#maiden win poll
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petit-papillion · 10 months ago
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spocks-kaathyra · 2 years ago
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bestygogirl · 1 year ago
BEST YGO GIRL: Round 2, Group B
Match 6
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please use this as a chance to talk about why you like your girl, instead of being negative about either
Propaganda under the cut!
Darklord Ixchel
Shes such a bad bitch look at her
Condemned Witch
She literally could not catch a break during the forbidden items line of cards, but at least she has two gfs to match with her link form stole from God Himself FOUR times. iconic behavior honestly
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poparthuriana · 11 months ago
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whowouldwininafite · 2 years ago
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visenyaism · 1 year ago
feastdance dashboard simulator
💋queen-cersei-defense-squad Follow
it’s so sick that people keep criticizing queen cersei as if she’s not the first female ruler of westeros??? literally elevating bastards and women to her small council is super fucking progressive as is creating the precedent of dismissing unfit kingsguard??
🪨dragonstoner Follow
aren’t all of her children literally bastards born of incest
💋 queen-cersei-defense-squad Follow
oh so now you’re going to listen to stannis baratheon, known misogynist, kinslayer, fornicator, team green supporter, and homophobe, huh.
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okay guys i know there’s no “perfect candidate” but you have to vote in the kingsmoot anyways not voting is how someone like e****n g*****y wins and literally anyone is better than him. suck it up and row to the polls
ohhhh not this “vote your crew no matter who” “blue lips man bad” bullshit again. fuck off idgaf which godless man sits the seastone chair i’m not voting for asha shes literally a neoliberal
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🦷 lastoftheegiants
first i had to give up my rights and then i had to give up my gods just to not get killed by fucking wights but i literally cannot believe the nights watch made me give up my strap as part of the treasure ransom. shit was expensive it was IVORY. i hate southerners so much i hope the lord commander dies
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🍓silverspurs Follow
there’s riverlands here
my cousin got eaten by rats in harrenhal
🐎brackennation Follow
dumb cunts wearing raven feather cloaks strutting around who think they’re better than you but they’re not better than you
i saw a guy get killed and then just stand back up and start fighting again because his friend kissed him on the mouth down here once
giant feral pack of 60 wolves running around
🍓silverspurs Follow
ok understandable have a nice day
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i hate the fucking sparrows can we be normal for five minutes or can we just not have shit in the crownlands
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☠️real-stormlands-patriot Follow
🐦‍⬛mormonts-raven-bot Follow
(CAW! I follow members of the Night's Watch to remind them of their oaths!)
🦷 lastoftheegiants
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Loras Tyrell x Queen of Love and Beauty!Reader Imagines
Keep Reading
🪻maidens-smile Follow
girl this is notttttt the time he literally just fucking died at dragonstone?
should’ve stanned jaime #LORASFELLOFF
one kill yourself jaime lannister is an honorless kingslaying turncloak two i heard loras tyrell was literally fine?
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lord davos seaworth, the class traitor from the stannis baratheon administration, is a nasty little thottie and just died from making it clap in white harbor
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this tower fucking sucks.
i’m just like rhaenyra targaryen for real
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🐀ratcook5000 Follow
people meat tastes good asf when you don’t have a wench in your ear saying it violates guest right
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need that targ girl in mereen to get those lizards over here and liberate this website by any means necessary cause what the fuck is going on
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spectrum-color · 2 years ago
So we all know GRRM, like all authors, took a lot of inspo from real life fairy tales, religion, and mythology. There are a ton of parallels but I picked out a few to put in this poll
Propaganda: Before anyone says anything, I know a lot of these are dark spins on the original. I’m not trying to say Littlefinger is a handsome prince or whatever. Also note that some of this is based on either things that haven’t happened yet but are highly likely to happen in Winds/Dream up to and including being confirmed by GRRM.
Arya and Jaqen as Hades and Persephone-the young maiden of spring is found by the lord of the underworld, who gives her an object (in this case a coin) to trick her into being trapped in the world of the dead. When she leaves home, winter comes, but when she returns, so does spring.
Sansa as Rapunzel-a princess locked in a tower by an evil sorceress (or just queen) who is spirited away by a man who wants to marry her. Strong focus on her hair as a symbol of her identity.
The Brotherhood Without Banners as Robin Hood and his Merry Men-a band of outlaws who defend the common people against corrupt authority figures. This one is really self explanatory.
Cersei as the evil queen and Margaery/Sansa/eventually Dany as Snow White-a vain, cruel women terrified of her beauty fading and being replaced by a younger woman who outshines her, so she tries to destroy her perceived rival, ultimately leading to her own downfall. The girls in Snow Whites slot are the popular choices for the identity of the YMBQ and the one Cersei is currently convinced it is.
Jaime and Brienne as Beauty and the Beast-a double subversion. Jaime is handsome and Brienne is ugly, but when they meet she’s brave and kind while he’s selfish and cruel, so it’s the beast who helps the beauty be better.
Lyanna, Rhaegar, and Robert as Helen of Troy, Paris, and Menelaus-a beautiful woman fiercely desired by two powerful men, she either runs off with or is kidnapped by a prince, leading to her (soon to be) husband retaliating by starting a tragic war.
Stannis and Shireen as Agammemon and Iphegenia-a king and commander sacrifices his daughter to the gods to win a war. Bonus if this ends up causing Stannis’ downfall.
Lady Stoneheart as Demeter-a mother wanders the land bringing destruction and misery as she searches for her daughter(s.) When her daughters return to her, spring comes.
Cersei and Jaimes children as the emperor wearing no clothes-the emperor walks around naked insisting that he’s a wearing magic invisible outfit, but everyone is afraid to tell him the truth until finally a child points out that he’s wearing nothing at all. See: everyone pretending not to notice that Cerseis children are the result of incest with her brother, and Ned finally realizing the truth when his 11 year old daughter points out that Joffrey is nothing like Robert.
Bran as the Fisher King-the Fisher King is a character from Arthurian myth. He is the guardian of the magical holy grail, protecting it so it (and power) does not fall into the hands of the unworthy. Notably, he also has a deliberating injury to his legs or groin (depending on the version.) Of course the endgame Bran of the show is a blatant rip-off of Leto II from Children of Dune, but I think the Fisher King sounds more like GRRM would do.
Dany as Moses-a leader who has prophetic visions, who after performing a miracle, frees her people from slavery and leads them on a harsh journey to a new land. Notably regarded as a critically important figure by a monotheistic religion.
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lotus-slumbers · 2 months ago
Interactive Yandere! Fae Story [INTRODUCTION/START]
Yandere! King Fae Husbands x Darling! GN Reader
Content Warnings: yandere, kidnapping, death.
Author note: Trying something new! What wins the poll will be the next part posted. 💜
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Arathorn was lovestruck. If he was any less of the man he was, he would've been down on his hands and knees, begging for you. He stood in earnest, the cold expanse of this unnatural world dividing you both. His stance was strong, even here; the gateway between the human world and the Feywild. Unkind and unloving, nothing could grow here and survive but they had crossed the threshold before and it hadn't shaken them. Perhaps they couldn't feel the crushing weight of this plane the same way that you could, smothering beneath it.
This was your only chance back to the moral, human world. All you had to do was throw yourself back into the starry waves that covered the wall and hope you didn't drown underneath them, that it was the portal you had sought after in this labyrinth. Your life relied on the riddles of creatures you could have never imagined to exist before— and the hope that you had solved their riddles right.
"We have reordered nature, we've turned the world upside down and we have done it all for you. Just fear us, love us, do as we say," Arathorn crooned, eyes beseeching, tearing through any barriers you could have put between you both to protect from them. You, he saw you completely, in absolute undress. How much closer to the gaze of God could you be? 
Iliphar spoke then, finishing his counterpart's sentence. His hand outstretched to your own, becking you to cross the distance to them. "And we will be your slave. Anything you want."
The promise of their world is in your hands. It was an authentic promise, they would let you have it all, anything, as long as you stayed near and kept close underneath them. Obeyed them and never strayed. A life of prosperity, of more of anything than you could have imagined, in a place more rich in wonder than your world. Once, it had seemed a small cost for such a thing. Daydreams of it in your struggling, mundane life, far before you had been snatched away in the night by them like a helpless maiden in an old fairytale. Had they replaced you with another as well, so that nobody would come looking for you? A wild changeling, leaving nothing but madness behind for your loved ones. 
Even if you returned, could you live with the maddening knowledge of their world? With nobody who would believe you except the outcaste and the crazy, who you couldn't be brought to believe a single word from yourself? Once, you'd heard a story from your grandmother about the same thing. A young woman went missing, only to reappear years later, in the same clothes she'd been wearing the day of her disappearance and not seeming to be aged a day. Gone mad, her death hadn't been long after her return. Would that be you, if you even survived the trip back?
Besides, you've seen the extent of their power. You're seeing it now, as they stand in this place right in front of you without so much as a shiver or sweat. They wouldn't let you go, they would go back in after you again and again if they had to. They already called you their spouse and to the end of all ends was their vow to you.
Their pleading was nothing more than a courtesy.
A/n: The poll is up for three days. I hope you enjoyed this little drabble and look forward to more, as well as some requests that I've had in my inbox being finished up soon. Sorry for the wait, life is a rollercoaster. 💜
Production guide (from an illiterate woman, god be with ye)
Arathorn - Uh-ruh-a-thorn OR AARRah-TH-RN
Iliphar - L-uh-far OR ill-uh-far
Or whatever you make up in your head while reading. That's valid too.
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lyricthecat-12 · 4 months ago
Why is Tyrian a better fighter than Neopolitan?
Ok, a week ago I did a poll for fun about who would win in a Vs between Tyrian and Neo, however the result left me a little perplexed. So to complement it, I would like to offer my own point of view and why I think Tyrian could beat Neo in a fight;
(Small Warning: English isn't my native language, so if there are any grammar errors I'm sorry and I would appreciate it if someone would tell me)
First of all, I won't allow myself to be corrupted by fanaticism, I know and emphasized that Neo is a skilled fighter and shouldn't be underestimated in the slightest. Outside of her amazing semblance, as revealed in the novel Roman Holiday, she briefly received training from a special assassin training program shortly before joining Roman and also receiving his tutelage. In addition to the fact that throughout the show, she demonstrated that she could stand up to characters like Yang or Cinder, who as we know shouldn't be taken as a joke either, and in recent volumes she also demonstrated that she has a certain manipulation skill, which combined with her semblance, makes her especially unpredictable against vulnerable opponents, as seen in his fight against Team JNOR and, above all, in Volume 9 with Ruby.
However, there is a crucial detail in his record that is the reason why I believe he wouldn't emerge victorious in a fight against Tyrian. Most of his combat exploits and victories were against fighters in training, also skilled but young after all. The closest thing he ever faced to an experienced fighter was Cinder; At the beginning of this fight, Neo was on par with Cinder mainly because she was taken by surprise, but as the fight progresses you can see how Cinder is progressively gaining ground, even when she is holding back since, in addition to having not interest in fighting her for being out of his priorities, in between he tried to talk to her before resorting to using weapons and his Maiden powers.
But when we get to the V8 E5 something quite unusual happens. In her brief fight against Maria Calavera, a veteran and widely experienced huntress, María proved to be able to overcome her without problem and was even able to mock Neo like she usually does with others, and everything seems to indicate that he could have won if it hadn't been for Cinder's distraction.
Now speaking of Tyrian, while we don't know how he acquired his abilities, it has been made very clear as the story progresses how formidable and lethal he is, both implicitly and directly: As revealed in V7, he was a criminal and serial killer who became recognized and feared outside his kingdom, to the point that it was necessary to carry out a joint operation between Atlas and Mystral to stop him. Until his transport was intercepted by Salem, who generally prefers others to do the legwork and has only been seen personally gone out to take over the Kingdom of Atlas once the scene was secured, to recruit him herself.
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Already from volume 4 you can see his incredible skill. In episodes 6 and 7, we can see how he was able to track down Team RJNR in a matter of days and once he reached them he was able to subdue them without any problem, even being able to easily stop a hammer blow from Nora loaded with his semblance, which was previously able to knock out a entire team and was then able to send Hazel flying.
He practically would have won if it hadn't been for Qrow's intervention and when they get into a fight, Tyrian proves to be on par until the end with Qrow, sober and serious, a member of Ozpin's inner circle and who is considered one of the best, if not the best huntsman in Vale and even with the external intervention of Ruby, Ren and Nora. The only time where he seems to have the advantage is when Tyrian is distracted by Ruby's gunfire. To explain this moment, there is a theory that Tyrian, as he is a scorpion faunus, has poor eyesight or is directly blind, since in real life scorpions are myopic, especially in light, and therefore depends on his other senses as well as his ability to feel the pulsations of movement, which could actually explain his great reaction time and how he was able to stop Ruby's shots without even looking, among others. Although theories aside, despite this brief moment of disadvantage, Tyrian recovers the moment Qrow retrieves his weapon, even to the point of weakening his aura.
Then, in episode 11, when she suffers a mental breakdown and attacks an Ursa, we can see how Cinder's expression is one of absolute horror, which says a lot if we talk about Cinder precisely; megalomaniacal psychopath who doesn't tremble the time to kill and confront opponents like Raven (who had previously made Neo retreat), who has only been afraid of Salem and who later confirmed to us that she knows Tyrian's capabilities and therefore, it is not unreasonable to think that her reaction is It owes, in addition to the impact of the scene, to the extremes to which it knows it can go in its maximum madness.
In fact, later in V5 E11, she revealed that it was him and Hazel who killed all the huntsmen and huntresses at Haven Academy, something they could have done even without the information Leonardo gave them, which makes sense seeing how effective he is Tyrian as a tracker and hunter, to the point that Salem gave him the task of tracking down the Spring Maiden, who was missing, in addition to his feat in the previous volume, of course.
Go back in Volume 7, the CRWBY attempted to show more clearly how formidable he is by putting him in a fight against Qrow accompanied by Clover, an elite agent and Ironwood's right-hand man, and Robyn, leader of an operation. Although he ended up losing, it doesn't take away his impressive physical demonstration in terms of strength, speed and reaction, not to mention that this event would give rise to showing his tenacity now not only physically, but also psychologically during the confrontation between Clover and Qrow. Not only was he able to quickly take advantage of the conflict between the trio to crash the ship and then pretend to be unconscious so as not to be taken into account and thus finish freeing himself, but he was then able to identify the situation of his opponents, he perceived that Clover's priority was blindly Qrow on him so he quickly took advantage of their conflict, he managed to subtly manipulate both Huntsmen so that they only focused on each other until they forgot about him for a moment, taking advantage of it to kill 2 birds with one stone: kill Clover and he frames Qrow for it.
(I'll pause for a moment to say that I personally love this sequence. It clearly has its questionable decisions, but in addition to being wonderfully choreographed, it perfectly exemplifies Salem's main modus operandi: Divide and conquer)
In general, this isn't the only display of emotional intelligence on Tyrian's part, it could also previously be seen in his talk with Mercury and Emerald in Volume 6, being able to identify the true connotations behind Mercury's words and mocking his insecurities not recognize.
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Making a more direct comparison between both fighters, Tyrian far surpasses Neo in terms of strength, speed, reaction and durability: he was able to support from an impact that caused him to destroy a house without being minimally affected, he was able to easily stop a charged hammer blow from Nora, he withstood an explosion in the mouth that weakened him but he didn't knock him out, he moved fast enough for Penny to lose sight of him, and he demonstrated enough combat awareness/reflexes to fight in the dark, catch projectiles or casually block a sniper's bullets without looking, as well as having an absolute and versatile control of his 5 limbs.
He was also able to take down an angry Mercury, who had previously been able to pick a fight with Pyrrha and Yang while he was holding back and was literally able to dodge lightning bolts from the previous Autumn Maiden, and he was shown to be able to hold a fight against multiple targets at once as seen in his fight with Qrow and Team RJNR and later, against Qrow, Clover and Robyn for a time.
Neo on the other hand, it wasn't until Volume 8 that she was shown to be able to defend himself against more than one fighter as before that, she was unable to secure the relic against JNOR until Atlas' agents created a distraction. Her perception in combat isn't bad at all but she was taken by surprise when Ruby opened his umbrella and took her out of the airship at the end of V3, she was unable to dodge the badly injured Oscar's blow when she encountered with the JNR and it was also shown that she isn't immune either to manipulation, since during his fight with Ruby at the end of V8 where she was able to trick her into attacking her and then make her fall over the edge using his semblance.
His durability hasn't proven to be a big deal either due to the lack of feats, at most he could resist Yang and Cinder's fire projectiles although for this required Hust and also depended on the setting and context, not like Winter, for example, who had to withstand direct blows. As for speed, it is somewhat doubtful since at first, she was able to evade Yang's attacks in V2 but when she fought against Ruby armed in V3, she proved to have more difficulty until she was assisted by Roman and couldn't keep up with Cinder when she went completely on the offensive and even without using her semblance, powers or weapons, although she was then able to defend herself against Ruby and Blake at the same time, which implies an improvement but going back to her fight with Maria, despite being an old lady, she was able to stop all of their blows and even return a couple.
In terms of fighting style and weapons, Neo has shown a preference for blocking and dodging blows, when he has tried a more direct combat he has shown that he loses advantage, Tyrian on the other hand is someone who is direct in his attacks but also very agile and brutal in his movements. Neo has a Hust but Tyrian has the Queen's Servants and his stinger that give him range options that Neo doesn't have, in addition to Neo usually taking advantage of his combat style to tense his opponents, taunting and making them impatient so that they lose focus but knowing since he is Tyrian, it would hardly affect him and he is more likely to continue fighting without loss his mind (more, I mean) unless she managed to hit accurately him like Qrow.
Now here comes the main course: Neo's semblance, the reason why I think she won the poll. In itself, it was already amazing but with the evolution it had in Volume 9, as I said, it makes it super effective against vulnerable opponents like Ruby or Curious Cat but it also depends on the context. Ruby was caught by surprise being alone while she was going through her lowest moment, it is assumed that Cinder was the one who provided her with information about her history with characters like Pyrrha or Clover, while Curious Cat had just been crushed by Team RWBY, leaving them in a state of weakness and vulnerability where theirs would have succumbed to anyone's attack. [PLUS]
Even if Neo would create clones to help him, again, Tyrian has proven to have not problems fighting several people at the same time, he has a 360° defense thanks to his tail, his long-distance weapons would allow him to ward off or even destroy opponents and surely it wouldn't affect him to slaughter someone just for looking like his companions, at most Salem could make him doubt but Tyrian isn't naive, as I have said, he is more cunning and perceptive than he appears, for not to mention that we don't have indication that Cinder may have shared information about him with Neo as he clearly did with Ruby, so even if he became aware of his devotion to Salem, he hasn't way of knowing the lengths to which he goes or his previous failures to use against him.
Honestly, I think that a fight between these two could be very interesting because, without a doubt, both are notable in their own right: both are cunning, agile, sadistic and very maneuverable but not exempt from being carried away by their emotions, but returning to the initial topic my conclusion it would be this;
If Tyrian and Neo had a fight before the events of Volume 9, Tyrian would win without a problem, perhaps with more or less resistance but in the end he would overcome her, especially if he uses his own semblance with her, since then he would only need to land an accurate blow to Neo to leave her defenseless, injured or out of combat.
But if they were to face each other after Neo's semblance evolved, things would become more complex as additional factors would now have to be taken into account, such as the context of the scenario, as it could be a great advantage for Neo if he managed to catch Tyrian off guard as happened in his confrontation against Qrow, Clover and Robyn, but it depends on the strategy he applies as he could progressively lose that advantage as happened with Cinder if he doesn't take proper advantage of it, so she would have a better chance of putting up a longer fight.
Still, based on all of the above, I still hold my position and consider Tyrian a superior fighter in almost every aspect. This is just my opinion so if anyone wants to add anything else, they are free to do so as long as they are respectful.
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codelyokooutofcontext · 10 months ago
And your Season 4 winner is…
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I’d Rather Not Talk About It!
What a ride this last set of polls has been! You guys certainly made it interesting. But did you really have to tie it so often?
…I’m sure I hear my friends laughing at this in the distance.
Anyway, I had no idea what was going to win! My guesses were maybe Distant Memory, Wrong Exposure, Hot Shower or A Lack of Goodwill, but evidently I shouldn’t underestimate the power of Jim!
Maiden Voyage was surprising to see in the finals as well! I wonder how much of that had to do with the bracket set up… Questions to ponder
In any case, this brings us to a close for our season brackets. But we’re not quite done yet! After all: we still have to decide on our overall winner!
Stay tuned!
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last-herondale · 2 years ago
Help Me Understand
Loki x FemReader!
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Loki x FemReader!
Angst, hurt/comfort, some fluff Warnings: Mentions of abuse, self deprecation, feelings of unworthiness
This fic takes place during Dark World. (I didn't particularly like the movie, but we were blessed with scenes of Loki so...) Summary: The reader is a handmaid of the castle, assigned by Frigga to take care of a special prisoner. While you tend to Loki, you slowly begin to learn more about the "Would-be King of Earth".
A/n: Here is the Loki fic that i promised in my poll! I hope you like it! I had fun with this one.
Enjoy 🤘🏼
“Could you cease with your incessant humming?” Loki hissed from across the room.
He sat against the wall of his cell, not bothering to look up from his book as he spoke to you. You ignored him, continuing your tune as you attended to your duties. Maiden’s work was not a particular favorite job of yours, but Queen Frigga had requested for you personally to see to Loki’s new… living arrangements.
You had just finished putting fresh linens on his bed, placing clean clothes into his wardrobe, and began to tidy up his mess of books that were strewed about the place. You continued to hum as you worked, delicately placing the books into their proper shelves.
Finally, you heard the soft slamming of a book, and a loud sigh from behind you. “Must you always be so irritating?”
“Insulting me will not make me leave any faster, your grace,” you say simply as you finish tidying up. You turn around to him and are met with an icy stare. “In fact,” you mused, “I may decide that these floors need waxing, and gods know how long that might take me.”
A flicker of something crossed Loki’s face, but you were unable to detect what it was before he turned his face back towards his book. He didn’t open it again, but rather he let his fingers caress the pages gently. You found yourself watching him for longer than necessary, and heat flooded your cheeks as you turned away. You gathered up the old sheets and began to make your way to the exit when his voice cut through the silence. “Why do you still call me that?”
You halted mid-step, blinking in surprise at the question. “Call you what, your grace?”
“That,” Loki said bitterly, “Your Grace. You of all people should know by now. I am a prisoner. I have no place here.”
You froze in place. In the few days you had worked here, Loki had hardly spoken to you, let alone discuss his imprisonment. You slowly turned to face him, being careful to guard your emotions. Loki looked to you expectantly, an eerie calm washed over his face as he waited for you to respond.
"You are still a Prince," you replied carefully, "And I was taught to always formally address those of higher status."
Loki gave a bitter laugh. "Naive little thing, aren't you? Save your pleasantries for when you leave this cell, I have no need for them, and you'll not win any favor with the All Father by being cordial with me."
You narrowed your eyes at the god. You had heard rumors of his nature all your life. The Mischievous son, the silver tonged viper, the fallen god. Stories of his rampage on Earth had spread like wildfire. You had wondered how much of them were true, if he really was the villain everyone seemed to think he was.
You straightened your posture, tilting your head a bit higher. You refused to be intimidated by him, no matter what you might have heard. "It is not for your benefit, believe me. I am in the service of your mother, not Odin, and it is on her behest that I show you this simple act of courtesy, whether you are deserving of it or not. Now if you will excuse me, your grace," you spun on your heel and exited the room, leaving Loki glaring after you.
The next few days passed by without issue. You attended to your duties in a diligent manner, always bringing Loki his meals on time, cleaning his cell, and bringing him books that his mother had sent with you. Loki kept his distance, for the most part. He couldn't help but mutter the occasionally bitter phrase at you, but it wasn't anything you couldn't handle. Frigga was grateful to you for your service. The other maidens were too frightened of Loki to take the job, and you were Frigga's last hope. For what, you were not certain.
It was dinner time now. You carried a platter of food down into the cells, taking pleasure in the smell of freshly baked bread and stew meat. A guard let you into the cell without question. You thanked him as you entered and was unsurprised to see Loki lounging in a chair, book in hand. He had his hair tied back into a messy bun, a few of his dark strands lingered on his face, almost kissing his cheekbones.
You cleared your throat, watching as his eyes flickered up briefly from his book to look at you. "I have brought your dinner," you said. You placed the plate on a small table that sat on the opposite side of the room, being careful to move some scattered books and parchment. As you turned, books in hand, you nearly bumped into him as he stood beside you. "Watch it!" you snapped. Immediately you bit your lip.
A smirk spread across Loki's face, as if he could read you like one of his books. "My, my," he mused, "Not as cordial as we usually are, are we?" Warmth heated your face as you pushed past him, eager to be done with your job. “My apologies,” you muttered. Loki just snorted as you began to put away the books in their proper place.
"And what have you brought me today, my gracious lady?" Loki mocked as he lifted the lid from the container.
"Lamb stew, your grace," you replied with a sour tone. You finished putting the books away and turned to face him. You were caught off guard by the sight of him. He stood rigidly over the plate, giving a distant stare into the bowl. “Is something wrong?” You asked.
Loki remained silent as he slipped into the dining chair. He clasped his hands together in a tight ball, and leaned his head into them. Slowly, you made your way closer to the table. You peaked your head over the bowl to make sure nothing was amiss.
“My mother made this, didn’t she?” He asked weakly.
“I’m not sure your gr—“
“DON’T LIE TO ME!” Loki slammed his hands down onto the table, causing the bowl to go spilling all over the table. Loki rose from his seat so fast that the chair knocked backwards. “Does she take me for a fool? Does she honestly think that she can win my sympathy by bringing me books, cooking my favorite meals, sending some broad to tend to me each day?”
Your blood felt like ice in your veins. Loki looked at you as if you were some kind of monster. His eyes seemed wild, but there was a sadness in his expression that he couldn’t hide. He caught you staring, and he gave a low snarl as he charged toward you. You stood your ground, stiffening your back as he stuck a finger in your face.
“You tell my mother— the next time you grovel at her feet— that I don’t need her pity. She needs to accept how things are now— how things have always been..." he took a ragged breath. The heat of him radiated around you. He inched ever closer to you, his forehead nearly touching yours as he hissed. "I don’t need her— and I most certainly do not need you.”
“Is that all?” You asked calmly. Loki’s expression looked murderous, but you just turned around and began to clean the table. You gathered the tray, putting everything back as best as you could as you made your way to the exit. You hesitated before leaving, turning back to look at Loki. He had thrown himself into one of the armchairs, holding his head in his hand as his body heaved with deep breaths.
You sighed a soft breath and placed the tray down on the floor. You didn’t understand why you were doing what you were doing. All you knew is that you were walking across the room, sitting on the edge of his bed. He looked up at you with tear brimmed eyes. Your presence shocked him, that you were certain. He had to mold his expression into one more hostile to fit the façade, but instead he just looked… broken.
There was a pang in your chest when you looked at him. You took a deep breath and steadied yourself.
“Firstly,” you began in a gentle voice, “I will expect an apology for your earlier comment before I leave.” Loki opened his mouth to speak but you quickly interrupted. “Secondly, your mother is one of the few people in Asgard— possibly in the universe— that truly cares about you. You are her son, and she loves you unconditionally, despite whatever might have happened in your past. You would do well to remember that.”
He just stared at you with a wavering intensity. “You don’t know anything,” he muttered. “Perhaps not,” you shrugged, “but what I do know is that you do not frighten me. If your goal is to scare me away or anger me to the point of insanity-- I’m afraid you’ll fail. But there is little use in making my job more difficult than it needs to be, so out with it."
Loki furrowed his brow. "I don't-" "Look, neither one of us wants to be in this situation. Clearly, you are upset— either with your circumstances, the Queen, or me I don’t care, but for the sake of both of our sanity, I think its best we clear the air."
Loki scoffed. "This is ridiculous." "No, what is ridiculous is throwing a fit over perfectly fine stew," you muttered, letting a small smile escape your lips. Loki studied you, taking a large sigh as he rubbed his temples. "You are quite irritating," Loki muttered.
You took that as a victory and nodded. "It does not have to be today. We can begin tomorrow, when I bring you your breakfast." You stood up from his bed and made your way to the exit, picking up the tray once more. “Think on it, your Grace. I believe it could do us both some good… this cell can feel lonely for just about anyone, but it doesn’t have to be.”
You signaled for the guard to open the door. Just as you were about to step out, you heard his low voice echo behind you.
"I apologize," Loki began in a soft tone, "for my behavior this evening. My words were- unbecoming to say the least, my lady." He said the last words with a sour tone, but there was the faint whisper of a smile on his lips. You turned to him and gave a small bow with your head just before leaving the cell.
As promised, the next morning you came, breakfast in hand. This time you requested that two portions be prepared. You wanted Loki to feel as normal as possible, so you joined him for breakfast. At first he seemed amused when you took a seat at the table in front of him, a sly smile inching across his face as you served yourself from the platter. "Aren't you going to eat?" you mused, filling your plate with meats and eggs, "I will eat this entire thing if you don't." Eventually he shrugged and also began to dig in.
You were surprised by how easy it was to talk with him. It was as if you had always known each other. Once the conversation began, which took some encouragement from your end, it never seemed to stop. Loki had a deep love for books and theater, and you quite enjoyed listening to him recount his favorite plays from the royal theater. The two of you talked about your childhood, the fond memories of Asgard in your youths. Loki spoke of Thor often, even though he seemed to try to avoid him as much as possible. You could tell he loved his brother, despite their complicated history. Loki refused to talk about his father, the memories still perhaps too painful for him, and so you didn’t push.
You listened to every word, not out of duty or obligation, but out of curiosity. It was an odd wonder to pick the brain of the crowned prince. The mental images that you held of him from past rumors were starting to fade. A clearer picture was being painted and the menacing god before you was beginning to become a man. He would listen to you as well. Loki would ask you questions as you worked, and he seemed genuinely interested in what you had to say. It was nice to have someone to talk to.
Days passed like this. You now ate every meal with Loki. The two of you filled the empty silence with chatter and sometimes laughter. You viewed each time you made him laugh as a victory and he enjoyed teasing you to the point of making you red in the face. His demeanor towards you changed. Slowly, his snippy remarks began to dwindle and he seemed to smile more, although you couldn’t be sure if it was because of your company.
Not all days were good. Some days Loki would be in one of his horrid moods. You came to the cell one day to find most of his furniture overturned. His cell was a wreck and Loki seemed to mirror his room. His hair was a tangled mess, and dark circles hung under his eyes. Part of you wanted to get angry with him. To yell, to curse, to hit at him for making you clean up after him. But you didn’t. There was still that lingering sadness in his eyes, hidden behind the slyness. You could see he was hurting in ways you couldn’t imagine and so you took it in stride.
He would apologize once his episodes would end. He would read to you from his favorite books, as a sort of peace offering, or make sure to clean up immediately after your meals so that you wouldn’t have to. You never forgave him out loud, but he must have known you didn’t hate him too much because you kept returning. Day after day.
One night you returned to bring him dinner and you could tell he was in one of his dark moods. He hadn’t destroyed himself or the room, thank god, but you could sense the change in his demeanor as he ate. “Are you going to tell me what’s wrong, or shall we continue this night in silence?” You meant it as a friendly nudge. You knew sometimes playful taunts could pull him out of his darkness, but instead he just shook his head.
“I think I would prefer to be alone tonight. Your presence is not needed.” He stood up from the table and walked to his reading chair where he plopped down. Normally, you would have obliged and left, but something was nagging at the back of your mind. A silent command. Stay.
You rose from your seat and slowly made your way towards him. He watched you move closer, his weary eyes seemed to brighten as you took your seat across from him at the edge of his bed. “Something is troubling you,” you say softly, “Please, let me help you.” Loki’s face became unbearably soft as he looked at you with complete tenderness. “You can’t. I’m haunted… the things I’ve done…” he placed his head in his hands and shuddered.
“Loki,” you said gently as you reached over and placed a hand on his knee, “I think it’s time you told me about New York.” Loki lifted his head to look at you. He looked pained at the mention of his biggest failure. He had refused to mention it, and you had been careful to avoid the subject. But you couldn’t stand to see him so broken. Maybe if he talked about it…
“If I told you what happened,” he began slowly. He took your hand off of his knee and held it in his hand gently, looking at it rather than you, using the tips of his fingers to trace the lines on your palm, “you might very well hate me.” A shiver ran down your spine as he touched you. He looked up at you again, his tired eyes searched yours.
“Would it matter if I did?” You asked. Loki gave a shaky laugh, “Perhaps not, but I don’t want this to be the story that scares you away. I was actually starting to enjoy your company.”
You felt a lump in your throat. "I told you before... I am not easily frightened." Loki realized there was no swaying you, or perhaps he needed the outlet. Maybe he could no longer hold back the secrets that haunted him.
He let go of your hand, almost unwillingly, and watched as you slowly pulled it back to rest in your lap. He took a ragged breath, waiting a moment, as if to savor the last moment of normalcy between the two of you. A part of you feared what his story entailed. What had truly happened on Earth?
After he finished his story, he finally looked up at you to gage your reaction. You had your hands balled into fists, and they trembled slightly in your lap. Loki noticed them immediately and his face went a little slack. "I'm sorry," he muttered. You blinked at his words. "Sorry? Loki—" you struggled to find the words. A million thoughts were racing through your mind, making you almost dizzy as you tried to formulate a response.
Before you could do so, Loki rose from his chair and began to pace the room. "I realize it's too late for apologies, for all of the wrongs I've done, but you wanted the truth and there it is. I am a monster. A frost giant dressed up as a Prince, an unworthy son, a villain— I am all of those things, and look at you now. Scared of me for it."
"Scared?" You demanded. "You think I'm scared of you? Loki," you stood up from where you were sitting and stepped towards him until he stood only a foot away. "Loki, I am angry for you." Loki was the one to blink in surprise this time. "What?" he gawked. “You were lied to… your whole life. Pitted against your brother for something so trivial as a throne…” You shook your head at the thought of Loki’s story. How much pain had Odin caused? “And then there’s Earth…” You took a step closer to Loki, fighting the urge to wrap your arms around him.
"Loki—Thanos tortured you, manipulated you into overtaking Earth for him... How can you not see that?" Loki remained silent as you continued. "He should be here in these cells, rotting away for his crimes, not you. If you told Odin, maybe he would-"
"NO!" Loki shouted, "My father cannot know about Thanos. You have no idea what the Titan is capable of y/n, he would bring his armies to destroy Asgard." You threw up your hands in frustration. "But this may be the very thing needed to set you free! Help Odin find Thanos, help lead Thor and his Avengers to him and let real justice be done. Your mother would see to it, I know she would. Anything that could grant you your freedom." Ideas flooded your head. Perhaps there was a way to free Loki from his prison. You didn't realize how much you wanted this to be a reality until now. But now you had all of the facts. Loki did not act alone. Loki was not the one to be facing punishment.
"Don't," Loki croaked in front of you. You stilled for a moment, the hope that was rising through your chest was sharply cut off by the look on his face. He had no intention of fighting. "It is kind of you to have such sympathy for me, but it is undeserved. Thanos might have had a hand in the siege of Earth, but it was my hand that held the scepter, my hand that took those lives. And I will not risk losing Asgard by provoking Thanos any further than I already have. My mere presence here is damming enough."
“And so what, you’re just going to stay here? Locked away for the rest of your life? Is that what you want?” You asked incredulously. Loki just gave a dry laugh. “I hardly get what I want,” he looked at you, his eyes glimmered for a moment as he searched your face, “But believe me, it’s what I deserve.”
You crossed your arms in defiance. You couldn’t believe how easily he was willing to just give up. He noticed your posture and flashed a small smile. “Such a fiery thing,” he mused. He held out his hand toward you, and slowly you slipped your hand into his as he pulled you towards his living area. He motioned for you to sit down in his armchair as he slid into his bed. “Let’s not end the night with us bickering. Come, I’ll read to you a while before you leave.”
He pulled out a book from his shelf and began to dip through the pages. You let yourself relax a bit in the chair. If he didn’t want to talk about it anymore tonight, fine. But you had no intentions of keeping quiet once you left this cell. “What would you want?” You asked softly. Loki arched his brows at the question. “You said before that you hardly ever get what you want. So what would you want? What’s something I can do?” Playfulness danced in his eyes. “I could think of a few things that you could do,” he murmured, a grin inching across his face. You rolled your eyes, and ignored the flush of your cheeks.
Loki’s face softened, and the mischievous demeanor slipped away. “If I could have anything,” he began slowly, taking care to articulate his words almost as if he were nervous. “I wouldn’t want to be alone tonight. You can’t imagine how— eerie this place feels at night. It can be soul crushing.” You blinked at him. He seemed serious in his words, and your heart lurched a bit in your chest. This was something you could do. You rose from the chair and hurried across the room to the cell door. You turned to Loki, your breathing uneven as you enacted your plan. “I’ll return soon, trust me.” He just gave you a small confused nod of his head as you slipped out of the cell.
Returning had been as difficult as you imagined. First, you had your daily check in with Frigga. She asked about Loki, and if he needed any more books, or clothes, even if he enjoyed the food. She had been pleased to hear that you joined him for meals, that you treated him as an actual person. You wanted to tell her everything that Loki had relayed to you, but now was not the time. You had made a promise.
Sneaking back into the cell was another matter. You had to wait for the guard change during lights out to slip back into the cell. You were careful to not knock anything over in the dark as you stumbled toward Loki’s room. “Loki—“ you began to say as your foot snagged on a edge of a rug. Hands were holding you before you could even Yelp, steadying you in the darkness. “You came,” Loki’s low voice hummed in your ear. “I said I would.”
Your eyes began to adjust to the darkness in the room. Loki had been right. It was eerie here at night. You imagined how being alone with your thoughts in this kind of darkness could lead someone to madness. Loki kept a hand on your shoulder as you felt around for the bed. You had returned in your nightwear, wrapping a dark cloak around yourself as you snuck through the castle. You removed the cloak and inched your way into Loki’s bed, ignoring the pounding in your head as you did so. You felt him lay beside you, the heat of him warmed your side as you stared blankly into the darkness. “Thank you,” he whispered.
“I could get in trouble for this,” you replied in the same hushed whisper, “They might throw me in one of these cells if they catch me.” You felt Loki laugh beside you. It was odd to be so close to him, especially in the engulfing darkness. It felt like energy buzzed around you. As if you were in a vacuum of space, floating along aimlessly in the darkness. At least you weren’t alone.
“How could you get in trouble? Clearly, you were seduced by the imprisoned prince with his quick words and stunning looks. After tending to me every day, it was only inevitable that you would fall victim to my charm.” This time you found yourself laughing, taking care to cover your mouth as you did so. “I guess that would be the easier explanation as to why they’ll find me in your bed,” you teased. You let your hand fall from your mouth back to your side, but accidentally put it in top on Loki’s. At first you went to move it immediately, but stopped when you felt the curve of his fingers hook around yours.
“Loki-“ you warned. “What is that song you’re always humming?” Loki asked quietly, letting his hand wrap around yours. His fingers intertwined with yours and you did not pull away. “It’s a lullaby,” you finally respond, “my mother would sing it to me as a child. It calms me.” Loki strummed his thumb over your hand but did not move outside of that. Your heart fluttered in your chest as you stared into the darkness. “While I am making a habit of being selfish tonight, can I ask one more thing of you?” Loki asked.
“Sure,” you whispered, feeling your voice choke up in your throat. “Would you hum it— the song?” You smirked in the darkness. “I thought you said it was incessant noise?” Loki just gave a small chuckle. “Perhaps it’s grown on me,” he murmured, “your silly little song.” Your eyelids felt droopy. The only thing that reminded you that you were awake was the soft touch of Loki’s hand in yours. You smiled, knowing he couldn’t see you and began to hum. You hummed until Loki’s breathing slowed into a soft rhythm, and his hand stilled in yours. You hummed until the darkness over took your senses, and your head nestled into the crook of the Prince’s neck.
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rebelangelsims · 10 months ago
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And Maven wins the poll!
Meet Maven Jeong
Some Facts about her
95 liner
Aspiring Writer
Got married at a young age and moved to Korea
Is in a unhappy marriage
Married to a music producer
Maiden name is Sinclair
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simlit · 2 years ago
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Chosen of the Sun | | forest // twenty-five
| @keibea | @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @poisonedsimmer-gone
POLL RESULTS | A 60% majority votes in favor of Team 02 // Åse and Eve // to win the duel. In the highest turnout of any CotS poll thus far (big wow!).
next / previous / beginning
ÅSE: You lose. I told you, this path leads nowhere. Hand over banner as promised. SARAYN: And if we don’t? ÅSE: Have you no honor at all? Keep word, Deathling or we will not have simple spar! SARAYN: That would not be a fight you would win. ÅSE: What sore loser you are! Then go again! Fight me one against one! ÅSE You are angry you lose to fair maiden! She is not weak as you thought she was! You have many lessons to learn! SARAYN: You’re insufferable. ÅSE: WHAT A THING TO SAY! You are most foul of all! And liar! You do not deserve to be Chosen! You deserve nothing! EVE: Just… stop it already! THERION: What… just happened? EVE: Oh no… THERION: Eve? What was that? What did you do? EVE: I-I— THERION: Where are they? EVE: I don’t know! THERION: You must know! You just… blasted them into the void! EVE: I know! I know… I can’t control it. THERION: You might have mentioned you could just summon portals out of thin air! Just magic up another and bring them back! EVE: It doesn’t work like that! My brothers have tried to help me, but this magic is… it’s not that simple. I don’t even know where they’ve gone. THERION: Then, they could be anywhere right now? EVE: Anywhere or… any time.
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gringolet · 2 years ago
posting a gay gawain and lancelot quote every day till they win the poll day 3
This infamous scene from the vulgate where an injured Gawain is asked what he would do for Lancelot:
Then Sir Gawain thought a little, like a man who believed he would never be well again. “If God were to grant me my health,” he said, “I’d immediately wish to be the most beautiful maiden in the world, happy and healthy, on condition that he would love me above all others, all his life and mine.”
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whowouldwininafite · 2 years ago
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ilynpilled · 7 months ago
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