#magic school au
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jessunderstands · 2 months ago
Re: Zero Otome AU snippet
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Snippet of an AU where Subaru ends up in an otome that he definitely doesn’t play
“Forgive me, but I can no longer hold my feelings back.”
Sunlight danced across Subaru’s cheeks as meadow flowers swayed in the gentle breeze. He looked back at his companion who had knelt into the grass, careful not to crush the flowers beneath them. Subaru’s eyes widened at the sight.
Wait. Wait, wait.
“For so long, I’ve felt this way about you.” The breeze brushed his companion’s hair out of their eyes, giving Subaru a full view of the glistening admiration in their eyes. The weight of their gaze was so heavy with fondness that Subaru wasn’t entirely sure what to do with it. Those weren’t the eyes meant for someone like him.
Hold on pause.
“I’ve grown extremely fond of you, Subaru.”
Please, wait a minute! This whole situation was wrong, totally wrong.
The red that overtook his so-called admirer’s face was lovely, comparable to that of rosy dawn. He almost wanted to burn the sight into his eyes, to close his eyes and forever see the flustered expression of someone who loved him. Almost. He would if not for the fact that—
“Please let me stay by your side forever, Subaru. I swear that I’ll protect and cherish you.” Reinhard’s slender fingers gently took Subaru’s hand and brought them up to his lips.
—If not for the fact that wasn’t this the sort of situation that girls are supposed to be in? A guy like Subaru isn’t the type of person whose hand should be kissed. It should instead be Emilia, beautiful and kind Emilia in this position. So why wasn’t she? Why was Subaru here in her steed?
Subaru’s face burst into flames. He reckoned the red on his face didn’t look as flattering on him as it did on Reinhard, and yet, the knight’s eyes crinkled into what could only be fondness.
Why was he the one being confessed to?!
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suppotato123 · 2 years ago
Screw Hogwarts Houses (and JK Rowling) tell me what degree you would be taking at a magical university:
Thaumaturgical Artificing- The scientific study and application of magic as it pertains to Alchemy (the creation of of potions) and Arcana (the engineering of magical devices).
Necromantic Studies- A degree for those looking for the most modern and ethical methods of raising the dead.
Arcanic Anthropology- This degree walks students through the history of magical artifacts, how to find them, and their proper uses to aspiring Sorcerers and non-magic users alike.
Linguistic Incantology- The study of the properties of magical languages as well as the characteristics of those languages in general ascertained in order to gain mastery over the magical art of incantation.
Magiphysical Sciences- The study of Humanoid systems, anatomy, and physical health and fitness as it pertains to magical gestures and more physically involved magic systems.
Mystic Virology- The study of magical diseases and curses, their effects on the humanoid form, and the treatments and counterhexes for such magical conditions.
Enchanted Horticulture- A branch of Enchanted agriculture that focuses on cultivation of magical gardens for the purposes of spells, medicine, and consumption.
General Studies- This degree covers the most basic information on various magical studies and provides a great opportunity for students to discover their magical passions and/or complete their prerequisite courses before moving on to a more advanced degree.
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danny-phantom-slut · 5 months ago
magic school au
There weren’t a lot of things that could surprise the young halfa. When he was only a few months old, his father accidentally lost him in the Ghost Zone for over twenty-four hours (and they never found out how he managed the momentary rip in dimensions, nor how Danny got back to the Living Realm). He once had a cooler of pure ectoplasm – which was highly acidic – dropped over his head when he was two years old, and he was completely fine afterwards (okay, maybe there were a few ghostly side effects – but that was it!) The Lord of Time – who was a little shit, and an Ancient – was also his self-proclaimed godfather.
So, yeah. Not much could surprise Danny.
Danny had been privy to ghostly shenanigans since he was three years old, when his parents indirectly, kind-of-but-didn’t kill him.
However, he didn’t like to think of that, so he didn’t.
But waking up to something tapping on his window, and opening it, only to be attacked by a screech owl at three in the morning? That caught him off guard, he had to admit. So did the letter that the owl practically chucked at his head, which then promptly right soared through him, because he had turned intangible on instinct.
The owl looked affronted.
He bared his fangs at it and warily picked up the letter.
Might as well see what it was, right? Who knew – maybe one of his friends in the Ghost Zone was trying out a different ghostly theme? It wouldn’t be the first time, and he decided to humour them.
He blinked when he read over the letter.
To Mr. Daniel Nightingale Fenton
Third door to the left on the second floor of Fenton Works 13 Phantasm Drive Amity Park, Illinois
Dear Mr. Fenton
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Casper School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
The term begins on September first. We await your owl by no later than July thirty-first.
Yours sincerely,
Asuka Ishiyama
Danny blinked again. What.
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themoonlit-dreamer · 9 months ago
Random Phighting AU that's tickling my mind for a while. Took a huge inspo from D&D when building this so uh yea :D
IDK If I'll draw other characters but here's Shuriken!
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conniferab · 2 years ago
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@wesperweek2023 day 3: magic school au
Heavily inspired by A Little Witch Academy designs and, inevitably and terribly, Harry Potter
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squidsinatrentchcoat443 · 8 months ago
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Ok for context these have a long story (that I forgot most of)
Basically a bunch of people in a school for magic
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(Her previous version in Gacha club, the high school drama story that everyone has made at some point)
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korkusts · 2 years ago
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Also I’m not a Harry Potter fan, I just think the idea of magic schools are cool
Also (most) killers are teachers
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halevetica · 1 year ago
Okay, I've had the itch to write a Sterek magic academy au ever since I saw Wednesday, but I have so many other ideas I should write first... what do I do??
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midnight-raven · 2 years ago
Ideas for a Black Phone/Magic School AU
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Finney and Gwen are Half-Blooded Mages (Human Father/Witch Mother)
Robin is a Werewolf.
Vance is a Vampire.
Bruce is a Wizard
Griffin is a Changeling.
Billy is a Frankenstein Creature.
Max is a professor of Magic History 101 at N’Evermore.
The Grabber is a Dark Wizard that possesses Blood Magic, the most forbidden form of magic.
For the story, students of N’Evermore are being attacked in the halls of school by a mysterious figure known as The Grabber, who drains his victims of their magical essences. (Either to cast a powerful spell or to undo a curse placed on him for tampering with Blood Magic)
The drainage spell doesn’t kill the kids here, but it does leave them in a comatose-like state barely clinging to life.
With more kids being attacked, magical siblings Finney and Gwen team up with other students to stop The Grabber once and for all.
Roommates: Finney & Robin. Gwen & Suzie. Billy & Griffin. Vance & Bruce.
Gwens’ magic is considered light while Finneys magic is in a gray area (between light & dark)
Gwen has healing abilities, can link to other people through dreams, and can conjure visions. Finney can cast spells,but above all, he has the ability to connect with spirits of the dead.
Because of her healing abilities, Gwen sometimes volunteers around the Hospital Wing of the school. (That’s how she became connected to the Grabbers victims later on in the story)
Bruce becomes a magical tutor for Finney, who struggles with his powers in the story.
Before attending the school, Bruce inherited his fathers old staff. He wears it around his neck, shrunken size.
Vance became a vampire after his mother survived an attack while pregnant with him. This made him being a vampire… let’s say, a sore subject.
His parents basically left Vance on his own to figure out his powers. Going to N’Evermore was an escape for Vance.
Amongst his powers, Vance can connect with nearby bats to conjure an army.
Every full moon night, Robin sneaks out of the school to run through the nearby woods. It’s his favorite thing in the world because it makes him feel connected with his Dad.
Robin had been raised by his Uncle after his Dad was killed by Monster Hunters(sacrificing himself to save either a friend or young Robins life)
In this AU, Griffin has elemental/nature kind of magic.
Griffin has trouble fitting in with his peers, after spending his life being raised in a mythical forest by Faes.
Billy was actually born human and was turned into the creature he is today. He woke up one day, in the schools hospital wing, only to discover his body was covered in stitches, he had super strength and electrical powers.
The incident left his mind a jumbling mess, and he can’t remember what happened to him, or his life before. The school is trying to help him with his trauma and to find out who he is.
Harper is his Anxiety Dog, the school lets Billy take her everywhere.
Magic teacher, Max Shaw used to be a student at N’Evermore with his older brother; Albert. They both loved it there, especially the nights when they would sneak into the restricted section of the library.
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ravendruid · 1 year ago
trick or treat👻👻👻
Send me Trick or Treat for a treat <3 Remember when I mentioned I had 3 new AUs? This is one of them.
“Close your eyes, focus on the energy of the world around you.” 
Vax’ildan does as Keyleth says. He focuses on the wind blowing through the open windows, feels the warmth of the flames in the sconces, smells the freshly cut grass outside. Energy surges through him, green and brown if he were to give it colors, and he doesn’t need to open his eyes to know he did it because Keyleth allows a quiet gasp to leave her lips.
“That is wonderful, Mr. Vessar,” The professor says, now standing in front of him with a big smile. 
“Vax’ildan’s fine,” He corrects. The man looks at Keyleth with a knowing look, to which Vax explains, “Keyleth has been teaching me for a few years now. I’m not very good, but it’s something.”
Vax admires the small, wrinkly daisy on his palm. The stem is short and the petals are frail, but he did it. He created this tiny flower himself. 
“You will get there with practice,” the professor says and nods at Keyleth, who expertly Druidcrafted a handful of multicolored wildflowers, before he moves on to other students.
“Let’s try again,” Keyleth’s excitement is contagious. “Close your eyes. Leave out any negative thoughts. In fact, think about what makes you happy and hold on to that.”
Vax closes his eyes again, hands still facing up on the desk. He thinks about his sister and his mother sitting by the fire in their dilapidated cottage, but dark thoughts take over the memory, so Vax shoos them away. Keyleth reminds him again, in a soft voice, to think about what makes him happy, and Vax does. He sees her face clearly in his mind, a smile as bright as the sun. He sees Keyleth laughing by the edge of the lake, shoes strewn about behind her as she splashes the cold water. She has flowers in her hair and smells like summer and strawberries. Gods, he loves her so much his chest fills up with joy and hope. Vax holds on to the image of Keyleth’s smile, the love he has for her, and sends wave after wave of energy to flow to his palms. This time it’s rainbow-colored because Keyleth is nothing but brightness.
“Oh my gods, Vax.” She all but shouts. Vax opens his eyes and sees a full-grown daisy in his hands. The stem is as long as if he had just picked it, with beautiful white petals that stand up tall and proud, not like the other attempts. It’s beautiful, just like Keyleth.
“You did it!” Keyleth jumps in her seat, clapping. The professor runs over to see what the ruckus is all about and his eyebrows shoot up to his hairline when he sees the flower in Vax’s hands.
“That is amazing, Mr. Vax’ildan. And on your first lesson, too. You’re a good tutor, Miss Keyleth. I must be careful or you’ll take my place,” He jokes. Keyleth laughs and the sound is enough for Vax to craft another flower, equally as beautiful.
Once they are alone again, Vax breaks the stem of the first flower he made and turns to Keyleth, whose eyes shine brightly with pride. Only she would look at him that way. Vax slides the flower in her hair, behind her ear and smiles. She’s so beautiful and strong, and has no idea how smitten he is.
“What did you think about?” She asks, curious.
“You,” Vax whispers. Keyleth’s smile vanishes into a shocked expression. “Only someone as beautiful as you could create the most beautiful flowers.” It’s when her cheeks redden and her gaze falls to his lips that Vax knows it’s time that Keyleth knows exactly how he feels about her.
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wuhuha · 2 months ago
The Academy - WOA
An lore in my WOA art series aka Wu's Oc Academy. Were I take all my OCs and try fitting/reimagine them all existing in the same made up fantasy setting.
Founded by the elemental sisters. WOA is a prestigious magic school known for its rigorous training and diverse magical curriculum. This is a place of learning  were everyone of all ages can come and learn.
[Insert epic drawing of the school here]
WOA Academy is not just a school for learning magic, it's a community where individuals of all ages can grow and evolve, guided by the teachings of the Six Sisters.
With its four distinct houses aligned with the seasonal blessings, students are given the opportunity to master their magical affinity while learning how to interact with the world, their peers, and the spirits of nature. The academy is a place where growth, strength, wisdom, and resilience are cultivated, ensuring that every witch or wizard graduates with not only magical skills but the moral wisdom to use them wisely.
Although the academy is publicly pro fae folk. Many is sceptical and tensions around the topic is high.
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Each house has an Overseer who is an considerably talented and skilled witch or wizard, blessed of their designated house's seasonal blessing.
The spring blessed: ???
The summer blessed: ???
The autumn blessed: ???
The winter blessed: ???
Each overseer picks a student among their group who partakes in the student council body. Said student has title of Seer.
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Subjects/classes: (Ngl I didn't think too hard about this)
Elemental evocation - has the most classes in it, learn to use the natural elements of reality to their advantage. in addition to a training course for each of the elements, there is also a Basics of the Elements course that all students take to help understand the nature of the elements themselves.
Conjuration - summoning objects and familiars. Popular class.
Divination - seeing the future. Opnions on sunbject this varies greatly.
Necromancy - communicationg with the ghost/spirits, raising or reanimating the dead.
Healing - very focused, but very tricky, recommended to do biology along with it for better understanding. One of the highest rates of people dropping the course after one year.
Transmutation - changing one thing into another. Includes self-transformation, transformation of others, and transformation of inanimates.
Magical zoology - handling and care for magical creatures.
Practical evocations (PE) - teaches general techniques rather than any specific magic, applicable to a wide range of situations; be able to cast spells while running, being pelted with dodgeballs, and other forms of physical exertion, so magic users don't suck in combat. Very popular.
Magic Theory - learning how magic actually works. Makes a good complement to other classes, understanding how it works helps with actually making it work, and can help students grasp techniques much faster.
History of magic - kind of self describing, has a emphasis one the six sisters and the turbulent relation with fae folks and magic beasts.
Herbology and potioneering - learn to brew potions and which plants around you can be used and how they need to be taken care of. Many ingredients can be obtained from magical creatures, so many students who wants to masters herbology and potion making, study hard in Magical zoology.
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WOA teaches not only magic, but also the ethics one is excepted to operate under, with topic such as necromancy. Break enough severe rules and not only are you expelled, but your magic get sealed until a trial and judgement is given for each case.
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jessunderstands · 2 months ago
Re: Zero Otome AU
More about about some of the characters
Let’s start with our protagonist, Subaru!
Subaru is very similar to his beloved canon counterpart. The main difference is that his guilty pleasure is playing otome games. His favourite one is Thaumaturgy Through a Frozen Heart (aka the otome version of the re: zero world), where the heroine is Emilia! Even though she’s the protagonist, Subaru latches onto her as his favourite and comfort character.
Emilia has the same personality as canon, only difference is how her story goes. She’s still feared and disliked because she’s a half-elf, however, she’s actually related to Satella rather than it being just stigma against elves. A lot of her bad endings end in death which Subaru wants to avoid once he gets transported into the game.
There are two capture targets that I’m sure of: Julius and Reinhard. Subaru adores Emilia and wants to give her the best possible ending, and he doesn’t think he can do that. So, instead, he settles on being a matchmaker and chooses Reinhard (not Julius because Subaru still beefing with him even in an entirely different universe lol).
Reinhard is the top of the students, best in practically all the subjects except for magic. He’s still that good natured guy in canon, not much has changed there. He’s a part of the student council.
Julius may not be the top student but he is pointed to as a model student to be looked up to and emulate. Also a part of the student council.
In game, Otto was the npc you would go to for items. Everything you need? He’s got! Although he plays a supporting role in the AU, he’s not any less fond of Subaru than the others. Don’t underestimate this codependent twink, he’s still got a leg in the (vying for Subaru’s love) competition!
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yume-fanfare · 2 years ago
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the school fairy! and other horror stories? - prologue
au tag
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mothpheus · 5 months ago
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With Autumn 🍂 comes the (dark) academia vibes 🐸🎻📜🎇 Meet the haughty Edgar and the sweetheartest sweetheart, Rasmus! (( + Part of the process :] ))
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str4wb3rry-fire · 2 years ago
i need more steddie hogwarts/magic school aus !!! they own my fucking soul but ive only been able to find two complete ones :(
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suppotato123 · 2 years ago
Thank you to everyone who voted on the last poll, and all the people who put their cool ideas in the tags. This is the new poll and it’ll have to be two parts because there’s too many degrees.
Thaumaturgical Artificing- The scientific study and application of magic as it pertains to Alchemy (the creation of of potions) and Arcana (the engineering of magical devices).
Advanced Applied Necromancy- A degree for those looking for the most modern and ethical methods of raising the dead. This is a degree for those looking for new and inventive ways to apply the Necromantic Arts to the betterment of society. Students can expect to learn the ways in which Necromancy can be applied to various fields such as medicine, criminal justice, and even industry, all wrapped up in serious discussions about ethics and consent.
Arcanic Archaeology- This degree walks students through the history of magical artifacts, how to find them, and their proper uses to aspiring Sorcerers and non-magic users alike.
Linguistic Incantology- The study of the properties of magical languages as well as the characteristics of those languages in general ascertained in order to gain mastery over the magical art of incantation.
Runic Studies- the study of the history of runes and sigils, their relevance in art, politics, and culture, and their various uses to the modern spell caster.
Magiphysical Sciences- The study of Humanoid systems, anatomy, and physical health and fitness as it pertains to magical gestures and more physically involved magic systems.
Mystic Virology- The study of magical diseases and curses, their effects on the humanoid form, and the treatments and counterhexes for such magical conditions.
Beasts Behavior and Health Sciences- This degree will prepare students for work with both wild and domestic fantastical creatures by giving them essential knowledge and essential skills in magical veterinary medicine and biology, grooming, feeding, and care, as well as wildlife rehabilitation.
Magical Performance Arts- A degree for those seeking to enchant and bewilder audiences of all ages. If you’re looking for something something showy and fun, look no further! Includes the option for courses like Enchantments and Shapeshifting.
Wandsmithing Technologies- This is a course for students looking to design wands. Students will learn to many essential lesson including, but not limited to, magidynamics, the magical components of many different wand building materials, and a comprehensive analysis on different wand styles throughout the ages. At the end students will have several wand prototypes and models under their belts.
Criminal Justice- Study how criminal justice organizations function, deal with people and their recurring problems, and create programs and policies that include and benefit the community. Here’s the twist; we add in a little magic to make your job easier. A popular magic class taken for this degree Scrying (with a warrant of course).
Supernatural Physics- the study of how and why magic came to be and how and why it works. Students will learn the structure of magic and how it interacts with other fundamental constituents of the universe.
Economic Divination- This degree provides studies in supply and demand, consumer behavior, and financial markets with an added twist. Students will learn the most reliable methods of divination to help insure future financial success.
Mystic Ecology- The study of relationships among living magical organisms, humanoids, and their physical environments. This degree looks at organisms at the individual, population, community, ecosystem, and biosphere level. Students can expect to learn how to use their magic to help repair damaged ecosystems, increase power output, and cast diagnostic spells to access what remediation is necessary.
Novel Entomology- The scientific study of magical species of insects, arachnids, myriapods, and crustaceans.
Magic History- The history of magic and it’s uses across different ages and cultures. This class will look at the different major events involving and influenced by magic and it’s interaction with society.
General Studies- This degree covers the most basic information on various magical studies and provides a great opportunity for students to discover their magical passions and/or complete their prerequisite courses before moving on to a more advanced degree.
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