#maga america
Shot repeatedly. The woman who called the police reported a lost dog on her property that was not threatening. The woman gave the dog water and it licked her arm. The woman told the officer she only wanted to find the dog’s owner. ACAB!
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The former Republican David French does a good job of explaining what keeps MAGA folks continuing to support Trump. It's all about the "culture" of MAGA and the sense of "belonging," combined with years of propaganda that have painted anyone even slightly on the left as being "bad" and "out to get" conservatives and their families.
And if we don't understand that, we won't know how to combat it. Here are some excerpts:
I live in Tennessee outside Nashville, a very deep-red part of America. According to a New York Times tool that calculates the political composition of a community, only 15 percent of my neighbors are Democrats. I’ve been living here in the heart of MAGA country since Donald Trump came down the escalator. This is the world of my friends, my neighbors and many members of my family. That is perhaps why, when I’m asked what things are like now, eight years into the Trump era, I have a ready answer: Everything is normal until, suddenly, it’s not. And unless we can understand what’s normal and what’s not, we can’t truly understand why Trumpism endures. [...] It’s no coincidence that one of the most enduring cultural symbols of Trump’s 2020 campaign was the boat parade. To form battle lines behind Trump, the one man they believe can save America from total destruction, thousands of supporters in several states got in their MasterCrafts and had giant open-air water parties. Or take the Trump rally, the signature event of this political era. If you follow the rallies via Twitter or mainstream newscasts, you see the anger, but you miss the fun. When I was writing for The Dispatch, one of the best pieces we published was a report by Andrew Egger in 2020 about the “Front Row Joes,” the Trump superfans who follow Trump from rally to rally the way some people used to follow the Grateful Dead. Egger described the Trump rally perfectly: “For enthusiasts, Trump rallies aren’t just a way to see a favorite politician up close. They are major life events: festive opportunities to get together with like-minded folks and just go crazy about America and all the winning the Trump administration’s doing.”
[See more below the cut]
[...] Why do none of your arguments against Trump penetrate this mind-set? The Trumpists have an easy answer: You’re horrible, and no one should listen to horrible people. Why were Trumpists so vulnerable to insane stolen-election theories? Because they know that you’re horrible and that horrible people are capable of anything, including stealing an election. At the same time, their own joy and camaraderie insulates them against external critiques that focus on their anger and cruelty. Such charges ring hollow to Trump supporters, who can see firsthand the internal friendliness and good cheer that they experience when they get together with one another. They don’t feel angry — at least not most of the time. They are good, likable people who’ve just been provoked by a distant and alien “left” that many of them have never meaningfully encountered firsthand. Indeed, while countless gallons of ink have been spilled analyzing the MAGA movement’s rage, far too little has been spilled discussing its joy. Once you understand both dynamics, however, so much about the present moment makes clearer sense, including the dynamics of the Republican primary. Ron DeSantis, for example, channels all the rage of Trumpism and none of the joy. With relentless, grim determination he fights the left with every tool of government at his disposal. But can he lead stadiums full of people in an awkward dance to “Y.MC.A.” by the Village People? Will he be the subject of countless over-the-top memes and posters celebrating him as some kind of godlike, muscular superhero? [...] Trump’s fans, by contrast, don’t understand the effects of [the MAGA] fury because they mainly experience the joy. For them, the MAGA community is kind and welcoming. For them, supporting Trump is fun. Moreover, the MAGA movement is heavily clustered in the South, and Southerners see themselves as the nicest people in America. It feels false to them to be called “mean” or “cruel.” Cruel? No chance. In their minds, they’re the same people they’ve always been — it’s just that they finally understand how bad you are. And by “you,” again, they often mean the caricatures of people they’ve never met. In fact, they often don’t even know about the excesses of the Trump movement. Many of them will never know that their progressive neighbors have faced threats and intimidation. And even when they do see the movement at its worst, they can’t quite believe it. So Jan. 6 was a false flag. Or it was a “fedsurrection.” It couldn’t have really been a violent attempt to overthrow the elected government, because they know these people, or people like them, and they’re mostly good folks. It had to be a mistake, or an exaggeration, or a trick or a few bad apples. The real crime was the stolen election. It’s the combination of anger and joy that makes the MAGA enthusiasm so hard to break but also limits its breadth.  [...] The battle and the booze cruise both give MAGA devotees a sense of belonging. They see a country that’s changing around them and they are uncertain about their place in it. But they know they have a place at a Trump rally, surrounded by others — overwhelmingly white, many evangelical — who feel the same way they do. [...] During the Trump years, I’ve received countless email messages from distraught readers that echo a similar theme: My father (or mother or uncle or cousin) is lost to MAGA. They can seem normal, but they’re not, at least not any longer. It’s hard for me to know what to say in response, but one thing is clear: You can’t replace something with nothing. And until we fully understand what that “something” is — and that it includes not only passionate anger but also very real joy and a deep sense of belonging — then our efforts to persuade are doomed to fail.
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my-midlife-crisis · 2 months
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perseuspixl · 3 months
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A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity ..........
The Trump crime Syndicate
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sher-ee · 10 days
For those of you who were too young to remember 9/11 this is who Trump has always been.
Trump called in on 9/11 to brag that his building was now the tallest building in downtown Manhattan:
“Forty Wall Street actually was the second-tallest building... Now it’s the tallest!”
A self serving asshole who has never cared about his fellow man.
He doesn’t care about Veterans. He doesn’t care about children shot to death in schools and he doesn’t care about you.
Wake the fuck up.
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mugiwara-lucy · 1 month
Okay so I just HAD to comment after seeing this fuckery;
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If you don’t know, Trump made a comment how if he gets back in office, he’ll be Dictator for a Day:
And when you couple that with his comments of wanting to rip up the constitution:
And the fact he’s buddy buddy with fucking DICTATORS:
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How the FUCK can these people claim they’re “True ‘Muricans’” yet support a fucking TRAITOR?! Not even joking, Trump is a fucking TRAITOR and we should ALL prevent him from coming into the White House because he is a THREAT to America’s security.
Sorry for the rant I just had to say this because these dumbasses do NOT know what is in store for a dictatorship.
Basically your life will no LONGER be your own and EVERYTHING you do will be in the hands of the government. EVERYTHING from internet usage to the clothes you wear.
Let’s prevent all of this by voting blue. 🙏
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beauty-funny-trippy · 5 months
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godisarepublican · 1 month
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aestariiwilderness · 6 days
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lasseling · 4 months
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truth4ourfreedom · 4 months
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my-midlife-crisis · 3 months
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artist unknown
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perseuspixl · 3 months
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sher-ee · 3 months
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Rise up people! Vote BLUE.
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If this does not sound familiar, you may be in a cult.
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