#mailman spam
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inkpoizining-art · 1 year ago
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Oh Spammail my beloved silly mailman 💕
Based on the random prompt: A mailman delivering kisses ❤️
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followerofmercy · 4 months ago
I love that I've been collecting people that also periodically just go onto someone who might not even be a mutual and read their blog like the newspaper, liking everything they come across adslkfj
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some0newithapen · 1 month ago
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Another thing from a few months ago I finished up! hopefully the last Spamton related one lol (I love him but I wanna draw my ocs more honestly)
A lot of people like to think Addispam was a mailman, which is cool but I also think another interpretation could be that he was a door to door salesman. Think about it, Kris finds the other Addisons at specific shop locations, sort of like how you find ads on a website. But SPAM emails are sent directly to your email, kind of like how a door to door salesman comes to you to advertise their products!
I also think it fits because like spam emails, most people don’t like door to door salesmen. But yeah that’s my idea I guess
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catbountry · 6 months ago
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It seems generally agreed upon that Spamton was a little mailman at some point. I am definitely not the first person to draw him as such, nor will I be the last.
Most people, though, headcanon him as having always been an Addison. My personal headcanon is that he is a sort of proto-Addison; they only came into existence in the 90’s. Spamton had been working for the United States government, on ARPANET, since the late 70’s. His transition to a spam email program with the introduction of the World Wide Web in the 90’s was… pretty rough.
I also like the idea of ARPANET itself being his “Mama,” but I don’t know how I’d go about drawing her, or if I could make her look like she’d fit into Deltarune’s art style. A drawing for another day, perhaps…
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noxcheshire · 7 months ago
Rather use the mobile app?
Okay so I'm re-asking this to you if you're okay with it but if you are I had a crack idea based off like this one post I saw of Cass x Danny
I can't remember the name of it but I sure do remember the premise it was like cast taking up her own persona of Brucie Wayne with Danny shapeshifting and like posing as different men around her with her in a bathing suit
And I have been able to stop imagining something like that with Danny and Phantom and the Infinite Realms with Danny laying around something that looks like a large Lazarus pit just just a ghost ocean with Phantom in his ancient form King form and normal hero form just around Danny giving Danny things and I got into like a magazine in the infinite Realm
Many other images like that end up in magazines of like Daddy being around 10 minutes being shown it's like in a romantic way or a flirting way like old timey photos of phantom bringing Danny thousands of roses and jewelry but like those really old time romantically magazines
It can either be Pitch Pearl or it was like a joking matter and it's not actually Pitch Pearl
But because of this Justice League is now convinced that Phantom is deeply in love with a human is willing to do anything they say so they got to interrogate Danny to see or not if Danny is a good or bad person like keep the mortal world afloat don't start a war or start the war and kill all my enemies but here's how I feel like it would start off
Danny at first no idea that his little joke would end up being the start of the tiring month ever it all started when Paulina came into the cafeteria swinging around a glowing green magazine it was clear that it either contaminated with ectoplasm or from the ghost mailman
Paulina was showing it to the other a-listers when a loud scream of "Fenton" could be heard all across the cafeteria us Paulina and Dash stomping over with the magazine pointing it in Danny's face it was the first ever magazine that Danny did with Phantom Danny laying down and swimwear but multiple different versions of Phantom around him serving him lemonade or trying to replace sunscreen to him Danny was so screwed
Wait oh my god I literally don’t ever check my inbox cause I’m always getting those spam bots BUT THIS IS SO GOOD
This is literally the type of shenanigans I want Danny to get up to, cause he’s just doing what he thinks is silly little teenager things, but it often gets blown out of proportion cause it’s DANNY.
YESSSS, go off anon, let those little brain worms wriggle
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somniabyte · 17 days ago
blog promo 2.0?
[ pt: blog promo 2.0? ]
so a while ago (less than a year but time is fake) i made a promo post, but it was before i really knew what i’m comfortable with doing
since i’ve discovered i’m more open to coining (and that’s typically why people interact), i figured i should send out a clarified post (i crave maximum attention/spam)
what i do:
coin things under umbrellas with set definitions and flags
re-size flags
find (alt) flags
find terms
barcode headers
and more (link)!!!
more info on me: here (link), tagging below the cut
tagging (ask to be removed):
@daybreakthing, @noxwithoutstars, @hypnosiacon, @kiruliom, @isobug, @gender-mailman, @the-astropaws, @crowdsourcedgender, @rwuffles, @beyond-mogai-pride-flags, @feliraeth, @radiomogai
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whchenlvr · 2 years ago
hi!! so english is not my first language so idk if i'm writing it right, can i request a eunjang + union boys reacting to reader having a panic attack?
when you’re having a panic attack ;
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weak hero x gn!reader
gray yeon
➤ you’d never had a panic attack. he has
➤ when your breathing picks up to the point where you’re hyperventilating, panicked tears begin to stream down your face
➤ gray was supposed to meet you at your house to study at 3, and you watch in agony as the clock ticks to 6. he was never late, and you wouldn’t have worried so much if not for your friend spam-texting you that the union is coming for your school
➤ there’s a knock on your door, but you’re limbs feeling like they’re prickling with sleep. you can’t stand from your spot on the floor no matter how hard you try
➤ thankfully for you, gray knows your lock code
➤ your vision is dotted with black spots, and when gray appears before you, part of you thinks he’s a hallucination
➤ “c-can’t.. breathe…” you manage to choke out, desperation clear in your voice
➤ “okay, sweetheart, it’s okay now. i’m here. you’re going to be okay.” he says in an extremely calm voice, carefully patting your hair down in an attempt to soothe you
➤ it works, and you can feel your pulse calming beneath your skin. you breathe, focusing solely on the feeling of his hand in your hair
➤ “i’ll stay with you tonight, okay? i’m not going anywhere.”
donald na
➤ you’d just gotten off the phone with your neighbor, and they told you that the mailman left your gate open, and your dog got loose
➤ you started to panic immediately, knowing your dog was still young and liked to slip out of his collar. sure enough, you found the fabric on the floor when returning home
➤ you searched until it was dark out, and then you searched some more. everyone you asked said they hadn't seen him, and your anxiety was reaching an all-time high
➤ after the failed search, you had enough sense to make your way to donald's apartment, hoping he might be able to help
➤ donald opened his arms for you the minute he saw your shaking self, and tried to soothe you as your tears stained his shirt
➤ “can you take a breath with me? that’s good, darling.”
➤ it took some more time in his arms for you to calm down enough to speak, and when you told him what happened, donald flashed you an assuring smile
➤ "my guys have gotten lazy. i'm sure they'll appreciate a good game of hide and seek."
➤ sure enough, your dog was returned to you, and you nearly cried with joy as donald hugged you again. "don't hesitate to come to my first next time, alright?"
ben park
➤ when ben finds you curled up in the school bathroom one evening, hunched in on yourself and struggling to breathe, his mind instantly goes to the worst scenarios
➤ he would cup your face in his hands and force you to keep your eyes on him as he breaths with you
➤ “when you’re ready, i want you to tell me what happened.”
➤ once you managed to catch your breath, you told ben all about how you failed a test and dropped nearly a dozen ranks. it shouldn’t have been a huge deal, but this could cost you your chance at a scholarship
➤ you could tell ben was trying to come up with comforting words, but he didn’t care for school as much as you do, so he wasn’t sure what to say to comfort you
➤ “okay, uh, are there retakes available? extra credit?” “no” “then… i’ll help you study for the next one!”
➤ you found yourself smiling, surprised at how quickly ben managed to cheer you up
➤ “are you sure? i know how much you hate this stuff…”
➤ “yeah, but you need me. we will study until our fingers fall off and you’ll get your perfect score. so please don’t worry, okay? i love you.”
jake ji
➤ you never liked to appear weak in front of jake. it wasn’t that you were afraid, you just liked being his pillar. you didn’t want him to ever worry about you
➤ but when news broke about the war between the union and eunjang, you couldn't help it
➤ "jake?" you called, afraid to disturb him but very scared at how hard your heart was beating against your ribs. your stomach felt hollow and useless in your body
➤ he didn't look up, and you were about to leave when you accidentally knocked a bowl off of the counter. it shattered against the floor, and you dropped into a panicked crouch
➤ "don't move, are you o—" he saw your trembling hands and stopped. "y/n, are you okay?"
➤ "i'm sorry, i, it's just a bowl, i'm..." you didn't stop stuttering out nonsense until jake carefully took your hands in his before you accidentally hurt yourself
➤ "what's going on, lovely?" and you broke into sobs
➤ you fell forward into jake's chest and he wrapped his arms around you as you told him your concerns for his safety. "this isn't like the other fights, jake. you could get hurt. you could get killed."
➤ "that's not going to happen," he soothed gently, "you know that's not going to happen." but you didn't stop crying or trembling until you were out of the room and completely in your boyfriend's arms
➤ "y/n, listen. you're going to be fine. i'm going to be fine. so please, don't scare me like that again, okay? we're going to be fine."
gerard jin
➤ you’d just been told by your parents that you were moving across the country for your dad’s job
➤ since your bedroom is on the first floor, gerard has a habit of tapping on your window to visit. when you don’t answer your phone, he decides to go over
➤ he sees you sitting on your bed, back turned to him, and doesn’t think much of it until he hears your quiet sobs slipping between your fingers
➤ “y/n?” he called into the quiet, and you felt yourself break. “they’re taking me away from you, from everything! i can’t—i can’t—“
➤ gerard was by your side in seconds, taking you in his arms and pulling you tight against his chest
➤ “didn’t…” you gasped out, fingers digging into his biceps as you try to calm yourself. “didn’t.. wanna leave.. you,”
➤ “i know, honey, i know.” he kissed your head, letting his lips linger against your hair as you forced yourself to slow your sobs. “but i’m not going anywhere. not now, not ever.”
wolf keum
➤ there was no reason for you to panic, so you weren’t sure why you woke with your heart beating a million miles a second, your cheeks sticky with tears
➤ checking the time, you realized it was only 2 am. you didn’t want to disturb your boyfriend, but your limbs tingled as your breathing sped up
➤ not even five minutes after receiving your jumbled text for help, wolf was in your bedroom and at your side
➤ “what happened. who did this?”
➤ “no, i’m—“ you hit your chest with a flat hand, “panic attack.”
➤ honestly, wolf wasn’t quite sure what to do or how to treat a panic attack
➤ worried you might pass out, he squished your face between his hands to meet your eyes. “slow down.”
➤ you think just having him there with you helped, because the fact that his two rather blunt words were able to calm you surprised you both
➤ you were still shaky, but wolf didn’t make any attempt to smother you. he pulled his hands from your face to instead hold yours and laced your fingers together
➤ “better?” “better.”
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rubybates-oc · 6 months ago
The weekly mailman drives by, inserting a white, gold crested envelope with letters spelling ‘RUBY’ in the mailbox, and carries on with his drive.
You go to open the mailbox and immediately open it. When you do, it’s very pretty and even has a familiar handwritten note in marker..
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This delivery the mailman will remember for a while. As he was about to place the envelope he heard growling and next thing he knows, there’s a girl chasing him absolutely unprovoked. The invitation fell on the ground as he ran.
Ruby wasn’t able to catch up to him as he got on his bike and drove off, making her come back home empty-handed. She probably wouldn’t even have noticed the envelope he dropped if it wasn’t for the shiny parts that she just HAD to have.
Ruby bit a part of the invitation but it didn’t turn out to be really tasty, to her disappointment. She finally looked at it properly and saw…words. She knew these were words but she couldn’t exactly read what they were saying. Ruby voiced out a couple of letters she did recognize but the word just didn’t register. At least she knew one person that could probably read!
Ruby runs back into the palace, ignoring every other bodyguard that is looking at her confused as to why she’s in a hurry and who she's looking for. 
After smelling multiple rooms and hallways, she finally found @lost-admiration and just handed him the invitation, without any context as to where she even was or why she’s out of breath.
- Read, please!
Ruby requested, presenting him with a letter that now said “rin antino” instead of “Orin & Santino” due to the piece she bit off. 
She never used “please” before joining Vincent. While trying to make her at least slightly fit in they were able to teach her to say “please” but the meaning of this word still didn’t exactly stick in the way it’s supposed to. She just interpreted it as “If I say please people will do anything for me” so now she just spams the thing.
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superman86to99 · 9 months ago
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Worlds Collide: The Milestone Side, Month 1 (July 1994)
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: We now have a newsletter! It's the exact same thing as this blog, but in email form. You can subscribe for free at: https://buttondown.email/superman86to99 (make sure to check your spam folder for the confirmation email) More details in an upcoming post!
"Worlds Collide" was pretty unusual for a Superman-related crossover event: it only included one of the four main Superman titles (plus two spin-offs), it happened right in the middle of another Super-storyline ("The Fall of Metropolis"), and it came out right before another crossover event involving alternate worl-- sorry, "timelines" (Zero Hour) but had absolutely no connection to it.
The basic idea is that Superman, Superboy, and Steel meet the characters of Milestone Comics' Dakotaverse thanks to a mailman who switches universes whenever he goes to sleep. However, at least in this first month, the Milestone side seems way more into the crossover than the DC one -- their issues are completely devoted to the event, while the Super Titles have a ton of other plotlines going on. (Then again, they always had a ton of other plotlines going on in this era.) In an effort to help our readers understand what the hell's going in the Superman issues when we cover them, here's what happened in the Milestone ones:
Static #13
This issue isn't technically part of the crossover (it's from the month before it started) but it does show the other side of the scene from Man of Steel #35 when Fred Bentson, the aforementioned superpowered mailman, unwittingly switches universes in the nude and runs into the Dakotaverse's most famous inhabitant, Static.
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Fred tries to steal Static's flying disk (or "Static Saucer," as they called it in the Static Shock cartoon) to take it back to Metropolis as proof that he isn't just dreaming the Dakotaverse. He doesn't succeed and runs off, leaving Static like "eh, probably just some nut and not something that will end up putting the existence of multiple universes in jeopardy..."
Hardware #17
This issue reveals Fred's other superpower: picking the worst possible sleep clinic in every reality. We already saw him going into a super shady Metropolis-based one in Man of Steel, and this issue shows that he also went into one owned by Edwin Alva, Milestone Comics' foremost unscrupulous businessman (and the boss of this comic's titular character). Alva wants to exploit Fred's reality-hopping powers, so he orders Hardware to go into the DC Universe with him in order to find out how they work.
Hardware obeys and finds himself teleported into the middle of Metropolis, which is in such poor shape after the events of Action #700 that he initially mistakes it for Detroit.
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After saving a woman from some bizarre would-be rapists (that you'd never see in a Superman comic), Hardware suddenly sees Superman's Pal, Steel, looking at him from the other side of a mirror. Both are big black dudes who used their super-smarts to build themselves badass robotic armors, so I can't blame the universe(s) for getting them mixed up. Steel breaks the mirror from the other side with his hammer, causing Hardware to fall into a nightmare where people from his life call him a sellout and a terrible person.
Hardware wakes up back in the city of Dakota, and it turns out the only thing he managed to bring from the other universe is an issue of the Daily Planet... which is still enough to convince Alva that he can use Fred to conquer two worlds.
Icon #11
Superboy #6 (which we'll cover in the usual Super Titles Round-Up post) ends with Fred accidentally taking Superboy into Dakota. Icon himself, who is pretty much the Dakotaverse's Superman, barely appears in this issue, but that's fine with Superboy because he gets to meet, and be a perv towards, his sidekick Rocket.
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This is the issue where Fred realizes he can create beings with the power of his imagination, which is bad news for everyone around him because he's an anxious little fella. Fred starts bringing his biggest fears to life: first, an army of IRS auditors who look like Superman's enemy the Parasite (who attacked him in Superboy #6)...
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...and then, a building-sized version of his Fifth Grade bully. The young heroes put aside their differences to defeat the big bully in the most appropriate way they can think of: Superboy uses his tactile telekinesis to drop his pants, and then Rocket pushes him down while he's distracted.
Superboy, Rocket, and Icon (who finally decides to show up for his own comic) take Fred back to Alva's sleep clinic for further study. At Alva's, Superboy tries to hit on Rocket again, but she freaks him out by simply being a pregnant teenage superheroine, something that can't exist in the DCU.
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Oh yeah, and this leads to an important event in Superboy's life that I'm surprised didn't happen in his own comic: the moment he realizes he has no bully button.
Anyway, Alva gets Fred to teleport himself and Superboy back to Metropolis by asking him to imagine himself "as a bridge between worlds." This works a little too well, since not only does Fred jump universes again, but he also creates a literal bridge between them...
Blood Syndicate #16
The bridge scene is repeated from different perspectives in Steel #6 and in this series, which follows a bunch of gang members who get superpowers after the police throw radioactive tear gas at them. As a result of that incident, known as the "Big Bang," half of the bridge connecting Dakota with the gang-ridden Paris Island was blown off -- which is pretty convenient for this crossover, because Metropolis also has a half-blown-off bridge, courtesy of a fight between Superboy and Spider-Man But Evil during "Reign of the Supermen."
Now Fred has merged both half-bridges into one interdimensional bridge connecting both universes, which is very confusing to the Blood Syndicate gang (for once, when I call a group of superheroes a "gang" I mean that literally). It gets even more confusing once they cross the bridge, thinking the bombed-out Metropolis is Dakota, and hear people talking about Superman. You know, from TV! Wait, does this mean the Blood Syndicate watches Lois & Clark?
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Then they run into Superman and assume he must be some insane "Bang Baby" doing cosplay, while he assumes they must be working for Luthor. It doesn't help that they're quite rude towards him and drop swear words no one in the DCU has probably heard before. The issue ends with the whole gang about to attack Superman while one of them, a talking dog called Dogg, says "Yo, Superman, where's Krypto?" (SPOILERS: In Superboy #6, with Bibbo.)
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Worlds Collide #1
This one-shot brings all the characters together as we transition from the "meet and fight" to the "team up to face the greater threat" part of the story. Fred finds himself back in Dakota and runs into a bunch of high school kids who are working on their own comic book. When Fred looks at one of the pages of the comic without meaning to, he summons its equally destructive hero and villain into existence.
One of those comic nerds happens to be Static in his secret identity, so he gets to work on stopping the runaway characters and soon bumps heads with Superboy as he's trying to do the same thing.
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At this point, Fred starts enjoying his powers a little too much and adds his own childhood comic book creations to the mix, all of whom look like him but with way more muscles. Things get really chaotic, and this is when we learn that Static actually reads Superboy's comic -- though I'm confused by his mention of the "no belly button" thing. Does this mean Static read Icon #11 up there? My head hurts.
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Rocket also drops by to help, and there's a bit about Superboy panicking when he realizes that she, a jacket-wearing teenager with "kinetic energy" powers who works with an iconic superhero, is his Dakotaverse counterpart. This reminded me of Magdalene Visaggio and Darick Robertson's Superboy pitch in which Conner Kent transitions into Connie Kent and becomes a superheroine called Skyrocket -- if DC hadn't rejected the idea, they could have used this scene as foreshadowing. (I asked Visaggio on BlueSky if she knew about the Superboy/Rocket thing when she picked the name Skyrocket and she said "Nope!")
At one point, Fred merges with all of his creations and becomes a super-jacked gunslinger with wheels for feet. When Superboy makes the mistake of criticizing his fashion sense, we learn the ultimate source of Fred's trauma: Adam West's Batman.
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Meanwhile, Fred's body is also at the sleep clinic in Metropolis and somehow at Alva's lab at the same time, and both places are trying to pull him to their side in order to exploit his powers. The process tears Fred apart, both physically and psychologically -- leaving in his place a giant, all-powerful, scary-looking being calling himself RIFT. He even does the "Fred Bentson is no more!" thing, so you know shit's getting real.
As for Superman, he's losing his patience with the Blood Syndicate, especially after they dare to mess with the hair.
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After some more fighting, Superman finally convinces them that this isn't Dakota, it really is Metropolis from the comics. They're like "ah, okay, not our problem then" and head back to Paris Island... just as Rift grows so large that he's able to pick up the entire island and throw it in the ocean, creating a massive tsunami wave that seems to be about to wipe out what's left of Metropolis.
NEXT IN "WORLDS COLLIDE": Shit gets even more real! (But not real enough to impact the other Superman titles.)
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itsythebitsyspider · 2 months ago
Am I what an afternoon bird would call the leftover worm? Do you consider me to be a chore once you go through your list of things to do; and you put me at the bottom of your list because my importance to you is slim to none? When you see the notification from me do you think, ‘oh. That one again. Let me just not respond until later.’ Is there a mood that happens once in a blue moon that I need to catch to receive a message from you? I send you videos that I think you’ll like, but I don’t stop there. I add commentary. I give you my opinion, a joke, a thought, some offhand comment to give some flavor to my seemingly bland notification. And what do I receive? A streak saving video in reply.
I get on my knees and I clasp my hands together in prayer, thank you, I say to the clouds where you must live. Because let’s be honest. You must think yourself a god to be receiving my prayers and choose not to reply. Delivered, says the saint that carried my message. But no reply, he says. I nod and thank the angel— the very same angel that has delivered every message to, but not fro.
In some other universe I stay on my porch, lemonade in hand while I watch the mailman make the trek up the cobblestone path. He gives me that same sad smile. Bills and spam mail again. He says, setting the mail on the little table in front of me. I know it’s not my place to ask, but have you ever considered that…? He asks, voice trailing off. I shake my head. One day, I say with an old timber in my voice. I just have to be patient. He sighs and glances out at my mailbox. He’s a kind man, delivers my mail to my porch instead so I didn’t have to walk down the long road. He glances at me one last time before saying his goodbyes and walking back to his truck.
In this life, I just sit back on my phone. Maybe I’ll text you, or send another follow up video. I’m elated when I receive a text back, but the joy dies down quickly. Like the duck forever chasing that golden high that makes him soar above the sky until slowly but surely he comes crashing down to that grey reality. I busy myself, not letting my day be swayed by one event. Because surely thats all it is. One event, in an eventful day.
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rainmustfallts4 · 5 months ago
Rain Must Fall (Reaper’s Rewards Special) ◇ #003
⊶⊰Information & Index⊱⊷⊶⊰Ep. 1⊱⊷⊶⊰Chronological Tag⊱⊷
Reaper's Rewards Special: ⊶⊰Latest⊱⊷ ⊶⊰From the Beginning⊱⊷ ⊶⊰All Reaper's Rewards Posts⊱⊷
I don’t know if he’ll use it, but we gave Grim a key to our home c:
“Are you sure?”
“Positive! I’m sure being a reaper isn’t easy, so if you ever need a break, you can crash here!”
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“Thank you.”
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“Of course! I love you, after all.”
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I wonder what she’s telling him… if it’s “don’t trust the watcher, she’s insane and has an unhealthy obsession with you,” I swear I’m going to lock her in a room without a door!
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So, I’ve seen this reported a few times, where the mailman gets stuck and just kinda sits there waving at the mailbox like a psycho. Personally, I thought it was funny as fuck, especially since she was had a mailbox thought bubble. Being a mailman finally got to her lmao
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I fixed this by asking her about ambrosia! I like to think she was acting like a psycho to get my attention. Like, “finally my random knowledge will come into handy! Hey, you! Hey! HEY! OVER HERE! I KNOW ABOUT STUFF!”
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It wouldn’t be a RMF side story without the obligatory Oscar being cute spam.
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The first thing Grim did when he entered the house was grab a book to read. BUT as soon as he saw Oscar, he put the book away and introduced himself ;_;) an occult after my own heart.
(let’s be real, he already has it.)
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I wonder what he’s searching for…
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“Thanks for your help with my research, human. All these jerks using ambrosia to escape me has been a real pain in the neck!”
“Thanks for trusting me with this task, Grim. Don’t worry, I won’t let you down! I’ll hunt down that ambrosia and kill anyone who even thinks about using it!”
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I feel like he’s trying to tell us something… or maybe he’s just calling us a clown which, honestly, is fair.
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Since Grim mentioned it, we headed over to the rec center to ask about ambrosia.
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I’m sure you guys can imagine where we’re going with this 😉
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owo-writing-man · 9 months ago
im sorry we've been spamming you with notifications lol
you interacted and our brain went "new friend? new friend????? NEW FRIEND????"
like a dog when the mailman knocks
Good this is how I make friends. I find the ones I like. Cherry picking them.
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fruitflavor · 2 years ago
anyone want my curious family headcanons. yes you do come here. long post warning
post-psp he becomes the estranged relative that fucks off and disappears. he comes back about 10 years later like… surprise 
in those 10 years i like to think he lived in some apartment in belladonna cove as a horticulturist or something to do with plants
his natural hair is dark brown due to recessive genes or however genetics work idk man
he started dying his hair blonde sometime before he started college to “reinvent himself” but oops! once a loser always a loser. also to fit in more with his family
besides circe and his brothers his only friend in school was the librarian. they were on first name basis
everything about his life is just profoundly Sad and Pathetic. look up the price is right losing horn sound effect his whole life can be summed up with that
his wardrobe is stuck in the 1970s and only wears warm tones
had a really close relationship with his mom. slight daddy issues
extreeeeme perfectionism. probably wont even do anything if he know the outcome isn’t going to turn out well
secretly jealous of his siblings for various reasons but will he ever admit that? fuck no
jenny is actually just a nickname, her full name is genevieve! i feel it fits in more with how her other brothers are named 
also her green eyes are actually eye contacts, her natural eye color is brown. all the curiouses have shitty vision
was good friends with lyla grunt in high school
dropped out of college after finding out she was gonna have johnny
had him without the rest of the family knowing, they just assumed she was busy with her nursing degree and only had time to call instead of visit
her favorite song is our house (the one by graham nash) she hums it a lot!
oh trust me shes a huge fucking nerd just like the rest of her family. was very apparent when she was in school but after college you’d have to really get to know her to know that
puzzle enthusiast of all kinds. (crosswords, jigsaw, sudoku etc)
was the photographer/spread designer for the yearbook committee
adds a smiley face at the end of all her messages :-) just like me fr
he had a pet lizard that he got when he was 8. her name was eunice and he took her everywhere. to the dismay of literally everyone
his childhood dream? to become a mailman. 
sparkling water enjoyer…
most definitely becomes a pta parent when tycho starts going to school. also chaperones for all of his field trips
proud member of the neighborhood watch. which contains literally only 2 other people 
favorite genre of music is songs that sound like if you just spammed the auto predicted words on the keyboard over and over again (stuff is way by they might be giants, once in a lifetime by talking heads, yaknow)
in his free time hes always on some forums about obscure topics. sorry to say this but he’d probably be a redditor
somehow ended up on a gameshow once. didn’t win anything though. he thinks being on it is the crowning achievement of his lifetime 
his car looks like this 
his favorite movie is bill and ted’s excellent adventure (i promise my profile+pinned has no influence on this what do you mean guys hahahaah) and the other quintessential stoner movies 
because of his high cooking skill and scientist career, his career ends up being in the field of molecular gastronomy. food science, baby!
shared a room with vidcund before jenny moved out for college
oh in middle school he absolutely had that like, that gelled spiky porcupine looking hair that boys had in the 90s-early 2000s
i feel like he’d be the perpetrator of some in-universe version of an early 2000s meme in the same vein as none pizza with left beef or operation baja blast
speaking of baja blast. his favorite fast food chain is taco bell. 
favorite mode of transportation? rollerblading. 
collects novelty mugs
one of those guys that can solve a rubix cube in under 10 seconds
the smith family house is actually the curious family’s childhood home
they all have matching “C” middle names:  jenny celeste curious, pascal calliope curious, vidcund cecil curious, & lazlo caelum curious. vaguely space related except for cecil i just liked how it sounded
they’re mixed white/filipino from kitty and glarn respectively ;-)
okok this is a general headcanon but. i like to strangetown “takes place” in 2008, because my timeline is:
base game [2008] -> psp [2008-2009] -> strangerville [2018-2019]
anyways this is relevant because birthday headcanons! i havent come up with actual dates but... jenny (1968), chloe & lola (1972), pascal (1974), vidcund (1976), lazlo (1980)
yes chloe & lola are 3 years younger than jenny but i like to think aliens age really slowly so they still look like they’re young adults  
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lynxgriffin · 2 years ago
What would spamton be in eldritcerune?
My guess is that he is eithier a mailman of the dark world who delivers....spam for his normal form
And his neo or "eldritch" form would be related to phones somehow
Spamton (or at least Spamton Neo) was already covered in this post with a couple of different characters!
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davenbambicoexist · 2 years ago
Brobgonal is... Mailman Brobgonal
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A pinnacle that technically isn't one. He doesn't want anything to do with his own kind, doesn't give out Bluwatre Blessings, and delivers mail to all the pinnacles. Haphazardly throwing Amazon boxes to bambiis' doors and absolutely filling their mailboxes with spam garbage and ads. At least he still visits his husbands at Lord Barbu's mansion. Every pinnacle frowns upon him but Barbu and Jambi.
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wings-of-angels · 2 years ago
Legit likes seeing your alphabet on my dash. RIP to ppl wanting to avoid spam but I’m different. I’m like a dog seeing the mailman. What’s this post? Omg it’s Max! And this one? Max? And the next one? You’re never gonna guess but IT’S MAX :D
BSJSHSODHOWHEHDJ GENUINELLY THIS IS THE SWEETEST THING CHARLIE ILYSM 😭😭💞💞💞💞💞💞we are two dogs jumping up and running around each other when we see each others posts, live reaction of my receiving this ask:
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