Goddess of Mercy
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Never let it be said, there's no place like home
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
psyknife · 10 hours ago
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There’s always room in my hot tub for you, Kwannon.
(Psylocke Volume 2 #2)
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psyknife · 12 hours ago
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A touchy subject. She was usually better at this, picking up certain queues. But that usually entailed watching someone for a long time, learning their tells. He was right. They had just met. “If you’re displaced, do you require somewhere to stay until you’ve decided where to call home?” Nothing wrong with sharing a temporary safehouse every now and again.
"...How could I, when they were the ones who killed my father to begin with."
There was, somewhat, no sorrow , the sorrow is real. In his voice, but then he shapes up, steels himself for the next words.
"I am displaced from my time, my own mother giving her life to bring me into a era where abundance is plenty. I don't want to, wish to waste it."
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"Perhaps I spoke too soon, we only just met."
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psyknife · 1 day ago
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“A spell. Nothing more? It’s not going to require something being physically placed on my body, will it?” It may just sound like a spell, but most came with physical aspects: brands, carvings into skin, a tattoo of some kind. If this was nothing more than magical energies being attached to her body, she could live with that. “Never need to,” she retorted. “You’ve been more than forthcoming, there’s no reason to believe you’d lie to me now. Unless this is the longest con in the history of cons...” Blade had jested, joked, teased, and watched her back when needed. He could have let her succumb and become a thrall to another vampire. He didn’t have to bring her to his secret hideout either. Nothing was ever out of place when he spoke. She shrugged off her jacket and tied the arms around her waist. “Let’s get this over with, then.”
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"I get it. You've been through some shit, and what I'm presenting to you might seem a bit crazy," Blade empathized with the ninja. Truth be told, he wasn't exactly on board with the idea initially after Strange presented it to them upon first forming the Midnight Sons, but it ended up being one of the best things that could have happened to the supernatural heroes and what not. "All I'm going to do is cast a protective entry spell. I know I don't look like much, but I know a little bit of basic magic. All it's gonna do is give you access to this place, our other hideouts, and give you a veil of protection against other vampires, swamp monsters, werewolves, and the rest of the roster."
Blade took off his shades for a moment, allowing his crimson red orbs to connect with the telepath's own. "I'm not gonna make you do anything that you aren't comfortable with, Kwannon. There's no spirit swap, no voodoo magic, or any of that other crazy shit that might be running rampant through your mind. Read my mind if you don't believe me."
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psyknife · 1 day ago
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“I didn’t say we were friends. I said your friend.” Kwannon nodded toward the man who looked worse for wear. “My good will is that I came at all, so you probably shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth.” She dug her knuckles against her forehead; this was becoming a little more troublesome than she’d bargained for, especially when there weren’t that many options available. “Depends on when you can take care of Drake. If I get to him first, then the offer’s off the table. As for the rest... Got an enemy you don’t like? I could swap their minds out, let them die in your friend’s body. Does he have a type?”
"Oh so we're friends now? We're still strangers- maybe some good will would be appreciated when yer walking into my home ya know? Foster some trust." He'd mirror her folding his arms mostly out of paying so close attention to her, his brain mirrored her body out of minor respect.
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Des would raise his brow. "Be kinda weird to have your dad in your mind, would you want your dad in your head while doing something personal? Sides I got too many assholes up here; Still maybe that could work on a hero...what does it entail?" He'd ask, if it was like possession maybe they could take his good for nothing son and use him? "And how long does this offer stand? can we put his soul in an inanimate body of does it need to be a living one? The more info I have the better." Her suggestion of making a body could work too, he'd make sure to record what she'd say so he could run it by his team.
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psyknife · 2 days ago
@snkts: "fine! do you want me to drive? "
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“That depends on whether your road rage is worse than mine.” The anger was practically radiating off Kwannon at this point. There was a reason she preferred taking a motorcycle: it got her out of traffic filled with idiots who didn’t know the rules of the road. Not to forget the sea of angry minds that came with it. Keeping it all at bay gave her more than a headache. “Because I’m ready to toss this fucking car onto someone.”
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psyknife · 2 days ago
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Kwannon dwelled in the silence, both heavy and comforting at the same time. Like a thick blanket muffling them from the world outside. The touch to her hand felt distant, as if her mind was somewhere else entirely, despite being right here in front of him. His question snapped her out of her thoughts and she quickly dabbed her cheeks with her sleeves. Embarrassment quickly settled in, blooming colour on her cheeks she’d prefer wasn’t there. “Sixteen, seventeen.” Her mind felt lighter inside her skull as she gave up on the psychic-speak. It was better yet that she no longer had to keep the dam built to prevent her emotions from drowning him. The corner of her mouth tugged up slightly. “I think you’d like her.”
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His thumb stroked against the top of the woman's hand in comfort as he held his fingers, listening as she quietly confessed her regrets. Sounds of his infant's breathing in the background, attempting to nibble his own hands although the mittens of his onesie prevented it. There was a air of sadness to her words, of moments lost. Scott could sympathize to a degree of lost time, core memories that had no opportunity to develop. Scott knew of the woman's profession, and skills like hers weren't something learned overnight. It doesn't take a genius to understand she was placed in situations against her control. And such, harsh decisions were made against her wishes.
Hazel eyes widened at her reveal. A daughter. He blinked for a moment and said nothing. What could one say to such admittance? He had his suspicions of one particular mutant girl who shared similar abilities, but quickly buried them down. "How old?" Scott muttered gently, keeping his tone collective for the both of them.
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psyknife · 2 days ago
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“My gut?” Kwannon’s gut could tell her a lot of things. To cut her losses and leave, to return to the life she’d left behind before she’d ever heard of the X-Men. It also told her to stay, to form a family with those she’d grown closest to, to replace the one she never had. Her gut also told her that maybe it was time for the team to have new management. “Right now, it’s telling me that I might be at risk for a hernia,” she jested, adjusting her grip on the adamantium-laden man so as not to drop him. No harm to him or his pride, of course; she just didn’t want to suck at her current task. “What made you come to terms and put aside your lone, nomadic life? What made you stay?” Maybe if she heard his answer, she would have some idea of what to measure her “gut” against.
“It’s a tough choice.” He conceded, his voice dropping lower, softer, more serious. Logan liked being an X-Man. He did. They were his friends. His family. His pack. But he couldn’t lie and say that he agreed with everything they did, every decision they made. He also couldn’t say it was for everyone. It was a lot of work. A lot of suffering. A lot of sacrifice. And yes, it was for a good cause, Logan still believed that. But for some people, a cause just wasn't enough. Or, perhaps, it wasn't moving ahead the way they'd like, or fast enough, or– 
Suffice to say, different ideas led to different paths. 
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“And I can't make it for ya’.” That's the only constant. Whatever path you walked, you only had your own two feet to walk it. Good news at least - he had faith she could handle the journey, regardless of what came her way. “Best advice I can give, is trust your gut. What are your instincts saying?”
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psyknife · 3 days ago
“ i’ve never seen anything like you. “
“ move or you will be moved. “
“ hey, sailor. “
“ is there anything real about you? “
“ nevermind i take it back. “
“ i hate you. “
“ fine! do you want me to drive? “
“ man, shut the hell up. “
“ there’s nothing more horrifying than a miracle. “
“ i’m with you till the end of the line. “
“ you are a hard person to get a hold of. “
“ there’s worse ways to go. “
“ got anything for me? “
“ please, stay. “
“ it’s not your fault. “
“ didn’t see that one coming? “
“ don’t do anything stupid till i get back. “
“ is it me you see? “
“ i adore you. “
“ we don’t want to kill you, but we will. “
“ let’s kick his ass. “
“ i had no idea if that was going to work. “
“ still think you’re the only monster? “
“ i’m not going to fight you. “
“ i’m always picking up after you. “
“ hands off. “
“ he was very hot. “
“ you’re all not worthy. “
“ maybe if you were more attractive it’d be less disturbing. “
“ hey what’s up everybody! “
“ c’mon use your words! “
“ i don’t even know who you are. “
“ what? no smile? “
“ you’re not going to stop. “
“ did i step on your moment? “
“ hows my hair? “
“ no, i didn’t. but i enjoyed it “
“ in my own defense that was last week. “
“ you look taller. “
“ i get in trouble a lot. “
“ it’s a big bunny relax about it! “
“ i’m going to pretend you didn’t say that. “
“ i said kneel! “
“ that tie looks real expensive. “
“ abort mission! “
“ i understood that reference. “
“ did you just nod off? “
“ that wasn’t so bad. “
“ i can’t see into the future i’m not a witch. “
“ all yours. “
“ kind of done with you telling me what to do. “
“ i can get by on my own. “
“ i’m going to miss these little talks of ours. “
“ don’t worry (pronoun)’s got help. “
“ yes, i think it works. “
“ then he stabbed me. “
“ (pronoun) made a different call. “
“ that’s not up to you. “
“ higher further faster baby. “
“ i’m turning into you. it’s a horrible dream. “
“ destiny arrives all the same. “
“ what makes you happy? “
“ you don’t want any part of this. “
“ do you even speak latin? “
“ i guess you go through me. “
“ anyone else? “
“ you and i remember budapest very differently! “
“ looks like you’re giving the orders now. “
“ piss off ghost! “
“ i know my worth. “
“ (pronoun)’s not alone. “
“ varies from moment to moment. “
“ surprise! “
“ i don’t see how that’s a party. “
“ if only (pronoun/name) could see you now. “
“ i thought you were dead. “
“ i retire for what? five minutes and everything goes to shit? “
“ and in return i’m going to let you keep your hand. “
“ you weren’t there. “
“ i like her. “
“ who the hell is ___? “
“ i don’t know if i’m worth all this. “
“ i need the other guy. “
“ i was attacked! “
“ compromise where you can, but where you can’t, don’t. “
“ i don’t feel so good. “
“ that’s not what everyone else sees. “
“ but i knew (pronoun)  “
“ believe it or not, it’s hard to find someone with shared life experience. “
“ do not touch me again. “
“ before you didn’t have me. “
“ i didn’t want you to be alone. “
“ i’m always angry. “
“ okay… that one’s on me. “
“ i’m not asking for permission. “
“ you still owe me a dance. “
“ none of this makes sense!” 
“ don’t take my stuff. “
“ if you stay here you’ll die. “
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psyknife · 5 days ago
@cykehead: " My hands won’t stop shaking. "
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Kwannon had heard that fear before, the one poisoning his tone. Not just from him, from many others who felt like they were losing control. It would be very easy for her to take that fear away, to slip into their mind and smother it with a metaphorical blanket of serotonin. But that would solve nothing. Once she left, the fear would still return. “Hold onto me, then,” she commanded, her hands finding his and gripping them tight, her knuckles almost bruising from his grip. Once he was calm, she would ask about the source of his fear. But for now, she was content on waiting it out until he was ready.
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psyknife · 8 days ago
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“I’m sorry for your loss.” Kwannon pressed a hand to her chest, her expression suddenly solemn. “Do you lead in his stead, then? His people?”
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"...It was a alien invasion, somehow...every known -hero- died against them. the world became filled with nuclear waste expect the sea and .... his people rebelled against him."
"I know naught of what actually killed the surface. Only that both my parents had decided to not tell me the specifics."
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psyknife · 9 days ago
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“I honestly don’t like the sound of that.” Kwannon stiffened but continued to follow. She’d been beaten, tortured, brought to the edge of death, died, and brought back to life. And yet, the thought of being marked made her blood run cold. It made her feel like property. “What is this going to entail, exactly? Just so I know what I’m getting myself into.” She shifted the flowers to her other arm merely as a distraction, concerned for what was about to take place.
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"You'd be surprised the lengths people will go to if they wanna make themselves feel good about something bad they've done," Blade shrugged, knowing that things in this life often drove people crazy because of the guilt. Not that there was any ounce of guilt that existed between the two of them right now. "It's not about my voice or how much you enjoy hearing it. I put my trust in you to do a number of things, and so far you're paying off and checking every single box, so I appreciate that." He did mean that at the very least; Kwannon had become quite the avid partner when it came to fighting vampires, like she'd been trained from a young age to do it much like him.
"This place has at least six different backdoors to get out of here in case this hideout is compromised. Not that it's happened before thanks to certain magical enchantments, but I'll show them to you. Right now, we need to get you marked." Blade led Psylocke down the hallway to a specific door, raising his sleeve upward as he placed his hand in front of the door. A magical tracing lit up on his hand, and after the door recognized it, it automatically opened to a room that was primarily operated by sorcerers such as Strange and Voodoo. "You trust me on this?"
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psyknife · 9 days ago
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“Not sure. I’ve never actually let him out before. And I didn’t exactly know what kind of condition your friend was in, so I wasn’t about to spill my entire business to a bunch of strangers before I knew what I was getting myself into.” Kwannon folded her arms and shut her eyes. She’d warned him that any remedy she provided could be dangerous, that everything had a price. “Taking over his mind and his body.” She sighed, her shoulders sagging. “Perhaps this was a mistake after all. Maybe one of the other suggestions might be a better option if you’re so concerned. ... how do you feel about hosting your ‘old man’ inside your own mind?”
That first statement would prompt an eyebrow raise, frankly he didn't know her very well so he wouldn't fully judge but there was a story there. He'd turn to her attention fully on her.
"You can just do that whenever? Wait this 'shadow king' is IN you now!? Pah you got C4 on you too? Couldn't let the boys know at the gate?" He'd sigh, not like they have spirit mediums or anything to stop...whatever she was inside her. Once more he'd look over to his pops resting, he was strong- he wasn't worried there, he been doing this for years before he was even born.
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"What would I need to keep an eye on him for? Will he just walk off or will this shadow man try running off with him? Or taking over his mind?" He'd ask about anything he needed to be worried about before asking the old man. "He's too sick to be coherent- Hey old man...we wanna make things easier for you. But you gotta let us help; so let my...friend, here help you out okay?"
"Hmmmm? Desmond? You know no pill can stop this- but if it makes you...feel better....I will...but you should....still lead." The older villain will finally speak up after petering in and out of unconsciousness.
"I will pops." Des would turn away making space for Kwannon. "But your strength and expertise will be useful hero killer." He'd whisper, after all what better to shatter ice than an overly powerful lizard?
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psyknife · 10 days ago
@originhl: don't come any closer . . . – tempest
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“Or else?” Kwannon kept her hands raised, proving that she was unarmed. She’d come upon the young woman after following a trail of bodies and was eager to find out why. “Not that I don’t doubt your threat. Consider my question one of curiousity instead.”
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psyknife · 21 days ago
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psyknife · 22 days ago
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Psylocke #3 - "Lady-Killer" (2025)
written by Alyssa Wong art by Vincenzo Carratu & Fer Siguentes-Sujo
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psyknife · 22 days ago
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Karen Fukuhara
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psyknife · 23 days ago
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Psylocke #6 by Alyssa Wong and Vincenzo Carratù. Cover by Mahmud Asrar. Variant cover by Fanyang. Out in April.
"Psylocke is one of the X-Men’s most dangerous and skillful telepaths.
So why is her own mind the one thing she can’t seem to control?
Kwannon has begun to accept her past, but are some things better left buried?"
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