lalagostinhaaa · 1 year
🫀⚔️🦴💀 (⁠~⁠_⁠~⁠メ⁠) J0u1 J0uk1 st1mb0∆rd (⁠~⁠_⁠~⁠メ⁠) 🫀⚔️🦴💀
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"Doumo Owarimasu."
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centraldenoticiasmx · 2 months
Todavía no termina el encargo y Magistrada en Morelos ya busca otro
🖊#Morelos | Todavía no termina el encargo y Magistrada en Morelos ya busca otro +INFO:
Martha Elena Mejía, Magistrada Titular de la Ponencia Dos en el Tribunal Electoral del Estado de Morelos (TEEM), ha estado en el centro de la tormenta debido a una serie de conflictos y acusaciones. Varios empleados del TEEM han presentado quejas ante la Comisión de Derechos Humanos del Estado por acoso laboral. Se alega que Mejía ha intimidado a su personal, llegando incluso a amenazarlos con…
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tychetych · 1 month
I mixed calamidade and desconjuracao together because i wanted to use the relics.
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carabanchelnet · 3 months
FAKEJOO_CGPJ Que Feijóo reconozca con semejante desparpajo q el PP está incumpliendo deliberadamente la Constitución bloqueando el CGPJ, demuestra que este señor es tan ridículamente irresponsable que está incapacitado para ser presidente. Tiene de hombre de estado lo que Pinhead de 'salao'. Video publicado por Deselectrocutador @Deselectrocuta1
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liviainforma · 3 months
SCJN: Presentación del documental “Verónica y Erick Razo"
No. 237/2024 Ciudad de México, a 04 de julio de 2024 LA CORTE Y EL CJF OFRECEN SOLUCIONES REALES PARA UNA MEJOR IMPARTICIÓN DE JUSTICIA El caso que se narra en la historia muestra todas las violaciones de derechos humanos en el contexto de la justicia penal Durante el anuncio de la presentación del documental “Verónica y Erick Razo: un testimonio de resiliencia y justicia”, por Justicia TV y el…
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louissatturi · 1 year
[TRANSLATION] "oh my god, i was summoned* i gonna be a part of the seita das máscaras*? (cult of the masks), my god!, do i need to make a agredment? Whats the agreedment that i need to do? Can i ask for something in return? I want one more life for my son, no?, my god, ok.. so you can promise that you gonna protect my son when the time comes? Okay Okay okay"
So my sweethearts this all a big fucking reference to ORDEM PARANORMAL
More specifically the seita das máscaras, the cult of the magistrada (magistrate) the one thing the represents the element of knowlege, they all for balance and stuff
A photo reference of how the cult and the magistrate
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The reason why q!cellbit was so excited to part of this Cult (besides them being powerful and cool looking) they are the literal representation of the element that q!cellbit is conected (knowledge/conhecimento)
The could does a lot of agreedments with people and always do their part (they dont have morality tho, the magistrate dosent feel) this is why cellbit tried to do it
Thats it folks
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rainbowpenguin · 7 days
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muzan and kian (& gal)
kokushibo and deus da morte
douma + akaza and magistrada
hantengu and o diabo
gyokko and anfitrião
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arqueervist · 9 months
Send an ask with a creature in portuguese or english and let OP answer! If you reblog this, be a good sport and send an ask to the person you rb'd it from :3
Carente - Which is your favourite relationship (platonic OR romantic) and why?
Existido - Who's your favourite player character? Why?
Degolificada - Who's your favourite NPC?
Kian - Who's your LEAST favourite character? Be it PC or NPC
Estrangeiro - Favourite mistranslation?
Viajante - What are moments that make you smile?
Nidere - What's the most impactful death for you? Why?
Carniçal - What are moments that make you cry?
Deus da Morte - What's your favourite season? And what's your least favourite? Why?
Diabo - What's the best weapon?
Anfitrião - What are your favourite and least favourite fights?
Magistrada - If you had to choose a character to tell something to, who and what would they be?
Parasita da culpa - Which moment or concept would you change if you could, and how?
Zumbi de Sangue - Favourite creature?
Infectídio - Favourite team?
Succ - Favourite joke/meme?
Kerberos - Favourite animal?
Anomalia - Favourite headcanon?
Mulher afogada - Favourite location?
Sukkalgir - Favourite song in the OST?
Amigo imaginário - Favourite arts?
Telopsia - Favourite cinematic?
Daniel Hartmann - What's your favourite fanwork? (fics and/or fanart!)
Medo - What's your entity?
Síndico Sydney - Free question! Anything not included in this list!
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chirpthingz · 4 months
(spoiler warning for calamidade, desconjuracao, and sinais do outro lado)
i am forever, forever going to be devastated that we never got to see the magistrada in real combat. like i know it was better for equipe abutres to fight alongside her instead, and technically she did fight kian, but we never really get to see it. and the worst part is that i know it would be fucking awesome.
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saiiboat · 2 months
For the ordem ask game!
Magistrada, Parasita da Culpa, Medo, Viajante, and Amigo Imaginário!
hiii aretha okk
Magistrada - If you had to choose a character to tell something to, who and what would they be?
fuckkkk. fuck. i think i would tell joui that he's loved. i would tell him that no matter what im always in his corner, that no matter what there's a million ordem fans out there that think he's incredible strong and brave and most importantly, a good friend and a good son. i'd tell him that the people around him love him so much and while there may be rough patches, that love will never go away
Parasita da culpa - Which moment or concept would you change if you could, and how?
this is a difficult one but for real i wish that joui got to learn about alex kothe and why exactly liz feels so guilty over his death. joui idolizes liz but i wish she had the chance to admit to him the torture and abuse she inflicted on alex. i think that would have been fun
Medo - What's your entity?
im still learning about this different entities at this point but Knowledge i think. let me learn things the human mind should not be able to learn
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competicao-de-aop · 11 months
Competição de Tumblr Sexy Person de Ordem! Ordem Paranormal Tumblr Sexy Person Tournament!
As rodadas serão aleatórias, eu não irei escolher quem irá contra quem (menos uma enquete que eu escolhi vocês vão ver). Abaixo da enquete, estarão as propagandas, na língua em que elas foram mandadas. Muitas delas contém spoilers então vejam elas a seu próprio risco. Abaixo da propagandas estarão a tradução delas! Caso você ver algum erro na tradução por favor me avise!
The rounds will be random, I will no chose who will go against who (there was only one poll I chose, you will see). Under the poll, the propagandas will be, in the language they were sent. A lot of them have spoilers so look at them at your own risk. Under the propagandas their translation will be! If you see any mistakes on the translations please tell me!
Quando tiver spoilers nas propagandas, irei usar as seguintes tags, que serão específicas de temporadas: / When there's spoilers on the propagandas, I will use the following tags:
O Segredo Na Floresta Spoilers (Segunda Temporada, Season 2)
Desconjuração Spoilers (Terceira Temporada, Season 3)
Calamidade Spoilers (Quarta Temporada, Season 4)
O Segredo na Ilha Spoilers (Primeiro Spin Off, First Spin Off)
Sinais Do Outro Lado (Segundo Spin Off, Second Spin Off)
Ordem Paranormal Quarentena Spoilers
As enquetes serão postadas hoje as 16 horas! /The polls will be posted today at 4 pm brt!
Nidere Vs Henri
Carina Leone Vs Pete The Janitor
Porteiro Vs Deus da Morte
Beatrice Portinari Vs Anjo
Jeffrey Bacon Vs Erin Parker
Kaiser Vs Gal
Magistrada Vs Brúlio Cervero
Ivete Vs Viajante
Infecticídio Vs Luis Miguel
Dante Vs Espreitador
Amelie Florence Vs Estrangeiro
Carniçal Preto da Morte Vs Diabo
Benito Camelo Vs Mariana Larona
Succ Vs Sukkal
Arthur Cervero Vs Anfitrião
Balu Vs Elizabeth Webber
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RIght back at ya with the ordem ask game! :D
Carente - Which is your favourite relationship (platonic OR romantic) and why?
Magistrada - If you had to choose a character to tell something to, who and what would they be?
Parasita da culpa - Which moment or concept would you change if you could, and how?
hehehe hi! spoilers up to and including osni 3 ahead
Carente - Which is your favourite relationship (platonic OR romantic) and why?
So, I did answer this here, but I know for sure you've seen the relevant parts so I saved this one for you. Because Johnny, my boy, my absolute fucking moron <3
I guess on screen relationship has to be him and Rubens, because its most of what we see, you know? And it's sweet, and its fun, and watching the two pairs dance around each other and just how much Johnny and Rubens *trust* each other *and not the others* is very pleasing.
I am utterly and entirely and extremely *fascinated* by the team he used to be on. Both in a historical Johnny & Luciano & Antonio & Arnaldo sense, and in a current time (well slightly ahead) just Johnny & Balu being left at the end of it. Or even!!!! Johnny & Anfitrião, the being with Arnaldo's memories. We haven't seen any of him and Kian so eh yeah, but the potential!!! They're not things I've especially poked, but these are all things I rotate in my brain constantly. I just... Don't have the time to write them rn, and can't even pick a singular version anyway. The man who used to be his mentor, perhaps saviour perhaps sponsor, becoming the thing that near killed him. The last two people at the end. Four people working together without names but, from what Balu said, seems there were frictions in the group from clashing personalities and people being stubborn. Not serious ones, but ones where they'd work together but not *like* each other much. There's a lot of lines from the Johnny, Balu, and Rubens scene (mostly from Rubens because *fuck* Felps pulled it out of the park that scene [and many of the earlier ones but I've repeated the Host information frip ones less]) that live rent free in my brain, but this -
Johnny, I'm Balu. We already met on another occasion, but I think… I was a bit of a fool when you met me. Anyway… I think… If we were on some mission nowadays, we would be- I would have done better.
I am so fascinated by this line. This fucking line. I am completely fascinated by a relationship I'll never get any god-damned answers to, and it's this line's fault.
(I'm also 80% convinced that where Balu cut himself off? The next would would have been 'friends')
Magistrada - If you had to choose a character to tell something to, who and what would they be?
Hmmmmmmmm that's.... real fucking hard, huh. Though fuck it. I've got two, both osni, and do remember I'm only episode 3 so I've no idea how things will fo (and probably why I feel the need) but... I've two, in order of importance. I just think you'd enjoy both.
Milo - you are who you say you are, and nobody and nothing can or should take that from you. It does not matter if you did not exist before you both turned ten or not. What matters is that you are here, and you are just as valuable as anybody else.
Olivier - your father might not love you, and your mother might overlook you for your sister, and your sister might be a bit of a bitch sometimes, but never doubt she and your mother love you. You are loved so much, I promise.
Parasita da culpa - Which moment or concept would you change if you could, and how?
Hmmm let me see... I mean I kinda talked about this with the last one and headcanons so...
IDK something small. I don't want to destabalise things too hard. I think, perhaps, let Fernando find out what Luciano did and agreed to with the child. Just because I'm curious to his reaction, and think he deserved to know. There's no good way for him to find out, but... him dying not knowing just kinda sucks.
Like sure there's big things with deaths or rules mistakes or whatever (Justice For Artemis) but without messing anything up too hard? I think that.
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centraldenoticiasmx · 4 months
Designa la Junta de Administración, Vigilancia y Disciplina del Poder Judicial del Estado de Morelos a magistrada visitadora
El nombramiento representa un reconocimiento a la impecable carrera judicial que ha mantenido Calderón Hernández desde su ingreso al Poder Judicial.
La Junta de Administración, Vigilancia y Disciplina del Poder Judicial del Estado de Morelos, designó a la Maestra en Derecho Lucía María Luisa Calderón Hernández, Magistrada Visitadora General del H. Tribunal Superior de Justicia (TSJ) del Estado de Morelos. Hasta antes de su nueva encomienda, la ahora Magistrada Visitadora General se desempeñaba como Jueza adscrita al Juzgado Único…
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carabanchelnet · 3 months
ESTO NOS CUESTA NO RENOVAR EL CGPJ | SE ACABO EL DIA DE LA MARMOTA | Esto en el PP no lo dicen Que rule Video publicado por Carlos Pérez @Carlosssbusss
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snoopyliker · 2 months
magistrada i swear you have GOT to stop killing the vibe
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wsdalt · 2 months
And now I have answered yours...
Mulher afogada - Favourite location?
Magistrada - If you had to choose a character to tell something to, who and what would they be?
Viajante - What are moments that make you smile?
hi factorial \o/!! we go back and forth between spoilers so I’ll just mark this as spoilers up to calamidade below the cut
favourite location:
hm… honestly I will just say Santo Berço. I like the guys there + it’s a very interesting set up and it felt like a major leap in the way the paranormal interacts with the world + can affect you (major leap in a good way). the idea of a town being sustained by a “saint” of death where you slowly unravel just how sinister the set up is is very cool \o/!!
+ I like the guys there…
If you had to choose a character to tell something to, who and what would they be?
tell the gatekeeper that people can be disconnected from the saint… not even sure if it would work in canon or whether it’s just in our handwaving some rules away, but there’s that…
or tell rubens to get a better gun !!!
What are moments that make you smile?
the nurse and the helper talking, opd7, there’s too much with rubens to pick and choose, but if I had to pick one maybe the fact he looks like he wants to murder balu every time Balu tries to read something out pfft (too loud)
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