#magical quartet
gabbyp09 · 4 months
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manogirl · 10 months
Remember when GMM aired Never Let Me Go, My School President, Moonlight Chicken AND The Warp Effect at the same time? Now they've got Cooking Crush, Cherry Magic TH and Last Twilight on the go, and they could just add 23.5 to make it another magical quartet. But seriously, why do they do this?
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sailorsenshigifs · 2 months
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puppetmaster13u · 11 months
Prompt 81
Danny blinked at the small children Ellie was holding the hand of, looking quite proud of herself. The small children- between ten and twelve so somewhere similar to Ellie’s age- who both practically stank of magic and Gods. 
He took a deep breath, pinching the bridge of his nose even as Dan cackled while opening the door more to let them inside. “Alright, what’s your name, kids?”
“B-billy…um, Billy Batson...” “‘m Percy! Percy Jackson.” 
“Nice to meet you two- any idea where in your family you have a god or two, because one of you definitely smells like Zeus and I’m pretty sure Poseidon and I am not dealing with either of my half-brothers.” 
#prompts#dcxdp#dpxpj#percy jackson#percy jackon and the olympians#billy batson#Danny was adopted by Clockwork who is the origin behind Kronos#Oh they're both orphans? No one to take care of them?#Goddamnit Clockwork you made sure Ellie found them didn't you#Liminals are hidden from monsters thanks to feeling like them & the dead#CW: If they won't take care of their kids then I'll give the lil demigods to my favorite son :)#The JL finding out Billy is a child: You need a guardian- how could we let this happen#Billy: Actually my older sister has looked 12 for the last 100 years and my younger brother looks 20 so that's very human-ist of you#Percy peering out at some camp people who are trying to see if he's home: MA There's some weird ass cats outside!#Percy: Am I allowed to throw the pool at them 'cause they aren't taking no for an answer#Danny teaching the kids how to use powers: Alright and now we're going to your other dad and moms to learn magic#Danny: And how to shoot a gun in Val's case because I will forget gun safety#Everlasting Quartet#Phantastic Four#“Hey Marvel how do you know that info about Dr Fate he looks so pissed??”#“Oh one of my parents know him and they don't get along so now we always take the chance to call him a lil Bitch but politely”#Percy: Billy if you can summon lightning and I can control water can we combine them#Billy: One way to find out- hey Daaaaan#Camp people trying to find Percy: Wtf wtf wtf#The pantheon: WHAT DO YOU MEAN KRONOS HAD ANOTHER CHILD?! WHERE?! HOW!?#Clockwork: Look at my Favorite Child who doesn't Fuck with the Timeline or are Raging Hypocrites & takes care of his kids#Clockwork curled up with Danny & new grandchildren in his chest like a mother crocodile: Everything is as it should be :)#Marvel: Look at my lil brother isn't he adorable he's a year younger than me but takes more after our other mom#Percy: Hi Mr Aquaman I can control water & talk to fish and was wondering if you have any tips#“Marvel we're going to die-” “No we're not lemme call my big brother- if he can destroy the timeline he can fix it” “If he What”
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morphmaker · 1 year
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The Immortals No. 1: You've got something alright
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queenofhearts7378 · 2 months
Tucker and Spud Appreciation: An essay by me apparently.
Tucker leaned back in his chair, “-and that's why we're no longer welcome at that gas station.”
Spud had a wide eyed look of wonder, “Woah man…….That takes some skill.”
“Thank you!” Tucker gestured wildly on his side of the screen. “Sam called me and Danny menaces but she's the one who brought the mace!”
Spud nodded. “It really was a team effort.” He flipped through his notebook, “Anyways how’s the progress on your side? I managed to crack into some uh, supplies and shipment invoices?”
Spud wrote down some notes, before clicking through a couple of the unlocked files on his computer, squinting at the screen.
Tucker groaned as his chair hit the ground, “Man I keep telling the guys hacking isn't like the movies make it out to be. Like yeah, if I got a back door planted I can get in and out no problem. But straight up hacking a new system?”
“The problems with being the smart ones on the team,” Spud said.
“I managed to get some payroll documents, and some employee work times I think?” Tucker blew a raspberry as he typed a few more lines of code, “All fake names. I doubt a place employs 23 different J. Doe's.”
“John, Jane, Janet, Jake, Joseph, Josie,” Spud recited.
Tucker snorted, “Yeah pretty much.”
Spud hummed before something dinged on his side, “Huh. That might be something.”
Tucker cracked his knuckles, “Share with me?”
Spud copied a few of the files before sending them over. “Hang on, I gotta check something.”
Tucker saw Spud disappear off the side of the screen, but could hear him rooting through some papers.
He looked over the information, scrolling through the various invoices. “Dude what are you seeing that I'm not? It's just the shipping invoices for a bunch of different places.”
Spud came back carrying five different notebooks, of varying sizes. “You may be better at hacking, but I'm better with the information man.”
He waved one of the notebooks, “I started helping Jake keep track of the various magic communities around, you know, to help with his duties when they kicked up.”
“Dude, that is so baller of you.”
“Heh, thanks.” He cracked open the notebook and pulled a highlighter out of a cup. He started marking the notebook as he scrolled through the files. “Anyways, I thought I recognized a couple of the areas some of the buildings were placed in annnnnnnd…..”
Spud furrowed his brow and grabbed another notebook, flipping it through it real quick. “What are some of those shipments carrying?”
Tucker started scrolling through his own files, “Uhhhh looks like…..lots of metal and rubber. Toilet paper, paper towels, napkins, and a frankly concerning amount of coffee. Office supplies, like so much office supplies and-”
Tucker winced. “Oh man, and a lot of chemicals I recognize from the Fenton's lab.”
“Yeah but see this?” Spud frowned as he tapped the screen, “These shipments are labeled as various different glass equipment shipments. And it's doubled every other month or so.”
“Could be they're using a lot of the equipment.” Tucker said, “We know they're testing facilities. But you wouldn't be singling those out if that were the case.”
“It's the fact it's double shipments of glass, so the handling of them would be different from most supplies to handle the fragile equipment. And the extra shipments have different weights to them as opposed to the originals they're copying.”
“That sounds super sus.”
“Yeah. What makes it more sus is the fact that the sketchy glass shipments originate from B.U.G.S facilities, rather than outside suppliers like the office supplies and the original glass shipments. Now it could be explained as them having the shipments sent to a warehouse, before dishing it out to other nearby facilities, but there's no record or paper trail that shows that. From what I can tell, the sketchy shipments just appear in the records, before being sent out to a different facility, where it immediately disappears.”
Tucker leaned back, suddenly aware that they were stumbling over something bad. “And considering what we know about them, after the guys stumbled across that one……”
Spud stared at the files on screen, “It could just be magical artifacts. But the more likely explanation is they're catching magical creatures.”
The two of them sat in a heavy silence for a moment.
“How sure of this are you?” Tucker asked. “I mean, the magical world would notice the disappearances right? They would have got a hold of Jake or Lao Shi or someone.”
Spud shook his head and held up his notebook. “All the facilities manage to fall near a cluster of magical communities, that's what I was checking. And like I said, the shipments originate in one facility and then get shipped to a completely different one. Never the same one consecutively, and it's spaced out over years. If a bunch of creatures goes missing, yeah someone's going to notice.”
“But if just one goes missing,” Tucker continued, “It's just an unrelated tragedy.”
Spud set down his highlighter and rubbed his eyes, “And it's not impossible. The Huntsclan has managed to kidnap several magical creatures at once for years for their hunting games.”
“Ugh!” Tucker shuddered. “I do not like the implications of that.”
“Yeah, Jake got caught once. There were about four or five others with him, and they were all misfits to their species, and not well liked so most of their neighbors and families just assumed they ran off or had unfortunate accidents.”
Tucker stared at his computer, something twisting in his stomach as he stared at all the locked files he still hadn't managed to get into.
“We can't tell them.”
Spud snapped his head up to look at Tucker incredulously, “What?!?! We have to!”
Tucker shook his head frantically, “We can't. You know the guys as well as I do, we tell them what we found and they're going to go tackle the places right away. This is so much bigger than we thought and in so many places. They barely got out last time and that was with the element of surprise and them not knowing about what they can do.”
“It's basically the same as the GIW! You guys deal with them all the time!”
“It's not the same! The GIW have a single base, with maybe 20 guys working there! I've been tracking them and their branch since they first showed up in Amity and they don't go anywhere else. This is the only branch of the GIW. They barely manage to capture the little blobs or ectopusses, and even then those ghosts escape on their own before I even get the alert about them!”
Tucker pushed away from the desk to start pacing across his floor. “These guys have buildings across the country! That one building had about 50 people working for it and that's not even going into all their bosses. They've been operating for years without anybody catching on! And we don't know what they're capable of! They had something that blocked Danny’s powers, and we still don't know what did it. This is so much bigger than what we usually deal with. We have to wait, get some more information, get some more help-”
“Yeah, like telling everybody!” Spud yelled, “This shouldn't even be an argument, Tucker!”
Tucker stared at the floor, pulling his hat down to where Spud couldn't see his eyes. He was silent for a moment.
“......If we tell them right now, they'll get in over their heads and they'll get hurt and I can't-” Tucker's voice broke.
He took a breath, rubbing his face before looking back at Spud. “I am not sending Danny into a place where they'd turn him into a lab rat.”
“All I'm saying is we have to wait.” Tucker interrupted. “We wait, we get more info, we try and get the magical communities more wary around those areas.”
“I don't want to lie to them.”
“I know. Ancients, I know.” Tucker crossed his arms, “But we gotta be smart about this. Are you with me Spud?”
Spud let out a sigh as he slumped in his chair. “... Yeah. Yeah I'm with ya. Let the record show I hate this though.”
“You and me both.” Tucker muttered, “Anyways, plans?”
“You keep hacking into the information.” Spud said. “Send me everything you get and I'll start cross-referencing with the known magical communities when I get them. In the meantime I'll talk to Fu Dawg. He's got a ton of connections and can start spreading the word.”
“What about Lao Shi?”
“I'll talk to him, but I want some more information first.”
“You don't think he'll believe you?”
“No he will. But he'll want to take it straight to the Dragon Council.” Spud scoffed, “It's them I'm worried about.”
The two of them sat there for a moment before Spud said, “This sucks.”
Tucker started giggling, “Understatement man. But we got this. Someone has to protect those losers.”
“Heck yeah man!” Spud held up a fist to the camera, and Tucker did the same as the two of them did their virtual secret handshake.
Someone had to have the heroes’ backs after all.
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revolutionary-thoy · 1 year
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The future senshi team! SPEEDPAINT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RB-q1LLu6Fc
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wangxianficrecs · 21 days
🔒 baby fever by Mamoonde
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🔒 baby fever
by Mamoonde (@mamoonde)
T, WIP, 4k, Wangxian
Summary: Lan Zhan wakes to a pounding on his door in the middle of the night. For a moment, he assumes Wei Ying must’ve come over after all. Instead, it is Jiang Cheng, soaked and covered in mud, and holding a child— A child who looks up sheepishly, with the same light grey eyes as Wei Ying. “I told him we didn’t need to bother you, but he insisted you would want to help.” Jiang Cheng says. or: yet another wwx age regression fic. but modern cultivation au. Kay's comments: Ah, this is so cute and funny! And also the first time I've seen an age-regression story where the de-aged person in question retains their adult mind, which makes it even funnier how immediately Lan Zhan is hit with baby fever and the need to baby-proof the entire house. Excerpt: He almost starts counting the years, but this child looks to be around 2 or 3 years old. Even though he and Wei Ying have been intimate immediately after getting together, they have only tried dual cultivation once. And even if a child might have resulted from such, it’s only been three months… Surely he would’ve noticed such a huge development? His fantasies of having a family with Wei Ying have only ever been in the abstract. Their relationship still feels so new and miraculous at times and he’s loathe to jinx things by being greedier than he already is. Yet now, confronting it in reality — he wants— “Well?” Jiang Cheng snaps, cutting his thoughts from spiraling further. Lan Zhan blinks. “Of course. I would also care for. Any child of Wei Ying’s.” “What? What’re you—” Jiang Cheng sputters. The child breaks into peals of laughter then – and it’s so patently Wei Ying’s that it makes something in him ache. “Lan Zhan, ah Lan Zhan!” The boy lunges forward, and Lan Zhan scrambles to catch him. The boy pats his cheek, and Lan Zhan’s world stills again. “What 'child of mine'—haha! It’s me, Lan Zhan – it’s your Wei Ying!”
pov alternating, modern setting, modern with magic, age regression/de-aging, de-aged wei wuxian, fluff and humor, crack treated seriously, established relationship, baby fever, good sibling jiang cheng, junior quartet dynamics, adorable juniors
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(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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lyndentree63 · 1 year
Forever sad for the people in North America who didn't get the poetic titles for The Circle of Magic Quartet The Magic in the Weaving The Power in the Storm The Fire in the Forging The Healing in the Vine I remember moving to Canada, going to the library and shrieking internally when it was just "Sandry's Book" etc.
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whoopseydaisy · 9 months
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The Overflowing Heart
I will tell you how I made this witch’s token, but you will have to find a way of your own. It is as Grandmother Wren told us,
“Remember always that some portion of magic is yours to wield, and that the world contains many, many truths.”
the recipe:
3/4 oz Kazuki gin
1 1/2 oz. Sake + tea mixture
1 oz. fresh squeezed grapefruit
3/4 oz. Strega
shake over ice, and serve in your finest or favourite tea cup
garnish with dried rose petals
Sherringham Kazuki gin— a collaboration of one of my favourite distilleries and my favourite local tea shop, Westholme Tea Farm. Made from Japanese cherry blossoms, and locally grown tea leaves with notes of yuzu, grapefruit, and juniper. I first visited Sherringham in a trio of my own, on a day long adventure, visiting a beach someway up the island. Westholme is run by an old coworker of my Aunt’s, and his partner who makes gorgeous pottery. I could not put words to my excitement when I first heard whispers of their collaboration.
Sake + Tea Mixture— I can never fully recreate this just the same. There is magic in that, I think. I have little left. I made it by taking a sprinkling of the following teas from Westholme, and cold steeping them in a mason jar with a large ice cube, topped with sake and a splash of moon bathed witch water.
Blossom: (jasmine green, floral), for the cottage’s calendar
Bi Luo Chun: (green, delicate and earthy), for i thought it was grown here, over seven long years (I rolled a nat 1 on my perception check)
Pur-eh: (fermented, earthy), for its mushroominess and it’s connection therin
Dog: (black assam, vanilla and cardamon, from the Chinese Zodic series), the cardamom pod and a few leaves, for our beloved Fox
Witch Water: the witch water used in this potion was bathed in the Friday, October 13th New Moon (a day so witchy I thought for sure the class would be released that day!) in an empty kazuki gin vessel
Grapefruit— because it was pink and in season and a citrus I love dearly
Strega— the witch liqueur! According to legend, Giuseppe Alberti was given the recipe for this elixir after saving a witch falling out of the sacred walnut tree, under which witches would convene to dance and perform their rituals.
for the cocktail chapter of the @worldsbeyondpod unofficial cookbook
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gabbyp09 · 4 days
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a-ramblinrose · 7 months
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JOMP BPC || March 8 || Empowered Women Empower Women: The Tortall Universe by Tamora Pierce
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sailorsenshigifs · 8 months
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The Immortals Quartet
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Time to chat about another of Tamora Pierce's beloved heroines and one of her early quartets. This is also the quartet that--in my entirely subjective experience--catches a lot of guff for its romance subplot. But we'll get to that. These are some of my favorite books of Pierce's, and I'm pretty sure that I read these after the Alanna and Kel books, although they were her second published quartet, coming before Kel. Let's talk The Immortals Quartet.
Veralidaine Sarrasri, unlike Alanna and Kel, is not originally Tortallen. Our girl is Gallan, and when we first meet her in Wild Magic, she is recovering from bandits sacking her village, burning down her house, and killing her family and all their animals. She's also desperate to hide what she thinks is a form of madness from every human she runs across, which gets really complicated when Numair starts teaching her how to harness her wild magic. And for just a hot second, can I say how much I love Numair in this series? He has just as much character as Daine and I am never NOT here for phenonemally powerful mages who are also basically oversized puppies.
Getting to watch Daine develop relationships with Numair, Onua, Alanna and George, the royal family, and the Queen's Riders is such fun, and so well done that when Daine finally feels safe enough to explain why she sometimes seems recalcitrant about her magic lessons it feels immensely earned. These relationships also become immensely foundational to the rest of the series, as does Daine's b-plot but still really compelling arc about hating Stormwings.
The Stormwing arc really finds traction in Wolf Speaker. In my experience, most people say that In the Realms of the Gods is their least favorite Immortals book, but for me, Wolf Speaker takes that prize. Not at all because it's a bad book, but for me it's the most forgettable of the four. Daine and Numair are investigating sus nonsense in Fief Dunlath, and there are blood rain and shape shifting/mind riding shenanagins and Daine begins to have holes poked in her Stormwing prejudice courtesy of Rikash Moonsword. It's a fine book, and the subplots with the wolves and ogres are compelling, but for whatever reason this book does not stick in my head.
The book that does stick in my head and is unequivocally my favorite of this quartet is Emperor Mage. This book follows the Tortallen peace delegation to Carthak, and geopolitical and divine shenanagins ensue. Dain's relationships with Kaddar and Ozorne--and particularly how Numair and Ozorne's history colors both those relationships--are again central to the plot. The Graveyard Hag is also actively throwing broom handles between the spokes of Daine's wheels by giving Daine the power to bring skeletons to a seeming of life.
That gets absolutely amazing because the Graveyard Hag wants Daine to reanimate human skeletons, but Daine makes the PHENOMENAL point that humans forget literal walking nightmares really fast. What humans don't recover fast from is when you literally raze their centers of government to the ground, including food stores, records of all kinds, and the freaking treasury. So instead of making human skeletons dance through the streets, Daine reanimates DINOSAUR SKELETONS and wrecks absolute shop. It's amazing, I wouldn't change a thing.
The other thing I love about this book is Numair yo-yoing between being an experienced intelligence operative and black robe mage and a complete idiot. He is tangled up in plans to free slaves and overthrow Ozorne and yet he still somehow manages to forget all of that and swing at Ozorne when he suggests that Numair is banging Daine. Numair. Honey, sweetie, friend, you cannot be THAT much of an idiot. And the best part is, at least three other characters call him on that idiocy. This book is fantastic.
In the Realms of the Gods is the book that, in my experience, gets the most flak from fans. My experience has been that people object to the student/teacher dynamic between Daine and Numair deveoping into a romance and the significant age gap between the two characters as the romance develops. People also seem to feel that this book is too long and drags in places. I don't tend to find that the book is draggy and long, but that tends to be a very "your mileage may vary" thing for readers.
In terms of the age gap and student teacher dynamics, I want to start off very clear: In real life, student-teacher relationships are never ok, are always predatory, and I do not support. However, to paraphrase Red from OSP, not every book that shows things that aren't unequivocally morally good do not need a "Do Not Try This At Home" sticker on the cover. Books don't have to be morally instructive, they don't have to show the best possible healthy relationships, they just have to be interesting. And honestly? I find Daine and Numair interesting. On top of that, Tamora Pierce is aware enough as an author that Daine and Numair actually do (however briefly) discuss the potential pitfalls of the age gap between them. They don't address the student/teacher thing, but then I wouldn't expect them to because that's not the relationship they have in this book. They are more partners than student/teacher. All this to say, I can understand why people dislike this romance, but I'm not here to throw shade, because honestly I enjoyed it.
I also enjoyed meeting and learning about Daine's parents, exploring the literal Realm of the Gods and all the wibbly wobbly timey wimey chaos shenanagins, and the conclusion of Daine's Stormwing arc. (And how dare Pierce make me cry that hard over Rikash. That was uncalled for.)
Overall, I deeply loved this quartet, and Daine is a welcome change from the very martial Alanna and Kel. She also represents an evolution of the magic systems in Tortall, which was really compelling and refreshing.
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morphmaker · 1 year
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The Immortals No. 4: Daine's bedroll
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