candymoree · 2 years
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Eres la mayor exponente de que hay gente cuya mera existencia es revolución...
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Córdoba CF: Adrián Lapeña with Maialen and Kuki Zalazar with María José celebrating the promotion of Córdoba CF to LaLiga Hypermotion 🏆⚽
photo: Maialen M. via Instagram
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thinking about her...
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distantvoices · 6 months
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Paprika by Alicia Blanco for Sicky Mag January 2024
Styled by Maialen Barriola. Hair and Makeup by Isabella Ching.
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asikomecom · 2 years
El Sindicato Médico recuerda a los jefes hospitalarios de Donostia: "Igualdad, mérito y capacidad" en la Sanidad pública - elDiario.es
El Sindicato Médico recuerda a los jefes hospitalarios de Donostia: "Igualdad, mérito y capacidad" en la Sanidad pública – elDiario.es
El Sindicato Médico de Euskadi (SME), mayoritario entre los facultativos, ha marcado distancias con las protestas de los jefes de servicio de las especialidades médicas del hospital Donostia, que llevan diez días levantados en armas contra el Departamento de Salud y contra la dirección general de Osakidetza a raíz de las destituciones de la gerente de su comarca sanitaria (la OSI Donostialdea) y…
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While the world watched the football final, Basques were enjoying their oral poetry?
Last Sunday around 13,500 people packed the Navarra Arena pavilion in Pamplona for eight hours - coinciding in part with the Argentina-France match in Qatar - to follow the final in which the winner of the most important quadrennial championship of versolarism would be decided. The truth is that the tickets were sold out several months ago and in a matter of hours (...). It was broadcasted live with an estimated audience of 100,000.
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But what is a bertsolari? Jon Abril is currently the president of the Elhuyar Foundation, dedicated to the promotion of science, technology and the Basque language, although he has previously been a bertsolari himself, a judge in competitions and in charge of proposing the topics to be discussed. (...) "Versolarism itself can be defined as an improvised song that is performed by reciting verses that respond to a proposed theme.(...) Jone Miren Hernández, professor of Anthropology at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), refers to John Foyle when explaining the peculiarity of the phenomenon: "There are expressions that are similar, linked to orality, all over the world and have, as in the Basque case, a tradition of centuries. The great virtue of versolarism has been its capacity to adapt to each historical moment and its power to strengthen, attracting new generations and achieving a great social echo. That is what Foyle marveled at".
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She also highlights the "community orientation" of the phenomenon, and defines Basque versolarism as a "kaleidoscopic discipline: it brings together elements of a social type, of a political type, linked to identity or to a minority language such as Basque, but it also combines elements linked to music, aesthetics or art. There are many connecting elements and they vary depending on the person, which is why it has managed to bring together such a varied public, especially in recent years". (...)
In any case, Hernández emphasizes above all the capacity for adaptation and organization when it comes to explaining the success of the last two decades. Jon Abril agrees on this point and gives as an example the choice of the topics to be dealt with: "We talk more and more about social issues, whether it is the problems of migrants, the most cutting-edge debates in the field of feminism or, to give an example that was seen in the final, bertsularis can be asked to put themselves in the role of a transgender person. This has served to connect with the younger generations, but without scaring off the older ones".
Another of the great changes that this cultural expression has to do with the growing main role of women and feminism have played in this expansion. The current champion, Maialen Lujanbio, was in 1997 the first woman to reach the final of the Euskal Herria Championship, and was also the first to be proclaimed champion, already in 2009 (she would repeat in 2017 and in the current edition). This Sunday, on the other hand, three of the finalists were women.
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"Versolarism is and has been, historically, a reflection of society because it has developed itself in the public space and this was populated by men, it was an area traditionally for men. This has changed, and this change has not happened by chance or overnight. It has required work. There has been resistance, as in all fields, but the entry of women in the schools of versolarism or the referentiality of bertsolaris like Maialen Lujanbio have allowed this capacity of adaptation and has consummated this change that we see", indicates Jone Miren Hernández. Jon Abril recognizes that it may be surprising that, in such a globalized, hypermodern and technologized world, a "simple" cultural expression, lacking large artifacts or huge marketing campaigns, is still alive and going through a sweet moment. "Its future will be promising if it is able to excite and connect with society and, especially, with the younger generations, as it has done in recent years. That is the challenge. So far it has got it right every time, and that requires continuous rethinking, openness and being able to attract people. It also demands research, being attentive to other creators or taking the risk of hybridizing with other genres. The bertso-eskolak (schools of versolarism) are full, so I am very optimistic," he concludes.
Original article in Spanish
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leonardburton · 2 years
tagged by my beloved @swordfaery
Rules: shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and post the first 10 tracks, then list 10 songs you really like, each by a different artist. then tag 10 people to do the same thing.
Burn, Baby, Burn by Sea Power (song from disco elysium. that scene made me feel some sort of feeling or perhaps emotion)
Pasadena by La Femme (it's a cute song)
Trop beau by Lomepal (lyrics aren't kinda eh but it's a good song to put in the background while reading 27-page pdfs)
Maialen by La Femme (i Love this song. the way she says "las tormentas MÁS violentas" at 2:02. iykyk)
It's time to wake up 2023 by La Femme (they released it in 2013 so listening to it rn is p neat. very good to fall asleep to)
Souffle le vent by Odezenne (good song. yeah)
Decrescendo by Lomepal (good to read pdfs and fall asleep or staring out the bus window)
Drag by St Graal (it's such a bop. win for genderqueerness and non conformity everywhere)
The Adults are Talking by The Strokes (forever win. no need to explain)
Me Gustas Tu by Manu Chao (it's. so sweet. cures depression in 1 day result guaranteed refund if not satisfied* (*understanding of spanish language required for full effect))
10 songs i really like
Tatiana by La Flemme (huge win for sapphics everywhere. yes i know i listen to La Femme too much)
Caprice by Odezenne (i also listen to Odezenne too much. even though i only like like 6 of their songs)
Avant qu'il n'y ait le monde by Feu! Chatterton (it's a vibe idk what to say)
Fous ta cagoule by Fatal Bazooka (relistened to this absolute banger from 2006 over winter break. turns out my little brother didn't know it cos he's too young so i tortured him with it)
Parle à ma main (likewise except 2007)
L'Assassymphonie by Mozart l'Opéra Rock (my most beloved ahab mentioned it a couple of weeks ago and i fell down the rabbit hole again. i got the cds + bts dvd for my 10th birthday because i was too obsessed with it)
L'Enfer by Stromaé (he's so right)
Social Cues by Cage the Elephant (forever trapped in my brain)
À Peu Près by Pomme (it's a sweet song idk)
Tales of Dominica by Lil Nas X (banger.)
tagging @asticot i am curious about your taste in music, @krayonders hello old mutual @bookshelpwithmysocialanxiety @kirkwords @lasilhouetteinbianco @alfredolover119 @all-eternity @honorbound13 double tagging the neon fam hahahhaha. also anyone who wants to do it consider yourself tag fr. partake in the humble joy of sharing music
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MARDI 16 JUILLET 2024 (Billet 3/3)
Vous devez sûrement vous en souvenir, nous avons déjà fait paraître sur le Blog des vidéos de cette célèbre et très particulière chorale (créée en 2020 pendant la pandémie de la Covid), la première qui en a inspiré beaucoup d’autres…
Celle-ci, leur dernière création, est en rapport bien sûr avec les JO de Paris qui vont commencer d’ici une dizaine de jours.
Regardez-la jusqu’au bout et si par hasard vous aviez un enfant, un petit-fils ou une petite-fille qui a participé à cette création (on ne sait jamais…), même s’ils sont plus de 200 « body-tapeurs », tous les noms sont mentionnés dans le générique de fin. Nous avons trouvé ça très bien.
Pour finir : tous ceux qui ont eu le privilège de faire une croisière sur le Club Med II ne pourront pas rester indifférents à la musique.
« CONQUEST OF PARADISE » (Vangelis) pour Percussions corporelles (Body Tap)
Vidéo publiée sur YouTube le 5 juillet 2024
Interprétation : le Chœur des Colibris du Collège Saint Michel Garicoïts de Cambo (Pays Basque)
Direction artistique : Nelly Guilhemsans
Image & Réalisation : Michel Jakobi
Drone : @paysbasquedrone
Image : @tomajablon, @maxime_manenc
Son et mixage : Patrick Fischer
Bravo aux 210 Colibris :
Elaia B, Mathilde FDS, Fleur, Eneka F, Julen G, Adélaïde, Mikela, Joana P, Estebe, Bixente, Louane, Antton A, Kaitlyn, Maika, Paul M, Matyas R, Paul U, Dioni, Joan, Titouan, Timéo, Laida, Oihana I, Anaïs FDS, Noémie, Lucile, Idoya Z, Txomin, Aida, Mailis M, Ambre G, Dénaïs, Léana, Maëlwenn, Océane, Uma, Rémi, Julia HP, Lilou L, Uhaina, Emilia, Nahia L, Elaya, Lisa C, Julen C, Jon, Xalbat, Aponi, Naia E, Intza F, Vassili, Enzo L, Jérémy, Nahia N, Xana, Nolan, Jona, Annabelle, Oihana L, Iliana, Lylou, Sarha, Clémence, Maddi, Antoine, Elisa, Léna, Oihana L, Anaïs M, Julie, Damien, Mahé, Antton O, Lucie C, Xan E, Mathilde L, Hodei, Julia P, Anaïs M, Julia L., Samuel, Marion, Alizia, Elaia B., Enora, Delphine, Lola B, Kilian, Kanèle, Charlotte, Ilian, Nohlan, Dylan, Charlie, OIhan D, Ana, Andrea, Antton H, Emma R, Ibaia P, Gabriel R, Luken C, Maialen C, Ethan, Xan D, Léa H, Marine, Lisa E., Tiago, Nahia LG, Anoa, Itxaro, Gabriel F., Jean-Claude, Lukas, Maitane, Lara, Emma G, Maialen RI, Lana, Maelys, Luna P, Ilona, Romane, Ioneka, Céleste, Leana, Mathilde J, Fani, Ambre A., Eneka B, Joana C, Tiphaine, Robin, Emma P, Ambre C, Esteban, Eztitxu, Sara, Melina, Gabrielle, Lilwenn D, Alaya, Morgan A, Naia C, Morgane E, Xan V, Lou, Alizée, Ainhize, Nahia H, Anaë, M, AnaeS, Louis, Lola L, Louna S, Mila, Jade, Lisa B, Augustin, Julene, Clément, Loan, Emma L, Stella, Margot, Ilouna E, Laura, Luna P, Oihana V, Angelina, Milia, Nina, Ainara, Lilwen P, Elia, Tonia, Enaitz, Julen D, Lola E, Jon E, Evan, Jon O, Nathan O, Maiana, Célia, Louna DG, Nahia P, Lucie E, Lola G, Zoé T, Intza Z, Pauline, Louise, Luma, Oian, Enzo L, Nolhan B, Leila, Kélia, Axel, Julen D, Ruben P, Zoé L, Ilona R, Yuna L, Martin, Shana, Nathan S, et Lalie.
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lhmagazin · 1 year
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laescueladebdsm · 1 year
SAGA MyA (Maialen y Aitor) Una sextología que habla de sexología. Con 18 capítulos para mayores de 18. Es MyA porque es mía.
¿Ya los tienes en tu poder? ¿A qué esperas?
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Adrián Lapeña with his girlfriend Maialen celebrating the promotion of Córdoba CF to LaLiga Hypermotion 🏆⚽
photo: Maialen M. via Instagram
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i decided to unite my love for maps and for OT and make a map of the distribution of OT contestants from OT 2017 - 2023 in regards to their residence* because i find it so fascinating, like yeah it does kinda follow where major urban centers concentrate but also why is there so little people in valència? so many in iruña specifically? how is that outside madrid the only other OT contestant from castile is from guadalajara from all places???
*I followed the locations from the wikipedia page; in OT it's necessary to reside in spain but you don't need to have the spanish nationality to participate so i'll add the nationalities when needed!
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below the cut i'll specify where each contestant is from, province by province, with pics of all the towns and cities !!!
OT 2017: Pontedeume (Miriam Rodríguez), Santiago de Compostela (Roi Méndez)
OT 2018: As Pontes de García Rodríguez (Sabela Ramil)
OT 2020: Sada (Eva Barreiro)
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OT 2017: Ourense (Luis Cepeda)
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OT 2017: Bilbo (Juan Antonio Cortés)
OT 2023: Getxo (Martin Urrutia)
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OT 2017: Iruña (Amaia Romero)
OT 2018: Iruña (Natalia Lacunza)
OT 2020: Iruña (Anne Lukin, Maialen Gurbindo)
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OT 2023: Zaragoza (Naiara Moreno), Magallón (Juanjo Bona)
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OT 2020: Alcañiz (Anaju Calavia)
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OT 2017: Sant Climent de Llobregat (Aitana Ocaña), El Prat de Llobregat (Alfred García), Gavà (Nerea Rodríguez), Montgat (Raoul Vázquez), Terrassa (Miki Núñez)
OT 2018: Esplugues de Llobregat (Carlos Right)
OT 2020: Sant Cugat del Vallès (Nick Maylo), Sant Joan Despí (Ariadna Tortosa)
OT 2023: Vallirana (Lucas Curotto, he's Uruguayan)
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OT 2017: Palma (Ricky Merino)
OT 2018: Bunyola (Joan Garrido)
OT 2023: Ciutadella de Menorca (Chiara Oliver, she's half British)
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OT 2023: Yunquera de Henares (Omar Samba, he's half Senegalese)
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OT 2018: Madrid (María Villar, África Adalia, Alfonso La Cruz - he's Venezuelan)
OT 2020: Alcalá de Henares (Bruno Alves, he's Uruguayan)
OT 2023: San Fernando de Henares (Bea Fernández), Madrid (Ruslana Panchyshyna, she's Ukranian and has lived several years in the Canary Islands; in fact her accent is Canarian. I do not know which island / town and in the wikipedia page it listed her as a Madrid resident, that's why she's included here)
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OT 2017: Malpartida de Plasencia (Thalía Garrido)
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OT 2018: Elx (Alba Reche)
OT 2020: Beniarrés (Samantha Gilabert)
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OT 2020: Murcia (Flavio Fernández)
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OT 2017: Huétor Tájar (Mimi Doblas)
OT 2023: Armilla (Paul Thin), Motril (Violeta Hódar), Ogíjares (Denna Ruiz)
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OT 2017: Alhaurín de la Torre (Mireya Bravo)
OT 2018: Torre del Mar (Marta Sango), Málaga (Noelia Franco)
OT 2023: Mijas (Salma Díaz)
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OT 2020: Córdoba (Hugo Cobo), Adamuz (Rafa Romera)
OT 2023: Córdoba (Álex Márquez)
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OT 2017: Dos Hermanas (Marina Rodríguez)
OT 2018: Bormujos (Famous Oberogo, he's Nigerian)
OT 2023: Sevilla (Álvaro Mayo)
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OT 2018: San Fernando (Julia Medina), Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Dave Zulueta)
OT 2020: Barbate (Jesús Rendón, Javy Ramírez)
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OT 2020: Ceuta (Gèrard Rodríguez)
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OT 2018: Gáldar (Marilia Monzón)
OT 2020: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Eli Rosex, Nia Correia - she's half Cape Verdian)
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OT 2017: San Cristóbal de La Laguna (Ana Guerra), Adeje (Agoney Hernández)
OT 2018: Adeje (Damion Frost, he's German)
OT 2023: San Cristóbal de La Laguna (Cris Bartolomé, he's half Equatorial Guinean), Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Suzete Correia, she's Sao Tomean)
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creativinn · 2 years
Artist Interview: La Femme
By Madison Lehr (KTSW) and Keller Welton (KJHK)
We concluded the weekend at Stubb’s to meet with Marlon Magnee of La Femme, who was as much and more of a French icon as we imagined. He was extremely passionate about his music and was so kind, offering us a CD of their recent release, “Teatro Lùcido.”
Keller: Have you guys been in Austin before?
Marlon: Yeah, we played in 2014 at Austin Psych Fest, also at South by Southwest (SXSW). We came back for ACL one time, and we really like Austin. It’s really fun.
Keller: How does Levitation compare to ACL?
Marlon: It’s way more cool and indie, like ACL is very mainstream and big.
Keller: That’s the take around these parts too.
Marlon: Levitation is like a special scene with all the same bands and groups that you like. The people who come to the show are the people that belong to the same family of rock, you know. It’s a bit more precise.
Keller: What do you think about the festival being split between venues?
Marlon: I’m very in between. On one side, I think it’s very good because all the venues are involved in the magic of the city. And at the same time, I really miss when it was one location, and there was one wristband for every singer. I think they should just do both.
Keller: I think they’ve done a really good job putting the bands together for the lineups.
Marlon: Yeah, yesterday I was at 13th Floor, and it’s a very dope venue, I really like it.
Keller: What’s an artist performing at Levitation that you were excited about?
Marlon: The King Gizzard show was fun to see because they are very good musicians, very sharp and tight. And I saw Os Mutantes, it was really good.
Keller: What kind of music would you say you’re listening to right now?
Marlon: Most of the time I’m listening to my demo for the next album. The La Femme demo and Sam Quealy; I don’t know if you’ve heard about it. It’s a project I produced; it’s an Australian performer, and I’m doing the techno music behind.
Maddy: You did a DJ set at Electric Church, how was that?
Marlon: It was so fun. It’s a really cool venue too because there’s a lot of freedom.
Maddy: What kind of music did you play?
Marlon: I played a lot of techno, some 60s rock. A mix of everything is what I like, 80s music, cold wave, new wave, you know.
La Femme performing at Levitation 2022. Taken by Keller Welton.
Maddy: You want to talk about the new album a little bit?
Marlon: We did this one in a really different style. We really love the first song because it’s very cinematic, and then you go to a total different trip, more like reggaeton but in La Femme psychedelic style. You also have a cold wave song that I really like. It’s very ’80s, Spanish cold wave. There are some more traditional, like “Maialen,” which is more like a Paso Doble.
Keller: What’s your recording style like? Do you guys do live takes or do you do everything track by track?
Marlon: We do track by track.
Maddy: I’ve been asking everybody if you were any flavor, what flavor would you be?
Marlon: Raspberry.
This content was originally published here.
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thewickedxrp · 2 years
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                                                         ⁠TO THE PROMISE LAND
age / age they appear: 28  occupation: owner of the magic tome bookstore group: none
Maialen is intelligent and hardworking. It is a combination that either impresses people or makes them resentful. She speaks several languages and can recite far more Shakespeare by heart than is healthy. She is fascinated by horror movies and the macabre.
Maia is a bit jittery, especially for a powerful witch. Between the culture shock of Korea and the plethora of supernatural creatures in Jeju, she is still learning to adjust. However, she is also kind and selfless. Some find it admirable, but other think it makes her seem like a bit of a doormat.
Eugenio Cruz, was an American, born to a Puerto Rican father and a German mother. He was a professor, but also an avid wanderer. While attempting to hike on Hallasan Mountain, he broke his arm. His friend helped him to the nearest hospital. Hana, a Korean woman and native of the town, was one of the nurses there that day. The two hit it off and corresponded even once he left.
The two never had much support with their families, due to one significant reason. Eugenio was very human. Still, that didn’t stop their engagement. Everything imploded when Hana announced her pregnancy and that the child would be raised as a human.
Maia’s parents left Korea in hopes of staying away from more intolerant family members.  However, that was all for naught. Though they never told Maia about their family’s abilities, they couldn’t change fate. Maia’s family died and she was sent to live with her paternal grandparents. Her life was relatively normal. She went to a small university to study literature, but she never fit in with the general population. She rushed to graduate and finished a year early, made easier by her lack of socialization. Then, she obtained a masters in library science. She had just finished her final year when her grandfather died and she went to his funeral.
Her grandfather's death was heartbreaking, especially for Maia. The two has always been close and it was while digging through his belongings that she realized the truth of what she was. He spoke of how his son married a bruja, a witch. He talked about Maia and all the things he hid from her. She was never sure if it was out of shame or to protect the wishes of her dying parents. But, the match was lit. Maia began to practice her craft.
For Maia, being a witch was enough, even if the cost was sometimes higher than expected. She mostly specialized in healing potions. Now that her grandfather was gone, she didn't have much to use it for it. It all seemed relatively benign, mostly a lot of time and effort. She never quite put together that every time she healed someone's aches and pains she woke up a little more uncomfortable. Then, her cousin had a car accident and was paralyzed from the waist down.
The two were like sisters and Maia couldn’t bare to see her suffer. So, Maia began trying to give her cousin back the ability to walk, pouring over her hidden grimoires until she found a potion that could possibly succeed. She first gave her cousin a small dose, placing it her drink to test to see if it would work. The next day, her cousin claimed she was getting a feeling in her legs again. That afternoon, Maia fell in the middle of the street, briefly loosing the feeling in hers.
Maia learned that was the price of her potions. Whatever she used would come back on herself, her selfless magic forced to be truly selfless. If someone ingested one of her potions for protection, she would receive some of their injuries. If she tried to heal them, she would find herself with their same ailment.  The more major the magic, the bigger the consequence. She never gave her cousin the entire potion, fearful it would work and leave her in the same situation. It was selfish of her and unfair. She did spike her with potions to help during physical therapy, aching during the entire experience, but it was better than living with the guilt that she wasn't willing to sacrifice herself for her own family.
After that revelation, Maia finally reached out to her mother’s family in Jeju. Her maternal grandparents   were surprised to learn that their half-blood granddaughter had any magical abilities. They insisted she visit them and, after a tearful goodbye from her paternal grandmother, she did.
Despite the consequences, it became obvious that Maia’s magical abilities surpassed her Korean cousins. They were resentful, as Maia had begun studying as an adult while they had been doing it their whole lives. They took any opportunity to make fun of her “handicap”. However, Maia has never stopped searching for a way to alleviate her symptoms. Her trainings also revealed that using potions on herself made them benign.
Because of her family legacy, her grandparents have been pushing for Maia to join Yuchae. However, she knows her cousins don’t exactly want to welcome her into their ranks. So, she sticks to her bookstore, a witch without a coven.
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x00151x · 2 years
Efemérides literarias: 26 de noviembre
Efemérides literarias: 26 de noviembre
Nacimientos 1731: William Cowper, poeta británico (f. 1800).1822: Eduardo Benot, político, escritor y matemático español (f. 1907).1919: Frederik Pohl, escritor de ciencia ficción estadounidense (f. 2013).1944: Roberto Fontanarrosa, escritor, historietista y humorista argentino (f. 2007).1946: Itamar Singer, escritor e historiador rumano-israelí (f. 2012).1976: Maialen Lujanbio versolari y…
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unsaidflavio · 4 years
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“No roles, no rules”🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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