#gow thrud
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enjinia000 · 8 months ago
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A funny thing I did for pride month.
I saw some people pairing Kratos and Tyr. I think it’s cute.
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perce-jpg · 1 year ago
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sideblog ragnarok posting
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iub-08 · 3 months ago
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sapphire-of-midgard · 5 months ago
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jenarosscity · 1 month ago
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What I would think some GOW characters would get as road trip snacks
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blueparsley444 · 6 months ago
this was the first thing i drew for gow and the sheer amount of detail in the outfit made me cry… i really wanna draw more gow please give me requests guys 😭 HELP ME
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cbs-scorpion-coffee-shop · 1 year ago
I had a realization about Modi.
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When you first go to Asgard as Atreus and meet Sif, she's angry at you, due to what you did to Modi. Which tells you she resented Atreus for what he did.
When you meet Thrud, she tells you no one liked Modi and that they're better off without him and actively tries to be friends with you, which at least tells you she didn't resent Atreus despite him needlessly killing her brother.
When you work with Thor the first time and he pins you to the wall with Mjolnir, he starts with "Modi had some problems." That and the first battle with Kratos tells you that Modi was regarded lowly even by Thor and Thor refuses to acknowledge his own role in Modi's death.
When you meet Sif again with Thrud, she angrily scolds Thrud and says that she shouldn't be with Atreus because of "What his father did." not "What he and his father did.".
and in Ragnarok, when you meet Thrud again, she says "You're a killer just like your father and you're here to kill us all." implying that she thought he wasn't a killer.
All of these facts point to one conclusion:
They never told Thrud what happened to her brother.
She thinks both her brothers died in battle. She doesn't know what Thor did.
Which makes sense, but also ...... that's fucked up.
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sapphic-of-cintra · 10 months ago
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thor and thrúdie
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midnightostara · 10 months ago
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Happy Mothers Day
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evilbeing · 1 year ago
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The Kids!!!🌸
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a-cabin-in-midgard · 2 years ago
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This is getting out of hand. But I have 0 regrets.
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enjinia000 · 1 year ago
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The Youngsters of God of War.
I heard someone mention that Skjoldr’s design looked a lot like Link from Breath of the Wild. So I drew him and Thrud as Zelda and Link. Then of course, I drew Heimdall, the bully.
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the-hufflepuffle · 1 year ago
Incorrect God of War Quotes
(Some from a generator, some conversations I had)
Kratos: you have to apologize to Mimir
Freya: fine.
Freya to Mimir: "unfuck you" or whatever
*Sif and Thrud skipping rocks*
Sif: it's such a beautiful night
Thrud: take that you fucking lake
Kratos: What if the person who named Walkie Talkies named everything?
Atreus: Pregnancy tests are Maybe Babies
Freyr: Socks are Feetie Heaties
Mimir: Forks are Stabby Grabbies
Atreus: Defibrillators are Heartie Starties
Freyr: Nightmares are Dreamy Screamies
Mimir: Stamps are Lickie Stickies
Freya, annoyed: You are disappointments
Kratos: had a realization today
Freya: what?
Kratos: someone asked me what I'd do if I had a week to live
Freya: yeah and?
Kratos: I'd go into the woods, die and let the earth reclaim me.
Freya: yeah okay. You'll need to tell me when you're doing that.
Kratos: why, I'm dying at the end of jt its not camping
Freya: it's cute you think I'm a.) Gonna let you die alone and b.) Die without setting a marker for me and Atreus to find and visit you
Kratos, defeated: yes maam
Freya: because we know how it'll go if you do that
Kratos, still defeated: you'll bring me back, and then kill me yourself
Freya: I'm glad we understand each other.
Freyr: Whaddya call a fish with no eye?
Freya, not looking up: Myxine Circifrons
Freyr: fsh
Atreus : You are irrationally angry 365 days a year.
Thrud: Well, that’s just your personal opinion, I don’t have anger issues. Do you guys think I have anger issues?
Skjoldr: Well, I wouldn’t really call it an issue. An issue is something you can fix.
Thrud: I made this leather pouch and then I made another one and
Sif: we don't even need a DNA test that's all you
Thor: yeah...I know
Warflower kid, age 7: Atreus, what are you doing?
Atreus, doing a kids puzzle and teasing: I'm figuring out this puzzle. It's clearly 3 different puzzles.
WF kid: uh... no it isnt
Atreus: prove it
WF kid: okay (finds puzzle pieces) ahem
Atreus: go ahead prove it
*a couple minutes later*
WF kid: see?
Atreus: I guess you proved me wrong bud.
WF kid: yeah I did *keeps playing with other toys*
Atreus: I love you bud
WF kid: I love you too. *turns to look* do you really think it was 3 puzzles?
Atreus: yup.
Odin: hey, Balder come here. Is this flour or powdered sugar?
Balder: it's flour.
Odin: hiw do you know?
Balder: because I can tell by looking at it?
Odin: taste it
Balder, tasting flour: ew why? What was the purpose? That's nasty
Odin: now you know it's flour.
Kratos: Hey, random question, what are your favorite flowers?
Freya : Peonies, why?
Freya : Were you going to get me flowers?
Freya :
Kratos: ᶦᵗ’ˢ ᵃ ᵖᵒˢˢᶦᵇᶦˡᶦᵗʸ
*watching the new Hunger Games*
Atreus: *looks over at Thrud about to say something*
Thrud: *mocking the little voice saying "enjoy the show"*
Atreus: listen I was literally gonna tell you how we would suck in the hunger games cause we'd be marching in there fucking making fun of the little voice each time it went off
Thrud: honestly yeah. Then I'd kill you
Atreus: what?
Theud: we've discussed this. I don't want you living with the trauma of the Hunger Games. Mercy killing.
Atreus: I don't know whether to be afraid or touched.
Freya: I am the left brain, I am the left brain. "I work really hard until my inevitable death" brain. You've got a job to do, you better do it right and the right way is with the left brain's might.
Freya: and if anything happens we blame Heimdal
Heimdal: wait why-
Freya: you are a smaller version of the man I hate!
WF kid: how long have you been married?
Kratos: 4 years
WF kid: *big gasp* but I'm 6
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froggymenace · 8 months ago
just realized i never posted this. i couldn’t find who the base belongs to, so if anyone knows pls tell me.
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just seems like something they would do cuz they’re the cutest 🫶🏾 i couldn’t find any tags of skjöldr :,(
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dkmbookworm · 1 year ago
GoW Modern au Jobs
I’ve been trying to think of what would be fitting jobs for the God of War characters in a modern au and here are some of the ones that might fit
Atreus: split between archaeology or translations in publishing
Mimir: Professor of Pre-Christian European history
Freya: Family Doctor
Angrboda: a professional muralist or illustrator or a veterinarian
Baldur, thor, magni, and Modi are variations of combat vets who then became body guards for Odin
Odin: CEO of some shady corporation
Thrud: some kind of professional sport or maybe law enforcement (yes I know ACAB but I can’t think of another equivalent for the valkyrie)
Sif: lawyer, either in corporate law or a prosecutor
Heimdall: involved in Security Technology a coder and/or hacker
Feel free to tell me your own ideas
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eclipse-xd · 1 year ago
Heimdall hates his family and is extremely cold, we know that. BUT. Will he protect any of them in an extreme situation (we are talking about any of his relatives but more about Thrud because she's a child and she's his niece, and I love her)? Like, will he protect her or at least help her if she's about to be killed or... I don't know, covered in stones? And will it be 'cause he just has to because they are “family” or does he actually have any feelings for them?
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