#gow lysandra
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amethystmoonart · 10 months ago
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As soon as I heard Kratos saying he knew how to play the lyre, I immediately thought he’d play with Calliope, so this came into being. It’s probably one of the reasons he won’t play anymore.
Honestly, I’m just obsessed with creating art of Kratos with Calliope, before his deal with Ares. In the GoW games before the Norse saga, he showed his absolute love for his daughter. Making a flute for her, kissing her as she was sleeping (even though it was an illusion), giving up Elysium just so she could still live on. Like, I can’t stop obsessing over the love he has for her. It’s taking over my life. 😅
Side note: I took artistic liberty with Calliope and Lysandra’s looks, just cause I wanted to.
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beresaad · 5 months ago
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GOD OF WAR: ASCENSION - Alecto manipulating Kratos using his love for Lysdrandra
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midnightostara · 10 months ago
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Happy Mothers Day
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agaygoatguy · 2 months ago
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More female!kratos and her petty husband lysandra
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And calliope!
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kratioed · 1 year ago
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neechees · 2 months ago
Some Lysandra headcanons I have:
Lysandra is named after her paternal grandmother, Lysimache
Her Father's name is Alexandros, and her Mother's name is Damara
Her favorite color is blue (of course)
She loses fibulae all the time the way modern ppl lose hair ties, so she's always buying them & it drives Kratos crazy
She actually met and saw Kratos first when they were younger, decided "I need to marry him", and convinced her Father to arrange their marriage, and he did
Shes the woman that puts her hair strands on the side of the bath walls
She's good at javelin & spear throwing
Also actually likes cooking, she finds it theraputic and relaxing
She likes to do Calliope's hair
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thegodsdemise · 1 year ago
Ragnarök Is Coming (Part Two)
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as Atreus finished feeding Speki & Svanna; as well as tending to Fenrir; he would meet with his father -- to eat the rabbits and added deer that they gathered from the hunt.
But? something troubled the youthful archer in his 'spiffy' archer suit; as Heimdall labeled it.
Kratos: "Atreus, what troubles you? Speak plain."
Atreus: "I'm just thinking about mom, and why she kept secrets and what she wants for us to do on our journey. I've gotta find answers."
Kratos would listen with a gruff, as he was carving a whet stone with his leviathan axe.
Kratos: "Even if those answers lead to war with Asgard? Hmph, you do not know what your mother wanted. You will not find what you seek & you are NOT ready."
Atreus: "How do you know? Mother isn't the only one keeping secrets. What do you know?! How many gods have you killed? How did you get your 'answers'?"
Kratos: "I've done things to those who were deserving and those who were not. I've killed my father, and it's brought me no peace. This path you walk? It will not give you peace. I know."
The snow was falling heavily that cold wintered night, as the two finished their food; as Kratos rose to his feet and would follow behind Atreus to the cabin.
Kratos: "Inside, boy. To bed. We will speak of this no longer."
Kratos would set the axe by the foot of his bed at his disposal, in case Hel-walkers or Kol-Raiders or beasts disrupt their slumber. He would be ready to slay them.
As the two would shut their eyes, Kratos's nightmares still continued to haunt him; as Athena said they would for the rest of his days -- he dreamt of Lysandra and Calliope; as well as his next premonition being of his new wife Faye.
The one woman who made things make sense, who could reason with the brute; The one woman who calmed his rage that brewed inside of him. She helped him channel it.
As for the nightmare with his first wife & child? It was of that fateful night in Sparta; where Kratos was still under the blood oath and servitude to Lord Ares. the former God of War who coaxed him into burning down Athens and killing his wife & daughter. The ultimate betrayal.
The Spartan General would wake up frantically, breathing in and breathing out; letting out a scream that bellowed in the Midgardian forest.
He looked over and saw that Atreus wasn't in bed, but ventured out to find a proper burial for Fenrir; as he cast Fenrir's soul out of his already dying host.
Kratos retrieved Mimir, and would tether him to his hip and flung open his door with his blades sheathed to his back along with his leviathan axe and began to search high & wide for the young archer.
Kratos yelled out, "Atreus! Where are you! Answer me, boy!"
Kratos would face off with all manner of creature, the further he traveled through inches of snow; he lost one child and he will not lose one again. He would do anything for his son, as any parent would.
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thegodsdemise · 1 year ago
This is awesome. Can’t wait for part 2 & 3. 🙌
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gift from a father - page 1/3
comment if you'd like to be tagged in the next parts!
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iub-08 · 10 months ago
They deserve more content together.
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salmonpiffy · 4 months ago
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wheeee~ ☂️
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amethystmoonart · 10 months ago
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Sobbing at the idea of Kratos playing the lyre as Calliope played the flute in happier times.
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upn-the-sky · 2 months ago
They were left in Sparta (Lysandra and Calliope OOAK, part 1)
Not a surprise post for these who standing by my doll making processes. (THANK YOU YALL)
Yes, I made them too. It was my cruel plan from the beginning. Because Kratos just can't be fully himself without his family and the first trilogy is a fullmetal prove of this statement. Kratos literally destroyed the world, where they're dead.
After preparing to write all of this, I found out that somehow I don't have a lot of photo of them.. (Is it canon or not??) I think I was really too busy with Kratos's armor and girls didn't try to drive me insane at the final stages, but oh well. I'll try to fill the gaps in process with my rants.
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Lysandra's head
As I said, I planned that from the very beginning. Lysandra's head arrived at the same package with Kratos's. Rare photo of these two BEFORE.
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And her head was absolutely perfect (you can guess the actress!), It didn't even need an extreme resculpting like Kratos. I just remade her nosebridge to make her nose looks more greek, you know.
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And that's the body I choose for her. Small bust, soft belly, strong wide hips. Spartan woman TM (Is it consider as a nudity content? There is would be plenty.)
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God I was so glad that her head didn't need a lot of touch ups. (at the same time I was dying over Kratos's quirasse). Airbrush for laying a skincolor. Aquarellis and soft pastels for the face-up.
I wanted her to have a calm, but strong-willed expression as we can see at concept arts from Ascension. Looking at her in Ascension I am joking often in my head that Kratos married a female version of himself.
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Okay, her face turned out pretty "ascensioned". But my goal is to keep in touch with the GOW1 design. I made her hair from the light brown wool, layering strands backwards (and as I remember correctly, in Hellada more beautiful than tow-heads were only red-heads..)
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I really love and adore Lysandra. She feels so feminine, and she was the only one (before Ares) who kept a tight rein on her reckless husband. And, well, she is ready.
Calliope's head
Girls didn't try to drive me insane. Think about this lie twice, my past-me. At the stage of preparation, I found out that I can't find a donor head and body for the 8 y/o child. And the problem was not in ages. It was in scaling. 1/6 is too big (Kratos and Lys are in this scale), 1/12 is too small, 1/8 has only adult faces, etc. Fffffffffffff, it turned out in need to ask saler to print me a custom sized head with childlike features. I chose this anime girl and resculpted eyes, nose and lover lip.
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I wanted her to looks like Kratos, like his little copy, so I tried my best to make them look alike.
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Calliope's body What about the body? Welllll, I planned to use Penny's box body firstly, but after some time I gave up and agreed to myself that this body had proportions of a 1 or 2 y/o child even if I like hands and feet. Good for a chibi, but not for a regular girl.
According to concept arts, Calliope should be able to press her face to Lysandra's belly. And cause I am lazy and I didn't want to sculpt a whole body from zero, I bought an 1/12 adult action body for the base and started to make 1 frankenstein body from 2.
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Firstly, I decided to remove all rubber skin from the jointed carcass. Secondly, I cut off forearms and calfs and replaced them with the ones from the Penny's box body. After that I sculpted the whole new torso, thickened arms and legs, but saved the movability of all joints. Joint in the neck is questionable, but it's visibility is not bothering me much.
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OKay, size comparison looks promising.. Time for painting, I mean airbrushing.
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For the base color I chose dark tan of the hands and feet and airbrushed both head and body with it. (Photos as usual shows what they wants). And I also painted the face with aquarellis and blushed her body with soft pastels. I knew, all of that work with pastels won't be visible under the clothes, but I am very pleased with the realistic vibe of the skin.
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And you know what's next!
Calliope's hair Calliope is the first and only doll in my GOW party who has actual hairstyle. Her hair are done in a very tight curls? Or braids? It is hard to understand, but it made my life very difficult! ᕕ( ᐛ ) ᕗ
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I'll say it right now, after many tries I had left the hope to make her curly braids reversible. Her head is too small for that. And I didn't want to use hair spray for the wool, because it could make wool looks too greasy.. But I continue to think. And remembered one thing. You probably did it yourself, if you have long hair like me. I meanб if you hold a hairstrand with two hands and start to twist it in one way, in one moment it will curl into a double spiral right between your fingers.
After remembering that I just made the same thing with wool, sealing the result with curling iron, and glued these tight spirals it to the head.
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Aaaand this is it. My poor eyes. (Lol it is Kratos on the gif, I haven't notice)
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She turned out pretty good I'd say, really. They both did. But somehow the sealant I use for the doll face-ups gave an unexpected reaction on Calliope's face and after some time began to peel off slightly over her eyes. An uncritical thing, because it just made her pupils look foggy and I redraw her eyes right above it.
I just feel that I need to say some words in the end of the post to hint that I will show her face properly in the Part 2, where we're going to make clothes for them!
Stay tuned! And thank you for the comments and the tags under reposts! I read all of them and feel myself very inspired!
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midnightostara · 2 years ago
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agaygoatguy · 10 months ago
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Bald rizz
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I like to believe they'd get along
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kratioed · 11 months ago
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"You waver from sound mind to illusion in the beat of a heart is that any life for a great warrior?"
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neechees · 29 days ago
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inspired by this post that I said I'd make art for 100 billion years ago feat. The Kratos/AOS/Lysandra/Faye polycule... and slushies
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