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tommyofspeed-a · 5 months ago
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Take a look at Tommy's gallery feat. grandpa Magneto !
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@magnetic-regent-magneto sent: 📷 or "snapshot" and i'll share photos of your muse my muse has saved on their phone! || accepting!
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doomologys · 2 months ago
The     sea     churned     violently     against     the     cliffs,     spitting     foam     and     rage     at     the     blackened     rocks.     The     air     hung     thick     with     the     scent     of     salt     and     storm,     heavy     with     the     magnetic     pull     that     twisted     unseen     threads     of     power     through     the     sky     and     stone.     Doom     stood     at     the     threshold     of     this     island     —     a     sanctuary     turned     fortress,     a     kingdom     born     of     exile.
It     was     raw,     untamed,     shaped     by     will     alone.     How     fitting.
His     cloak     billowed     behind     him     like     the     shadow     of     a     collapsing     monument,     his     steps     slow     and     deliberate     as     he     advanced     across     the     fractured     earth.     Each     step     echoed     in     defiance,     ringing     out     against     the     silence     of     this     forgotten     place.     Far     above,     he     could     see     him.     Magneto,     standing     like     a     statue     hewn     from     marble     and     iron,     moving     at     the     peak     of     his     creation.     His     helmet     gleamed     beneath     the     pale     light,     a     crown     of     defiance     worn     by     a     king     who     believed     himself     untouchable.     He     gazed     out     over     his     island     —     his     sanctuary     of     steel     and     solitude     —     as     though     he     were     surveying     an     empire.
Doom     saw     something     else.     Not     an     empire,     but     a     tomb     waiting     to     be     sealed.     "You've     built     this     place     from     iron     and     stone,"     Doom     continued,     his     gaze     never     wavering     as     he     ascended     the     path     toward     the     summit.     "A     citadel     forged     from     the     wreckage     of     your     failures.     A     monument     to     your     people’s     suffering,     erected     by     your     own     hands.     Have     you     believed     yourself     their     savior."     He     paused,     letting     the     wind     carry     the     words     for     a     moment.     "You     wear     their     grief     like     armor,     their     hopes     like     a     crown.     But     tell     me     —     what     price     have     they     paid     for     your     dream?"
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alwaysxinxtrouble · 3 months ago
@magnetic-regent-magneto liked for a starter with Frank
Brow knitted tightly in the middle, Frank could only stare quietly in contemplation at the man. He had fought with Magneto more than once, each time barely walking away with his life and each time he had the chance after he fought him again. But who stood before him did not look like the Magneto he had seen flashed across newspapers and media.
Then again nothing about this place seemed familiar; a barren wasteland surrounding them. Random portals opened up in the sky now and then, some random structure falling through to crash to the ground below. Not that it mattered with the way his eyes remained glued to the man, glancing him up and down before finally speaking.
"You killed Kennedy?"
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jewelstole · 8 months ago
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magnetic-regent-magneto asked: " you never saw a man have a crisis of faith before? "
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" can't say i have. maybe i should drop by some more. this is fun. " she smirks. " besides .. you might need a little extra feline intuition .. "
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br4ndts · 1 month ago
“do  you  like  purple?”  it's  a  question  that's  been  weighing  heavily  on  her  mind,  as  dumb  as  some  would  think  it  to  be.  "your  costume  has  purple,  so  i  was  wondering..  i  did  not  want  to  assume--  i  like  purple  a  lot,  you  look  lovely  in  it."  a  small  smile,  one  that  looks  slightly  pained.  she  still  hasn't  gotten  the  hang  of  properly  conveying  joy  in  a  way  that  doesn't  make  others  uncomfortable.
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wrathbit · 2 months ago
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❛ @magnetic-regent-magneto when you say 'teaching', what exactly does that entail ? you know i'm not exactly . . . ❜ he searches for the right words, (ignoring the fact that they do not, in fact, know each other incredibly well). ❛ always able to work consistent hours. ❜ then again, if anyone would offer flexibility, it would be someone who understands the lifestyle. he feels woefully underdressed & small next to this man, 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝'𝚜 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠 𝚎𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚏 𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏-𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚖 𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚞𝚎𝚜. he'd like this job, honestly. teaching is the one part of his life he'd felt fit. yet he can't help the nerves. ❛ are you sure you want someone like me ? ❜
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argentarrogance · 11 months ago
[ 𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑 ] ― sender pats receiver’s hair
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐒 || @magnetic-regent-magneto × ] acceptingㅤ➠ �� Magneto
[ Location: Somewhere between the walls of X-MANSION. ]
Digital time had no weather here just kind of tock and tick reminding of passing minutes. Within frame reduced to a stoop of slouched spine elbows nest upon restless knees of sitting figure beside the bed. Two-finger rub of his own temple awakened deeps of frost-bound complexion within habitually respected practice. In that very bed laid someone whose condition stabilized and the longer Pietro watched motionless lids of familiar face the more apparitions surfaced out of the recesses of his unconscious. [ Son of M, Magnusson, Quicksilver ] -- unwanted titles kept coming back like a whip of wisp. It took weeks and more weeks to shake pattern of his father's trail off of him, and despite all this time and efforts he wasn't quite done yet. Strands long and loose, colorless in their crystalline pigment silvering between taping fingertips. Moonlight would make skin even paler. Instead of wind they tousle in the pillow, an image uncharacteristic of Master of Magnetism. Perhaps from what he saw it was easier to become reflected inward, let thoughts flow, and dream of things that were not meant to be. Maybe in another world where Erick never abandoned them, where they and next of kin grew together as a family and not unit. Brotherhood initiated commando operations full of blood and danger, with a rigidly puritanical outlook overshadowing very existence of homo-sapiens. He himself shared such cloud of judgment for a while too, but not for long. And once again he got exposed to a living triangle where each step reminded of a life they could have had. Now Pietro found brims of his lip corners curling downward.
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Soft filaments luster in gentle sheen under the touch of slowness reduced in two shakes ... similar, almost identical to his own, yet different.
Wanda changed. Lorna changed. I changed. Will Magneto ever change?
Upon sighting the first sign of fluttering lashes -- mien of argent quickster changed immediately and hand retreated back in its austere simplicity; dodging jump of temper from being made incandescent by an electric current.
' Greetings, father. '
Pietro's gift of the gab was unceremonious in its stillness, '' Stay where you are; that's the best you can do. '' - you're not fully healed.
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'' Don't take my presence as exorbitant sentiment, this is the first and last time I'm grabbing your cloak for reason other than to make you a codfish. '' - but pulling from the ocean. '' Gather your strengths, Magneto, I'm positive the X-men shall provide you enough of good care you don't deserve, '' an exhale that came from his side was rather unsurprising assuming how strained their conversation was no matter the situations or timings, '' but if I hear you're being trouble ... I'll come back in time to make sure rubber bullet won't strike off its trajectory. ''
For Magneto to be capable arranging normal relationship with his son he had to confront his own demons from past, now wasn't the time for that and Pietro knew it. After leaving his warning behind being dashing man he always is it does not take long for him to stand up and walk towards doors and to his exit from the room.
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psyknife · 8 months ago
@magnetic-regent-magneto: [ SHIELD ]: the sender catches hold of the receiver’s shoulder and draws them back and away from a threat, pulling them behind them for their safety.
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Kwannon was about to protest that it wasn’t necessary to yank her out of the way — she was a ninja and a psychic for Pete’s sake! — when a flash of fire erupted where she’d once been standing. ... okay she would let him have this one.
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wnterslder · 9 months ago
send “🔍“ for an obscure fact about my muse.
bucky firmly believes that he cannot be a father , nor would he be an adequate one ( in his opinion ) in this universe. he's given up the idea a long , long time ago ... but he still has that dad instinct :‘) and he can be so sweet to kids , it's very soft !
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inmutant · 11 months ago
"I saw you when you were a baby and never again. Pietro never told me of you."
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Now Luna understood about how people at her school, talk about how awkward it is when people say 'they remember you from when you were a baby.'Because it was now happening to her and she was not entirely sure how she feels about the situation she is now in.
"Umm...I see." Luna trails off, not sure as to what is appropriate to say. The hybrid can see however, that man in front of her is telling her the truth. "I'm sorry who are you exactly and why would my papa never tell you about me?"
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emmatriarchya · 6 months ago
" It was a kind lie, kindly meant. " (for Bishop)
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"I don't care for any type of lies. I do understand omission, as someone who sometimes has to do covert operations - but I much rather face people with honesty."
He rarely lied - last time was when he tried to pretend like he would help the X-Men retrieve baby Hope when he was actually trying to kill her - all too avoid his future. That was years before.
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alwaysxinxtrouble · 3 months ago
Ever since he had helped Mags with eradicating the mutant research facility disguised as a “nature preserve”, the mutant had a tendency to randomly show up at his ratty little apartment in some dark corner of New York City. It didn’t bother him. They got along fine. On more than one occasion, suddenly spotting the shadowed silhouette when he turned around or came out of the bathroom ended up with a pistol instantly being drawn on instinct before he rolled his eyes once recognizing who it was invading his space.
Tonight was no different; kicking the door shut with his heel behind him, Frank flicked the lock before heading to the kitchen for a beer. The movements with his right leg were stiff and with the way his head throbbed he doubted Advil would do much for him. What he needed was a hot shower to wash away the blood, sweat, and dirt he was coated in. At least that way he could see his injuries.
The cool fizzy thin liquid went down his throat with a satisfied sigh, relieving some of the weight of his shoulders from the night, and he headed for the back of the apartment with a slight limp. Turning into the bathroom, he stopped in the doorway with his brow pinched in suspicion, leaning back just enough to peer further down the hallway to the bedroom to see Mags sitting contently on his bed.
"What the fuck are you doing here?!"
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ncrosha · 7 months ago
“Try again.”
this won't work.
how can it, when he fears his power so? the moment he gets close he pulls back, as fearful and instinctive as the a caveman pulling away from fire. josh holds his hand to his chest, staring out at the empty expanse before them with an unreadable expression.
once he had thought omega level simply meant strongest. like loot in a game, scrolling past all the greys, the blues, the purples until you find that shiyn gold.
now he understands the truth.
that it doesn't denote raw power. its the potential for a power's evolution. most find their limits, slam up against them and go no further - but his does not. at times he's reminded of days long past, nights spent playing pokemon without paying mind to type advantages. throwing the same team at the same gym leader again, and again, and again, until either he had learned a new strategy or his opponents were simply overcome by his vastly overleveled team.
it would work. at least until his monsters grew too powerful to listen to a boy with only two badges. then they would thrash about, attacking friend and foe alike until knocked out.
his powers were like that. encountering a limit is temporary, a necessary part of growth. soon enough it would be overcome and exceeded, and soon enough he would be stronger.
stronger, with even less control.
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"... it isn't a matter of whether i can do it," he says, voice raising to be heard above the crashing of waves against rubble strewn shores. "it's a matter of if i think i should... and i shouldn't. at least not unless you've got some backup."
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prodigum · 7 months ago
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@magnetic-regent-magneto : " can I come with you? " / erik & rhaenys
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𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐈𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓 nor is she uncertain of his motives. the war is only just in its beginning stages. DUTY takes its fiery form in those who serve the realm. many are desperate to drive their stakes into the matter. marking their place in history either on the battlefield or on its sidelines. rhaenys has had her place marked for her since she first mounted meleys. or perhaps it was sooner than that. perhaps it was the moment of her birth. it matters not. she knows WHO she must be.
she is set to patrol on dragonback soon. keeping an eye on the blockade and showing a display of power for their nearby allies to see. both protection and a threat. nothing keeps a man in like quite like a dragon in flight. ❝ you wish to mount up and ride or are you going to try to keep up on horseback? ❞ rhaenys pauses. she finds it in her to be sympathetic to his desire to take part. ever the protector of the smallfolk. she supposes someone must be. ❝ i understand that you are eager to do your part. ❞ she offers a small smile. ❝ but there is nothing shameful about enjoying the peace while it yet lasts. ❞
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jewelstole · 8 months ago
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magnetic-regent-magneto asked: " i don't like owing people. " city of last chances, pt. 2.
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she hangs above him suspended from using her claws or any possible other means. " lucky for you .. " she groans. " i can be very understanding. actually , i'm a marvelous kitten to have on your side. " this is also not the most comfortable position for her. " i'll make it worth your while .. if you help me. " somehow she will retain as much of her seductive nature as she can.
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argentarrogance · 11 months ago
Send in 📜 and I’ll use this incorrect quotes generator using your muse and my muse. || @magnetic-regent-magneto
Quicksilver: I actually have a black belt. Magneto: In what, karate? Quicksilver: No, from Gucci.
Quicksilver: Okay. I get it. You've had a really hard time lately, you're stressed out, seven people died- Magneto: Twelve, actually. Quicksilver: Not the point. Look, they're dead now and really whose fault is that? Magneto: Yours! Quicksilver: That's right: no one's.
Quicksilver: .. .----. -- / … --- .-. .-. -.-- [translation: I’M SORRY] Magneto: What's that? Quicksilver: Remorse code. Magneto: I'm even angrier now.
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'' Can't say I haven't learned a thing from you now. ''
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