#magazine project I did for class
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ryan-the-thing · 2 years ago
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 7 months ago
I have ~Thoughts~ on the Harry Potter Phenomenon that was
(Courtesy of memories prompted by this Tumblr Poll)
Back when I was a senior in college (back in the mid-to-late 1980s), I actually wrote a fantasy novel for kids aged ~8 - ~11 (in a self-designed course for a single credit, under the guidance of my Literature advisor), inspired by a series of dreams and recurring characters that showed up in them.
My advisor encouraged me to try and get it published. And so, I arranged with teachers from my old school to have a class of 30 or so 10 year-olds beta read it, and give me feedback for revisions. The kids also encouraged me to try and publish it.
So I did.
Now, back then, there was no "Self Publishing." The closest thing was "Vanity Publishing," where you would pay 100% of the publishing cost of your book, which would be printed in hard copy, for the benefit of having 500 -1,000 books shipped to your personal address, which you were then responsible for storing and selling out of the trunk of your car in a parking lot, somewhere. And if word got out that you were trying to claim credit for being a "published author" because of a Vanity Press book, actual publishers wouldn't touch you with a 40-foot pole.
If you wanted to get published, you had to buy that year's copy of Writer's Market: a listing of magazine and book publishers, and agents, with a brief description of what material they published, and what they wouldn't touch.
Guess what genre no agent or publisher was interested in handling?
That's right, Gentle Readers: Fantasy for children aged 8 - 11. I would have happily sent out a dozen queries for each story I wrote, if there were publishers and agents willing to look at them. But for three to four years of trying, in directories of two-columns of tiny print, and several [hundred]* pages long, I'd be lucky to find two or three outlets even willing to look at fantasy for kids.
The general consensus, across the publishing business, was that fantasy was a dead and obsolete genre. If it was for kids old enough to read chapter books and novels, it must also be firmly grounded in realism and actual history, because everyone knows the only people buying books for kids that age were teachers, who wanted stories with practical applications in the classroom.
After 3 - 4 years of trying, while I was in grad school, I finally got a rejection from the one agent who agreed to read my novel. A few days later, I received news that my mother had died from the breast cancer she'd been fighting, and my heart just went out of the project altogether.
A few years later, the first Harry Potter book was published. And it became a worldwide phenomenon. And it was the kids, themselves, who were driving the sales.
See, I think the real reason the books were such a success, even though they were never really very well written, was because they were in a genre the audience was hungry for -- a genre they'd been denied access to for all of their young lives.
Someone who is starving will think even moldy bread is delicious.
*Gosh, what a word to leave out via typo; the Writers Market rivaled the Manhattan Yellow Pages in length.
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eddiemunson-reader-shame · 2 months ago
Be My Wife: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
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Summary: A “friend” freaks out when you split a Coke with Eddie the Freak.
Warnings: references to A Clockwork Orange, bullying, STI/STD mention, backwash drinking
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A/N: So… I know this isn’t a Christmas fic. But I wrote this because I had those times in my youth where someone spread horrid rumors about either me or my friends, and I had to make those split second decisions to determine my loyalty. I always try to be loyal as best I can.
Thank you to @writhingg for giving the green light on this fic. And big thanks to @rxqueenotd and @melodymunson as well. And big thanks to viewers like you. Thank you. ❤️
Resources: @strangergraphics-archive for the dividers.
Taglist: @ali-r3n @melodymunson @twihard28
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“Hey droogie, can I have a sip of your Coke?”
You looked up from where you were perched on the pony wall by the Seven Eleven bike rack. You had been chatting with a classmate, Chessie Hagar, about purchasing a purse from her mother’s Avon Colorworks catalog. It was a new collection for the year 1977. Said eye catching magazine with its spread of rainbow themed products was currently held between the two of you, and the pages began to rattle as Chessie shook in fear upon hearing the deep voice.
A flutter-smack sounded from the girl dropping the catalog when Eddie The Freak approached. His stride was casual as one could be, whilst battling both midwestern humidity and pit sweat in a white hand-me-down Jimi Hendrix shirt and sleeveless denim vest. As one of the middle schoolers who had been blessed with a growth spurt, his lanky height, shredded second hand clothes, and shaved head often made those in your grade— and some of those above— piss their pants.
You alone did not fear him.
The Fates had elected to weave you both in a tangled web of coincidences: you had been his project partner in every shared class since you started at Hawkins Middle School together, and you just so happened to live in the same neighborhood on occasion. The distance from Al Munson’s janky two bedroom home to yours was but a hop skip and a jump. Eddie used to ding dong ditch your house when he was six, until one day your mother caught him by the ear and brought him in to mend his tattered jeans and offer up a hot meal.
To any other rando, he was an unstable pariah. But to you, he was just Eddie Munson— the cute boy next door who sometimes ate at your place. And you had become his droog after spending winter 1972 sneaking into the Hawk Theater, and making Stanley Kubrick films your new big boy personalities.
Without thinking, you handed the soft drink over. His fingers brushed against yours as he took the Coke out of your grip and went for a swig, with plush pink lips wrapping around the transparent jade glass of the lip and neck. His protruding Adam’s apple was bobbing with the rhythmic gulping, and you couldn’t stop staring.
“Thanks.” He belched out.
“You said a sip, not half the goddamn bottle!” You whined.
Eddie grinned sheepishly and backwashed a good mouthful. Giving a half assed apology and a promise to pay you back mumbled under his breath, he handed the bottle back.
“Still up for doing last minute project prep?” You asked, swirling the leftovers he’d saved for you.
“Nah, let’s take a break from the train wreck brothers. Catch you tomorrow, though?” He said, scratching a blackhead off his nose and snorting a bit, “I had an idea for the oral report that might earn us a little extra credit. Think you can mimic a British accent?”
“Eh. Can’t do an accent without sounding like fucking Alex DeLarge.” You groused.
“We can work on that. Leave your milk-plus at home, though. Don’t want me own droog reenacting some Roman ultra violence on me.”
“Just don’t go popping out from behind your curtains at me again, that’s a good way to get stabbed in the neck with my mom’s kitchen scissors.” You snorted.
“Ahhh, the droog’s no fun. I guess I can tone down the surprise pop ups, though. If you insist. Catch you later?” Eddie said, waving.
“Later. Peace out, man.”
Chessie let out a shaky, sobbing exhale when you made to drink the dregs of your soda, and you turned and raised an eyebrow.
“Whassamatter?” You asked.
“Are you nuts?! You just shared your drink with the freak!” She blurted out.
… since when the hell was sharing with Eddie a crime?
“Yeah, so? It’s hot out. He looked thirsty.” You said.
“Did you seriously forget everything we’ve heard about him?!” She whisper-screamed, “Don’t you care what everyone talks about?!”
You rolled your eyes. Everyone talked about Eddie. If you hadn’t heard at least one rumor from a faceless student whenever he walked by, you were either stupid or living under a rock. They said he was a bad boy— yes, even with a full vocabulary of slurs and insults available, they still called him a bad boy. Like if he was still in diapers drawing with crayon on the wall, and needed a spanking.
Depending on who you asked, Eddie either did or sold drugs, it was never clear which. Some of the other trailer park kids said he was a mean scrapper when he went to his uncle’s on alternate weeks. Women’s restroom lore stated that he carried a switchblade in the back pocket of his Wrangler jeans, and that he used it to torture animals for his Satanic rituals.
A million and one things were said about him on the daily, but you knew none of them were true in the slightest. None of the talk deterred you from spending time with him. Sometimes he came to your house, more often than not you went to his.
Every other day found the two of you parked in front of his mom’s turntable, jamming to Deep Purple and putting together an elaborate poster board with some spray painted fake leaves made into laurel crowns, along with a block of text about your chosen co-emperor of the early Roman Empire.
You had wanted to write about Caligula so you could use the word ‘orgy’ in the report without getting in trouble, but Eddie had insisted he had a better idea when he discovered a two years tumultuous ruling of brothers from 209 AD to 211 AD.
“As much as I love a good sex party on paper, you just know that’s what everyone else is gonna write about. Let’s write about this nut job Caracalla instead! Dude killed his brother in the arms of his mother, and struck his name from the record. That’s like, the most metal shit ever! Also, here’s a better word for you to learn: fratricide. Apparently there’s a whole list of technical terms for when you kill a family member.”
“… what’s the rumor mill gotta do with my Coke?” You deadpanned.
“If you drink after him, you’re gonna get mono like Cindy! You gotta throw it out!”
Cindy Bishop in your science class had told everyone that had functional ears— swearing up and down on her life— that Eddie Munson had kissed her and given her mononucleosis. A dreaded affliction whose nickname to you sounded like one of the variations of sound formats for any sort of audio.
“Yes! Or the syph!”
You knew Eddie had to have heard Chessie’s vitriol. Turning around, you could see him staring at the two of you from across the parking lot, one leg over his bike. There was a stinging look of betrayal on his face. Telltale signs of a wet cherry nose and shameful red cheeks gave away his mistrust; as if he was expecting you to do as your friend told, and throw the bottle he drank from in the trash.
His imaginary affliction was just that: imaginary. You knew that to be gospel.
The kiss with Cindy was real, unfortunately. It happened way before Cindy was kept home with mono, and you remembered the incident well. Eddie had come running to your house just to brag that he’d finally gotten his first kiss, and that pretty soon he’d be popping girl’s cherries left and right.
Just learning about the simple kiss had pissed you off, because the closest you’d ever gotten to kissing Eddie was sharing the same fork whenever you both roasted Vienna sausages on the gas burner in his kitchen. Eddie hadn’t been sick when Cindy stayed home, he came faithfully to school to trap you on the playground and speculate about the thousand and one hidden meanings behind the kiss.
With all the excitement, he never noticed the smallest details like you did. One of the guys in your PE class had been sent home with a rash and a high fever, and it was only a month after Cindy was rumored to have also kissed the collapsed boy that she got sick. You had always shared cups, utensils, and other things requiring mouth use with Eddie and had been fine. Yet Cindy and Tommy Hagan swapped spit once, and both were out of commission.
But no one would ever say anything about Tommy Hagan getting mono. They’d always redirect every disease outbreak to the poor loser who split time between Cherry Street and Forest Hills Trailer Park. The same poor loser who had the misfortune of wasting his first kiss with Cindy; a girl who frenched behind the portable classrooms with anything that had a pulse. People could be so blind and stupid, they failed to notice the sickness timelines were not matching up.
No one deserved their first anything to be with Cindy. Not with the way she stabbed people in the back.
You took a long, hard pause as you stared into Eddie’s wet brown eyes. He was asking you a silent question you already knew the answer to: were you a stinking traitorous droog, or a loyal one? Were you, his one friend in the entire world, going to stand against him?
Without saying a word, you looked at Chessie, then looked back again at Eddie.
In a world of traitors— where brothers stabbed brothers in the arms of their mothers, or where violent men disowned each other with drug laced milk bottles to the face, you would always pick instead to be Eddie Munson’s loyal droog.
You lathed at the lip of the bottle and stuck your tongue down the neck, and shotgunned all of Eddie’s backwash.
Chessie’s mouth dropped open as she began to gag, and Eddie opened his mouth in an obnoxious and breathless laugh as you chugged the entirety of his germs. The carbonation caught up to you, so you let a belch rip before turning back around to face him.
“I GOT YOUR MONO NOW, MUNSON!” You screamed out to him, “NOW YOU GOTTA MARRY ME!”
You noticed from the big, smart ass grin that he was about to do something outrageous, and your heart began to sing. He immediately got to his knee on the asphalt, everyone in the Seven Eleven parking lot watching as he began to scream like an orator in the colosseum. He used your full government name and everything when he called out to the small parking lot audience.
“SHUT THE FUCK UP, FREAK!” Someone called out, immediately flinching back when Eddie rounded on him.
“THE GODS. HAVE. SPOKEN!” Eddie screeched, a glob of spit flying out of his mouth and onto the hot asphalt.
He was wide eyed. Deranged. Eddie lifted up the hem of his denim vest and held it out and to the side, to look like wings unfurling, screaming to the heavens as you began howling with him.
“YEAH!” You screamed out, raising your bottle and shouting every bit of nonsense you could think of, “GOD SANCTIONED DROOG MARRIAGE CO-RULER ULTRA-VIOLENCE! MAZEL TOV!”
You looked at Chessie, who looked as if she was going to throw up or scream. It wasn’t immediately clear which. Instead of ending the joke, you grinned. Shrugged. The glossy magazine paper pages of the forgotten Avon Colorworks catalog ripped under the tread of your shoes when— without warning— you took off towards Eddie, and planted a fat wet kiss on his mouth. He froze for a moment, but returned the kiss with fervor, making an obnoxious hum and wet smack when you pulled away.
“Yum.” You gushed, licking your lips and changing your cadence to the unhinged Kubrick Cockney, “Them’s tasty cooties, they are, brother sir!”
“Yeah? Them false cytomegalovirus germs are what taste good to ya, droog?” He laughed, wrapping his arms around you and putting on his own terrible accent.
“That they are, sir, that’s what gives all me food and drink that plus flavor.” You grinned.
The two of you cackled, thoroughly enjoying throwing out random quotes and various insanities that to the normal person would put them off of your insanity and edge-lord humor. Chessie had long since taken off for the gated community of Loch Nora on her bike, but you didn’t care. You could live without a selection of eyeshadows, a rainbow tote purse, and all of your false friends if the choice came down to choosing them, or Eddie.
“Wanna go into the gas station and split another bottle of mono before we blow this joint?” You asked.
His grin could have rivaled that of Malcolm McDowell.
“Now, how can I say no to my new wife?” He grinned, holding out his arm for you to take, “But I am a man of my word, so you’re getting a new Coke, plus that Ring Pop so’s we can make this thing official.”
“Spare no expense, huh?” You grinned, and he pulled you in closer. Both of your hips knocking together.
“Hey… Only the best and finest gems and refreshments for Empress Droog the First of Hawkins, Indiana.” Eddie said with a confident smile.
You smiled at him, nudging one another with your bodies all the way into the gas station, until he pulled you in for another sloppy kiss in the middle of the snack aisle.
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lurkingshan · 3 months ago
Hey Shan!! IDK if you're planning to do a BL wrap up or superlatives or anything like that this year so this question might be a bit too early but um...what has been a few of your favorite first watches for 2024 bls?
Hi Eboni! This is actually pretty good timing for a list because most of the shows that will end within 2024 are already over! The only two I could see maybe making my list that have not ended yet are Love is Like a Poison (Japan) and Blue Canvas of Youthful Days (China), so I'll mention them here (fingers crossed they end well and stay favs).
That said, here are my favorite completed BLs of 2024 (alpha order)!
At 25:00 in Akasaka (Japan, Gaga)
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Two actors who first met in college are cast in a bl together, old feelings resurface, and the lines between their professional and private lives start to blur. This show is super beautiful and moody.
Cooking Crush (Thailand, YouTube or WeTV for uncut)
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Ten and Prem are my favorite of OffGun's many couples. Ten is a med student with food issues who wants to learn how to cook, and Prem is a chef in training. Their romance is super sweet and I also really like the side couple and friend groups in this one.
Cherry Magic Thailand (Thailand, YouTube or Viu, requires VPN)
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I still can't believe this show happened. How on earth did GMMTV manage to make a superior version of Cherry Magic?? Tay Tawan had a lot to do with it, along with a very smart adaptation. It's so sweet and funny and perfect (if you just pretend ep 8 doesn't exist).
City of Stars (Thailand, iQIYI)
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I was surprised by how much I liked this charming little Thai pulp. It had an interesting story with strong writing and the pair was very good together. More people should watch it!
I Became the Main Role of a BL Drama (Japan, Gaga)
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This is a short and sweet and note perfect BL comedy about two actors falling for each other while making a BL. Loaded with meta jokes about the industry and stan culture and very loving about it.
Knock Knock Boys (Thailand, Gaga)
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I am obsessed with this excellent Thai BL that not nearly enough people watched. Two couples, both compelling and sexy and fun, and amazing friendship dynamics. I want everyone to watch it!
Let Free the Curse of Taekwondo (S Korea, iQIYI)
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My top BL of the year. It's a second chance romance, you see the characters both in high school and later as adults and I don't really want to spoil anything else about it. It's beautiful, the characters are so compelling, and the story is masterfully told.
Love for Love's Sake (S Korea, iQIYI)
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This one is special and quite unique, and I also don't want to spoil much about it! It begins with a basic isekai set up that then goes to some unexpected places. Really, really beautiful show.
Love Sea (Thailand, iQIYI)
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Definitely my favorite spicy romance of the year. I really loved a lot about the story for this one, in particular the class dynamics that defined the characters and their relationship, and Mahasamut (played by Fort) is on my list of favorite drama characters this year.
Marahuyo Project (Philippines, YouTube)
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We didn't get much from the Philippines this year, but they did drop one absolute banger in this show about a fierce and proud gay kid who gets booted out of school in Manila and sent to live with his grandma and mother on a small island. He makes friends and enemies and starts an LGBTQ+ club, and falls in love along the way.
Mr Mitsuya's Planned Feeding (Japan, fansub)
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An excellent age gap romance about a young editor and the chef who writes for his magazine making food together and falling in love. Lots of fun side characters, too. I loved every minute of this show.
Perfect Propose (Japan, Gaga)
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Two old friends meet when one of them is in need of housing and one is on the verge of a nervous breakdown from a soul-sucking corporate job, and help each other heal. This one is short and sweet.
Ossan's Love Returns (Japan, Gaga)
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This one is technically a sequel, but you can enjoy it without having seen the original (and might like it better that way, tbh). One of the funniest shows of the year and featuring a main couple that is a personal fav and are now on my ride or die list.
Takara's Treasure (Japan, Gaga)
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This one is a simple story but so, so sweet. A cute little bean follows his mysterious idol to university and joins the hiking club to get to know him better. They get to know each other slowly and fall in love.
Unknown (Taiwan, Viki)
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ALMOST my favorite bl of the year, but we had a few issues on the back end. Despite that, I still loved it a whole lot. A family drama and a love story about two chosen brothers whose relationship changes over time. Easily the best BL Taiwan made this year.
Looking at this list, I am realizing how absolutely invaluable my Gaga and iQIYI subscriptions have become; it's where nearly all my favorite BL is airing.
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maevstar · 5 months ago
| Introducing myself in my fame dr ᯓᡣ𐭩
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ᝰ. My name is Maeve Amelie Solace, but people usually call me by “Mae”.
ᝰ. I’m 26yo and I’m an A-list american actress and singer. (I was born in 1997 but I didn’t turned 27 yet).
ᝰ. I started my way on acting when I was 16 when my older brother was doing a play on high school and begged me to participate. I did, and since then I’ve been in love with acting.
ᝰ. When I graduated from high school i moved out from my hometown — Austin, Texas — to LA and entered to UCLA School of Theater.
ᝰ. My first big project in Hollywood was “The Edge of Seventeen” when I was 19-20yo, before that I just worked with small projects, mostly from my uni.
ᝰ. That project gave me more visibility in the industry and I became more well known.
ᝰ. Some of my films: The Edge of Seventeen, The School for Good and Evil (adaptation of the books), Lady bird, Scream 4 (2018), Little Woman, Causeway, We Live in a Time, Challengers, Me Before You, Glass Onion 2, Duna, Anyone but You, Don’t look up, No hard feelings, Don’t worry darling, The outrun, and etc.
ᝰ. Some of my shows: Supernatural (Claire Novak), Looking for Alasca, YOU, outer banks (season 4).
ᝰ. I’ve been nominated for the Oscar 4 times as the best Actress in a Leading Role, but I’m just gonna win the award in the 4th time (2024). Futhermore, i’ve won a lot of awards and nominations like Emmy’s and Golden Globes. In 2022, I entered the list of The Most Influential People by Time Magazine.
Now, my singer career:
ᝰ. My mom is a country singer — not much known — in Texas, so I’ve grew up loving music, and I’ve been writing songs since I was 15, but these never turned into real songs, until 2019-2020, when I recorded my EP’s.
ᝰ. My first EP is called “Minor” and it has 7 songs. I released it in 2019 just for fun, was some songs that I’ve been writing during the years. In 2020 I released more 2 EPs, called “Bittersweet” and “Good Riddance”, with 7 and 10 songs respectively, again, just for fun.
ᝰ. Now, my new coming up project on music is my first Album, called “The Secret Of Us”, it has 13 songs (+ 7 from deluxe) and all of them will have a music video, cause my objective is making a visual album.
ᝰ. With my new album, I intend to go on my first tour.
Fun facts about me:
ᝰ. I know ballet and gymnastics cause when my sister was 8 years old she wanted to learn but was scared to do it alone, so I used to go to classes with her.
ᝰ. I have 3 siblings, Will, Kayla and Austin. Will is 2 years older than me, Kayla is younger than me 4 years and Austin is 8 years younger than me. (Another fun fact is that Austin is adopted).
ᝰ. My s/o is Drew Starkey, I met him in a party at Maddie Cline’s house (2021). Also, Madelyn is my best friend and I’m very close to the cast of the outer banks too.
ᝰ. I’m in fact brazilian. I was born there but my family moved to the US when I was 8 — my father is brazilian but my mom is from us, she was in a trip when met my dad in brazil and blablabla — so I have dual nationality. (latinas are better lol). But when I was 14, I moved again to Brazil and lived there for almost 2 years with my aunt before I came back to US.
ᝰ. When I was 16, I made a YouTube channel with my brother Will and we used to talk about the most random things ever (btw it was a flop lol, this channel just came up when we became famous). (another fun fact is that he is also a well known actor, but more on theater plays than on screen).
ᝰ. When I was in high school, I was planning on going to med school — mostly because of my dad, he’s a doctor (my obsession with greys anatomy might got me inclined to that too🤭) — but then I fell in love with acting (when I was 16, like i said) and never quit. Besides that, I’m still very interested with things related to science and human body, stuff like that; most of things that I know are bc of my dad tho.
ᝰ. I’m polyglot. I speak Portuguese, English, Italian, Spanish and a bit of French and Latin. I also know ASL.
ᝰ. I still don’t know how to ride bikes without training wheels cause no one ever taught me (😭).
ᝰ. I love the sea, beaches, everything related to that, it’s one of my favorite places in the world.
mood boards; mood boards details;
─────── ୨ৎ ───────
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thatoneevanfan · 25 days ago
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Remus Lupin x popular girl!reader
In which the popular girl starts taking interest in her tutor.
warnings: lowkey bimbo reader, oblivious Remus, cussing, tension, lowkey suggestive
“Ughhh” you groan as you slam your head against your desk. “I don’t even know what you see in him. Isn’t he like a nerd?” Your friend, who was laying uninterested on your bed, reading some fashion magazine. “Well… Kind of but that’s what makes him so hot. He’s hot and he doesn’t even know it! Such a turn on.” You daydream.
“You sound like you’d fuck his brains out.” She chuckles plainly, barely leaving any actual emotion in her words.
“well that’s the thing. I WOULD. If only he gave me the chance…” You whine out frustrated while trying to once again regain your focus on your potions essay.
“Also what the fuck is this essay. I don’t get anything. Potion class sucks.” You groan out dramatically.
“Why don’t you just ask your wonderful man to tutor you?” She rolls her eyes sarcastically. You bite your lips focused but your demeanor changes at her suggestion.
“Wait a minute… YOURE BLUDDY BRILLIANT.” You shout out excitedly, jumping over to the bed and placing a smooch on her forehead.
“What? I wasn’t being serious Y/n! Where are you going?” She yells after you as you skip outside the dormitory, leaving her dumbfounded on your bed. Quickly you run back into the room and grab her along, to help with your plan.
No Pov:
He walks into the library looking for his favorite book on one of the shelves. Suddenly he hears sighs coming from behind one of the shelves. With much curiosity and worry he decided to go look into the noise.
As he walks around the he spots you.
Well and your friend.
He watches as you dramatically sigh and whine over an essay. He pretends to look for a book to continue eaves dropping.
“This essay is so hard. If only I had someone that could tutor me.” He hears you, once again, sigh dramatically. Any less oblivious person would have instantly noticed your intention, Remus however was way too oblivious to understand your intent. Innocently he turns around and asks you if you need a tutor.
“Well there’s just noooo way i Could ask that of you…” You sigh once again longer than you should have.
He however assures you that he would love to help you. He is a prefect after all.
You happily agree and plan a time and place to meet.
Happily you start skipping over to your agreed upon place. You grin to yourself as you look down on your outfit. Your school skirt, way too short. Your out of school shirt, way too much cleavage. Perfect.
“Hiii Remus” You smile innocently at the poor boy who is still completely oblivious.
“Hi Y/n, so i’ve looked at your task and basically you have to write down what happens through out the experiment. Lucky for you I have connections so we get to use the potions classroom and the stuff in it.” He smiles proudly.
“Oh wow remus! That’s great, I wonder what i would have done without you.” You exclaim dramatically.
He blushes furiously at your words.
You both make your way to the classroom to start working on the project.
“Sooo you crush this unicorn hair, mix it in with the hardsnail slime and the water, then it turns into this white thicker liquid.” He explains with full concentration.
“Mhmm does it?” You giggle at his words like a 14 year old boy. His eyebrows furrow at your reaction as he tries to figure out what was so funny. “Why did you- Oh. Y/n that’s-“ He cuts him self of with silence as he remains speechless. You sit quiet with a proud grin.
“anyway… you continue by stirring.” he instructs with a stutter.
The awkwardness continues for another hour, as you manage to make everything he says have a sexual undertone, as well as occasionally brushing against him.
However something finally makes him crack.
The liquid you both had made seemed to start bubbling and started splashing. Some of the white liquid splashed onto his face, making it look quite… sexual.
“Now in a different setting i’d think that’s hot.” You smile suggestively.
He takes a sharp breath and looks at you with furrowed brows.
You reach out to wipe it away but he grabs your wrist mid move.
“Y/n.” he exclaims, saying your name like a warning.
You start to feel a little bit embarrassed, feeling rejected.
You apologize and quickly get up to leave, gathering your things.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He once again warns. You look up at him with confusion, slightly blushing at his demanding tone.
You open your mouth to respond but quickly get shut up by him pulling you in for a kiss. You continue to make out for a few seconds before he pulls off for air. He grabs his stuff and walks to the door. “This is what you wanted isn’t it?” He grins at you before leaving you there.
You stand there dumbfounded but your mouth quickly turns into a grin.
He totally wants you. You think to yourself proudly.
But… what will the next step be?
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divinedelusional · 2 months ago
while you were sleeping
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nate archibald x gn!reader
word count: 1565
warnings: tooth rooting fluff as usual, besides that I think none:) reader is really sleepy in this but again it's not a warning right?
synopsis: before christmas break you worked hard on college projects, so your sweet boyfriend takes care of you on Christmas Eve and plans a cozy Christmas morning for just the two of you♡
a/n: hi loves! this is my last christmas fic this season♡ I hope you are having wonderful time and you'll enjoy this, as I said, last xmas fic, after that i'll try to work on requests, i love what you asked for and I want to make as good as I can
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Your face was actually starting to hurt from all the smiles you were giving to Nate's co workers. Nate started his internship for Time in the summer and he was doing amazing. He was happy even though he wasn't sure that was a magazine he wanted to work for, he was just living in the moment, enjoying the experience.
That's how you've found yourself at Time's Christmas brunch, carrying conversation with journalists and other people who work at a magazine, that Nate introduced you to. You had fun, you couldn't lie. It meant a lot to you to meet people working on one of the most iconic New York magazines, but the excitement was slowly wearing off. Holiday break came late this year, since Christmas Eve was on Friday, you had classes at college until Thursday and you were thankful that Time decided to throw a brunch at Christmas Eve instead of a party.
"Are you okay?" Nate asked, he was holding your hand caressing it with his thumb. He always did that when you were just sitting together enjoying each other's presence but also when he was feeling like you were somewhere else with your thoughts.
"I'm fine, promise." you kissed his cheek. "Just wish we could be home already." You guys were really close to Nate's penthouse but were stuck in a cab in traffic.
"Come on, we'll walk" Nate smiled and handed a cash to a driver. You got out of the cab waked a couple steps when suddenly it started raining. You made it home as quick as your high heels let you.
"Shit I'm freezing" you chuckled, hugging Nate when you were in the elevator. Nate held you tighter pressing his lips to your forehead. When you got in, he run you a hot bath while you were picking some clothes to change into.
"Hi baby, got you your favorite tea" he said entering your bedroom. You were wearing your favourite sweatpants and a pink t-shirt with a Grinch.
"Oh my got, were that came from?" Nate snorted. "That was part of my pyjamas set, I grew out of it, but I loved the tshirt too much."
"And you had this here in my closet?"
"I brought it here for emergencies, Archibald."
You wrapped yourself in blankets and sipped your tea while Nate went to fix himself some coffee and take a quick shower. He told you he'd be back in a minute and you can watch some Christmas movies and finally start celebrating without any pressure of your daily tasks. 25th was tomorrow and after the brunch you were free of any responsibilities. When Nate walked in he found you sprawled on a bed, deep in your sleep. You looked so peaceful, finally being able to rest after everything you'd been working at college. Nate didn't want to wake you, so he took an empty tea mug from the night stand and walked out.
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You woke up to the smell of freshly baked cookies. "Natie what are you doing?" you asked even when it was obvious. Your boyfriend was wearing an apron, placing formed cookies on a baking sheet.
"Oh hiiii princess" he came up to you kissing you shortly. He tasted like chocolate and you wanted more. You'd kiss him longer if you weren't so confused and if he didn't return to the baking tray right away.
"I decided to do one last thing that need to be done before tomorrow" he informed you.
"Are these for Santa?" you asked, finally connecting the dots.
"Of course!" he exclaimed happily.
You looked at the table where you saw a batch of regular chocolate chip cookies, double chocolate batch was in the oven, Nate formed the last gingerbread one on a baking paper and on a kitchen island you could see a plate with fleshly decorated snickerdoodle ones.
"How long was I asleep for?" before Nate could respond you looked at a clock which read 8:30 pm. "Oh my God, why you didn't wake me up Nate?" you asked sitting down.
"You looked so peaceful, y/n, besides you still look like you're kinda sleepy, I think you really needed that, probably still do" he laughed when you yawned and shot him a cold glare.
"Yeah but now if I get back to sleep I'll probably be up at like 3 am" you sighed defeated.
Nate put gingerbreads in the oven.
"Well, we can decorate gingerbread men when they're ready" Nate smiled at you. You smiled back.
"Will you make me some tea? I'll clean up" you said getting up from your chair.
After two hours kitchen was spotless and gingerbreads beautifully decorated. Nate put a plate with double chocolate ones on a small table near the tree with a glass of milk and two carrots.
"You really had fun with this, didn't you?" you asked your boyfriend when you two sat comfortably on the sofa. It was your first Christmas with Nate, spend together in one apartment as a couple, so you could see for the first time how he was preparing for Christmas.
"Course I did" he said smiling, pressing his lips to your head.
"We could even make our own gingerbread house next year" you told him and he felt warmth in his chest at the idea of future with you.
You ate all the snickerdoodles you brought yourselves on a plate, laying on the sofa just talking about things. With fireplace lit, tummies full with yummy cookies and warmth from the embrace you guys been in, you didn't even notice how fast time flew by.
"Hey babe?"
"What?" you mumbled shifting in Nate's arms, nuzzling against his neck.
"It's midnight, merry Christmas!" You looked up at your boyfriend, adoration in your eyes.
"Merry Christmas, Natie" you said and kissed him sweetly, putting all of your feelings into the kiss. Unfortunately after a while you had to pull back.
"Nate I'm so sorry, but I was sleepy already..."
"Baby it's okay, you should rest right now, we'll have plenty of time for other things later" he said kissing your nose and you giggled. "Come on let's get you to bed" he give you a hand to get you out of the couch. Holding hands you went to your bedroom.
"You're gonna go to sleep too?" you asked tiredly, your face already buried in pillows.
"Yeah, I'm just gonna change quickly" Nate took his shirt off and looked through the window, suddenly getting a feeling like it's much lighter outside. "Baby it's snowing!" he exclaimed.
"Oh my god really?" you got your head up, noticing snowflakes falling. You layed down again. "That's amazing snow on Christmas finally... " you mumbled something else and then you were out. Nate chuckled to himself at your state and layed next to you, spooning you.
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One more time you woke up smelling something delicious from the kitchen, only this time it was light outside and everything was covered in snow. You sighed relieved, because you thought you only dreamt of snow. You got out of bed as Nate wasn't by your side. Just like yesterday evening you found him in the kitchen, but today he was so focused on whatever he was doing, humming "Merry Christmas Everyone", that he didn't notice you coming in the kitchen. You came up to him, gently wrapping your arms around his waist. You pressed a light kiss onto his bare back.
"Oh hi, baby, thought you're gonna sleep a little longer" he turned his head to kiss you. You looked at the clock on the oven.
"Nate oh my god, we have to be at Lily's in 30 minutes" you panicked. "Wait are those Rufus' waffles?" you looked at the counter where Nate was previously putting your favourite toppings on waffles. Nate smiled as he turned around to face you.
"I called Rufus yesterday when you were napping. I told him that you were working really hard at your final projects until Thursday and we would probably oversleep anyway, so he decided to bring Christmas breakfast to us" he said pointing at the waffles, pancakes and fresh fruits. "He wanted to tell you that you shouldn't worry as we're going to see them at dinner at Waldorfs" he added when he saw you wanted to protest. You looked at him slightly shocked. "Oh and it's not the best part, come with me" Nate took your hand and covered your eyes with the other.
"Nate what are we doing?" you asked laughing.
He got you to the living room and you saw so many packages under the tree, much more than yesterday.
"Me and Dan also took all of the gifts for you that were under Van der Woodsen's tree and brought them here"
"But the ones for you too right?" you asked Nate when he hugged you from behind and kissed your neck.
"Yeah, yeah, mine too" he chuckled "Wanted to have our first Christmas morning together at our place, since you were so tired, no rush or anything."
"Nate I can't believe you did all of this for me" you said meaning taking the gifts to your place, cookies that Nate baked yesterday and how he prioritized your well being. "And all of this while I was sleeping?"
Nate laughed at your reference of one of your favorite Christmas movies. "Yeah, while you were sleeping, baby"
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natie's taglist: @luluartpop @lanawinterscigarettes
(if you wanna be tagged in Nate's fics lmk! send an ask or dm)
endless appreciation for comments and reblogs♡
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schmergo · 5 months ago
If you think I was a kid who loved to read, you’d be right, but that doesn’t just mean I was reading, like, Newbery Award nominated prestigious children’s novels. Because in my experience, most kids who love to read are more gourmand than gourmet. I was also reading:
* Class rosters. I begged my teachers for these. I wanted to try to memorize everyone’s middle names.
* Similarly, old yearbooks. I liked judging whether people’s names matched their faces and making up different names for them if they did. I also loved reading baby name books and making lists of names I liked.
.* The personals section of the newspaper. I liked picturing the people as they described themselves and imagining which combination of people on the page might like each other.
* The ingredients of food packages. Not even for any real informational reason, I just really liked certain fantasy-sounding words like thiamine and riboflavin.
* An old World Book Encyclopedia from the 1970s. I would sneak out of bed to read it because the bookshelf was near my bedroom door and I could crawl to it without making the floor creak. My favorite entries were the ones about Hawaii and tigers. I kinda developed a ritual of rereading the Hawaii article when I had read a scary book before bed and needed to calm my brain down.
* My dad’s Dave Barry and Woody Allen humor books and also transcripts of all of the Monty Python’s Flying Circus episodes. This is probably why my sense of humor has been so weird from such a young age.
* The part of the church hymnal with ceremonies for baptisms, weddings, and funerals. I liked to imagine them.
* Wine catalogs at friends’ houses. The descriptions of the wines seemed so poetic and abstract. I also liked when they said “fruit on the nose” because I pictured a dog balancing a whole piece of fruit on its nose.
* My parents’ parenting books. I liked to see if I was exhibiting developmentally appropriate behavior. I am not 100% sure if doing that is, in fact, developmentally appropriate behavior.
* Those little brochures advertising various roadside attractions and tourist activities at rest shops. I would grab as many as possible when we stopped to use the bathroom on a road trip. Also, travel guides in general.
* I checked out the entire “unexplained” section of the library over the course of third grade. (Dewey decimal 001.9.) Ask little me about Project Blue Book, I guess.
* I LOVED party planning books, especially ones with highly specific themed parties that seemed impractical to put on in real life like a whole chess-themed party culminating in a game of human chess, complete with lemon chess pie for dessert.
* Seed packets. I find the writing style of these very endearing. It always sounds so affectionate toward the plants.
* My grandma’s Reader’s Digest magazines, which felt like Russian roulette because they sometimes published disturbing articles that gave me nightmares. (Reader’s Indigestion?) I especially vividly remember a feature on adopted kids who need to wear Ilizarov apparatuses to straighten their limbs because they became malformed due to severe neglect at orphanages.
* For some reason, I loved reading restaurant menus and imagining what kind of food different fictional characters would order from there.
* And last but certainly not least, because I think this is a relatable one: the AMERICAN GIRL CATALOG! No, I never had an American Girl doll, but getting the catalog was a source of much excitement.
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moody4world · 2 years ago
In my business pt 2
A/N: ik i take ages to post stuff guys but some things in life been kicking my ass and i either dont have time or im just not in the mood to write. I hope yall like this tho. next part will have more jack!!!
summary: AU where reader is an all around artist (writer, singer, model etc) and after being spotted with jack harlow she becomes the talk of the town. What will her baby daddy/ex central cee think???
previous part
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moodymagazine Uh oh moodies! It seems like #Y/n baby daddy #CentralCee not too happy about the circulating rumors after she was seen getting cozy with the first class rapper #JackHarlow. He posted a photo of himself with the middle finger from a page of his interview in a #DazedKorea magazine, captioning the foto with “Current mood”. So far we have yet to receive any confirmation from Y/n or Jack Harlow about their current situation.
What do you guys think, let us know in the comments below⬇️
#moodymagazine #moodymagz
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ryyannexox 1h
omg here we go again he is so pettyyyy. he nees to move on and leave her alone didnt he cheat on her multiple times???? men always act like trash then get mad when you leave them.
iammari 1h
@ryyannexox How does it feel to be loud and WRONG! You people just say anything on the internet. Cench and y/n both have said that he never cheated on her and the fact that they still follow each other should be a sign that they're still on good terms so stop projecting lmao
116 likes Reply
yungkelly 3h
Idk why yall bother arguing about these twos relationship. They break up and make up more than me and my man thats not my man
42 likes Reply
nia2pretty 3h
LMAOOO not my man thats not my man bitch im deaaad
7 likes Reply
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bridget82 2h
They're both alays in a different country i hope theyre kids are well taken care of
2 likes Reply
y/ncloset 1h
@bridget82 yall ALWAYS worried about THEIR kids did you cook dinner for your own kids yet miss BRIDGET?
33 likes Reply
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amylai 10m
the white boy she raps about in her unreleased song is probably jack!!!! hear me out guys
34 likes Reply
nianiania 6m
2 likes Reply
❤️ 🙌 🔥 👏 😢 😍 😮 😂
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Liked by icespice and 153.164 others
y/n he be feedin me 🍝 & 🦞 #areacodes out @ MIDNIGHT !!
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icespice 2m
178 likes Reply
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bbgrlashly 9m
y/n im begging you to give me one chanceee😫
264 likes Reply
_ell.a 3m
@bbgrlashly Get in line bby girl!
102 likes Reply
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cyabiah13 1h
It's the body for meeee🔥
amore2.o 1h
maam are you not gonna address the rumors???👀
missjanay 1h
Stomach said "what kids?!" share the routine sis
davespi 1h
Jack harlow out of all people? thought you were different
cassinspace 1h
@davespi boo fucking hoo go cry somewhere else. as if you ever had a chance with your ugly ass
278 likes Reply
y/ncloset 1h
❤️ 🙌 🔥 👏 😢 😍 😮 😂
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bluebellofbakerstreet · 15 days ago
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❤️ Valentine Fic Recs ❤️
Happy Valentine's Day! Lots of fic recs - mostly short, mostly Johnlock, mostly fluffy, all with happy endings under the cut:
(edited because I found some more)
Works without a word count are either Tumblr ficlets or single chapter ficlets in compilation fics - bite-sized, like chocolates. Those works are not rated, but I have marked those that are explicit. All are Johnlock unless otherwise marked. Fluff levels vary, but all have happy endings. :)
❤️ Unconventional Gifts ❤️
Fingers by arwamachine. Sherlock is a hard man to find a gift for.
The Love Song of Dr. John H. Watson by TakePen and Ink. John takes Sherlock out for the evening on Valentine's Day. 11,160 words. Explicit.
Home-made Valentine's Day Present by Golfechoromeo Sherlock enlists Mrs Hudson's help in making a gift for John.
❤️ Something Red ❤️
Valentine's Magic by ChrisCalledMeSweetie. Greg has a trick up his sleeve this Valentine's Day. Mystrade. 578 words. Gen.
❤️ Dinner at Angelo’s ❤️
No Date On Valentine's Day by Avath. Dinner at Angelo's - and a little clearing of the air.
❤️ Candy ❤️
Bloody Valentine by Johnlockedness. Sherlock has made hand engraved candy hearts for John for Valentine's day. Has he found the way to John's heart? 3,223 words. Explicit.
❤️ Craft Projects ❤️
Shape of My Heart by MissDavis. February, 2021: John (finally) moves back to Baker Street. 4,680 words. Teen.
Watson's Anatomy by Calais_Reno. John and Sherlock's first Valentine's Day as a couple. 1,507 words. Teen
❤️ Love Notes ❤️
Obligatory Romantic Gesture Day by 13para_dox. John knows Sherlock doesn't believe in Valentine's Day, but after three years of expecting nothing he gets a surprise. 3,589 words. Mature.
Valentine Hopes by BookGirlWithLove. A box of Valentine cards for Rosie’s class sparks ideas in Sherlock and John - but who will have the courage to act upon them? 1,605 words. Gen.
❤️ Chocolate ❤️
This very short and charming ficlet by 221b-carefulwhatyouwishfor. John brings chocolates for Sherlock.
❤️ Established Relationship ❤️
Vital Organs by midrashic. John wants, and agonizes, and argues with himself. Meanwhile, Sherlock Holmes falls in love. 8,128 words. Mature.
Home-Made Valentine's Day Present by Anne. Blanket Fort.
The Box - Golfechoromeo. Sherlock is smug about always guessing John's gifts. Can John surprise him?
❤️ Elaborate Preparations ❤️
How To Give Your Boyfriend Who Doesn't Know He's Your Boyfriend the Best Valentine's Day Ever by Unicorn Poe. Sherlock is pretty sure that John Watson is his boyfriend. He's also pretty sure that John doesn't know it. But with a little help from a magazine, some friends, three crepes, five dates, one awesome CD, and a stalker van, John is bound to realize just in time for Valentine's Day. 9,832 words. Teen.
❤️ Flowers❤️
Something in his Jeans by moonblossom. It's probably a good thing Sherlock doesn't wear jeans more often - they'd never get anything done outside the flat if he did. 1,980 words. Explicit.
Rose Petals by  Golfechoromeo. "No, it has to be rose petals," Sherlock complained to the man behind the counter. 
❤️ Dressed for the Occassion❤️
Hope is Sweet by Lock_John_Silver. Sherlock wants to be more than John’s best friend. Has wanted it for ages, truth be told. So, when Molly comes up with an idea, that to some extent involves three year old Rosie, Sherlock doesn’t hesitate. 2,977 words. Teen.
Midnight Becomes You by ChrisCalledMeSweetie. Cindersherlock longs to dance with Prince John at the Valentine’s Ball. But what will happen when Mrs. Hudson’s magic wears off at midnight? 1,564 words. Get.
No Date On Valentine's Day by Anne. It was February 14th and Sherlock and John were alone together.  
❤️ Meet Cute ❤️
Check, Please! by prettysailorsoldier. Sherlock and John first meet on Valentine's Day, surrounded by flowers and candlelight in a fine Italian restaurant. It's the picture perfect romantic setting, with just one small hitch: Sherlock already has a date, and John is their waiter. 7,387 words. Gen.
Paris by Avath. Med student John manages to pull an attractive stranger in Paris. Explicit.
Paris by Anne. Student Sherlock and soldier John meet by chance in Paris.
Speed Dating by Golfechoromeo. "Welcome, everyone, to 'Looking for Love,' a special speed dating event to find that special someone for this coming Valentine's Day!" 
Speed Love by Hotaru_Tomoe. John has a celebrity crush on Sherlock, a consulting detective who solves cold cases. He collects photos and fanarts, and write fanfictions about him. One year later, he meets Sherlock in the most improbable place, a speed date evening. 4,182 words. Mature.
❤️ Free Space ❤️
Speed Date With Destiny prettysailorsoldier. When Molly's friend cancels on her at the last minute on Valentine's Day, John is called in from the bisexual reserves to be her wingman at the LGBT society's speed dating event. 10,409 words. Teen.
Enter and Sign In, Please by Mad_Lori. John appears on the Valentine's Day episode of "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" while Sherlock is overseas on a press junket. In the Performance in a Leading Role verse. 2,553 words. Gen.
Paris - Golfechoromeo. The twinkling lights of Paris were spectacular.
Speed Dating by Avath. Joh nWatson doesn't expect much from this speed dating event.
Undersense by Silvergirl. John seems to have written Sherlock off completely, and Sherlock's best shot at fixing it lies well outside of his usual toolbox.
❤️ First Kiss ❤️
Conversation Hearts by rsong912. Will U B Mine? 1,382 words. Mature.
Men don't get flowers on Valentine's Day by HoneyPiePuzzle. A story in which Sherlock gets an anonymous Valentine’s present and John gets weird. Miscommunication ensued. 20,814 words. Mature.
❤️ Matchmaking ❤️
February 15th prettysailorsoldier. After a difficult breakup years earlier, Sherlock has decided that romance is something he can do without, but a blind date with the handsome, charming, funny (did we mention handsome?) John Watson might just prove him wrong--if he's willing to take the risk again. 8,148 words. Teen.
Valentine Ambush by Mice. There's a dinner and some romance. Neither of them had quite expected it. Anthea, as always, is to blame. Mystrade. 3,169 words. Mature.
❤️ Champagne ❤️
Home-made Valentine's Day Present by Avath. The boys both ask Mrs Hudson for some Valentine's Day assistance.
❤️ Texting ❤️
Undersea-Rainbows by agirlsname. If John ever saw a picture of how Sherlock gazes at him when he isn't looking, things would turn around very quickly for them. 11,239 words. Explicit.
No Date On Valentine's Day by Golfechoromeo. Sherlock was sulking. It was Valentine's Day. And he, as anyone would have guessed, was alone and dateless. But not John Watson.
He told me by Salambo06. It's Valentine's day, Sherlock and John are at Baker Street. Sherlock's phone buzzes with Irene's text alert and John goes all TLD again and says that for god's sake, it's Valentine's day and he should just reply. 2,941 words. Explicit.
❤️ Candlelight ❤️
No Sex, No Kissing, and Absolutely No Romance by kedgeree. It's Valentine's Day, which is just another day, right? There is absolutely no need for sex or kissing or romance on this particular day. In fact, John and Sherlock have a bet on. John can resist Sherlock for the day. And Sherlock can resist John. Neither one needs sex or kissing or romance. Neither one will give in first. 3,830 words. Explicit.
❤️ Secret Admirer ❤️
The Heart of the Matter by prettysailorsoldier. It's the annual Valentine's Week fundraiser, carnations, conversation hearts, and singing telegrams (oh my!) making their way around the school corridors, and Sherlock Holmes has quite happily never received any of them. So, when he gets a box of conversation hearts containing a message from a secret admirer, his first instinct is that it's an elaborate practical joke, but, as he and his mystery suitor begin texting, he starts to wonder if there might be something to this Valentine's Day lark after all. There is, however, the entirely unrelated problem of one John Watson to contend with before he can be sure. 13,427 words. Teen.
Quo Fata Vocant by prettysailorsoldier. Sherlock is enamored with one of the employees at the university library, wiling away hours of his days just to catch a glimpse of the dynamic John Watson: captain of the rugby team, event manager for the LGBT society, and third-year medical student. Of course, being only a first-year, it's unlikely John will ever notice him. At least, until fate (and a little well-intentioned meddling) intervenes. 18,115 words. Explicit.
Secret Admirer by Avath. Sherlock had been getting letters stuffed in his backpack for weeks. Kidlock.
Secret Admirer by Golfechoromeo. John's secret admirer is helping him to pass his organic chemistry class.
Secret Admirer - Anne. Uni rugby player John asks Sherlock to help him figure out who is sending him anonymous notes.
Love, In Five Acts by unicornpoe. Somebody is wooing Sherlock Holmes—only he doesn't think it's the person he wants it to be. 4,443 words. Teen.
❤️ Confectionary ❤️
A Whole Latte Love by prettysailorsoldier. Sherlock's a regular at a coffee shop near his lab, always coming in at the same time and ordering the same thing. That is, until they get a new barista: a fellow student with a penchant for latte art who will throw a not-entirely-unwelcome wrench into his routine. Latte art totally counts as confectionary, right? No? Well, there are scones, too. 8,277 words. Teen.
Arrest the Man in the Towel by trillian_jdc. Greg met Sherlock during a case at a sauna. What if Mycroft was also there? In a towel? And they end up telling John and Rosie Watson this story of their first meeting on Valentine's Day? While Mycroft bakes? It's a lot of holiday silliness, is what this is. Mystrade. 4,009 words. Teen.
❤️ Cooking with Love ❤️
All Hearts' Day by agirlsname. This time, John has to see the clues. 446 words. Gen.
❤️ Only One of them Knows they’re on a date ❤️
The Importance of February 14th by cypress_tree. Sherlock was born on Valentine's Day. John doesn't know this and invites him out on a date. Sherlock assumes it's a birthday celebration and believes so right up until the moment John kisses him. 3,156 words. Teen.
❤️ Kids’ Party ❤️
Puppy Love prettysailorsoldier. Sherlock hates the class Valentine's Day parties, everything from the sweets to the decorations giving him a headache, and that's not even mentioning the valentine exchange, only one from Mrs. Hudson ever making it into his envelope. That is, until today... 3,775 words. Teen.
❤️ Love Song ❤️
My Funny Valentine by NoLessLuminous. In retrospect, John supposed that it hadn't been the wisest move to cut out early from his date on the 13th of February. To be fair, it hadn't been one of Sherlock's fake emergencies. No, instead it had been a rapid stream of unanswered phone calls from Mrs. Hudson, culminating in an almost indecipherably frantic voicemail, the only distinguishable words of which were "Sherlock," "fire," and (puzzlingly) "bring home some bicarbonate of soda." 5,938 words. Explicit.
❤️ Subtle as a Ton of Bricks ❤️
Before You Know It by Calais_Reno. Sherlock seeks relationship advice. 736 words. Teen.
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106alibi · 4 months ago
good graces ; protected by jeno squad (profiles 2)
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@/lee_jeno423 :: lee jeno (2000) picked up boxing in his first year of high school. what started out as a mere hobby for his fitness turned into a competitive sport when his coach urged him to try his hand at an amateur match. safe to say he wiped the ring and emerged champion of his very first match, and from then on he knew this sport was made for him. despite being an absolute beast on the ring, jeno’s eye smile and soft spoken way of speech is enough to make hearts melt and make you wonder, did he really just knock that guy out?
@/annoyedsamoyed :: jeno's private account
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@/hhrnjn323 :: graduating with a degree in fine arts, huang renjun (2000) decided to pursue freelance graphic designing, wanting to be freed from the restrictions of a 9 to 5 job. in return, his sleep schedule is perpetually messed up, often awake at the crack of dawn completing probably his fifth draft of a project. it’s a wonder in itself if he’s not falling asleep while the sun is up, but anything to get that bread. his roommate donghyuck can attest to that.
@/nanadoongie :: na jaemin (2000) is always behind a lens, and while he would love to pursue photography full time, he is unfortunately still in his final year of university, majoring in communications. he advertises his photography services online for some pocket money and to build his resume in hopes of getting picked up by a magazine some day. for now, he finds himself attracting clients through his twitter account (and his face) and following jeno to his matches as his personal paparazzi when he’s not groaning over an assignment.
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@/fullsun.games :: speaking of lee donghyuck (2000), the boy has always been an avid gamer, having dreamed of being a live streamer ever since he was just a teenager. he finally jumped on the opportunity from the newfound freedom of living with his best friend to pursue his dream of becoming a globally-recognised gamer. while his youtube channel, under the name HAECHAN, is still small in terms of numbers, donghyuck is hopelessly optimistic that one day, he'll break through. (god I wonder how they pay rent)
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luck, or un-luck, decided that it would be a great idea to put these four boys in the same class on the first day of high school. to make things worse? they were seat mates, with jeno and jaemin sitting next to each other and renjun and donghyuck behind them. a lot of trouble was made, but so was a lot of fun, and the four of them wouldn't have had it any other way.
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a/n: I am in particular very proud of this set of profiles
taglist: @yutarot @rksbae @sevn97 @dreamiestay @raevyng @catpjimin @mrsjohnnysuh @xiuriii @minkyuncutie @jaehyunsjasmine @cookiehaos @jenoleeaesthetic @tynlvr @ohwowzersthatscool @rubiiisyeon @multifandomania @girlz4jaem @veilico @jeonghansshitester @jkslvsnella @jungaji @xyzsiissnnsnsjs @17ericas @elsbunny @grassbutneo @nosungluv
bold = can't tag!
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daydream-cement · 1 year ago
In The Library (NSFW)
Larissa Weems x Reader
A study date gone awry.
Author’s Note: Ahhhh!!! I’m posting this late and its FAR LONGER than expected. This is apart of Smutember with @alexusonfire! The prompt being library! Thank you to @tunarunes for the beta!
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You had one plan for your college experience: to pass your classes and become a teacher. So when you began your teacher training classes and fell absolutely head over heels in love with a walking, breathing, white-haired goddess, your plans wavered slightly. 
She walked into your ‘Intro to Education’ class with her head held high, looking like a pinup girl cut out of a magazine from the 1950s. Her confidence was intoxicating and you knew from that instant that you wanted all of her attention. You felt blessed when she sat in a seat right next to you.
She removed her notebook and pen from her bag and turned to you with an outstretched hand, “Larissa.” 
“Oh, hi! I’m- Uh-” It took you a moment to recall your name as her eyes trained on your face left you without a discernible thought. 
Your behavior caused the shapeshifter to laugh, her hand landing on your shoulder. Her eyes fell to your notebook where your name was written in the upper right hand corner. “Y/n?” 
“Yes- Yes, I’m Y/n.” You sputtered, eyes unable to leave her beautiful face.
“Beautiful name…” Larissa hummed, her eyes looking you over before turning her attention onto the instructor.
Sometimes you thought you caught her looking at you from the corner of her eye, but you were sure it was your mind playing tricks on you. One class period you had answered a question in a particularly meaningful way and you caught the shapeshifter observing you with a sweet smile. 
When she raised her hand and answered questions, she was so sure of herself. Desperately you wanted to at least be her friend. 
Sometimes when you would talk about
classwork, Larissa would rest a hand on your shoulder or thigh. She would look at you with such intensity you thought you would simply pass away. To even have an ounce of her attention was all you craved.
Finally your opportunity to become friends came when your professor told the class you would need a partner for the upcoming research project. Your heart stopped beating when Larissa turned around in her chair and her eyes locked onto yours. She flashed you a smile and gestured with her hand as a way of asking if you wanted to be in a group with her. Your cheeks turned red and you nodded faster than you felt you should have. 
After class she passed you a note with her name and phone number followed by a little smiley face. You felt as if you could combust. The grin on your face remained for a long while, making your cheeks ache. 
You hadn’t waited long to text her, sending her your name with a text smiley face of your own. Larissa was quick to get down to business, asking you for your availability to meet in the library to work on the project sometime later that week. You were immediate in your reply, offering many times for you to meet. 
By that evening you had a plan to meet Thursday night in the library to get started on your project, but the conversation hadn’t stopped there. Soon you were texting back and forth about hobbies and interests. 
Larissa had even asked about the dating scene at the university, making it a point to tell you that she was struggling to find other lesbians at the school. Your heart was beating wildly when you informed her of your own sexuality. Her only response to your text was, ‘That’s perfect.’
All Tuesday and Wednesday you continued your conversations over text. Some messages even make you wonder if Larissa had been flirting with you. You tried brushing off a few messages of Larissa complementing your outfits. 
Wednesday night’s messages became sultry when Larissa mentioned not being able to keep her hands off you if she had a partner that looked the way you did. You quickly returned the sentiment.
Y/n: Stop. You are so beautiful!!! I can’t even imagine being with a girl as beautiful as you.
Larissa: You’re too sweet. 
Larissa: Sometimes I can’t stop myself from looking at you in class. The shirt you wore last week had me staring so hard 🫣
Y/n: Ahhh! I’m blushing. I was worried it was too much! 
Larissa: No! Not too much! Left some to the imagination! 😊😉
Y/n: Oh wow! 🤭 Glad you liked it!
Larissa: Liked it? I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it…
“Are you ready to get to work? I have a favorite spot on the third floor we can work at. No one ever goes there.” Larissa towered over you as she spoke. You couldn’t help yourself as you watched her lips form words. Your gaze was more noticeable than intended and your admiration made the shapeshifter smile.
“Yeah, that sounds, uh, great.” You squeak out, ready to follow Larissa to the ends of the earth.
“I’ve been looking forward to this project since I read the syllabus. I was thinking we could research~” Larissa continued on about her plans for the project, but your mind wandered as you watched her pretty face. 
What you would give to have those blue hues focused on your face. It wasn’t until you tripped over yourself because you were blatantly not watching where you were going that Larissa paused her talking to look down at you. She rested a hand on your arm as she spoke, “You really must watch where you are going. Are you alright?”
Your face flushed at the physical contact and you gaped and stumbled over your words, “Oh, yeah… Yeah. Yeah, I’m okay. I’m good.”
“Perhaps you should stop staring at me to prevent yourself from falling on that pretty face.” Larissa giggled and drew her hand from your arm to tuck a bit of hair behind your ear. She then continued walking towards her secret spot in the library, leaving you behind to comprehend the interaction. Was Larissa Weems flirting with you?
When you caught up with Larissa, she took you to the far corner of the library where the shelves of books intersected just right to leave you tucked away with the utmost privacy. 
“Isn’t it nice? Turns out many aren’t interested in the math textbooks they keep back here.” Larissa smirked as she observed her study nook, obviously pleased with herself. 
“It’s very nice.” You agree, glancing about before settling into the seat across from Larissa. “Good find!”
“I’m certainly happy with it.” 
The small talk shifted into conversation about the project. Quickly, Larissa took charge, divvying up the assignment so you could more efficiently finish the work. 
About ten minutes into researching the benefits of outdoor extracurriculars for students, you felt one of Larissa’s shoes poke your foot under the table. You glanced up at her, but she was still working diligently on her own portion of the project. 
When you looked back down at your computer, the footsie started up once more. You allowed it to continue for a few moments before glancing up to her face once more, only now Larissa was smirking. Her eyes turned upwards onto yours and your mouth went dry at the sultry darkness in her eyes. 
“I need your help with this slide. Could you come look at this?” Larissa’s mouth formed into a small pout as she asked her question. 
You pop up from your seat and circle the table, leaning over her shoulder to examine the PowerPoint slide on her screen. You hold out a hand and begin pointing to different settings to help her through the error, but when Larissa didn’t make a move to solve the issue, you glanced down at her to see what was the matter. She had her eyes trained in on you, her lips darting out and wetting her lips as she stared at your own. 
“Is everything okay?”
“I was just thinking…”
“Thinking what?”
“What it would be like to kiss you.”
The brazenness of the statement had you floored. Your eyes were wide and your lips parted slightly as you tried to come up with a reply. 
“Would you like that?”
A small whimper accidentally escaped your throat, making the shapeshifter smile. Her hand reached up to the back of your neck, pulling you down with a jerk, and sending your lips crashing into hers. 
She held you like that for a few moments. Long enough for your hands to shift to her cheeks so she couldn’t pull away as easily. 
When you finally did part, Larissa chuckled and gripped your forearm, pulling you to her side as she backed her chair out from under the table. In an instant, she pulled you down towards her lap. You instinctively shifted to straddle her, not questioning anything that was happening all so fast. 
“I’ve noticed you looking at me in class. You’re cute, you know that?”
“I- I- You are so…”
“Yes, darling?” Larissa’s arms circled you to pull your body flush against hers. Her face fell into your neck, kissing your collarbone to your pulse point.
“Beautiful. You are so beautiful.” 
“Thank you, sweetheart… Would you want to take a break from the project for a bit?” Larissa questioned, her hands squeezing your sides as a precursor of what was to come.
You nodded quickly and dove back down to her lips, needing more than the few second kiss from earlier. Larissa was happy to offer more passion by opening her mouth slightly, offering her tongue to you. Your tongues battled and you held one another close, hands tugging at one another’s clothes in search of more proximity than what was physically possible. 
Larissa was kissing you until you were gasping for breath. You fought the urge to pinch yourself, worried this was all just a wonderful dream. 
She parted the kiss for a moment to breathe out a question, “Can I touch you more?”
“Please…” You moan as you start pressing kisses along Larissa’s jawline. 
The shapeshifter’s impatience was showing when she maneuvered her hand between your bodies and slipped it in the waistband of your pants. You felt her smile against your neck when she discovered how wet you already were for her. The floodgates had opened earlier when she had pressed kisses against your jugular.
“You feel so good…” Larissa whispered as her middle and forefinger began exploring your cunt, focusing in on your clit after a short while.
You were putty in her hands, whimpering softly into her neck. You knew you needed to remain quiet. This study session had evolved into something far out of the realm of what you thought to be possible. Larissa had been craving you the way you craved her. 
“Sometimes I think about this in class… making you come on my fingers…”
The statement made you groan softly. You always imagined her to be such a diligent student, but knowing she was daydreaming such filthy thoughts pushed you towards your orgasm. 
“Do you think about me too?” Larissa asked, her breath soft in your ear.
“When I touch myself, I think about getting on my knees for you… I bet you taste so good…” She made herself moan from the dirty talk mixed with the barely audible wet noises emitted from your cunt. Larissa’s arm ached from the strange angle, but she wasn’t ready to relent. She needed to push you over the edge first. 
The shapeshifter leaned forward in her chair, pinning you back to the table to give her enough leverage to change her arm positioning enough to push two fingers into your aching cunt. The heel of her hand continued working against your clit, but the sensation was faint enough to cause your hips to buck and grind against her hand frantically. 
Larissa chuckled and gave you what you wanted by pumping her fingers harder and faster. Your moans and whimpers came more freely as it became harder to control the volume of your voice. 
She began sucking at the flesh of your neck, completely pushing you over the edge. It drove you wild that a mark would be left behind from the woman you were absolutely smitten with. 
A low groan escaped your throat and you muffled the cry by capturing Larissa’s lips with yours. The kiss was rough and desperate which only made the shapeshifter moan in return. 
You remained quiet in her lap for a few minutes, enjoying the feeling of her arms wrapping around you once more. Her face dropped into your neck, leaving soft kisses as she told you over and over how beautiful she found you to be. You made your crush known by quietly admitting all of the sweet daydreams you had about dating her.
Larissa pulled her face from your neck, tucking hair behind both of your ears. Her hands fell back to your waist and her eyes admiring your face. “Would you like to get something to eat and come back to my place?” 
“I would love that…”
Taglist: @charymobile, @bri-sonat, @weemswife, @smutuniversesblog, @opheliauniverse, @teashock, @enchantressb, @alex-nyx, @renravens, @whenyouhaveanobsession, @scream-queenlover, @shyladyfan , @lilfartbox1, @rubberduckiesbathing, @mcufanisme, @peanutbutterprincess, @larissaoftarthweems, @sicklygrlsicklygrl, @lvinhs, @myzzjolanda, @principal-weems09, @emilynissangtr, @xuukoo, @brienneswife, @dumbasslesbi, @oculusalien, @sweetderacine, @giogwensversion, @milciak, @gela123, @thevillagegay, @katiemcgrathsbitch1, @naomi-m3ndez, @mysaviorfalsegod, @h-doodles, @salems-spaghettios, @imgayforwoman69, @bychrissi, @alexusonfire, @weemssapphic, @kimiinou
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lov3-lik3-ghosts · 7 months ago
Hiii if your requests are open, may I request Alice Cullen with a gothic s/o? I understand if you can’t and if your requests aren’t open!! Have a good day/night!!!
Alice Cullen x Goth s/o
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Pairing: Alice Cullen x gn!reader.
Warnings: Not beta or proofread. Use of Y/n. Mentions of makeup.
Format: Headcanons.
Word Count: 1.7k
Author’s note: Hi, sweetheart! Thank you for the request! You’re so sweet to worry but so you’re not worrying in the future, it will always say in my bio if requests are open or not :) I’ve tried my best with this but I’m not particularly gothic myself so I hope I did the community some justice. I also wasn’t sure what gender you wanted for this, my default is usually fem! but when I checked your account I decided to try for gn! instead, hopefully that’s alright? I hope you have a good day/night too!!!
Inspired heavily by this piece of art by @moonstruckme, the only goth!reader thing I’ve ever read. I hope she doesn’t mind! :)
request guidelines | character request list | mother m-list
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• Alice likes when things are a little different, a little odd to typical standards. So when her coven moves back to Forks and she’s enrolled back into high school and she sees you, she’s a little bit smitten.
• Her visions hadn’t ever glimpsed you, not even when she purposely tried to focus on Forks and anything it had to throw at them, not even when Bella and Edward frolicked through them.
• She didn’t approach you because of it. Surely, if you were actually meant to be in their lives — her life — you’d have made a reoccurring appearance in her prophetic sight, right?
• But you didn’t. And she still couldn’t stop thinking about you.
• You were so different from her, with your dark makeup and thick boots. Where you liked to linger in the darker, more abandoned corners of Forks, she liked the mall. Where you carried around a weathered copy of gothic literature, she browsed fashion magazines — old and new alike. Where you enjoyed older horror movies, she liked the newer, sweeter films.
Yet she wanted to know you either way.
• But as Edward liked to remind her, you couldn’t be brought into their world. Especially when she hasn’t had any visions foretelling your involvement with them.
• That doesn’t mean she couldn’t pine though, and if she drove Edward mad in the process, good.
• When Bella came along, Alice felt as jealous as she did excited. Finally, Edward would stop moping about being alone and something new would be thrown into their too consistent lives. On the other hand, a human would join them along the line and it wasn’t the human she wanted.
• Bella made odd friends with you. And with Edward and her finally together, Alice had a way in of sorts. She extended all invites she made to Bella to you, all trips to the mall had a bag of clothes she thought you’d have picked dropped off at your door. Laces and leathers and silks in that same black shade that you loved so much.
• Edward ignored her running thoughts of you, you, you as much as he could in turn for her not telling their family about every last thing him and Bella did together. Visions could be a bitch, and good blackmail material.
•You finally began to take notice of the lithe, pixie-like teen with her newfound attention. Smiling at her between classes, following Bella over to their table during lunch when you felt like it, getting her number from Bella to thank her for the pretty gifts — promising to pick up anything you thought she might like, purposely partnering up with her for a science project.
•And finally, finally, she’s struck with a vision.
• You, thick black trench coat and tall platform boots, stood beside her with a sharp-toothed, bloodied grin and an arm looped through hers. Maybe the dripping red would have been off-putting in another life but in this one, god in this one, it’s simultaneously the most attractive and most relieving thing she’s ever seen. Because no, she’s not damned to eternal hell, knowing she could’ve had you and never allowed to; always reaching, reaching, reaching, and never quite grasping — slipping between her fingers like silky water. And yes, you do become immortal, by her side for what’s hopefully eternities to come, never changing, never ageing, stuck in a live stasis.
• Your clothes are still the same, your face hasn’t changed. Your teeth are sharper, cutting through the air as you laugh so hard your head tilts back, but it’s good. A clear show of the vampirism bestowed upon you.
• When she comes to, Edward is glowering at her from across the room. Esme’s by her side, gripping her arm with a deep frown that only loosens when Alice grins.
“You can’t.” Edward scowls. “It’s wrong. You’ll damn them, you’ll ruin them. It’s not fair of you.”
Alice pursues her lips, grin tucked away for later, when she plans to take up your invite to visit the cemetery as the sky darkens. “You don’t get to make these decisions, Edward. It’s not fair of you to judge me for loving a human, especially when you love one too. They’re destined to join us, join me.”
“Your visions aren’t destiny,” He snarls. “They aren’t concise. They change with choices. Make your choice, Alice, don’t turn them into this.”
“Stop projecting!” She defends, shoulders taught. “I wouldn’t do it to them unless they agreed. It’s their choice, not mine and definitely not yours!”
Carlisle steps forward from where he lingered under the arch of the door, his golden eyes flitting between them cautiously, like he was ready for them to surge forward with venom dripping fangs. “Woah, woah,” He placates, hands raised with his palms facing the two of them. “What’s going on? There’s no turning of anyone happening.”
Edward looks at her like she’s the mind reader, and honestly, she does know what he’s thinking. Either you tell him or I do.
“Y/n.” She utters, almost sheepish. “They turn.”
Carlisle smiles. “Destined?” He asks.
Alice takes an unnecessary breath. “To me.” She confirms. Edward storms out, through to the looming woods and doesn’t come back ‘till morning.
• Alice pulled into the parking lot, the loose gravel crunching under the weight of the wheels.
There’s only a hint of day left in the sky, smattering a wave of deep orange through the blanketing dark and weaving through the lowest line of stars.
She listens out for any signs of you — a breath, a rhythmic beat of a heart, and beneath the chittering of a flock of birds, the buzz of a bees nest somewhere close, the low whistle of a light breeze and the hum of electricity from the nearby town, she hears you.
You’re on the far left corner of the building, waiting beside a caved wall with even breaths and she spots you through sharp eyes as she closes the car door behind her and makes her way over.
“Y/n.” She greets happily, voice as soft and whimsy as always.
You smile, nodding politely back. “Alice. Are you ready?”
“As ever.” She nods, grabbing your hand softly to pull you through the jagged wall, ducking under and out. You flinch at the ice of her touch, fingers twitching against hers before your attention is taken by her twinkling giggle, echoing through the emptiness of the hollow church.
She walks straight through the church like the moonlight was bright enough to light the way and you stumble behind her, trying your best to avoid smacking a limb against misplaced furniture. Alice pauses when she reaches the sanctuary, running a pale hand over a rotting podium, collecting dust and cobwebs on the tips of her fingers as she did.
“How many people do you think married in here, right where we’re standing?” She turns to you, too yellow eyes gleaming.
You stop before her. “Thousands,” You swallow, shrugging. “How many do you think stayed together until ‘death due them part’?”
Alice snorts, an ungraceful mannerisms in everyone but her it seems. “You’re a pessimist.” She concludes before answering. “Hundreds, I’d hope.”
“A realist,” You correct, grinning. “But I’d hope so, too.”
• Alice ponders on two questions that night after driving you home, both of your hair painted a silvery grey with cobwebs and dust and your smiles so wide she was sure your cheeks were sore.
What if you didn’t want to turn, her vision an ending to a tragedy? Edward’s words haunt her, planting thoughts of damning you to something much worse in any afterlife you might possibly have. If there was even a possibility that your turning was because she wasn’t cautious enough, too caught up in the fever dream of your eyeliner and your candour, then she doesn’t know she could forgive herself.
And the much sweeter: Did you ever want to marry? A portrayal of her physical stasis, a hint of the nineteen-year-old she really was.
• The answer to her worries comes a week later, when you’ve finally agreed to accompany her to the thrift stores lining the upcoming streets to the main mall.
It’s just you and her, the indirect invite through Bella no longer needed as a guise. You’re acting a grump as you follow behind her, looming like a stalking cat waiting to pounce and glaring at anyone taking a too long look. Alice catches the grin you try to smother as she wraps a black, lacy scarf around your neck and shimmies lightly with it, and decides you secretly like shopping with her.
Her hand brushes yours once, as she passes you the bags from previous buys, and she freezes, thrown into the dissociation of another possible future.
You know in the vision, that things you previously thought to only exist in novels exist in life too, proven by the way you bare your neck to her. Her contacts are out, irises bleeding into a deeper, inhuman golden and fake breaths no longer racking her chest.
Your eyes are hard, darkened with nerves and determined finality as she’s sure Jasper would say you felt, and she gazes back at you softly, like she understands. You nod even as your throat bobs with a gulp, your stuttering heartbeats ringing loud. The venom begins to pool in her mouth, glistening clear against her lips as she licks them, smelling pungent with a bleach-like tang.
She moves closer, her mouth just barely against your throat and stops short just there, waiting. Your hands find her hips, twitching and clenching. You heave an exhale like it’s your last — and really, she thinks, it’s not far off. “Okay,” You mutter, the words holding more weight on your tongue than you ever thought they could. “For forever.” You nod, squeezing her hips one last time.
Her fangs sink into you.
When she comes to, your voice still a fading comfort, you’re shaking her shoulder with wide, worried eyes. There’s a phantom feel of venom watering her tongue and a hint of that same thick smell that she gulps to feel clear of.
“Alice? Alice, are you alright?” You ask, watching her closely.
She hums. There’s a relief she didn’t know she needed loosing her chest and throat, clearing airways she didn’t need to use. You were afraid as you were about to turn — naturally, but you turn willingly and that’s about all that matters. You find out, you don’t run, you’re with her and she turns you and anything after and between that will be done with you together.
Alice grins. “I’m great!”
~ 𐀔 ~ 𐀔 ~ 𐀔 ~
I really hope you all enjoyed this! It’s my first attempt at writing for twilight, so I’m not sure how to feel. Likes, comments and reblogs are extremely appreciated and very encouraging!!
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hussyknee · 5 months ago
Unrolled twitter thread by Progressive International (@ProgIntl)
30 Sept 24 • 4 minute read • Read on X
On 30 September 1965, the Indonesian military, working closely with the US government, initiated a coup that would depose President Sukarno and install the brutal, 30-year dictatorship of General Suharto.
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In the dark years that followed, the dictatorship massacred over a million Indonesian communists, with the CIA and US diplomats drawing up “kill lists” for the Indonesian military. The operation would become a template for the US’s regime change operations for decades to come.
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Major-General Suharto with Indonesian Army in 1966
In 1945, President Sukarno led Indonesia to independence from Dutch colonial rule. He championed the Non-Aligned Movement and hosted the historic Bandung Conference, a meeting of Afro-Asian states, in 1955.
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First President of Indonesia Sukarno making a speech circa 1945
Opening the conference and forecasting what was to come, Sukarno said: “We are often told ‘Colonialism is dead’. Let us not be deceived or even soothed by that… Colonialism also has its modern dress, in the form of economic control, intellectual control, actual physical control by a small, but alien community within a nation.”
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Leaders attending the Bandung Conference 1955 in Bandung, Indonesia. From left: Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, Ghanian Prime Minister Kwame Nkrumah, Egyptian Prime Minister Gamal Abdel Nasser, President Sukarno, and Yugoslavian Prime Minister Josip Broz Tito.
By 1965, Indonesia possessed one of the world's largest communist parties, the PKI. The PKI had a mass membership and mobilized vast numbers of people in the battle against Indonesia’s ruling class.
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Campaign of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) in September 1955.
Terrified by the strength and organization of Indonesia’s people, the Indonesian military’s 30th September Movement began to purge the PKI.
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Men suspected of being IPK members being transported under guard by an armed Indonesian soldier
In the early hours of 1 October, a group of military conscripts murdered six high-ranking generals. Blaming the deaths on the PKI, Suharto used the attacks as a pretext to seize power. CIA communications equipment allowed him to spread false reports around the country and begin a long campaign of anti-communist propaganda.
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The US had tried to overthrow Sukarno for years; in 1958, the CIA backed armed regional rebellions against the central government. In 1965, they did all they could to aid Suharto’s murderous power grab.
The campaign soon became genocidal. On islands like Bali, up to 10% of the population was massacred — and luxury hotels soon began to appear over the killing fields.
One US embassy staffer told the US press that Suharto’s military “probably killed a lot of people, and I probably have a lot of blood on my hands, but that's not all bad.”
Time Magazine referred to the killings as “the West’s best news for years in Asia”.
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A cable from the US embassy’s first secretary, Mary Vance Trent, to the State Department referred to events in Indonesia as a “fantastic switch which has occurred over 10 short weeks”. It also included an estimate that 100,000 people had been slaughtered.
Cementing his power, Suharto became president in 1967. His ‘New Order’ policy allowed Western capitalism to exploit Indonesia’s cheap labour and plunder its natural resources. Civil rights and dissent were suppressed.
In one of the world’s most populous countries, any possibility for the emergence of a new, democratic political project was eliminated. Richard Nixon described Indonesia as “the greatest prize in Southeast Asia”. Suharto would not leave office until 1998.
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U.S. President Ronald Reagan stands with Indonesian President Suharto in the White House South Lawn at the arrival ceremony for Suharto's State Visit. Oct 12, 1982
CIA officers described Suharto’s rise to power and anti-communist purge as the “model operation” and “Jakarta” soon became the codeword for anti-communist extermination programs in Latin America, where hundreds of thousands were massacred in regime change efforts engineered by Washington.
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jujutsukgojo · 4 days ago
The Baby Project Chapter 10
The Baby Project masterlist
Izuku midoriya x reader, Hitoshi Shinsou x reader, slight Shouto todoroki x reader Summary: Goblins and fools, and a birthday party too tw: Smut, jealousy, wet dream, angst, some fluff, intoxication, ooc, accidental(ish) voyeurism
Noa laughs maniacally as he stabs the pumpkin with his plastic knife. It barely makes a dent. “Careful, careful.”
You draw lines on your pumpkin as a guide. You point to Noa’s pumpkin. The vegetable, which according to Ema, is actually a fruit. Why the hell she felt the need to tell you that is the same reason for the number of licks to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop. The world may never know. “Baby boy, do you need help?”
 He huffs and nods. Today is a special day for general studies and Noa. Not only is it Uncle Benio’s birthday, but it is Noa’s first Halloween. On All Hallow’s Eve, goblins and ghosts come out but lit pumpkins chase them away. Ever since you told Noa that and read him Sleepy Hollow, he’s been vibrating with excitement. The kids have all taken part in the decorations of macaroni noodles, clay, paper, and cotton balls that are stretched out to make webs. Needless to say, Noa is extremely happy.
 He's so happy that he volunteered his services to make Uncle Benio’s cake. One pumpkin is specifically for the cake that Noa is determined to make for his uncle while the others are strictly to chase the demons away. 
  “Can I call Papa, too?” Noa bounces excitedly. You have your hand in pumpkin guts when he asks. You sigh and put the mess in the middle of the table. “Alright, alright.” You dial for Izuku. On the second ring, he picks up. “Sweets?”
  “Hi Papa!” Noa launches himself across the table. He decides to hijack the phone with his pumpkin-y hands. You suppress a groan and continue to scoop the insides you gathered through the hole. Noa presses the phone to your ear. You hum questioningly. 
  “What’re you guys doing with the pumpkins?”
“Ah, jack o’ lanterns and Benio’s cake. I have no idea how we’re going to do that but cross your fingers.”
“I’m almost home, so I’ll help.” You scoff. “How? By distracting Noa so I get left with everything?”
  You hear Deku suck on his teeth. “No. I can taste test and cut stuff…”
  You look around at all the decorations and things to be done by tonight. “Actually, I could use your help.”
Noa takes the phone. “Hurry!” Noa hangs up on his papa. You fake gasp. “Oooh! He’s gonna spank you.”
“Nuh uh!”
“Yep. You in trouble for doing that.” You tease. 
“No!” He stomps his feet. “Ooh! Noa’s in trouble!” He hops down from his seat and squeezes your leg. “Mm, no!”
 “Don’t get mad at me, you did it. Hung up on your papa, shameful. I'm not helping you.”
You laugh at him lifting your leg in an attempt to intimidate you by his ‘big boy muscles’. “Okay, okay. Hush and get up here. I need you to scoop.”
  “Why do you antagonize him, sweet?” You gasp and turn around quickly. There stands fucking Deku. His costume has specks of dirt again and sweat glistens on his brow. You frown. 
“What the hell do they have you do?” 
“Papa!” Noa runs to him then shrivels up his nose. “You’re dirty!” 
Izuku leans down and gives Noa a kiss on his head. “Alright, alright. I’ll be right back.” He’s gone in a flash. 
It’s amazing how he’s still Quirkless. Years of hard work paid off. “Come on, come on. We still have a pumpkin to disembowel.” 
“What’s that mean?”
“It’s what I’m going to do to your father if he doesn’t hurry up.”
Noa runs back to his seat to mess with his pumpkin again. He revels in the guts that squish between his fingers and pinches the seeds. You can’t help but smile at his happiness. He’s been better behaved than usual. Miss Inko talks to him a lot and soon they are going to have a little date. Noa has been circling recipes in old magazines and cookbooks that Auntie Riko found in the waiting room of her counselor’s office. When she brought them, his eyes lit up. In class, he has calmed down so much because of his productivity. Even though it's burning your pocket, it's worth it. 
   “I’m here!” Izuku jogs to the table and caresses your cheek. Your eyes get wide for a second at the contact. Since your date, it’s been an awkward transition. You don’t really know where you are with him. More than friends but less than boyfriend and girlfriend. Besides, the last time you were alone was that date. Other than that, you are constantly accompanied by Noa. Maybe the date was a one time thing. Something you’ll cherish but a fleeting and joyous moment. 
  His calloused thumb rubs against your cheek. His eyes are soft and focused. Noa clears his throat. “Ahem!”
  Izuku snaps out of whatever that was and looks at Noa. “Yeah, bud?”
“Hold on,” Noa climbs down from the chair and runs to the couch. He giggles along the way and opens to a page you told him ‘no’ to. “This!”
  “Candy? Candy!” Izuku’s eyes shine. 
You sigh. “Baby-” Despite him being better behaved, he's not the best. Noa is still stubborn and a problem child like his dad. Clearly, he didn't get that from you. 
“Please! Please, Mm! Please, Papa?” You put your hand on your hip. “We have to bake the cake. I cannot make candy, too.” He points to the picture. “See?” 
His little finger repeatedly taps the page. Izuku hums and continues to stare at the candy. “Izuku, we’re baking a cake later. He can’t have both.”
  “Mm!” He taps the page again. “Please?”
“We don’t have everything and that would be way too much sugar for you.”
  “It’s not for me…” Izuku whispers as he licks his lips. You glare at the two drooling fools. “If you make candy, you’re doing it with Papa. If you eat it, that means no cake. You too, Izuku.”
“What?” They exclaim in unison. “No! You cannot have both!” You firmly state. Little do they know, you plan to have both. The rules that are for them are not for you. These two gremlins can suffer. 
  “Now, while I do this, you two can do that because I’m not helping. Izuku,” You wave your hand leisurely. “When you’re done, you’re helping with decorations. There is a shit ton to do.”
  Noa giggles. “She’s telling you what to-”
“You too, Noa.”
Finally finished with frosting the cake, you take a step back and look at it. With the little time you had, you didn’t do too bad. Shame that you can’t cut into it and taste it. It’d be so embarrassing if the thing is nasty but pretty. If you heard right, Hansuke stupidly invited everyone from your year and extended that invitation to the third year hero course. If this cake is nasty, you can only imagine the slander from Hitoshi. 
  Sighing, you scoot the cake to the center of the table to get away from the edge. You drag your homework from your bag and set it down on a clean spot. Pulling out the contents from the sack, you come across your camera and the frilly white costume Ema wants you to wear. Rather than you doing what you want to do, it has been encouraged for you to dress to match Ema.
Suddenly, you hear a small crash. “Guys?” You walk in to see Noa with a big frown at Izuku as he chuckles nervously. “What’re you doing?”
“Trick or treating!” Hana pops up from behind Noa wearing the cutest penguin costume. Her abdomen is grey and fluffy while she has dark sleeves. Her grin is contagious and innocent. “Hi, Hana!”
   “Oooh! Look what he did!” She points to Izuku. By him are little homemade candies shaped in various designs cluttered on the floor. “It was an accident!”
  Noa growls. Before this can turn into a bigger issue, you intervene. “All right, all right! If there’s not enough, we’ll just go get some.” On the counter are Ema’s baking molds and gelatin, and all of her other baking equipment. You sigh. “Noa, did Auntie Ema say it’s okay to use her stuff?” 
  “Yeah!” Hana answers. You try not to smile and put your hands on your hips. Izuku groans. “I’m guessing I shouldn’t have listened to the kids?”
“Nope.” You cave and laugh at Izuku who is chuckling and scratching the back of his head nervously. Ema won't mind at all. It's just fun to tease and taunt him about it. 
“Will you come out now? We want to see you!” You hear Noa giggling and calling for you.
  Splayed out on your bed is a white dress. At first you thought it was a wedding dress, but Ema insists that it isn’t and wants you two to match. You aren’t sure what you’re supposed to be. It’s a long white dress with long sleeves. There are no details on the dress to give you a clue to what her vision was. It almost looks like an old nightgown.
Sighing, you say, “Alright, alright.” 
You open the door and see two dweebs in hero costumes. “What in the hell is this.”
“Mm! You look pretty.” Here your son is with a fucking All Might costume that matches Papa’s, whereas you are wearing a dress that is fit for an old gothic movie. 
“Y-y-you look-” Izuku’s eyes are round and twinkly. You twiddle your thumbs under his gaze. Shrugging, you attempt to say nonchalantly, “Thank you.”
  He scratches his cheek. “Can you tie me off?” You turn around and point to your back. Izuku nods and trembles as his fingers touch your bare back. The delicate strands slide through his hands as he works the two strings in the back. “Tell me if it’s too tight.” He murmurs close to you, letting his breath hit your neck. 
  He clears his throat. “Um, is that okay?” The bottom half of his beet red face is covered by his arm. 
Before you can say anything, Noa looks between you and smiles wide. “Mm! Take a picture!” 
“Oh, right!” You take the camera that sits on your desk and aim it at the boys who are posing in the hallway. The camera clicks several times. It reminds you of the picture you have of them matching before. Mindlessly, you murmur, “My handsome boys.” 
“Mm! Trick or treat!” You scoff at Noa impatiently tapping his foot. When you get yourself together, he runs to the next door with his full bag of goods. “Trick or treat!” He waits and waits. Noa screams this time and still doesn’t get an answer. His hands shake a little. 
  “Trick or treat! I got candy for you.” He whispers at the door. He digs inside his bag and holds the red unwrapped candy out. “Noa, baby-”
He sniffles then drops everything. There is a soft, melancholy jingle emitting from Noa. His shoulders shake and his head is low. He runs away from the door and to your arms. “Baby, no, no.” You pick him up and rub his back. “It’s okay, it’s okay. They’re downstairs, I’m sure.”
  Your heart clenches as he softly cries. Izuku picks up Noa’s bag and kisses his face. “Buddy, it’s okay! They’re not here. Trick or treating is when you have to go door to door to collect candy, anyway,” He pats Noa’s head.
  “Let’s try another door, okay?” Izuku rubs Noa’s tears away. “Wait, I think they’re downstairs doing it.” 
The three of you descend in the elevator to the bottom floor. You cross your fingers that everyone is there having fun and not just working. Right in front are the kids and their parents.  Izuku beams brightly as the kids run around happily. 
   “See, Noa?” Noa looks around and gasps. In the corner next to the far window is Hansuke who is finishing some details on a decoration. Next to him is a bag of candy that he digs into when a group of kids go to him. Noa is put down and excitedly runs towards him. 
  “Guess I’m on candy duty?” You suck in your lips and take the bag. “Get another so he can put his own in. I’ll give the goods away.” Suddenly, he gives a light peck on your cheek. Without a look back, he goes to Noa who is patting himself for a bag. 
   “I saw that.” Ema whispers in your ear. Her shiny red eyes are devious; totally opposite from what her costume is, an angel. Her fake wings are gold and as glittery as her face. “Wait-I thought we were matching?”
  Ema rolls her eyes. “We are! I’m an angel of mercy-obviously-and you are a dying Victorian woman or something! Don’t worry, Hana is your dying child, see?” She points to Hana who runs around in a white dress that is similar to yours. The few differences between your costumes are the small floral designs on her little dress and the small dots on her face. Ema had changed Hana out of her cute penguin outfit for this?
  “What in the hell is that?” Hana's little pink bow that holds her ringlets is tight against her head. If she weren't a doll, she'd have a headache. What the hell is Ema thinking?
“The Plague!”
You can’t register anything other than the Ema made you and her daughter Plague victims even though it was in different eras and totally different illnesses. Hana looks like she has smallpox, not the Black Death.Between her historical inaccuracy and vanity, you don’t know what to do. Especially since she subjected you to it. You could've come as something that actually made sense but instead are dressed in a vintage nightie. “Shouldn’t Hana be a baby angel?”
  “No! She doesn’t glow!” Hana has more of Ema’s quirk if you remember right but she is lackluster. Ema on the other hand, has hereditary glitter freckles and luminescent eyes. She fits her angelic costume in a way. 
“Just put some glitter on her-never mind.” You sigh. Hana is able to harden light and apply it to her skin like armor. Although it sounds strong, it’s apparently weak as are all of the other kids’ quirks. They may have quirks, but it is on a lower scale. For instance, Mira has Kacchan’s quirk but can only make pops rather than be a literal bomb like her father. Anyway, it’s still pretty cold of Ema. Halloween is fun and all, but this is stupid as hell. Hana was content in her penguin outfit. 
  “Trick or treat!” Jule’s baby stands in front of you with wide eyes. Looking absolutely nothing like Kaminari, they smile brightly. You return it and put a piece of candy in the bag. “You look pretty today!”
“Thank you!” You know what they’re doing and you go with it anyway. You put another inside. “Gorgeous, even!”
  Ema laughs. You put another piece inside their bag. “The most beautifulest!”
“That’s enough!” Jule shouts from across the room. He sets a tray of mini sandwiches on a table with a big spider stand on it. The kid runs away to another classmate who falls for the trick. 
Shaking your head, you look around. The room is decorated in a very Halloween and Benio fashion. His favorites are all over the place and on every stand is some kind of spooky thing. The tables are all lined and have different snack items and presents have been put on one in the corner. A fog machine is underneath that and the ceiling has some kind of light machine that will change colors. Ema smirks as she catches you looking around. 
“Yep, all in a day's work.”
“I know. My son and I helped.”
“Ah, it’s nice to have minions.” She puts her hands on her hips. Her clipboard that has a checklist for the party is well loved and needs to rest. 
“I thought Benio has arachnophobia?” Sandwiches and snacks continue to be put on the spider stand. “He’ll have to get over it.”
You roll your eyes and find that Noa is no longer in the room. Izuku is there excitedly talking to the kids, but Noa is MIA. Immediately, your heart races like a hummingbird’s wings. With a shaky voice and hands, you ask, “Where’s Noa?”
  Ema hums. “H-hey, (Y/n)? It’s-” You take off and search for him. Looking under tables and behind decorations, checking the doors to see if they’re still locked, then finally you go to the kitchen. Air refuses to enter properly until you see him on his tiptoes with his finger sliding down the side of the cake. Kobeni, dressed as a sunflower, joins him. 
  “You guys!” They both jump back. On their faces are frosting and candy. If you had your camera, you’d snap a picture. Right now, you are coming down from something that raised every hair on your body and are happy that he was found doing this rather than wandering away.
  Four beeps come from every child. Noa tilts his head at you. This is the first time he’s reacted to any noise from him. For right now, you’ll ignore that and just see what’s going on. “Lemme see, buddy.”
You unzip his costume and see on his tummy is a message from Mei. 
‘Bring me my babies! XOXO’ 
Ugh. “What’s going on?” Izuku comes up from behind. “We have to bring him to Mei. You feeling okay?”
  Noa shrugs. “My tummy hurts.”
Hand in hand, you take Noa and Kobeni to Mei. You and Izuku offered to take the kids since all of them rang the same message. You open the door and let the kids inside then Izuku, who brings up the rear. “Hatsume?” Izuku calls. In the corner is a familiar scene from months ago. Izuku has never seen what the future holds and neither have the kiddies. You rush to direct them elsewhere. Izuku, unfortunately, is smarter than them. 
“What’s wrong-oh.” Although your hands were on his broad chest to push him back and away from the corner, it was for naught. His round green eyes go blank and his heart you could swear stopped thumping underneath your palm. It’s Halloween and Benio’s birthday. This isn’t supposed to be a sad day. 
  In the corner next to one of the support course’s inventions, no doubt Mei’s, is a pile of children. One you can immediately identify is Mira. Her hair matched Sakura’s once upon a time but now it’s closer to Kacchan’s. Her features are fading away by the second. At least on her sequined dress is her name to let Mei know whose kid she is. Had it not been for that or the hot pink dress with a sequin top and a tutu skirt, no one would know. She completely looks like a regular doll and nothing like the Mira you know. 
  This is Noa’s future. 
“I’m taking the kids so you can enjoy the holiday! A Halloween gift from me to you. Well, also a birthday present for Benio.” Her hands are on her hips and sports a large smile. Her intentions are good, you know this, but God. Does it have to be like this?
   Izuku hasn’t moved. His green eyes had the light swiped away from them as he continues to stare at the kids, the dolls, in a pile on the floor. One by one the kids begin to line up robotically. You can’t bear to watch it. Noa’s face is expressionless as he stands behind Hana. Izuku’s eyes slowly go to Noa. His heart slowly but strongly, pounds. You have to get him out of here. 
  “Um, we’ll see you later. Night, Noa.” He doesn’t respond. You yank Izuku away from the room before you see Jule’s child, the sweet devious little thing, get shut off. 
   Out in the hallway, you turn Izuku away from the doorway. His eyes have yet to return to their normal bright selves. You cup his face in your hands. “Look at me, baby, please. Come here, come here.” You lightly tap his cheek. Izuku listens to your voice and follows it, slowly coming to, finally breathing. 
   “(Y/n)...” He is breathless with a voice that wobbles as it calls your name. “It’s okay, it’s gonna be okay.” What do you do? You’re not Sakura who calmed you down in the bathroom. She was magical and you aren’t. Not knowing what to do, you go with your first action. Your lips touch his face and lips in swift pecks then stop to hold him. Your hand massages his back while the other cradles his head. His curls are soft and bouncy as you rub his head. What do you do to help him? You aren’t a hero. 
  He sniffles and squeezes you. “I-I wasn’t prepared for that. I can’t-” He sighs and sniffles again. “I can’t see that again.” You kiss his shoulder and neck. “You don’t have to. It’ll be okay.”
  You stay like this for minutes, just holding each other close as Izuku recovers. He didn’t see Noa go through it but he understood perfectly. Eerily, the children stood in a line to get shut down and end up on the floor like they were nothing. Mei treated them like a child would with her dolls. Not caring to put them away, just have them lay all over the floor until she’s ready to play again. For months, since the beginning of the year, you cared for Noa and these kids. Watching that was too similar to a sci-fi or horror movie. Maybe even out of the Twilight Zone. 
  “C’mon, let’s go party. Let’s dance this away and enjoy the holiday.” You grab his hand and lead him away quickly. You didn’t do enough. 
The lights are off except for the few eerie Halloween candles, fairy lights, and of course, the birthday candles that are adorned all around the two tiered pumpkin cake. 
You stand next to Izuku as the birthday song is sung enthusiastically. Izuku’s friends are all here and the entire grade of general studies. The lights, the decorations that were put together by teenage parents and toddlers, hang wonderfully. The spider webs stretch out in the corners and the use of orange and black are heavily favored. Around the corners are Benio’s favorite movie characters and the cake has his name sloppily written on it with Noa’s and Kobeni’s fingerprints on the frosting. It’s definitely a Halloween party with Benio being at the center. Thankfully, he likes Halloween. 
After everyone sings Happy Birthday to him, Benio blows out the candles and receives a big kiss on the cheek from Ema. Hansuke, wearing his Hawks outfit that’s used for your sessions, sneakily comes up from behind and pushes Benio’s head towards the cake. Benio’s quick reflexes slip out of Hansuke’s hold. In revenge, Benio brings a chunk of it to Hansuke’s face. The crowd laughs as he shrieks. Hansuke is dramatic with the frosting and wipes it away from his face. 
  Benio cuts a slice for those who want it. Yaomomo pats Benio’s back. You see her ruby lips move. He nods and follows her to a closed off hallway. Inside that particular one, you blocked off a portion of it with stacks of chairs. Benio hasn’t said much about his relationship with her lately. He tells you the details of that class during your sessions. Other than that, there hasn’t been any mention of her personally. You’ll grill him later. 
Izuku moans and does a little bounce as he takes a bite. Nervously, you ask, “Is it good?” His eyes shine. “Normally, I don’t like pumpkin, but this is-”
“Good!” Riko gives you a thumbs up. You return the gesture and smile. “I’m assuming it’s good?” 
“Definitely.” He answers with a mouthful of cake. In the corner of your eye, you spot a purple haired menace looking at the cake and smirking. Before Hitoshi can see you and say and do God knows what, you duck.
   Someone calls for Deku. He looks at them for a second then back to you. Rolling your eyes, you gently push him towards them. “Enjoy the party, Izuku!” 
“Are you sure? I don’t want to leave you alone-” His face is still a little red and his eyes are slightly puffy. He needs a distraction and people who are better at helping him because you suck at it. Those tears were different than before because he has now seen what will happen. You have wiped his tears and kissed his cheek. He's not crying anymore, but you can't make him smile like his friends can; not without Noa's help. 
“Babe, I’m fine. Go, go have fun!” Besides, you still have to help Ema. Wiping off some frosting off of his cheek, you shoo him away. He looks back at you even when his hand was tugged. “Ema?” 
  She waves you down. “Where’s Benio?” 
“Last I saw him was Yaomomo needing to talk to him or something.” She scoffs. “Oh-never mind. Okay, checklist-cake? Done.”
You add, “Music’s going strong. Check.”
“I put Riko on punch duty, so that’s a check.” You stare Ema blankly in the face. That was a stupid ass decision if you ever heard one. Given how stressed Ema is right now, you’ll criticize her for it later. 
She groans. “He’ll have to open his presents soon! I want to get some dancing in before then, though. Like, a couple of songs maybe? I need to ask him when he wants to.”
“Fine, fine. I’ll go find him. He’s probably dancing already.” The crowd is all over the floor. The fog machine is working decently, and the only lights are the decorative ones and the special one from the ceiling. So, you can’t get a good look at him. 
You stray from the crowd and go look for the birthday boy. Dodging others who are celebrating the spooky day and the spookiest bastard alive, Benio, you turn towards an empty hallway since that’s the last place you saw him. When decorating this, Ema thought it’d be best to close off some of the hallways with the extra chairs that wouldn’t be used. If he’s not here, then you’ll look at the dancers.
  You look around and see no one. There are shuffling and low voices. You touch on the chairs and find that there is a space that is free between a stack of chairs and the cold wall. You cover your mouth with your hand. 
  It’s more graphic than Izuku’s gory porn. Between the decorative webs in a dark hallway with nothing but the distant light, is Yaomomo and Benio. He’s pressed against the wall with his head tilted back. She kisses his neck in different spots. You go a little lower to peek through one of the little holes in the web. You can’t look away when you find her manicured hand in his pants.
  You need to go away. Turn around and pretend you didn’t see this. That you don’t see a future pro hero get on her knees taking your friend in her mouth. Why are you just standing here watching her bob her head? Why are you not looking away from your friend’s face and covering your ears from his moan? 
He fists his hands in her thick raven tresses. He thrusts his hips furiously. It’s like a car accident that you can’t look away from. A moaning, gasping, gurgling, car accident. One that has a future pro on her knees with drool dribbling down her chin and hollowing her cheeks. 
  Benio groans as she swallows. A few seconds later, he slides out. Yaomomo looks up at him with her lipstick smeared. Her eyes are glossy and cheeks are pink. Surprisingly, she licks his tip repeatedly. Benio hisses as he gets hard again. She then removes her clothes. You should look away from this and stop staring at her body. You need to be a good person and run away. Pretend you never saw anything and leave. Yet, you still watch as she presses herself to the floor with her ass in the air. He whispers something to her, but she waves her hand. If you can read her right, she says ‘skip it’? Skip what?
  He slams into her, making her eyes cross. You haven’t breathed this whole time. You need to leave! Close your eyes, repent, and run away! You’re becoming a pervert watching this and feeling tingly. How many times have they done this? The farthest you’ve ever gotten was a kiss.
 You clench your thighs together as she gets thoroughly wrecked. She claws the ground as he's ruthlessly thrusting. You’re a degenerate. A disgusting fiend who needs to get pepper sprayed. Stop watching! 
He yanks her upwardly and continues to fuck her. She bounces up and down from the force of his hips. The entire time she's smiling and flushed. Finally, you gather the decency to crawl away so they don’t see you. To prevent anyone else from spying, you carefully drag propped up chairs closer to the wall. It goes unnoticed by an increasingly flustered Benio.
  You’ll never tell anyone what you saw. Unlike the rest of the world, you have the decency and common sense to not spread shit like this around. Your knees pop as you stand and walk away sneakily. The party is still going on, none the wiser to the action in the hallway not far from them. 
  A bubbly voice catches your attention. Uraraka talks to Kacchan who rolls his eyes at something she said. She’s wearing a hero costume. One that Izuku will know, no doubt. You look down at your own dress that doesn’t fit the theme he wanted. The more you try to not stare at her, the more these insecure thoughts increase. 
  Yaomomo is making Benio feel good. Could you make Izuku feel the same? Does it have to be in that way? You’re not ready and you don’t know what to do anyway. Uraraka probably does. Not to insinuate anything, but she’s older than you and probably has more knowledge of that stuff overall. She knows Izuku more, too. All you have with him is Noa and a kiss. Does anyone like you in the way Yaomomo likes Benio? 
Kacchan walks away to Riko who has claimed punch duty. You’re not drinking that. Not when she has a gleam in her eye that resembles Noa’s when he does something naughty. 
  Uraraka looks at you with a grin you can't place. "You look so cute. What're you supposed to be?"
"A dying woman." Oh, dear God. Here she is dressed as a sensual and practical hero and you're standing here dying of the Plague. It's not even accurate!
"Aw! I bet it's comfortable, no?" Uraraka, who apparently is famously compassionate, mocks. Her pink cheeked face is something cute, yet her eyes hold a bitter honey color. Before you could rip her throat out, she leaves you in the middle of the room. Murder is wrong, but this would be understandable. You look down at your costume and realize that she's not far off. You're out of place at this party and look dumb or lazy. Izuku seemed to have thought you looked pretty, but he's a nice person. You bet he says that to everyone.
Rather than stupidly listening to stupid thoughts, you search for Izuku only to find him stupidly talking to pretty, heroic, bubbly, Uraraka. She is the fastest walker you’ve ever seen. She must’ve teleported because she was literally right in front of you. And damn it all, his face is flushed. He's probably saying she's pretty, too. Fuck, there's no reason for you to feel this way. Your relationship with him is undefined on a personal level and is instead connected by experiences with No a. Her, on the other hand, are things that relate more to him.
 You rub your arm and begin to walk to the unoccupied hallway to hide and stew in these feelings. Suddenly, you’re grabbed by your arm by a cold hand. Hitoshi smirks and leads you to Jule who has decided to be the photographer. Hitoshi, dressed as Dracula, poses you in front of him and wraps his arms around you. Other than his hands, he’s warm. 
  “Can’t help myself. Be a doll for me, will ya?” You look at the camera in time for Hitoshi to nibble on your neck. He traps your arms with one of his and brings his other hand across your chest slowly then to your shoulder. It is like an old, vampire movie type of hold. One that’s fitting for your costumes and seems hungrily possessive. He clamps on the crook of your neck, making you hiss as he sucks. Jule takes several pictures with all four of his eyes shocked and wide. The flush on his cheeks is undeniable. 
  “Oh, sorry. I got caught up.” He lightly licks the bruise and kisses it softly. Jule whimpers and continues to click the camera. You feel wetter. Your friend blinks several times and clears his throat. “Ah, um, it’s done!”
  “Let’s look, eh?” Hitoshi still has a hold of you as you walk to Jule. On his camera are several photos of you and Hitoshi, each one is sensual but at the same time, innocent? It just gives off seductive vibes. In one picture, he really does look like he wants to eat you. 
  You suck in your lips the longer you look at them and realize that Hitoshi is still holding you. “I’d like a copy of them, if you don’t mind.” Hitoshi’s lips are on the shell of your ear. The heat in your body intensifies. All of Jule’s eyes are wide and focused. He must be just as shocked as you are. Hitoshi has never acted this way with you. Maybe he drank Riko's punch?
  “S-sure! I’ll have them finished tomorrow!” Jule’s voice cracks. Hitoshi gives you a peck on your jaw. “Thanks.” He leaves without another word. You lose sight of him among the crowd of students. Jule gives a yell under his breath for only you to hear. 
“Oh my God!”
“Shh!” You press your finger to your mouth. Jule points. “That-that right there-”
“Jule, please shut up.” You understand what he means. He shakes his head and shows you the picture of Hitoshi. “He wants to eat you!”
Stuttering, you try to reason it. “It’s acting. He’s a vampire, Jule.”
“I don’t mean it that way. I mean it in that way. Look at all of this!” 
“I saw it the first time, bitch.” 
“He wants you. Like, really wants you.”
“Jule, please. This is embarrassing. He didn’t even mean it like that. He was just messing around!” You’re confused, you’ll say that. Hitoshi has never acted like that. After what you saw in the hallway, you were already aroused and hurt. The menace made it worse. However, you can't help but be flattered. He was probably playing with you like always but it wiped out the insecurities, even for a moment which is a relief.
“God, I’m tingly in a place you never made me before.” Before you can kick him, someone calls your name. You point to Jule and say that it’s not over. He waves the camera. “I’m keeping a copy.”
“I won’t do it now! I’ll wait for a bathroom break.”
You walk and search for who called you. Izuku comes up with a closed eye smile. In his hand is a cup filled with Riko’s punch that you’d rather die than drink. He opens his eyes and the first thing he looks at is your neck.
“What’cha doing?”
He tilts his head to the side. His grip on the skull cup tightens. There isn’t even a hair out of place yet there is something disheveled about him. “Are you having fun?”
“Yeah, I guess…are you?” There’s something off. His voice and expression are overly sweet. “Sure! Did I tell you you did wonderfully?”
“Um, earlier-”
“Did Shinsou? Hm?” 
 He presses on your neck. Now that you see him, he drank the punch. Riko is diabolical. “You sure?”
“What-hey! What’re you doing?” Izuku stops and points to your neck. “You got something right there.”
 Gently, you rub it. You then gasp. Hitoshi must’ve left a mark. A hickey? Did you just get your first hickey? Not only were you not aware of an odd milestone, but Izuku noticed first. The heat intensifies the longer you’re in Izuku’s presence. Did you drink Riko’s punch or something?
  “It must be from Hitoshi. He’s a vampire-”
“I wouldn’t have ever known.” Is that…sarcasm? This is outrageous. You did nothing wrong yet here he is rolling in sarcasm like a dog in mud. “With how you’re hanging off of girls, that doesn’t surprise me.”
 “Excuse me?”
“You’re excused.” He frowns at you. His vibrant green eyes darken and the pink on his cheek spreads to the tip of his ears. The way he's staring at you isn't like he's angry. It reminds you of Benio, who is still missing from the party. It's inappropriate to think of that, right? 
“(Y/n).” You frown then stiffen your bottom lip. “Pardon me, I have guests to attend to.”
“I’m sure Dracula can go without you for a few more seconds.” You’re grateful for the thick skirt of your dress so you can clench your thighs together. This is stupid as hell and so sudden. Never did you think you’d feel this way tonight or imagine yourself in Yaomomo’s position with Izuku. Why do you think this? Why are you imagining it? 
  It must've been Hitoshi. He is an evil mastermind.
 “(Y/n), I can’t tell you what to do. But I can tell you what I feel,” You look around at all of the eyes on the two of you. Slowly, you’re starting to dry up.
  “Can this wait? People are watching.” It’s not just because a few people are staring. It is more than that. All of it is getting to be too much and too confusing. The combination of the heat between your legs, to Uraraka’s face when she talks to Izuku, Hitoshi’s random biting, Benio and Yaomomo, the kids shutting down, all of it! What was supposed to be a fun night is becoming a nightmare. Everything all at once and you are hating it.
Izuku frowns and even glares at a few of them. “Izuku, let’s talk about this later, okay? Enjoy the party.” You pull away and try to get lost in the crowd. The people you pass bounce up and down to dance to The Monster Mash. They break out in dances that might’ve been popular in the 1960s to go along with the iconic song. You finally stop near a table with Benio’s gifts on it. Your head spins as the song gets louder in your ears. The amount of people increases the temperature with their body heat. Your knees wobble when you put your shaking hand to your forehead. 
   “Are you okay?” You barely open your eyes to see the boy of fire and ice. His costume is odd and directionless. He’s wearing a pumpkin over his head with a sheet over his body. Is he supposed to be a jack o’ lantern?
Shaking your head ends up being a mistake that makes you a little dizzy. “Here,” A cool hand lands on top of your head. It moves from the top to behind your neck. “I don’t know what happened, I was just fine.”
  “Have you eaten anything?” You tasted the cake, maybe? Shouto nods and leads you to the food table. “At least eat this. See? It’s not heavy.” He gives you a finger sandwich and some water from the jug. “This too.”
  “No, no, I’m fine-” He guides you to a chair. “Please. You clearly don’t feel well.” Earlier, you weren’t feeling like a million bucks, but this turn was unexpected. 
You take the sandwich and eat it in small bites. After, you drink the water. Shouto quickly refills it and hands you the skull shaped cup. “Did you not get enough sleep?”
 You shrug. “It was normal. I’m sorry, this was sudden. I don’t know what happened.” He puts his hand against you. “You don’t have a fever.”
“No, I was probably just hungry.” Shouto’s face is soft. “I’ll take you to your room. If anyone asks, I’ll tell them you need to rest, okay?”
 “I’m fine, I promise-” What’re you going to do about Ema?
“Don’t waste a promise.” He reminds. Shouto helps you up and leads you to the elevator. You don't need help like this. The pumpkin head pushes the button of your floor while still holding onto you. “I won’t thank you.”
 “There’s no reason to.” His right arm tries to hold you up even though it’s not necessary. Todoroki isn’t listening to your objections, even when you are now in front of your door. With stiff moves, you enter your room. Shouto comes in and helps you lay down. It’s not that serious, but he insists anyway. “I can, um, do this on my own.”
  Shouto backs off and lets you adjust yourself. He clears his throat and turns on Noa’s night light. “I’m sorry that I’m being a little too much. I just don’t like seeing people ill.”
  “Yet you watched us go through this before without helping.”
“What?” He removes his pumpkin.
 You sigh. “Jule has frequent attacks because of stress, exhaustion, you name it. I don’t think he’s the only one, either.” You raise up on your elbows. “Todoroki, it’s nice that you’ve done this but don’t lie.”
  Shouto’s eyes are round with shock, hopefully of realization. They slowly settle to normal and he mutters, “I understand.” You nod and lay back down. He licks his lips. “I’m sorry for all of this, (Y/n).”
You shrug.  “You are at fault, remember that,” You play with your hands. “And you need to step it up with the project. Sara’s still out of commission so you need to be better.” It’s nice to distract yourself from whatever the hell that’s festering inside.
  He agrees and stands. Your eyelids flutter after you yawn.  In the dim light you can see a small smile on his face. The back of his cold hand presses against your forehead, feeling the heat of your flesh. After quickly relishing in his coolness, you swipe him away halfheartedly. “Stop it, I said I’m fine.”
  It really isn’t that serious. “Why are you acting like this?” 
“I think to be a hero includes taking care of people in all ways and not just fighting for them. To protect someone includes caring,” He replies. His dual colored eyes soften and his shoulders ease. “I need to practice what I preach.”
  It’s an awkward silence in the lit room with All Might’s old theme song in the background and his colors swirling around. “You all do.”
“I will. I promise.” He brings the blanket up to your chest. “Goodnight, (Y/n).” He leaves with a nod and closes the door. You suck in your lips and stare at the door. Although it’s definitely in character for you to hurt a hero or at least make them uncomfortable, this time you didn’t mean to. Can you lie to yourself and say you didn’t enjoy it? Then again, snipping his hand that showed a kindness his father never gave might’ve been harsh and unwarranted. This time, you probably shouldn’t have felt that spark of enjoyment, that happiness at his discomfort that the students have felt this year. At least you didn’t feel whatever it was you felt during the party. You should thank him for the distraction. 
  You sigh and blink slowly. The familiar shade of purple swirls around the room. You are falling and falling until you land on a pathway. Upwards is the closing circle to consciousness. You need to take your medicine. It’s right next to you!
  The hole closes and leaves you in a lavender ring. Pieces of a deep shade of marble mend themselves together and encompass you like clasped hands. The space is filled with the color purple for an instant. You touch the smooth hardened wall. If pressed on too hard, you’ll break it. Finally, your body is tilted back with a plush of feathers that jump from the gentle movement. They turn from a deep violet to a pristine shade of white around you that soon smooths out. With one blink, the scene completes.
 You’re on a bed with a fluffy, white comforter with bits of lace decorations and a single feather by your head. It is like a vintage blanket that hasn’t lost its charm. Underneath it is a heavenly silk that you’d love to sleep on. The room is white walled with lit candles that allow the fragrance of lavender and vanilla with the smokiness the fire brings. The tables are dark oak with frames of blurry pictures. Out of the windows is sunshine and Spring. It looks like Sunday morning yet you could sleep it all away. So why aren’t you?
  Between your legs is a throbbing and wet feeling. You’ve felt it before. This degree is on another level. You go to squeeze your legs together until you feel hands on your thighs. They glide along your legs and move your dress up as they go. With the skirt of your dress to your waist, you look down, only to find the assailant’s head hidden under the poofy skirt. They suck and bite your calves to your thighs. Each kiss does something to you that you can’t explain. You gasp when lips kiss all over only to have their tongue land and twirl on what can only be your clit.
You moan softly, completely shocked by the sudden jolt of pleasure. “Oh God,” 
  Whoever is down there sucks gently then gives rapid kitten licks. You buck your hips in response. All the while you breathe heavily as a finger circles around your hole. You gasp as a single digit enters. The scent of the lavender and vanilla candles increases. Your eyelids flutter, not once remaining completely open. 
  This is your dream. So, is it Izuku? Could it strangely be Hitoshi? Or stranger yet, Shouto? It could be anybody giving you what you’ve never had before. They put pressure on the best places as their fingers search for something you’ve never found and pray that they do. 
“More, more,” You moan. You grip the pillow under your head and clench as you grind on their face. If you reach down and lift the skirt of your dress, you could see who is doing this. Who is devouring you like you are their last meal? Wrapping themself around you so your wiggling form doesn’t leave and presses you completely against their face so their wet muscle can draw figure eights.
  “An- another!” They beautifully add another finger into you, resulting in a loud whimper. Every place their tongue guides an amazing sensation that adds to that one spot their fingers found. 
  You’ve never felt this before. The pressure, the urge, the bubble in your throat to yell, shout, moan, anything. You need to see who is doing this so you can call out their name and thank them for being born. Instead, you throw your arm over your eyes and massage your breast with your other hand. 
  Your hips ride their face until they pin you down. There is something happening that you can’t explain. It makes your toes curl and your back arch the faster and harder they go, assaulting that spot inside and rub against your walls. All of it, everything about them needs to be written as a poem about a mythical being that enchants you with something you’ve never felt before. 
 You moan, whimper, and beg. Each time they answer your prayer. You shake and tense up, ready to let go of whatever this is. Both of your hands grab the blanket underneath you. Who is doing this to you? Who is kissing you, licking every part of a delicate and untouched place? How can you not want to know who is moaning against your flesh, causing a glorious sensation?
  As they roll their tongue, it finally happens. You’re shaking, your toes curl, back arches, and eyes roll. The sensation results in a silent scream. You see Izuku’s face, you see Hitoshi, all of it at once, going on what feels like forever, and all for the first time. It doesn’t stop, even when the bright light takes over and a shatter sounds in the distance; the smell of lavender dissipates to nothing. No one is down there, but you can still feel it as you begin to wake up.
  Finally, you come down with a smile on your face and breathing heavily. You don’t care who it was. 
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exorcqism · 1 year ago
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𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 ﹆₊ 概要 ‧₊˚ art; the painter‘s hidden identity is made known. wc, 3.42K. dark mode recommended.
␥ note. i’m back with this storyyyy. getting near the good part which also means the end but not just yet sooo just keep reading. hope ya enjoyyyy and reblog to support meee.
␥ tags. artist!choso, college AU, possible nsfw, female anatomy, smoking, etc. lmk if i missed anything
␥ misc. masterlist AO3 PART THREE
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the art class was bustling with students, the scent of paint and clay wafting through the air. choso sat at his usual spot stealing glances from you. the professor announced a small project; drawing and painting your partners. but there was a twist—only two colors could be used.
choso’s heart raced as ideas began to flood his mind. everyone scattered around to their new seats and the male instantly scooted next to you. he smiled at you. it was something about that shy smile he gave you before he quietly asking if he could draw you.
“let me draw you first,” you smiled. “i don’t want you getting caught up with me and i completely forget to draw you.”
“oh, i don’t know…i’m not really good with posing or anything. and i’m not able to sit still for very long.” choso warned but you only smacked your lips as if the boy was spewing nonsense right out of his teeth.
“quit doubting yourself. you got nice style and your face would literally be perfect on a magazine cover maybe even in the art show that’s coming up.”
“art show?” choso raised a brow. for someone that loved art contests and taking trips to museums just to stare at the portrait hanging on the white walls encased in an embezzled gold frame, he seemed surprised about this information.
“yeah. don’t know how you haven’t heard about it but i was thinking of putting my painting of you in once it was finished.” you looked down at your blank canvas that was resting flat on the table just as it did when you first arrived to class.
“oh, no, you shouldn’t—i mean..you can if you want to it’s your painting but…i really don’t like being the center of attention. i don’t really like being stared at.” choso explained. he bit down on his lower lip and he sighed.
“come on, it’ll be a powerful piece.” you beamed. “i feel like it’ll really make an impact on the audience. and i promise i won’t use your name if you don’t want me to.”
choso hummed, his lips pursed before speaking again. “um…well if you think so highly of the piece then i guess i can’t say no. just promise you won’t tell anybody it’s me.”
“sure. now just hold still for me.” you say with a smile.
classes finally end for the day and the two of you made progress on your art pieces. you decided to ask choso to spend the rest of the day together, to which he agreed to without hesitation.
you both gathered your items and headed out into the bustling city of tokyo. the sun is setting, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink. you and choso arrive at a cozy cafe and settled into a booth by a large window, surrounded by the warm aroma of freshly brewed coffee.
the two of you had been there for a good thirty minutes talking about whatever came to mind, bouncing from topic to topic and bookmarking whatever part of the conversation you thought was interesting for another time.
“so, choso, you’ve always been into art?”
“yeah, well, i’ve always had a creative side, but i never really pursued it until recently. art helps me express things that are hard to put into words, you know?”
you nod. you never seen his art before and you just wondered how he had done things. your eyes travel over to the tote bag that was sitting flatly beside choso’s thigh. you fixed your lips to speak but a camera flash went off. you were pretty used to his off guard photos ever since the two of you started to hang out more often.
“can i see?” you leaned your body over the polished wood table before choso lowered his camera.
“not yet.” he answered. “mmm…i’ll show you when the project is complete. until then, i’ll have to hold off on showing you.”
you pout but you could understand why choso was being a bit selfish with his crafts. instead of begging to see a photo of yourself, which you prayed you didn’t blink in, you pointed to his bag.
“why don’t you finish your sketch? i mean, we have a lot of privacy right now and we don’t have any classes tomorrow. i also wanna watch you paint. its something about watching an artist in action is just so satisfying.” you say.
choso, lost in the depths of his own world, takes a sip of his green tea when he hears your unexpected statement. he recently started drinking it a bit more since that was the only thing he actually liked besides ice water.
feeling a surge of nervousness and excitement, choso shifts in his seat. painting in front of someone, especially you, made him feel vulnerable in a way he isn’t used to.
“i’m not sure…” choso looks down at his cup half filled with tea, which still had smoke billowing from it because of how hot it was. “i’ve never painted with someone else in the room before. it’s a pretty personal process for me.”
“c’mon, please? just for a minute.” you pleaded, clasping your hands and intertwining your fingers to be dramatic. choso chuckled at your silly behavior and simply sighed.
“let’s head back to the school and you can watch me work in my room, fair?” choso looks at you, awaiting an answer. of course, you agree.
back at jujutsu tech, you and choso were settling in, slipping your shoes off once you entered the room and placing your bags together against the wall.
you were amazed at how much space he had and how organized he was. the books on the bookshelves were all in size and color order and so were the cute little jars of paint that were on another shelf but you noticed that there was no red paint.
the desk was neatly organized also with choso’s laptop and ipad with its stylus side by side, charging. there was a mug with a bunch of pencils and pens and another cylinder item that looked handmade and painted with brushes in them. you assumed choso made it.
there was an easel in the corner of the room by the large windows that had blinds that would be shortly opened to let in some of the remaining light as the sun set. choso grabbed a few brushes and the rolling chair that sat at his desk and pulled it over in front of the easel and sat down. the male then reached for the canvas that had the drawing of you from his bag and placed it onto the easel. he looked pretty prepared now.
“you mind filling me a cup of clean water from the faucet?”
the question snaps you out of your awe-stricken mind and you nod. you went to the kitchen area and grabbed a cup that didn’t look like it would be used any time soon and filled it with water then brought it back to choso. he directs you to place the cup on the desk before thanking you for the simple gesture.
you noticed choso had his eyes closed now, taking a few breaths before removing the bandage on his nose and trashing it. you saw how blood shot from the black mark running over the bridge of his nose and onto the palette that was in his lap.
choso picks up one of the brushes and dipped it into the crimson liquid that had also been running down his face and began to paint. once the brush hits the canvas, all his nerves seem to dissipate, replaced by the familiar focus that comes with creating.
as choso dips his brush into the blood-infused paint, the room falls silent. the only sounds are the soft scrapes of the brush against the canvas and the occasional drips of paint.
you watched as colors of red and black filled the canvas. you weren’t familiar with the meanings of specific colors but the way you were drawn on his canvas as royalty, you could see sophistication and passion. choso put the brush down and rolled up his sleeves and began to use his fingers to paint. smearing the colors together with his knuckles.
your eyes sparkled, entranced, as choso’s knuckles danced across the canvas, blending the deep reds into the black that was present. the male was aware that he was in need of a palette knife but he’s never gotten the time to buy any.
“the way you use blood for your art is actually unique.” you spoke, breaking the silence. “i guess it adds depth and richness that’s hard to describe. it looks like the painting is alive almost.”
you were seeing it with your own eyes, his art style was hauntingly beautiful. you never seen anything like it. this whole scenario made you wonder if blood was often used when he painted or was this just a perfect coincidence. you slouch in your chair, in thought once again.
“blood has always been a part of me. a part of everyone, i should say. but mine is a curse and a blessing. incorporating it into my art feels natural to me. it’s like i’m putting a part of myself into each piece.” choso murmured.
“um…you know, i never heard you talk about your parents much, only your brothers. they must be really proud of you…you being all smart and artistic and such.” you say softly.
choso’s hand freezes mid stroke, his expression darkening. he sets down his brush and turns to face you. you see how that empty expression of his appeared onto his face again.
“my parents…they’re not in the picture. my mom isn’t alive and my dad was never proud of me. he only saw me as a tool, a weapon to be wielded. i’m happy he left me behind…”
your expression softens. on the outside, choso looked like he had it all. he was attractive, smart, talented, hell if he wasn’t the smartest guy around he probably would’ve gotten in just for being attractive and talented. he seemed perfect. but in reality, he was living in a fucked up world holding on to his creations for comfort.
“i’m so sorry, choso. i probably shouldn’t have brought that up and make you relive painful memories. but despite your past, you managed to create something beautiful out of the darkness. that takes a lot of courage and strength.”
choso nods, his gaze returning to the painting. he picks up his brush once again, lost in thought. he exhaled from his nose. though the topic did hit a nerve, he felt like he could trust you.
“it’s…fine i guess. it was a while ago. my brothers were the ones who helped me escape that life. we all live for each other and nothing can make me change that narrative. they’re my family and we’ve been through a lot together.”
“they must be really important to you, huh? you see them often?” you query. choso nodded again.
“as much as i can. i don’t really have the funds to constantly take train rides back and forth from my house to here and vice versa. we try to stay in touch, the most i can do is call them each night. yuji and eso are busy with their own business and you know they have to keep kechizu close because he’s pretty childlike and clings to eso like he’s his savior.”
you noticed the small smile on his face as he spoke of his brothers. him being the eldest, you would’ve expected him to severely despise his brothers but it seemed like he couldn’t even say the word ‘hate’ when talking about them. it was actually pretty sweet.
as the evening comes to an end, you find yourself standing outside of choso’s room and he’s leaning against the doorframe, his sleeves still rolled up, revealing thin strips of stitches along his forearm.
“what happened to your arm?” you point, making choso break his gaze and follow your finger to where you had been pointing. he only shrugged.
“a stupid accident. nothing too much to worry about.” he answered, rubbing the brand new bandage he had over his nose. his cheeks were still a little red from the blood that had been running down his face earlier.
“you should keep your bandage off. that mark is a part of who you are, and you know i accept that.” you say. choso is taken aback by your words, his hand instinctively touching the bandage again.
“it’s…not easy. people have always been afraid of me because of what what i am. it’s just easier to keep it hidden.”
“but you don’t have to hide from me. i see you, choso, for who you are, not what you are. you’re a human just like any other person here. and i think your mark is pretty cool, actually.”
choso couldn’t help but smile at your words. maybe—just maybe you had a point. maybe it was time for him to change his ways. get out of his comfort zone a little.
“um…yeah, thanks. i’ll think about it. goodnight.”
“goodnight, choso.”
“and this one would be called ‘the blood painter’.” the announcer spoke as the crowd followed around. it was perfect. better than anything else being displayed. choso stood in front of the painted canvas, staring at his own face looking down at his own partially painted portrait with a crimson liquid dripping from his nose and onto the canvas. there was a white cup filled with tea, which had been leaking from the sides as if it were overfilled.
his hair flopped down into his face before lifting a hand to brush it back with his fingers. he was awestruck. how could you have painted something like this with almost no experience. he could’ve sworn you said you were horrible at this kind of thing…maybe his memory was faulty.
“it’s perfect….” you hear him mumble as he stepped closer to the portrait. he was so tempted to touch it but he abided by the rules of not touching or taking any photos of the paintings being displayed. “how did you do this? you couldn’t have—no, you did…but this is so different from your drawing.”
“it was only a sketch. a way to get your features and everything properly. but a few days ago when we hung out, i thought i’d make something more expressive.” you grinned.
“i’m impressed.” choso’s eyes sparkled. “it’s like you captured my soul onto the canvas. i mean, i’ve seen art that expresses the soul of another person but this one is—wow.”
the male looked at you and his cheeks flushed a little. “maybe i got a little too excited. you did a nice job on your painting. hopefully you got a passing grade on it.”
you smiled at choso’s excitement and love for the art you made of him. you both knew it was simply for an assignment that would be graded then tucked away forever or thrown into a nearby dumpster but this was a sentimental thing. it was like a piece that needed to be preserved.
as you both stood in the middle of the large crowds, you two could hear people praising the painting for its raw emotion and style. one patron mentioned that it gave off a bit of a edgy feeling despite the cozy looking background.
choso was a bit surprised and delighted by the positive reactions, he felt a sense of pride in his portrait and the artist that created it—you. he turned to you with a smile on his face.
“i never thought my own portrait would have an impact like this.” choso said shifting his weight onto one leg. “see, now i kinda regret not letting you reveal my name.”
“you’re okay. it’ll make you a mystery man like the mona lisa…well she’s a real person but you get it, don’t you?” you chuckle lightly and choso does just that right along with you.
“i get it. but i’ll never be as known as she is. i’ll only be a mystery man that’s occasionally seen in shibuya.” he said. you threw your arm over choso’s shoulder and waved your hand dismissively.
“sure you will. one thing will lead to another. when you start seriously pursuing art and get your name out there, people will realize that you’re this man in the picture.” you pointed to the portrait, lightly tapping your nail against it as it created a hollow sound. you knew that you weren’t supposed to touch anything but you didn’t seem to care that much. you even went out your way to take a quick picture of it—it was surprisingly clear.
“they’ll call you signore kamo.” you added.
“you know italian?” choso raised a brow, a bit surprised by your pronunciation and how casually you said that word.
“nope, i googled it.” you smile innocently. choso released a breath as if he had been holding it for a while and returned a soft smile to you.
the art show ends and you and choso found yourselves walking close by each other on the sidewalk. the streetlights and neon lights from buildings illuminating your way as you walked back to the university. choso saw that you were on the left of him, closer to the street so he stoped to trade places with you.
“what was that for?” you ask as you put your hands down into your pocket. you had a feeling on exactly why choso did what he did but you just wanted to hear it from his mouth.
“well, just in case something happens, i’ll be hit first and you won’t have to worry about getting hurt.” choso stated, glancing at the street littered with parked cars. your instincts seemed to be correct but your lips involuntarily stretched into a smile anyway and you felt your face heat up a bit.
upon arriving back to the dorms, the two of you stood in the commons, your shadows stretching long in the dim light. since quiet hours were approaching, it was about time the two of you part ways once again until tomorrow. you turn to face each other, a mixture of contentment and longing in your eyes.
“i guess this is where we call it a day. thank you again for everything.” choso says and you nod.
“of course.” you beamed. “i had a really nice time with you today. and don’t forget that you don’t have to hide who you are around me. your true self is beautiful.”
“i’ll remember it.” choso replied before being caught off guard by your sudden hug. you flung your body into him and squeezed his sides a bit. his violet eyes widened as he contemplated on leaving you to cling onto him or hug you back. no one besides his brothers had ever given him a hug.
slowly and awkwardly his arms snaked around your body, finally returning a hug back to you. you both lingered there for a moment, holding on to each other before breaking away.
“hey, dinner on friday?” you ask.
“it’s a date.” choso replied, only making your smile grow. you both say your goodbyes and wave to each other before walking off in the opposite direction to head off to your rooms for the night.
but then another guy came along.
“hey, you got a second?” kashimo whispered. choso never interacted with the guy much but they’ve spoken enough to know how one another looked and each other’s names. sighing, choso obliged.
“i noticed the way you talked to that girl over there just a few seconds ago. you seriously scored.” the cyan haired male smirked at choso. “obviously, there’s something special between you two. maybe i could offer you some advice on that front?”
choso’s eyes narrowed, and as usual, his defensive walls go back up. he was never really comfortable with talking about his personal life, especially with someone he didn’t know all that well.
“i don’t need help with my love life, kashimo. i’m handling it perfectly fine.” choso crossed his arms. kashimo would put his hands up in a placating gesture.
“no pressure. i’m just saying that sometimes it’s easier to open up to someone who isn’t directly involved, you know? sit with me at lunch tomorrow. we can discuss this later.” the other lightly punches choso’s shoulder before heading out of the entrance doors.
“he’s weird.” choso muttered.
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