’s giggle flooded the room but it wasn’t her normal laugh, it was laced with mockery and hate. “Why would I settle for you, poor little Fred Weasley, can’t even commit to a girl. You honestly think I’d settle for that? Cedric treats me so much better”. Cedric leaned down kissing her roughly..
Fred shot up from his bed, chest heaving as he tried to calm down. He was an idiot for thinking he stood a chance, why would she be his when he’d been with so many other girls? When Cedric could offer her the world and he could offer her a summer at the burrow?  
He got up and chucked on shorts and a hoodie, making his way out his dorm and out the portrait. He made his way around the castle avoiding the prefects and Filtch. He reached the gardens and was sat on the grass looking up at the stars above him.  
He was staring up at the moon, all he could think about was Y/N, the way she laughed, the way she listened to everything Fred had to say, the way she could brighten up even the darkest days and the way she made everything better.  
He thought about Christmas, he’d asked her to stay with them over the festive period. He was looking forward to spending all his free time with her, playing in the snow and showing her all his favourite places around the burrow. He knew she’d love their garden, the stars were even clearer there. He was to engrossed in thought that he hadn’t heard Y/N walk up behind him,  
He was even looking forward to having her meet his mum and dad. Molly was shocked when she saw the letter from Fred asking for his new friend-girl to stay over at Christmas. Molly had a feeling another sweater may be needed.  
“Freddie….” Her voice was a whisper but still managed to make him jump “can I join you?”……..
Part Three
@manuosorioh @itsbebeyyy @britishspidey @supermassiveblackhope @impossibelle @jenniweaslee
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accioxreparo · 4 years ago
surprises | f.w.
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synopsis: After being gone for a few years you and Fred show up at the Burrow for Halloween with a surprise no one expected.
pairing: Fred Weasley x reader
warnings: none except its unedited
a/n: hi I’m in love with dad!Fred and I thought this would be cute. And yes, their costumes are all inspired by The Greatest Showman cause I rewatched it the other day. Also it’s not my best writing and its a little rushed but I hope you guys still like it. One more fall prompt coming tomorrow for my dia de muertos inspired fic before we move on to winter! 
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“This is all your fault.”
“Is not.”
“Is too,” You set down the change of clothes you were in the process of transfiguring and turned to glare at Fred who looked much more at ease than you were. “If you hadn’t insisted on showing her that movie the day would have passed by like nothing.”
“How’d you expect me to say no when she was looking at me with those big eyes of hers?” Fred moved to stand behind the place where you were sitting. He leaned down and wrapped his arms around you, pressing a kiss to your temple.
An amused smile cracked through your otherwise stern expression and immediately Fred knew he had you. But you still shook your head as he jumped over the couch, landing beside you with a soft thud. “She’s got you wrapped around her little finger.”
He hummed, not bothering to argue at all because he knew you were right. “You both do.”
“Good answer,” You nodded as you put down your wand and the now shiny red coat. “Where do you plan on taking Evie trick or treating exactly? You’ve never been and we’ve only just moved back.”
“Don’t you worry, my darling,” The smile on Fred’s face, the same plotting, mischievous one you’d fallen in love with long ago, did little to reassure you now. “I’ve got just the thing.”
You weren’t too sure what you’d been expecting but finding the photos removed from all your albums laying out all over the counters of your kitchen the next morning was not it at all.
“Alright sweetheart,” Fred laughed a bit at the look on your face before showing Evie another picture. “What about your Uncle Georgie, what do we think he should be?”
Your eyes trained on your daughter as she stood on her chair and searched a different set of pictures. Her face was scrunched up in concentration and you couldn’t help but notice how strikingly similar she looked to Fred, who was wearing the exact same expression.
A warmth filled your whole being as you watched the two of them looking at the photos. Photos of your family that Evie had yet to meet. Time had simply gotten away from you during the last few years. Now that Fred had taken the liberty of hiring a manager for the New York location of Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes you were back home.
“This one!” The sudden exclamation caught your attention and as she pointed towards a picture in one of her books.
“A monkey!” Fred laughed and picked her up from her seat making her giggle. “You are just brilliant, princess. Why don’t you go tell your mum what you picked out for her?”
You caught Evie as she ran for you, lifting her up with ease and setting her on your hip. “Mummy you have to wear the purple dress daddy got you. He says it’s the only one.”
Almost immediately you knew exactly which one she was talking about. One made of silk that was much too short to wear out on any other occasion. When you turned to look at Fred he’d placed a hand over his mouth in a weak attempt to keep from laughing.
“Did he now?”
“He did,” Evie nodded rapidly and you laughed as her hair shook all around her. “There’s a surprise too but we have to put on our costumes first.”
“Well why don’t you go start and I’ll help you in a minute, okay sweetheart?” The moment you put her down she ran for her room and you made your way to Fred and all the pictures he’d stacked on top of each other once more. “And just what is your surprise?”
He only beamed at you, tapping the edge of the pictures once on the counter before pocketing them. “We, my darling, are taking her to the Burrow.”
You stared at him for a moment before realizing that he was completely serious and crossing your arms in front of you. “Fred Weasley you cannot show up unannounced to your mothers with a little girl she has yet to know about, are you trying to give her a heart attack?”
“Technically I have been announced,” Fred stood and pulled you into him, hands resting on your waist. “I owled everybody last night and told them to be there by one to help me get everything ready.”
“Did you tell them why?”
“Of course not, it’s called a surprise for a reason, love.” Fred only chuckled and kissed you once. The action was quickly cut off by Evie shouting for you from her room. You sighed a bit before stepping out of his hold. “Stay here until I come get you two okay? And don’t forget that dress of yours.”
“The only reason I’m putting it on is for Evie.” You smirked a bit, already starting to move backwards.
“Oh of course, love,” Fred nodded before matching your smirk. “And if she just so happens to want to sleepover at her grandma’s tonight then that is completely a coincidence and we might as well take advantage of that outfit of yours.”
You laughed then turning around before he could say anything else. “Just go.”
“Hey mum,” Fred was beaming the moment he stepped into the Burrow once again. Almost instantly Molly wrapped him into a tight hug. She quickly went on a slight tangent about how long it’d been she’d seen him as he greeted Arthur.
“Where’s Y/N?” She asked as she finally moved to glance behind him to see if she could spot you.
“That’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about.” Fred didn’t miss the way his mum’s eyes narrowed at him in suspicion.
“What did you do?”
“Nothing!” Fred chuckled before reaching for the last of the photos he’d brought along with him. Molly only watched as he smiled at it before handing it over to her. “Nothing bad anyway. Something really good actually, look.”
Molly stared at him for a moment more before looking down at the picture in her hands. A gasp escaped her when she saw three people smiling up at her in the moving photograph. There was Fred who was pulling you into his side, you in the middle of laughing at something, and a little girl waving at the camera.
A little girl who was practically a carbon copy of you but with Fred’s eyes and freckles. The picture couldn’t possibly have been that old considering the fact that he looked almost the same. Nonetheless, it was the absolute last thing Molly had been expecting when she heard the two of you had moved back.
“What is it?” Arthur’s attention was caught again as he moved to see what the commotion was about. When he saw the picture he only smiled, taking it to look at it a bit closer. “Is that -”
“Fred Weasley, are you really telling us we have a granddaughter you didn’t tell us about?” His mum had set one hand on the back of a chair with the other on her waist and suddenly he felt like he was a teenager getting scolded again. The action hadn’t stopped him from laughing then and it certainly didn’t stop him now. Not when he could see the excited look quickly breaking across her face.
“Surprise?” Before Fred knew it he was being pulled down into another embrace again. He supposed it was a good thing the three of them were the only ones in the kitchen given the flurry of questions his mum and dad alone asked him. “Evangeline Molly Weasley. Hope you don’t mind, mum.”
“Of course not,” Molly shook her head, reaching up to stop the happy tears from falling down her face.
“How old is she?” Arthur asked, looking at the picture once more with just as bright a grin.
“Three, almost four though. Her birthdays in two weeks so it’s perfect timing really,” Fred gave a shrug when they stared at him surprised. “Please don’t look at me like that. It wasn’t a secret on purpose, I promise.”
“You didn’t think to maybe mention the fact that you had a daughter in one of your letters?”
“I would’ve but I kept forgetting,” Fred quickly continued when the two of them started speaking over each other to scold him again. “We didn’t not tell anybody! George has come to see Evie loads of times now, I just assumed he’d tell you.”
“Don’t try to turn this on your brother,” Molly shook her head again and gave an almost exasperated sigh. “My first grandchild and you don’t even tell me. Didn’t even bring her over for a visit.”
“It’s great to see you too, mum,” He couldn’t help but instinctively duck out of the way and chuckle again when she swatted a dish towel at him. “That’s actually why I sent everyone else off to get the house ready. Evie wanted to go trick or treating and I figured what better place to bring her than here. She’s getting ready with Y/N now.”
Almost on cue there was a chorus of shouting as the door that led into the backyard opened. Fred flipped the picture of himself, you, and Evie upside down on the table, quietly muttering surprise when he saw the look his mum gave him again.
“Hang on, this list isn’t fair!” Ron shook his head as he took said list out of Harry’s hands. “Why do I have to be the elephant and he gets the lion?”
“Forget that,” Harry snatched the list back and pointed at a line scribbled near the bottom. “This says Charlie is supposed to be helping me hang up the decorations but he disappeared like twenty minutes ago. Do you know how long it’s going to take me to put up everything you brought with you?”
“Charlie had to go see a friend about creatures to borrow,” Fred answered easily before motioning towards Ron. “Tell him to help.”
“No! I’m supposed to be putting extension charms on the shed. Why don’t you make Ginny help all she’s doing is getting the bags of candy ready!”
“Excuse you,” Ginny popped her head through the window to glare at Ron. “Do you know how complicated he made this? It’s going to take me hours!”
“Hours won’t do,” Fred glanced at the clock on the wall, the one that actually told time, and frowned. He’d been gone for an hour now and he knew that Evie would start getting restless soon. “We have about two hours at most.”
“What!” Came shouted from all three of them at once before they started yelling over each other. To Fred’s delight though, Molly was the one who shushed them that time.
“That’s enough! Now all of you get to it.” Molly waited until the three of them had gone once more before taking the picture back and tucking it into her pocket. To Fred’s surprise she turned to smile at him, placing a hand on his cheek before moving to look at the list Ron and Harry had left behind. “Now let’s get this done. The sooner we finish, the sooner you can bring my granddaughter and Y/N over.”
There it was. Fred only laughed once more before agreeing and walking into the backyard beside the two of them.
Exactly two hours later Fred was walking up to the Burrow again. He spun around quickly to pick up Evie before she saw all the decorations that were now hung up all over the place. You understood the look he gave you right away and moved to block the rest of her line of sight.
Fred lifted her up with complete ease and smiled when he saw the pout on her face. “I need you to close your eyes for me until I say so alright, princess?”
“But -”
“No buts, sweetheart,” You interrupted when she tried turning her head. She gave you a heavy sigh before placing a hand over her eyes. “There you go. I promise you’re going to love your surprise.”
You could hear Ron and Harry before you saw them. Their voices rang across the front yard as they argued and it wasn’t until they noticed the three of you that they stopped. A laugh bubbled up from inside of you at the sight of their jaws dropping and eyes going wide.
To your amusement, they were too shocked to give anything away as Fred set Evie down and covered her ears, making sure her eyes were still closed. “Go get everyone else will you?”
“That’s a child.” Harry was the first one to break out of his trance, looking quickly between Evie, you, and Fred.
“Good eye.”
“Bloody hell, she is not yours.” Ron shook his head, a faint smile spreading across his face as he resisted the urge to walk towards the three of you.
Fred, meanwhile, grinned proudly and gave a firm nod. “She is indeed.”
“Mum! Dad!”
From inside the house you could hear Molly shouting at everyone to take their assigned places. Not thinking of anything else you gravitated towards the house that had become your own over the years with your excitement ready to spill over.
The moment Molly saw you she pulled you in for a tight hug, Arthur appearing in the doorway soon after and doing the same. They looked at you after briefly looking at Fred who’s now talking to Evie, still holding her so she couldn’t see the decorations yet. “We are so proud of the two of you.”
“Thank you,” You really couldn’t help the way your whole body relaxed along with the overwhelming feeling of finally being home again. Of course the last few years with Fred and Evie were amazing and you’d adored every moment. But being there at the Burrow again, with everybody else you held dear, was a feeling you always knew you missed. “Come and meet her.”
You pulled them along and Fred looked at the three of you, eyes sparkling with this look of pure happiness. He finally let go of Evie and she didn’t hesitate before shooting around to face you. Her head tipped to the side curiously before an excited smile broke across her face.
“I know them!” She shouted, looking up at Fred and then at you. Finally her eyes landed on Molly and Arthur and she jumped up and down a couple times. “That’s grandma and grandpa.”
“Sure is,” You smiled and held your hand out to her, one she took with ease. “Come say hi, sweetheart.”
Evie took to them immediately, happily answering every question they asked her and telling them everything she’d heard from you and Fred. She easily grabbed hold of both their hands as they led her towards the front door and pointing out all the decorations, ones Fred had made sure they knew she loved.
Bill was the one to answer the door when she finally knocked and he didn’t quite know what to say at first. He stuttered a bit as he glanced back at you and Fred before he shook his head and ducked down to Evie’s level with a surprised laugh.
“My costume sure makes a lot more sense now,” Bill looked down at the striped cut off shirt Fred had thrown at him earlier before smiling at the little girl he’d yet to meet. “And who might you be?”
“Evie.” She stood a little straighter, fixing her coat and the hat on top of her head, then smiled at him. “My daddy told me who you were already.”
“He did?” 
“Yeah.” She nodded eagerly, already having forgotten the bag in her hands. It’s wasn’t until Bill handed her a chocolate frog box that she even remembered she was there to trick or treat. He really couldn’t help but give in when she asked if he wanted to join them.
Evie, however, quickly left all of you behind when she saw little creatures she didn’t recognize flying over her head the moment she stepped into the backyard. Only moments later she caught sight of George and excitedly ran for him.
Charlie, who’d been standing beside him, stared for a moment as George picked her up so she could almost reach the little creatures. He was surprised when Evie then turned to him to ask about the tiny little dragon crawling across his shoulders, and took a second to process the fact that this little girl who already knew him was apparently his niece.
It was only when Fred walked over that he shook himself out of his trance and smiled, picking up the little dragon and letting it crawl across his hand and onto hers.
The same sort of scene followed everywhere they went. Evie knew each of them by name already and she didn’t hesitate to let them know. Each one of them had reacted similarly, conversing with Evie until she moved on to the next scene before moving towards you and Fred with surprise.
Though they each silently figured that they shouldn’t have been. The entire course of yours and Fred’s relationship had been filled with surprises and it only made sense that this would be your biggest one yet.
It was late by the time you finally made your way to Fred again after being pulled in every direction.
Golden hues surrounded the entire backyard as the sun started setting below the horizon. Everybody had long since surrounded Evie, more than happy to keep her entertained. At the moment she sat beside Arthur who was helping her carve one of the magically grown pumpkins they had picked together from the garden.
Meanwhile you and Fred were picking through her bag of sweets, silently hoping she wouldn’t notice how many you’d eaten already. You let out a content sigh as you leaned your head on Fred’s shoulder, “Why did we wait so long to do this?”
“I really don’t know,” He answered as he rested his head on yours, taking one of your hands with his free one. “Did you miss all of this as much as I did?”
“Hey,” There was only a brief moment of silence before Fred suddenly turned to you with a new idea and another smirk on his face. “What are the odds we can escape for a bit now that we’ve got people to watch her for us?”
“You really have a one track mind don’t you?” You shook your head, watching as he stood up and offered you his hand.
To Fred’s delight though, you took it. He glanced behind him to make sure everyone else was otherwise occupied before winking and pulling you inside the house. “Only for you my darling.”
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miamlfy · 4 years ago
Homemade Rings
A/N: I am on a roll with these fics. Heres another Draco fic for all you Draco lovers, my next fic will for sure be a Sirius x reader. I’ve had this idea for a while now and I’m not sure if I like it or not. Give me feedback on it, I want to know ways on how to improve. Anyways, send in some requests. I wanna hear your ideas! 
Pairing: Draco Malfoy X Potter! Reader
Summary: Draco’s parents find out about his relationship with Harry’s twin sister and they do not like it. 
Warnings: Lucius being an abusive prick. Jily is alive (obviously) and some Wolfstar, if you squint. 
Word Count: 3k
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(Not my gif, credit to whoever made it)
Waking up, the smell of bacon hits your nostrils. You sit up on your bed and stretch out your arms, letting out a loud yawn. Looking around your room, your school books were sprawled out on your desk from last night. To prepare for the upcoming OWL’s. your teachers assigned work for the summer and expected all fifth years to have it complete by September. It was utterly rubbish but you wanted top scores, so you dealt with it. 
Leaving your warm bed, you made your way downstairs and entered the kitchen, “Good morning dad, good morning mum.” You said, giving each parent a kiss on the cheek. You sat down at your regular chair, next to your dad. 
“Y/n, be a dear and call your brother downstairs.” Your mum said while placing pancakes onto your fathers plate. 
“Harry, get your ass downstairs! Mum made breakfast which dad and I are gonna eat all if you don’t come eat now!” You yelled, making Lily jump and your dad earning a glare from her for laughing. 
“Not like that Y/n and watch your language. Merlin knows where you get those words from.” You laughed mumbling a ‘uncle Sirius’ and began nibbling on a piece of bacon. Harry made his way downstairs and sat down next to you. 
“Did you really have to yell? Your annoying voice probably made the whole house shake.” Your twin rubbed his eyes, as he was still half asleep. 
“Awe did I disturb the dream you had about Ginny?” You teased taking a bite from your piece of toast, a light blush formed on his face. 
“How was your dream about Dr— Ow!” You kicked him in the leg before he could finish his sentence, sending him a death glare as well. Your parents didn’t know about your relationship with Draco, the both of you made an agreement to wait to tell each others families. The only reason Harry knew was because he caught you and Draco making out in the quidditch locker rooms, which he deeply wishes he could erase the memory of his enemy having his sister against the wall. 
“Dreaming about who now?” James asked, looking at you suspiciously. 
You put on your most innocent smile and turned your gaze to him, “No one daddy, Harry is just being an idiot. Isn’t that right Harry?” You asked, turning back to your twin brother. 
Harry nodded his head in agreement while rubbing the area where you kicked him. James stared at you for a few more seconds, then began talking about any recent quidditch news. When he found out Harry joined Gryffindors quidditch team in first year and you joining in your second year, he was over the moon. He bragged about it to anyone who would listen and made sure to attend every game you two had. Which also meant that you and Harry had to have practice outside of school whenever you were both home. Thankfully this summer he took it down a notch on the training since he heard Oliver Wood put the Gryffindor team through rigorous training day and night. You could still feel your bones being sore even if its been months since then. 
After breakfast, Lily made you and Harry clean up which only resulted in an argument involving who would wash the dishes. You ended up throwing water at Harry, who did the same the to you. Lily sent James to stop the two of you but that only made James join in on the water fight. It ended once Lily walked in and made the three of your clean it all up, without magic. 
“I asked for two kids and I ended up with three!” She exclaimed after shoving a mop into your dads hand and left the room. The three of erupted into a laughing fit and began to clean up. 
When Draco woke up that morning, he knew something was going to happen that day and his guts were giving him the indication that it wasn’t something good. He dragged himself out of bed and got dressed. Going to his nightstand, he picked up the ring you gifted him for his birthday on the train ride back home. The minute you gave him the ring, he loved it. It was one of the only items he owned that was handmade with love. You told him how you made it with your uncle Remus. He placed it on his right ring finger and walked down to eat his breakfast. 
He saw his mother already sitting down with a book in her hands and a cup of tea to her left. He sat down and his breakfast was placed in front of him. 
Narcissa looked down, noticing the ‘new’ ring on his finger, “Where did you the ring from?” She questioned. 
Draco looked down and stared at it while his spoke, “Oh um a friend gifted it to me as a birthday present.” He avoided his mothers eyes, she always knew when he lied and he hoped she would drop it. It wasn’t a full lie either. 
“Friend as in girlfriend?” A smile grew on her face, Draco looked at her now. “You don’t have to hide it from me Draco, tell me about her. Oh! Lucius dear, Draco was just about to tell me about his girlfriend.” Narcissa spoke, becoming more eager to hear about the girl who stole her sons heart. Lucius sat down across from his wife and motioned for Draco to start speaking. 
Draco’s palms started to sweat and his face began to redden. “What’s her name?” Narcissa asked. 
“Her n-name is Y/n.” He stuttered, he wiped his hands on his trousers. Last time he felt this nervous was when he asked you out. 
“And her last name?” Lucius asked, growing interested. He heard the name before, he just couldn’t pinpoint where. Draco knew his parents weren’t going to drop the conversation until they were satisfied. He sighed, preparing for the outcome. He looked over to his mother, who was smiling and waiting for him to respond.
Draco looked back down to his ring, “Her last name is Potter.” 
Narcissa’s smile quickly turned to a frown and Lucius dropped the fork onto his plate. 
“Don’t play jokes, Draco. They aren’t pleasant,” Draco shook his head at his fathers words, “well then I guess you’ll just have to end it then. We cannot be associated with blood traitors, especially the Potters. They are awful people.” 
Draco began growing angry at his fathers words, gripping the fork in his hands tighter. Although he didn’t like Harry and was annoyed by his presence, Draco simply couldn’t categorize your family as awful. Suddenly a wave of confidence hit Draco and before thinking, he stood up to Lucius. 
“You’re the awful one father, you’re simply judging Y/n’s family because you didn’t like her father back in school. I love her a lot and I refuse to break up with her.” Lucius stood up abruptly snd forced Draco to stand up. Holding him up by the collar of his shirt, Lucius slammed Draco against the wall. Narcissa let out a yell. 
“You will not speak to me like that in my own house! You will break up with her Draco!” Draco flinched at his fathers shouts but he hasn’t about to back down. 
“I’m not breaking up with her.” He looked directly into his fathers eyes and tried shoving him off. 
Lucius threw Draco onto the hard floor, the side of his face began to pound in pain as it hit the floor. “Then you can leave and never come back.” Lucius walked out of the room, his footsteps echoing in the silent house. 
Turning to face his mother, Narcissa simply turned around and left the room. Draco wiped away the blood that was running down his, now broken, nose. He quickly made his way up back to his bedroom and began packing. He’d much rather lose the two people who made his life miserable rather the girl who showed how to love others and himself. He left his bedroom, he debated saying goodbye to his mother but decided against it. He didn’t want to make the situation worse. 
Arriving at Godrics Hollow, he ignored the people giving him weird looks. No doubt that they were all confused at the boy who appeared like he just got out of a rough fight and was walking around in none summer clothing. 
He stood in front of your house feeling stupid. He shouldn’t have showed up here and instead went somewhere else. He’s never meet your family, only your brother of course. What if they didn’t want him there? What if you didn’t want him there? 
His felt as if he lost control of his body because now he found himself knocking on the front door, 'too late now’, he thought. He could hear loud laughs coming from the other side of the door, his heart swelled when he heard yours. Draco also began to grow sadder, those laughs were coming from everyone inside the house, something he never got to experience in his. Knocking once more, he started to hear footsteps approaching the door. 
You and your family were seated in the living room, eating cookies that your mum and you made together the night before. Your brother and dad were no help of course, along with your uncle Sirius. You were quite surprised he hasn’t showed up yet, Sirius was there almost everyday and Remus could only stop him so many times. 
Laughing at some stupid dad joke James made, knocking was heard in the living room. James got up to answer it. He immediately recognized him as Malfoy’s son, the platinum blonde hair was also an obvious factor. 
“Draco, what brings you here?” James grew more concerned when he saw Draco’s bruised face and blood coated nose, “here come in, come in.” He helped Draco into the foyer and called out to Lily. He couldn’t help but let his mind go back to when Sirius was in a similar position when they were 16. 
You and Harry looked at each other confused, were your ears playing jokes on you or was Draco actually at your door? Your eyes widened and were filled with concern when your parents brought Draco to the couch. Almost as a reflex, you made you way to him and cupped his face with your hands. Draco winced at your touch, tears began to cloud your eyesight. You never seen him like this before, the only time you saw get hurt was back in third year with the hippogriff incident. 
“Harry, go get the first aid kit and my wand,” you looked over to your brother as your mother spoke, he was frozen. His face filled with shock, he knew Lucius could be mean but he never thought he would hurt his own son. “Harry now please.” Back to reality, he nodded and went to grab the items Lily asked for. 
Words couldn’t form in your mouth, you wanted to ask him how this happened and why it happened. In the back of your mind, you felt as if you already knew the answers to your questions. Draco wiped away the tears the spilled from your eyes with his thumb, you smiled sweetly at him. Your brother came back and handed the things to Lily, Harry moved you to give your parents space to heal Draco. 
Once they finished, they left the room to give you two space, your closeness to him already confirmed that you two were together. They noticed the ring you made on his finger, as well. Silence surrounded the room as you laid next to him. Neither of you wanting to ruin the quietness. 
“It was father,” Draco spoke softly, you looked up and stared at him, “mother saw the ring and started asking questions. I told them about you and father got angry. Mother didn’t do anything, she didn’t even try to stop him when he kicked me out.” His voice breaking as he spoke, tears that he held in, were now streaming down his face. 
You held him tightly and let him cry it out, it was rare to see Draco like this and you knew he needed all the support he could get right now. You helped him enter your bedroom and laid him down on your bed. Harry let him borrow some of his clothes, as much as he didn’t like Draco, Harry knew this wasn’t about him and he knew he had to be friend not an enemy to Draco right now. 
You let Draco fall asleep, whispering reassuring words to him. Once you were sure he was sleeping, you made your way downstairs to the kitchen to help your mom with dinner. Lily noticed you walk in and motioned you to help cut the vegetables. 
“How long have you guys been together for?” Your mothers soft voice interrupted your thoughts. 
“Nearly a year and before you get upset with me, we both wanted to wait till we told our families. We were just worried that something like this would happen.” Lily simply nodded and gave you a smile. 
“Well you two look well for each other and I couldn’t be more grateful.” The two of continued to cook in silence. 
Draco woke up from your bed and he saw a note on your nightstand, ‘Don’t worry love, I’m in the kitchen helping mum with dinner. Feel free to come down and sit in the living room, love you.’ He smiled and looked in the mirror, he face looked a lot better but it was still bruised. 
He left your room and looked around in the hallway, Harry’s room was across from yours. The door was slightly open, he noticed a few posters on his wall. Mostly of quidditch. His parents never allowed him to put posters on his walls, they thought it was ugly and didn’t match the aesthetic the Manor held. 
He walked down the stairs and entered the living room, he noticed your dad sitting in one of the chairs, reading a books. Making his way towards the same couch he was once on, he sat down and James looked up from his book, giving him a warm smile. 
“Lily and Y/n are finishing up dinner, I’m assuming you must be starving.” Draco gave him a nod. 
“I want to thank you, Mr. Potter for allowing me in your home. I know I just showed up without warning, which I apologize for but it was the only place that came to mind.” Draco played with the rings on his fingers. 
“Please don’t apologize, this isn’t the first time something similar like this has happened and we can only accept you with open arms, and please call me James. Being called ‘Mr. Potter’ makes me feel old.” James set his book down on the coffee table, “I’m not going to lie Draco, when Harry and Y/n came home for the holidays in their first year and told us about how you would bully them, or more bullied Harry and his friends, I wanted nothing more than to set you straight. But I look at you now and I see a boy who grew up with the wrong beliefs. I can tell now, that you merely were engraved with the wrong words. I remember when Harry told me you and Y/n became friends in third year and although I didn’t enjoy it at first, I knew my little girl would help you become better and see things in a different light.” Draco’s eyes glistened. 
“The ring your wearing,” James pointed out the ring Draco was wearing on his finger, “she said she made it for someone special and someone she loved. The second I saw it on you, I knew just how much you mean to her, the way she described every detail on it to Lily and seeing how happy it made her, made me incredibly happy and wonder who was the lucky boy or girl making my daughter gleam with happiness. You are family now, Draco. We will always be there for each other and you are welcomed to stay here for as long as you need to. The Potters will always welcome you with open arms and warm food, clothes, and whatever you need. Don’t feel like a stranger here.” 
You stood by the door, as you saw your dad and boyfriend hug it out. You cleared your throat while smiling widely, “Dinner is ready, mum said to call Harry down dad.” 
“Harry, dinner is ready! Hurry up or you’re going to miss out!” Your dad shouted, already making his way to the dinner table. 
“Oh for merlin’s sake James, not again.” Lily scolded. 
You held out your hand towards Draco, “Come love, dinner is extremely delicious tonight.” Draco smiled and took your hand. 
Harry entered the room, “Dad please stop yelling, you and Y/n really need to stop doing that already.” Giving a smile to Draco, he sat down across from you. 
“Never dear brother, what were you doing anyways? Trying to come up with a plan to sneak into the girls dorms and make out with Ginny?” You teased, Harry threw a piece of bread at you. 
“Oh good luck on that Harry, Sirius and I could never figure it out. Let me know how it goes.” Lily hit James’ head, 
“Don’t encourage him dad, the last thing mum needs is a later from him explaining how he got Ginny pregnant.” Now it was Harry’s turn to kick you, “Ow!” 
“Speaking of which, Draco you will be sleeping with Harry in the meantime while we prep a room for you, I am way too young and handsome to become a grandfather.” 
“Of course sir, Harry you won’t mind if I put up some Slytherin posters right?” Draco gave a cheeky smile to Harry, which resulted in Harry’s having a playful scowl on his face. 
“Wait dad, I thought you were fifty?” You said. 
“Hey! I’m far from fifty!” 
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wdwmarveldisney · 4 years ago
She’s gone
Peter Parker x fem!reader
Summary: Peter and reader are dating when she finds out she has hodgkin lymphoma and makes a few videos for Peter.
A/N: I don’t know why I wrote this but I did. I was also emotional when doing so, so that’s probably why it turned into angst. This idea has probably been done before but eh.
Tw: Talks about Hodgkin Lymphoma (a type of cancer) and death of a character.
(Gif isn’t mine)
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The camera was unfocused, the bright light that shone in the background making her a blurry silhouette. Slowly everything became clear, the girl in the driver's seat tapping her fingers on the steering wheel and staring ahead. From what was passing by the window, the people seemed to be in the middle of nowhere, passing the nothingness as they went. The last few seconds of a song faded out and another began, the girl immediately smiling to herself and reaching it over to turn it up and scream the lyrics. For You by Why Don't We was a great song but not exactly the best with her out of tune screams of the words. "HEY! SHE SAID 'I REALLY MISS THE OLD YOU'! THEN FOUND SOMEONE BETTER!" A laugh had escaped the lips of whoever filming, camera shaking as the girl finally turned to face them. "Peter, put it away! I swear to fucking god!" She reached over, the car seeming swerving every so slightly making Peter laugh at her panicked expression. "Stop being such a dick! Stop recording!"
"No, it was adorable," Finally Peter spoke before the camera flipped and moved so both of them could be seen. His eyes were practically glowing in the light, his brown hair reflecting in such a way the ends looked golden. He pouted slightly at her when she held up her middle finger to him. "Fuck you Parker," her little annoyed mutter made him smile as he faced her, intertwining their fingers and resting them on the compartment in between. "You do," the girl's jaw literally dropped as she glanced between him and the road, stuttering out responses that were really just noises strung together to make up nothing translatable. Peter's laugh echoed once more but this time his grin was captured in the shot too. It was wide and as bright as the light that filled up the car with this vintage kind of vibe. Finally, his laughter subsided, his eyes going to her and then the camera. "Anyways, I'm recording because I think it's cool to document moments like this. So future us and anybody else watching this video, me and my wonderful girlfriend here," she pulled a stupid face to the camera, tongue sticking out and nose scrunching up, before looking back to the road, "Are on a road trip. We just visited her extended family and are on our way back to her apartment where her mum is waiting and the roads are basically empty,"
"And Peter almost killed my grandma!" This time his jaw dropped, a blush making its way to his cheeks as he shook his head repeatedly. "I didn't, I swear. All that happened was that I gave her a hug and with my super strength, it hurt her like a tad," she shook her head this time, looking to the camera as she spoke, "She has bruises," Peter had a guilty and sorry expression on his face that made her laugh as she continued, "And yet, he still got more birthday cake then me. On my birthday!" They both laughed this time, the camera zooming in on her perfect grin before the video ended.
This time, the camera was on Peter who sat leaning against the headboard of a bed on his phone, no doubt scrolling through some form of social media. The camera was moved so it became propped up against something and once again the same girl was in the shot, sitting next to Peter whilst glancing between his screen and his concentrated look. She moved to rest her head in his lap, the boy moving the phone to see her cheeky smile. He grinned back, turning his phone off and immediately playing with a strand of her hair. "Hi," she mumbled and it seemed to make his grin go wider as he leaned down and pecked her lips, "Hey," the girl sat up and reached over to the camera to stop the video, Peter's arm going round her waist as she did so.
It was the same place as before where the camera was propped up except this time it looked like a sunset or sunrise, Peter sleeping whilst his girlfriend filmed herself. "Hey Pete. Okay so, I want to just quickly point out how fucking adorable you are for starters," her hushed tone was a clear sign that she didn't want to wake him up but the over the top pointing could of easily hit him in the face. "But what I really wanted to do is say I love you. I've got a secret from you but by the time you see this, you'll know and so this is just me, telling you again, I guess. I know I'll tell you soon because I can't lie to you," tears had welled up in her eyes, a small sniffle being heard as she faced the sleeping Peter, "Oh god. I don't want to leave. You deserve so much better than this. Ok," she took one deep breath, calming herself as she looked to the camera again, new tears already flooding down her face like an overfilled river. "Um, I recently found out that I, er, I have," there was a pause, the next bit being too hard to say, "I have hodgkin lymphoma. It's a, um, a type of cancer," she took a shaky breath, her focus on her fingers that had reached across to a sleeping Peter's hand and began to fiddle with his, "And I'm having treatment but, it's bad," Peter began to stir and she had been quick to wipe at her face and shut off the camera, cutting off the her actually telling him.
Peter was shown having a slushy, holding hands of the person holding the camera. He smiled brightly, face scrunching up, no doubt thinking it was another picture and not a video. "Ok, we are going into that store over there and you are picking out clothes for me and some for you and I'll pay for all of it," the girl from behind the camera spoke and Peter's face immediately dropped as he finished his slushy and chucked into a bin not too far away, "You will not pay," the camera flipped round to face her, her chapped lips twisted into a teasing smile, "And they say chivalry is dead," she was suddenly standing up, half of Peter's face visible in the shot before he placed a peck to her cheek and hugging her, the girl simply continuing to film over his shoulder. "I love you," his calm whisper into her hair was muffled but she could still hear it, responding in a small voice, "I love you too,"
When they got into the shop, he disappeared with a small "Bye," and his girlfriend moved to the side, sitting down in the shoe area and holding the camera up. "So a public place isn't the best area to do this but I wanted to have happy moment before each of these because that's what we are. And this is the first video of a few. I love you and I know you better than anyone else. Maybe not May, but still. The point is, I know when I'm gone you're going somehow flip the blame onto you. You've already started doing it since I told you and I hate it. This isn't your fault and it isn't mine. These things can happen and I'm so sorry, I'm so fucking sorry that it's happening to you. Because I know and have excepted that I'm going to the unknown but you, you have to live with this and you are so strong. You been through so much and you're still the best fucking person I know and I can't believe that had the privilege to know you let alone love you. You are everything that is good in the world rolled into this little package of adorableness and no matter how many punches you take, you always get up and laugh with people and make jokes and be the best human being to ever exist. So this first video is me telling you, don't blame yourself and move on. Because you deserve more than anybody can give you and I want you to be happy for the rest of your life," she was full on sobbing, looking extremely weird to passers by. "I need to go so then you don't know I did this because I cried my fucking eyes out," and once again the video stopped.
A loud bang followed by a frustrated scream was the first thing that filled the speakers. Peter had the camera on him, staring off at something out of shot with this dopey grin on his face. "You okay there?" He asked cautiously, hand running through his curls. Suddenly his grin was wider, rushed footsteps in the background, and he stumbled as if just pushed or hit by something. The camera lowered to show his girlfriend hugging him. "School fucking sucks," She looked at the phone, pouting slightly as she snatched it out of his hands. "That's mine," he laughed, hugging her from behind as she aimed the camera towards them, "Yeah I stole it. I was texting Ned on there 'cause mine's out of battery," the girl gave a small nod, moving her head to snuggled closer to his neck as he pecked her cheek.
Another bang was heard from elsewhere and Peter sighed, glancing behind him. "That's May. I've gotta go help her," one quick kiss to her forehead and he was gone and her smile slowly faded. "This isn't exactly how I planned to do this one but I'm gonna go with it. Hi again, this is the second one and I want to start again with I love you. I want you to do something for me. I know I live with my mum and I've rarely met the Avengers but I also know you deflect pain. Most of the time it's to helping people but when it's all too much, you get angry and you yell at people at random points 'cause you're bottling it up and I know that it's just going to be those heroes who get it. So I want you to, every time you want to scream and shout and blame someone for some small meaningless thing, I want you to tell them how you're feeling. I want you to talk about everything because as much as I love you, your dumb as fuck to not see how many people care for you and are willing to hear you out. I don't care if you don't want to burden anyone, okay? 'Cause you're not. They are there for you so be a man and talk about your feelings. I'm sure they'd prefer helping you than being at by you, okay? You're probably going to get back soon so I should go but, um, there's only one more to go and I love you,"  The camera shut off, her wobbly smile and tear stained cheeks being the last things to be seen.
The camera zoomed in on the intertwined fingers before going to the ridiculous amount of snacks and finally to the movie playing on the screen. Then it faced the side where Peter was shoving a hand full of popcorn into his mouth and trying not to choke when he saw the camera on him. He had a buzz-cut now, no doubt recently shaving his hair off. "It's movie night! Put it away!" The camera flipped to show his lovely girlfriend who now had no hair. And yet, she was still smiling and laughing despite things not exactly being okay. She then turned to get them both in the shot, a massive grin on her lips. "Look what this amazing human being did for me! How am I so lucky?" Peter snatched the phone, turning the video off. 
There was a lot of shouting in the background, laughter mixed in. the camera faced the cream ceiling, pieces of hair visible every now and then."You can't Peter! It's bad luck! Get out!" His laughter became muffled after the slam of a door and the camera finally showed the girl, no different to the time before except maybe slightly paler and she had a little bit of makeup on. She smiled brightly to the camera and moving over to some sort of desk to prop her phone up. "Ok, so no happy moment before this one because if you can't tell by the dress I'm wearing or the me just kicking you out my room, it's the non official wedding," Her hands went to the waistband of her white dress that ended at her knees and looked like something you'd wear to a prom. "You're a terrible husband if you don't remember that and I want a divorce," She let a breathy laugh leave her lips, placing her hands on her head. "In case you actually don't remember or there's someone else watching this, MJ did the ceremony, Ned walked me down the aisle and was best man and Harry was the maid of honour but he refused to wear the pink dress I got him because it didn't work with his eyes so he's got that blue dress that he's wearing. Right, this is the third and last one. I can't believe you set this up. I told you that I was so upset that I wouldn't spend the rest of my life with you and wouldn't get to have a wedding with you and you set this up because legally we can't get married so we're getting fake married. My mum and May are literally the only guests and they are getting flowers so I'm alone right now in my room until they get back and fuss over me," 
She sat down in the swivel chair, smile still present on her face. "Alright, this one is pretty much what I've been saying the last two videos except I'm actually saying it this time. I want you to look after yourself, okay? I don't want you doing anything stupid when I'm gone like getting yourself hurt overworking as Spiderman. Take a break, there are other heroes out there who are more than willing to help you if you can't do it. Move on, please. I know that it's going to be hard but I'm always going to be a part of your life, whether I'm there or not and you just have to accept that. Also, I know this probably won't help with the move on but can you check in with my mum every now and then. She's trying to act all strong but she's just like you and she's losing a daughter so just, keep her happy, for me? Please. Just be good to yourself  and move on. Ok this is the last one and I'm about to talk to my mum about sending you these when I'm gone so, I love you," And the camera stopped, catching the girl's broken expression rather than bright beautiful smile.
There was cheering, the video focus on Peter and his girlfriend kissing, whilst the few people around them clapped and cheered for the 'married' couple. Peter was lightly brushing away tears from her face when they pulled away, her doing the same to him. He suddenly smiled wide and picked her up bridal style, kissing her once more. "Ok Parker, you can stop kissing my little girl now!" Her mother shouted, Peter smiling sheepishly towards her but was soon brought into another kiss. When they pulled away, she stuck her tongue out to her mum before turning to Peter and pointing down the makeshift aisle. 
The lights were dim but the video was still clear. It was the two dancing, swaying to the slow song as Peter rested his chin on the top of her head. She was clearly crying as was Peter, the two looking like they were holding on for dear life. Sweet whispered 'I love you's were shared and then the video stopped.
Peter wiped at his eyes harshly. It was the third time watching them since... And he still sobbed his eyes dry. I mean, of course he did, it was his first love. He hadn't even told the Avengers, whenever they asked if he was going to bring her to another party or if they'd get to meet her again, he'd just walk out. Go try not to break down somewhere where no one could see him. But he felt okay watching this on the big screen in the living room of the compound because no one was home or at least that was what he thought. And to begin with, they weren't. Actually it was the time he took to set up linking his phone to the TV that they all walked in quietly. That they all saw everything on those videos. That they finally understood why he was holding back from missions or patrolling every night. Why he wasn't free for dinner every Wednesday because 'he and May had dinner with someone important'. Why he wasn't spending his entire day talking about you anymore. They had thought it had been a break up, like a really bad one but it wasn't. So Peter sat sobbing on the couch, the superheroes crying behind him, yet to make their presence known. Even Natasha and Bucky were crying.
"Hey kid," Tony finally managed to say, Peter jumping up and spinning round to see them all there. "Um, how long have you been... there?"Just from their faces he knew, trying to cover up the fact he'd been crying but Tony immediately held his hands out as if it would stop him. "Wanna talk about it?" He looked like he was going to say no but then his eyes met Tony's and he had launched himself at the man. "She's gone," He cried into the man's shoulder, holding on like he was a lifeline. 
"Y/N's gone,"
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aweecrush · 3 years ago
As soon as she opens the glass door, the October chill immediately comes to tickle her face. She sighs in delight - feck, it's hot in that apartment. Between the room full of people dancing, the various groups scattered all around the place, the smoking and the booze, it's like a damn volcano in there.
The balcony is not actually what you could call small, but even so, she can hear the drunken advice of Orla’s roommate clearly from the other side of it. She doesn’t know the friend she’s talking to, but the sight of the both of them half shouting how great the other is while trying - and failing - not to spill all their wine is as sweet as it is funny. Ah, the outbursts of love of the shitfaced.
A smile on her face, Erin turns towards the other side of the space where, as predicted, she spots the special someone she loves, shitfaced or not.
Her heart immediately drops at the sight of him.
Leaving her glass on the first table she finds, she makes her way towards his dark figure leaning over edge as he gazes at the city. She can’t see his face yet, but his hunched shoulders are indication enough. Not that she needs any, really.
When she wraps her arms around him from behind, James straightens up to make it easier for her. She holds him as close as she can and rests her cheek against his back, breathes him in. He takes one of her hands and kisses it, then laces their fingers together and places them back on his stomach.
There’s the muffled music and the laughs coming from the inside, the shouts from the girls not far. The sounds of the city night life beneath them.
“I’ve missed you tonight,” he says after a while. They’ve barely seen each other since they arrived.
Erin holds him even tighter. “I’ve missed you too.”
But both his hands are covering hers, one of his thumbs drawing slow patterns on her skin, and he’s warm, and he smells good, so good. It’s all perfect now.
“You drunk?” She can hear the smile in his voice. She turns her head just enough to bury her nose between his shoulder blades, a giggle that betrays her current state escaping her lips.
“Yep,” and she feels his chuckle against her chest. “Clare’s much worse though. She’s currently alternating between telling our non-France going story to that French girl and burping in a very horrific and worrying way, so it’s safe to say there's a disaster looming.” James snorts. “You?”
“Not really, no. Although Nick’s waiting for me with a shot competition when I go back inside, so that should change really soon.”
Thanks to her heels, she can drop a couple of kisses on his cheek without having to raise on her tiptoes, a smirk on her lips.
“As much as I love you, and that’s quite a lot to be honest, you do know that there’s no way you’re winning said competition, right?”
He nods, faking seriousness. “Oh yeah. I mean, he’s like a magician or something.”
“Uh uh. He and Michelle really did find each other, didn’t they - he’s probably the only person I know who can actually drink more than her. I mean, the Halloween party...”
“Clare’s birthday.”
“That Christmas break party.”
“That was impressive.” She feels sick just remembering the amount of vodka involved.
She lets their laughs slowly die down before nuzzling him, dropping a wee kiss behind his ear, another just a bit lower.
She figures now is as good a time as any, isn’t it. “I heard you and Michelle talk in the kitchen earlier.”
The moment the words leave her mouth, she feels him tense against her. Of course he does.
She trails kisses down his neck as an apology for approaching a subject she knows he doesn’t want to. As an encouragement. She buries her face there, waits for a bit. Then, mumbles softly against his skin, “You know she didn’t mean what she said.”
“You know she did.”
Well. He’s not exactly wrong on that one - they both know it.
“She’s just angry, that’s all. You know how she gets.”
She lets one of her hands leave his, and travel on his forearm lazily. Soothingly, she hopes. “She’s just very protective of you. But she shouldn’t have said that.”
“Yeah, well.”
He does that, when he’s upset. Shuts down, coming up with only short answers to let you know that he’d rather not continue this conversation - short, but answers all the same, because he wouldn’t go as far as shutting you out completely. That he'd consider mean, hurtful, and James doesn’t hurt people - he never would.
That’s why it sucks even more to have to watch when people hurt him.
She wants to tell him that Michelle will come back to her senses in the morning, that she’ll regret her harsh words and apologize for them, sincerely. That she’ll hit him in the shoulder for good measure, and that it will be that, over in a second. Because well - it will, really. There’s no doubt about that.
But the thing is, he already knows all that. The thing is, Michelle’s usual lack of delicacy and moderation isn’t the problem here, far from it. She wishes that it was. Much easier to deal with, wouldn’t it.
Pressing her whole body against his, Erin brushes her lips on the back of his neck, and lets the hair at his nape tickle her nose as she lingers there a little.
“I’m sorry your mum isn’t coming to the wedding, baby.”
“It’s fine.”
An answer too fast, too rehearsed to be sincere. Not that she would have believed it had he been more convincing.
She rests her chin on his shoulder, brings her hand back over his own. “No, it’s not - not at all.”
He snorts. “Of course it is, Erin. It makes sense, really: I mean, who wouldn’t choose a vacation that may or may not happen with a guy they’ve known for five minutes over the most important day of their son’s life?”
The irony in his voice does nothing to cover the bitterness underneath it. The pain.
Feck, she hates this.
After a few seconds, he huffs. “Whatever - I don’t care.”
Ever since the day he had changed his mind about going to London all those years ago, since that moment he’d decided to stay in Derry and she’d been able to breathe properly again, James had started to see things more clearly when it came to Cathy. He’d told her so - told her what Michelle had said to convince him not to go with her, told her how it felt to finally understand how right she was. That day, and after.
In the days, the weeks that had followed, it had stayed with him, turned again and again in his head. How she’d only take care of him when there was nothing more distracting to do when he was a kid. How his stepdad Paul had been the one raising him, playing with him. Caring.
The reasons - excuses - he had made to explain her leaving him in Derry without so much as a goodbye had started to fall apart one by one, leaving what she did only for what it was: an abandonment. She’d abandoned him, plain and simple.
And it had hurt, really hurt, but yet, he hadn’t blamed her - never would. Again, he was just far too good for that. She was still his mum, and he still loved her.
So he hadn’t said anything when she called to say she wouldn’t be able to take him the Christmas, then the summer after her visit. He never complained that she actually never visited him again in Derry after that. Michelle would fume everytime he called her, hating that he was always the one doing the effort (but she never said anything to him, only to them girls - none of them would ever say anything, because none of them wanted to make him sadder than he already was).
Things never changed. Not when he finished high school, not when he finished Uni. To this day, she hadn’t really congratulated him on his first nor his second job, least of all learnt what it was. And again, James never complained, because again, he loved her, and he could never really resent her. He’d lowered his expectations more and more over the years, learnt to be disappointed each time anyway. But he never said anything.
It affected him, though. She knew, she was there to see it. They all were. Ma Mary won’t even let the name of ‘that heartless woman’ be uttered in her house, even though she always makes sure never to show or say anything in front of James.
He cared - still does, always will. How couldn’t he?
Desperate for something, anything to make him feel even a tiny bit better, Erin leaves a hundredth kiss against his skin, painfully aware that that won’t be enough.
“You do care. Hey - ” She grabs his hips to turn him in so she can face him when he snorts, and he obliges. She waits until he’s looking at her to speak again. “Of course you do.”
Anyone would be affected by something like this, but him? He’s so sweet, her English, so sensible, and he wears his heart on his sleeve, and she hates how even in the darkness of the night, she can see just how much he does care. Just how heavy his heart is right now.
It was palpable, evident ever since Kathy had called this morning to tell him, but now, as he slowly let his defenses down, sadness and defeat taking over with each second, it’s written all over his beautiful face, and it just breaks her fecking heart.
“I should have expected it, right?”
He chuckles, not an ounce of humor in it. “I mean, missing birthdays - including my 25 and 30, not showing up at graduation, not visiting our flat even once, not this one, not the one before that...That was the next logical step - nothing to be surprised about.”
He shakes his head, and as he looks away, the lights of the balcony reflect on the watery green of his eyes.
His voice is so small when he speaks again, she barely hears it. “I don’t know why I thought it’d be different this time.”
Erin runs her hands up and down his back, hating herself for not being able to do more, to take the pain away from him, just like that.
“Because it should have been," is all she finds to say.
Aye, of course it should have been - just this once, for Christ's sake.
“It’s just...How little do you have to care about your own child to do that, you know. Over and over. Even now - even for this. I told her, once - I told her what you mean to me. I guess I just thought...I guess I thought that it was something every parent wanted to see for their kid, and that for once, that would include her, too.”
He finally looks back at her at that, and suddenly, she sees the fifteen year-old sitting next to her in Sister Michael’s office the day they met again, the heartbreak clear in his eyes as he understands that his mum left him.
She fecking hates all of it.
Helpless, Erin brings their foreheads together, her arms firmly wrapped around his torso as he lets out a heavy sigh.
“She does care, James.”
“You don't have to lie.”
“I’m not - of course she does. And she loves you. She's just- "
“Selfish? Self centered? I’m running out of the polite words used by Michelle now, the others were much more colourful,” and Erin backs away slightly, smiling at him knowingly.
“In her own world, let’s say. I don’t think she realizes just how much damage she does. And I’m not going to try to make excuses for her, for this or for everything else - it is shitty, and she’s an adult and she should realize what she’s doing and do better. I’m just saying...She doesn’t. But that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t love you, because she does.”
He looks away again at that, and it’s a punch to the stomach to realize that yeah - the thought did cross his mind. It really did.
Slipping her hands from his back, she brings them to his cheeks, gently making him look at her again, hating the sadness she finds in his eyes.
She smiles. “She does love you. And it sucks so bad that she doesn’t show it to you, because she should, and she should realize just how lucky she is to have you, for feck sake, but...But please don’t forget that you do have a family who makes you their number one priority, and who always will. I mean, I think that was a smile I saw on your Aunt Deirdre’s face when we told her - an actual smile!”, and she’s proud of herself when he chuckles at that, a true smile of his own lightening his face.
“And we all know that Michelle punching you harder than usual that day was her stupid way to cover the tears I definitely saw in her eyes - even though true, there were nothing compared to the way Paul just - well, broke down, really.”
He smirks. “Even Clare didn’t weep this much.”
“Which really, is saying something. Also, my family loves you more than they love me, Ma, Anna and Orla don’t even bother to pretend otherwise at this point, and I think at least one of us should take pleasure in that.” He’s laughing now, and yeah, this - this is how she wants him to be for the rest of their lives. Laughing, his squinting eyes shining - that’s what he deserves.
Biting down her own smile, Erin draps her arms around his neck, bringing him close. “And for what it’s worth, you also have me. You’re my person, remember? My favorite one in the whole world. I’m here - I’ll always be here.”
“Also, it will still be the best party ever, because I didn’t want to say anything, but I’ve prepared a massive, massive surprise, and - ”
But then his lips are on hers, and Erin just holds him closer, fingers tangled in his brown curls, and kisses him back.
Aye - more than fifteen years she's known him, and that boy still manages to leave her light headed. It vaguely occurs to her that maybe she should be worried about that.
“Thank you,” he says when they eventually part, still so close that she feels his words on her lips. She smirks.
“For what, the surprise? Because to be honest, I haven't actually figured out what it would be just yet: I just know it will be so grand, you'll - ”
She’s not exactly surprised when James kisses her again to shut her up - she definitely doesn’t mind, either. She can feel his chuckle against her as he pecks her once, twice, then moves to her cheek, her jaw, and her heart swells in her chest.
“For everything," he smiles, looking back at her and pinching her side playfully. "For not piling up on Michelle's heartfelt opinions about my mum, tonight or ever, even though I know that you hate her too."
She frowns. "Hey, I don’t hate her.” There’s no accusation in his tone or in his eyes, but she needs him to know. “I swear, I’ve never hated her. I just hate the situation, and you being sad.” She lets her fingers run on the back of his neck, lets her eyes travel over that handsome face of his. “I mean, we have her to thank for you, haven't we? How could I hate her, silly."
He’s looking at her that way now, that way that’s far too soft, too - something, and that always makes her cheeks redden. Tonight is no exception.
She’s not exactly sure how long they stay out there, kissing like they’re teenagers at a party again. She does hears herself moan in disapproval when he eventually leans back, and he nuzzles her to make amend, amused.
“Come on, let’s go back inside - you’re going to catch a cold out here.”
To be fair, she is freezing her arse off. But -
“You sure you’re okay?”
He’s got that wee soft smile of his on his face now, and, before she can say anything else, James brings his warm hands on her neck and puts an even softer last kiss on the corner of her lips.
“Of course I’m okay - I’m marrying you.”
Truth is, she’s pretty sure she looks like an eejit, beaming and blushing like she is. Again, she can’t bring herself to mind.
Lacing their fingers together, Erin leads the way back inside. “Come on, then - let’s get shitfaced, my love.”
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citydreamgrls · 4 years ago
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ron weasley x fem!reader
words: 4,049
a/n: i would just like to say a massive thank you to the love shown on my past two weasley fanfics. i hope this one can bring you just as much joy and escape in these horrible times ,, stay safe ! :)
warnings: smut (18+) , daddy kink , dominant ron ;)))
It was a sunny day in London, and people had flocked to the streets to enjoy the fleeting good weather before it was gone again. I was on my break, the top buttons of my work blouse undone as I leant over the bridge to watch the river’s water pass by. A cigarette went between my fingers and lips as I checked my watch, just another five minutes then I’d be back to serving coffee to rushing businessmen.
My lungs filled up and I turned around, my back on the railing as I puffed out a small cloud of smoke before my eyes. I froze, blinking a few times before laughing quietly to myself.
I really must be missing my friends, because I could’ve sworn I saw Harry, Ron and Hermione on the other side of the road. But there wasn’t anyone there when the smoke cleared. I snuffed out the cigarette and headed back into the coffee shop, doing up my buttons and grabbing my apron.
“Do you think she saw us Ron?” Hermione asked me as I fell against a lamppost.
“How would I know, I was there too.” I huffed, looking up at the house that stood in a row of identical ones.
“Come on you two,” Harry called, having aparated a few doors down “I think it’s this one?”
“Number 52?” Hermione shouted, grabbing her bag and following me as I caught up to Harry.
“Yep, it’s this one.”
“Well we better set up then,”
We had decided to visit y/n last minute, knowing her parents’ plans to visit her grandmother on her birthday weekend. So we decided to throw her a surprise party to cheer her up.
“When are the boys getting here?” Harry asked, preparing to pick the lock.
“One step ahead of you!” Fred and George pulled open y/n’s front door, making us all jump back. “Well come on you lot, this house won’t decorate itself.”
“It would if we could use magic,” I grumbled. 
“Bye guys, see you on monday.” I said to my co-workers, grabbing my bag and heading out into the warm evening air.
“Have a good birthday darling,” My boss, who was stacking the outdoor chairs, said as I walked past.
I opened cards on the walk home, mostly from regular costumers and people I worked with. A few of my muggle friends had come into the shop to give me gifts and wish me a happy birthday, even an aunt I hadn’t seen in months stopped by today. But nothing from Harry, Ron or Hermione.
In fact, I’d heard very little from them since the term ended. Not that I minded too much, they were spending the summer together and were probably busy. I had muggle friends in London too, which made the summer that little bit better.
“Oh y/n darling.” My neighbour hobbled down her doorstep, drawing me from my thoughts.
“Oh hi Mrs Hampton, is everything okay?” I asked, putting the cards in my bag and fishing around for my house keys. She bent down to pick something up from her front door.
“I made you a cake sweetie, I heard your parents are out of town and wanted to make sure you had something good to eat for your birthday.”
I took the cake from her outstretched hands and beamed with glee.
“Thank you so much, this is the nicest thing anyone’s done for me.”
She winked my way and chuckled,
“Just you promise that you won’t have too many friends round, my hearing might not be great but I can still sense a crowd.” she smirked.
“I promise it’ll be civilized if anything.”
“Well enjoy it anyway darling, bye bye.” I waved her off, turning to leave as she disappeared inside.
I caught a glimpse of something flashing by the window of my house and stopped again. Maybe I was just beginning to see things. I shook my head and carefully unlocked the front door so as not to drop the cake.
“Happy birthday buttercup,” A voice sounded from nearby, I turned round in the doorway to see my best (muggle) friend Jade leant against the garden gate with a smile on her face.
We’d known each other ever since the first day of nursery when I had an obsession with buttercups, hence the nickname. She had helped me find as many as I could to take home, and we’d been close from then on.
“Jade!” I put the cake down and went to give her a hug, I’d barely had a chance to see her before she had gone on holiday. “When did you land?”
“About an hour ago, I thought I’d come and say hi. And give you this.” A small blue box was placed into my hands gently, I frowned as I opened it up. Seeing a little silver bracelet, one that matched hers exactly. “Mum helped me find another one,” she laughed, “it took long enough.”
“I love it, thank you.” I hugged her again, holding her tight against me. “What are you doing later?” I asked.
“Nothing really, why?”
“I was thinking maybe we should have an early party, you know because the parents are out of town and all.” I offered up.
“Yeah, i’ll round up the others and be back here in an hour?”
“Perfect, oh and bring as much booze as you can.”
“Anything for you y/n,” she teased and went off down the road.
I picked everything up and went into the house, kicking the front door shut and heading to the kitchen to place the cake down carefully. I read the icing message with a smile and flicked on the kettle with a sigh, I didn’t have long to get ready.
A giggle sounded behind me, making me jump and grab my wand from the side. I stuck it up in the air and called out to the air.
“Who’s there!” I wasn’t sure what I’d do if an intruder came out. Especially if it was a muggle, I'd look a bit mental flinging a stick in their face.
Another noise caught my attention, this time from the living room. As I crept towards it, I could tell it was more of a fizzing of sorts. I turned the corner, wand still outstretched, and stopped in my tracks.
Right in the middle of the room a small firework was spinning around harmlessly. I got closer, frowning until it burst and displayed the small message.
Happy Birthday y/n !!!
Before I even had a chance to process it, Harry threw off his invisibility cloak in front of me and the rest of the group appeared out of thin air. I screamed in shock, amazed that they were all here for me. Suddenly the room was no longer dark and miserable, and now covered in balloons and streamers, music already playing.
“Surprise!!” The twins grabbed me from behind, and threw me into the air.
“Put her down you lunatics!” Ron shouted over the music. “The neighbours will think she’s being murdered.
“Don’t worry,” Hermione smirked, “I already put a silencer on the house.”
“What are you all doing here?” I asked, hugging them all in turn.
“We didn’t want you all on your own,” Harry smiled, quick to pour drinks for everyone.
“Yeah, especially not on your birthday.” Ron added, wrapping an arm around my shoulder, earning a teasing look from Fred and George who were wearing matching party hats.
“Oh guys this is great, but we have a small problem.” They all frowned at me as I explained what was gonna happen.
“So Fred, George, remember to keep the magic to a minimum but it isn’t the end of the world. Harry, you're in charge of making sure any pictures are hexed so they’re deleted immediately okay, we don’t need any traces of this party for my parents to see online. My friends I could explain, but you guys are strangers in their eyes and would be harder to explain if you two are performing charms in the background” I glared at the twins.
“Hermione, you’ve already obliviated the front door yes?” I asked.
“Anyone who crossed out of it will forget this entire night.” She promised me.
“Uhhh what’s my job?” Ron asked.
“Heavy lifting,” I smirked. “Take all the breakables and lock them in the coat cupboard, I can put it all back in the morning.”
The group nodded, rushing off to sort out everything while I sped up to my room to get ready for the party. Hermione followed closely, having missed her own muggle life for some time this felt like normality for her.
“It’s odd coming back isn’t it,” She nodded, looking round my room before chilling on my bed. “How has your guy’s summer been?” I asked her, starting my makeup.
“It’s been good, I stayed at the burrow. Ron wouldn’t shut up about you.”
“Do I irritate him that much?” I giggled.
“Come on he’s obsessed with you,” Hermione huffs, sick of trying to convince me yet again. “It was his idea to come here, he wouldn’t rest until we all agreed to come surprise you.”
“He’s just nice like that,”
“Have you ever seen him put as much effort into anyone else?” she smirked.
“I think you’re the only one who thinks he likes me mione,” She rolled her eyes, picking up an old magazine and waiting for me to finish.
On cue, Jade and a whole group of my muggle friends arrived each person with handfuls of booze to get through the night with. Soon the music was blasted and everyone was doing shots and dancing around my house.
The twins were impressing girls in the kitchen, this time with their new-found beer pong skills, instead of magic. But Harry was the one to watch, as he made up some wild story about his scar to a group of boys I’d known from down the street.
“Ron, I think she might be checking you out.” I giggled, leaning close so he could hear me over the music. He didn’t even bother looking at the girl I was talking about.
“Oh right,”
“Well aren’t you going to talk to her?” I nudged him.
“Oh, no I’m good thanks.” He took another gulp of his drink.
“Come on, you may as well give it a try. She won’t remember anything about tonight anyway,” I joked, he looked over at the girl giving him glances. She blushed when he noticed her.
“She’s not my type y/n,”
“God you’re so stubborn,” I laughed, finishing my drink. He didn’t say anything and just walked off, leaving me standing alone at my own party.
“Oh thanks a lot,” I scoffed and headed to the kitchen just to see Fred land another shot at the table. The boys on the opposing team were hammered and could barely see at this point.
“Having a good time y/n?” Fred asked, taking a break as they set up another round.
“Yeah this is fun, thanks you guys.”
“Oh it’s all Ron’s doing really,” George said, coming to my side as I poured another drink, not holding back on the spirits “Speaking of, where is he?”
“Oh he went off in a huff when I mentioned some girl was checking him out, I don’t know why he’s so stuck up about it. I was doing him a favour.”
Neither of the twins said a word, making me suspicious. “What?”
“Little Ronniekins does have a crush, you know.” George teased me.
“Oh not you guys too. Hermione said the same thing, he doesn’t like me like that.”
“Never underestimate how dim that boy can be y/n,” Fred huffed.
I gulped my drink down in a matter of seconds, sick of hearing them tell me something that didn’t feel true. I went to fill it up again, met with an empty bottle. In fact, there wasn’t much alcohol left at all.
“Great, looks like I’m off to the shops,” I rolled my eyes and turned around to see Hermione in the hallway. “I’m going out won’t be long.” I told her, she nodded in agreement. “Oh could you do me a favour-”
“I’ve already put a silencer on the house, no one on the street knows a thing.” She reassured me.
“God you’re good.” I laughed and took my coat off the hook. I temporarily lifted the obliviate spell on the door and passed through, seeing Ron sat on the front wall.
“So this is where the real party is,” I teased him, putting an arm around his shoulder.
He laughed lightly, unable to stay mad for too long.
“Are you going somewhere?” He pulled at my coat.
“Just to the shops, I won’t be long.”
“I can come if you want?” He offered.
“Yeah sure,” I smiled, jumping off the wall and stumbling back a bit with drunkenness.
“Careful darling,” He teased me, making me pout.
The streets were quiet on our walk back.
“This is fun,” He said in confidence.
“Do you mean us walking or the party?”
“Both, but this a bit more.” I was swaying about, the bottles in the bag rattling about. He took it from my hand with a laugh and used the other to hold me steady.
“Thank you, I can get clumsy when I’m drunk.” I rested my head on his shoulder as he slowed even more.
“It’s sweet.”
“You think so?” He nodded. “Hermione told me the surprise was your idea,”
“Uh yeah, sort of.”
“Well I think it was your best idea to date,”
Ron let go of my arm and took my hand in his, swinging it between the two of us.
“Hermione also told me something else,” I teased.
“What?” he seemed nervous.
“It’s a secret,”
“y/n,” he glared jokingly, “tell me.”
I stopped us in the street so I could get close to his ear to whisper.
“She told me that you’ve been talking about me all summer.” He was blushing slightly when I pulled away, but his hand remained in mine.
“Yeah I kinda have,” he kept his eyes on his feet as we started walking again. “But it’s only because I missed you.” “Aw I missed you too Ronniekins,” he shook his head.
“You’ve been spending too much time with Fred and George.”
“Are you jealous?” I joked.
“You’re my friend after all,”
We stopped at the front gate where Ron turned to face me as he leant against the wall, shoving his hands into his pockets as he spoke.
“I think you like me,” He declared boldly.
“You’re getting brave,” I teased.
“Am I right? That’s what matters.”
“Maybe a little,”
“I like you y/n,”
I smirked, moving closer to him so that he was pressed up against the brick.
“Does this mean I can kiss you already?”
Ron grabbed my face the second I had uttered those words, and kissed me hard as if it had been boiling inside him all this time. My hands grabbed at the collar of his shirt, playing with the fabric between my fingers while he caressed me gently.
He had a reserved sense of fierceness behind his actions. One part of him held me tight and close, unwilling to release me and halt our kiss. But the other side wondered whether he should savour this moment in all its glory.
A cough sounded at the door behind us, making both Ron and I jump apart.
“I would love to say ‘about time’, but we’re one down for our beer pong team and we can’t lose the streak.” George complained, and Ron nodded moving to follow his brother inside. “So come on y/n, you’re needed.”
“And that is why I am the best chaser on the quidditch team goalie,” I teased Ron, bringing him in with me.
Once all the alcohol had been consumed, one way or another, and all the muggle guests had left (with no recollection of the night at all) I began to clear up. Hermione was already in bed in my parents’ room, and Harry had been discarded on the kitchen table where he insisted he would spend the night.
The twins were dead asleep on the sofas when I checked on them, Ron clicking in their faces to try and rise them. With no luck.
“They’re out cold,” He laughed.
“Come on then, I’m tired.”
“Oh so you’re letting me join you,” Ron grabbed my waist, pulling me away from the staircase before I could even get a foot on the first step.
“Put me down Ron,” I giggled, jumping at the feeling of his lips on my neck. He began walking up the stairs and kicked open my door.
“Only when it’s safe to do so,” he joked, throwing me onto the bed.
I landed on my back, the air in my lungs knocked out.
“Careful, throw me around too much and I might just fuck you,” I joked, but Ron’s eyes were darker now as he smirked. I moaned internally, just seeing him like this got me excited.
“And if I did fuck you y/n?”
“I would never complain about anything, ever again.” I sighed and he threw his top off, getting on top of me and kissing my neck yet again. Deeper and harder, leaving little purple marks to show off the next morning.
His hands were all over my body, even more so when our clothes were gone. He reached down between my legs and pushed my thighs away ever so carefully. He whispered beside my ear, fingers ghosting over my panties.
“Is this what you want y/n?” I nodded, words seeming too complex. “You want my fingers inside you don’t you, knuckle deep?” All that came out was a gasp as he pulled the final item of clothing away and pushed a single finger in as promised.
I could hear how wet I was, and he could feel how, even around one finger, I was the tightest he had ever felt. One by one he added fingers, making my body seize up with the burning pleasure of their movements.
Then they were gone, dragged away, my back falling onto the mattress yet again this time with a disappointed sigh.
“Don’t worry darling, I’m not done.” He grinned, taking his cock from against his chest and pumping it. He was fully hard at just the sight of my naked body before him, all his to use as he desired. I had never wondered about the size of Ron’s cock, but this was beyond what I had ever imagined anyone’s.
It was thick and long and begging to be inside my dripping pussy. He leant closer, lining himself up with one hand and holding one of my thighs down with the other. I groaned at how forceful he was, enjoying that he was so openly having his way with me.
“You ready baby?” He asked.
“Yes… daddy,” Ron’s cock pushed deep inside me, and the nickname just made him want to get even deeper. He held one of my legs up, forcing me to tighten up around him.
“Oh fuck .. fuck.” I screamed, unbothered if I would wake the others.
“Turn around,” Ron demanded, to which I scrambled to bend over for him with my ass in the air. “Good girl,” He smacked my cheek with one hard slap and entered my pussy again in one smooth thrust, immediately groaning at the feeling.
He was hard, but I loved it. His rhythmic, strong thrusts would have sent me flying if it wasn’t for his iron grip on my waist keeping me down. I had no choice but to grip the bedsheets in my hand and scream myself silly while he pounded me like an animal.
One hand reached forward, round my neck and onto my throat. Ron pulled me up, so my back was pressed up against him.
“You’re gonna ride me now darling, like a dirty slut.” I moaned at his words, completely unravelled by them. I came then and there, being held like a willing prisoner and fucked like a whore. “Good girl,” He whispered, pushing me away and laying down, his hands resting behind his head as I climbed onto his cock and letting it slip up and into me.
This feeling, with his length, made riding an incredible experience. I felt unstoppable with Ron’s encouraging words and wandering hands that would rest upon my bouncing tits as my hips went up and down.
“Oh fuck, daddy I’m so close.” I screamed, getting faster as I chased my high like a hungry bitch.
“I want to cum inside you y/n,” He told me.
“Do it,” I groaned out. “I’ll cum too, I promise.”
I pleaded out, over and over, before he spilled inside me. Less than a second after I came all over his thick cock, falling down in exhaustion and laying beside him. The only noise in the room was our laboured breathing, but Ron took my hand in his and kissed it.
“You’re incredible,” he spoke softly, now worried that we might have woken the whole street if it wasn’t for the house’s silencer.
A few moments later, once we had finally come round again, I pulled the covers over us and let Ron hold me close.
“We have to leave in the morning,” He told me.
“Can’t you just stay the rest of the weekend?” “Mum and dad are going away, and they can’t leave Ginny on her own.”
“I’ll miss you,” I told him.
“Come with us, you can stay the rest of the holiday.” He offered up, not wanting to sleep without me by his side now he felt how normal it felt to have me in his arms.
“I wish I could, but I have to work.”
“Just quit, it wouldn’t matter.”
“I need that job when I come back next summer,” I laughed, but Ron had a thought on his mind.
“Don’t come back next summer, just stay with us. You’re always complaining that your parents are never here. And if you want to see your friends, you can still visit.”
“Every summer at the burrow, with you?”
“Only if you want to,”
“I really want to.” I smiled, nustling into his side.
The next morning I packed a bag and wrote two letters. One for my boss, to explain that I had to quit under important circumstances and that I was very sorry. The other for my parents, telling them not to worry. That I was grateful for them always, but that I had friends to be my family now.
“Come on y/n,” Harry shouted down the stone steps, “I want to go to diagon alley before we leave London.” I threw my case down to George, who almost fell at the weight of it.
“Y/n?” Jade shouted to me across the road. The Weasley’s, Harry and Hermione froze at the sight of her but she smiled at them politely as if she’d never met them. A silent sigh of relief was sounded by us all. “What happened last night?” She asked, putting us on edge again.
“What do you mean?” I laughed it off.
“Well I remember bringing loads of people over, but I can’t for the life of me recall anything that happened last night.”
“You must have been really drunk Jade, I saw you and it looked bad.”
“Oh god, I feel awful. I must have been a real hassle.” She noticed the twins eyeing her from the group. “They look familiar, have I met them before?”
“No, they’ve just picked me up. I’m going away for a bit but I’ll let you know when I’m back.” Her attention was quickly back on me.
“Okay, well, have a good summer and ring me when you can.” She hugged me goodbye and headed off back up the road.
“She totally had a thing for me last night,” Fred gloated.
“No she did not, she wanted me.” George argued.
“Oh shut it you two!” Hermione huffed, sporting yet another hangover. “Are we all ready?”
I took Ron’s hand in mine and smiled at the ginger boy beside me, “Ready.”
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moral-turpitudes · 4 years ago
Silver Linings: Part 5
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Masterlist | Rules | Peaky Prompts 
A/N: Don’t mind me I’m just over here hyperventilating bc of this gif. 
Trigger Warnings: Angst, FLUFF.
Word Count: 1,897
Characters: Michael Gray x Alfie’s Adopted Daughter!Reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | *Part 4* | Part 5
***Almost 1 year later:***
“Dear Y/N,
I hope this finds you well. I’m glad to hear things are still moving along at the shop. I think it’s great you’ve moved up in the business now that you don’t have to hide. A beautiful woman like yourself should never have to. In response to your last letter, I feel it’s important to tell you that I’ll be coming back soon, this week in fact. I know you’ve said you’ve waited for me and I can’t begin to describe how relieved I am to hear that. I’ve waited for this moment as well, and I’m counting down the days until we can meet again. I’m looking forward to whatever surprise you said you’d had.
All my love,
Her eyes scanned the letter as she curled up on her sofa, a tea cup nestled in her hands as her heart fluttered at the letter.
It had been almost a year since Thomas’ standoff with the mafia, leading to Luca and his men’s demise. Officially clearing her of any danger, at least for the time being.
She quickly went to the phone, calling her father who was most likely at the shop, recently raking in the dough so to speak, as his rum-running business was taking off, leading to a collaboration with Michael in New York.
“Hey, I just wanted to let you know he’s coming home.” She said, the sound of the men shouting and working in the background.
“Who? The one you’ve been writing every week for the last year? Oh right what’s his name...Michael summin’ innit?” He asked, jokingly. She chuckled lightly as cries were heard from the other room.
“Yeah. I know it’s going to be tense but I’m going to need you on my side. You’ve helped me enough as it is since you felt bad after him leaving. I just need you to be on my side this time though, please?” She said.
He sighed as he thought about the last time he and Thomas had a nasty fight, knowing the new addition would force an unlikely truce between the family, one that Alfie was as hesitant to make as Tommy was. But it was needed, especially if they needed help in the long run. Each of their families coming too close to death since the standoff.
“Alright, I’ll play nice. But that’s just because I want to see that little one grow up happy you hear? I’ll ring Tommy and let him know if he doesn’t already.” He said.
“Thank you. I have to go, but I’ll come by after I uh...take care of this.” She said, knowing she had a world of explaining to do.
“Good luck, darling. I’ll see you both soon.” He said, the phone lines ending as the cries grew louder.
“Hello....Y/C/N (your child’s name) have a good nap aye? It’s okay. Shh.” She cooed as she bounced the little baby around. They were just a few months shy of their first birthday.
“You’re going to meet your father this week sweetheart. He’ll love you. I promise.” She said, carrying the little bundle into the living room as she listened to them babbling.
As the day drug on she realized the date on the letter read a few days ago, meaning Michael was most likely going to be there today.
“Christ....” she mumbled as she held the baby who looked more like their father each day.
Over the time that their child had been in the world, she’d grown to like Michael’s mother Polly. Becoming ever thankful to have someone who understood her plight at a young age. Polly hated that her nephew and her father tore them apart, but at the time it was the best thing to do. But when she noticed Y/N started getting sick after meeting with her on occasion, Polly had known. She knew just in the way she carried herself, and how her eyes sunk with the newfound exhaustion. She even read her tea leaves which Alfie was skeptical of at first, but she knew and it was true. After she’d found out, Y/N pondered over her weekly letters, wondering if she should tell him the sudden news, but she figured it was best to keep it to herself and the family for the baby’s safety. But now, since the threat from the Changretta’s were gone, and with the news of Michael’s arrival, she figured now was as good of a time as ever.
As the evening drew near, she put Y/C/N down for bed, praying that when we he did come, he didn’t wake them up.
After pouring herself a glass of wine, she heard a knock at the door, her heart racing as she opened it see Michael, holding a small bouquet of flowers.
“Told you I’d be back.” He said with a grin. He’d pretty much looked the same, except his fashion sense improved a bit. His hair more slicked back than usual and his eyes slightly more tired, but not as tired as her own.
She couldn’t say anything at first, just wrapping him into a long hug on her doorstep.
“My god I’m so glad to see you. I um....I have a surprise. I just....I don’t want you to be mad alright?” She said hurriedly as if he’d leave again.
“Aye slow down sweetheart, it’s alright. I’m not leaving anytime soon. Lemme look at you...Wow.” He said twirling her around, noticing the more prominent circles under her eyes and the way her hair was slightly disheveled. She was still as beautiful as he’d remembered.
“You look beautiful. Maybe a little tired, but just as beautiful as when I left.” He said, giving her a kiss that was long over-due.
“That’s why I wanted to show your surprise. I...I have a good explanation besides work picking up and all. Take a seat in the living room and try not to be too loud.” She said rather quietly as he entered the apartment.
He didn’t think much of it as he sat down in the familiar living room, his heart aching at how he’d left the same room so long ago. But his demeanor soon changed though as he saw the sleeping baby in Y/N’s arms, his mind racing with trying to figure out how and when, and unfortunately with whom this could’ve happened with.
“Michael, please don’t be mad. I uh...after you left-“ She began as he cut her off. His voice blank as stared at the wall.
“Is that....is that someone else’s child Y/N?” He asked.
“What? No. Michael...they’re yours. It’s our child, I’ve named them Y/C/N.” She said swallowing hard, her worst fear seemingly coming to life as she knew he may not have taken the news well.
“Really?” He asked as her answer sank in, a small smile forming on his face as he looked at the little one wrapped in a small blanket, clearly still asleep.
“Yeah. I waited...and obviously couldn’t do much in the waiting anyways. I just....didn’t know when to tell you because I didn’t know if it was safe with the mafia and all. I just wanted to keep them safe. I hope you can understand.” She said, tears falling down her cheeks as she quickly wiped them away.
Michael quickly sat near her, holding her to him as he looked down at his child. His world feeling like it was changing with every millisecond.
“I don’t blame you alright love? I’m glad you’re both safe. That’s all I care about. I’m just sad I couldn’t have been there, but we have all the time to make up for it, yeah?” He asked, his heart about to explode as he realized he’s a father. The baby looking like him the more he gazed at them. In that moment wanting to protect them more than anything else in the world.
“I love you, Y/N. I love you and our child alright? I’m here now.” He said, helping her calm down as the baby started fussing about.
“Shhh. It’s okay love.” Y/N said gently, sniffling and wiping away her tears as she handed the baby to Michael.
“Are you sure?” He asked, his hands shaking slightly as he didn’t want to drop them.
“You’re their father. I trust you more than the family.” She said as he cradled the small bundle.
“They’ll be a year old in a few months. I think Y/C/N may have brought our families together. At least somewhat.” She said with a nervous chuckle.
The baby settled down as they fell asleep in the comfort of Michael’s arms. Causing a huge smile to form on his face.
“I can’t see why they couldn’t bring them together. I’m assuming my mum is handling it better than Thomas.” He said, an understandable annoyance in his tone towards his older blinder cousin.
“Yeah...Polly could tell I was pregnant just weeks after you’d left. She gave him a stern talking to though. I’ve come to like your mum after all. She’s a nice woman.” She said.
“How did your father take the news?” He asked.
“He was kind of like Thomas, only he felt more guilt. He knew making you leave would upset me and once he found out, he wanted to get you back once the Changretta drama had been resolved. But Thomas kind of kept him from infringing upon that plan. Him doing the rum business with you was his way of extending an olive branch I think.” She said, taking a deep breath as she laid her head on his shoulder. Taking in his familiar scent that she longed to have back all those months ago.
“I’m glad you came back though. I don’t think we could’ve gone much longer without you knowing. It ate me up inside not telling you but I’m so glad you’re here love. We need you.” She said, glancing at the flowers he’d set on the table.
“I have a feeling I’ll be staying a while now. So don’t worry about me. I’ll figure things out with Tom and the rest.” He said, brushing his hand softly over the baby’s little head, the hair so fine and fragile he pulled his hand away slowly, not wanting to disturb them.
“Y/C/N’s perfect. I....I can’t believe it. I never thought I’d come home to this....Thank you love. You’ve done so much. I’ll repay you, I’ll be sure to once this all gets settled.” He said.
“Just you being here is payment enough. Thank you for waiting. I know I sure did.” She said, yawning then kissing his cheek. A long, yet peaceful silence formed between them as the stars sparkled out the window, filling the room with a lovely blue glow.
“Well love, if you want to, you can stay up with them for a bit. I’d really like the sleep.” She said chuckling lightly.
“Of course. I’ll be there soon.” He said staring at the new little light in his life.
“Alright, goodnight you two. Love you.” She said.
“Love you too.” He said back, glad he was finally able to say it in person.
Never in a million years would he have thought something like that would come out of such a tense situation, but maybe there were silver linings in life after all, they both just had to wait long enough to finally see them.
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mrsseverussnape · 4 years ago
Love Is You - chapter 9
A/n: i am finally giving you a happy Scarlett, that doesn’t happen so often so have fun with it😂
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December 15
    Scarlett woke up to a birthday note and breakfast by the bed from Carina. She smiled to herself thinking she is a very lucky mother, Carina must have done that before she went to the class. She had her waffles & fruits then dressed up to go out to the garden afterwards. When she arrived the colossal door, she closed her eyes before opening it. She stepped outside and immediately felt the soft ground underneath her feet and the cold weather hit her face at the same time. She smiled knowingly and opened her eyes to see the snow. The only certain thing she wanted for her birthdays was always snow. She was a total winter child and loved everything about it. Scarlett walked around the garden for a while by herself, inhaling the fresh morning weather into her lungs.
    The last birthday she celebrated at Hogwarts was her 18th. She wasn't sure if she could count it as a celebration but anyways, she didn’t want to think about it. Now she was celebrating her 52nd here; so many years have passed and so many things have changed in her life. "Maybe i didn't finished of 51 nicely but 52 will be a good age for me, i will make sure it will!" She thought and promised herself, the past November was the worst month she has ever had in her life but now she was recovering and didn’t want to fall into bad thoughts anymore. Scarlett was lost in her thoughts when she noticed students coming to the garden, she guessed that the first period has probably ended so she walked in to see her daughter before the next period. Potions classroom's door was ajar, so Scarlett peeked inside to make sure there were no students before entering.
"Morning potioneers." Scarlett waved at them while walking up to Severus's table where Carina and he were looking at some potions.
"Hey birthday girl!" Carina put the jars on the table and went to hug her mother.
"Thanks for the breakfast and the note, i loved them." Scarlett kissed Carina's cheek lovingly. Then her eyes moved to Severus. He was already watching her, smiling slightly.
"Happy birthday Scarlett."
"Thank you, Severus."
Before they could talk more, students started to come to the class for the next period.
"I better go. Have a nice class."
"Mum end of the school day we will go to Hogsmade to celebrate your birthday, be ready!" Carina winked cheekily.
    Scarlett wasn't planning to celebrate her birthday this year because she wasn't feeling it fully but Carina insisted to do a small celebration at least and Scarlett had to accept it. Now they were walking to Hogsmade together.
"Hopefully, you didn't invite many people Carina..."
"Nope, just couple of people you will feel comfortable with."
"That smirk on your lips is kinda worrying me tho..."
"I have a really good surprise for you, i am thinking about it!" She took her mum's arm in hers and they headed to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop which was Scarlett’s favourite place in Hogsmade.
"I spotted them, hide!" Remus exclaimed excitedly.
Scarlett's parents Aurelia and Ricardus, Severus, Minerva and Narcissa were also there and all turned to the door to welcome the birthday girl. They knew this was a needed celebration since she had such bad times last month.
"Happy birthday Scarlett!" They all shouted happily when she walked in the shop.
"Aww thank you so much." Scarlett giggled but she was feeling lowkey awkward when all the attention was on her, but she was very happy to see her loved ones. She sat down beside her dad and seconds later someone covered her eyes behind her causing her to startle.
"Guess who am i birthday girl???" Cheered someone mischievously.
"LEO!?" She moved the hands off her face and turned to see her son.
"Surprise surprise!" Leo hugged his mum tightly and spun her around.
"Oh my baby i missed you so much! I wasn't expecting you for 2 weeks!" She kissed his cheeks leaving red lipstick stains.
"I didn't want to miss my queen's birthday."
"Don't play for the favourite child Leo!" Carina slapped his arm jokingly.
“You both are my favourites!” Scarlett caressed Carina’s cheek while sitting back down with Leonidas.
    They all ate the red rose designed cake and handed birthday presents to her while having a nice chat. Severus was the last person to give her the present, actually he would like to give it when they were alone since he kind of feel embarrassed during such situations. He handed her the emerald green box shyly.
"Thank you, Severus." Scarlett smiled kindly and untied the bow on the box. She removed the lid and there was a polaroid camera that she used the have but got stollen in Egypt trip that they went with Scarlett's parents when they were 18.
"Oh that's the same one, isn't it!?"
"Yes." He nodded. "I hope this one will accompany you with your happy memories too."
"That's so nice of you, i love it. Thank you so much."  She put the camera aside. There was one more thing in the box, an envelope. Her eyes got wide and an excitement covered her face when she looked inside the envelope.
Severus grinned; he knew she would love that gift way too much. "Oh yes, i did."
"We are going it together, no excuse! Oh Merlin!" Scarlett was giggling thinking about it.
"However you want. I hope you will have a better self-control this time around though." Severus laughed thinking about the time he took her to David Bowie concert with backstage pass as one year anniversary gift and say the least Scarlett was about to pass out when David hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Being purebloods has never stopped the Rose family from loving the muggle music and all three of them were such big fans.
"What is it princess?" Ricardus asked curiously. Scarlett wasn’t the type that shows much emotions outside so that reaction was very big for her.
"Bowie concert tickets for the next week!"
Scarlett's mother's eyes shined with excitement when she heard Bowie.
"And no Aurelia, we won't delay the holiday for the concert." Aurelia was a hardcore David Bowie fan and Ricardus was lowkey jealous of this situation.
"Okay fine...” Aurelia rolled her eyes at her husband. “Scar take many pictures then!"
    "I have my babies beside me, i am the happiest mum right now!" Scarlett was cuddling with Leo and Carina on the bed. "You two were so tiny that you could sleep on my chest but now look at you, we hardly fit the bed!" She giggled and kissed their heads.
"Leo got so big mum, he takes half of the bed!"
"It is not my problem you got the petite genes from mum, Carrie!"
Carina did stick her tongue out at her twin brother while Leo mocking her.
"Well, i see you are still my little kids inside huh?"
"Professor Snape was so spot on your birthday presents. Were you more than just classmates?" Carina asked out of nowhere suddenly. She was feeling some kind of bond between them but wasn't sure what is it exactly. Scarlett wasn't expecting that question at all and it didn’t make her very happy.
"Yeah, mum i noticed it too actually. Like you have gone to another Bowie concert together, he knows about your camera. And beside all of that he smiles even LAUGHS with you. I am 21 and today was the first day I saw him smiling." Leo stated with curiosity.
"Uhm we were friends, close friends I can say..."
"How come you didn't see each other in the past years though at least in our knowledge, if you were close friends? You didn't even tell that you know him."
Scarlett was thinking a quick lie because she didn’t feel like talking about her ex-lover with her kids at the moment. "He, he went away and we lost connection after the graduation. And when you mentioned Professor Snape, i didn't think it was him." This is a stupid lie, Scarlett thought to herself. She was always bad at lying anyways.
"It is not a common surname but okay... whatever you say mum." Carina obviously didn't believe anything Scarlett just said but she didn't want to force her more tonight.
"Let’s sleep, i am pretty tired as you know I got older today. Sweet dreams dears." She kissed both of her kids and closed her eyes immediately to avoid further questioning.
"Good night mum."
"Nighty night beauty."
A/n: i mentioned Scar’s 18th birtday here and i guess i have mentioned in upcoming chapter/s as well so if you wanna read it let me know because i have written about it so i can share with you. Actually i posted it here once but of course i couldn’t find it on my blog…🤦🏼‍♀️ i found it! Link
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