#steddie magic school au
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i need more steddie hogwarts/magic school aus !!! they own my fucking soul but ive only been able to find two complete ones :(
#stranger things#steddie#steve harrington#eddie munson#st4#steveddie#hogwarts au#magic school au#steddie hogwarts au#steddie magic school au
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Steddie Upside-down AU Part 17
Part 1 Part 16
Let it be known that Eddie Munson is not a morning person, presuming it’s morning at all. And with the bags under Will and Steve’s eyes, Eddie’s doubtful. He doesn’t look in the mirror to check his own. If King Steve Harrington looks this ragged even with his genetic lottery, Eddie doesn’t want to know what he looks like.
He wants to brush his teeth, but when he opened the toothpaste, it was a rusty-looking brown color. He wants a shower, but none of the pipes work, and their quarry water is a precious commodity. Hell, he wants a hot cup of coffee, and he doesn’t even like coffee.
It'd probably turn to acid once it hit his gut, though. Hunger’s gnawing at him in a way it hasn’t for years. When the fridge would be empty for days. When he wished for school days, so he could take his little blue slip up to the lunch line and get a meal for free, never mind that all the other kids gave him a wide berth for it.
It's messing with his head to have that same, gnawing feeling in this place where Wayne makes breakfast in the mornings after he gets off a shift. Where there’s always food in the fridge, no matter how lean money is. Where someone cares enough to stock it.
So, no. Eddie Munson is not a morning person, and he’s going to strangle Steve Harrington if he keeps corralling Eddie like a wayward child as they pack up their supplies for the trek to Mama Byers’s house.
“Just help me sort the first aid supplies, and then we’ll be done,” Steve says, riffling through their stolen loot where he’s strewn it out across the kitchen counter.
Eddie groans, pinching the bridge of his nose, letting the weight of his elbow settle into Steve’s shoulder. Regrettably, it’s the bad one.
“Ow, fuck,” he groans, shrugging out from beneath Eddie’s arm.
“Shit, sorry big boy,” Eddie says, fluttering his fingers toward Steve’s injured shoulder like he can magic it all better.
“Are you hurt?” Will asks quietly from where he’s once again hovering at the threshold.
They both jump, trading guilty looks at the omission caught so quickly. “Just a scratch on my shoulder,” Steve replies, like a liar.
Will nods but doesn’t seem to believe them. The kid’s clearly too smart for his own good.
“Should we go?” Eddie asks brightly, clapping his hands like he’s a camp counselor leading a nature expedition and not corralling a middle schooler and a peer he still totally hates, he swears, out into a hellscape.
Steve rolls his eyes, but dutifully swipes it all back into his pack after a cursory look.
Steve and Will follow him out of the trailer like ducklings, Eddie in the lead, and Steve maintaining the rear, keeping Will sandwiched in the middle in silent agreement.
They keep quiet. Eddie’s eyes skitter wildly about, and when he glances back, Steve is clutching the shotgun tightly. Clearly, he’s not the only one more on edge with a kid to keep alive now. In contrast, Will looks excited.
Eddie doesn’t know which is worse, that the kid trusts them that much to keep him safe, or that he’s so excited to talk to Mama Byers that he’s not fussed about the rest of it.
Eddie remembers the general direction of the Byers’ house. It’s a small town – there’s only so many places for people to live, but he still has to ask Will for directions a few times. Will tells him where to turn, both speaking quietly enough that Harrington only twitches a little in alarm from behind them.
Only once does Steve stop, the sound of him raising the shotgun the only indication Eddie receives that he’s stopped at all. His heart kicks up as he whirls around to see Steve standing, gun trained into the woods, like fucking always. It takes endless moments before Steve lowers his gun again, waving them along.
No one talks after that. Eddie looks at Will, and Will points. It works well enough.
The Byers house is a single level, short and small, but it’s got a front porch with chairs on it, and laundry on a clothesline. It would look homey without vines. And the sky. And the ash. And the everything about this place.
Still, they file through the unlocked front door. Eddie can almost feel the smack Uncle Wayne would land on his head for going into someone else’s house first, uninvited, but there’s no way he’s letting Will go first into a place the Demogorgon had been less than twenty-four hours before.
It's silent inside. Will pushes past him, rushing into the house and taking a left. Eddie and Steve follow, Steve still clutching the gun. They find him in a small, outdated kitchen. He’s picked up the phone.
“Mom?” he says. His voice breaks, and Eddie wants to grab him and hide him in Steve’s closet for the rest of the day. “Mom?”
They stand in silence for a minute, ears straining for the smallest sound. “Anything?” Steve asks, brow furrowed.
Will doesn’t answer, just presses the phone to his ear harder. “Mom?” His voice sounds wet. Eddie’s going to fucking murder Joyce Byers. “Mom, please.”
“Maybe we can try in a few minutes?” Eddie asks, reaching out to squeeze his shoulder.
Will puts the phone back into the receiver like it weighs a thousand pounds. “What if the Demogorgon got her?”
Scratch the murder threats, Munson. “She’s probably just out,” he says.
Will finally turns around, slowly. Reluctantly. His face is streaked with tears already. Eddie doesn’t fight the urge to wipe them off. His hands leave grimy streaks though, so he switches to the sleeve of his shirt.
Behind him, Steve is pacing down the hall, muttering quietly under his breath. He’s not concerned until the movement abruptly stops.
“Steve?” Eddie calls, still cradling Will’s face.
His steps start again, slow, and purposeful. “Come see this,” he says. He doesn’t sound scared. Shocked, maybe even awed, but not scared.
Eddie pats Will’s cheek before turning and making his way out of the kitchen. Steve Harrington is haloed in light. It’s white, and fluttering, and following every step he takes. He looks like a fallen angel – bloody and grimy, but heavenly still.
Eddie almost asks, “are you an angel?” because if there are monsters, then why not something good? But he doesn’t. Because as soon as he steps past the threshold, there’s a light above him. Holy. Beautiful.
“What is this?” Eddie asks.
“I don’t know,” Steve says, smiling up at the light hanging over him. Steve Harrington is entranced by the lights and Eddie Munson can’t take his eyes off him.
Will steps beside him, and lets out a little, “oh.” When Eddie glances his way, he’s not looking at the lights either. Eddie can’t blame him.
“Do you think it’s dangerous?” Steve asks, still too focused on the beauty of it to sound worried.
“It’s just—” Will starts. But he’s interrupted.
The voice sounds distorted, but not like the Demogorgon’s. It’s more like the sound is coming from far away. Like Nancy Wheeler’s voice. Like her friend’s.
“Will?” it calls. “Will, are you here?”
Well, looks like it’s time to meet Mama Byers. Eddie can’t wait.
Part 18
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you're not santa
i may or may not be having a small (this is a lie) crisis over liam believing in santa this year? i am 90% certain he doesn't actually believe in santa and just said he does because he thinks the cool gifts come from santa. meanwhile i am just trying to get the vibes on if i need two wrapping papers this year or not for the same amount of gifts. so anyways working through the feelings with putting the idiots in the situation as always, enjoy.
rated t | cw: the mildest innuendo | tags: fluff, modern au, married steddie, steddie dads, the magic of christmas is all of it not just santa etc
"You better be quieter this year," Steve slapped Eddie's still bare ass as he hurried to throw on his Christmas pajamas. "Almost woke Maddy up last year. You're lucky I was standing by the door."
Eddie rolled his eyes fondly. "Well, maybe if you hadn't turned the-"
"Just go!" Steve laughed, throwing a pillow at him with deadly accuracy.
Eddie threw it back at him with a smirk. "When I get back, I'm giving you your present."
"You already did, Eds."
"No, that was just one of them," Eddie rushed to say before leaving their bedroom and quietly closing the door behind him.
Both bedroom doors were closed across the hall, so he quickly made his way down the stairs to the garage, where all the gifts were hiding since Robin dropped them off earlier that day.
But when Eddie opened the garage door and flipped the light switch, a voice startled him into nearly turning and running.
"I knew it!"
Their oldest son had been acting very suspicious of Santa related discussions for months now, and Steve had warned him that he was getting to an age where a lot of his friends probably didn't believe in Santa anymore.
"Sammy, why aren't you in your bed?" Eddie put his hands on his hips, identical to the way Steve stood when he was about to have a very serious conversation with one of their three kids.
"Because I saw Auntie Rob bring in a big bag earlier and you and Dad were trying to keep us distracted. So I looked out here while you were cleaning up dinner and saw all these presents." Sammy was standing with his hands on his hips, a mirror image to Steve in every way down to the same swoop of hair and freckles across his cheeks. "And all of these say from Santa, but Santa wouldn't have even come here yet because he was in London one hour ago and London is at least four hours from here!"
Eddie bit back a laugh at how Sammy tried to explain his way through the Santa gifts being here.
"Can I tell you a secret?" Eddie asked, dropping his arms and sitting down on the ground, gesturing for Sammy to join him.
"I already know Santa isn't real," Sammy said as he sat, sounding absolutely miserable.
"What do you mean Santa isn't real?" Eddie asked, pretending to be shocked at the revelation.
"Really, pops? You're gonna act like Santa is real?" Sammy got the sass from Steve, too. It was both annoying and adorable. "I'm seeing the evidence that he isn't with my own eyes."
"Look, Sammy, can I call you Sammy?" Eddie smiled when Sammy let out a laugh. "Santa as you know him isn't real, you're right. But there is a Santa. He's just so busy and can't do it all in one night, so he has presents delivered early for some people, like you and your brother and sister. But he can't ruin the magic, so he left them at Auntie Rob's house for safekeeping."
It sounded airtight. Any kid who wanted to believe in Santa would definitely believe that.
"Dad. Seriously." Sammy was giving him The Look. "I'm nine years old. I have straight As. I'm not stupid."
Which was something Eddie knew of course. He was endlessly proud of all of his super smart kids who did a million times better in school than he and Steve ever did.
But he didn't think believing in Santa was a sign of a kid not being smart.
"You're smart enough to learn the truth, which is that Santa gives the parents a lot more control than we let you think. Don't you think it would be harder to get Maddy to do her homework if I said 'Dad will take a present away' instead of 'Santa is watching to make sure you do your homework'?"
Sammy looked out at the garage, the clutter of children's outdoors toys and broken Christmas decorations and bulk snacks for lunchboxes scattered around.
"So he just gives you the toys when he thinks we've been good enough for them?" Sammy asked, still sounding unsure.
"Exactly! And he usually delivers them a couple weeks early so we can make sure they're wrapped and ready for tomorrow."
"So why keep it all a secret?"
Damn Sammy for always being two steps ahead of Eddie.
"It's more fun this way! Olivia was so excited to leave out cookies before bed, remember? If we told her this, she wouldn't even get to be excited about Rudolph eating the carrots, right?"
"So Rudolph is...real?"
"Okay, that one might be a lie," Eddie gave in on that to sell the rest of it. That's what you had to do with Sammy.
"So who eats the carrots?"
"I take bites and spit them in the trash. You know I hate carrots."
"Why don't you make Dad do it?" Sammy leaned against Eddie's side, letting out a long yawn. He was probably sitting out here for the last couple of hours waiting. He had to be exhausted.
"Dad did a lot of that stuff when you were really little. For five whole years before we switched."
"So he sleeps while you bring out all the presents?"
Eddie's face went red as he thought about what Steve was probably doing in their room right now.
"Yep! He did a lot of baking and stuff all day today so I let him rest," Eddie wrapped an arm around Sammy as his weight became heavier against him. "I think you should probably get some rest, too. Santa wouldn't want your Christmas morning ruined because you stayed up all night."
"I guess." Sammy yawned again. "Can I sleep on the couch?"
"You know Dad's rule. Bedrooms only on Christmas."
"Yeah, but that was for the secret. Now I know."
"But Maddy and Olivia don't. We have to keep this a secret from them, okay?" Eddie paused when he heard some footsteps directly above them. His brows furrowed.
"Maybe Santa forgot one?" Sammy asked, perking up.
"Maybe. Better get to your bed so he doesn't see that you're awake," Eddie nudged him.
No sooner had the words left his mouth than Sammy was rushing out of the garage and up the stairs to his bedroom.
Eddie looked above him, but no more bumps could be heard.
After setting all the presents under the tree in a mostly organized fashion, Eddie got back to the bedroom, where Steve was fast asleep.
He got into bed carefully, not wanting to wake him up, but Steve's eyes blinked open slowly as he curled up under the comforter.
"Took you too long," Steve whispered.
"What?" Steve's eyes opened all the way and tears were instantly filling them. "Does he know?"
"Sh," Eddie pulled Steve against his chest and ran his hands through his soft hair. "I'll tell you tomorrow. Sleep, love."
They heard a small bump on the roof and then silence.
Steve sat up and looked out the bedroom window, then back at Eddie.
"What was that?"
"Must've been Santa," Eddie teased.
Steve rolled his eyes.
They both stayed up for a bit longer to make sure no other noises happened outside, but fell asleep when there was nothing.
The next morning, all three kids jumped into their bed, yelling about how many presents Santa brought them and how full their stockings were.
Steve and Eddie made their way downstairs, rubbing their eyes as the kids pushed them down on the couch while they started grabbing gifts.
By the end, the kids were so busy playing with new toys, they didn't notice one more present hiding between the fireplace and the tree. Eddie reached over for it, not recognizing the wrapping paper.
"Did Robbie say she was getting them something else?" he asked, holding the gift out to Steve.
"Nope," Steve took it, checked the tag, then handed it back to Eddie with a shrug. "Says it's for you."
Wayne wouldn't be bringing his gifts for everyone over until that afternoon, so who could this one even be from?
He opened it carefully, worried that it was a prank by Steve and the kids. It wouldn't be the first time they managed to pull off a prank gift.
The confusion only increased when he pulled out a small plastic replica of the London Bridge.
"You don't even like London that much. Who got you that?" Steve asked, resting his head on Eddie's shoulder.
"No idea."
Sammy looked up at them over the new book about planets he got and beamed.
"Santa brought you a present!"
Eddie was suddenly reminded of their conversation last night, how Sammy insisted Santa was just in London and couldn't possibly have made it here.
Eddie had seen a lot of weird things in his life, had ignored a lot of them and passed them up to weird coincidence, but this was different.
He set the replica on the table by the couch and wrapped an arm around Steve's shoulders, kissing the top of his head as he leaned further into him.
"Santa?" Steve asked.
"Must've been a good boy this year," Eddie smiled.
"Uh-huh. I'm sure you were," Steve kissed his cheek before turning back to watch their kids playing on the floor.
Maybe Eddie would have to write a letter to Santa next year to thank him for the gift.
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Room 414
Explicit, 9,528 words, 3/3, no warnings
A part of the Steddie Omegaverse Valentines Day Exchange for crybaby.
Important tags: Omegaverse, Alpha!Eddie, Omega!Steve, soulmates, missed connection, college AU, roommates.
During the inaugural school year, something magical happened in Lamoree House. On the fourth floor, in the fourteenth room, the two omegas assigned to the room together discovered they were soulmates. They had such a strong love, their scents powerful in their compatibility and passion, that they blessed the room to house only soulmates. From then on, every pair that lived in Room 414 were destined to be soulmates. And every pair since have left the school year bonded, claiming they’d found their soulmate. Or so the legend goes.
#ohstars fic#steddie#steddie fic#steve harrington#stranger things#eddie munson#alpha eddie munson#omega steve harrington#omegaverse#a/b/o dynamics#meet cute#college au#steddieomegaversevdayexchange#soulmates#roommates
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WIP Weekend
Thanks for the tag @augustjustice!
Rules: Send me an emoji in an ask, and I'll write 3-5 sentences and/or paragraphs from that WIP! (No limit on number of emojis you can send)
🏃 The Running with the Devil (steddie role reversal) jock!Eddie POV 4+1 was originally supposed to be only around 3-4k words at most, and we are now at 7.5k...oops. Going to jump between Grade 9 (when Eddie attends his first high school party) and Grade 11 (continuing from last week with poor concussed and horny Steve).
🐲 Soaring Symphony (my Witch and Dragon AU) Chapter 6 went up this week, huzzah! We are at the action packed climax portion of the last chapter now, time for the final showdown duh duh duh
🐶 The followup to B(eta) E(psilon) G(amma), aka my college AU puppy play Stomeddy fic is now called "B.A.D. D.O.G", because there are limited dog-related words I can spell out with the greek alphabet haha. Trying to write a spanking scene for this right now and juggling 3 people's reactions!
Tagging a few folks to join in on the fun!
@vthx @stellarspecter @hbyrde36 @little-annie @onirislanding
@kikidoesfanfic @helpimstuckposting
Spoilers for 🐲 under the cut!
Behind him, the wall settled back into place with a heavy bang. Abruptly, the cacophony of magical energy cut off. Silence swooped in to take its place, pressing oppressively in on his eardrums. “Who are you, who dares to intrude upon my castle?” A voice from the other side of the room hissed. The king who haunted Eddie’s memories was a huge imposing and unearthly figure, sitting atop his throne clad in glittering finery and jewels. Legions of loyal unfeeling soldiers swarmed around at his beck and call. Dumped on the floor, Eddie had whimpered as he stared up at this god who could control his fate with a single command. And the god sneered back. He’d ordered his mages to leave the ruined creature they dared sully his presence with to die in the woods, instead of doing anything to ease his suffering. This room’s occupant was not a god. King Henry was still just as beautiful to behold, with long blonde hair and pale unblemished skin. The the very picture of health he’d been when he’d overthrown the former dynasty nearly eight decades ago. But Eddie was no longer a scared and wounded child. It startled him to realize he stood nearly eye to eye with the king.
#tinawrites#wip weekend#steddie#stommedie#stommie#witch and dragon steddie#role reversal steddie#running with the devil#puppy trio
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🐝 cj. 27. he/him 🐝
writer's tag | steddie ficlets | fic recs | wip posts | answered asks | ko-fi

ೀ⋆.🌷 ao3 fics ೀ⋆.🌷 (registered users only)
▸ darling, lets get old - G, 383, complete fluff, recreational drug use, marriage proposal
▸ Starry Eyed Love - G, 1.1k, complete outsider pov, corroded coffin gig, established relationship
▸ haunted by the ghost of you (take me back to the night we met) - T, 2k, complete vampire eddie, established relationship, post-s4
▸ the magic that we'll feel is worth the lifetime - M, 7.7k, complete post-s3, established relationship, fluff, eddie's birthday
▸ constant, pleasure - E, 3k, complete dom/sub, daddy kink, face slapping, spit kink, babygirl steve
▸ [ hiraeth; ] - series, WIP appalachian eddie, established relationship, eddie munson's extended family
▸ silent spark - G, 4.1k, complete animal crossing au, pining, fireworks date, platonic hellcheer, aspec steve
⚘ there's comfort in the panic - G, 1.2k, complete panic attacks, established relationship, lex's spicy six spring fanworks challenge, hurt/comfort
▸ she put her love down soft and sweet - E, 5.7k, complete modern au, dom/sub, aspec steve, transmasc steve, established relationship, daddy kink
▸ it's the spirit of the season - T, 3.8k, complete established relationship, christmas fluff, crack treated seriously
▸ they said it all comes down to you - T, 1.5k, complete demon eddie, sacrifice steve, soulmates
▸ sugar sweet as dixie crystal - E, 4k, complete established relationship, high school sweethearts, transmasc steve, ace steve, daddy kink
▸ a whole lifetime - E, 1.6k, complete rockstar eddie, older/married steddie, daddy kink, dom/sub, babygirl steve, birthday sex
▸ i'll be yours if you'll be mine - E, 1.9k, complete hand kink, spit kink, daddy kink, secret relationship
ೀ⋆.🌷 tumblr ficlets ೀ⋆.🌷
▸ farmer steddie - light dom/sub, steddie dads, older steddie, modern au ▸ tiny hands, little feet (snippet) - teen dads au, no upside down au, transmasc steve ▸ birthday blues - established relationship, fluff, steve's birthday ▸ the night before christmas - steddie dads, modern au, rockstar eddie, emma verse ▸ one more night - modern au, nurse steve, established relationship, injuries, hurt/cmofort ▸ if i ain't got you - arguments, making up, slow dancing in the kitchen ▸ promise you forever - appalachian eddie, established relationship, drunk dialing, fluff ▸ hold you close - transmasc steve, established relationship, fluff, comfort, descriptions of periods ▸ eddie's bad day - fluff, comfort, established relationship ▸ steve's bad day - fluff, comfort, established relationship ▸ night shift - nurse steve, modern au, established relationship, light smut ▸ it takes a village - teen dads au, uncle wayne, microfic ▸ can't you hear that scratching - microfic, established relationship, vampire eddie

🌈 the besties 🌈
@hammity-hammer ☆ @yournowheregirl ☆ @corrodedcoughin ☆ @tboygareth ☆ @starrystevie ☆ @inairbinad ☆ @courtjestermunson ☆ @flowercrowngods ☆ @steves-strapcollection ☆ @fireandgrimstone ☆ @starryeyedjanai ☆ @legitcookie ☆ @matchingbatbites ☆ @corrodedbisexual ☆ @wewilllivehappilyandstrong ☆ @thefreakandthehair ☆ @steddieas-shegoes ☆ @theheadlessphilosopher ☆ @stobinesque ☆ @potentialheartofdarkness ☆ @sidekick-hero ☆ @patchworkgargoyle ☆ @sentient-trash ☆ @vecnuthy ☆ @wormdebut ☆ @wynnyfryd
ೀ⋆.🌷 side blogs ೀ⋆.🌷
▸ doctor who - @rtd-who
▸ oceanography - @deep-deep-blue
▸ ac odyssey/ancient greece/mythology - @axhiiles
dividers & banners by: @saradika-graphics updated: 4/9/24
#cj talks#intro post#edited the tags a bit and took out the ones i never use#playlists will be linked when i get my spotify sorted
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Steddie-ish AU Generator
Roll the dice and come up with a premise for a Steddie - ish AU fanfic.
Pick a Joe Keery (roll 1d8):
Steve Harrington
Gator Tillman (Fargo)
Keys (Free Guy)
Kurt Knuckle (Spree)
Baron (Marmalade)
Sean Lockwood (Finalmente l'alba /Finally Dawn)
Other (Pick a roll not on this list)
Pick a Joesph Quinn (roll a d8):
Eddie Munson
Eric (A Quiet Place: Day One)
Michael (Hoard)
Enjolras (Les Mis)
Emperor Geta (Gladiator 2)
Johnny Storm/ Human Torch (Fantastic Four)
Other (pick a roll not on this list)
Pick an au (roll 1d20):
Mafia AU
Coffee Shop AU
High school/college AU
Fantasy AU
Sex Worker AU
Omegaverse AU
Historical (any time period) AU
Merfolk AU
Youtuber/Streamer/Vlogger AU
Musician/Band AU
Superhero AU
Afterlife AU
Post Apocalypse AU
Sci Fi/ Futuristic AU
Small Business Owners AU
Pokemon AU
Harry Potter/ Magic is Real AU
Mythology AU
Cop/ Detective AU
Other Franchise AU
Plot (roll 1d12):
Enemies to Lovers
And they were roommates
Friends to Lovers
Fake Dating
PWP/ Smut
Noncon/ dubcon
Accidental Baby Acquisitions
Time Travel
Hallmark Christmas Movie
Sick Fic
My sample one is that Baron and Eric mythology au with a Hallmark Christmas Movie plot.
#Give me your most unhinged ones#steddie#stranger things#eddie munson#steve harrington#joe keery#joseph quinn#Gingervitis69420#steddievitis
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today's prompt is: witch
Magical school AU, they didn’t know they were one/came from a magical family, they’ve known all along and are really bad/ incredible at magic, familiars, spellbooks, the moon, bucket list trip to Salem
make sure to mention us @steddie-spooktober to be added to the queue! we also have a tag for the event so folks can track/see all your lovely posts: #steddiespooktober
#steddiespooktober#steddie#steddie writing event#stranger things#steve harrington#eddie munson#day 23: witch#week 4#steve harrington x eddie munson#eddie munson x steve harrington#mod post
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fic recs | answered asks | venmo | my posts | bsky | graphics | pillowfort
DNI: minors, terfs/radfems, HP blogs
..............................⋆⁺₊❅. ao3 fics .❅₊⁺⋆.................................. (registered users only)
+ starry eyed love - G, 1.1k, complete outsider pov, established relationship, corroded coffin
+ haunted by the ghost of you (take me back to the night we met) - T, 2k, complete kas/vampire eddie, established relationship, temporary character death
+ the magic that we'll feel is worth the lifetime - M, 7.7k, complete established relationship, eddie's birthday, post season 3/pre season 4
+ constant, pleasure - E, 3k, complete dom/sub, daddy kink, praise kink, spit kink, dry humping, babygirl steve
+ silent spark - G, 4.1k, complete animal crossing au, aspec steve, lex's spicy six summer fanworks challenge
+ there's comfort in the panic - G, 1.2k, complete hurt/comfort, panic attacks, established relationship, lex's spicy six spring fanworks challenge
+ they said it all comes down to you - T, 1,5k, complete demon eddie, sacrifice steve, soulmates
+ she put her love down soft and sweet - E, 5.7k, complete modern au, dom/sub, aspec steve, transmasc steve, daddy kink, emma verse
+ i'll be yours if you'll be mine - E, 1.9k, complete hand kink, spit kink, daddy kink, secret relationship
+ it's the spirit of the season - T, 3.8k, complete established relationship, christmas fluff, crack treated seriously
+ sugar sweet as dixie crystal - E, 4k, complete established relationship, high school sweethearts, transmasc steve, aspec steve, daddy kink, nipple play, emma verse
+ a whole lifetime - E, 1.6k, complete rockstar eddie, older/married steddie, daddy kink, dom/sub, babygirl steve, birthday sex
+ mamma mia (spit your love on me) - E, 1.8k, complete transmasc eddie, puppy play, dom bottom eddie, sub top steve, mommy kink, breeding kink
+ gold-skinned eager baby - M, WIP series rewrite, childhood friends, secret relationship
.............................⋆⁺₊❅. tumblr fics .❅₊⁺⋆............................. (clink link for more fics)
+ i saw daddy kissing santa claus - modern au, pibble dad eddie, fluff & humor + counting constellations - fluff, established relationship, eddie loves steve's moles + eddie my love - new years kiss, fluff, established relationship + honkytonk badonkadonk - established relationship, fluff & humor, steve's ass appreciation + jezebel munson - crackfic, raccoon dad eddie, established relationship + strawberry wine - famous corroded coffin, hurt/comfort, established realtionship, songfic + good 'ol boys, never meanin' no harm - eddie & uncle wayne, appalachian eddie, post season 4, eddie lives + friend of dorothy - gseb verse, robin pov, established steddie, secret relationship + single dad eddie - fluff, parental comfort, transmasc eddie + surprise - established steddie, platonic stobin, stobin as excited puppies + the seventh son - appalachian eddie, traditional folk medicine, appalachian folklore, established steddie + capital P - platonic stobin, established steddie, robin being a clothes thief + found out - established steddie, steve's parents find out,steve has decent parents + er nurse steve/security guard eddie - established relationship, secret relationship that's not so secret, steddie dads + tear us apart (baby i would rather be dead) - post season 4, eddie lives, established relationship, gseb verse, hurt/comfort

divider/banner credits: me last updated: 12/1/24
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❄️Welcome everyone!❄️
If you love the winter holidays as much as I do, then this challenge is for you! It’s pretty simple:
The calendar below has a prompt for every day of the month of December. No matter what holiday you celebrate or even if you don’t celebrate one at all, I hope you find one or more that you like! You can submit as many as you'd like (I plan to do one everyday) or as few as you'd like.
All drabbles should be between 300-1000 words. I will be using wordcounter.net to check them all before reblogging!
Please tag this blog @steddieholidaydrabbles when you post. You can also follow the tag steddieholidaydrabbles to keep up with posts.
All submissions should include a rating and any CW or tags that you feel are necessary. Please put the prompt you are fulfilling as well. It’s not required, but please consider putting Explicit material under a read more. A sample of this may look like: optional title rating: G/T/M/E cw: violence, blood, etc. tags: established relationship, first time, etc.
Because there will be SO many prompts, please try to only post your submission for a prompt ON that day by 11:59 pm EST. Really early or late submissions won’t be ignored, but could easily get missed in the mix of a different prompt on a different day. A reminder of the daily prompt will be posted at 12:01 am EST on the day of the prompt.
Any of the prompts could be holiday related if you wanted them to be, but it's not required!
1st - Open mic night
2nd - Came back wrong
3rd - Mutual pining
4th - Meet-cute at work
5th - FREE SPACE (Domestic fluff)
6th - Cooking together
7th - Hanukkah
8th - Idiots to Lovers
9th - No Upside Down AU
10th - First kiss/First time
11th - Royalty AU
12th - Only one bed
13th - Roadtrip/Vacation
14th - FREE SPACE (Angst with a happy ending)
15th - Time travel
16th - Modern AU
17th - Platonic Stobin
18th - FREE SPACE (Hurt/comfort)
19th - Enemies to lovers
20th - Magic AU
21st - Snow
22nd - Sports AU (players or fans)
23rd - Uncle Wayne adopts Steve
24th - Birthday
25th - Christmas
26th - "Who did this to you?"
27th - Coffee shop/Bookstore/Tattoo AU
28th - Proposal
29th - FREE SPACE (Spicy/Mature or Explicit)
30th and 31st - New Year's Eve/Resolutions
ARTISTS The submission must be made on the day of that prompt in order to be reblogged by this blog. The image must be Steddie, Steve, or Eddie focused (with the exception of Platonic Stobin day), though other characters can be included!
Collaborations with writers are encouraged!
Always tag this blog with your submissions so we can see them and reblog them.
If you have questions, message this blog or @steddieas-shegoes.
Same rules apply (300-1000 words each, must have rating and cw/tags, and tag this blog if you want it reblogged)
August 19th-21st: High School or College AU September 18th-22nd: Fall October 28th-31st: Halloween November 18th-22nd: Bakery AU Warm Up Rounds AO3 Collection
Steddie Holiday Drabbles AO3 Collection
Week 1 Masterlist Week 2 Masterlist Week 3 Masterlist Week 4 Masterlist
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Week Four: Masterlist
Week Four is over! We're almost finished now. I appreciate your participation so much! This week, we covered 7 prompts and there were 60 total entries: 56 Fics Written, 2 Pieces of Art & 2 Other Works submitted.
Don't forget there is also an AO3 Collection if you'd like to use it!
Color-Coded Ratings Key: General, Teen, Mature, Explicit.
Day Twenty-One: Hate This Town
Fic Submissions:
JULY 21: hate this town by @the-unforgivenn | Rating: M | WC: 982 | CW: Angst, situationship between Eddie and unnamed fem!character, Gareth’s attempt at dad jokes | Tags: Eddie, Jeff, and Gareth
stuck for a while by @steddieas-shegoes | Rating: T | WC: 521 | CW: angst with an ambiguous ending | Tags: band breakup, good uncle wayne munson, eddie pov
It Was His Year by @thisapplepielife | Rating: M | WC: 1000 | CW: Slightly Graphic Imagery, Blood, Injuries | POV: Gareth | Pairing: Steddie (If You Squint) | Tags: Missing Scene S4 Finale, Evacuation, Canon Divergence, Eddie Munson Lives
Back home by @medusapelagia | Rating: T | WC: 1000 | CW: f word, homophobia | Pairing: Eddie & Gareth, Eddie & Wayne, mention of Steve/Eddie
Corroded Coffin Fest - Day 21 - Hate This Town by @jo-harrington | Rating: T | WC: 999 | CW: Angst, Friendship, Homesickness, Reconciliation, Open-Ended | Tags: The one where Corroded Coffin learns that life sucks no matter where you live
Day 21: Hate This Town by @munson-blurbs | Rating: G | WC: 638 | CW: allusion to poverty, school anxiety, 10-year-old Eddie Munson (Bug's writing about Eddie and Wayne? Shocking) | Tags: Eddie Munson, Wayne Munson, music, guitar
We're Stuck Here by @corroded-hellfire | Rating: T | WC: 998 | CW: Language, allusions to death | Pairing: Allusions to previous Eddie x *surprise character*
Town Called Malice by @dreamwatch | Rating: T | WC: 999 | CW: hospitals, mention of injuries | POV: Gareth | Pairing: None | Tags: angst, good uncle Wayne Munson, friendship
Day Twenty-Two: AU Fic Submissions
pop goes metal by @steddieas-shegoes | Rating: T | WC: 964 | CW: language | Tags: famous corroded coffin, pop star steve harrington, flirting, getting together
Corroded Coffin Fest - Day 22 - Alternate Universe by @jo-harrington | Rating: T | WC: 993 | CW: DnD References, DnD AU, Fantasy/Adventure AU, Origin Story | Tags: It's a dark and stormy night, and a certain musician is looking to get out of the rain.
Rough and Rowdy Ways by @thisapplepielife | Rating: T | WC: 1000 | CW: Language | POV: Eddie | Pairing: Steddie | Tags: Van Tour, Known Destroyers of Hotels, Motel Desk Clerk Steve Harrington, Meet Cute
We're a Metal Band by @rip-quizilla | Rating: T | WC: 996 | Tags: Bartender!Eddie Munson, Dustin, Will, Lucas and Mike are all in a band together, Eddie has a soft spot for these kids in every AU
JULY 22: alternate universe by @the-unforgivenn | Rating: T | WC: 1000 | CW: Strong language, snarky Dustin Henderson, but what else is new | Tags: Bartender!Eddie Munson, Dustin, Will, Lucas and Mike are all in a band together, Eddie has a soft spot for these kids in every AU
Computer Love by @dreamwatch | Rating: T | WC: 995 | CW: None | POV: Steve | Pairing: pre-Steddie| Tags: IT Crowd AU, banter, my attempt at humour
Day 22: Alternate Universe by @munson-blurbs | Rating: M | WC: 754| CW: Misery AU, stalker!Reader, mention of S4 events, allusion to violence | Tags: Eddie Munson, stalker!Reader, Misery
Settle For This by @thisapplepielife | Rating: E | WC: 1000 | CW: Sex Acts, One F-Slur, Abuse of Power (Eddie's Not Mad At It), Brief Reference to Recreational Drug Use (Weed) | POV: Eddie | Pairing: Eddie x Gator, Minor Steddie Mention | Tags: Modern AU, Fuck The Police, Literally, Blowjob, Semi-Public Sex, But No Speeding Tickets Here
Munson Magic by @corroded-hellfire | Rating: T | WC: 998 | CW: None | Pairing: Eddie x Nancy, mention of Nancy x Billy | Tags: Harry Potter AU
Day Twenty-Three: Up and Coming Fic Submissions
like i'm fuckin' in an elevator by @steddieas-shegoes | Rating: E | WC: 993 | CW: public sex | Tags: established steddie, dirty talk, blowjob, gareth is sick of their shit
Room 1011 - Eddie by @thisapplepielife | Rating: E | WC: 1000 | CW: Sex | POV: Eddie | Pairing: Steddie | Tags: Famous Corroded Coffin, Touring, Winding Down After The Gig, Long-Term Relationship, Road Manager Steve Harrington
Room 1013 - Goodie by @thisapplepielife | Rating: E | WC: 1000 | CW: Sex, Under-Negotiated Kink (Including Unexpectedly Being Called Daddy), Mentions of Weight (Not Derogatory, Just Not Ignored) | POV: Goodie | Pairing: Goodie/OC (Female) | Tags: Famous Corroded Coffin, Winding Down After The Gig, One Night Stand, Mr. Goodie's Wild Ride
Room 1015 - Gareth by @thisapplepielife | Rating: E | WC: 1000 | CW: Sex | POV: Gareth | Pairing: Gareth/Di (OC) | Tags: Famous Corroded Coffin, Touring, Winding Down After The Gig, New and Exciting Love
Room 1017 - Jeff by @thisapplepielife | Rating: E | WC: 1000 | CW: Sex | POV: Jeff | Pairing: Jeff/Unnamed OFC | Tags: Famous Corroded Coffin, Touring, Road Manager Steve Harrington, Winding Down After The Gig, One Night Stand
Herding Cats by @thisapplepielife | Rating: M | WC: 1000 | CW: Talk of Previous Sex, Brief Teasing about Daddy Kink, Minor Appearance by Billy | POV: Steve | Pairing: Steddie, Platonic Stobin, Minor Others | Tags: Road Manager Steve Harrington, Having to Herd These Assholes, Like Cats, Famous Corroded Coffin, The Morning After a Show
Corroded Coffin Fest - Day 23 - Up and Coming by @jo-harrington | Rating: T | WC: 752 | CW: Angst? But then happiness? Eddie Munson sad-sackery turned into perseverance and joy | Tags: Eddie wasn't used to success.
Day 23: Up and Coming by @munson-blurbs | Rating: E | WC: 472 | Pairing: Eddie Munson x Female!Reader | CW: smut (18+ only, minors DNI), oral (m! receiving), praise, semi-public sexual activities, sorry I was feral | Tags: Eddie Munson, reader-insert, smut, rockstar
Make Some Noise by @corroded-hellfire | Rating: M | WC: 999 | CW: smut, p in v, unprotected (wrap it up), oral, f receiving | Pairing: Eddie x Reader
Mine is Yours by @dreamwatch | Rating: T | CW: None | POV: Eddie | Pairing: None | Tags: Fluff, good Uncle Wayne, good nephew Eddie, the Munsons
JULY 23: up and coming by @the-unforgivenn | Rating: M | WC: 997 | CW: Suggestive content, especially near the end | Tags: Corroded Coffin, Eddie x Fem!Reader
Day Twenty-Four: Behind the Scenes Fic Submissions
just make the tik tok by @steddieas-shegoes | Rating: T | WC: 880 | CW: none | Tags: famous corroded coffin, modern au, frankie is anti-tik tok
JULY 24: behind the scenes by @the-unforgivenn | Rating: E | WC: 999 | CW: Explicit sexual content, p in v sex, dirty talk | Tags: Gareth x afab!reader
Corroded Coffin Fest - Day 24 - Behind the Scenes by @jo-harrington | Rating: T | WC: 983 | CW: Older!Corroded Coffin, Set sometime in the 2000s, 1st Person POV, News Article, Reference to Day 23 Up and Coming, friendship
If It Makes You Happy by @thisapplepielife | Rating: T | WC: 1000 | CW: Language | POV: Goodie (Freak) | Pairing: Goodie/OFCs, Minor Steddie | Tags: 1990s, Touring Corroded Coffin, Superstitions, Goodie Just Wants To Go To This By Himself, But No, Fucking Road Manager Steve Harrington
fun to be famous by @runninriot | Rating: M | WC: 1000 | cw: language | tags: famous Corroded Coffin, musicians Jeff, Gareth and Frank, frontman Eddie Munson, model Steve Harrington, the 'struggles' and perks of being famous
Day 24: Behind the Scenes by @munson-blurbs | Rating: T | WC: 701 | Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader | CW: Eddie's got a crush, theatre girl!Reader, reader wears a dress, one dirty joke thanks to Gareth | Tags: Eddie Munson, Gareth, Grant, Jeff, theatre girl!Reader, Principal Higgins
Exposure by @dreamwatch | Rating: T | WC: 1000 | CW: scars, ableism, facial differences seen negatively by others (a photographer) | POV: Eddie | Pairing: Steddie | Tags: emotional hurt/comfort, photoshoots
Corroded Chaos @corroded-hellfire | Rating: G | WC: 997 | CW: None | Pairing: None (this is pre-Reader x Eddie)
Day Twenty-Five: Gareth Fic Submissions
a lot alike by @steddieas-shegoes | Rating: T | WC: 997 | CW: mention of shitty parenting | Tags: side steddie, gareth and eddie are best friends, post vecna
JULY 25: gareth by @the-unforgivenn | Rating: M | WC: 769 | CW: Dirty, slightly pervy!Gareth, or maybe just super-forward!Gareth, the consequence of being Rockstar!Gareth? Anyway. He fantasizes things. Nothing too explicit, though. Mentions of alcohol and sports (I can’t help it) | Tags: Gareth x Mom!Reader (heh)
Corroded Coffin Fest - Day 25 - Gareth by @jo-harrington | Rating: T | WC: 996 | CW: Origins, Teen angst, Growing Up, FOI references (Ronnie) but also some non-compliance to FOI (just...gonna skip the painful bits)
Oh My, Good Lord by @thisapplepielife | Rating: T | WC: 1000 | CW: Language | POV: Gareth | Pairing: Gareth/Di (OC), Background Steddie | Tags: Future Fic, Retired Corroded Coffin, TikTok Trends, Who Can You Traumatize If Not Your Friends?
Day 25: Gareth by @munson-blurbs | Rating: T | WC: 496 | Pairing: none | CW: parental conflict, anxiety, mention of financial troubles, mention of drinking | Tags: Eddie Munson, Gareth, friendship
Twisted Sister @corroded-hellfire | Rating: T | WC: 995 | CW: None | Pairing: Slight Gareth x OC
Art Submissions
Kiss Post-Concert by @alicetallula | GreatWise - Kiss Post-Concert
Day 25: “Gareth” by @luciferssworld | Day 25: “Gareth”
Other Submissions:
Gareth Emerson: Fluff Alphabet @hawkinsmafia | Other Type: Character Alphabet | Rating: G | CW: mention of Gareth and reader having sex (not described), allusion to Gareth giving oral (not described), brief mention of the existence of violent homophobia (not described) | Pairing: Gareth Emerson x reader (no assumed gender)
Day Twenty-Six: Tour Date Fic Submissions
wrong date by @steddieas-shegoes | Rating: T | WC: 890 | CW: mild language | Tags: famous corroded coffin, jeff's dad finally accepts he has a rockstar son
JULY 26: tour date by @the-unforgivenn | Rating: E | WC: 1000 | CW: Sexual content - briefly mentioned oral (m receiving) and sexual intercourse, vomit, pre-show anxiety, Gareth Emerson's temper | Tags: Corroded Coffin and two gn!groupies
Corroded Coffin: Choose Your Own Adventure by @thisapplepielife | Rating: M | WC: 1000 | CW: Language | POV: Eddie | Pairing: Steddie (If You Choose Certain Routes) | Tags: Choose Your Own Adventure, Interactive Fiction, Help Eddie Make Decisions on How to End His Night After a Gig
Corroded Coffin Fest - Day 26 - Tour Date by @jo-harrington | Rating: T | WC: 998 | CW: Silliness and Shenanigans, Boys Will Be Boys Nonsense
Day 26: Tour Date by @munson-blurbs | Rating: T | WC: 724 | Pairing: Rockstar!Eddie x Mom!Reader | CW: angst, hurt/no comfort, Eddie and Reader are married with a daughter, he ran away this time | Tags: Eddie Munson, Mom!Reader, Disney World, angst, hurt/no comfort
Let The Bodies Hit The Floor by @dreamwatch | Rating: M | WC: 1000 | CW: racism, violence, use of the C word| POV: Gareth | Pairing: None | Tags: mosh pits, rough gigs, fighting, band vs the world, run on sentences
Nothin' But a Good Time @corroded-hellfire | Rating: T | WC: 998 | CW: None | Pairing: Eddie x Reader
Other Submissions:
Funko Corroded Coffin by @thisapplepielife | A diorama of a tour date for the Funko Pop versions of Corroded Coffin.
Day Twenty-Seven: You'll Be in My Heart Fic Submissions
you'll be in my heart always by @steddieas-shegoes | Rating: G | WC: 777 | CW: none | Tags: modern au, famous corroded coffin, married steddie, steddie dads
JULY 27: you'll be in my heart by @the-unforgivenn | Rating: T | WC: 1000 | CW: Loss of a pet, grief, strong language | Tags: Corroded Coffin
You Love Me, Now Act Like It by @thisapplepielife | Rating: M | WC: 1000 | CW: Language, Mention of Weed | POV: Eddie | Pairing: Steddie, Gareth/Di (OC), Previous Steve/Di (OC) | Tags: Bickering, Fools Being Fools, Love Quadrangle, Not Really, But Gareth Sure Wants to Whine About the Past a Lot
Corroded Coffin Fest - Day 27 - You'll Be in My Heart by @jo-harrington | Rating: T | WC: 964 | Pairing: Eddie Munson x Store Manager!Reader | CW: Friendship, fluff, allusion to sex, discussion of marriage
Day 27: You'll Be in My Heart by @munson-blurbs | Rating: M | WC: 729 | Pairing: None | CW: canon-compliant, Eddie's funeral, dead dove!!! | Tags: Eddie Munson, Gareth, Grant, Jeff, Jeff's POV, Metallica, Corroded Coffin, funeral, death
I'm Not Crying, You're Crying (Eddie Cries While Watching Tarzan) by @rip-quizilla | Rating: T | WC: 653 | Tags: College!Corroded Coffin, crying, Eddie thinking about motherhood and the role it's played in his life, surprise at the end. It's an AU... but not the way you might think.
Until Next Time @corroded-hellfire | Rating: T | WC: 1000 | CW: None | Pairing: Eddie x Reader | Tags: Time is running out to tell Eddie how you feel.
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steve harrington is the worst chosen one that’s ever been chosen.
at least, that’s what his freak of a roommate, eddie, says. but it’s steve’s final year at hawkins school of magic, and he’s determined to make it his year. forget that he may have caught his girlfriend nancy kissing his freak of a roommate. forget that there’s a war between the old families coming. forget that a mysterious creature they call the mindflayer is slowly eating away at magic. forget that the headmaster, creel, wants nothing more than to keep him away. this is steve’s year.
until eddie shows up a month too late with messy hair and a perchance to get under steve’s skin. until his best friend, robin, and nancy start having inside jokes that steve can’t seem to comprehend. until the mindflayer starts throwing everything it has at making sure steve doesn’t graduate.
steve’s never wanted to be the chosen one, but as the wars for magic all rise to a terrifying climax, he’ll have to reckon with who he is - or die trying.
this is the carry on steddie au with background ronance that i desperately want but will never actually get around to writing and it is destroying me so n e way
#stranger things#st4#eddie munson#stranger things 4#steddie#steve harrington#carry on#snowbaz#we do a little draft clearly tonight#so many aus
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demon au steddie first meeting being steve showing up in the drama room and using some magic to get everyone to see lucas play because it was fucking rude of them to not reschedule (he definitely hits erica and the party with the disappointed look)
and he can finally make a move on eddie that has a chance to be reciprocated (high school hierarchy and social standing getting in the way will never make sense to him) and decides to do so by talking about spells in dnd and complaining about how annoying they are while also making sure eddie cheers at the opportune times
(robin is making so many faces at him)
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butterfly wings
chapter three; fall 1984
pairing; steve harrington/eddie munson/reader aka steddie/reader, steve/reader, eddie/reader
rating; T
warnings; fluff, angst, au - canon divergence, fucked up the timeline a bit, smoking weed, shotgunning smoke
word count; 3.8k
desc; eddie gives you a nice surprise, steve gets to know you better, and all three of you share some smoke.
read on ao3 / series masterlist
Winter comes and goes. In fact, the whole rest of the school year comes and goes in a flash. The summer comes in hot and heavy, and you suffer in the sweltering bookstore. You swear that you'll get another job next summer if they don't add air conditioning. You beach it up with Nina and Mark. You and your friends take a road trip into Illinois and hit Chicago hard. You attend the annual Taste of Chicago and explore the State of Illinois Center. You even manage to find a gay bar—Jesse goes wild under your and Hailey's supervision and Vickie's awkward flirting somehow nags her a girl's number. She gets embarrassed every time any of you bring it up, but you can each tell she's proud too.
Junior year sneaks up on you and hits you like a freight train. It doesn't even slow down, just pushes you into the deep end as soon as it starts. You try out for the fall play and drag Jesse into auditioning too. Surprise—he loves it (he's an English nerd like you, so you knew he would). The difficulty dial turns up on all your classes except math, which has never been your strong suit. While you're stuck a year behind everyone else, you're pleasantly surprised to find Eddie in your class.
"Well hello there, stranger," he says as you take the desk next to his.
"Hi!" You exclaim, happy to have a friend in the class.
Eddie laughs at your enthusiasm. "That's the most excitement I've seen for a math class in a long time."
"Oh, yeah," you say sarcastically. "I'm all about math. I dream of it at night."
"And here I am, a fool for dreaming about you instead." He winks and you blush madly. You set up your notebook and pencil perfectly, just for something to do instead. You hear Eddie chuckle and then there's a loud handclap from Mrs. Dolip, making everyone jump.
"If she's gonna do that every day, I'm gonna have a heart attack," Eddie whispers to you under his breath.
"Don't worry," you whisper back, "I know CPR."
You can feel his eyes on you and you know you're still blushing, but you also smirk, all the while watching your teacher write the first lesson on the board.
A week later, while Mrs. Dolip is blabbing on about equations, Eddie speaks out of the side of his mouth. "Have you thought about my Hellfire offer at all?"
You wince and shake your head minutely.
"Okay, angel. No sweat." Your breath hitches at the pet name. "Just keep it in the back of your mind for me." You nod and he lounges back in his desk.
Another week later, Eddie stops paying attention to the worksheet you two are supposed to be finishing and props his head on his hand. "You know, D&D is a lot more fun than this."
You give him a look. "Anything would be more fun than this." The page is full of fractions that keep drifting away from your eyes.
"Fair," he muses, "but D&D would be as fun as doing the school plays. I know you enjoy those."
"I do, but there are things I enjoy more, you know."
"Like what?"
"Reading. Fleetwood Mac. Cats. Taking a walk by the Seine."
"Paris, huh?" You nod. "But what about an alternate world where magic exists and fairies are spiteful and dragons terrorize villages and wizards command the elements?"
"Sounds a little dark for my tastes."
"You're the one who said Fleetwood Mac." He gives a cheeky smile. You roll your eyes and get back to work.
A month after that, just when you've forgotten about D&D, Eddie says after class one day, "You could be a princess, you know. Or a bard. Or a really good thief who always takes what they need but must leave something they want."
He shrugs. "It's a curse. Balance is necessary."
You put your pile of books on your desk and turn to him. "Eddie, what are you doing?"
"A great question, milady." He beams. "I'm courting you."
"You're what?" You feel like you're choking on the words.
"To be my apprentice," he clarifies. "My successor."
"Oh." There's a faint sense of disappointment. "Well—"
"Before you say anything, just gimme some more time. I've got some tricks up my sleeve." He winks but there's a pleading in his voice. "Gimme a chance."
You study him, fingers adorned with silver rings constantly fidgeting at his sides, hair wavy and out of control, the same faded leather jacket he always wears shining in the florescent lights.
You sigh. "Okay."
He brightens considerably. "Really?"
"Yeah. Court me or whatever."
"That I can do, angel!" With that, he sprints out the door. You follow at a leisurely pace, not really sure what you're getting yourself into.
The next Steve-and-Nancy drama comes around, except this time, you're somehow in the middle of it. It was a crazy sequence of events that led up to it. It started at home.
"I'm going to the store. Do you need anything?" Nina had called from the foyer while putting on her shoes.
"Um," you'd uselessly shouted back while thinking. "We need Pop-Tarts and lemonade. Maybe also some Arnold Palmer's? And tampons please!"
"Check, check, and check," and then she was out the door.
About twenty minutes later, you heard a honk from outside—your sister's way of telling you she's back and to come help with the groceries. You slipped on some boots and grabbed the first heavy jacket you felt in your closet, since a chill had set in recently. You walked out the door, down the stairs, and to the car. Nina had the trunk open and you pulled out one of the bags. You started walking back to the building, not paying enough attention evidently, because you ran into someone halfway through the parking lot.
As if in slow motion, the bag broke open and things went flying. Nothing broke but it was almost worse what actually happened: a box hit the ground with abnormal force and sprang open, propelling tampons into the air. You looked at the person you bumped into through the spray and were mortified to find Steve Harrington staring back at you with a smirk.
Worse still, when the tampons had fallen back to the ground and rolled around on the pavement, Steve reached out and pinched the jacket you were wearing. "I wonder where I've seen this before," he teased.
You looked down and sure enough, you were wearing Steve's letterman jacket.
You just froze, staring at nothing with wide eyes, sure that this whole situation could not get worse. And yet, it did.
"Steve!" Nina said happily, joining the two of you. "Where have you been?"
"Hi, Nina. Just around. At school, practice," he answered cordially, still looking at you with mirth in his eyes.
"We've missed you. You have to come for dinner. What are you doing tonight?"
"Absolutely nothing," and you could hear the cheekiness oozing from the words. "I'd be honored to join."
"Great!" With that, she just walked away and disappeared into the building.
"Oh my god," you breathed, and Steve finally burst into laughter. "Oh my god," you repeated, moaning this time.
"Your face! It was priceless!" There were tears in his eyes. "That was the best thing I've seen in a long time."
That piqued your interest, but it could be examined later. You had to survive this mortification. "I'm so sorry," you said, "I'm so sorry!" You dropped the broken bag, scattering more items, as you rushed to pull off his jacket. "I forgot!"
Steve's hands darted out and stopped yours from moving. You looked up at him. He was smiling. "There's nothing to apologize for, beautiful. You don't have to take it off now. It's cold out here." He dragged it back over your shoulders and you had to hold in a shiver. "I wouldn't be much of a gentleman if I made you strip out here."
Your eyes widened and he laughed again. In an effort to draw attention elsewhere, you dropped to the ground and started collecting the tampons and other stuff. Steve joined you. You tried to use the bag but it was useless. Without any other option, you took the tampons and shoved them in the pockets of the jacket, making him laugh again, louder this time. You laughed too, seeing the ridiculousness in it all. All you and Steve could do was laugh for a minute, just crouching in the middle of the parking lot.
As the giggles faded and breathing evened, you started picking up the other things. "Here," Steve said, and held out his shirt, making a kind of basket. You giggled again as you piled items into the makeshift pouch, until everything was off the ground. You two stood and both supported the weight of his shirt.
"I never imagined I would kind of understand what it's like to be pregnant," Steve joked, and it took a lot of effort not to become completely useless due to laughter.
You both got inside and helped put away the groceries. You were thankful Nina had already started cooking and didn't seem to notice how you'd carried the items inside. As soon as everything was away, Nina was directing you and Steve to help prepare and dinner got underway.
A few hours later, after you'd finished eating and cleaning up the table, you and Steve escaped to your room. "Here," you said sheepishly, handing him his letterman jacket. He took it with a grin and laid it on the back of your desk chair. You sat on your bed while he examined your room.
He looked at your collection of manatees. "Each one is from a new city we've moved to," you explained.
"There's so many." Steve sounded both awed and a little sad.
"Yeah, we've been a lot of places."
"Nina and I are army brats. Dad was moved from base to base a lot. It was cool to see the world, but making friends was always hard." You breathed deep. "They died a couple years ago. Car crash. Can you believe it? Dad was in the fucking military and a random accident is what officially takes them away?"
"I'm sorry." His voice was gentle and soft and kind.
You forced your voice to stop wobbling. "Anyway, Nina got custody. We've moved a couple times so she could find a good enough job to take care of us both. But her job at the hospital here is really nice. She likes it a lot. And it feels pretty stable."
"Where's the one for here?"
"We haven't been able to find one yet. We do have to get it local and for some reason, Hawkins just doesn't sell manatee merchandise." Steve looked back at you and matched your grin.
"What's your favorite one?"
You stood and moved to join him. You picked out a small, delicate manatee. "This one's from Hawaii. We weren't there for very long, but we found this at a tiny shop in Maui. Hand-carved and hand-painted."
"It's beautiful." But Steve was still staring at you.
"Thanks," you whispered, face heating. Realizing your position, you cleared your throat and stepped away. "So, um, how's Nancy?"
It was like being doused in cold water. Steve's expression hardened, though he carefully returned the manatee to its rightful place before stalking away. "It's fine."
"Sounds like it." You said it simply, but it broke through. Steve sighed and perched on the end of your bed. You sat next to him. "Wanna talk about it?"
"I don't even really know what's wrong," he started, sounding confused and lonely. "This past year was great. I thought we were past all the stuff from last year. But...it feels different. Feels like something's off."
"Have you asked her about it?" He shook his head. "Might be a good place to start. Communication is key."
His lip quirked up. "Maybe." There was silence for a few minutes. You were just about to touch his hand when he sprang up from the bed. "So what are you doing for Halloween?"
Shocked by the sudden topic change, you stammered, "Um, something with my friends? Like...horror movie night? Maybe?"
Steve nodded seriously. "Are you dressing up?"
"I'm not sure. I have an idea but there's not really anywhere to wear it."
He lit up. "Come to the party! Tina's party! Nancy and I will be there. And you can bring your friends."
"Are you sure?" Your brow furrowed.
"Totally! It'll be fun. Here," he grabbed a pen and scribbled something onto a piece of paper on your desk, "that's her address. Easy to get to from here!"
"Great!" He beamed. "Well, I gotta go! Those essays won't write themselves!" With that, he awkwardly dashed from the room, grabbing his jacket in the process.
"Bye, I guess," you said to the empty room, completely bewildered.
And that's how you're here, at Tina's Halloween party.
"Are you sure we're invited?" Vickie asks nervously.
"Duh!" Jesse replies, already dancing to the beat, "Steve invited us personally."
You shrug, feeling a little helpless. "He did."
"So let's have some fun!" Hailey yells. She grabs Jesse's hand and they plunge into the crowd, immediately heading for the dance floor. You look at Vickie, who looks right back at you.
"Drinks?" You offer.
"Drinks." She confirms.
So you two also head into the fray, in the opposite direction, eventually finding a communal punch bowl that must have six different kinds of alcohol in it for how pungent it smells. You and Vickie ladle some into cups and try it.
"That's nasty," Vickie coughs. You agree. You both keep drinking.
"Hey, you made it!" You hear Steve before he appears, dressed like Tom Cruise in Risky Business. He stops short when he sees you fully. "Whoa."
You look down self-consciously. "Does it look okay?"
"You look sick!" He exclaims. "Not sick like ill, but like super cool. Carrie is such a good choice. Who did the blood?"
"Jesse, Hailey, and I took turns," Vickie answers, and Steve grins.
"Looks awesome!"
"Thanks, Steve." You try not to blush. "Hi, Nancy," you add when you see the girl appear next to him.
She smiles—well, more like grimaces—in greeting before taking a cup and dipping it right into the punch bowl. You and Vickie exchange a side glance, but Steve just follows her lead. "Let's dance," she shouts to him. He gives her a thumbs-up and waves at you and Vickie before disappearing into the crowd.
"Something's not right there," Vickie says to you. You already knew that, but you didn't want to see it right in front of you either.
"I'm gonna get some air," you tell her. She nods and you weave through the people, finally finding the doors leading to the deck and backyard. When they slide open, the cool air is a relief on your hot skin, and you breathe deep in relief.
"Didn't expect to see you here, princess."
You jump at the voice and turn to see Eddie leaning against the side of the deck, surrounded by a cloud of smoke. "Jesus Christ," you choke out.
"I gotta stop scaring you, angel, or I'm gonna have to give you CPR. And I'm not certified." You half-smile, heart still racing. Seeming to sense that, Eddie motions to you. "Come sit down. Get your breath back."
You do as he recommends and sit in the chair next to him. Good thing it's metal, otherwise the fake blood you're wearing would soak in.
"You look great, by the way," Eddie appraises. "Superb fake blood placement. Very authentic."
You smile in thanks, still calming down. "What're you doing here?" You ask when you feel you can.
He holds up a metal lunchbox. "You don't know I'm the local dealer?"
You shake your head. It's news to you, but not altogether surprising. You tell him as much.
He chuckles. "I'm guessing you're not out here to buy?"
"No. Just to get some fresh air."
"Well, shit." He starts to wave away the smoke from his almost-spent joint. "Sorry, princess."
You wave a hand. "It's fine. Actually..." Eddie raises an eyebrow in interest. "I'd be down. To partake. If I can."
"Course you can," he says with a wicked grin. He pulls a fresh joint from behind his ear. "And for you, pretty lady, it's on the house." You go to grab it, but he brings it out of reach again. "But only if we can share."
You nod eagerly and Eddie claps his hands together. "Excellent." He drags a chair over and sits next to you. He hands you the joint and you put it between your lips. Expecting for him to hand you the lighter, you're startled when he leans forward instead, flicking on the flame and lighting it for you. As you inhale, the burning embers set his face aglow a little. He's very pretty.
You finally exhale, releasing the smoke into the air. "Well done, angel," he says, impressed. You shrug nonchalantly as he takes his drag. When he exhales, he creates little rings out of the smoke.
"Whoa! Can you teach me to do that?" You ask excitedly.
He laughs. "Of course."
A little while later, first joint gone and second started, you're just about getting the hang of smoke rings when the door slams open. You and Eddie both turn your heads quickly to see Steve in the doorway, breathing heavily.
"Steve?" You say hesitantly. He looks at you. He has devastation written all over his face. "What's wrong?"
"Can I get a hit?" He asks, ignoring your question.
Eddie hands the joint over without argument, clearly seeing what you're seeing. Steve takes a long drag before exhaling loudly, relaxing as he does. He collapses in the chair near you and Eddie.
"It's over."
"What's over?" You ask.
"Me and Nancy."
Eddie sucks in through his teeth. "That sucks, man."
"Steve, I'm so sorry."
"She called me 'bullshit'," he spits out. "Called our whole relationship 'bullshit'." His tone turns sad. "Said she doesn't love me anymore."
You feel terrible for him. "Steve, you're not bullshit."
"Apparently I am." He inhales from the joint again.
You pluck the joint away, take a quick drag, and hand it to Eddie. Placing a hand on Steve's, you order gently, "Steve, look at me." He swings his head to you sadly, eyes heavy. "You are not bullshit." He scoffs but you interrupt. "Steve." He shuts his mouth. "You are not. bullshit."
Steve gazes at you, then directs his attention to Eddie. "She's right, man," Eddie confirms. Steve looks back at you. You give him a small smile, which he eventually returns.
Temporarily resolved, you turn to Eddie and motion for the joint. You suck in greedily, inhaling quickly. You hold it in for a few seconds, and then release it—finally making a correct smoke ring.
"You did it!" Eddie yells.
"I did it!" You echo.
"Great job, beautiful," Steve commends, and you smile angelically at both of them. You give Steve the joint, who takes a drag and hands it to Eddie. "You guys ever shotgunned?" He asks once he's exhaled.
"Obviously," Eddie answers with contempt, but you're confused. "Like a beer?"
"No, smoke," Steve clarifies. You shake your head.
"You don't know how to shotgun, princess? Well, we gotta remedy that," Eddie continues.
Steve explains. "It's when you blow the smoke into another person's mouth."
You're having trouble trying to picture it, and Eddie senses it. "Here, Harrington and I will demonstrate." It feels like a challenge.
One that Steve is up for. "Let's do it, Munson."
They both stand and step in close to each other. They're about the same height—Steve's just the tiniest bit taller—but their mouths are pretty level. Eddie takes a drag, lets it sit, and then lines up his lips with Steve. He exhales the smoke directly into Steve's mouth, who inhales it deeply. They're centimeters from kissing. It makes you squirm a little.
"Nicely done, Harrington," Eddie says, impressed.
Steve does a little bow, making Eddie laugh unexpectedly. You try to hide a smile. Then they both look at you.
"Your turn, beautiful," Steve says.
"Okay." Your voice is a little small.
"You wanna do it?" Steve asks Eddie, but he shakes his head. "All yours, dude."
Steve sits back down and scoots closer to you. He looks deep into your eyes. "Okay, come close." You do so and your body heats up in the proximity. "I'm gonna do it. You just hold those pretty lips open, okay?" You nod, trembling a little. Steve takes a drag, holds it, and then leans in even closer. You can practically feel his mouth on yours. You're almost unprepared for the smoke as it comes billowing towards you, but you inhale as you're supposed to. Steve stays close for a few seconds, the eye contact too intense to break, until you accidentally puff out the smoke into his face. He leans back and coughs.
"Sorry!" You exclaim.
"It's alright," Steve answers with a smile. "No harm done."
"You wanna try, angel?" You turn to Eddie and nod. Steve hands you the joint as Eddie comes close this time. You inhale, letting the smoke roll around in your mouth, and then lean in and blow it into Eddie's waiting lips. He inhales it greedily and there feels like electricity between you as he doesn't break his gaze. You can't seem to close your mouth. The moment only ends when Eddie turns his head up and releases the smoke into the night sky.
He looks back down at you. "Good girl," he murmurs, and you feel like you could die.
You collapse backwards, exhausted from the tension.
"How was that?" Steve asks.
"Great," you answer dreamily, and he smiles.
"We're honored we could pop your cherry, princess," Eddie adds cheekily.
You shiver—and then keep shivering.
"Oh, beautiful, you're cold," Steve points out. You don't feel cold; you actually feel hot, from being so close to both of them, and seeing them so close to each other. But there are goosebumps on your skin and you can feel your teeth start to chatter. "Let's get you inside."
All three of you stand and move towards the door. Eddie opens it and lets you and Steve step inside before following and shutting it behind him. You already feel better.
Vickie comes rushing up to you. "We gotta go. It's almost my curfew." She takes your hand and pulls.
You turn back to catch glimpses of those beautiful boys. "Thank you!" You call out, hoping they hear you.
chapter four
#steddie x reader#steve harrington x eddie munson x reader#steve harrington x reader#eddie munson x reader#stranger things fanfiction#stranger things fic#mine
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eddie munson masterlist:




one shots: ⚝my guy (fluff)
⚝ somewhere we can be alone (smut) (theatre kid!reader x stage manager!eddie- collab w/ @reidsbtch)
blurbs and drabbles:
plain ol' eddie
⚝little mean!eddie blurb (smut)
⚝inexperienced!eddie blurb (smut)
⚝you hold on to eddie’s ring (smut, fluff)
⚝eddie and feelings (fluff)
⚝ silly man does a magic trick (smut)
⚝shotgunning with eddie (smutty-ish)
⚝possessive!eddie (smut)
⚝ eddie comfort (fluff, angst)
⚝jedi!steve x sith!eddie x reader thoughts (smut)
⚝sith!eddie and the inappropriate use of the force (smut)
⚝older!eddie spanking blurb (smut)
⚝older!modern!eddie doesn’t like your ‘do not disturb setting’ (smut)
⚝older!coworker!eddie blurb (smut)
⚝ where he teaches you to play guitar (fluff)
⚝ nobody's son, nobody's daughter
a series of canon- compliant pieces that see eddie's life after what happened March 1986, seeing him fall in love and cope with new and old trauma
⚝lessons in achemy (barista!eddie x barista!reader- enemies to lovers)
Eddie is the owner of a popular cafe in town, "The Mad Alchemist," you are the owner of the rival cafe "Daily Drug". You obviously hate each other, but when a pipe bursts in your cafe that might take months to repair, your contractor assigns you and your coworker to work with Eddie in order to keep your job, just until "Daily Drug" is ready to run again. Is tolerating him really that big of a feat?
⚝ the love witch (modern!eddie x witch!reader)
Eddie Munson is obsessed with his girlfriend. Hell, he's not even sure how he was able to get you interested in him in the first place. Despite him not really believing in your witchy practices, he's incredibly supportive, but that doesn't come without his cheeky digs. (masterpost here- the witchyverse)
⚝ words are futile devices (cmbyn steddie AU)
"Every year, like clockwork, you're usurped from your room to surrender it to a random graduate school student your father is hosting for the summer in your Villa in Italy to help them work on their dissertations. This year it's two of them."
#navigation#masterlist#eddie munson#steve harrington#stranger things#stranger things fanfiction#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson smut#eddie munson fanfiction#eddie munson imagine#eddie munson x you#eddie munson fluff#eddie munson fan fiction#the witchyverse#eddie munson x witchy!reader#barista!eddie munson#older!eddie munson#modern!eddie munson
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Every time I hear that song I have a very specific feel of what's happening steddie wise
And that's that Steve starts dating/hanging out with/ fooling around with Eddie and Eddie comes to the conclusion of that song (Eddie singing it obviously) and Steve goes to some basement party cc is playing at and listens to Eddie singing this song just there on the couch smitten with Eddie beer in hand until he pays attention to the lyrics and Eddie 100% wrote this song about him and he realizes that this is what Eddie thinks that's going on that Eddie thinks that he isn't genuinely interested in him that he thinks that's all he wants him for (omg someone write this song fic) and obviously no! Steve gets his feelings hurt and then I don't know he presents Eddie to his parents like seriously to demonstrate that he actually likes him and isn't dating him to spite his parents
Other steddie coded songs in my opinion are obviously
* Kiss off by violent femms (I change out the lyric "6 for my lonely" for "6 for my bullshit" obviously and I envision this as band battle au lead singer Steve vs cc)
* Rude by MAGIC! ( Eddie maybe in continuation to th 18 instead of Steve pursuing Eddie to convince him Eddie realizes Steve's feelings and decides to put his back into it takes Steve with him on a tour and tries to get his parents approval to keep Steve forever, I mean the song says it all)
* Yo no soy el hijos de hernandez by el cuarteto de nos (completely punk!Steve coded like yeah I'm not the son of Harrington it doesn't matter what my ID says I'm nothing like him what I know who I am and just all of it Steve rebels over his overbearing parents hell yeah!)
* Lemon boy by cavetown (Steve and Eddie become friends during high-school maybe during break or something and then when school starts again Steve starts having trouble with his old friends (that weren't good fiends anyway) and finds himself more drawn to Eddie instead)
For a more Eddie!creature fic vibes under the same context
* Like real people do by Hozier ( I think these two songs just relate and listening to them together altered my brain chemistry but yeah creature Eddie gets pulled out of Steve's back garden when he was bearing what exactly? (Barbs copse?! Maybe) and makes friends with him and they fall in love, while at school Steve is becoming detached and distancing himself form all his old friends and maybe also the newer better ones to )
(I'm an unreliable narrator)
So yeah I feel normal about this
Wait, has anyone heard 18 by Anarbor? I'm gonna assume yes and, if not, oh well. But that song is so Eddie coded, specifically steddie. Like Steve starts dating Eddie either for his parents' attention or to piss them off, and Eddie kinda knows he's being used but doesn't really care because, like, how else is he gonna get his longtime crush, Steve Harrington, who is so far out of his league? So he goes along with it, but along the way Steve actually develops feelings for him. Like, that's just them.
Also on a lesser note, if we're talking bisexual Eddie, I could kinda see some cheerleader or otherwise popular girl hanging out with him to piss off their parents. Whether they do anything or not is up for debate but they don't admit it.
Just bisexual Eddie who all the popular kids like to fuck out of rebellion to their parents.
Also i was gonna suggest hellcheer but I really can't see Chrissy using him like that, but yeah.
Also is this maybe a modern/no upside down/ they're just normal teens Au? Maybe, maybe not.
I don't know why I suddenly see Eddie this way but I just feel like it would make sense. Like, he's the guy people warn their kids about but, also, i know Eddie is usually seen as kinky, and I'm not saying he wouldn't be, but when he's with cheerleaders (and maybe the occasional jock) he prefers to take his time and really make sure they feel good and enjoy themselves. He's lowkey the best fuck most of them have had but none of them can admit it, because that would mean admitting they fucked the freak.
And then Eddie and Steve start dating and its bi4bi experienced Eddie/ experienced Steve. Also if you like poly ships maybe Chrissy dates them as well. IDK, I'll admit I was thinking about this at like 1 in the morning when i was about to go to bed and just remembered
#stranger things#steddie#hellcheer#chrissy x steve#eddie munson#steve harrington#experienced eddie munson#experienced steve harrington#chrissy cunningham
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