#gow magni
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alrakia-serpent · 27 days ago
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Magni the Disney Princess
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mangamithedragon · 2 months ago
Magni and Modi, sons of Thor (God of War 2018)
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apocalypticwafflekitten · 7 months ago
I Have Thoughts and Feelings About Magni from God Of War 2018 (+ A Blurb!)
Now hear me out: I doubt this was intentional, but I think I’ve connected some dots (You haven’t connected shit) I’ve connected them:
Exhibit A:
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This is the conversation in Niflheim, in the latter half of Ragnarök, where Sif is trying to show Thor what Odin has done to their family in the past few years. She focuses on the memory of Magni and Modi as kids and, most important for this analysis, the memory of carving wooden horses for their boys while telling stories by the fire.
Exhibit B:
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Flashback to gow 2018 for a second and look at Magni’s armor.
When I look at that second link or segment of the metalwork in Magni’s belt, it looks like there are horse heads worked into the design of his armor.
Now this could be totally coincidental (and realistically, it probably is), but where’s the fun in that?
This got a lot longer than I intended, so I’m putting a cut here!
This gives me so many ideas and raises so many questions, my head is reeling.
Also, I don’t mean to say that this is a definitive connection, or that any of what I’m about to ramble off is canon. This is just exploring the potential of an idea I had when I remembered the wooden horse story from Ragnarök. This whole post/analysis thing is based around the idea that the horses were intentionally designed into Magni’s armor as a nod to the carved horses from Magni and Modi’s childhood. Of course the horses could be a reference to something else, or the may be nothing at all. But I find it very endearing that the horses in Magni’s armor could be a little symbolic link to the wooden horses and I want to explore that idea.
Now, if horses are worked into the design of Magni’s armor, assuming it’s not just a thing the armourer decided to throw in, then I have to wonder who asked for the horses to be worked into the design and why?
I’m assuming that this armor was made specifically for Magni, maybe as some sort of graduation into adulthood or something similar (idk, bear with me here). And I want to consider the, I guess, implications of different people asking for the design. Specifically those that I think would have had the most impact on the armor’s design: Sif, Thor, and Magni.
I think Sif and Thor would have similar intentions: I can imagine both of them wanting to remind Magni of a better time in their lives, before Odin started sending the boys out to do his bidding, before the constant competition between him and Modi. Maybe it’s a reminder of home or something like that. I can imagine them coming to the armorer together with designs drawn up.
There could also be a little character dimension here for Thor and Sif. This reaches well beyond textual evidence, but this entire analysis is based on two screen caps and blind hope, so I think it’s okay. I think requesting the horse design could be a way for Sif and Thor to show Magni that regardless of their drinking, and despite Thor’s physical abuse, they still remember what life was like before everything went to shit. Maybe it’s a subtle way of showing that they still care? That’s not to excuse Thor and Sif’s actions or parenting. I just think there could be some dimension there.
Given what we hear from the game though, I don’t know how likely this is. From my understanding, Sif and Thor were drinking, neglecting, and abusing their sons since their early childhood. Maybe they had some moments of clarity in there, and maybe they would pull together and look like a functional family for special events, but, again, there’s not enough information in the game to give concrete answers, so it’s up to personal headcanon.
And finally, if Magni was the one to request horses designed into his armor, there’s a lot we could speculate about his childhood and motivations. (Here is where I really start rambling. The speculation is off the charts) I’m running with the idea that the horses in Magni’s armor work as a sort of symbolic tie to his childhood. This could indicate a number of things about Magni and the kind of person he is deep down beneath all the bullshit he’s been taught.
If the little wooden horses mean so much to Magni that he has them shaped into the metalwork of his armor, then I wonder what Magni’s relationship with his childhood is like. Perhaps Magni is, deep down, a very sentimental person. Maybe he misses how things were when he was little, listening to stories by the fire, playing with the wooden horses his parents carved.
I really like this theory by @charalysis that suggests Magni was parentified as a kid and ended up raising Modi. I’ve thought about that a lot while writing this, and it makes me wonder if Magni is sort of emotionally drawn to those few happy memories from his childhood. Maybe Magni laments his lost childhood/adolescence and basically clings to whatever semblance of a childhood he had.
Maybe, in the face of his upbringing and Thor’s abuse, Magni is grasping at any happy memories he can muster as a sort of comfort. Maybe, wayyyy deep down, he has this stubborn hope that things can get better - that one day his family can go back to sitting by the fire, telling stories and carving horses. It wouldn’t be the same of course (and given what we know of Sif and Thor before their sons’ canonical deaths, it’s extremely unlikely), but maybe it’s a hope that’s more for Magni than his family. Maybe it’s something he has to hold onto to because if he didn’t he’d fall apart. So he keep fighting with this bull-headed optimism that things can change for the better.
I don’t know. I’m just rambling at this point, but I have so many thoughts.
Yes, I know I’m reading way too far into this. There’s so much speculation and the little horse design probably doesn’t hold this much weight, but I enjoy considering the possibilities of little details like this. That and we don’t know much about Magni outside of his physical strength and dysfunctional family, so I’ve indulged a bit here and played with this idea!
Thank you for coming to my Ted-Talk! Feel free to add your thoughts as well!
The screenshot of Sif’s conversation with Thor is from this video from BabyZone on YouTube
I wouldn’t have noticed the horse detail in Magni’s armor if I hadn’t been respectfully ogling @remoryu’s screencaps of Magni in the boss fight!
The beautiful dividers below are made by @cafekitsune!
And a huge thanks to @insane-brit for convincing me that this was worth posting!
This idea inspired me, so have a little Magni x Reader blurb! I don’t know when this is set exactly. Magni lives and it’s probably a little after the events of GOW 2018.
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“Are those horses? On your belt?” You ask, watching as Magni unties the belt’s worn leather ties.
“Interested in my belt hmm? Why are you looking there?” He replies with a mischievous smirk and a glint in his eye.
“Oh hush. That’s not where my mind is and you know it.” You laugh, reaching for his belt after he set it on the bed beside you. “Are they horses though? In the metalwork?”
He smiles at you and sits beside you. He reaches across your lap to hold the belt with you, tracing his hand along the glinting patterns.
“Yes. When the armor was designed, I asked the armourer to include horses somewhere in the metalwork. I didn’t really care where, I just wanted horses in there. I wanted them as a reminder of when I was a kid. Before Odin started sending Modi and I to do his bidding.” There’s a distant look in Magni’s eyes, and his shoulders droop as he lets out a long, slow breath. “Mother and Father used to tell us stories around the fire while they carved wooden horses for us. Modi would always listen with rapt attention. I cared more for playing pretend with the horses. We used to fall asleep by the hearth and wake up the next morning, snug in our beds. I still remember the warmth of the hearth’s stones and how it felt to lay on them and drift off to sleep. Things were better then.”
“What happened?” You ask, shifting your gaze to look at Magni.
“Modi and I were raised as warriors. Even as kids we were pitted against one another in a bid to win our father’s and grandfather’s approval. But nothing good ever came of it. Odin was never impressed regardless of how many monsters we killed or jobs we finished. And Father,” Magni took a deep breath, “Father was too drunk to notice unless we did something wrong. And even when we did everything right, he’d take his anger out on us. Still would, I’m sure.” Magni pauses, taking a moment to trace the little horses, noticing the way you watched his fingers move across the teal metal, “I wear the horses because I want to carry those memories with me. I want to remember how mother and father used to be before it all went to shit. I want to believe things can be better again. Even at my very worst, all I had to do was remember those horses and I could remember what I was fighting for.“
“You think your parents can learn to be better?” You ask, running your thumb along the metalwork.
“I’d like to believe they can. With the right pressure.” Magni runs his fingers over the back of your hand, letting himself calm at the feeling of your warmth. “But I can’t carry that burden. I have to find my own way to be better.”
You sit there for a moment, feeling the weight of Magni’s words and enjoying the feeling of him tracing the back of your hand.
“Tell me some of the stories? The ones your parents told you?”
Magni meets your eye with a confused look; one that slowly melts into something warm and loving.
“I could do that, yes. Later though. I can tell you all the stories of my childhood after we eat. Let’s go make some dinner.”
You nod, setting Magni’s belt aside and taking his outstretched hand.
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moka-creates · 2 years ago
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I liiiiiveeee. Kind of got tired of the fandom for a bit, but I'm back babeyyyy
Just sharing some server shenanigans. Magni would be that chill hiking, camping fishing guy on tinder and you can't change my mind.
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user1286 · 2 years ago
N no i dont think You Guys know how insane I’m going over the relationship of Magni Modi and Thrud. L like… i… I CANT STOP THINKING ABT THEM HHHH JUST ENDLESS AMOUNTS OF BRAINROT.
My specific obsession for the last week has been Magni and Thrud’s relationship, and I fucking love the idea of Magni being willing to die for his baby sister 🥹…
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I have an idea that Sif and Thor were still furious alcoholics even in Thrud’s childhood except they didn’t abuse her, but instead neglected her, forcing Magni and Modi to take care of her whenever Sif and Thor were on a hangover. Which was almost all the time. Until Thrud got older.
Magni, being the oldest sibling felt the most obligated to protect Thrud seeing how tiny and defenseless she was as just a babe in his massive hand. So what im basically trying to say, is uhhh, Magni essentially acted almost like a third parent for Thrud until she grew more capable of taking care of herself. He rlly loves and cares for his family, but sucks ass at showing it. He ends up with toxic love languages and toxic tendencies he would feel are the norm for him and whatever specific family member is in front of him. BUT due to there practically being nothing in the way of his relationship with Thrud, their relationship is one of the most important things to him, so if Thrud even gets upset with him, Magni gets a bit… nervous in his own ways.
The whole love thing also applies to Modi, but a bit different due to a… specific incident between the two (hint hint: the end of their boss fight in gow 2018) but that’s being dived into later on in my fic >:3
Btw new chapter coming soon, it’s gonna be a 2 parter bc damn is this thing (not rlly long, but instead) in desperate need of careful thinking through, shits abt to go down in the second part heheheh >:D
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stellarcellardweller · 2 years ago
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Thor the moment his sons were born.
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mythropigman · 1 year ago
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The only reason this tool so long was because I had no idea what else to draw in the background, if I had ideas this would have already been posted
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a-cabin-in-midgard · 2 years ago
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Been a while but part 3 of the centaur AU stuff since it still has a strong hold on my brain.
Assets are from Renderosity and the Daz Store. Centaur textures converted by me to work with Daz's centaur mesh.
Do not repost without my permission.
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breakintomyhead · 1 year ago
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emonastya · 1 year ago
(Holding a rose made of pure shadows): How about this one for a potential drawing, My Friend?
Atreus: It's been weeks, Björn! When are you and Revna coming home to Father & I?!
Björn (Walking towards a limo - where Magni is waiting for him): I am going home. To my Father, Mother, Brothers, and Sisters. I'm no longer a Sparta. I'm a Thorsdottir, now.
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Sorry for the shitty quality of the photo 🥺 anyway, here’s your drawing 💞
(Magni in the background looking silly lol 😝)
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poetryinmotion-author · 1 year ago
Awesome tips! Will definitely be implementing them. 😊
On a (long, unnecessary, God of War Ragnarok specific) separate note...why does this perfectly describe Thor (and Magni...and Modi...and Sif...and Thrúd)
Thor deflecting his Odin-induced self loathing by pretending to be arrogant and self-assured, then tearing his sons down with him ("You see that? Real god stuff." Vs. "Don't you know...what I've done?!" He knows the atrocities he committed are just that–atrocities beyond reckoning, beyond imagination...beyond forgiveness, deep down in his own heart)...
Magni fighting (true) rumors of his being a Jotun bastard (born out of wedlock to Thor and Jarnsaxxa, according to the Eddas) by trying to be the perfect Aesir warrior and son...
Modi fighting the self-loathing Thor projects onto him by being overconfident and cocky, seeking attention for his strengths while also wallowing in his weaknesses and cowardice...
Sif's apparent perfectionism, the high standards she holds herself to as an Aesir...and as a mother trying to make up for a lifetime of being a drunkard and an abuser...
And Thrúd...fighting to be the good that comes out of all this trauma. Fighting to live up to her father's legacy, whatever good he left behind. Fighting to get out of the shadow of her brothers' sins. Fighting to live up to her mother's expectations while also following her own path.
Hey I’ve been struggling with developing a character’s inferiority complex. Do you have any tips on ways to show not tell this?
How to write an inferiority complex
An inferiority complex can be described as a chronic low self-esteem, a consistent feeling of inadequacy.
a low status in the social hierarchy
specific aspects about themself (physical or something else) that are looked down upon in society
being talked down on a lot
a lack of parental acceptance
failing to live up to high expectations put upon them
not reaching a goal they decided on themself
How to show a character's inferiority complex:
People act differently with this diagnosis, sometimes also depending on the situation and the person they are with. Here are some ideas.
show them focussing on negative aspects a lot
not being able to see it when something did work out well for them
talking badly about themself
withdrawing from friends and family
not being able to take a compliment or criticism
demeaning other's as a way to make other's feel as bad as they do
trying to get attention and even pity
can be shown through perfectionism
and not being able to cope well if something does not fit into the standard they have
I hope this helps you out!
- Jana
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angermango · 1 year ago
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finally got around to drawing the gang destroying a home depot
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user1286 · 2 years ago
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Somg btw: Long Before The Sky Would Open by Colin Stetson
UH I gotta make plans for how I want to put out my personal projects now, however, it’s probably gonna be the same as it’s always been, I literally cannot promise anything LOL
Also for some reason my family plans to travel a lot now that everyone’s vacations are starting, so I’m even more uncertain on the how much I rlly will be able to get done with just one summer
I’m gonna try anyway tho >:3
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stellarcellardweller · 4 months ago
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GOW Tumblr, it's been a while...
And yes, I'm still harrassing Magni. I like breaking the brains of himbos, what can I say.
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mythropigman · 1 year ago
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Modi and Magni, Thors sons
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monsterbrush · 1 year ago
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It must have been difficult for Thrúd, trying to connect with her brothers...
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Might not have been all bad though...
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