#magni gow
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moka-creates · 2 years ago
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I liiiiiveeee. Kind of got tired of the fandom for a bit, but I'm back babeyyyy
Just sharing some server shenanigans. Magni would be that chill hiking, camping fishing guy on tinder and you can't change my mind.
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charalysis · 1 year ago
GoW:Magni pt.2
So!!! I was recently informed that Magni is the only child that is not Sif's.
He is, in fact, an affair baby to put it nicely. The son of Thor and and giantess, Járnsaxa.
As confirmed by Sindri in the 2018 game "Sindri called the situation sordid story, sordid meaning "involving ignoble actions and motives; arousing moral distaste and contempt." This is a direct reference to Thor cheating on his wife Sif with Járnsaxa."
Magni was Thor's first child and thus defacto heir to Mjolnir, despite Odin's possible dislike.
If we assume the GoW lore has some accuracy matching the real myths, Odin despised Magni for being mostly giant. Magni was his first grandchild, and Magni was probably a disappointment to him out the gate, thus immediately straining his bonds with Thor.
Thor clearly favored Magni between his sons, but that doesn't mean their bond wasn't strained, especially with how Thor used to abuse him and Modi. But Magni's not only Thor's first child, but Magni was presumably stronger, and possibly smarter than Modi. Magni could have likely had a lot of his giant heritage close at hand, particularly magically. I don't know if he had Jötunar visions, however it's possible he may have to an extent, thus his cockiness in his fight with Kratos.
His fate to live through Ragnarok was seemingly assured to him, not just through prophecy, but perhaps by his own magic. He didn't realize he was up against a man who's entire thing is breaking fate...
But I do wonder what his status as an affair child and 3/4 Jötun meant for Magni in Asgard.
Did all Aesir and Asgard know? Was it a family secret? Did Sif try to pass him off as hers for the sake of Odin's image, or did she simply put aside her hurt and anger at being cheated on for the sake of a possibly abandoned/motherless newborn Magni?
Did Modi know? Does Thrúd know?
Modi's status as useless came from his cowardice and low intelligence, from his incompetence. Could Magni's status of useless have actually come from his heritage and the, essentially, racism he likely faced for being mostly giant?
Magni seemed more largely accepted between him and Modi amongst Aesir, and I still firmly believe it's because of Sif. Either people simply associate her and him because of their hair, or she put in great effort, even at her worst, to try and make sure everyone who saw her best qualities, saw those traits in Magni. Or at least orchestrated a positive association between him and herself to others. Perhaps many Asgardians don't even know Magni isn't her biological son.
Idk these are rambly thoughts at 3:30 am
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user1286 · 2 years ago
N no i dont think You Guys know how insane I’m going over the relationship of Magni Modi and Thrud. L like… i… I CANT STOP THINKING ABT THEM HHHH JUST ENDLESS AMOUNTS OF BRAINROT.
My specific obsession for the last week has been Magni and Thrud’s relationship, and I fucking love the idea of Magni being willing to die for his baby sister 🥹…
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I have an idea that Sif and Thor were still furious alcoholics even in Thrud’s childhood except they didn’t abuse her, but instead neglected her, forcing Magni and Modi to take care of her whenever Sif and Thor were on a hangover. Which was almost all the time. Until Thrud got older.
Magni, being the oldest sibling felt the most obligated to protect Thrud seeing how tiny and defenseless she was as just a babe in his massive hand. So what im basically trying to say, is uhhh, Magni essentially acted almost like a third parent for Thrud until she grew more capable of taking care of herself. He rlly loves and cares for his family, but sucks ass at showing it. He ends up with toxic love languages and toxic tendencies he would feel are the norm for him and whatever specific family member is in front of him. BUT due to there practically being nothing in the way of his relationship with Thrud, their relationship is one of the most important things to him, so if Thrud even gets upset with him, Magni gets a bit… nervous in his own ways.
The whole love thing also applies to Modi, but a bit different due to a… specific incident between the two (hint hint: the end of their boss fight in gow 2018) but that’s being dived into later on in my fic >:3
Btw new chapter coming soon, it’s gonna be a 2 parter bc damn is this thing (not rlly long, but instead) in desperate need of careful thinking through, shits abt to go down in the second part heheheh >:D
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medievildead · 2 years ago
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poetryinmotion-author · 1 year ago
Awesome tips! Will definitely be implementing them. 😊
On a (long, unnecessary, God of War Ragnarok specific) separate note...why does this perfectly describe Thor (and Magni...and Modi...and Sif...and Thrúd)
Thor deflecting his Odin-induced self loathing by pretending to be arrogant and self-assured, then tearing his sons down with him ("You see that? Real god stuff." Vs. "Don't you know...what I've done?!" He knows the atrocities he committed are just that–atrocities beyond reckoning, beyond imagination...beyond forgiveness, deep down in his own heart)...
Magni fighting (true) rumors of his being a Jotun bastard (born out of wedlock to Thor and Jarnsaxxa, according to the Eddas) by trying to be the perfect Aesir warrior and son...
Modi fighting the self-loathing Thor projects onto him by being overconfident and cocky, seeking attention for his strengths while also wallowing in his weaknesses and cowardice...
Sif's apparent perfectionism, the high standards she holds herself to as an Aesir...and as a mother trying to make up for a lifetime of being a drunkard and an abuser...
And Thrúd...fighting to be the good that comes out of all this trauma. Fighting to live up to her father's legacy, whatever good he left behind. Fighting to get out of the shadow of her brothers' sins. Fighting to live up to her mother's expectations while also following her own path.
Hey I’ve been struggling with developing a character’s inferiority complex. Do you have any tips on ways to show not tell this?
How to write an inferiority complex
An inferiority complex can be described as a chronic low self-esteem, a consistent feeling of inadequacy.
a low status in the social hierarchy
specific aspects about themself (physical or something else) that are looked down upon in society
being talked down on a lot
a lack of parental acceptance
failing to live up to high expectations put upon them
not reaching a goal they decided on themself
How to show a character's inferiority complex:
People act differently with this diagnosis, sometimes also depending on the situation and the person they are with. Here are some ideas.
show them focussing on negative aspects a lot
not being able to see it when something did work out well for them
talking badly about themself
withdrawing from friends and family
not being able to take a compliment or criticism
demeaning other's as a way to make other's feel as bad as they do
trying to get attention and even pity
can be shown through perfectionism
and not being able to cope well if something does not fit into the standard they have
I hope this helps you out!
- Jana
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angermango · 1 year ago
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finally got around to drawing the gang destroying a home depot
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alrakia-serpent · 27 days ago
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Magni the Disney Princess
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cbs-scorpion-coffee-shop · 1 year ago
I had a realization about Modi.
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When you first go to Asgard as Atreus and meet Sif, she's angry at you, due to what you did to Modi. Which tells you she resented Atreus for what he did.
When you meet Thrud, she tells you no one liked Modi and that they're better off without him and actively tries to be friends with you, which at least tells you she didn't resent Atreus despite him needlessly killing her brother.
When you work with Thor the first time and he pins you to the wall with Mjolnir, he starts with "Modi had some problems." That and the first battle with Kratos tells you that Modi was regarded lowly even by Thor and Thor refuses to acknowledge his own role in Modi's death.
When you meet Sif again with Thrud, she angrily scolds Thrud and says that she shouldn't be with Atreus because of "What his father did." not "What he and his father did.".
and in Ragnarok, when you meet Thrud again, she says "You're a killer just like your father and you're here to kill us all." implying that she thought he wasn't a killer.
All of these facts point to one conclusion:
They never told Thrud what happened to her brother.
She thinks both her brothers died in battle. She doesn't know what Thor did.
Which makes sense, but also ...... that's fucked up.
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monsterbrush · 1 year ago
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It must have been difficult for Thrúd, trying to connect with her brothers...
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Might not have been all bad though...
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charalysis · 2 years ago
From what I can glean from the posts I have seen on Tumblr, and across other social media so far, people have this idea that Magni from God of War 2018 is as much of an angry moron as others in games (mainly Mimir and Odin) say that he is. I’d like to propose another idea that is plausible, especially since we don’t actually get to know Magni beyond a few comments and the fight in which he is killed. The idea?
Neglected, Parentified Golden Child.
For some context here, I will be considering Magni and Modi Sif’s step-sons, though I do firmly believe she 10000% views the two as her own biological children and they were raised as such.
SO! Magni is the oldest of three, resting as older brother to Modi and Thrud. I believe Sif came into the picture possibly not long after Modi was either born or conceived. From what we hear from Mimir, Sif and Thor were drunks for most of the boys childhoods, leaving them to their own devices and leaving them alone together for most of time. It’s also stated that because he’s “blonder” he’s the favored child by all Asgard. (Context: I think Magni being blonde was relevant because it was a short hand way of saying “He’s pretty so he can get away with it”. The old Norsemen allegedly would use lye heavy soaps to bleach their hair, and viewed blonde hair as being very beautiful. If this is the case, then being blonde likely made others unconsciously associate him with Sif, who was likely seen as a fantastic addition to the family for her diplomacy and beauty.)
It’s also implied that Magni was the most successful between him and Modi. He’s taller, presumably prettier, and possibly smarter (which I do think is likely given when others speak about the brothers, Modi’s most often referred to as being the useless one, the stupid one. Odin and Mimir aside that is.) Magni was presumably more popular too.
In short, Magni, as a child and as he grew, had expectation upon expectation piled upon him, and he presumably met enough of them to be considered heir to Mjolnir. And on top of all that...
Modi was his to raise. 
Thor and Sif are described as being relatively absent in their boys lives beyond beating discipline into them, as Odin had done to Thor. The couple would spend their time drinking and alone with one another outside court it seems, leaving Magni to watch out for his little brother. Magni was probably constantly trying to wrangle Modi and keep him in line, doing to Modi what Thor did because he no other examples. He was a child himself, yet he was having the expectations of an adult and a parent thrown at him early on.
Then after likely centuries, along came baby Thrud. 
Around then, Magni likely stopped meeting many of Odin and Thor’s highest expectations, finding it harder as he got older due to burn out, thus why Odin sees him as useless and invaluable by Ragnarok. Magni would see his parents getting their acts together by Thrud’s birth, obviously Sif more so as she had to carry the baby. Thor’s trying to be better, Sif’s doing better, Modi’s grown, and now there’s a baby in the family....
Others speculate the age gap made it so the two didn’t bond much, but I think it’s far more likely that Magni watched their parents dote on his sister. Kiss her instead of hit her, coo instead of scream, and hug her through her failures rather than blame her for messing up and leaving her to pick up the pieces.
I genuinely believe where Modi probably really tried to bond with his sister, Magni struggled. He likely saw in her the way he could have turned out had his parents changed sooner. That’s not to say he didn’t love her, I absolutely think he would have killed for her if he had to, but I don’t think their bond was what it could have been. I think Magni tended her scrapes and held her through nightmares, but I think in a way he resented her for being worth changing for for their parents.
Thrud became the talented one, the golden child, once her ability in combat started to show. Magni faded into the background as she grew older, because even Modi was obnoxious enough and fucked up enough to stay in view despite Thor always referring to Modi last. 
I think Magni was likely on the edge of burnout by the time Kratos met him. He seemed so eager to do what he had been told...
Tl;Dr I think Magni was born into awful circumstances he was never going to truly escape from and he was favored for many years until Thrud came along. I think he was the smarter and likely calmer between him and Modi, but he wasn’t allowed to be anything but what Odin and other Aesir expected him to be. I think he had to partially raise his brother because clearly Thor and Sif weren’t going to.
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user1286 · 2 years ago
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ALSNWKD practices n such that’s all these rlly are KSNDDJND
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medievildead · 2 years ago
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Magnolia 2
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arian-archivist-11 · 2 years ago
Bringing my atreus harem agenda to Tumblr
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mangamithedragon · 2 months ago
Magni and Modi, sons of Thor (God of War 2018)
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angermango · 10 months ago
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reasons not to get hit right in the face
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stupidrant · 1 year ago
if kratos and freya were to marry that means everyone from aesir royal family to kratos’ line is a family member of each other 😭😭😭 angrboda and atreus being married would make them baldur, thor, heimdall and tyr’s siblings, forseti, magni, modi and thrud’s uncle and aunt and hel being born would mean shes their cousin 🤨
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